#circulate etc
slicedblackolives · 3 months
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
I try not to make a lot of original posts on topics I don't actually have any expertise on, but I haven't seen a whole lot of posts going around that actually... explain what happened and why? Like, the actual order of events, the history, and so on. I want to reblog reference posts and explanations by people who actually know what they're talking about, but I haven't seen anything that hits the buttons I need to actually get a political situation... but I have seen some stuff on other platforms.
So here are some videos I've personally found useful in understanding Israel-Palestine, because that's the format I've found most useful in processing information of this nature:
Why Israel was Originally Attacked from RealLifeLore (explains the decades of political dynamics, internal demographic tensions, and power shifts leading up to the current conflict; notably the best I've seen at actually explaining what 'Israeli Occupation' actually means)
Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (commentary on the actual current situation in terms of who's getting attacked, why, and what the international ramifications so far are)
What's Happening in Israel and Why with Nathan Thrall from Adam Conover, series Factually (a discussion with an on-the-ground journalist about what life was like on the ground for Palestinian people in the areas under Israeli control during the last few years, just up to the attacks themselves)
I'm not going to claim these are comprehensive or completely unbiased (there are a few moments where I'm not entirely sure of the bias levels myself), but for people like myself who came into all this unsure of what the actual situation even is, I think these are a solid set to build up an basic understanding from which to put together opinions on future information.
I can't tell anyone what to think about how or why any of this is happening. I can only really tell you that what's going on right now is a crime on the level of attempted genocide, and that the years leading up to that have been an absolute mess on almost all fronts.
Again, I have no expertise on this subject. I just know what kind of video essay, political commentary, and interview style makes things understandable to me, personally, and might work for others. Please be courteous and kind in the comments and tags, as I am only sharing this because I haven't seen such a resource making the rounds yet, not actually trying to sway anyone in a particular direction beyond "the mass death needs to stop."
If you know of similar, relatively unbiased* resources, feel free to share.
* By 'relatively unbaised,' I don't mean taking or not taking a side; I just mean that it doesn't try to hide some information or other in favor of pushing a narrative, doesn't try to generalize a population, or doesn't seem to be trying to use emotional gut reactions to get readers or viewers to jump past reason or compassion.
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kimquatz · 2 months
actually yknow what tumblr should implement (probably a terrible idea) post signatures... like the kinds on gaiaonline LOL.
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bestworstcase · 3 months
i just want to thank you for compiling all the RWBY content out there. it inspired me to finally get the second server i got working and download all 254GB to store there. and under RAID 1 because you can never have too much redundancy. i even set up a jellyfin media server so i could watch it all on the go. seriously, thank you
never too much redundancy!! o7
i’ve had most of it either downloaded or languishing in “i’ll strip the DRM later” procrastination purgatory for a while so Recent Events have largely been a reason for me to consolidate and then upload and as long as i was doing that i figured i Might As Well just download all the behind the scenes stuff and chibi and etc. (<- vile completionist)
anyway. been enjoying watching my transfer quota fill up for the FIRST TIME EVER very exciting. (i’ve got a pro II account for the storage—for musical theater bootlegger reasons if u think 250 GB of rwby is a lot just know i have terabytes of bootlegs also bfkfhdhsbk—which gives me a transfer quota of 120 TB per month, which is an absurd amount. y’all have so far used 37% of it, as opposed to the <1% i normally use every month ❤️🤍🖤💛)
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dozy-draws · 1 year
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Sapphic friendship is magic and whatevs ❗️✨ Mustered up the juice to draw my friend @peaceandlove26 and my fursonas together, Silkie best design for true 🦄
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majorbaby · 3 months
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mobblespsycho100 · 23 days
thinkin abt topaz from an indigenous perspective also is SOOO
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ambivartence · 2 years
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🎉 Every Month of 2022 🎉
Link your favorite or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
January: lee know for beauty+ magazine
February: chan's room w hearts
March: xiumin sunset for his bday
April: that one 10 min lino sketch with 900+ notes
May: beatbox haechan
June: minho's delivery service for the ghiblipop event
July: chan's room on tour!
August: be the sun mingyu
September: mingyu and his silly little hat for elle magazine
October: scoups on tour!
November: wonderland seonghwa
December: paradigm seonghwa
tagging (no obligation ofc!): @agibbangs @alrightyaphroditie @aunty-tiger-potato @avizou @brianbangs @chanstopher @chrstphrbng @coupsnim @dalkyeom @jeongtokkie @junjunies @kdongyoung @lixblr @nevoono @njaems @potatzu @pvddins-art @quokki @rumue @shnryjn @shorelinnes @sulfurcosmos @wabisaba @wonjinist @wonwooridul @woosanhui @xuseokgyu + anyone who sees this and wants to share their fave creations from this year^^
I started doing this round-up last year on my birthday, and I can't believe another year has passed 😩 In the last year, I made 106 art posts of 17 different groups !! I thought it'd be fun to look back at exactly who I drew, so I made a little data visualization today with some anecdotes about my year <3
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statementlou · 3 months
"Don't get me wrong I think the stage design is a massive level up from what we had last year but I think the beauty is in what we have [gesturing to indicate him and the fans]"
Louis via Los40 Chile
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mudstoneabyss · 1 year
How I think Charles's ghost thing works is that being in Pine Cliff slowly drains the life out of you, which physically causes your body's processes to start slowing down until they eventually stop, though this has little drastic effect on the body compared to yknow. how that would typically effect it. there's pain and fatigue and hypothermia but not any ceased ability, that is, you are still functionally living. less of an event of death, more fading out of and away from life. when leaving Pine Cliff- more specifically re-entering areas with life- you fade back in, the bodily functions start again- though never returning fully to a "living" degree. the amount & speed depends on how "alive" the people around you are (in spirit moreso than physically)
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artemisbarnowl · 2 months
1000 thanks and blessings that no one is calling it an e blanky
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#chattin#nothin crazy just thinking about thay wel//come home post thats been circulating#its so scary#its why i really DONT participate in fandom like that; its why i stay away from aus and oc content#bc sometimes its so far removed from the actual content that youve basically made an entirely new show/game/etc#and like obv thats not bad or evil or what have u#i make aus and ocs for basically everything i watch and play#im doing it w pt right now!#but i feel like#the main issue was that the people who got ahold of the website were people who wanted views#and poked and prodded until they could find something to make a video about#and instead of like#following the creator and their socials; people just jumped on the bandwagon#like the obsession w unreality games (mandela catalog/backrooms/etc) and child mascot horror games#means that some people will look at Cute Looking Things that have very little content or descriptions#and assume its horror related#and that its Content Creator stuff As Usual#and like#will make all of these conclusions without engaging in the original media#if people checked the creators socials for 10 seconds im sure they wouldve found exactly whats been circulating rn#that it was just a fun project ! thats their baby!#and people jumped into a fabricated fandom FIRST instead of engaging in the media#like. i like pt. i LOVE it. i think the game is fun and solid with wonderful music and controls and cute litte bits of characterization for-#-what would otherwise be shallow puppets. and we know this becase we played and watched it! people went through the trouble of finding old-#-dev builds and old concept art and old creator messages (for better of for worse lmfao)#just. i interact with fandom as far as i would like someone to treat my own properties#enjoy what i have to put out there; and take it from there#dont just piggyback off of what fandom wants to see.#just. waugh. 🥺🥺 i feel so bad for that artist. a passion project turned miserable#bc people played with their babies like little dolls and didnt even want to like. know what these babies meant to their creator
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itsevanffs · 10 months
what is love? baby don't desert me... desert me... reblog
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
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hello opera mutuals.
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I'm so frustrated with the functionality of tumblr's tags (shocking I know) but especially for this blog/fandom's primary tags of #alan x billy and #billyalan, it likes to show me about 10 pages worth of posts when THIS BLOG itself has ~59 pages of posts, which of course not all of those were originally tagged/tagged under those tags BUT the truth is somewhere in between there, because we as a fandom have done A LOT more than 10 pages worth of posts
and then if that weren't bad enough, I'll come across posts that it had never shown to me EVER that were posted at times when I KNOW I'd already looked through the tags, so as a result there will be some great stuff that I never even knew existed and looks like I was ignoring which argghhh no I wasn't and it doesn't even show me a lot my own posts
so this is your exasperated reminder that tumblr's search and tag functionalities are abysmal and that this blog has the vast majority of posts our fandom has created and I even have them organized by a whole list of tags so that you all can hopefully find what you'd might want quickly and without a whole lot of scrolling, but ALSO it makes for a great scroll for all the stuff that's been done over the years
fyi since this blog has more of an archival nature than other dedicated fandom type blogs, posts don't get cycled through again and again unless they have been added onto
as always, if you make a post I may have missed that you'd like for me to reblog here, feel free to shoot it to me in a PM!!
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nerice · 8 months
did physio earlier so we will see if my wrist can bear more oc song asks!
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