#colourblind deceit
5am-the-foxing-hour · 4 years
Logan: Press the red button-
Janus *green/red colourblind*: ... NONE OF THEM ARE RED!
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bookwormscififan · 5 years
Saw the head cannon thing and what about deceit or someone being colour blind
Ooh! That's a cool headcanon! 
 Nobody quite understood why Deceit seemed to misunderstand their teasing.
He stared at the clothes in his closet, feeling like he was missing something. Why did the others joke about washing dishes? Nobody washes dishes with grey gloves. 
Remus constantly asked him for his opinion on his outfits; Deceit always said they were good, but he never understood what Remus said about colours. 
 Virgil and Remus sat down with him on a Tuesday, quizzing him on different cards, and what colours he could see. 
"That's just a lighter shade from the last card," Virgil sighed, and put the card down. 
 "Dee, those were all different cards," Remus said softly. Deceit smirked. 
"Yeah, they were all different shades of the same thing," Virgil groaned. 
"Dee, what colour are your gloves?" 
 "How long have you been colourblind?" Deceit blinked, snake eye twitching.
"I'm not colourblind! I can't be colourblind! I know what colours are!" 
 "When was the last time you saw the colour red?" Deceit frowned, trying to remember. 
"When I was twelve? Before the Darks split from the Lights," Virgil nodded, biting his thumbnail. 
 "Dee, something happened to you, and now you're colourblind. Remus is wearing black and green. I wear black and purple." Deceit laughed uncomfortably, voice rising slightly in pitch. 
"No, you both wear black and grey. I know what colours are!" He sank out, appearing in his room and staring desperately at his closet. 
 "Let's give him the old liar liar. What colour's my shirt?" Deceit feigned confidence, looking once at Thomas' shirt then answering. 
"Red. No, blue!" 
 He sat in his room, tears falling down his human cheek. He didn't know what colours were anymore. How could he deceive people if he didn't even know what colours they wore?
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Headcanon: Deceit is half snake so he's half colourblind.
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kingceit · 5 years
Fic idea
Deceit doesn’t actually have that many snake traits other than his physical appearance due to Thomas’s lack of knowledge about snakes in general. However one day Thomas either watches a documentary about snakes, or a friend with a pet snake tells him a bunch of facts about snakes, and subconsciously Thomas accidentally changes Deceit to fit some of the things he learns 
Deceit starts freaking out because suddenly he starts shedding and he doesn’t know why since he never has in 30 years, and the vision in his left eye is now terrible (since a lot of snake species apparently have bad vision and are colourblind - some even see in infrared). 
This results in Dee appearing before Thomas and the others shaking and crying begging for him to take the changes away - thinking Thomas has done this to punish him - promising he won’t appear in videos anymore and try not to have any sway in Thomas’s decision making in the future 
(Thomas of course apologises and reassures him he had no idea this had happened and tries to undo it)
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
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Deceit Sanders Text Posts 33/?: Colorblind Edition 2- Deuteranopia (Red-Blue Colorblind)
Image Descriptions Below
[One: My favorite thing to do is to offer to help people choose colors for things and see how long it takes them to remember I’m colorblind.
Two: Where’s my oversaturated pride flag for colorblind gays who can’t fucking see rainbows?
Three: I’m sure all the pastel flags are actually very aesthetically pleasing but I am VERY colorblind and can NOT tell any of them apart.
Four: Me: *pours a bowl of cereal* Me: *sits down, takes a bite* Me: *surprised sounds* Me: These aren’t Cheerios! These are Apple Jacks!
Five: #Colorblind Problems: When you can’t really tell when something’s fully cooked because you can’t see the “pink” very well...
Six: I honestly don’t think people know how much of a struggle it is to be colorblind...
Seven: Colorblind Problems. Other person: “What color is this? Hahaha.” Me: Shut the fuck up you bitch.
Eight: Being colourblind be like... Applying exfoliating cream instead of moisturizer on the skin and not realizing until the smell hit you, because the two of them look the same to you (even though they “clearly” don’t).
Nine: I wish colorblindness was explained to kids as being a variety of different vision deficiancies cause I grew up thinking it only means full spectrum color blindness even though it’s so uncommon it’s nearly nonexistent.
Ten: That awkward colorblind moment when you’re watching an anime where everyone has colored hair and you’re wondering why this one person has just generic dirty blonde hair, and it takes you several episodes of them being surrounded by green things to realize their hair is actually light green.]
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deadanddeactivated · 5 years
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Put on Your Pants
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairing:  DLAMP Characters: Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Logan, Patton, Roman Notes: Day 12 of the fluffuary event being hosted by @tsshipmonth2020​​ - DLAMP.  i am so far behind opps. Summary:  Remus doesn't really mean to meet his brother's soulmates first. He just sort of does.
In a world of soulmates, Virgil sometimes wonders what end of the stick he got when words started appearing on his skin.  They weren’t First Words or Love Words, static words that marked a special moment.  Rather they were Written Words - the things that his soulmates had written on their skin.  Or drawn.  Or accidentally marked themselves with.  Basically whatever ink spills onto his soulmates, leaks onto his.  
Sometimes it’s nice, like the little ‘I love you’ that always appears in light blue pen at his wrist.  Other times it’s annoying, like back when he was trying to figure out exactly how many soulmates he had.  
The ink only remains on him as long as it remains on them.  Which is why that ‘I love you’ is usually faded by the time he goes to bed but fresh in the morning.  It’s also how he got a completely free and mostly painless tattoo of a yellow snake on his hip.
But there’s a thousand other connections Virgil could have developed, and sometimes that thought keeps him up at night.
A timer would have been interesting.  An exact count of the seconds until he met his soulmate, or the moment he fell in love with them.  It also would have been terrifying and a lot of pressure and Virgil’s really glad he didn’t get a timer.
First Words might have been nice.  Solid words that didn’t change or fade.  But then he ran the risk of having terrible first words, or gerentic ones.  Sure, no one really greets strangers with a ‘hello’ for that exact reason but the risk is always there.  And what if he misheard someone?  Or if two people said his words?  It all sounds like such a nightmare.
Virgil would just straight up hate having a first touch soulmark.  He isn’t a touchy-feely type person, just brushing up against a stranger in the street leaves him wound tight all day.  And what if that was how he and his soulmate touched?  He’d never notice.
Of course there are also the invisible connections.  Like Strings of Fate, or Guides.  Then there were the colourblind soulmates.  And the mental connections.  Virgil’s pretty sure any type would make him nervous.  It’d be too easy to ignore the strings and guide, to run away from who fate deems his match.  Being colourblind doesn’t seem too bad, but Virgil would always be doubting if he had soulmates at all.  Same if he had something like a soul song.
Besides, he’s seen Aunt Patty cornering his cousins with invisible connections before, grilling them for news way worse than everyone else.  That is something he’d rather avoid, thank you very much.
So yeah, Virgil often wonders about the other connections.  But usually he decides written words suit him just fine.  
“Oh come on.”  Virgil complains when he steps out of the shower.  Red’s got a moustache drawn across his face, which means Virgil has a moustache across his face.  Virgil also has class today.  Where people will see the moustache across his face.  And stare.
“I so don’t need this today.”  He grumbles.  Unfortunately, there’s really no avoiding it.  He can’t miss this class.  Only hope his soulmate will rub the moustache off soon.
Another piece of ink catches his eye as he gets dressed.  Light blue ink right beneath the usual ‘I love you’.  ‘Sorry!  It was a joke! -- thinks hes funny.’  One word, likely a name, is smudged and unreadable.  Like names always are.  Virgil isn’t sure if Light Blue doesn’t know those details wouldn’t show up or if they just never think about it.  
What he does know is that Light Blue and Red have met, a few months ago at least.  He figured it out when the usual ‘I love you’ appeared in red text on his other wrist, the handwriting matching Light Blue’s perfectly.
Virgil also knows that, despite Light Blue’s tendency to talk to him, none of his soulmates share his Written Words.  Which is fine, it’s whatever.  Most soulmates don’t share a connection.
He’s pretty sure Red can see strings, based on the rings they sometimes draw around the base of their fingers.  Light Blue told him he has Love Words, one night long ago when he was wondering about a person he doesn’t know exists.  Virgil has suspicions that Yellow is coloured, because sometimes they write the names of colours up their arms.  To Virgil they’re all yellow, but he doubts that's accurate.  Dark Blue is a mystery.  If Virgil had to guess, he’d say Dark Blue has Timers because, very occasionally, Dark Blue writes numbers and dates that don’t quite match their usual science-math mumbo jumbo.
All of that is fine with Virgil.
“Put it out of your head Virgil.”  He orders himself, huffing.  Why is he so focused on his soulmates this morning?  Does a stupid moustache prank really have him digging deep right now?
Or, a quiet and very honest voice says in the back of his head, maybe it’s because it’s your birthday.  Which, Virgil knows, is much more likely.  That doesn’t mean he wants to admit it.
So what if it’s his birthday?  So what if he’s another year older and no closer to finding his soulmates?
So what if it’s another year he doesn’t even exist in their lives.  Not really.  Not the way they exist in his.
Because if he’s right about his soulmates, then they don’t have a changing connection like his.  They have some flat, unchanging thing that doesn’t tell them anything.
But Virgil?  Virgil already knows them.  He knows that Red likes theatre, because they’re always writing down their lines or the dates of shows or the roles they want, sometimes later circling the ones they got.  He also knows that Red always forgets the milk.
Then there’s Light Blue, who will write on his skin for hours because he doesn’t want Virgil to feel alone.  Even though he doesn’t even know Virgil’s there, reading his every word.  He also sounds like the sweetest person on Earth.
Yellow likes to draw.  They also have a pet snake, and a pet rat.  Virgil thinks they’re terrible with names too, because they like to write people's names only to give them little nicknames or descriptions.  
Dark Blue probably writes the least, but when they write boy do they write.  Virgil’s arms have been covered in various math formulas and half-finished thoughts.  It’s like Dark Blue can’t find enough paper in the world to contain all the thoughts in their head.
That’s what his soulmates are to him.  Full people that… well, that he’s sort of already fallen in love with.
It hurts to think they know nothing about him.  
“Okay great, I guess we’re just having a bad day today.”  Virgil huffs, fitting a scarf over his face in hopes it’ll cover the red moustache.  It must have been drawn in some heavy duty stuff.  
“Trying to look anime instead of emo today?”  Virgil sighs as he falls into his seat, not even sure he wants to give Remus a response.  No matter what he says, Remus is likely to make something of it and Virgil just isn’t sure he has the energy.
Of course, his friend is likely to make something of it even if he doesn’t say anything so…
“No.”  He admits, pulling the scarf down to reveal the mark.  “Apparently someone played a prank on Red this morning.”  Remus gasps, then grins.
“Matchy!”  He says.  
“Sadly.”  Virgil agrees, rolling his eyes and fixing his scarf back up.  “Hopefully by tomorrow they’ll both be gone.”  This time Remus’ gasp is more offended.
“Are you insulting my moustache good sir?”  He demands.
“Always.”  Virgil smirks.
“I’d throw my gauntlet at you but Roman refuses to give it back.”  He claims. 
“You’d duel me on my birthday?”  Virgil asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh most certainly.  It’s like birthday punches but with sharp pointy things!”  Remus grins.  “But, since it is your birthday…”  Virgil’s amusement turns to caution at the look in Remus’ eye.
“Don’t make a big deal out of it.”  He warns.
“I won’t, I won’t!”  Remus assures, brushing him off.  “I’m just saying you should come to my dorm later to get your present.”
“Isn’t that my present there?”  Virgil asks, gesturing towards the lump on the desk, horribly wrapped in a mix of purple spider-themed paper (the spiders look self-drawn) and green octopus paper.
“Nop!”  Remus claims, very concerning grin on his face.  “This is something else!”
“Seriously?”  Virgil sighs.
“As a heart-attack!”  Remus grins, and then grins all the more as Virgil mutters about how that doesn’t work.
‘It’s ready!’  Virgil sighs at the message for the thousandth time, trying to pretend he wasn’t nervous.  And excited.  Nercited.  Oh god, he’s been spending way too much time with Remus lately.
And he’s about to be spending more time with him too, because he’s just reached the door to Remus’ dorm and the mysterious birthday present beyond.  Raising his hand to knock, telling himself he just wanted to get this over with, Virgil pauses right before his hand connects with the door.
“Remus, this is ridiculous!”  An unfamiliar voice snaps from the other side of the door.  Does Remus have guests?  Although it could be Remus’ roommate, that guys so exlusive Virgil’s not convinced he exists.  Should he still go in?
“Just trust me Ro, you’ll love this!”  That’s Remus.  What is he talking about?  Surely it’s not… no, Remus wouldn’t be trying to play a prank of him.  He’s better than that.  Right?
“I don’t trust you.”  Mysterious Person, possibly roommate, probably ‘Ro’, huffs.
“Oh come on Roman,” a new mysterious voice speaks up, “I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”
“The last time you said that I ended up with a moustache drawn on my face!” 
“Shush!”  Remus shushes the other.  “Shhhhhhhh!”
Did, did Virgil hear that right?  Surely he didn’t.  Surely he misheard, or it was a coincedience or- 
A ding sounds from his pocket as Virgil’s phone goes off.  The door opens a second later, revealing a wide-eyed Virgil with his arms still raised to a pouting Remus.
“You heard, didn’t you?”  He whines.  “Roman you stole my thunder!”
“What?”  Virgil finally manages to say it as Remus steps back, revealing the owners of the mysterious voices.  Two men are standing side by side in the middle of the dorm, chests wrapped together with a mix of purple wrapping paper and green paper covered in octopus’.  One has browny-blond hair and big blue eyes framed with glasses.  He smiles at Virgil, seeming entirely unbothered by Remus’ sheddigans.
The other man is clearly the twin brother that Remus has mentioned having.  They’re practically spitting images of each other, although this one looks more… well, less like a chaotic mess.  He has his arms crossed and a moment ago he sounded very put upon.  But now?  Now he’s staring at Virgil like a deer in headlights.
A lot like Virgil is staring at the two of them really.
Surely these aren’t…
That can’t be possible, right?
But right under the twins nose is a somewhat smudged, slightly faded moustache.  It’s drawn in a black marker but it other wise matches the red mark on Virgil’s face perfectly.
“Hi!”  The blond greets, waving.  “I’m Patton!  You’re a friend of Remus’, right?”
“Um, hi?”  Virgil manages, swallowing around the lump in his throat.  If Remus’ twin is Red, and Virgil is starting to really think hope he is, would that mean Patton is Light Blue?
Holy shit was Virgil really… really staring at half his soulmates right now?
“He’s a friend of mine, but his much more to you.”  Remus says, grinning ear to ear and wrapping and arm around Virgil’s shoulder.  Still stunned, Virgil doesn’t even push him off.
“Huh?”  Patton asks, tilting his head tiltly.  In response, Roman holds up his hand and wiggles a finger.  Virgil can just barely make out the purple ring at the base of the finger.  “Oh my gosh, really?”  He asks, hands raised to cover his gasp and growing smile.
“I uh, I think so.”  Virgil says.
“Well I know so!”  Remus grins.  “I recongized that moustache immediantly, I mean I did draw the original.  Aren’t I the best best friend?  I got you your soulmates for your birthday!  They’re even wrapped!”
Virgil takes a moment to let that sink in.  
And then…
“You got me stuck with a moustache on my face!”  He accuses, turning to glare at Remus.
“It was for a good cause!”  Remus claims.
“Good cause my ass.”  Roman huffs.
“This is so exciting!”  Patton grins, bouncing and accidentally breaking the wrapping Remus had done, much to the mams dismay.  Without the paper in the way, Patton quickly bounded over to grab Virgil’s arms.  “What’s your name?  What’s your soulmate connection?  Wait, you were talking about the moustache does that mean you have Written Words?  Oh my gosh that’s so exciting!  Does that mean you got my words?”  Words tumble out of his mouth so fast that it takes Virgil a moment to catch up.
“Uh,” he starts, “I’m Virgil.  And uh, yeah.  Um…” he trails off again, not quite sure what he’s meant to say.  So instead he gently pulls his arm out of Patton’s hold, turning it over so he can see the words there.  Words that Patton wrote.  Every morning.  Holy shit.
“Oh my gosh!!”  Patton squealled, pulling Virgil closer to look at the words.
“Babe you’re overwhelming him.”  Roman warns, having recovered a lot more completely than Virgil has.
“Oh please.”  Remus says, leaning more completely on Virgil’s side.  “I’m the most overwhelming person he knows.”  This time Virgil has the sense of self to bump Remus off, although he has to do it with his shoulders since Patton still has his arms.
“That’s not a good thing.”  He huffs.  
“Ignore my brother.”  Roman says, he taps Patton’s shoulder and Patton, begrudingly, steps away.  Virgil’s arms don’t stay free for long, Roman taking his hand and bowing over it.  “I am Roman Prince, I have been searching all my life for you Virgil.  You are more beautiful than I ever dreamed.”  He says, ending his little speech with a kiss to the back of Virgil’s hands.
“Uh,” is all Virgil can manage, his face flushed red.
“That was really good Ro!  You didn’t even stutter this time!”  Patton praises, making Roman’s face turn red as he stands back up.
“Patton!  You’re not meant to tell him that!”  He hisses.  His face goes all the redder when Virgil laughs. 
He knows these people, he suddenly remembers, he’s known them all his life.  Red is just as dramatic in person, Light Blue just as sweet.  Virgil never should have expected anything different.  The thought calms him.  Why was he so overwhelmed in the first place?  
“I’ve been waiting all my life for you to find me, Roman Prince.”  He teases, laughing again when Roman stutters.  It reminds him of the grand declarations Red would write, the hearts he would draw, only to quickly scribble them out in embarrassment.  It’s cute.
“Using our dorm for a party I see.”  A new voice speaks up.  “And blocking the doorway.”
“Hey De!”  Remus grins.  “Guys this is my roommate, I told you he was real!”  The three soulmates look over, meeting the mysterious mans yellow eyes.  Roman makes a strangled noise but Virgil doesn’t get time to think about that.  He’s a bit distracted as De’s eyes roll into the back of his head and he stumbles. 
“Shit.”  Virgil curses, quickly stepping forward to catch the stranger. 
“I’m fine.”  De claims, eyes already blinking open again.  “It was just… lots of colour, rather quickly.”
“Oh my gosh!”  Patton grins, looking from the now yellow band on Roman’s wrist to the new comer.
“I am the bestest best friend and the bestest rommate!”  Remus announces, cheering.
“Huh.”  Is all Virgil can manage for the moment, staring at his soulmate as gets back on his feet.
He’ll never actually tell Remus this but… yeah, best birthday present ever.
“I am determined to find our last soulmate first.”  Roman announces, slamming his lunch onto the table the others have claimed for lunch. 
“I’m still reeling from the fact there’s only one.”  De, actually Dante, says.  It didn’t take long for him, and Virgil, to get used to Roman’s particular brand of dramatics.  Or Patton’s practicular brand of ‘constantly, unintentionally adorable’. 
“I’m sorry!”  Virgil says for the thousandth time, although there’s no heat in it.  “I can’t help my eye colour!”
“Colours.”  Dante corrects.  He’d been only a little put out when he realized Virgil had mismatching eyes, apparently he’d spent his life assuming he’d have five soulmates not four.  That has been added to Virgil’s ‘con’ list for being colourblind.
The little messages his soulmates send him have been added to the ‘pro’ list for Written Words, not that he’ll say aloud how much he loves them.
“Why first?”  Patton asks, because he’s a kind heart who will actually play along and not just tease Roman.
“Because Remus keeps meeting my soulmates first!  He’s convinced he’ll meet our last soulmate first, and I won’t let him!”  Roman explains.
“Well he does have a fairly good track record.”  Virgil says.
“You meet Patton first at least.”  Dante offers.
“No, I meet Remus first.”  Patton admits.  
“Patton was his favoruite barasita.”  Roman says, like it’s some great tradegy.
“You know, it shocks me how good he is at finding soulmates.  He couldn’t even find out classroom today.”  Virgil says.
“Seriously?”  Dante asks, smirking.
“Yep.  Apparently he ended up in some science class and decided to just stick around.  He made a friend though.”  Virgil elbroates, pulling out the text messages they’d been sending earlier that day.
“Oh, maybe his friend is our soulmate!”  Patton suggests, deaf to Roman’s dramatic ‘noooooo’.  “He does write a lot of science-y things, right Virgil?”
“Lots of people do science-y things Patton.”  Virgil points out.
“Still, maybe there’s a clue in the things he writes to you.”  Dante says.
“He doesn’t write anything to me, he just writes on his arm.”  Virgil argues.
“There has to be some sort of clue.”  Roman claims, suddenly in good spirits again.  “This could help us track him down, so we can meet him before Remus.”
“I hate to break it to you but any ‘clues’ would probably be smudged.”  Virgil shrugs.  “All I know is that he’s probably got a timer.”
“A timer?”  Patton asks.  “How can you tell?”
“Well it writes weird dates sometimes.”  Virgil explains, lifting his sleeve to show the date on his shoulder.  There’s a date about three weeks from now, which has be crossed out.  “But it changes almost every time.”
“I hear that’s common with timers.”  Roman says.  “Apparently the timer changes when your fate changes, like you were meant to meet today but you missed your train and now your won’t meet for another three months.”
“Seriously?”  Virgil frowns.  “Okay that’s terrifying.”
“I like it.”  Dante says.  “Soulmates seem way too ‘free choice is a myth, our lifes are completely pre-determined’, you know?”
“Okay!  Let’s not have another one of those talks!  I need to sleep tonight!”  Patton quickly shuts that down.  
“Yes, let’s go back to talking about how we’re going to meet our soulmate before my brother!”  Roman says.  “If he’s crossed it out, does that mean that’s not the date anymore?  What’s the new date?”
“How am I meant to know?”  Virgil sighs.
“Hey guys!”  Remus calls out.  “Look I made a friend!  His names Logan.”  He gestures to the man beside him who suddenly raises a hand to his head, wincing.
“Go away Remus, I’m trying to organize how to meet my soulmate without you.”  Roman says, back to his brother.
“Might be too late for that.”  Dante warns. 
“Seriously?”  Virgil asks, looking from Dante’s smirk to the new comer.  Roman turns to look, eyes glued to the end of a red string that no one else can see.
“Oh come on!”  He exclaims, frowning.
“Four for four!”  Roman cheers.  
“Why does Remus keep meeting my soulmates first?!”  Roman demands, standing from the table to glare at his brother, hands on his hips.  For his part, Remus is finding quite a bit of amusement in his brothers annoyance.
“Oh last soulmate!!”  Patton grins, jumping from the table to wrap his arms around Logan.  “We found you!”
“Or Remus found you, he has a habit of that.”  Virgil says.
“It’s a horrible cruelty of fate.”  Roman huffs.
“Way not to be overwhelming everyone.”  Dante comments, resting his cheek on his hands as he looks between Patton, Roman, and Logan.  Virgil just watches Logan, seeing all the stages of surprise and confusion that he went through meeting Pat and Roman.
“Ah,” Logan finally manages to speak, “I was wondering why they suddenly all matched.”
“What luck!”  Patton grins.
“Remus luck.”  Virgil says.
“Stop giving Remus all the credit for my soulmates!”  Roman snaps.
“We’re not just your soulmates.”  Virgil argues, just to rile Roman up a bit more.  As they bicker, Patton lets go of Logan and instead leads him to their table.  It was a little cramped with just the first of them but they managed the six.
“They’re always like this.”  Dante warns from his spot across from Logan.
“Don’t lump me in with them.”  Virgil says, only to immediately return to his overplayed argument with Roman.
“Believe it or not, this is actually them giving you space.  De almost passed out when he met everyone.”  Remus faux whispers to Logan.
“It was because of the colour!”  De claims, face turning red.
“Oh my god!”  Patton exclaims, suddenly standing and looking mortified.  “We didn’t do introductions!”
“I think,” Logan tells De, looking over the chaos, “I might not mind.”
“Yeah, they get you like that.”  Dante sighs.
“Don’t let him follow you, he’s just as bad.”  Virgil says.
“Oh so’s Logan, you guys just didn’t see him in class.”  Remus grins.
“Falsehood!”  Logan claims.  Virgil can’t help but laugh, grinning as he feels something settling.  They go through proper introductions.  Roman goes last, giving his customary prince-y bow.  And then getting flustered as Patton, Dante, and Virgil clap because they’d made a secret pact and they all agree Roman looks adorable flustered.
When Virgil goes home, he’ll fret that they scared Logan off.  He’ll worry they were too much.
But tomorrow, Logan will join them for lunch once more.  And the day after, and the day after.  Then, when the semester ends and they have the time, they’ll all look for a place to live together.
And when Roman comes home, grumbling about how Remus found his own soulmates and Roman wasn’t at all involved, Logan will be there to chuckle about it.  
All of them will be.
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latestageyouth · 5 years
But consider:
- Logan with a tooth gap
- ripped Virgil
- chubby Roman
- pastel punk Logan
- Deceit who can unhinge his jaw
- colourblind Remus
- an actual sweetheart that is Virgil with heterochromia (the only hetero thing about him)
- Aromantic Roman
- Asexual Remus
- Deceit with venomous fangs
- Virgil being the first one to apologize to the others
- Logan.
- just
-consider Logan. Nothing more. Logan is life.
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Fic Masterpost
I remade this because all the links were acting weird for me
Chaptered Fics:
Duality Virgil:  Summary:  After Virgil’s ‘reformation’, his negative energy manifests itself into the form of his old self. The negative form tries to get Virgil to fuse back together with him so that they can overpower the other sides. (Implied Royality, Eventual Analogical)
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - Becoming Stronger
Chapter 3 - The Reason He Left
Chapter 4 - First Contact
Deadly Red: Summary: Roman retreated into his room while Patton and Logan were away from the mindscape, and now Patton has to venture into Roman’s kingdom before he disappears into Thomas’ subconscious forever. (Royality, Implied Analogical)
Prologue - The Aftermath
Chapter 1 - The Saviours 
Chapter 2 - Bottled Happiness
Puppeteer Logan: Summary: When the other Sides are acting irrationally, Logan tries and fails to fix the problem himself, then accepting the help of someone new in the mindscape   (Analogical, implied Royality)
Chapter 1 - The Last Resort
Chapter 2 - Experiment 01
Chapter 3 - Test: Positive 
Chapter 4 - Test: Negative
Chapter 5 - The Puppet Master
Chapter 6 - The Glass Is Half Empty
Zero to Sixty: Summary: The other Sides need to take care of Logan after discovering his longest-kept secret
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)
1 Year Addition
Royal Pain: Summary: Roman needs a boyfriend for an event, but can’t find another prince he likes. In a burst of desperation, he hires Logan, who’s been trying to get a job, to accompany him as his date. (Logince)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Guardian Angel: Summary: Virgil spent years dying and then being resurrected the very next day, and no one but himself seems to remember it happening. He finally works out a way to end it for good, but he left his friends in the overworld, and he can’t bring himself to fully disappear until he knows they’re all safe. (Royality, Eventual Moxiety)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Stray from the Dayide: Summary: During a summer outing, the boys are caught in a storm. After being hit by lightning, they end up on an otherworldy island-like planet, stranded and separated. (Eventual Moxiety, Eventual Logince)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Multi-Genre (Rockstar Virgil AU): Summary: Virgil is able to fulfill his dream of becoming a rock star—at the expense of losing his boyfriend, Logan (Analogical, pining Royality, Human AU) (On Hold due to Re-Planning)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Familiar: Summary: Patton wakes up after 400 years of hypersleep to a world of advanced technology that he always dreamed of as a kid. But there’s too much that reminds him of before he fell asleep
Rules of Being a Dark Side Rules of Being a Light Side
Broken Chords:  Summary: Logan wants to sing, but he lacks the self confidence after hearing the other Sides’ voices
Just Not Right: Summary: After Deceit’s video has ended, the Sides have a talk, causing Virgil to become very uncomfortable around Logan (Analogical, Royality)
Blind: Summary: Virgil wears a pair of fake glasses around a Tiny Logan, and Logan thinks they’re real (Tiny Sides)
Side Effects:  Summary: When Thomas starts laughing at his father’s funeral, Logan decides to confront Patton, who doesn’t take it very well 
Just a Drill: Summary: Logan helps calm Virgil down after a fire drill (Analogical, implied side Royality) 
Hiccups: Summary: Virgil gets hiccups, and Roman tries to help without much success
No Filter:  Summary: Roman and Patton meet Deceit for the first time, and Deceit discovers his title (Royality) 
Thank You: Summary: Virgil runs away from the mindscape, leaving the other Sides to wonder why he left
New Door: Summary: A young Logan and Patton discover that a door has appeared in the mindscape overnight. Patton decides to explore. (Tiny Sides)
Feelings: Summary: Logan goes to Virgil for advice when his bottled feelings start to become unbearable (Pining Logicality)
Up to Expectation: Summary: Patton worries that he’s looking too far into the situation when he receives a gift from Logan that seems to suggest he thinks of Patton as more than just a friend (Logicality, extension to ‘Feelings’)
Dragon Prince: Summary: After helping Logan and Virgil “lift a curse”, Patton proclaims his love for Roman (Analogical, Royality. Tiny Sides)
Bad Dream: Summary: Logan wakes up in the middle of the night to Patton crying, and Patton double checks that Logan still loves him (Logicality)
Kiss it Better: Summary: Virgil is severely injured while the Sides fight a monster in Roman’s realm. Patton does his best to save Virgil, but it doesn’t work out how he expected. (Moxiety)
Rules of Being a Dark Side: Summary: Deceit wants to tell Logan the truth, but there are too many reasons why it won’t work. (Pining Loceit) 
Prompt Fills:
Go Back to Sleep: Summary: Logan gets a troubling text from Virgil in the night, and Virgil tries to get him to forget about it (Analogical)
Parts of a Whole: Summary: Deceit has been avoiding Logan for the past week, which leads to Logan resorting to following Deceit into his dreams to find out what’s wrong (Loceit)
Starbucks Cup: Summary: Remy moves in across the street from the Sides, and Virgil is an absolute disaster gay (Sleepxiety)
Come Cuddle: Summary: Logan takes care of Patton while he’s sick (Logicality)
What Love Looks Like: Summary: Virgil is taught the worst parts of love before he’s accepted as part of the Light Sides (Past Anxceit, Background Moralogince)
Not a Freak: Summary: Virgil is rescued from kidnappers by Patton, who doesn’t seem very worried with the fact that the boy he just saved has wings and horns (Imp!Virgil)
Dozing Off: Summary: Virgil convinces Logan to take a walk with him, and Logan all but falls asleep (Analogical)
I Do Adore: Summary: Logan calls Roman to his house when he needs his help (Logince)
Stargazing: Summary: Logan teaches Virgil about his favourite constellation when the boys can’t sleep (Analogical)
Triangle: Summary: Logan has been avoiding Roman, so Roman goes to ask Patton to help, but Patton is jealous of Logan, and Logan is jealous of Roman and— (Moralogince)
Sticky Notes: Summary: Virgil and Deceit have been the only friend each other had for years, but Virgil wants to tell Deceit how he really feels (Anxceit)
Snipping Strings: Summary: Patton almost ducks out after the other Sides leave him feeling underappreciated (Logicality)
To the Bone: Summary: Logan and Roman get caught in the rain after a date (Logince)
Sunset: Summary: Logan tells Roman all the reasons he love his Prince while on an outing in Roman’s room (Logince)
Stay with Me: Summary: Patton shows up at Logan’s door late at night, and Logan doesn’t want him to go home in the morning (Logicality)
Dance with Me: Summary: Logan and Roman meet at a dance, cliched fake-date style (Logince, Background Moxiety)
Small: Logan gets tipsy and tells Virgil how small he is
You Missed: A quick little Remile fluff-fic (Remile, Trans Picani)
Seam: Virgil meets his partner Pokemon (Pokemon AU)
Soulmate AUs:
Kreuger: Roman and Logan are Soulmates, but still see some grey after meeting. They don’t know it’s not normal, and pay no mind to the new student (Loginceit, Colourblind Soulmate AU)
Perfect: Patton wants his first time meeting his Soulmate to be perfect, but the universe keeps sabotaging his efforts (Moceit, Countdown Timer Soulmate AU)
My Heart: Patton’s Soulmark isn’t in the most ideal place, but his Soulmates reassure him that it doesn’t dictate who he is (LAMP with Spotlight Logicality)
Last Place (Soulmate AU) Last Place pt. 2
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years
what one headcannon of each of the side do you have that you don't see alot off or not alot of people think about
oof that’s a hard one.. hmmm
Patton: He’s nearsighted
Logan: He’s farsighted
Virgil: no idea
Roman: Fancy boy has the most intent beauty regime in the evening/morning and if he’s relaxed then a face mask is on his face, can be found sleeping with cucumber slices over his eyes.
Remus: If he can’t see a thing that thing doesn’t exist, or he has no idea where the thing is, even if it is clear that Deceit just went into another room.
Deceit: Red/Green Colourblind.
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 years
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akajustmerry · 2 years
is bridgerton a worth continuing? was so frustrated with the daphne and Simon shit tbh. and the colorblind casting that still gave us majority white cast. but I saw your tags about a New character deserving l better in this new season and? Is it worth it? Sounds like I’d be frustrated again.
Hi!!! I can't really comment on the season as a whole because I'm only up to episode 4 so everything I'm about to say is based on my impression of half the series.
so far, I haven't seen anything as egregious as the racism imbued in simon/daphne's season. I think season 2 has actually gone some way into addressing the "colourblind" criticism. Edwina and Kate's Indian heritage is part of the story in a meaningful way. Or at least in a way that feels more thoughtful than how race was (NOT) handled last season.
my tag on the Edwina gifset was more referring to the narrative itself and how Edwina is framed. Minor spoilers, but she believes Anthony wants to marry her when he's actually in love with her sister, Kate. I personally just don't like deceitful romances and again this is just my personal opinion, it's so rarely justifiable. Kate keeping all these secrets from Edwina so Edwina can marry for love, but Kate keeping her from doing that anyway by falling for Anthony and not telling her is shitty. What's worse is Edwina is made unwittingly complicit in pushing Kate and Anthony together, and it's just.... Mean.
It's nothing so gross as the marital r*pe of the first season. So far it's just tropes that i personally don't like. I hate the disposable finance trope and I hate the romance built on the deceit of the disposable finance trope. In this case it's just worse again cos the disposable finance is literally her own sister. There's also just... Lots of scenes where Anthony just sorta grabs Kate without warning or consent and even though I can see it's meant to be Chemistry™ it just erks me. Even the scene where he just grabs her to show her how to shoot is just... If a man did that to me I'd probably scream and try and hit him. Same with the bee thing.
There's also just a lot of filler plot that's quite boring and one of the reasons I slowed down viewing. One thing I will say though is Daphne is a way better character in this season cos she's just the cool married older sister who pops in to roast her brother. I like her a lot more as a side character tbh. Also, you know, the show is still fatphobic af.
Anyways, long story short, I wouldn't. I mean if you just wanna watch it to see Simone Ashley be beautiful you won't be disappointed, but you'll get frustrated with literally everything else. I've just been having it on in the background while I backup my hardrives ❤️
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years
It’s for Science.
Logan wanted to test a thing, he has not been blind to the way Virgil kept reminding him of a cat, nor how Deceit was part snake. so with a laser pointer in hand he decided to test his hypothesise.
First test: Virgil. 10am.
Virgil came down for a cup of tea to wake him up. The moment he sat down on the chair the test was on.
Logan turned on the laser pointer and pointed it to the table. nothing happened for a long moment before there was a slam of Virgil slamming his hand over the light to try and catch it. Logan flinched at the suddenness but managed to move it in time, Virgil slammed his hand over it again.
Logan moved it to the other side of the table only for Virgil to scramble over the table tipping the teacup over, that was thankfully empty to try and catch it with both hands. Logan moved it around and Virgil hurried after it and to Logan’s surprise suddenly scaled the wall to get it.
Logan couldn’t help the laugh that left his lips when it happened, but it seemed to be enough to snap Virgil out of his trance and he snapped his head in Logan’s direction and hissed loudly as he blushed bright red and let go of the wall and stormed off upstairs.
Just like a disgruntled cat. So far his hypothesise was right, not it only left Deceit. This needed more thought, because he doubted Deceit would react like Virgil would.
Second test: Deceit. 10pm.
Logan was reading when Deceit came downstairs sending him a quick glance before he scurried into the kitchen to get something to eat, he still wasn’t eating with them, probably because Patton didn’t ask him to join, despite Deceit’s room now being part of the light side of the mind. Deceit came back from the kitchen and it was then Logan turned on the laser pointer and shone it on the wall.
Deceit halted and Logan saw how he was staring at the dot for a long moment, before he shot his hand forward like a sniper ready to strike only for Logan to move it, Deceit tried again, and again. and soon he suddenly stuck out his tongue and before Logan had time to react slammed his head against the wall to try and get the dot.
  “FUCK!” Deceit cursed loudly staggering back hands flying to his face “I- why did i do that?!”
Logan turned off the laser pointer hurring over to the deceitful side to see if he was okay, a light nosebleed was all he had achieved with face planting the wall.
  “Are you alright Deceit?”
  “Did you get it?” Deceit asked while Logan made him tip his head forward and pinch the brim of his nose to stop the bleeding.
  “Yes, I defeated the red dot.”
  “It’s red?” Deceit asked in confusion glancing up to Logan.
When Deceit walked away with his food Logan wrote down his information, as well as the fact that he would have to find out more on Deceit’s apparent colourblindness.
General Fanfic Tag list: @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko,  @secretlyanxiouspersona, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @rabbitsartcorner,@punsterterry,  @sleepyssnail,  @nightmaresides, @virgilswritings, @ninja-girl2846, @ninjago2020, @starryfirefliesbloggo, @garecc,  @sympatheticdeceit, @cookiethedevil, @askthesnake,  @all-bridges-will-burn,
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
The colourblind Deceit post reminded me that my older sibling, who is partially red-green colourblind, has recurring arguments with their partner over the colour purple. In 4+ years of dating, the issue of purple has never been resolved between them. My sibling knows they're colourblind, but insists they're correct. Every. Single. Time.
Aww, I’m glad to give you something you can attribute to someone you know!
(I mostly wanted Dee to still be able to see his own color.)
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years
hey can i have some deceit headcanons based off the shirt colour scene with either snakey heat sight or colourblindness please and thank
i don’t quite know what you’re asking, but i can always give some Deceit hc (tho not many i have a school project i need to finish so have a few)
Deceit is colourblind, maybe he has protanopia (when you only see yellows and blues)
it’s the reason he likes yellow so much.
to him his greypurple shirt is grey blueish
To him Virgil is one black and blue blob, Patton is a blue blob, Logan is a blue blob, Roman is a yellow white blob. Thomas is a hecking mess.
Maybe he has the snaky heat sight but doesn’t realised he has it, and it only really play part if he is extremely exhausted or tired, only then will he follow it.
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