#cold as you is a fav but i don't think it would vibe the right way
lovelynim · 8 months
Hey! Do you have any tickle hcs for the deep space boys? I’d love to hear your opinions considering seeing u post about it is what got me into the game! Thanks for that LOL ;)
Hi anon!!
I actually do have some hcs for them and I'm so glad you asked because I was dying for an excuse to ramble about them!
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Starting off with my fav because I'm biased. Anyway, I think lighter tickles/strokes tend to get a better reaction from Xavier??
Like, he said himself his tummy isn't that bad and he gives me the vibes that he is pretty good at holding his reactions even if you tickle his feet or under his arms - still get going at some point tho.
Horribly ticklish, can't stand getting kisses or raspberries there, will ALWAYS scrunch up his shoulders if you poke him there and will giggle adorably all the time heheheh
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Now I have to be honest and say that I didn't interact with Zayne as much as you people would like me to do. I didn't vibe along with him at first, so it took me a while to get going lol
But thanks to Mia (@/ticklygiggles), I started to see the charms our cold, stoic doctor has and OF COURSE HE IS THE TYPE TO SAY HE IS NOT TICKLISH ASJUDHISHA
And he will die pretending he is not. Also, I feel like teases don't really work on him??? Anyway, you'll get him jumping in no time if you slide your fingers down his back and he will give you that cold, angry look saying "stop >:C"
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Last, but not least, our beautiful and delicate artistic brat. Rafayel is hands down the most ticklish one among the three of them and will be dramatic and LOUD about it.
"I'm going to die", "you're killing me", "that's too much!" and you literally just poked his side. just that. UHAUSHAU
ANd he is just this walking tickle spot and anything you do will get him rolling on the floor. he also will try to get revenge, but ends up getting wrecked more because he is too baby to put up a fight.
I love him tho, and I have to say he is also the one that gets got the most because thats what he gets after pulling the brat behavior for so long.
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
It's Sir Dr Brian Harold May's birthday today and I absolutely love and adore him, and I have been posting stuff on my Queen sideblog @rogers-maraccas, but I felt like posting this long rant on here because I FEEL LIKE IT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME AND I WANT ALL YOU FUCKERS TO HERE ABOUT THIS BEAUTIFUL AMAZING MAN!
Out of all four members of Queen, I do not have a favourite, I love them all equally, not just for their music, but for them, because they are all great. But today is Brian's day, so we must discuss him. Next week will be Rogers birthday.
Firstly, Brian's talent is absolutely incredible and playing guitar like his is one of the things that keep me from quitting guitar. I watch him play guitar solos and I see the way his fingers move and how they can just, how the fuck do I say this without it sounding weird, finger the strings and he can move them up and down and jesus Christ this sounds weird but I don't fucking care because it's fucking Brian May.
I will admit that he is not THE best guitar player in the world, there are definitely some, specifically Jimi Hendrix that tops Brian, but to me, in my opinion, he is still one of the best. HE IS SO FUCKING TALENTED. And its not just guitar, he can write songs, he can sing really good, his voice is amazing and so gentle and soft and I love it. He has solo albums that are really good and I definitely recommend listening to them. My fav solo album of his is Back to the Light, and even though I don't have an absolute favourite, I'm Scared and Resurrection are definitely some of my favourites, and Let Your Heart Rule Your Head gives me the same sort of vibes as '39 which is just one of the amazing Queen songs Brian wrote.
Speaking of songs, Brian has written so many hits for Queen, as has the rest of them, but this post is focusing on Brian:
Some great songs he's written that I can think of just at the top of my head:
Fat Bottomed Girls, We Will Rock You (y'know, StOmP stOmP cLaP), '39, Now I'm here, Stone Cold Crazy, Sweet Lady, Tie Your Mother Down, Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together), Who Wants To Live Forever and Headlong.
Plus the, in my opinion, very underrated songs that are fucking great that he wrote:
White Queen (As it Began), the story behind the song is both very sweet and sad on its own, Father to Son, Brighton Rock, It's Late, Mother Love, Dead on Time, Dreamers Ball (absolutely fucking love this song. It's so good), Dancer, Dragon Attack, Sail Away Sweet Sister, Save Me, Tear It Up and Is This the World We Created.
That's not even all of them.
And his lyrics are so fucking great as well, as are the rest of the bands songs, but just look at some of these beautiful lyrics.
"Take me to the room where the green's all green" and "Take me to the room where the reds all red" from Dragon Attack
All of '39
"You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese" from Sweet Lady
"She used to be a woman with a hotdog stand" from Headlong.
Lyrics master right there.
I am aware that all the band chipped in to write The Show Must Go On, which is in my opinion the best Queen song and I could go on and entire different rant about that, but the lyrics and meaning behind it is amazing, and you get beautiful gems from those lyrics like "my wings are painted like the wings of butterflies, fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die. I can fly my friends"
Oh my gosh and we can't forget that he is incredibly smart. He has a fucking PhD in astrophysics for fucks sake, he's a doctor. I remember reading somewhere that his IQ is 180, which is just seven IQ point thingys lower than Sheldon Cooper. If he wasnt a very famous guitarist then he most likely would have been a very successful astrophysicist.
Plus he's fucking knighted.
He has also accomplished so much outside of Queen and his solo stuff. He loves animals is an animal rights activist, publicly speaking against fox hunting and culling of badgers. He fucking loves badgers. And lots of different animals. I have multiple photos of Brian with animals.
He helped open the Mercury Phoenix Trust charity which was opened in honour of Freddie Mercury to help fight AIDS.
He bought a bunch of land where trees were going to get cut down to build houses and saved those trees and is now called May's Wood.
He would go on TV after Freddie died and stand up for Freddie and speak up against the press and all the negative very untrue things people were saying about Freddie. (Just pointing out he is not the only one that did this, Roger also did an amazing job on speaking out)
There is a lot more things than I mentioned but you get the point and my brain is blanking.
OH YEAH, he played live at the top of Buckingham palace.
Also when asked by someone if we would ever hear what happened inside of the legendary Queen parties. His response was just a couple seconds of silence and then...
And of course we can't have a Brian appreciation post without mentioning the Red Special. The Red Special is Brian's guitar that he's had ever since he was a kid, and he's used it at most shows (I find the fact that he didn't have it during Live Aid is a fucking crime). He made the guitar with his dad when he was a kid. I can never remember how old he was if he was 12 or 15 or something. Him and his dad made it out of some old furniture or something like that where the wood was really old and pretty much rotting. It's fucking amazing.
And he improvised and experimented and used a six pence coin as a pick and it gives it a unique sound. One time my sister and I was in a car and I was listening to my own music and my sister told me Queen was on the radio so I listened and she had never heard that song before and she heard the bit with the guitar solo and I asked her how she knew it was Queen and she said she recognised the sound of Bri's guitar. If his guitar broke I would cry for him and the Red Special.
And I know this is talking about Brian, but I just feel the need to point how good of an actor Gwilym Lee is. He played Brian in the movie, and he was the most accurate out of the entire cast in my opinion. When Brian showed Bohemian Rhapsody to his kids they thought that his voice was the actual Brian's voice just overlapping and Gwilym was lip sinking. He wasn't, he's just that good.
I've been watching Bohemian Rhapsody while writing this, and I started this towards the start of the movie and now I'm up to the bit where Freddie finally ditches Paul so I'm gonna stop here.
Just remember that Brian May is an amazing man who is extremely talented and kind and has done extraordinary things, even more than on here. If I ever met him I would tell him that and tell him I love him more than I can say and maybe even more than some of my friends and that he has changed my life in ways I can't even understand.
What a man.
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Absolutely adorable
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fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Reflections on Luna's Intro Chapters
Luna has to be my fav HP girl. I couldn't care less if the other HP girls died (especially Ginny and Hermione) but I just find Luna so adorable and entertaining. Just some book 5 snippets I find interesting.
“What are you talking about?” said Ginny, who had squeezed past Neville to peer into the compartment behind him. “There’s room in this one, there’s only Loony Lovegood in here —”
I can't believe there are people so desperate for HP femlash that they pair poor Luna with a bitch like Ginny. I can see where the appeal comes from but no, just no. Why are the female friendships in HP so shallow and nondescript??
She closed the door again, rather pink in the face, and departed. Harry slumped back in his seat and groaned. He would have liked Cho to discover him sitting with a group of very cool people laughing their heads off at a joke he had just told; he would not have chosen to be sitting with Neville and Loony Lovegood, clutching a toad and dripping in Stinksap.
Neville deserves better friends. Neville is so Harry's pity friend. I will never forgive Horrid Harry comparing sweet Neville to Peter Pettigrew.
“She didn’t enjoy it very much,” Luna informed him. “She doesn’t think you treated her very well, because you wouldn’t dance with her. I don’t think I’d have minded,” she added thoughtfully, “I don’t like dancing very much.”
I don't ship Runa but Luna and Ron are so cute together. I wouldn't have minded this ship over Romione. At least Luna would not be prone to physically assaulting Ron and underestimating his talents. But I prefer Runa as a sibling relationship.
“Anything good in there?” asked Ron as Harry closed the magazine. “Of course not,” said Hermione scathingly, before Harry could answer, “The Quibbler’s rubbish, everyone knows that.” “Excuse me,” said Luna; her voice had suddenly lost its dreamy quality. “My father’s the editor.” “I — oh,” said Hermione, looking embarrassed. “Well . . . it’s got some interesting . . . I mean, it’s quite . . .” “I’ll have it back, thank you,” said Luna coldly, and leaning forward she snatched it out of Harry’s hands. Rifling through it to page fifty-seven, she turned it resolutely upside down again and disappeared behind it, just as the compartment door opened for the third time.
I love how Hermione is the only person Luna is cold towards. That's my girl!
“Yeah,” said Harry, “but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone.” Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville laughed. Malfoy’s lip curled.
Druna crumbs! Luna is the only person who did not laugh. Maybe because she is the only one with good enough humor to recognize a lame joke. You can do better than that Harry!
“Did everyone see that Grubbly-Plank woman?” asked Ginny. “What’s she doing back here? Hagrid can’t have left, can he?” “I’ll be quite glad if he has,” said Luna. “He isn’t a very good teacher, is he?” “Yes, he is!” said Harry, Ron, and Ginny angrily. Harry glared at Hermione; she cleared her throat and quickly said, “Erm . . . yes . . . he’s very good.” “Well, we think he’s a bit of a joke in Ravenclaw,” said Luna, unfazed. “You’ve got a rubbish sense of humor then,” Ron snapped, as the wheels below them creaked into motion. Luna did not seem perturbed by Ron’s rudeness; on the contrary, she simply watched him for a while as though he were a mildly interesting television program.
Oh Luna, I love you! Nice to see everyone outside the golden trio + Ginny are not brain dead Hagrid stans. What idiots.
Oh yes, another instance of Harry intimating Hermione to agree with him about Hagrid. It's so amusing how Hermione can lash out against Ron but Harry can subdue her so easily. Karma for how she treats Ron. It's so sweet! Pro Harmione! Gives me 'Taming the Shrew' vibes. People complain about Draco mistreating Hermione in Dramione when Harmione is right there in canon lol! Harry putting girlboss Hermione in her place haha!
Runa is so cute!
Ron, get yourself out of Hagrid's ass. At least Ron shows more common sense about Hagrid than dim wit Harry.
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too-much-otome · 5 months
Mammon Playlist
These can be for the original game or NB. most of them fit for both. I've had the playlists for a while but recently refined them. I hope you like them!
Explanations (Excluding Character Songs):
They Call Me Tiago (Her Name is Margo) - Tiagz
Not exactly a song about him but something I think he'd listen to and I think it fits his vibe. I just really think it fits him.
Go Hard (La.La.La.) - Kreayshawn
A bit unhinged and chaotic which always reminds me of Mammon. Also love that the first line is "I don't have any money..." Big Mammon energy. This poor bitch is always in debt.
Oh Yes (Rockin' With The Best) - Laidback Luke, Keanu Silva
Not only does it give off his kinda vibes but he's also very full of himself. I mean we're talking about "The Great Mammon!" He only comes in second to Asmo.
Jerk It Out - Caesars
Another one based on vibes. The instruments and vocals just give me something I feel he'd like!
Mine - Bazzi
This is 100% how he thinks of MC. That boy is just absolutely smitten with them! He adores them! He might be a bit selfish, careless, and let's be honest stupid but he always does his best when it comes to MC. He's always genuine and open with them! I just love him!
24k Magic - Bruno Mars
We all know if Mammon knew how to budget he'd be living a lavish lifestyle! He loves having nice things! Plus, some of you forget this but I didn't, one of the powers Mammon has is that If he likes someone they're bound to come into money and usually prosper wealth wise.
Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae
Party boy. Loves a good time and letting loose.
7 rings - Ariana Grande
Wants nice things and who can blame him. It's not exactly his style music wise but the lyrics definitely remind me of him.
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
I mean it's literally canon that MC can say one word and Mammon just falls in line. Even Lucifer struggles with that sometimes. He'd do literally anything MC asks.
Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
Oh, this is so him! He's so the type to do the cliche throwing rocks at his partners window then asking them to sneak out for a late night impromptu date. Hes also just so stubborn and honestly, we love it. I just feel like this is very much what he'd be like in a relationship.
Hard Times - Paramore
This man is always in the red. He is struggling financially and his brothers constantly belittle him, this man is just living in a constant state of hard times. My fav may not be Mammon but the day I don't immediately jump to his defense in a cold day in the devildom.
Make You Mine - PUBLIC
Once again, this man is smitten! He just loves MC so much and it's so sweet I'm gonna cry-
First Date - blink-182
As much as he likes to show off and brag and act cool he is always a bit nervous around MC. He wants to impress them and look cool but he can't help but blush and stutter when they flirt back. It's adorable.
Treasure - Bruno Mars
I truly believe that in a relationship Mammon would put MC over everything. I know it's a stretch...but I think even Goldie would come second! WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME IM RIGHT!!
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Jealousy. That's it. We all know Mammon is extremely protective and jealous when it comes to MC. It makes sense for the Avatar of Greed. But I also think the lyrics can apply to how Mammon might feel watching MC with his brothers. Because even if you don't necessarily want to romance Mammon he is still clearly pinning after MC.
Chaotic and unhinged. What more do you need?
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
☆ Star: send a short description of yourself and I’ll tell you who I ship you with!
im open to poly marauders! (Lowkey one of my favs so-)
my personality is very sarcastic and I have a dark sense of humor but I’m very kind and a good listener. I sort of have jealousy issues though and I can be quite sensitive and cry easily. I’m also really clingy and can be rather impulsive. I’m one of those burnt out gifted kids 💀 and get easily overwhelmed by crowds and strangers.
My hobbies are basically reading, listening to music, singing, doing art (although I’m not the best at it), and I’m obsessed with horror. My three main aesthetics are grunge, goth, and dark academia and I’m also pansexual!
i love your writing, it’s amazing and congrats on 400 followers! <333
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 600 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose from <3
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I ship you with Marlene McKinnon and Remus Lupin. I know it's a weird combination, but hear me out. Marlene was absolutely obsessed with your aesthetics. She loved the way you dressed and was attracted to your vibe from the start. She saw you and she wanted, no, she needed to be your friend. She didn't even know she was queer until you started dating Remus, and the news that should've made her happy upset her.
"Guess what, Mars! Remus asked me on a date!" you told her with a smile.
"He did?" she asked, shocked, a soft tug at her heartstrings that she didn't understand.
"Yeah! He asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him."
"And you're sure it's a date?"
You were a little taken aback by her question. Up until that very moment, you hadn't second-guessed the nature of the outing. "You... Don't think it would be?"
Marlene noticed the change in your demeanor and wanted to punch herself for daring to upset you. "No, I... I'm sure it must be a date. Remus is, you know, he's a great guy! No need to second-guess yourself..."
"Right," you nodded, trying to regain your confidence.
In the end, it really had been a date. Remus had prepared everything. He took you to a bookstore and gifted you the book that seemed to interest you the most while you were distracted, of course.
Then you went for candies at Honeydukes, and in the end, you ended up eating something light at the Three Broomsticks. When you got cold, he gave you his sweater and wrapped his arm around you, bringing you closer to him. Remus was a true gentleman, and he was incredibly sweet too. So sweet that you had been the one to lean over and give him a goodbye kiss before the two of you parted ways for the night. Sirius, who had been staring, teased Remus relentlessly for the rest of the week.
As your relationship with Remus progressed, you felt Marlene start to pull away from you. She always had some excuse to not hang around, and at some point, you'd had enough. You waited for her as she walked out of her class and pulled her into a broom closet, closing the door when she tried to leave.
"Marlene, what the hell's going on? You've been avoiding me like the plague."
She looked like a trapped fox, as pretty as one too. "I've been busy—"
"—Don't bullshit me, Marlene," you interrupted her. "We've been friends forever. Tell me what happened."
"I think I'm gay."
You frowned at that; it was definitely not something you were expecting. "I... I'm sorry if I pressured you to admit that out loud, but... that can't be the reason why you've been avoiding me. You'd know I'd still be your friend regardless of—"
"—I'm gay, and I have a crush on you," she said all too fast before scurrying away from you.
You weren't sure how long you stayed in that cabinet trying to process what had happened, but one thing was for certain: you had to talk to Remus. The moment you spotted him through the halls, you ran for a hug. He was surprised but hugged back in an instant. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice soft and soothing as he rubbed his fingers on your back.
"You know Marlene has been avoiding me," you said. He hummed in response. "She said it's because she has a crush on me."
"Oh," he said, staring at you intently. "And do you like her back?"
You frowned and turned to him, preoccupied. "No, Rem, I'm with you. I love you."
"That's not what I asked," he tsked. "There is no spoken rule that you need to only like one person in the entire universe."
You looked at him, eyes wide. "There literally is; it's called monogamy!"
Remus shrugged. "Since when have we been ones to follow the rules?" he said with a shrug. "I, for one, have always considered Marlene pretty. So… do you like her back?"
You hadn't even considered the possibility at that point, but Marlene was definitely stunning, inside and out, and you always got along incredibly well. She also had very nice lips, very kissable lips. "I think I might."
Remus smiled and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead. "We should probably talk to her then."
You two set out to find Marlene, and when you did, you talked to her. After a long conversation between the three of you, you decided you'd see how the relationship could work. It wasn't easy at first; you had to establish boundaries and other limits to the relationship. But eventually, you figured it out, and the three of you were more than pleased to have each other. You had Remus; whenever you wanted to chill, you'd hang out with him, listening to soft tunes while reading a book. Sometimes he'd even read aloud to you as you did your artsy stuff, be it crafts, paintings, drawings, or even sculpting; he was always ready to pass the time with you since he really enjoyed just being able to do that. And with Marlene, you'd hang out with her when you felt a little more outgoing, and you'd watch horror movies together on the telly or even do each other's makeup. It was simply perfect.
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rockingtheorange · 8 months
Get to know me!
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Last song: Enemigos - Sebastian Llosa 🎶
Last film: Ron's gone wrong🤖😆
Currently reading: Wolfs-kinder by Vera Buck (a Christmas present)
Currently watching: Last Twilight (GMMTV series) / Percy Jackson (Disney series)
Currently consuming: pasta :)
Currently craving: corn cocktails I had in Mexico😣
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Were you named after anyone?
As far as I know no, in Italian my name means happiness/joy. But the name I chose for myself is named after the ocean ☺ (Talay means ocean/sea in Thai)
When was the last time you cried?
I've been crying at night, before sleeping. I spent a month with my girlfriend and going back to long distance on the other side of the planet hit me harder than a truck🧸
Do you have kids?
Nope, and I don't plan on having them. I'm already struggling managing myself lol
What sports do you play/have you played?
Many when I was little: swimming, tennis, basketball... my parents wanted their children to try many things but I've always been artisty and I stuck to ballet for 5 years, then paused it for a few and came back for another 2/3 years. Then I went for theater ☺🤸
Do you use sarcasm?
Me? No. I don't use sarcasm, I AM sarcasm. But depends on the language I'm speaking honestly (different language - different personality is a real thing lol)
What's the first thing people notice about you?
I've absolutely no idea, but for some reason they always get my vibe wrong. People think I'm cold and quiet but if they earn my trust, I'm very warm and love physical touch
What's your eye color?
Brownish? Idk people have told me they look orange at times (???) or green under direct sunlight 😃 Let's say a light brown? copper maybe???🤭
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Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both. Depends on my mood. (One of my fav series is scary with sad ending and all my fav movies are happy endings)
Any talents?
Some would say many, others would say none. I'd say I try my best in everything I do and talent is often a misused concept that only appreciates something you were born with instead of what you've worked hard on (even worse if people call talent the skill you've spend time and tears on)
Where were you born?
Milan 🙂 (fun fact I was kinda ☠ing and doctors had to remove my right kidney cause I had a tumor. All fine ever since tho☺👍)
What are your hobbies?
Many, I mostly make my hobbies collide with my growth in knowledge and working opportunities. Everything from writing, watching videos, playing videogames, listening to music, spending time in nature...
Do you have any pets?
2 meows 🐱🐱
How tall are you?
Shmall! I'm always the smallest one🥲 1,60 m 🤏
Favorite subject in school?
Def art class when I was little, then maybe math cause it has always been very easy for me. (But I used to love a subject depending on the topic and my own willingness to study it lol)
Dream job?
I'm trying to get a job as a 3D animator but it's hard. I just want to work in the cinema industry honestly 🥺 maybe travel from time to time...
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A bit late but thank you @meraki-yao for the tag, you're always lovely ☺❤
Tagging someone that I hope hasn't done it yet: @manic-pixie-fever-dream @mylucayathoughts @couldvebeenus @onpurposeilovehimonpurpose
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ghostedtea · 1 month
just finished watching the first p3 movie and i want to write my thoughts down.
first, about the art style of the movie. i thought that it'd be more of a deterrent but i got used to it pretty fast. the animation and art is a bit jank at some times but the composition and overall vibes are reaaaally good! the ambience in the dorm and at the dark hour are immaculate.
they made akihiko very ugly, however. it pains me to see him. it also pained me to see whitewashed kazushi and normie-fied kenji. god i hope they don't do the same to yuko...
i know that when it comes to animation, you have to make choices on how to allocate resources but idk.
second, the voice acting. i played reload w/ the english voices because the english voice actors tend to be really good for modern persona games, however i hate watching dubbed anime so i went for english subbed movie. the voices were alright for the most part, the only caveat to that being that yukari's voice acting was a bit too cutesy and high pitched. that being said, i think the voice matched her character in the movie, even tho i have complaints about her portrayal in the movie.
third, plot changes. i didn't mind how they condensed the time, because otherwise they would have had to make a 5+ hour long movie which would have sucked. i do wish we had at least seen how Makoto had met his social links, if not his interactions w/ them.
the added fuuka and moriyama scenes were really good tho! fleshed out some stuff that needed fleshing out. i also liked that makoto stayed behind during the fuuka rescue mission. it gave him some external struggle and gave pharos something to do that wasn't just standing around being ominous as fuck.
to quote my sister "i still hate that little shitstain but at least he's doing something" (i don't hate the little man, but she does)
fourth, yukari and junpei. those two are my fav members of SEES, they stayed in my party 'till the end, so i have the strongest opinions on their portrayals in the movie.
i'll be positive first, i really liked junpei in the movie. he had that classic iori charm without shying away from his flaws. he's hot and cold w/ Makoto in a way that i felt p3 reload was lacking. i really liked the "personal space" bit as well. that moment where Makoto called back to the "watching my six" thing from the beginning of the movie was so cute too.
that being said, i have complaints w/ movie yukari. listen. she's just too soft. i need her to have more edge and bitchy-ness. i didn't even sense any of the tension that was supposed to be between her and mitsuru because she was being too chill and polite about it. when akihiko asked if she didn't want to be alone w/ mitsuru because she didn't get along w/ her, the movie didn't do the work to make me believe he was right.
when Makoto offered her a hand after she fell on the monotrain, i wanted her to slap his hand away before maybe apologizing, saying that she didn't need his help. it just didn't quite feel like yukari.
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scattered-winter · 1 year
is it cheating if i say 911 + apocalypse 👀
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ngl. I have in fact been thinking about a 911 love and monsters au. which ik isn't the You Know What that u were probably wanting but uh. I have no control over my brain alas
love and monsters takes place about 7 years after nuclear missiles sent to destroy a world destroying asteroid rained debris down on earth and mutated all of the insects, reptiles, and amphibians into massive monsters. around 95% of the human population was wiped out from these monsters, and the survivors formed underground colonies where they could hide and survive. the colonies stayed connected via radio (which is one of my fav tropes in apocalypse media btw <3333) the plot of the movie happens because the main character leaves his colony and travels over 80 miles over monster-infested land to get to his girlfriend's colony, but in this au things would be. a little different <3
buck and maddie are separated when things first went to shit. maddie was with doug, and ofc she tried to find buck but wasn't able to in all the chaos. the buckley parents are killed by a monster (god fucking bless) (right in front of buck tho..alas) and a group of strangers pull a shocked + terrified buck into the back of their truck to get the hell outta dodge (this group of strangers later becomes his colony aka found family. u already know who they are <3) buck's colony consists of bobby + athena (haven't decided if they're together yet or not) + michael + kids, chim, and hen + karen + kids (nia is there <3 her family was killed in the initial monster attacks and henren took her in).
meanwhile, maddie ended up in a colony clear on the other side of the country. she escaped from doug (and a giant slug did everyone a favor and sat on him) and found her way to a colony consisting of the call center!! sue, linda, josh, etc!! they took her in and they're fambly ur honor.
at the 118 colony (what I'm calling it for the sake of telling them apart), buck manages to find maddie's colony on the radio and reconnect with her. his bestfriendbrother chim would sometimes hop on to chat and well. madney fall in love with each other over the radio. btw. just by the sound of each other's voices. if u even care.
and ANYWAY the plot happens when buck, desperate to be reunited w his sister, sneaks out of the colony to cross the country to find her colony. despite ykw. the horrors. (and I'm thinking this is kinda s1 buck where he's more goofy and less responsible and so bobby is sooo against him leaving because there's no way he'd be able to survive out there !?!? with horrific beasts trying to kill him every 5 steps !?!?) and chim catches buck sneaking out and they have the whole "please please don't get me in trouble" "I'm going WITH you lol" convo (and this is early s1/s2 chim as well because he feels out of place with the colony where everyone has someone to take care of (partner or kids) and he's also kind of afraid that even if he lives long enough to get to maddie's colony she won't feel the same way etc etc) BUT REGARDLESS. they both set out for maddie's colony and leave bobby a note that basically says "don't be mad xox" (bobby is, in fact, mad). however before they leave they're also caught by ATHENA. who actually decides to go with them because on god SOMEONE has to make sure they don't die in the first 2 miles. (and also she trusts bobby to protect her family while she's gone. btw. if u even care) so the team consists of chim, buck, and athena !! (I wanted to go for the maddie kidnapping arc kinda vibe....except chim is also there...)
ANYWAY. somewhere along the way they need to split up and so buck ends up on his own (but like they all know where they're going and all that so ykw. it's fine) and he. runs into a kid. off on his own in the middle of the fucking apocalypse. the kid (U KNOW) got separated from his dad and is trying to find him, and they were also traveling to a Safe Place in the mountains where it's too cold for most monsters to go but chris doesn't know which way to go and he wants to find his dad first. now buck realistically thinks that said dad is probably dead. I mean cmon. but he doesn't want to tell the kid that so he decides to bring chris with him (there's a certain point where chris and eddie were planning to turn north to the mountains and buck is taking chris to at least that point) and well. he doesn't really know what he's gonna say to the kid once they get there because he really doesn't think chris should be out by himself but he doesn't know how to tell him that his dad is most likely dead. ykw. angst. meanwhile eddie is traveling w a small group (haven't decided who yet) and DESPERATELY trying to find chris. and also, incidentally, heading to the Point Where He'd Turn North because that was the place they'd agreed to meet if they got separated. meanwhile chim and athena are also trying to find buck. everyone tryna find each other out here istg
ANYWAY chris + buck run into eddie's group and well. gay shenanigans ensue. u already know <3 (lots of similar elements to the existing apocalypse au.....because I care them...) and then they find athena and chim and then they find maddie's colony <3 buckley sibling reunion AND madney. double whammy <3 the colony maddie is at isn't very safe because monsters are getting close, and so they were about to leave to go to the Safe Place In The Mountains. buck chim and athena realize they should probably bring their colony there, too. so they head BACK to their colony (maddie and eddie go with them...chris was supposed to go w maddie's colony to the safe place but he snuck to go w his dad instead)
meanwhile back at the 118 colony, monsters have started breaching the underground bunker and so they were forced to leave and go aboveground to find a new place. the two groups run into each other and have a joyful reunion (buck + chim are now verifiable badasses who have survived for weeks on the surface btw <3) and then they all go to the mountain colony together. and scene <3
some notes: eddie has a sketchbook where he's drawing + cataloging every monster he encounters (sorta like. a How To Survive guidebook vibe) (because artist eddie is soo important to me) (it's for chris in case eddie doesn't make it so chris would still have a chance). also chim gets a dog companion <3
ask game
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padfootastic · 2 years
hcs about miss pen coming right up—
(I'm so excited to type this cause it's like those art videos where they choose colours without light and then is skin is green kwim? )
1) can follow along with a recipe/good enough cook but don't do it often cause don't want to wash up (absolutely valid if tho– bartan are just not the vibe)
2) social actually like not daily put partying but have this group of 5-6 friends that you just have always have had you know
3) not teachers pet but also not a trouble maker. they used to have a soft spot for you but you were a bit sarcastic talkative in class or used to have longer nails or something that would make you occasionally get in trouble
4) either took 4 classes of art as kid or very good dancer.
5) I'm gonna go with favourite subject was EVS till 5th-6th
6) have never broken a bone but did have stupid injuries as a kid
7) type of person who complaints about it's too hot/too cold, says their favourite season is Mansoon but jab humidity hoti h you're like nah i think i actually prefer winter (it's a lie you don't like any seasons)
8) friends parents and relatives used to say like you're the role model (in the sense ki beta dekho ye kitni polite/ kitni achche se baat kar rhi h/ kitni helpful h/ basically auntie whisperer) and your friends/cousins would just look at the aunties that have they grown two heads cause ye ladki? ye — abhi do second phle hame aise harkaton ke ideas de rhi thi.
9) absolutely not a morning person (which If thai you are i would be so surprised cause your sleep schedule 😭)
10) like fashion to a reasonable extent like whenever you step out you're put together in an effortless way it's not a remarkable oh my god look at this person's style. but a second they notice you properly wow you look good today type.
!!!! omg ash, lowkey impressed at how right u are for some of these? like,,,now i’m frantically combing thru our conversations tryna figure out where i gave myself away lmao
1. is half correct—i’m a pretty good cook (if i do say so myself 💀) and i actually like washing dishes lol so that’s never stopped me—i am very chindi tho, so i reuse bartan all the time to minimise.
2. true!! i’m fully an extrovert and i have about 2-3 groups of solid friends from different periods of my life; 10/10 would recommend, esp girl gangs.
3. no but this is literally so on point?? i was a very well liked child but i also talked the heck out of everyone’s patience and i was always bouncing around to other classes + i’d exasperated many (including the principal) w my coloured hair & messy uniforms & general…rowdiness lol
4 & 5 are sadly incorrect :( i did take classes for almost everything as a child but i’m not great at any of it. and my fav class is and always has been english!! (until socio came & overtook)
6. beep! another winner!!! i have all sorts of scratches and cuts and scars bc i used to do so much stupid shit. i remember climbing this half-constructed structure once bc there were puppies somewhere inside and i rly wanted to see and ended up having this like. rebar rod thing fully slice into my forearm. u can still see the scar now, like over a decade later lol
and no yaar 😭😭 i like to think 7 is not me—i’m v accommodating and i try not to complain even when i rly wanna (growing up around whiny rich kids has instilled a fear in me to not be the same lol)
8 is very, very true. i take a lot of pride in being almost all my friends’ parents’ favorite; aunty whisperer is a v good name for it too bc grandparents love me ;) (and yes, i was also the one to corrupt almost every single of them. fun times)
u already know 9 is true lmao what can i even say
and 10–hmmmmmmmmmm i’ll give it a. 0.3. bc im a very. very staunch ‘grab whatever and put it on’ kinda gal which means i can (and have) live(d) off The Chair for months on end. it never looks terrible but yah. acceptable i’d say.
What do you think of me: HC edition
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hellsbroadcaster · 5 months
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❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
I'm not good at talking about myself bUT UHH LETS SEE . I am madly loyal. And loyalty is a quality i value very deeply. I care very deeply until the point I don't anymore. I tend to go all in for the people I love. but once you break that bond, that trust? When you bring out the worst in me? I promise I can make it seem like I never actually cared because thats how cold and detached I get. So cherish me when you've got me, because the moment I'm gone? I'm gone.
While it can be a double edged sword at times, I am proud of the fact that people feel safe around me. Its a real blessing to be told that people feel like they can be themselves around me. I have suffered a lot through the years, and being able to use that suffering and turn it into something good. something that helps others? I love being able to do that. sometimes it can really bite me in the ass though when its for people who just want to take advantage or often times I do things for someone who would never do it back for me type of thing. so i'm learning boundaries but yeah.
Not to brag but I feel like I am very funny, charming and fun. I'm usually shy at first, but once I am comfortable trust me I am weird and goofy as hell. you wont be able to take me anywhere lmao. I have a good time, I like to live life and i encourage those around me to do the same. yes, I go dancing in the rain. I'm a romantic. and I romanticize just about everything.
🍝 — favorite food(s)?
okay i have weird fixations where I obsess over a certain food and its all I eat for like a month fndsflksd. but like, I loveeee fettuccini alfredo. I would deep throat that dish. Love corn on the cob, or as we like to call it elote. Tamales !! we only get them during christmas time but ughhhhh they are so good. pupusas are another one i like, this is a Salvadorian dish. i'm latina so naturally rice and beans and tortillas !! I love tortillas de harina, those are my fav type. (flour tortillas). i'm also baby so like chicken nuggies fnklfdsf. i have a big sweet tooth also so, naturally i am just a big glutton.
🎶 — favorite song at the moment?
Another song I really enjoy listening to lately is Gatúbela. I have the bIGGEST crush on Karol G right now.
🎁 — what have you accomplished in the rpc that you’re proud of?
I don't know if I'd say I've accomplished anything worthwhile honestly. I don't consider myself that influential, but if there's something I think that its that I've been able to detach myself a little bit more from tumblr. I used to be very chronically here, and realized it wasn't doing anything good for my health. so like, i'm not freaking out or having anxiety if I am missing what's happening on the dash. i'm not rushing to answer asks or threads when i'm tired. i don't care how many followers i have or how many people are interacting with me. I have fun with who I have and I appreciate them a lot more. i'm not looking to be super big on here I am just vibing and enjoying myself.
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sitpwgs · 7 months
Hi! This will probably be quick but wanted to send you something cuz this week might be a lot. Please send good vibes for me haha. I'm glad you had a nice weekend at the hockey game! Oh cool.. I'm pretty near there..for some reason, I just assumed you were maybe in LA since that's where most people would visit. My favorites are also spring and summer and it is pretty much half and half! I always thought maybe it's cuz my bday is right between them too. I think summer gets too hot sometimes but I'm glad you enjoyed sunshine. I thought maybe you might be more into the fall vibes though. I hope your allergies are okay. Aww that's sweet that you would think of me! I hope you have fun at your Fall Out Boy show which I think is soon.
Thanks for reassuring me for still talking about Taylor. So you were right..she announced a new bonus track! I was kinda surprised since I thought this would be more like the way it was with Folklore and Evermore which only had 1 and 2. I wonder how many there will be and if they will feel like part of the album or not or more like the extra 3AM tracks on Midnights. Of course they still feel part of the album, and that might be cuz we actually were able to hear them all right after the album. That's probably my one complaint about it..and I know it will be online right away but I just like having the full picture of the album. I think this might be my favorite cover so far too. This time, the name didn't make me think of anything or give me any idea of the song. All I knew Is that it's the name of a bird. But i liked the lyric and it made me wonder more if it went with that song. I will keep your predictions of these other lyrics in mind but I haven't thought about it much yet. If these are the only lyrics we end up with, I will make predictions. I was just looking at the Midnights ones and I got half right. What did you think? I was also off with surprise songs as usual and she is doing more mashups than I thought which is cool to see.
The comment in the Time article was about her locking herself away for years and I was nervous how that connects to Fresh out of the Slammer and just hope it's more metaphorical than literally blaming anyone. That's number 7 which is why I brought it up. That would be fun for you to tell me your fav and least fav so I can guessI feel like mine would be very easy to guess since I already talked about some but okay!
Debut...Marys Song, Cold As You (very hard to pick..this is a song I always forget and never hear so I went with it lol)
Fearless the way I loved you, We Were Happy, Love Story
Speak Now Enchanted, Never Grow Up
Red.ATW10, State of Grace, We are Never, Babe lol
1989 all you had to do was stay, Clean
rep Don't Blame Me, Gorgeous
Lover You need to calm down, Daylight
Folklore The Lakes, Illicit Affairs
Evermore It's Time to Go, Evermore
Midnights Question? Mastermind,
Oh those shows seem fun to go see! At least you can see the tour if the Wicked movie ends up being a big disappointment. I'm glad you will be able to see or enjoy shows again and I hope I will too eventually. You'll have to tell me how they are. Also I did your emoji book poll and thought it was funny that I ended up picking the choice for this summer will be different which is definitely on my list already but you introduced me to some others. I will hopefully be able to read it by this summer since summer is in the title lol. Omg I just realized Every Summer After had it in its title too lol and I'm still planning to finish Meet Me at the Lake. I really enjoy summer stories it seems and stories about grief mostly. I'm interested in How to end a love story and this is me trying now..you'll have to tell me if you end up liking them. It reminds me a bit of Stepping Off Place which is also a summer story too lol I really hope to get back to reading soon. I hope you have a nice week! I always enjoy talking to you! 🩷
hi hi!! i hope you had a good week 🤍 i was thinking of you during the week!!
i feel like i go to california quite a bit although i'm very rarely in the LA area — i might take a trip down next year to the palm springs area to go catch a hockey game though! but yes, normally when i'm in california i'm over closer to san jose (like a 45 minute drive from there i think)!
i did have fun at fall out boy!! i still maintain that no concert should be that long (started at 6:30, got out around 11:15) though (just because i like being in my bed early haha). didn't get home till closer to 12:30 but that's ok! i was worried i wouldn't have fun because i didn't know as many songs as i wanted to but it was still a blast!!
did you see the new bonus track? the black dog? i'm really curious about what it'll be about! i saw something about black dog / mythology, and that would make a lot more sense over the literal black dog i was thinking of haha. i often think of midnights with 3am, but i think without the 3am midnights as an album goes down quite a bit in my rankings! i don't know how i feel about the mashups — i feel like sometimes they're clunky but i do like them in theory? i don't know though. i'm curious to see if she's going to just keep doing mashups for the rest of the tour or if she'll change it up a bit.
oh i really didn't like that comment! there were some things in general that have just made me 😵‍💫. oh well!
okay let's see — these are my guesses (and i feel like they're all wrong, but i bolded what i think are your favorites!)
debut: mary's song or cold as you
fearless: the way i loved you, we were happy, love story
speak now: enchanted, never grow up
red: atw10, state of grace, we are never ..., babe
1989: all you had to do was stay, clean
rep: don't blame me, gorgeous
lover: you need to calm down, daylight
folklore: the lakes, illicit affairs
evermore: it's time to go, evermore
midnights: question?, mastermind
alright my turn! i also think this will be easy, but we'll see —
debut: tied together with a smile, stay beautiful
fearless: bye bye baby, jump then fall
speak now: speak now, dear john
red: sad beautiful tragic, i knew you were trouble
1989: new romantics, bad blood
rep: this is why we can't have nice things, new year's day
lover: you need to calm down, afterglow
folklore: mirrorball, mad woman
evermore: right where you left me, dorothea
midnights: dear reader, karma
i still have not ended up reading the book that won the emoji poll!! it has been a busy week over here, but i'm hoping to read it soooon ! i also really love stories about grief and summer! have a good rest of your weekend my friend! 🤍 happy march!
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couchpotatoaniki · 7 months
BTS Who-Does-It: Song Edition (Idk What Vibe this is But it's a Vibe ver.)
All the songs I've chosen are some personal favs from what I like to refer to as my Daddy Issues playlist lmao. I don't think these songs are really accurate to each member so I've just done mini little stories for each one based off the lyrics and vibe.
Tw: vaguely explicit content, explicit language, references to alcohol use
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood is this person's theme song.
If Arctic Monkeys had to choose someone to represent Do I Wanna Know?, it would be this person.
Who is basically DEVILISH by Chase Atlantic?
Crush by Ethel Cain manifested this person.
Who was the inspiration of House of Balloons by The Weeknd?
Who is the embodiment of Marvin's Room by Drake?
Who has the same vibes as In the Essence by ¿Téo?
A few honourable mentions bc why not?
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
Teenage Fever by Drake
Billie Bosa Nova by Billie Eilish
Belong to the City by PARTYNEXTDOOR
Own It by Drake
23 by Chase Atlantic
My answers are under the cut but please feel free to send me your answers in the ask box!
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1. 'Sweater Weather' by The Neighbourhood is this person's theme song:
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The sluttiest thing a man can wear is a sweater, but the way Namjoon's muscles stretch the fabric deliciously hits that spot in your stomach just right. You shouldn't really think of your neighbour this way, but you can't help appreciating the sight of the man through your window--though it's not like he doesn't return the favour back to you. You see the way his eyes dance over your form, especially when you wear those comfy little high-waisted shorts that leave little to the imagination. Heated looks and short, loaded exchanges are the most you get until someone ends up at the others' place. When you're with him, he won't let you leave to face the cold outside all by yourself, not when the beaches you both live by (which he hates but sticks around for you) seem to make the air even chillier with their winds from the sea.
God, the thin shirts you wear leave your neck exposed and he wonders if feels as cold as your hands do, if it'll warm up if he wraps one of his hands around it. He so desperately wants to take care of you--loves taking care of you as if it's the only thing that makes sense, so when it gets cold enough for sweater weather and especially when the skies looks grey enough to unleash even a small trickle of rain, he'll pull you right in into his house to keep dry. Pulls you into his arms and offers up his own sweater to keep you warm. Or he won't and he'll keep you warm in a different way that doesn't involve any clothing.
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2. If Arctic Monkeys had to choose someone to represent 'Do I Wanna Know?', it would be this person:
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Hoseok normally is talker, a bright ray around people with a social battery to be envious of. Hoseok with a crush, however? That man is generally one of few words, afraid to spill that confession that sits right at the tip of his tongue. When he falls, he falls hard and deep and it feels vaguely maddening, even more so when he doesn't know if you feel the same and needs to keep it to himself. He wants you so damn bad to the point where he thinks of you in his drunken stupor, comes up with songs about you, calls you half-conscious just so the last thing he hears is your voice as he falls asleep. Sometimes he wishes you'd call him like that.
You could be together, if you wanted to, if you'd just give him the word and he'd kiss you like he dreamed he would. He'd fuck you like he dreamed he would, the way he can't fuck anyone else when you're the only thing on his mind. But until then, he'll keep his mouth shut (except for through his songs, they're all quite telling) and just keep crawling back to you because he can't let you go.
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3. Who is basically 'DEVILISH' by Chase Atlantic?
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Yoongi makes no pretence to show himself as anything he's not--but what he is isn't really socially acceptable so he puts barriers up, makes himself distant and cold. Then by some random coincidence he meets you, sweet and kind and definitely to innocent for him. Well, he doesn't know if 'innocent' is the right word, not when he catches flickers of something when you look at him. Something... corruptible. Lord knows someone who's thrown himself in Hell and let it consume every fibre of his being shouldn't think someone like that, never mind touch them.
You're the Good one, the type to follow the rules and have a healthy work-life balance, deserving of the white picket-fence suburban wetdream with a good partner who treats you like he loves you, like you're the angel deserving of worship. He has demons and the last thing they would do is get on their knees for anyone--they'd rather make you do that instead. But you're too sweet for him to do that so for this, at least, he tries to make an effort of resisting. He wants you to settle down with someone else because he's absolutely no good for you. But there's only so many times the devil can refuse you, especially when you willingly worship him with your hands and tongue and body like he's some god deserving of your affection.
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4. 'Crush' by Ethel Cain manifested this person:
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When you've got a family like Jungkook does--overachieving brother, emotionally unstable mother, absentee father, the works--you don't really blame him for being the way he is. It's basically a stereotype at this point and he doesn't really care all too much about going against the grain, just against society or whatever the hell that means. There's something captivating about about him, though, you see the influence of the crowd he hangs around with as clear as day--it's what most people see--but you also see a bit of the good boy in him. The one still hanging onto to the cliff edge by the skin of his teeth to not be a total disappointment and fall into the waves of depravity. It's losing day by day since he has a problem saying 'no', but you don't mind that. And he doesn't mind you knowing that.
He won't admit it, but he likes you as his ride-or-die. Likes as the one he tells his shit to, the one he fucks in the back of his mum's Mercury, the one who knows he's not as tough as tries to make himself look and is still in his corner after he gets pummelled on the streets for doing something stupid. Your own parents are concerned about the company you keep, about his company, but you don't particularly care because it doesn't really matter in the end anyway. Good men die too, so you'd rather be with him for however long life has a hold on you.
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5. Who is the inspiration of 'House of Balloons' by The Weeknd?
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The man is a viper, a classic charmer with hypnotic eyes and lips that spill alluring words that convince you to do almost anything. Seokjin is not dissimilar to a Venus flytrap, but since he met you once again--an old face that he had forgotten from when he was a kid--he's only really had one thing he's wanted to consume. Adulthood changed you into something he wants to keep all to himself, far from the naivety you both shared in childhood. Close once and all of a sudden distance came between the two of you and then you became just another memory among memories at the back of his mind. But seeing you in the flesh at a random club, he can't ever remember a reason why he forgot you in the first place.
You barely recognise him when he reintroduces himself to you, but flickers of the boy you once knew still ghost in his features, and it clicks in place. But there's something about this new version of Seokjin that intrigues you, and you can't ignore how this new interest forms in your lower stomach as something warm. You see the hunger in his eyes, and you know that were he to take you to his place, he'd never let you leave again. And when you get there later in the night, you don't think you'd mind his monopoly over you--not if he makes you feel this good.
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6. Who is the embodiment of 'Marvin's Room' by Drake?
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It's been a while since you and Jimin broke up--a few years give or take--but he was never able to forget you. He indulges himself with all sorts just to fill that void your absence left in him. But tonight seems to be some sort of breaking point where he just can't ignore how no matter what he does, that void never fills quite enough as he'd like it to. So with something strong in his system--tequila or vodka, he can't quite remember right now--he rings you up. and from how you pick up his call, he knows that the lucky bastard you're with right now is not around.
But that relationship had ended not too long ago so you didn't feel guilty picking up his call--not as much as you did when you were trying to get over him by getting under someone else and it still not working. He plagued you mind, regardless of all the bad that surrounded the ending of your breakup, and recently you've just felt so alone that you pick up even while your friends' voices scream at you not to. You can tell he's drunk, but you're eventually a bit tipsy too from a glass that magically appears in your hand. The next thing you know, he's at your door and underneath the stench of alcohol and smoke and whatever remnants of the club he was at, he still has that unique intoxicating smell you miss. It doesn't take long for your bodies to collide, clothes left haphazardly on the floor, and for him to warm the sheet you felt were so cold earlier in the night.
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7. Who has the same vibes as 'In the Essence' by ¿Téo?
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Taehyung never expected you at his door, soaked to bone in the middle of a storm like this. He especially doesn't expect someone he would loosely consider as a office rival that he respected at his door, dressed up as if you were out someplace nice and fancy. He can spot the rainfall dripping through your necklace and rings, the way it highlights all the curves and divots of your body and makes your well-fitted outfit a bit see-through. Well, a lot see-through. Little is left to his imagination and his brain has a short moment to rewire itself until he remembers you're still standing in the freezing rain with little in the way of layers to keep you warm. Inviting you in, he can't seem to ignore that familiar need in his chest, in his dick whenever you and your smart mouth are around.
It's over a cup of warm herbal tea, and a quick explanation of a botched date that left you stranded in a nearby restaurant, that those guards in your eyes he hates so much begin to crumble and you both start divulging in conversation that feels too intimate for late in the night to be safe. At one point, he notices that you've both eaten up the space on the sofa, used mugs forgotten on the coffee table, and both of your hands start wondering. He can see that shadow in your mind, tempting you into giving into him like he's been secretly begging you to do for years now. Sees it growing louder as your hips sway gently against him and he prays that if you give him a chance, he'll change. Would be the thing you need in life, because there is no going back from having you like this, vulnerable and open with him in a way you never were before--and mixed in with the smell of rain and your perfume, it becomes the most addictive essence he can't bare to part with.
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popponn · 8 months
Hello bbgrill merry christmas and hbd, it's me ur water spinach 🫵. We've done like half of this greeting and entry through dc and english hard but anyway
I'd like Yae miko from genshin pls with canon / post canon settings n for the tropes i want a bit of domestic however i saw your "fuck it we ball" option up there and I'm 👁👁 so go ahead and fuck it we ball the rest of the tropes (ik u have some tropes u want to do at least once during this event, feel free to do it if it fits) but pls make it full fluff no angst
Just use chene for the alias don't use the water spinach one, virgo, istp, likes games n dislikes hot weather and waking up early pls let me have my sleep 🙏, and for hobbies does drawing counts?? Crafts?? I don't think bengong counts as a hobby so. Fav movies, I'm the type of person who just turns on youtube n pick whatever vibes I'm sorry 🙏. Love language ig it's quality time and / or act of service, ik u can do personality without me explaining anything anymore bbgorl we've spent hours both on dc n irl good luck 👍🦵🦵 also feel free to use jp / indo songs just don't pick one from your 2010 kau hancurkan aku dengan sikapmu indonesian galau song playlist I'm asking for fluff not angst do not cinta ini membunuhku me.
Optional part, soft pretty ppl who can also kick ass while still smiling IS hot. Thankyou. 🙏
a tune, an image, and a story of...⋆。˚
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yae miko is an enigma. she is full of mischief and wonder—living up to her existence as a fox yokai. and since long ago, you have come to accept the fact that it is one of the many parts that make her alluring. as unclear as your relationship with her is, you are comfortable with it as long as she lets you adore those many wonderful parts of her. and that is how it has been for all these times. until one day, that enigmatic part of her grows to a truly puzzling degree. (or in which, miko and you are in love and live together. though in a true foolish romance style, only miko is aware of this, while you innocently and ignorantly think all of this as a ‘something less than lover more than friends’ and ‘regular sleepover’—like a dumbass.)
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you awaken to a pair of soft lips on your eyelids. you don’t immediately open your eyes, drowsiness still gluing itself heavily onto you. however, right as your consciousness nearly drifts away once again— “i have woken you up with a kiss and you still refuse to?” a voice, teasing with a lilt of a mock sigh, speaks right next to your ear with a puff of warm breath. a hand snakes up around your blanket-wrapped body, gentle but strong enough to refrain you from jumping away out of sheer surprise. that hand, though, only fuels your shock even more as your eyes fly open and your head snaps to your right. a gentle color of a familiar pink greets you with a smile. right, miko—you remind yourself. your ‘something’—a friend? but what friend insists on a sleepover every day on the same bed and— “just because you already wake up doesn’t mean i will allow you to dream with eyes wide open,” miko tugs your ear, regaining your attention once more. her smile grows sharper and you are fully aware that your brain is still not ready for whatever it is that will come. “now—” you try to get away, still, despite knowing the result, “can i—” “no,” she replies sweetly. “now—do you remember what today is?” in the most honest way possible, you really don’t. “…no…?” “oh, poor me,” miko sighs and you fear she will finally resort to fake crying. it truly is too early for that.
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miko’s laugh is as melodic as always. in the flustered, shy, nervous manner of a young girl falling in love, you avert your eyes away. your fingers unconsciously fiddle with the floral ring on your hand. it is soft and you doubt it would last long—but, the ghost of miko’s touch remains. not quite as a warmth, yet far from a freezing coldness. it is very miko, in her own way. “oh—oh, really—” miko gasps through her chuckles, her laugh still resounding from your side, “—i can’t believe you miss that confession. and to think after you make me be the one who confesses back then—” “hey,” you cut off, finally glancing back at her albeit with an annoyed one, “it was your fault for using all those complicated anecdotes.” “saying that ‘the moon is beautiful tonight’ should be a common admittance of affection, is it not? it’s still a craze even now, you know,” miko tilts her head. “i don’t,” you pettily reply, earning yourself another laugh from miko. as her laugh dies down, the amusement never quite leaves her face. “then, what should i have said then—or better, now?” miko asks, shifting to push her face closer to you. “should have i called you with some special nickname? ‘my little fireworks’, perhaps? or do you prefer something more straightforward like ‘my beloved’?” your face scrunches up. this fox is certainly having fun while basking in the fact that she has heated your whole face up. so, speaking it out loud without much thought, you scoff, “why don’t you just kiss me immediately then?” within a blink of an eye, miko somehow grows even more amused.
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notes: as much as i want to drop your @ because hey i know you, i won't because i am kind. i don't usually associate a water spinach like you with pastels and all the colors of a bright, sunny day, but because this story is about 'what should be a lover's anniversary if you were not a dumbass', i think it will suit it well. honestly, what do i even say to you. why did u spill my 'rainy day sad boy mentally sobbing' playlist. sorry it took some time tho. all in all, i hope u like it, i did do my best u know >:( remember to praise me later
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tinygumdrops · 8 months
Is kagehina your favourite ship in haikyuu??
Hope you don't mind me asking is there a reason for your shift in writing from romance to platonic? I really enjoy all of your writing btw just wanted to ask as I was rereading one of your fics.
Also what is the fav among the ones you wrote?
Hope you hav a wonderful day
Omg omg, hello there, anon!!! :D And eep this ask is so!!! Thanks for dropping by, your questions are really fun!
Long answer incoming, pls proceed with caution ;-;
For your first question, oh man, you're making me open a can of worms here (laughs) how to explain… I don't think I really have a favorite ship, since I don't "ship" anyone in Haikyuu!! in the strictest sense. It's more of, I like Hinata a lot, there's something about his character that scratches the itch for me, and his relationship with other characters are interesting to explore. There's a revolving door of shows where I actively ship characters--like I'm very much cheering for specific pairs to become endgame--but I often don't feel compelled enough to write them. I'm not really a writer writer, I've never aspired to be the next Stephen King, I don't want it as my day job, I hate the act of writing. And I'm not being self-deprecating when I say it. I really, really hate it. So the urge to get to know the characters on a much deeper level must be super strong, enough for me to park my butt in front of my ancient laptop and grind out walls of text that some unlucky schmuck might come across someday. And Hinata pretty much ticked all the right boxes.
I must admit, Kageyama was a slowburn of a character for me, but it's more of a case of his character archetype usually being a hit or miss for me (pls don't murder me kgym fans). But looking at him through Hinata's perspective made me appreciate him a lot, like a fuckton, he's more than just the cold blue-eyed anime guy who's stereotypically talented in one thing (and srsly Hinata would come out of the manga and bludgeon me if I said otherwise), and right now I can honestly say Kageyama's one of my favorite characters in the manga. Plus he's silly. I like my anime men irredeemably silly.
It's pretty much par for the course for me though lmao. I find Hinata fascinating, and because I'm a very basic, very predictable person, the things Hinata loves I grow to love as well. And in the entire series, it's pretty much undeniable who Hinata cares for the most. That's why I write about Hinata and Kageyama as a pair, even though I don't exactly have this desire to have them be romantically linked all the time.
I also hope that partly answers your question about my fics being romantic or platonic. Like tbh I don't really have a particular reason for choosing "/" or "&"; it depends on the type of story I wanted to tell and the aspects of their canon relationship I wanted to highlight in my own work. For a hurt/comfort or coming of age story, maybe a more romantic vibe might fit, and for an adventure-heavy one it might not. It really depends. If I'm being honest I prefer writing gen stories because it gives me the most freedom to explore, and for the fandoms I've been on it's always the gen fics that moved me the most.
As for fics I wrote that I liked… …… … I wrote a short and silly PJO fic of Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace back in the day, but I'm pretty sure I've deleted every trace of it in the web. It was pure, unhinged trash, but I had a fantastic time planning it and coming up with limericks for fic!Annabeth to solve. Makes me laugh just remembering it.
Thanks for your time, anon! :D Hope you're having a splendid start to your year!!!
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astralwaifu · 3 years
Anime characters I simp for as songs from my playlist
Itachi Uchiha - my tears ricochet by Taylor Swift
If you listen to the lyrics, you’ll realise it’s literally his story : his life and relationship with Sasuke-“'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you/'Til my dying day”-, the way he will always selfless and ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of the others. I also feel like this song shows Sasuke’s emotions and acceptance of what his brother did, but also the wish things would’ve gone different, all through Itachi’s pov : “And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?/Cursing my name, wishing I stayed”. I literally could talk about how this absolutely amazing and heart rendering song embodies Itachi, especially this lyric (my fav) : “And I can go anywhere I want/Anywhere I want, just not home” Just listen to the song and read the lyrics!!!! It’s him!!!! Anyway, I am down bad for this man and I could ramble about him all day. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :)
Shigaraki Tomura - Video Games by Lana Del Rey
I personally am not a huge fan of Lana, I listen to the more known songs and this one is one of them (and I think the only one on my playlist from her 😬). Anyway I can’t stop thinking about Shiggy when I listen to it. “And you say, "Get over here/And play a video game” Pretty self-explanatory, if you ask me. It sounds like a young love affair, somewhere between infatuation and impassiveness and and it just gives Shigaraki vibes. “They say that the world was built for two/Only worth living if somebody is loving you” It’s almost like in the said relationship, there is this fear of separation, of letting go, so they indulge in this small domestic acts and little displays of young fun, such as playing video games. Also the lyrics “I heard that you like the bad girls/Honey, is that true?” -yeah, you feel me? :)
Bakugou Katsuki - Love Story (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
You cannot tell me Bakugou doesn’t secretly listen to Taylor Swift. Especially the first albums - he just loves the country vibe, but would never admit it. “That you were Romeo, you were throwin' pebbles/And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"” We know he is a tsundere, so he basically daydreams about someone that can make him feel what this lyrics tell. He would do anything to be someone’s Romeo and basically feel needed and loved by them. Again, he wouldn’t admit this. Ever. “This love is difficult, but it's real/Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess” Just the thought of having someone care about him like that and don’t let go of him makes him replay the song and every other on the album. “He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring/And said, "Marry me, Juliet/You'll never have to be alone” Is this one of my favourite songs? Maybe. Did I get inspired by that one sound on tiktok where some guy sings this and sounds like Bakugou? Definitely. Would Bakugou also sing his heart out on “You belong with me”? Yes. (did I added the link to the sound? yes >:) )
Todoroki Shouto - Talk to you by Ricky Montgomery
Tell me this song doesn’t give Todo vibes? So soft, yet aloof and yearning. He just wishes he would have the courage to talk to you, wear his heart on his sleeve, even if he is quite scared to be this vulnerable. “I wish I could talk to you/Pull my chair right up there next to you/And talk to you” His anxiety makes him think that having emotional baggage and trauma makes will make you run away, so he just wonders what what could have happened differently. “Wonder if wе met today/Would you turn and walk away?” Anyway, he is just a lovesick fool that wants to be loved and deserves the whole world, even if he can be a little cold and shy at times. “You're in my head more often than I want” This lyric goes both ways. Also, in general, I think Todoroki would listen to Ricky Montgomery a lot.
Eren Jaeger - Red (Taylor’s version) by Taylor Swift
This song is purely any relationship Eren ever had. Spontaneous, dangerous and full of passion, almost always ending unexpectedly. “Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly” As a Mikasa kinnie (top kin), I feel this really suits him: both his rash actions and selfless personality, prone to driving people away and self-sacrificing for the sake of others. “Losing him was blue like I'd never known/Missing him was dark gray, all alone” I think that being in love with him would mean being with him through everything and supporting his actions, taking care of him and reminding Eren that he doesn’t have to carry the world on his shoulders. “Loving him was red” -oh no, we’re getting emotional. 🥲 (AND YES THIS IS A SCARF REFERENCE 🧣)
a/n: I’m a Swiftie, how did you notice :)
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vanrbs · 3 years
I wanna start by saying that words cannot describe how happy I was for finally learning something about Kory's life. We've waited so long and of course it's not enough. I hope to see more in the next 2 eps and in s4. Since I've never read the comics I don't expect accuracy and my only fear was that they would say she's not royal but that didn't happen so I can accept what they showed us.
So she went to that place looking for answers but after seeing the situation with that woman and her baby she was worried to the point that she protected them from being shot with her own body without caring about the fact that her powers were gone. She felt compassion and empathy and I couldn't admire her more. She's truly a queen. I should add, Mame-Anna kills every damn scene and I was touched by her acting.
Also, the scene where Kory levitates right after the vision gave me s1 vibes because of the music and I liked it!
Talking about her powers, its color is not an issue for me. I saw some people saying that the blue color is temporary and it'll lead her to something bigger and that she'll become more powerful. Well I hope it's true cause it's all that I want!
I found it interesting the twist they gave her by being born with no powers. Her father was very cold and was only thinking about the throne when he made that decision. Her mother didn't say anything so she's guilty too. It certainly justifies Kom's anger. I like that we can't tell her true intentions. It's still open and this is how you keep the audience interested.
There are a lot of questions to be answered and Kory has by far the most interesting storyline. I'm curious to see what will happen.
This is one of my fav scene. So sweet!
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