#clone commander awa
milfcutlawquane · 1 year
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tagged by @thecyndimistuff for this OC picrew challenge!! I can't deny a good picrew lol (but I'm a little pissed the curly hair options were so restricting!! no many where to choose from :c)
In order from left to right: Luna, Sol, Constelación, Nebulosa, Estela and Awa! All clone troopers ofc because i have zero self control ahaha.
This designs happen in my happy Everybody Lives AU where they get to develop their individuality even further and live happy lives okay???
No pressure tags: @mwolf0epsilon @lost-on-kamino @sulevinen and @zipquips!!
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About “Eclipse Lake” from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
If I had to take a guess at who's the most popular character of The Owl House, I'd say that Amity would be a pretty safe bet. And not entirely without reason. Her home life is something several fans can identify with, she wins representation points for being a lesbian, and her development is the most impressive out of every other character. Not to say no one else develops, far from it. It's just that with Amity, her growth is a lot stronger, to the point where the version of her we're introduced to is practically a different character. The rest of the core cast has grown and become multi-layered over time, but in terms of personality, they haven't changed that much as Amity has.
But here's the thing: Amity has grown exponentially all through the sidelines. Despite being in episodes that heavily involve her, there hasn't been one where she had the starring role. Except for now, in "Eclipse Lake," the first-ever episode where Amity takes command. Is the episode better because of it? Or was Amity better off in a supporting role rather than a leading one? To find out requires diving into spoilers, so keep that in mind as you continue reading.
Now, let's review, shall we?
Belos Has Been to the Human World: Welp, I guess I'm tossing my "Belos was Philip" theory into the trash. As are many of you, no doubt. With that said, we still get a nugget of intrigue to know that he did, in fact, see the human realm at some point. Even more than that, he wants to go back. And from the sounds of it, he probably wants to return because it's significantly more pleasant to live there than the Boiling Isles. That bit of information interests me far more than him wanting to invade the human realm and rule it with an iron fist. While that last bit is not entirely out of the question yet, it's still pretty cool to learn as much as we can about Belos' grand plan.
Amity Taking Charge of Luz’s Recovery: Yup. That's about as much as I expected. We're barely into this episode, and already, it's established that Amity would go to great lengths to help her girlfriend. What more could you ask for?
Ghost: I want to pet Ghost. I don't give a s**t that they're a fictional being because I want to PET THEM! 'CAUSE I LIKE CUTE S**T DAMN IT!
Eda Learning How to Turn into “Harpy Eda” on Command: Cool concept for sure. Eda just figured out that she can turn into this thing, so there's going to be trials and tribulations to figure out how. What I personally enjoy is that to transform, not only does Eda have to talk to the Owl Beast, but at times she might have to make a deal with it. They made a truce, so the only way for it to work is for both sides to make compromises for it to work out. Like I said, cool concept. And I hope to see what else happens with it in the future.
Eda Using Anime as a Workout Tape: Well, that certainly explains the screaming. The fact that it was a Dragon Ball clone makes it even more perfect.
Eda calls Amity “Boots”: I love this. I don't know why I love this, but I do. So shove it.
Luz: Now let's take the time to talk about my favorite character. Luz may have taken the back seat in this episode, but the few moments she does show up, she's is on top form:
The way that she's all loopy and delirious from the common mold is hilarious.
The fact that everyone had to literally strap Luz down to stop her from going on an adventure is hilarious and admirable in terms of her character.
The fact that Luz does everything she physically can to warn the others about Titan's fools' blood is incredibly admirable.
And the way she just hurls herself at Amity when she gets back is just downright adorable.
The main protagonist being absent while the other characters go on an adventure is nothing new. But it's still nice to know that the quality of writing I expect from Luz didn't go away just because the episode isn't about her.
Amity and Luz using Tamagotchis to Text: I also didn't know what those things were until someone else pointed it out. I'm not that old...and so help me, I never will be.
Joking aside, I find it incredibly adorable that Luz and Amity have this way to communicate with each other that's only exclusive to them. Maybe Willow and Gus have Tamagotchis of their own, but we have yet to see them with ones, so it's plausible that only Luz and Amity can talk to each other through theirs. Which, again, is adorable. The fact that these two nerds found a way to text each other without Luz using a scroll or Amity using a phone fills my heart with glee and makes me extra happy that they're girlfriends now. Large in part because we get to see more cute s**t like this.
(Luz calling Amity pretty is also a bonus)
Amity Wants to be the Most Awesome Girlfriend: Just the very fact that I can write that is a win. Sidenote: Love the fact that Amity explicitly says the word girlfriend. No beating around the bush, no implications. The writers have her go for it with no looking back.
Loved it. Loved all of it. And I hope to see more bits like this in the future.
King Mentions the Dissection: Hey, sometimes the best and most defining relationships start off on the wrong foot, King. Don't have to call someone out for it.
Kikimora: I admire good comically incompetent villains, which is what Kikimora is to me in this episode. She might have her terrifying moments here and there, but when she's just screeching about how she hates Hunter and focuses more on showing him up, it's a ton of fun.
Coven Guard Captain: This character doesn't do much...but she's still great. She acts as a perfect straight man to Kiki's psychotics, has this weird respect for Kiki that I hope gets explored, and wins comedy points for instantly getting bored by guarding Amity and just ditching her in a hole. This captain may have had a short role in this episode and an insignificant one in the series, but it was fun seeing her give her all despite the short time.
Hunter Bonding with Bird: I prefer "Little Rascal," but I can live with "Bird."
In any case, it was pretty sweet to see these two grow more of a bond. Bird suddenly making himself Hunter's palisman isn't an easy change to accept as much as it is easy for Eda to figure out how to turn into a harpy. Meaning that there will be an adjustment period alongside moments of Hunter learning to trust Bird. And, yeah, it's charming to see Bird try so hard to brighten up Hunter's life. Whether it's leading Hunter toward people who are actually nice or trying to cheer him up when he's digging his own grave, there are so many moments that make Bird the closest friend Hunter could ever ask for. The bond can only grow further from there, and like a lot of things this week, I can't wait to see more.
(Which is basically a recurring theme of this episode. It makes me excited to see more)
Character’s Commenting on Hunter’s Annoying Voice: My favorite part about this is how Hunter suddenly becomes self-conscious about it. On the one hand, I want to go, "Ah, poor baby." But on the other hand, I can't help it when I say, "Haha! You annoying-voiced bitch!" It's just great.
Amity has Abomination Goo in a Bottle: We get it. Amity's VA also voiced Katara. You don't have to rub it in our faces.
(But, seriously though, I do consider this a clever workaround for how Amity can use abomination magic when in a fight. It's pretty cool)
Amity and Hunter: Whoever thought about pairing these two up for an episode...you're the best. You're just the best!
Because this is a brilliant concept. Amity and Hunter are so much alike in terms of personality and homelife that it makes way too much sense to have them interact at least once. What I'm specifically grateful for is that when Hunter tries to associate himself with Amity, the only other intelligent person there, she's quick to shut him down. The Amity in the past might have been slightly easier to sway, but not the one we know now. It isn't until he finds the one thing that can get to Amity that Hunter knows how to exactly break her. Even then, she just barely falls for it, only being swayed when in a panic or in a desperate situation.
But regardless of how much of a jerk Hunter comes across as, it's great Amity tries to reach out to him near the end. She knows how it feels to try and gain respect from family, only to learn what love truly is from someone who cares. It's a moment where even though Luz is absent, her presence still shines through Amity's actions. She is now the person who's willing to be kind for someone she barely knows, and it's fantastic. It's everything I could have ever wanted when these two interact, and it's all delivered so well.
Willow Owning the One Brain Cell Between Hooty and Gus: Ah, Willow. Even when you got severely screwed over this season, you're still the best...Yeah, I'll get to that in a minute.
Owlbert Cracking Apart: Don't mind me. Just having heart palpitations at the sight of Owlbert almost dying. NoThInG tO sEe HeRe!
Expectation Subversion to the Minecart Chase: ...I f**king love this show. I'm telling you, it's hilarious when it really tries.
Hunter Cracks: Yes, I laughed. A lot. But can we talk about the fact that Hunter would rather dig his own grave than disappoint Belos again? That alone says so much where despite having a similar situation to Amity's, it couldn't be more different. If Amity angers Alador or Odalia, she'll either get grounded and cry about it to Ed or Em. But if Hunter angers Belos? Well, I would like to point out how close Belos' weird goopy spear got to Hunter's face and how there's got to be a reason why Hunter has his scars.
You know what? I think I'd bury myself too if I was in Hunter's shoes at that moment.
King and Amity vs. Hunter: Three things!
One, this is the coolest fight scene of the series so far. And no, I will not take any arguments about it.
Two, Amity is right. She is an awesome girlfriend. Seriously, abomination magic is no joke.
Three, I genuinely appreciate these small moments where King actually does something beneficial when contributing to the fight. It makes him much more than a comedic Disney sidekick and someone who can be useful from time to time.
Overall this was an epic, incredibly animated fight that proves that this series is no joke when it comes to action.
Hunter Threatens Luz to get to Amity: I'm not too surprised by this. Amity doesn't care if someone threatens her because, if you couldn't tell from that fight scene, she can take care of herself. But Luz? Well, she's certainly formidable, but that doesn't mean that Amity won't worry about her girlfriend. She will do everything in her power to help Luz, made evident by how much Amity went overboard with a simple illness. So Hunter using that for his benefit is a pretty devious move executed phenomenally.
The Key Cracks: I like to think this was intentional on Amity's part. It's plausible that Hunter's words got to her so much that she accidentally broke it, but it's also likely that Amity knew she was backed in a corner that risked Luz getting hurt, so found a way where Hunter sort of wins but still loses. It's somewhat similar to how Luz destroyed the portal after giving it to Belos. The end result was a situation where everyone is safe but at the cost of delaying the inevitable for the villain's victory. They're both moments where everyone wins and loses, all to move the story forward at a slower pace than one would expect. And, for the fifth time now, it makes me curious about what happens next because of it.
Luz Calling Amity her Awesome Girlfriend: Yeah, my heart melted when this happened. After all of Amity's self-proclamations that she is an awesome girlfriend, followed by a brief moment of doubt, it felt nice to see that Luz explicitly said it too.
(King having hug envy was also a nice cherry on top)
Hey, I actually have criticisms this time...been a while since that happened, huh?
Belos Doesn’t Look All That Threatening: The green scar is cool, don't get me wrong...but this man doesn't look all that threatening without the mask. With it, yes, I'm quaking in my metaphorical boots. But making him look like a chilled-out old man with what looks like a skin infection just takes away all of the horror for me. I mean, look at him:
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He looks like a guy who I can easily push over, and boom! The rain of tyranny is over.
I'm more than positive that this is a personal issue. That doesn't mean I won't take it personally, though.
Eda Acting like an Idiot: I get it. Eda wants to figure out how to make her powers work and will try literally anything to do it. My issue is that why does she have to act like a dunderhead at times to do it? I mean, Eda seriously never tried peacefully talking to the Owl Beast, which is what basically caused her to turn into the Harpy the first time? Remember? With the whole making a truce thing?
And why is she being so carefree despite being surrounded by coven guards and blatantly ignoring Hunter's warning, which was very clearly real? Yes, Eda can be reckless and carefree at times, but when a moment clearly calls to take things gravely, she still learns to tone things down a bit. So it pains me to see her act so...dumb!
Willow and Gus Getting Sidelined...Again: I'm not the first to mention this, and odds are I won't be the last, but it really does suck to see Willow and Gus get pushed on the sidelines so far this season. More so with Willow. Gus at least got half an episode to himself, where Willow barely contributes in the ones she's in. Although, in fairness, this is only the first half of the season, and there wasn't much Willow and Gus could do in the episodes we've seen so far. They may get more attention later, but here, it's just disappointing seeing them do nothing more than setting up an inadequate joke.
I'd say that "Eclipse Lake" is an A- for me. The jokes were solid, it makes me excited for more, and I love everything done with Amity and Hunter...I just wish that the rest of the characters were handled a little better. Most of my issues aren't really that big of a deal compared to everything else done right, but after three perfect episodes in a row, the small things tend to hit a lot harder. Sorry to say, but I can't always let the good stuff eclipse the bad.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I have to mentally, emotionally, and maybe even physically prepare myself for the heartbreak that will inevitably be "Yesterday's Lie." Which I’m not ready for)
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
Summary: Reader ('Mech') Is a member of CT-9904's unit and is sent to Ryloth instead of fighting with the insurgents. If only either of them could figure out why he made that call...
basically empire Crosshair is falling in love with the reader and is fighting with the chip's influence, the reader is falling as well. This is what happens when she see's the aftermath of the engine injuries.
Warnings: the reader gets choked, but not like in that way, reader is mean to crosshair, crosshair is mean to reader (ie neither of them know how feelings work)
Ryloth is grossly humid, you hate the way it feels with your plastoid armor on. The dark colour of it and your blacks underneath certainly don’t help either. And the fact that you’re still seething over your delegation has your teeth so clenched it hurts. Senator Taa is driving you insane as well, the fact that you’re playing the part that any trooper could be is driving you insane.
You didn’t get the nickname Mech for nothing. The modified electrostaff that hangs on your hip is evidence of that. The pop of your knuckles out of boredom has Syndulla and his clone looking at you.
“Something to say? Admiral Rampart asks with a glare. The kind that makes you stand straighter and fall in formation. When an answer doesn’t come from behind your helmet he sighs before adding. “You’re dismissed.”
Back in your sorry excuse for barracks, your armor is thrown against the wall. Starting with the stuffy helmet, the sound it makes when it hits the stone isn’t enough to satisfy your anger. So as you strip off each piece of the remaining plastoid it too, meets the interior of the Ryloth cave.
Screw him. Screw your commander. Screw the nerf herding Clone that sent you here. You hate him, you hate the way he speaks to you. Like he’s always looking for a weakness. You hate being here playing guard dog while they chase down the insurgents. And what you hate the most is the insecurity that lingers in your mind.
Why didn’t he think I was good enough?
You were the only one left behind, the only one sent to Ryloth ahead of time. Perhaps for one too many snarky comments. Perhaps because he doubted your abilities.
You’re so angry you go as far as striping out of the empire regulated blacks and into your civilian clothes. Which largely consists of your old baggy tactical pants that are so worn down the hues of your favorite colour are faded. But you still stuff the pants into your combat boots anyways. The top is less top-like and more like a piece of fabric that is long enough to turn into some kind of thing resembling clothing. It’s not exactly high Naboo fashion, but it’s a hell of a lot less warm than your kriffing armor.
You take to fixing the scope of his sniper rifle. You’re tempted to leave it broken, Maker knows how it happened in the first place. But you’re desperate for a distraction, a challenge, anything to take away the sting of being left behind. It gets fixed all too quickly, and you have to resort to tinkering with the calibrations in order to pass the time.
The door opens with a whoosh and the Commander and the rest of your team find you lounging with your feet up, scope in hand looking positively annoyed. Everyone tenses when you lazily get up, and walk over to them without saluting.
“That doesn't look like your uniform to me.” He says, the anger crackling through the helmet. And while everyone else has taken their helmets off, you can see them hesitate.
“Well considering the planet's demilitarizing, it didn’t look like it needed a commando to me.” You snap, the week of annoyance coming to fruition all at once.
“What did you just say to me?” He asks, stepping closer and bunching his fists. Your hand goes to your electrostaff, and his to his blaster. Weighing your options, you decide not to sign your death warrant today. Instead you reach into your pocket and grab the newly fixed scope. Not passing up the change to shove it into his chest.
The second your hand collides with the pastoid he moves like lightning. The scope clatters to the ground adding to the noises of surprise that your comrades make. Some of them move to help you, but think better of it. By the time your brain catches up your back has already hit the wall, a durasteel hand around your neck.
“Apologise.” He grits out. The green visor burning out your retina, and your hands scratching at his vambrace. You splutter around the hand, and he lets up a little. Just a little. The logical part of your brain is screaming at you to say the two simple words.
“I take it you failed to catch them then?” You say instead. And the hand tightens again, making you slap his forearms, he doesn't let up and somewhere your brain registers someone gasping:
“He’s going to kill Mech!” And with that, you collide with the floor. One hand bracing yourself and keeping you off the actual ground, and the other cradling the tender skin.
“You three. Out.” He snaps, and the sounds of footsteps rush out the door. Looking up at the Commander, you see the helmet watch your comrades hustle out, before he moves further into the barracks. Collecting a jug of water and a singular cup. Clutching both in one hand, he uses his other to haul you up. Still gasping you try to struggle.
“Calm down.” He says plainly. “I’m not going to hurt you”
“I think you understand why I'm not inclined to believe that.” You wheeze out, as he leads you to one of the beds and makes you sit on it. Before pouring water into the cup, and hesitantly handing it to you.
“Drink.” he barely gets the word out before you’re snatching the substance from him and gulping it down. You cover yourself in it but you don't really care. Pausing to catch your breath again, the fog begins to clear.
“No toothpick?” You mean to tease, but when you ask he walks away from you. That's when you catch it. There’s a piece of his armor that's discoloured from the rest. Not so much that it needed replacing, but enough for you to notice. “Commander?” You ask, and watch him shake his head ever so slightly. Only turning back when he hears you get up and stagger towards him.
“Sit back down. You’re injured.” He winces slightly at the sentence. Almost like there's a part of him that hates himself for hurting you. Funnily enough it's the same part that convinced him not to let you on that mission.
“I think you are too.” You admit softly. “Let me see.” You push. And he grumbles and mumbles before taking his helmet off.
His hair has been shaved off - even shorter than it was before. But that's not what catches your eye. What you stare at is the gaping injury on the back left side of his head. And the way he scrunches his nose and turns away shows you something you’ve never seen from him before.
Fragility, fear, embarrassment and maybe a multitude of other emotions fly across his face. When he opens his mouth to say something your brain kicks into gear.
“Sit down. Let me tend to it.” You demand. He tries to protest.
“That's not-” “Just let me see it.”
“I’m fine-” “You need bacta.” You’re still trying to lead him into sitting down, and he tries to argue more before finally giving in.
“I was cleared from the medbay you know.” He grumbles, and part of your soul does cartwheels when he listens to you and does actually sit down. And you almost like to think you’re the only person who he does listen to.
There aren't nearly enough bacta strips to double wrap the area like you wanted, but it’ll do until you can restock at a proper Imperial medbay.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been this close to each other, and it isn’t even the first time you’ve touched the commander's face. The first and only other time was in the depths of space. Everyone else was passed out in exhaustion after mission after mission. But you two, neither of you could sleep. And you could see the scrunch in his brow of anxiety and pent up adrenalin. And somehow, some miracle happened and after much convincing, you sat on the floor of some hallway, and he let you rub calming circles into his temple. You can still feel the way his hands held onto your forearms gently, like he was afraid you’d hurt him, or maybe he was afraid you wouldn't hurt him. Or maybe, just maybe, he had wanted to hold you.
“I should’ve been there.” You whisper while dressing the wound. It probably looks worse than it is but guilt is still eating you alive.
“You were where you needed to be.” He states. Taking his gloves off while you move from behind, to beside him as you finish with the bacta. Still analysing the wound and the rest of his face. He almost wants to smile, they didn’t call you Mech for nothing.
“Why did you send me away?” You ask. Closing your eyes when you feel a hand come up and caress your face. It's so gentle it’s almost like it's not there at all. Your heart feels like it's exploding with each beat. Why did this always happen between the two of you, why were you like magnets for each other.
And why did he always have to push you away after?
“I’m sorry,” He tells you when he grazes over your neck. “For that,” another swipe of a gentle hand. “But not for sending you here. Evidently I made the right call.” Fingers rest under your chin, tilting it up. When your eyes open, his are finding the part of you that you worked so hard to bury.
“You should be. It kriffing hurts.” You try to joke, to hide your feelings. But it comes out dry and cracked, a reminder of his anger moments ago.
“You learned your lesson then.” He snaps. And yet, the hand that goes to your hair is still gentle.
“Don’t leave me behind again commander. Or it’ll be the last time you see me.” It’s not a threat, but his eyes darken as if it is one.
“Good soldiers follow orders.” He hisses.
“Good thing we’re commandos then.” You shoot back. He closes his eyes and sighs, his hand leaving your face. It takes something with it, and you feel at a loss. One of your hands travels the regulated blanket that you’re sitting on, like it’s subconsciously searching for him.
Instead, he stands up and walks away.
“You should be resting.” You grumble at him, also standing up, if only to cross your arms in annoyance.
“I was cleared from the medbay.” He repeats himself, reaching for his helmet, ready to block you out again.
“Those droids clear out anything with a pulse. You need time to heal.” Hesitantly, you pad over to him, your hand stopping his when he goes to put the helmet on again. As if on instinct his other hand goes to your throat. But he stops himself when he sees the marks from before.
“This isn’t allowed.” He whispers, bucket hitting the floor. His hand moves onto your waist like a different person is in control of his motions. “I’m sorry.” He says again, fixated on the markings on your neck.
“It’s okay.” You tell him, moving closer. Sighing into his hold and the cool armor on hot skin. Looking up at your commander with blinking eyes. If someone was to walk in now, you’d most likely be executed, or exiled at the very least. But it doesn't stop his bare hands from moving, one on your hip where skin meets skin outside of imperial rules, regulation and armour. The other goes to your face again. Why does he like it so much? What is it about your face that is addictive? He tries to imagine a different face, a different person having this effect on him.
He can’t.
“No.” He says against your lips when they almost touch. And you tremble in rejection, a blank face covers the part of you that's crying. You’re so close to him, to something real, something other than war efforts or the Galactic Empire. You ignore him, and try to lean forward again, but the hand in your hair moves to place two fingers of your lips and push you back. And you know he feels your lips stutter and breath hitch as you contain a cry. His hands leave you completely as he steps away and puts his helmet back on.
“Shame.” You say bitterly, and you’re not proud of what happens next. Maybe you’re too smart, maybe you shouldn’t have read his file when you hacked into the database to find those chain codes. Maybe you shouldn’t have let him hurt you first.
“I liked seeing your tattoo.” You add, watching the helmet glare at you. “It’s a Crosshair, right?”
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clonehub · 3 years
Is it okay if i tell you about my transbian clone like ??????? I love her so much her name is Awa (like water in spanish but with the pronunciation of a small child) and is the commander and like she's buff she knows her shit and at the same time she's so soft with the shinies and always gives them kisses in the forehead and she loves her general so much but she know they can't be together so she's just pining in the distance and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 she was a internal joke but now i hold her in my hands and hhhhshshh i love her so much omg ;;;;;;;;
OP i love her too,,,,,,,,,,,
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milfcutlawquane · 3 years
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@nibeul we really said 'trans lesbians with pink hair' huh?
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milfcutlawquane · 3 years
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I think that she also deserves a dress, as a treat
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milfcutlawquane · 3 years
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"For healthy shinies, the recommendable amount of forehead or hair kisses from their superior officers have to be about 1 to 2 per standard day. The total amount should not be less than the recommendable."
Awa loves to take care of her little shinies 💕
And for GOD, this is platonic. I feel so bad that i have to clear that, but for me, kisses like those are the most familiar thing in the world. Don't tag as cl*necest.
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milfcutlawquane · 3 years
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in this blog we support a gal that likes pink and beat ass
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milfcutlawquane · 3 years
Awa would spin at that helicopter trend 😔
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milfcutlawquane · 2 years
@sulevinen i saw your tags and i want to procrastinate, so here's a bit into the lore of the 201st 😈
The 201st is, officially, an Sky Corps, however, due to a small mistake in the first days of war, they're unofficially called the 201st Squadron (it's a reference to the irl mexican 201st Squadron, you can look em up they have their own wiki page).
Their paint is pink for no particular reason except I like pink and the shade I used is called mexican pink 💕
Most of my oc's are part of the Corps, so here's a list of them
- Jedi General Axo Citlaltzin
- Clone Commander Awa
- ARC Trooper Luna
- Clone Medic Quetz
- Clone Medic Sito
- Clone Medic Sote
- Clone Trooper Tlac
- Clone Trooper Bizcochito
This whole Corps is a MESS from head to toe. Awa has the biggest crush over Axo you'll ever seen, she's so lesbian it HURTS. Quetz and Tlac's ship crashed and were left behind only to be adopted. Bizcochito is listening to Space ROSALÍA 24/7 and nobody knows what to DO. AND Luna was possessed by an ancient spirit looking for revenge- it's a mess, and let's not talk about order 66 okay?
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