#click for better quality because tumblr ruined it as always :
rawlyx · 2 years
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I joined a villain-themed art trade on the Artfight Discord server and this was my piece for it! It was a fun challenge seeing as I mostly draw humans :]
Please click for better quality because Tumblr likes to ruin it
Character belongs to HoopdogTheKing!
🦎Reblogs are always appreciated!🦎
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transmonstera · 1 year
In regards to your posts about ao3 and how vile it is in actuality, I wanna say thank you. I've not put much thought into the website I've been using but this has put things into perspective. I no longer want my work (work that I am proud of) on a website like that. Ao3 doesn't align with my values and I'm assuming many other people's who use the site.
Do you have any suggestions on a better site everyone can use?
(Side note: I absolutely adore your work!)
sure thing!
while there are no websites quite like ao3 in terms of filtering, curation, bookmarks, likes/comments etc there are a few alternatives out there!
Wattpad - I know people make fun of this one because it's where all the rpf for bands went back in the day but it is still operating and many people use it so you'll likely just switch viewers from ao3 to wattpad pretty seamlessly
Tumblr - you can always post directly on here! there is a character limit i believe of 4k so it's great for showing previews or even cutting up a small fic into parts 1, 2, 3, etc. a little clunky but it's an option if you only write short stuff! (Twitter threads can even be an option for this though again, a lil restrictive and works better for super short works!)
Google Docs + Linktree - if you have a linktree account you can always just link a view only (make sure people can't edit!) google doc of the fic! having the fics on a linktree still give people the ability to see all of your work in one place, and you can even see on linktree the click statistics for each fic! while it doesn't give the reader the ability to like/comment, you can always encourage those who do like it to leave a message on your tumblr!
Discord (or any groupchat tbh!) - similar to above you can always set up a discord server and post your fics view docs links there! it gives a curated experience and you can see the comments of people directly in the server
AO3 has seemingly made people believe that each and everyone one of their fan creations must be thrown out into the void where you hope everyone sees it and loves it. I think this has really stifled people's abilities to truly be creative in terms of making content of their favourite medias (and even with transitioning to making original work!) because you may subconsciously be adhering the current trends and whatnot of everyone else, even if you don't really like it yourself! I mean look at how common modern/high school aus still are today when I have yet to meet anyone who actually likes them. Look at how many books that have been published lately that painfully follow AO3 tag systems, where they don't even havea blurb anymore and instead just have "friends to lovers meet blah blah blah! read it now!". (Not to mention the quality of the books being published is fucking atrocious)
AO3 has ruined publishing and I am being entirely serious about that.
But back to where you wanna go with your fics now. Don't be afraid to restructure how you interact with your hobbies! It doesn't have to be so exposed and vulnerable to anyone and everyone having their say on it. I used to participate massively in fandom and I'll be honest, it made me miserable. I constantly felt like I couldn't keep up, that my ideas were wrong because another idea was more popular, and I really struggled. So I took about a hundred steps back and only interact with the media I like through my friends who also like it! And it's a lot better! You may not get hundreds and thousands of likes on fics from here on out if that's what you're used to, but I guarantee you'll have more meaningful interactions that you actually hold dear to you far more than any "a guest has left a kudos on your work" notification.
(Also just a pre-emptive thing of anyone who wants to defend AO3 on this post because "it's an integral part of fandom!" or "they need that much money because they run a site with no ads!", or you want to try and tell me that the fics on there are fine because it's fiction regardless of what the fics is (including literal fucking CSAM), just know you are completely unserious and I don't value a single thing you say. So don't even try it. How about you donate to a marginalised person's mutual aid for the first time in your life and you'll calm down.)
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shreksstepfather · 2 years
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I actually beat Renegade Platinum!!! Here’s the squad :)
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loversmuses · 3 years
Just the two of us
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Natasha spend valentine's day together (that's it lmaoo)
Wordcount: 3462
Warning: hehe just good ol' fluff with my beloved girlfriend :) , also Natasha and reader being horny little fuck for each other deserves a warning of its own (cuz it's valentine's day duh, let them be horny!!) , teasing, flirting, suggestive language but nothing too explicit. Viewers discretion advised :)
A/n: I know I haven't been active for a week or so and I won't be for a while, cuz preboards and assignments r gonna suck all my energy, fml n fuck cbse. But I wanted to write something on valentine's day for ya'll so here's your gift ;)
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(click on the pic for a better quality cuz tumblr's bitch)
if the translation ain't right then blame google, if they are then praise me for learning russian lmfaoo.
She chuckled at how you weren't letting her go even in your sleep. Of Course she was in pain and was sure that her hand was numb at this point. But she couldn't find it in herself to wake you up just to let go of her hand.
She brushed off the hair from your cheeks with her free hand before trying to gently remove her hand without waking you up in the process.
"Don't go" you said in your sleep as you shifted closer to her, clutching her so tight that even if she wanted to go anywhere, she couldn't.
"I'm not going anywhere, любовь" she kissed your forehead as she held you closer to her gently soothing your back till she thought your were in deep sleep.
She then cautiously removed her hand from your head and took the phone from her counter as she looked for contact that could help her with some stuff.
"сука, It's 7 in the morning!" Her sister groaned
"I need your help with some stuff"
"It better be to kill you off, cuz you ruined my beauty sleep!"
"You can always take a nap in the afternoon" Natasha told her.
"Who the fuck takes a nap in the afternoon!?"
"I don't know ask Wanda"
"Oh hell nah I'm good, she's scary"
"Oh so my little русская is scared of someone."
"First of all don't call me that and secondly you are scared of her too" Natasha just mimicked her sister making her groan loudly.
"And they think I'm childish just because I'm younger than you. Okay tell me what do you need?" she sighed as she asked her sister.
"I'll text you and please bring it as soon as possible"
"Mhm Please? I love this version of you. Gotta love her for changing my сестра"
"uh-huh nope I'm hanging up. Make sure you bring everything" Yelena chuckled when she avoided her statement.
She read the text before moving her head to look at the dog and it's owner looking at her. She rolled her eyes when Kate jumped and laid down on her bed.
"Can I come with you?"
"Oh hell no"
"Why not? I need to take Lucky on walk either way"
"Still no"
"I can help you find all that stuff too!" Kate mentioned while pointing a finger towards her phone.
"Don't worry I can find it myself" Yelena gave her tight lipped smile as she got up to get ready.
"Don't" she turned to Kate and then regretted it when she gave her those puppy eyes.
"Pretty please?"
"о боже, I hate this word! да!"
"I don't know what that means but I'm assuming it's a yes cuz I don't wanna assume anything negative"
"Yeah it means yes but we're not taking that stupid dog anywhere" the dog made a sad face "it's a relief that you can't say пожалуйста!"
"Alright We won't take him. It's gonna be just you and me!" the dog looked at her with sad eyes now "Don't worry buddy I'll bring pizza for you"
Natasha was just dressing up to look decent when she heard the window shuffle. She hid the knife in her palm as she made her way towards the window. Sighing when she saw her sister catching a breath.
"You could've just come in from the door like a normal human being" Natasha rolled her eyes and put the knife on the table.
"Tell me which part of me screams I'm normal human being?" she exclaimed the last three words with her hand.
"None" she rolled her eyes again. "Did you bring everything I told you to?"
Yelena gave her sister her best smile as she flipped the bouquet of roses and easily caught it.
"Don't do that!" She took the rose and all the stuff from Yelena's hand and safely put them on the counter. "Where's macaroni?"
There was a knock on the door that caught both of the assassin's attention. Natasha muttered something under her breath as she got over to unlock the door.
"Hi!!" Kate chimed when she saw Natasha and not Yelena. "I would hug you but I have this" Natasha smiled at the raven haired girl as she backed away from the door for her to step inside.
"I'll just take this from you. Oh my god, why did you guys bring a freaking pot!?" she asked in and gently put it on the counter as well.
"Don't worry we didn't bring all of it. We won't starve." Yelena reassured her as she continued looking at her phone.
"It's not that. It's how am I gonna hide this big thing" Natasha mumbled and smiled when Kate joined them in the kitchen.
"Oh so you were okay with us starving!?" She ignored her sister as she hugged Kate. "I didn't even get a hug!"
"Yeah that's what you get for coming from the window and it's good to see you Kate!" she patted her back before pulling away.
"You as well, Ms. Romanoff."
"Oh don't be so formal. Call me Natasha"
"Oh- Okay Natasha it is" she gave one last smile to Kate before making her way towards Yelena.
"Now come here!" she laughed looking at her grumpy face before hugging her tightly.
"Nat! Where are you!?" your voice made Natasha chuckle.
"Now you guys stay here and let me deal with my other favourite grumpy person"
"Your sister seems nice" Kate said in a low voice but Natasha still heard it.
"Oh she's deadlier than I am. It's all just an act she put up for her girlfriend." The redhead rolled her eyes at Yelena's comments but soon her face lit up when she saw you rubbing your eyes trying to adjust it to the light of the day.
You were still laying in bed when you heard someone come in, you turned around to see Nat approaching you, you took the opportunity to gaze your lover up to down. Everytime she wore the black jacket, your stomach did the backflip. She just looked damn good in it plus the messy hair? It was just the icing of the cake.
She knelt down in front of you and then you saw the red tint covering her cheeks. She took your hand in hers and slowly kissed it.
"Where were you? I was starting to miss you." you grumbled.
"I was making you breakfast." she chuckled as she continued showering you with kisses, moving upwards with each kiss she gave you.
"any special occasions?" you smirked at knowing there were still a couple of months left for your anniversary, so it was just a regular monday, right?
"You didn't forget it's Valentine's day, did you?" well that actually shocked you.
"I thought it was just a monday-" you groaned as you threw your head on the pillow, making her grin. She again continued kissing you as dhe grazed her hand over your collarbones.
"Shit I haven't even prepared anything. I was busy with-"
"There's no need, love. I know, it's not your fault." Well it did hurt a little that you didn't know what it was today, but she couldn't even blame you. You were mostly busy nowadays and you were also bad with keeping up with dates and all. The reason why she remembers your menstrual cycle, among other reasons.
"It is." you sighed and turned to look at her. "Can I give you a head as an apology? Why the fuck am I asking that ofcourse I can, come over here!" you didn't even give her a chance to answer the questions, as you basically told her right after.
It would be a lie if she said she wasn't tempted by the offer and she would've accepted it if you both were alone but you were oblivious to the fact that you had company.
"Looks like you need more convincing" You smirked and slowly lowered the blanket making her look at your boobs. She wanted to tell you that Yelena and Kate were here as she thought of the reason to tell you why they were here. But right now, her mind was far away from thinking about those things.
"Natasha should we go or do we have to listen to this torture!?" Yelena's voice came from outside, making you startled. You quickly covered yourself with the blanket when you saw her coming inside the room.
"Yelena! At least knock the fucking door before you enter!" The girl in a purple hoodie followed the blond.
"I was so fucking done with to listening these two."
"Then you should've just moved to a different room further away." Natasha stood up and made her way towards her sister pushing her outside the room with her.
You sighed as you left the bed quickly dressed "decently", well her shirt covered pretty much everything and it smelled like her. You smiled as you took a deep breath before making your way to see the uninvited guests.
"What are you guys doing here?" you asked them when you entered the living room with your arms crossed in front of you.
"They're here for Liho" Natasha jumped in before Yelena could say anything.
"Yeah! for Liho!" Kate said and Yelena just nodded.
"But why?" you quirked your eyebrow as you leaned on the doorframe.
"Because darling, All I wanna take care of today is you and I can't deal with anyone interrupting us at that time, not even Liho." Your girlfriend said as she slipped her hands around your waist, giving a quick peck on your exposed shoulder.
You blushed a little at your girlfriend's attempt to sound not too explicit in front of Kate and her sister but you knew exactly what she was talking about. You nodded and Natasha smirked at you before backing away.
"She's in the bed. I'll go get her." You stumbled a little as you made your way towards the bedroom and Nat shamelessly followed you. You removed the covers as you gently took the cat in your arms.
"Should I be jealous that she was the one cuddling with you when you woke up and not me?" she said as she leaned on the wall, smirking when you blushed more.
"Shut up. You're gonna get more than just cuddling today and you know that." You said as you made your way towards Kate and Yelena, ignoring your girlfriend completely.
"Ohmygod, she's so cute" Kate said as she stood up and carefully took the cat from you.
"Well I don't think you'd have the cat food in your home so take these too" Natasha handed Yelena the containers.
"Okay guys, enjoy your day and we'll take good care of your kitten." Kate said and you gave her a little smile.
"I'm sorry if I scared you" Yelena said as she came towards you to give you a hug.
"Aw don't worry, It's your sister's fault either way" you said as you hugged her and she laughed a little.
"Well can't argue with that" she said with a smile. "Enjoy your day." you gave her your best smile and nodded.
Leaning on Nat's shoulder, you waved at them when they left. Natasha chuckled, making you turn to look at her.
"Nothing, it's just- she took the door this time because you were here."
"Then how did she come into our home? Don't fucking tell me she entered through window- She fucking did! didn't she!?" Natasha was laughing as she closed and locked the door.
"Well that confirms that she's your sister" You passed her a smirk.
"So now I'm the bad guy huh" you heard her voice from behind.
"You are always the bad guy" you chuckled before making your way towards the kitchen.
You were shocked when you entered the kitchen.The whole island filled up with the chocolates you loved with a bouquet of roses placed in between two glasses.
"Is this all for little ol' me?" she hummed as she leaned on your shoulder and gently wrapped her hands around your waist.
"Mhm and what did you make? It smells good by the way" you asked her when she left your side to grab the bottle of wine and two glasses.
"Macaroni and cheese, your favourite." a tint of red crept on her face when your face lit up. She cleared her throat and started pouring some wine into both glasses. "Of Course I didn't want to go overboard but looking at how you didn't even know what day it was. I think I did a little too much." she teased you as she safely put the bottle on the counter and handed you wine.
"Babe, I told you I'm sorry!" you took a big gulp of wine when she backed you up on the counter with her infamous smirk on her lips. She then slowly slid her free hand under your (her) shirt as she got closer to your neck, the action easily making you shiver.
"Why don't you show me how sorry you are like you promised, малышка" she kissed your neck and slowly started sucking it intensely.
"But the macaroni would get cold" you put your glass on the counter when she backed away to look at you with those lustful eyes and that sinful smirk.
"Well that depends on how fast you can be baby" she unbuttoned the shirt before taking it off completely.
"Now come on. Do what you're best at."
You didn't need to be told twice.
The day went by with her being busy completing her reports. She did promise that she'd be home till 6 and you both could spend the rest of the evening together.
You called in sick and stayed at home to prepare a surprise for her. Chuckling when you observed the decor. Talk about getting overboard with the decor.
You checked the time, she'd be here anytime now you thought. You slightly loosen the tie of your robe as you applied perfume on your neck.
"Hey, I got a last minute reservation. Perks of being best friends with Stark'' Natasha chuckled as she closed the door behind her. She quirked her eyebrow when she saw the rose petals scattered on the floor making the pathway. She could hear music coming from a distance and she started following wherever the rose petal pathway was going to take her.
"You're late."
Natasha then saw where it ended and then her eyes met yours. She didn't even know she was holding back her breath when you made your way towards her and she started breathing heavily.
"I was starting to believe you were gonna spend the rest of day doing your work instead of doing something better." You smirked as you saw your lover's flushed face, and to tease her more you started untying the knot painfully slowly.
"I'm here now aren't I?" her act of being cool was cut off when you backed her on the wall. You were so close to her that she could smell your cologne.
You gave her a passionate kiss before biting her bottom lip before pulling back. She was so focused on you that she didn't even notice that you had decorated the bathroom with candles.
You then removed your robe from your body. Her eyes gazing upon your body that was covered with lingerie that left nothing for one's imagination.
"Damn now I feel like I'm overdressed" You chuckled as you got inside the bathtub waiting for her to undress.
She removed every piece from her body, unlike you. You shifted ahead to give her some space to get inside. When she finally settled in, you rested your head on her shoulder.
"Sorry I couldn't find any strawberries because every couple wanted to eat them with melted chocolate" Natasha chuckled as she was sure you were rolling your eyes even though she couldn't see your face.
"Well I don't need strawberries to make my day better, I just need you." she sighed contently when she breathed in that familiar scent of your neck.
"You already have me, darling. In this lifetime and every other." You tilted your head to give her a heated kiss.
"Well that too." she said between the kisses as her hands unclasped your bra. Pulling away from her, you took it and threw it on the floor.
She took the opportunity to suck on your weak point, while her other hand made its way towards your core. Chuckling when she found you already wet.
"Natasha" a moan escaped your lips, not being able to control yourself even though she hasn't done anything yet.
"Tell me what you want, darling" she asked as she took one of your breasts in her free hand.
"I want you" you could feel her smile on your neck as she gave you exactly what you wanted.
The dinner was good and the company was even better. Although the restaurant was a bit crowded because of the obvious occasion, you didn't complain about anything to her.
You were more of an intimate person who liked only her company or liked it when you both were alone. But you never opposed the idea of going out if it made her happy.
In the span of five years of dating her you knew how much your cute assassin loved going places with you, never getting tired of showing affection even if you both weren't alone.
Well it would come as a shock to whoever used to know her years ago but something changes with the time.
"There's literally no one." She said to you.
"Yeah that's why it's an amazing time to visit the beach."
"Also I'm wearing heels"
"Well we can go barefoot." you gave her a tight lipped smile as you removed your shoes before sprinting towards the sand.
Natasha shook her head and chuckled before removing her heels as she tried to catch up with you.
"Just so you know if I catch a cold, you were the reason behind it" she tried to be serious but miserably failed in doing so.
"Well I told you to take your jacket with you but you wanted to show off the dress" you chuckled as you put your hands in your pocket and leaned closer to her ears. "Not that I'm complaining, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." You whispered in her ears, making her blush.
"Here" You then took your coat off and handed it to her. She quickly took and wore it as you rolled up your sleeves.
"Have I ever told you that you look ten times more sexy when you roll up your sleeves?" she asked in a flirtatious tone.
"Well, darling, Now that I know you won't see me without rolled up sleeves" you passed a wink at her and she chuckled.
"Then don't mind if I just lose control after seeing you looking that hot" You laughed as you shook your head.
"I won't mind. I love seeing you all hot and bothered for me" You said in a low voice and she grabbed your collar, pulling you towards her.
"Don't tease or else I won't be able to wait until we get home" she said as she bit her lip.
"Then kiss me and I won't" you said with an innocent glint in your eyes. She again pulled you towards her and gave you a chaste kiss. You held her waist as the waves hit both of your feet.
"Now can we go home? There's one more gift that's left to give you." she bit her lips as she wrapped her hands around your neck.
"Oh really?" she just bit her lips and nodded in response. "Guess I'm getting spoiled tonight." she chuckled as she just shrugged before giving you a little peck.
You pulled away from her just to look her in the eyes. Eyes that were shining brighter than it ever did in the moonlight.
"Again I'm sorry for forgetting what it was today." you sighed and closed your eyes.
"Don't apologise, You already made my day better." she pulled back as she gently caressed your cheeks. "Hell you make my life better just by existing" her words making you chuckle.
"and they call me a flirt" you tighten your grip on her waist.
"a thing or two I learned from my lover" she grinned and looked at you with those adorable eyes that made you give her the whole world if you could and you would if it made her happy.
"I love you" you told her as you pulled her closer to you, easily making her blush with those three little words. She sighed contently as she connected her forehead to yours.
"I love you too"
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arwenkenobi48 · 3 years
The PDF That Saved My Life - Why I Love “All Tomorrows” With All My Heart
(Content Warning: Discussions of trauma, suicidal ideation and sexual abuse)
*clears throat* So, as some of you may be aware, the past few weeks haven’t been easy, not in the least. I was struggling with serious suicidal urges and feeling extreme anguish towards my own body and soul. I believed myself to be tainted, filthy and all manner of destructive and negative things.
The reason behind this breakdown was due to the realisation that I had experienced sexual harassment and assault multiple times throughout my life, including an occasion last year in which I was groped by an immediate relative. I had been aware of the incident since it happened, but was in denial. I was thinking “It couldn’t have been that bad, right?” But after trying unsuccessfully to repress it, I had to face the facts that she did what she did. I was heartbroken and I’m still deeply saddened by the realisation. Everything just seemed to fall apart and I psychologically imploded, plummeting into a dark pit of worthlessness and childlike sorrow. I felt as if I had been thrown into a mental oubliette; just tossed away and forgotten about on every level. Whenever I wasn’t bawling my eyes out and grieving my lost innocence, I was stress-eating and lying in bed, feeling nothing. Every now and then, I’d receive a short burst of energy, but nothing substantial, and the feelings remained.
Despite all of that, though, I didn’t want to die. A small part of my mind wanted to hold on and ride out these waves of suicidal thoughts. But I also knew I shouldn’t have to be going through this cycle of building up and breaking down, so I finally managed to seek professional help. There’s another thing that also pushed me towards seeking help and eventually guided me out of this dark place, and that’s the work of science fiction I mentioned in the title. All Tomorrows by C. M. Koseman (I hope I’ve spelled that right).
I don’t remember exactly how I came across it, but I think it was the video by Alt Shift X on YouTube that did it. As you can imagine, my dark thoughts weren’t only directed towards myself, but the world at large. I was wondering how life could be so cruel as to let something so horrific happen to me. I saw the thumbnail of that video and I didn’t know what it was. I had vaguely heard of All Tomorrows, but was more familiar with the much more nihilistic Dougal Dixon book Man After Man, and as such I got the two confused. I clicked on the All Tomorrows video, barely paying much attention and dismissively thinking: “oh great another sci-fi dystopia that predicted humanity’s inevitable downfall”.
What that video showed me absolutely blew my mind. As I discovered C. M. Koseman’s intricate worldbuilding science fiction project, I became fascinated and enthralled by the journeys and evolutions of the various post-human species, from the fun-loving Satyriacs and the mellowed out Snake People, to the bloodthirsty Killer Folk and the horrifying Bone Crushers. Yes, many of the stories were very, very sad. The Mantelopes lost everything and devolved because intelligence was so painful. The Striders, Titans and Temptors were all wiped out before they had the chance to truly reach their full potential. The Qu and Gravitals, one could say, ruined everything. But what truly amazed me was the fact that many, many of these stories also contained great happiness.
The Colonials, for example, suffered through the kind of torture that I wouldn’t wish on the Devil himself. Being wedged together into a wall of flesh bricks, all while retaining intelligence. And yet, they managed to turn into the beautiful Modular People and create a utopian society. Yes, the Killer Folk are traditionally violent, but the ones that made the biggest progress were the ones that chose peace over war. The Satyriacs started off as the mindless Hedonists, but were able to use their intelligence to appreciate every moment of their joyful lives. The lowly Worms became the comfort-loving Snake People, always able to appreciate the little things in life. The flattened Lopsiders rose up from the ground and became the proud, tall Asymmetric People. The list goes on, but you get my point.
The point is, even though this future humanity went through the sort of Hell that makes the past few years look tame by comparison, they always managed to rise up. Sure, nothing was ever quite the same again, but they managed to make something new and wonderful out of that. When you cut an orange, you may not have a whole fruit anymore, but you have lots of slices that can be shared with everyone. The best thing you can do is move forward. The future will always hold something better for you, even if that seems impossible. Don’t be afraid to reach for it. The final quote of this incredible piece of sci-fi wiped away the remnants of dark still clinging to me: “Love today and seize all tomorrows.” To me, that meant “Be a kind soul and you can achieve anything.”
This entire story ignited a strong feeling of empathy within me; an emotion I thought I was too traumatised to ever properly feel or express again. I think that was the point. Sure, the many strange post-humans may not look like us, but we cannot deny that they are human and that brings out the best in us. We shouldn’t be afraid to show empathy for our fellow humans. Thinking lowly of what collectively proves to be our best quality, claiming we’re “above” it and aiming to become “bigger than” everything else deprives us of our humanity. Empathy, compassion, love, that’s what makes us truly powerful. If we can learn to love today, the utopian future we all dream of will finally be ours.
Love is something that, from an early age and for over half my life, I was never truly given. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give it to others. Just as the post-humans were able to move forward and rise from the ashes, I fully intend to do the same. I’m safe now. The people who hurt me are gone from my life and will never hurt me again. I’m surrounded by loving friends, in a city I love, attending a university I love, receiving the therapy I need to heal and soon to be medically transitioning too. Even though I still struggle to accept it, I’m learning to love myself as well. I think that’s the greatest love someone can ever feel. If I continue to love each today that comes, all the tomorrows will be brighter and brighter.
And to think this all started because of a PDF about the hypothetical future of humanity. I’m determined to hold on no matter what. Idk if C. M. Koseman uses tumblr or any other social media for that matter, but if he comes across this somehow, I just want to say “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn’t be here today without All Tomorrows.”
(PS: I know I have stumbled and made mistakes on my platform as well. I’m still a little bit unsteady after being in such a dark mental state for so long. I’m sorry about that. I am doing better. Thank you all if you made it this far. I love and appreciate every single one of you.)
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gr-ogu · 4 years
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Hello! As requested, here is a tutorial on how I make my gifs. I would like to preface this by saying there are many ways to make gifs, and there’s no right or wrong answer imo. This is just how I personally go about doing so!
I will be using PS CC 2017, but as long as you have the video timeline option, it shouldn’t matter too much; on any version of PS, you should be able to adapt anything I mention here! You will also need some kind of screen recording software. I’ll talk a little more about that under the cut.
To start, you need the source material you will be making the gifs from! I get mine from snahp(.)it (avoiding links so tumblr hopefully doesn’t banish this from the tags lmao) and I always opt for either 1080p or 2160p. Not all laptops will support 2160p as it’s 4K, but either works great! You just want your gifs to be the best quality possible.
Next is where the screen recording comes in. I don’t use the screencapping method to make my gifs (where you use a program to cap a clip and then load those caps into a stack in PS). This isn’t for any particular reason… it’s just how my friends, (who very kindly taught me to gif), had always done it, so it’s now how I do it too. Personally, I find the quality to be just as good as the screencapping method, and have never noticed a difference between the two.
As I have a PC, I use the software built into it for screen-recording. If you go here: theverge(.)com/2020/4/21/21222533/record-screen-pc-windows-laptop-xbox-game-bar-how-to – you can see how to use the XBOX screenrecorder to record from files you have d*wnloaded. This also works on some streaming sites, but I think it depends on what browser you use. Personally, I recommend Firefox, as that seems to bypass a lot of the blocking and ads that occur when trying to do this sort of thing.
For MAC users, I have been told handbrake works well, as it converts MKV files to MP4, which can then be used to make gifs. You only need to convert part of the file to MP4 depending on how much you want to gif, and this also bypasses the screenrecording stage, as you can edit MP4 clips on Quicktime. I am told you can split them into smaller clips by going to edit > trim and it saves the new clip!
I have also used anyvideoconverter for small clips, but I can’t say what it does to the quality of your video, or how big of a file it lets you put in! With the XBOX screenrecorder, it doesn’t matter what type of video files you get, as the recording will save to MP4 anyway.
Now, go ahead and record whatever clips you want to gif. Make sure you have the video timeline open, by going to window > timeline. Then, go to file > import > video frames to layers.
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Next, select and open your clip from where it has saved (with the XBOX recorder, it saves in video > captures). You should see a little window pop up, where you can move the sliders back and forth to clip your recording to whichever part(s) you specifically want to gif. I recommend trying not to load a lot of frames into photoshop at once, but I would be a hypocrite to say that, since I do it a lot lmao. Just be patient if you do!
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Once you have chosen the length, click okay. Never, EVER, I repeat NEVER click the button that says “limit to every __ frames”. This really ruins the flow and quality of your gif—it’s better to have shorter, but smoother gifs, I promise. And with tumblr’s new 10 MB limit, it shouldn’t be a problem anyway!
Then, your frames should open up. What we want to do is make them into a smart object, so we can edit all the layers at the same time. To do this, click the small button in the left-hand corner. ALWAYS click this first. If you don’t, it will only convert the first frame to a smart object and the gif won’t work.
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Give it a second to sort itself out, then, on the right-hand side, select all your frames at once using the shift key.
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Then, go to filter > convert for smart filters. This might take a minute. Don’t click anything else in case PS gets angry lmao, just leave it for a second and it’ll do its thing. The more frames you have, the longer it takes! Now we have our gif, but it needs to be cropped, sharpened and coloured!
You want to start by selecting the rectangular marquee tool on the left-hand side, then drag it across by clicking and highlighting the area you would like to crop your gif to, like so:
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What I tend to do is select everything inside the black lines you sometimes get around your gif (this depends on what file you d*wnload), and also the tiniest bit inside the sides. This is because I’ve found if you crop it right up to the edge, you get a tiny bit of transparency on the sides of your gifs, which I’d rather avoid.
Once you have your desired selection, go to image > crop. Now, the dimensions for tumblr are 540px width, so all your gifs have to be that width. However, the length is up to you. I really like big gifs, so sometimes I even make a full square, or even longer. It’s entirely up to you, and what kind of set you want to make.
For the purposes of this gif, I will stick to what I usually go for, 540px by 350 px. This will mean you’ll have to crop some width off, but that’s okay, since Marisa isn’t central anyway. The cropping is always trial and error for me, as sometimes people move out of the frame within in the gif. The best thing to do is just try it, and then move the slider in the timeline window at the bottom to see if the person stays inside the gif, and if not, adjust accordingly.
Next, go to image > image size:
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In this box, if I put the width as 540, the gif is a smaller height than I want, as it keeps to the dimensions of the gif when you load it into PS. That’s okay, just put the height you want instead, and we’ll crop off the excess.
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Then click OK. Using the rectangular marquee tool again, we need to remove the excess width. Part of the reason I like this version of PS is that it tells you the width of your selection as you do it, but you can always use the ruler as a guide, and check the size of your image by going to image > image size again.
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Again, use image > crop, and your gif should now be the correct size!
You can also use the crop tool in the timeline window to crop the length of your gif:
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However, I tend to wait until later on to do this (which will be explained further down!)
Next you want to go to filter > sharpen > smart sharpen.
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These are my settings. However, 0.4px is very sharp, too much so, but that’s easily fixed.
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Go to filter > blur > Gaussian blur and then set it to 1.0.
Now on the right-hand side, we need to reduce the blur, so double click the little adjustment button, and change the opacity of the blur. I usually go for 20-30%!
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Then click OK, and that’s your sharpening done!
I picked this scene on purpose as it’s dark, so good for showing how to colour a gif. I have a base psd which consists of some very basic adjustments, but it mostly exists so I don’t forget what adjustment layers I like to use. I adjust them every time I make a gif, essentially colouring each gif from scratch.
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In this case, the psd actually makes it darker. So, what I will do is turn each layer off, and adjust as I go. A lot of people say using lots of adjustment layers ruins the quality of your gif… I have never found this to be true, as long as you are gentle with them. If you whack the brightness right up to the top, it’s going to ruin your gif no matter if you use 1 adjustment layer or 100. I would just say use your common sense, and adjust a little at a time!
I start with a simple black to white gradient map set to soft light, because I think it helps you see depth once you add some brightness to it. I usually do this on about 10%, or more if needed. It’s probably unnecessary, I just like how it looks!
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Then, I move onto using curves and levels. This is where things can diverge depending on who you’re colouring. If this person is white, it doesn’t matter too much. If they’re not white, you don’t want to white wash them. My best advice is to play around with it. By adding vibrance and other (usually the red) selective colour settings later, you can ensure you don’t change the person’s skin tone from what it originally was. You can also use layer masks at varying opacities (various shades of grey), on your curves and levels, to remove some brightening so that you’re not changing anyone’s skin colour. Just brighten slowly and check in with yourself honestly about how your gif looks.
Some people don’t like using levels, or curves. It’s completely up to you. I tend to use both because levels are good for bringing depth, even if not brightening (though I like to use them for that as well). 
One thing you can do is use the white point of the gif to make PS adjust the curves itself, however I like to drag the sliders myself and see what it looks like. Just make sure it’s not too bright, as we will be using further layers to brighten more, after.
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Next is levels. The slider on the left controls the black point, the one in the middle controls the midtones, and the one on the right controls the white points. The black brings depth, the midtones adjust the overall brightness, and the white points produce stronger highlights. Again, you’ll get a feel for how this works as you practice. Just don’t use the white point excessively, especially if your characters are not white.
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Then I add vibrance (+20!), because we’ve removed a lot of it when lightening the gif. Next is exposure, which I find brings out the highlight and shadow areas more effectively:
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Then colour balance! This helps with scenes that might be a certain colour, i.e. too blue, too green, too red, etc. Moving the sliders in the opposite direction of the colour your gif is will counteract it. The best thing to do when accounting for different colours, is to make a new layer every time you change colour, so that you don’t get confused. I always add a new layer for colour balance and selective colour if I want to change more than one thing. So one for red, one for yellow, one for pink, etc. 
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A layer of brightness just to make the gif pop, and because the scene is extra dark, I added a very gentle extra curves layer:
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Time to save the gif. You can go ahead and file > export > save for web (legacy) now, but then you’ll have to reopen the gif to reset the frame rate from 0.07, to 0.05. Instead of doing that, I use a modified action. The original was made by the very talented @elenafisher! So I do not take credit for that at all. You can find the original here: elenafisher(.)tumblr(.)com/post/190817437374/gif-sharpening-action-2-preview-download and in my resources tag. Please reblog it if you’re going to use this!
To use an action, first make sure you have actions turned on in window > actions. To load in your action, go to the little lines circled, and then load the action from your downloads:
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Obviously if you don’t want to sharpen your gifs yourself, you can use the action as it is, and it will give you a beautiful glowing effect. If you’d just like to use it to flatten your gif into frames like I do, make sure to take out all the items I have highlighted:
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Until it looks like this!
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Make sure you have the layer under the file name highlighted, and then click the play button at the bottom! (If you get a screen saying select all frames cannot be found, don’t worry, just click continue!) You can delete the layer that does that if you want, I just keep it in case I realise I’ve forgotten to do something, because you can click cancel and edit your gif before you flatten it. Of course you can undo the steps to get back to the smart object version of your gif, it just takes longer!
And now your gif is in frames and set to 0.05 already, so you don’t have to change the speed! All you need to do now before saving is change the gif cycle to “forever” in the bottom left-hand corner:
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Then to save the gif go to file > export > save for web (legacy). Sometimes, the gif is bigger than the tumblr 10MB limit. You’ll be able to see this in the bottom left-hand corner of the gif save settings. If this is the case, I like to preview the gif, to see whether it would be best to cut frames off of the beginning or the end, or both. When you’ve decided, you can select the frames at the bottom, and in the right-hand side panel, and delete them both using the little bins/trash icons.
I keep checking and deleting frames until I get the gif under 10 MB! Just don’t delete frames from the middle, as then you’ll have the same issue as if you selected “every other frame” when making the gif: it won’t flow!
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Lastly, these are my save settings:
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So that’s it! That’s how I make all my gifs. Blending I do when the gifs are in the grouped, smart filter stage, whereas text I add on during the framing section above! Really hope this is helpful, please feel free to ask any questions you may have! 💖
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si-li · 4 years
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screencap redraw because why not
click for better quality because tumblr always ruins it but what’s new amiright
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imgucciking · 4 years
Mmmh [KAI]
Listen as you read
Pairing: Idol!Boyfriend!Kai X Fan!Reader 
Genre: Smut, Smut, Smut. After care fluff. And some fluff at the start.
Words: 2k
Warning: Masturbation! Cursing! Marking! Eating out! Penetration! Size kink! Unprotected sex! [stay safe y'all] 
A/N: My first work on tumblr, I wanted to start of with Kai.
Kai was your boyfriend, and he had been for a total of 3 years last month. You had spent the time well at home, he had even cooked some dinner for the both of you! A surprise cake was baked by him as well, in the flavour of chocoltae, your favorite [ You didn't tell him how you found a few egg shells in it]
But right now though, the pair of you were separated. You lived near the outskirts of Seoul, while the headquarters of SM, as well as Kai's house was in the middle of the busy city. Kai was busy with the preparation of his new solo, whiich he hadn't even revealed the name for to you.
He said it was super secret and it would be ruined if he revealed. You of course had pouted, and even tried some aegyo, which you never did in order to get him to tell you what the song was called, atleast. Somehow though, he never told you. On the november 25, the teaser of mmmh had been revealed. 
You had watched the video, then went straight to your bed, your phone in hand, already dialling kai. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? WHY YOU GOTTA KILL ME?" He had laughed. He fucking laughed. That. Was. It
You were so excited for today! Mmmh was finally getting released and of course you were excited! You got your big computer ready, put it on full screen, 4k quality and the volume was full on. Your phone was right beside ou incase kai decided that he was going to kill you in this mv like the teaser. 
You used the phone a lot. You called him the moment the song started, and of course, he was there, like the sweet boyfriend he was to listen to you fangirl over him, and then gasp and pretend to die when he revealed his abs. He found it very endearing that you did all this. Then, once you were done watching the mv for about the 100th time, he asked ou to always call him like this cause he found it awesome.
You blushed before replying with an ok and then cutting the call. 
It had been a month since then. You were going through the many memories you and Kai had created right now, looking through the million selfies and photos on your phone, your background music being a 10 hour version of mmmh. Bless the soul which made such an awesome repeat.
"You make me feel so mmmh hmmm~" You mouthed the words. All of a sudden, the repeat got over. You pouted to yourself, your hands reaching over to your phone to see what was going on. But suddenly, the song played again, only this time his voice sounded deeper, sexier. Your thighs automatically came closer, his deep voice doing something to your inside. 
Tentatively, you let your hand travel lower down your body, underneath jong-in's hoodie which you had on. You let out a breathy gasp as your fingers came in contact with your heat. You allowed your hands to travel the rim, but not deep in. You wanted to tease yourself. 
And oh were you doing a good job at it. You lied your body more comfortably on the bed, then spread your legs wide, your/kai's hoodie pulled up until it was bunched up underneath your neck. Your nipples had formed hard pebbles due to the cold air in the room, and your left hand was currently playing around with your left breast, twisting it around, rubbing it, and playing with your tits. 
One hand still rested comfortably within the folds of your clit, gently flicking it and pinching at the sensitive nub. One important rule of kai's was that you never played with yourself, because he wanted to be the one to please you, but the thought was long gone from your head, and besides, it wasn't like kai was coming home today, was he?
Oh how wrong could you have been.
The door clicked open loudly, as Jong-In stepped into the house. "I'm home baby!" His words, however were left to drift into the silence, as you were far too lost in the pleasure your fingers were causing you. Granted, they weren't as large as Kai's, but it did the deed and that's all you wanted. 
You were edging closer and closer to your high. "O-Oh! Kai!~" You screeched, as you finally cummed all over your fingers, the white sticky substance coating your hand. Kai heard you. And judging by the way you sounded, he also knew what you were doing right now. 
His cock twitched in his pants, like waking up from a long nap. "God Y/N..." He groaned, before pulling his shoulder back off and placing it on the table. Unbuttoning the top 2 buttons of his top, he walked into your shared bedroom. God how you lay on the bed, his hoodie all bunched up on you, your fingers still buried deep within your cunt. The tent in his pants became painful to handle as he stalked closer to you.
Your eyes were shut from how you rode out your high, your breathing heavy as you rested. Jong In edged closer to your body, before he put his lips very close to your ears. "Didn't I teach you to not touch yourself?" Your eyes shot open as you looked up at his figure hovering over your tiny self. 
His lips were curved up in a smirk. "K-Kai I-" You were cut of by him placing his finger on your lips. "Hush...." He removed his finger once he was sure you would keep quiet, his fingers now wrapped around your airpods, as he plugged one of them off your ear. "What were you listening to, baby?"
He puts one into his ear, greeted by his voice singing out. "Ahh baby.... My song?" You nod furiously, not wanting to do anything that might displease him. He let out a groan seeing you so submissive. He pulled it out, then curled his fingers round your phone which lay forgotten beside you. 
He disconnected the earphones, allowing his voice to sing out loud. "I'm going to fuck you, with my voice in the background. Is that okay babygirl?" You nod once more. His fingers curl around your neck, a tight grip. "Use your voice~" You quickly let it out. "Yes, kai!"
"Ah ah!" He tutts, his grip around your neck tightening. "What is my name?" Your eyes widen before you remember. "Yes s-sir!" He nods, before smiling, his fingers unravelling from you neck, to your hair as he gently strokes it. "Such a good girl for me, aren't you?" His tugs at your hair, pulling you up into a sitting position. 
"Such a good, good girl.... But you've been bad now.... Should I punish you?" Your eyes widen. "No sir! I'm s-sorry!" He smirks, before pulling the hoodie of your body entirely. He inches close to you, and you think he is about to kiss you so you pucker your lips. "Ah ah! Only good girls get kisses!" You pout, and Jong in almost wants to kiss you now.
"I'm sorry!" You say again, as you try to pull him towards you. But he, is able to resist, and he buries his face deep into your neck, gently breathing in and out your scent, his breath hitting right on your sensitive area. He knew how crazy you get when he does that.
"Sir!" You moan, your voice sounding foreign to even yourself. Kai's teeth sink into your soft unmarked skin, as he paint art on you. He was the artist, and you were the canvas, nothing you could do would get you out of this. Once he was done with the hickeys covering your neck, he stood up and went to the chest of drawers were you stored your... toys..
Kai was a bit overexcited with the usage of toys and such, so the pair of you had bought an entire cupboard to keep in the stock of your sex toys. 
He selects a black blindfold, and fuzzy cuffs. Mmmh...Your favorite.
He ties the blindfold around your eyes, and seats you up on the bed, with your hands cuffed tightly. Not too tight enough for it to hurt, but tight enough to not allow you to escape its grasp. You struggle a bit, adjusting your body, till you feel a flat muscle lick against your cunt. 
Your body goes rigid and you stop moving around. He smirks against you, and he knows you can feel him right there. He lets out a soft groan, when you start grinding yourself onto his face, but his hands go to your thighs and he quickly stops you by holding your thighs. 
You whine and whimper at the sudden hold, but he teases you by letting his tongue wander all over your heat, but not where you want it this most. "Kai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!" He suddenly stops. "Ah, ah... What's my name?" "Sir!!!!!"
"Good girl, I'll award you, shall I?"
He starts lapping at your juices, sucking, pinching, and stroking at your cunt. Your eyes had rolled back so far into your sockets, that you thought it might get stuck right there. His tongue was much better at pleasing you than your fingers, and the tightening in your stomach only increased. 
"Jong In!! I'm gonna c-" His warmth suddenly leave you. You look up at him, to see him smirking at you. You whine at not being able to release. "I think you've been stretched quite enough, right Jagi?" He unlocks the handcuffs, before tying it again onto you, except this time its not against the bed.
He undresses himself quickly, and as soon as he gets his underwear off, his large member flips against his lower abdomen. Your eyes feast on his naked body, all the ripped muscles on it. You want to trace your fingers over him, but your hands are unfortunately locked. 
You groan at this fact. His hands curl around his member as he strokes it, coating it with his pre cum. Once its enough, he bends over and produres his head into your heat. You groan at the feeling, clenching him and trying to pull him. "So thirsty for my dick, babygirl? Well then, I'll give you what you want!" 
He suddenly pounds into you, thrusting hard and not even allowing you to adjust to his length and girth. "God!" You screech, the pain and pleasure mixing together to cause something totally new. Your hands tug of your blindfold, wanting to see Kai fuck you deep. 
He lifts your left leg up, and places is onto his shoulders, reaching to places within you that had never been touched. "Feel me there? Right in that pretty little stomach of yours baby?" "Oh god yes! You scream, and you know your neighbours will be able to hear you quite well. 
But Kai liked that. He liked to show them all who you belonged to.
He grunts as you clench tightly around him, nearly not allowing to thrust. You were close and he got that. He pound into you even harsher, like an animal unleashed and allowed to do whatever it wanted with your body. He reaches over to your hair, and tugs you up. 
You comply, placing your head on his chest as he continues his work. These move was all you needed for you to come, and you let your cum flow, your eyes rolling to the back of your socket and all you can see for awhile is white. 
He continues pounding into you, chasing his own high. You, being hypersensitive clench tightly around him. This pulled him over the edge, and he cummed into you, releasing his load well. 
He lied next to you, both of you panting and sweaty. His cum flows a bit out of you, wetting the bed below. "That was-" Kai smiles at you. "I love you, Jagi" 
You grin, feeling a bit sleepy. "I love you too baby" 
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vent art
click on the image for better quality because tumblr ruined it like always
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daily-hundred · 5 years
Okay, so I know nobody asked for this lmao but I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about the lighting on The 100 (which is completely understandable since it’s very bad.) And even though I’m not at all a pro, I’ve been giffing this show for awhile and I’ve found out some stuff that might be useful for other The 100 gifmakers out there.
Please reblog/like this if you save anything from this tutorial or if it helps you at all :)
Photoshop (I use CS5).
General knowledge on giffing.
Patience because The 100 is a hard show to color. 
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WARNING: This is very long. Everything starts under the cut!
Get 1080p/720p downloads. Since The 100 is already a very dark and grainy show, anything lower will ruin the gifs’ quality.
Make sure you have cropped the gifs to the proper Tumblr size. Click here for reference. And get rid of the network logo when you’re cropping it! It always looks better without it.
Sharpen your gifs! I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t. Sharpening your gifs will make it look more HD and show off your coloring better. My sharpening is a smart sharpen with these settings. You can go here if you want to experiment with other actions/settings, though.
Do not have any skipping frames. Please. Your gif will look sloppy and won’t be as smooth, therefore ruining the quality of it.
Make sure you have the gif timing right. I usually go for 0.05 seconds because personally I think it looks best, but I’ve seen some who went with 0.04s or 0.07s and that also works well. Go for 0.05s! I realized now other time settings doesnt work as well as 0.05s especially with The 100.
Save settings. My usual go-to settings are these. Though sometimes I went for selective instead of adaptive and it looks okay, too! :)
+ extras: subtitle!
The font you use for subtitles on your gif will also affect the way your gif looks. Fonts that are too big or too small will make it look less HQ, but having the right font with the right size (and the right position!) will make it look good. Here are some text settings you can use that I’ve found: [ one / two / three ]
Now that you’ve kind of gotten the general giffing tips, I’ve listed out some coloring tips that I found out specifically for The 100. All PSDs will be linked at the end of this post.
Adjust your brightness before anything else.
The 100 is generally very dark, but even with scenes that are already not too-dark, you’re still gonna want to adjust the brightness so you can work on the colors better. I’ll go detailed with this one. We’ll be working on 3 scenes, bright, neutral, and dark scenes.
For this one, I used a scene of Clarke from Season 5. 
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The scene is already very bright, so what we’re gonna do here is to adjust it so it’ll look prettier without being too bright that it hurts our eyes. First let’s do curves. I added two curves layer, the first one is to add just the tiniest bit more brightness to her face, and the second one is to darken the background. and then I’m gonna add brightness and levels for contrast:
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Alright, now that I’m already happy with the brightness, I’m gonna go and adjust the color. This is too yellow for me, so I’m gonna add a color balance layer to and pull up the blues/cyans/magentas
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That’s good, but it’s too desaturated. I’m gonna go and add selective layer to make the colors pop up. I adjusted the red, yellow, and neutral and I got this:
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Now this looks great already! Unfortunately, I’m annoying so I have to add more adjustments lmao. This is the final result after being added with an extra brightness layer and a gradient map on luminousity.
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For this one, I’m gonna use a scene of Lexa (reshop heda you’ll always be missed) from Season 2. It’s not very bright but it’s also not too dark.
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Now the tips with scenes with enough clarity (doesn’t have to be super bright, but if you can still see things clearly) like this one, clicking the ‘auto’ button on curves saves a whole lot of time. I did so and this is what I have in result:
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The auto curves will usually brighten the gif and balance the color on it. Often times you still have to adjust it again. But still this will save a lot of time. I added some more brightness and levels before adding color balance and selective colors layer, and here’s the final gif:
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Keep in mind that this will only work with some scenes. This will work alright with the Clarke gif above, but it definitely won’t with this next gif we’ll be coloring.
Okay now this one requires some work. I chose Octavia’s scene from the Season 6 trailer. 
The original sharpened gif (notice that I got rid of the logo! It’s really annoying for me so I always find a way to get rid of it.)
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It’s reaally dark. So let’s start with brightening it up a little. I added curves, brightness, levels and more brightness because it was still dark as hell:
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Now, you may think it’s already bright enough, but for me personally I can still make it brighter, so I added exposure. With dark scenes exposure works really well. But you have to take it easy with this layer since it affects the gif drastically with very minimal effort. I also added a black and white Gradient Map layer that I always set to luminousity:
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Now it’s time to go and adjust the hell out of the color balance to make it less blue! I also added an extra selective colors layer to make the reds pop out and get rid of the pixelated/grainy blacks on her hair. After that I added another brightness layer. Here’s my final result:
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The quality on this gif is not as good as the others since it was from the youtube trailer (1080p youtube video are still low compared to web-dl’s) but that’s basically the gist on how I work on The 100′s darker scenes! :)
Color balance and selective colors.
The 100 lighting often makes your gifs not only too dark or too bright, but also too yellow or too blue. Balancing it out using a color balance almost always helps. Selective colors layer will also help when you want to pop up certain parts of your gifs. Here’s some tips on selective colors that I got from msmarvel’s coloring tutorial.
Selective colors and color balance layer usually go in the middle or on top of brightening adjustments for me. But I found out that color balance could also be done after you’ve done your coloring, but you have to put it under the other adjustment layers to have the most effect.
I’m gonna show you how I edit this gif here of Raven and Murphy with what I’ve said above.
Without any coloring:
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Yeah, I know. I can’t see anything either.
I brighten up this gif using my method above for dark blue scenes. Curves, brightness, levels, and add more depending on what you need. Here’s what I have now:
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We can see both of them properly now, but it’s waay to blue. Also I’m losing some color from Raven’s skin so I’m gonna add color balance under every adjustment and pull up the reds and yellows.
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Now it’s better! You can totally leave it here and post your gif like this. but I added an extra selective colors layer to bring out the red, yellows and blacks, and here’s the final result: 
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I should mention that when it comes to scenes with POCs, you have to be very careful. With this scene with Raven color balance and selective colors helped bring back her color, but on other scene adjusting too much of the red/neutral/yellow might ruin her skin. You are allowed to adjust the colors on a gif extremely when necessary, but be careful about it :)
Some dark scenes are supposed to stay dark.
I realized that with the 100 (or any other shows tbh) brightening up a gif with a dark scene too much will make it lose so much quality and ruin it. So, what I’ve learned to do is to let it be dark. I’ve seen some people brighten their gifs too much and even though I understand your frustration, it’s gonna be better if you just let it be as it is. But, still, make sure it’s bright enough so you can still see the things happening on the gif. 
Here’s a gif of Bellamy from Season 5. You can see how dark it is without any coloring:
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First, let’s brighten this baby up so we can see Bellamy’s face. I added curves and brightness, levels and more brightness:
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Now I know it’s still very dark, but instead of brightening it up too much I’m gonna go to color balance and add the tiniest bit of red and yellow, and then I’ll add a photo filter. These two adjustments are done so we can have more color on his face instead of the ugly dark red we had. With those adjustments, what we have now is this:
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Next, we’ll move on to selective color. This is what I mean when I say you have to be careful with this adjustment. I want to brighten up Bellamy’s face by putting down the blacks on the red selective color. But by doing so I might erase all the reds from his face and whitewash him. To prevent that, while I put down the blacks, I bring up the reds (lowering the cyan) and yellows. I also pull up a bit of neutral and black selective color so I can get rid of the grain (adjusting the black on both selective colors.)
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With a little more last-minute brightness, here’s the final result:
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That’s pretty much it! You can add more brightness than what I did here (I was in a rush when I made this but I would definitely add a little more curves or brightness) as long as it doesn’t ruin the colors and won’t make the grain too visible. 
Now as promised, here are the PSDs I made for this tutorial! Please don’t claim them as your own and feel free to tag me (#useraaya) if you make anything with them so I can check it out :)
[ clarke ] [ lexa ] [ octavia ] [ murphy & raven ] [ bellamy ]
I hope this helps! Don’t hesitate to message me on my main blog if you have any questions. <3
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hikayagami · 5 years
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While watching some Mew Mew a couple days ago, a member of my Discord server, going by the name Sunny (Youtube channel can be found HERE), pointed out that the lighting in the ZaCross Whip was different. After comparing her attack sequence in episode 10 with other episodes, not only was she right about that but other things in the sequence were enhanced. Brighter lighting effects were added, along with some motion blur during her zoom-in.
I guess the main reason it went unnoticed was because her full attack sequence was only shown in episode 10 while, most of the time, other episodes usually just show the end of it.
Ichigo’s 2nd attack also got effects enhanced, which is something that I did notice years ago (it helps that her attack sequence is always fully shown in almost every episode XDD). I’ll be posting pics of that one later.
Edit: Tumblr ruined the image quality. Click HERE to get a better view.
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i posted this on twitter, so i might as well post it here too
(click on the photo for a better quality because tumblr always rUINS THE QUALITY-)
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tysonrunningfox · 5 years
Hi you’re one of my favorite blogs and I was hoping you could help me out with some advice: I drew my friend some art for one of her stories and she reblogged it saying “LOOK AT IT” and that was chill. Yesterday, someone here on tumblr drew her art for a recent fic of hers and she reblogged it with “THIS IS SUCH A DREAM COME TRUE I DONT DESERVE THIS” and for some reason it hurt my feelings? She brought it up today that I was acting weird and I told her and she made me feel BAD about it. Like..>
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First of all, I’m sorry I took so long to answer, and I mean that sincerely, because it sounds like you’re having a lot of fandom-related hurt feelings and I do wish I’d had the time to be quicker with this because I know how this kind of thing can really ruin a day or a week or a friendship if you let it.  
I have been in fandom…well, I’m coming up on a decade in and out of the httyd fandom alone next year, and I’ve had lots of fandom friendships, both those that end up being good and those that end up being not so good, and these messages really struck a chord with me and I’m going to try and tell you how I navigate this kind of thing.  And please, remember, I’m a twenty-five year old married adult with like a house and stuff, and I’m still learning from my own advice here because frankly, these kind of situations can be really really hard.  
First off, creating in a fandom environment can be so hard.  That’s not me moping or asking for attention, I’m just stating the fact that learning to create in an environment where the quality of things is judged by how many people click an icon below them, especially operating in an environment where who sees what you do depends on who follows who, is really hard and inherently demoralizing.  Just trying in that environment is brave and honestly, a complete crapshoot.    
And I see you saying that you aren’t an “ACTUAL” artist, and I want you to stop that.  You made art, you are an artist, you’re actual no matter how many followers you have.  
And that brings me to my most important and hardest piece of advice: You cannot rely on anyone to tell you if you should like your work or not.  (Got long but continue for important advice)
Your friend can’t either.  That is far too much pressure to put on anyone external, and it is a spiral that can be full of so much guilt and jealousy and like, this dangerous game of inadequacy ping pong that no one feels better after playing.   Going to someone that you trust because you’re excited about an idea and want to talk about it is entirely different than going to someone to get approval for an idea before proceeding, and the second imposes a power dynamic that’s often uncomfortable and tense for everyone involved.   You have to believe in you and to some extent, brush off what everyone else says.  
And that’s something I still work on every day. The fact is that I’m deeply insecure as a writer, largely from my own experience with a bad fandom friendship that blew up in my face and left me with a lot of anxiety about how my stuff is perceived, and you know what makes that feeling worse exactly 100% of the time?  Injecting competition into the situation.  Whether it’s with my friends or with strangers, comparing myself to others or imposing hierarchies of “actual” vs “fake” writers and artists always makes me feel shittier about myself.  It’s human nature to an extent and impossible to avoid, but I can say that it has never made anything better for me and I do my best to minimize it, even when it means putting things away and stepping back for a bit to regain my perspective.  
Just from what’s in your messages, I’d say there’s a miscommunication in your friendship about what it means to support each others fics, and those happen. I’m not going to guess at the minutiae from these three asks, because there are a million and one things that could be going on here, but my takeaway advice is that if you want to fix this friendship, I’d suggest putting your hurt feelings to the side and reaching out and seeing if she wants to do the same.  
Of course, there’s the case where she doesn’t or where you don’t, because your feelings are hurt, and that’s fine too.  You do say that you can’t help how you feel, and I’d just like to gently nudge at that with the fact that you can’t change that you felt bad, but you can tell yourself that those feelings had their time in the spotlight and either way, now it’s time to move forward. 
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(click for better image quality or scroll a little for image description... sorry tumblr quality is shit)
YALL IM REALLY PROUD OF THIS ONE!!! LIKE REALLY PROUD!!! this is my first time writing in this format and i kinda love it!!
written in a half hour with “the archer” by taylor swift playing on loop in the background the entire time. if you haven’t heard that song yet, do yourself a favor and listen. it’s beautiful and relatable and heartbreaking but you’ll love it. another example of her INCREDIBLE writing. i’m a diehard swiftie, and i firmly believe this is her best song in years. it make me so excited for her new album lover, out in a month!
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warning & advice from a victim of hateful words
a stream of consciousness piece of anger and frustration directed towards boys who don’t think.
i feel like glass/fragile and see through/broken with the slightest bit of aggression/shattered with your punch/but your blows were different/made of words and not blood/and somehow the phrases hurtling out of your mouth/were more damaging than an uppercut could ever be/
bruises on your face/crimson trickling from your nose/the purple and blue will fade/and the blood will clot away/but the words burned into your brain:/
“you will never be enough”/“fucking faggot”/“nothing”/“mistake”/“ugly/and fat/and disgusting”/“die in hell where you deserve to be”/“you don’t belong here”/“you will never belong here”/“just die/you fucking freak”/
those wounds don’t go away/try as you might to forget them/but it won’t be easy/and they’ll never heal anyway/because maybe they’re true/or maybe that’s just the injury talking/i don’t know/because words get in your head/make you unable to think straight/words can ruin you/make you hate yourself/make you wanna scream until you disappear/like the scars from their punches/and countless blows/
words always hurt far worse/because words never go away/words are forever/so be careful what you fucking say
—it’s so much harder to be hateful than accepting. just think. in someone’s story who would you wanna be: hero or villain? be remembered for the right reasons. it’s easy. just fucking think, please? i shouldn’t have to beg. get yourself together. and just be fucking nice, okay?
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palemoonpersephone · 5 years
60 Question Tag Challenge
So I’ve been tagged by @kaffeinic to answer these questions. Here we go!
1: Selfie.
Gonna have to decline this one as I’m very shy but I’ll describe myself a little to make up for it - very long dark reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, fun size.
2: What would you name your future kids?
Can’t say for certain, I feel it would depend on what name felt right for that baby but I like many Italian and Celtic names.
3: Do you miss anyone? 
Yes, definitely. Old friends, old pen-pals/online friends who just seemed to disappear. And I miss my partner and my friends when we’re apart.
4: What are you looking forward to?
the weekend Seeing my partner again, working on my writing projects, starting third year of uni, and unashamedly the new Witcher series on Netflix!
5: Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
The lovely @kaffeinic for a start! My best friend, my partner, my doggy 🐕
6: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
All depends on the context. I’ve had crushes in the past that have been relatively easy to get over but then I’ve lost a couple of close friends and that had a pretty traumatic affect on me. Other times it’s been very easy because it’s been the right thing to do because the person I cut off was very toxic/bad for me.
7: What was your life like last year?
In some aspects very similar, my interests are all pretty much the same, my mental health was still difficult to manage and I was looking forward to my upcoming year of uni. But this time last year I wasn’t in a relationship and hadn’t began a really amazing journey of self-discovery.
8: Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
feel so attacked rn yes, I very much have. Crying tends to be my natural response to most high-running emotions.
9: Who did you last see in person? 
Within my household, my mum as I’m currently home for the summer. Outside of that, my partner when he last came down to visit
10: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I can be. I’ve found it depends on how well other people can see. Over the years I’ve had to hide all sorts of things, especially from my family. For years they didn’t know I was severely ill with anxiety and depression but that might be testament to poor observation and parenting skills, or maybe I just became that good and hiding things. I’m striving now to be more open about how I feel rather than bottling things up because it’s like drinking poison. 
11: Are you listening to music right now?
Not at this minute.
12: What is something you want right now?
a hug a life without crippling mental illness  probably inspiration to work on my novel
13: How do you feel right now?
Quite tired, a bit lonely. Really craving some energy and pizzazz
14: When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Probably the Monday before last at 4-ish in the morning when my partner had to leave for work.
15: Personality description?
Shy, careful, introverted, open, understanding, affectionate, creative
16: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Pretty much the story of my life. For the last 10-12 years I’ve had to keep so many things to myself, especially regarding my family. I could never say what I thought/believed because it would all spiral into a catastrophe, wasn’t a very safe environment emotionally-speaking. There have been so, so many things I’ve wanted to say but haven’t for the risk of rocking the boat.
17:  Opinion on insecurities?
Most people I know have them, including myself but I think people can be misled to think that others don’t have them because of the outward images they display. And from my experience they’re usually there for all the wrong reasons (if there’s such a thing as a right reason to have an insecurity)
18: Do you miss how things were a year ago?
No, I’ve only gained things since then.
19: Have you ever been to New York?
Not so far but I can’t say I have any desire to
20: What is your favourite song at the moment? 
Perhaps Ring of Fire by In This Moment
21: Age and birthday?
21, born 18/09/97
22: Description of crush?
(also my partner) 6″1, dark/black hair, brown eyes, built like a brick shit-house, tan skin. He’s intelligent, considerate, honourable, principled, fierce, indomitable, funny, supportive and respectful. 
23: Fear(s)?
I’m just gonna say most things
24: Height?
25: Role model?
Not sure I have one. I aspire more to qualities like goodness, kindness and innocence
26: Idol(s)?
see above
27: Things I hate:
Small mindedness, cruel/selfish/narcissistic people, exclusion, organised religion (as more of an abstract concept), people not getting what they deserve, when people aren’t willing to listen and learn, having plans ruined, seeing people upset, people who don’t put in effort/only take and never give back
28: “I’ll love you if...”
Lots of possible answers as there lots of sorts of love. In short, if you give back. But then love shouldn’t be conditional, so I guess I should say I couldn’t love someone (in any way) who never gives back. 
29: Favourite film(s)?
Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, The Lion King, The Other Boleyn Girl, most Marvel movies
30: Favourite tv show(s)? 
Call the Midwife, Brooklyn 99, QI, The Last Kingdom, Doctor Who
31: 3 random facts.
I’ve been writing for almost 12 years now. I sleep with cuddly toys and make bed forts. I use fantasy to cope with reality.
32: Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Right now, girls but when I was in secondary school most of my friends were boys.
33: Something you want to learn. 
In a physical/skills sense I’d like to learn how to dance. In an emotional/mental sense I want to learn how to unburden by troubles and let go of things holding me down.
34: Most embarrassing moment?
With an anxiety disorder many, many things feel hideously embarrassing. Don’t think I could pick out one exact moment.
35: Favourite subject? 
36: 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Becoming a successful author. Make lots of money so I can give it to charities. Overcome/beat my mental illnesses. 
37: Favourite actor/actress? 
Probably Tom Hiddleston
38: Favourite comedian(s)? 
Stephen Fry, Dara O’Brian, Sandi Toskvig, Aisling Bea
39: Favourite sport(s)? 
Riding, archery, yoga (still physical activity so I guess it counts), swimming, running
40: Favourite memory?
Right now I think it’s when my partner told me he loved me for the first time
41: Relationship status?
If you haven’t guessed by now I’m concerned 😋
42: Favourite books?
Too many to choose from.
43: Favourite song ever? 
Probably Lithium by Evanescence
44: Age you get mistaken for?
Always younger than I am. I really haven’t changed much since I was about 16. Still get ID’d almost everywhere because I look younger than 18 apparently
45: How you found out about your idol.
Not really applicable.
46: What my last text message says.
That’s no one’s business.
47: Turn-ons?
Maturity, experience, intelligence, someone who knows themselves and is in control, someone who can give care and guidance, someone who can bring my out of my shell.
48: Turn-offs?
Idiocy, lack of self-care/hygiene, someone who isn’t willing to listen, entitlement, intolerance, confidence when it hasn’t been earned. 
49: Where I want to be right now.
The New Forest
50: Favourite picture of your idol?
Kinda need an idol first...
51: Star sign?
52: Something I’m talented at.
anxiety? I’m quite good at riding and hopefully my writing isn’t too shabby
53: 5 things that make me happy.
Animals, people I love, random acts of kindness, smells that awaken nice memories, creative passion 
54: Something that’s worrying me at the moment.
Guess at random and you’ll probably be correct.
55: Tumblr friends?
@kaffeinic I feel we clicked really really fast and they are possibly the bravest person I’ve ever met and I hope we stay friends.
@alittleandherdaddysworld they’ve been really kind to me and we seem to have some things in common, I hope we get to know each other better!
@xxdaddyslitttleprincessxx they’ve also been really kind to me when I needed someone to turn to and I hope that we too can turn our acquaintance into a friendship!
@thorkingofasgard I think we’ve known one another for just over a year and have had many lovely talks over that time, they’re always a friend I can turn to.
@mblargh-its-me-loki a friend who I sometimes don’t hear from for long periods at a time and I often miss them and hope they’re doing okay
@c0ffeebee their artwork and dedication is second to none and I like to think we got on well when I commissioned them for some art
56: Favourite food(s)?
Love curries and stir-fry, anything involving noodles, Italian cuisine and I’ll never say no to cake
57: Favourite animal(s)?
Dogs, horses, deer, bunnies, foxes, otters, dolphins, mice (I really could go on so I’ll stop myself)
58: Description of my best friend.
5″5, dark blonde hair, brown eyes, tan skin. She’s lovely, intelligent, determined, hilarious, gorgeous and we know each other back to front
59: Why I joined tumblr?
At first it was to connect with more people and spread my fanfiction work but over time it’s become more about just sharing and interacting with what I like and trying to make more and more lovely friends
60: Ask me anything you want.
Hold nothing back
I’m going to tag my listed tumblr friends so that’s @alittleandherdaddysworld @xxdaddyslitttleprincessxx @thorkingofasgard @mblargh-its-me-loki @c0ffeebee and any of my followers are welcome to take part
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emmikamikatze · 6 years
Extensive Guide for Making Gifs
(On Mac and with Photoshop, but the process is basically the same on other platforms.)
Let’s make this gif together (I know it’s not the pretties, but it serves the purpose):
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Prerequisites for this tutorial:
gif capture software, e.g. Giphy Capture
Let’s start with the basic. Capturing that gif from your screen.
(If you already know how to do that scroll down until you see a screenshot of photoshop.)
Open Giphy Capture and your video. (I’m grabbing from Netflix, so I’m using chrome to avoid the Netflix Blackscreen)
No need for fullscreen, a fullscreen gif will be too big anyway! Be aware that GC only records 30 seconds at a time. So move a few seconds before your scene - to allow leeway for moving your cursor and for any unwanted details to disappear from the screen (e.g. timeline bars etc.) Adjust the record frame to the size of the video. Start to record one or two seconds before your desired scene.
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Stop video and recording when you’re done. Might take two or three tries to get there. don’t worry if it isn’t exact, record too much if you’re unsure. We’re gonna cut this down later.
Now, open your recorded gif by clicking on its icon. Adjust the section you want to export as a gif. 
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Don’t worry about being exact here either. Better be on the safe side and have a frame or two too many. We can delete frames later in Photoshop. You can also change here if you want it to be a normal loop, ping-pong (back and forth) or reverse, and adjust framerate and size. Don’t worry about the size, we can change that in PS later.
Export your gif. Ignore the file size warning if necessary and save as gif anyway.
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Now, open your saved gif in Photoshop.
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Look through the gif and delete frames in the beginning or end if you want. Do that in the frame section (timeline), NOT in the layer section. You’ll see why in a bit.
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Play the gif every time you change something to make sure it’s what you want, and change things back if needed. (cmd + Z/alt+cmd+Z if more than one step back/shift+cmd+Z if step forward again)
Let’s say I want to remove the first 5 frames. Click on frame 1 and then hold shift and click frame 5. Voila, you selected the first 5 frames. Now delete. Play gif. Not good? Cmd + Z and try again.
Let’s say we’re happy with your frames, but it’s playing too fast/slow. Select the frames you want slowed down. Let’s say all of them. Click the first frame, then hold shift and click the last frame. Now click on the little number under the frames, on any frame - it doesn’t matter as long as it’s one of those you selected (in case you didn’t select all of them) Don’t slow down too much or it will look like a slideshow rather than a gif. You want it to still be smooth. Check and revert if necessary, just as before. Let’s slow ours down to 0.1 seconds instead of 0.07s.
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Now that looks fine. Let’s move on and improve the images.
For the sake of this tutorial I’m gonna delete some frames.
Now we convert the frames to a timeline.
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We move over to the layers section now.
You’ll see that not all of them are visible. The invisible ones are those we deleted, so we can go ahead and delete those layers as well.
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Now we selected all the layers and convert them into a smart object (Right click --> Convert into Smart Object)
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Let’s sharpen our gif and see if that makes it look better. (Undo if you hate it, obviously.)
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Since our gif is really dark I want to brighten it up. Right click on layer and Duplicate Layer... (Or use cmd + J)
Set that layer to screen. You can repeat this step as often as you want, but beware, it’ll make your gif look awful at some point.
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We can go one forever adding more screened layers, but it’s gonna look bad at some point.
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Instead of adding another screen layer, let’s add an adjustment layer instead.
Go to Layer —> New Adjustment Layer —> Curves…
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Adjust darkness and light until you’re satisfied. If you’re not happy later on, you can always go back into the layer and adjust it if needed. This goes for every adjustment layer.
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From this point on you can basically add as many layers for as many effects as you need/want.
Let’s play a little with saturation.
Layer —> New Adjustment Layer —> Hue/Saturation I’m lowering the saturation a bit because I want to add an orange glow…you know, create some sunlight streaming in…
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I’m adding an empty layer now where I can add the orange glow effect.
Now, if you’ve moved in your timeline, the new layer will appear at your marker. You may have to move it back and adjust the length to the rest of your timeline.
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Now let’s get some glow. Got to the gradient tool in your toolbar (or just press G on your keyboard). This may be set to bucket fill tool, so you’ll have to right click to switch from bucket to gradient.
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Then go to the gradient picker and click on that field at the top to choose your colour and variation.
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Pick the Foreground colour to transparent and change the foreground colour to what you want (orange here).
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Now back to your image and drag that gradient. Make sure you’re in your empty layer! Start dragging from where you want the light to shine to the lower part of the image/gif. Don’t worry about being exact. We’ll adjust this anyway.
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Now this looks horrible, so let’s adjust it. Press cmd + T, that allows you to change the size and angle.
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Let’s make it a lot bigger to diffuse the transition, and let’s also change the angle to where we want it. (move your cursor along the sides to any of the middle points until you get a curved cursor - that lets you rotate the layer.)
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Then move it up a bit so the orange isn’t fully visible, but only a transparent glow over the image. Play a little with the position, angle and size until you’re satisfied. Press enter or the accept button on top.
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Now, I actually do not want such a blatant orange, so I’m setting my layer to “soft light”…it’s still too much for my taste so I’m going to lower the layer’s opacity a little.
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Now that looks fine,  let’s check if we like the gif so far.
The quality of mine is terrible, obviously, it’s gonna look much better if the source video has better quality (and maybe other gif capture software can do this better. I think Giphy Capture lowers the image quality drastically.)
Anyway, let’s check the size of this gif. Go to File —> Export —> Save for Web (Legacy)
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Now, mine is over 5M…that’s not gonna let you play it on tumblr, so we need to scale it down. We have an image of 750x650 pixels. A nice size, but tumblr won’t display that anyway. Close that tab.
Let’s scale the image down to what tumblr can display. Tumblr display pics with only 540 pixels in width anyway, so let’s scale it down to that (make sure the aspect ratio is locked or it’ll distort.) Set it to pixels and change the width to 540.
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Checking size again —> Still 3.8M, so we need scale down or cut something. We don’t want to give up image quality just yet. (Make sure transparency is clicked, or the file will be bigger.)
We could crop the image to where we want the focus (obviously, that’ll make the image smaller again) Select part of your image and crop down to that.
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Check file size again —> mine is still over 3M —> I’m going in for the presets. File —> Export —> Save for Web (Legacy) Then find the field for presets and choose “Gif 128 no Dither”, that drops our colours from 256 to 128…it’s barely noticeable in our case, but it may be in other cases, see if you like it. What it does do here is drop the file size from over 3.8M down to 2.6M —> file size restriction for moving gifs on tumblr is 3MB, so it should be fine.
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Now make sure that the Looping option is set on forever instead of the default “Once” —> go to Save… and save wherever you want.
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Voilà, have fun with your gif.
PS: If you want to watermark your gif do that in a new layer. I watermark mine as follows:
Dependent on whether it’s a dark or bright gif I choose text in black or white. Choose a spot where it doesn’t ruin the gif but is still visible if necessary. I usually go for a corner and type with a small font.
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Lower transparency of the layer until it’s barely visible, but still readable. Remember to adjust the length of the clip in your timeline.
If you still have questions about the process don’t hesitate to reply to this post. I can always edit it to add certain info/screenshots of specific steps if necessary.
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