#class o
stafdash · 5 months
need a silly fic where  Nicole is a child of Hades and Jecka is a child of Athena and its there first week of camp and every one is just beyond shocked at the way they act.
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heartorbit · 1 year
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holy quintet looks kind of different
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cccotard · 7 months
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school day :p
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eatingmarkerz · 13 days
HEY YOU. YOU'RE PEAK ALRIGHT. i loved ur kriston and decided to draw them if you don't mind
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they were rlly fun to do, hope you like it <3
you just killed me i think OH MY OHJFDSHDGSDGDGDDB
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
"I feel like Kristen's in a lot worse shape than I am."
They are SO sisters
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theglowingeyeballz · 8 months
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Men from my favorite podcasts (I’m so unwell)
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botanyshitposts · 1 month
Eta on the YouTube video? No rush, just exchange
im gonna be honest man please do not count on me here lmao. my follow through rate for these projects is like 5%. real ones remember gourdquest and other related failed projects i came close to the sun on. if i succeed it will be huge for me on a genuine personal level and it will be the first time i've finished a creative project at all in years but if i do not. neither you nor me should be surprised
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luetta · 1 month
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WHY CANT I CUT A HOLE IN THE FABRIC OF REALITY AND ENTER THE UNIVERSE WHERE IM A FLORET IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIRRRRRRRR i'll give anything you don't even know please ill betray the entire human race and everyone i've ever known to let the affini know about this fucking planet im losing my MIND
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batunatu · 4 months
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fcking weirdo x "i can fix him" mf
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ok, jeffery is everything i hate in a man so SELFSHIP ART RAUGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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scrimblyscrorblo · 8 months
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This is my contribution to society
I’ve always thought arial dancing was sick af like I wanna try it some day
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 days
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Google, play "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #148
You know those homework assignments where you have to interview someone in your family and then write an essay about their responses? Fic where Peter's class is told to interview their dad / a father figure in their life. 
Peter decides to interview Tony. But, he doesn't want his class to accuse him of lying, and he definitely doesn't want Tony to know what the assignment is about. 
So for Tony, Peter makes it seem like the assignment is just to interview anyone. Then, he carefully chooses questions to ask that are domestic and personal enough to avoid any mention of superheroes, celebrities, or so on. The few details that do slip through he just leaves out of his final essay.
For the class problem, Peter solves it by referring to Tony in the essay exclusively as "dad"
Unfortunately for Peter, the teacher then announces a part 2 to the assignment. Right after collecting the essays, the teacher says they will now need to bring the people they interviewed to school for their presentations
Peter has pretty much decided to not even mention it to Tony and just say his dad is busy. But then Flash has to open his big mouth. 
He accuses Peter of just making his assignment up, loudly reminding the class that he's an orphan. Peter clarifies that this father figure thing is a new development, but now the teacher looks suspicious
Peter is going to have to ask Tony to come to his school. And he's going to have to explain why the class will be full of kids and their fathers
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puppyeared · 1 year
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my brother as a beast
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going feral
i’ve mentioned feral alphas and omegas in a few posts before, but what does that mean? this post will discuss ferality,* its causes, common feral behaviors, and treatment.
*note: i will be using ‘ferality’ as opposed to the technically proper ‘ferity’ because the latter is based on the latin root and sounds pretentious, and the former is based on the english word and is more accessible
what is ferality?
ferality is a medical emergency caused most commonly by social isolation. it causes those afflicted to behave erratically, and is the most common cause of forced bites. it is one of the top ten causes of death for those over 80 years old. it is also called ‘loneliness disease’ or ‘bite fever,’ and is often euphemistically described as ‘losing oneself.’ in the past, more than a week of ferality was incurable. today, synthetic hormones and careful medically supervised management leads to over 90% of those afflicted to make a full recovery if treated before one week, and over 80% to regain most normal function if treated before two weeks. outcomes become less positive the longer someone experiences ferality, but there have only been 1,762 documented deaths directly from ferality in the US since 1980.
why does it happen?
humans in the omegaverse are pack animals not only because their ancestors saw practical advantages to living, hunting, and raising pups in groups, but because they were biologically dependent on one another. in simplest terms, interacting with pack aids the body in maintaining its optimal balance between the twelve dynamic (i.e., alpha, beta, and omega) hormones. prolonged lack of social support means that these hormones become unbalanced, leading the body to a state of multi-system disregulation.
ferality greatly reduces people’s access to the areas of the brain responsible for decision making, planning, empathy, and abstraction. it is the body’s desperate bid to regulate itself by any means necessary. those afflicted become impulsive, aggressive, and violent in some cases, so it is essential both for the afflicted person and those nearby that if you spot a feral person, you call emergency services immediately.
how do you spot it?
feral humans are fairly easy to spot based on their unusual, erratic, impulsive behavior. they may sniff the air (or other people) unsubtly, grab or touch things (or people) and fail to respond to spoken language. ferality is most commonly associated with inappropriate scent marking and biting for good reason: a feral person’s primary drive is to share scent with someone to help bring themselves back into balance. there are also some behaviors that can generally be attributed to the different dynamic sexes:
feral alphas tend to make aggressive eye contact as a posturing behavior
growling, snarling, and clicking at no one in particular
clenching and unclenching the fists and shifting from foot to foot
violence, especially toward other alphas
an acrid scent, like burning rubber or sulfur
feral betas’ eyes tend to shift rapidly, settling on nothing for very long
humming, clicking, huffing at no one in particular
similar to alphas, they clench and unclench the fists and shift from foot to foot
general restlessness, moving quickly
climbing and perching inappropriately (e.g. on tables, vehicles, or buildings)
a rotting scent, like old meat or milk
feral omegas tend to make glancing eye contact—they meet someone’s eyes, hold, and look away several times
whining, purring, and clicking at no one in particular
baring the neck indiscriminately in a bid to entice a bite
hiding/burrowing (e.g. under tables or in closets. there have been several cases of feral omegas in clothing stores nesting in the clothing racks)
a chemical scent, like bleach or ammonia
how is it treated?
if you spot someone afflicted by ferality, it is essential to call for an ambulance immediately.
treatment begins in the ambulance. typically, EMS technicians anesthetize the individual for everyone’s safety. once it is safe to do so, the technicians draw blood and begin measuring vital signs and hormone levels to ensure that the individual truly is feral. in the past 30 years, rapid tests have made measuring hormone levels faster than ever. these levels are recorded and passed off to hospital triage, along with a record of any emergency hormones administered.
the hospital then brings the individual to the feral ward, where they have an individual room and nesting material marked with synthetic pheromones of all three dynamics. if the individual has been feral for less than ~three days, typically this is enough to trigger their body to begin regulating itself. in some cases, the individual may need direct scent marking in order to jumpstart regulation. if it’s necessary, a nurse or technician will swab the individual’s face and neck with a cotton swab soaked in a synthetic pheromone solution.
in more moderate to severe cases, the individual may need further assistance regulating themselves. in these cases, the individual will receive intravenous hormones and extremely frequent monitoring.
typically, after a few days of hormone therapy, the individual’s body will have reached a state of equilibrium and will be able to maintain the balance itself again. however, in some severe cases, the individual’s body may be unable to maintain the balance. these people will need hormone therapy every other week indefinitely. in some cases (especially those where there is also malnutrition or other severe condition), the issue will resolve itself with time. in others, the hormone treatment is for life.
how is it prevented?
the best prevention is maintaining healthy pack bonds. if, for some reason, this is inaccessible, clinics, health departments, and hospitals typically have nesting materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in the past five years, some nesting material companies have begun offering materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in addition, matching agencies sometimes offer scent-marked clothing or nesting materials for sale, though this practice is judged fairly harshly.
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yolexxx · 8 months
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just remembered that i can draw literally whatever i want forever
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