#colorblind casting
beemovieerotica · 11 months
idk how to tell people this but taika waititi playing blackbeard doesn't inherently alter the subtext of the show into a commentary on how indigenous men are treated by white men
this is what critics mean when they talk about colorblind casting vs color-conscious casting, where OFMD falls into the former category because the backgrounds of the actors themselves do not meaningfully or tangibly alter the text of the show nor the dynamics of the characters therein
with the way blackbeard is written, he can 100% be swapped out for a white actor with no changes to the script, and this is the most basic litmus test for whether or not your writing includes actual political / racial commentary or if you simply threw an actor of color / character of color into a part of your narrative without considering how it informs or is informed by the world of the story
OFMD is at its core a dramedy that did not set out to convey any particularly poignant messages on race, and an executive producer wanted to play a leading role in it, and he did. that's it.
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icedsodapop · 5 months
So sick of the current trend of colorblind casting for shows with White creative teams, yall really think you are doing poc a favour with this 🙄🙄 I admit, I thought it was good idea at first but the problem comes when White writers think that their experiences are universal.
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on “colorblind casting” as a lazy shorthand for diversity
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conman167936 · 1 year
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There’s an interesting trend I’ve noticed when it comes to colorblind casting. All four of these properties are reimagining the female lead as black but keeping the male lead white.
Now, I don’t want to criticize the individual casting of any of these properties, but it does seem interesting that audiences are apparently more willing to accept a female role being race-bent as opposed to a male role.
It doesn’t help that, in all but one of these cases, the role being race-bent is the “love interest” as opposed to the protagonist. But beyond that, it does make me wonder if white male audience members would be that much more furious to see a male protagonist reimagined as black.
I don’t know. Food for thought.
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Character Evolution in Secrets of Sulfur Springs
This is about casting and physical attributes, not about development. This is about a show I truly love, and not one that I hate. These are all observations and thought processing about the casting of the Tremont/Dunn family in the series.
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Daisy: Kyliegh Curran | Ashley B. Jones
So! Our girlie Kyliegh played her great grandmother (or great great grandmother? - I forget, Daisy, as a kid) And, I was like, "Well... it's not perfect.
You can't tell how much darker this woman is than Kylie in her photos, but on the show, she looked a tinge too dark for me to fully invest in the idea that she was well cast, but I rationalized that maybe she was inside more as a kid and then you know, was just lightskint like a light skinned biracial because of that when she was young. (I have met people whose parents tried keeping them inside on sunny days so they wouldn't get too dark), which is wild and off topic, because I don't think that would happen with Daisy, but saying IF she was simply inside a lot more as a kid, she could be that much lighter than the child actress vs the adult actress.
Harper's mama is biracial, I think. I feel like the kid that played her mom is, though Idk if the lady is or not. I do know that Kylie's character is supposed to be fully Black, even though the actress is not, irl. And her ancestor, Daisy, who she played had two pretty unambiguously Black parents and her and her little brother came out light skinned. Him, looking like his mama, her looking like the milkman's child..
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Grace (Daisy's Mom): Kenneisha Thompson
Now... this happens sometimes in real life. But like I've said before - it don't happen nearly as much irl as it do on TV. So, Kyliegh as that woman - meh. Not a great casting choice, if not a bad one.
I understand they needed them to be identical to make the plot work, but I don't understand why everybody in the family is clearly Black then come her, actually biracial, and then here she come again a couple generations later, as Harper. Lol.
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Her mama though Jess Dunn: Izabela Rose | Diandra Lyle
They did better in skin tone, but I would love sometimes for productions, especially big money bitches to try to do some side by sides every now and then and be like, "Are we sure this is the right choice?" or acknowledge some of the wild changes.
Where is a wide nosed sista to play this mama? Did she get a nose job at some point? We just supposed to imagine her nose was always that dainty? It has nothing to do with the plot, but Idk how I would overlook that you have such a drastically different nose in your adult like than you did as a kid. Her grandmother had a wide nose (scroll up) and she had one as a kid, then it just... went small when she grew up?
I am a big nosed bitch... and my nose was SMALLER as a child, because I was smaller. I actually was quite aware of Izabela's nose when she was Young Jess because we were going back and forth in time, from her nose to Diandra's nose. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN! They are both so lovely. They just do not look like people who grew up to be that person! Ma'am you didn't contour away all that nose. (I love both these actresses).
The fact that I dwell on this casting has nothing to do with their performances and everything to do with how badly I want casting to try to get people who actually look alike when they are playing the same character, unless for some reason within the story, they somehow look different. This Is Us only magnified my fixation on this subject. Most of them people looked just like them kids.
This is the man who plays Harper's daddy, FYI:
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But like we said, we rationalizing that Mama Dunn is biracial, or at the very least so lightskinned that a biracial girl could be her daughter, especially since her negro nose with Jackson 5 nostrils turned into one of them Vogue magazine joints in her adult life.
Now this one... Baby...
It's just absurd. This is where we gotta draw the line, throw in the towel, stop rationalizing that there is a phenotype at play skipping generations or whatever else we could do with our earlier casting choices.
This photo is lighter than the woman is and you can still see that this is a whole nother human that would not in this universe that we currently know of, under any circumstances according to our knowledge of science, would this beautiful biracial baby girl grow up to be this absolutely unambigously Black, dark skinned woman!! She just wouldn't!
Two very lovely people who acted they asses off and earned them Disney paychecks and Disney better had paid them what they was worth. Because they both said that they was gon' out act whoever in this scene when Ruby got onscreen.
Whoever did this casting said, "F**k it, Girl. Call who we know," because ain't no way, Chile. Ain't no way y'all was putting no kinda thought or planning into this woman growing up from that girl. When she said she was Ruby, I said, "RUBY WHOOOOOO?"
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Ruby: Jaidyn Triplett | Joyce Guy
I won't go into any further tangent about how the darkest ones cast in the family were the ones we didn't see much of, or in Ruby's case, the literal Magical Negro that had to save the day........................
I truly enjoy the show. It's a fave. But, yes. It has it's issues and I have mine and now that they are out of my head, because as a wise friend once said, "Misery loves an audience" (Shoutout to Noah, a Queen of Quotes) - I can now live in peace. Yes, and continue watching this, even though they have this problem in casting.
Sometimes, people think that colorblind casting only applies to when you just cast anybody for any role, willy-nilly, but this is an offset of colorblind casting, as well. Colorism casting, maybe. Where any Black person will do, despite looking nothing like the same character that they're supposed to be portraying. Or where certain skin tone versions of that character has more screen time. Sometimes, this is done through photos or short flashbacks...
But this show had these people onscreen talking and had us getting to know them and then colorblind casted them in different eras of their life. And perhaps I only notice it in Black people, because I don't have any type of face blindness when it comes to us. If that is the issue they're having, maybe they need people who can tell the difference between Black people and their skin tones and facial features to handle that aspect of a job.
That's all I have for now. Do watch the show, though. If you can handle fw with Disney. I mean, it's out there free, but I know some people are even not for that and I commend you. I be watching some of they stuff for free still, and this lil' rant? Ramble. This lil' ramble has been sitting in my lil' brain for a time.
Idk what it is called or if there is a name for it. Whenever they do the colorblind casting or the colorism casting within the same character. It feels like it needs it's own word. It's different from when they simply change the character from one medium to the next, to be within the same universe and have a person that simply does not share that character's physical characteristics, even though they're the same character.
End ramble.
Wait. Last note: This is a Black and Black biracial people's post. Anybody else who pass through, don't get cute. I'll blast you right to the block.
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thephenotype · 10 months
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booasaur · 6 months
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Renegade Nell (2024) - 1x06
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deerdeardarling · 25 days
Im probably the only one who would want this- but I'd be okay with a live action* Ever After High
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
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okay i feel like im going crazy yall bc everyone keeps calling this brown but it looks gray with a hint of green to me like especially compared to everything else that’s brown/beige around him this doesn’t read brown to me at all 😭😭
but maybe im just sleep deprived and my brain isn’t processing colors correctly like it looked brown in that one blurry bts selfie w the PA, but in everything else it’s gray to me
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icedsodapop · 1 year
We need to fine Kenneth Branagh everytime he colorblind casts his movies. Or stab him. Either way we need to stop this man.
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andromerot · 10 months
someone needs to do a study on fiction podcast fandom twitters racial headcanons for characters. literally how did they all decide unanimously that jonathan sims was south asian
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strixhaven · 3 months
getting glimpses at nonsense discourse happening on other people's dashes by seeing people's vagues about it is so funny. what's going on out there.
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hextechmaturgy · 7 months
please nobody dox me for this one but I feel like the social commentary in bridgerton is. really bad
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violetwolfraven · 8 months
Was genuinely confused why people get upset about characters looking different than their original design in newer adaptations of whatever story and then I remembered I’m a ✨ theatre kid ✨ and not everyone is
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tea-earl-grey · 4 months
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shrikebrother · 4 months
why are they casting an asian guy as one of the beatles ? i thought they were all white
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