#clown subreddit
danzafila · 3 months
if anyone is curious about the quality of the r/3h subreddit, I just saw someone post a well thought out explanation detailing their discomfort with the agarthans' writing due to how it plays into anti-semitic conspiracy theories (something I too immediately noticed when I first played the game and is a big reason I really do not like their presence in the story)
and did it produce good discussion acknowledging the unfortunate unintended implications and all that? lol ofc not. OP was mostly met with people mockingly dismissing them as overreacting with a helping dose of accusing them of calling the creators anti-semitic (even though they explicitly included a disclaimer that they weren't!). aaand then mods responded by deleting the OP's post for daring to critique their game instead of moderating the shitty comments 🙃🙃🙃
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vermillioncrown · 2 months
no one asked but i gotta put out one of my biggest fandom/fanfic pet peeves:
"unthinking/meme-poisoned socmed usage assigned to every character"
why does everyone have to be a twitter funnyman. why does everyone act like they post for clout and monetization. when would they have the time? what does account verification entail, and would they warrant it.
think it through 🤔
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pissybitchboy · 2 years
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these are from the same post
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strawberrycola · 2 months
hello. i made a very long, very indulgent addition to the sam and max subreddit post earlier, and decided to make it its own post because i had way too many thoughts for a reblog. and the idea of clogging notes was eating away at my brain like mice eat a cheese. this is mostly just train of thought, so i apologise if it's complete nonsense. i've just thought a lot about sam and max's relationship, and the connection lgbt (and neurodivergent, for that matter) fans have had to the series, from my perspective since i was like 8. obviously that's gonna be tinted thru a tumblr lens, because ftmp that's where i see The Good Stuff. and i'm gay as hell, so there's bias. ok read more time kiss kiss.
anyhoozles, coincidentally i've been back on my sam and max bullshit recently, as i finally got a chance to play "this time it's virtual". and discovered vr is not my thing.
so to start, listen...i don't think sam and max's relationship is quite as cut and dry as i believe myself and perhaps many others would imagine/hope. i'm eyeing the "susan" gag from the aformentioned ttiv, in particular. but as your resident specialist in "complex and obscure knowledge of three series total or so", the question of sam and max's relationship has been here since the very beginning of the official comics. like. this has been a thing. pretending it's new is foolhardy. and wrong. obviously there's "like butch and sundance", the wedding toppers, hell, the devs of the telltale game trilogy lampshade their relationship a very decent amount, both in the game itself and in the commentary. at the end of 209, "chariot of the dogs", they directly bring it up during the final cutscene tie straightening maneuver max does. one of the devs literally gets excited about it, iirc. and one of my personal favourite examples is "do you find my warmth...alarming, sam?" from 305, "the city that dares not sleep."
that, in particular, is one of several lines directly from MR. PURCELL HIMSELF, that he gave to the devs each game as lines that must be in the game.
and speaking of season 3, i'd like to mention 305, "they stole max's brain".
(i am now holding "noir sam" so close to my chest, jsyk. that trope means the world to me. it has influenced SO much of my work, and i still use napalm's playthrough on youtube as a sleep aid. REMASTER WHEN.)
of course i and many others latched onto that shit, are you kidding me???? that whole episode was RIPE for hurt/comfort. minor spoiler warning for those that would mind, it's a roaring rampage of revenge plot. at least for the first 30 minutes or so. it's part of a long history between the two of freaking the hell out the second they're separated from each other in a way that doesn't end in like, five minutes. (305. if you know, you know. fkin brutal, man.) sam, in the second act of the game, has been affected by an alternate reality plot, and fully believes he has carried max's brain in a jar his whole LIFE and seemingly has no plans to stop doing so!! it's part of a season where the WHOLE PLOT revolves around the nature of their relationship and how it could change. you don't have to be a shipper yourself to understand how that could be incredibly compelling to the people that fancy them as a couple.
and it's a fandom that i give a lot of credit to lgbt people for revitalising in the mid 2010s~ (i was already a fan by then, and i'm still really curious as to why it blew up so much, but hey, who's complaining?), as well as in 2021~ in response to skunkape's remaster of telltale's season one "save the world" installment, and the release of ttiv. (obviously the actual demographic spread across platform to platform is a varied thing, etc. etc. i'd like to stay firmly in my lane, and i don't wanna overstate any particular demos in my discussion here, or hyperbolise too much.)
Obviously, you don't have. to be a shipper. completely fine. pretty common. Who Give A Care. and we're not even gonna get into the "not suitable" content. i can't fault anyone for not being cool with the actual sexualisation of childhood stuff they like. that's something i'm pretty "ambivalent with a leaning towards discomfort" about for quite a few things myself. and it turns out there wasn't even any "unmentionable graphic imagery" to begin with. shocking. HOWEVER. i'm fascinated but not completely surprised by the blatant homophobia and disgust towards the fanart of the ship.
like, to be nuanced about things, and it's not like the admin is extending the same courtesy here, this is clearly an older fan. like i think from around the same timeframe i was first introduced to it, give or take. maybe they missed a lot of the tumblr mid-2010s activity, or maybe that's going in to their Burning Disgust towards Yaoi Sam and Max Kissing Not Clickbait. i know the fanart had some level of cross-posting, at least on youtube as dubs iirc. OR maybe i'm a fool who is actively tricking you with my words and none of the above is true at all. however...pal. again, in my opinion, we owe those lgbt and neurodivergent kids and adults our whole rights as a fan community. you don't have to like it, but you do have to be respectful, jerkbag.
i can't be the only one who was devastated by the drought of content post "the devil's playhouse". we had a [1] singular whole webcomic to tide us over, with the occasional sketch on purcell's social medias. of course, there was a small community of fans, and some incredible stuff they made, looking at you Sam Dies At The End. i weeped. but it was slow and steady. and then, out of seemingly nowhere, people en masse suddenly REALLY CARED ABOUT THE THING THAT BROUGHT ME SO MUCH JOY AS A LITTLE GUY. like, fuck man...i first found out what autism was when i was real young because max's character description on wikipedia contained speculation as to whether or not he has it. (jury's still out, ...but we all have our little comforts. okay? also speaking of, "is max gay?" is like. one of the longest ongoing bits. like cmon dude.) now granted, by 2021 i was a little old for the new wave of shipping that sprouted up. tiktok edits are Not Always My Thing. but that's okay!!!! it doesn't need to be my thing. i'm really glad they're having fun. :] and i don't want to come across as like. infantilising in my discussion of the younger fanbase, so i apologise if my tone has come across that way. it really is simply the comforting thought that kids like me can experience what i had.
i remember how much fun my friends and i used to have when we were 16! (hi xavier, if ur reading this. miss you, buddy. :]) we got silly with it! we got angsty about season 3!! we wrote fanfiction, hell, an amazing fic my friend wrote that i beta'd is still the most kudos'd shipping fic on ao3!! the fanartists i liked had such an INCREDIBLE grasp on how to write sam and max's banter. it was a good time! and knowing these characters are giving joy to a new generation makes me giddy, dude. hell yeah! get "feral" or whatever the hell it is these days. find comfort in characters that don't really care about anyone's opinion except each other's, who get to be as weird and annoying and gross as they want all the time. that tend to punch up. that show love differently than what's seen as conventional. that end up saving the day, not even because they have to, so much as they genuinely enjoy each adventure together. max was my personal opportunity to feel comfort in all my weird freaky mannerisms i kept safe behind the polished exterior i had to wear as a kid. i found solace in the thought that those two were practically made for each other, as i stumbled through my own gender and sexuality crises. i loved how dry and dark sam was allowed to be. the banjo bits, the phone jokes, the repartee. so much of this series has influenced me, and helped me become who i am, as a creator and as a functional guy who Does Things.
so that's a small bit of why i think sam and max had, and still has, a lot of appeal to people that grew up like me. there's a lot of rough stuff i went through that made the idea of a couple of anarchist detectives completely devoted to one another that go around the seedy underbelly of america saving the day ("almost on purpose!") really, really interesting. steve purcell is unapologetic about how gross america can be, especially in the comics. at the heart of it, sam and max do what they do both because they enjoy it, and they enjoy each other. and i think, to overlook that, is to miss some of the whole point of the franchise. oh, i'm sorry, giant cockroaches literally everywhere is fine, streets crusted in various goos, totally chill, but gay kissing is the thing that Absolutely Nauseates you? plugging your ears and screaming gross seems like...kind of a weak move here, ngl. a work that doesn't shy away from how confusing and wild life can be has a decent chance to be compelling to marginalised groups, who often have to put up with the more disgusting aspects of reality anyways. at least these two odd guys are having fun with it. sam and max understand each other, each of their strengths and flaws, and choose to be with each other every day because of and in spite of them. they choose to love where they are, because of and in spite of its many, many, many flaws. they choose to be who they are because they love what they do. there's something touching there, if you like to think about such things. there are some occasions i find myself wishing sam and max's relationship was more...concrete. i wish we had an answer to Does Sam And Max Is Gay? but at the same time, being vague and obtuse is like. their whole shtick. so maybe it's just right how it is. and uh. obviously this is a fictional series. in the end, it's all how we enjoy it that matters, and it's not the end of the world. and as a final cherry on top, nothing beats turning to my husband and asking, "is sam and max queerbait", before delighting in the 3 hr conversation that follows.
and to get to the point. as the old adage unfortunately goes, it's...okay. to not like...ships. and i can even somewhat understand being frustrated by a subreddit you created being "flooded" by a thing you're not into. only somewhat, because a: we've always been here, and b: because you can. just not look at it? idk if reddit has a filtering system, but. the scroll wheel is free. to throw a tantrum and ban topics because you're personally offended people think they're gay? you might be missing out on some of the most fun you can have outside the series, and you're spitting in the face of the people who held this fandom up on their shoulders like atlas.
and you're being a dick about it.
wah wah they're gay gay homosexual gay and they don't pay taxes. deal or die, fake fan.
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fr00t-snacc · 8 months
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I’ve barely seen any art for the story about “Patti Pepperoni’s Playhouse,” on the nosleep subreddit, so I decided to try and contribute! This story is by u/disco-dingus, and I had lots of fun drawing Patti based off the description that was given! And it’s even featuring a little Jason Voorhees doll, since today is ALSO Friday the 13th! Have a nice Friday, everybody
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mrencyclopedia · 1 year
Every time I see someone say "frens" they earn the eternal side-eye.
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sorrowandpride · 1 year
What is it with dumbass L*b**t**ians going on subreddits for universities they don't even go to and starting shit in the comments 🥴
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drunk-on-starlight · 1 year
Shout out to that one saltierthencrait dude who tried arguing the canto bight arc was segregation
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crtter · 11 months
I’ve been seeing some people getting a bit confused and getting some stuff wrong in the comments of that one post telling the story about the creator of Neopets throwing a hissy fit (Hissi fit lol) over people disliking his idea of a game “that’s just like Neopets but with crypto” and I don’t want to add anything to it to not bother the OP but Neopets has been a hyperfixation of mine since I was 13 and I physically can’t stop myself from going “Um, ackshually ☝️🤓” so I’m gonna do it in my own post. Here’s what happened:
The guy who got super pissed off and started badmouthing Neopets users, ending his tirade with a selfie of him giving Neopets users the finger, Adam Powell, did create Neopets, yes, but he doesn’t own it anymore since it was sold to Viacom in 2005. He has been involved in a few game ventures since but they haven’t been very successful.
His idea wasn’t to “implement NFTs in Neopets”, he’s developing (or planning to) another game that’ll apparently be free to play with some extra paid features, and said features would be paid in some sort of cryptocurrency.
Sadly, the parent company of Neopets, JumpStart, already tried to implement NFTs by partnering with Metaverse back in 2021, with disastrous results, both in the eyes of Neopets players (who hated the idea because NFTs are a scam and terrible for the environment and all) and in the eyes of NFT bros (because the NFTs in question were VERY overpriced given their poor quality and made using stolen assets from Neopets fan sites). The project is apparently still underway but it’s hugely unpopular and tweets made by the official Neopets Metaverse account mostly only gets engagement from NFT bots, if they get any at all.
Back to Adam. He apparently thought people would be “excited about his new game because of the Neopets Metaverse thing”, without knowing how much the fanbase hated the whole thing, and tried to peddle it in the Discord server of the r/Neopets subreddit, a subreddit that has always been VERY vocal against the Neopets NFTs. And well. You can guess how much people weren’t interested in his game. Then, just to make matters worse, people went on the Discord server of his game and saw that it was badly moderated and chock full of homophobic comments made by cryptobros.
Adam gets pissed off at people disliking his game idea and not taking kindly to his comments that “they just don’t understand what crypto is about” and goes on an angry tirade, saying stuff such as how much he wished he never made Neopets because the fanbase sucks, saying he’s going to buy it back just to destroy it and ending in the aforementioned middle finger selfie, all while people clowned on him like crazy. This ended in him getting banned from the Discord server AND from the r/Neopets subreddit. He then started trying to defend himself and demanding to be unbanned in… the comment thread of a news article relating the incident in the Neopets fan site Jellyneo. Last time I checked he was still at it.
He blamed his outburst on “having drunk alcohol while on Sertraline” and has said he wasn’t aware of the homophobic comments in his server and claimed that he doesn’t have anything against LGBT+ people, but he has also made it very clear he doesn’t think he’s in the wrong and won’t apologize for anything.
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lesbianralzarek · 1 year
tumblr in reddit terms
blogs: personal subreddits where the theme/topic is 99% of the time just “me and whatever the hell i feel like at the moment”. for reference, the most common other theme rn is “wizard roleplay that never breaks character”
reblogs: crossposts. these are crucial to maintaining tumblr’s ecosystem. due to blogs generally having fewer followers than subreddits have subscribers, this is the way that posts get seen and passed around. the vast majority of posts on a person’s blog tend to be reblogs, so if the people you follow dont reblog a whole lot, your dashboard is gonna be a ghost town. post limit (combined total of reblogs and original posts per day) is 250, so feel free to go hog wild
tags: this one is complicated. theyre a combination of flairs and Comments But Low-key. you can use them for organization and to avoid seeing content you dont want to (go to your blog, settings, account settings, content you see, and then add tags you want tumblr to warn you about before seeing it). if op tags the post #reddit (in the tags, not the body of the post), itll show up in the #reddit tag when anyone searches that tag. tags are also used for comments that dont really add anything to the post. you know how a jpeg gets kinda gross when its been through a million screenshots and has ifunny watermarks and shit? thats what adding “lmao same” as a comment does to a post. comments stay on reblogs, while tags show up in 4 places: op’s notifications, the notifs of whoever you reblogged it from, when someone clicks on the “notes” button of a post and actively looks for the tags left on it, and when people view your specific reblog of the post (like a follower would on their dashboard)
likes: upvotes but weaker. almost everyone turns off all the algorithms (settings, account settings, dashboard preferences, toggle off the first 3 options. also, make sure your dashboard is on "following" and not "for you". this is highly recommended), so leaving a like doesnt boost the post in any way. they still matter to some people. you can also use them to bookmark a post and go back to your likes later
enthusiastic and/or hyperbolic tags: reddit gold. you wanna let op know you like their art? leave something like ”#printing this out and stapling it to my forehead #op you wanna get married?” in the tags
pornbots: both reddit and tumblr have an issue with them. we block and report them on sight. they usually have hot women as their icons, no posts or reblogs, and a description like “22, brazil, nurse <3″. try to not look like that if you dont wanna get blocked by everyone you follow
blocking: you have this as well, but it seems like a bigger deal on reddit. the reason we are not twitter is because we block bitches who annoy us and move on with our day. do not feed the trolls
things we dont have:
karma: clout-chasing is The Most embarrassing thing you can possibly do on this site. we are all in this circus together and the clown who gets the most laughs is still a clown. popular users will literally deactivate sometimes because clout is a burden. no one here makes money
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Hi! I noticed there were a lot of subreddit blogs getting made lately, and I figured I could make my own. So Here's a tumblr version of r/OutOfTheLoop
If you are out of date on the latest topic whether that be news, drama, meme, etc.? A little confused at what people mean by clown jumpscare? @out-of-the-loop-official is here for you!
Only rules are:
Ask your question in an unbiased manner.
Try to be specific, if your question is too vague or general to understand what it's asking about, it won't be posted.
Please be civil!
Try to answer the question or ask your own legitimate questions in the replies, no judgement here.
I reserve the right to refuse to post your question for any or no reason.
If you know of a blog more applicable to your question (especially the ones mentioned below), please send your ask to them instead:
Would appreciate a signal boost from @no-stupid-questions-official @confessions-official @fuck-you-official @am-i-the-asshole-official @rrelationshipadvice
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pissybitchboy · 2 years
aint no way bro got juked by vampire clown crahan 💀
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he thought someone was really tryna spread fake news about clown eating some chihuahua in public bro i cant 💀
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olderthannetfic · 4 days
r/Ao3's mod, is that you? Because this is not how things went and attempting to do historical revisionism with the internet, where everything is archived for safekeeping, is clown behavior.
Demanding that people wait for "vetted information" is a ridiculous request, when they were already given all important information about the case. The woman that was promoting lore.fm posted multiple tiktoks explaining what the app "she" was working on was supposed to do, and people rightfully did their research and found out that that woman is the CEO of an app that creates stories through AI.
When they tried to reach out to her through comments, they'd get deleted immediately, and when tried to voice their concerns through DM, they were either ignored or received non-answers that didn't address anything of what they asked.
Were people supposed to sit idly, when it was clear that what was happening was very wrong and unfair? Wait for a mod of a subreddit to wake up and say "Mmmmh, I bet my (uninformed) opinion is what is needed in this case"?
People did have the right information and acted accordingly: the app's CEO said that, if authors didn't want to be a part of the project, they had to email them and ask to not be included, and that's what people did, nothing less and nothing more. They followed etiquette to perfection, there was no brigading.
And yes, the mod was not neutral: they admitted that they "skimmed" through the posts about the issue, and were completely blind to the fact that the CEO was deleting comments and accusing anyone who was against her app of being classist and ableist. You cannot write a "neutral" write-up about an issue if you conveniently forget to actually look into the other side of it and only focus on what you have on hand.
"organizing brigading activities"
Give me a break: people wrote emails. Going by these standards, receiving fliers in your mailbox makes you a victim of organized terrorism.
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hyperrealisticblood · 5 months
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somebody on the subreddit posted a link to clowns curiouscat and i encountered what may be the funniest piece of welcome home lore ever
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
I joined the SC server out of curiosity because this nonsense has been on my feed all week and fffucckkk why is anyone taking them seriously, theyre just cringe kids (and even cringier adults) who feel like such garbage about their lives they wanna bully systems because they see how much happier we are in ours.
I love this community so much, everyone please take care and remember to do a cleansing ritual to remove these pathetic people from your feeds
On this note, I'll remind people they can block tags if they need to. I try to tag most of my posts about the sub or its server with #r/systemscringe or #systemscringe.
I personally do take them seriously. At least for the harm their misinformation can do. Sure, they're a bunch of clowns, but their misinformation can do real damage.
I believe @cambriancrew was talking not too long about medical forums they're in discussing denying treatment to patients who have DID. This is attributed to the false perception of a mass amount of fakers. A perception driven by places like r/systemscringe.
And disturbingly, some of their members are in medical fields, like this user:
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This is what truly terrifies me about these cringe communities.
When you're seeking treatment, you don't know who the people are you're being treated by.
Maybe u/manditobandito isn't someone who gets to decide whether you can get the pain relievers you need, or even life-saving medical treatment. But someone from these communities could be.
They could decide that because you're plural or have a dissociative disorder, that you're malingering and must therefore be faking whatever other conditions you say you have.
And these people won't be basing this on their education. No. Your physicians won't have much more education into mental illnesses than most random people you meet on the street.
Especially for DID, which is barely covered in actual psych classes.
They'll be basing it on what they've heard around.
Think for a moment about the type of misinformation they typically spread, like what I recently debunked over here...
My fear is medical professionals hearing lies like this be repeated and deciding "well, the patient can hear their alters and has fictives so they must be faking," and choosing to deny patients much-needed treatment.
And to be fair, these cringe communities are only one small part of the problem.
But they are part of the problem. And the misinformation they spread can cause real damage.
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