#electric blanket save me.....etc etc
artemisbarnowl · 5 months
1000 thanks and blessings that no one is calling it an e blanky
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reyalvr · 1 year
Hi! I've had this idea simmering for a bit - could you possibly do an angsty enemies-to-lovers Aonung x fem Sully reader where they're veryyyy much enemies but during the demon ship battle, either one of reader's close friends/family members (could be neteyam or someone else) is dying and they ask aonung to not let reader look. She's freaking out and losing it and he's just trying to comfort her, hug her, calm her down, etc. Hope this isn't too specific - do with it what you wish :) tysm
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୨⎯ in which peace is luxury that you cannot afford.  ⎯୧
genre┊ angst, slight e2l & comfort, one-shot
pairing┊ao’nung x fem-sully!reader (? help), a little (lot) bit of brother!neteyam & fem-sully!reader as well
warnings┊major movie spoilers, death 
author’s note┊ finally doing this request! i’ve been wanting to write it for a while now but i was so focused on ITMOIA <//3 hope i did this justice, anon! i had to rewatch the demon ship scene a couple times so i could stay true to the story, so apologies if i messed up a bit on the prompt you gave me T^T.
song recs ┊ na'vi attack, the bug collector.
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The sky people say that ignorance is strength. That if you were numb enough to your surroundings, nothing would be able to break you; that nothing would matter so long as you didn’t feel anything. 
They were wrong.
It had all happened so fast – all of you riding out the moment you realized that your siblings were in danger, the war party attacking the RDA the second Payakan had seized the demon ship. Against your father’s orders, you had jumped on your ikran as fast as you could, flying all the way to Three Brother’s Rocks. 
You had no plan, only focused on saving your family. You soared swiftly through the clouds, drawing your bow each time you came in contact with an enemy ship. You had lost count of how many times you had shot something into the sea – it didn’t matter to you anymore. 
Chaos had struck all around you; everywhere you turned, you saw war. The Great Balance wasn’t present here, this was a place of loss. You yelled as you narrowly missed the shots fired from a gunship, and you retaliated by shooting an arrow into its propellers.
You were running on pure adrenaline, your mind clouded with only one thought: save your siblings. It was a recurring voice in the back of your head, and it seemed to jolt you back into focus every time you felt your nerves start to calm down. You hissed as you flew near the water now, aiming for any of the boats that shot at the clan. 
For a split second you were able to catch a glimpse of yourself in the water. You were terrifying. Your eyes had gone completely wide, pupils so constricted to the point where they were almost gone. The sneer on your lips didn’t aid in making you look less terrorizing; you were absolutely feral.
You didn’t linger on your appearance for too long, though,  as you had come in contact with one of the avatars, their bullets slightly grazing your shoulder. You yelped as you banked hard in order to get away from them, your adrenaline the only thing stopping you from feeling any immediate pain. 
It stung, bad, as you drew your bow, aiming directly for their heart. You let go without a moment’s hesitation, watching as the demon slid off of his ikran and into the water. You yelled in fury, your mind still unable to process your recent actions. 
Your ears perked up at the sound of rapid gunfire to your side, your eyes growing even wider as you recognized the electric blue colors of your mother’s ikran. You turned sharply, almost hitting the side of the ship as you willed your banshee to get to your mother’s position. 
“Mom!” You yelled, bow drawn as you aimed for another one of the demons. 
Her head turned instantly at the sound of your voice, her face blanketed in fear and worry. She had no time to scold you for being on the battleground, her attention concentrated on ambushing the sky people. 
You watched as your arrow soared straight into the avatar’s chest, his limp body plunging into the water like bait. The pain in your shoulder had started to make itself known again, yet you pushed forward in battle. You weren’t gonna let a minor injury get in the way of your rescue mission. 
Though, your streak of undefeated shots had to be ended sooner or later. You hadn’t seen the boat from underneath you, and they landed a shot to your ikran’s leg. You heard her screech, and the both of you rapidly barreled into the ocean. 
“[Y/N]!” You heard your mother yell before you were surrounded by water. 
Your ikran, though injured, had been able to pull herself out of the water and fly to safety. You quickly followed, gasping for air as you swam to the surface. You didn’t waste any time in finding land, and you moved fast in order to get cover. 
You were vulnerable now to the enemy’s attacks, no longer having the advantage of being in the air or wielding a bow. You leaned against the rocks, looking out for gunships while simultaneously catching your breath. The weight of fatigue was starting to hit you now, and you feared that your body would soon succumb to the exertion you had put yourself through. 
The battle prayer to Eywa rang in your head, the words of the Great Mother slowly pushing you to move forward. Tirea oeyä maway livu, Ma Eywa. Calm my spirit, Eywa.
You groaned, your eyes closed as you forced yourself to stand. All hope was not lost, as in the distance you spotted the familiar dark blue of your sister’s skin. You called for an ilu and dove quickly, swimming as fast as you could to Kiri and the others. 
“Kiri!” You yelled as you neared them, your heart pounding in relief. 
She turned, her eyes recognizing you as soon as she saw you. “Sister!” 
Your reunion with her would not be now, however, as an ikran had plucked her up right in front of you before you’d even been able to wrap your arms around her. You yelled, your voice nearly going hoarse, and whatever tiredness your body felt was soon melted away by the bubbling rage within you. 
“No!” You screamed, and you moved to chase after her but were stopped by an iron grip around your arm.
You hissed as you turned to face whoever was stopping you from saving your sister. Ao’nung pulled you in, his eyes scanning over your face as he tried to tell you to fall back. You stood now on the remnants of a destroyed boat, though you would much rather be on your way to hunt whoever had stolen your sister from you. 
“Let me go!” You yelled at the Metkayinan boy, your other hand coming up to yank his hold off of you. “I need to get to the demon ship, now!”
“And let you die?” He argued back. “No, I won’t allow it.”
“Who the hell do you think you are?” You spat, your tone as venomous as your stare. “Who are you to decide that for me?”
“That does not matter! I will not let you go in there unarmed!” He fought back, both of his hands now gripping your forearms. 
You hissed at him again, your body on the brink of lashing out. Was he out of his mind? Your siblings were in danger, now more than ever. He could not keep you here, you weren’t going to allow it. You thrashed, exerting yourself to the max as you tried to free yourself from his hold. 
“[Y/N], please,” Rotxo spoke up, his expression filled with concern. “Ao’nung is right, it is too dangerous for you to go in there alone!”
“I do not care!” You roared. “Kiri was just taken, right before our eyes! If I do not get to her now she could die! What don’t you understand about that?”
They flinched at your voice, and that gave you the opportunity to finally free yourself from Ao’nung. Your head whipped in his direction, your glare shooting daggers into his skull. He moved to grab you again, but you were swift in avoiding his movements. You were about to jump back into the water and swim to the demon ship before you caught sight of someone from your peripheral. 
You turned, your breath hitching as you watched your brothers hastily guide an ilu to a desolate island. You didn’t have to say another word before the three of you swam hurriedly to them, your legs burning as you forced yourself to move faster. 
You climbed up the rocks, not caring if your knees and palms were scrapped by the jagged edges. You opened your mouth to call out to them, but stopped as soon as you registered the scene in front of you. Your heart dropped, and you could feel yourself shake as emotion after emotion overwhelmed your body.
On the ground lay Neteyam, his body jerking as he fought to maintain his breath. There was a scarlet wound on his chest, blood continuously leaking out of him as Lo’ak did his best to stop it from flowing any further. You nearly lost balance as you dropped down, holding your brother’s head away from the hard rock and onto your lap.
“What happened?” You demanded, your eyes frantically examining his current state. “What happened?”
“‘Was shot,” Neteyam murmured, the action clearly taking a toll on him. 
“Shut up, damnit,” You hissed at him, your tone fluctuating from anger to concern to fear. “Do not exert yourself for Eywa’s sake!” 
“We went back for Spider,” Lo’ak said to you as he continued to put pressure on your brother’s wound. “Neteyam he- he got,” 
He was panicking now, his breath coming in short. You were trying your best to remain sane, though the situation you were in only aided in making you feel worse. Your sisters were being held hostage by those demons, and now your worst fear had suddenly come to life. 
Your mouth went dry as you tried to focus, your ears ringing from the forced concentration. You couldn’t think straight, and the inconsistent beat of your heart was preventing you from doing anything precisely. Somewhere in the distance you heard your mother and father, their cries of panic suddenly filling the grief-stricken atmosphere. 
You had no time to acknowledge them though, as you were solely focused on Neteyam’s condition. There was blood – so much blood that you started to feel lightheaded from the sight. Your hands had come up behind his back, your palms covering the exit point of his wound. 
The sky above you was grey, the bright blues no longer gracing Awa’atlu. Eclipse was near, and the smoke around you had only added to the lifelessness of the Great Mother’s land. Your brother still struggled to maintain his breath, his pupils dilating more and more the harder he tried to remain conscious. 
You couldn’t think, you couldn’t speak. Your body was operating on auto-pilot, your mind blocking out as many distractions as it could. You hung your head low, feeling hot tears starting to form. You prayed every prayer to Eywa, begging her to spare your brother. It could not be his time yet; it would be too cruel. 
Your father’s hand came up to cup your brother’s face, and you had never seen him more broken in your entire life. Neteyam was begging now, begging to go home. Your real home. Home to the fortress of the Omatikaya, home to the forests of Eywa, home to his family. 
“I know, I know,” You father breathed out, the pain in his heart spreading to his expression. “It’s okay, we’re going home.”
Neteyam looked around him now, his eyes darting from one person to another. His gaze landed on you before he spoke up, his voice so weak that it broke your heart.
“Dad, I,” He finally let out. 
You waited for him to finish his sentence. You waited for what felt like an eternity. You waited and waited and waited. But his reply never came, only the deathly silence of loss filling his being. You didn’t want to believe it. It was not right, this loss. 
You blinked slowly, your breath so slow that it felt like someone had knocked you over. Your mind had registered Neteyam’s death almost instantly, but your heart – oh Eywa, your heart. Your heart was heavy, filled with so much sorrow that it nearly broke you. 
Your world had shifted the moment your brother passed, and it felt wrong. Neteyam’s spirit was with the Great Mother now; you couldn’t battle anyone for his soul back, couldn’t bargain with any Tsahik for more time. He was gone. 
Your mother wailed the moment she realized your brother had passed, and her screams of agony pierced your heart the same way his death had. You felt your shoulder slump, your hands slipping from your brother’s back as you no longer tried to stop the bleeding. 
Your auto-pilot had been switched then, the reality of your world crashing in on you. You felt like you were about to break, like you were about to shatter into a million pieces. Your head was spinning, so much to the point where you nearly fell as you slightly backed away from your brother’s lifeless body. 
Your sweet, beautiful, kind-hearted big brother was gone. You felt like you were a child again, waiting for Neteyam to tell you that this was all just a nightmare. Eclipse had finally set, the world around you going dark as the fires continued to blaze. 
Your family was frantic now, your father trying to get your mother to stay strong, Lo’ak disassociating from the world around him. You cried then, cried like you would never be able to cry again. You placed your forehead against your brother’s cold one, your screams scratching your throat. 
You cried out for Neteyam, cried out for your mighty brother. He was the glue that held your family together, and without him you didn’t know how any of you would be able to live on. The others just watched over you as you sobbed, their eyes so full of pity. 
You didn’t care if they saw you as weak now, you were hurting so badly. May Eywa never let them experience this kind of loss, because you could feel a piece of you dying alongside your brother the longer you continued to cry. You felt a pair of hands come up on your shoulders, and you tried to push them away with whatever might you had left in you. 
“[Y/N],” You heard Ao’nung say, his calloused hands still gentle with you as you continued to break down. “[Y/N] you must rest.”
You lifted your head, finally seeing that your family, as well as Spider, had disappeared. You looked at Tsireya, and the look in her eyes had told you everything you needed to know. Stay here, please, her gaze said. 
You took a deep breath in, and it felt like you were breathing again for the first time. You wanted to go against whatever orders your father had told them to give you, but you knew that acting rashly would only worsen things for you. So you stayed, glued to your brother’s side as you mourned your loss.
Ao’nung had not left your side either, his worriedness for your wellbeing keeping him attentive. You couldn’t tell if he was doing this to help your father or if he was doing this to keep you from going insane, but still it gave you a sense of comfort – however cruel it might be to long for it during this time. 
He didn’t say anything to you, only rubbing your shoulders to keep you grounded and aware. If this had been any other situation, you would have already distanced yourself from him. You and Ao’nung weren’t friends, though you weren’t exactly horrible towards each other either. Either way, you didn’t feel the urge to yell at him to go away; instead his presence soothed you, slowly getting you to calm your nerves. 
You leaned into him, and he took you in with open arms. Though your heart was still heavy, your body had seeked the warmth that it desperately needed. He matched his breathing with yours, aiding to quell the tensenes of your body. 
You watched as Tsireya and Rotxo tried to clean up whatever they could off of your brother’s body, their movements light and gentle. You held his cold hand, your hands coming up to close his eyes. He looked peaceful now, as if he were just resting.
You would have believed so, had it not been for his dried blood on your hands. Your bottom lip quivered, and you closed your eyes once more as you fought to stay composed. 
You felt Ao’nung’s thumb rubbing circles on your arm, his other hand clasped around your free hand. This was an intimate gesture between mated people, you knew, but you didn’t care. His comfort gave you an escape from the harsh realities of life. You felt yourself drifting off, your body too tired to remain awake. 
“Sleep if you want to,” Ao’nung whispered. “You and your brother are safe here.”
You sniffled slightly as you nodded your head, your eyes heavy from crying. “I must pray over him first. I must protect him this one last time.”
He only nodded, still keeping his arms around you as you brought Neteyam’s hand up to your heart. 
“Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo. Ngari hu Eywa salew tirea, tokx 'ì'awn slu Na'viyä hapxì.” You said in a hushed tone, the others bowing their heads as you recited the death prayer.
I see you, brother, and I thank you. Your spirit will run with Eywa, while your body will remain and become part of the People.
You leaned back into Ao’nung, your hand finally clasping around his as well. You squeezed his hand, tilting your head slightly to look at him. You closed your eyes, bowing your head to him. 
“I see you.” You whispered. 
He held you closer, his voice the last thing you heard before slumber had taken over your body. “I see you.”
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reyalvr © 2023 ... do not repost, alter, or steal my work.
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tags┊@chunghaaaa, @kiris-wife, @8resa, @avatarkv, @urlocalkeemawearingartist
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riality-check · 2 years
intro post 2: electric boogaloo
Ria, 20, she/her, full time student, part time writer, constant disaster. Consistently inconsistent.
I give blanket permission for you to podfic, translate, make fanart of, etc. any of my fics. Go wild! Just tag me/let me know so I can see it. This blog partially runs on a queue. It isn’t tagged. Your guess is as good as mine.
Current fixation: None! I've been writing a lot of original stuff for a while now, and it's been super fun!
Other places you can find me:  ao3 & twitter
Latest fic: “a hard, hard pill to swallow”
#ria writes for ficlets, snippets & links
#ria recommends for art and fic i find cool
#ria recs a friend for art and fic by my mutuals
#ria life for personal posts
#i wanna answer shit for ask games (always open, no matter how old)
#asked and answered for responses to said ask games
#in case you need it for general positivity
#save for later for reference stuff, feel free to reblog
#in the tags if you’d like to see commentary
and i use character & fandom specific tags for most other things (mostly character tags)
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thebroccolination · 2 years
by me (key)
I've done top-ten lists before, but I think a better approach than a numbered list is to order them by why I'm recommending them. Some of my favorites are well-known, but a few gems definitely went overlooked in international fandom for various reasons (accessibility, aired during an over-saturated season, etc.), so I wanted to give them a li'l well-deserved boost. Anyway, here are four of my top fifteen selected at random:
Triage (2022)
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Synopsis: Third-year emergency medicine resident Tin has to cope with a deluge of different patients every day. Up until the eighteenth, that is. Tin's life is transformed when university student Tol's car is overturned and he's rushed to the emergency room in serious condition. That night doesn't end when Tin fails to save Tol's life, though. When Tin next wakes, he finds himself in a time loop, a loop he won't be able to leave until he's altered Tol's fate.
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Review: This was TaeTee's comeback series after years apart, and it was a massive hit domestically. Due to geoblocking and paywalls (AISPLAY is a notoriously challenge for international viewers), it didn't really take off as a fandom among overseas fans. But oh, is this worth it. Whatever way you choose to watch, I highly, highly recommend this one. The time-loop premise is genuinely fascinating, and so is the actual story structure.
And there are cats!!!
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Plot-wise, I'd say Triage has the best writing of any BL series I've seen. More than once, I was texting a friend who'd already seen it, "This is like a show-show!" And what I mean by that is that a lot of BL series still seem to lean on genre-specific tropes to please audiences. They don't really bother themselves with things like character arcs or basic storytelling elements. And those series have value too! Sometimes mindless entertainment is all we want. But if you're in the mood for a series with a plot, some mystery, one of my favorite female characters, one of my favorite side couples, and some brilliant character arcs, definitely give Triage a watch.
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Tin is brilliant and analytical but a very broken lightbulb when it comes to most social situations.
Important Note: If you've seen Cutie Pie and/or Love in the Air, you need to see Triage just to witness the incredible duality of Tonnam's acting skills. Sing easily is one of my top five favorite BL characters. He's the grumpy parent friend who will call you stupid for working when you're sick and then bring you soup and an electric blanket. I love him so much, so please love him also and help me write more SingGap fics please there are only like three of us out here and we need more please we're very hungry.
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Between Us (2022)
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Synopsis: Team is a talented swimmer who just entered university. However, when it comes to swim competitions, he's never able to perform to the best of his abilities. When swim team upperclassman Win comes to know that the problem doesn't lie in Team's abilities or dedication, but rather his trauma and the sleeping difficulties it causes, he offers up his own room for Team to stay in. With the comfort of company, Team's performance starts to improve and feelings start to grow between the two young men. But Team isn't the only one with issues from his past preventing him from moving forward. Win struggles with how to handle receiving love and how to give special treatment to those closest to him. Occurring parallel to the events of "Until We Meet Again," this story focuses on how Win and Team come to know and inspire growth in each other.
We're in The House of WinTeam, you knew it'd be here.
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Review: Between Us was first announced in May 2020 (on Win's birthday no less!). WinTeam got me into Thai BL through two gif sets here on Tumblr that I randomly stumbled across in February 2020. I marathoned what was available of Until We Meet Again, and it became and continued to be my favorite BL series until Between Us started airing last month.
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Between Us is essentially a series about character studies. Like its parallel series Until We Meet Again, most of the conflicts in Between Us are internal and stem from various sources of trauma (survivor's guilt, parental neglect, parental abuse, etc.). These internal conflicts prevent characters from reaching for love and personal attachments because they don't feel like they deserve them.
This is basically Self-Sabotage: The Series.
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The Production's Pandemic Problem: Depictions of trauma, friendship, and queer experiences in Until We Meet Again and Between Us are all handled and framed with profound respect and understanding, and I think a lot of that comes from its director and screenwriter. Both LazySheep and New Siwaj have shared their personal experiences with depression, and throughout the pandemic, they supported each other through their respective struggles. New was running a small agency/studio and supporting actors and staff while legally unable to film any series, and Sheep faced additional ongoing medical conditions along with a demanding full-time job that prevented her from working on Hemp Rope's script adaptation.
At what I presume was a particularly low point for Sheep last August, New made a public announcement that he'd be giving her an unlimited amount of time to heal and rest. He explained that he didn't want to weigh her down more with a deadline, so he made it clear to fans and general public alike that she had his full support and could recover at whatever pace she needed.
Meanwhile, BounPrem had gotten an incredible boost of popularity from their roles in Until We Meet Again…right as covid cases ramped up around the world. For the next two years, they were limited in what roles they could accept because their priority has always been their roles as WinTeam in Between Us. No one had any idea when cases would subside or rise and alter production schedules, and because of that, the only roles BounPrem felt they could accept without affecting Between Us were bit roles in other series. They never complained about the wait, they never abandoned Between Us even though they easily could have moved on, and they never treated their smaller roles with anything but good-natured dedication. In October of 2021, Boun surprised Prem with a cake at an event and, after Prem clapped along with the crowd looking for the recipient, Boun explained with a smile that it was Team's birthday, and Prem laughed with utter delight. No one loves WinTeam or Between Us more than BounPrem.
Studio Wabi Sabi announced Between Us in May 2020 to the delight of fans and actors alike, but the pandemic made the production they envisioned all but impossible. For example, they needed the university as a filming location, but it had been shut down. The Thai government also threw out sporadic restrictions on series production: at one point only twelve people could be present on a film set at a time. Wabi Sabi actually did have production of one series (7 Project) canceled for six months, so they'd already experienced what might happen if they started work on Between Us during the early stages of the pandemic. As fans' complaints increased, with some pointing to the release of new series produced by larger, better-resourced studios like GMMTV, New responded honestly. He tweeted more than once that he could have produced Between Us at any time during the pandemic if all he wanted was the fans' money. He could have filmed a cheap, extremely limited series and thrown it up online to get it done and out of the way.
It's because he was devoted to Sheep's story, his actors' careers, and his own craft that New waited until he could begin filming with reasonable confidence that the government wouldn't cavalierly shut it down. It's because he waited that we have the beautifully filmed, beautifully written, beautifully acted series we have now.
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The series itself is up to episode six now, and it's above and beyond what I could have imagined. Sheep clearly had the time and space to create the best possible adaptation from her unfinished novel, BounPrem have had years to build on their mutual trust and professional relationship, and New had the patience to wait until conditions were best.
This has mostly been about the production side, but that will always be a big part of why I recommend this series to people, even once it's finished and I can review it as a whole. The passion and patience is clear in every scene, and because of that I can't recommend this series more wholeheartedly.
Something in My Room (2022)
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Synopsis: Phat just moved into a new rental house with his mother. There, he meets Phob, an amnesiac ghost, and has to help Phob solve the mystery of his death within forty-nine days of Phob's death. Will they succeed?
Review: I could have titled this category many things: if you like women, if you like multifaceted characters, if you like stories that explore death with unique culturally specific aspects, if you like couples who support and learn from each other, if you like beautiful use of music, if you like LOVE, then Something in My Room.
But there's just something very theatrical to SIMR. (Literally, at one point.) It feels experimental in some ways it's filmed, it lets actors take their time with some moments in ways that feel rewarding, and I just…it feels a little niche to me in that way.
There are four complex female characters in this series. FOUR. And not minor characters, either. Major, significant characters. The actor who plays their landlady is incredible and having the time of her life being enthusiastically spooky, and I ship her with Phat's mother and no one can stop me. Phat's friend Dream also has a fantastically complicated backstory that influences the story directly. Not to mention Phob's mother and just??? Four!!! In a BL?! Seriously, if you're like me and you side-eye every BL series that has nineteen guys and one vaguely woman-shaped lamppost hidden in the background, Something in My Room is the breath of fresh air you've been searching for.
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Unfortunately, this series flopped domestically and internationally, but I'm not going to pretend I know why. Personally, I blame the geoblocking and the badly cut free edit they released that confused and lost viewers early on, but it's also possible that this is just a series that didn't resonate with people as strongly as it did with me, and I'll have to live with that. SOMEHOW.
However! Look at my boys. Look at my ghost boy Phob and his alive boyfriend Phat. They just got dead-engaged. :'(
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This is a series that was clearly made with a lot of heart and a lot of emotion. It also has a veiled political message in one character's backstory that I'm still blown away by because they hid it so cleverly to get it past censorship. PhobPhat are easily in my top ten favorite couples, and Supanut and Plan have fantastic chemistry.
If it's not for you, that's totally fine. All I hope is that more people give the uncut version a try. Supanut (Phob) gave my favorite acting moment in any series in the last episode, and it haunts me (ha) to this day.
(Also, if you're worried about the ending being sad, I think it's as happy as it could have ended, and I'm a baby when it comes to sad endings. Your mileage may vary, of course, but I was really happy with how it ended.)
SOTUS (2016) + SOTUS S (2017) + Our Skyy (2018)
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Synopsis: The "Gear" is one of the engineering mechanical devices in the cogwheel system (as in a clock). Having one signifies that one is a student of the Faculty of Engineering. However, to get one, all engineering freshmen must first undergo the SOTUS (acronym for Seniority, Order, Tradition, Unity, and Spirit) system. Arthit, one of the third-year seniors, often abuses his power over the freshmen by making them do things against the rules. Freshmen students are practically powerless to complain or resist any orders given by their seniors. Arthit was seemingly unstoppable until Kongpob stood up against the abuses by the former. Continual encounters between the two developed from animosity to something much more affectionate.
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Review: Whenever I see people recommend SOTUS, it's usually because it's a "classic" and one of the major cornerstones of the industry. I think it's also important to describe it as a slow-burn so people know what they're signing up for. Personally, SOTUS and its sequel have yet to be kicked from my top five (I count them together). The character-building is fantastic, there's a legitimate character arc for Arthit that spans three iterations with the same mental block that takes on different forms in each one, and Kongphob also matures and becomes more and more multifaceted. If you're not a character person, if you're more about the surrounding plot, SOTUS probably won't do it for you.
The first series is fifteen episodes, and by the time Kongphob actually talks about his feelings for Arthit, it feels earned and authentic. SOTUS remains one of the best-written series, I think, with some of the strongest pacing. When I heard that SOTUS saved GMMTV from bankruptcy, I had no trouble believing it. They gambled on giving a BL series a substantial budget in 2015 (airing in 2016), and it absolutely paid off.
Also, just on a wildly destiny-like note, Bittersweet based her novel on a viral photo of Singto acting as head hazer, Krist became a hazer because he was Singto's junior, and then they ended up playing the opposite roles. Just fun to think about, especially with loud extrovert Krist playing the older, shyer character and quiet introvert Singto playing the younger, brasher character.
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I play the instrumental "Distant Signals" at least once a week (it's on Spotify under Harry Angstrom and Jonathan Buchanan). It's one of the best examples of music done right in a series, I'd say, and I'm a big fan of when a piece of media uses music well. There are songs in SOTUS S that just pierce my heart if I hear them in passing.
And SPEAKING of SOTUS S, it's like Between Us in that the conflict is almost purely internal. I'm really, really into character-driven stories, and as a queer person who felt pressured back into the closet at my first office job after being extremely open in university? A series set in an office about a queer character who feels pressured back into the closet after being extremely open in university hit a few personal buttons. I think it's still the only series that's fully represented that experience for me. The side stories at the end of every episode showing how open and confident Arthit was when he was in the safe bubble of university compared to how anxious he is in the working world absolutely ruins my heart.
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And then there's KongArt themselves. I love them as characters. Episode one of SOTUS feels like a fever dream compared to the rest of the series (and it might have been a pilot to sell sponsors, tbh), because Arthit becomes one of the softest and shyest characters in all of Thai BL.
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arthit: i love you kongphob: say it again arthit: no i love you
What I appreciate most about SOTUS is that it's one of the few series that's been given multiple iterations. SOTUS established the relationship between KongArt, SOTUS S explored that relationship at its low point, and Our Skyy tested that relationship by pressing down on its weak point. I think, aside from the actors' popularity, the depth that KongArt's relationship was given is one of the reasons why fans still love the pairing years and years after the source material ended. Arthit's insecurity fuels every conflict, but in ways that I feel are realistic. Every time his anxiety and self-worth issues become a conflict, it's for a different reason, and it's realistic to me that our fears can be partially dissuaded but not completely erased.
In conclusion: these boys all need therapy. I'm casting a vote for Therapy: The Series.
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yenosiria · 2 years
I put this on twitter already but; basically.
Around January 6th I’ll be taking my landlord to court to sue. I’ll be aiming to get all my rent payments back and hopefully a little more as compensation for the inhumane and unsafe living space I’ve been in. For all the over charging and lying about what we’ve actually been paying for.
The freeze recently in my area. Left the house with no heat. Thankfully, I was given a space heater and an electric blanket by some family from the previous cold weather when they learned the house had no heating and the landlord saw no reason to adhere to my maintenance requests to fix everything that would be deemed illegal. Basically stuff he’s liable for as a landlord.
I luckily, didn’t get sick. My health has been declining since living in this space due to some allergies and the overall decrepit state of the house.
So why am I sharing this?
A few reasons.
One of which being Regardless of the outcome in court, my lease will likely be terminated. Should I win, I’ll get a decent check sure. Anything I get however would go towards eliminating my debt and paying bills.
Which leaves me with what? Basically no roof.
I have a car, I attempted to appeal to family for a very brief living space and was basically told “just die”. At least by the grandparents but my step father was more understanding, due to his lease. I cannot move in; and I respect that since one of my siblings lives with him and I refuse to put her in a situation where she could lose that safe space.
Overall; due to the poor renting and leasing conditions in Texas. Unless I stumble upon a miracle. I will be homeless while attempting to catch up on some overdue health screenings; prioritizing which ones I can realistically address.
But Osiria; you still have your job right? And the health insurance? Correct, meaning I’ll be homeless with an income. I’m prioritizing health and hopefully saving/bills depending on the outcome of this case.
My only reason for this post is to place my thoughts somewhere so friends don’t panic if I suddenly vanish.
All I can say is depending how things go will really be what determines how it all plays out.
I wish I could transfer. Or find a better paying job. Or that landlords would just take the stick out of their ass about this 3.5x the rent monthly policy. But unless there’s a housing crash or some other miracle?
This is how it is.
My landlord has offered to let me walk out of the lease, fully terminated with no fees etc. I’m having them draft it up in a written legal binding document so I can use it as protection in case they try to turn around and screw me.
I’ve supposedly been given until the end of January. I will see it in writing soon.
This means I’ll be homeless in February but. I don’t like my birth month anyway so; fine? I guess?
They are likely offering this time period since they already took my rent payment for January.
I hate this. Though if I can get out early it’s fine by me.
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luxe-pauvre · 2 years
May I ask a follow-up question (different anon though) regarding the situation in the UK. There has been a lot going on politically, with the queen, inflation, brexit. Has that impacted you in any way (you do not need to go into specifics or personal of course, don't want to make you feel uncomfortable). But more in the general sense of you as a student, a young individual, someone who will enter the job market soon, is looking for a house. How is the overall feeling for the younger generation, have they been impacted by this all?
I myself am from Belgium, so you know, we have been impacted by inflation, gas prices, a terrible housing market etc.
I'll try and keep this brief and factual, but it may turn into a long and emotional rant.
I'm currently sat in my Mother and her husband's home as I’m visiting. They are a slightly above national average double income household. I'm wearing two blankets because turning the heating on is out of the question. Thanks to the latest government actions that rocketed mortgage rates in the past week, as it stands they will lose their home in the next six months and will have to move to a mobile home park.
In my single person full time PhD student with a part time job household, my monthly food bill has gone up by 50% and my monthly electricity bill has gone up by 133%. My PhD stipend will not increase as I'm funded by a charity and they've told their students an increase is not possible. Luckily, at the beginning of the year I changed part time jobs and had a fairly substantial pay rise. This pay rise has been totally swallowed by all of the cost increases which is disappointing, the possibility of saving part of it is probably gone, but if it doesn't get any worse I can suck it up without much change to my lifestyle.
Looking ahead, I'm seriously considering totally changing career track at the end of my PhD and cashing in my three Russell Group degrees for a consultancy/analyst type job that will make me deeply unhappy, but at least I'll be financially well.
I laughed out loud when I read 'looking for a house' as the chance of me ever owning a home is very close to zero unless, 1. I completely change career track, and 2. my Father, who owns a property he won't lose in this mess, first of all doesn't change his will to leave it to his soon-to-be wife (who will definitely outlive me) and then dies a sudden and unexpected early death (he will also likely outlive me otherwise). If both of those things happened, potentially the combination of a larger income from a different career and the sale of an inherited property might make it an option. I had a rather depressing conversation at work a few weeks ago in which we all agreed our only remote hope of property ownership is the untimely death of our parents which is incredibly morbid, and that only applies to those whose parents do own property.
Bizarrely in all this, the Queen dying was a two week reprieve. Apart from all the transport chaos in the city, which was a bit of a nightmare for those of us who live there, at least the government were "in mourning" and so they couldn't make anything worse.
As to how all this feels for the younger generations, I think the overarching feeling is that we're trapped. The illusion that if you ‘do the right thing’ or if you just ‘work hard’ things will get better is utterly smashed. Brexit now makes leaving the country entirely much more difficult, and if you're like me and you have chronic health conditions you're also somewhat tied to the NHS (which itself is only just about functioning), and so even if you could meet a particular countries immigration terms ensuring proper access to healthcare becomes a big factor/issue. The tide does finally seem to be turning politically, and maybe we'll get a more socially responsible government at the next election, but even if we do they will have to spend their entire term tidying up this mess before they get a chance at any kind of progress.
Disclaimer: this was not meant to be a pity party answer, I'll be fine, there are people in much worse situations than me in the UK and especially world over. But that being said, it doesn't make any of what's happening here, one of the seven richest countries in the world, right or less emotionally salient to those experiencing it.
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bondsmagii · 2 years
(ventilation life hack anon) i hear you! no sweat.
i have another option but itll cost a pretty penny.
you can get some small solar panels (about 15 inches [side note: this is how you know im american]) about 4 of them will work out. slap them in your window and they can hook up to an emergency battery. those big fancy ones that have outlets on em. depending on the energy n shit of your heater, the panels, and the battery, it would be about 4-12 hours charge, 12 hours run for a bunch of devices. hook your heater up to that. leave the panels in your window (even in countries with not alot of sunlight you should be able to get some energy) to get the battery charged up. then in the morning, slap that bad boy to your heater (i live in a small house thats only 2 room so my heater is very close to my bed. fire hazard but if thats what kills me thats a win) and put your clothes over it. should only take half an hour and not alot of energy from your battery but boom. warm clothes and a slightly warm room.
update: doing some searching to figure out the expenses. found out that good quality solar panels are like 15-20 euros for more than 4 of them??? fuck??? you might need wiring knowledge though fuck.
update update: you dont need wiring knowledge.
update update update: the battery pack in question is 100-200 euros for a good one. but because of wattage itll be a long charge time. i mean. its a one time purchase and you get warmth and a cheaper electric bill so... win?
update update update update: oh god update is going to lose its meaning to me. anywho the panels work on heavy overcast days so thats a win too.
god bless I love how you've looked into this like adore the stream of consciousness at the end but do not fear! this is not something available to us as, you know, money etc, but we do have sweaters and blankets. we could afford to put the heat on for a few hours a day and do plan to do so once the temperature reaches single figures in the house (in Celsius, don't worry...) but right now we're trying to hold out. it's money saving for the colder months (it doesn't get truly baltic until January/February here) rather than not having any money at all, you know? also while solar panels can work on overcast days, they would not be so efficient during polar night, which is what we experience for about three months (December to mid-February or so) -- the light never gets above twilight, and the sun does not properly rise. (we are very far north.) keeping a houses humidity level stable is actually far more efficient for retaining warmth, so a humidifier might be a better and cheaper investment if anyone out there is looking to raise the temperature by a few degrees!
not to get too much like a world politics class on here but for those of you who don't know, the UK is currently going through a cost of living crisis thanks to a lot of factors, namely Brexit, the war in Ukraine, and dreadful mismanagement by the incompetent and disorganised government. this crisis was predicted and hinted at a long time ago, but the government did sweet fuck all about it. now, before our winter has even begun, people are struggling to heat their homes -- some people have seen their energy bill go up from double digits per month (no more than £99) up to several thousand a month. the energy cap -- the absolute upper amount that can be charged per unit of fuel or electricity) has risen dramatically, been capped briefly, and then risen again. the country is running out of electricity and may have to do something called "load shedding" over the winter, where the electricity is shut off in a controlled blackout to save supplies. the last I checked, this would be for four hours in the evening, leaving people with no electricity in the very dark evenings right over dinner time, and right at the time where parents with school-aged children are trying to get them ready for the next day/kids are doing their homework. a lot of people require electricity to power the boiler to heat their homes and water, too, thus leaving people without heating or hot water in the dead of winter. this is predicted for January and February, but already people are unable to heat their homes, have to choose between eating and being warm, or have to skip meals so their kids can eat. (the cost of everything has gone up, even daily essentials, and the country is in a massive recession.) kids are showing up to school unable to concentrate because of hunger, or too tired and cold to work properly. the government has rolled out some relief, but it totals about £400 for the whole October-February period -- not even enough for one month of comfortable heating for some people. it is absolutely insane.
so yeah, don't worry about us. we can manage it if we're careful and don't mind a bit of discomfort for a few minutes as we change or shower, or for a few hours as the room warms up from the night. in the depth of winter we'll be able able keep the house cool but comfortable. but there are millions of others who are going to freeze and starve this winter, or who are going to have to go into debt because they have babies who cannot get this cold, or who are elderly and will have to walk to coffee shops to nurse a single drink for hours just for the warmth of the store, or ride buses all day just to get out of the cold. worry about these people -- all of them are victims of our absolutely inhumane government, who could have prepared for this and done something to ease it, but chose not to.
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I know you're just venting but I cannot leave an energy question alone. Do you know if your utility offers a time-of-use rate? These split a day into different blocks, and each block has a different $ rate. It's higher during peak usage times (usually afternoon when people get home from work - after dinner) and lower during non peak times (everywhen else). By shifting your big electric usage (dishwasher, clothes washer, etc) to non-peak, you can save a lot of money. Like, a LOT.
(there's also demand response or community solar, but those are more summer-oriented)
*Caveat that I only know about electricity, not gas, so if you have gas heating then ignore me.
So in terms of utilities, I only pay for my electricity and internet; water, gas, and heat are included in my rent (I think because it's an old building and the infrastructure for divvying those utilities up would cost a lot more than just leaving it). My building uses ancient radiators for heat, which I think are technically heated by gas since something needs to heat up the water that goes through them?
Practically speaking, this means that my electric bill only gets high in the summer when I'm running AC, and since I'm only running it when the temperature outside is over about 87ºF, my most expensive month this year I still only paid $50 on that bill. In the winter, I can expect to pay about $10-$20 a month
It looks like my electric company does have a time-of-use rate, but you have to opt-in and I don't have a dishwasher or in-unit laundry (and my stove is gas) so the only large appliance I'm regularly using is my fridge, which I can't really turn off during peak times. I think I might end up paying more if I switched to that, since I have a fixed rate that's lower than the rates they offer for 6AM to 10PM, and that's most of the day.
All that to say, my electric blanket and SAD lamp don't actually cost that much to run, but I still wish I didn't need to buy all these things in the first place to get me through winter, and I can and will complain a little bit
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Could you do something with the animals that the demon forms are based on? ~~ok maybe I’m just that crazy for cow Belphie but ok~~
It took me a long fucking time but here we go Also...the spacing in this thing is weird, and I don't know why-
Demon Form Animal Quirks the Brothers Have
(I'm so good at titles, can you tell?) LUCIFER - ok so peacocks are pretty rad, not gonna lie
- bitch will not get close to water in this form - will screech if surprised, then get flustered and refuse to admit that he made that sound
- also has a specific call for when its going to rain, and will go hide in his room for the storm...and continues to make the terrible noise until its over.
- (generally, when it comes to sexuality and gender identity I leave it to readers to decide, but I'm making an exception now, though if you guys want to see my hcs for that for the boys- remember they're different for everyone!!- then let me know-) but peacocks are polygamous, so in his demon form he may court or flirt with up to four or five people
- His wings are mostly for show, but he can fly short distances
- He gains more speed in this form and its *terrifying*(if you're the one being chased, on the sidelines its hilarious), as he makes a "chase call" as he does so, which is a high pitched screaming sound
- He likes to sing in the morning to start his day off, and again right before he goes to bed MAMMON - Ravens are fucking rad too - He is a lot smarter than he lets on
- His memory is amazing, especially with peoples faces
- Hordes and steals shiny things more often, sometimes goes complete bird brain so when he comes to again he just has a handful of bolts or a doorknob because it was shiny...has no value and he has to try and find where he got it from
- Ravens mate for life, so in this form he is *especially* possessive of you because...he's already deemed you his mate!
- In this form, he's a little friendlier with Lucifer, or he tries to be. For sOmE reason, ravens tend to try and make friends with big animals, see wolves, gorillas, etc. and its adorable..in most cases-
- He has difficulty turning down a favour in this form, especially in cases regarding kids, like babysitting. Ravens have been known to adopt other eggs and raise the young as their own, so chances are Mammon was the one that raised Satan
- He attacks from above when he gets defensive/offensive and will not stop until you step in or the person/animal backs off
- He cant heat up his entire room because he doesn't want to hurt Henry
- That being said, Henry 2.0 is actually Henry 3.0, because he once didnt eat after a long gaming marathon, so when he shifted into his demon form disgruntled, he blacked out for a moment and ate his fish before going to sleep. (Yes, he can unhinge his jaw, but didnt need to for Henry) Mammon happened to walk in on this and silently replaced Henry so Levi wouldnt be upset.
- Levi's fangs wear out fairly quickly, and usually he loses one before the other. He hates it when it happens and will go sulk in his room unless you tell him you think its cute, because it is -Levi's scales, like snakes, are made from keratin. This means sometimes when he's really bored, he'll paint his scales before he sheds- the coolness of the paint makes him a little sleepy but also helps keep his mind off the itchiness
- He does sleep with a heat lamp and an electric blanket to keep warm and cozy
- save a cow ride a horseboy, amirite? /j
- basically a centaur in his demon form, his hair grows longer and yes, it gonna be sparkly too, his blonde hair gets a little lighter too
- Do not approach him from behind he will buck - No, he will not let you ride him like a horse - MC, he said no - Fine, but he's just gonna be an antsy boy and want to ***RUN*** - Once you guys get outside, find the nearest field and hope to god he knows when to turn around so you guys arent endlessly running away from HoL
- Enjoys having his hair braided - He always sleeps standing up - He hates being alone, and will frequently stay close to you or seek companionship from his brothers or a club from school.
- okokok Scorpions are freaking cool-
- so first of all, scorpions dance before they mate!! The actual term translates to "a promenade for two", so once he touches you in this form, he'll take your arm in his and walk you to where he wants you to be and I feel like this is going NSFW so we'll stop there kashdkjghf
- some scorpions are fluorescent in UV light, and Asmo is not an exception to that. He shows up in a bluey-green hue, and has done make up and photoshoots in UV light to show his glowy self off!
- He's particularly sensitive to his environment, and through vibrations in the area, he can tell who's coming and where he is even in poor light.
- Like the Emperor Scorpion, after molting, he exhibits a golden color from the tail to the head that gradually becomes dark and matches his tail (a little different, but thats what came to mind)
- If he slips completely into this scorpion brain, he will eat almost anything put in front of him, and rivals Beel, but after he's eaten he could technically go a year without eating anything. He uses his diets to stop himself from needing to do that, as he might not need to eat for a year but its tough when you have to watch everyone around you eat and you're too full/can't mentally handle it.
- He can break into millions of flies, or simply pick up more tendencies of flies (if you havent already, I think you might like to read my Halloween drabble on demon form Beel) - Spits on his food before eating it, but does it as inconspicuously as possible, as he's a little insecure about it
- Likes to walk on the ceiling sometimes, usually doesnt realize he's doing it. Sometimes he does it to untie Mammon or to keep Belphie away from Lucifer.
- He has an incredible reaction time in general, but its even better in this form. - He has compound eyes but uses glamour to hide them, not wanting to scare you
- His room is a MESS when he's in this form, and he tries to keep all his mess in just his room but in this form he's generally more comfortable in messy places.
- ok listen - cows are great for anxiety - but technically Belphie would be a bull - so despite my brain screaming at me - These are based off cows and not bulls - Belphie really enjoys being read to, and getting nicknames, even if he denies it. - His burps? Disguting, sorry this needs to be known. He has the biggest and most disgusting burps out of all the boys - As a kid/first little while being a demon, he ate a magnet, just because he wanted to, but now it protects him from whatever he might eat in his sleep - Belphie obviously has his best friends, in you, Beel and Satan and if he's separated again from any of you he will become severely anxious until he's around you again. - He loves solving problems, not like "how do I get my finances in order problems" but more like...life hacks- he enjoys using them to be lazy, but also just makes him happy
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flybi91 · 3 years
Some domestic Jonathan headcanons for fall
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I think I left it vague enough to imagine any version of him you’d like, I know not everyone likes this version but I just have a VERY big soft spot for Cillian Murphy’s take
Jonathan has a savings jar and around fall you two go to bath and body works and lush so you can stock up on stuff to last the year
You go in the beginning so you don’t miss out on anything but when they start putting fall things on sale you go and buy whatever else you can
You do something similar with food, when they put fall themed snacks on sale around end of fall/beginning of winter you buy a bunch of pumpkin spice stuff and Halloween themed snacks
What can you say? cupcakes just taste better when the sprinkles are shaped like bats, spiders, and tombstones
You two have a closet specifically for autumnal soaps, candles, etc
He has a black cat that follows him like a shadow whenever he’s home
He lives near a forest near the outskirts of the city
A few years ago he found a sick little kitten near his house.....well more like a little cabin with heat, water, and electricity
He (unfortunately) found it’s mother
He assumed Selina lost it but she always took very good care of the cats in Gotham
He took it to her for advice on what’s wrong
Everyone in Gotham knows if something’s wrong with your cat you go to Selina first
You’re surprised when his crows take a liking to you
You’re shocked that the cat doesn’t try and hurt them
While Jonathan likes straight up thriller/horror movies he’ll still watch some fun Halloween movies with you that you’re nostalgic for
He has an old tube t.v. from the late 90′s-early 00′s that still works
He offered to get a newer t.v. for you but you love it
He’s surprised when he actually likes some of them and you’re surprised when you learned he never watched a Tim Burton movie
“Are you serious?! YOU of all people have NEVER watched a Tim Burton film?!”
He loves all of them but he’s soft for Hocus Pocus and Beetlejuice because he knows you’ve been watching them since you were a literal toddler and he knows how much they mean to you
Besides, Sarah Sanderson reminds him a little of Harley
You two spent literal days making a list of what movies you were gonna watch on what days
Jonathan took the time to actually make a chart for how long each movie was
You spend time while he’s at work organizing the VHS and DVDs on the shelf for fall
He gets jealous when you’re watching re-animator and let it slip that you had a crush on Herbert when you were younger
“Babe, I wouldn’t cheat, and that’s not even counting the fact that it’s physically impossible for me to cheat on you with a movie character“
He asks who else, you sigh and admit Egon from Ghostbusters, Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors, and Adam from Beetlejuice
He gets quiet and blushes a bit when he realizes they’re all nerdy, gangly, characters with glasses
You’ve told him multiple times but he still can’t fully comprehend how he got a girlfriend because of the qualities that kids made fun of him for
Wants to watch the first horror movie you’re ever experienced with you
His eyebrow goes up when you pull out Bride of Chucky
When he’s off from work you two apples and pumpkins and spend the evening carving pumpkins
You realize you two ended up taking more than you could ever need
While he’s at work on Monday you decide to make treats for you and your friends, caramel and candy apples, pies, cakes, etc
You look up how to grow pumpkins and apple trees and decide to give it a try
You give any leftovers to the crows
You text Jonathan a picture you took of a squirrel sleeping in a pumpkin
Sitting in the living room, Jonathan cuddled up on a plushy recliner, wearing a sweater with a blanket draped over him
stacks of books on the coffee table with the cat sitting on top of them like she owns them, a couple books on the side table
Some fall scented candle burning away
You’re sitting in a recliner across form him, you picked up some craft supplies and some new things to try out
You decided to knit a new winter set for Jonathan, he always went through them so fast, you wanted to blame it on batman fighting him but in all honesty the chemicals he worked with probably did something to the wool
Sitting in bed cuddling him while he reads a bit before bed
He always re-reads Carrie around this time of year
When he felt safe enough to open up to you, you were shocked by how similar his situation was
Can go out to cause chaos on Halloween as long as he gets back at the end of the night
“I don’t care what you have to do as long as you’re back when I wake up“
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an-actual-angel · 3 years
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Pairing: Connor (RK800) x Reader, Collin (RK800-60) x Reader, Richard (RK900) x Reader
Summary: The year was 2082. 44 Years after the android revolution. Things have turned south for humanity. Androids now rule the world, leaving humans to be considered as mere animals. While some Androids still have a general disdain for humanity some have taken to the idea of keeping them as “family pets.” You, born in captivity, specifically bred to be the perfect pet happen to get adopted by the RK brothers.
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Chapter 36 -  Running away is easy, Its the leaving that's hard
It had almost been two weeks since you last saw Connor and Collin. It had been tough, to say the least, you missed them like crazy. You would constantly check your phone for messages that would never come. Perhaps it didn’t take them long at all to forget about you. You couldn’t let yourself get too upset about it though, this was your decision. Maybe it was easier for them to keep their distance. It would probably work out better this way in the end.
Danny was right when he said that life in the settlement wasn't going to be glamorous, it was hard work, something you weren’t used to, coming from living cushy in a penthouse. You mostly helped out with farming the land and tending to the chickens, feeding them, cleaning out their coop, collecting eggs, etc. You also got stuck with the job of babysitting some kids from time to time. It was good to keep busy though, to keep your mind away from androids.
When you had free time, you spent it mostly with Emily, catching up, attempting to look after her, although insisted she didn’t need the fuss.
You had been staying in Emily’s shack, it was just you her and her cat Pepper, but you made a good little family. You wondered whatever happened to the father of Emily’s child, she didn’t want to talk about him too much, whoever he was. She’d just say he was away.
You didn’t want to push her but your overbearing curiosity would not sit at peace. Some other ladies around the settlement had told you he had been taken by androids.
What Emily did tell you about the child’s father was that his name was James and he was the one that saved her from the adoption centre. Well, he’d been one of the humans in the midst of the one of the riots in the city who also happened to help some of the humans escape the centre.
“Took down two androids right in front of my eyes, that how I knew he was the one.” She laughed.  
“He took down two androids? On his own?” You spluttered out, not believing her.
“Yeah, with one of these,” Emily smirked handing you over a baton.
Taking it in your hand you examine it, slightly confused until you see a button near the bottom. “Is this one of the electric ones the cops use?”
“Yep, can take out an android with a few quick buzzes.” She points her chin at you and smiles. “That’s my man, always got the good weapons.”
“I’m quite surprised you settled on a man honestly.” You smirked, “Last time I saw you, you were giving puppy dog eyes to Olivia.” You cock your head to the side, raising your eyebrows.
“Yeah, I did have a thing for her, until she got adopted and you know. Kinda couldn’t see her anymore.”
“Liv got adopted?”
“Yeah.” Emily shrugged plainly and looked away.
“I’m sorry Emily.” You reach out your hand to touch hers.
“Why are you sorry?” She shakes her head, pulling her hand away from yours to rest on her baby bump.
“It just must have been lonely for you, without me and Liv.” You bite at the broken skin on your bottom lip.
“Yeah it was a bit, but then I met James.” She smiled a little but it faded fast. “He’ll come back you know.” She said quickly, more telling it as a way to convince herself, rather than you.
You nod back to her, not wanting to hurt your friend. “Of course Emily.”
Her hand wipes at her eye a little. “Best be getting to bed.” She stands to her feet. “You should as well” she smiles placing her hand on your shoulder.
“That’s probably a good idea.” You nod. “Big day tomorrow.”
You woke to the sun shining through the thin material of your makeshift curtain, with a rub of your eyes and a quick stretch you were up to start your day. Making breakfast for yourself and Emily was first on the list and then feeding Emily’s cat Pepper was second. The next few hours would be spent outside on the farm tending to some of the plants and vegetables, you would do this until lunchtime when you would have a quick bite to eat and then on to the ‘town’ meeting, a quick impromptu one that had been called by Danny.
They had received word from another settlement, one not too far from them that they would aid them in their next city raid.
“City raid?” You whispered to Emily, not understanding what he had meant.
“Yeah, we’d been planning this one for a while.” She whispers back quickly. “It’s how we get more weapons, people, stuff like that.”
“Does Connor know you guys have been doing this?” You ask.
“No. but he doesn’t need to know.” She shrugs. “We send our doughboys out with masks anyway.”
“Doughboys?” You asked even more confused than before.
“Yeah, our fighters.” She snaps as she furrows her brows. “Don’t you listen?” realising how quick she was with you she apologises “Sorry, I forgot that you’re still new around here. We call our ‘recruits’” she says with parenthesis. “Doughboys, and they get shit done. I was one before, well before y’know.” She rubs her bump.
“Never pegged you as a fighter.”
“Well, I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me then.” She laughs.
“Ladies,” Danny calls Emily and your attention back to him.
“This time it’s going to be the big one.” Danny looks around at everyone’s faces. “There are people from other settlements in the city as we speak. It’s almost our time to join them. Three days. Three more days!” His weathered hand hits the table he was standing in front of. “And we're getting our boys back.”
You notice Emily nod to Danny, her lip wobbles as she turns to you.
“James.” she half-smiles half whimpers as her hand grabs yours.
You give her hand a tight squeeze and whisper a silent prayer that they will indeed find him alive and well.
As the day goes on most of the camp seems in a mixture of excitement and fear about the upcoming raid.
The ‘Doughboys’ as Emily called them, coordinating their plan of attack, parents ensuring their children that everything will work out, farmers, bakers, and medics in a tizzy to prepare the needed supplies.
As the evening settles in you begin to worry for Emily, what if they can’t find James? what if he’s not even alive?
Poor Emily has been through so much. She doesn’t deserve any more grief.
A part of you wants to tell her to not get her hopes up but saying that would be cruel. You just nod along and try to keep her comfortable. After dinner Emily ends up falling asleep on the recliner chair she had been sitting on. As you wrap a blanket over her shoulders you realise that you're almost out of firewood and the fire its self is beginning to dwindle down.
Grabbing one of Emily’s cloaks from a hanger, you drape it over your shoulders before heading out on your quest to seek out more wood.
Wooden logs were usually kept in an area just west of the settlement, it was a little walk through the trees but not too far. You usually preferred going out when it was brighter. The light from your phone only made the place look creepier. The quietness of the area didn’t help either, if it wasn’t for the noises made by nearby animals the place would be downright eerie. At least you could still see the warm glow of the settlement in the distance through the trees.  
You knelt down on dry dirt to pick up some of the logs from the bottom of the pile to put in the wicker basket that you had brought with you. After you make your selection you stand back to your feet and dust off the dirt of your clothes. Just as you are about to reach down for your basket again you are abruptly stopped by a large hand being placed over your mouth as well as an arm wrapping around your front holding both your arms in place so that you cannot struggle from the grasp. You try to wrestle your way out of the grasp in a fit of fear but a familiar voice sends you into shock.
“Please calm down.”
Is that?
Your body is frozen.
“I only grabbed you like this in case you screamed. Sorry, it was a bit abrupt, I know.”
Your heart begins to thump harder in your chest but this time not from fear.
“When I let go, please don’t scream.” The voice pleads.
You manage to nod your head, still, in your state of shock, the hands and arm loosen from you and you try to steady yourself on your feet before turning around.
You take a deep breath as you slowly move on your feet towards the person whose grip you had just been in.
“Richard.” You exhale deeply.
His tongue wets his lip before he attempts to speak, however, you cut him off.
“What are you doing here!? If anyone sees you!” You shout in a whisper at him.
“Look, I know, I know.” He lifts his hands in defence. “I was just lucky that you happened to be out here so I didn't have to go in there.” He gestures his head towards the settlement.
“Don’t dare step foot in there.” Your eyes widen as if he’s gone mad.
“I won’t, I won’t… If you come back.”
“What? No.” You shake your head.
“I can’t Richard. I belong here.”
“Y/N, Look at this place. It’s disgusting.” He shakes his head as he scans his eyes across the poorly put together ‘town’. “Surviving on scraps, like an animal. You have a nice home, come back.” He reaches out to hold your hands.
You lift your brows to look up at him, your mouth becoming straight as you shake your head and slowly pull your hands away.
“I can’t, I just can’t.” You pick your basket off the ground and turn to walk away from the android.
“I’ll give you anything!” He shouts out. You turn your head to him.
“I’ll do anything.” He moves towards you again. “Just say the word. Please.”
He reaches his hand towards yours once more, his other caressing your cheek.
“I’ll even help with the rebellion.” He whispers.
“The rebellion?” You look up at him, your face plagued with even more confusion.
“Whatever it is the humans are planning. I can help, I can be of use just, please come back.” He begs his forehead now resting against yours.
“Wha- I don't understand. Why?” You whisper to him, closing your eyes as you press your forehead back against his.
“Because I love you.”
Chapter 37 -  Alrighty Aphrodite
You had entered the settlement on your own again. Going back to your shack, you had to explain the situation to Emily.
“If he can get James back.” She stopped for a minute to steady her breath. “Then I’m on board.”
After a quick hug and farewell, you had a bag packed and you were off.
“I’ll be back.” You said once more to Emily before leaving.
“I know.” She nods.
Richard had been waiting for you just outside the gateway, you had told him to wait there so he wouldn’t spook the residents.
“I can carry that” Richard insist, taking your bag from your hands, before you could say anything he had it thrown over his shoulder. You bite at your lips not really knowing what to say but walking through the forested area with him in silence.
“It’s not too far of a walk to the car,” He said. “I did try to park as close as I could.”
You just nod and continue to walk. After another while of insufferable silence, you finally speak up to him.
“So, is it true?” You turn towards the Android. “Do you really love me?”
His eyes fall to the ground for a moment as he continues on. “Yes.” He fell quiet again for a moment before continuing on. “I think I first began to realise when Collin got in that accident. You stayed with him.” He let out an artificial sigh. “I started to think about if something had happened to you and-” He shrugged.
“It took me a long time to come to grips with my feelings as you could probably tell. I never experience this type of emotion before.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You tilt your head attempting to make eye contact, his gaze still avoiding yours as he trudged forward.
“I was an idiot. A scared fool.”
“You are an idiot.” You stop for a minute causing Richard to stop as well, he moves closer to you, to see if you are alright. Taking him by surprise you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. Richard hums for a second moving away slowly, he looks into your eyes before he tries to kiss your lips.
You however hold your hand out and say “I can't do that, I have boyfriends.” Before walking on.
“Yeah, ones that left you behind.” Richard sighs moving again to walk beside you.
“They did that to protect me.”
“Connor in his twisted reasoning. He probably did it more to protect himself. He is selfish. You have no idea what your leaving has done to Collin.” Richard grumbles.
“So you’re guilt-tripping me now?” You roll your eyes.
“I’m just saying.” Richard grunts, re-adjusting your bag against his back. “Why’d you not bring your suitcase?”
“This is just temporary.” You shrug.
“I see.”
“How’s Connor doing?” You change the subject before Richard tries to convince you to stay forever.
“He’s stressed about all of the attacks that have been happening in the city and he’s stressed because Collins current mental stability is not too fun. I think it would cheer him up to see you.”
“Yeah and he might murder you for bringing me.” You quip back.
“True. I guess we’ll just have to see.” He retorts as you notice Richard’s car parked in the distance. He did park quite close. Something Connor would also be pissed about.
“How did you find me anyway?” You ask the question that’s been on your mind since you first saw him.
“I’m afraid the truth of the matter might unsettle you a little.” He explains as his car beeps at his arrival.
“Go on.” You encourage him. “You can’t stop now.”
“I am one of the most advanced androids in existence.” He explains whilst throwing your bag in the back of his car. He then opens the passenger side door for you to get in. When you do he leans down to your ear to whisper, “I’m everywhere.” And with that, he closes the door.
You sit for a moment in contemplation as he gets into his side of the car to sit down. As he puts his seat belt on you turn to him with confusion on your face. “Did you hack my phone?”
Richard rolls his eyes as he starts up the car. “I was able to tap into the journey history of Connor's vehicle. I knew he was behind all of this.” He begins to explain as his own car sets out.
“When I got to the location of the factory I was able to scan for signs of nearby technology. Your settlement stood out like a beacon. Didn’t take too long for me to tap into some phones that were being used yes, and then I saw you.”
“Can other androids do all that?”
“Not a lot can. And definitely not to the extent that I can. As I say, I’m everywhere. Any piece of technology, I can tap into if I desire so.” Richard explains proudly.
“So, do you ever use it to spy on people?”
“Only if necessary.”
“You ever watch people naked?” You smirk a little.
Richard’s brows furrow as he blushes slightly. “No, I would not do that.”
You burst out in laughter at his defensiveness. “I’m just teasing.”
Richard adjusts his shirt collar in discomfort. “Indeed.” He replies dryly.
You smile and rest your head against the back of the seat.
“You know you can lie in the back if you want, it’s a long drive and you could do with some sleep.”
You swivel your seat around to look at the back seat, assessing it. Swapping your seat with your bag that had been put in the back and lay down on the cool leather.
“You don’t have any blankets do you?” You ask Richard as you attempt to find some level of comfort on the cold seat.
“No, sorry. I can turn the heat up if you like?”
“hmmpf.” You think for a minute. “Isn’t this car self-driving?”
“Yes,” Richard replies, not really sure at what you’re getting at.
“Why don’t you just put in the destination and then come back here and lie with me?”
His LED begins flashing red. “I think Connor would definitely try and kill me if we sleep with each other again.” Richard stammers.
“I wasn’t suggesting we have sex, oh my god!” You smack your hand over your mouth to not laugh.
Richard's face began to turn in cringe, “oh I just thought-”
“I meant so we could cuddle.” You explain, smirk still present on your face.
“Do you think Collin and Connor would be okay with that?”
“I think they’d be angrier if you let me get sick from the cold.” You tease.
“That is a fair point.” Richard raises a brow as he puts in the location for the car to self-drive. When he has it tapped in, he too swivels around in his seat to move to the back with you.
Richard is a little awkward at first as he clumsily shifted to lay down in the backseat with you, eventually pulling you into his chest. The thrum of his thirium pump makes you grin in triumph as he settles his head to rest on top of yours. Richard then changes his body temperature to a comfortable setting so that he could be your personal radiator for the next few hours.
Was this weird? Absolutely. Was this wrong? Maybe. Was this comfortable? YES.
But you allowed yourself the brief comfort of being in Richard's arms, even if it was just for this one night. Maybe you felt like you deserved it, you were entitled to some amount of comfort after all the crap you’ve been through.
A part of you was angry and Collin and Connor for not reaching out, even to send a measly little text message. Your more rational mind told you to drop it, something might have come up, you didn’t know the full story, and maybe it was too hard for them. Although that didn’t stop it from stinging your ego any less.
You managed to drift off to sleep rather quickly, that was one of the benefits from all the hard work you had been up to at the settlement, sleep found you a whole lot quicker. Richard had stayed beside you for the majority of the journey as well, cherishing the feeling of having you in his arms once again. Deciding to himself to never be without this feeling anymore. His face snuck its way between your neck and collar bone to take in your scent and to delicately place his lips against your skin just for a sweet moment of indulgence. He had to wiggle his hips away from yours so you would not awake with his growing hardness against your ass.
Feeling a little guilty for his body’s response he decided to give you some space, sliding his form out from the side, slowly as not to wake you. He couldn’t help but smiling down at how comfortable you seemed as he made his way back to the driver’s seat, the seat still swivelled around to face the back.
Richard did eventually wake you up as the car pulled into the private garage area for the RK’s apartment building.
“We're here, little dove.” He coos to you, brushing his knuckles down the length of your arm.
Your eyes squinted open, feeling blinded by the violently bright fluorescent lights of the garage you had found yourself in. Looking down you had noticed one of Richard's coats had been draped over you. You rubbed your eyes briefly before reaching down to it to hand it over to Richard.
“You put it on.” He insisted, pushing it back towards you. “At least until we get inside. It gets cold in the garage, at least that’s what my sensors tell me.”
You didn’t object you just nodded in silence, still in that groggy half sleep-like state. Throwing the oversized coat onto yourself you open the car door and hop out, Richard grabbing your bag soon follows behind, hand on your shoulder as he directs you towards the elevator.
It felt strange being back in the city, even stranger to see the apartment building again.
When you entered back into your old home, it had felt different somehow, a little bit eerie even. Suppose it didn’t help that most of the lights were off.
“Collin and Connor are both out at the moment.” Richard finally spoke up again, leading you by the shoulder into the dark living room, with a flash of his LED the lights were on.
You squinted again at the harshness of them before Richard had dimmed them to a more pleasing brightness level.
“Why don’t you go and get a nice hot bath and I can put your stuff away.” He awkwardly half-smiles over at you.
“Are you sure?” You ask skittishly.
“Of course.” He tilts his head in confusion, it’s not like having YOU here was any bother to him, he was bloody delighted. “After that, I can go get my brothers?”
“Right now?” You stuttered out the question, fidgeting with the large sleeves of Richard’s coat that you had forgotten to take off.
“Do you want some time before?” Richard asked, head tilting once more, exposing his pale neck to you.
You shook your head and looked back down at your hands. “I don’t know, maybe. It’s not that I don’t want to see them. This is all just a little overwhelming.”
“I understand.” Richard nods. “Just one thing at a time.”
You look up at him once more, catching his cool eyes in a stare, you nod. “A hot bath sounds good.”
Notes:  I lowkey called Emily's love interest James after Bucky Barnes (cause for some reason I imaging him looking like Bucky lol)
Sorry I'd been gone for a while, just been really busy with work and general life stuff.
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glowinghae · 2 years
love grows {part two} ~ stranger things au
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pairing. eddie x oc
warnings. some blood and violence and sad girl hours
etc. sorry for the ugly format, I just wanted to get this out finally. (still looking for someone to teach me to make pretty post lol) this chapter is a little different. It kind of just shows how rosemary fits into season two and sets up some really important stuff for the next like, five chapters (which will all contain all the eddie smut and fluff your little hearts desire). let me know what y’all think! _______________________________________
It was quieter than Five had expected it, but that would be Eights gift working as they tiptoed down the hallways. Workers and guards walked right past them, emergency flood lights were their only light.
A few nights prior, Five had seen a vision of a bad electrical storm, one that would take the lights and cameras out for at least an hour. The moment she had seen it, she knew it was her opportunity to get out of Hawkins Lab.
But they were going slower than Five needed them to be going and it wasn’t Eight’s fault. It was Five’s.
It’s just that carrying a toddler had been harder than the ten year old had anticipated.
Because that night it hadn’t just been Five and Eight, not at first. There had been three girls. Five, Eight and Eleven. 
Five was struggling to carry her, even with the toddlers arms looped around her neck. Eleven was breathing softly. The Bad Men had just done some experiments on her and knocked her out afterwards. 
Suddenly the doctors and guards weren’t walking anymore, they were running and shouting.
‘Eleven is missing! We must find the asset!’
The oldest girl's breath started to get raspy. They were so close. She could see the exit just down the hallway. 
But Eleven was waking up. She was stirring in Five’s arms but the squirming made it hard for Five to keep her grip while rushing towards the door.
Her mind was occupied trying to keep ahold of the child that she didn’t look ahead and suddenly had bumped into a guard.
The guard looked down in a daze for a moment before realization hit him. His arms darted out and snatched Eleven from Five’s arms, “No!”
The guard yelled out, ‘I’ve got her! They’re all here!’
Eight tugged on Five’s sleeve, ‘Run!’ Five looked up, they were feet away from the exit. Her hands were still locked on Eleven, pulling fruitlessly on Elevens hospital gown.
But Eight was right. They could make it. Them. But not Eleven. Five had failed her. But she could still save Eight. ‘Run.’ She echoed, grabbing Eight’s hand and bolting through the door before more guards could come for the two of them.
Before the heavy doors could slam behind them, Five glanced behind her to see Eleven limp in the guards arms. ‘I’m sorry’ she whispered before the door on that chapter closed.
“I left her.”
Rhiannon sat on the end of her daughter’s bed. She rested her hand on the teenagers blanketed legs. That sentence was all Rosemary could repeat since the night before. 
“I left her.”
The bed had been a safe place since coming home from the party. Rosemary hadn’t left it for hours, her body hungover but also… racked with guilt.
And the visions.
The visions had been flowing freely all night long. Everything that had truly happened last year. The ‘demogorgan’ as those kids had called it, the gate that had been opened to the ‘Upside-Down’. And Eleven. Her saving her friends… and dying.
Rosemary didn’t just not want to get out of bed, she couldn’t. Her body was exhausted, her pillow soaked from the blood freely flowing from her nose. Not to mention the tears.
“I left her and she died. It’s my fault.” She sobbed.
“No.” Rhiannon cooed. “No, no. Small One, it is not your fault. You were a child. It was never your responsibility to have to save others, let alone yourself. Those-Those monsters in that facility. This is their fault.”
Rosemary sat up sharply, “But Nancy thinks I’m like Eleven. Those monsters could be one step closer to finding me. And what are they going to do when they find you?” Rosemary still remembered what they had done to Eleven’s mother because she knew too much. A sob racked her body again.
Fear. Rosemary felt shivers running up and down her spine and she could barely breathe.
Her mother moved farther up the bed and cradled her in her arms. “I knew the risks when I took you into my life that day, Rosemary. I still know them.” Rhiannon placed a kiss to the top of her head, “You may not have come from me, but you are my daughter. I will never stop fighting for you.”
But Rosemary wasn’t just afraid for her mother, or the Bad Men. She was afraid because there had been another vision.
A monster. Bigger and scarier than the Demogorgan. Smarter too. It had all been flashes. Will Byers. Black, dog-like monsters chasing people through hallways. The big monster coming for Hawkins. And those kids, Will Byers’s friends, Eleven’s friends, are in terrible danger.
Rosemary Price, ‘005’, was afraid because she knew who her mother had raised her to be. Who she had been even before that. She was the girl who didn’t try to escape on her own. The one who sent the other to safety before herself.
There was red in her ledger. Rosemary owed Eleven for leaving her behind.
And the only way to wipe that ledger clean was to protect her friends. To save what Eleven had died protecting.
Bed rest for the day. That’s what Rosemary had promised her mother. The endless visions had taken a physical toll on her body.
Technically she had promised to stay in bed until the weekend but Rosemary was feeling anxious. Bad things were about to start happening, if they hadn’t already. So as soon as her mother had left for work the following morning Rosemary jumped out of bed and ran to her closet.
This November was cold, so she pulled on a heavy pair of rolled up jeans and a cream sweater, tying an old dark blue flannel around her waist. She pulled on her Reebok's and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. 
Her mother’s bicycle was collecting dust in the garage, so Rosemary decided to give it some attention. Besides, it's not like she could just walk around until she found out what was going on.
Biking around Hawkins at mid-day was risky. But oddly enough there were no cops around to stop her from skipping school. It was Chief Hopper's favorite pastime. Where were they all? Has the bad stuff already begun? Anxiety bubbled up in her chest as she searched neighborhood after cul de sac looking for one of Eleven’s friends. It’s not like she knew where any of them lived but she just had a feeling that at some point she would be in the right place at the right time.
The air was crisp against her skin, her nose starting to turn a bit rosy in the cold. And after all, she was still feeling a little sick. Rosemary had been biking for hours, checking different streets multiple times at this point. She was looking for anything out of the ordinary, anything that might indicate the visions she had been having. Until…
Why was Steve Harrington standing with a kid in goalie equipment in the middle of the street?
“Well that warrants out of the ordinary.” Rosemary mumbled, skidding to a stop behind them. The brakes of her bike squealed and the boys jumped back at the sudden sound. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Steve turned to look at her, that same baseball bat from last year in his grip. And the kid that was with him… 
“Who the hell are you?” Dustin Hendersen was staring at Rosemary intently. But Rosemary felt a swell of relief, she had found one of them.
“Dustin, meet Rosemary. Rosemary, Dustin.” Steve said running a hand through his hair, “But Rosemary, this really isn’t a good time-”
“I can help.” She breathed, getting off her bike and letting it fall to the ground, “Whatever is going on down in that cellar, I can help with it.”
“W-what are you talking ab-” Steve stuttered out nervously. There’s no way she knows about any of what’s going on. Right?
Dustin interrupted him, “No offense, lady, but I just met you and you don’t exactly look like a fighter, so how exactly are you supposed to help us with whatever may or may not be in my basement right now?”
His thoughts were kind of funny to listen to, but underneath that layer of humor there was some real fear. She searched his mind to see what he was hiding in his basement and her eyes widened at his memories of his weird little creature.
“Listen, you’re going to need me if you want to fight whatever ate your cat.” Rosemary stated as she lined herself up with the cellar doors.
“How did you know-?” Dustin was about to ask when Rosemary outstretched her hand and the cellar door suddenly exploded open.
Steve and Dustin both were staring at her slack jawed, the blood slowly dripped down her nose. When they spoke, they spoke in tandem.
“Holy shit!”
“So let me get this straight, you’ve been living amongst us for years hiding from Brenner’s people, which is why you’ve never told anyone about your powers but you’re telling us now because some really bad shit is about to go down?” Steve clarified as he and Dustin were standing behind her while she examined the hole Dustin’s ‘pet’ had used to escape.
Rosemary touched the dirt around the hole, hoping for some kind of vision to tell her where it had gone. She nodded, “Yes, I’m trusting you guys with my life right now.”
“Why?” Dustin asked.
“Because Eleven trusted you, and you protected her while you could.” Rosemary said blankly. 
“And you saw this all in your mind?” Steve said in disbelief. Rosemary nodded again. “Okay, so why can’t you just look into the future and tell us what we need to do to stop this thing?”
Standing up and walking towards the two of them Rosemary sighed, “The visions don’t work like that. If I want to do it on command I need a sensory deprivation tank. Other than that, they come randomly. I can only read minds on command.”
“Okay, what am I thinking about right now?” Dustin crossed his arms, testing her with a smirk.
A look of annoyance crossed Rosemary’s face, “You’re trying to think about the camp you're going to next summer to distract me but really you have to take a piss.”
Red flooded the curly haired boy's cheeks and Steve laughed loudly, “It is, it is what you were thinking about, isn’t it?”
“We have bigger problems on our hands, okay?” Dustin huffed, “Like finding D’Argtanian.”
“So, Lucas likes Max right?” Steve asked as he and Rosemary sat inside the bus at the junkyard.
The plan was to lure Dart to the junkyard and end him there, Max and Lucas had joined them shortly before and Rosemary had taken an instant liking to them. To all of them really, she hadn’t had many friends before, and just watching the dynamic between them all made her feel for once like… she belonged.
“She thinks you’re all crazy.” Rosemary laughed and Steve looked over at Dustin who was fiddling with his walkie in the corner.
Yeah, I don’t get why you didn’t just move something with your mind to prove it to her. Steve wondered privately but she heard it all the same.
Rosemary sighed, “Because, I want to give her the chance to trust Lucas before dumping the truth of the matter on her.”
Steve stared at her, having jumped at her ability, “Hey, hey, listen, don’t go around just listening to my thoughts all the time, okay? It’s kind of an invasion of privacy.”
The bus was cold, Rosemary rang her fingers out in an attempt to warm them, “Sorry, it’s not always by choice. If I actively block it, I won’t hear anything from anyone, but it’s tiresome. When I’m comfortable it just comes to me. Even more so when someone is comfortable around me.”
Reaching into his bag, Steve pulled out a pair of leather gloves and handed them to her, “I’ve known you since I was eleven, it would be hard to not be comfortable around you.” He sighed heavily, “How do I tell Dustin the girl he likes, likes someone else?”
“He knows, the same way you do.” Rosemary slipped the gloves on and felt warmth spread to her fingertips again.
The silence was thick and when she looked at Steve a tear was running down his cheek.
Apologies immediately began to fall from her lips, not meaning to have upset him.
“No,” he let out a ragged breath, “You’re right. I just- I wanted it to work so bad. But I can’t help but feel like it became messed up a long time ago. From the night Barb disappeared; the night we became ‘us’.”
A hand draped on Steve’s shoulder in a friendly manner, “Take it from me, the pain we experience only makes the happy moments sweeter. Every time I’m in my garden, or shopping with my mom, or marching in the band, I sometimes think about the stuff that happened to me in that lab. And I feel even happier, because I never would have believed at that time that I could feel the way I do now. It’s the same for you. It hurts right now but in time you’ll be with someone that makes you realize that the way you felt was nothing compared to the real thing.”
“I guess I’m just impatient.” Steve sighed, head in the palm of his hand. “I don’t know what I want, but I know I want it now. That’s my weakness.”
The girl thought for a moment, “I hide.” She sighed, “That’s mine. My weakness. I want so badly to be seen but I don’t want anyone to see me. And I put on a lot of bravado to hide how afraid I am. Especially since you guys explained all this Upside-Down stuff to me. I didn’t know any of us lab kids were capable of anything like that. And I don’t know how to deal with it, if I’m enough. I mean, I’ll still try but I’m scared shitless.”
“That makes two of us.” Steve snorted.
“I see him!” Lucas shouted from the top of the bus and Rosemary and Steve jumped up, Steve grabbing his bat, before they ran outside the bus; Ready to defend the kids inside with all they had.
The fog outside made it hard to see, but chills were running down Rosemary’s spine; something was wrong.
“Hey,” Steve was standing slightly ahead of her, “We got this, okay?”
Dart was stepping slightly into view, but as he did Lucas called out from the rooftop again. “Steve! Three o’clock!”
The two of them suddenly became aware of the at least dozen demodogs closing in on them. One lunged at Steve, who hauled up and with a mighty crack! Smacked the creature back into the fog.
“Steve!” Dustin screamed as one of the dogs jumped off the roof of a car, all four jaws open wide, before Steve could swing his bat again.
Luckily he didn’t have to.
Suddenly the demodog was frozen in the air and all the other creatures faltered at the sight. Steve glanced behind him and swallowed hard.
Arm stretched out, Rosemary’s face was twisted in concentration. She heard Max yell out a ‘holy shit!’ From the roof of the bus. Rosemary raised her other hand and the demodog began to shake. “I have a message for your friends.” She growled before jerking her hand away quickly.
In the moment she did the Demodog in the air split in half from its mouth to its rear, black sludge splattering a solid ten foot radius.
“Oh my god! Holy shit! What the holy mother of-“ Dustin was screaming profanities and Steve’s eyes were the size of dinner plates.
But Rosemary’s face was suddenly sheet white, and she was swaying slightly trying to keep her balance.
“Hey, hey, what’s going on?” Steve moved towards her, keeping an eye on the other dogs who were starting to move in again. “You don’t look so good.”
But these were powers Rosemary had not had to use in a long time. And even when she was in the lab practicing, she was one of the weaker children when it came to moving things with her mind. 
And if anything, what she had done had only pissed the dogs off more. Another one was inching forward and Rosemary grunted as she threw it thirty feet into the air in the opposite direction. 
The boy with the bat swung at another one but she barely saw through her wooziness.
“Retreat!” That she did hear and Steve looped an arm around her waist as he helped drag her back into the bus. 
Once inside she collapsed on the ground as the others watched out the window.
Max crouched down next to her and was tapping Rosemary’s cheek with her palm, “Hey, c’mon, you need to stay awake. I really don’t want to be eaten tonight, okay?”
“What’re we gonna do?” Dustin was tapping the glass nervously as the ungodly creatures closed in on the bus, “There’s too many for just Steve and our secret weapon is down for the count after only fighting two of them.”
There was enough energy to manage an eye roll, “Gee thanks,” Rosemary slurred, “I’d like to see you rip even one in half.” Max was holding her head straight.
“Did your friend Eleven get like this?” The red haired girl asked Lucas who shook his head in a panic.
“No- I mean, yes but not that quickly.”
“Eleven is stronger than me when it comes to this stuff.” Rosemary was fighting to stay conscious, “And that’s on a good day. I haven’t used my powers in a very long time.”
“Okay but we need a plan!” Steve was gripping his baseball bat with white knuckles, “Cause otherwise we’re about to get ripped apart.”
Exhaustion made her ears ring, but Rosemary had promised she would protect these kids so despite feeling like she would pass out at any second, Rosemary shakily got to her feet and was about to open the door when suddenly the Demodogs halted, sniffed around, and then bolted into the woods.
“Where did they go?” Steve asked.
Rosemary fell back to the floor, “Who cares? Let’s count our blessings Harrington.”
They ended up caring.
Especially after having to rescue Will, Mike, Joyce and Hopper from Hawkin’s Lab where the Demodogs had retreated to.
And now they were all gathered in the Byers home, trying to figure out some way to solve the problem with Will.
“You have to know something!” Hopper slammed his fist on the table in front of Rosemary and she flinched at the sudden movement, “El had a connection with the Upside-Down, you have to have one too!”
“Eleven made the gate to the Upside-Down,” Rosemary squeaked, “I don’t know anything about it really.”
“But have you tried looking into there, El was able to-“ Rosemary interrupted Hopper’s ranting with a frustrated sigh.
“I’m not Eleven!” She exclaimed, exhaustion getting the better of her as she snapped at the adult.
“You’re damn right you’re not.” Hopper growled, “How many years did you hide in our town, and last year when we could have used you, when El needed you, you did nothing.” Rosemary flinched again but this time simply because of the bite of his words.
“Hop!” Joyce Byers interjected sternly, “She’s just a girl! Don’t put that kind of responsibility on her. And besides, look at her, she’s exhausted. She’s done enough already.” Joyce helped Rosemary to stand and brought her to the couch, laying her down gently. “Let’s go talk.” She said to Hopper.
Joyce reminded Rosemary of her own mother. Her mother was probably hysterical wondering where she was. But a phone call was too risky right now, she could drag her into this.
The entire conversation with Chief Hopper, Rosemary had been acutely aware of Mike and Nancy Wheeler staring at her from across the room.
Mike was the first to walk over, sitting on the coffee table to look at her, “Is she alive?” He asked, “Eleven, is she- Could she be?”
Trying to sit up was hard but looking him in the eyes was harder, “I-I’m not sure. I saw her disappear with the Demogorgon but anything after that is… confusing.”
Mike Wheeler swallowed hard, “What does that mean? Confusing?” Nancy had come and put a hand on his shoulder in silent support.
“It means,” Rosemary sighed, “That I saw her once. But she was trapped and… collapsed on the floor in the school hallway. Well, the Upside-Down version of it. As far as I know, it means that I’m what you guys are stuck with.” She saw his disappointed face and winced at the pain her words had brought, “I’m sorry.”
Nancy shook her head, “Don’t be sorry. We’ll figure this all out somehow.”
Hopper’s words rung through Rosemary’s ears again. You did nothing.  “Nancy, I’m sorry.” She said again, “Hopper is right. Maybe, maybe if I had helped you guys last year, maybe I could have saved Barb.”
“No,” Nancy wiped a tear from her cheek, “Hopper is wrong. All exposing yourself would have done was make you a target. And Barb, Barb is on me. I left her alone that night.”
Rosemary reached out a hand and held Nancy’s tightly, “I saw her in your memories, earlier in the car, driving here. She loved you Nance, she would have wanted you to forgive yourself.”
Blinking away more tears, Nancy smiled weakly. 
Their moment was interrupted by Dustin running up to them, “I think we have a plan.”
“Well, so much for that plan.” Rosemary quipped as she ushered the kids behind her. The Demodogs were coming and they had no weapons and no one other than her that really stood a chance against them.
Hopper was pointing his gun towards the window, Rosemary had her hand outstretched in the same direction, the other arm shielding Dustin, Max, and Lucas behind her.
The sounds of growling and yipping could be heard around the house and Rosemary prepared herself for a fight.
And then a dead demodog flew through the window.
More silence.
“Was that you, kid?” Hopper asked, glancing at Rosemary who quickly shook her head.
The front door started to squeak open, slowly and surely to eventually reveal…
“El!” Mike yelled and Eleven it was, standing in the doorway.
The room seemed to spin as Rosemary instinctively took a step back. Eleven was alive, not just alive but pretty cool looking. She let them all welcome back their friend, standing quietly in the corner.
What would she say to her? How could she ever apologize for leaving her behind? Eleven probably hated her.
As if she heard her thoughts, Eleven made eye contact with Rosemary, whose blood had just frozen in her veins. 
Eleven’s face screwed up a little in thought. This girl had been in the memories that Terry had shown her a few days prior. But more than that, she looked familiar to Eleven. An image came to mind, a scared little girl trying to pull her out of a man’s arms.
The younger girl stepped towards Rosemary, who became aware of the tears running down her cheeks, “You- you probably don’t remember me-“
“Five.” Eleven said it quietly but hearing the number made Rosemary cringe. But she nodded nonetheless.
“Eleven… I- I’m so sorry-“ Rosemary began to cry and El stepped until she was directly in front of the other girl.
“No apologies. We are together again. We are complete.” Eleven stated before coming in for a hug from Rosemary. Eleven was crying too and for a moment Rosemary didn’t understand what she meant by complete, but then it sunk in and they hugged each other like the world wasn’t falling apart around them.
No one in the world could ever truly understand what Rosemary had been through, no one except for Eleven. And as she held her in her arms, she felt a piece of her being clicked back into place.
The one she had left behind was here, she was alive, and she was safe. 
“Yes.” Rosemary whispered into the top of Eleven’s hair, “Complete is exactly the word.”
“I don’t like this!” Mike was pacing the room, Dustin and Lucas thinking so hard next to him that Rosemary could practically see the steam coming from their ears. “They’re walking right into a shit-storm!”
Hopper had instructed Rosemary to stay behind with Steve and protect the kids while he and El went to the lab and Joyce took her boys and Nancy to try and save Will. Frankly, Rosemary agreed with Mike. This stunk to high heaven.
Mike and Dustin were devising a plan to go into the tunnels and dispose of the Demodogs and Rosemary nodded, “It could work but we have to be fast.”
She was interrupted by lights coming down the driveway.
“It’s Billy!” Max squeaked and Rosemary was struck by the fear in her voice. So far the only experience with her brother Billy had been a shitty one so Rosemary couldn’t say she was exactly surprised by the behavior of the young red head.
Steve went out to deal with it and Rosemary quickly ran to the window. She didn’t catch much of what was being said but she definitely heard when Billy said, “then why can I see her in the window?”
Rosemary glanced behind her just in time to see the party of kids duck down below the window sill. She didn’t know they were looking out the window with her, “Really, guys?”
But it was too late now, Billy was storming through the door and Rosemary had pushed all the kids behind her, putting herself between him and especially Max.
His thoughts weren’t just angry, they were murderous and Rosemary felt rage bubble up in her stomach. “Back the fuck up you sack of shit.” She hissed at him. Rosemary knew from his thoughts that he wasn’t going to kill Max, but she could also tell that he wanted to. Not in a sibling kind of way. In a I-want-her-to-die-and-one-day-I’ll-snap-and-do-it kind of way.
“Now, now, let’s play nice little bunny.” Billy cooed in a sickening tone.
“You have no idea what you’re messing with asshole!” Dustin yelled.
Lucas joined in, “Yeah, you’re not taking Max!” Billy locked eyes with him and Rosemary heard his thoughts, saying vile and evil things about Lucas.
I can’t kill her but not one fucker in this town would bat an eye if I killed you.
Rosemary’s eyes flared in red hot anger.
“And who’s going to stop me? You pipsqueaks and bunny here?” Billy scoffed.
“No,” Steve suddenly appeared behind him, “but I will.” He said right before punching Billy in the face.
The kids were cheering him on, that is until Billy started kicking his ass. Max looked up at Rosemary, ���Do something! Use your powers!” She whisper yelled and Rosemary shook her head.
“I can’t. Can you tell me that Billy wouldn’t tell everyone?” Max stood in silence and Rosemary lunged at Billy when he pinned Steve to the ground. She had one hand pulling his hair as tight as she could, and the other smacking him in the face, “Get off him you disgusting bigot!”
Billy pulled forward and then threw his head back sharply, hitting Rosemary in the face with a sickening crunch.
She stumbled back, blood gushing from her nose and for a second, Rosemary didn’t care if he told everyone, when she lifted her hand up her intention was to break every bone in his Goddamn body.
It was mercy when Max grabbed a syringe from the table and plunged it into Billy’s neck.
Billy fell to the ground and Max made it clear that he was not to mess with her or her friends again. Rosemary could barely see through the pained tears running down her cheeks and touched her clearly broken nose.
He was down for the count, but anger was boiling inside her. Rosemary wasn’t done with him. She got down on all fours and put her hands on either side of his face, squeezing hard and forcing him to meet her eyes as she read his thoughts.
The memories were sad, sure, but they weren’t an excuse and right now Rosemary was too pissed off to have mercy on him.
Her lips hovered next his ear and she began to whisper, “And just in case you ever get brave again and ever think of fucking with any of us, especially Lucas, I want you to know one thing.” The boys eyes were lulling in and out of consciousness as Rosemary spat out, “That fear you have, deep inside, it came to pass years ago. You can’t avoid becoming him. You already are. Your precious mother would be revolted by what you are, and it is no one’s fault but yours. You are going to die with no one who loves, or even likes you. Just as you’ve always feared.”
She could feel the agony boiling up inside him, the confusion at how she could have known all of that. But as quickly as it came it was swept away by the bliss of sleep.
“What did you say to him?” Steve panted as he struggled to sit up but Rosemary simply shrugged.
“Nothing he doesn’t already know.”
“I like our matching noses.”
It was dark in the tunnels but in the beam of the flashlights Steve could see Rosemary’s now bent nose. Rosemary snorted at his words, followed by immediately wincing in pain. “I never had a chance with guys before, now I’m in the running for top 10 most unwanted at Hawkins High.”
Steve glanced at her in bewilderment, “Seems like you had a chance with Eddie Munson at the Halloween party.” He teased and Rosemary blushed, “Yeah, I saw that. And what’s more, you should know that he was the lucky one in that situation, not you.” I still can’t believe my 6th grade crush has superpowers. And that she made out with Eddie Munson.
“Really?” Rosemary stretched the word, grinning, “Sixth grade, huh? I had braces then.”
Throwing his goggles off, Steve glared at her, “Hey, I think we already had a discussion about privacy.” But she could hear him smiling.
“Sorry,” Rosemary threw her hands up in defense, “I’m just surprised that my wig and braces did it for you then.” 
“That was a wig?” Steve exclaimed, “I mean, actually I guess that checks out. You had a pass from gym class that whole year. Couldn’t really have it flying off during dodgeball.”
“That’s… not why.” The girl lifted her jeans and shown the flashlight on her ankle revealing a couple gnarly scars, “I broke my leg while running from the lab. My mom called a doctor friend from out of state and had him come and put pins in my leg. But it’s never really healed very well.”
Steve stared at the scars, “So you’re telling me that if we have to run; you’re fucked.”
A moment of silence passed before they both laughed. Rosemary sighed after a moment, “On that note, Steve, can I ask you a favor?”
He glanced around, “You mean on top of helping you babysit these kids inside a giant labyrinth made out of an otherworldly death machine's weird tentacle things?” Steve inquired and when she nodded he asked in resignation, “Sure, what’s up?” 
Footsteps silenced as her feet came to a stop, “Can you put my nose back into place?” She asked.
This elicited a laugh until Steve’s face fell in realization that she was serious, “Fine, but fix mine too, yeah?” 
When he slipped his bandana down they braced themselves as they both held each other’s noses and then proceeded to push them into the right direction, both teenagers exclaiming different profanities.
When the pain passed Steve tilted his jaw around, “Better?” He asked.
Rosemary nodded, “Better.”
“Hurry up!” Dustin insisted from ahead of everyone.
“As you command, Sargent Henderson.” Rosemary rolled her eyes.
“Move! Move! Move! This place is about to blow!”
Steve and Rosemary were helping to shuffle the kids back up and out of the tunnel and Rosemary could see the orange of the flames beginning to rush towards them, “Shit.” She muttered and Lucas and Max made their way up the rope.
Throwing up a hand, Rosemary concentrated hard and the flames stood still, and even as she did dozens of Demodogs flew out of one tunnel and rushed past them. Only one tried to take a bite out of Dustin but with a flick of her hand it went flying into the fire.
The tunnel was shaking and beginning to collapse, so as soon as Dustin and Steve were finally up the rope Rosemary let go of the fire and climbed the rope herself.
She could feel the flames licking at her feet as she pulled herself up but it was only a moment before Steve and the kids were grabbing her arms and pulling her up to safety.
Once they were all sure that everyone was okay, Rosemary plopped down on the ground and looked around. “It’s over.” She laughed, and Steve laughed with her.
“Holy shit.” Steve pulled all his protective gear off, revealing his face again, “And we’re alive. Now that’s what I call a win.”
Rosemary laid back into the grass, the cold air feeling good against her exhaustion body, and took a deep breath before blinking hard.
“My mom is going to kill me.”
tags: @hellv1ra @copaceticwriter @endercherries
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gallickingun · 4 years
legacy || dragon prince!kirishima
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SUMMARY: After an arranged marriage to the Prince of Dragons, Kirishima Eijirou, you decide you do not want to live your life in a loveless relationship, so you attempt to get to know him. After some time, you realize that he was keeping something very important from you. How are you supposed to help him if he won’t come clean?
PAIRING: Dragon Prince!Kirishima x Princess!Reader RATINGS: M/E+ WARNINGS: language, smut, breeding kink (so much breeding), etc. WORD COUNT: 13.5k+
LINKS: ao3 | masterlist | mobile | writing tag
Author’s Note: This is a prompt fill for THESE prompts that I just couldn’t chill out with. I didn’t want this to get confused with @makoodles​ Dragon Dick Kiri! This Kirishima has normal anatomy 👀 but go give her’s a read as well, it’s so frickin’ good. 
༶•┈⛧ ┈♛ ♛ ┈⛧┈•༶
An arranged marriage to the Prince of Dragons wasn’t how you saw the start of the rest of your life going.
You expected to have more time before you would be called to responsibility, to the throne, to your people. You wanted to live your life, to frolic through the meadows and taste the sweet mead drinks the cooks are always going on about. You wanted to be free.
You did not want to find yourself forced into a white dress, a bunch of flowers in your hand, as you recite the sacred betrothal vows to a man you’ve never met before.
His name is Kirishima Eijirou.
At least he’s handsome.
And beyond his good looks, Kirishima has a charming air about him as well. He is kind to all the servants and never asks for their help unless it’s entirely required. He even goes so far as to request separate bedrooms for the two of you, knowing exactly what might be expected of you if you were to sleep together.
When you approached him about it, he bowed his head, “I know that you did not enter this matrimony by choice, milady. I would hate to force you into anything you did not ask for.”
You would be lying if you denied that your heart skipped a beat.
Kirishima makes himself useful around the castle, tending to the gardens with the other landscapers, using his enhanced strength and hard, scaly skin to chop down trees and uproot stumps. He even brings the ladies in the kitchen spices from other parts of the kingdom and animals that the other hunters had not been able to slay.
His fierce instincts and amazing strength have made him quite the match for the kingdom; almost as if he were exactly what you needed. The citizens have never been more excited for a new king to rise, practically salivating as Kirishima passes through the town on his daily walks. You watch on from your tower window, leaning over the edge of the cobblestone to squint as you make out his bulky frame mounting a horse and exiting the castle gates.
Many a night passes and you feel uneasy at the distance between you. He is your husband, and yet you are sure that you have not had a conversation lasting more than a few syllables with him. You are sure that even the commoners know him better than you do.
Everyone in the kingdom adores Kirishima, although they could care less for the mouthy knight he’s brought along with him. A blonde, stout man you’ve come to know as Bakugou Katsuki. He is Kirishima’s protector and right-hand, following him around like a shadow, throwing his opinions and criticisms out with little care to the sensitive ears they may fall upon.
“Bakugou?” you ask one afternoon, crossing your arms as you stand beside him, Kirishima helping to dig trenches using his scaled, hardened hands. You tilt your head to consider the blonde, your irises finding a crimson color, harsh and unbending, much unlike your betrothed’s warm gaze, “Does Kirishima care for me?”
His throat bobs and a strangled sound comes from it, “Excuse me?”
“Kirishima keeps his distance from me,” you muse, licking your lips as you turn from him to focus on the man you find yourself fascinated with even more as each day passes. “I just want to know if he is uncomfortable around me.”
“That’s one word for it.”
You unceremoniously smack his arm, “Stop being belligerent and answer me!”
“Bloody hell,” Bakugou takes a step away from you, “yes, Kirishima is uncomfortable around you, but not for the reason you think, wench.”
Your narrowed eyes spur him to speak again, “He thinks fondly of you, if that’s what you wish to know. Eijirou just has a strange way of showing it. Now, can we please stop talking about this emotional shit?”
There is no answer from your lips, only the absence of your presence at his side. Bakugou huffs out a relieved sigh and watches as you hitch your skirt up and run towards his friend and ruler. He shakes his head when you stumble into Kirishima’s arms, rolling his eyes as he begins his afternoon patrol of the grounds.
“Whoa,” the prince’s arms are sturdy as he catches you before you can face plant into the trench he’s dug, “are you okay?”
Your body relishes in the warmth he provides, fingers clinging onto his shoulders, feeling the ridges of the hard, corded muscle beneath you, “Y-Yes, I am fine! I need to ask you something, though.”
“Yes, Princess?” Kirishima, ever the gentleman, holds you steady, guiding you back to some sense of normalcy. He is fighting a smile at your bedraggled appearance, the corners of his lips twitching as he looks down his nose at you, the black metal guard around his face making his features even more sharp.
The core of you churns with molten lava at the sight of his handsome features, the tendrils of smoke from the sloshing heat curling up your throat until it forces your mouth open, “W-Would you like to go for a picnic?”
Kirishima has never looked more surprised and amused. His hand absentmindedly rubs over your elbow and bicep, sending small jolts of electricity through to your bones until you can feel them rattling around in the cage of your body. He stutters when he speaks, “A-A picnic? As in, eating together? A-Alone?”
“Yes,” you flush, your cheeks burning brightly at the confession, “I think we’ve earned a little time away, don’t you think?”
His face goes the same color as his hair, his pink tongue passing over his lower lip as he considers you, shifting uncomfortably from foot-to-foot as he chooses his words wisely, “Princess, you don’t have to humor me. I know my place.”
“Your place is with me,” you bolster your spine so you can look him in the eyes, barely distracted by the small scales that cover his temples and jawline. “And I want to know my husband. Is that a crime? Shall you have me thrown in the dungeon?”
The black pupils in the center of his orbs dilate, his shoulders shifting as he considers your words and your tone. Kirishima shakes his head after he’s processed what you’re saying, taking a step closer so your chest almost brushes his when you take heaving breaths, “No, I think it sounds like a wonderful idea. How does veal and fruit sound?”
“Like heaven.”
It is not much later in the afternoon when Kirishima stops by the stables to collect you, a woven wicker basket cradled in one of his hands, full to the brim with a plethora of things hidden under the lid. He packs the basket and a few blankets onto the backside of the horse that he brought with him when he merged his belongings with yours. He pats the horse’s backside, “All right, Red. Be nice. This is the princess you’re carrying.”
You laugh, covering your mouth with your palm as you step forward. Your free hand brushes over Red’s snout and down her mane, “And that’s the prince, you know. Precious cargo.”
“I’ll be fine, I’ve got my thick skin,” he shrugs, reaching out a hand for you to take, “plus Red knows I’m the one with the sugar cubes, so she’ll be sweet on me.”
Your palm rests in his as you stride towards him, the proximity of your bodies now intoxicating as his natural heat radiates between the two of you. The base of your throat bobs as emotion gathers in your esophagus, cutting off your breathing. Your eyes flutter somewhere between open and closed when you try to look at him directly, unable to focus when he’s so close to you.
Kirishima is no small man, your eye-level meeting his collarbones. His hands dwarf yours easily, his stout body thick with muscle and sinew, dense bones holding him together. You suppose it’s thanks to his animalistic ancestry.
Each kingdom descended from some form of ancient animal, and Kirishima’s was the dragons. And so, he inherited the qualities of that very beast, starting with his intense body heat and the scales that litter his skin in small patches. They are black in color at a first glance, but when he shifts beneath the sunbeams, you notice they have a red iridescence to them. You are thankful to find that he has no tail or snout, saving those features for a much more human-looking set.
Kirishima rests his palms on your hips, almost able to wrap his digits completely around the circumference of your waist as he hoists you onto his horse. His quaking digits roam down the thick of your thigh, thumbs brushing up against the skin to treasure it. You have to stop yourself from keening into his touch, seeming desperate, by white knuckling your hands around the saddle.
He clambers up after you, slinging one leg before propping himself up to rest behind you. Leaning forward, he grabs the reigns, his chest pressing firmly into your back. You force yourself to regulate your breathing, the scent and feel of him making your head dizzy. Kirishima scoots forward and the curve of his crotch is pressing into your spine as he spurs Red forward with a gentle slap of the reigns.
You squeal, your hands instinctively reaching out to wrap around his forearms, the tips of your fingers dragging over the dark scales he sports at the junctures of his arms. His muscles twitch under your touch and your breath hitches. The bottom of his chin is hovering just above your shoulder, his cheek threatening your personal space while his chest falls flush with your back, “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah, sorry,” you manage an awkward laugh, blinking to clear your vision. “Sorry, I just wasn’t ready.”
Kirishima holds the reigns in one hand, using the other to wrap around your waist, effectively silencing you as your heart beats heavy in your chest, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
It is easy to melt back into him, a shuddering breath making your shoulders shake. You rest your hands over the top of his thick arm, thumbs finding his veins and bones to trace while you wait for your end destination to come in sight. You avoid paying too close attention to the ebony scales that glimmer in the afternoon sun, shifting from black to red when you look acutely.
The sun is setting when he finally stops Red at the edge of a lake, golden glow shining from the surface of the water and making it difficult to see. Kirishima helps you down before grabbing the picnic basket and tying Red up around the trunk of a tree. In the meantime, you work at setting out the blanket on the ground, tugging out the corners so it’s fully splayed open.
Conversation flows easy for the two of you as you lay out on the ground, face turned toward the sun as is sinks lower in the afternoon sky. You close your eyes and drink in the sunbeams, your hands tucked behind your head. Kirishima is waving his hands around, holding grapes between one set of fingers and a slice of bread in the other.
You laugh, a full-bellied giggle that you have not felt in what seems like years. When the laughter settles, you turn your head to see Kirishima already looking down at you, a soft but sad expression tugging on his features. You tilt your head, blinking a few times before asking him, “What is on your mind?”
“Why are you doing this?” he blurts unabashedly.
The inside of your mouth turns to ash, as if you’ve licked the inside of the oven and can’t get the taste off of your tongue. You swallow the growing lump in your throat and reach a hand up to rub at your face as nerves start to eat away at your belly.
“Can a princess not have a picnic with her husband?” Your voice has risen an octave and it’s obvious he notices because he leans in further, as if silently asking you to further explain. You huff, rolling your eyes, “I just want to get to know you, Kirishima. If we’re to be wed for the rest of our lives, don’t you think we should learn a little about one another?!”
Kirishima sits up straighter, his eyes unable to find a part of you to focus on as his gaze wanders. You turn on your side, reaching out to press your palm to his thigh, but he halts you with his warm touch and saddened words, “I assumed you would have nothing to do with me. Arranged marriages aren’t usually filled with companionship.”
You lean forward, your mouth against his knuckles as you exhale, “I think we’d like each other if we had the chance, arranged marriage or not.”
A silence hangs in the air, Kirishima’s hand heavy beneath yours. You feel the muscles in his leg twitch as your thumb brushes down over his shin. It’s like you are waiting sparks to ignite in midair and take the both of you down, the imminent danger of his response sending a burning chill down your spine. You fear you may have misjudged him, or perhaps his companion misspoke with the intent to turn the two of you against one another.
“Kirishima,” you try again, sitting up on your knees so you can look him in the eyes much easier, “listen, I-”
His thumb against your lower lip gives you pause, your eyes crossing as you try to look down at the offending digit. Kirishima looks up at you, a glimmer in his vermilion irises, “I want you to call me Eijirou.”
Your heart stops beating within your chest at the admission of his given name. You had heard Bakugou say it, and of course when you learned who you would be marrying, you were informed of the nomenclature. However, you never assumed that you would be gifted the privilege to use it so soon.
“Eijirou,” you test it out on your tongue, rolling the name around like honey, “I like that.”
A smile tugs on the corners of his lips and you see the faintest brush of dimples. You lean your body forward to press a kiss to his cheek, just barely brushing the corner of his mouth, “Nice to meet you, Eijirou. I’m your wife.”
He chuckles, reaching out to shake your hand, “Pleased to make your acquaintance. How do you do?”
“I’d be doing much better with some berries between my teeth,” you lean back, brushing your thumb over the back of his palm, “but I’m doing just fine, now that I’ve got you.”
The smile on Kirishima’s face puts the sunshine to shame.
༶•┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
It had been months since that picnic by the lake, and you and Kirishima had grown rather close. He chases your lips behind closed doors and your hands are insatiable as they roam his body beneath his tunic. You know the taste of his skin by heart, and he knows the innermost parts of you better than you do.
So him pulling away now has you perplexed.
You pace back and forth in front of his private chambers, the place where he is allowed to go when he needs to contemplate war plans and farming plots and taxation of the citizens. However, he has been holed up behind the thick wooden door for six days straight, and you know that something is wrong.
Bakugou is posted up in front of the door, a mess of limbs as he whittles away at a slab of wood, working on turning it into something much more intricate. His head raises so he can roll his eyes at your unease, “Relax, Princess. He’ll be out of there in another week or two.”
“What does that even mean?!” you snap, your eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. You feel yourself breaking from the inside out – you thought you had made so much progress, that maybe you and Kirishima were really moving forward, learning how to co-habitate and rule together. Your voice is crazed and you throw your palms face-up towards the knight, “Weeks? This is absurd!”
You narrow your eyes at the door like it has wronged you, keeping you from your lover, and you are barreling towards it before Bakugou can stop you.  
Bursting through the door, you’re surprised to find that he is not sitting at his desk, pouring over world maps and charts. Rather, he’s not anywhere to be seen at all. You shut and lock the door behind you just as Bakugou has gotten to his feet, narrowing your eyes at him as it clicks shut.
You hear a whimpering sound off in the distance, and you follow it.
There is a secluded area you know is hidden behind the bookshelf – a secret room built by your father so he can escape even the already secretive confines of his study. You pull the familiar lever at the base of the bookcase and the entire structure begins to shudder as the door is opened. A familiar head of red hair is lowered, his chin to his chest as sobs rack his body, broad shoulders shaking as he sniffles.
“Eiji?” your voice is quiet, afraid to disrupt the moment. He is bare at the torso, his hands cradled in front of him, but you can only make out the muscled expanse of his back, “Eijirou, why are you-”
“I-I didn’t want you in here,” he mumbles through labored breaths. When he turns his head you can make out the glistening tears running down his face, “Y-You smell so strongly and I don’t know if I can control myself.”
“Excuse you?” Your voice is more of a bark than a question, stepping further into the small space so you’re stood beside him, “I smell? You could have just told me, for Christ’s sakes, Eiji-holy shit.”
Your eyes are drawn to the center of his hips, where he’s currently cradling his cock between his hands. The head of it is engorged and blushed, leaking pearlescent fluid that leaks down the shaft, coating one of the more prominent veins on the underside. Your throat bobs at the sight of him, taking in his girth with your own two eyes, trying to rationalize why you’d never seen his lower body without clothing until just now.
“I-I’m sorry, listen, it’s just…” Kirishima is in tears, his voice strained as he stands to his feet, “I-I’m in a fucking rut and it’s horrible and you shouldn’t have to witness it, let alone be a part of it. I wanted to wait it out in here so I could stay away from you.”
You step closer to him, your hands hovering in midair as you’re not sure which part of him to grab for first. Your entire anatomy is on fire at the visual of his thick cock leaking pre and throbbing with the need to spill his seed. The base of him leads way to a set of weighty balls, and you can only imagine the sheer amount of come that he has stored up in them.
“Stay away from me? Eiji,” you whisper, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He recoils, another sniffle as he turns his head, but you persist regardless, “Am I not your wife? Is this not my job?”
He stands to his feet, his trousers taut against his thighs as he tries to pull them back up his legs, “Exactly! This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you! It’s not a job, Princess, nothing in this realm should ever feel like a job. It should be fun, and I can promise you this won’t be fun for you.”
“Rut?” you redirect the conversation, coming to stand in front of him with your hand on his wrist to keep him from pulling his pants back over his cock. “Wh-Tell me what that means, exactly?”
Kirishima inhales deeply, his chest expanding, and then reaches down to take his dick in his hand, stroking it once to show you the length of it, “It’s whatever part of me is intertwined with dragon, I have these annual cycles where I’m drawn to my-fuck, this is so strange to say out loud-my mate.”
You want to reach down to hold his throbbing length in your hands but the look in his eyes says that he isn’t done. Kirishima gulps as he looks across at you, glittering ruby eyes filled to the brim with emotion, “It’s a mating cycle, outside of that I’m not really sure. I go into a rut for a couple of weeks each year, ever since I went through the change, and my body has this intense desire to impregnate a mate.”
The talk coming from him is oddly arousing, and you find yourself growing slick between your thighs. You hover closer to him now, the head of his cock brushing up against your belly as your hands start to roam over his bare chest, “Please, show me what you need, whatever it is, and I’ll help you. You’re in pain, Eijirou.”
He winces on cue, turning his head before you can see the extent of his discomfort. Kirishima shakes his head, “Listen, I-I’ve been doing this alone for years, I can handle it.”
“Yes, but you don’t have to!” You try and reason with him, reaching up to take his cheeks in your hands, redirecting his attention, “I’m your wife, Eijirou.”
A tear wells up in either of his eyes, making his irises look like they are glittering in the candlelight of the secret room, “Yes, but you’re not my mate.”
Those few words topple you over like a horse has just run over your chest. The breath has been knocked out of you, stolen from your lungs, and you take a step back to steady yourself before you fall. Kirishima’s eyesight falters as he realizes what he’s just said, but he makes no move to correct himself. Rather, he stands taller, straightening his spine like he’s ready to go to war, to lead thousands of men into a battle he’s not sure he can win.
You have a choice to make now – you can stand here and fight, or you can flee through the secret passage and hide in your own chambers until his rut is over.
“Eijirou,” you grit your teeth, tears flowing down your cheeks, and look him in the eyes, “I’m not leaving you.”
Fight it is, then.
Kirishima looks stunned, so you take advantage of his stillness to rush at him, cupping his face with your hands and bruising his lips in a kiss. His hips roll forward and his cock is sheathed between your thighs, so you squeeze yourself tight around him, grabbing at his wrists before he can pull himself away. The whimper he lets loose from his mouth is wanton, his body practically shivering with the need to swallow you whole.
You kiss him until he’s shaking, his hands white-knuckled as he bars himself from grabbing every inch of your body like his primal nature pushes him to. When you pull away from him, you look up into his eyes and see hesitation keeping his pupils dilated to where you can still make out his crimson irises.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispers, voice breaking. “I-I can’t do that to you, not now, not when I think-”
He stops himself before he finishes his sentence, but in your heart, you know what he’s going to say. You smile, praying that he receives some warmth and comfort from the gesture, and brush your thumbs against his wrists where you hold his hands by his sides, “You won’t hurt me. I trust you.”
It’s as if he’s resigned himself to this truth, that you will not leave unless he forces you, and he does not believe that it’s his place to coerce you into doing anything you haven’t already decided for yourself. Kirishima stands tall and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as if taking in the moment. You hear him count a few numbers in an ancient dialect before he peels back his lids and his darkened eyes meet yours, lust swirling around like thunderclouds and his irises have deepened to a maroon shade.
“Are you sure?” he asks, one final time, hands still by his sides, “Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
That sentence alone is enough to send a chill down your spine.
You nod, trying not to seem too eager by keeping your feet flat to the ground, “Yes, Eijirou, please. I want you to do whatever you need to, please use me.”
The sound of your voice so willing and wanton makes Kirishima’s blood run hot in his veins, thudding against his ears until he can hardly hear anything else. He steps forward, his chest flush with yours, and his shaking hands finally make contact with your body.
He is insatiable when he finally grabs a hold of you, palming at you like an animal. Kirishima captures your mouth in a searing kiss, moaning as soon as your lips part in a gasp. He backs you into the desk he was sitting against when you first came in, your ass knocking against the wood in his haste. A low growl bubbles up in his chest until he nips at your lower lip and you whimper, then the sound fades to a moan.
“Fuck, Princess,” he whispers hoarsely, eyes already blitzed out as he looks down at you, “I want to taste you.”
Your eyes are wide as you blink up at him, your fingers in his hair to sift through the dark red strands. You find yourself nodding your head eagerly, squirming up onto the top of the desk to give him a better angle. Kirishima smiles wide enough that you can see his sharper canines, gums bared as he grins. He lowers himself to his knees, and something about seeing him in such a vulnerable position makes your head spin.
Kirishima pushes the hem of your skirt up and over your thighs, bunching up the material in one hand as the other parades over your soft undergarments. He visibly shivers when the pad of his middle finger brushes over the wet patch on the fabric, his tongue parting his lips as he dampens them.
He mutters a string of ancient curse words in a dialect you cannot comprehend, but it still arouses you, nonetheless. You help him with your dress, tucking it behind your back, before reaching out to run your fingers through his hair, tugging him closer to your core.
You give him a soft, “Eiji, please,” before you hear the tearing of fabric, and your cunt is bared to the cold air.
A gasp parts your lips, but you throw your head back when his tongue first makes contact with your slick folds. You whine into the air, the sound dying out as it travels, and your grip in his hair tightens to a pressure that should be painful, but his thick skin gives him a better barrier for pain.
Kirishima hums against your clit, running the coarse pad of his tongue over the sensitive bud before diving back into your sopping core. He moans as your taste coats his tongue, bringing one of his hands up to your belly so he can brush his thumb along your clit for further stimulation, the coarse feeling of his scaled elbow grating over your thigh giving you goosebumps. His free set of fingers dig into every part of your leg that he can find, roaming from your calves to your thighs to your ass, kneading the plush skin beneath his hardened fingertips.
You clench around his tongue, the thick muscle stimulating even the deepest parts of you. You mewl out his name, uncaring as to how loud you’re being, which only seems to spur him on, the pace of his tongue quickening as his thumb grinds mercilessly against your clit. You cant your hips upward against his mouth, begging for even more friction, and he chuckles, the sound sending reverberating pleasure through your core.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Kirishima’s voice is gentle as he turns his attention to your thighs, kissing the innermost parts as he slips a thick finger between your folds, “I want you to come undone for me, yeah? Think you can do that?”
A nod brings your vision back down to him, to look into his eyes as you rock against his knuckles. He bares his teeth to your thigh before sucking your supple skin between his lips. The combination of pleasure from your cunt mixed with the pain from his biting and sucking of your thigh brings you closer to your high, your vision blurred by ecstasy. You moan, tightening every muscle in your body in hopes that it will push you over the edge, but Kirishima’s hand runs over your taut skin in a soothing motion, rubbing the pads of his fingers deep into your muscles as if to try and calm you down.
“Relax,” he kisses over the dark red mark now splotched against your thigh, “I’ve got you, I’m gonna take care of you.”
You believe him, between his earnest expression and the honest hoarseness behind his words. You swallow thickly, forcing the growing lump in your throat back down into your chest. The contours of your body are less noticeable once you’ve eased your muscles, and Kirishima takes it as a sign for him to quicken the pace of his fingers in your pussy, leaning forward to suck at your clit with his teeth and tongue.
He can feel your walls tightening as he stretches you out with another finger, the spongy texture of your insides giving away the closeness to your end. Smirking around your skin, Kirishima hums, sending you crashing carelessly towards your orgasm.
The sound of his name falling obscenely from your lips makes his cock harden and twitch between his legs. He grunts as he ruts forward against your shin, the head of his dick smearing pre-come against your smooth skin. You suck in a breath at the feeling, falling forward so your lips are in his hair, whispering murmurs of praise and begging as you feel your core writhe with pleasure.
“There’s my girl,” he murmurs as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, hearing your whines from above, “c’mon, Princess, come for me.”
You do as your told, the glutinous walls within you coated with your arousal, milky fluid seeping from your body until it has coated his palm. Kirishima reaches up with his clean hand to thread it through your hair, pulling you gently so he can stand to his feet. You watch as he pumps his cock with the palm that is slick with your silvery strands of spend, the head of him engorged and angry red in color. Your mouth salivates at the thought of him splitting you wide open with the thick girth of him, and for a moment you’re unsure if you’ll be able to take him as easily as you originally believed.
Kirishima wraps an arm around your waist, tugging you to him so he can hoist you off of the desk and walk you towards the small bed staggered in the corner of the room. He lowers you down easily, the rippling muscles of his biceps drawing your eye as he strains himself to keep you safe. You lean up and kiss him on the mouth, swallowing his growling sounds into the recesses of your throat so they may thrum up and down your spine, sending a second shock-wave towards your core.
You notice that Kirishima is eyeing a very specific point on your throat as he leans back onto his thick thighs, taking in your already weakened body. You reach up and palm at his chest, redirecting his attention to your eyes, “Eijirou, what is it?”
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, leaning down to kiss up from your navel to your chest, “you’re just beautiful.”
His words make your body blush from head to toe, your feet curling up as he shuffles himself out of his pants. You take the moment to hoist your dress over your head, both of your clothes left in a pile on the floor as you reconnect your bodies with a kiss.
Something about this time makes his skin hotter to the touch, you notice, and his muscles are practically ripping at the seams, threatening to bust out if he tries any harder to keep himself restrained. You lick at the fullness of his lower lip, “Eijirou, I need you. Please.”
The pleading nature of your voice only feeds his feral nature, the instinctive side of him wanting to rip you to shreds until you’re screaming his name, crying fat tears as he presses into you and fills you to the brim with his spend. Kirishima has to squeeze his eyes shut to stave off the primal need that stirs him, instead focusing on the way his heart beats faster when you’re around, and how the glimmer in your eyes never ceases to amaze him.
Kirishima angles his hips backward so he can push the tip of his cock between your sopping heat, his restraint feathering out the deeper he slides into you. A gentle gasp from your lips stops him, his hips stilled as he peels his eyes open to look down at you, “A-Am I hurting you?”
“No, fuck, Eijirou, I want you,” you scramble to grab at whatever part of him you can find, fingernails digging roughly into his biceps, “I need you in me, I need you to take me. I’m yours.”
That is the last straw to break the proverbial camel’s back. Kirishima sheathes his cock within your heat with one smooth stroke, the stretch of your tight pussy making the shaft of his dick throb noticeably. You reel forward, your forehead smacking into his chest at the sudden obtrusion from within you. Your body takes over then, trying your hardest to kiss and lick and touch any patch of skin that is close enough.
The prince wraps an arm around your back, holding you sturdily with a palm splayed out between your shoulders, easily keeping you in place as he starts to jut his hips forward, “So fuckin’ tight, angel, such a good little girl, takin’ my cock like this. Fuck I want to-”
He stops himself by dropping his forehead to your shoulder, whining as his thick cock pounds repeatedly into your pussy. You grab at his hair to pull him away from you, desperate to look him in the eyes, “Eiji, tell me.”
There are tears settled in the corners of his irises with the desperate need for more that his body cries out for. Kirishima shakes his head and kisses you on the mouth, nails biting into your back as his cock makes your insides keen. He loses himself in the stretch of you, the tightness of your core making his whole body boil, his skin teeming with sweat as he rucks into you.
“Damnit,” he whimpers as you clench around him, drawing his dick back into your core as he tries to snap his hips backward, “I want to breed you, so fuckin’ bad, Princess.”
It is like he expects you to retreat once he’s said it, as if the thought of it might scare you off. On the contrary, all it does is spur you forward. You kiss him like your life depends on it, rolling your hips up to meet his until he is stroking the hidden part of you near your spine, the head of his cock inflamed and beading with pre-come even as he’s buried to the hilt within you.
The weight of his balls is more intense now, throbbing with his seed, slapping into your ass as he ruts forward, taking your body and molding it with his intentions. You hiss as the veins forking along the underside of his cock drag salaciously against your folds, but he merely takes advantage of the parting of your lips to delve his tongue into your mouth. He maps out each of your molars and then down to the back of your throat, moans spoken into the confines of your jaws so that the world may never hear them, only you.
You know that you are going to have to be the one to tell him that this is okay, that you want him to destroy your body with his touch. Every hair stands on end, even with him holding back, and you can only imagine how worked your bones will feel once he’s actually given you his all. Kirishima is feverish around you, hot and sweating as he works the both of you towards the point of coming undone. You relinquish yourself from his kiss, leaning your head back so you can look him in the eyes.
“Breed me, Eijirou,” your voice is hoarse when you speak, near cracking as you beg him, desperate tears glittering in the corners of your eyes, “I want you to fill me up with your come, please. Stuff me full of it.”
Kirishima’s palm rests at your abdomen, and you notice it for the first time. You wonder what is going through his mind; if he is thinking about the way his cock fills your stomach, or if he is plagued by the idea of you full with his child, pregnant and swollen at the navel. He rubs the heel of it over the expanse of your belly, finding every available patch of skin to caress with his touch, the hardened tips of his fingers raking thin red lines into your skin.
A part of you wants them to never go away, marking you as his, letting all the others know who you belong to.
“I want your baby, Eiji. Won’t you give me one?” Your voice is quiet, timid, unsure if this is how he wants this night to go. You lick your lips and look up at him bashfully, tiny tear tracks spilled over your cheeks in rivulets, “I want you to breed me full, Eijirou. I want you to fill up my cunt with your seed until I’m dripping, please, won’t you?”
Your begging mixed with his feral desire brings his teeth down to your neck, bared but not piercing, not yet. He whimpers as he slips his mouth closed, nosing over the area, licking at it like an animal, “You’d be so pretty when you’re full of me, absolutely beautiful.”
You turn your head so you can kiss him on the temple, feeling his hesitation beneath the pads of your fingers, “I’m your wife, Eiji, but I want to be your mate, too.”
A strangled sound is mangled in his throat, but he pulls away from you to look you in the eye nonetheless, “Wh-What are…Princess, listen, I don’t want you to think-”
“I love you.”
His irises engulf his pupils as his eyes widen, stuttering breaths parting his lips. His gaze is frantic, unable to find one part of your face to hone in on, the three words that you’ve uttered into the air giving him serious pause. His heart starts pumping furiously in his chest, threatening to beat right out of the cage of his ribs if he isn’t careful to calm it.
You are frightened that you’ve been too honest, that you’ve bared your soul too far and there is no coming back. Fear forces your words down into your chest, unable to cry out an apology at going too far too soon. Your hands on his arms pull away, digging into the sheets so you have something to take out your inner turmoil on.
“Y-You want…” Kirishima shakes his head, swallowing thickly so his throat bobs, “You want me?”
The incredulous snort that makes your nostrils flare cannot be contained. You look down to where he is balls deep in your cunt, and then back up to hold his gaze, “Eijirou, is that really even a question?”
He’s stuttering out some sort of response, but you can’t be bothered to listen, so you drag him forward by the nape of his neck, cementing your mouth to his. You wrap your legs around his waist, the heels of your feet digging into the firm muscle of his ass to pull him back to you, to encourage his movements. Kirishima is tentative this time, unsure of himself but his animalistic nature still brings him back to pump his cock within your heat.
“I love you,” you murmur into his lips, twirling your fingers through his hair, “if you love me too, then I want whatever you have to offer, whatever you need to give me so I can finally be yours.”
With every word you speak, the animal gnawing at the back of Kirishima’s consciousness grows less tame. It is begging, with claws at his throat, to take you for all you’re worth, until you’re bone dry and pleading for him to relinquish you. He bares his teeth and the instinct curling around his spine, making him seem stronger, wider, somehow gives way to the true nature of this rut he’s told you about.
It’s a mixture of excitement and fear, and you feel a rush of heat flood your core.
Kirishima groans, gnashing his teeth as he drops his head so your foreheads are pressed to one another. You can sense he’s still holding back, still a touch embarrassed, so you knead your fingers into the tops of his shoulders, begging with the touch of his muscles for him to claim you once and for all.
“Kiri,” your voice is strong even though you’re whispering, “what do you want to do to me? Don’t you want me?”
“Fuck, of course I do,” Kirishima kisses you soundly on the mouth, as if he must reassure you, as if you were doubting him. “I want you, every day for the rest of my life. B-But I can’t…a mate is for life, angel.”
The way he says it suggests that you don’t already know, or that it may come as a surprise to you. You smile, wrapping your arms around his back so you can lean up, arching your spine so your torsos are flush with one another. You’ve never felt the desire to be so close to someone, but it is as if this is not even close enough. You wish there were a better way to prove to him that he is the end of the line for you, that you could never want anyone else.
“I love you,” you repeat, palming the corded muscle of his back as if it might pump the confession into him by the osmosis of your sweat, “You are the first thing I want to see in the morning when I wake, and the last thing I gaze at in the night before I fall asleep. You are the end to all my beginnings, Eijirou.”
Kirishima groans at your confession, his needy body unable to create the same kind of eloquent response as he holds his hips still, unwilling to ruin your beautiful moment. His nose brushes along the bridge of yours, a question lodged in his throat and unwilling to be bared. You nudge the bow of your lips against his cheek, murmuring kind praises into his ear, “Tell me what you want, what you need, Eijirou. I want to give it to you, whatever it is.”
“C-Can I mark you?” his voice is bedraggled, just on the cusp of breaking.
“Please,” you ask of him, craning your head so your neck is available. “I want to be yours, and I want everyone else to know.”
It seems that is all the encouragement he needs, baring his fanged teeth to the thin skin of your neck, tongue tracing over your jugular as he prepares the area for his biting kiss. He nudges his nose against your earlobe, that same ancient tongue from earlier sending a shiver down your spine as he speaks.
You are not prepared for the searing pain that rips through your body when he finally tears into you. A cry parts your lips and your cunt squeezes him so tightly that he almost slips from within you. Your hand rips through his hair, the other occupied with his shoulder, nails bludgeoning his hardened skin until you draw blood. You want to throw your head back but you know that will only make it all worse, his teeth will shred your skin until you are but a flayed piece of meat lying beneath him.
“Kiri,” you whine, turning your head to nestle you lips into the edge of his hair that curls around his ear, kissing at whatever surface you can find.
He hums in response, unable to give you words as he sucks and pulls at the skin. You feel your mind cloud the longer he has dug into you, the tendrils of need writhing around your cerebrum until you can no longer think clearly. The one thing on your mind is the very thing between his legs, and you whisper words of want into his ear, praying that he can hear you through his animalistic marking.
The palm of his hand digs further into your belly, until he can feel the tip of his cock underneath his fingers. Kirishima growls around your neck, the timbre of his voice shaking your very bones. You swallow, dipping your fingers further into the skin of his shoulders, “Kirishima, move.”
His hips are listening even if he does not give an indication that he’s heard you. He uses his hands to prop up your legs, the tips of his digits bruising your skin with their intensity, until your knees are almost parallel with the mattress. The only reason they aren’t digging into your chest is because he’s still slotted there, gnashing away at the sensitive skin of your neck. His body is lumbering and thick, dense from his neck to his ankles.
Kirishima makes you feel small, in every sense of the word. Even as a princess, you did not feel dainty, you’ve never been a precious flower that someone else has to protect. You’ve always stumbled a little, faltered when you should be standing upright, and your parents have had to reprimand you for your unladylike tendencies more than once.
But here, lying underneath his hulking form, your fingers seem tinier, more elegant, and even as your knees dig into his ribs, he does not falter, does not wince. You cannot put him in pain, between his hard exterior and his intense primal nature, and it makes you feel like a porcelain doll.
And once his cock plunges back within your tight, wet heat, you are reminded of how massive he truly is.
The tip of his cock butterflies you wide open, shattering your limited stretch and prying you open with each quivering inch of his thick girth. He overwhelms you, so much so that your head topples backward to dig further into the pillow, as if running away from him might soothe the ache between your legs. Even that is a mistake, because once you’ve shifted, his teeth scrape down the sensitive skin of your collarbones, angry red marks left in their wake.
He leans back to examine his hard work, eyes roaming the juncture of your neck and shoulder where the shape of his teeth is like a shadow. A guttural growl emanates from his throat, the air sparking with electricity at the sound of it. You swallow the thick, pent-up arousal in your throat and breathe heavily, somewhat thankful to be rid of his mouth even though a part of you would frenetically like to bring it back. Your throat is throbbing, and you think you could count the number of teeth he was able to sink into you based on the pain of it alone.
“Princess,” he gasps as he takes in the pulsating mark now claiming you as his, “I-I’m sorry, d-did I-”
You shake your head and pull at him in every way possible, your body crying out for more of him in every sense of the word. Kirishima moans as you kiss him again, pushing your tongue between his teeth to try and taste the familiar warmth of his mouth. You moan, your body finding his easily, comfortable and wanting as you careen forward, the throbbing circular mark on your shoulder long forgotten. You have to come up for air much sooner than you like, still reeling from his marking of your body.
Kirishima’s palm is digging into your stomach again, nails biting into your smooth skin as his cock pulses, and he squints harshly as he pulls away to look you in the eyes. The sight of you splayed out beneath him, completely at his mercy, makes his balls throb and he snaps his hips up into you again out of pure primal need alone. Your body jostles, breasts bouncing and thighs rippling, as his cock bottoms out into your cunt, the tip of him bursting with arousal and finding your cervix.
“Oh shit,” he drops his head to your chest, curling himself upward so your hips are flush, his hip bones bruising your thighs as he unceremoniously crumbles into you. Your hands are on him in an instant, trying to understand what could have possibly happened to make him so vulnerable.
You barely have time to say his name before he’s whining, sucking your nipple between the bite of his teeth out of the sole desire to muffle his needy pants. Your hand sifts through his hair, head thrown back while you enjoy the ministrations of his tongue around your chest. He mumbles out words that you can’t quite make out, but with the way his cock is throbbing between your walls and the motions of his hand and mouth on your breast, you don’t care much to understand what drivel he’s spinning.
It is only when you feel the inside of your body flood with heat that you understand.
“Eijirou,” you call to him, forcing his head away from your nipple with the gentle tug of your hands, “d-did you just-”
He looks like he could cry, his head hung in shame, “Yes.”
You want to laugh at his pitiful nature, but you can’t, not knowing what the would do to his self-esteem. Instead, you roll your hips up to try and milk him of his release, encouraging him to start rocking your body with his arousing rhythm until he is completely spent within you.
“You said you wanted to breed me, didn’t you?” you question roughly in his ear, your head tilted to where he’s tucked into your collarbone. You kiss his hair, desperate to clutch onto him as you feel his cock softening, peeling away from your tight hole. The feel of come seeping from your cunt makes you squirm, “Eijirou?”
Kirishima tilts his head back and looks you in the eyes, reddened orbs practically devastated. He nods, “Y-Yeah, but I just-”
His throat bobs, eyes widening at your notion. He turns his head to survey your body, littered with bruises and bite marks and it hasn’t been but one round of his cock buried to the hilt within you. His eyes catch on the marking on your shoulder and his cock stirs again, “A-Again?”
“Breed me,” you grit between your teeth, “please, Eijirou. I want you to put a baby in me.”
The biting nature of his fingertips is not lost on you as he pushes your thighs back so your knees are pressed into the mattress. His thick body is wavering above you, eyes unable and unwilling to look away from you as he starts to roll his hips again, slowly so he does not lose the slick that he has gathered from the both of you.
Kirishima swallows one last pensive breath and then it’s like a switch has gone off in his mind, like he’s finally letting the caged beast out to take over, controlling his ministrations. You arch your back so you can feel his hardened nipples against your chest, one of his hands slowly creeping up your torso until he’s found the bruised, marred skin of your neck beneath his fingertips.
“Look so beautiful, love,” Kirishima kisses your forehead, like a proverbial final word before he devours you whole. “I can’t wait to wreck this pretty pussy of yours, mark this body up until no one has any question of who you belong to.”
His uncharacteristically harsh words make your core tighten and your toes curl. You nod, starting to beg for it, the words just barely tipping over the edge of your tongue when he clamps his hand down on the mark of your neck. You feel white-hot pain shoot forth from the area, coating your body in a wave of agony as the pulsing spreads downward.
A broken whimper escapes your gritted teeth, eyes screwed shut when his blunt fingernails dip further into the area, almost like he’s testing to see how far you can take it before he has to relent. He is unkind when he grabs your thigh, pushing it up into your chest as he resumes his slow pace from before. His cock is already beginning to harden again, twitching relentlessly against your glutinous walls, coated with both your arousal and his spend.
“Eijirou,” you want to beg for him but you can barely push out the broken syllables of his name. Tears coat your cheeks but you don’t mind the blurred vision as you gaze up at him. It makes him shine, like the starlight he truly is. Your face breaks into a smile, despite the absolute torment you feel wracking your body. You would endure anything for him, any sort of discomfort or torture, if it meant that you could be this close to him forever.
Kirishima kisses you square on the mouth, “Hush, angel, let me take care of you.”
Your jaw snaps shut, the muscles along the angle of your face shuddering under the pressure of your gritted teeth. Kirishima smiles warmly at you, the last shred of his humanity remaining before he plunges his thumb into the direct center of your marking, digging his fingernail into the bruised skin. You yelp, your cunt clenching around his cock as he pushes deeper into you.
The entirety of your body is so compliant, molded around his frame, practically fluid as you conform to the positions his hands push you into. Kirishima licks a heated stripe along the column of your neck, leaving behind a wet patch that runs cold when he breathes over it. You dig your hands back against his shoulders, raking the tips of your nails along the length of his back and shoulders.
Kirishima gasps audibly at the newfound tightness of your core at his ministrations. He uses his free palm to reach down and grind his thumb against your hooded clit. He nudges his nose along your jawline, breathing coming in heavy pants as he pummels you into the soft plush of the mattress beneath your shoulders. The snap of his hips does not let your backside rest, your body hovering a few inches from the mattress.
It’s as if he cannot get enough of you, even so much so that he won’t allow your frame to fall too far from him. Kirishima must keep you close, he has no other option. The feral animal clawing at what little shred of his resolve that remains whispers in his ear to put a new mark on every visible inch of your skin until you are nothing but a black and blue mess, blubbering and begging beneath him.
“Such a pretty little thing when you come undone for me,” Kirishima murmurs against the shell of your ear, the sultry sound of his voice intermingled with his panting sending a rolling wave of pleasure down your spine until your toes are curling around the sheets. “You like it when I’m this deep inside of you? Not letting your pussy breathe?”
You are nodding even if you don’t fully understand what he’s saying. You would agree to anything, that much you are aware of, and you know that he is keen to that fact as well. Kirishima is still careful with you, somehow aware enough of your limitations to revere you and reel himself in when he feels he might be going too far. The blitzed-out look in your eyes tells him all that he needs to know – you have slipped beneath the surface into that subservient headspace that he’s seen you on the cusp of so many times when he’s had you knuckle deep and coming around his fingers. The very essence of his being tells him to work you for every tear, ever drop of arousal, that you can create, to bludgeon your body until you are begging him to give you a moment to breathe, and then deny you of it.
Kirishima’s hand that has been pressed against your wound now turns to curl around your throat, fingers squeezing your neck until you are gasping for breath. Your eyes flutter somewhere between open and closed as your mouth gapes open wide, bobbing like a fish out of water as you struggle to inhale the slightest amount of oxygen. Your hands flop from his body to the mattress, curling around the sheets until he hears them rip between your nails.
“Look at you, Princess,” he nudges your cheek until you’re looking him in the eyes again, “can’t even speak in full sentences. So whipped for my cock, huh? Tell me what you want me to do to you, if you can talk.”
Drool dribbles from either corner of your mouth and when you shake your head, it creates damp splotches on the pillowcase. Kirishima chuckles, pushing the base of his thumb against the fleshy underside of your chin, forcing your head still so he can glower down at you, crimson eyes shining. The heel of his palm stays jutted against your esophagus, limiting your breathing as he loiters over you.
The words that come out of your mouth are mere wheezing syllables, unable to be understood in their broken form. Tears form in your eyes, clumping on your lashes, at the pure frustration that you can’t tell him exactly what you’d like him to do to you. You whine, the sound breaking in the middle when Kirishima tightens his grip on your throat. You peel your eyes open to see a darkness settled in his irises, their normally crimson color turned almost to black in his lustful state.
It should make you upset, that he’s losing himself, but instead, it just stokes the fire in your belly until the flames are raging up into your throat. The smoke of it all builds behind your eyes and in your mouth until you have to open everything, whining and moaning and writhing like your life depends on it. All the while, Kirishima has set a steady, bruising pace of his cock dragging against your walls, the forked veins on the underside of him giving you additional friction. You want to grab at him, to tug on his body until he melts into you, but your arms are limp, practically your whole body is at the intense ministrations of his hands and hips.
Finally, after your vision begins to blur and your eyelids slip closed at the feel of the remaining oxygen leaving your throat, Kirishima relents his grip and a rush of air floods your lungs. You gasp and choke, the motions making your cunt clamp tightly around his cock, giving Kirishima the push he needs to bottom out within you again, holding himself still until you can catch your breath.
“Such a good girl,” Kirishima is whispering the words hoarsely as his mouth roams your cheek and neck and collarbones. He plants wet, sloppy kisses against your skin like he does not have time to think about the affections.
You whine when you feel his tongue dart from between his lips to lavish attention to the wound on your shoulder, the bite mark from his pointed teeth leading way to bruising and little trails of crimson seeping down from your shoulder to the mattress. He licks at it, half out of wanting to hear you moan when he puts too much pressure on the bruise and half out of guilt for hurting you.
His name comes from your lips and it makes his cock stir against your cervix, “Tell me what you want, angel, I need to know.”
You are aware the duality of that statement. He needs to know because he needs permission, even if his current state won’t allow him to admit it. You find it in you to reach a hand up to sift through his hair, palming at the back of his head to give him some ease with your touch.
“I want you to come in me, Eijirou,” your voice is panting, a mix of exhaustion and longing making you sound fatigued. You feel tears push out of the edges of your eyes at the pure need you have for him to make all of this a reality, “Come in me, Eiji, I want you to give me a baby. I want you to breed me until I’m full of your child, over and over again. I want you to fill me up un-ah!”
Kirishima ruts forward and you swear you feel something within you tear at the pure size of him. He nips at your jaw, nosing along your neck, brushing against it whenever he pulses forward. The salacious sounds filling the air only contribute to your arousal, floods of slick washing over his dick as he slots in and out of you.
He grunts, “So fuckin’ tight,” before his hands travel down towards your thighs, pushing them back until he has you folded so only your shoulders are against the bed. You whimper as you turn, your mark pushed against the mattress until it is pulsing with pain.
“I’m gonna come in this tight, wet little hole until you’re leaking, until you taste it.” Kirishima can feel the impending doom of his spend when his cock twitches within your quivering heat. You try and clamp your walls down around him to keep his length sheathed within you for longer, but it’s of no use. He has set a bruising pace that he intends on following through with until you are screaming and his come is coating your soft insides.
Your toes are pointed toward the ceiling, curling downward when he slams into you. The pace of his hips is menacing, something you should fear, because the feel of him makes you think he might rip you open. But, you’re sure you’d let him split you down the middle and you’d still say thank you. Mumbles of incoherent drivel pour from your mouth along with your rivulets of drool and tears.
Kirishima chuckles, “Look at you, a beautiful mess for me, aren’t you, sweetheart? I can’t wait to fill this precious cunt up. I’ll give you as many babies as you can hold.”
The call to your womb must be strong, because he stays slotted within you for a moment, fingers rolling around your thighs as he takes you in. His crimson irises dole over your body, from your plush lips to your plump chest, on downward to the gentle bump of your belly as his cock nudges within you. Kirishima abandons your thighs for your stomach, raking his nails along the unmarked plane of skin, thin angry lines left behind when he pulls away.
You reach forward to wrap your fingers around his wrist, keeping his touch pointed on your navel, “I want to have your baby, Eijirou. All of them, as many as you can give me. Please, I’m just a vessel for you to use.”
His eyes deepen at that sentiment, but something else passes through them. He catches his lip within the bite of his teeth before leaning down to kiss you, palm turned against your stomach so his knuckles drag along your skin, but he can slot his fingers between yours and squeeze.
“You are so much more than that,” he whispers into your mouth, as if the words may stay caged in there forever for you to marinate on them. He kisses your cheeks, the tears sticking on his lips, his voice thick when he speaks, “You’ll be the prettiest mama out there, you know? So beautiful and round, absolutely breathtaking when you have to waddle around, you’re so full.”
Kirishima is close to whimpering, eyes screwed shut as he speaks his heart, “I love you, Princess, god, you mean the world to me.”
Your fingers find purchase against his shoulders, the scratched skin beneath the pads of your digits making you salivate. You’ve marked him, too, even if it’s not the same. You want to spend the rest of your life repeating it over and over, marking him every time he finds you beneath the sheets, so that the others may know that he belongs to you just as much as you belong to him. The two of you are completely intertwined in every facet of the word, limbs and hearts woven into the same piece of soul fabric, begging to be together until the end of time.
The edges of your vision begin to dither as you come closer to your climax. You swallow the lump in your throat and whimper, “Kirishima, I think I might-”
He is listening, the hand not currently wrapped around yours reaching between your slick bodies to thumb at your clit. A bruising kiss is pressed firmly to your mouth, dampening your lewd sounds as you writhe under his bulky body, hardly moving but trying desperately all the same. You can’t help it as your mouth parts to lick at seam of his lips, but he willingly opens his mouth to you, receiving the pointed lapping of your tongue as he slowly begins to rut back into you.
“I want you to beg for what you want,” he gasps into your teeth, the tip of your noses clashing as the sound of his weighty balls slap against the curve of your ass. He can taste the saltiness of your tears as your mouths meld together, and it makes him smirk, “Are you cryin’? Like a sweet little bitch, crying for my cock?”
You want to answer him, to tell him how much you love every part of him, to shower his body in praise until you’ve gone mute, but your throat is hoarse and your mind is hazy, and you can’t form words. Instead, you tilt your head and kiss him harder, your tongue swiping over his as you try to convey how you’re feeling into this kiss, attempting to make his world spin. You want to give him a small taste of what he has done to you, even if it will never truly meet the searing reality of his hold he’s got on you, body, mind and soul.
“Cry for me, darling,” Kirishima coos as his mouth travels down the curve of your jaw until his teeth meet the juncture of your neck and ear, “I want Bakugou to hear you when I stuff your cunt full, all the way from out in the hallway. Gonna put my child in you while you sob for my cock, begging me to keep fucking you deeper and deeper into this bed.”
You can hardly create coherent sentences, between his mouth and hands and cock all working at your relentlessly, the ministrations of his body creating a throbbing euphoria between your hips. You whine at the idea of having to say much of anything right now, let alone an understandable string of words.
His balls are weighty as they slap against your backside, the sound making your throat bob, and he growls, “Beg for me, like the little whore you are.”
The nipping of his teeth against your mouth makes your cunt spasm, and Kirishima lets loose a strangled sound from the back of his throat. Based on the whimpering curtail of his voice, you can tell that he’s close to coming a second time. Your body tenses, every muscle coiled tightly as you edge yourself to a release. You have to close your eyes so the white-hot arousal boiling in your core can’t blur your vision.
“Y-Your come, your cock,” is all you can find yourself repeating over and over, your being too fucked-out to say much of anything else. Hot tears leak down your temples, exhausted sobs making your voice shake when you scream for him, throat close to shattering in its hoarseness.
Kirishima leans back so he can preen, his cock stretching you even further in this position. Your eyes bug out before you can squint your lids closed again. He chuckles, the sound dark and ominous as it reverberates around in the room, “Do you know how fuckin’ hard it’s been to control myself around you? God, I’ve been wanting to fuck you like this for months, breed you like a good little bitch in heat, give you loads of my come until you’re bursting at the seams with it.”
His lewd words are what bring you toppling over the edge, the thought of his come leaking out of your abused pussy, him plugging you up with his cock and rutting up into you again until he’s brought on another release from within himself. Your palms slap his biceps as you grip onto him, afraid he might actually push you through the mattress with the ferocity of his hips. There’s no doubt in your mind that you will have blooming bruises all over your body, marking you up like flowers spread throughout a garden.
“Fucking hell at this sloppy pussy, Princess,” Kirishima’s hands on your thighs tighten, biting deep into the muscle until you swear he hits bone, “I’m gonna breed you up so fuckin’ good, sweetheart. Keep you hidden in here, fuck you endlessly, until you’re begging me to quit.”
“No,” you gasp out, your voice crackling even on the single syllable, “don’t stop.”
Kirishima smirks down at you, “Careful what you wish for, Princess.”
You are shaking your head, silently encouraging him because your voice is shot to hell. You dig your nails into his biceps, shaking him just enough that he understands your subtext, starting to rock his hips against your ass, the thick shaft of his cock slipping along your inner walls as he works you closer to the crest of climax.
It’s just on the precipice of your body, your entire form overheated with the flames of arousal. You want to cry, the end so close and yet feeling so unachievable. Kirishima releases one of your thighs to attend to your clit, the pace of his circling finger matching that of his cock pounding into your heat. With each thrust, you see another wave of stars in the air above you. Even in the low candlelight of this secret room, you can see the glimmering in Kirishima’s irises, as if he has his own galaxy tucked away in his pupils, bringing it out for you and for you only.
Kirishima curses, dropping his head to watch his cock slip from your wet core, silvery strands of slick the only thing connecting him to you now, “Gotta stop clenching so hard, sweetheart,” somehow he manages to push himself back into you, despite the size of your hole. Kirishima grabs one of your ankles and settles it on his shoulder, turning to kiss the joint, “Such a tight little pussy, but so fucking sloppy. You’re dripping.”
His nose nudges along the length of your calf as he picks up his pace, rutting into you with purpose. You wonder how much of his animalistic nature will bleed into the other aspects of your life, but you don’t have much time to ponder before the coiling heat of your orgasm is beginning to build up and cloud your consciousness. Your jaw hangs slack and Kirishima takes the opportunity to slip his index and fourth finger between your lips, the golden ring on his finger cool on the heated pad of your tongue.
“There you go,” he murmurs absentmindedly, tilting his head to consider you. You circle one hand around his wrist, pushing him further into the hollows of your cheeks. His eyes widen at the action and it makes his hips falter in their pacing.
Kirishima can feel the tightening of your cunt around his cock, and the tears in your eyes, and he knows that you’re close, “C’mon, angel, I want you to come on my cock. You feel so fuckin’ good around me, holding me tight.”
You sniffle, drool creating a silvery rivulet down your cheek, “Eijirou, please,” you are whimpering into his knuckles, praying that you don’t bite down on him too hard.
“S’okay,” Kirishima’s voice is kind, in stark contrast to the harsh nature of his dick as it jackhammers into you. “Bite me, I’ll be okay. I just want to make you come.”
Listening to his plea, you grind your teeth together around his knuckles, biting into his skin until you taste metal. The release of pressure gives way to an earth-shattering orgasm, your cunt spasming around his cock until you can feel your arousal seeping out of your body, dripping onto the mattress beneath you. You suck on Kirishima’s fingers, tonguing his knuckles to distract yourself from screaming.
“Good girl,” he coos, thumb grazing your cheek and chin as he continues to rock into your core. You are still gushing when he tenses up, thighs rippling as he readies himself to come for the second time. Kirishima’s voice is hoarse, near a growl as he looks down at you, a blubbering, hiccuping mess beneath him, “F-Fuck, Princess, you’re gonna look so beautiful when you’re full with our child. I can’t wait to stuff you full over and over again, until you’re bursting at the seams.”
You start to plead, your words nothing more than blather, foaming at the mouth as you whine for his spend, tears beading at the corners of your eyes in your desperation. Your nails rake down the length of his muscled back, your heels dipping into the flesh of his ass to keep him pinned to you, for just a moment of reprieve from his agonizingly thick length. The forked veins running along either side of his cock make your walls quiver as your abused insides beg for a break.
When he feels a newfound tightness as he tries to withdraw from you, he seethes through his teeth, “Shit, sweetheart. St-Stop clenching, or else I’ll have to fuck you all over again.”
There’s a pause, a stilling of his body, as he looks down at you, drooling and crying around his knuckles. He chuckles, the sound reverberating his chest in such a way that shakes the very room. Your body tenses at the timbre, eyes struggling to focus on one specific point on his face as he ravishes you with his carmine irises.
“Actually,” he tilts his head, shoving his fingers further down your throat until you are gagging around his digits, “go ahead, push it out, it just means I get to breed this tight little pussy all over again.”
Kirishima leans forward, brushing his mouth against your jaw as he sheathes himself within you inch by inch, slow and salacious, “Don’t worry, I’ll fill you to the fucking brim anyway, angel. You want this load?”
You can’t help the instant wanton words that fly from your mouth, sparking in the midst of the two of you, pouring out of your chest like fire. You whine and keen, sucking his knuckles into the hollows of your cheeks to try and bring him closer to the precipice of pleasure, to give him the same radical sensation that he has given you twice now.
“Give it,” you force the words out despite his thick digits pushing down on the muscle of your tongue, “please, Eiji, I-I want your ba-oh.”
He growls, bludgeoning his cock into your cunt as he starts coming undone within you. A blooming heat starts in your core and blossoms upward until you think smoke may come out of your nostrils. It clouds your mind, the slightest bit of consciousness creeping forward so you can enjoy the way he paints your walls with his spend, filling you just as he promised.
“Take it,” he snarls, sharpened teeth making your back arch, “take my fucking load.”
Your legs wobble, but you keep yourself wrapped around him, allowing him to ride out his pleasure until his hips are sloppy, thighs brushing your bruised ass a final time before he drops his head to your chest. He is hot, unbearably warm, but you endure it because it means he is here.
His hands brush down from the backs of your knees until he is pushing you back into the mattress, allowing your body to rest, limp against the sheets. Kirishima kisses the swell of your breast, imagining how full they’ll be once your womb has been filled and your body starts to change. He could cry at the thought of it, his animalistic side attempting to take over his consciousness, warm at the thought of you carrying on his lineage, giving him heir after heir.
Kirishima hums against your sternum, hands encompassing your sides in full, fingers splayed across your ribs, “Such a pretty little thing, angel. You’re perfect. I love you.”
He starts to pull from you but you whine, clenching around him so tightly that your combined arousal seeps from your cunt, dripping down the curve of your ass. Your nails bite into his biceps, clutching onto him like an anchor, “Please don’t leave me, Eijirou.”
“Hey,” his voice is soothing, nose nudging over your jugular. He presses himself back into you, filling you up even as he starts to soften, “I’m right here, sweetheart. I promise I’m not going anywhere. Not now, and not ever. You’re mine, my mate.”
You swear you see the curling wisps of flames seeping from his teeth and tongue, the dragon in him coming forth in a surge of possessiveness. His eyes drop to the piercing bite adorning your shoulder, a mix of blood and bruising on display, the mating mark stirring his cock within your cunt again and you’re afraid he might already be starting up for a third round.
Tilting your head skyward, you beseech him for his mouth, pursing your lips just enough that he understands your silent plea. Kirishima’s smirk melts into a smile, dimples piercing his cheeks, and he meets you halfway, slotting his mouth to yours. The warmth of your lips meld together, noses bumping and teeth clashing, but you do not care because at least he is buried to the hilt within you and his body is flush with your own. You see stars as you are deprived of oxygen, but this might be the most pleasant way to go – full to the brim of him, his mouth starving you, your entire being swallowed by the essence of him.
“You don’t quit that, I’ll take you again, right now,” Kirishima is growling as his mouth finds your mark again, pressing a harsh kiss to the purpled skin, “You’re so perfect, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
Tears well up in your eyes, and you’re not sure what specific event has stirred them on, but you let them fall nonetheless. Kirishima is quick to kiss them away before they can stain your pillowcase, whispering kindness as he brushes his mouth against each of your eyelids, “I can’t believe you’re all mine.”
“Always, Eijirou,” you whisper into thin air, your voice reaching his ears and sending a bolt of lightning down his spine, “I’ve always been yours, from the moment I saw you, I belonged to you.”
“And I have always been yours too.” Kirishima brushes his nose against the bridge of your face, “I can’t wait to build a legacy with you.”
The thudding of footsteps echoes down the hall, drawing carmine irises up from their previously hooded position. He rolls his eyes, standing to his feet, sword weighing heavy on his belt, “What is it?”
“Very important news,” the younger man’s throat bobs as he stutter steps backward, “The, uh, the ball that’s being held later-”
The blonde wags his finger in midair, a chuckle parting his smirking mouth, “Go find someone else to figure that shit out. You’ll regret it if you go in there now.”
A widened stare follows his finger to the door, where the wood is shaking just enough that he can get the hint. The knight in front of him chuckles, sitting back down in his chair, crossing his leg over his knee, “Yeah, I wouldn’t disturb him during his breeding season if I were you.”
a/n: yeah, so this was supposed to be 2k. obviously that didn’t happen, lol. i hope you guys like my first true kiri fic :) 
tagging: @mirakumiruku @kamehamethot​ @1-800-callmekatsuki​ @shoutogepi​ @freckledoriya​ @writeiolite​ @kingtamakimurder​ @cutesuki--bakugou​
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werewolf-cl4ws · 3 years
Random head cannons for my AU because these require oddly specific questions I don’t think I’ve ever seen ask memes have.
A lot of these I do have something to back them up with, but others it's just logical hilarity to me because I can.
- absolutely mistrusts/gets annoyed by anyone that is an "authority figure" (i.e. adults "in charge", leaders, etc) but does nothing to actually be useful. As a kid he was always told to listen to the adults because "they know best", but after the coup and seeing a good number of adults doing everything in their power to just save their own hides or hiding, it fucked him right off. Only adults he’s ever respected were his uncle and Rosie (Rosie took some time to gain that trust though because why the hell is she teaching us maths when people need help???). Bookshire is another but he does fight Bookshire on occasion because Sonic hates fussing with medical stuff.
This carried on into his own adulthood, and it’s hilarious whenever someone points out he’s the adult now as it sets off his aversion to being older, but if he has to be called an adult then damnit he’s gonna be a USEFUL one at least.
And yes he has confirmed on many occasions that he can and will flip off King Acorn if he plays up. What's he gonna do, ground him? Arrest his for treason? He flipped off Robotnik, he ain't scared of no thing.
- his uncle was brilliant with robotics and mechanics and science. Sonic has literally zero idea about any of those. And yet he’s weirdly good at chemistry. But he doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to use this so no one knows this, but Rotor has come by chemistry formulas mysteriously solved if he leaves them out on his workbench after a night of wracking his brains over why something isn’t working. How does Sonic know this? Nobody knows, Sonic will never tell either, and will deny he’s even good at it.
- he’s also very good at physics, in that he knows exactly how to break physics to do impossible shit. He’s great at figuring out just what angles he needs to shoot himself into to get the most air time, how much speed and lift to land in the exact spot, etc. It all happens automatically to him (it has to, going at the speeds he does there’s literally no time to plan this shit) but if someone asks him he will actually figure it out in the spot with freakishly good accuracy, and can do it not just with him being the projectile but any object (he has worked out perfect catapult trajectories before and it still baffles everyone to this day). Again, he doesn’t know how he knows this, will never tell anyone he knows how to do this, and will deny he knows this.
- he’s also good with musical instruments. Obviously his favourite is the electric guitar, but if you give him a sheet of music and at least an hour to mess around with the instrument he’ll work it out. Getting to watch him play the violin is a rare but delightful treat. This is his special interest, the thing he would have gotten into if the world hadn’t gone to shit. He doesn’t get to indulge in it as much as he’s like but he loves music and could ramble about it for hours on end if given the chance.
The con of this though is that he's really good at identifying music, including ones from operas and orchestras. Sally takes great delight in making him identify both because he does get embarrassed about it, but his pride doesn't allow him to just not pick them out.
- he likes to cook, but he prefers recipes that allow him to leave things to cook without him needing to watch it once it’s prepared. So baking, roasting, slow cook stuff like soups and chili, that’s his jam. Anything that’s gonna be a long haul he has to be basically trapped in his hut to do it without wanting to go nuts (so extra cold days where being outside would be hell are good cooking days).
- during the summer he sleeps in a hammock. During the winter he sleeps in a bed and practically buries himself in blankets.
- loves bubblegum. Gum balls, sticks of gum, whatever. If it’s gum he loves it. Unfortunately it is non existent thanks to the coup (shelf life of gum is terrible) so finding any that’s not terrible is an amazing day.
- milk and cookies is oddly a comfort food to him. Something about the simplicity of it just works for him, and ridiculously shit days are made better by it. Default choc chip cookies work best.
- he hates spiders. More specifically, he hates when you see a spider, look away, then look back only to find the spider is gone. Spiders themselves don’t bother him until they do that, but once they do he has to fight himself to not just set whatever building or dwelling he happens to be on fire in order to solve the issue of having to deal with it later.
- he’s about .0001 seconds away from just walking away into the forest and never coming back. He won’t do it because he honestly doesn’t want to abandon his friends… but he’s so close to just becoming a cryptic in the forest. He has wandered off before when things get super annoying, but someone always drags him back, much to his endless frustration.
- can’t cook for anything. Sonic has seen her burn water. Toast somehow always ends in fire. No one ever attempt to drink her coffee for your own sake.
And yet somehow she makes really, really good pancakes. Like ridiculously good. She makes them very rarely because she’s always busy with something and has been banned from all kitchens, but when she does they’re amazing and no one can figure out how this happens.
- if she’s snacking on nuts or anything that doesn’t go soggy (like hard/dry fruits, or extra crusty breads) she will sometimes keep some in her cheeks. Not to the point that her cheeks will be bulging with them, but if she’s working while snacking she will just stash some away so she can focus on what she’s doing, and then when she’s done just finishes those off. This only happens when she needs to focus so she’s pretty discreet about this and has perfected talking/quick chewing with them if someone interrupts her.
- she loves video games, but because they’re so hard to come by thanks to the coup she doesn’t get to play as often as she’d like. She knows Sonic, Tails and Rotor has some stashed away and has played them on the sly, which has left them wondering how their high scores got beaten or how new levels have been unlocked. Though she has to be careful about this because if she’s left alone with them long enough she will just play them until either she finishes the game, or someone physically drags her away from it. This is probably her only weak point in terms of something that can just pull her away entirely from everything.
- she is very, very neat… only because she literally doesn’t make a mess of anything thanks to her one-track mind. If she’s working on a plan or something that needs a lot of research she will basically just make a pathway to her desk and bed and leave everything else undisturbed. She will still shower, only because the shower is just another place for her to think without interruption. This is a big factor on why she can’t cook for shit, too. She just… doesn’t. At all. Because she’s gotta work. Work is life because they may literally die if she can’t figure plans out
- she is genuinely fascinated by legends and myths, which we see a lot of in SatAM. Although she does sometimes dismiss some legends or myths as just stories, if she finds anything that even hints at it being real, and if time allows it, she will chase it down. If it’s anything that might be especially useful in their fight she will go for it after doing a ton of research to make sure she’s got every angle and possibility down. The researching to that extent is due to her own perfectionism, but also because if the expedition turns out to be a bust it could mean time that should have been spent on something else/time being away from the village for a crapshoot.
Sonic and Sally as a couple:
- they don’t use pet names for one another… until one of them is absolutely pushing their luck with the other. Pet names = stop it.
- Sally did once call Sonic a shit-weasel out of anger during such a scenario, and then was immediately apologetic for it because that was Too Far™. Sonic said that made him fall in love with her all over again and it was an awesome insult. Pet names are still a no-go though.
- they live together and everyone thinks it’s Sonic that would be the nightmare to live with.
It’s not.
It’s Sally.
Sonic does get messy and likes to live in organised chaos, but Sally just has the worst sleeping habits (she doesn’t sleep), functions mostly on auto-pilot (the amount of times she eats the last of something but leaves the box it came in/was stored in for Sonic to find drives him up the wall something shocking all because she’s just vaguely thinking "I need food I suppose" alongside whatever she’s doing at the time), and if she’s working on something big she will spread herself everywhere (including Sonic’s bed if he isn’t in it or on it in some way).
Sonic won’t move out because he genuinely thinks if he did Sally would never sleep at proper hours or eat like a regular person unless he monitors her. Plus they actually really do like each other’s company and do miss one another if they aren’t in the same space in their down time. But Sonic is constantly amazed at just how much of a gremlin Sally can be and no one believes him.
- Sally takes great delight in this and amps up her gremlin behaviour because of it. If she does this in front of anyone else it just gets encouraged. It’s okay though because Sonic knows how to be a bastard so it’s a constant battle of who can out bastard or out gremlin who.
- they sleep separately (see aforementioned sleeping habits of gremlin ground squirrel), but on occasion will share a bed. Or share the couch. Sharing will almost always result in Sonic being used as a pillow/mattress but he’s fine with it, as long as it means Sally’s sleeping and they get to cuddle ‘cause cuddling is great.
- Sally loves puns. Sonic has begged her not to say puns. He secretly loves them but he hates that he gets them (temporarily forgetting your own language, then relearning it is a trip and picking up the puns does things to his head). Sally does not stop the puns. This has led to Sonic almost achieving his goal of becoming a forest cryptic as he does just start walking out when she starts.
- this is kinda canon but I like to joke that they are actually legally married and this happened during their zone-hopping adventures. But the marriage itself happened in the most mundane way for the most mundane reason, and yet it is legally binding and they do actually have wedding rings from it. They don’t wear the rings but they do carry it on their person at all times, and pull them out just to blindside people with them because it’s funny.
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miohmy · 4 years
general kuroo/tsukishima headcanons (sfw and nsfw)
I’ve had this rambling draft saved for over a year but for @alfonse I’ll make it public <3
general/sfw HCs for kuroo
His love languages are quality time and physical touch, obviously.
He’s a Scorpio sun, but I imagine his rising sign is Capricorn and moon sign is Gemini >:)
Needs at least 8 hours of sleep each night or he will be grumpy the next morning. He’s a deep sleeper and moves around a lot.
Kuroo may act thick-headed at times, but don’t be fooled, he’s smart, intuitive, and incredibly aware of his surroundings. Moreover, he has a strong memory and never forgets anything. This makes studying for him relatively easy. He tends to do well in school with little effort, especially in the subjects he cares most about (i.e. chemistry and physics). His grades in other classes like history and literature are more on the average side, however.
(this was before Kuroo was a confirmed capitalist) Kuroo would study something in line with these interests at university. I envision him becoming a chemical engineer and doing research in a lab setting (pls take this moment to imagine him in goggles, gloves, and a lab coat).
Kuroo sometimes falls back into his shy habits from time to time. Volleyball has gotten him out of his shell and he’s fine making friends at school, but if he’s in an uncomfortable situation, he tends to be on the quieter side.
Once he decides he likes someone, he really likes them. Kuroo isn’t the type of person to half-ass anything, especially relationships. He either loves you, hates you, or is indifferent.
Kuroo is a naturally good dancer and he knows it. He’s got surprising rhythm and has no shame showing off his skills.
He’s a total lightweight when it comes to drinking. He doesn’t drink often, so whenever he does, the alcohol hits him hard. Generally, he’s a happy, giggly drunk. He’ll start off the night loud and talkative, but eventually the sleepiness will set in and some unlucky soul (usually Kenma) will be tasked with taking him home.
general/sfw HCs for tsukishima
His love languages are quality time and acts of service. Tsukishima is bad when it comes to open communication. Rarely does he say “I love you” to his friends/family. He’d rather let his actions and service speak for themselves.
He’s a Libra sun, but I imagine both his rising sign is Aquarius and moon sign is Virgo.
A light sleeper. Tsukishima averages about 6-5 hours each night.
He is the worst dancer you’ve ever seen and you couldn’t pay him to make a fool of himself in front of other people.
Furious reader. Reads about 70-100 books each year. Prefers reading non-fiction, speculative science fiction, classics, and mysteries.
He’s definitely a night owl, as it’s when he gets his work done. In the mornings he has a hard time waking up and needs 1-2 hours of peace and quiet to prepare himself for the day.
In school, Tsukishima excels at most subjects (because he works hard), but he’s especially passionate about literature and English. I envision him working as a translator or an editor when he’s older (just something in the publishing industry).
The kind of music that Tsukishima listens to ranges. He mainly loves alternative, but he’s also into the weird, experimental stuff too.
He’s more of a casual drinker than Kuroo. He enjoys wine, sake, and certain IPAs. He also knows his limits well and will stop before getting too tipsy. Very rarely will he allow himself to get drunk. 
general/sfw relationship HCs (living together edition)
Whenever Tsukishima sings in the shower, Kuroo will stop by the bathroom door to record videos. The first time he did, it was meant to be a joke, but eventually it became a habit. As it turns out, Tsukishima is a great singer.
Because of their differing sleep schedules, many nights encompass Kuroo bothering Tsukishima, not-so-subtly hinting for him to come to bed. Tsukishima will often resist and insist that he needs to finish work. Kuroo is stubborn, however. On more than one occasion he has put his foot down and manually shut Tsuki’s laptop so that he has to come cuddle.
Speaking of cuddling, you would think that Kuroo is the big spoon, but he actually likes to sleep on his stomach. That, combined with the fact that Kuroo moves around a lot, makes cuddling difficult. Sometimes Tsukishima will sleep on his back with Kuroo draped over him like a weighted blanket. Mostly, however, Kuroo will sleep on his stomach, head stuffed between the pillows, with Tsukishima folded beside him, holding on to his shirt.
Kuroo said ‘I love you’ first. Tsukishima then proceeded to freak him out by responding with ‘I’ll get back to you on that’. After two weeks of radio silence, he finally responded with an out-of-context ‘same’. Kuroo never forgave him for that.
On the rare occasions where Tsuki gets drunk, Kuroo takes full advantage of his vulnerability and coaxes embarrassing declarations of love from his inebriated boyfriend (filming them, of course). Lots of “tell me how much you love me” and “who’s the best boyfriend in the world?” The poor defenseless Tsukishima will gush unabashedly, only to wake up the next morning with a massive hangover, tormented by Kuroo as he plays the videos on repeat with full volume. 
“Look at how cute you were, Tsuki!”
“Delete that right away or I’ll punch you.”
Kuroo doesn’t know that much about music (in comparison to Tsukishima) so he tends to stick with what’s popular/on the radio. The only time he branches out is when Tsukishima makes a curated playlist for him. Even if he doesn’t love all the songs, he’ll listen through the entire playlist on repeat, just happy to have a gift from his boyfriend.
Despite his confidence and posturing, Kuroo was honestly not that experienced when it came to relationships, dating, or sex before Tsuki. They were both each other’s first time, first love, and cannot imagine dating anyone else. 
nfsw HCs
To no one’s surprise, Kuroo is the more kinky one of the pair. There’s a lot of stuff that Kuroo wants to do with Tsuki. Actually getting him to agree to the ideas, however, it another matter entirely.
The kinks that Tsukishima will indulge include: light bondage (blindfolds, hand cuffs), sex toys, mild dom/sub play, hair pulling, shower sex, spanking, and filming.
Kinks that Tsukishima has refused include: public sex, choking, ball gags, and more elaborate role play scenarios.
Tsukishima moans very softly during sex, if at all. Kuroo, on the other hand, can’t seem to shut up. He loves to narrate how Tsukishima looks, tease him, and ask pointed questions (”How does it feel?”, “What do you want me to do?”, etc;). At first, Tsukishima hated this part of him, but it’s gradually grown on him.
Tsukishima and Kuroo are equally clever, confident and domineering people. Therefore, their power dynamic in bed is rather fluid.
Generally, Kuroo likes to be in control and have Tsukishima at his mercy, especially when the latter is acting prideful and condescending. At the same time, Tsukishima is not the type to be submissive to anyone. Sometimes Tsuki will surprise Kuroo by suddenly giving orders, just to spice things up ;)
In terms of praise and degradation, Kuroo enjoys the latter. There’s a reason he fell for Tsukishima, after all. He low-key likes to be called names during sex. Nothing too harsh, of course. He just really enjoys indulging that bitchy, rude side of his boyfriend while simultaneously making a mess of him.
For Tsukishima, the opposite is true. Though he would never admit it to anyone, Tsuki loves to be worshipped by Kuroo. In fact, the quickest way to get him to melt is to be showered with sincere compliments and praise, especially when he’s getting close - nothing will push him over the edge more than being told he’s doing such a good job.
Put frankly, Tsukishima and Kuroo just have a lot of chemistry in bed. The sex is always good and even when their relationship inevitably mellows out from the honeymoon period, they are able to maintain that electric spark that first endeared them to each other.
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codename-adler · 4 years
Kevin Day and his Oblivious Literature Lover
I’m working on a Jerejean fic but here I just want to write this side Kevin x OC in bullet fic... so here’s my take on Kevin paired with someone who Doesn’t Know ExyTM... might be in multiple parts? if you enjoy that?
>> Table of contents, TW and other parts here!
So. At PSU, if you don’t know “Kevin Day, Son of Exy”, then surely you’ll have encountered “Fucking Kevin, the History Nerd” at least once
however, this second title is not something you remember until you share a class with him and then, OH, you get what the others were talking about
the guy never lets an opportunity pass, much like when he plays exy
BUT but but but... he is NOT a Know-It-All Asshole. Kevin is that one student who won’t let teachers give false or incorrect informations
he just earnestly wants to help and learn, he’s not doing it for attention or out of arrogance/asshole-ness, but to the rest of his class? it just makes the lecture longer and who cares if the guy has a point or if the teachers might be biased? they all just want him to shut up
and here we are, at the beginning of the winter semester, after the terrible Christmas Break and Neil’s back from Evermore and Andrew from Easthaven
Kevin takes an Early American Literature class (does that even exist? if not I just invented for the purpose of this fic SUE ME) as an elective in his History major
the studied works include, of course, the Declaration of Independance, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, Franklin’s Autobiography etc.
it also includes some epistolary contents, as in, letters between famous historical figures
Kevin, my nerdy boi, physically cannot shut up at the number of inaccuracies his teacher spills, like... no Washington was NOT a great thinker bc hummm slavery? whatdoyoumean Ben Franklin greatly helped to advance the knowledge we now have of electricity? the dude just stood outside with his fucking blanket on a stick and declared “ah yes, big sparks equals small sparks. so light. much electricity.”
like,,,,, he ain’t wrong... but you see how this could disrupt a class? don’t lie to me even his pretty face could not save him from judgement sometimes it’s just too much ok kevin? 
anyways, for midterms each student has to make a presentation on the work of their choice
what did kevin choose? WHAT DID KEVIN CHOOSE??
the letters of A. Hamilton and J. Laurens
why? because Nicky talked about it, and Kevin did not believe him, and so he looked it up, and now he is Kevin The Believer
also, for once, Kevin wouldn’t mind aiming his bullshit detector at a beautifully erased romance... we all need a little love from 400 years ago sometimes...
mind you Kevin has NO idea of the existence of the musical, that will come much later
the night before his presentation, Kengo gets hospitalized again and Kevin is a mess bc no one wants to listen to him rambling about #Lams or the Moriyamas and he does. not. sleep.
day of presentations. a fucking monday. oh joy.
for once, kevin does not want to go first. his thoughts are an endless loop of kengo/tetsuji/riko/jean/evermore
in a moment of unsuspected strength, he raises his hand to go last
he gets up, he’s shaking all over, he can hear his respiration in his head, he tries his hardest to walk up straight to the front of the class
and he crushes it.
the Son of Exy takes over and he just spits out the facts, the analyses, the quotes, the EVERYTHING
the History Nerd comes back to himself as his speech ends, he can’t believe he did it despite everything, he can’t even remember...
but then it’s questions time
nobody raises their hand. do not poke the bear. don’t ask, get out of class fast
there, at the back of the class... just by the window... a small hand rises...
“I’d like to know, if you want to share, which quote is your favorite and/or how it is the unquestionable proof of love between Laurens and Hamilton?”
Kevin is astounded; nobody cares for his presentation, nobody even listens, he’s not even sure the teacher listens, they just give him an A for peace
he looks for the face of the interrogator, they’re too small for him to see behind all the other students; he moves to the side as he thinks of how to formulate the answer that came to him so easily
and as he almost whispers “I shall only tell you that 'till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you.“ 
there she is.
he finally sees her. impossibly frizzy hair, light-brown skin, and those dark, dark eyes... 
oh, and that bright little smile she gives him as his answer echoes in the room...
“that is a beautiful declaration, thank you”, she simply says, slighlty nodding as she looks to the floor 
and then class is dismissed. and Kevin is broken out of his haze. and of course he has to bother his teacher some more. but as he stays up front, he keeps stealing glances at the corner of the room, where the girl is packing up
BUT, between glances, she just- disappears
the thing is, he doesn’t know her (why would he? she clearly doesn’t play exy, she must’ve always been behind him, and he never heard her speak before so... she is unimportant to him)
for the rest of the week, Kevin will try his very best to remember forget her
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