#arc trooper luna
milfcutlawquane · 1 year
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Redesigning Galaxy Squad (1/5): Luna! (they/them)
ARC-01-8251, better known as Luna, former Sargeant in the 201st Air Corps. As the only member of their squad in the Corps, they were terribly isolated by themselves at first, mostly because they were conditioned to see their albinism as a failure in production and therefore unworthy.
It took Commander Awa to make them see that their mutation wasn't something that made them inherently bad, and that every trainer who convinced them of that was wrong.
While their mutation caused them to have a poor eyesight since decanting, that hasn't stopped them from becoming a pilot. They were sent to ARC training after effectively taking over command after both Commander Awa and General Toani were incapacitated during a siege.
Quiet and stoic, nobody's sure if they're hiding anything at all. Maybe it has to be with the incident at Liebre Moon, if only they talked about what happened there...
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Ko-fi Rewards - Coffee Pals
So, as some of you may know, ever since I started my Ko-fi page I have been looking towards creating a reward system for people who have consistently donated to help me fund my computer payments.
At the very start I wasn't able to do so, because I was still getting used to the new specks. But now I feel confident enough that I feel like I can finally start offering a character doodle every 10€ spent (only one doodle per donation that reaches this total sum, because otherwise I'd get too overwhelmed very quickly and I don't want to burn myself out).
That said, I needed to decide on something that I can easily work with that's uniform enough that it'd be fair for everyone. So I have come up with three options. Options that I leave up to you all to decide on!
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Each pose comes with a configuration (OC, Helmeted Clone OC, Helmet-less Clone OC) for the artist's convenience.
There will be some examples under the cut to help with making your choice!
— ☕️ Ko-fi | 🧡Commissions
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FFXIV Fox, Communications Officer Rhythm & ARC Trooper Beat belong to @british-hero / @lost-on-kamino ARC Trooper Luna, Namy & Violinist belong to @milfcutlawquane Riot Trooper Olly Olly Oxenfree, Medic Sponge and Medic Canivete belong to me.
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
Can I request any fluffy hc for Fives? If u have time and mood for it of course. Thx in advance ;)
Fluffy Headcanons, Fives
Headcanons, gn! reader
Tw: None. Just fluff
it’s him. the bestest boy🫶
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- As can be predicted, Fives is very affectionate. He has no trouble calling you names and holding you in front of anybody. And I mean anybody. He has no shame in it, though he does respect your boundaries in that scenario. It sounds adorable, but at times, it could get a little embarrassing.
- He is the type of person to carry your picture with him when he leaves Coruscant again. He also keeps a tiny notebook with him on the ship. Whenever he gets the chance, he’ll write in it. When he comes back home, he’ll give it to you so you wouldn’t have had to miss a single thing. He either writes a lot or two sentences. It depends on how his day was. And as most of his missions are battles, rather than mercy missions, there won’t be a lot to read, but knowing he still thinks about keeping you up to date is enough for you.
- He’ll put effort in understanding the things you are passionate about. This could be a hobby, but also a book series or a certain artist. He loves to hear you rant about the things you love, but he feels stupid to not be able to talk along with you. The moment he begins to talk along with you about that movie you recently watched, your entire face just lights up. He would keep doing things like that just to see you like that again.
- He is a hugger. Any chance he gets, he’ll wrap his arms around you. When he gets back home, he lets out his custom tires groan, as you had named it, before he walks up to you and tilts you off of the ground, planting kisses on your face as he goes. Early morning hugs from behind, side hugs on ships, bear hugs in the living room, surprise hugs during cooking etc. Man cannot get himself to let go of you.
- Surprisingly, his love language isn’t physical affection; it’s acts of service. He loves to do these little things for you, just so you can spend more time on the couch, or doing other chores. Don’t let him cook though. He’s a great cleaner! Very thorough. You wouldn’t expect it, but he does it in record time, and without mistakes. Down side; he places the cutleries in the wrong drawer. Always. You have it marked and everything, but he keeps doing it wrong. Maybe he does it on purpose, you don’t know.
- Pays for your drinks. Regardless of how long you’ve been together, he will always pay for your drinks. You two don’t often go out, but when you do, you don’t have to be concerned about your wallet. Well, you kind of do. You see, as a clone, he doesn’t really get paid. Sometimes credits just suddenly get into his wallet. Wonder how they got there. He has no idea.
- Very competitive! Game nights are a must, but he’s competitive in everything. If you work out, he’ll try to run faster than you, or push more weight than you. It makes both of you push your limits, so it’s a great little mechanism. Kix doesn’t think so, but who cares.
- On that note, he’s a sore loser as well. Not the kind of loser that is annoying and angry, but the one who just sulks. He claims it’s fine when you win the game, but you can see it in his eyes that he’s disappointed. Luckily, he can handle wins very well. So if you let him win at times, he won’t do victory dances or gloat. But sometimes it’s just more fun to win, so you’ll let him sulk.
- He gets jealous very easily. And you might think; oh but that’s cute. Not entirely. Sometimes? Yes. But the only people he really trusts to be around you are four, maybe five of his brothers. He is very happy with you, but is terrified of losing you. He knows you will remain loyal, but that isn’t his problem. He fears you might see others that are so much better than him, and it makes him insecure. So instead of brushing it off, he glares at them. Again, he’ll get really pouty afterwards. But only after pretending nothing is wrong. He needs some reassurance.
- Last but not least, as an avid hugger, he is an avid cuddler. Man cannot bring himself to sleep comfortably without you. When he is with you, he doesn’t care how you lay, or whether you need to be asleep, he’ll find a way. He likes it most when you lay on your back, his arms wrapped around your waist and his head on your chest under your shirt. He made the mistake to lay like that once when Echo entered the room. Fives doesn’t care. You’re more cautious now though, so often you’ll simply spoon or lay on top of him.
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ivorydragoness44 · 3 years
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June 1st, the last day for the Redbubble Sale!
Check out 20% off Cases.
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sweetwolf05 · 6 years
Luna Brightest: Jedi council, i will hate it to say. A Bad news
Yoda: So is it about Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Luna Brightest, hesitant: Yes, he was been possessed. Along with Satine.
Anakin Skywalker, pureed next to Fives: Fives, shall we cuddling together?
Fives: Well, kinda yes cyare.
Luna Brightest: Skywalker, i am afraid to say this, you must to get your former master back.
Sith! Obi-Wan Kenobi(on Ramona's floating castle): OBI-WAN KENOBI IS NOT A JEDI ANYMORE, HE'S A SITH LORD!!
Luna Brightest: Geez that will be hard to get him back to the light side.
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snippy-tano · 3 years
Hello! I hope you're having an amazing day! If possible, could I request tiny hands in big hands from the touches ask game with Rex?
Wowowowowowow this was so much fun to write. I actually had this idea with something that was totally and completely unrelated. but then I had an epiphany at like 2am last night that it would fit this ask exactly and I had to write it asap. It’s just so fluffy and cute and ack I want it. 
I hope you enjoy it anon! Let me know what you think!
Masterlist is here!
Taglist is here!
Tagging: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @marvel-starwars-nerd @mackstrut @dissapointingpancake @ahsokatano-thetogruta @welcometothepedroverse @lightning-wolffe @fractiouskat @mandaloriandin @lussyyung @lowkeyodinsong @str-wrs-fics @bantha-shit @badbatch-simp24 @katelynnwrites @s1st3r @leotatombs @torchbearerkyle @luna-schaf @oh-delphinia @dominhoe-squad @kaermorons @leotatombs
It was the middle of the night and you were still working. 
Which really wasn’t out of the ordinary, all things considered. You were used to late nights and early mornings, today wasn’t any different. You’d been up since the crack of dawn and it was nearing the middle of the night. You were positive you had bags under your eyes, but there really wasn’t any helping your situation. 
It was the nature of working with the GAR. 
And at this point, you didn’t even think anything of it anymore. It was just part of the job.
Which is why walking through the halls around 2am didn’t feel weird. And it didn’t feel out of the ordinary when Echo jogged up to you and matched your pace after calling your name. 
“How goes it, Echo?” You asked, closing your data pad you had been typing on to give the ARC trooper your full attention. He shrugged, making his armor clink together.
“I’m still standing. Why are you still up? Isn’t your shift over?” He asked, gesturing to your more relaxed clothing. 
It was your turn to shrug. “I have a lot to get done before the morning, so I thought I might as well be comfortable while doing it.”
Echo nodded once before clearing his throat. “Have you seen Captain Rex lately?”
You couldn’t help the clenching of your heart when he said Rex’s name. It was an involuntary response you had only recently began noticing. It took far too long (and a few conversations with friends back on Coruscant) before you realized your warm feelings towards the Captain may be a little more than just “friendship feelings.”
It had been a surprise, but one that only made more and more sense as time continued on. 
You’d done a good job keeping it under wraps, but knowing you, it was only a matter of time before someone caught on, especially considering how much time you spent with the men aboard this ship.
“Not recently, why? Is he okay?” You asked, turning to look at Echo who sighed.
“No one has seen him since dinner. He was heading towards his office and I’m not even sure if he had dinner or not.” Echo admitted and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“I’ll find him. You don’t have to worry about it.” You said and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, I don’t really have time to track him down. I would, don’t get me wrong, I’d love nothing more, but I can’t leave Fives alone with the shinys.” Echo replied and you laughed.
“Definitely don’t want that. Don’t worry Echo, I’ll find him.”
Echo gave you a pat on your arm before bidding goodbye and jogging away towards the barracks. You hesitated before heading for the mess hall. Echo had mentioned he wasn’t sure if Rex had eaten or not. Even if he had, if he was planning on pulling an all-nighter, he’d get hungry at some point so food wouldn’t be amiss. 
The short detour didn’t take long and before you knew it, you were standing outside of Rex’s “office.”
It technically was an unused supply closet, but a few months ago, you and some of the men had repurposed it so that Rex could use it as an office. He may only be a Captain, but with all of his responsibilities, he needed a space where he wouldn’t be bothered by the men. And you and the men had been more than happy to help him with that.
The room was still registered as a storage room, but you were pretty sure General Skywalker knew it had been renovated for Rex. And you were pretty sure he didn’t care one bit. 
You looked both directions before punching in the new code.
Rex kept changing the code every time one of the men cracked it. The space was a way to get away from his brothers so that he could work. It made it pretty hard to do that when they kept barging in. 
Hence why Rex kept changing it. 
You and him were the only ones who knew it at the moment. It wouldn’t take long before they cracked it again, but you were going to make sure it wasn’t you who revealed it to the men.
You had been surprised when Rex had given you the code right after he changed it for the first time about a month ago. You hadn’t realized you two had grown close enough that he’d trust you with that information. You supposed the many late nights working and getting to know each other must have helped. All those times you brought him food and just worried about him must have meant something to him too. Despite all of that, you had still been honored that he trusted you enough to give you and only you the code that you had done your absolute best to make sure the code didn’t fall into the wrong hands. 
Namely Fives.
The door opened softly and you carefully slid inside, letting the door shut behind you. Rex was hunched over his desk, seemingly fast asleep with his datapad on in front of him. 
You let out a soft sigh before carefully stepping further inside. 
The room itself was a mess of different furniture you’d managed to scramble together on your short stints back on Coruscant. There was a desk, a cabinet, a lamp, a small couch, and even a mini hydrator. That had been tricky to sneak onboard, taking nearly all of Torrent company to pull off. 
But you had succeeded and the place felt more homey. 
You quietly opened the hydrator and slid the food you had gotten for Rex inside, that way he’d have it when he woke up. You dimmed the lights and grabbed the small throw blanket that was draped across the back of the couch for days when Rex (or anyone else, you included) decided to take a nap. 
You moved slowly, tiptoeing closer to Rex, biting on your lip to try and remain as quiet as possible. There was a small piece of flimsy on his desk and you quickly scribbled out a note about the food in the fridge for him, signing your name at the bottom. You placed it where he’d see it the moment he lifted his head.
When you finished, you gently unraveled the blanket and placed it over his shoulders. He had the hindsight to remove most of the pieces of his armor when he had sat down, so you at least knew he was comfortable. He stirred slightly when the blanket made contact with his broad shoulders, causing you to hold your breath.
But he didn’t wake. You waited a few more seconds before covering him more fully, taking a moment to look at his sleeping face. 
Rex looked so much more peaceful when he was sleeping. He looked relax and so so young.
It made you wish he had a chance to live a life he wanted to live, one where he wasn’t a soldier.
But fate had other plans. 
You let out a soft sigh, giving him one last look before turning to leave and give Rex the chance to rest without anyone disturbing him.
Your heart leapt into your throat when you felt a hand tighten around your wrist. 
You let out a strangled noise of surprise, spinning and finding yourself staring at familiar golden eyes. 
Uh oh. He’s awake. 
You were so startled that you completely froze, an apology on the tip of your tongue. 
Rex continued to stare at you and you could feel your heart pounding so loudly you were sure he could hear it. His eyes slipped from yours to your wrist in his hand and then to the note you had scribbled for him. You so badly wanted to know what he was thinking, but the words just wouldn’t come. 
His gaze flipped back to you and it was like a dam broke.
“I’m so sorry! Echo was worried and I wanted to make sure you got something to eat and when I got here you were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you up so I left a note and you looked cold so I got the blanket. I didn’t mean to wake you! Please forgive-”
“-you came here because Echo was worried?” Rex said, his voice a little raw since he had just woken up. Or at least had woken up at some point when you came into the room, you still weren’t sure when exactly he came back to consciousness. 
Frankly you didn’t want to know.
“I was worried too. I hadn’t seen you since yesterday’s meeting and I know you sometimes forget to eat so I wanted to make sure you did or that you got some rest before tomorrow.” You again word vomited and wanted more than anything for the ground below your feet to open up and swallow you whole. 
Rex paused for a moment and you took a shaky breath. 
His thumb brushed against your now exposed wrist and you fought back against the hitch in your breath at the contact, seemingly now noticing that he wasn’t wearing his gloves. Your heart continued to pound and you prayed to the Maker that he couldn’t feel it. His calloused hands slid from your wrist to grip your hand.
Tingles shot straight up your arm and you really were holding your breath now, eyes unable to look away as his rough hand completely engulfed yours. He was staring at your now joined hands, seemingly marveling at how much larger his hand was than yours. 
Maker, this has to be a dream. I’m dreaming. But I’m not sure I want to wake up. Kriff my hands are so clammy.
You thought, wincing at the thought of Rex being grossed out by your now sweaty hands. But he didn’t seem to be flinching away, which was probably the most unnerving thing about this situation. 
He tugged on your hand and you had been so wrapped up in your thoughts that you jerked forward, your free hand reaching for purchase on his shoulder as your legs came into contact with hard plastoid. 
Wait. Hard plastoid? That means - 
You froze again. Your eyes were trained on Rex’s this time only inches away and so much closer than they ever had been. 
Kriff, his eyes are so pretty.
“Thank you.” He huffed, startling you again. “For looking out for me.”
“No problem.” You squeaked, voice higher than it ever had been. Your face felt like it was on fire and you weren’t sure if you wanted to stay in this exact position until the day you died or if you wanted to run for the escape pods and eject yourself into space. 
Rex lifted his free hand and brushed a stray piece of hair off of your face, but instead of taking it away after, he let his hand cup your cheek.
Maker, this has to be a dream. There’s no way this is real.
Rex let out a low chuckle. “It feels like a dream to me too.”
Your eyes widened. Ah kriff.
He didn’t seem to mind your current situation and frankly you were too shocked to be horrified at how things were playing out. Rex smiled softly at you, brushing a thumb under your eye. 
The next thing you knew, he was kissing you. 
It was embarrassing how quickly you sighed against him and absolutely melted. But Rex took that all in stride and let go of your hand to wrap his arm around you and tug you closer. 
This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream.
You repeated like a mantra in your head, refusing to believe this was happening. But then Rex tilted his head, lips moving more incessantly against yours and all coherent thoughts flew out the window.
The rest of the world faded away until all that was left was you and him.
And you honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Rex pulled away and you felt yourself chasing after him as he chuckled softly. His forehead pressed against yours and you took a few deep breaths before opening your eyes to find him already looking at you.
“I’m glad I gave you that code.” He breathed and you couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled past your lips. 
“I am too.” You whispered and Rex smiled broadly at you.
“I hope you know I plan on taking full advantage of it from now on.” He said and you felt your cheeks burn as you sputtered. He smirked before leaning in again to capture your lips once more. All argument left you in an instant and you pressed yourself closer, causing him to groan and his hands to fist in the back of your shirt.
Yeah. You could get used to this.
And take advantage of it he did. 
You weren’t going to complain. Not one bit.
The men ended up complaining however, specifically Fives and Echo who managed to crack the code a few days later and had been a little surprised to say the least. 
Well, they learned their lesson and frankly, you were too happy to care about the teasing and complaints. Rex changed the code again and gave it to you immediately. You’d practically melted on the spot, happier than you had been in a long time.
Who knew a code could lead to something as special as this?
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generaltano · 3 years
Rane - ARC-0303
ARC Trooper of Clone Force 37
This quiet boy got his name for sneaking out on Kamino to see the rain storms.
Has multiple tattoos - mostly to honor fallen brothers. Most of them are for his first batch, who all died very early in the war (on a training mission away from Kamino).
He can shoot anything, but is proficient in heavy equipment (turret, sentry gun). Usually the first one into a fight, right behind Luna.
Likes to take the lead, but fucks up the plan every time (used to working alone). It comes with the ARC training, which he has no idea how he got into.
One of the most emotionally stunted clones around. He's lost so much that it just makes sense that no amount of comfort can help him. But he's a sweet and quiet guy, mostly offering to help civilians when he can once battles are over.
for the wiki :) @letsunity
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milfcutlawquane · 1 year
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tagged by @thecyndimistuff for this OC picrew challenge!! I can't deny a good picrew lol (but I'm a little pissed the curly hair options were so restricting!! no many where to choose from :c)
In order from left to right: Luna, Sol, Constelación, Nebulosa, Estela and Awa! All clone troopers ofc because i have zero self control ahaha.
This designs happen in my happy Everybody Lives AU where they get to develop their individuality even further and live happy lives okay???
No pressure tags: @mwolf0epsilon @lost-on-kamino @sulevinen and @zipquips!!
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thechaoticfanartist · 3 years
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Asajj Ventress In Midnight Gown Concept Art
Baby Ahsoka
Pansexual Obitine
Grim (OC) Reference Sheet OUTDATED
Togruta Jedi OC
The Anakin & Ahsoka Hug We Deserved
Sad Obi-Wan Study
Obitine First Kiss
Sith Obi-Wan
Our Padawans (Disaster Trio + Grim)
Obi-Wan & Grim Hugging During Order 66
Ahsoka Computer Drawing
Grim In Jedi Armor
Mustafar Landscape
Anakin Burning
Grim Stabbed
Grim x Ahsoka Dance
Grim & Anakin Hugging
Sith Obi-Wan Edits
Sith Ahsoka Edits
Grim On Mustafar
Grim x Ahsoka Near Kiss
Grim & Obi-Wan Hugging Sketches
Kaesoka (E.K Johnston Approved)
Obi-Wan With An Eopie
Self Portrait
Obi-Wan & Grim Mediating
Grim’s First Time At The Temple
Sith Obi-Wan & Grim
Grim & Obi-Wan Meeting
Obi-Wan Carrying Grim
Grim Seeing Courcant For The First Time
Grim Building Her Lightsaber
Tooka In Cody’s Helmet
Padawan In The Vents What Crimes Will She Commit?
Depressive Series With Seven Seasons
Grim & Cody Spar
Collard Obi-Wan | Summer Of Whump 2021
Grim & Obi-Wan In A Nutshell
Plo Koon
Short Hair Rapunzel
Grim x Ahsoka “Stargazing”
Satine Kryze
Sith Grim x Sith Ahsoka
Purge Trooper Cody
Undertale Undyne
Jedi Knight Undyne
Old Man Rex Comic
Grim In Order 66
Sith Padmé Edits
Grim Training
[TBB Episode 11 Spoilers] My Beloved <3
Ahsoka Tano Art Collab With @padme--amygdala
The Owl House Lumity (SEASON 2 SPOILERS)
Grim Before & After A Corruption Arc
Fives Expression 1D
Jesse Expression 1B
[TBB Episode 11 Spoilers Clone] My Beloved <3
Smol Grim
Luke Skywalker With Obi-Wan’s Message
Padmé Amidala
AU Where Obi-Wan Is Dead / Grim With Obi-Wan’s Crystal
Sleeping Grim With Obi-Wan’s Cloak
Ahsoka + I Can’t Dance
Luna Lovegood + Sour Grapes
Grim x Ahsoka Outfit Swap
Grim Sleeping On Obi-Wan
Grim Killing Krell & Palpatine
Safe And Sound Animatic || Grim & Obi-Wan
Grim Listening To Obi-Wan’s Message + Fic
Hermione X Lucy (Harry Potter OC)
Frozen Sisters
Sword Lesbian Self Portrait
Undertale Waterfall
Undertale Children
Grim Being Done With Obi-Wan
SUICIDE TW: Grim x Ahsoka Angst
She-Ra Redraw Catradora
Rebel Grim Getting Hugs
Could Have Been Me Animatic || Grim
AU Where Grim Leaves With Ahsoka
The Owl House Lumity 2 (SEASON 2 SPOILERS)
Eda The Owl Lady (SEASON 2 SPOILERS)
POV: Rebel Grim Rescues You
Undertale Frisk
Grim Using The Reverse Grip
[TBB Episode 1 Spoilers] Unwhitewashed
Grim x Ahsoka Stargazing For Real
Barriss Offee
Padawan Aayla
Portrait Ahsoka With Brown Eyes
Modern AU Depa
Sleepy Grim x Ahsoka
Midnight In Me Animatic || Grim
Portrait Of Grim
Jedi Master Grim
Anakin + Dark Cherry
Riyo + Bubblegum
Padmé + Neopolitan
Riyo + Blackcurrant Cream
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Wookiepedia on Healing Plants
Read the Original Texts Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here , Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here , Here, Here, Here, Here , Here, Here, Here, Here and Here!
Senoti The senoti was a species of tree native to the Outer Rim world New Canistel. The deep-rooted trees required an alkaline soil in which to grow, and produced a sap that was used for medicinal purposes. The trees were also found off New Canistel, with a small number growing wild on Endor. These were believed by Xenoarborists to be survivors from two Canistel AgriStar freighters that were lost in the Moddell sector. Endor's native Ewoks regarded the tree as holy due to its healing properties, and in 3 ABY, the Warrick family of Ewoks used senoti sap in a medicine administered to the shipwrecked youngling, Cindel Towani. Several senoti trees also grew in the Xenobotanical Garden of Garqi; however, these were burnt down during the first year of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The senoti was a species of tree.Mature senoti had brown, rough, gnarled bark, and could reach a girth several times that of an Ewok.The trees grew deep roots and required alkaline soil in order to thrive. Senoti seeds planted in acidic soil only grew into scrubby plants, if they survived at all. The senoti produced a watery sap, which had analgesic properties and could quell fevers. Kelari Lily The Kelari Lily was a rare Flower that could be used to treat battlefield injuries.Lorren Morrick sent a rebel patrol out to find Kelari Lilies because her medical supplies were running short.
Nysillin Nysillin, also known as sillum, or nysillim, was a healing herb grown as a common crop plant across the galaxy. On the planet Felucia, it was harvested by Casiss's farming village during the Clone Wars. Hondo Ohnaka's gang of pirates threatened the village into giving away a portion of the herbs, a portion they could not afford to give up, so Casiss hired a group of bounty hunters to fight them. They were soon joined by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who trained the Felucians to fight for themselves, prompting Ohnaka to give up.
Ice Mushrooms Ice mushrooms were found on various planets throughout the galaxy, including Neshtab. It appeared to have healing or analgesic properties, at least in Humans.  Greybush The Greybush was a ground hugging bush native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm. Redweed Redweed was a fern with a distinctive red coloration native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Lesset Plant Lesset plant was a broad-leafed red-veined plant native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm. It could often be found in the dense forests at the bottom of many valleys.
Ongmuel Plant The Ongmuel plant was a herbal plant with leaves that resembled dangling spiders native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of the Ongmuel plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Rinor Rinor was a herbal plant with blade-like leaves native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used Rinor leaves for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Barenth Healing Plant The Barenth healing plant was a endangered, natural, healing plant from Barenth. When a Ho'Din healer named Baji came to Barenth, he encountered them in an ancient laboratory. He observed them and tried to stay to continue observation and to eventually use them for healing purposes. Unfortunately, an earthquake struck and Baji was forced to leave. He grabbed some of them and left. Later, he came back only to find the sanctuary crushed. The plants were not destroyed, but badly contaminated. Baji had made a tough decision; he decided that for all his life, he would stay and help the remaining plants.
Savarium Herb The savorium herb was a kind of plant made by the Ithorian botanist Zorneth and another botanist, a Human named Klorr Vilia. When eaten, it would replace one's mind with nothing but peace and joy, and would give the consumer a new sense of submission and lack of inhibitions. Those under the influence of the herb were often referred to as Smilers due to the perpetual grins on their faces. It is said to be given the term "slave drug" considering slavers, pirates and other criminal personnel would have favored its mind-altering abilities.After Klorr had tried it, Zorneth wanted to mass-produce it so everyone would be happy. However, Vilia sacrificed himself to destroy all of the savorium herbs.There were rumors of savorium herb still existing, involving secret harvesting plantations in the galaxy, but it was unproved.
Viptiel Viptiel was a plant native to Nal Hutta. It was known for its therapeutic properties to the X'Ting for its hormone-balancing effects during that species' transition from one gender to the other; however, very few could afford it. Vippits also used viptiel as a medicinal supplement, especially during their mating periods. Twin-Scented Natterbloom The Twin-Scented Natterbloom was a rare medicinal herb native to the planet Talus. The plant exuded a pungent smell in its early growth, which changed during blooming season when the herb gave off a sweet citrus scent.The Drall hoped that the Natterbloom may prove to be a cure of an ancient Drall disease, the Balding Sickness. Some victims resisted bacta treatment, forcing the Drall to search for alternate solutions. With the help of the local Dearic Garden Club and a helpful spacer, the Drall ambassador to Talus Champhra Biahin was able to procure a sample of the Twin-Scented Natterbloom for further research.
Luna Weed Luna-weed was a plant native to Aduba-3. If chewed, it could produce delusional effects in the user. It gave rise to the phrase "chewing the luna-weed" when referring to someone who was acting crazy.
Guroot Guroot was a type of plant that could be grinded into powder and consumed. Many beings believed that consuming powdered guroot was good for one's health. Pommwomm Pommwomm plants were a hot-world shrub native to the Sif'kric system's inner planet. If they were properly processed within thirty hours of picking, they could be made into at least eight different medicinal substances, and at least sixteen different natural flavorings. Export of pommwomm plants made up about 20% of the Sif'kric economy.
Grey Gabaki A plant named for its drab color when dried, Grey Gabaki gives off a light and relaxing smoke when burned. It is commonly used in cantinas, but some merchants also burn it to make store fronts a more relaxing environment for customers.
Star Urchin Quill "Star urchin quills" was the name given by Ewok shamans to the venomous quills of the fftssfft, a species of semi-sapient plants also known as the "dandelion warriors." Despite their potentially lethal nature, those star-shaped quills could be used in traditional Ewok medicine.
Santherian TenHo Root Santherian tenho-root was a plant whose extract was also a potent drug. It was often used by abusers who desired a sense of escapism. When taking the drug, users often described it's effects as similar to that of watching a sunset.The extract was immensely effective on Falleen, who would experience intense psychotropic attacks after taking it.
Algarine Torve Weed Algarine torve weed was a kind of plant native to the Algaran system and could be used as a synthetic mood enhancer.
Relkass The Relkass sentinel plant was one of many cacti native to the planet of Relkass.The sentinel plant only bloomed during the planet's dry season. It also contained a chemical compound, which acted as a powerful narcotic. Even small amounts of the compound could drive a Draagax into a horrible madness.
Behot Behot was a species of herb that grew on the planet Mandalore. The herb was citrus-flavored and grew rapidly, making it the favored choice of ingredients for the Mandalorian beverage shig, a tisane brewed from a number of herbs. Behot was mildly antiseptic and stimulating, and capable of soothing an upset stomach. Shig brewed from behot possessed an amber color and the herb's citrus flavor. In 20 BBY, the Null-class ARC trooper Mereel used behot herbs in the shig he brewed for a pregnant Etain Tur-Mukan in order to help settle her stomach.bMereel's adopted father, Kal Skirata, also enjoyed a mug of behot-flavored shig when looking to calm his nerves. By the end of the Clone Wars, members of the anti-Imperial resistance on Toprawa had taken to growing behot locally on the Outer Rim world, using it to make their own shig. Resistance leader Degan Cor developed a fondness for shig brewed from behot, as did several of his rebel colleagues.
Kibo The Kibo was a rare, purple flowering plant native to Yavin 4. Its scent was strong and sweet and the seeds of the Kibo could restore sight.When Trioculus attacked Yavin 4 in 5 ABY, the fires he started brought the Kibo to the brink of extinction. Many years later, Galactic Alliance Chief of State Cal Omas kept a Kibo blossom in bronzium vase on his desk.
Bota Bota was a rare plant species native to very few planets in the galaxy such as Drongar. It was highly valued during the Clone Wars, as it had certain medicinal effects for each species and supposedly gave Jedi a stronger connection to the Force. It would become useless some time after it left the planet unless it was frozen in carbonite. 
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Crossover but with like 5 fandoms
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3sYhX4P
by here_queer_ready_to_die
Words: 3117, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men (Movieverse), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Oh boy her we go, lets see if I can remember everyone, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Grover Underwood, Juniper (Percy Jackson), Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Katie Gardner, Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Leo Valdez, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase, Blitzen (Magnus Chase), Hearthstone (Magnus Chase), Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Mallory Keen, Halfborn Gunderson, Sadie Kane, Walt Stone, Walt Stone | Anubis, Anubis (Kane Chronicles), Carter Kane, Zia Rashid, Clarisse La Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Hope Van Dyne, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Vision (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Wade Wilson, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Alex Summers, Peter Maximoff, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Hank McCoy, Raven | Mystique, Kurt Wagner, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Rogue (X-Men), Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Percy Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Oliver Wood, Albus Dumbledore, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, CT-7567 | Rex, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Hardcase (Star Wars), CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-5385 | Tup, Dogma (Star Wars), Yoda (Star Wars), Mace Windu, Plo Koon, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-3636 | Wolffe, Sinker (Star Wars), Boost (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Clone Troopers (Star Wars)
Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Leo Valdez/Original Male Character(s), Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze, Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex/Original Male Character(s), CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/Original Male Character(s), + other clone bois/ ocs, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Fred Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Gamora/Peter Quill, Michelle Jones/Shuri, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Katie Gardner/Travis Stoll, Clarisse La Rue/Chris Rodriguez, Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro, Halfborn Gunderson/Mallory Keen, Blitzen/Hearthstone, Anubis/Sadie Kane/Walt Stone, Carter Kane/Zia Rashid, CC-5052 | Bly/Aayla Secura, T’Challa/Sam Wilson, Others will be added - Relationship, Plo Koon & CC-3636 | Wolffe, 104th Battalion | Wolfpack Battalion & Plo Koon
Additional Tags: Albus Dumbledore Bashing, tony stark bashing, Not Canon Compliant, Tony Stark Is Not Helping, Not Tony Stark Friendly, Civil War Team Captain America, Pietro Maximoff is a Little Shit, Pietro Maximoff is actually dead, It’s just Peter in an alternate universe, cause Peter is better, The x men are better than the avengers, Pietro Maximoff Goes by Peter, Pansexual Peter Maximoff, Pansexual Character, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bisexual Percy Jackson, Ron Weasley is a Good Friend, BAMF Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Protective Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Agender Character, agender vision, Clone Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), everyone hates Tony Stark, Bisexual Harry Potter, Bisexual Peter Parker, Canon Bisexual Character, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexual CT-7567 | Rex, Bisexual Leo Valdez, Bisexual Anakin Skywalker, Bisexual Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bisexual Frank Zhang, I’m writing these tags instead of sleeping, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Genderfluid Alex Fierro, more tags will be added but I got school tomorrow whoops
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3sYhX4P
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
m/m advanced literate sci-fi inspired prompt!
hey y’all! i’ve recently dived head first into the formic war trilogy, and i have an irrepressible urge to write as one of the canon characters. i’m hoping to replicate the dynamics he has with another canon character with your original character! now, i know most of y’all don’t know the series, so i’m gonna fill you in with a summary of my character and the dynamics i’m looking for. but first, a little bit about how i function as a roleplayer:
i’m advanced literate and i write multipara to novella length; though i don’t require people to match word count at all times, i would like to see an equal amount of effort and literacy. i write male main characters in m/m exclusively, and i conduct ooc over discord but can be swayed into conversing over email as well. i’m in my twenties and require you to be over eighteen due to my propensity for dark themes. i also prefer that sexual content, should they occur, to be written out explicitly more often than not. last but not least, please bring real-life faceclaims as they help me visualize your character! 
now that’s out of the way, let me tell you about the plot! some key themes i'd like to include are: enemies to lovers / love-hate relationship / power struggle / class tension / character redemption. but keep in mind that you can modify the plot according to your liking, and i hold no expectations of you replicating the canon exactly. warning: spoilers below! 
the premise is advanced spacefaring technology a hundred years from now or so, and there are mining operations set up - big and small - all across the galaxy. our protagonist is a young venezuelan free miner named victor delgado, who was born and raised in deep space. free miners have no association with nationality or corporations; they function as family units and have distinct cultures of their own. victor is a brilliant mechanic aboard the ship el cavador, but due to his lack of formal education, he would be stuck performing maintenance and repairs aboard the ship in the remote kuiper belt. 
enter my character, lem jukes, who is the heir of the finnish mining tycoon ukko jukes - also the richest man alive. lem’s arc throughout the series was one of redemption and character development; he has flaws such as being self-centered, suspicious, cynical, and opportunistic, which led him to make some pretty bad decisions. he was leading an expedition on behalf of his father’s company in the kuiper belt, and el cavador parked on the only asteroid in the vicinity suitable for running new tests on - so, he decided to “bump” them, which is a shady corporate practice for chasing away free miner ships for bigger corporate ship to dock. however, three mechanics, including victor, were outside the ship when lem unwittingly decided to bump, and victor watched as the corporate ship killed one of their own. being a small free miner ship, el cavador was ultimately powerless to enforce consequences for the manslaughter, but victor did help in hacking the corporate ship and leaving a condemning message for lem jukes. 
the plot thickens when the first alien species the humans have ever known sent out ships accelerating through the solar system , and el cavador was among the first to perceive their existence. while the family prepares for battle, all electronic communications were cut off due to an interference from the alien ship, and victor volunteered to be sent on a quick ship barraging towards luna, to warn people of the imminent threat. el cavador decided to reach out to lem jukes for assistance in battle despite bad blood, and lem jukes agreed to fight alongside them for the survival of the human race. his redemption arc from selfishness to selflessness begins at this point; however, victor would be unaware of this when lem returned to luna nearly a year after, and he accused lem of being a murderer in an unpleasant encounter, but lem took this surprisingly well and informed victor of el cavador’s fate and offered his condolences. this would be the point where our plot starts to diverge - with the two reunited under great tension, will your character seek revenge on lem? will they be able to reach reconciliation and fight abreast? or, more likely, would they reach a shaky alliance with lem bankrolling victor’s ideas against the great threat posed by the alien species? 
if you made it through all that, you’re a real trooper! again, feel free to bring your own ideas to alter the plot; as long as our roleplay still has the aforementioned themes i’d like to include, we’re gucci. my fancast / faceclaim for lem jukes is joel kinnaman, and i will elaborate further on his character when we establish contact. please state your preferences as a roleplayer and what sort of character you would like to play in your introduction. i await to hear from you!
discord: the prince # 7344
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rentfreecat · 4 years
Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Fanfic Recs
so yeah I figured I should get around to making a list of some of my faves to promote them, I’ve got a big enough collection of bookmarks now. in no particular order. not all of them are necessarily complete or alive
Final Fantasy VII
The Gold Saucer’s Golden Arches by belderiver
Before he doomed the world to ash and ruin, Sephiroth wanted a burger.
note: Sephiroth + sudden hunger pang = mcgold
Meetings by Yinza
Aeris reflects on her few encounters with Sephiroth over the years since her escape from the lab.
note: Aerith having known Sephiroth before is just one of my favorite headcanons
lather, rinse, repeat by annperkinsface
She knows she shouldn't confuse this act of kindness for anything else, but it's hard, when Aerith is draping a towel over her shoulders, when Aerith is warm at her back, humming as she works a thick lather across her hands.
note: adorable Aerti. Aerith being a weirdo. Tifa blushing and being kinda horny. perfect. in case you couldn’t tell I ship it.
In Circles by Larissa
Tifa hates Midgar, and yet she stays, and she stays, and she stays.
Character study/pre-game gap-filler. Written for the Tifa Zine.
note: beautiful mood piece
the nodding golden tansy by Kieron_ODuibhir
“You think this troubles me?”
“Yes,” said Cloud, without looking up from his tea.
note: one of my fave takes on Seph and Cloud’s relationship. wonderfully quiet and melancholy.
not one before another by Kieron_ODuibhir
1) Sephiroth almost corrected the first person who called Aerith his sister, a woman they’d met before they were even out of Midgar’s slums complimenting him on taking such good care of her, while their mother shopped.
2) The other half of Project S took after their father.
3) Blue eyes contemplated him narrowly for several seconds, and then Genesis’ smirk came back, lying on his face more easily, somehow. “So brothers-in-arms to the skirmish shall we hence?”
4) It felt wrong to be relying on anybody but Mother, but Mother…only cared about Sephiroth, and it wasn’t fair. Loz sniffled. “Will she take care of Yazoo, too?”
5) “I’m glad he’ll have a big brother,” she said, as Sephiroth crossed the room. “Little ones always need someone looking out for them.”
Sephiroth nodded, and bent forward, and peered at the squashed little pink thing until it stirred, objecting probably to cool air on its face. “What’s his name?”
(Five times in five worlds where Sephiroth was somebody's brother, and one where he wasn't anymore.)
note: exactly what it sounds like. personal fave is 4.
Angels Still Have Faces by Kieron_ODuibhir
On the fourth day, Sephiroth looked out a window and spotted his two friends together on one of the outdoor training fields, once again exchanging harsh words, only for Angeal to wheel around and storm off at the end.
note: fics where someone other than the main character time-travels are amazing and this is that and also outsider pov mother bear Sephiroth who doesn’t know what pizza is
Final Fantasy IX
puppet play by zalzaires
starting a drabble collection for ffix. i mostly just write about kuja so hence the name.
note: my personal fave is "curtains, bookends, stars of the show” because Kuja is such so... Kuja in there
Final Fantasy XV
ffucc the wedding by Givethemtriumphnow
Gift for Victortor, inspired by their fabulous ffucc Universe.
Noctis and Luna are the same person, one soul split into two bodies.
In a world where everyone lives and nothing hurts, the wedding is still a symbol of the peace, and the show must go on. Noct and Luna just can’t wait for what comes afterwards: the Big Reveal.
note: I just really like the one person two body trope okay? pretty entertaining read!
Poor Wayfaring Stranger by lithos_saeculum
Out on a mission, Cor Leonis finds a teenager, lost and sick and partway to becoming an MT. Against the advice of all and sundry, he brings him back to Insomnia. There's not a lot of love lost for MTs in the Citadel, but some of its inhabitants may still be young enough to put aside their prejudices.
note: also on my list of likes is MT Prompto trope, and honestly fuck canon that’s just there for inspiration. TW for implied pedophilia and stranger danger in one of the later chapters.
Will You Be There, Standing at the End of the War by Adel Mortescryche (Mortescryche)
When they're attacked by the Imperial Forces at Tenebrae, Regis wasn't prepared to be rescued alongside Noctis, Lunafreya and Ravus by the Commanding General of the enemy forces. Not after the man already cut Sylva down before them.
He was even less prepared for the face lying in wait behind the mask.
He dropped down to one knee, and rather pointedly cupped the left side of Drautos’ head, delicate, making no move to actually hide the fury raging through him.
“Talk, Titus.” Regis whispered. “Before I take this airship down from the sky.”
note: Drautos time-travels and is an absolute bastard. I like seeing his and Regis’s exchanges!
For Want of a Flan by magicgenetek
For want of some patience, Ifrit never freed Ardyn from Angelgard to rebel against the Astrals.
For want of Ardyn, Nifleheim never invented MT Troopers.
For want of MT Troopers, Lunafreya and Ravus were able to escape with Regis, and Nifleheim never cornered Lucis in their war.
For want of a kidnapping, Luna, Noctis and Prompto were able to work together to get ready for the prophecy, and Ravus is ready to suplex an Astral to make sure someone survives the prophecy.
For want of separation, the four of them go to Angelgard to figure out what secrets lay there, and accidentally adopt Ardyn into their plans to save the world.
For want of 2000 years�� prep time, Ardyn’s going to have to get up to speed on the modern world fast if he wants revenge or to fulfill his half of the prophecy.
note: has a good deal of worldbuilding and linguistics nerdery. I like that. I also like the recovery element of Ardyn’s arc.
A Little More Time by Asidian
The sun is brilliant overhead – set in a blue sky dotted with clouds that float like wisps of spun sugar through the high arc of the heavens.
It's more than lovely. It's entrancing, and Noctis takes one long, final look before he turns his gaze back earthward. His vision dances with sunspots for a moment, afterimages from the blinding light – but when it clears, Noctis sees a small black dog there, patient and watchful as always.
Umbra has been waiting.
"Alright," Noctis says. "We're ready to go back."
note: short, punchy, and absolutely chilling
Eschaton by nirejseki
Sure, it's the end of the world, but that just means someone's got to fix it.
And then the world found its somebodies.
(aka, with Noctis gone into the Crystal and no one sure when he'll be back, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto end up saving the world one piece at a time)
note: I like worldbuilding and MTs alright? and schoolteacher Gladio will never not be funny/great
Astra Inclinant by thekindmagic
“Look,” Aranea laughs, shaking her head. “I’m not trying to shit on your destiny. But the way I see it? A lot of the time, there’s no big mystery. You either keep going, or you don’t.”
note: how could I not rec femslash? beautiful melancholy mood. I’m so sad for Luna
Starlight and Shadow by ohmyfae
While Noctis and his friends are setting up camp, Ardyn Izunia happens to accidentally stumble onto the runes of their haven. The magic of the haven pulls him into two halves; One is Ardyn, a small child with a bit of an ego and a limited knowledge of the world at large, and the other is the Scourge, shambling and groundless, determined to seek out its former host and consume the light it finds there.
note: fun read!
On the Care and Keeping of Prompto by ohmyfae
Congratulations! You have been chosen to ensure the well-being of PROMPTO, who is: 1. An absolute darling. 2. Of more intrinsic value than you, your significant other, your ancestors, and the world at large. 3. Two years and four months old 3a. This is very important to remember 4. Behind you.
note: also a very fun and fluffy read! also the fic that introduced me to the amazing crackship of Ardyn and Cor, and I say crackship but... I want more of it
Kingdom Hearts
The Price of Melodrama by LawnNinja
Xemnas never imagined that one of the hardest parts of his plan would be the stupid names.
note: deny it all you wish but you know this happened. also XULORD
(i don’t need you to) Worry for Me by Cygna_hime
In a fit of defiance and desperation, Vanitas disobeys his Master's orders and goes looking for the missing half of his heart. He finds it, and something else as well, something he never expected to find anywhere...
note: I absolutely love this I’ve read this like... 3 or 4 times? go read it now
Bleeding Heart by keelahselai
Xemnas was fundamentally a bad person. Born from the fracture of Xehanort's heart, he had only caused pain to those he banded together with under the promise of finding a way to return all their hearts. He shattered the Organization he'd founded for his own gain, and he understood this with cool indifference. But beneath everything, carefully kept folded away and hidden from Xigbar's prying eye, he was also made from the other inhabitant of Apprentice Xehanort's body. And as troubling as it could be to their plan, he kept it hidden from all.
(Or, how Terra managed to keep his head above the water for thirteen years)
note: I absolutely love the.. I don’t know what it’s called, but let’s say Terramas even though that sounds like a ship name... I absolutely love that trope. this one has such just a great mood y’know?
By Choice or Chance by Six_Piece_Chicken_McNobody
Lazy afternoons are a universal phenomenon.
note: I just love Xehaqus’s tragedy. this is nice, fluffy, and one of them is going to murder the other in his own selfish lust for power. (I know III said Xehanort had other motivations but I just love the “he’s such an utter bastard that all his relationships are going to end disastrously” interpretation)
Whatever Will Be by NanakiBH
Once I tell you the words I've been unable to say, it will be goodbye.
note: more explicitly melancholy mood than last one, still great.
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igotanaddixon · 6 years
Hello! That Tangled Fives one shot was sooo good! I loved it! Do you think you can make another part where the reader uses her magic hair in front of Fives (and possibly in front of the other clones?) Thank you so much!
Here we go! Sorry it took me so long. Just a little thing I need to say, I do not own the scene or the song coming from the movie Tangled ;) Sorry if there is a mistake somewhere or a typo! I have to write between a lot of things and late at night ^^” 
Fives xTangled!Reader (Part 3) 
Taglist:  @luna-plena-venandi @teaand-cookies @curvestrology @robotxtrash @rowansparrow @zygerrian-slut @elenawrit @emmacata @oceanofmystery @beastlysoul @pinkieperil
Fives washolding your hand as you two approached the Republic Base on your planet. Youcouldn’t deny your nervousness as you saw the busy military base. Troopers wererunning everywhere outside the building, some were gattered around gunships,others were running inside the base, … The atmosphere was oddly oppressive andstressful after the loneliness of your tower. Fives noticed your anxiety andstopped before the edge of the woods then took hold of your hands gently.
“Are youokay?” He asked with a kind smile. Your eyes looked from yours hands to hiseyes and you took a deep breath.
“There’s alot of people there and… I don’t really want to be in the spotlight. If youknow what I mean.” You answered just above a whisper, making Fives’ heart swellat your cuteness. You sighed and glanced behind your shoulder at your long hairtrailing behind.
“If I haveto be honest.” Fives started with a cheeky smile. “The men are going to bequite mesmerized by you. I know so because you are… stunning.” He said,slightly touching your hair with the tip of his fingers.
“Hm, thankyou but it is not really helping Fives.” You answered the Arc trooper with ablush and a small chuckle.
“Don’tworry. They might look but without bad intentions. They’re just curious but weare good men.” Fives smiled even brighter and let go of your hands to yourdisappointment.
The mannodded at you to ask if you were ready and after a few seconds you nodded back.Fives winked at you then put his bucket back on his head and straightened up ashe stepped out of the woods. He waited for you to join him then walked in thedirection of the base. As you stepped inside the camp, some troopers stoppedwhat they were doing and stared but, like Fives said, they were all simply curious.Some even smiled at you and Fives, and saluted you or greeted you.Instinctively, you stepped closer to Fives, your shoulder touching his arm.Fives slightly touched your back to encourage you as you entered the base,leaving the troopers and the gunships behind. However, the base entrance lookedlike a huge shed carved into the mountain and other troopers were there,surrounding starfighters and other types of gunships. You were in awe at howhuge those ships were and stopped to admire them. Suddenly, a voice similar toFives’ rang out behind you and you jumped then hid behind your Arc trooper.
“Fives!”The voice exclaimed again and you gripped Fives elbow before slightly lookingat the man who had spoken. The man was the same height as Fives but he lookedtotally different in your opinion. He had a huge tattoo covering the top of hishead, which was bald, and his armor was different. It had blue markings on likeFives’ but the design was different and the same symbol as his tattoo has beenpainted on his helmet.  
“Hey Jesse!”Fives answered and chuckled at your reaction. “You scared the princess, burc'ya (pal)!”
“Oh, sorryI didn’t mean to.” The trooper said then tilted his head to glance at you. Hesmiled nicely and waved a little bit. “Hello, your highness.” Jesse tried to beas gentle as he could and that put your beating heart at ease.
“Hello.”You answered then stepped next to Fives once again. “Jesse?” You tried to sayhis name, not sure if you had it right.
“Yes, I’mJesse. I’m also a trooper of the 501st, like Fives here.” Jessesaid, gesturing toward your new friend.
“I’m (Y/N),no need to call me princess or highness.” You shyly said and Jesse nodded atyour words. Fives opened his mouth to say something but a huge scream of painresonated into the shed. You jumped once again and Fives reached for hisblasters but he quickly relaxed as a long exclamation of curses followed thescream. What you saw next made you smile a little bit, a trooper with a baldhead like Jesse and tattoos on his face was holding his hand while jumpingaround, other troopers where laughing at his antics, some trying to catch theirbreaths on the ground.
“That isHardcase…” Fives said with a grin. “He’s always attracting trouble.”
“Is hehurt?” You asked, concern replacing your amusement as you saw the nasty cut onHardcase’s palm. You didn’t wait for an answer as you walked quickly in thetrooper’s direction.
“(Y/N)!”You heard Fives exclaim but you knew that he would follow you.
Youapproached the trooper who was still jumping around and all the men stoppedlaughing as they saw you behind their hurt friend. Hardcase stopped jumping andturned around. His eyes widen as they landed on you then his gaze shifted overyour head to look at Fives.
“Who’s this?”He asked in confusion.
“This is princess(Y/N).” Fives answered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh! Theprincess of your secret mission!” Hardcase exclaimed once again before lookingback down at you. He tried to grin through the pain but you didn’t let him thetime to talk.
“Are youhurt?” You asked, truly concerned.
“Uh… That’sjust a scratch, don’t worry princess.” The trooper tried to play it off but youdidn’t buy it.
“You are, Ican see the blood and that cut could get infected. I can heal you!” You toldhim, taking hold of his other hand to make him sit on a crate next to thegunship he was working on a few seconds before.
“Hm,(Y/N)?” Fives’ voice asked from next to you as you ripped a piece of your dressto wipe the blood off Hardcase’s palm. “What are you doing?” Fives wonderedwith a nervous smile.
“Yeah, whatare you going to do to me?” Hardcase asked and all the troopers gathered aroundto watch.
“I can healhim but…” You took one long strand of hair and wrapped it around Hardcase’spalm. “You have to promise me that you won’t freak out.” You looked up from thehurt trooper’s hand to glanced at Fives then at the men around you to finish bystaring at Hardcase.
“Uuuuh…alright. I won’t freak out.” He said with a funny look on his face. Maybe hethought you were crazy but didn’t want to be rude. You glanced at the othersand they all nodded.
“Good.” Yousaid then closed your eyes. You took a deep breath and started to sing. “Flowergleam and glow.” Your hair started to shine brightly, glowing a radiant goldfrom the roots of your hair to the length. Hardcase’s face looked pale for asecond then his eyebrows rose in wonder and admiration.
“Let yourpower shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine.” Hardcaselooked around him, following the glowing of your hair. You couldn’t see it butFives was speechless. He couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched your hair and hemelted at the sound of your voice.
“Heal whathas been hurt, change the fate’s design.” Hardcase’s mouth was agape as theglowing reached his hurt hand and everyone was watching in awe.
“Save whathas been lost, bring back what once was mine.” The trooper before you couldn’thelp but look from his hand to your focused face, eyes closed and hands holdinghis. The trooper glanced at Fives in hope to silently ask for an explicationbut what he saw made him smirk. Fives looked lovestruck. He was slightlyblushing and even from where he sat Hardcase could hear Fives’ heart beatingstrongly against his chest.
“What oncewas mine.” You finished the song and opened your eyes at the same time as yourhair slowly returned to your natural color. Everyone staid quiet for a whilethen Hardcase removed your hair from his hand and looked at it, his mouth stillagape. His palm was completely healed and all the men exclaimed in awe,Hardcase let out a strange strangled noise of astonishment and turned his handaround to observe it then started breathe laboriously with eyes as big asballoons. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to scream but you raised yourhands to stop him and exclaimed quickly.
“Pleasedon’t freak out!” You said, biting your lips in anticipation. You glanced atFives who was looking at you with a mix of emotions in his eyes that made yourface blush. Hardcase stopped his scream but let out a high-pitched and stranglenoise that made you want to laugh.
“I’m notfreaking out, are you freaking out? No! I’m just very interested in your hairand the magical qualities it possesses… how long has it been doing thatexactly?” Hardcase asked very quickly, touching his face with his hand thenlooking back at the palm of his hand to finally cross his arms and put hishands under his arms before grinning in a weird and crazy way that screamed‘I’m actually freaking out’.
“Well…” Youstarted but another voice startled you and you got up from the crate swiftly.
“What ishappening here?” Once again, the voice was similar to Fives’ but this time itwas more serious, calm and the voice was strong, filled with authority andstrength. You knew simply by the sound of this voice that the trooper was anofficer.
“Captain!”Fives exclaimed, smiling at his captain. ‘They must be friends’ you thought asyou saw the blond captain slightly smile back. “I have completed the mission,this is princess (Y/N). I was about to bring her up to the control center tomeet the general.” Fives said and the captain nodded then glanced at you.
“I’m Rex,Captain of the 501st.” Rex presented himself and bowed before you.“Princess, this is a pleasure to meet you. I hope that Fives here behavedwell?” He asked half seriously. You chuckled and glanced at Fives who wastrying to keep his composure but he was clearly embarrassed.
“Yes, hedid. Even if I hit him with a frying pan when I first saw him.” At your words,the men laughed including Rex and Fives blushed. “But he was perfect, captaindon’t worry.” You added, this time you were blushing.
“Good.” Rexanswered with a gentle smile and he gestured for you to follow him. You noddedand turned around to wave at the troopers including Jesse and Hardcase. Thelatter waved back and yelled a cheerful ‘thank you’ and you smiled at himbefore running to catch up to Fives and Rex.
Fiveslooked at you still with this mix of emotions that made you blush and you lookeddown, slightly embarrassed. You took a lift silently waiting to reach your newdestination. When the lift stopped, Rex got out first then Fives let you walkout before exiting the lift as well. You entered another busy room but this onewas more organized. Men in uniforms were walking around while others were sittingat their posts before screens. You followed Fives anxiously as you approached around table where a hologram of your planet was being analyzed.
“I wasn’texpecting to find out that the princess we had to rescue has magical powers!” Ayoung man with wavy brown hair said as he approached you and the two troopers.The man was a bit taller than the troopers and he was smiling slightly at youranxious aura as you acknowledged his words. He saw you heal Hardcase.
“GeneralSkywalker, this is Princess (Y/N).” Rex started then turned his body in Fives’direction. “Fives did his job well, Sir. He rescued the princess without toomuch trouble.”
“Well done,Fives.” The young man said, nodding at your friend.
“No problemsir. Thank you.” Fives answered then glanced at you. “Princess, this is JediGeneral Anakin Skywalker. He is in charge of the liberation of your planet.” Fivesexplained and you nodded.
“Thank you,General. This is all new to me but I’m thankful that you are helping my people.”You answered, a bit nervous.
“No need tothank me, your highness. We’ll have this situation under control in no time, I promise.”Anakin answered and you bowed you head grateful for his help. Anakin thenexplained the situation and their plan to free your home planet from theseparatists. After a while you couldn’t help but feel exhausted, the day hadbeen full of emotions and you were really pushing it. Anakin seemed to noticeor maybe he felt it through the Force, but he told you that you could go andrest if you needed. You agreed, a bit embarrassed and excused yourself but Anakinspoke up before you could leave the room.
“Fives, couldyou show the princess her quarter. You’re responsible of her security.” The younggeneral said, smirking somehow mischievously at the trooper.
“Sir yessir!” Fives answered and saluted his general before smiling at you. “Pleasefollow me, princess.”
You followedyou new friend out of the room and into the lift. After the doors closed andyou were finally alone with Fives again, you let out a sigh. You were relievedto be alone, the stress had been hard to handle. Fives saw your reaction andreached for your hand.
“Are youalright?” He asked with a small smile.
“Yes, nowthat I can breathe a little bit.” You answered squeezing his hand forreassurance.
“You didgreat.” Fives told you. “And hm… Your hair is… I mean you are amazing. How youhealed Hardcase, it was stunning.” He breathed out, gazing into your eyes withadmiration and passion. You blushed and chuckled a little bit.
“My hairhas always been like that. Or at least, as long as I can remember.” You saidbefore the lift’s doors open.  
Fives heldyour hand all the way to your room, he weirdly needed to make sure that youwere safe. It was like a need for the Arc Trooper, he knew that you had survivedalone for a long time but now he was there and he would protect you with hislife he had to. You followed Fives through the hallways of the base, chattingand laughing with the man. You could feel your heart swell in your chest and asFives stopped before a black and grey door in the hallway, you could feel the disappointmentgrip your heart at the idea of being alone again. You didn’t want to see Fivesleave.  
“Here isyour room.” Fives said, opening the door for you. You walked into the room andturned around as he didn’t follow.
“You… Can’tyou stay with me?” You asked, making sure that your hair didn’t get stuck inthe door.
“I’m notsupposed to.” He started, making your heart drop. “But General Skywalker said Iwas in charge of your security so, I think I should stay with you at least alittle bit.” Fives continued, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.You smiled and laughed at his antics but your stomach growled and you both stoppedlaughing for a second before laughing even more.
“First, I’mgoing to grab some food for you.” Fives said and you agreed.
“Thank you,I’m truly starving.” You admitted and Fives softly kissed your forehead beforewalking out of the room, leaving you blushing and shocked in the middle of yourroom.
Here is the scene in the movie if you want to have a better idea of what it was like ^^
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milfcutlawquane · 1 year
Galaxy Squad: then and now
Luna (april 2021 vs may 2023)
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Sol (august 2021 vs june 2023)
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Constelación (august 2021 vs june 2023)
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Nebulosa (august 2021 vs june 2023)
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Estela (august 2021 vs june 2023)
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