#clone trooper doc
mrs2224 · 2 months
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I have two guns, one for each of you! 💙♠️♥️♣️♦️
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b2-ar19 · 3 months
Here I am
Alpha-17 rolled off his bed, grumbling under his breath, as he felt the cub kick him from inside his womb. Ever since the mass de-chipping of the entire former GAR, their latent Tuang genes revealed themselves, along with other species' DNA mixed in, the most prominent being Jango's Lupin heritage. It was shocking at first when he went through his first heat cycle, and the needing of his mate. He would never forget that night of high, rolling emotions and hormones. Alpha rubbed his large, calloused hand over the swell of his stomach, humming softly to himself as he felt the cub kick and squirm.
The massive, burly ALPHA-class clone waddled over to his dresser, bending down to pull over a loose shirt that Orion had gotten him to wear. It stopped short of his hips, and the front was held together by a strip of velcro-tape. Alpha continued his muttering, as he rummaged for a pair of underwear to slip on.
He paused in his rummaging when he felt something shift and pop, followed by a clear liquid soaking his inner thighs and spilling onto the floor. He knew what it was, his water had broken, but it was too early. He was only six months along. Reaching for his comm-link that he always kept within an arm's reach, he punched in Helix and Doc's number.
"Helix here,"
"My water broke,"
"It's too early, unless the ik'aad decided to decant itself,"
"That's what happened, vod,"
"I'm on my way, hang tight,"
Hobbling back to the bed, Alpha-17 let out a grunt as he pulled himself onto the bed, rubbing his swollen stomach as he felt another contraction ripple through his body.
"It's okay, it won't be long now," he mused to himself as he rubbed his swollen stomach in lazy circles.
Alpha-17 grunted as he tried to shift himself upright. He placed a hand on the swell of his stomach, feeling the cub kick him. He lied down, blowing air out his mouth. He wondered how long he was lying where when his door hissed open, followed by Helix rushing in with Doc tailing him.
"17...are you alright?" Doc asked.
"Are you really askin' me that? I'm in labor...oh kark," Alpha half-screamed, half-shouted. Looking at Helix, he muttered, "Contraction."
"Doc, prop him up," Helix ordered. Doc grabbed him by the shoulders, hoisting him upwards.
Once up-right, Alpha spread out his legs as he leaned into the nest of pillows. He could feel his body contract again and his body shift as the cub was pushed lower towards his pelvis.
A few minutes had passed, leaving a sweaty, heaving mess that was 17 on the bed. He felt he was no where close to pushing his cub out. Doc's gentle words and Helix's steady presence did nothing to ease the pain he was in. He wanted Orion by his side, but the man was too busy holding Mandalorians together with nothing but duct-tape and baling twine. Too busy helping out with a rebellion. He sobbed when he wondered if the man didn't love him. If he was a true unwanted. He lived far beyond his use. He was bred to be a soldier. Nothing more and nothing less.
He let out a loud cry when he felt his insides pull apart and the pain reached a new level for him. Whimpering, he leaned into his pillow, the pain blotching his eyes.
"I can't do this anymore," he sobbed.
The few minutes turned into a few hours. Alpha-17 was tired, cranky and in a lot of pain. His chest heaved for air as he caught a brief rest. He couldn't rest for long, as the pressure around his hips climaxed. Instinct told him what it was. He had to push.
"I...argh! Someone get this thing out of me!" he shouted as he tried to bore down.
"17! 17, stop!" Helix shouted. He paused, the pain nearly distracting him from the words. "What is it?" He grunted, fear flooding his voice.
"It's coming sideways...and it's too far along in the labor to move you to the nearest Medbay. I need you to lie fully on your back," Helix instructed, then the medic turned to Doc, "I need you to find Orion, now!"
Helix removed the pillows that were supporting his back, and had him lie fully on his back on the bed. Alpha couldn't see what the medic was doing, but the pain and pressure around his hips were soon relived. But the urge to push was still strong.
"17, when I count down from three, I want you to push. I have the infant's head. Three, two, one!"
17 screamed, as his body bore down, pushing the weight out. Helix shouted the count-down again. Another scream and another grunt of effort. Then again. And again.
"Okay, 17, you can stop now, the cub's out,"
"I don't hear any form of screaming,"
"It's okay, he's alive, just sleeping right now,"
With that, he was passed a sleeping bundle wrapped in a blanket. Tired but alert eyes looked at the sleeping new born. Alpha-17 nervously passed a finger in front of the babe's mouth. A small, tired grunt followed and accompanied by the gentle fluttering of opening eyes. 17 knew that the bright baby blues had a good chance of darkening to his color, but something told him that they would be a mix of his and Orion's eye color. Then he started to mewl, tiny mouth opening and closing. Opening up his sleeping shirt, he pressed the cub to his swollen chest, allowing him to nurse.
"Alpha! 17! Are you alright? Doc dragged me away! Is the cub fine?" Orion hollered.
"Yes to both, and can you keep your voice down? He's sleeping,"
"What's his name?"
"I...didn't know what to name him,"
"It's fine, how about Jaster?"
"Jaster, as in Jaster Mereel?"
"I like it,"
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jockbots · 5 days
Numa joining the resistance like mulan in the disney movie has me going feral
here me out
Ryloth has its devistating switch from republic protection to empire occupation
Nabat is remote, not remote enough to be out of its grip, but enough for Boil to defect there
Boil regains enough of himself to remember his promise to come back
it was supposed to be with waxer but he was also supposed to trust the jedi
He returns to Ryloth and for a brief happy time he lives with Numa and her family
then the empire starts to tighten its grip in Ryloth
its been 10 years and the empire are getting more demanding
Syndulla makes a request to all able bodied fighters to join the free ryloth movement
Boil tells his new family he has to go
Numa has other ideas
To her he has fought his war, hes given enough, hes 28 and he is an old man and he will not come back from this fight
they argue and Boil, who is always as gentle as Waxer had always been, who never gets angry at her only at the gravel that scrapped her knee or the pesky tookas that lay in his flower beds, tell her deadly serious
that it is his duty to go as a clone created for war and he will go bc it is what he was made for
Numa will say something fueled by sadness abt his survivers guilt at they will both part hurt and misty eyed
thats when she'll decide hes not going
when everyone is asleep she'll go into his room and take the datapad with the encrypted request
leave her tooka for him if she doesn't come back
find the armour stored away neatly but dusty
take the blacks, that the utility belt, take an arm of armour from pauldron to gauntlet. the one with his name so that he will be there with her without being in harms way
and catch the next cart to the capital before the night is up
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awkward-tension-art · 1 month
Darkness on Umbara Chp.1 (Rex x Reader)
Hey everyone! guess whose in too deep!? me! I've clung to these fictional copy-paste men so much, you can call me a fucking LEECH!
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Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Chapter 11. Chapter 12. Chapter 13. Epilogue
Landing on Umbara
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, reader insert, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
This is very briefly proofread so I die like a man
Minors DNI, even if theres no smut
Umbara was dark. From what you gathered, it was extremely fucking dark. 
You prepared your supplies with Kix. As medics, you both needed to double and triple check every pack, case and box. 
Kix would be on the front. His expertise was more front line first-aid rather than your position behind the forces. He would keep the men alive long enough to get to your hands where you’d focus on the more intense medical care. While you would be armed to defend yourself, it was better if you stayed out of the line of direct fire.
Your safety and position were tied to the status you were given. As a natural born human in the GAR, your life was inherently seen as more important than the clones. This thought process was something you were vehemently against. You and your fellow soldiers were on equal ground. You’ve always tried to treat them with respect, kindness and patience.
On several occasions nat-borns would disrespect or belittle clones in your presence, which usually resulted in a verbal lashing from you. Much to the joy of your General Anakin and his padawan Ahsoka. 
And the affection of a certain Captain Rex.
You peered up from looking over the medical supplies you were supposed to carry. Currently your secret lover was across the hangar meeting with the Jedi generals, ARC troopers and commander of the 212th. 
Despite being in his helmet, you knew you caught his eye. Rex didn’t give anything away except a small movement of his hand. Something Fives didn’t miss, who gave you a small wave.
He knew of your relationship with Rex. So did Anakin. But other than those two, it was secret. All for his protection, as clones were forbidden from romantic partners.
There was a surge of energy in the hangar and you looked around. Your eyes met Kix’s before you nodded to him, “Showtime.” The first wave was loading up ready to get to Umbara’s surface. 
“I’ll keep Rex safe until you touch down.” Your medic friend winked at you before he stood, got his helmet on and got to his transport. 
Scratch that, Kix knew about you and the captain too. 
Several of the gunships lifted, flying from the hangar down to the planet below. The first wave of troops, including ARF troopers, were being sent down to clear the field. From there, a second wave of back-up, your wave, would join them. Your command was temporary. All you had to do was get them to the ground before they took orders from Rex and Anakin.
You adjusted your gauntlet with the communicator on it. T-minus 5 minutes. Your fingers danced over your supplies, double-checking everything you had. 
Bandages, tourniquets, laser cauterizers, laser scalpel, bacta, patches, emergency suture kits…
“Ready, doc?” A trooper, Ringo, took you out of your thoughts.
With a nod, you lifted your pack and stepped up onto the gunship, “Ready. Let’s load up.”
Others followed your orders and soon, you were in the sky above Umbara. 
Despite the first wave’s efforts, chaos still reigned. Almost immediately your gunship was assaulted by artillery fire. A shot exploded next to you, shaking the entire air vehicle. A ship to the west of yours burst into an explosion of flames.
In response, your second hand shot up for stability. A trooper had their hand on your shoulder to help keep you steady. After a moment, the transport stabilized and you let go, stepping to the back where a crate of supplies waited.
“Dare, how close are we?” You chimed on your communicator. Hopefully you didn’t startle the pilot.
“Landing in 30, I can’t get to the landing site, so you’ll have to walk some to the staging area,” he responded.
“Play it safe,” You commanded, “Land where you can. And try not to crash, I like living and I'm sure the other men do too.” A couple of clones snickers in their helmets. Your little quip helped ease the atmosphere it seemed.
You prepared a speeder. The small vehicle had been modified to carry a patient and allow you to transport extra medical supplies. It was outfitted with some extra armor and protection as well, so in an emergency you could activate a rayshield at the cost of the vehicle's speed.
“Doc, landing in 10.”
“Good job.” You spoke into your communicator before getting on the speeder. You counted down in your head, and just as you got to 1, the doors opened. 
The troopers unloaded, guns ready. Shots were fired, though it didn’t seem as concentrated. Explosions were going off, but at a relatively safe distance. Seemed the first wave did a better job than you originally thought. Your speeder got to the ground, and you made your way to the staging area with the rest of the men.
The battalion had established some trenches, allowing a brief moment of rest and preparation for everyone. You stopped right at the small medical area Kix had skillfully established. Already there were injured in the double digits. Without pause, you got to work.
“You nearly missed the party,” Kix snarked, handling a blaster burn on the thigh of a shiny.
“I’d call this fashionably late,” you quipped back, getting your hands on a different soldier. Blood was seeping from the bottom of his damaged helmet, staining his blue and white chestplate in red. Your mind kicked into training, “What's your name?” You asked, voicing a kinder tone. 
The poor clone was clearly in agony, responding with a tremor to his words, “S-Stag.” He swallowed, trying to control his mental state.
These damn soldiers liked to pretend everything was fine. 
“Alright Stag, I’m gonna remove your helmet.” 
He didn’t argue when you pulled it off revealing the extent of the damage. 
Severe blaster burn. Missing eye. Jaw visible. Shrapnel from the helmet had pierced his cheek and temple. Concussion possibly. 
His remaining brown eye looked wildly at you. You recognized fear. terror.
So, you gave him a reassuring soft smile, “Not too bad, I’ve dealt with worse.” Your fingers quickly wrapped around an injector filled with painkillers, “Here, I’m gonna give you something to help with the pain.” Your words seemed to have a positive effect because he nodded and let you treat him.
You worked quickly and efficiently, stemming the bleeding and getting him stabilized. When you were finished, he had calmed down considerably. Once Stag was stable, you moved on to the next trooper. 
By the fifth, you realized one of them couldn’t be saved.
He was a shiny. Barely off Kamino you guessed. The plastoid of his chest piece looked to be shattered and singed from a bolt to the chest. His breathing was shaky as he leaned against the dark trunk of a glowing tree. 
“I need a trooper.” you called taking the soldier’s hand in your own. You learned quickly into the war that the clones always wanted to die with a brother near them. A reminder that they weren’t alone.
“I hope I’m good enough.” 
That voice. 
“Rex,” Your head turned, looking up at him. You wished you could smile, but you had to keep your excitement under a mask. Plus, the situation didn’t call for it.
His warm eyes were on yours as he pulled off his helmet and knelt. There was clear sadness, knowing that this was the end for one of his men. So the only thing he could do was offer comfort.
“Fyre.” The captain spoke softly, “You did well.” He put one armored hand on the dying man's shoulder. 
Wordlessly, you gave Fyre a shot for the pain and held his hand, “Everything is alright now.” you whispered to him. This wasn’t uncommon, when you or Kix were too late to save someone. 
At the beginning you would burn through supplies trying to save everyone, only to fail and lose them anyway. Over the course of the war, you knew to recognize when all you could do was ease their pain and let them slip away. 
It was the grim reality of the war. You couldn’t save them all. 
Fyre coughed and squeezed your hand. His eyes closed and the clone took his last breath. 
“Damnit.” you swore, checking his pulse. You only felt stillness. He was gone.
Rex sighed, “You tried. So, thank you,” He stood and helped you stand. He couldn’t let his grief from the loss overwhelm him, “I wish you stayed on the ship.” The clone captain admitted, “I get the feeling Umbara is going to be brutal. More so than previous battles.”
“You can’t get rid of me so easily,” Your eyes quickly scanned around. No one seemed to be close enough or paying attention to the two of you, “My darling.” you added, interlocking your fingers.
Your lover looked around quickly before he responded quietly, “Mesh’la, be careful what you say.” Despite his warning, he made no move to pull away. In fact, he stepped closer, “For now, at least.”
Of course, you knew the two of you had to reign in your love and affection in front of others. On the battlefield he was the captain and you the field doctor. Trying to push those boundaries would stress him out. Afterall, if his romance with you got to Kamino, they’d call for a decommission. Something Anakin would never go for, but better safe than sorry.
However, he warmed to small touches and brief moments whenever the situation allowed. 
Your lips had a small smile, “I’m glad you're not hurt.” you raised one palm to stroke the side of his helmet. The battle wasn’t even an hour in and already his armor was dirty.
“Promise me you’ll be careful.” Rex murmured, keeping his voice down, “Please, ner kar’ta.” He was being protective again. Normally the captain was better at prioritizing. He was the leader of the battalion first and your lover second. But right now he seemed…spooked. Were things getting bad already? 
Umbara must be getting to him. After all this assault was much different than other battles.
“I’ll promise if you promise,” Your lips quickly pecked his visor. It was chaste and fast, so no one could see. Just a sweet kiss between the two of you.
He was about to respond when his communicator went off. 
“General Skywalker,” Your lover pulled back and raised his wrist up. 
“Come find me, I need the status of our men.” Anakin’s voice sounded on the other end, “and tell our good doctor I said hello.” 
You snorted.
“Right away, General.” the clone captain said, returning to his professionalism. He looked at you one more time before stepping away to find the jedi.
You sighed, “Back to work.” Without waiting a second, you found another injured soldier and began to treat him.
Your eyes glanced at the shadowy sky for a moment, unable to shake the pit in your stomach. It felt like something was deeply wrong.
The darkness on Umbara must already be getting to you too.
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
Star Wars Writing Resources
Note: None of the resources below are mine. I just assembled them in one place for your and my convenience. Feel free to use and reblog. If you know of any other useful site missing from the list, let me know and I'll gladly add it.
NOTE (05/17/23): There's a new, much more comprehensive version HERE.
Interactive Galaxy Map by Henry Bernberg
Map of the Galaxy
List of planets and moons [Wikipedia /needs expanding]
Planet Name Generator 1 [SciFi Ideas]
Planetary System Generator [Donjon]
Character Development
Star Wars Name Generator 1 [Donjon]
Star Wars OC flow chart by @thefoodwiththedood
Star Wars Name Generator 2 [FantasyNames]
Star Wars Name Generator 3 [FantasyNames]
The character creator
Droid Name Generator
Star Wars Randomizer by @aureutr
Clone Trooper face/helmet template pack by @fox-trot
Clone Picrew by @batdad
Character Picrew [Twi-leks, Zabraks, Torgutas and Nautolans] @/megaramikaeli
Star Wars Character Templates by SmacksArt [the ULTIMATE battery of template for any human/humanoid original character in any era. From troopers to droids, from Jedi to Sith, from KOTOR to the sequel Trilogy. 100% RECOMMENDED]
Standard Calendar and Holidays [including month names!]
Galactic Standard Calendar [wookiepedia // including week day names]
Date converter according to SWTOR [Google sheet]
Hyperspace Travel Times (to calculate how much time would take to go from point A to point B within the GFFA)
Materials (fabrics, leathers, silks, plastics, construction, metal composites, etc.)
List of TCW Opening Quotes
Ship Generator 3D
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Military Hierarchy Flowcharts by @cacodaemonia
Languages; Phrases and Slang; Vocabulary
Coruscant Translator (from/to Basic from/to Old Corellian, Proto-Basic, and Smuggler's Cant; Catharese and High Cathar; Cheunh and Minnisiat; Echani and Thyrsian; Mirialan; Flora Colossi, Ortolan, and -everyone's favorite- Mando'a)
In-Universe phrases and slang [Google sheet]
List of phrases and slang [wookiepedia]
List of equivalents to real-world objects [wookiepidia]
Star Wars Menu Generator
Helpful blogs
The amazing @fox-trot, who not only makes astonishing art and write an amazing fic, she also responds to medical questions and gives all kinds of references for writing medic characters.
@writebetterstarwars, which seems to be inactive, but there are a bunch of references there.
@howtofightwrite The place to find out how to write a good fight scene.
@scriptmedic no longer active, but it has a great deal of useful information.
@scripttorture for your whump needs. Major trigger warning for all its content.
Writing in General (For those who don't want to die like Stormtroopers)
SlickWrite: Completely free; online. Checks grammar, punctuation, flow, and writing style according to different settings (including fiction writing).
ProWritingAid: [RECOMMENDED] One of the most thorough online proofreader I've ever used. Although when using a free account gives extremely thorough feedback, it gives +20 different in-depth reports for only the first 500 words for free. However, you can earn a premium account license (for a year or for life) if you get 10 or 20 new users signing up for free; (if you wouldn't mind doing so using the link above and help me earn mine, please). The settings allow you to check your writing according to your needs, from general to formal to creative. It has a bonus that you can check depending on the genre you're writing. For example, in creative, you can choose romance or sci-fiction (there are 14 sub-genre in total). And just like google docs, you can share a document, and people can view, comment or edit.
LanguageTool: [RECOMMENDED] Another excellent proofreader. It also has a word limit in free accounts, but if you use the add-on for Google Docs, it counts each page as a new document, so hitting the limit is nearly impossible. It helps you to rewrite a sentence, even if it doesn't raise any flags; it's very useful for when your sentence is grammatically correct, but it doesn't feel quite right.
Grammarly, Hemingway Editor: No so great, but they do the basic job.
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 5 months
Does anyone know of, or did someone make, a guide that includes the colors of each battalion? Such as Obi-Wan's men being orange/gold, Anakin's being blue, Plo's being gray, Mace's being purple, Coruscant red, etc.
Edit: I've started a guide!!!
Access it here on Docs and add your knowledge, please. It's over 300 clone trooper units and I don't know all of them. I'd love for this to be a fandom-wide project.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Round 3 *ding ding ding*
(Should I start apologizing yet?)
Fives and "You should have told me this was going on. I would've put a stop to it the second I heard about it."
Please and thank you, my love 💚💚💚
Summary: After you get yelled at by Captain Rex for something that's not true, Fives comes to comfort you.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x Reader
Word Count: 1123
Warnings: Fives is horny on main for the reader, but it's just suggestive comments and him being unable to keep his hands to himself.
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: This is another part to my Gryffin Industries AU, wherein bad things happen to the clones, and this company comes up behind them makes it better?
Divider by Saradika
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You smile pleasantly at Captain Rex, “I’m not sure what the problem is, Captain. The agreement between Gryffin Industries and the GAR remains as it always has been.”
“You take my brothers and experiment on them,” Rex says bitterly.
You gaze at him placidly, “That is not at all how I see it.”
“Then why am I not allowed to see Echo?” Rex demands.
You sigh silently, “Captain. You cannot see Echo because he is recovering from a series of surgeries to remove the unnecessary hardware as well as repair some of the damage that wasn’t properly repaired originally.”
Rex pauses, “But…he’s alright?”
“He’s alive. And we’re working on making sure he stays that way, Captain.” You say soothingly.
Rex taps his fingers on the table, and then he scowls, “Okay, then why do they,” He motions to the guard standing silently behind you, “Never remove their helmets.”
“That’s their choice, Captain.” You chide gently, “We certainly don’t tell them that they have to keep their face covered at all times. And though you might not like it, they don’t have to listen to you anymore.”
He bristles slightly, and leans over the table, only to pause when the man standing behind you shifts slightly, “Why don’t you take your helmet off?” Rex demands.
“Because I have a computer in my helmet that helps me keep track of everything happening in the room,” Checkmate replies dryly, “As well as everything happening on this floor.” Checkmate tilts his head to the side, “You needn’t worry, Captain. We’re very well treated here. Better treated here than we ever were in the GAR.”
“Be nice, Checkmate.” You warn.
“His actions are openly hostile to you, Doctor.” Checkmate replies flatly.
“He has every reason to be worried about his brothers,” You remind him.
Checkmate scoffs, “Yeah, well. It’s a good thing your normal bodyguard has the day off, or else the good Captain would have found himself thrown out a window.”
“You…what?” Rex asks, offended.
“We’re all very protective of the Doc here.” Checkmate says, “After all, it’s because of her that I can walk at all.” He pauses, “In fact, I might fling you out the window just because I can.”
“Fine, fine. I’m done.” The taller man settles, “but so is this meeting. I have a date in half an hour.” He pulls himself away from the door and motions for Rex to follow him, “Come on. I’ll give you a rundown on how things actually are for vod’e who live here.”
You slump against your chair as soon as they’re gone, and less than three minutes later the secret door in your bookshelf opens, and Fives walks into the room. He’s dressed in his armor, and he is wearing his helmet, though he removes it as soon as he sees that you’re alone.
You smile at him tiredly, and as soon as he sits in an empty chair you stand and move yourself onto his lap and you lay your head on his shoulder. Fives’ arms hook firmly around your waist and he lightly rubs his cheek against your hair. “You seem exhausted, cyar’ika.” He murmurs.
“I am exhausted.” You reply, “Captain Rex just left.”
Fives’ grip tightens for a moment, and then relaxes, “Oh?”
“Mm. Someone has been telling stories about Gryffin Industries.” You grumble as your eyes close, “Apparently we’re experimenting on you and your brothers.”
A dreamy grin crosses Fives face, “Yeah, and it’s awesome. We should do that more often.”
You giggle and shake your head, “Not that kind of experimentation.” 
“Oh. The not fun kind of experimentation. Yeah, you don’t do that.”
You shoot him an amused look, “No, I don’t. It’s not permitted at all. But someone is telling the Captains and the Commanders that we are.”
Fives arches an eyebrow, “They have no proof, though.”
“No, they don’t.” You bury your face against his neck and inhale deeply, “Doesn’t stop them from yelling at me though.”
“Mm. Rex didn’t yell, but Checkmate did think he was going to attack me for a moment.” You reply as your eyes close and you keep your face pressed against his neck, “And Commander Bly and General Secura were here the other day, accusing me of personally experimenting on clones-”
“Babe.” Fives gently pulls you away from his neck for a moment, and he cups your face, “You should have told me this was going on. I would've put a stop to it the second I heard about it.”
“They think you’re dead, Fives.” You remind him gently, remembering well the way that Echo shattered when he saw Fives for the first time, you card your fingers through his hair and he sighs, “Besides, we knew that Palpatine would try to discredit us with the Jedi.”
“They shouldn’t be taking it out on you,” Fives grumbles, and you smile as you lightly drag your nails across his scalp, and he groans. “Babe. Cyar’ika. Keep doing that.” He pleads with you.
You giggle again but continue doing as he asks. “I spoil you, love.”
“And I love you for it.” Fives replies with a boyish grin as he pulls you into a proper kiss, “Actually, I just love you in general.”
“Well, aren’t I lucky then.” You reply with an adoring smile.
Fives just grins at you even wider. “Babe,” He coos, “You’ve been working so hard.”
“Yes, I have. And I still have work to do.” You reply, “We’re close to repairing the damage to Tup’s brain-”
“Cyare~” He coos again, as his lips move to a spot just under your ear, where he proceeds to suck a mark onto your skin, “As important as that is, it’s not your project yet.”
“I…yes…that’s true…” You stutter.
“And you’ve been working so hard,” He repeats.
“That’s…also true.”
“You should take a break.” He lightly nips your earlobe, and you release a shaky breath, “Just a small break,” Fives prods.
“I suppose a small break wouldn’t hurt,” You whisper, and a triumphant grin crosses his face. “But only a small one,” You add hastily.
“Oh, of course.” Fives effortlessly lifts you in his arms, “Scouts honor and all.”
“I mean it, Fives, a short break only.” You say as you hook your arms around his neck as he carries you over to the elevator.
“Don’t worry so much, princess. I’ll take care of you.” Fives promises as he drops a kiss to your temple, “And then, when you’re nice and relaxed, you can go back to saving my brothers.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
His eyes glitter with laughter, “My own personal Saint,” Fives teases, “I definitely worship you enough-”
“Fives!” You yelp, and he bursts into laughter as the elevator door dings shut.
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wizardofrozz · 8 months
hi, Rozz!!! from the kiss prompts, can I please request:
"i'm sorry, i had to." with Sawbones (simping uncontrollably for him tbh)
can’t wait to see how the mean one handles a first kiss 😅
Love It When You Hate Me
OC Sawbones x reader, Original Clone Troopers
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: mention of injury, Sawbones being an asshole. I think that's it lol
A/N: Thank you for the ask Sev 🖤 I get so unbelievably happy when anyone simps of Sawbones lmao I got a little carried away with this but I don't even care, it was worth it 😂
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Before the war, you hadn’t traveled much, staying busy in the emergency wing of Coruscant General. Then Geonosis happened, millions of troopers materializing out of thin air to fight a war most people hadn’t even been expecting. That was how you ended up working for the GAR, traveling around the galaxy to lend your medical knowledge to the troops that needed it most. You had visited several medical centers and worked alongside combat medics across numerous battalions.  
The Ord Cestus Medical Center was your most recent assignment, offering an extra set of hands after a large influx of troopers came in. You smiled at the clone stretched out on the bed before you as you checked his vitals. You didn’t even know his name but it didn’t seem to matter to him. 
“Am I gonna make it, doc?” he asked, a smirk lifting the side of his mouth. The trooper’s arm was secured to his chest, his right shoulder still healing after being violently ripped from the socket. 
“Mm, I don’t know,” you teased, smiling when he laughed. It was a welcomed sound in a place so steeped in pain, meaning you noticed when it cut off abruptly. You checked for any sign that he was in pain but his expression gave nothing away; you followed his eyes across the room and held in a sigh. 
As a civilian, you hadn’t been sent into combat areas, making relief missions your most common assignment. Most of the time you spent with a battalion was fleeting but there was one that was an exception: the 104th battalion, the Wolfpack. General Plo Koon’s men still fought infantry battles but they also spent the most time rescuing other troops or offering aid to civilians. If it was by accident or due to a request from the general, you were called in, along with a few other civilians, to offer their medics a few extra hands. 
Now, seeing one of those medics, most notably the chief medical officer, wasn’t what you were expecting.
Sawbones looked just as stormy as ever despite the crutches he was hobbling around on. You had heard the stories, the things he’d done in the name of the Republic but your inner idealist wrote them off as exaggerations. Although, when he trooper beside you shifted uncomfortably, glancing at you, it made you wonder. You followed Sawbones’ journey across the room, letting your eyes linger when he stopped at another Wolfpack member’s bed. You huffed under your breath and turned back to the trooper you were treating, gently patting his arm. 
“Get some rest,” you ordered with a smile. The trooper flashed you a tense smile before shuffling down, stretching out on his bed. The next patient on your list was a few beds down, closer to where Sawbones was still lingering and you slowed your pace. You had your fair share of run-ins with the Wolfpack’s mean CMO and while his attitude made you want to steer clear of him, there was something about him that had your mind wandering back to him.
Sawbones was harsh on a good day but you had also witnessed a side to him that you’d almost consider...soft. He threw nasty comments around, scaring off anyone who dared get too close but he cared for his injured men with a gentle hand. You had a feeling his threats weren’t empty, but he wanted to help more than hurt, even if he had a funny way of showing it. 
Sawbones turned his head slightly as you neared your next patient. His beard was neatly trimmed and you could only remember seeing it long and unruly out on the field. Now that you thought about it, that was the first time you had seen him in anything but his armor; the starchy, gray scrubs made him look softer, less abrasive. You offered the trooper, Dodger, a smile as you approached his bed. It was hard to miss the anxiety lining his expression and you hoped the simple gesture helped a little bit. Dodger’s jaw flexed but he squared his shoulders, taking a deep breath in preparation. 
“How are you feeling, Dodger?” you asked, perching on the corner of his bed near his feet.
“Been better,” he mumbled, pointedly not looking at the hip-to-ankle cast he wore. You could feel eyes on your back and ignored the curious glances as you reached for his hand. Recovery was going to take some time but there was nothing unrepairable. 
“Enough babying them.” You jumped at the voice from over your shoulder, twisting around to find Sawbones leaning on his crutches, his face twisted in a scowl. “They’re soldiers, not children.” There was a tense silence as you just gaped at him, taken aback by the bitter edge to his voice. Endless, dark eyes bore into yours and it took you a second to shake off the shock.
“Excuse me?” Sawbones arched a brow before shifting his attention to Dodger over your shoulder.
“You live to fight another day. Congratulations,” Sawbones said, his tone flat and uninterested. Dodger blinked a few times before letting out a long, slow breath, and slumping down in his bed. 
“Uh, thank you, sir,” he murmured, nodding at the medic. Sawbones grunted before making a slow turn, heading back across the room and all you could do was stare after him. When you looked back at Dodger, there was a half-smile on his face that only grew when he caught the flabbergasted expression on your face. 
Then the anger started to build, swelling like an impending storm and you stood so fast you staggered. Dodger tried to get your attention but you were already stalking toward the door Sawbones disappeared through. Finding him was easy, seeing that he could only move so fast and you picked up your pace. You could only imagine the look on your face but it must’ve been ominous enough for any passing staff to step out of your way. 
You caught a glimpse of Sawbones disappearing into one of the smaller labs scattered around the medical center and hurried after him. There was one other clone sitting at one of the benches when you stepped inside, the pair turning to look at you. 
“Leave,” you ordered, stepping away from the door. The clone hesitated, glancing at Sawbones and it only made your anger spike. “Out.” Sawbones leaned against the workbench, taking some of the weight off his broken leg, his head turning to follow the other clone as he stomped out of the room.
“What?” he asked, arching a brow. 
“How dare you," you hissed, storming across the room, carelessly invading his personal space. “I am not one of your subordinates that you can talk down to. You had no right to step in like that.”
“And?” The unbothered air around him made you seethe; any crush you thought you might’ve had on him got shoved to the back of your mind. You ground your teeth together, taking another step closer.
“I don’t care what your problem is. I don’t care why you act like an asshole as if it’s your job but you will not treat me like some incompetent moof-milker.” You jabbed a finger into his chest, relishing in the quiet grunt he let out. “I’ve worked my ass off all my life and if you’re so emotionally constipated that my kindness bothers you, then I’d suggest sucking it the fuck up.” 
Sawbones blinked at you, his eyes flickering down to where your finger was still pressed into his chest; when his eyes lifted again they seemed shadowed and it sent an involuntary shiver down your spine. Suddenly, you felt your confidence withering as his expression darkened, his head tilting down, bringing your faces closer together. Just as you were about to take a step back, Sawbones surged forward, slanting his mouth against yours as he cradled the back of your head.
Your eyes widened comically but it didn’t deter him and before you knew it you were melting against him. His mustache tickled your skin and you found that you liked it, closing your fist, tugging him closer by his scrub top. Sawbones rumbled deep in his chest, parting your lips to slip his tongue into your mouth and you whined involuntarily.
It was just a kiss and yet it felt more erotic than any other kiss you’d shared with another person. The movement of his tongue was a mockery of what you desperately wished his hips were doing and it made you shiver. Sawbones broke the kiss so suddenly your head spun and you swayed closer, following his lips before you could catch yourself. 
“Sorry,” Sawbones panted, his hand sliding down to your neck, “I had to. I like it when you get mean.” 
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” you whispered, still trying to catch your breath. “You only speak one language: asshole.” It felt like a monumental accomplishment when Sawbones laughed; it was a sharp, harsh sound but it brought a smile to your face nonetheless.
“I speak another language too,” he murmured, bumping your noses together. 
“Yeah? What’s that?” You barely finished the sentence before he pulled you into another dizzying kiss. Yeah, you would happily speak this language too.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @commander-sunshine @dukeoftheblackstar
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anxiouspineapple99 · 9 months
Eternal Embers
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Clone Medic Kix x reader, Clone Trooper Hardcase, ARC Trooper Jesse, Captain Rex, mention of ARC Troopers Fives and Echo
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: light swearing, monster AU, mention of war. Let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: I've been holding onto this for Pineapple's Halloween party and I'm so excited to finally share it! 💙🖤
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The wind howled through Carida’s mountains, although they acted as a buffer around the Republic outpost. Troopers filtered through the camp, sleeping in shifts to give their brothers a break between Separatist attacks. The constant flow of boys in blue also had your medbay bustling, but, as the binary suns started to set, the stream of injuries started to ebb. You finished securing a bacta patch onto Sterling’s blaster burn, lightly patting his arm above the bandage with a smile.
“Thanks, Doc,” he sighed, a tired smile spreading across his face. 
“Get some rest,” you urged, lightly pushing him to lay back. Sterling’s eyelids seemed to grow heavy, the veil of exhaustion weighing him down until the snap of tent flaps had him bolting upright. You spun on your heels, blinking rapidly at the two troopers that came busting into your medtent. 
“Jesse! What the hell?” you scolded, sidestepping a cart as you hurried to where Jesse and Hardcase were still standing.
“Fierfek, he’s not in here,” Jesse hissed just loud enough for you to hear. 
“Hey,” you snapped, grabbing Hardcase’s arm to pull him to face you, “why are you bursting in here like your asses are on fire?”
“Have you seen Kix?” Hardcase asked, completely ignoring your question. Air caught in your throat as you picked up on the way his voice ticked up in concern, a rarity for a man like Hardcase. 
“No - no, I thought he was in one of the other tents,” you stammered, tightening your grip on his arm. Jesse and Hardcase turned to look at each other and even with their helmets on, you could tell there was something you were missing. 
“Come on,” Jesse murmured, nudging Hardcase’s shoulder. He tried to pull out of your grip but you held on, yanking Hardcase back toward you. 
“Doc, we need to go.”
“Not without telling me what the hell is going on,” you insisted, following Jesse outside and pulling Hardcase along. 
“Doc,” Hardcase whined, lightly shaking his arm to get your attention, “don’t do this.”
“I know you’re setting up a search party and I’m coming,” you stated, releasing Hardcase to cross your arms. Jesse’s hand clenched at his side and you were almost sure his jaw was doing the same thing under his helmet. There were maybe three people who were aware of the tense back and forth between you and Kix, Jesse being one of them. 
Ever since you had joined the 501st, you and Kix had been doing some version of this ridiculous dance. Kix would lean over your shoulder, his lips too close to your ear as he murmured instructions or praise, or him sitting close enough that his leg pressed against yours when inventory needed to be done. His feelings towards you felt just as obvious as yours but he always seemed to take a step back, putting space between you and him until the cycle started all over again. And yet, you couldn’t seem to keep him at arm’s length, falling back into his orbit without even trying. Maybe it was the longing in his eyes even when he pulled away that kept you coming back…like a moth to a flame. 
Maybe it was something in your expression or Jesse’s own bleeding heart that had him letting out a somewhat dramatic sigh. “Fine, fine. We’ll need a medic anyway.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, resting a hand on his arm. Jesse nodded once before herding you and Hardcase toward the command tent. 
Rex was already waiting, absently twirling one of his blasters as he scanned the rocky slopes surrounding the camp. By the time the small search party left the camp, it consisted of you, Hardcase, Jesse, Rex, Hawk, Fives, and Echo. You couldn’t hear what Hawk yelled over the drone of the gunship’s engines but based on the way the rest of the boys tensed, you assumed it was important and tightened your grip on the overhead strap you were holding. The gunship dropped into a canyon, kicking up dust as you jumped down, and you threw a grateful smile at Hardcase when he steadied you. 
“Fives, Echo, head north. Hawk is flying south. Hardcase, you’re with me heading east,” Rex ordered, glancing toward you and Jesse. You took a minute to glance around, trying to figure out where you even were. From what you could tell, you were in the middle of two mountain ranges and you tried to look for any signs of a battle but there was nothing. No scorch marks, no rubble, just smooth mountain faces that made no sense. You jumped when Jesse nudged you, snapping you back to reality just in time to see Fives, Echo, Hardcase, and Rex heading off in their respective directions. 
“Jesse, what are we doing out here?” you asked, hugging your rifle a little closer. The only response you got was the crunch of gravel under his boots but you continued to stare holes into the side of his head. Finally, his shoulders lifted in an exaggerated inhale and you almost smiled. 
“We, uh, got intel that the Seppies are traveling through pre-drilled tunnels in the mountains. That seems like the, uh, best way to move a prisoner, don’t ya think?” You almost wanted to call him out on the lie but you had a feeling it would get you nowhere. 
“Where do we start?” you asked instead, scanning the jagged rocks lining the wide passage. 
“I’ll take the left side. Just look for any tunnels,” Jesse replied, almost sounding relieved that you didn’t push him. You let out a soft sigh, falling back a step but keeping Jesse in your peripheral as you trudged along. You almost didn’t realize how much farther ahead Jesse was until your com beeped, dragging you out of your mindless wandering. 
“What’s up?” you huffed, searching for familiar blue armor. 
“I took a left down a tunnel so be careful out there by yourself,” Jesse warned, the frequency crackling slightly. 
“I’ll be fine,” you mumbled, following the gentle curve of the path. Your eyes followed the rocky slope upward, tracing the sharp peak of the mountains that stretched hundreds of feet over your head. The twin suns had almost set, making the chill in the air more prominent and you tucked your arms tighter against your side. You were so distracted by the environment around you that you almost walked right past a large opening in the mountain face. 
You squinted into the darkness, searching for any bit of movement only to freeze when you heard the echo of rocks hitting the ground from deeper in the tunnel. It wouldn’t take Jesse long to get back to you but something told you to take a step forward like an invisible string reeling you in. You glanced in the direction Jesse had gone before slipping your pack off, rummaging through it to find your glowrod and securing your rifle to the side of the pack. The warm, yellowish light illuminated the entryway and you chanced one last look over your shoulder before taking a few slow steps into the tunnel. 
The walls glistened faintly, drawing you closer but when your fingers brushed the rock they were dry. A thin layer of dusk stuck to your skin and you rubbed it between your fingers, mesmerized by the way it twinkled. The loud crunch of rock shifting behind you made you tense, your muscles locking up as you found the courage to turn around. At first, you didn’t see anything other than a few rocks settling, your glowrod carefully scanning the wall opposite you. The light seemed to bend around the dark boulders, casting shadows across the walls. 
You looked back down at your fingers, the faint shimmer of dust still coating your skin and you froze. 
The growl was faint, barely above a whisper, but the silence of the cavern made it sound deafening. Something scraped against the ground, making you jerk to your left, your mouth dropping open when the light reflected off a large, slitted eye. Then it blinked. Your gasp was almost silent as you scrambled back only to step on one of the dislodged rocks that sent you tumbling onto your ass. And all you could do was stare up at the beast as it lifted its head. 
Despite the adrenaline pumping through your veins, you couldn’t look away. Brilliant blue scales shimmered in the low light as it moved, seemingly shifting from navy to sky blue every time you blinked. The creature shook its head and you watched the black-tipped spines lining its neck shift. Its massive head turned slightly giving you a full view of its face. Two horns extended from either side of its head, black tips bleeding into a powdery blue and finally blending into the scales encircling its eyes. The creature’s nose curved into a sharp point, resembling a beak and your eyes lingered there for a moment. 
You jumped when it moved again but instead of a growl, this time it made a soft chirping noise as it lowered its head almost like it was…trying to look smaller. Some part of you was screaming to run, to get as far away as possible but there was something about the creature that had you shifting onto your knees. Dark eyes locked onto you, watching every move as you inched closer. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” you soothed, despite your voice shaking lightly. The…dragon…warbled softly, those sharp spines bristling as you reached out. You patiently inched closer, your eyes scanning its body, noting the large wings tucked up against its back. 
“Doc, you read me?” You stopped immediately, glancing down at the com on your wrist briefly before looking up at the dragon again. Although, it didn’t look frightened or even startled, no, instead it made another chirping sound, one that sounded almost…happy? 
“That’s Jesse,” you said, meeting the dragon’s dark eyes. It canted its head, blinking slowly before lowering its head to gently nudge your arm, nostrils flaring with a sharp exhale. You took that as a sign to reach over, opening the channel but not looking away from the creature’s face. “I’m here.”
“Maker, you scared the hell out of me,” Jesse sighed, his voice coming out a bit grainy and far away. “Where…you?”
“I, uh, found a…friend,” you replied, a nervous smile lifting the corner of your mouth. The dragon made a slightly different chittering noise, its beak snapping together quietly as it sniffed your arm again. Even through the rough connection, you could hear Jesse’s sharp inhale. 
“Oh, you asshole,” Jesse hissed, making your brows knit together. “What did I tell you?” Before you could answer, the creature looming over you opened its mouth, a low rumbling sound coming from the back of its throat. When you looked back up at it, you could’ve sworn it was glaring based on the way its dark eyes narrowed. 
“What am I missing here?” you finally asked, mindlessly resting your hand on the dragon’s long snout. This time the noise that rumbled through its body was softer and if you didn’t know any better, you might’ve compared it to a purr.
“You found your partner,” Jesse grumbled and you went oddly still. It took a few seconds for your brain to comprehend what that meant as you turned your head, just watching the way the dragon pressed into your hand. It…he…seemed perfectly content but as if he could feel your stare, his eyes drifted open. 
“Kix?” Of course, he couldn’t verbally respond but the soft chirp that was followed by him nudging your hand with his nose was enough of an answer. Your eyes followed the slope of his head, admiring the way the colors shifted and you decided that even in this form, he was still breathtaking. Then it clicked. 
With the constant push and pull, Kix only giving so much before completely disengaging. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with what was staring back at you with dark slitted eyes and pearlescent scales. A small part of you wanted to be angry, to demand why he couldn’t just tell you, but would you have even believed him? 
“Oh, Kix,” you whispered, leaning a bit closer. You jumped with a surprised laugh when he exhaled harshly, right in your face, almost like a warning about the direction your thoughts were going. 
“Well, I don’t hear any screaming so that’s a good sign,” Jesse commented, his voice echoing through your com. You looked over your shoulder, offering him a smile as he moved closer and lifted his helmet off to look directly at Kix. “Told you she could’ve handled it.” 
Kix huffed through his nose, ruffling your hair as he lifted his head away from your hand. 
“Come on, you can either shift back for a ride to camp or fly. Your choice,” Jesse said, arching a brow that made his tattoo stretch slightly. Kix grumbled in the back of his throat, shifting into the shadows again as Jesse pulled you to your feet. “Best give him some room.” 
“Why?” you murmured, letting Jesse pull you back a few steps. Although, you didn’t have to wait long. Kix rose to his feet, his scales rattling as he shook off the dust clinging to him. The ceiling of the cave was low, forcing him to keep his head down as he maneuvered around the boulders in his path. It wasn’t until you stepped into the cool evening air that you could truly admire his grandeur. Large, black wings stretched high over your head, his tail sweeping side to side, and your lips parted in awe at his sheer size. 
“Alright, quite showin’ off, asshole,” Jesse teased which earned him another grumpy huff. Kix finally shifted his attention to you, his head tilting slightly and for a moment, he almost looked smug before his wings extended again. It was incredible to watch him leap into the air so effortlessly, the moon's glow making his scales twinkle. “Come on, Doc.” 
The trip back to the rendezvous spot seemed like it took forever yet no time at all. Suddenly you were standing in front of Rex, Hardcase, Fives, and Echo, the faint whine of a gunship approaching filling the evening air. No one mentioned the bantha in the room, already preoccupied with other random conversations until Hawk came into view. The only acknowledgment of what you just discovered was a wink from Hardcase as he hopped into the gunship. 
The small outpost was quiet, most troopers getting a few hours of sleep where they could. Which meant you hadn’t expected to see General Skywalker waiting when you made it back. You joined the small squad in saluting the general, anxiously waiting to see if Skywalker pulled you aside but he seemed to be content with Rex filling him in on what happened. There was an awkward moment when you stood next to the quietly hissing gunship, debating your next move until movement from your medtent caught your eye. Someone knocked into your shoulder, sending you stumbling forward a step before you turned a glare in Jesse’s direction. He only winked, jerking his chin toward the tent before letting Hardcase drag him away. 
It took a few minutes and even more deep, calming breaths before you finally made it to the medtent, standing just outside the slightly parted flaps. 
“You can come in, you know,” Kix’s disembodied voice called and for some reason, it was a shock. Hearing his voice spurred you into pulling the flap back, curiosity getting the better of you. Kix’s back was to you and he was in the bottom half of his armor, such a stark contrast to how he looked not even a standard hour earlier. 
“I’m not having a crazy, vivid dream, right?” you asked, surprising yourself a bit. Kix’s shoulders jumped when he snorted, turning his head enough to see you out of the corner of his eye. 
“Sadly, no,” he replied, turning to face you and crossing his arms. He would’ve looked relaxed to anyone else but you noticed the set of his jaw, the tension in the muscles of his neck as he waited for whatever came next. “It’s very real.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“How was I supposed to tell the person I - I’m…falling in love with that I’m also a beast out of a fairy tale?” The bombshells seemed to keep coming and it had to be written all over your face. Kix stiffened when you closed the remaining distance, stopping within arm’s length of him but he didn’t pull away. 
“You mean that?” you whispered, searching his face for any signs. 
“Yes,” he mumbled, looking down at his boots, “so how was I supposed to ask you to accept that?”
“By simply asking.” You rested a hand on his arm, drawing his eyes off the floor, and your heart ached at the vulnerability in his endless brown eyes. “We’ve made it through some of the worst parts of war together and it’s not over yet. I think we can handle this if you’ll let me in.” Kix squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a harsh exhale through his nose and you tried to fight a smile at the similarities you could already see. You let your hand follow the swell of his bicep, moving across his shoulder to gently cradle his face, drawing his attention back to you. 
“Together, huh?” he whispered, leaning forward until there was barely any space between you and him.
“Together,” you agreed, meeting him the rest of the way to press your forehead against his. Kix finally uncrossed his arms to cup the back of your neck and you let out a long breath, relaxing into the touch you’d experienced hints of and had craved for so long. 
“If forever does exist, please let it be you,” Kix breathed, the words brushing against your lips. Words couldn’t express the way you felt or how much you hoped for the same thing, so instead you tilted your head just enough to find his lips. 
You hoped Kix was what forever tasted like. 
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Feverish Flirtations
Summary: You've been the lead medic for General Billaba's battalion for awhile now and you've had a crush on Captain Grey for almost as long. What happens when a fever and a trip to the med bay loosens the Captain's tongue? Pairing: Captain Grey x Reader Rating: Gen (but minors DNI) Word Count: 4,219 A.N: This is for the wonderful, beautiful, and lovely @imarvelatthestars ! While writing this I think I may have become a Grey fan lol. Also, I know there's some inconsistencies with him from the comics, like having the rank of Commander in the comics but Captain in TBB. I went ahead and went with Captain since TBB is more recent, but I included the characters Styles and Stance from the comics since they're the only other named clones from their battalion. Anyway, I really hope you like my interpretation of Grey's character and that you enjoy this little fics!
Warnings: Mentions of medical procedures and illness.
“I’m telling you I’m fine, Doc, you just said the bleeding is internal- that’s where the blood’s supposed to be!”
Your eyes flickered up from your datapad to meet the clone’s attempt at a charming grin. A part of you wanted to laugh, mostly at the expectant look he was giving you, and if you weren’t so tired you probably would have. Right now, though, all you could do was sign.
“Styles, you already told me that joke. You know, the last time you landed yourself in here with a traumatic injury.”
His face fell just a little, “Oh- I did?”
“Guess you should scan to see if his brain’s still there too, Doc,” called Stance from the next bed.
That one did manage to get a small smile out of you, and you saw Styles get some of his pep back at the sight. Then, in a light tone, you said, “Oh, I don’t think it’s that, I think his time with me is just that forgettable.”
Styles sat up as best he could in the med bed, “Come on now, mesh’la, you know you’re as unforgettable as they come.” He winked at you, and you also might have felt a little flustered at his term of endearment, again, if you weren’t so tired.
“I’m sure,” your tone was still light, and you gave him a small smile as you finished making the notes in his chart. Despite the nature of his injuries, he would be just fine. Thank the maker.
“Oooh, barely a polite brush off,” Stance crooned, “Better luck next time, brother. Now, Doc, when can this poor injured trooper get your undivided, tender care?”
“When you have a real injury,” Styles rolled his eyes, though even you could tell there was no real malice there, just brothers in arms giving each other a hard time.
“I do have one!” he lifted the arm the field medic had already temp-treated with a bacta wrap, “Look, I have a boo boo on my bicep. Kiss it better, Doc?”
You felt your eyebrows quirk up, but before you could think of a comeback a stern voice called out behind you.
“Stance, Styles!”
Both men were snapping to attention- or in Styles’ case, as best he could laying down. You turned to see none other than Captain Grey walking into the med bay with the medic who would be relieving you for the next shift. Grey’s eyes were firm as he looked between the two men, a look that, while not uncommon for the Captain, was rarely present when you were in the room.
“Make sure I never hear you speaking so disrespectfully to our staff again. Am I understood?”
A minor rush of panic flowed through you as both men said a loud “Sir, yes sir.” 
You held up your hand, instantly catching the officer’s attention. “Oh, please, Captain, there’s no need for all that, they weren’t being disrespectful.”
There, you saw it, the way his deep brown eyes softened when they were on you for more than a second. The way the lines at the corner of his mouth smoothed, his eyebrows lifting up a fraction, and his head tilting just a bit as if to lean closer to your presence. Maybe you imagined it every time, a hopeful fantasy, but he most definitely did ease up a little at your words.
He couldn’t backpedal on the order, though, which you respected, and settled for him asking how the boys were doing. You gave him and the other medic your reports, which were thankfully standard and very little cause for concern. It was a good day- or, as good as a day could be during a war.
Now that you were officially relieved, you wished the troopers a good night, reminding Styles to rest up, lest he have to spend more than a night cooped up here. You had just started to turn to the door when… 
“Let me walk you back to your quarters.”
Even your exhausted state couldn’t stop you from feeling the nervous excitement starting in your chest, given that it was Grey who offered. Outwardly, all you gave was a polite, thankful nod, before saying goodnight to the others and heading for the door.
There was a brief, comfortable silence for the first few moments you two walked together down the corridor, before he cleared his throat.
“I’m…sorry about them, sometimes they forget that comments like that can make civilians uncomfortable.”
You turned a smile on him and, again because it was him, it was easy to make it warm. “Don’t worry, Grey, I wasn’t uncomfortable.”
His mouth twisted a little as he looked at you from the corner of his eye, “You just seemed…a little stressed when I came in, I assumed it was because of their flirting.”
“Oh! Oh no, it wasn’t that,” you laughed lightly, hoping to put his mind at ease, “I’m just tired is all. You know I spend all my time here on the ship worrying about you boys, it was a long day of that when we lost contact with your recon team.”
Finally, it was his turn to grin and your heart did its typical pitter patter whenever he smiled at you. Unfortunately, the look vanished as suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and held back a grunt of some kind. Then he was turning his head away from you, fist shooting up to cover his mouth as he let out a string of deep coughs.
“Grey, are you alright?” you stepped a little closer to him as he tried to hold back another cough, then cleared his throat.
He nodded his head, trying for that small, lopsided smile again, “ ‘m fine, just a scratchy throat.”
Your eyes narrowed, “Should I be sending you back to the med bay?”
As if to usher you along, he started walking again, pointedly in the direction of the lifts. “No no, I’m fine. Promise. I think the plant-life around the old ‘sep base just got to me a little bit.”
Even though you had resumed walking beside him, you still kept your gaze concerned and a little suspicious. “If it gets any worse, you call me, or go to the medic on duty, understand?”
“Sir, yes, sir” he said as if you were his CO, though his tone was lighter this time and he was still smiling.
The two of you walked in silence for a few moments, then this time he cleared his throat in a way that might have had nothing to do with his cough. “So, what you said earlier…you really don’t mind the flirting?”
You let out a little huff of laughter, “Not really, it never goes too far after all. You and your men have always treated me with respect and I know they’d listen if I ever told them it wasn’t appropriate.”
Something in him seemed relieved as he nodded. “Good. I didn’t like the thought that they were crossing a line with you, I’m glad they weren’t. And I’ll…keep that in mind.”
You weren’t exactly sure what he was going to keep in mind, but, given how he suddenly looked like he was turning something over in his head, you decided not to ask.
Another comfortable silence fell over you both for a while, and it wasn’t until you were out of the lift and on the level for your quarters when he struck up some small talk. It wasn’t anything noteworthy, besides the fact that talking to Grey about anything was something you would always welcome. 
Though, he did seem a little different in his way of talking, halting at the end of sentences like he was holding back a question, or taking a breath to prepare for another comment, before closing his mouth silently. It was almost as if he was trying to find an opening to say something specific.
Or, maybe he was just trying to hide his cough from you, because a few steps before reaching your door, he burst into another short fit.
“Grey,” your tone was soft, but firm, “Please go have that checked out, we don’t want our captain getting sick.”
“It’s not bad,” he insisted again, “We have some antihistamines in our emergency med kits, I’ll take one of those and be fine.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Doc,” he insisted, not unkindly and with a soft expression that lightened the depth of the scar across his face. You knew that some of the boys liked your fussing, finding it endearing, and you wondered if Grey felt the same.
But it didn’t matter if he liked it or not, you would worry and fuss either way. “Yes, I do have to worry, Grey, it’s my job.”
“I promise if it gets worse, I’ll go straight to the med bay and raise you on the comms to let you say I told you so, how about that?”
Well, that was probably the best you were going to get out of him. “Alright, deal.”
Again, Grey opened his mouth, as though some sentiment or question was on the tip of his tongue. His eyes were even lit up a little, like an idea was sparking something behind them.
Alas, whatever it was, he hadn’t found time to broach the topic before you were at the door to your bunk and he closed his mouth yet again. Still, he shifted for a moment, tucking his helmet under his arm a little more securely as he looked to your door. He hadn’t said goodnight yet, either.
His eyes finally met yours again and looked a little surprised, “Yeah?”
“Is there… something specific you wanted to talk about?”
For a moment, all he did was stare back at you, again, seeming to think something over in his mind. Finally, though, he closed his eyes and let out a small breath, then looked at you again with a polite smile.
“Maybe another time. For now, you need your rest, can’t have our favorite medic this tired.”
You nodded, maybe feeling a little disappointed, but respected whatever decision it was he had come to. “Sir, yes sir,” you said with a little salute. “Goodnight, Grey.”
“Goodnight, Doc.”
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The next morning, you had just gotten your hands on your first cup of caf in the mess hall when your commlink beeped. The code was Styles’ and your brow furrowed in confusion as you answered.
“Um, hey, Doc, the Captain told me to call you and say ‘you told him so’?”
Well, kriff.
You were down in the med bay in record time, even leaving your drink behind, a testament to just how much this particular man meant to you. There was the on-duty medic and Styles, flanking a very dizzy looking Grey who was dressed in nothing but his blacks. Though he was sitting upright on the bed, he looked half ready to tip over with the way he was swaying.
“He insisted that you be the one to look him over,” said the other medic, stepping aside as you approached.
“ ‘Course I did,” Grey mumbled, eyes barely staying open, “I promised Doc could say told you so…so-” he waved his hand at you, as if presenting a valid point with the gesture.
“As you can tell, he’s a bit delirious,” your colleague huffed.
Grey opened his mouth to say something to the other medic, but when your hands reached up to press against his forehead, he let out a long breath instead. “Ooh, your hands are niiice.”
It was no wonder he thought so, he was burning up badly, the fever coating his face in a sheen of sweat. He burst into a horrendous fit of coughs then, worse than last night and sounding full of phlegm.
“I was on my way back to my bunk when I found him slumped against the walls of the corridor near his quarters,” Styles informed as you took Grey’s pulse the moment the coughing died down, “said he was trying to get to the med bay so he wouldn’t make you mad.” Then he actually huffed out a chuckle. “Or at least, that’s what I gathered from his babbling.”
“Alright, Captain,” you started, gently guiding him, “lay back, let’s run some tests and find out what’s going on.”
“-don’t have to call me Captain, good-lookin’,” Grey mumbled with an attempt at a smile while he did as you asked.
Figuring that keeping him talking was good, you quirked an eyebrow as you grabbed the scanner, “Good-looking, huh? And here you were scolding Styles for flirting just last night- No no, lay on your back, Grey, keep still,” you insisted when he tried to roll over on his side towards you.
The action caused another bout of choked hacking to ensue but Grey obeyed, staying flat on his back, even as he kept slurring nonsense when he could speak again. “Want to flirt… Wanted last night… chickened out. You’re too sweet when you fuss over me.”
You tried to ignore the heat creeping across your face, this was no time to feel flattered or embarrassed by his words, ones that you barely caught as you read the data scrolling across the screen of your scanner. Styles was silent as you worked and Grey rambled on, a sign of just how worried he was about his brother. Hopefully your tests would bear good news, and Styles could tease his Captain’s hypocrisy in no time.
“Haven’t said told you so yet.” Grey said it just barely above a hum, eyes fluttering shut as more sweat beaded on his forehead.
“I’ll say it later, for now you just-”
You were interrupted by a third round of retching and your heart ached at the little groan of pain that rolled out of his mouth at the end of it. Thankfully, your scans were finally done and a little bit of relief filled you.
“Alright, Grey, looks like you have a mild pulmonary infection, nothing too serious,” you smiled down at him then, “though it would have been better if you came here last night, you know, like I told you so.”
The smile he gave back was worn and tired, but no less genuine, “There it is, ’ll listen next time, mesh’la.” More coughs ended his bleary promise, but they were shallow and short this time.
You turned to the other medic, who was already going to the cabinet with the antibiotics in it, and told him exactly what you needed and in what doses. At the moment, you were mostly worried about breaking his fever, while it wasn’t life threateningly high, it was still on the dangerous side.
Then you turned to Styles, “Can you get a patient smock out of the wardrobe? I think he’ll be more comfortable in it than these sweaty blacks.”
Grey hummed loudly, drawing your attention back to him, “Doc, if ya wanted to get m’ clothes off, just had-” another cough, “-ask.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a little, “Oh, Captain, you’re going to be very upset with your babbling once your fever’s broken.”
He shook his head just as his brother came back with the red two piece outfit. “I won't. Told you, wanted to say all this last night,” his mumbling was a little more clear this time, as if trying to make a point and you weren’t sure how to respond.
Thankfully, the younger medic came back with the needed fluids for the IV and said he would help Grey into the smock while you readied the medication. As the privacy curtain was pulled closed, you could have sworn you heard Styles whisper something about Gray wanting you to undress him instead, but you chose to ignore that as well.
They worked quickly, and the Captain’s treatment was ready by the time the curtain was pulled back. Grey was sitting up again and he stayed like that while you administered the IV. He took it like a champ, though he still looked quite dizzy the whole time he was sitting up.
“Alright, Grey, these fluids will help bring your fever down, and the antibiotics will start clearing up your lungs, I even put in a little something for the pain. We’ll have you feeling better in no time.”
“Hmm,” he cocked his head, “I feel better already,” he hummed as he watched you work, big brown eyes still looking tired. Then, he echoed a sentiment from earlier, “You’re too sweet when you fuss.” 
Again you had to ignore the fact that the flirting, coming from him, made your face heat up. Grey kept his tired eyes on you, even as you motioned for him to lay down again.
“He’s going to be okay, right?” Styles asked in a quiet tone.
You smiled at him reassuringly, “It’ll take some time to clear up the infection, but he should be just fine, nothing our resources can’t handle. Though, I think you should send his helmet down to equipment maintenance, make sure the filters are working right.”
“On it!” He cast a look at his captain, “If you keep flirting with our favorite medic here, make sure you go all out, Cap,” he ended the statement with a wink before heading out of the room.
That made you laugh a little, feeling much more at ease now that your worry had calmed down. A quick look at the time told you that your shift had officially started, so you relieved your colleague, leaving you and Grey as the only ones left in the med center. You had thought that maybe he would fall asleep, but you still felt his eyes on you as you kept working. 
Then, while you were typing up his medical chart, he whispered, “You wanna hear a secret, Doc?”
“What’s that, Grey?”
“If I wasn’t sick, I’d ask if it’s okay to kiss you.”
That made your eyes go wide and your fingers halted their tying on the datapad. You weren’t sure if it was his fever, the pain medicine, or a mixture of both making him even bolder than before, but this time, his comment was hard- or rather, impossible, to ignore. When you looked down at him over the pad, his eyes were fluttering again, the exhaustion of his fever and relief of the medicine kicking in making it harder to stay awake.
“Wanted…” he hummed, coughed once, then tried to look up at you only to close his eyes again. “...Have to get better at…flirting first…Then I’ll ask…”
Despite how easy it would be to pretend you didn’t hear or understand him, you found yourself answering him. 
“Ask me when you’re healed up, Grey.” 
You said it quietly, but there was an undeniable lift to the corner of his mouth before he finally drifted off to sleep.
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Overall, you deeply disliked the way the troops were treated by the overseers of the GAR, but, one thing that you would give credit for, was that they actually provided their medical division with good supplies. Thanks to that, Grey was cleared of his illness quickly and didn't have any signs of lasting symptoms. 
You wish you had been the one to give him his final check up and clear him for duty, but you weren’t. Instead you were stuck in a meeting that all head medics employed by the GAR had to sign into via holocomms. 
Fortunately, it didn’t take long for him to seek you out.
Grey caught you late in the evening, a few hours after your meeting, standing in the hallway conversing with some of your newest staff. Respectful as always, he waited patiently for you to finish your talk, though your skin felt warm knowing his eyes were trained on you the whole time. Had he come to see you because of what you said about that kiss he seemed to want? No, no, he was half asleep, surely he was just there because he knew you wanted to see him all healed up.
Once the nurses finished with their last question and took their leave, you turned to the captain with a warm look. He looked as healthy as ever, skin his usual tanned  tone, eyes bright, mind seeming alert and present.
“I see you’re back on your feet.”
“Thanks to you,” he said lightly as he took a few steps closer to you. He must have noted the late hour, because he asked, “Are you heading back to your quarters?” and when you nodded he seemed to straighten just a little, as if reading himself. “I’ll walk with you.”
“Alright,” you found your own tone a little teasing as you two started walking, “but if you start coughing again, you better listen to me when I tell you to go get it checked this time.”
He chuckled, “Don’t worry, cyare, I’ll make sure to listen to you next time.”
Again, he seemed to make your heart skip a beat with nothing but a simple endearment. At least you were able to compose yourself. “Good, I’m glad someone’s learning to listen to me around here.” Your tone had no bite to it, and you could tell Grey knew it with the way he flashed you a smirk.
Unlike the last time he had walked you to your door, you were much closer to your quarters this time and any conversation you two would have had couldn’t last long. You asked how he was feeling like any good friend would, and he told you he was fine, that you didn’t have to worry. He asked what your plans were when the ship landed on Coruscant and you were only half joking when you said “sleep”.
Then, just like the other night, when you two reached your door, he seemed to hesitate, something weighing on his mind. Except this time, he actually spoke up.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about something.” He looked over at you from the corners of his eyes and when you only looked back at him patiently, he went on. “I know I was feverish that first day in the med bay but…” he rolled his shoulders, “I heard what you said after I made that comment about wanting to kiss you.”
Your heart was suddenly acting as if it was competing in the galactic gymnastic championship, somersaulting in your chest and leaving a nervous heat to creep across your skin.
This time it was you who cleared your throat, “O-oh, you did?”
Finally, he turned his body to face you fully, his face set in determination. “Yeah, I did. And you should know that I might have rambled those things because I was sick, but I still meant every word of it.”
That caused your breath to hitch and you found yourself taking a step closer to him. “You did?”
At the soft, hopeful sound of your voice, his determined expression softened and now he was giving that cute, lopsided smile again. “I did. I really, really like you, have since the day you first stepped on board.” He let out a little laugh then, “I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve wanted to tell you that, or how many times I’ve wanted to ask to kiss you, but I’m not the best at flirting.”
“Oh I don’t know, you did alright the other day.”
That earned another small chuckle. You realized then that you were holding your breath, waiting for him to make good on what you said that day when you thought he was falling asleep. 
It must have clicked for him too.
Grey’s eyes somehow softened more as he took another step closer and reached out his hand. Your breath hitched when his fingers gently brushed your cheek, then you held your breath altogether when his thumb ran over your bottom lip.
“Can I kiss you?”
The air held in your chest pushed out with a breathy, “Yes!”
And you saw his eye shining for only a moment before he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was light at first, a nearly feather-light touch that nevertheless took your breath away again. Then, he was tilting his head and slipping the hand at your cheek to cup the back of your neck instead. It was all too gentle, even when he started moving his lips against yours in a way that told you just how much he had been craving this moment.
Who knew how long the kiss went on, all that mattered was that your head was spinning by the time you two finally parted.
“Wow.” Both of you said it at the same time, which made you both laugh together too.
“If it leads to moments like this, maybe I should land myself in the med bay more often,” he winked.
You groaned at the thought, “Oh, please don’t, my heart couldn’t take it!”
Grey was chuckling again and this time, he slipped his hand to your waist and pulled you even closer to him. When he spoke again, his tone was deep, yet playfully intimate. “Then I guess I’ll have to find other ways to make your heart race.”
And you knew he would make good on that promise too.
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starryevermore · 1 year
you’d come back to me ✧ anakin skywalker
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: You're Padmes little sister and some of the clones start to take a liking to you and this enrages anakin for some reason???? He realizes oh shit, I like padmes little sister not padme 🤯 - @captainsbestgal​
pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!naberrie!medic!reader
summary: anakin skywalker is in love with padmé amidala. he has been for years now. but, then why does her sister vex him so? surely he’s not pining after the wrong one… right? 
word count: 5,929
warnings?: anakin and padmé are not married, idiots in love, jealousy, mutual pining, not proofread
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While you were grateful for the Naberrie family taking you in, considering you a daughter of their own while sharing no blood relation to them, in a lot of ways, you often felt like a complete outsider. You looked to your family and you felt your accomplishments paled in comparison—especially when one of your sisters was Padmé, the former Queen and now Senator for Naboo. You were accomplished, sure, in your own field. Not everyone was able to serve as a medic for the Grand Republic Army, and certainly not everyone got to serve as a medic for the 501st. But you weren’t so foolish to think that your name was one that would go down in history. You were not the kind of person that would be remembered for years after your death. You were not the type of woman who would leave behind some grand legacy. When people remembered your family, you might only be a footnote. And you had long since been content with that. 
You loved your work, after all. For as long as you could remember, you wanted to help people. You supposed part of that came from how the Naberrie family helped you. You remembered being scared, being helpless, and how they comforted you, made you feel at home, made you feel at peace. If you could offer that same sort of comfort to others, why shouldn’t you? 
But, with that being said, there were some moments in your line of work that made you want to smash your head into the wall. You loved the 501st, but you weren’t sure if it was just the nature of the boys or if it was something that Anakin, their General, encouraged, but it seemed like they just didn’t know how to stay out of trouble. So, when you saw that you were going to be dealing with a potentially concussed ARC Trooper first thing when you started your shift, you already knew that it was going to be a long day. 
Fives was laying on one of the beds, clutching his head, whining to Echo about how much his head hurt. Oh, of course it was Fives. Of all the clones in the 501st, he seemed to be the most keen on getting into trouble. Sometimes, you wondered if he found trouble just so that he would have an excuse to talk to you. And, it almost seemed like you were right, when you made your presence known. 
As you walked up to the bed, you greeted the clones. “Good morning, Fives, Echo. Heard someone got into a fight with a cliff and lost.”
“Doc! You’re here!” Fives said, giving you a dopey sort of look. You fought the urge to laugh, knowing that would only spur him on more. “Was thinkin’ you were standin’ me up!”
You looked to Echo, who was holding his brother down, stopping him from jumping out of the bed. “Just how hard did he hit his head?”
“Hard enough to know I’ve fallen for you,” Fives slurred. He tried to sit up again, but Echo pressed down on his chest, stopping the movement. 
Echo shook his head at his brother. “Fives forgot his jetpack, so General Skywalker used the Force, but he miscalculated how far to throw him.”
“Sounds like I’m going to have to have a talk with General Skywalker,” you said, a scowl forming on your face. “That’s not the first time he’s done this. I can’t keep letting him hurt my boys.”
“Hear that, Echo? I’m her boy!” Fives crowed. He pushed away his brother’s hands, sitting up, letting out a groan as he moved. But that didn’t stop him for reaching for your hands, tugging you close to him. It took you by surprise, so you didn’t have time to pull away, convince him to lie back down. “When we’re in Coruscant again, do you wanna go to 79’s with me? My treat?”
“I was speaking about all of your brothers, Fives. All of you are my boys,” you corrected. 
His shoulders deflated. “Oh.” But then, he perked back up, his eyes once more filled with joy. “Well, they’ll all be there, too! It’ll still be my treat and all but—” 
“Doc? Did Fives make it down here alright? I sent him this way the second we got back from the mission, but you know how he likes to wander off—” Anakin’s words died in his throat as he saw that Fives was holding onto your hands, looking at you like you hung all the stars in the sky. “Ah, well, seems like I had nothing to worry about.”
You dropped Fives’s hands, turning towards the General, your hands coming to rest on your hips. “You’re gonna have something to worry about if you don’t stop putting my boys in unnecessary danger. Isn’t it bad enough that they’re having to fight in a war? Do you really need to be using the Force to throw them against cliffs?”
Anakin’s face burned red. He looked away, avoiding your gaze. It was curious, the way the usually confident man could not look at you, much like he was a child being scolded. “That was an accident. And, besides, Fives is fine—”
“We don’t know that, yet. I haven’t started his examination. And, even if he is fine, that doesn’t mean he will be the next time, or whichever clone you decide to use as a crash test dummy. They’re people, Anakin. Treat them like it.”
Behind you, Fives leaned over to Echo, whisper-shouting, “Is it just me or does she get even hotter when she’s scolding people?”
“Shh, don’t make her scold us next!”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if she did. She can talk to me anyway she wants and I’ll fu—”
“Fives!” you snapped, looking at him and shaking your head. His mouth immediately shut and he dragged his fingers across his lips, mimicking a zipping motion, punctuating his silent statement with a wink. Letting out a sigh, you turned back to Anakin. “Be more considerate to them, okay? I know tensions are always high on the battlefield, that you might not be able to think everything through fully, but please always try to keep their safety in mind when you’re about to do something reckless. Promise me that, Ani. They may be soldiers, but they’re people to. Their lives matter.”
Anakin stared at you, a strange look in his eyes. If you were paying close enough attention, you might have said it was the same look that Fives had in his eyes when he looked at you. But you weren’t paying that kind of attention, because you were waiting for his answer and not analyzing his micro-expressions. “I promise.”
“Good. Thank you. Now get outta here, I got a soldier to patch up.”
He gave a curt nod, turning to walk out of the medbay. For a moment, you felt bad, an odd sort of sinking feeling settling in your chest. Had you been a little too harsh? It wasn’t often that you were out there, in active combat. Kix, as a clone medic, was the one who was out there. He took care of all of that. So you didn’t have the best frame of reference of the stress that Anakin might be under out there. Still, though, he should know better. Of all people, you would think he would empathize most with the clones. 
But, as you turned back to your patient, Fives was grabbing at your hands again, looking at you like you were an angel that just dropped straight down from Heaven, as he asked, “So is that a yes? You’ll come to 79’s with me?”
You sighed, knowing he wouldn’t drop it. You knew how stubborn the man could be. If you kept avoiding the question, he would keep asking, stopping you from properly treating him. You couldn’t do your job unless you told him you would go. Besides, it might be fun. You deserved a break, too, didn’t you? “Sure, Fives. I’ll go.”
If you were looking his way, you would have noticed how Anakin paused in his step, the way his fists clenched at his side. But, you weren’t, so you didn’t know. 
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Anakin had never felt this way before. So conflicted, so confused, so hurt. Why? Why did he feel this way? Was it you? No, it couldn’t be. You were doing your job. You were tending to a patient. He had seen you do the very same perhaps a thousand times before. There was nothing different about seeing you today. But then…Why did his heart stop when he saw Fives holding your hands? Why did his heart sink when you agreed to go to 79’s with Fives? Perhaps…No. No. That was impossible. 
His heart laid with Padmé, he was sure of it. Since the first time he saw her on Tatooine, he had dreamed of her face. She had always been so kind to him. As he trained at the Jedi Temple, he hoped that there might come a day when he would see her again. Years later, he did. And, oh, he felt just the same then as he did when he was a boy. She was his soulmate. She had to be. 
So why did it feel like his heart had been beating for you ever since you joined his battalion? 
His comm beeped, pulling him from his thoughts. It was Padmé. Ever since they had reunited a few years ago, they had been in semi-regular contact. It was difficult, of course, given him fighting in the war and her serving as Senator for Naboo. But they always found time for each other. Yet, for a fleeting moment, he considered ignoring her comm. 
He didn’t. He ducked into his room, making sure the door was locked, before answering. “Padmé,” he said. Usually, he felt lighter, happier, when he got to see her face. This time, he only felt a shroud of jealousy and insecurity cloaking him. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you.”
She smiled. Anakin always loved her smile. He thought it made her angelic appearance become even more heavenly. But now, he found himself comparing it to yours. They were both beautiful, to be sure. But Anakin found himself more drawn to your smile. Why? What had you done to vex him this way? 
“I heard you were going to be arriving on Coruscant soon,” she said.
Anakin nodded. The boys were well due for leave. They needed a break. Though, Anakin thought bitterly, they didn’t deserve a break if they were going to use it to attempt to charm you. To Padmé, he said, “We’ll be arriving within the day.”
“I wish I could see you,” she said. Her smile faded ever so slightly. “I have to go on a diplomatic mission in a few hours. If you would like, you can stay at my apartment. I might be back before you have to leave again.”
He shrugged. Normally, he would love the offer. It made him feel like she trusted him, like perhaps she liked him as much as he liked her. It felt different, this time. Like he would be committing some sort of betrayal. “I think I’ll stay at the Temple. I’m going to take a page out of Obi-Wan’s book and attempt to meditate.”
Padmé’s smile fully faded. She was always so good at reading him. Anakin often wondered if she was the slightest bit Force-sensitive. Or perhaps he was more of an open book than he realized. “Is something wrong? Is something troubling you?”
Anakin looked away. He wanted to say. If it was anyone else, Anakin would have no trouble telling Padmé. But it was you. Padmé’s sister. How awkward would that be? Not to mention, it could ruin anything that Anakin may have with her. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Do you know if your sister is seeing anyone?”
Padmé stared at him, her brows raised. Kriff. That hadn’t come out right, had it?
“I just mean, some of the boys were…I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m reading too much into things, but it felt like one of them might be interested with her.” 
She still stared. Did he need to elaborate more? 
“I just was thinking that, if she was seeing one of them, I should probably have a talk with the trooper. You know, make sure they know they can’t use her or break her heart or anything like that. She doesn’t deserve that. She’s too good to be treated like that.”
Padmé hummed but said nothing. Anakin almost felt like a child again, when he had done something his mother explicitly told him not to do. He would try to hide the evidence, try to fabricate some story to explain the mess he had made. But his mother always knew. She always saw right through him. Padmé, Anakin mused, was a lot like his mother in that way. But he was grown now, and he knew that he couldn’t keep babbling on about a story that they both knew to be false. He had to pivot, had to redirect. Maybe then, the heat would be off him. 
Anakin looked away, then back again. He asked, “Do you know? If she’s seeing anyone?”
“As far as I am aware, no, she’s not,” Padmé said. Anakin knew Padmé well enough to know that there was more she wanted to say, and she was never the kind of person to hold her tongue. “You don’t have to lie to me, Ani. If there’s something more there, something beyond concern for her heart, you can tell me.”
“There’s—” The words couldn’t form. Anakin wanted to deny Padmé’s accusation. (Right?) But the words soured on his tongue. It felt wrong, to say there was nothing there. To be sure, Anakin wasn’t sure what was there. But to say there was nothing would be untrue. He couldn’t lie to Padmé. Instead, he said, “She only deserves the best.”
Padmé smiled at Anakin like she knew something he didn’t. “You are one of my closest friends, Ani. If there was anyone who I could trust with my sister’s heart, it would be you. If you choose to follow her, you would have my full support.”
She was gone before Anakin could even think of a protest. 
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Dread settled in the pit of Anakin’s stomach as they arrived on Coruscant. The 501st, previously wore out from the stress of battle, had been rejuvenated at the prospect of well-deserved leisure, pleasure. When he passed some of the troopers, Anakin feigned excitement for them, though he felt anything but. All he could think of was Padmé’s words, of you agreeing to go to 79’s with Fives, of how he couldn’t figure out what this emotion was he was feeling every time he thought of your face. 
But rather than returning to the Jedi Temple, as he told Padmé he would do, he found himself lingering, waiting to see you. Perhaps he could convince you not to go. Perhaps he could make up some task that you need to complete immediately, something that would prevent you from going out to 79’s. Would that be cruel of him? Sure. But was it not more cruel to let your heart be broken by someone you might one day lose to this war?
Anakin wandered the halls, trying to figure out what he should do. He tried to think about what Obi-Wan would say. He was sure his Master would talk about how the Jedi Code does not allow attachments, that Anakin should leave you be and let you do what you please. That Anakin should return to the Temple, that he should meditate, that he should remember that pursuing you would be allowed so long as he remained a Jedi. (What was the point, then, of being a Jedi if Anakin would be denied your love?) 
Finally, Anakin decided he would leave you be. This was a fluke, he decided. The result of being away from Padmé for so long, of you being the closest thing he had to her on a day-to-day basis. There was no reason to bother you about this.
But, as he turned to return to the Temple, or perhaps to go to Padmé’s apartment, he saw you walking down the hall, the click-clack of your heels on the tile signaling him toward your presence. Against his better judgment, the judgment that told him he should try to place some distance between you and him, Anakin turned toward you. 
He shouldn’t have done that. 
You wore a dark, shimmery dress that left little to the imagination. The dress had a plunging neckline, directing Anakin’s gaze down to your cleavage. He swallowed hard, tried to look again, tried to show you basic respect. But as he looked away, his gaze trailed down your legs. Maker, had you always been so beautiful? Had you always looked like a goddess among men? 
“Anakin!” you greeted. You smiled at him. He found it hard to look away from your painted lips. (What would it look like if it was smudged? What if he was the one to smudge it?) “I thought you would have left my now.”
He raised a brow. “Trying to get rid of me, Doc?”
Your eyes widened. “What? No! I-I just, you know…You have important Jedi duties. I-I thought you’d be back at the Temple already.”
He did. He really should have left a long time ago. Undoubtedly, the Council would have some sort of assignment for him to do while he was back on Coruscant. There was no benefit to remaining here. Except, of course, to see you, but you didn’t need to know that. 
“Are you on your way to the boys’ barracks?” he asked. He couldn’t find a way to explain himself, so redirecting the conversation was the way to go. 
“I—yes. How did you know?“
“I heard you tell Fives you’d go to 79’s with him,” Anakin said. He extended his arm for you to take. “C’mon. I’ll walk you over there, make sure you’re in safe hands.”
Though, he didn’t know if he should classify his hands as safe. Nevertheless, you held onto his bicep as you and him walked down the hall to the troopers’ barracks. It was quiet, the walk was. Anakin wasn’t sure if he liked that. He preferred listening to you talk. 
“You should come with us,” you said as you approached the barracks. “I-I don’t know if there’s some Jedi ban on going to bars—”
Anakin barked out a laugh. “—we’re allowed to have fun, Doc! It’s not all meditation and contemplation and boring things.”
“—I didn’t know! You all are so unlike everyone else. I didn’t want to make you feel pressured to break your Code!” you defended. You looked away. Anakin could feel your anxiety. He almost felt bad, laughing at you like that. “Anyways, I just wanted to say you should join us. If you’d like to, I mean. I-I know this war hasn’t been easy on anyone, and you deserve to have some fun as much as the boys.”
“Oh, I shouldn’—”
The Force did not seem to be with him. Just as Anakin was going to politely turn you down, they reached the barracks, the clones already barreling out, seemingly in search of you. Anakin’s words died in his throat as you were ripped away from him, Hardcase pulling you into a hug. Anakin’s jaw clenched. He didn’t like it, seeing another man touch you. But what could he do? He didn’t like you like that. If you were Padmé, it would have been different. Anakin would have had no problem making it clear that that sort of thing wasn’t going to happen. But you weren’t Padmé, so no matter what he felt, he had no right to step in on your fun.
“Move out of the way, she’s only going because I asked her—” Fives said, stealing you away from Hardcase. Anakin’s fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. “—which means she’s my date!”
“Oh, stop, I’m no one’s date!” you laughed. 
Fives pulled away, gasping, his hand on his chest, right over his heart. He turned to Echo, throwing his arms around his brother, dramatically crying on his shoulder.
Anakin thought the display was over and was ready to leave, sure that you were in safe hands, when he saw Rex approach you. 
The blond clone threw his arms around you, squeezing you tight, lifting you off the ground. “Can’t believe Fives finally wore you down, cyar’ika,” he said. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head. Anakin tried to stamp down the ugly green feeling washing over him. “Glad he did, though. I’ve been—We’ve all been looking forward to more time with you.”
Et tu, Rex? Of all the clones, Anakin would have thought that the Captain would have some restraint. But even the usually reserved man—at least, in comparison to his brothers—fell victim to your charms. If you could break down even Rex, were you really in safe hands? 
Jesse was the first of the clones to notice that Anakin was there. He titled his head, brows furrowed together, and asked, “General? What are you doing here? Did you have a job for us?”
“Oh, he was just walking me over!” you said. You turned around to Anakin, smiling. Maker, did you have to have such a beautiful smile? “I was just asking if he wanted to come along with us.” Your smile dropped slightly as you looked back at the boys. “If that’s alright with you guys, of course, too. I don’t want any toes to be stepped on.”
“Don’t dance with Fives, then,” Echo said. 
“You don’t have to worry about stepping on toes,” Rex told you. “I think I speak for everyone when I say that General Skywalker can join us if he likes.” Rex glanced at Anakin. “No pressure, sir.”
Before Anakin could try to sort through whether he wanted to go or not, Jesse had slung an arm around your shoulders, tugging you close into his side. His head dipped, asking, “How’re you still single, mesh’la? With as sweet as you are, anyone here would be more than happy to make you theirs.”
You caught Anakin’s eyes. There was something…sad in your gaze. Anakin felt the need to reach out, to comfort you. But you were already looking away, looking back at Jesse. “I could never be with the one I care for. I could never ask him to betray his duties.”
Right. Of course. You could never ask one of the clones to betray the Republic. The clones had a duty to fight in this war. To do anything else, to contemplate a life outside of the war, would be treasonous. The clone would likely be decommissioned, you would likely be thrown in jail, if such a relationship ever was to become known. You were too good of a person to ever consider pursuing such a relationship. 
Fives threw his arm around your shoulders, knocking Jesse’s off. Jesse glared at his brother, but Fives ignored him. “Oh, c’mon, you’re worth more than duty and responsibility. If you asked, any one of us would leave all this behind.”
Anakin would, too. It was interesting. He hadn’t really ever wanted to leave the Order for Padmé. With her, he always thought he’d try to make it work. Try to be a Jedi and be a husband and not allow the two to become too overlapped. But with you…He found himself willing to throw it all away. 
Fives cast Anakin a look, his face paling, as if he just remembered he was in the presence of a superior officer. “Hypothetically, sir.”
Anakin looked to you, the way you chewed on your lip as you stared back at him. “Hypothetically,” Anakin said, “I would say you’re special enough that even a Jedi would be willing to break the Code.”
Your mouth fell open into a perfect “O”. Anakin pushed away the thought of what it might feel like to kiss you, to slip his tongue into your mouth, to hold you close, and—No. Stop that. 
“I do need to return to the Temple, though,” Anakin said. “Have fun, and stay out of trouble, Doc.”
“She’ll be in good hands, sir,” Rex said. 
Anakin wasn’t sure if there were any good hands you could be in besides his, but he held his tongue. He offered you a tight smile before turning to leave. He ignored the wave of sadness that washed over you. He couldn’t comfort you. It was not his right, and he didn’t want to give you the wrong impression. Besides, he was tired. He needed to get to bed. 
He didn’t sleep that night. 
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Anakin Skywalker was avoiding you, and you couldn’t figure out why. Ever since that night you went to 79’s with the boys, he had made clear and purposeful attempts to stay as far away from you as he could manage. You couldn’t deny how much that hurt you. You thought…Well, when you saw him that night, for a fleeting moment, you thought he might like you.
It was a ridiculous thought, to be sure. Jedi didn’t do attachments. What greater attachment was there than being a relationship with somebody? Even if Anakin said that you were the kind of woman a Jedi would break the Code for, that didn’t mean he liked you enough to break the Code. It didn’t mean he was speaking of his personal feelings for you. It could have meant anything. It could have meant nothing. For all you knew, he could have been trying to assure Fives that he hadn’t spoken out of turn, not conveying a secret message to you. 
But then, why would he not look at you? Why would he not talk to you? Why did he send Rex and Jesse to tell you that you’d be joining them on the battlefield instead of telling you himself? He always liked talking to you before, always found a reason to see you. After all, did he really need to come to the medbay and check in on every injured trooper when he knew you were perfectly capable of healing them? Did he need offer to escort you when the opportunity presented itself? Did he need to make you feel so special and so ordinary all at the same time? 
Worse, when you tried to talk to Padmé about it, all she said was to let Anakin be for the time being. That he was sorting through something and that he needed space. Which would have been fine, if it wasn’t for the way Padmé looked like she knew something you didn’t. Maker, why couldn’t she just tell you? Why did she choose now to be cryptic and vague? Sure, Anakin was one of her closest friends, but you were her sister! Did that mean nothing? 
You were pulled from your thoughts as you watched a trooper fall. You ran to him, firing a few shots at droids who stood in your way. When you reached the soldier, you fell to your knees, searching for the wound. 
“We gotta stop meeting like this, Doc,” he mumbled. 
You paused for a moment, examining the armor of the trooper. Oh, of course. Of course it would have to be Fives. How he managed to become an ARC Trooper when he always stumbled head first into danger, you would never understand. 
“Well, that would mean you would have to stop having two left feet and falling straight into the line of fire,” you said, finally finding the blaster wound. With one hand, you began to apply pressure, using your free hand to open your medkit, searching for what you needed. “Your brothers should have called you Lefty instead of Fives. Would’ve been far more appropriate.”
“You have terrible bedside manner. You wound me,” Fives said. 
“No, that was the droid.”
Fives huffed out a laugh, then groaned, clutching at his ribs. “Kriff, don’t make me laugh, mesh’la.”
You hummed. You just finished patching the blaster wound, so you turned to the ribs. They didn’t appear to be broken, which was good. You didn’t have the time nor the supplies to be setting broken bones. “Looks like you bruised your ribs. I don’t got anything to treat that, but Kix should. I’ll send him over, okay? Just sit tight.”
“Am I gonna live, Doc?”
“You’d better,” you said. You leaned down, pressed a kiss to his helmet. “You’re my best friend, Fives. Who else is gonna annoy me if I lose you?”
“Echo’d do a pretty good job at it, I think.”
“Wouldn’t be the same. I’m gonna get Kix now. Don’t do anything stupid.”
As you rose back to your feet, you looked around, trying to mind the clone medic. As you searched across the battlefield, you found Anakin first. There was something beautiful in the way he fought, you realized. You shook your head. You needed to focus. You didn’t need to ogle over the General—especially not in the middle of the battle. 
But, Maker, it was so hard to find Kix. Couldn’t they have have given him a bigger symbol than the little one they put on his arm? With everyone moving around, it was hard to tell who was who. All of the paint on their armor was beginning to look the same. Couldn’t they have painted a big red symbol of Kix’s back or something? (Of course, that would make him a bigger target to the enemies. If he was easier to see, he was easier to kill. And if the medic went down…Well, it was easier to take out a battalion. But never mind that! You needed to find him for Fives, and it was impossibly difficult in these circumstances.)
“Doc, get down—”
There wasn’t enough time to react. By the time you saw the blaster being fired your way, you couldn’t have gotten down. It struck you in the side, right where you didn’t have any armor to protect you. You heard a scream—was it yours? Maybe Fives was screaming. It wasn’t a non-possibility.
You fell with a thump! as your head hit the ground and it all went black. 
When you opened your eyes again, you were under the bright, fluorescent lights of the medbay. Somewhere, there was shouting. Who was shouting? Couldn’t they step out into the hall? It was hardly good for the patients if someone was yelling. Healing required rest, and it was difficult to rest when someone couldn’t shut up for five minutes. 
You tried to sit up, groaning as you did, to tell the person off. Instantly, the shouting ceased. Kix was on one side of you, Anakin on the other. At the foot of the bed you lied in stood Fives, who looked like he just got the scolding of a lifetime. You looked at Kix, who seemed just as sheepish, then at Anakin. You could practically feel the anger rolling off hm. 
Perhaps you should have held your tongue, but you had gone over medbay etiquette with him a thousand times. For him to disregard it the second you were out? It felt disrespectful. You said, “You know you shouldn’t shout in the medbay.”
Anakin ground his teeth together. “And you know you should be mindful of what’s going on on the battlefield.”
Your brows furrowed together. “I was.”
“Oh? And that’s why you're here now? Because you were so mindful?”
“People get injured out there all the time. I wouldn't have a job here if they didn’t. Things happen, Ani. I’m fine.” You paused, then looked to Kix. “I am fine, right?”
“As fine as you can be given the circumstances,” he said. “Should be up and running by morning.” He glanced at Anakin then back to you. “Assuming that you’re allowed to rest instead of being chastised.”
“Watch it,” Anakin snarled. 
You sat up more, another groan escaping. Kix was quick to help you find a more comfortable position. Once settled, you said, “Don’t yell at him for something I did. And, kriff, don’t yell at me for trying to my job!”
“Oh, so your job is to just stand there, out in the open, unprotected!?” Anakin snapped. 
“I was trying to find Kix—”
“So you just stood there?! To find someone, you use your eyes! You don’t just become a karking target!”
“Kind of hard to find the other medic when he’s wearing the same armor as everyone else—”
“That’s why he has a medic symbol! It’s bright kriffing red! How the kark could you miss it?!”
Kix stepped in, raising his hands slightly, as if ready to push Anakin away if he got too angry. Anakin snarled at the medic. You were almost certain they were about to fight over your bed when—
“Sir, if I may—” Fives cleared his throat. “—it’s probably best that you go. Let the Doc heal before you reprimand her.”
Anakin turned on the ARC Trooper, his eyes flashing with…something. “Right, because you care so much about her—”
“I’m the one who helped her after she was shot, sir.”
“And you’re the reason she’s injured! If you hadn’t—”
“Get out.”
Anakin’s head whipped back around toward you. His gaze softened ever so slightly. “What?”
“I don’t want you here right now, and protocol is that the patient can have anyone be ordered to leave their room while they’re healing, even if that person is their superior officer. So, go. Come back when you’ve cooled down and we can talk about what happened. But you have no right to come in here and yell at me like I’m so petulant child when all I did was my job. I might have made a mistake, sure, but you can’t tell me that you’ve never made a mistake out there.”
Anakin stared for a moment, two, before saying in a softer voice, “I was worried about you. I care about you.”
“How much could you care when you’ve ignored me for weeks?”
Anakin blinked, slowly, then nodded. He turned to leave without another word. But, as he reached the door, Anakin turned back to you. He was too far away for you to read his expression. But there was something in the way he held himself, the way his shoulders slumped, the way he couldn’t quite stand still, that told you he was carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders. What was it? Could you do anything to help ease it? 
“I don’t like it when you’re out there, Doc,” he said. “I don’t know if it’ll be the last time I see you. I don’t know if you’ll come back to me. You’re not trained for battle. Anything could happen.”
“There’s more important things to be worried about than a single medic,” you said. 
“Not to me.” Anakin looked away, then back again. “I meant what I said the other day. You’re more special than you think.”
What he said? Was he talking about that night you went to 79’s? That was the last time you’d really spoken to him until now. But what had he said? Maker, you wished your head didn’t hurt. You wished Anakin wouldn’t speak in riddles. Oh! Wait, had it been something about leaving the Order? But, why would he…
“I could never ask that of you, Ani,” you said, “no matter how much I would like to.”
“You don’t have to ask. I would do it anyways.”
And maybe the worst part was, you knew he was telling you the truth. 
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freesia-writes · 6 months
Hey!!! If you're still up for doing the first kiss prompts, I'd love to see 'are you sure about this' with my sweet boy Tup!
Hiiii! I’m so happy I was finally able to write something for you! Your reblogs and comments and whatnot have been so appreciated for so long! I still feel awkward in my writing but this felt warm and fuzzy, haha, so I hope you enjoy!
Tup x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
SFW, rated teen and up
Divider helmet artwork by @lornaka 💕
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Rain pattered against the window as it always did, providing a gentle backdrop to the more sterile sounds of the medical equipment all around you. It had been a long day, working alongside the Kaminoans to evaluate squad after squad of troopers to deem them fit for active duty. You had greatly enjoyed your time on Kamino so far, at least once you got over the initial distaste from the “longnecks” (as the clones called them) at having a GAR medic scientist assigned to their facility. The troopers had blown you away with their unique personalities and incredibly diverse perspectives. While they all looked the same, more or less, you greatly enjoyed watching them develop in leaps and bounds in the short time you knew them — from the day they turned 18 to the day they shipped out, which usually wasn’t too long. That time would be spent in rigorous exercises and specialized training, where troopers would grow into a sense of self and a readiness for the battlefield.
You listened to their stories during their medical exams and fitness tests, growing in your affection for them and resenting more and more this intergalactic war that took so many of them in a seemingly endless demand. And the account from the last trooper you had examined was still playing on repeat in your mind when the door whooshed open and the next patient walked in. Your heart skipped a beat when you recognized that face, distinguished from an early age by a single teardrop tattoo beneath one eye, and the textured brown hair pulled into a tight top knot.
“Tup!” you exclaimed happily, almost too happily… But you couldn’t hide it anyway — the connection the two of you shared had been apparent for some time. He had a quiet way about him, an unusual meekness that also seemed to disappear when he stepped into “soldier mode“, and gentleness and depth that drew you in like a moth to the flame. You had known this day was coming for a long time, even though you didn’t want to believe it.
“Hey, Doc,” he said lightly, though there was a weight to his words. “Time for that final exam.”
“Don’t say it that way!” you said with a forced chuckle, patting the exam table. “I had better see you in here again.”
“I’m sure you will,” Tup answered as he sat sideways on the bed. “People seem to come back with injuries frequently from Umbara. At least that’s what I’ve heard. Although they may just be trying to scare me.”
“Umbara…” you echoed, running an instrument down his spine while you considered his words. “Is that where you’re going?”
“Mhm,” he mumbled, closing his eyes for a second as you took his head in your hands to gently tilt it side to side for range of motion tests. Your breath caught in your throat. His eyelashes were so long, his sharp features relaxing gently beneath your touch… The peaks of his upper lip were so perfectly-shaped…
You released his head and stepped back for a moment, shaking your own head as if to clear the thoughts away. His rich golden brown eyes found yours again, a small smile on his face. Did he know? Were you that obvious? Working quickly in an effort to distract yourself, you began placing electrodes on his body in various places.
It didn’t help that you had to reach under his blacks a few times, to place one on his stomach and a few across his chest and back. Your glance flitted from his to the monitors, currently populating with information from the initial scan. Grateful for the distraction, you turned to face them instead.
A creak of the exam table and motion in the corner of your eye caught your attention, and the next thing you knew, Tup was on his feet behind you, shifting awkwardly from one foot to another yet holding your gaze with a surprisingly determined one of his own. He was closer than before, and his formfitting blacks left little to the imagination. He was unassuming and kind, but he was a grown man and a skilled soldier, all of which felt heavily apparent with his close proximity. You even could’ve sworn you caught a whiff of something clean.
“You’re not done yet,” you spluttered, voice betraying you with a hoarse squeak on the last syllable.
“I know,” he said softly. “I was just wondering if I could test your range of motion.”
“What?” you laughed nervously, any further words freezing on your lips as he cupped your face gently with his warm hands. They were soft yet firm, and as he took another small step closer, you could feel the tremble in his arms.
“You know, range of… oh, nevermind…” he grumbled, dropping his hands and running one awkwardly over his head. “I was trying to be witty.”
Warmth blossomed in your chest at the realization, and you grinned helplessly at his flustered admission. Taking a step forward, you reached for his face with a single hand, dancing light fingers along one side of his jaw.
“You are adorably witty,” you murmured, waiting with bated breath to see where this was going. His face broke into a small, hesitant smile, as though he were loath to allow himself to believe it. “But let’s leave the physical therapy to the medics, and maybe you could communicate your feelings another way…”
His chin jerked up as he regarded you with surprise, and for a moment he wondered if you had assumed too much. Was he just being silly? No… The depths of conversation that you two had enjoyed as well as the meaningful looks and playful banter all seemed to point to more than just platonic flirtation. Goaded onward by the urgency of his imminent departure, you took a final step forward to where your bodies were almost touching.
His heart rate had been steadily climbing, the monitor proclaiming this at top volume as the beeping increased with each movement the two of you had made. Your cheeks curved into a smile, watching a slight flush creep across his as he noticed the sound as well. Sending a meaningful look at his lips before returning to his eyes, you waited, not wanting to make the first move.
“You sure about this?” Tup whispered, barely audible above the traitorous medical equipment.
“Yes please,” you answered, as naturally as if you were at a restaurant being asked if you’d like a refill on your water.
He swallowed hard, an irresistible smile on his own face as he lifted a hand to your face again, this time brushing his thumb along your cheek as he hooked his fingers behind your ear. Tilting his head slightly, he brought his lips to yours, pressing them together with such tentative care you thought your heart would burst. Tingles cascaded over you from head to toe, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling his warm body against your own.
He lingered for a split second, then pulled away, speechless in the afterglow of a simple, chaste kiss that communicated so much. Ducking his head, he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, looking off to the side.
“That was… um…” he faltered, embarrassed.
“Really nice,” you finished, pulling him into a tight hug. The faintest chuckle rumbled in his chest, and you rested your cheek on his shoulder, relishing the feeling of his arms around you.
“Really nice,” he echoed, and you knew that would not be the last time.
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Bacta and Bandages Chp.2 (Rex x Reader)
oops, I added some angst with your fluff. sorry about that.
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Chapter 1.
CW: Mentions of clone abuse, bruises, clone mistreatment, Medical procedures, needles, Talk of nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks, Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
Minors DNI
Ahsoka was your first friend after you spent a few rotations adjusting. 
She was bubbly, spunky and energetic. Despite all of that, she had a heart of gold and was trying her best to be a good Jedi. 
The young togruta was the one to show you around the venator-class ship. She told of the inner workings, the decks, where the barracks are located, the mess hall, even a lounge type area with an endless supply of caf.
It was through her that signaled for the clones to warm-up to you. Rex was still formal and professional, but you’d nod and smile whenever you passed each other in the hall.
Hardcase and Kix were easy-going. The day you arrived and settled, they approached and properly apologized for slamming into you earlier. It was rather sweet. 
In fact, a lot of the clones were kind to you. Some were tense, ‘shinies’ you’ve learned is the term for rookies. Some were more open and genuine. Though, a couple seemed somewhat fearful. As if afraid of offending you. 
Over time you hoped to break these walls. 
Currently, you were treating a clone, Jesse, for a blaster bolt graze from a training incident. Rex was also in the medical bay, arms crossed and staring rather disapprovingly at the poor trooper. Both were mostly silent as you treated him with bacta and bandages.
Simple fix…What antics caused him to shoot his own arm though? By the look on Rex’s face, it must’ve been something ridiculous.
Once you removed his glove, you paused. The wound was on the back of his wrist, it was minor, but the real concern were the bruises that littered his skin. They were the size and shape of fingers, as if someone grabbed Jesse. 
You were trained to recognize instances of abuse. After all, people of any gender would come to your hospital carrying the wounds their loved-ones left. But clones weren’t allowed romantic partners.
So who hurt Jesse?
Your eyes drifted to Captain Rex before looking at your patient, “Jesse, would you like to…have some privacy?” You held his hand, offering him kindness if he chose to accept. 
Something seemed to click for the both of them, “Oh! These?” The trooper you were treating gave you a smile as he motioned to the bruises, “Rough-housing with the boys! We’re brothers after all and things can get…” 
“Rambunctious.” Rex finished his sentence.
You didn’t press, “Well, tell your boys not to be so rough.”
The captain scoffed, “Good luck with that.”
After you stabilized the bandages, you gave Jesse a small smile, “There. Easy treatment.” You slipped your gloves off, “I’ll give you some painkillers to take before you sleep. That way the healing pain doesn’t keep you awake.” 
“It’s alright Doc.” Jesse shook his head, “I’ve been through worse.”
You turned to look at him again. Your concern was evident, but you couldn’t force information out of him if he wasn’t willing to give it, “If you get hurt at all, by anything or anyone, you can come to me.” 
I’m here to help you. 
The trooper nodded with a smirk and stood, correcting his glove and armor again, “Thanks doc.” He gave you a salute before walking out of the medical bay. 
Rex was going to follow but you spoke up first, “Captain Rex?” 
He paused and turned to look at you, “What is it, Doctor?”
Your words had to be careful. One wrong move and you could label yourself as ‘unsafe’ for the clones to go to if they needed help. After a second you spoke calmly, making sure Rex knew you only wanted to be a safe person, “If you, or anyone needs anything, I’m here.”
He gave you a small smirk and a nod before leaving the medical bay. 
Later that night, you were looking over medical reports when the doors opened. Two troopers, ones you haven't met before, were standing in the doorway. They were both clad in their blacks, most likely having been sleeping.
One of them, with a shaved head and a scar on his lip, had his hands on the shoulders of another trooper with the standard military haircut. It looked like the former had led the latter, who was shaking and distressed, to you.
“Doctor?” The leader seemed startled, “I um…I found him…”
“I got you,” You stood from your desk and motioned to a bed, “What are your names?” 
“I’m Denal.” The stable one got the other onto the bed, “This is Vaughn.”
Denal and Vaughn. Got it.
You knelt by Vaughn’s feet, “Hey, Vaughn.” Your voice took a softer, gentler tone. You were clearly dealing with someone in great distress, “What happened?”
“He had some kind of nightmare and just…bolted. I found him in a supply closet.” Denal answered. 
Nightmare. Panic attack? Most likely.
You nodded, keeping at a lower eye level with the panicked soldier, “Vaughn…I’m going to help you ok?”
His brown eyes looked around wildly.
“Does this happen normally?” Your questions were directed at the other trooper now.
He shook his head, “When we have nightmares, usually we can calm each other down. I’ve never seen him this bad though.”
The clones rely on each other for emotional support. Good to know.
If Vaughn wasn’t responding to your words, he wouldn’t be coherent enough to follow directions to calm him down. It seemed like he was caught in some type of flash-back. His mind was in overdrive and he was thrown into this attack.
Something triggered him. The nightmare.
“Denal,” You stood, keeping a hand on your patient's shoulder, “I’d like to use a mild sedative on him, do you think he’d consent to that?” you turned to face him. Perhaps clones weren’t fans of medication. After all, Jesse rejected painkillers earlier…
The coherent trooper nodded, “Yea, if you think that's best.”
Oh, so maybe Jesse wasn’t a fan of meds.
Wordlessly you went to one of the medicine cabinets and prepared the sedatives for him. You’d have to inject them, and in Vaughn’s current state, you weren’t entirely sure if that would end well. 
Once things were prepared, you returned to kneel next to your patient, “Vaughn, I’m going to inject you with this, ok?” Your palm opened revealing the needle, “This will help, if you’ll let me.” 
His eyes were staring directly at you, but they weren't seeing you.
“Denal, can you hold his hand?” 
The other trooper sat next to his fellow soldier and grabbed his arm, “It’s gonna be ok, vod.” 
You didn’t comment as you slipped the needle into Vaughn’s arm. The sedatives were administered and you stood to toss the empty syringe. The medication kicked in fast, because the trooper stopped shaking when you returned to his side. 
“Vaughn?” Your voice was still soft and quiet, “Do you know where you are?”
He looked around, before nodding, “The Resolute.”
You gave him a gentle smile, “Good. How are you feeling?”
“Tired.” He croaked, “What…”
“Nightmare,” Denal answered, “You had a bad nightmare. Geonosis again?”
Vaughn was at the battle of Geonosis? 
You heard the reports and numbers. Half of the Republic's army had been wiped out on that planet. Many Jedi as well. It was a bloodbath.
Your patient nodded slowly, “Yea…” 
“S’ok vod,” the other soldier put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. 
You reached and put a comforting hand on his knee, “Do you want to sleep here until you need to be up and awake?” 
The medical bay offered some more privacy. It was quieter and if he woke up again, he wouldn’t need to worry about waking his fellow soldiers. 
To your surprise, he shook his head, “I’d rather be with my brothers.”
Brothers…The clones are brothers…of course…
You nodded in understanding, “Alright…I understand.” carefully, you got to your feet and sat down on his other side, “But if you feel like you need some quiet, you can come here.”
He gave you an exhausted, but grateful smile, “Thanks, doc.” 
The two stood, but before they left, you asked, “Denal, Vaughn, what does vod mean?”
They shared a look with each other before Denal answered, “It’s mando’a. For sibling.”
“Sibling…thank you.” You smiled, “Get some rest, alright?”
Both of the soldiers left you alone again. After straightening the bed, you moved to your desk and picked up your datapad again. 
So the clones know mando’a…
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maewritez · 1 year
The Fist That Threw The Punch - Crosshair x Reader
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Been a while since I wrote anything, so please bear with me. Took inspo from a fic I wrote FOREVER ago.
1.7k words... enjoy
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of blood, one sided fist fight?
Tried to keep Reader GN, if I slipped up, let me know
The transport buzzed with noise, the troopers glad to have some shore leave if only for a few rotations, the constant battle leaving everyone exhausted. As the medic for the 212th, you were especially exhausted, these boys had a tough time in the field with constant injuries. The only bright side to all the injuries you may ask? The troopers take you out for a night at 79’s as a thank you for every shore leave and having been with the battalion a while, you frequented the clone bar on your off days after stocking up for the med bay. The air was cold on Coruscant, made worse coming from whatever hot, humid planet you’d just been deployed.
“You coming to 79’s?” Boil nudged you with his shoulder on his way off the transport. A group of the troopers already headed in that direction.
“I’ll meet you there.” You said, a tired smile on your face. A nod and smile is all you got in return from the soldier.
The walk to barracks was only a short one from the landing platform, just long enough that you found yourself shivering halfway there. The streets were empty, it was already dark out when you landed not even an hour ago, the only noise coming from the direction of the barracks as you neared it. You became easily lost in thought over the journey, thinking about your now empty med bay, the best spot to get a caf in the morning, what chaos your boys have in store for the night, you missed the sound of the footsteps until they were too close. A large hand grabbed your shoulder and picked you up, spinning you with such force your eyes spun.
“I thought that was you!” A boisterous voice coming from the man in front of you. Though you were still too dizzy to focus on his face, you could recognize the voice of the gentle giant.
“It’s nice to see you too Wrecker.” He grinned in response. “What are you doing all alone Doc? Not very safe out here.”
“I could ask you-” You were cut off by the rest of the batch, scolding Wrecker running ahead, leaving what looked like a heavy box behind.
“But Sarge… Look who I found!” The large puppy of a man moving out of the way, revealing your smaller frame to the rest of the batch.
You’d grown close to the commandos over your many missions with them, Cody often calling them in for extreme situations, even more so after discovering your crush on the sniper.
“Haven’t seen you since Anaxes.” The Sergeant greeted you with a half hug.
“Much too long.” Tech agreed, having tossed you a little smile over his holopad. You think he just liked not being the one responsible for his brothers injuries for any period of time, having a soft spot for you knowing how often they can get injured on their ‘suicide missions’ as Hunter calls them. You pull Echo in for a hug, having grown especially close to the cyborg of the group when you tended to his situation after Anaxes, the batch having scared away any reg medic. You tossed a soft smile to Crosshair, though he gnawed away on a toothpick not giving you so much as a glance.
“I’m headed to 79’s if you guys want to join?” You offered the group
“I’m in!” Wrecker exclaims, not needing a reason to drink. His excitement about the invite was met with a scoff and eye roll from Crosshair.
“It could be wise, alcohol consumption stimulates cortisol secretion and lowers the body’s stress levels.” Tech said, his hand with a lifted finger in his matter-of-fact tone. Hunter and Echo nodded in response, prompting Crosshair to cave in, after all… what’s the worst that could happen?
You agreed to meet the batch there after changing into your civvies, knowing you now need to dress up a bit more than you originally planned, wanting to impress Cross even if only a little. Digging through what little civvy clothes you still owned, you decided on tight denim pants, with a short red shirt that complimented your chest, and paired it with black boots and a black jacket. A taxi had you there in no time, tossing a couple credits to the driver before making your way into the bar.
It was crowded as always, the dark bar illuminated only by the neon signs. You wedged yourself between Boil and Crys at the bar, easily noticing the yellow and white armor, ordering whatever sweet drink you spotted first. Conversation flowed between the three of you, having finished your drink and picking up a second. You began looking around for the batch, eyes scouring the dark corners that you knew they frequented. Before you could excuse yourself from your current conversation, you spotted a gorgeous Twi’lek with the batch. Skin a soft shade of blue, with long head tails and skimpily clad. Your stomach dropped a bit, knowing you couldn’t compete with the way the batch looked at her, at the way Crosshair looked at her.
You downed the half a drink in front of you, before excusing yourself to the ‘fresher. Splashing some water on your face, you began to reevaluate yourself. Crosshair had never shown an ounce of interest in you, the most you’ve spoken to him at a time being when you had to patch up a nasty blaster shot to his side, the rest being brief responses to any and all attempts at conversation. The look on his face as he stared at the Twi’lek, one of desire, not one you’ve seen thrown your way. He doesn’t like you.
The revelation hurt, a jolt of pain crossing your chest as you took a deep breath. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you decided that you deserved the attention, even from someone else. Adjusting your outfit to better showcase your assets, you made your way back to the bar, this time settling yourself away from the 212th and near a battalion unknown to you. You shot another look towards where the batch were seated, seeing Crosshair with an arm around the Twi, looking in your direction, signature scowl on his face followed the look of realization as you began to converse with the attractive soldier to your left.
Fond of the clone clad in dark green stripes, you began your advances. Flirting not being your strong suit, you took up a couple tips from Jedi Master Kenobi. A wide smile, soft laughter, stray compliments tossed in here and there. It didn’t take long before you were on your fourth drink of the night, with every change in topic you leaned in a bit closer to the clone you learned called himself Steel. It felt like hours since you‘d thought about the grouchy sniper, talking about anything and everything with the trooper in front of you from battles won to favorite activities on shore leave to personal details, your favorite detail being the tattoos that covered his body.
“Each of these represent a fight,” He gestured to his body, “I’ve got a couple more that might interest you if you’re ready to get out of here for the night.” Your finger traced the dark black lines covering his biceps, lips getting closer until you could taste the Corellian ale he’d been drinking.
The shattering of glass caught your attention first, before a fist met Steel’s face, blood now running from his nose. His attacker fled after the one solid hit, though you couldn’t see his face, you saw a tall head of silver hair fleeing the bar. Handing over some napkins to reduce the bleeding, you couldn’t help yourself from chasing after the sniper, a couple napkins still clutched in your fist. He wasn’t hard to find, not having made it far from the bar. Scowl across his face and popped a fresh toothpick between his lips, tracing down his arms you could see his fist which was turning a deep shade of purple decorated with some red splotches.
Wordlessly you walked up to him, grabbing his hand to inspect it closer, his trigger hand. You began to dab at it, wiping away the blood though none of it is. Gently running your fingers across his knuckles you deemed them all intact, though definitely bruised. You spared a glance at his face, words still not falling from his lips. It took everything you had, between the shock and intoxication, to mutter the single word.
He stayed silent, watching you a moment longer. Your fingers tenderly run across his hand, assessing any other damage, cleaning the blood away. He knew he didn’t deserve your kindness right now, maybe not ever.
“He’s a reg.” The usually sharp tone in his voice is gone, replaced with what could only resemble defeat. “What of it?”
“He’s a kriffing reg.” Venom dripped from his words this time. “You deserve better.”
“Who are you to talk about what I deserve?” You snapped at him, no longer willing to put up with his attitude. You stand now, releasing his hand, knowing Tech is more than capable of fixing any other issues. “Goodnight Crosshair.”
You turn to leave, not making it more than two steps before a warm hand grabs your wrist. Opening your mouth to snap at him once more, your words are cut short for a second time tonight, this time by warm lips pressed to your own.
The kiss is hard, but full of emotion, lasting a few seconds but enough to get the point across. Your eyes meeting his, you kissed him again, more aggressively this time, warmth filling your chest until you let go. No words were exchanged, none needed to be. You made your way back inside to where the batch still sat in their corner, no Twi’lek in sight.
“Finally!” Wrecker shouted, the sight of your slight swollen lips giving everything away. Shooting an apologetic glance towards where Steel now sat with his brothers, you scooched yourself closer into the booth, holding the fist that threw the punch.
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rubykgrant · 10 days
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I'm TRYING to re-think the order of some of the events in my RVB story-line, so it flows a little better as an actual plot (to be fair, the actual series would often leave the end of a season sort of up in the air, and come back with a non sequitur after a lot of time passes, so. shame on me for trying so hard, I guess). I have a lot more little details involved (I'll ramble about those below), but these are the BIG PICTURE aspects that everything else is framed around
The Interviews involve the Reds, Blues, former Freelancers, Doc, Locus, and a few friends from Chorus talking about what they've been through (with some flash-backs thrown in, showing what they aren't all telling). During the Vacations, Donut goes on a big spa-spree, the Grif sibs go back to Hawaii (without a big fuss, Kai may like the attention, but Grif doesn't want people bothering him about being the Famous Orange Soldier), Simmons tries to track down his family (he can't find them), Sarge goes back to sulk in Blood Gulch alone, Wash goes looking for the Triplets, Doc spends some time with Dr Grey and thinks about trying for a medical degree again, Lopez is allowed to just be by himself (and he's honestly kinda bored), Caboose goes back to the Moon, Tucker searches for Junior, Carolina attempts to dig up info about how deep Charon/Project Freelancer really got into all the crime BS, Locus tries to turn himself into the authorities on Chorus (being all "I deserve to die" about it) but Kimball gives him a "life sentence" of community service. Everybody misses each other, and are drawn back together like a bunch of planets caught in the same gravitational pull
-Sarge is contacted by a UNSC group that wants to give soldiers who were Sim Troopers and members of the Flag Zealots "new training", and he doesn't hesitate. He has fun with it for a while, and this is where he meets Poppy... she is how he finds out a lot of the people here were given the option "join this training program or face prison time", which really isn't much of an option at all. He thinks about how the Red VS Blue war was a lie, he thinks about Project Freelancer manipulating the agents, he thinks about Wash having a villain moment to avoid being locked-up, he thinks about Locus believing soldiers are supposed to kill without ever asking questions... and Papa Warcrimes decides he actually hates the military (it's a sign of the apocalypse!). Meanwhile, Carolina has finally gotten some leads about Charon, and she meets Junonia, who helps her find out more regarding the past and what Hargrove is still up to. Gene has also been around, trying to be a solo villain, but he's BARELY a one-man Team Rocket. Finally, the insidious purpose for all this new training is exposed, and Red Team (with their new member, Poppy) gets to have the spot-light when they fight the villain
-Everybody finally goes back to Earth together, and this time, a big celebration is held for their return. They spend most of their time out of armor on Earth, so the general public leaves them alone. Some fun shenanigans with everybody finding ways to amuse themselves (Sarge doesn't like going outside, the sky is too BLUE). Now that she knows where they are (thanks to the welcoming celebration), Tex finally catches up with everybody, revealing that when Epsilon Deconstructed, the information from his memories transferred back to the original Beta unit, reviving her. The Director had this whole plan for eventually bringing Allison back with a synthetic human body made from her DNA sample, but he could never make it "perfect" (Tex isn't an identical clone, more like a genetic "sibling" to Allison). She isn't the only one who found them; the parents Simmons went looking for finally show up (now that their son is a famous space hero). He's more than happy to get their attention, and they have him join their work at a bio-tech company (everybody else immediately recognizes the parents as a-holes, and the business as shady, but try telling Simmons that). Tex was initially hesitant to reveal the other AI Fragments were also revived, what with some left-over sore feelings regarding Sigma and Omega (Wash is ironically more willing to forgive them for everything; he wishes he had been able to do that BEFORE, instead of fighting against them as the Meta, and the whole spiral from there). Carolina talks through emotions with Sigma, and Omega compliments both Doc and O'malley for finding their back-bone. Everybody else is happy to get to know the Fragments better. Some Drama happens with the Reds, but Simmons finally sees his parents don't really care about him, and they all figure out that the bio-tech company has the original Alpha Unit hidden away. They rescue Church, who has the chance to be in his own synthetic body based on the Directors DNA (again, not identical, just similar)
-Everybody gets to CATCH THEIR BREATH, Caboose and Tucker have Church back, Church and Tex get to do people things, hooray! A distress call out there in space tricks Tucker into thinking Junior is in trouble, so he heads out to find his kid (most of the others join him, but a few stay behind because of recovering injures, etc). This turns out to be a trick, Hargrove and Temple are both being jerks. The rest of the gang arrives for a rescue, and Church has each of the Fragments assist his friends for the escape; for Hargrove, this was his attempt to test out a "new version" of scanning a mind to make his own AI (his tech is wonky, and will definitely kill people it scans). For Temple, he's under the impression that if he helps, he can have his own mind scanned, thus giving him a "recreation" of Biff from his memories. Hargrove REALLY wants people who have interacted with the AI Fragments as experiments, since he thinks there is important data to be found from minds like that. Temple just wants to kill the main group because he hates their guts, and it isn't FAIR, why do they get their dead friend back? Also, everybody finds the AI file for Sheila! When things settle down, Grif and Simmons talk, and at last they are on the same freaking page
-After the rescue, Hargove escapes again, and the group hears a distress call from Chorus. Some old problems are going on again, so they swing by to help out. Hargrove has one last-ditch effort to get what he wants in terms of AI experiments... Felix didn't just come back wrong, he came back WORSE. Well, everybody has the chance to work through some unresolved negative emotions aimed at him (Kimball, Locus, Tucker- everybody gets a stab in!). Felix wants to use his sword again, but it recognizes him as "dead". He tries to use a temple that "revives echoes" for key holders, but this just gives him a ghost of Doyle ("It was mine before it was yours"). The Echo also brings back other AI like Santa, who have been programmed to make certain events happen... while everybody tries to deal with Felix AND finally catch Hargrove for good, the Echo creates a whole third problem. At last, a group of aliens arrive, alerted by the Echo, and in the group is- Junior!
-Some happy family reunion time for Tucker and his boy. Junior explains what he's been doing for so long; he wasn't trying to avoid his father, but there are dangerous groups out there trying to kill him, and he's been hiding while also trying to save others. The strange "prophecy" about him, as well as things involving a "Great Destroyer" is indeed true (Gary admits he kind of just made up what it was about, but it really WAS real!) have become more urgent. Somebody who wants to take over and wipe-out anybody who opposes them has been targeting Junior. There are also many other half human/aliens like him, an attempt to create as many potential "prophecy children" as possible, but all were rejected by their human parents and only seen as tools by the other aliens (except for Junior, who is actually loved by his dad... even though they haven't been able to spend much time together). Another temple out in space supposedly has the power to give "continuous life", and the villain intends to use that to win. Tucker and the others try to protect Junior, but the temple doesn't work the way they all think...
-Back on Earth again, life seems to give them all a break... but unusual things begin happening. It eventually becomes clear that there are "new AI gods" toying with them (some are just playful, a few are genuinely malicious). This involves somewhat amusing, if a little annoying, shenanigans (like Wash getting turned into a cat, and a tiny 7-year-old Sarge showing up), but also very dangerous situations. Alternate time-lines and realities collide, some arguably "worst-case scenarios"
-It finally becomes necessary to confront the cause of all this. The group gets pulled into a pocket dimension where a lot of realities intersect. One AI god demands people fight for their amusement, and the winner will get to return to the "reality they want". The group really just wants weird paradox stuff to STOP. Church, Tex, and the Fragments figure out a way to keep everybody from dying, even the enemies they have to fight, until they have the chance to take on the one trying to control everything. Just when it seems like that issue is solved... Donut throws up. Weird, cosmic throw-up, like if the big-bang was a liquid. Being the one who has been traveling through time and reality the most, he's kind of absorbed a LOT of cosmic energy, and he can't control it. A big monster-transformation happens, but everybody figures out how to fix it so they can save Donut. Are we done? Are we DONE now???
-Yes. Everybody has the chance to live their lives, whatever that means for each of them. They get to be happy. Sometimes, bad things still happen, it can be difficult and unpleasant to live- but they still LIVE. Eventually, they pass on too (and that also means different things for some of them). When all is said and done, they're mostly glad they all got to be here~
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
So, todays writing practice features Commander Wolffe. I'm not sure I got his personality down, but maybe I'm just over thinking it.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x Reader
Word Count: 1303
Songs: None
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Commander Wolffe hates you.
Well. You think he hates you. He never talks to you, and when he does talk to you he sort of just…speaks in your general direction rather than speaking directly to you. Or even at you. At this point you’d take him talking at you.
For the love of everything holy, he even talks to General Koon’s astromech.
You let out a noise of frustration and allow your head to thump against your desk. A lot harder than you meant, as pain bloomed across your forehead. You groan and lift your head enough to rub the painful spot.
“Is everything alright, young one.”
“General Koon,” You greet with a small smile, carefully sitting up fully, “Is everything alright? Did you need medical attention?”
“I’m uninjured,” He reassures, “I could sense your frustration from the bridge, and came to check on you.”
Shame floods you, and you feel your face start to burn. “I’m so sorry, General. I never meant to distract-”
He holds up a hand, stalling your apologies, “There’s no need to apologize. But I am worried about you. What’s troubling you so much? Are the men giving you a hard time?”
“No, no. They’re wonderful. No one has given me a hard time, aside from the normal not wanting medical attention,” She reassures, “But I think it’s a pride thing.”
General Koon nods slowly, “The war, then? Are you feeling burned out?”
“I…no. Not yet, at least. But I’m sure it’ll come.” You reassure, “Really, General, it’s…it’s a stupid thing, honestly. Not something you should bother yourself with.”
“Tell me anyway,” He suggests, “A problem shared is a problem halved, after all.”
That’s…true, you admit to yourself. You worry your lower lip between your teeth. “It’s…” Your shoulders slump slightly, “I think Commander Wolffe hates me.”
There’s silence for a moment, and then General Koon releases a noise that you realize is a laugh, “I assure you, he doesn’t.”
You’re doubtful. “He doesn’t look at me, and whenever he needs to talk to me, he sort of just talks in my direction. He doesn’t even talk at me, General.” You’re more than a little frustrated at this point, “He talks to the medical equipment, and I’m eavesdropping!”
General Koon laughs a little more, “I promise, he doesn’t hate you.”
“If my presence on the ship is making him uncomfortable I can request a transfer-” You continue, only to stop when General Koon places his hand on your shoulder.
“He doesn’t hate you. And you don’t make him uncomfortable. Not in the sense you might be thinking.” General Koon repeats for the third time.
“What does that even mean?” You ask blankly.
General Koon hums thoughtfully, “You’re a very attractive young woman. Commander Wolffe isn’t sure how to talk to you.”
“What?” Your jaw drops, “Are you telling me that Commander Wolffe is shy?”
“When it comes to you, and only you.” General Koon agrees pleasantly. He lightly pats your shoulder as you stare at him in utter disbelief, “This was a good talk, I’m glad I was able to help.” He says cheerfully, before he turns and leaves your medbay.
You thought, well, hoped, that you would have a little more time to process that particular bombshell that General Koon sort of threw at you and then expected you to juggle with everything else.
But that isn’t what happened.
Instead, the Wolfpack was deployed to a planet that had been ravaged by the Separatists. It should have been a simple search and rescue mission. That’s what you were told, however that isn’t what happened.
You’re running from one side of the medical tent to the other, helping the clone medics stabilize injured troopers, and then moving on to the next trooper. There weren’t supposed to be any droids left on planet.
“Doc! The Commander was hit!”
You hurry to Wolffe’s side, and for the first time ever, he meets your eyes. “Go,” You call, “I have him.” The medics hurry to other patients as you shove Wolffe onto a gurney. “Commander, you have a pipe through your shoulder.”
He groans in pain, “I need to get back out there-” He tries to sit up.
You easily push him back down, “You need to shut up and let me do my job.”
“When did you get so strong?”
“You have a fucking pipe sticking in your body, Commander. An infant could overpower you right now.” You point out, and then you favor him with a small, reassuring smile, “Don’t worry Commander, I’ll get you sorted out.”
“Never worried about that,” He replies with a grimace crossing his face as the pain medicine kicks in, and he slowly drifts to sleep.
Later, much later, after the fighting was over, and after everyone was safely back on the ship, and after you finish the surgery to remove the pipe from the Commander’s body, you find yourself sitting next to his bed, monitoring his vitals.
He wakes quickly, the norm for him and his brother, and you’re careful to not lean over him. “Easy Commander, the fightings over. Everyone’s fine.” You say, your voice low and soothing.
He turns his head and stares at you, “Casualties?”
“None. There were a few close calls, but none this time.” And isn’t that a blessing.
“Good.” He slowly sits up and you let out a noise of displeasure, immediately jumping to your feet and placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Absolutely not,” You said, trying to push him back down, though you may as well be trying to push a brick wall for all the effect you’re having. “You’re recovering from surgery, you need rest.” 
“I’ve rested, and now I have work to do.”
“The work will still be there tomorrow, Commander. Please, just rest.” You try to plead with him, hoping that he would see sense.
“General Koon says you’re planning on asking to be reassigned.” He says suddenly, still sitting up, much to your immense displeasure.
“What? Commander, lay down!” You try to push his back, even a little bit. 
“Are you trying to be reassigned?” He asks, rather than giving into your simple request.
“Yeah, fine, I guess! If that’s what it takes to get you to lay down!” You say frantically, “You’re going to pull your stitches!”
“You can’t.” He reaches out and touches your cheek very gently, and there’s something frantic in his gaze, “You can’t leave the Wolfpack.”
“Then I won’t! Commander, lay down!”
“I need you here.” That simple phrase cuts through your growing panic, and your grip on his shoulders loosens a little.
“I need you here.” He repeats.
“You’ve literally never spoken to me before today.”
“Yeah, well…I’m an idiot.” He replies, “You can’t leave me-us.”
“Okay…” You stare at him, “Okay, then I won’t.”
“Just like that?” He asks.
“Just like that.” You agree. “But, no more of this pretending I don’t exist bullshit. It’s rude. And it hurts.”
“I can do that,” He agrees.
“Great, fantastic. Lay. Down.”
“On one condition.” The Commander replies.
“What condition?” You ask, your frustration growing.
“Go on a date with me.” He replies. “As soon as we get back to Coruscant, go on a date with me. And then I’ll lay down.”
“...fine. One date. I’m not promising any more than that unless you wow me, Commander.”
He smirks and allows you to push him back down to the bed, “So all I have to do to get you to be my girlfriend is wow you? I can do that.”
You don’t doubt it. Not at all.
In fact, knowing the Commander, getting you to be his girlfriend just became a mission to him. And he’s never failed a mission before in his life. Good thing you don’t actually have a problem with becoming his girlfriend.
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