#closeted bully trope
respectthepetty · 2 years
some ppl are saying that thua outing akkayan is so unnecessary. some say he's just bitter and jealous. what are your thoughts about it?
Short version -
Ahhh, so the fandom is talking about the closeted bully trope:
Adam from Sex Education or Nate from Euphoria, anyone?
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Perhaps Akk from The Eclipse?
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Yes, Akk is a bully. [definition - A bully is a person who harasses, abuses, intimidates, or coerces people, especially those with less power than they have or those considered weaker or vulnerable in some way. The word often implies that such behavior is repeated or habitual.] A key element in the closeted bully trope is being straight passing.
“But Thua and Namo caused harm to The World Remembers too!”
Namo lit fliers on fire. Thua lit a dummy on fire. Akk tried to run people over and pushed objects off a second story into a crowd. Namo and Thua destroyed objects. Akk tried to destroy people. I’m all for be gay, do crime, but two would be property damage, and the other would be attempted murder. They are not the same.
Therefore, Thua isn’t outing Ayan and Akk because they are *gay (are they gay if they don’t say it? More below!). Thua is outing them as an attempted murderer and the guy who kisses him on occasion for covering it up.
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Long version –
In 2001, fictional attorney extraordinaire Elle Woods waited in line to get a drink of water from a fountain during a break in a murder trial. As she waited, she stomped her little last season Prada shoes at Enrique, the pool boy, and the current witness testifying in the case that he and the defendant were having an affair. Because of his testimony, it appeared the defendant did kill her husband. However, when Elle heard his comment, she realized “gay men know designers” therefore, Enrique was gay and NOT having an affair with the defendant. He was quickly exposed in court, lost his boyfriend, and Elle was applauded for her great deductive skills.
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*I’m not including a picture because he doesn’t deserve it. I'm petty 24/7, 365*
Aaron Schock was an American Congressman for six years from 2009-2015. During his term, he voted on several key issues, but the ones that need to be highlighted here are:
He voted against gay marriage (marriage equality)
He voted against allowing people to serve openly in the military
He voted against homophobic acts falling under hate crimes
He voted against sexual identity being protected under employee discrimination
Plus many others (he was the pile of poop that kept smelling)
He also actively worked on policies like Defense of Marriage to ensure the gays didn’t get the rights they were fighting for
In 2014, reporter Itay Hod, who is a gay man and has written on many queer issues, wrote a Facebook post asking if it was ever okay to out someone. Then, he gave a hypothetical scenario regarding “a certain GOP congressman, let's just say from Illinois” who voted against several gay-supporting policies yet showers with his male roommate. *the post is still up if you want to search it*
Although Hod never stated a name, everyone knew who this was about because the representative for Illinois was none other than Schock, and the people were divided. This has been an ongoing conversation in queer communities since before the HIV epidemic when known closeted gay politicians weren’t doing anything to help, some believed that outing them would be justified while others disagreed.
There were always whispers about Schock lurking on gossip sites, so Schock was asked when he was running for his state position in 2004 if he was gay. He was asked all of the time during his six years serving as a Congressman by everyone and their mother. Each time, he said no.
Hod, in that infamous FB post, asked “doesn't the media have an OBLIGATION to expose his hypocrisy?” like when it comes to a closeted gay man imposing inequalities on gay people.
Once again, the people were divided. Do we weaponize sexuality this way? Where is the line? Schock said he wasn't gay, so how could Hod write that Schock was gay?!
Schock never addressed the post but resigned in 2015 amid allegations that he had misused public funding to throw parties and redecorate his home and office. He plead guilty in 2019, served probation, and the charges were cleared.
In 2020, he came out as gay.
Why does any of this matter?
Is a person gay if he doesn’t say he’s gay?
What makes someone gay? Is it the sex? What if they are a virgin? Is it the attraction? Can someone be attracted to the same sex every now in then and not be gay? Does the attraction have to be consistent? What makes gay gay?!
Outing a person is harmful, but does it supersede the harm that person has caused others?
Is it ethical to out a closeted hypocrite for the sake of the collective?
Where is the limit?
How much proof do we need to out someone?
What makes this different than outing a preacher who hires sex workers or a family man who has a mistress?
Is it just the hypocrite we out or the sex worker, the mistress, and the male roommate as well?
Enrique was outed by Elle because his lying would cause a woman to go to prison for murder. Schock was outed because he gained privileges he was openly denying from others. Were Elle or Hod ethically right for outing Enrique and Schock? Fictional or reality, is it ever okay to out someone even if it is a side effect of a larger issue?
Thua isn’t jealous or bitter; he is angry at the hypocrisy. Ayan is demanding for the school to admit wrongdoing while he sleeps next to the boy who started the car and pushed it into the crowd. Akk is winning the Best Boy Award after he tried to break heads with a potted plant.
I truly want you to think about when outing someone who has caused harm is acceptable, if ever? I’m not asking about the Lance Bass and Ricky Martin type situations. I’m asking about the Aaron Schock and Carlos Divar (Spanish judge who voted against marriage equality in Spain but used public funds to go on luxurious trips with his secret long-term boyfriend) type of situations. Can we even distinguish between the two types? Are there even types or is an outing harmful no matter how we look at it? Is an outing ever justified?   
I’m not the moral monitor, but if I’m honest, when it comes to people in positions of power using that position to cause harm to others while reaping the benefits of that position (and the people who enable them to continue to abuse their power), I’d be a Thua every time.
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Adding - Ayan outed Thua to his mom and blackmailed Akk with the cheek kiss photo. Ayan also outed Akk to his mother at the house and the women on the beach. Sani outed Dika to the students. Keep the same energy.
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mischas · 2 years
Imagine if Luke would of been gay instead of his dad so we could of had Luke and Marissa be gay and bi icons !
I am so into this! I do wish we'd gotten at least one little scene of Luke apologizing to Seth for calling him slurs.
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misstycloud · 3 months
Helloo i just wanted to say youre doing god's work with the whole yandere omega x reader thing. You really hit an obscure niche (compared to other omegaverse stuff) and im really happy to see someone writing about this kind of trope! That being said, may i ask for a yandere omega who's married to their alpha reader, and how the omega's yandere tendencies still manifest even though they're already married to the alpha reader? Like maybe they're still a little possessive over their alpha or they still stick close to their alpha no matter what? Thank you so much!
Yandere!omega who is living the dream. They have everything they could ever ask for; a walk-in closet with the hundreds of fine garments, multiple boxes with accessories, a lavish room with windows facing the endless garden, and a generous spouse who spoils them rotten every chance they get.
Yandere!omega who can’t help but revel in the glory and the fact that they have it so good compared to their old bullies. The same people who used so mock them for their looks and pathetic-ness, now writhe in envy. It was a satisfying sight, to say the least.
No longer were they that small and weak nerd forced to eat in the bathroom during lunch. That was in the past. It seems that the hard work had payed off and they can finally experience happiness.
Yandere!omega who, despite knowing you’d never betray them, can’t help be feel anxious whenever others gawk at you when you’re out. You’ll be walking down the street and people would turn around to look at you. You’ll sit at a table in a fancy restaurant and all they’d be able to focus on is how the serves gossip about you. Everyone wants you, it seems. Although, it’s not very surprising considering your appearance and status.
Yandere!omega who, deep down, is still insecure. What is they’re not enough? They know that to most- if not all-think that you’re way above them. Still, they managed to capture your heart and have their love reciprocated. Somehow you love them out of everybody. It’s got to count for something. But what if you see pieces of the old them and you decide everything’s over? It can’t happen. They can’t live without you!
Yandere!omega who in turn gives all those people a foul glare. There is no way they can have you. You belong to someone already; them. And they’ll never give you up. Not even if it was by your own will. Didn’t you promise on your wedding day, you’re theirs and they are yours forever? Oh, you can’t just break promises.
Yandere!omega who complains of how your secretary is bullying them and refusing on letting them into the building to bring your lunch(your secretary married themselves). They cry to you that your family is still not accepting of them and want you to break up, so you need to make choices. They tell you that your friends are bad influences and will get you in trouble one day.
Yandere!omega who hates when you spend long hours in the office. Won’t you spend more time with them? Don’t they matter, or is the paperwork more urgent? Wow, they must be soooo important to you then.
Yandere!omega who screams that you obviously don’t love them anymore. Why would you work overtime nearly every day if you weren’t avoiding them like the plague?
“I gave you my heart, soul and body the day we wed. Is it so hard for you to do the same?”
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hexie-mountain · 1 year
im always tired of the trope of queer kid dates bully who’s a closet case but with heartstopper its done so smartly
the emphasis that ben does not get a redemption arc is so important and that he’s capable of mending his ways and becoming a better person but thats not charlie’s responsibility to help him off load his guilt while still dealing with the pain of his actions
ben really is the antithesis of nick who called charlie his best friend instead of pretending he didn’t exist and took ‘am i gay?’ quizzes and bi panicked of pirates of the carribean all while being kind and loving to charlie who was more than willing to hold his hand through his coming out
i’ve always loved the classic fizzy graphics but the sea of rainbow flowing out towards ben from the art show doors sort of urging him to take a step in towards other people like him and begin that journey of self discovery and love and instead he just walks away from it is some top tier imagery
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lune-yacks · 17 days
I don't know if anyone will agree with me but,
I need to talk about the ship Maxley (Max x Bradley)
I don't get the hype like at all
Like, it kinda makes me personally uncomfortable, mainly for the fact that the dude is crazy and straight up did fucked up things, I personally never get attached to characters like that due to me taking shows and such very personally
Other than that I personally don't see any chemistry between them and I have never been too fond of the enemies to lovers trope anyway, the closet I like would be rivals to lovers
But it can't be everyone's cup of tea ! I know I definitely prefer Yax because since they never canonically interacted we can decide of their chemistry however we want and I find it easier than transforming an ealready existing chemistry between characters
I simply wanted to share my perspective on why I personally don't ship it and maybe exchange with Maxley shippers to maybe understand the ship better
To each their own, people
You don't need to like a ship or understand it to not be an ass
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billys-pretty-babe · 2 days
Invisible String
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : A trip down memory lane leads you and your boyfriend down a path that meant more to you both than anything else.
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Warnings : Swearing
Word count : 714
A/N : Something short and sweet because I'm sick :/ (Requests are open!)
You sat on the floor of the brand-new apartment. Billy had lived in it for a year before he asked you to move in with him and you did with no hesitation. The two of you had been together since December 18, 1984 and now it's July 19, 1987.
A few boxes were sat on the floor with you, all of them contained pictures. Billy walked through the front door in his bright red swim trunks with his aviators in his hair to hold it back from his face. You looked back, smiling, "How was your day?" He smiled as he walked over, kissing your hair before kissing your neck, "Fine, the children are all terrors." You laughed and held the side of his face so you could kiss his cheek.
"Whatcha unpacking," he asked as he put his bag down, needing to wash his clothes. You pointed to the box of photo albums and picture frames. He peeked inside and nodded, "I have one of my own from when I was a kid." Your eyes lit up, "Can I see?" He shrugged before going into the closet and handing you a black picture album with a baby picture of himself as the cover with elegant handwriting that you assumed was his mother's.
"You were a cute baby, look at your little cheeks," you said, gushing over the cuteness of baby Billy. He grumbled, going into the kitchen to grab a beer before he sat down beside you. His skin was warm as it laid against yours, his thigh hair tickling the skin of your own thighs. You began flipping through the book, noticing the lack of Neil in it.
"Can I look through one of yours?" You nodded and he found one from when you were a kid as he began flipping through it. The two of you had connected quickly, both of you from California before you moved in the sixth grade due to your father's job. "Holy shit," Billy said.
You looked up from the birthday picture from his fourth birthday as you looked at him. "What?" He put your album in your lap and pointed, "See that little shit? That's me." You looked at the picture before pointing to the smaller girl in front of him, "That's me." He smiled, seeing the way his little hands held your shoulders. "I used to be a little shit." You scoffed, "You could say that again. You cut my hair." He snickered, "They were safety scissors, I didn't think they cut anything but paper." You rolled your eyes.
"How come you went by William then but Billy at Hawkins High?" He hummed, "Just grew out of my government name, William Hargrove sounds like shit, like some stuck up asshole. Who the fuck names their kid William anyway?" You snickered, "So we won't have a junior?" He raised a brow, "I didn't say that. He just won't go by William... ever." You laughed and nodded.
"It's like those weird books you read, I guess." You blinked, "Which ones?" He hummed, still looking through the photo album, "The smut filled ones." You rolled your eyes, "We are not enemies to lovers." He glanced at you, "Whatever you say." You scoffed, "From what I remember you were the mean one. I was an angel." It was his turn to scoff, "You were a snitch." You huffed, crossing your arms, "Was not, you were a bully." He mocked you, his face close to yours as his nose touched yours.
"Sounds like that, fuck, what are they called?" You laughed, "Tropes, they're called tropes." He hummed, "Yeah, that." You laughed again, uncrossing your arms before you held his face as you kissed him and he hummed, his hands going to your hips to bring you close. He needed to be connected to you, he needed you fused to him, so you'd always be close by. He deepened the kiss, letting you taste the mint of the gum he had chewed all day since he couldn't smoke at the pool.
It wasn't long before the boxes were unpacked and the apartment was decorated and looked like a home. You smiled as you held onto Billy, looking around at everything.
This was just the beginning for the two of you.
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tocomplainfriend · 9 months
Funny thing (not really) I’ve noticed is that Viv has always fetishized m/m relationships. There’s obviously Stolitz, but it goes back way further. There’s Addison from Zoophobia being shipped with a guy who works at his high school, but to mention that Viv has drawn NSFW of them despite Addison canonically being a minor. There’s also Autumn and Rusty, the former whom gets bullied by Rusty cause Rusty is secretly in the closet. Ten years later and she’s still weird about m/m relationships.
TW: fetishizing Queerness
I tried to search a little for Addison's age. In the wiki, that I know Viv did not write it says he is 18, other post say 17- there are people saying the age got changed too? I know almost nothing to zoophobia- if anyone knows about this claim, share your knowledge and importantly evidence of the age thing in specific? I do know about those snake drawings. And also was Viv 19? Have no clue-so I'm not gonna super talk about it without knowledge.
About the Rusty thing, I don't think Viv is a good enough writer (of relationships especially, cause Stolitz mainly) to pull that relationship or story. I don't think she can pull the idea of the closeted bully, purely by the fact that she doesn't understand or acknowledge the problems Stolitz has. If she needs to put down characters to make Stolas seems better and try to justify the power imbalance. I don't think she could write this if she wanted to. This closeted gay bully is such an old trope, too. I think the worst you can do (also as a non-amazing writer) is actually tried to make a romance out of it? Cause a lot of these tropes are more like "HAHA THE BULLY IS GAY HAHAHA", rather than "aww the bully was just sad and gay all along". I don't like it. (also this includes when the bully doesn't bully his romantic interest)
A lot of problems in mlm stuff Vivziepop does is similar to those Yaoi fetishization shit. Where there are also power imbalance. Also, this treatment of the characters like Moxxie? Like he is bi, and with Millie- and his treatment is so shitty. The hole thing of MILLIE PEGS MOXXIE, and that funny cause is less manly of him? Or where the succubus sexually assault them and that is funny??? (that one is not even Blitz being an asshole to him, it's made to act funny). As soon there is something viewed as feminine from him, the show makes fun of him. His feminine appearance in Unhappy campers also leads to make fun of him. Where he is the most vulnerable and insecure is that episode. He is more objectified in a feminine appearance.
Just the entirety of Stolitz is literally a lot of yaoi-sh problems. Also, I do see a lot of red flags in how they wrote Fizz and Asmo'. Because Fizz was insecure af, that he needed the approval of Mammon as an imp. Mammon was using the power that he had over Fizz to use him to get money. He got his approval from Asmo another sin in a higher position of power. (The power imbalance is not the problem vibes). Plus, The Big dominant protector and the sub small uwu cure relationship. Fizz, compared to the first time he appeared, he is so vulnerable and acts so cutesy. Like, the confidence he had during the S1, disappeared so bad. Acting so nice to Glitz and Glam, felt like cutting out all attitude to "uke-fing" him into needing a savior. They make him so powerless
Fizz, a quad amputee, was put in a vulnerable situation related to his trauma and where he lost all his limbs and horns. All to make Blitz "redeem" himself and make them friends again... THAT SUCKS.
Also, there was the fact of how over-sexual all the male mlm characters are, too. Like, Chaz was so much more sexual than Verosika as a succubus.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 2 months
Neurosurgeon resident doctor Whitney x new intern doctor PC. Hospital Romance AU
Whitney is his usual tsunsdere self yet the snobbishness is somehow doubled. Is a whole lotta meaner and 10x harsher towards PC as compared to the other interns
PC is directly assigned under Whitney for plot purposes (lol)
Always judging and commenting on PCs poor skills…but secretly leaves vitamin gummies with those cute sticky notes with motivational messages when they see PC exhaustedly working night shifts.
Highkey bullying (duh) PC. Yet weirdly wants PC to assist him during all his patient rounds.
Let’s make this a slow burn because Whitney is PCs senior. Covers PC with a blanket when they see them sleeping in the on-call room.
We mustn’t forget the mandatory “getting stuck in the storage room together” trope for funsies
He has a position of authority and boy oh boy we know how he can get. He's kinda like those bitches who bullied you in high school then became nurses but he actually cares about his patients.
He constantly shits on you for how you go about things. Yes, you're doing it right, but he doesn't like how you're doing it. Put's you under him so he can keep an eye on you in more ways than one if you know what I mean.
Stuck in the storage closet happens on purpose by other colleagues bc they are tired of the pining. It is awful at first but the tight area lead to fun times.
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euryleli · 16 days
I don't think anyone from the byers-hopper family is going to die!
I would love to hear more about your theories regarding this subject if you really think there's an actual chance of characters like Will and El (or even Jonathan) dying in st5 - because from where I stand, I just... can't see it happening!
It doesn't make sense to me for a number of reasons!
First there's Will: a closeted gay teen from the 80s living his WORST life in smalltown, Indiana. Will, a boy who has been bullied his entire life not only by his peers but also by his own fucking father - all in the name of this inherent otherness he carries that's been associated with his queerness since episode 1 from s1!! The boy that's always described as kind, honest and sensitive - the little kid who changed the world of every single one of his loved ones with his absence. William Byers, the boy who went to hell, spent a week there and then came back all wrong, slowly losing his identity because he was fucking possessed by this otherworldly creature - who was burned out of him, mind you AND the after effects of his frolicking in the upside down for seven days straight and late possession by freaky monster #1 led to a connection that haunts him TO THIS DAY!
THEN (because it can't get better) we have stranger things season 3 and 4 where will byers gets beaten time and time again by forced conformity, internalized homophobia and, of course, the usual supernatural Horrors that we're all acquainted with (and that have a canonical narrative connection to all the issues previously mentioned but wtv)!
Ur telling me that this boy who hasn't known A SINGLE DAY OF PEACE in his LIFE (because Will had it bad before the upside down), who's the only confirmed gay character (as of now) AND the one who doesn't believe he can or even deserves love?? Is going to die??? This boy is not gonna have his happy ending? Will Byers, the starting point of this whole story is gonna be used as a pawn to... what? Further develop a straight relationship that actively hinders the arc of the female main character (El)? His death is gonna "complete" his arc and we'll deal with another case of the "Bury Your Gays" trope? Mike's character is gonna be buried alongside Will then because if his ending is one of conformity then all his actions throughout the series make no god-damned sense - basically he's just an asshole and an awful fucking friend? What the actual fuck??
So... Will dies, saves everyone but leaves Joyce and Jonathan completely heartbroken? Even when their love for Will is what kick-started the whole show? The show started with us rooting for them to find Will and they did!
But oh... wait... he died lol
It doesn't make sense, narratively speaking.
"What about El, then?" you ask!
Look, I'm slightly scared for her too but I genuinely think they're not gonna kill her off and the main reason is Hopper. What's the point of having Hopper grieve Sarah, his first daughter who tragically dies at a young age from cancer, just to make him start coping with her loss, bonding with El - actively viewing her as his family - to then take that family from him A SECOND TIME?? WHAT'S THE POINT OF THAT?
Aside from El's arc and her development as a young girl who was robbed of her childhood and sense of self for so long finally coming into her own person (not Hopper, not Mike, just El), killing her off is an efficient way to ruin not one but TWO of the most beloved characters in stranger things.
Having either Will, El or both of them dying in the finale would be a tragedy and yes, stranger things has it's moments where everything goes wrong and people die (and stay dead) but...
It's not supposed to be a tragedy.
That's not the kind of show we're watching.
Hell, you can say that they're going to kill the other family members then! But I don't see them killing Joyce or even Jonathan (although I can admit I'm not fully confident on that last one) because - again - it defeats the whole purpose of the show and Hopper came back from the dead already, the duffer brothers are not gonna kill him AGAIN (El grieving her father a second time is just as bad as Hopper grieving Sarah, then El)
The Byers are the heart of the show and sure... stranger things s3 and s4 kind of lost the plot on that front, but we're definitely getting back with willel and their final arcs in s5 (their family, now with Hopper and El, will be heavily featured in their development)
So, yeah...
Stranger Things is, fortunately, not a tragedy - and considering the love I have for all the characters (especially the Byers-Hopper) I can't say I'm upset about it.
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animefeminist · 17 days
Coming of age as a queer teen in Okazaki Kyoko's River’s Edge
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Content warning: discussion of historical homophobia, bullying, disordered eating
Spoilers for River’s Edge
On a chilly winter night, Wakakusa Haruna is led to a field of goldenrod near her highschool by her classmate, Yamada Ichiro. As a show of thanks and friendship after she rescued him from bullying, he promises to show her his “treasure.” The two teens trek through the tall grass until they reach this treasure: a dead body. 
This scene serves as the symbolic center to Okazaki Kyoko’s River’s Edge (1993-1994), where, despite its morbid and nihilistic undertones, the body is a source of connection and possible community between three young people all disenfranchised for their own reasons: “normal” and seemingly popular girl Haruna, closeted gay teenager Yamada, and their underclassmen, young model Yoshikawa Kozue. The body and the secret of its existence can be interpreted as a symbol of their outsiderness, and more specifically their queerness. Though this series is not primarily discussed as a queer manga, it does explore and reflect Japan’s “gay boom” in the early 1990s, both skewing and addressing contemporary media tropes. River’s Edge features a range of queer representations within its central cast, from frank depictions of closeted life and homophobia to more ambiguous depictions of attraction, making it a layered piece of LGBTQIA+ media and a powerful time capsule of the state of queer representation and queer life in Japan during this period. 
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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daystarvoyage · 5 months
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Luz Shouldve Been Dressed By A POC (Person Of Color Or Luz Batista To Show Better Cultural & POC Reprensation)
Hello Tumblers, This is kyoko cane of daystar voyage, as a proud black person who’s genderqueer who makes content creations On Pop culture such as Cosplay & drag, I do talk on Animation & Family Entertainment So glad to get this topic cause what we see on tv can be put into reality, Now (Disclaimer)
I will not accept hate on the daystar voyage anyone who can’t handle different opinions, ship whatever (unless legal) if not walk out or off this spaceship into a asteroid belt and black hole
Don’t hate appreciate.
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One more thing I do love my girl Luz pilot outfits, there goals however wish they had time to put patterns into her clothes often, like I said in my hootview
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However the female cast had a better closet then her, and I did discuss that in my video, for some time they did make her dress in a shonen archetype, (which I made a post about her hair) or an spicy Latina Which of of course personality wise too, (cause she’s made to be the gender non confirming character) but excuse all that cause in a way, the staff shoulda hired someone whos Either Afro, African American Or Latin to dress this girl.
Oh boy now that im done rewatching The Owl House there’s so much in store soon anyway,
I do feel its time to start this short post, I have a fashion hootview which is the intermission so there’s still a lot to come meantime, finished my rewatch of The Owl House as an animation lover,
Lets discuss this topic at hand,
2020s animators need to take notes on costuming & style tips to make characters stand out in environments and to treat there characters better in fashion or color coordination,
yes you can have a color coded character and not rely of a main palette to be able to bring out there features & complexion,
Animators need to take notes, how to properly show kids & there audience that good clothing could be put onto a character of any occasion & not have to rely on sexuality or Stereotype (Disney Programs have a hit or miss on certain shows.)
while proper fashion can do justice, that goes into making a franchise and making a product to sell for marketability in retail & consumers.
if the character or product can be sold with a great design if executed flawless by character, design, costuming, and the app that comes within the series,
This goes to the fandom cause there might be future artistsor small indie creators reading this who probably never read, or look up fashion brands, magazines either hot couture or brand clothing and don’t have that knowledge But that shouldn’t stop you from being able to experiment with different color palettes on what goes into your art.
The fandom needs a wake up call that not only is everything’s perfect and people have the right to critic and criticize a show or any form of art.
cause fandoms today has a self righteous way of bullying others of different opinions and ostracizing others and ithas to stop,
Here’s a quick tv trope in color-coded characters, & a Toonsmag article on fashion in animation.
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Marketability is a important factor, industries rely on that to make the money off of that series, be a cartoons or projects,
it impacts the character and representation that kids see when they purchase said item and teaching kids, see good representation within media can matter if done right.
Especially POCs if executed well however
DONW BELOW in some cases miraculous ladybug fumbles it hard, at one point had all the poc of color (EXAMPLE limited to alya and nino if not max be lighter tones on there merch.)
You know lighting character's skin tones like Alya and other brown or dark skin characters, on their products & merch (bad ethnic representation award goes to them).
Not to mention the whole Vas underpaid controversy, that’s been discussed countless times.
(still disappointed about there business decisions)
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I appreciate the love of anyone who can view and read this article if you gotten this far,
thanks for reading make sure to check my Tumblr and YouTube vlog cause so much of this particular series I’m gonna debunk
The show had a-lot going for it however feel flat including in the fashion department along miraculous ladybug that’s another thing to be discuss OH BOY so anyway
here’s an example of the video game art of Guilty Gear showing great costume progress years later
always educate yourself cause I do want my platform to show variety on what I offer creatively and semi-education-wise to be able to let people be inspired and that you don't need to follow trends, thank you very much seeya on the next space voyage.
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do-you-have-a-flag · 3 months
spent so much time yesterday discussing a made up teen Ripley show I'm still laughing about it.
the talented mr ripley but the stakes are school dances and grades and dating.
he impersonates a student teacher at one school
he sneaks into a private school using a student blazer so he can steal from people's bags and lockers
he blackmails a teacher
he has a date with two different girls from two different schools and the formal dance event overlaps?
parent teacher night he hires actors to be his parents and then later has them impersonate teachers to his real parents and when a real teacher almost walks in he knocks them out and stuffs them in a supply closet
his arch nemesis is the school music teacher
he forges report cards and permission slips and doctor's notes
he has shoplifted and framed it on classmates who bullied him
teen ripley skateboards but only because it was the trend at the time and he doesn't actually like it much
the makeover episode is all about him impersonating someone else
teen ripley would hate to be seen at his embarrassing working class afterschool job by classmates so shenanigans ensue in trying to hide from them
ripley's gay little crush gone wrong results in classmate getting expelled or worse
teen ripley has stolen the principal's little pet dog
you know his drama with the student theatre stuff would go crazy if he doesn't get the role he wants he will go phantom of the opera on his rivals during rehersals
basically just bringing murderous little creep energy to light hearted teen sitcom tropes
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theroundbartable · 2 years
We all know the: merlin is the gay nerd in class and Arthur is the popular one trope....
But here's the thing, what if it's the other way around?
Arthur, trying to abide the rules, son of the richest guy in town, acts like an ass all the time without realising. Arthur isn't popular at all. He collects swords and challenges people to duels all the time. On top of that he's a Teachers pet who gets angry when people break the rules. Also, closeted bi. Cries over a B- in any subject.
Incoming Merlin, whose mother bakes the class cake all the time. Merlin is super kind and adaptable. People love him for his wit and he's the one doing all the funny shenanigans. He's also pretty good in class, because his mother makes him study. He's fine with B's and C's, but still somehow get's a D for work ethics. He's clumsy and forgets homework and he can't seem to listen in class for his adhd.
Arthur tries to bully him, but it makes him even less popular. Merlin, however, likes Arthur's nerdy antica and helps him loosen up a bit.
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anitalenia · 1 year
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━━━ .°˖✧ enemies to lovers ⋆˙⊹
꒰ঌ definition ໒꒱ 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟. literally my fav. trope
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ below you will find sub genres under this category, as well as some useful pairings for this trope. for educational writing purposes <3
note: several of these can also be used in other tropes as well, just depends on how you write it and interpret it.
╰₊✧ ゚OTHER LINKS . ྀི ⊹ masterlist | romance tropes |
taglist | prompt help | symbol packs | dividers page
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꒰ঌ group one ໒꒱
hero x villain | light x dark | angel x demon | heaven x hell | best friends annoying sibling | siblings annoying best friend | co-worker you’re always in competition with | sly thief x detective who can never catch them | sun x moon
꒰ঌ group two ໒꒱
cat person x dog person | childhood enemies reacquainted | bully’s you cause he likes you | ex lovers still in love but too stubborn to get back together / love disguised with hate | mutual dislike in a shared friend group
꒰ঌ group three ໒꒱
werewolf x vampire | hunter x creature they specialize in killing | pirate x siren | leaders of rivaling groups | forced marriage | rivaling sports teams | rivaling friend groups | popular girl x loner boy or vice versa | cocky x humble
꒰ঌ group four ໒꒱
assassin x person they’re supposed to kill | sharing a bedroom/house | playboy x shy girl | both haven’t come out of the closet | succubus x holy person | succubus x angel | angel on your shoulder x devil on your shoulder
꒰ঌ group five ໒꒱
demon x exorcist | chefs at rivaling restaurants | food critic x chef | spoiled girl x bodyguard forced to put up with it | knight x princess | villain x hero’s accomplice (bonus points if the good person feels like they’re betraying the hero for liking the villain)
꒰ঌ group six ໒꒱
soldier x soldier of enemy nation | librarian x frat boy | humble farmer boy x city girl | hardworking x everything handed to them | assassin x assassin (bonus if they’re supposed to kill each other) | destined to kill each other
꒰ঌ group seven ໒꒱
rivaling species | introvert x extrovert | actors who hate each other but their characters in the movie love each other | paleontologist x mummy | treasure hunter x rivaling treasure hunter | pirate x kidnapped princess | proper lady x wild man
꒰ঌ group eight ໒꒱
families have rivaled for centuries | prisoner x capturer | happy x mean | optimist x realist | celebrity x paparazzi / journalist | both love interests holding a grudge against the other for something they did a long time ago | hardheaded ceo’s
꒰ঌ group nine ໒꒱
lumberjack x bimbo | white collar x blue collar | forced to work together on the same project | they play innocent in front of your family but you know it’s just an act | cocky clan leader x idealistic humble villager | football player x artist
꒰ঌ group ten ໒꒱
cheerleader x computer wiz | warrior x civilian they’re protecting (not necessarily bodyguard au) | the two groups are at war | forced to work together to take down a common enemy | fuckboy neighbor who never stops partying x girl who studies 24/7 or vice versa
꒰ঌ group eleven ໒꒱
flirty villain x hero who knows it’s wrong but can’t help but eventually give in from time to time (batman and catwoman) | maneater girl x shy boy who hates attention | two students running for student body president
꒰ঌ group twelve ໒꒱
injured crybaby warrior x doctor who hates crybabies | wolf boy x cat girl | witch x witch hunter | elf x necromancer | one who gives life x one who takes it | mermaid x pirate | ghost x person living in their home
꒰ঌ group thirteen ໒꒱
ghost x psychic done with ghosts attitude | biker x cop | kidnapper x kidnapped | tutor x dummy | irritating classmate | teachers assistant x needy student | server x chef who keeps getting the food wrong
꒰ঌ group fourteen ໒꒱
bartender x regular drunk customer | environmentalist x construction worker | prosecutor x criminal defense lawyer | free spirit x 9-5 office worker | girl x guy who slept with all her friends | rivaling king and queen
꒰ঌ group fifteen ໒꒱
guy who slept with everyone x only girl he hasn’t (she refuses to be another conquest) | dragon slayer x dragon trainer | knight x outcast | time x death | christmas x halloween | ghost whisperer x skeptic/nonbeliever
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will update when I think of new ones. hope this helps if you’re not sure what story to tell but you want something new <3
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strawbrygashez · 4 months
Caldre YURI hcs!!!
These r some hcs for yuri/girl versions of cal & andre,,. I’ll call Andre, Avery and Cal, Callie :)
I’ll start of with some gereral hcs of them both
•This girl is the perfect example of the tall, awkward, and autistic lesbian trope.
•She dresses basically the same as Andre does. She never really does anything fancy with her hair besides a quick pony tail or letting Callie braid it. She doesn’t wear makeup either because she doesn’t care for it on herself and she just thinks it takes too long. Her mom bugs the crap out of her sometimes asking her to try wearing more ‘feminine’ clothing. Like her mom will buy her a sundress or something even tho she should know that Avery is just gonna toss it somewhere in her closet to never be seen again or give it away to Callie.
•Speaking of makeup, I feel like Avery would have acne like Andre. And she gets picked on for it but as I said, she still doesn’t try makeup to cover it up. Especially probably because her skin is already sensitive enough as it is. So she just rolls with it. (Not saying the bullying doesn’t get to her tho)
•She has soooo many band posters around her room of female bands/singers like Hole, Kittie, Garbage, Otep, No Doubt, Evanescence, Jack Off Jill,& L7 for example.
•Doesn’t deny that she’s gay to herself as much as Andre does. Shes known she’s hated guys for as long as she can remember. She thinks they are just loud, dumb, annoying, and gross. She tried going out with a guy once in like middle school, and it only lasted about half a month. She was too uncomfortable with him & doing things like holding hands.
•has a ‘resting bitch face’ all the time. The only time she doesn’t look ready to rip someone’s head off is when Callie is talking to her.
•She’d be a riot grrrl. If you’ve seen the documentary ‘Dirty Girls’ she reminds me a lot of it.
Even tho I think she’s a total feminist, she’s kinda contradicts herself often. Like when she argues with Callie, she’ll tell her to go fuck off and join the braindead, blonde sluts on the cheerleading team :/ And she just makes fun of popular girls in general, even the ones who are nice because she’s insecure about herself. If a pretty popular girl who’s never said anything mean to her started to talk to her, she’d be blushing and anxious tho.. she’s just a big ol’ mess.
•Steals magazines that are like full of chicks in swim suits. She hides them under her bed. Her mom accidentally found one once and later that night, Avery took all of the ones she owned and burnt them all in a small fire outside💀 she restarted her collection tho at some point when the embarrassment died down.
•Even tho her mom goes on and jokes about her finding a nice boyfriend, it’s pretty obvious to everyone she’s a lesbian. Her room doesn’t help, the magazine she had, the way she never seems interested in male celebrities and actors, the way she ignores guys, it just all adds up.
•Avery calls her Barbie because of the blonde hair and thin body. But she also goes by Cal :)
•You can really tell how artsy she is by the way she dresses. I guess the best way to describe it is like grunge fairy core. Lots of lacy things, light greens and browns, flowy skirts, lots of jewelry, and etc. She also draws on her hands a lot in permanent marker. She’ll draw ‘tattoos’ on Avery too if she asks.
•I feel like female Cal would be pretty popular? But not like, popular popular. Just like loser/weird girl popular because she’s so pretty. Like I’m sure annoying guys try to get with her but she always comes across not interested at all. She’s happy with just Avery and Rachel.
•Just like canon Cal, everyone thinks she’s super innocent and can’t do any wrong because of the way she looks. But she’s just like canon Cal. Manic episodes, depression, and all. She hides it even better than canon Cal does because yknow, no one expects such an innocent, sweet looking girl to hold the kinda thoughts she does at all.
• Cuts and has body issues.
•Loves when Avery lets her give her makeovers. Not because she thinks she needs it at all, and she will tell her that, but because she just likes putting together outfits and looks! She paints her nails sometimes too so they match :)
•I think if she wasn’t so depressed to where she saw no future for herself, she’d maybe look into a job that has to do with fashion or writing. Something artsy.
•They both find each other so beautiful and interesting. Callie feels so safe and truly seen with Avery and Avery is so greatful for Callie because she was so lonely before.
•Initially, I think Avery was a bit intimated by Callie though because all she knew was she was really pretty and blonde so she was like ‘ugh. Another cheerleader 🙄’ in her mind but when Callie actually spoke to her, and Avery found out she’s really cool and they relate a lot, she kinda fell head over heels quickly.
•They both HATE Brad because he makes jokes about how they should kiss in front of him because it would be hot 😐 Or how Callie or Avery should stop hanging out with each other and hang out with him instead. Hes a total douchebag.
•Callie honestly has no doubt Avery is into girls because of multiple reasons but she won’t say anything really about it. When she does want to drop hints that she’s into chicks too, she’ll say stuff about how a girl lead singer is hot. Avery is kinda clueless tho so she’ll just be like “oh haha. Yeah I guess anyone would find that singer hot” to herself. Smh. They’ll even joke argue one time about who would get to be Courtney Loves groupie if she said only one of them could be and it will just go over Averies head.
•Callie has caught Avery looking at her putting on lipstick a bit too intensely once or twice. She thinks it’s cute :) I think once maybe she’s even kissed her cheek so it would leave a kiss mark. Avery of course got all red and said it was gross and how she had to go wash it off now and blah blah blah but probably had to actually fight for her hand to move to wash it off in the sink later.. cuz she saw herself in the mirror and went 😳
•They also joke around by pretending to be guys who are flirting with them with each other. Like Callie will put her arm around Avery in the car while they are parked somewhere and will try to copy Brads voice and say “Hey baby. It’s just me and you now. Am I gonna get lucky tonight?” They both find it amusing to laugh over guys.
•Avery uses cheap shots when they are play fighting. She punches Callie in the b00b because she’s flat anyways. Callie threatens to use her long nails to scratch out Averie’s eyeballs.
•Avery sent Callie the music video to All the things she said by TATU once but thought Callie didn’t get the point of sending it.. because Callie didn’t say anything about how it was gay 😔 she just said it was a nice song.
Also Avery cries to that song a lot.
•They would have been less pathetic than Cal & Andre and would have actually fr kissed before they did what they did.
•Callie loves listening to Avery rant. Especially about how she hates everyone and how unfair life is lol.
•Callie steals Averie’s band shirts. It first started at a sleepover where Callie’s shirt got ruined so Avery offered her a Kittie one. Once Avery saw her and how she looks exactly like a girlfriend a rockstar guy would have, she knew she was even more done for.
•I think if Callie thought Avery had a specific type, based off the pictures she has up on her wall of women and whatnot, she’d lowkey try to make herself look a little more like that type. Like if she thought Avery likes gothy looking makeup and clothes, she’d try more looks like that. She wouldn’t totally change her style but she’d play around with stuff that she thinks Avery would like.
•If they got together, I think Avery would open up more about how she feels ugly or uncomfortable with how she looks. It breaks Callie’s heart even though she could already tell Avery was not very confident in herself sometimes. she’ll go on about how Avery is absolutely gorgeous to her and she’d share how she has her own body issues too and Avery would be like “??? What? What the fuck? You’re literally perfect. What are you talking about.” And Callie would tell her she feels exactly the same when she hears Avery say that kinda stuff about herself.
•Avery definitely thinks Rachel is out to steal Callie from her. She knows Callie could easily fit in with the ‘normal’ crowd if she wanted with Rachel so she’s always worried she’ll get persuaded into leaving Avery behind. It takes a good amount of deep conversations before Avery can calm down about it and believe Callie won’t leave her.
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
I don't get antis sometimes. If you are uncomfortable about a trope, having people be unafraid to be open about said trope benefits you! If everyone can be honest about what they like, it reduces the chances that your friend of five years admits to being a closet fan of the trope you can't stand.
If you want to avoid every human being that has ever thought positively about a trope, than bullying them into silence is not the way to go about that.
But that isn't what you want is it. It isn't about your comfort. Its about our discomfort.
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