#clone pilot axe
[The 212th and the 501st relaxing after a mission]
Rex, rubbing his temples: I am not proud of what I am about to say, but someone get me a cigarrette.
Fives: But Rex, we don't smoke.
Cody: Cut the crap, Fives. We're not idiots. We know that at least one in five people smoke.
Rex, pointing at Dogma: one *then at Trapper* two *then at Wooley* three *then at Longshot* four *then at Fives* five.
Cody: Now, I am going to close my eyes, and when I open them, there better be a cigarrette between these two fingers.
Trapper, puts a cigarrette in Cody's hand: here, sir
Cody: Thank you.
Cody: Light?
(all of them simultaneously pulling out lighters)
Crys: Time freezes for everyone but you one day. What do you do?
Fives: Oh… We’d mildly trouble everyone.
Crys: Alright, so what would you do?
Fives: I’d shave a one-inch thick line in every thick beard I saw.
Echo: I’d twist all the lightbulbs just a little bit so no one would know when they aren’t working.
Fives: I’d make every wing on girls eyeliner just a little bit higher than the other one.
Echo: I’d tie everyone’s shoelaces together.
Echo & Fives: And then lastly, We’d snip a little hole in every tea bag.
Echo & Fives:
Crys: Remind me to never allow you to have power.
Kix: How does one turn their emotions off?
Longshot: Okay, so first go to settings.
Hawk: I'm a fucking idiot, I thought that said emojis at first.
Kix: No, I'm still willing to try this, go ahead. I'm at settings, what do I do next?
Echo: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Waxer: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Echo?
Echo: Probably “road work ahead”.
Switch, about to bang his head into a wall: I speak many languages...
Switch: this one is definitely not one of them.
Gearshift: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Hawk: The cow???
Jesse: What?
Oddball: Hawk, W H Y?
Appo: So, what's it like living with Gregor?
Trapper: He once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter."
Hardcase: I made tea.
Longshot: I don't want tea.
Hardcase: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea.
Longshot: Then why did you tell me?
Hardcase: It's a conversation starter.
Longshot: It's a horrible conversation starter.
Hardcase: Oh, is it?
Hardcase: We're conversing, checkmate.
Echo: Rules were made to be broken.
Gearshift: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Striker: Uh, piñatas.
Trapper: Glow sticks.
Vaughn: Karate boards.
Wooley: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Waxer: Rules.
Echo: What is your favourite mythical story?
Boil: The Story Of My Will To Live.
Echo: I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before.
Axe: I'm not sure what you mean
Axe: I am socializing.
Gregor: Standing there ominously doesn't count as socializing
Axe: Since when?
Crys: I was arrested for being too cool.
Vaughn: And the charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Hil: I’m going to get so much done today.
Jester: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Jester: So how much did you get done?
Hil: One thing.
Jester: Well, that’s one more than usual.
Switch: Who ate all my cookies?
Tup: Bounty hunters
Switch, confused: I didn’t see them
Tup: No one ever does :)
Fives: The how the fuck’s and why are you so dumb's don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Tup: Why is it called "oven" when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food?
Crys: What???
Fives: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Boil: Oh, I'm sorry. should I ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Fives: That's somehow worse.
Cody: When Fives & Echo were born, the gods said, "They're too good for this world."
Jesse: Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
Gearshift: You know, I used to play back in my gory days.
Appo: You mean glory days?
Gearshift: Ah, that too.
Fives: I’m an idiot.
Echo: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
Kix, looking at both batallions: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Boomer: It’s funny how well you and Longshot get along. Didn’t he hate you at first?
Hardcase, nodding: Longshot hates everybody at first. It’s his way of reaching out to people.
Waxer: Are you reading fan fiction?
Denal, reading an article about a extremely rare diseases: Wh- No.
Boil: Oh, is it on AO3?
Denal, ready to punch one of them: This is BBC.
Oddball: Hey, thanks for checking in, I’m ✨still a piece of garbage✨
Sterling: You could be nicer.
Spark: I am.
Sterling: You threatened Wooley with a cooking knife.
Spark: But I didn't actually stab him!
Redeye, about Gus: Is he a freak (derogatory)?
Redeye: Or a freak (affectionate)?
Slick: Why not both?
Redeye: You’re so right, a freak (double-edged sword)!
Hawk: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Barlex: What's wrong with you??
Hawk: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce?? Pay attention.
Wyler: No, he means other than that.
Hawk: Ohhhhhh.
Hawk: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Jesse: Self-care is suppressing all your trauma until it comes back and hits you in the face with the force of 7 very large ships.
Fives: Why do humans have different blood groups?
Longshot: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
Dogma: Really guys? Now?
Fives: Can we go out to get icecream?
Cody: Did you ask Rex?
Echo: He said no.
Cody: Then why are you asking me?
Echo & Fives: He aint the boss of you.
Cody, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
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Round 2c Part 7
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Crying about Tup again
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airlockfailure · 2 years
Axe and Ahsoka (and Anakin is here as well) Some Head-canons
My shift yesterday started in the pre-dawn hours so I got to see the total eclipse of the moon, but it also means I'm alone at work for a solid two hours before any of my co-workers arrive. We aren't allowed to have cell phones and the computers can't access music/radio sites so one's brain must keep oneself entertained.
So I'm thinking about clone pilot Axe, and how he's ten inches taller than the rest of the clones. How did he avoid decommission? He'd be so expensive for the Kaminoans, rigging gear in a larger size, customizing everything down to his nutritional intake, not to mention in the field he's a sizeable target compared to other clones.
I don't know how the droids' targeting AI works, but my HC is they're programmed to scan for life forms, and lock on heat signatures. This is partly why in my fics the cooling system in the clones' under armor is so important. Usually, larger people have a more body heat because it requires more energy to keep them alive. That makes Axe even more of a target.
So, my head canon is that this height discrepancy didn't make itself known until he was already trained. A mutation that didn't activate until his final growth spurt in the clone equivalent of his late teens.
This means, instead of adjusting for his specific needs, Axe is forced to go without those needs being met. He eats the same as the rest of them, and is therefore malnourished early on. He has to cram himself into a tiny cockpit made for people ten inches smaller than himself. His suit and armor don't work right to protect him from g-forces because he's bigger, his heart works harder, his blood travels farther. So my head canon is that Axe has much more wear and tear on his body than the rest of the pilots. His joints, his organs, especially his cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and I think his brain would suffer to an extent that he's likely using oxygen tanks made for normal clones, not giants. So he either runs out faster then the others, or is never getting enough air (either in his lungs or to pressurize his armor). *Don't question the space/atmospheric flight dynamics here, I don't actually care that much about the differences. Star Wars treats space too much like atmospheric flight for me to go the opposite direction. It's also more dramatic to treat space flight like atmospheric flight. SHHH I'm having fun, things don't need to be realistic. It's okay.
And all of that leads me to this: the person Axe relates to most among the 501st ends up being Ahsoka. She's too short for the ships. In my head canon the Jedi have to suit up for flight the same as the clones, because while a Master might be able to use the Force to correct blood flow and respirations, I don't think a Padawan could.
Of course, in my AU, Ahsoka is already a Jedi Knight (similar to Barriss Offee), working with Anakin until the 501st splits.
But she's too short for the ships, she has to stretch to reach the controls, she has to adjust to getting too much air, her suit not fitting her properly. (Because Sidious wants the Jedi to suffer damn it, the Republic already spent enough credits to make these things, they aren't spending more to accommodate the Jedi. What do you meant the Jedi are compassionate, good people and want to fight alongside their men and not from the safety of the Venators? Just kidding, Sidious knew they would do exactly that and intended to make it suck in so many ways.)
So of course Anakin overhears Axe and Ahsoka talking(complaining) about their mutual struggles in opposite directions, and being the hack mechanic that he is, he makes alterations to Axe and Ahsoka's bombers. Are these alterations safe?? More than likely not. Do the alterations extend to their suits? Sort of, but Anakin's ability with textiles while there (you think a slave from Tatooine doesn't know how to mend/alter clothes????), isn't as honed as it is with mechanical things.
And because everyone gets the same food, Ahsoka gives her extra to Axe. They usually eat together whenever they can. And Axe goes with her when the 501st splits into the 501st and 332nd.
So yeah, all that to say I think Axe and Ahsoka are good buddies and no Axe doesn't die, what do you mean?? Haha. Ha.
I need more coffee.
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 2
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Chine (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle):
”Look at how they grow ‘em here in Blackwick. God damn.”
taz fandom i'm begging to you please listen to fatt: sangfielle and experience chine please duck is an extended bit about wayne newton and he doesn't even try to blow up a carnival to upset mother nature and force a random town to forever be attendants to the aforementioned eternal carnival please oh please...
If Chine eating a mattress has a million fans, I am one, etc. etc.
and he can turn into a shrew monster
this guy has great tits, this guy is a monster, this guy is nonbinary and all the bugs love them!! he's a dad, a writer, a macrame artist?? they're a goofball, they're deadly serious, they're shockingly competent! he's a vessel of the chaos of nature itself!! he's an animal control guy that sides with the animals, he's the living embodiment of adhd with a side of depression, and weirdly suspicious of the color yellow?? they swing a rusty poll-ax, they know how to read music and are completely comfortable singing with their co-workers..... which is to say:
vote for chinel <3
Vote for chine hes a wereshrew and morally ambiguous and easily lusted for
Tryst Valentine (Campaign: Star Wars):
Hot shot pilot/smuggler that will hit on anything that moves, but the best possible version of that character in almost a satirical way while also being super genuine. Too sexy to be able to read, to stubborn to admit they can't.
Han Solo but worse! A very funny little scoundrel stuck with a clone trooper and a mercenary (by choice). Mostly spends his time flirting, but gets serious when he needs to.
you know its trystan valentine i know it's trystan valentine what are we doing here? genderqueer freak of a man (the most positive voice in the world)
I wrote the first paragraph of Tryst propaganda. He's "oh no, I'm going to have to sleep with this idiot" sexy. He knows it makes you look bad for thinking he's hot and he uses that power for evil.
Art of Chine made by @wereshrew-admirer.
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elisemscott1122 · 1 year
List of Different Types of Mandalorian Helmets&Armor and Facts:
* All Mandalorian Armor was made of Beskar, steel that cannot be harmed by blaster bolts or cut by lightsabers
* Some Mandalorians wore capes with their armor (Boba Fett and Pre Viszla)
* Some helmets had rangefinders attached (Boba Fett and Sabine Wren).
* Some Mandalorians had jetpacks, including Din Djarin and Boba Fett
* Weapons can also include Vanbraces (Such as Fenn Rau gives to Sabine Wren in Rebels)
* A specific weapon to note is Whistling Birds, given to Mando by the Armorer
* Another weapon to note is the Beskar Spear from the Mandalorian.
* The Darksaber goes without stating as THE weapon of Mandalorian culture.
* Mandalorian Hunter
* Classic Mandalorian Helmet Style (T-Visor)
- Boba Fett
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- Jango Fett
* Death Watch Mandalorian (Clone Wars Era)
* Mandalorian Stalker
* Mandalorian Crusaders
* Neo Crusaders
- organic, jagged form armor
* Mandalorian Executioner
* Mandalorian Elite
* Power tech Mandalorian
* Protectors of Concord Dawn
- Fenn Rau
* Children of the Watch (Death Watch)
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- The Armorer
- Paz Vizsla
- Ragnar
- Din Grogu
* Imperial Supercommandos
- not made of Beskar due to the weapon known as the “Duchess” created by Sabine Wren, which targets the Beskar armor
- White armor
* Nite Owl Style helmet:
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Koska Reeves
- Axe Woves
- Sabine Wren (hand me down)
* Nite Owls:
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Koska Reeves
- Axe Woves
- Ursa Wren
* Pilot Mandalorian
* Assassin Mandalorian
* Modern Mandalorian
* Heavy Infantry Mandalorian:
- Paz Vizsla
* Mandalorian Shock Trooper
* New Mandalorian Guard
- Clone Wars era, under Satine Kryze
* Mandalorian Royal Guard
- Clone Wars Era, serve Satine Kryze
* Custom helmet designs:
- Pre Viszla
- The Armorer
- Fenn Rau
- Moff Gideon
* Imperial allegiances:
- Saxon Clan including Gar and Tiber Saxon
- Moff Gideon wore Mandalorian armor but wasn’t Mandalorian
Attributes of Mandalorian Armor used in other types of armor include:
- Clone Armor
- Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
- First Order Trooper Armor
- The Emperors Royal Guard Armor
- ARC Trooper Armor
- Praetorian Guard Armor
Mandalorians that wore Kama’s:
- Goran Beviin
- Fi Skirata
- Isabet Reau
Clone Troopers also wore Kama’s sometimes, including Captain Rex.
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lonewolflupe · 1 month
small (mental) health break - I'll be back at 100% in October
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Art request event until September 24, 10:00 AM CEST (please read rules)
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Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by! This post will navigate you through the chaos of my clone-infested brain (:
Julie/Lupe | she/her | 🇳🇱 | 18+ (chaotic adult)
Star Wars blog (mainly The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch > clonesclonesclones with some occasional Disaster Lineage)
I'm a bit shy but I LOVE receiving messages, so don't hesitate to DM me!
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My blog is a chaotic kark-heap of Star Wars/clone content. To help navigate it (mostly for myself, I guess), I use different tags for different content. You can find my stuff through these tags:
ART: #lonewolflupe draws
WRITING: #lonewolflupe writes
READING: #lonewolflupe reads
MEMES etc: #karkposts with lupe / #karkposting with lupe
RAMBLING: #lonewolflupe rambles
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You can find my writing masterlist over here (or check out my AO3).
You can find all my works under the tag #lonewolflupe writes
I try tagging my works with SFW or NSFW as best I can
All my works are free of cl*necest, r*xsoka and master x apprentice shipping
I do not write hardcore smut, but some of my stories include sexual interaction (mild smut? where does one draw the line?)
Interested in joining my taglist? See my writing masterlist! <3
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Here you'll find a list of the OCs (original characters) I created for my fics!
LUPE OF LOTHAL (Jedi | human | she/her) aLoF A headstrong, young Jedi. As a former Padawan of Master Plo Koon, she has a great fondness for the clone troopers. During the Clone Wars, she is assigned to lead a small, elite squad of clone troopers: the Lone Wolf Squad. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
SERGEANT RAGNAR (clone trooper | he/him) aLoF Sergeant of the Lone Wolf Squad and second in command to Lupe. He is very serious; that includes being serious about his care for the squad (General included). Weapon of choice is a (one handed) vibro-axe. (x)
TROOPER CLAW (clone trooper | he/him) aLoF The Lone Wolf Squad's exceptional pilot and Fang's competent twin. Always keeps an eye out for his squad, but especially for his twin, but doesn't shy away from some shenanigans himself. (x)
TROOPER FANG (clone trooper | he/him) aLoF The Lone Wolf Squad's joker and Claw's incompetent (aka disaster) twin. Sometimes forgets the mission goes before the fun. Got his scars by being unnecessarily careless. (x)
TROOPER TWIST (clone trooper | he/him) aLoF The youngest vod of the Lone Wolf Squad. He is shy and stutters, especially when getting nervous/pushed into uncomfortable situations. Has a small scomp behind his ear whenever his helmet is off (you never know when you might need one). (x)
TROOPERS SLING + BOAR (clone troopers | he/him) aLoF Troopers of the 104th Battalion (aka Wolfpack). Sling is an excellent marksman and Boar is more into heavy stuff. They accompany Lupe on an all-decisive mission to save the day. (x)
More coming soon <3
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If you've come this far: thanks for reading and stopping by! <3
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《The Mandalorian》『SEASON 3 : Episode 8 - Chapter 24』-「THE RETURN」
Thoughts on rewatch……
This episode picks up where last episode leaves off. Did not expect the jetpack to last that long for Axe; given that the fleet was just outside atmosphere.
Bo Katan has a plan. Normally, her plans (just like anyone else’s plans) don’t quite go as intended. But she’s confident, and sends Axe up to the ship.
Ever the leader, she charges in but brings up the rear, setting a detonator charge to buy her some time.
Din is bound between two troopers, and we get a first-person POV from inside his helmet. I’d assumed one’s line of sight from inside the helmet wasn’t much, but I’m wrong.
Din asks Grogu, “You with me?” The music soars from the drums (important later), straight into the theme music.
Din contacts Bo-Katan and lets her know he and Grogu are okay for the time being, and tells her what he’s doing. She updates him on her plan, and tells him to “stay safe”. No surprise, the camera immediately cuts to the Captain, and the crew leaves their current predicament.
Next scene is the TIE/IN Interceptors. They hang upside down like bats, and they drop and take off like them too. It ups the scary factor, as they can launch with little notice. We also see bombers screaming skyward to the flagship. The shot of numerous TIE fighters shooting out of a hole in Mandalore’s surface is just… something else to see.
Gideon puts on his helmet, and when he says “I’ll take care of them myself”, he sounds a lot like Darth Vader.
The shots of R5, Din, and Grogu sneaking around the base feels A LOT like the sequence in A New Hope where R2D2, Kenobi, Han, Luke, and Chewbacca are sneaking around the Death Star. It’s also interesting how Din speaking to Grogu is sort of a meta-narration, so we learn the details the same time Grogu is hearing it.
Axe notifies command, and sends all his troops down to the planet. He orders them to leave the capital ship. At this point I’m thinking, “Axe is crazy! That’s incredibly self-sacrificing!” But then I remember loyalty is one of the best traits any Mandalorian has, so it’s no surprise he’s willing to do what it takes to help defeat Gideon and his army. Axe’s troops head down to the waiting Gauntlets, and they dive toward the surface. The Gauntlets are accompanied by several smaller fighter ships. I really love the shot where the Gauntlets descend to the planet, the camera lingers above the clouds, and not a few seconds later, the TIE Interceptors shoot out from beneath the clouds and up to the capital ship. The Mandos going down, and the Imperials going up, it is a foreshadow for a later scene, but I’ll explain that later. How ships of both parties never hit each other is beyond me, but smart of the Mandos to use the cloud as cover.
Axe trying his damndest to stay put in the pilot’s seat is a feat in and of itself. He’s fighting the fight/flight instinct. I’ve never seen anything like it.
The scene where Din instructs R5 to keep opening the laser shield doors one at a time is pretty intense, it’s like each door he passes, the level of difficulty goes up. The first pair of guards Din fights, he grabs a knife and fights with it momentarily and throws it at one guard, and he tries to get it back, and he fails. He doesn’t let that stop him. He gets another knife from the first downed guard and tells R5 to open shield #2. The weapons get bigger, and the guards get tougher. He fights messy, but acquires an electro-staff and an actual shield. He instructs R5 to open shield #3. He loses the knife, acquires a blaster. R5 gets intercepted, but does not back down, and opens shield #4. Din loses a shield, but retains the blaster; he shoots the last few guards a few times for good measure. Din now has two blasters. He went from being weaponless to being fully-armed. After all, weapons are part of his religion.
Din and Grogu pass clones of Gideon. This might be a bit of a canonical throwback, but the fact that Gideon has been able to clone himself kind of points to why the Empire, years ago, was looking for Omega from the Bad Batch. She was one of the special ones. Even so, last episode, Gideon says that cloning was not his obsession; clearly that was a lie, but also a misdirect, since he did say about his beskar armor, “the most impressive improvement is that it has me in it.” That, was not a lie. It was a foreshadow. Din shuts down the tanks, which explode, and he and Grogu leave.
Even though Bo and her troops arrive at their very temporary shelter (as they leave literally right after this), it’s not simply just worldbuilding. The Captain explains that though he and his crew have had to cultivate the plants, it was a giant metaphor for just how stubborn Mandalore and its people are. The Empire bombed the planet until it looked like there was nothing left, and yet, and YET people, plants, and animals clung to life. Life on Mandalore does NOT quit. The Captain says, “Life persists.” Bo admits, “I’ve only ever seen gardens in the domed cities.” To which the captain replies, “All they need is room to grow.” Fitting metaphor for the Mandalorians themselves.
Bo’s troops go up, Axe’s troops go down, and they reunite as a single deadly fighting force. Bo takes out the Darksaber - as she believed that it is only with the blade she can reunite her people. This is not really true, and I’ll explain why later. The Mandalorian troops head back down into the planet, and are met with ascending Imperials. Remember the foreshadow earlier when the Gauntlets went down then the TIEs went up? That was a foreshadow for this scene! And what an aerial battle it is. I have never in my life watched a jetpack battle between people in Mandalorian armor. It’s a really awesome scene. The reason why Bo can actually wield the Darksaber is because her goals and feelings regarding her people and her planet are very, very clear - she may not want to rule Mandalore, but she sure as hell wants her home planet and her people back. We hear the frantic but controlled alto instruments, but also the bass line of the Mandalorian theme song playing as the clash begins.
Gideon thought he could “[isolate] the potential to wield the Force” (that’s what he wanted from Grogu a season or two back), but the Force is not something you “get”, it’s something you have. You either have it or you don’t. If you don’t have it you can’t wield it. Gideon’s movements are calculated, controlled rage. His movements sound like there is a robot behind the suit rather than a human, making him seem more menacing. He lets Din face the Praetorians alone. Much like their real world counterparts, Praetorians are elite guards. When Grogu becomes a target, the Guards rush after him. Din tries to run after Grogu, but gets repeatedly downed by Gideon. We see an unnamed Mandolorian warrior make use of her knee blasters. The battle rages on three fronts: The Praetorians are attacking Grogu, Gideon fights Din, and the Mandalorians exchange blaster fire with the Imperials. Bo Katan spears one through the midsection with the Darksaber - brutal, but necessary. She comes in with a flying kick, aided by her jetpack, and downs Gideon. She tells Din to get Grogu. Bo fighting with a saber is definitely NOT the first time we see a non-Force sensitive person wield a saber (see: Han in ESB (briefly), and Sabine Wren in Rebels). Also love how Grogu is just casually using the Force to aid Din, and Din doesn’t even know it (maybe he does).
Meanwhile, the capitol ship is on a downward trajectory that cannot be corrected: this is intentional; Axe meant for this to happen. He will crash the ship into the base, the only way to hurt Gideon where it matters most. Gideon knocks her down, but Bo is furious, gets back up, and lunges. Gideon destroys the Darksaber, removing the one thing Bo thought she could use to reunite her people. Suddenly, she is alone again; in the sense that she theoretically loses authority. Gideon states, “You’ve lost everything.” For context, Obi-Wan had told Anakin in AOTC that a saber is a very precious possession, and extremely meaningful to one’s life. To lose it is tantamount to losing one’s life and meaning. So, to Bo, it’s like she lost everything, all over again. Gideon taunts her, saying “Mandalorians are weak once they lose their trinkets.” This is not true. Last episode, Din told her he’s not loyal to some weapon. The Darksaber means NOTHING to him, and now Bo realizes this. She’s had enough of the power grabs and divisions that the Darksaber has caused between Mandalorians, and she fires back: “Mandalorians are stronger together.” Which is her journey so far. She realizes this only now because if not for what had happened to her, she would not have known this otherwise. The Darksaber is but a mythical weapon, ultimately meaning nothing. Bo has stated last episode, “Mandalore has always been too powerful for any enemy to defeat. It is always our own division that destroys us.” Meaning, the Darksaber is nothing but a curse; without it, the Mandalorians come together NOT BECAUSE OF A BLADE, but to retake their damn homeworld once and for all. Bo did not have to worry about some blade. To nobody’s surprise, the moment she utters this, Din comes marching in with Grogu, blasters firing.
The ship is still going down; at this point I’m thinking, “Axe is on a suicide mission!” But then, right after I finish the thought, he shoots out a window and escapes, free to fight another day. His and Bo’s troops evacuate the base. The ship crashes into the base; Din, Gideon, and Bo face off. Din gets hit on the wrist, and Bo comes to his rescue, shielding him. The place explodes around them, Grogu uses the Force to disadvantage Gideon; Din rushes to protect Grogu, and Bo rushes to protect them both. The flames engulf everyone. It looks like they might not survive this, BUT BUT BUT! Grogu saves the day! He is using the Force to create a bubble to shield Din and Bo. This scene feels so familiar because it feels like a heroic inversion of that one scene in S4E8 of Rebels, “Jedi Night”, where Kanan uses the Force to hold back an explosion to save the Ghost crew but sacrifice himself; here Grogu saves both Bo AND Din from the flames. Bo is astonished; she looks from around her, to Din, and finally down at Grogu, like she can’t believe she’s alive. The flames around them dissipate, and both Mandalorians stand up, and we cut to black. It’s not over.
Remember the drums I mentioned earlier? The Mandos are at the Mines of Mandalore, where Ragnar finally gets to be properly baptized, as his last attempt didn’t go so well. Din practically adopts Grogu right there and then, and the Armorer approves. Someone mentioned once that it took so long for Din to call Grogu his son, because he started off a mission but now Din has grown close enough to basically be a dad. It was about time that happened.
So the thing with names- “Din Grogu”, right? I’m thinking, what if, if “Grogu” is a first name, and “Din” is something like a last name, only put before his first name “Djarin”? Therefore “Din Grogu” would make sense on a lastname-firstname basis. It’s not the same with Bo-Katan, or Axe Woves, or even Sabine Wren, for that matter. If Din and Grogu are a Clan of Two, then clearly it should be called Clan Din. It only makes sense that way, that in Clan Din there is Djarin and Grogu. This is the way names work, I think?
The Armorer states, “You must leave Mandalore and take your apprentice on his journeys, just as your teacher did for you.” And why, you might ask? This is the fulfillment of the Hero’s Journey: the Hero returns to whence he came, after a call to adventure, where he meets supernatural aid and comes across guardians, mentors, and friends; he reaches a revelation, a rebirth, after which he transforms, atones, with the gift of the “Goddess”, and returns. Din had started his journey on the call to adventure, and meets Grogu, his supernatural aid. Greef Karga is his mentor and friend. Bo is also his friend and ally. Din’s revelation is sort of him removing his helmet; his transformation, he changes because of how he feels toward Grogu. However, he must atone for that, so he requests that Bo guide him to the Mines so he can baptize himself in the Living Waters to atone. Then he returns to Mandalore to help fight Gideon, and subsequently also returns to his starting point, as a gunman and bounty hunter for hire.
Bo, the Armorer, and the rest of the Mandalorians meet at the Great Forge, finally able to reclaim Mandalore after so many years. The Armorer hands Bo-Katan Kryze a torch, and she lights the Forge. It roars to life, symbolic of the Mandalorians being one once more. The Mandalorians have finally come home, UNITED, and it wasn’t even a blade that reunited them.
Din returns to the rebel base. Some time passes, and he returns to Nevarro. Greef Karga gifts him a home for between assignments, and Din gifts Karga his IG-11 droid back, but improved. For what is perhaps one of the few moments in his life, Din has peace. He sits outside his new home, his N1 parked just outside, and watches Grogu practice his abilities.
1. I loved this episode, largely in part due to the aerial fights and carefully planned shots. The characters I theorized last week could show up, didn’t, and that’s okay. They didn’t, because they didn’t need to.
2. I also loved the foreshadowing, the visual references, the metaphors. I also loved how the Darksaber is no more. Don’t get me wrong, it is an AWESOME weapon, but it has plagued the Mandalorians for far too long, and has been one of the things that divided them. Struggles for power and all that, all for a blade. It took ages of infighting, division, it took Din telling Bo that the blade didn’t matter to him; it took Gideon finally destroying the very thing that divided the people of Mandalore, for Bo-Katan Kryze to finally, FINALLY, realize that Mandalorians are stronger together. It’s not that she didn’t know, it was that she chased after the blade like her people before her did; now that she doesn’t even have it, she doesn’t even need it! And she is still able to unite her people! WITHOUT THE BLADE!
3. Something about the Great Forge being “the heart of our civilization” (per Axe, last episode), and the Mandalorian creed vows about the words being forged into their hearts, I’m not quite sure how to put into words this association but there’s certainly something there.
4. More thoughts on the Hero’s Journey and episode titles of The Mandalorian:
- S1E3Ch3 : The Sin (“Temptation”/“Threshold”)
- S1E7Ch7 : The Reckoning
- S1E8Ch8 : Redemption
- S2E3Ch11 : The Heiress (“Goddess”)
- S2E6Ch14 : The Tragedy
- S2E8Ch16 : The Rescue
- S3E1Ch17 : The Apostate (“Transformation”)
- S3E3Ch19 : The Convert (“Atonement”)
- S3E8Ch24 : The Return
5. Overall, excellent episode, very much looking forward to Season 4. Which might take place either concurrently to, or after the events of, the Ahsoka series. I guess we’ll find out eventually.
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archetypesanalysis · 1 year
The Mandalorian Season 2: The Lover
Now that Din Djarin has passed his first trial as the Warrior, the Armorer sends him off for his second trial when she makes him and Grogu “a clan of two”, and tells him to act as a father to Grogu until he returns Grogu to the Jedi or that Grogu comes of age. The second trial involves the Lover archetype. This is further evident with the season 2 promotional poster and logo depicting Din looking at Grogu because Grogu is now his priority.
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The Lover desires physical sensations and emotional connection. A person connected to the Lover can appreciate sensory experiences like eating food and listening to music, which helps them to enjoy life and be creative. The Lover is empathic and compassionate as it helps a person to experience the joy and pain of themselves and others. The Lover also helps people to embrace others for their differences.
Din Djarin does not start as a great Lover due to his questionable parenting. In “Chapter 9: The Marshal”, he says that Grogu goes wherever he goes, even that means going to a gambling arena where Gor Koresh says that it’s no place for a child. In addition, he does not mind doing a shootout with Cobb Vanth in front of Grogu because the kid has “seen worse”. Fortunately, Din does have some positive Lover traits, and this is evident when he teaches Cobb Vanth to respect the Tusken Raiders, and he later unites the people of Mos Pelgo (now renamed Freetown) and the Tusken Raiders to kill the krayt dragon. Season 2 puts Din on a journey to access the Lover archetype in its fullness.
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“Chapter 10: The Passenger” serves as a warning for Din about the active Shadow Lover: The Addicted Lover. His willingness to bring Grogu wherever he goes puts Grogu in danger, and this is evident when a raider threatens to hurt Grogu in the beginning of the episode. Din’s inability to set proper boundaries puts him at risk of leaning towards the Addicted Lover. This in turns affects Grogu when he keeps eating the Frog Lady’s unfertilized eggs – a sign of an Addicted Lover. A person possessed by the Addicted Lover is eternally restless as he is forever searching for something to satisfy himself. When Din does not allow Grogu to get close to the Frog Lady’s eggs, Grogu wanders over to the eggs of the knobby white ice spiders and eats one of the eggs to satisfy his hunger, which awakens the mother and baby spiders.
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The restlessness of an Addicted Lover is like a person struggling to find his way out of a spider web, which is described as maya in Hinduism. He thinks his way out is to go deeper, but it only traps him there. Din Djarin, Grogu and the Frog Lady are stuck in a web of maya, surrounded by the spiders. Din chooses to run away and heads to his half-repaired ship is the right decision as he is taking the only way out of the spider web. He is rewarded with the New Republic X-wing pilots coming in to kill the spiders, allowing him to live another day.
On the other hand, “Chapter 11: The Heiress” serves as a warning for Din about the passive Shadow Lover: The Impotent Lover. A person who is possessed by the Impotent Lover lacks connection with others, lacks the ability to feel, and lacks the capacity to enjoy life – basically, these are symptoms of depression. The depression becomes a barrier that causes the person to be detached from the Lover. Din rejecting Bo-Katan, Koska Reeves and Axe Woves as Mandalorians just because they take off their helmets puts him at risk of leaning towards the Impotent Lover. Although Bo-Katan says that Mandalorians are stronger together, she herself does show signs of an Impotent Lover: she calls the Children of the Watch as a cult, she puts her mission to retake Mandalore over Din’s quest to return Grogu to a Jedi, and she does not accept Boba Fett as a Mandalorian just because he is a clone. She is a Warrior disconnected from the Lover. Din choosing to accept the Nite Owls as Mandalorians and continue his quest to return Grogu to a Jedi is the right decision as he values the connection with others. He is rewarded with Bo-Katan telling him to find Ahsoka Tano in the city of Calodan on Corvus.
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After experiencing the bipolar Shadow Lover, Din Djarin begins to make adjustments to his parenting skills in “Chapter 12: The Siege”. He begins testing the waters by lifting his helmet slightly when having a meal with Grogu, shifting himself away from the Impotent Lover. He leaves Grogu in a school under Greef’s advice as it is unsafe to bring Grogu on their mission to take down an Imperial base, shifting himself away from the Addicted Lover.
His Lover archetype gets expanded upon meeting Ahsoka Tano. She teaches him about the Force, describing it as an energy field created by all living things. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette describe the Lover energy having an immediate and intimate contact with the universal consciousness like “the Force”. This connection helps people to value and appreciate all living beings regardless of their differences. Din’s acceptance of the Nite Owls as Mandalorians even though they do not follow the strict helmet rule is his first step to become the Lover to its fullness. In “Chapter 13: The Jedi”, Din teams up with Ahsoka to free the city of Calodan from the control of Morgan Elsbeth, despite the Mandalorians and the Jedi are ancient enemies. In “Chapter 14: The Tragedy”, he accepts Boba Fett as a Mandalorian despite both of them have different values. In “Chapter 15: The Believer”, he and Mayfeld develop a newfound respect, and he lets Mayfeld go, forgiving his transgressions. Din’s ability to love those who are different than him shows that he is becoming a great Lover.
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“Chapter 16: The Rescue” serves as the final test for Din Djarin in becoming a balanced Lover. He gathers Cara Dune, Boba Fett, Fennec, Bo-Katan and Koska Reeves to aid him in rescuing Grogu. Everything he does is out of his love for Grogu. When Din removes his helmet for Grogu to see his face, he finally lets down the barrier between them and avoids the pitfalls of the Impotent Lover. He also lets Grogu go with Luke Skywalker, establishing an appropriate boundary that helps him to avoid the pitfalls of the Addicted Lover. With that, Din has passed the test.
Now with the Darksaber in his possession, his next trial will involve the Magician archetype.
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majorshiraharu · 4 years
Axe x Jedi Reader Fluff
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Clone-Tober Day 21
Prompts: Character - Axe |  Word - Orders Link to OP Post HERE | OP Blog Link HERE @/threetinyshinies
——————– Clone Pilot Axe x Gender Neutral Jedi Reader ——————–
"Good job out there," Axe said placing a hand on your shoulder. You were sitting on the edge of your Jedi starfighter, you just got do with a difficult space assault. It had been a while since you had fought in a starfighter and were relieved to be alive and that most of your men returned safely.
Letting out a small exhausted laugh you turn to look at him, "Thanks..."  "Is everything alright?" He asked moving around the front of the ship to sit next to you, removing his helmet and setting it on his lap. He noticed your hands shaking some, reaching over he placed his hand over yours, curling his fingers around your hand, gently rubbing his thumb over your skin. You look at his eyes for a few moments before remembering that he had asked you a question, looking over at him you finally answered, "Honestly...not really, just got overwhelmed with all the orders and stress." "But you followed them well and made the right calls even if it went against some orders, you did the best you could in the moment.”  “I don’t know...”
Studying your face he becomes concerned for you, trying to think of what to say or do to help you. - “I don't want to push you into a conversation, but if you want to talk I'm here," he said softly smiling at you. -- Some tears build in your eyes as you think over his words and your own feelings, reaching your other arm over you loop it around him, hugging him tightly. At first, he's shocked, but then he places his arm across you, pulling you closer, running his hand up and down your back to comfort you.
"I'm sorry," you mumble as a tear rolls down your face dripping down onto his armor. - "Don't be," he whispered. - Taking in a deep breath you try to gain back some of your composure, pulling away from him. He places his hand on your face, wiping away the tears that had escaped your eyes. "I'm a Jedi I shouldn't be feeling like this or showing these emotions." "Y/N you might be a Jedi, but just like me, you're a soldier in this war. And as soldiers, we have these emotions and it's normal. - We trained our whole life to be numb to these feelings, to handle them better, and yet I and so many of my brothers still struggle with them. I don't much about the Jedi, but I'm sure you weren't conditioned for war like we were." "We learned about war, but it wasn't our life, peace and compassion were what we always learned. Those things clearly don't work well in war..." you say after taking a moment to think about his thoughtful reply. "That's not true, without people like you who strive for peace or compassion wars would never end."  "Thank you, Axe...” you said trying to hold back more tears, he moves his hand to your shoulder softly running his hand up and down, just to remind you you weren’t alone.
"You know...Axe....you're the first person who actually listened to my feelings and were open about how you perceive them."  "Well, probably hearing from people who grew up just like you wasn't the thing you needed, -- but I'm glad I could help some." Leaning over you kiss his cheek, feeling his skin heat up before you pulled away, "You helped more than just some," you said with a bright smile on your face, leaning your head against his shoulder as you looked out into the now mostly empty hanger.
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maulusque · 4 years
Clone genetic enhancement ideas
So the clones were genetically enhanced, but i don’t really see any writers (in fanfic or in published stuff) really exploring what that MEANS beyond “clone very stronk”. Here are some ideas that would actually make clones significantly different from just a regular-ass human in peak condition. 
-enhanced senses: eyesight, hearing, etc. I’m talking eyes like a HAWK
-better reflexes
-quicker information processing
-can hear sounds of higher and lower frequency than standard humans
-can see light of a broader spectrum than human standard
-learn quicker, retain information and skills better (potential problem: if you learn something the WRONG way, that way might stick really well)
-photographic memory (really useful for memorizing layouts and maps)
-immunity to various diseases
-can tolerate a wider range of temperatures and environments
-increased stamina and strength baseline. Clones can just run full-tilt for hours and hours and be like “ah a nice stroll”. Over long distances, they can out-pace jedi in the same way that humans can out-pace horses.
-higher tolerance of certain poisons/toxins (clones can straight-up drink ethanol, and get maybe a little tipsy)
-bodies respond quickly to physical stress, and slowly to the absence of it (basically, this means that physical conditioning results in stronger muscles and a stronger cardiovascular system really quickly, and it takes MUCH longer for a clone to lose strength and conditioning due to not exercising than standard humans. Think how much valuable training time is saved if they only have to go on a run like, once a month in order to stay in shape)
-increased ability to function through intense pain and acute injuries. Basically, semi-disabling the pain system so it’s less distracting. Probably not good for the survival of the individual in many situations, but an advantage on the battlefield. 
-heal faster and better, with fewer long-term complications. Clones can dislocate their shoulders and NOT have the joint be permanently fucked up, because the Kaminoans re-designed the whole damn thing to suck WAY less.
-actually, unique internal anatomy. There’s probably a lot about the human body besides the shoulder joint that is actually just really stupid, and something no intelligent designer would actually build. So the Kaminoans can fix a lot of that stuff. Better knees, maybe. Stronger ribs. Maybe Cody punches droids not just because he’s a mad bastard, but also because his metatarsals are literally as strong as steel. 
-Hearing loss/hearing damage? No problem, your ear can regrow those little hair-thingies that help you hear. 
-Of course, it takes energy to maintain muscle mass, which is why human bodies lose it if we’re not using it. Clones need significantly more calories than standard humans. However, their digestive systems are enhanced to extract calories and nutrients from food much more efficiently, so food goes much farther. Potential weird side effect: maybe clones only have to poop like, once a week?
-You could probably extend that into increased ability to tolerate long periods without food/on low rations, despite the increased need for calories. 
-wouldn’t it be NEAT if the kaminoans somehow designed self-repairing DNA. This would mean that others couldn’t take a DNA sample from a clone and modify it to create their own clones (basically, it protects their product. It’s like DRM for clones). This ALSO means that clones couldn’t get cancer, and that they’d be immune to radiation poisoning. So a clone could just walk up to a sphere of uranium at critical mass and pick it up. Maybe with oven mitts on if it’s hot. (this would also make it harder for a rapid-aging cure to be developed, but uhhhh fanfic writers find a way)
- “bred for obedience” I think most of this would have to be accomplished through tightly-controlled messaging and cultural norms as the clones grow up- basically, enshrining obedience as a desirable and almost sacred trait, to be prized higher than anything else, including the lives of your brothers. In the same way that we hear stories of people sacrificing their lives to protect their loved ones, the clones would grow up hearing stories of soldiers sacrificing their brothers’ lives to obey an order from a superior. 
-SOME of the “obedience” thing could be engineered, though. Humans are already super social, but it would probably make sense for the clones to have an even greater need for social bonds. This would make for greater teamwork and coordination, and better unit cohesion, since the clones would be more inclined to prioritize friendship/agreeing with someone over winning an argument. It would also make it so they’d bond with their natural-born generals more easily, so they would obey them not just because they’re supposed to, but because they’d be much quicker to see them as a friend, and someone who’s trust they want to earn, someone they want to incorporate into their group and make happy.
-consequently, clones who find themselves alone do NOT do well. Isolation has a much more profoundly negative impact on clones than on regular humans.
-Originally, clones designed to operate alone or in small teams would not have the social enhancement- ARC troopers, spec-ops teams, etc. There wouldn’t be much of a noticeable difference in everyday interactions, but they’d also be vaguely weirded out by what they interpret as aggressive friendliness from their brothers, and their brothers would think they’re a bit shy and standoffish. 
-actually this social modification would make it MUCH harder for clones to kill people. REGULAR HUMANS are already super bad at killing people- i remember reading this article about how as soon as soldiers have to point their weapons at actual people, their aim gets mysteriously much shittier. Even when compared to situations that are exactly the same, except they’re not shooting at other humans. So reconcile this how you will, idk.
-I imagine a lot of these enhancements would be accomplished not through DNA, but through microorganisms. Retroviruses could explain the DNA resistant to modification, and the increased healing speed, and possibly some disease resistance (do i know anything about retroviruses other than a vague concept of what they are? no i do not. will that stop me? also no.) Their metabolism can be partially explained through specially engineered gut microbes.
-not sure how they’d go about making clones “resistant to any stress”, because you can’t exactly turn off the trauma response in the brain without breaking a bunch of other things. They could probably do a bit of fiddling to make clones more resistant to chemical imbalances, and therefore more depression-resistant. I think most of the “stress-resistance” would have to come through training. Either they train the clones to basically suppress everything, which might work alright in the short term. OR they actually have systems in place that help prevent the development of things like PTSD and help treat trauma. Meaning the clones are literally trained in self-care, positive self-talk, talking about their pain with their brothers, and having community rituals around things like death and grief. I don’t think that’s super likely because one thing that’s integral to those concepts is the concept of “i am a person and i have worth, and if i feel angry about something bad happening, that is ok and valid” and considering that a whole lot of bad things happen to the clones all the time and their childhood is a whole boatload of bad all happening at once, i don’t think the kaminoans would want the clones realizing “hey wait a minute i’m a person and i don’t deserve to be treated this way and it’s ok for me to be mad at you”. 
- the clones were supposedly engineered to be “less aggressive” but i think there was literally nothing more to that than a cover story for the control chip. The clones wouldn’t be raised with a lot of the aggressive western concept of masculinity, where anger is the default reaction to like, everything, and your personal pride is extremely important and also fragile (no offense lmao). So you wouldn’t have clones posturing and getting angry over perceived slights and fighting each other all the time, like everyone in-universe apparently expects to be the case. Anyway, why would you want your soldiers to be less aggressive? they’re literally supposed to fight and kill the enemy. You want them fully capable of getting angry, anger is the human response to fear and danger that lets us DO something about it. 
-obviously the biggest component in how they behave would be how they are raised, but that’s an entirely different post
-Specializations! I imagine that initially, the Kaminoans had different clones with different traits engineered specifically to fill certain roles. However, as the war went on, they struggled to keep up with demand and had to start shoving clones into whatever roles were needed (hence Fives and Echo becoming ARCs, despite not being engineered as ARC troopers). 
-Command clones would have better abilities in the executive function parts of the brain that deal with extrapolation, planning ahead, spatial reasoning, etc. They’d also have increased visual pattern recognition (like a pigeon)
-search-and-rescue troops would also have the pigeon pattern recognition abilities. The coast guard literally strapped pigeons to helicopters who would tap a button when they saw orange in the water, because they were better at spotting it than humans. Pigeons can detect cancer in microscope images of cells, because they’re that good at pattern recognition
-Pilots would have hella reflexes, excellent spatial awareness and spatial reasoning skills, much greater ability to process visual information, stronger hearts and blood vessels (to resist greater Gs of force), and they’d also be much shorter, to better fit into a cockpit. Which reminds me of Axe, that poor bastard from Ahsoka’s squadron over Ryloth who was almost eight feet tall. rip poor Axe, how did you even become a pilot, you long bastard.
-medics who can smell certain diseases. If you want to get a little bit out there, make the medics able to purr so they can sooth stressed-out patients. 
-infantry would have even greater endurance than everyone else, as well as greater tolerance for, and ability to, remain constantly on alert.
-ability to fall asleep at will? that would be super dope.
-maybe more efficient sleep, so to an adult clone, 4 hours of sleep is genuinely sufficient.
-concept: clones can sort of turn down their bodily functions- slow their digestion, heart, lungs, the whole nine yards- to last longer in adverse conditions. Sort of a half-hibernation (or quarter hibernation- they’d still be able to talk and think, but they’d feel very lethargic). They wouldn’t be able to function very well, but it would be great for things like enduring intense cold, periods without food, low-oxygen environments, and it would be especially useful if you were wounded and waiting for help, since you could slow your circulation, meaning it would take you a lot longer to bleed out. This state could be triggered by a combination of physical actions such as sitting or lying still, breathing slowly and deeply, and focusing on slowing the heart down (humans can actually slow down their hearts consciously if you practice at it, this is basically that, but turned up to like 1100).
-one thing that never made sense to me was the whole “we’re running out of jango fett’s DNA, all the new clones won’t be as good, and we have to stop ventress from stealing the original DNA” because like, can’t they just, get the EXACT SAME DNA from the clones?? you know, the exact genetic copies? With all the enhancements already done? But now my idea is that the kaminoans have engineered the clones so their DNA straight up can’t be copied. The clone’s own body can obviously replicate it, but if you take a sample and try to extract the DNA, it just self-destructs or something. This is to protect their intellectual property, but also means that they literally have to use a couple of Jango Fett’s actual human cells for every single clone they make (and the fact that they then have to do all the above enhancements to every single embryo helps explain why there’s so many small mutations, such as hair color and height). So they kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one. 
-of course since things like ADHD and autism have a strong genetic component, the kaminoans could theoretically engineer those out of the clones, but actually FUCK THAT so for whatever reason, that’s just not something they are able to do, and neurodivergent clones are absolutely a thing
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reginaldqueribundus · 4 years
Very excited to see Min Min join the roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which now includes:
a plumber who shoots fire from his hands
giant fucking gorilla in a necktie
bomb-throwing warrior elf
space bounty hunter in an Iron Man suit
the bounty hunter’s evil radioactive space goop clone
a cute dinosaur who tries to eat you
an inflatable pink puffball who also tries to eat you
military pilot space furry with a laser gun
an electric rat
the plumber’s brother who doesn’t want to be here
a literal child with terrifying psychokinetic powers (and a baseball bat)
racecar driver who also shoots fire for some reason
different pink round thing who sings you to sleep
princess in a pretty pink dress who throws turnips at you
the same princess but brunette
giant fire-breathing turtle dragon king
tiny twin mountain climbers with ice powers
teleporting sorcerer elf princess
the same elf princess disguised as a ninja
the plumber from before but in doctor cosplay
baby version of the electric rat who constantly hurts itself
the furry’s work friend who is a bird
three variations on “anime sword boy” (and one girl)
the elf warrior but a little kid
the elf’s giant green warlock nemesis who’s basically the racecar guy with a huge fuckoff sword
lab-grown psychic monster clone of god
anime sword boy but the sword is bigger and on fire
two-dimensional LCD man that occasionally becomes giant octopus
the puffball’s blue spherical paladin/Batman frenemy
teen angel from Heaven
teen angel but Edgy™
the bounty hunter but she’s in her underwear and does flips
disgusting feral biker man whose strongest attack is a fart
super-soldier who plants bombs everywhere
someone who just lets their pet turtle, pet fire dragon and a four-legged potted plant do all the fighting for them
monkey with a jetpack
the psychic boy but he has a snake now
Sonic the Hedgehog™
the puffball’s other frenemy: a huge wrestler-penguin-king with a giant hammer
tiny astronaut with an army of plant people
Goku if he was a dog
WALL•E’s Pokemon evolution
the elf but a little kid and also a cartoon
the furry’s furry nemesis who has Freddy Krueger claws
cute cartoon who plants trees and drops a bowling ball on your head
cute robot boy with a cannon
a personal trainer
space princess and her cute star friend
a boxer. just straight up punchin’ people. that’s it.
waterbender frog ninja
an actual goddess
big yellow vore ball who throws fruit and fire hydrants at you
anime sword boy/girl but also magic
JRPG protagonist with a magic Tron sword
the turtle guy’s kid riding a weaponized clown head
a dog with a duck on it
angry karate man and his less angry friend, who also shoot fire
anime sword boy but the sword is REALLY BIG
anime sword boy/girl but part dragon
your self-insert OC (they can punch, sword, or have bigass arm cannon)
sexy witch with gun shoes who sometimes turns into a butterfly
extreme paintball squid child
space monster dragon pirate
two vampire hunters
fatass crocodile
the cartoon bowling ball person’s adorable dog secretary
furry pro wrestler who also has the fire thing going on
a carnivorous plant
a teenager with a gun who summons his imaginary friend
anime sword boy who sometimes EXPLODES
a bear with a bird in his backpack
super-jacked explodey rocket punch man
anime sword boy/girl with GIANT AXE
noodle shop server with ten-foot-long arms one of which can turn into a DRAGON that SHOOTS LASERS
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35 (Excelsior Company)
A'den Skirata
Ace (ARC trooper)
Alpha 332
Alpha 662
Alpha 989
Atin Skirata
Beta 030
Beta 963
Blue Leader
Blue Six
Boba Fett
Bogey 1212
Bogey 3856
Bogey 4409
Bogey 5632
Bogey 9662
Bravo 4
Breaker (Breakout Squad)
Chatter (radio communications)
Chi 178
Chi 987
Comet (ARC trooper)
Connor Freeman's father
Crazy Legs
Darman Skirata
Delta 23
Delta 32
Delta 607
Delta 855
Epsilon 234
Epsilon 497
Epsilon 905
Fi (clone trooper)
Fil (clone trooper)
Fi Skirata
Fixer (clone commando)
Fixer (cold assault trooper)
Fox (Order 66)
Gamma 022
Gamma 264
Gamma 785
Gamma 789
Gamma 935
Gamma Five
Gamma Four
Gamma One
Gamma Three
Gamma Two
Gearshift's comrade
Gold Leader (Anaxes)
Gold Leader (Muunilinst)
Gold Two (Muunilinst)
Green Leader
Green Wizard
Hardcase's Kamino commander
Havoc (ARC trooper)
Havoc (clone trooper)
Hawk (Kamino)
Hock Malsuum
Ion Team's comlink specialist
Iota 432
Jag (Jai'galaar)
Jaing Skirata
Jester (ARC trooper)
Kappa 429
Kappa 473
Kappa 773
Knuckles (182nd Legion)
Kom'rk Skirata
Lock (Breakout Squad)
Lost Prophet
Mad Clone of Kaikielius
Mereel Skirata
Mu 262
Niner (Vassek moon)
Niner Skirata
Nu 783
Omega 370
Omikron 621
Ordo Skirata
Phi 022
Phi 854
Pi 610
Prudii Skirata
Psi 487
Red (Kamino)
Red Leader
Retired clone trooper
Rho 106
Rho 557
Rho 571
Rho 773
Rogue assassin
Sarge (commando)
Sconto's father
Scythe (ARC trooper)
Sev (Lambda Squad)
Sev's ARC Trooper
Shadow Five
Shadow Four
Shadow Seven
Shadow Six
Shadow Ten
Shadow Three
Shadow Three (Kadavo)
Shadow Twelve
Shadow Twelve's gunner
Sharp (Devil Dogs)
Tarvyn Lareka
Tau 378
Tau 616
Tau 753
Theta 198
Theta 269
Theta 687
Torrent Four
Tranquility clone trooper captain
Trench (Gamma-383)
Tyto (Bacta Company)
Unidentified 13th Battalion clone commander
Unidentified 187th Legion Clone Commander
Unidentified 187th Legion clone trooper
Unidentified 187th Legion clone trooper 2
Unidentified 187th Legion clone trooper 3
Unidentified 187th Legion marine
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion Trooper (Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper (Utapau)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 1(Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 1 (Yerbana)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 2 (Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 2 (Yerbana)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 3 (Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper captain (Bandomeer)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper sergeant (Ryloth)
Unidentified 35th Infantry clone trooper (Gaftikar)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 3 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 4 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 5 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 6 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 7 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone medical officer 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone medical officer 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Coronet)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (E-web)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Yerbana)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Jedi Temple)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Yoda's saber throw)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 1 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 2 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 3 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 4 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 5 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 6 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 7 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 8 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 9 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion guard 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion guard 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion heavy weapons specialist 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion heavy weapons specialist 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper sergeant
Unidentified 501st stormtrooper (first casualty)
Unidentified 501st stormtrooper 2
Unidentified 612th Attack Battalion clone trooper
Unidentified 91st clone trooper (Anaxes)
Unidentified 91st clone trooper 2 (Anaxes)
Unidentified 91st clone trooper lieutenant
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando (Aridka)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando (intelligence officer)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando 1 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando captain (Nadiem)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando commander (Aridka)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando commander (Nadiem)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando heavy gunner
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 1 (Hypori)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 1 (Muunilinst)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 2 (Hypori)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 2 (Muunilinst)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando pilot
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force commando 2
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Devaron)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Ryloth)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Umbara)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 2 (Devaron)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 2 (Umbara)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 3 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 3 (Umbara)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper commander
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper lieutenant
Unidentified air group commander
Unidentified Alpha Squad clone trooper
Unidentified ARC trooper
Unidentified ARC trooper commander
Unidentified Blue Squad commando 1
Unidentified Blue Squad commando 2
Unidentified Blue Squad commando 3
Unidentified Blue Squad sergeant
Unidentified Bogey Squad BARC trooper
Unidentified Captain of the Royal Guard
Unidentified clone (cremation center)
Unidentified clone (morgue)
Unidentified clone 2 (cremation center)
Unidentified clone 2 (morgue)
Unidentified clone 3 (cremation center)
Unidentified clone cadet
Unidentified clone cadet 2
Unidentified clone cadet 3
Unidentified clone cadet 4
Unidentified clone cadet 5
Unidentified clone chief medic
Unidentified clone commando (Arca barracks)
Unidentified clone commando 1 (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando 2 (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando 3 (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando 1 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando 2 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando 3 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando 4 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando captain (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando pilot
Unidentified clone commando sergeant (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando sniper
Unidentified clone commando weapons specialist
Unidentified clone engineer 1 (Twilight)
Unidentified clone escort trooper (Coruscant)
Unidentified clone medical officer
Unidentified clone medical officer (501st Legion medical bay)
Unidentified clone naval captain (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone naval commander (Resolute)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Anza)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Battle of the Kaliida Nebula)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Citadel)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Endurance)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Kamino)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Negotiator)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Patitite Pattuna)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Quell)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Ryloth)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Ryndellia)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Sanctuary III)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Sullust)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Ukio)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Valor)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Venator-class Star Destroyer)
Unidentified clone naval officer 1 (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Anza)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Negotiator)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Ryndellia)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone paratrooper (212th Attack Battalion)
Unidentified clone scout trooper (Umbara)
Unidentified clone SCUBA commander
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper (First Battle)
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper (Second Battle)
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper 2 (First Battle)
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper 2 (Second Battle)
Unidentified clone sergeant (Amidala's transmission)
Unidentified clone sergeant (New Dawn)
Unidentified clone shock trooper (docks)
Unidentified clone stormtrooper
Unidentified clone stormtrooper gunner
Unidentified clone scout trooper (Kashyyyk)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Bothawui)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Felucia)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone trooper
Unidentified clone trooper (79's)
Unidentified clone trooper (Amedda's bodyguard)
Unidentified clone trooper (Anza)
Unidentified clone trooper (arm wrestle)
Unidentified clone trooper (Asuin)
Unidentified clone trooper (Brentaal IV)
Unidentified clone trooper (Brighthome)
Unidentified clone trooper (Christophsis)
Unidentified clone trooper (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper (commando cross-training)
Unidentified clone trooper (Endor)
Unidentified clone trooper (Endurance)
Unidentified clone trooper (Florrum)
Unidentified clone trooper (Geonosian kill)
Unidentified clone trooper (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper (Gwori)
Unidentified clone trooper (Hailfire droid victim)
Unidentified clone trooper (Honoghr)
Unidentified clone trooper (Kaliida Shoals)
Unidentified clone trooper (Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper (Kiros)
Unidentified clone trooper (Negotiator)
Unidentified clone trooper (Nelvaan)
Unidentified clone trooper (Oznek)
Unidentified clone trooper (Prosecutor torpedo bay)
Unidentified clone trooper (Resolute)
Unidentified clone trooper (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone trooper (Second Battle of Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper (TB-73)
Unidentified clone trooper (Third Battle of Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper (Timira City)
Unidentified clone trooper (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone trooper (Triumphant)
Unidentified clone trooper (Twilight)
Unidentified clone trooper (Vassek moon)
Unidentified clone trooper (Ventress victim)
Unidentified clone trooper (video call)
Unidentified clone trooper 1 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper 1 (Drongar)
Unidentified clone trooper 1 (Hadde Base)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Florrum)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Gwori)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Hadde Base)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Kiros)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Prosecutor)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Ryloth)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Vassek moon)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Triumphant)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Kiros)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Vassek moon)
Unidentified clone trooper 4 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper captain
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Bandomeer)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (besieged moon)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Bogden 3)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Hoth)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Hunter Squad)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (bank)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Chrisophsis)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Gyndine moon)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Hitaka)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Hypermatter refinery)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Impavid)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Jedi Temple)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Malastare)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Separatist factory)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Unidentified planet)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Viidaav)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Zeffo)
Unidentified clone trooper gunner (14th Infantry)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (501st Legion)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (Medica)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (Pols Anaxes camp)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (Sarrish)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant pilot
Unidentified clone trooper medic (Shinarcan Bridge)
Unidentified clone trooper officer
Unidentified clone trooper pilot
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (14th Infantry)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Bothawui)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Florrum)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Kadavo)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Malastare)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Mandalore)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Rodia)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Vanqor)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Yerbana)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 1 (Consular-class cruiser)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 1 (Quell)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Bothawui)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Consular-class cruiser)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Quell)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Rodia)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 3 (Bothaqui)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 3 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 4 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 5 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 6 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 7 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot captain (Second Battle of Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot captain (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone trooper scout
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (14th Infantry)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (501st Legion)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (Coruscant patrol)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (Malastare)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (Timira City)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant medic
Unidentified commander (Christophsis rescue mission)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (camera monitor)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Chancellor's Office)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (guard platform)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Naboo)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (prison balcony)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (prison entrance)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Tano's escape)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Ziro's escort)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 1 (prison corridor)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 1 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 2 (prison corridor)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 2 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 3 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 4 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard heavy weapons specialist 1 (Scipio)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard heavy weapons specialist 2 (Scipio)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard sergeant
Unidentified Doom's Unit clone trooper (plasma welder)
Unidentified Doom's Unit clone trooper 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Doom's Unit clone trooper 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Doom's Unit heavy weapons specialist 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Doom's Unit heavy weapons specialist 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Green Company Clone Commander
Unidentified Green Company trooper
Unidentified Horn Company trooper
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone trooper 1
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone trooper 2
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone trooper 3
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone flame trooper 1
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone flame trooper 2
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone flame trooper 3
Unidentified Juma-9 Squad clone trooper
Unidentified Kamino Security Team clone trooper 1
Unidentified Kamino Security Team clone trooper 2
Unidentified Kamino Security Team clone trooper 3
Unidentified Kamino Security Team officer
Unidentified Keeli's Company clone trooper 1
Unidentified Keeli's Company clone trooper 2
Unidentified Lightning Squadron trooper (Ryloth)
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 1
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 2
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 3
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 4
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 1
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 2
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 3
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 4
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 5
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 1 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 2 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 3 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 4 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 5 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 6 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 7 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 1 (arm wrestle)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 2 (arm wrestle)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 1 (Toast)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 2 (Toast)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 3 (Toast)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 4 (Toast)
Unidentified Rancor Battalion clone trooper (Kamino)
Unidentified Rancor Battalion heavy weapons specialist (Kamino)
Unidentified Rancor Battalion heavy weapons specialist 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified Republic Navy captain
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Kamino)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Ryloth)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (of Sullust)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Kaliida Nebula)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Pre-Kamino)
Unidentified rookie clone trooper
Unidentified Shadow Squadron gunner
Unidentified Shadow Squadron pilot
Unidentified shock trooper 1 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 2 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 3 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 4 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 5 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper (Scipio)
Unidentified shock trooper 2 (Scipio)
Unidentified stealth pilot
Unidentified Theta Squadron captain
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 1
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 2
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 3
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 4
Unidentified Torrent Company trooper (Biitu)
Unidentified Torrent Company trooper (Teth)
Unidentified Torrent Company trooper 2 (Teth)
Unidentified Triton Squad Advanced Recon Commando
Unidentified Triton Squad clone commando lieutenant
Unidentified Triton Squad clone stormtrooper
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 2
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 3
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 4
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 5
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 6
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 7
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 8
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 9
Unidentified V-19 Torrent starfighter pilot
Unidentified Wolfpack clone communications officer (Malastare)
Upsilon 168
Upsilon 733
Upsilon 941
Ven (Kothlis)
Ven (Qiilura)
Xi 778
Xi 999
Yellow Five
Yellow Leader
Zeta 654
187 notes · View notes
tessaliagrey · 3 years
Day 4 - Ashes
Summary: Bo loses Mandalore to the Empire
Author’s note: This was originally designed to be a chapter in “Behind closed doors”, but it fits the alternate prompt so well that I moved it here. I chose an alternate promt for today, because though even @bokatanweek did their best to explain “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” to me, I fear as a non-native speaker (and an older lady who isn’t all that familiar with popular meme culture anymore - Fierfek, when did that happen?), I felt it was safer to pass 😅
Tagging: @bokatanweek
As usual, you can either read here on AO3 or below the cut.
04 - Ashes
Explosions were going off all around them and Bo had never felt this disorientated in her entire life. Only three months ago, the Republic had helped her retake Mandalore. The clone soldiers under Ahsoka’s command had done a credible job. Maul had been captured and the Republic troops had left as they were supposed to.
And then…Well, nobody really knew what had happened then. Except that it all had ended. The Republic, the Confederacy, the Clone Wars…and the Jedi. All swept away by Palpatine and his new Galactic Empire. An Empire that was now swallowing one system after another, like an ever-hungry animal. Relentless. Dangerous.
Just how relentless and how dangerous, Bo could experience herself right now. She had just regained Mandalore, she wasn’t going to kneel before an emperor. She had refused. But she had never thought that the Empire now controlled the very men that had helped her only weeks ago. But now, Mandalore was swarming with clones and other imperial soldiers.
But it wasn’t just them. Oh no, it were those traitorous Saxons that were helping them. Gar Saxon might have been in prison, his younger brother Tiber, however, had not. Though much younger than his brother, Tiber Saxon had not been idle. Tiber Saxon had gained the ear of the Emperor and convinced him that with the Saxons in charge, Mandalore would fold and become a part of the Empire.
Bo had only been able to take Mandalore with the help of the Republic. She did not have the men to defend it against the Empire. It was a losing battle, and everyone knew it. And yet they fought. They were Mandalorians after all. For all Bo cared, they could pry Mandalore from her cold, dead hands.
There was a part of her that would welcome death. The part that had lost it all only months before. The man she had agreed to marry, the sister she could never reconcile with, her home. Then there were flickers of hope. Korkie was safe for now. They had retaken Mandalore. Ahsoka had survived the purge. Ursa was on Krownest with her family, having learned that she was expecting another child. Things began to settle into a shaky routine. And then… Then it all went to hell again.
Now Bo was being pushed forward by Axe and pulled by Fenn Rau.
“We can’t just run!” she tried to tell them again and again, her voice caught between yelling und sobbing. Begging, almost.
But they had already reached one of the hanger bays.
“There!” Fenn shouted over the noise, pointing at a kom’rk. “That’ll do.”
He kept pulling her with him, his grip on her arm like beskar. He knew her too well, knew that if he would let up just a little, she would run back into the mayhem. Into certain death.
When they reached the ship, Fenn pulled her up the ramp.
“You take her,” Axe yelled over the noise. “I’ll evacuate as many of our people as possible. We’ll meet at the coordinates I gave you!”
“Axe, no!” Bo shouted after him, but he’s already on his way, not looking back.
She struggled against Fenn’s grip on her as the ramp closed.
“Let me go, damn it!”
“And then what?” he said. “You need to make it out of here alive or all hope for a free Mandalore will be lost.”
“By running like a coward?”
“By living to fight another day. You are their last beacon of hope, Bo-Katan. If you die, people will lose that hope. And if they do, Mandalore will be lost forever.”
“I don’t know how.” It was an admission of utter defeat.
Fenn Rau looked like he wants to say something, but an explosion went off close to the ship.
“We gotta leave,” he said. Fenn let go of her then, heading for the cockpit.
Bo followed. What else was there to do?
Fenn had the craft in the air in no time and Bo silently thanked the stars that he was the best pilot Mandalore had to offer.
What Bo could see out of the window let her heart drop even further. Mandalore burned. Literally. Great, gray pillars of black smoke were rising. The ashes being blown away by the wind.
But there was no time to grief for everything that was lost. Not yet. Now, they had to get past the Empire and into hyperspace.
Bo had no idea how Fenn did it. How he managed to get past Saxon’s people with jet packs, past the imperial fighter squadrons, and past their capital ships. But he did.
And then, with the nav computer beeping triumphantly, they were swallowed by the blue and white swirl of hyperspace.
12 notes · View notes
the11tailedwrites · 3 years
Parrilla (Commander Monnk)
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Prompt: Parrilla
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Characters: Jedi General Kit Fisto, Clone Commander Monnk
tw: torture, blood, electricity, racial slurs, monsters
Tags: @crc-general-orin​
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(Art made by me of Commander Monnk)
“Master Fisto,” the man in the booth called down into the arena, “So good of you to join us,”
Kit Fisto narrowed his eyes and gazed up at the man in the booth. He was human with blonde hair and blue eyes, which held a smug look, and a mocking smile cresting his face.
“I’m only here for my commander, where is he?” Kit asked, keeping his voice level
“Ah yes, your meat droid,” said the human
With a flick of his wrist one of the guards turned out of the door, he returned seconds later, dragging Monnk. Monnk’s wrists were bound with metal cuffs connected to the collar around his neck. The cuffs on Monnk’s wrists had very little space between them and the collar, forcing Monnk’s arms in to a stressful position. Around Monnk’s mouth was a metal muzzle. It didn’t hold the crudity that one made for a hounds did, but with was tight enough against Monnk’s face to muffle any noise. There was a blindfold tied tightly around the clone’s eyes. 
“Let’s play a game,” said the human leaning forward with a twisted grin that set Kit on edge.
He pushed a button and Monnk let out a muffle scream of pain as electricity crackled from the collar. Monnk’s body jerked slightly as he instinctively tried to move away from the electricity. The man lifted his finger off the button and the electricity stopped. Monnk slumped down, chest heaving as he gasped for air that Kit could not hear. The Nautolan Jedi’s gaze hardened and he clenched his saber tighter in his hand.
“If you can beat my two champions, I will give you your...droid,”
Kit narrowed his eyes before gazing at the man with a harden expression.
“Fine, I’ll play your game,” said Kit
“Good,” said the man
He pushed a different button and the door in front of Kit opened and a hulking figure walked out. A towering human with a large axe. He had no face and skin covered in scars that it was impossible to tell ordinary skin from scar tissue.
“There is only one rule, in order to win you must either kill your opponent or push them out of the red circle,” the man said, “You may use your lightsaber, Jedi. You have an hour and a half to defeat all champions. If you fail, your commander dies,”
At this he grabs Monnk by the hair, yanking him up. Monnk let out a muffled sound of protest, but it is lost in the blonde man’s laugh.
“Such a pathetic thing you are clone,” said the blonde man
Kit narrowed his eyes, but turned to focus on his opponent. 
“Fight,” the “judge” said
Kit analyzed his opponent as he activated his lightsaber. The massive man charged at him and swung his axe. Kit watched the axes moment and jumped up at the least second, landed on the axe for a second and used it to propel himself into the air. He used the force to push him towards the man and then used the force to augment his kick, knocking the man out of the ring.
“Impressive,” said the man before he pushed the button and Monnk’s body jerked with electricity and Monnk let out a muffled cry.
Kit withheld a snarl before calming himself and releasing his emotions into the Force. He could not help his commander if he got angry. 
The man lifted his finger off the button and Monnk sagged again, chest heaving again as he gasped in air. The man pushed another button and the door opened. A monster ambled out. It was huge, almost five times bigger than Kit and covered it scales. It roared and lunged. 
Kit flipped out of the way, but wasn’t fast enough to dodge its tail. The tail slammed into Kit and he just managed to stop himself from falling out of the circle. He shot towards the creature. Each hit he landed seemed to do nothing to stop the creature. He could see the clock ticking, showing him the time until his commander’s death. If he could not win this fight, Monnk would die. Soon an hour passed and Kit had only managed to slow it down. He needed to find its weakness. He scanned the creature with the force in near desperation. His eyes flickered before he found a chink in his armor plating. The armored wing fell over the weak spot and Kit cursed. He shot towards the creature with force agumented speed and aimed at the wing. He slammed the lightsaber on it’s armored wing, but it did nothing. He tried a different approach. He ran around the earthy arena and grabbed a stone. He threw it, using the force to put more speed behind it. In the corner of his eye, he could see the clock was now at a minute.
And then he heard Monnk scream. He risked a glance and saw Monnk on the floor of the booth, writhing in pain. New determination fueled Kit as he charged forward. The creatures weak spot was revealed and Kit shot forward once more and jammed his lightsaber into it. The creature let out a dying screech and fell limp. Monnk’s screams stopped. 
Kit turned to look at the man, who looked disappointed.
“Well,” the man said to his guard, “Give the man his meat droid,”
The guard nearest to him grabbed Monnk and threw him off the booth. The drop wasn’t high up enough to kill Monnk, but it was enough to hurt. Kit hurried to Monnk’s side and knelt beside his commander. He pulled Monnk into his chest as his commander shuddered in pain.
Take him and leave. The force urged there is no time to free him. Take him how he is and return to your ship.
Kit did. He picked Monnk up bridal style and carried him back to the ship. He placed him on the ground and activated auto pilot. Once the ship was set to return to base, Kit knelt beside his commander.
He pulled the blindfold off of Monnk’s eyes and his commander blinked weakly up at him. Next Kit removed the metal muzzle, unlatching it and setting it down. Monnk shifted his jaw and Kit could see thin bruises along some of the places the muzzle had covered. He then turned his attention to the bindings. He could find no way to unlatch them or any way to safely remove them. He turned Monnk’s head to the side to search for a latch or a switch or something to undo the bindings.
“Button,” the weakened Monnk managed
Kit understood, the mechanism could only be unlocked with a button. He moved his commander’s legs so that his knees pressed close to his arms. Monnk’s face laxed as the pressure on his arms lessened. Kit stood up and headed to the side drawer of a desk on his ship and pulled out a vibroblade. He returned to Monnk’s side and pressed the vibroblade against the metal cuffs and cut the metal. The second the cuff was no longer able to hold the arm, it flopped free limply. Once Kit had done the same to the other cuff, Monnk slid his limbs down and presses the back of his head against the wall. Kit cuts the collar off and practically tosses it away along with the cuffs. Kit pulls Monnk into his arms and Monnk doesn’t protest, instead, he slumps into his generals arms. A few stray tears slips out and trickle down his face and Kit heard Monnk’s breathing even out, telling him his commander has slipped into an exhausted sleep. Kit smiled softly and brushed some stray strands of hair out of Monnk’s face as he held his sleeping commander close.
24 notes · View notes
astrodances · 4 years
F.O.W.L. Case Files: The Unknowing Traitor
Some people have made some fantastic theories about Beakley being the traitor. I and others have speculated about it being Duckworth. And the show itself has pointed at it being Donald.
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But Beakley and Duckworth, if they were it, would most certainly be in the know about it (no sleeper agent roles for them). Donald, if it’s him, wouldn’t be a sleeper agent (necessarily), just an unknowing traitor.
(Rest is under the cut!)
(Disclaimer: I know many have already speculated that Webby might be a sleeper agent for F.O.W.L. - but if that’s the case, that has yet to happen. I’m talking about Donald being an existing/current traitor.)
This is basically just gonna be a list of evidence for Donald being the traitor, in no particular order, except for the first point being my main piece of evidence (and the second one being a kinda wild sub-theory):
Donald wasn’t just the “ruse” for F.O.W.L.’s mechanical mosquito in “Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!” - he was bitten. I think he was their target.
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Right after this shot near the end of the episode, and after the close-up on the mosquito, where we see that it’s a camera, the scene changes to F.O.W.L. HQ and specifically shows Gandra first, looking quite in her not-really evil scientific element. And what has Gandra made it clear she’s worked with?
Nanites (microscopic robots) and eyebuds.
What if that mosquito was more than just a camera? What if it injected Donald with some specially-made nanites that didn’t necessarily use Donald’s body’s electricity for external power (although, maybe in the finale?), but to spy on him and the family from his own eyes and maybe ears? (Whether it’s eyebud technology at work here or a different method is up for debate.) This way, F.O.W.L. was able to spy on them all a little closer from the beginning of this particular season, and know where all the Missing Mysteries were. The mosquito was just for this one trip, as they could have easily known about the Ducks going to Woodchuck Island, and they wanted to see if they found the journal.
Bonus crack theory: I was taking this one step further and thinking that, at the end of “Double-O-Duck”, when he brought them back from the lighthouse, Bradford could’ve totally injected Dewey and LP with nanites while they were still unconscious. XD
To put the icing on the above, I’d just like to point out that there’s that Donald/spying-centric episode of DT87 called “Spies in Their Eyes”. Between the major hints coming from that title, Donald being hypnotized into being a traitor in that episode (he does look hypnotized in the top pic of this post...), and one of the main themes of it being “loose lips sink ships,” it all seems veeery suspicious.
(A side thought I just had, but speaking of sinking ships and that DT87 episode dealing with a secret sub, I just remembered that in last week’s “Life and Crimes...”, Louie “accidentally” sold the sub. Gonna keep my eye on that...)
But anywho, actually speaking of “loose lips sink ships”...
Remember the fact that Donald has that “PARTY FOWL” fanny pack?
In this post, people were saying that Donald was accidentally around F.O.W.L., either at a party, where he got this fanny pack, or in general, and the fanny pack is just a hint. I’m personally thinking (and kinda half-joking) that said party is connected to the 3 Cabs concert in Acapulco. You know how there’s that very prominent, now-suspicious moment in “The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!”, where Donald says, “You did? Why don’t I remember that?” in regards to Panchito breaking his guitar over his head, and that he apparently got a concussion from getting hit with a chair but also doesn’t remember that? Well, what if it wasn’t just a concussion?
But what if it wasn’t a concussion? What if it was F.O.W.L. messing with his memories?
I don’t have any specific reason for why they would want to erase his memories - if they did, we’ll probably find out why, when, and how tonight. (I had some ideas though when I first got this theory - maybe they needed info or something else from him, and then didn’t want him to remember being questioned or whatever; he accidentally (or even purposefully) found out something about F.O.W.L. - ooh! after the whole Papyrus of Binding incident, maybe that Bradford was F.O.W.L.? or maybe something about Webby/the clones? or something to do with why Beakley went into hiding as Scrooge’s housekeeper and all that?; maybe it was a literal “loose lips sink ships” revelation about the Spear of Selene?; after “The First Adventure!” though, I am leaning towards it having something to do with the Papyrus - if Donald didn’t re-discover that Bradford was F.O.W.L., maybe it was that F.O.W.L. was trying to use Donald to get the Papyrus again?)
Regardless of the why, if F.O.W.L. did mess with his memories, it would explain why Donald didn’t know about Beakley being a spy at the beginning of the series, but Della did.
Anyway, some more quick points of evidence for Donald being the traitor:
the bottom-right corner of this screen in F.O.W.L. HQ:
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Sure does look like the houseboat at the dock, huh?
the accountant parallel here (and I’d like to re-emphasize the fact that Donald’s moment there is from the pilot)
the way Donald was acting in “Impossibin!” - Beakley was definitely suspicious, but Donald had his own questionable moments, and he seemed suspicious of Beakley up on the roof with that eye glare in a way that seemed more than just about her immediate behavior, like he does know something (which goes against my earlier points, but still)
This is very much a stretch, but at the beginning of “Golden Spear!”, Penny’s all “treacherous spy” about Della, but then the scene transitions to Donald. And in the rest of the episode, most (if not all) transitions to Donald have a line or moment before that specifically seem to reference him (like Della’s “My family is fearless!” before it goes to Donald clinging to his hammock). So, if the transitions are supposed to be about him, then this could be a very cleverly-hidden hint.
young Donald and his lyrics are against Scrooge’s wealth and all XD (just another point for being on opposite sides in the future, should the theory hold)
a very small hint, but if the nanite theory above is true, then Gyro’s whole “genetic experimentation” line in “87 Cent Solution!”, with the footage of Donald facing the traps, might have been foreshadowing?
Ok, I think that’s it. My last F.O.W.L. Case File before the end. (I had a couple more pieces of evidence for the traitor being Duckworth - he disarms Scrooge of his cane - perhaps the Action Cane? - before pushing him towards the buzzards at the Christmas party, and in his intro episode, there was that whole “fake ghost axe” thing - and some other smaller theories and parallels to make, but I think I’ve said everything important that I wanted to theorize about.)
Anyway, by this point, I’m sure some people on the east coast have seen the finale, or are watching it now, but I still have about 2 hours until midnight now, so I’m gonna keep drawing this one thing to post tomorrow while finishing my rewatch.
Let’s dewey this, people! 💜
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obwjam · 3 years
My recent look into clone lore has shown me that there are some sources stating that certain clones (i.e. Tech, and clone pilot Axe) are really tall for clones. Tech is listed as 6'4" and Axe is abt 6'10". If Tech is 6'4", that means that the rest of the Bad Batch is extremely tall as well (Wrecker would be like 7'7") so now I'm imagining these mini giant clones meeting this poor terrified tiny who looks even TINIER to them than to standard clones??? Even if it's a misprint it's canon in my mind
omg okay i looked it up too and tech is indeed 6’4 but it says wrecker is only 6’6??? which aint right. holy shit that would be TERRIFYING as a tiny. clones are scary enough but when theyre like almost 7 feet tall and the tiny is like 3-5 inches??? the poor little thing. freaks me out just thinking about it omg i would not wanna be that small 😭
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