lepetitportrait · 1 year
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fabianobernardes · 2 years
Mais de 600 kg de alimentos impróprios pra consumo são apreendidos em operação do Programa de Segurança Alimentar em Cidreira
Mais de 600 kg de alimentos impróprios pra consumo são apreendidos em operação do Programa de Segurança Alimentar em Cidreira
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rangerfromstarship · 1 year
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cenaindie · 14 days
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Giovani Cidreira – Giovani Cidreira EP https://cenaindie.com/album/giovani-cidreira-giovani-cidreira-ep/
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clorofilarosa · 17 days
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mondovr · 20 days
Espiral de Ervas na PermaCULTURA
A espiral de ervas maximiza o espaço, cria microclimas diversos e facilita o acesso. Usada na Zona 1 da permacultura, cultiva ervas como alecrim, manjericão e hortelã, adaptadas a diferentes condições. Ideal para pequenos espaços e manutenção prática.
Espiral de Ervas na Permacultura: Princípios e Vantagens A espiral de ervas é um elemento comum no design de permacultura, projetado para maximizar o uso eficiente do espaço, criar microclimas diversos e facilitar o cultivo de uma variedade de ervas em um pequeno espaço. Esta técnica reflete os princípios de design da permacultura, como observar e interagir, usar soluções pequenas e lentas e…
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machotezin · 2 months
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edsonjnovaes · 3 months
Repelente natural de insetos
Algumas plantas, se as temos em casa, em vasos ou no jardim, nos ajudam a espantar ou a diminuir a incidência dos mosquitos, como o Aedes aegypti. Seu efeito pode não ter sido ainda demonstrado cientificamente, porém a sabedoria popular as recomenda. greenMe in: EDSON JESUS – 06 SET 2012 O Primavera Garden organizou esse quadros de plantas – temperos, ervas e flores – que afastam diferentes…
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novinha-amador · 1 year
Chá Baríatrico: Uma Opção Natural Para Auxiliar Na Perda De Peso
Nos dias de hoje, muitas pessoas buscam alternativas para ajudar na perda de peso, especialmente aquelas que passaram por cirurgias bariátricas e estão em busca de um estilo de vida mais saudável. Nesse sentido, o chá baríatrico tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço, sendo uma opção natural para auxiliar na perda de peso e no controle da ansiedade. O Que É Chá Baríatrico? O chá baríatrico é uma…
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lyrics724 · 2 years
Agora Vai!
[Introdução: Giovani Cidreira] Ninguém vai me segurar Ninguém vai me segurar [Verso 1] Hoje, se eu saí por aí Foi pra te encontrar Entrando num jogo de novo Você sabe quanto eu me perdi Você sabe por quê tô aqui Guardei fundo, eu dei tudo de mim E hoje o tempo cura, tudo passa Eu sei o que fazer pra ser feliz [Pré-Refrão] Agora vai! Ah, vai! Agora vai! Ah, vai! Vai![Refrão] Agora vai A noite vai…
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Aviso de mil passos Meus pássaros enjaulados Pela noite, mansa fúria Já todos se revelaram E, era o nome da saudade de Alice Como se eu nunca visse  De tudo que não passa  Espelhos que ficaram  Volto pro melhor caminho, é dia A fera em meu corpo surge  Repentinamente como meu pai morto, o sol Se esconde atrás da igreja  A terra é preta e amarela Sempre o peso de mil corpos Por cima de nossas costas  Livres, sempre peço outra cerveja E, sempre o filho de alguém morre Todos os outros vivos seguem Me dê um beijo estamos indo sem vela Um beijo estamos indo sem vela Tem fogo em nossa porta amor Talvez eu não te veja mas tô indo pra guerra Eu tô vivendo uma vez em vinte anos O melhor plano, já cansei disso  Eu também já fui assim traído  E quem não passou por isso? Tem fogo na cidade amor O filho que não fiz, eu fiz com você Todo mundo morre, menos você Enquanto o sol não abre esse verão Eu vou roubar seus olhos logo Enquanto a chuva arde Eles não sabem sobre mim  Eu vou cantar mais sério e alto
Giovani Cidreira (Oceano Franco)
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chaazul · 2 years
Chá Misto de Capim Santo, Erva Cidreira e Canela de Alta Qualidade Premium By Chauacha
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I guess some of you must've heard about what's happening on Rio Grande do Sul. Or if not, I wanted to try to spread awareness.
Basically in the last week or so, we've been hit by a intense flooding that not only flooded everywhere, but destroyed entire cities in the process.
Eldorado do Sul is underwater. An entire city UNDERWATER.
Half of Canoas is flooded, covering entire buildings.
I live in the capital, Porto Alegre. I'm one of the lucky few to not have been affected by the rain, we just don't have clean water here.
But entire districts are flooded, Sarandi had to be evacuated due to the rising waters.
The measurement system we use to measure Rio Guaíba is a physical one, a vertical ruler that goes up to 3 meters. It's underwater, as the waters are about 5 meters.
We have so far about 78 deaths confirmed, though I doubt this is the total amount. There's over 60 people disappeared. Over 5000 affected by the rains. But honestly, I just know it's a much higher number in reality.
I don't know any donation links nor do I even know how international donations work, if anyone knows, please reblog and spread awareness of what's happening.
Our governor had a year to prepare and he did nothing.
If you need more to sympathize with this post, I'll share stories I heard on TikTok from people on the front line, both volunteers and victims.
A man was rescuing three children and one of them asked him to retrieve a floating doll they saw. When the man retrieved said doll... It wasn't a doll, but a baby. A baby that had died on the flood.
There's an audio of a family screaming desperately for help, quote: "The smell is too strong", a young voice said, "It's leaking gas," an adult added.
A woman waited for rescue for over 40 hours for someone that could rescue not only her, but her many pets. Around 27 cats and dogs, I'm not sure if she had other pets.
Close friends woke up late in the night to go to Eldorado do Sul to rescue family members before ir flooded entirely, they are currently doing fine as far as I know.
A man had found his best friend's dog and can be heard sending an audio to his wife, saying he found the dog... But lies the question of where his friend is.
A mother cried saying "My daughters are stuck there, I gotta get them out of there" while being interviewed.
Those are the ones I could quote from memory, I'm sleep deprived at the moment.
The airport of Salgado Filho here in Porto Alegre is flooded.
One of the biggest supermarkets here is called Havan and it's a massive one... Water is reaching the rooftops.
A hospital had to be evacuated, saving about 240 patients, doctors and nurses on shift had to be taken to work on a military car.
This Sunday, Brasil's president came to talk of the situation, promising to help.
Even with the disaster happening, the news still make sure to give space for Madonna's concert, while Rio Grande do Sul suffered with its most historical flood since 1941. It's not Madonna's fault by a mile, but the problem is that they basically said "it's very sad, but we can't forget about Madonna", though they could've mentioned before the tragedy, as it seemed a very poor choice of placing of news.
Madonna donated 10 million reais to help Rio Grande do Sul.
99Pop is giving free rides for the blood donation bank.
One of my boyfriend's coworkers won't be able to get to work due to roads outside of Porto Alegre being blocked, one even was destroyed.
People who have beach houses were instructed to go there and take refuge for a while, as there are many beaches such as Cidreira and Xangrilá that are salt water, but Tapes is a river beach, according to my cousin it wasn't so bad, but we're still keeping an eye for news as her grandmother lives there.
I have relatives in Barra do Ribeiro, but haven't heard from them, but the city is said to have been flooded as well, though I don't know to what levels.
Cars have been entirely swallowed by water and a school bus WITH STUDENTS was seen afloat.
Many animals have been affected as well, one case that infuriated everyone was of a dog that was left behind by its owner, not only on a leash but with TWO padlocks in it. One on the collar and one to the wall. The animal did not survive, the poor thing.
Civil defense and others are working hard on rescuing victims along with volunteers of all places, other states are helping as well, I think it was Minas Gerais who was said to have sent professional firemen trained to deal with catastrophes to come and help.
Water advanced to Menino Deus a few hours ago, though I haven't seen reports on it other than a warning from a official page.
Remembering, I'm from Porto Alegre, I don't have many info on other cities other than the most spread news and reports from victims and volunteers. Though I'm trying to keep up to as many as I can.
Finally rain has stopped, but we don't know for how long and neither do we know for how long Guaíba will stay like this and even if it'll go down anytime soon. I fear it going to connecting rivers, since there's a large watershed I think it's the term.
I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject, I just hope to help with what I have. Here's a map of the flooding so far in my town.
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It's zoomed out to get the full extent, but you can see entire districts flooded.
My English isn't perfect, but I hope I could explain it well enough. Send prayers for everyone who suffered with this. Feel free to reblog if you have more info.
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cenaindie · 17 days
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Josyara & Giovani Cidreira – Estreite https://cenaindie.com/album/josyara-giovani-cidreira-estreite/
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iijkblogg · 6 months
Boom diiia girrrllls
Como ontem eu me >>ENTUPI<< de laxante ja sei que hoje vou inchar 🥹🥹🥹
Começando o dia com 1 simeticona + chá de cavalinha com capim cidreira + 1.300ml de água!! Meta: 6.700ml
Espero que o dia de vocês seja melhor que o meu vai ser 🥲loll
Be safe xoxo 🌻🦋🙏
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an4dontbef4t · 10 days
ultimamente tava muito ansiosa e estressada, também tava bem depre nesses ultimos dias
só pensando em comida boa parte do dia (já que sempre foi meu escape pra me ''aliviar'' e ''me deixar feliz''
chá de cidreira foi bem legal pra mim, tomei uma xicara de manhã cedo, e o restante do dia foi tranquilinho, nem fiz questão de comer, comi pra não passar mal
dai vamos ver hoje, acabei de fazer meu chá de cidreira
o que me quebra é a fome emocional, e se o chá de cidreira realmente ajudar, eu irei investir nele
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