#claire scully
graphicpolicy · 10 months
Preview: The Wilderness Collection
The Wilderness Collection preview. Collects Claire Scully's acclaimed art book series (Internal Wilderness, Desolation Wilderness and Outer Wilderness) as a luxurious edition #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
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elysabeththequeene · 7 months
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and i know exactly where this all started........
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flannelfaeries · 8 months
hes just. a little guy. little guy. My, lil guy. me
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kira-nerys-rocks · 3 months
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite!
Thanks for tagging me @t-rina <3
I'm tagging as always without any pressure: @xenantis @eugladossae @indigenous-sun @frogsmulder @varlysca and anyone else who wants to join :)
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nerds-yearbook · 6 months
In 1947, a man was pulled from his car and was later found in a grisly condition; his leg had been eaten off. Some speculated this was the work of the Jersey Devil as this happened in the woods in New Jersey. ("Jersey Devil", X-Files, TV)
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loveofstelena · 3 days
Multicouples • No High
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effulgent-girl · 1 year
And Jaime & Brienne win!
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lindensea · 1 year
Started writing all my female blorbos in the tags of that one post and was hit over the head with the realization that I just really love girlbosses 💚
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contrariian · 3 months
tags (2/?)
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1x15: Lazarus
Did I have to title that?? no, but it’s fun! Anyways, as a diabetic this episode hits different, and I appreciate the actual medical accuracy to it all! (not that I would ever doubt Scully, my queen, to know what’s up). I’m not used to seeing diabetes represented in media where it’s a plot point and not the butt of a joke. And in other news about this episode I think I’m going to throw myself into the sun now because I’m not even done yet, but Mulder has already called Scully by her first name twice (cementing that he does that when he’s worried about her), and said “for those of you who don’t know already, this one’s important to me, so, um, let’s do it right” in regards to getting Scully out of a hostage situation. Eating glass and sobbing right now.
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elysabeththequeene · 1 month
thinking about the certain pattern i have with pairings i've been obsessed with over the more recent years
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rescuefield-arch1 · 1 year
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so apparently popular belief is that this was a reference to x-fil.es? and capflop even made merch about it?
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stainlesssteellocust · 3 months
good thing I ran out of space or I’d have been tempted to put Them in here
These range from single-episode tragedies and things which barely have content in their own books to the main plots of their ongoing series, and everything in between. I’m fully expecting a few to get flattened bc nobody on tumblr knows them, but heaven only knows who the victor’s going to be
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aloysiavirgata · 1 year
Scully comes out to Mulder as bisexual he responds by also coming out as bisexual
They’re kicked back in Adirondacks by the fire circle, the logs popping and sparking when the flames lick dried sap. The air is just crisp enough to make the heat cozy. Scully brought home cider donuts from the farm stand along her commute, which they wash down with a pitcher of sangria. A cinnamon-sugar crust coats her lips.
It’s been two minutes since he asked her and she hasn’t answered.
“So?” he prods, nudging her foot with his. “It’s been long enough all the sin’s gone out of it, Dana Katherine. Fess up, did you experiment some in college? I’ll absolve you if you did.”
He puts the lewdest possible edge on “experiment” so that she can’t in good faith make a quip about organic chemistry or the effects of acetylcholine on Rana pipiens.
Scully flops her head back against the heavy wooden chair; who cares at this point? The meanest nuns are dead. “Yeah,” she says. “I did.”
She turns to him for a reaction
His eyebrows are up, but he looks genuinely interested rather than smirking. “Oh? Do tell.”
She stares up at the rising column of smoke, tracks it to Polaris. Tracks it decades back. “This girl, Elizabeth. Roommate’s boyfriend’s sister. We…um. We all went out to a bar one night while she was visiting.”
Scully leans into the memory. Calgon and ski sweaters and Aqua Net. Layered bangs, Jordache jeans. Liz’s rum and Coke.
Liz’s hazel eyes, Liz’s blue mascara.
“Anyway. We all had a lot to drink and Claire - that was my roommate - Claire and Elizabeth’s brother were making out in his Cutlass Ciera.”
Liz’s mouth like a taut August plum, the taste of her frosted Revlon lips…
“There was this couch in the back of the bar, some coffee tables, you know the feeling. Anyway, Liz pulled me over. We’d been dancing some, Fleetwood Mac I think, and she kissed me. I was shocked, good Catholic girl that I was. But I was three shots in, and it was college, you know? We settled on the couch, kind of drunk I guess….”
She swallows hard, looks at Mulder. “Is this weird? It seems kind of weird.”
He shakes his head, eyes bright in the flames. “Go on.”
“We were kissing, mostly. She touched my breasts through my shirt, slipped her hands down my jeans but not my underwear. It was pretty innocent, I don’t know. I didn’t see her again after that but it definitely changed my perspective some. I began noticing if I found a woman attractive. Got at least a bit more comfortable with the idea, anyway. Stopped telling myself I just liked her hair or her outfit.”
She hears his breathing thicken. Just a little, but it’s there.
“And never after?” he asks.
Scully wonders what else he isn’t asking her. Wonders what it must be like to be young now. She shakes her head, takes a pull of sangria. Chews a chunk of macerated pineapple.
“No,” she says. “I came close a couple of times, but no.”
She wishes she had a cigarette or a joint. Something to do with her hands and her mouth even after so many years. And even after so many years she doesn’t tell him about what she thought of Esther Nairn, about whether she wanted to kill Diana or be Diana or fuck Diana.
They watch the fire for a time. Hear it crackle, gaze into a vast and endless sky. There are old gods there, older than hers. She knows that now. She embraces it.
“What about you?” Scully asks. “All those posh Eton boys at Oxford, surely one struck your fancy.”
She doesn’t really expect anything of it, but she asks to make him confirm or deny. To deflect. It’s how she’s been trained. And she’s endlessly intrigued by his formative years, her well-bred, prep-school lover. They’d practically invented sodomy, hadn’t they?
Mulder makes a soft, throaty noise. Grabs a donut and takes a huge bite.
She turns to him. “Oh my god,” she says. “Did you sleep with Alex Krycek?” Where had THAT come from?
He coughs donut crumbs everywhere. “Scully!”
She clamps on to it. “Did you?”
His turn for the sangria now, blushing. Blushing! Fox Mulder, did you really? she thinks, oddly turned on.
Mulder clears his throat. “He kissed me, but no. He kissed me twice, actually. But no, I didn’t…” he trails off, shaking his head.
“Did you like it?” she asks, her voice sex and sandpaper. Arousing herself further, Jesus.
“Yes,” he says. Holds her stare. Runs his tongue over the lips she’s kissed so many times. That Alex Krycek and Diana Fowley had kissed. The sting is gone, only the fascination left.
All the sin’s gone out of it, he’d said. Yes, it had. Over fifty, of course it had.
“But it wasn’t your first time.” A little breathless, that.
“No.” Licks his lips again. “You guessed right, Agent Scullly, brava. This guy, at uni…we. We didn’t sleep together, but we’d. You know. Touch.”
Agent Scully.
The father of her child looks unimaginably shy. “Ourselves. Each other.”
She knows about Phoebe, all the details. She knows about the cemetery and the gothic drama and the kind of sex that feels like a revelation instead of a mind game.
He knows about Daniel. She sees the child she was then, has long since forgiven the silly girl.
But this is different and, in her mind, sweet. Two boys, lonely, away from home. She hopes they were comforted. Happy.
“Did you…keep up with him?”
Mulder shakes his head, mouth a little swollen in the primal orange glow. “It only lasted a term before he graduated. Never spoke after that. Phoebe, you know. Other women.”
He grins at her. “You have to admit he was awfully pretty, especially for a complete piece of shit.”
Scully laughs. “That he was.”
She reaches for his fingers in the dark.
In the light.
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bbboar · 2 days
tagged by @monimolimnion (thank you!!)
Rules: Make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
Ngl fellas i forgot every show i ever watched so my brain went on random mode. Tried to list women i thought most people would know but then i just started listing villains bcs i support womens rights AND women's wrongs hashtg feminism
I tag @edamahun, @jademaomi, @alectothinker, @kirtini
and whoever else wants to do this, consider yourself tagged by me (and tag me so i can see and vote!!)
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This isn't real--it's Outlander PR!
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What a difference 8 years makes in how Outlander sells the show!
OUTLANDER SEASON ONE WAS ABOUT "ROMANCE": Back in April 2015, Outlander PR wanted to play up the chemistry of Sam and Cait in order to sell the romance between Jamie and Claire--which was what the show was all about in season 1.
I recall shippers being over-the-top with joy because they interpreted this photo of Sam and Cait in a BED 😱 as evidence that they must be a real life couple (overlooking the fact that they were wearing street clothes and most likely there was a tech crew in the room.🤦🏻‍♀️)
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IT'S JUST PR: Of course, the shippers didn't realize that what Sam and Cait were doing in the bed was just a PR pitch that has been used with other romantic (or potentially romantic) leads.
For instance, in the gif below, we see Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully) and David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) from The X-Files in bed as part of a tweet for a charity fundraising auction that the show was sponsoring.
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OUTLANDER SEASON SEVEN IS ABOUT "FAMILY": Fast forward to June 2023. Outlander PR appears to want to sell the show using the appeal of the Fraser extended family--because now that is largely what the show is about.
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So unless Sam, Cait and John Bell are involved in a triple 😱, I think it is safe to say that this is all just PR.
By the way, yes, John Bell said, "I just walked in to see what [Sam and Caitriona] were doing, and they were both just lying there in bed." However, he left out the part that they were WEARING CLOTHES. He also left out the part that there was (at least for the photo with the furry blanket at the top right of this post) SOMEONE TAKING PHOTOS (possibly even a camera crew).
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How clueless do you have to be to continue to believe in the SamCait ship nearly four years AFTER Cait married Tony?🤦🏻‍♀️
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I guess pretty clueless. 🤷🏻‍♀️
_________________ Photo/gif sources: 01*, 02*, 03*, 04*, 05, 06; *these photos/gifs were modified from their source
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