#cobra Kai Dimitri
themccpodcast · 2 years
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reveseke · 6 months
Artist reader & characters of Cobra Kai. Nothing but fluff and gen (mentions of (full+partial) nude art, but nothing specific!), no specific genders for the reader.
Threw in the girls & Ant as well, bc i could and I genuinely wanted to. All of them could be perceived as either platonic or romantic.
Reminder that my blog is male, ftm, enby, masc centric and I do not write for fem readers!
Eli, Miguel, Demetri, Robby, Anthony, Moon, Yasmin, Tory & Sam w/ an artist reader!
Just my thoughts nothing more or less. :3 also they get noticeably shorter the further down you go lol.
— Eli; I think he'd find it cool if you were into drawing and sketching (I don't believe he'd have a favorite style, just random sketches of the most random-est of things does it for him to think you're really cool and talented). He'd absolutely loved to get a peak at the sketches, especially if he catches you sketching something. If you dare to show him a sketch of him either post Hawk or before Hawk he'd ask you if he could keep it with the sweetest of smiles. Also graffiti, absolutely would mess around with spray paint with you.
However he would be a bit meaner just for the show during S1-3 specifically with his macho show of I'm a goddamn badass pretender for the girls. He'd just be basically mean for the laughs but swear he'd also be sweet as fuck to you afterwards and making up for his behaviour. (Make him sit for a few hours and be your model, that'll do lol.) [Side note I think Hawk would be the kind of guy to think about partial nude art but never admit it.]
— Miguel; just in general this boy is fucking bashful and amazed for your skill at drawing. He'd love to breeze through your sketchbooks and ask you to draw something for him. Absolutely anything and he'd cherish it, especially if it was something of him or nature-related. I also think he'd love abstract patterns. I also think he appreciates graffiti and murals!
— Demetri; interested for sure, especially if you're into drawing fantasy characters and settings. He's a comic nerd, he'd love to see your take on some of his favored characters from comics. fanart kind of guy imo. Also if you draw him his DnD character he'd love you for eternity. Just saying :3 (I also believe that Dimitri would have artistic talent as well. Thinking about dates where y'all just geek about your interests and draw, create stories etc.) I also think that Dimitri would love to see scenery art.
— Robby; this man cannot take a pen in hand and draw himself at all imo, he seems like he's a bit lost but he'd absolutely adore your drawings. I think he'd be into scenery and a realistic type of art. For some reason I think he'd be the guy who doesn't exactly get art, but gets joy from watching someone else geek out about a specific piece and tell him about it and the history/background around the artwork. (Looking at Mona Lisa rn so hard) [side note on this guy, he'd absolutely at some point ask about nude art in general.]
— Ant; we know this guy plays DnD as well, he'd be interested in your drawings and love silly sketches especially off of characters related to his interests. Somehow thinking Anthony wouldn't get abstractical art if it didn't have fantasy-esque in it. Just video game art, absolutely.
— Moon; Personally love her character sm down to earth (not really, she seems more daydream type) and interested in crystals, chakras and energies! I think she'd be interested in symbolism within art and just be really really interested in spiritual-related artworks. Abstractical patterning that takes inspiration from a culture? Mythology related artworks? She'd absolutely eat them up and I mean gobble it all up, I also see her as someone who'd do art with you.
— Yasmin; she'd love to see what you were sketching especially if it was her, because I think she would let you just draw her up in different outfits even without asking if you could. [Personally also think she'd be interested in nude or revealing art.] She'd be your model without any further questioning, BUT be sure your up for the task to hear her whine about how long it's going to take and just be cheesy with some memes. (Koff Koff the popular french girl line.)
— Tory; now I don't think Tori's much of an art girl either, but she'd love to see your sketchbook like the others and watch you draw. However this doesn't by any means rule out graffiti, she'd be up in a second if spray paints and graffiti was mentioned imo! I also think she'd have an eye for scenery and murals artworks with abstract types of art.
— Sam; she'd love to see your sketches and artworks as well! I think Sam wouldn't inherently be that interested in art, but she'd absolutely let you rattle her ears off talking about art and such. I think she appreciates scenery art a lot and murals.
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variousqueerthings · 11 months
truly do get pulled back every time im reminded that johnny and daniel are obsessed with each other and have been connected for 35 years and can only heal alongside one another, this will never be over because they don't want it to be over whatever "this" is, who knows, they certainly don't they'll just keep right on circling forever and ever and that's just the way they want it
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fodenswhore · 2 years
cobra kai s5 rant
- thoroughly enjoyed this season, i thought it was funny, not as cringey as previous seasons and the fight scenes were so so good. however, there were a few things that really annoyed me or made me question why i have a netflix account. here they are:
pregnancy storyline - when i tell you this plot annoyed the fuck outta me, i mean it. as soon as carmen said ‘i’m late johnny’ i was like oh for fuck sake and i had to pause the tv and resist the urge to smack my head off a wall. it’s such an unnecessary storyline and it aggravated me every time it was mentioned throughout the rest of the season. like, come on writers, could you be any more predictable? and don’t get me wrong, i think babies are cute n stuff, but throwing a baby into a book or a show just ruins it for me. also, johnny runs from all of his problems so who’s to say he won’t do the same when things get challenging with his new baby?
robby - i love love love robby, but the way he gets treated is not it. whilst johnny is funny i’ve come to the realisation that he is a really shitty person. he only acknowledges his own feelings and doesn’t care about anyone else’s - especially robby’s. and robby’s reaction to the pregnancy threw me off guard. he was happy??? he deserves to be angry about it, hell i would be. his dad literally neglected him his whole life and is now having a baby with miguel’s mum? i’d be more than pissed. robby needs a hug and i volunteer to give him one, he deserves the world <3
carmen and johnny - carmen really pissed me off this season idk why, she just did. like babe, how are you gonna have a child with a man who still acts like one😭😭😭 and johnny annoyed me too, he literally prioritised everything over robby. and then when he forced robby and miguel to fight out their issues as if those issues didn’t literally stem from him being a better father figure to miguel than he was an actual father to robby (i am glad they’re all good now tho).
silver - even just his face annoys me, had to hold myself back from punching the tv every time he had a scene. he’s a good villain though.
kenny and kyler - oh my god. i physically recoil anytime kyler has a scene, he’s so cringe it’s actually painful to watch. kenny also annoyed me as well, like bro i think you’ve messed with anthony enough, leave him alone now. and then when he tried intimidating robby and miguel, like honey know your place x
sam - now sam annoys me every season, i reallyyy want to like her but i just can’t. this season however, she did annoy me significantly less than usual. although she did make miguel’s circumstances in mexico about her which was very irritating and then had the audacity to get mad at miguel when he kissed another girl after she’d broken up with him???
okay, rant over. i’m sure there’s more that annoyed me but i can’t remember at the moment. so apart from the pregnancy storyline that it is so stupid, pointless, basic, predictable, annoying, ew and the characters mentioned above (except robby i love him, just the way he was treated annoyed me), the season was really good.
to clarify, i am not hating on the actors at all, i think they all do a brilliant job, this is just my opinion on the characters and storylines which are both entirely fictional :)
times the word annoyed/annoys was used in this rant = 9
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persefoneshalott · 7 months
I think we should take the 'nerd character who quotes pop culture' away from writers
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sharksliveontrains · 2 years
love saying “thats my favorite character” knowing damn well ill say it about 8 more characters before the episode is even over
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mariusslonelysoul · 2 years
Why is everyone in cobra kai so fucking STUPID i wanna bitch slap them
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nanahoshiworld · 3 months
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findroleplay · 7 months
Hello guys! I’m here trying to feed into my Xolo Maridueña obsession 🤣 I have been obsessed with him since cobra Kai and I just saw blue beetle for the first time lol
But anyways I am here looking for either a cobra Kai or blue beetle RP! I can do cast or characters for both! I do OC X CC and I do doubles ups! I write on discord and I’m 20F in CST!
Who I ask for in cobra Kai:
Tory(GXG pairing)or
Miguel (GXB Pairing)
Who I will play as:
Anthony (and more just ask!)
Who I ask for in blue beetle:
Jenny (GXG pairing) or
Jamie (GXB pairing)
Who I will play as:
I write just about anyone in both casts! I wrote 2-4 paragraphs per response and I am very active right now as I am on thanksgiving break! If you are interested in either fandom let me know by leaving a like and I will get back to you ASAP ✨
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buffyfan145 · 2 months
More new "Karate Kid" movie castings as Aramis Knight and Wyatt Oleff have joined!!! 😀 I'm a fan of Wyatt's and very happy to see him in this. Both roles are being keep secret but I can see Wyatt playing a best friend role to Ben Wang's new character, similar to Freddy in the original movie and Hawk & Dimitri in "Cobra Kai".
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yallwildinrn · 3 months
🛼 🍬 🧩
Hi Amadeus!!
(Full list of questions can be found here.)
🛼 Describe your latest WIP in five emojis.
🏨👥👔🙄😥 (why was this the hardest one?? XD)
🍬 Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character.
LOL I’ve some Opinions TM, but I’ll start here. I find Dimitri in Cobra Kai so annoying. He’s intended to be annoying, but I never enjoyed the show when it focused on him. Maybe he’s gotten better since season 3 (which I literally could not finish), but I do not think of him very fondly lol
🧩 What will make you click away from a fanfic immediately?
I already answered this here!
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fangurlss63 · 2 years
cobra kai season 5 is DOPE! I really like the character development, the teaming up, the relationships, I really wish we could see yas moon eli and dimitri more next season, really hope this relationship development in this season will not go to waste next season and CHOZEN CHOZEN CHOZEN is AMAZINGGGG his character really cute, funny, sweet and really completed the sensei for Miyagi-Fang, CAN’T WAIT FOR NEW DOJO NAME
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robbyykeene · 1 year
i see the trailer im like i do NOT care but a few days later it's like i miss my friend sam how's sam. i miss robby my friend robby maybe i should rewatch the show make some time for my best friend robby i miss my friend dimitri i should go hangout with dimitri. haven't seen them in a while etc <- my internal monologue trying to get me to rewatch cobra kai
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persefoneshalott · 7 months
they had a cute aisha x sam scene where she apologizes and says she never should've been hanging out with Yasmine in the first place and they reconcile < 3 and then after Aisha leaves in s2 they're like nevermind! and have Yasmin hang out with all of Aisha's friends
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edgecastlema · 1 year
what are the mw (new) fandoms and mw characters?
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hey non! we're giving you a bit of a mix of brand new fandoms, but some fandoms we've got around that our members just really wanted to see. of course just cuz something isn't on our list, doesn't mean we wouldn't be obsessed with seeing them.
fandoms: grey's anatomy, buffy the vampire slayer, shin megami tensei, fire emblem, shadowhunters, the vampire diaries and all it's spinoffs, shameless, the walking dead, outer banks, stranger things, queer as folk, legend of vox machina (any critical roll honestly), dimension 20 (crown of candy and fantasy high esp), haunting anthology, yellowjackets, monster high, the wilds, texas chainsaw, cobra kai, star trek, classic horror, and barbie charas: lottie matthews, vanessa palmer, ben scott, travis martinez, misty quigley, johnny lawrence, ali mills, chozen toguchi, miguel diaz, robby keen, samantha larusso, eli "hawk" moskowitz, demitri alexopoulos, tory nichols, kenny payne, byleth, alear, lyndis, corrin, edelgard, dimitri, ike, roy, chrom, dorothea, marianne, azura, camilla, marth, lucina, luke crain, miles wingrave, nell crain, dani clayton, theo crain, steve crain, shirley crain, flora wingrave, rebecca jessel, owen sharma, jamie taylor, hannah grose, willow rosenberg, cordelia chase, angel, oz, dawn summers, tara maclay, faith lehane, kendra young,
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ivy-pendragon · 2 years
I always laugh at the scene where Hawn, Dimitri and Miguel are all concerned about Sam’s text all while Yasmine, Moon and Sam herself are doing the exact same thing. It was the shittiest but most accurate thing cobra kai has done in a long time with this teens. It sucks tho, even if Miguel and Sam were already in a thin line, involving people (friends or not) in your relationship and allowing them to actually have an opinion in your decisions is what made it perfectly clear that Sam and Miguel were not in a place to be in a relationship. Both of them were too insecure and too distracted by everything going on around them, so it was like a fresh breeze of air to me when they broke up. Even if they missed each other, it was great to see Sam trying to figure out herself and the place karate had in her life. As for Miguel, it felt good to see him putting himself first without any guilt. Both of them were pretty much toxic and selfish to each other (it was 100% understandable in both cases tho, they were putting themselves first for once so I support it) at the beginning of the season, so the time they took apart from each other was very much needed. I felt like they came back together pretty fast and I personally I would have liked to see them as friends for a little longer, for me being friends with your partner is the formal base of every relationship and I don’t feel like Sam and Miguel have that kind of link, you know? They are adorable, but I don’t know, Cobra Kai always rushes them (pretty much like they did in S1). But hey, this is my opinion so I’m not right neither I’m wrong, this is just what I think about Samguel.
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