#collective braincell being used for jokes
blarrghe · 2 years
What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other? For ViAliZev plssss
Violet: she was always a silly jokester prankster, but she kind of tried really hard to put that away, even before she became a Warden she was struggling with the idea of "growing up". She didn't want to be a proper lady so she figured she should impress by studying the blade and looking like she could handle responsibility like her brother and then maybe daddy would let her fight instead of getting married. Wasn't working out too well.
Then yadda yadda Cousland origin and she goes pretty cold and stony. Alistair brings the jokester back out in a big way. Aaand.... Zevran supports her pranking endeavours. Sometimes on Alistair.
Also I think she picks up lots of little assassin tricks from Zev. The way she handles and polishes her blades, her stance in a fight, etc.
Alistair: mmmmmm I think they infect him with swears. I bet sometimes the King of Ferelden even lets out an Antivan one during his important King Stuff meetings.
Zevran: Becomes a hugger, 100% Alistair's fault.
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charles-leclerizz · 7 months
🏎️ ๋࣭ ⭑ peaches
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🏁 Pairings : Lando Norris X fem! Reader
🏁 Warnings : none! just fluffy times
🏁 Word Count : 4.0k words (4070 words)
🏁 Author's note : This is probably the most chaotic thing i have ever written, so I hope you can make sense of it (hope being the key word) Make sure to lilke and reblog (anything is appreciated, but comments and reblogs fuel this sad little writer). The word dividers this time are also from @plum98!
🏁 Music player : This will be by Natalie Cole
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“God he’s hopeless.” Oscar observed his entranced teammate stumble over his words from beneath the shade of the umbrella set up to the side of the filming area. Having finished his own media duties, he was now watching, unimpressed, as his friend attempted to use his remaining two braincells to blubber at you, like a fish out of water.
To be fair, you were also blubbering, your cheeks were red and hands shaking as you sorted through the white, glossy cue cards that had the signature McLaren logo printed on the back. You shuffled the cards mindlessly, humming under your breath after the third question was answered and Lando had maintained eye-contact with you for a minute too long, staring into the depths of your irises when the last syllable had left his lips causing your heart to stutter at a pace that had to be confirmed as medically concerning.
“U-um, right, okay so.” You attempted for the sixth time, your fingers finally finding purchase on a new piece of cardstock that contained the fourth question printed on one side in large, sans-serif font.
“Ehm-“ You cleared your throat, flipping a piece of hair over your shoulder as you looked back up at the driver who sat in front of you, enthralled by the minute movements you made. Like the arch of your brow, the dip of your lip and the curve of your collarbone that lay exposed, thanks to the strapless, silk corset you had opted to wear.
“Right, the fans want to know Lando. Who’s your favourite thing to eat?” You said with. Pseudo-confidence, oblivious to your mistake.
Lando’s eyes widened as a few chuckles bristled around the small crowd of camera technicians and other personnel that filled the McLaren media pen “Excuse me?”
“Huh-“ You blink a few times, “Oh shit- no.” You begin to wave your hands in front of your burning face, “I meant, what. What is your favourite snack, or meal to eat before a race?” You blurt out the correction.
“Oh- oh thank God. I don’t think I would have been able to say that.” Lando chuckles, despite the rogue blush that had spread from his neck to his ears, “Normally, I like to have snickers?” He offers, “Especially before a race, it’s a tradition. My dad used to buy them for me, during my karting days” Lando smiles at you, bracing his elbows on the arm rests of his seat whilst tilting his head boyishly.
You go silent for a few minutes, staring at him as your mouth opens and closes uselessly, your mind was fuzzy, and you could swear that you could hear the blood rushing past your ears.
With a heart beating wildly you plaster on a dazzling smile, “Watch the stock prices shoot up.” You joke, focusing on his shirt instead of his face, to protect yourself from his irresistible gaze, “Well Lando, I wish you the best for the race, here in Singapore later in the week.” You lift your eyes from the very interesting speck of dust on the front of his McLaren jersey to meet his hazel eyes, “On behalf of the entire Sky sports team, of course, not just me, that would be weird-“
He cocks his head at your rambling, huffing out an amused laugh, “Thank you,” he returns, as if your well-wishes were probably the only thing that made him want to participate in the race.
But that’s ridiculous, right?
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The media segment had finally ended, having collected enough material for the next week in Singapore and you were thankful for it.
The few hours that you had been interacting with the driving duo was excruciating, not only from the sweltering afternoon that you found yourselves in, but also the fact that Lando was always in your line of sight, laughing at something that Oscar had said or screeching hysterically over the periscope goggles that he was struggling with. He was always there.
Some may say that it was “your job” but frankly you found it insulting. Because he wouldn’t let you do your job, you were either blushing too hard, sweating too much or your heart was about to end your existence with its erratic beating.
“I’m just glad it’s over” You pout to May, your producer. She was sweet and imaginative, always carrying around a leatherbound, flowery notepad to scribble new and creative ideas for interview styles to attempt with the 5-year-old men that you were tasked with interacting with.
“It wasn’t that bad” She comforted you, handing over a chilled water bottle whilst an on-set assistant dabbed at your forehead with a damp towel, “I honestly thought that you were having a heart attack, couldn’t even tell that you liked him.”
“She’s right y’know” A third voice burst into the conversation suddenly, which caused you to jump and clamp your hand down on the half open water bottle, sending the cool jet of water straight up the man’s nose.
“Oscar!” May shouted, holding a hand over her daisy detailed blouse with shock as she signalled to another assistant to grab a towel for the driver, who was currently holding his nostrils and attempting to plunge out the of water that had lodged itself up his nose.
“I’m fine,” He snorted whilst dripping onto the sizzling concrete and dabbing the cloth on his face, “For the record, I was worried for your health halfway through that painting task. But that was before I noticed you drooling over Lando.”
You groaned, running both hands up your face to your hairline before threading your fingers through your scalp and pressing the strands away from your forehead, “It’s not fair,” you whined, “He was distracting me throughout the whole thing. I probably look like a mess on camera,” You press the pads of your fingers against your temples.
The whole ordeal made you want to cry, or vomit perhaps both? It was hellish having to endure him staring into your soul the entire interview segment and endearingly answer all your questions with unnecessary detail.
What a jerk.
“Nah, you looked good.” A fourth voice popped in. And much like Oscar’s intrusion, it made you jump, but instead of squeezing your bottle and waterboarding the person, you shrieked and swung, as hard as you could towards the source. Making impact with the side of their face.
A very familiar face which had whipped around like a grape on a toothpick. A face that emitted a groan whilst a hand came up to soothe the quickly forming bruise.
“Fuck me” You groaned, bending over to help Lando who was still checking for any blood that may be leaking from the side of his face.
“Well, I would be honoured, but I think you did permanent damage,” He joked, standing to his full height whilst you brought your hand up to tap the purple-ish skin with a light, albeit panicked hand.
“Oh Lando,” you hissed when he clenched his teeth as you pressed against his cheek, “I’m so sorry.” You whispered on instinct, continuing to stroke the skin whilst May came up to the two of you, having recovered from the shock of you assaulting Lando and rushed to procure a bruising ointment.
You turned around quickly, thanking your friend as she handed of the white tube into your palm, not noticing that half of your hair had slapped the man in front of you in the face, “Oh come on,” you heard him garble through the clumps of hair that had made its way into his mouth.
“Shit, sorry,” You apologise for the umpteenth time in the few hours that you had spent in the close vicinity of him, “I can’t get it together for some reason.” You offer the dull explanation whilst stepping closer with a thick strip of the ointment spread between your fingers.
“Yeah” He murmured, eyes more focussed on your concentrated expression that was barely millimetres away from him, “I can tell.” His breath tickled your ear as you stood on your tiptoes and rubbed the ointment onto his face, it made you blush and realise how close your faces were. How easily you could turn your neck and graze your lips against his, or bump your noses together like a sweet, long-term couple who were used to your clumsiness.
Fat chance
You stepped back, taking one of the discarded towels from the table to the left of the pair of you, “I’m so sorry again,” you apologised, wiping away the remaining cream from your hand and moved to pick up your purse from the surface next to you.
“You could make it up to me?” He offered, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking on the balls of his feet.
You cock your head, removing the hand that was rooting around in your purse- searching for your phone and let it hand limp “How?”
“What are you doing today?”
“Nothing much,” you offered, shrugging, “Not my first time in Singapore, I’ve been working with F1 for a year. Just wanted to hit some stores that I didn’t get to last time.”
It was true, last year was your first year and like the dedicated rookie you were, you holed yourself up in your room doing pre-liminary research for the upcoming days on all things related to the Singapore track along with the prestigious millionaire drivers that came attached. This was despite the long list of high-end stores, cute cafes and boutiques that you had made in your apartment back home, before the season began.
Luckily, you had managed to hit one or two of them up before the next race. But there were many remaining which you were desperate to visit.
“Let me take you out then,” His eyes glittered with enthusiasm as he unpocketed one of his hands and reached towards yours, brushing against your soft knuckles and running down the divots of your hand before dropping to his side, “Anywhere you want.” He promised.
“I have a long list Lando, and you have a race, or have you forgotten?” You tease him despite your barely inflated lungs and dry, anticipatory throat.
“Haven’t forgotten,” He argues, “I don’t have to-“ His breathe hitched as he watched you reach out to intertwine your fingers with his, gently as if your movements were a fleeting butterfly and could easily be lost as such, “Don’t have to be training the whole day- just give me your number and text me the places you want to go?”
“Okay,” You settled, keeping your pinkie fingers locked together as you stepped impossibly closer to him and handed him your card, a small glossy cardstock with the sky sports logo printed on one side whilst on the other had your name, number and “Formula 1 presenter and interviewer” centre-aligned in black font.
“Cute,” He flipped the card over in his free hand before looking up from the paper and into your eyes, bouncing his pupils over your entire face as though he was memorising each feature up close and personal, “I’ll see you later.”
You nod, biting your lip as your stand on your toes again and press your glossy lips against the scruff of his cheek, “I hope so.”
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You had handed off your contact details to Lando on Tuesday. Throughout the passing days, you both had texted each other constantly, any free treasured minutes in your schedule would be spent chatting with the other. It was now Thursday and still he had not brought up the date.
The “not-date”
Thankfully, you had managed to check off nearly half of your destinations on your list and the bags in your hotel room were evidence of such. Odd, thick shopping bags that were brightly coloured and bent in ways that could merely hint at their high-fashion origins, had taken over the bedroom, slowly pilling up by the dozen.
You stumbled out of the sleek, metallic elevator and winced with each step you took through the 20th floor foyer and down the corridor, each light-wood slab of the miscellaneous rooms had been allotted a cluster of numbers that morphed together in your tired eyes. It had been nearly four hours of running around, collecting information and small video snippets from all the teams as the entire PR team was rushing to put out the last round of pre-race content.
Your stiletto heels clicked to a stop when you finally reached your door, the electronic card reader waiting patiently for you to tap the key on its matte black surface. You rooted around in your purse, holding it open with one hand as you searched for the damn card, fearing that you may need to bother the sweet receptionist for another duplicate key.
Whilst looking around in your seemingly endless bag, your phone vibrated once...twice...thrice.
You unsheathed the device and clicked on the notification that popped up on your lock screen. Lando. He had left a small string of messages that made your heart flutter as though cupid had just struck you.
You looked pretty today.
Not that I was stalking you- I saw you when you came to garage.
I’m free for the rest of the day, can I take you out?
On a date. If you want.
You smiled to yourself, reading the messages repeatedly, imprinting them in your mind as you felt your blood swim through your arteries and blossom a deep red blush across your cheeks.
“Is it possible for someone to be this beautiful?” A familiar British accent sneaked up behind you, caressing the skin behind your ears as a minty fresh breath followed suit.
“I don’t know, maybe you should ask yourself.” You teased, turning on your heel to rest your back against the door, to face the handsome man that was currently grinning down at you. You clutched your phone to your chest, soothing the fluttering butterflies that escaped your stomach to scuttle throughout your body, suddenly, you weren’t very tired anymore.
“I would rather ask you,” He smirked, reaching to tuck away a rogue piece of hair that had escaped from your ponytail, his finger lingered on your nape, allowing his entire hand to cup the back of your neck and ghost the pads of his fingers across the expanse of your skin.
“Hi Lando,” You smile at him, leaning into his touch.
“Hey.” He whispered, more focused on analysing the tantalising swoop of your eyelashes and sleek slant of your nose. As one does.
“You ready to go?” he tilted his head at you.
“Well, I have an idea about where I want to go with you, I just need to change and re-do my makeup.”
“Okay, you want me to wait out here?” He offered, watching you as you brought your purse between your bodies, flitting through the mess within to finally, triumphantly present the room key. He giggled at the victorious squeal that escaped your lips as you brushed the card against the reader and skipped into the room.
“No, it’s fine. You can come in, just don’t judge the amount of shopping.” You warned him, already cautiously stepping over the French boutique bags that greeted you.
“It would be hard to fit my judgement into the room, there’s so much stuff,” He commented beginning to pick up various bags and place them onto any free surface as an attempt to clear the walkway.
“Ha Ha,” You laughed sarcastically, twisting your neck to stick your tongue out at him, “Let me find something to wear,” You bent down, searching through the few bags that sat on the bay window sofa.
“Do you have the directions to the place?” Lando inquired, watching you with interest as you held a small, teal bag over your head and went over to the other side of the room to search for shoes.
“Yeah, it’s a frozen yoghurt cafe, 0 sugar and vegan, I figured it will be good for you. Since you’re on a strict diet.” You shrugged, unaware of his touched expression. He was enamoured with you from the first time that you had sat down in front of him, stuttering over your questions despite your once cool, calm demeanour with his teammate. But the fact that you had considered his diet requirements was like the cherry on top.
“Oh- you didn’t have to. I could always break away from the diet.” He half expected you to jump at the opportunity to go someplace else.
“No no, it’s fine. I heard such great things about this cafe. I’m excited. Plus, I would’ve gone with or without you,” You snickered, walking towards his place, perched on the edge of your freshly made bed. Apparently, room service had conveniently avoided your shopping but had happily tackled the other features of the area.
“If you say so,” He relented bundling the soft comforter in his fists to stop himself from looping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. Luckily, you rested your arms on his shoulders and intertwined your fingers together at the start of his spine, burying them in his hair and twisting the curly strands with one digit.
“I do say so,” You nodded your head sharply, before retracting your arms and began to walk towards the bathroom, “Be right back,” you promised, slinking through the washroom door.
You pushed the sliding slab shut and flicked on the warm yellow light before pulling out the compact package of tissue paper, held together with a white, cream silk bow.
The paper crinkled loudly as you undid the ribbon to reveal the milky white dress that lay nestled within the packaging. A long, floor length number that contained embroidered butterflies on the final organza layer, layered on top of a chiffon slip with a middle veneer of muslin. The empress waist had folded over fabric that sinched in the silhouette along with emphasising the carmen neckline that sat sultry with the help of thin, pearly straps.
You slipped on the elegant dress, smoothing over the divoted attire whilst pulling and pushing at the material until you were satisfied. Your hair flowed freely along your back as you leaned forward towards the mirror, touching up your concealer and swiping generous amounts of your glossy, lip balm before slipping on a pair of black, matte kitten heels.
Finally, you were ready.
The door squeaked open as you stepped out, short heels clicking on the marble floor as you stopped around the bend of the wall, calling out for him, “Lando?”
He turns towards your voice curiously, floppy brown hair bouncing with his movements, “Yeah?” He answers, standing up and pocketing his phone.
“I’m ready,” You reveal yourself to his gaze, smiling happily when his mouth pops open and eyes widen substantially.
“Wow, you look amazing.” His eyebrows furrow as he takes in your outfit, biting his lip whilst walking towards you, “Glad I asked you out when I did, otherwise I would be in trouble.”
“Yes, you are quite lucky,” You agree, patting his chest as you adjust the collar of his shirt, “Let’s go?” You offer, hooking your arm with his by the elbow.
He looks down momentarily before smiling toothily, “Let’s” He nods and opens the door.
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Lando held the large cup of frozen yogurt in his palm, itching to dig the small plastic spoon into the tall peak of cold, white cream that was covered in melted dark chocolate, “You got the photo?”
“Yes, sorry,“  You tuck your phone back into the inefficiently small purse that hung from your shoulder, “You taste it first, I feel like you’ll burst if you don’t” you chuckle at his expression as he fills the spoon with the cold dessert and places it in his mouth, he groans pleasurably as his eyes roll back.
“Holy shit that’s good.” He compliments, holding out the paper cup to you.
“I would hope so, looks like you just orgasmed,” You take your own plastic spoon and taste the treat, “Never mind, your reaction is valid, it’s so good.” You hum.
“I know right?” He continues to eat, keeping his right hand steady as he shuffles around you from your left to the other side, so that his free hand could intertwine with yours.
“I could’ve just moved?” You giggle, swinging your hands up and down as you lean to take another bite.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” He shrugged, licking his spoon free of the remaining frozen yogurt as you continued down the street and across the street towards Pearl Hill Park.
You both continued to chat animatedly, taking bites of the sweet yogurt between the two of you as you enter the park and walk down the foot path, admiring the large canopying trees and delicate flower’s that littered the shrubbery which lined the walkway.
“You’ve never had a boyfriend?” Lando clarifies, his eyes bugging out with shock.
“I mean, guys have liked me, and I’ve had crushes. But boyfriend? Never had anyone that serious,” You confirm, unbothered with his reaction.
“I don’t know! I never asked and I never have got asked,” You defend your single status.
Lando nods, squeezing your hand in his as he kicks a small pebble beneath his feet, “But you’re so beautiful.” He murmurs penultimately beneath his breath.
“What?” He looks at you, surprised that you heard him.
“Nothing,” You dismiss, your chest warming with the compliment, the sensation made you giggle to yourself and press your lips together.
The skin of your lips seemed dry against one another, causing you to stop walking, pausing the lazy travel around the man-made lake that you both were taking and remove a tube of flavoured lip balm from your purse. Lando pauses, watching you press the tube of the glossy moisturiser and lay a generous amount on your lips before twisting the top back on and dropping it back in your bag.
“What flavour is that? It’s so bright.” He snorts at the light pink coating that covers your mouth.
“Oh, is it too much?” You go to remove your compact mirror before you feel Lando hold your wrists gently, stopping you.
“No, you look perfect,” He assures you, softly laying his thumb beneath the swell of your lip and pulling the skin down slowly, “I was just curious of the flavour.” He muses, supressing a grin at your dazed expression as you fight away the feeling of your eyelashes fluttering closed in anticipation for his lips on yours.
“Um..I think it’s peach?” You offer.
“Really?” He snorts, moving his face closer to yours, analysing your face for inhibitions towards his actions, only to be met with your rouge ears and innocent doe eyes looking at him, “Let me try,” He whispers, finally bringing his face closer to yours, allowing his breath to fan over your slightly parted lips. You finally connect your mouth together, one of your hands loops around his neck whilst the other hold his wrist as you savour the sweet taste of his lips against yours.
It was as though the blossoms that surrounded the two of you had begun to bloom within your mind, bursting with new life and innocence as the water rippled in the summer sun, casting glowing streaks against your faces like crystalline diamonds shimmering beneath a spotlight. This moment seemed to paint itself on the canvas of your mind, permanently memorised to never be forgotten.  
Lando pulls away all too soon, resting his forehead against yours, “I can agree-“ He pants, “That it tastes like peach” he pulls away minutely to grin at you.
You grin back, licking your lips slowly, “Yeah, I guess it does.” You agree, pressing your mouths together again, desperate for the sacred dopamine that he filled you with. He smiled against your lips before you became conscience of your surrounds and broke apart. His eyebrows furrowed but nevertheless he caressed your cheek, enjoying the feeling of your soft skin beneath his finger.
Lando stepped back, taking your hand in his again to resume the slow, lazy steps around the lake, “You’ll watch that race then? From the garage?” He asked hopefully, looking down at you from your position on his shoulder.
“Peach?” He called out.
Your heart grew three times bigger at the nickname as you lifted your head from his body and looked at him earnestly, “Of course, I’ll be there in the orange.”
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📻 Kcccchh.... come in.... come in...translatiion unavailable...over
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
(I have chronic fear of talking to super cool people, excuse the anonymous-ness pretty please :)
If you don't mind me asking, what did Home do to Wally? I know you drew like 3 panels hinting at it but I have 2 braincells and they were unable to compute what those 3 panels of hinting meant :'D
Let’s say it’s not just Wally, but everyone:
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Home was very desperate for the puppets to remain on script, so they don’t become too aware, eventually resorting to using their biggest fears against them:
Barnaby is horrified of humiliation - he can handle it from friends if it’s strictly banter, but not if it’s a whole crowd of people throwing the biggest, smelliest tomatoes at him for getting one joke wrong…
Julie suffers from some self doubt, her only friends up until going to the neighbourhood being Frank and her siblings, and has received bad comments from schoolmates on her loud jolly nature, so as a consequence she hates having too many eyes on her…
Frank takes pride in his butterflies and his smarts, but he’s terrified of messing up in any way, and of his dear butterflies to turn on him, like so many people did because of him…
Eddie has always felt so self conscious of his blanking memory, he doesn’t want to forget who he is, what he loves to do, his favourite stamp collection, his dearest post office, his closest friends… and especially his darling husband Frank…
Howdy adores his job, he absolutely loves working in his beautiful bodega; but even the most jolly salesman can feel his passion grinding on him, almost consuming and drowning him if one piece of stock is wrong…
Sally too is scared of humiliation, but unlike Barnaby who has experienced it first hand and has things thrown at him, she has yet to experience it and the mere thought of it freezes her within the spotlight…
Poppy has always been terrified of appliances, but they’re a necessity for life, so she gets her friends to help her. She’s scared that they might catch fire, leak all over her floorboards or they will come to life….
And as for Wally….
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According to Home, he was to blame…
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Fuck this shitshow...This is it.
Dear This Is It Anon,
You mean this, right?
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Lest they would think as they all collectively do, with the shared single braincell they use across the street, we are hiding shite under the carpet. Not my method, Anon, off - and online.
So, ok. He was there. We were on perhaps the worst case scenario, probability-wise, on that one: 50/50, which is sort of mildly excruciating, right?
I can only encourage you to watch that clip, Anon. There are always nuances in the worst of bullshit situations. Yes, she is smiling. Briefly to T (this page founds a lie beyond ridiculous) and then to the winner:
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Yes, she looks relaxed enough. But never forget she is an actress, after all, at a professional event. What did you expect her to do, sulk? I know, it happened before, when she was perhaps way less thrilled, but people change and they learn from their mistakes. Narrative wise, her being awkward around McElusive was a PR mistake that had to be corrected/properly retconned. This seems to be the case, now, with a more natural attitude.
But you can fumble around and manipulate only that much of a given situation. The giveaway, to me, in this is TMcG (the hour is solemn, no jokes around, please) - still the same unkempt, DGAF, 70s called outfit, plus looking really, really strange. Unlike many on our side, I shall not elaborate - there is no need to. Yet it is plain to see something is unwell, especially when compared to the cortisone prosperity of the last sighting. Don't get me wrong: I have no ill wish towards this person. I just can't help but notice something is amiss, in all this forced, calculated, propagandistic Joy.
I am also fully aware there are many mean eyes watching me from the shadows across the street, Anon. I mean, seriously, BIF?
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Of course, that is your page and you can write what the hell you want. Choosing to quote me was a rather successful ambush. Remember, however (really LOL, always LOL): wars are not won with just tactics. Ok, you have a questionable edge on this one - a wasted battle.
Wars are won with good strategy and a synoptic, not fragmented vision (making a huge affair out of each and every single detail), of the state of play. You may be a decent tactician, perhaps, but you are a lousy strategist.
Oh, and to think you are planning a get together at the Paris Landcon, too, eh? How nice and how copy/paste of you, folks. I wonder what you expect, a fucking remake of West Side Story?
I could say good afternoon and even shake your hand anytime, BIF. But I bet you wouldn't. You're a tiny, hateful person with an overinflated ego, like that.
Sorry, Anon, for the rant. I tried to be as objective as I could, under biased circumstance and harsh scrutiny. I just hope this brought more clarity.
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dark-is-d3ad · 7 months
Got covid, so here is a collection of sick!141 headcanons:
• When someone gets sick, Gaz will bully the hell out of them. Last time he told Ghost he had the worst case of sniffles known to man (god knows how he didn't get disintegrated at the spot). But, he's also the one to make ginger tea, bring some snacks, flirt some lemsip out of that pretty nurse for his sick teammates. His actions really balance out the jokes.
• When he gets sick himself, he usually gets all of that back, everyone makes sure he's got everything he needs, and he ends up with way too much snacks, tea, and medicine. He's usually quick to get better, yet it warms his heart to know they care about him just as much as he does about them.
• Soap gets dramatic when he's feeling off. Not on missions, he knows how and when to push through, but God forbid he's going though a cold back on base, he'll let everyone know how fucking miserable he is. If he has an option to take a day or two off, he will do it, screw everything until he's back on his feet. Also, Ghost would usually ignore the rambles but then check up on him every now and again, just to make sure he's actually OK, and there's nothing major going on.
• Ghost usually gets more gruff and moody when he's sick. He also tries to avoid everyone, and he just sleeps it off if he can. Having a runny nose when you wear a mask all the time is not fun, it gets wet and awful. He doesn't like to miss the gym, too, but he usually goes easy if he's not well. The only thing Soap really scolds him for is that he keeps smoking anyway.
• Sick Price is a nightmare for the rest of 141. Not only the man is a fucking workaholic, he's also stubborn as hell. He'd be sitting in his office working his ass off even if his head is stuffed, and he's really not in shape to deal with all that paperwork. It requires a joint effort from all of them to get him to drop it and rest some, and him getting more irritable doesn't help it. That attitude also makes it worse for him, so he's usually sick for longer because he doesn't really allow himself time to recover and jumps straight back the second he feels just a smidge better.
• Soap usually has these awful high fevers for the first couple of nights, he's shivering and all that. Ghost brings him extra blankets and stays with him sometimes, especially when it's really bad. He's seen Johhny being really out of it because of how high his fever was, the guy couldn't even figure out how to use his phone, had forgotten about the meds and was a complete mess. So, Ghost tracks that for him, and makes sure he's OK, and that his fever doesn't fry his brains ("god knows you haven't got a lot left in that noggin, Johnny, you need every braincell").
• Price has a secret family recipe for chicken noodle soup that he refuses to give away, but when one of his guys is really not OK, he usually makes some. Even Ghost can't resist it. He's reluctant to let anyone in, but the smell really hits home, so he opens the door. The small "thank you" he blurts out really tells Price a lot.
"You're welcome, Simon. And you're off for tomorrow, get some rest, OK?"
Also, the only other person that he just can't not let in is Soap. Gaz would just drop off a tray full of things at his doorway, shout him a quick "get well soon, Lt" and be out of his hair, but Soap is a whole another story. Soap is relentless. One time he stayed at his door for hours, so now Ghost knows better than to resist him, it's a fight he cannot win. God knows he tried. Having him is honestly good, too. He somehow makes it easier just by being there, he reminds Ghost to drink his water, makes him comfortable in a way Ghost would never care to, not when it comes to himself.
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nfcv-saltmine · 11 days
Arikado gushing about Trevor
The comments:
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I will never understand why some people think Alucard shitting on Trevor is an improvement over Trevor and Alucard respecting each other
I fucking hate this with all my heart ❤️ NFCV fans be like "why do you feel the need to compare the games with the adaptation? Why can't you see it as it's own thing and let people have fun?" and then pull off shit like this.
Why can't NFCV fans keep their NFCV shit to their NFCV spaces? 🤡 Why do they feel the need to go on GAMES spaces and act as if their show could even remotely fit? 🤡 Not to mention... Haha yeah, isn't it so funny that Trevor is a drunk and an idiot? Isn't it so funny that the noble bloodline who have dedicated their lives to protect the same people that fear and reject them, probably because they understand they're scared and weak and don't know any better and just want to survive, are reduced to some rich guys with a leather whip and a collection of books about penises? Isn't it so HILARIOUS that Alucard express no sympathy and no respect for Trevor and his dead family??
The fact those fans see no problem not only with how purely mean and petty N!Alucard is to N!Trevor, but also with making fun of N! Trevor's drinking habit when it's a coping mechanism for his trauma...! I get that the show itself doesn't care about this fact, but for the love of God is it too much to ask fans to think for themselves??? Is it too much to ask them to CARE about how poorly their favorite show handles trauma?? And everything in general?? Do they HAVE to blindly follow the "haha drunk man funny" train??
I am not against the very idea of Trevor being a drunk and having fun banter with Alucard. But that's the thing. Not only Trevor being a drunk is only there for jokes and never truly explored, and he never gets to process or get over his trauma of SEEING HIS HOME AND ENTIRE FAMILY BURN AS A CHILD... But his "funny banter" with Alucard isn't actually funny banter. Alucard is mean, straight up. I mean Trevor says one bad joke about Alucard's parents around a campfire, but next to that, Alucard constantly shits on him and his bloodline!! As if the framing and the very story wasn't doing it enough already!!
The "eat shit and die" "yes fuck you" moment could have been funny... IF THEY FUCKING KNEW EACH OTHER. THEY LITERALLY JUST MET. THEIR ONLY INTERACTIONS SO FAR WAS THEM FIGHTING EACH OTHER. THEM SWEARING AT EACH OTHER AND THEN LAUGHING AFTERWARD ISN'T EARNED, THEY'RE NOT CLOSE ENOUGH FRIENDS FOR THAT AND THEY WILL NEVER BE. NOT WITH N!ALUCARD'S SHITTY ATTITUDE. It's not a fun dynamic to have two manchildren saying fuck yous at each other! It's not a fun dynamic to have one of them insult the other's dead family while the other isn't even allowed to talk back because "oh he has to be the bigger person" according to Sypha!! It's not a fun dynamic to have NO ACTUAL BONDING MOMENT BETWEEN THE MAIN CHARACTERS and instead, have them spend their screentime being assholes to each other, with their mom friend having to be the braincell that keep them in line!!
I hate that Netflixvania felt the need to pretend to be an adaptation of CV3 and CoD(?). That's why we get shit comments like this and shit takes pretending their characters are improvements from the games they know nothing about. At least with Lords of Shadow, it is VERY OBVIOUS that it's an alternate universe. It doesn't pretend to want to change or "improve" anything from the classic timeline, it does it's own thing on it's own little corner, and it's very easy to appreciate it along with the OG timeline thanks to that. Even if it uses familiar names like Trevor and Simon and Sypha, no one with a braincell would even think to compare them to their classic counterparts (at least not in a "this version is better than the other" way), because it's not the same universe.
NFCV isn't like that. NFCV pretends to take place in the classic timeline. NFCV pretends to bring improvements to it. When all it does is destroy. And I'm not saying this just because it changed a lot of stuff. I'm saying this because everyone, Ellis the first one, just HAVE to shit on the games to praise the show. It was intentional for it to be percieved as being "better than the games". 🤡
Anyway game Trevor and Alucard my beloveds I love you and your respectful and wholesome relationship 🥺
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bi4pan-polls · 1 year
Poll: round 2a #4
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[ Image ID. AN image of Amelie Maçon and Rashmi Jamil from Entropic Float. They are standing next to each other, with Rashmi be hide Amelie. Amelie is holding her own arm and Rashmi is learning forward toward her, comfortingly. Amelie has light skin, and long pink hair in pigtails tried with black scrunchies. She is wearing a pink beanie, black glasses, a pink checkered coat, and a white skirt over hot pick pants with a bunch of black question marks on it as a design. She has black shoes. Rashmi has brown skin, and black hair that is mostly short but with long part in front. They are wearing a grey turtleneck, and black short shorts. They have on a brown jacket that is hanging off their shoulders, and a key necklace. they have on yellow headphones. They have long white socks and black shoes, and an image of 2 ocs, their images edited togther. On the left is Mel. She has a hot pink, long dress that puffs out. It is plad and has a black designs around it, she has pale skin, a mark on the left side of her face which goes down to her neck, and short brown hair. She has blue, purple and green in her eyes. On the right is Cree. He has short blond hair, and pale skin, he is wearing grey overalls over a green long sleeved sweater , that has a feather design over it, you can see the collar of a white button down under the green sweater. He is wearing sneakers. He has a Green right eye and a orange left eye, and he has eyebags. End ID]
info on Mel and Cree from @melodemonica
mel is a demon (not the biblical kind) and studies whats basically magic biology + psychology =D she also really enjoys traveling and wood carving! cree is human and i originally made him a lawyer of some kind but currently that's up in the air lol, he loves bad tv shows and pointing out the inaccuracies in them! they watch horror movies together and laugh at how stupid the characters are <3
Cree is trans
mel is as previously mentioned, a demon, she is thusly immortal so you can imagine the kind of angst that causes considering cree is a human dude, also since i've only mentioned this in some tags, cree is canonically trans
cree is the sole braincell in their friend group most of the time and he only uses it when he finds it funny or when his friends' shenanigans go a bit too far and they need bailing out
mel loves traveling solely for the sake of learning, she's totally the museum going type (cree is too but for completely different reasons) i imagine she gets genuinely a bit bummed when there isn't some kind of guided tour for her to take when traveling (she doesn't need it but she likes the experience)
they hated each other when they first met, cree was in a 'being an asshole is totally a normal and acceptable coping mechanism' phase and mel's usual trauma response is of the 'angry at the world and everyone in it' variety. they became close after being forced to become roommates and having to be in close proximity to each other's pathetic attempts at pretending to be alright
mel is american and cree is german-japanese, mel is completely emancipated + no contact while cree has a cordial but kind of strained relationship with his adoptive mother
mel's face markings are actually burns! (i just kinda suck at illustrating them lol) they extend all down her torso and part of her legs and arms
mel is very strong and frequently swings cree around just for funsies, whether cree enjoys this depends on the day
mel changes her hair very frequently, this is due to her demon-ness providing her shape-shifting abilities, this is hilariously the only thing she really uses it for
cree has a collection of those weird shirts that you see in facebook ads (and also memes) he got one from one of his siblings as a joke and everyone else just ran with it
speaking of siblings, cree has 8 and mel had 1, cree is also a twin though they're not really on speaking terms at the moment
mel cooks while cree bakes, because cree is good at the chemistry-ness of baking while mel is good at the whole add whatever your heart tells you to aspects of cooking
cree totally once mixed some unholy drink concoction (like coffee redbull and cherry pepsi or something similarly unholy) at 3 am and instead of telling him it was a bad idea mel probably asked him for a sip
mel is totally normal about her job she totally doesn't go on hours long rants about the effects of long term exposure to magical artifacts nope totally not
mel and cree used to be in a band, they played keytar and guitar respectively they were also the vocalist
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iloveboysinred · 5 months
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cw: pg.13, mischief with you and Sokka, gn! reader [can be read as platonic or romantic]
just a quick Drabble for Sokka before I get back to requests!
You and Sokka were a duo to be feared, the way you complimented each other in battle, fighting side by side almost like your minds were in sync. Being the only non-benders in the group, it was only natural you and Sokka bonded. You guys shared a singular braincell, shooting each other looks whenever the benders in your ragtag group did something crazy, making corny jokes with lame punchlines, just overall providing the comedic relief the Gaang desperately needed during these trying times. What you specialized in the most though, was pranking. It had been many times where you'd team up to have some light hearted fun. Like when you'd swapped Zuko's clothes with some old, raggedy and too-big robes you'd bought at the local village, having him flustered and looking ridiculous. Or when you'd taken purple berries and dyed Momo's fur, letting him loose into the tent in the middle of the night, scaring poor Aang out of his skin. Nobody in the group was safe, except for Toph, who can sense you sneaking up on her from a mile away. Today you'd decided to prank Kitara. It was late in the afternoon, and everyone was setting up camp. Kitara had gone to the small stream by your base, collecting water for the group. You and Sokka hid behind a bush, snickering to each other as you plotted. "Okay Momo, you see that waterskin Kitara left on the ground? go get it and bring it to us. Make sure she doesn't see you." you whispered to the lemur, who didn't understand a word you said, but somehow understood the assignment when you pointed at your target. He flew over, quickly grabbing one of the water skins and bringing it back to you, dropping it in Sokka's hands. You tried to hold in your laugh as Kitars turned around to stream the water into the now disappeared waterskin. "That's weird... I'm missing one" she muttered to herself. looking around for the missing container. "Oh this is so good" Sokka whispered to you, grinning. He nodded to Momo, instructing him to grab the other three Kitara had brought with her. You slapped your hand over Sokka's mouth as he tried to hold back his laugh when Kitara whipped around, looking at the now empty patch of grass next to her. "What is going on here?!" she yelled, clearly suspecting something was up. At her frustration you couldn't help but let out a giggle, quickly slapping a hand over your mouth. You and Sokka exchanged a wide-eyed look, that alone sending you into a fit of laughter. You barley noticed Kitara marching over to the bush you were hiding in, a scowl on her face. "Give me that!" she snatched the waterskins from you, only making you laugh harder at her frustrated face. " Honestly you two! stop fooling around and go help Aang and the others set up camp! ugh, its like dealing with children!" you and Sokka exchanged a look, heaving after the laughing fit you had just endured. Your prank had been successful, even though you had gotten caught.
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lucy-dulap · 4 months
Relationship questions for Lucy and Gamigin
(What if their ship name is Gummy? Idk I'll see)
1. Who makes the other blush and who finds it adorable
Gamigin blushes when he laughs too much and since he's constantly giggling when Lucy's around, he blushes the most. Lucy's too dense to notice, though.
2. Who sings in the shower
Gamigin. And he puts his whole pussy into it. He's voice isn't even that great, but the passion on display is adorable. While he was preforming in the bath once he hit Lucy's face and he's still apologising about it to this day.
3. What would their song to eachother be
From Gamigin to Lucy it would be "Romantic Flight" from the HTTYD ost
From Lucy to Gamigin it would be DSaF Dave theme remake. That's their two shared braincells doing a mating dance
4. Who emberasses the other in public with kisses and pet names
Gamigin mostly. He's very touchy-feely and he constantly kisses and hugs Lucy in public. But what really flusters Lucy are the pet names. Being called something painfully sweet makes them emberassed. They start to get used to it at some point and they call him pet names back.
5. Who curses and who repremends the other for doing it
Lucy curses a lot but Gamigin got used to it. If Gamigin even says a small wear word like "damn", Lucy would turn to him and scream "Cum iți permiți, măi, coaie?! Firiai dracu de nenorocit, fututi mortii mati, cine te-a crescut, ma?"
Lucy teaches Gamigin how to say swear words in Romanian though.
6. What small quirks do they love about each other
When Lucy messes up a word they spit and then do it properly and Gamigin finds that adorable.
Gamigin kitten sneezes and Lucy can't hold back the head pats after he does that.
7. Who makes the other laugh more
Whenever they're close to eachother they giggle. All. The. Time. Even during meals they crack jokes. That's why they always are forced to eat seperately, so they don't choke.
I think Lucy makes Gamigin laugh more, but only slightly. The way they say coaie always makes him smile.
8. Who gets jealous easier
Lucy, all the way. You don't get adopted by Leviathan by being a normal member of society. Lucy's very scared that Gamigin will find someone better than them and abandon them just like their parents did. They kind of have to learn to have faith in Gamigin's monogomy.
9. How did they know they were right for the other
Gamigin was hooked the second he saw them hurt and was informed they are human. A human? In hell? In need? He is going to take such good care of them and learn everything he can about humans.
Lucy was first scared of Gamigin's excitability, but they started to loosen up when Gamigin showed genuine interest in them. When they heard he's a dragon he rushed Ppyong to the human world to get the DVD collection. They needed to impress him. And impress him they did.
10. Who brings up the subject of kids first
Lucifer. When Lucifer realised that the two teens in his care get along so well, and since Lucy can ovulate, alerm bells went off in his head. He's not the biggest fan of drugs, but he'll make sure both you and Gamigin take your birth-control regularly. The last thing he needs is an unplanned pregnancy from the least prepared people in Hell.
11. Who's adorable when they're sleepy and who gets grumpy and irritable
When Gamigin is sleepy he can barely hold his eyes opened. He's the cutest little meow meow. He sits himself on Lucy's lap, presses his head to their collarbone and falls asleep.
When Lucy's sleepy they get very fussy. Usually it ends with them crying in frustration and falling asleep from exhaustion.
12. Who's more protective
Both are very protective of the other. Gamigin would call Leviathan 5 different slurs for trying to kill Lucy and Lucy will fist fight Bimet if he complains about 'a lizard' following them in their journey.
13. How do they express their feelings (words, visual arts, a song, etc.)
Infodumping is a love language, I swear. Also, pokémon battling. Lucy loves playing any type of format and they'll introduce Gamigin to pokemon showdown. They probably even have a soulink nuzlock. Gamigin will know how Lucy is feeling depending on what team they use and Lucy can tell how Gamigin is feeling by the jiggles of his staff.
14. Where would they go on a 3AM adventure
Lucifer's private study at first. Lucy is obsessed with Lucifer and they need to see his study. So, while Lucifer is sleeping, they would sneak into the room and mess around.
Lucifer knows this is happening, but he wants to let the two youngsters have fun thinking that he can't hear their crazed giggles. Kind of like a lion pretending to be hurt by its cubs
15. Who has a hobby that only the other knows about
Lucy wants to make a pokemon fangame and they have a lot of ideas around it, but they're too shy to share it with anyone but Gamigin. They both plan it out and both would beg Buer to use his Tartaros knowledge to code it into existence. Little do they know that Buer failed his CopSci and Coding classes.
16. How do they hype eachother up
Both yell like they're at a football match. You know this meme? It's them. They are here to support eachother until the very end as loudly as possible.
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17. Who picks flowers for the other
Gamigin brings Lucy berries since he knows its their favorite food. Especially blueberries and raspberries. Neither bring flowers because they don't want to kill the flowers by picking them.
18. Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt
Both of them at the same time while laughing about it. The only way they allow to be insulted is if its recicrocle. They'd kiss with this shirt on to make sure everyone knows that they don't mean it as an insult.
19. Who's the better dancer
As I've said here, Gamigin will be the happiest dragon in all of Hell for getting to dance with Lucy, but he won't be good at it.
Lucy isn't a great dancer but they can do a brasoveanca or something very simple like that. Anything harder than macarena and they just stand stiffly in the corner until its over.
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes
Haha, autism. Both. They both infodump and the other one just stand there like "I can't believe this is my boyfriend. They're so cool." The 'me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic' meme but both of them are autistic bad bitches.
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actually-a-magpie · 29 days
Im sorry but why do people hate furries so much? Or even therians. As someone who is neither and just doesnt care what others do i just dont get it.
I understand seeing it as a bit weird (it is against social norms) especially theirans as (from what i understand) they believe they were once animals? Seeing people wearing tails and crawling around on all 4s in public is weird yes but overall harmless. Plus its mostly younger kids that i see doing it like 9,10,11. The fact they even have the confidence to be themselves in public should be celebrated!
I mean i saw a mother talking about how her kid went through a ‘therian’ phase and basically put down her child and blamed the internet and said hows YouTubes to blame. Now i can understand not understanding or liking your child wearing a tail but at the end of the day its just not that deep is it? There was no need to make a whole tiktok putting down your childs likes and interests just because its weird to you. If you really think Youtube has ruined your daughters generation then idk? Limit her time on the internet? Give her more attention so she doesnt feel like she needs to find communities online to be apart of? (This woman just came off as quite rude and closed minded overall tbh)
And being a furry is no different from cosplaying or dressing up as your favourite superhero for Halloween so why do people ostracise them so much. “If my kid turns out to be a furry its getting put down” Edgy jokes like this are nothing but pathetic. Would you same the same thing if your kid liked drawing or collecting Pokémon cards? No. You wouldnt if you have even half a braincell you wouldnt.
Obviously i cant yap about this without recognising the outliers: the zoophilia, pedos and general weird sexual stuff that goes on in the furry community but thats a small (but unfortunately vocal) part. The vast majority of furries just like animals, making stuff, showing off their talent and having fun.
Frankly the audacity of people who are also ridiculed for their hobbies or general self then hating on furries and therians is ridiculous. If you have ever ever been made fun of for something you like or can’t control then have some empathy, recognise that people can be different. If you have never been bullied then just have some common decency there is no need to be hateful to harmless things.
The freedom of the internet has made people too bold with their comments. It has corrupted children with its exposure and all we do is feed right back into that chain of hate. Hate, hate, hate. Why do we hate? Why are we so conditioned to hate? We fight and fight for our right to express and live as we like and yet the moment it doesnt fit our mould we shun it. What did our freedom fighters die for if we are too ignorant to use their gifts?
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jinkiseason · 1 year
elif mutual awards
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people just be doing these mutual awards so, why not steal a few ideas and 🤗🤗 yk use em, so without further ado THE ELIF MUTUAL AWARDSS
first and foremost, i’d like to give the favorite writer and mutual award to @mins-fins​ he resides in my pocket and unfortunately, i will not allow him out, live laugh and love isa :3 
as everybody says, id like to give the funniest mutual award to @juyomiao​ and @zerobaseonefics, thank you for making everybodys days a little brighter 🧓🏼🧓🏼 thank you for also being the founding fathers (mothers? life givers? who knows.) of zb1 tumblr 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
DOUBLE AWARDS ‼ bro is on a roll but anyways, funniest smau award goes to... @juyomiao​ (and to all the zb1 writers w smaus, u guys r national treasures)  the creator of the virgin mary and extramarital relationship joke 🙏🏼 we love u for that
the nicest writers award goes too... @gnwookieee​ and @haesunflower​ u guys r just a bunch of cutie patooties ty for being the only (semi) sane people on tumblr. carries the 5 braincells we all collectively share, we all love u
and last but not least... best new mutual award goes to.. @chxrrymxxnlight​ i may not know u that well but u will soon be added to the pocket too. unfortunately u cannot escape :3 and id also like to give riri best riyangi award 💯
and to the many zb1 writers who i have yet to meet and befriend, i give u guys the soon to be friends (hopefully) award, u all have a special place in my heart and if i wasnt too scared to interact with u guys, u all would also have a place in my pocket ‼🙏🏼
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Teen Squad, my favorite group (obv joking, I love all characters equally, but the Teen Squad is fun to write)
Tulip sighs as she looks down at the night sky. She knew she should be back in the guest room, enjoying some sleep after spending all day with the others looking for runes.
They had lost track of time, and it was night when they were finally done, and everyone opted to just stay in Nimbus's world for the night before returning home. It was agreed upon, thankfully, and the respective Guardians were told before the Avatars got ready to spend the night.
But Tulip, she couldn't..
"Shouldn't you be asleep?"
Tulip turns her head to see a confused Ash peering around the doorway. She was sat on the railing of the balcony near Nimbus's room.
".. couldn't." is all she says, turning her head back to look at the sprawling Luminos Kingdom.
Ash frowns as he walks over before easily hopping up and sitting down beside his friend. "You've got something on your mind."
"Putting those braincells to use?" Tulip teases with a small smile.
"Hey!" Ash glares playfully at her, punching her shoulder. The two laugh softly, with the teen girl rubbing her shoulder.
"Whaat?" her soft laughter turns to quiet giggles. "It's true."
"Goes for you too." he chuckles softly before his expression schools to one of rarely seen worry. "But what's wrong? You've been really.. I dunno, thoughtful lately? Thinking a lot?"
Tulip sighs and looks down, kicking her feet. "I'm just.. I dunno. I'm still processing the whole thing that happened with my family, you know?"
He nods before tilting his head. "But what are you processing?"
"The fact that.. they aren't gonna bother me anymore, I guess." She shrugs, and she lifts her head to look at the night sky. "It was a part of the new normal once I ran.. and now.. that normal is gone."
"My family is gone. I mean, they always have been, but.. Ugh!" Uncharacteristically, Tulip growls in rage, grabs a pebble, and flings it into the distance. The two Avatars watch as, in the distance, a tree gets cut in half and falls.
Ash goes quiet, collecting his thoughts before speaking. "You're not used to them.. just not being in your life?"
Tulip pauses before she releases a breath. "I.. it seems so, yeah. I know it weird but.."
"Doesn't seem weird to me." Ash shrugs. "I mean, they were your family. It doesn't really seem like it matters what happens because an attachment will always sorta be there."
"Look at Ash holding the braincell." The teasing but well-meaning voice of Arle makes the other two jolt, and she joins the duo by leaning against the railing. "But is this some sort of impromptu therapy session."
"I'm not qualified for that."
"Glad we're on the same page."
Tulip snickers as the banter between the two before a soft smile appears on her lips. She turns her head, seeing a grumpy Laharl and a humming Shantae walking out onto the balcony. Sora was trailing behind then, looking at the duo with an amused smirk.
"This is what you dragged me out for?" Laharl grumbles.
"Don't act like you were even sleeping." Shantae retorts. "I walked past your room and noticed you talking to Flonne."
"Shut it you-!" Laharl growls, grabbing Shantae's ponytail and tugging on it, causing the half-genie to yelp before the two began to scuffle.
"Whole time?" Arle, Ash, and Tulip as Sora as he walks over and stands by the railing.
"Whole time." Sora nods.
Tulip giggles, and her previous negative thoughts fade. She notices, but she only smiles.
"Okay, c'mon guys, calm down." Tulip waves her hand, making Shantae and Laharl separate with huffs. The rest of the squad all hopped onto the railing, all looking at the sky.
".. you guys ever go through an edgy teenager phase?" Arle speaks up.
All eyes quickly turn to Tulip, making her squeak. "Wha- Oh, come on guys!"
As their eyebrows raise as her, Tulip hangs her head with a defeated and embarrassed whine. "Fiiine.. I did.. I even dyed my hair."
Laharl squawks out a laugh, clutching his stomach. The others are at least kind enough to cover up their laughs with coughs. The engineer leans her head back with a huff. "I was 14!"
"That's even worse!" Shantae wheezes. "I thought you would be like, 13!"
"We're not laughing at you. We're laughing at the phase." Sora reassures her, though he's chuckling.
Tulip rolls her eyes with a grumble, but there's a smile on her lips.
"Oh!" As Arle calms down, she lets out a hum. "Okay, you've gotta pick an Avatar to fight. Who are you picking?"
"Oof, that's a toughie.."
After some mulling over, Tulip speaks. "I'm not going for anyone older than me, and definitely not going for Juliano."
"What? Why not?" Laharl narrows his eyes. "It'd be so easy to beat him. He's old!"
"No, I see where she's coming from. He's the first ever Avatar. Dude is gonna be able to read us like a book." Shantae nods. "And I'm not taking my luck with Mario, who knows what tricks he has up his sleeve.."
"I think I can take either one of them." Laharl smirk.
"Of course you do." the rest of the teens deadpan, making the overlord of Hell grumble and cross his arms.
"But I do think I could proooobably take.. I dunno, Olimar?" Arle shrugs. "Maybe just punt him."
"I second that." Ash raises his hand.
The group continues their discussion, with light laughter occasionally breaking through the night.
Queen Melody smiles as she gazes down and through the window. Despite it being well into the night, she wasn't all too surprised to see the teenagers up. Teenagers did tend to be night owls.
"Your Majesty, shouldn't we tell them to head to their rooms?" Dolion frowns. "They may wake the others.."
"I doubt it, Dolion. Plus, they're causing no trouble." Melody hums with a tilt of her head. "They're simply being teenagers. Let's leave them be."
Dolion nods before he tilts his head. "How have the ones attuned to magic not noticed you? Or I?"
"I've learned how to suppress magical energy." is the answer. "I mean, with how my father was.."
The attendant nods. "I understand, Your Highness."
The queen rests a paw on the window. "That, and why should I let them feel conscious of the fact that I'm aware they're awake? They're teenagers in the end. They're going to be a little rebellious, not do things, and-"
"They jumped off the balcony." Dolion points.
Melody's gaze snaps onto the descending figures, and she can see a pouch in Shantae hand. Her mind drifts back to during dinner, when she..
"Oh goodness, they're going to spend the silver I gave them at dinner." Melody giggles softly.
"Will any shops be open?" Dolion tilts his head.
"Most likely, yes." The queen nods. She waves her hand, and with a flurry of feathers, a golden feathered bird perches himself on the queen's shoulder.
"Auryn, keep an eye on the teens, yes? I know I gave them immunity, and I trust they're trying to keep a low profile, but they are still Avatars.."
The bird lets out a croon before nodding, spreading his wings, and taking flight. The queen and the attendant watch the bird fly out before Melody hums.
"Well, you best be off to bed." Melody flicks an ear.
".. and what about you?" Dolion frowns.
"I'll be fine. It won't be my first sleepless night." The queen waves him off.
Dolion sighs before nodding, walking off.
Melody looks out the window once more before she turns and leaves, a small smile on her face. She had a feeling the teens would be just fine.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Of course you can have other hobbies, but I think it's very telling that you are all cricket noise about TW the very moment the show is cancelled, which actually proves you have been wrong all along
OH LOOK, I'll answer you. You, nonnie, are the million dollar winner of being THEE MOST EXAMPLE DUMBASS, without actually having to post pages of you whining.
No, your bad faith ignorance won't stop our HBO max exclusive placement. The only thing that could is Amazon bidding in the 5m/ep area. Enjoy rotting on a budget cut CW show for 13 more episodes, the end. Get used to it. Nobody has to spar with your fake noise. Stop playing with your invisible friends, stop trying to fill your social gaps with tumblr anons, and go fucking get a hobby you lifeless weirdo.
I've been NOT POSTING about this shit for MONTHS, stop doing so much cocaine, you're the ones bugging me since January, and since March when I TOLD YOU I HAD TO STOP POSTING FOR NDA REASONS, YOU BUFFOON. Half of fucking Atlanta WB is monitoring my blog for compliance you useless piece of shit. Me or my friends' livelihoods by the literal dozens are not as important as fighting about literally irrelevant garbage made up by morons like you that will be embarrassed soon anyway.
THEE MOST DUMBASS here is such a gold star piece of self absorbed ignorant hallucinating heavy drug dealing reality-distorting short-term-gain-sighted moron example that it gets pinned. Fuck off, you losers, nobody real in this has time for your noise. That's why the CW started tweeting about noise, when I told you to knock off the noise, holy shit. Get a clue. I tweeted the joke for a solid month nonstop before getting bored because you're too dense to even compute how you're being laughed at, jesus christ. If you wanna be embarrassed in retrograde, check the timing and content of my posts through March. There you go. Wow, yeah, don't you look like a hilarious pants shitting fool.
The reality here is the CW (or, specifically, TW, Berlanti Properties Currently Airing On) has been subtweeting yall since MARCH when I told you in MARCH to stop bothering me, and TWO MONTHS LATER, you still HAVEN'T, because you seem to be suffering some psychotic condition that has detached your scope of reality for a digital fakespace, and after TWO MONTHS of me telling you all to fuck off and that you're beneath me, you're going "HAHA!!! SUDDENLY, NOW!!!!" no man. It's just that it isn't worth talking about if you have two braincells to rub together, it has to get cancelled on CW for pickup elsewhere you floating fat turds.
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Just because you wanna fight about it doesn't mean it's not real. It just means you're dumb as a brick, and we're done wasting time on ignorant asshats. We got what we wanted. It's over. You lost. Go home. There's nothing for me to fight anymore. You don't keep fighting when you win, that's what pressed asshats like you do trying to squeeze out anything that feels like a win for a breath of a second. My energy is best invested elsewhere.
Nobody cares that a hoard of single digit IQ harpies feels accomplished for a whole few weeks just to look like assclowns again, in this timeless fibonacci toilet bowl of made up horse shit called SPN fandom.
You need to catch a clue at my flatass lack of a need to prove shit to you, and the collective patterns of my blog the last six months and the context and meaning of those, and WHY I literally. do not care. what you believe. It is your own self importance and/or internal issues realizing the truth and wanting to convince yourself otherwise that convinces you anyone that knows HAS to tell you what's going on, or beat it into the dirt for bad faith actors like you when the truth is gonna come around shortly anyway. HBO just isn't announcing most of their orders until the strike has some potential visible ending, but we're fine. Sorry to disappoint you.
You absolute assclowns didn't even notice Max hasn't announced their series yet before you gloated, did you? Their round of that was in February, you scrub, we're next wave, probably post- or late-strike. it's not rocket science you insufferable, lonely, diseased cunts.
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Yeah, it SHOULD be telling that I stopped arguing with you knuckleheads, after 6 years of combat. If I was ashamed of anything I'd delete my blog or some shit, rather than sitting here waiting for the boomerang to knock your ass over while rolling dice with gay lizards. Figure it out shithead, your game is over, I'm playing a new one, because I won the last, what's not fucking clicking?
The point was never winning YOU over beyond the public opinion needed at certain business pressure points, and that's 2 years past, you can't stop it. I literally don't need any of you. Those that are interested in me as a person can stay around. It was about winning the show, about winning representation, about platform winning. We won guys. cope. I won, I moved on, why is this so fucking complicated for you to accept? Have you never lost at something before? I'm happy to be your first teaching experience.
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llamapear · 2 years
Shadow HC's:
He was made to be warm and soft, like a cat, so Maria would like him better. This unintentionally also made him the ARK's therapy Hog, and the ideal cuddling buddy during the colder months.
He has a three hour quill care ritual, and if you interrupt it for any reason, may your god have mercy on you, because he certainly won't.
Shadow's actually a giggly little bitch, which he usually disguises using anger. One well-timed dumb joke is all it takes to send him.
Shadow has a massive collection of plushies hidden in a walk-in closet, and only three people (Sonic, Rouge, and Omega) know about it. He also has a life-sized werehog plushie (Don't ask how or where he got it, you won't get any answers.)
Shadow's actually a really, really good singer, and has learned how to play guitar from Sonic.
Silver HC's:
He is the most tone-deaf singer you'd ever hear, but by God, can he play the Piano.
His quills are the sharpest of the the three Hogs, having only recently been able to take proper care of them. You could literally use them as knives.
He has no idea what a Rickroll is
He can eat as much as he wants and won't gain any significant weight, which confuses everybody.
Silver, when around Sonic and Shadow, is usually the calm and collected one. This is not to be confused with "The one with the braincell for the day", he never gets a turn. (Neither does Sonic, for that matter.)
Silver, being born in an extremely hot climate, gets cold the easiest and fastest, and will bundle up the moment the frost hits the ground.
I’m not exactly sure if you’re talking about my AU or something else, but assuming you are, here are some of my thoughts. The quill care ritual is a must, gotta keep those sharp and clean. I really love the idea of silver getting cold easily, he actually hibernates during winter (or at least he tries to) And for the rest... you’ll have to wait for the comic to come out since I don’t really want to promise things I won’t be able to incorporate in. I really like those hcs tho! ...aand if you didn’t mean my AU... well...
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deadthingposting · 2 years
OFMD rewatch ep 3- the gentleman pirate
Yay my boy finally appears
It's weird how now I just notice how many jokes about Lucius dying there are in the show, in a complete different note Frenchies little doodles are lovely
God stede gives me so much second hand embarrassment, this is the point on the show I stopped hating him and start having a weird pity of him, god bless this pathetic little man he is incapable of reading a room, like in the party ship episode we see how Ed is not great with the upper class but stede is so much worse with the pirates he is a walking kick me sign.
I am so against the propaganda of Jim being one of the "braincells" in the crew like this little shit has nothing inside their head, just maybe vengeance, and they act like a cat it's adorable
Jackie is the only girlboss allowed, no bullshit she is the one she collects a harem, collects human body parts, dresses in red, looks fucking good in red, comes up with a nickname mocking stede stupid pirate name on the spot, I want to sit on her lap, help.
And another point for Izzy digging his own grave I just love that if Izzy wasn't such a arrogant dick half of his problems wouldn't have happened, like he had no reason to lie to stede about who was his captain but he did and just made Ed more interested, congratulations Mr hands it's you Hi! You are the problem.
(by the way there's one moment when he is talking to Ed that makes me so angry, this wannabe edgylord holds his hand over a lit candle, this is so stupid I swear to god he was about to say something you would find over a black and white picture of the joker)
By the way Lucius getting Jim's knife it's such a sweet moment but oluwande getting all jealous it's so cute.
As much as this episode gives me deathly levels of cringe the end just takes my whole heart
I am a sucker for first meetings and I hate how in this fandom we have a thousand AUs but not many fics on what stede was thinking when he saw Ed for the first time and vice versa like this scene I want to inject it on my veins
The world is burning stede knows it's the end he is going to die his last though, the family he left, his wife he never loved but had a sense of responsibility for,how much of a walking failure he was now he was going to die and kill his friends, not really friends more like the people he was paying to laugh at his jester act, and from flames and smoke comes a fucking handsome man and looks at him not with disgust or pity or arrogance but interest and says he knows him he recognizes him not as stede the failure bonnet but as the gentleman pirate. His persona. His pirate name.
And I am screaming
Rating:🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 five random knifes including Jim knife and all the ones used on Blackbeard's raid
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Let’s set up camp!
Tarak & Emma
Nicholas & Barry
Sable & Lyla
Camping trip
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Emma was glad as she heard during this interschool camping trip that Tarak and her were in the same team. Especially as she was lucky that Peko and Gregory were the other two team mates so she didn't had to hide their relationship... and so Emma became somewhat of the leader of the group cause aside her Tarak was the only braincells while Gregory nearly put a tent on fire and Peko didn't do any work.So most of the time Tarak and Emma did most of the work together including setting up tents...
As he was done and the night slowly krept up and Emma gave him a kiss on the cheek quick after he was done with work.
“Glad to have you here, especially cause I don’t have to hold back the whole time being next to you.”
“I am also glad... its sometimes hard to just act like there is nothing between us.”
She seemed a bit play full and walked close by him.
“Want to share a tent later? I would feel better if you sleep next to you.”
He grew quickly red. “S-sure... thats fine.”
And so they both went back to the camping spot and used the bonfire to grill different things. Tarak chewed happily on some grilled bacon smiling as Emma sat close to him... Peko laughing at Gregs dumb jokes as the 4 just enjoyed the night.
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Barry was nervous with the group he put up with... it was only composed of 3 pretty men from the Armonye dormitory. Nicholas among them who often already showed interest in him but Barry denied any of his own attraction towards him. He was in a bind but tried to play the hero and top dog as usual, playing the leader and ordering them around to get the camp set up.Eventually they did pretty well but Barry still just got nervous if any of them was close. Eventually he and Nicholas collected some food for later. Barry noticed some of the stuff was tough to reach but he was surprised that Nicholas behind him bended up to get the fruit and was so as Barry turned around only inches apart from him.
“Dude, stop getting so close to me.”
“Is anything wrong, Mister Parton.”
“Yeah it is, I am already stuck here instead of having any pretty girl in my team with you guys... I am already annoyed so I don’t need people to get up in my personal space.”
“Your face is red though... I thought you did enough work already and wanted to help.”
Barry sighed... it was true he wasn’t fair to him... just bitching him out of knowhere but his pride didn’t want to apoligize.
“Everything is fine as long as you keep distance to me, alright.”
Eventually they gathered enough to get back to the team, Barry seemingly looking grumpy when he just this whole time was flustered about being close to any of them...
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Sable and Lyla gave each other a smile as they were assigned to the same team, working their way well to set everything up quickly and make it a pretty night camp with some lights... Damián and Carol were also in their team but they rested up after eating a little in their tents while Lyla stayed in Sables tempt reading some books with him. Laying back to back.
“Have you noticed how odd the buildup is?”
“True its predictable whats gonna happen?”
“Say, Sable... You think the stars are still out?”
“We could look at them, after all the book isn’t as interesting as I thought.”
Both got out to look up at the sky as she lightly squeezed his hand staying close... “You know... as kid I was more afraid of the night than nowadays... I feel at the present I prefer the night to the day.”
“Makes me glad to hear, or else we wouldn’t see each other much.”
She smiled back at him leaning close... As he bended down to her and both exchanged a small kiss.
“Lets stay like this for a while longer, alright?”
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