darklinaforever · 2 years
What do you think of Laenor's death in the book?
Personally, I am a fan of the fact that he was simply killed by his lover Quarl, because of an argument that would have gone wrong in public. I don't believe Daemon paid the latter to do it as Mushroom theorizes.
Yes, Daemon took advantage of the deal. Him and Rhaenyra especially.
But it's forgotten that Laenor was part of his family. And we know that Daemon is loyal to his family. At least, those he considers to be part of it. He was Laena's brother whom he sincerely loved. The cousin (before being the husband we are not lying) of Rhaenyra, as well as the official father of her children. The uncle of his daughters, who contrary to the series, rubbed shoulders with Laenor. The son of his cousin Rhaenys, with whom he grew up, and her husband Colrys Velaryon. Daemon literally lived a handful of years with them during his marriage to Laena. Laenor was almost every important person in Daemon's life. Laenor was part of his family, that's undeniable.
Not to mention Daemon probably still had to deal with Laena's grief when Laenor died, whether or not he had already begun his affair with Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra by the way, who, yes, could very well have been pregnant before the death of Laenor, giving a possible point to the fact that Daemon would have murdered the latter, but she could well have been afterwards, where at least to learn it later, we have no idea.
Besides at no time did Colrys and Rhaenys suspect Daemon of anything, even when Daemon and Rhaenyra got married as soon as they could and Aegon III was born at the end of the year 120, fully supporting the fact that she got pregnant before marriage, although we'll never know exactly when. Colrys and Rhaenys knew Daemon well, and never accused him of anything to our knowledge. So unless they're completely dumb, which I doubt, well that's definitely a point to consider.
The only reason I think Daemon got charged is because, again, the situation benefited him.
Not to mention that Laenor's death doesn't look like something premeditated, and if George ever reveals that it was, well, Daemon is really, really no good at getting people murdered.
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the-fatal-impact · 2 years
Lord Colrys be like: I have dark skin and bright hair and my grandchildren have dark hair and bright skin, so everything matches. What you don’t understand?
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flowerandblood · 11 months
The Impossible Choice (30)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: fingering, smut, angst, violence, wounds descriptions, war victims ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm’s End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
The sound of the words Alys spoke rang in her ears like a bell, making her heart pound. She didn't understand what she meant, but after she quoted Helaena's prophecy, she couldn't help but recognise that she must have known something.
It means that your husband is not going to die.
Why should he die?
Would war break out in earnest?
She felt like asking her a hundreds of questions, not even paying attention to the fact that she was touching her cheek in a way that was not befitting even her maid, let alone a stranger.
Before she had time to say anything, however, she heard her husband's impatient, commanding voice telling her to approach him.
She stood up at once, ashamed of what she had done and of seeing her in such a state, all dirty from blood, dust and smoke. She ran up to him quickly, her heart began to pound like mad when she noticed that he was wearing an armour.
Something had happened.
"What is the meaning of this? Shall I order her hand cut off for this boldness, and lock you in my chamber?" He asked impatient and angry; she pressed her lips together, looking at him pleadingly, not even knowing how to explain the sight he found.
"No, my husband." She whispered softly, meekly. She saw that something in his gaze had changed, his stare had gone from aggressive to dark.
She knew that he was dishevelled.
She drew in a loud breath as he grabbed her neck suddenly, his gesture of domination towards her, of forcing her to submit to him. He softened the brutality of the gesture by pressing his nose to her soft cheek, completely surprising her with his desire for closeness, shown so shamelessly in front of everyone.
She felt something hanging in the air.
"Did something happen? When are you coming back?" She asked uncertainly, terrified of his condition.
She felt his accelerated breathing, his face pressed against hers as if he wanted to melt into her, to take refuge deep within her.
"There is an army coming towards us from the South, moved by the ships of Colrys Velaryon. We must face it. I have sent messengers to my brother and your father. Until then, I will protect us from the sky." He whispered, she heard his voice tremble.
There is an army coming towards us from the South, moved by the ships of Colrys Velaryon.
Up to this point, despite knowing that they were at war with his half-sister, neither side had made any tactically important military moves. Now, however, the pawns were beginning to move − they were in danger, and her husband was about to head his army.
She looked around out and found with a squeezed heart that they had no chance in an open clash − her father and brother were constantly conversing with her about war techniques, about creating an advantage on the battlefield.
They were surrounded by forests from all sides, enemy soldiers could easily hide in them and create ambushes − she thought that if her father did not arrive in time, there would be nothing left of them.
"Take me with you." She whispered in a trembling voice feeling tears in her eyes.
She did not want him to have to face this horrific sight alone, to bear the burden of the murder and death that he would have to carry on his own people alone.
She heard him draw in air, his hand tightened around her neck, his moist lips pressed tenderly to her cheek.
"I can't." He said heartbroken and let her go, turning away.
She wanted to run after him, to beg him, but she knew she couldn't.
She watched, feeling her warm tears run down her cheeks as he disappeared among the trees with a troop of guards, heading for the hill where Vhagar lair was located. She saw shortly afterwards how this large creature take to the skies and disappear on the horizon.
It means that your husband is not going to die.
He's not going to die, she thought with hope.
He's not going to die.
She heard the rustling of cloth behind her. She turned, spotting Alys Rivers behind her.
"Have faith, my Lady. He will come back." She said lowly, with such tremendous calm that for some reason she believed her.
She wanted to believe her.
He's not going to die.
To occupy her thoughts with something else, they went back to treating the wounded. Once in a while she looked high into the sky, praying to the Seven to protect him with their grace − she watched as a detachment of their troops gathered in front of the fortress, to prepare to attack the rebels hidden in the forest.
She shuddered when she heard a loud roar; she thought with joy that it was him, that he had succeeded, that he had returned.
That he had only flown to assess the situation and she would see him again soon.
She furrowed her brow when she spotted the dragon, but it did not look like Vhagar.
It was not Vhagar.
"Alys!" She screamed to her, though she didn't know why or for what reason. She felt her heart pounding, her mind wracked with terror.
Some other dragon was heading towards them.
They were about to all burn.
"My Lady, run! Hurry, into the forest!" She shouted, standing up suddenly, wanting to run to her from the other part of the courtyard, but it was too late. As the great red dragon in the sky opened its maw, she only managed to cover her head with her hands and curl up into a ball.
She screamed out loud as she felt the fire burning her, the pain was so indescribable that she lost the ability to think and speak − she felt her skin and clothes burn and she cried out loudly, hundreds of similar sounds all around her screaming in agony.
As the dragon flew over she felt someone put a cloak over her, the flames consuming her body extinguished by the lack of air.
She felt someone violently grab her arm which was burning so painfully, and she screamed in pain, unable to rise from her knees.
"My Lady, we have to get out of here, please!" Exclaimed Alys, apparently standing far enough away from the first flame, because apart from the scratches and dust on her face nothing happened to her. She threw her injured arm across her neck and they both headed as far away from the fortress as possible, panting heavily.
They heard the dragon breathe fire once more, this time from the other side of the stronghold, the flames and red lit up the dark night. They fell by the edge of the forest, panting heavily, watching as everything around them burned.
They had nowhere to run to.
They could only pray that whoever was doing this would only focus on the troops at the keep.
She shuddered as she saw a great dragon fly over them like a mighty gale, lashing towards the one that had attacked them, but the other one was smaller, faster and more agile, Vhagar could not keep up.
She squealed loudly as Alys leaned over her shoulder, touching her wound. She noticed, looking down at herself that the wound stretched across her arm, parts of her chest, lower abdomen and the leg with which she was turned towards the flames, her epidermis burned to living flesh.
"Your garments have melted into your skin. I need to clean the wound, my Lady." She said quickly, her voice trembling.
Clearly, despite her skill, she had not anticipated all this.
She screamed loudly, almost howling in pain as Alys poured some kind of disinfectant substance over her wounds that felt like it was about to separate her muscles from her bones.
Alys took the bottle out of her pocket, unscrewed the cork and handed it to her, panting heavily.
"Drink, it's poppy milk. It will hurt." She said quickly.
It could have been poison, it could have been anything, but she drank the entire contents, deciding that anything was better than the excruciating pain she now felt. She thought with despair, watching her husband struggling in the skies, that she wasn't sure either of them would survive it.
And then everything began to slowly blur, the sounds and screams around her became less and less clear until darkness followed.
She was awakened by someone's tender touch; she could hear a multitude of men's voices, the sounds of steel and a fire burning, and conversations somewhere in the distance.
She felt the fresh air and thought that she was lying in the tent on the hunt that they had arrived for together with Royce and their father.
Royce sometimes stroked her head like this when she was little and was afraid to fall asleep alone.
She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily, seeing that she was indeed in the tent, the sun was setting outside and her brother was sitting on the bedding beside her.
She wanted to touch him with her hand, but hissed quietly when she tried to lift it and saw that it was in bandages all over. She furrowed her brow, having no complete memory of what had happened. Her brother kissed her forehead tenderly, sighing with immense relief.
"Praise be to Seven, you're awake!" He exclaimed, stroking her cheek with his wide hand. She looked around, still unsure of where she was.
"Where are we, brother?" She asked, looking up at him − only now did she realise that he was not sitting next to her in his normal attire, but in full armour. "What happened?"
"Prince Daemon burned Harrenhal and a large part of your husband's troops. Our father and I arrived with our army as soon as we knew that you were here." He growled, squeezing her fingers in his.
Her hand admittedly looked normal, but the whole left side of her body from her arm, through her shoulder to her knee was burning mercilessly and itching.
She began to breathe faster, looking at him in disbelief.
It was Prince Daemon.
He was the one who had flown in to burn them.
He had flown in to claim what was rightfully his wife's.
"What about my husband?" She asked quickly, and her brother nodded reassuringly.
"He survived. He is at a council with our father. We are waiting for their orders." He said calmly. She widened her eyes, feeling her heart pounding.
A real war had been unleashed.
"Nevertheless, I should kill him for bringing you here and putting you through all this. Now he pretends to be a caring husband, sitting by you at night, treating your wounds. He lost the battle and endangered you, so he is in disfavour with our father." He snorted, rolling his eyes impatiently. She looked at him, parting her lips in shock.
He sits by your side at night and treats your wounds.
He could see how awful it was.
He could see what her body looked like now.
He would never desire her again, but guilt and devotion would make him stand by her.
Her brother's voice snapped her out of her reverie.
"I'll order to serve you something to eat, you must be hungry. Lie down and rest." He said briskly as he kissed her forehead, then stood up with a clang of steel and walked outside.
She breathed quietly, analysing everything that had happened.
Her father had joined the war because of her.
Although on the one hand she was glad that her husband would not be left to fend for himself, on the other she felt remorse that she had embroiled her family in the battle for the throne between the Targaryens.
That they might die on the battlefield for a drunkard and rapist king.
She sobbed quietly, feeling the overwhelming hopelessness caused by her condition and what was happening.
She shuddered as someone suddenly stepped into the tent − her husband stood before her in full armour, his face pale, his eye wide open.
He had bruises under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for several nights, his lips parted in shock.
He approached her quickly and knelt beside her bed, touching her cheek.
"How are you feeling?" He asked weakly, as if the sight of her, conscious and alive, made his throat tighten. She felt the same and swallowed with difficulty, looking up at him, his thumb rubbing the wet marks from her face.
"Good." She choked out, looking at him in horror.
He had seen her.
He saw what she would look like now.
She felt the tears rise up under her eyelids anew.
She knew it was trivial, that she should be glad that she had survived, that she was showing weakness, but she couldn't help feeling a stabbing pain in her heart at the thought of what she would look like from now on.
It seemed to her that he read her thoughts perfectly, as he pressed his lips together, looking at her in pain. She swallowed quietly as he suddenly lay on his side next to her, just looking at her, his hand rose to gently stroke her cheek a moment later − his lower lip trembled as if he wanted to say something but couldn't.
"− forgive me −" He whispered, a single tear running down from the corner of his eye directly onto the sand beneath his head. Seeing this she pressed her forehead against his, her fingers touching his face, making him sigh quietly.
They stared at each other for a moment, touching each other as lightly as if they were about to fall apart, the tip of his nose brushing hers once in a while.
She felt warmth, felt desire, felt pleading of her body for him to touch her, to tell her that he still craved her.
"− the gods have heard my prayers and kept you alive −" He whispered softly, combing his fingers through her soft hair. She felt warmth inside her heart at his words, at the thought that he had prayed for her, that he wanted her to stay with him.
He made a move towards her − his soft, moist lips barely brushed hers, already grasping her cheek in his hands, when her brother entered the tent.
Her husband immediately stepped back and grunted, rising, his expression again indifferent and tired. Royce measured him from top to bottom, coming towards her.
"I'll take care of it." He said, extending his hand to her brother, apparently wanting to help her with the meal. Her brother laughed at his words.
"Are you caring now? Where were you when she was on fire? Why do you and your drunken brother who hides in the Red Keep like a fucking cunt, always get away with everything, while my sister is disfigured for the rest of her life?" He hissed, losing his temper. Her husband looked at him menacingly, himself enraged by his words.
"Stop it." She said pleadingly, rising to sit down and hissed, feeling how much the burns on her stomach hurt.
"My wife is not disfigured, Lord Royce. Nothing can disfigure her, and the wounds she has sustained will eventually heal." He said with emphasis, and she felt her heart beat harder at his words.
She knew what he meant.
He didn't think it disfigured her as a woman, just as he didn't want her to think that the absence of his eye disfigured him as a man.
Royce snorted at his words, impatient and angry.
"All her life she will bear the scars of your stupidity. You lost an eye for your own, and that's not bothering me, but my sister doesn't have to suffer through your decisions." He said furiously, her husband's chest rising and falling in monstrous anger.
"Please!" She mumbled impatiently, for the third time since she woke up feeling like crying. "Enough already! Do you have anything else to say about my suffering, my scars and my body? I can see that you know best how I feel. Get out, I want to eat my soup alone." She said, reaching out her hand for a bowl. They both opened their mouths to say something.
"Get out!" She urged them, impatient and frustrated, wiping her nose and sobbing quietly, her outstretched hand trembling in the air.
Royce sighed heavily and set the bowl down beside her. He threw a warning look full of disapproval at her husband and left the tent.
Her husband looked at her, pressing his lips together, seeing how hard it was for her to move her left hand and pick it up. She almost spilled the contents of the bowl as she lifted it into the air, but managed to place it on her thighs.
"I won't leave." He said decisively, his gaze tired and discouraged. She felt a squeeze in her heart and hesitated for a moment.
"Where's Alys?" She asked, fiddling with the wooden spoon, pouring over the contents of the dish. His lips tightened at her words.
"She's treating the wounded. Shall I summon her?" He asked indifferently, and she shook her head. Her husband sighed quietly, coming up to her again, kneeling beside her.
"May I stay?" He asked softly, as if unable to get the words out. She lowered her gaze and nodded.
He sighed in relief as if some great burden had slept off his shoulders. While she ate, he summoned a servant to the tent to help him pull off his armour.
"How is the situation at the front?" She asked finally, glancing at him uncertainly. He pressed his lips together.
"We have combined part of Targaryen and Baratheon armies. For now, we wait to see what Daemon will do. We know his troops are stationed in the Eyrie, but since that battle he has not changed his position or moved to make another attack." He said and dismissed the boy as he was finally left in his linen shirt and plain black breeches.
He walked over to her, sitting down on the bedding, looking at her uncertainly. He lowered his gaze, looking down at his fingers.
"Can I sleep next to you?" He asked lowly, and she looked up at him, surprised. She didn't understand how he could ask such an obvious thing, but then it occurred to her that he thought she resented him now.
That she thought it was his fault that her body would bear the scars for the rest of her life.
That she thought that he had failed to protect her.
"Of course. Next to whom else could you sleep? Next to Alys?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, setting the bowl aside. She heard him sigh heavily, running his hand over his face.
"Have mercy on me. At least you." He muttered, and she stroked his arm. He looked at her surprised when he felt her hand's touch and swallowed loudly, immediately placing his palm on hers, brushing her skin steadily.
"Lie down, husband. Rest." She said softly and he hummed quietly, nodding, pulling his high black boots off his feet.
They both slipped under the bedclothes. He laid on his side next to her, so as not to inadvertently touch her wounds and cause her pain. He looked at her face and uncertainly put his hand on her shoulder.
He stared at her like that for a moment and then moved closer to her, cupping her cheeks in his hand. She sighed as his lips pressed against hers in a wet, warm kiss, pulling away with a sticky click. He did it again and again, deepening the kiss, running his nose over her soft face, the tip of his tongue teasing her, sliding lightly into her mouth.
She moaned softly, desperate and thirsty for his touch − they both began to pant, her hands clenched on his chemise as she felt his hand on her healthy thigh, his fingers tentatively sliding down towards her swollen womanhood.
"− does it hurt? −" He asked in a low, trembling voice, brushing her lips with his, panting along with her.
"− no −" She whispered, reciprocating his every kiss, drawing him close. He murmured lowly at her words, his hand sliding down more boldly, putting aside the material of her nightgown, sinking his fingers into her warm, plushy folds.
They both moaned into each other's mouths, surprised by the pleasure of the sensation. Unable to restrain himself, his hand began to tease her puffy bud with circular, slow strokes, once in a while running over her swollen slit. She arched her back, despite the discomfort and burning parts of her body, she wanted and needed this.
To feel that he still wanted her.
"− do you want this? −" He exhaled between sticky, perverted kisses where their tongues licked each other in a fleshy, wet dance. She trembled all over at his words, involuntarily thrusting her hips out towards his hand.
"− yes − please −" She mumbled, and he needed nothing more.
He closed her mouth with his own, his hand beginning to rub her intensely, his fingertips beginning to tease her entrance, sliding in and out a little, running over her sweet spot on her upper fleshy wall, driving her mad.
"− gods, you're so warm −" He gasped, and she moaned into his mouth, her body starting to move towards his finger with rocking of her hips.
"− please − deeper − ah! −" She moaned into his mouth when she felt him slide his whole finger into her, and then another, thrusting them into her a quick, sure, repetitive pace.
She entwined her hand in his hair, holding his face close, her body trembling all over under his touch, close to the fulfilment she needed so much, her nipples hardening all over from arousal, her hot, moist core was clenching around nothing.
"− shhh − I got you − yes, just like that −" He murmured delighted as he heard her loud, drawn-out moan, her body tensing under the wave of wonderful orgasm that surged through her body, sucking his fingers inside her.
She breathed heavily, looking up at him with dreamy eyes − he burshed her lips with his once in a while, laying down beside her again, pressing her head against his chest.
She tried to calm herself, breathing in his scent, thanking the gods that they were both alive, trying not to focus on how much everything was hurting her.
She purred quietly when she felt him kiss her hair.
She felt his manhood pulsing steadily under his breeches, pressing against her body. She wanted to touch him there with her hand, but he stopped her, lifting her palm and kissing her fingers. She swallowed quietly, lowering her gaze.
"− don't you want my touch? −" She asked with a sadness that she could no longer hide, with a fear that he didn't want to do it with her anymore.
She heard him sigh softly, his hand tightening in her hair, pressing her closer to him.
"I crave your touch as much as never before, sweet wife, but I would cause you pain now. Do not fret. When your skin heals, you will beg me to stop."
Taglist@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses @ipostwhtifeel @letmeloveyouuuu @yentroucnagol @valeskafics @tempt-ress @blairfox4 @crazymusicgirl104 @ahristata @menaosama @ladywin17 @queenofshinigamis
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kimnamnu · 2 years
Deadly Kiss
Daemon Targaryen x Original Female Character
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summary: Daemon Targaryen loved the great things in life, but none was as loved as the Lady Aelnerys.
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House Malaemor once held power in the Freehold of Old Valyria, its dragonriders and gold made enemies aware of the fate that awaited them should a threat arrise. As gloroius as their motto, and as greedy as their gold, the Malaemor's lost their power after the doom. But that was not the end.
Establishing theirselves in an isle close to Dragonstone, the Malaemor's lived as a sworn house to the Targaryens. In the age of the conquest a daughter was promised, so that in the end the last three valyrian houses would once again reign from the skies. A promise who would only come to fruition later, on the reign of Jaeherys I.
The Lady Jocelyn Baratheon had two daughters with her husband, the late crown prince Aemon Targaryen, Rhaenys and Rhaena. Rhaenys would wed the Lord of Driftmark, Colrys Velaryon, and Rhaena would fulfil her ancestors promise and marry the Lord of Gaahil, Vaenar Malaemor. 
The daughters of Jocelyn Baratheon would not be queens, but from their blood dragonriders would be born, a promise would come true and the last blood of old valyria would once again rule from the skies.
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Second moon of the 111th year after the conquest
Prove himself better was always easily accomplished for Daemon Targaryen. Weak Viserys without a warrior bone in his body and a dead dragon at his back had nothing on the Prince of the City, claimed as the warrior reborn and rider of the bloody wyrm.
But Viserys was King, and Daemon was not, his brother had the crown he desired, so a decision was taken. He went and conquered a kingdom to himself, a crown of crab embroider by flesh.
But Viserys was still King, and Daemon, the Rogue Prince who liked to conquer surrender his kingdom to his brother.
Conquerors were not meant to be at only one place, and so the rogue prince flew. On his scary wyrm with the color of blood and screech of pain.
A visit to a cousin long overdue was made, and a match from the havens itself awaited.
Prince Daemon Targaryen arrival at the Isle of Gaahil was announced by the laid screech of his winged mount. While the sight of dragons was common around the isle, courtiers and commoners alike found that seeing the wyrm round their heads up in the sky was like waiting for a judgement to be passed.
The Targaryens were always closer to gods than to men.
Awaiting the rogue prince on top of the stairs in the keep of Cyalbelle, the Lord and Lady Malaemor, together with their three children, the ruling family of Gaahil made an imposing sight dressed in indigo and gold.
"Cousin, so lovely of you to receive me here, why, one would think that you even missed me." The Prince said with his signature smirk adorning his face. His silvery tresses shined in the warm light of the sun, and purple eyes were alight with enjoyment.
"My Prince, it is an honor for you to join us. Please, be welcomed to Gaahil." Lady Rhaena's face didn't give away any of her thoughts as she stepped forward. "Let me introduce you to my family, cousin." She indicated to the people who stood in a line behind her.
The only acknowledgment that came from the man was a raised brow and the deepened plastered smirk on his face.
"My Prince, it is an utmost pleasure to have you here." The tall Lord with the deep green orbs said while bowing. "We've all heard of your victory on the Stepstones, allow me to give you my most sincere congratulations. "
"Please Lord Vaenor none of this formality, we are after all family."
"Of course." The Lord said, eyes trailing the Prince as if trying to read him. He then looked at his wife and with a swift nod the attention was turned back on her.
"Cousin, I'm happy to introduce you to my eldest son and heir of Gaahil, Vinarr, and his brother Maelerys." Both men were of lithe building, much like their father, with stern faces and glowing green orbs. Their classic valyrian hair covered their faces when bowing they muttered 'my prince'.
"And of course our daughter, Aelnerys." The Lady introduced the last person on the line.
The prince lost his air.
Daemon Targaryen has traveled through many places in the known world, he has seen many beauties and fucked most of them, but none would come close to that of the lady he looked at.
The trend mark silver hair of the valyrians shined, her moonkissed skin looked soft and perfect to be marked on, her body was that of the maiden herself, but the eyes...oh, the eyes.
One could look in their deeps and get lost, for green battled with indigo, and created the most beautiful thing a man could gaze upon to.
"My prince." A soft courtesy was offered, her head bowed and voice melodious.Daemon offered his hand, who she promptly took and besotted a suave kiss on the fingers.
"My lady."
Their eyes locked.
"The moonkissed lady loved her scarred prince, for him only did her heart soared like it was flying through the sky and her soul burned a blazing fire that nothing in the world could erase."
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This is my first time writing in english, it is not my first language, so i'm truly sorry if there are mistakes.
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liaa--qb · 3 months
saw the trailer (Tom GC is going to eat !!!!) But I have major complaints with show n fandom---
Rhaenys- I hate that Rhaenys motherhood is so badly ignored in book n fandom both. Like both of her children died indirectly because of Rhaenyra and Daemon tbh n they both got married, lived their life while both Colrys and Rhaenys are shown as supporting dummies. Specially Rhaenys who is not having bit of jealousy, envy towards daemon n Rhaenyra when they are even getting driftmark for her son easily. This makes them so dull like why they are misusing potential of Colrys n Rhaenys as power players. I am not saying that they cannot support Rhaenyra but there should be a proper growth with their characters. It's rubbish how quickly Rhaenys forgives Rhaenyra n daemon just bc sudden marriage pact of Rhaena/baela with her sons
Rhaena and Helaena - I very much hate to say that I think that they are not going to give any much time to both Rhaena n Helaena. Team black Stans always cry about twins but believe me team green is done dirty equally. Helaena will not be given any proper developing role just some small poems to say her vision whole time. There will be no helaemond ( atleast through that concept there was a chance for Helaena's presence). They will ignore helaena by making her mad and Rhaena while sending her pentos early. It will be only Baela among girls who would be the main thing. They are gonna give her Rhaena's quality too which is very much bad for Rhaena as there would be left nothing for her. Her calm, sensible and beautiful character just like her mother made her differ from every other kid.
3. Mixing personality- all kids have their own personalities which made them different; Aegon, Helaena, Aemond , daeron , Rhaena ,Baela , Jace. Honestly only Aegon and Jace have were the one who were almost correctly done regarding personality. They did alot shifting with aemond too just like they did with daemon. All of these kids could have been written with their own personalities but in more developed way unlike 2d version of the book. Same with Alicent, Rhaenyra, daemon
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snotbuggle · 13 days
On another note…
It’s OC Sunday!
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My main OCs hands starting with Colri Onnack, then clone commander Den and Major Rayne, Myn Haven, and Jaley Chaari. And after ages of trying to figure out Onnack’s facial structure, I found something I was happy with. So there’s a picture of Onnack too :)
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lunarmoonanons · 1 year
Fire and Salt chp 10
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The trial for succession takes places, and Viserys defends his daughter. 
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The throne room was divided quite nicely by the sides of each faction. Blacks and greens. YN stood by her mother’s side, she felt the gaze of Aemond looking over her body and hair. She looked like a princess, a beautiful force of fury and grace. Her black dress hugged her form tightly and her hair framed her face as the strands of curls dangled from her goddess braids. YN glared at her uncle Vaemond, her hand held Rhaena’s; soon she turned violet eyes to stare down the hand who sat upon her grandfather’s seat. Though YN never cared about an “ugly iron chair” she did care about seeing someone who hungered for power sat atop a throne he had no right to. 
Otto droned on about the reasoning for gathering, and how he spoke for the king. YN briefly caught the eye of Aemond, who seemed relieved she did not glare at him. They barely gazed at each other for more than a second, silently asking the other if they could talk when this whole ordeal was over. Soon Vaemond stepped forth to talk and YN looked away from Aemond. 
“My Queen. My Lord Hand.” He seemed confident. Almost as if he knew that the hightowers were going to grant his request immediately. “The History of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of old Valyria.”
‘Oh for the love of the father do people never shut up about that kingdom.’ YN thought to herself. Valyria was gone, everyone clung to its memory and shackled themselves to the past because of it. A romanticized tale told over and over so that the original visage never stood true. YN looked back to Aemond, he was one of those who dreamed of Valyria. 
“For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas.” He continued. YN rubbed her thumb over Rhaena’s hand. Rhaena had always been a comfort to her. “When the doom fell on Valyria, our houses became the last of their kind. Our forebearers came to this new land, knowing that were they to fai, it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name.”
‘Will there be a night of rest between now and the damned point.’ YN thought to herself. Turning her head to Baela and her grandmother. Baela offered her a smile, trying to communicate sympathy for YN’s mother who was the one truly on trial here. Rhaenys nodded comfort to her granddaughter but kept her focus ahead. 
“I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother’s seat. I am Lord Colrys’ closest kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of house Velaryon runs through my veins.” There it was. The real point. He thought he had more claim to Driftmark then her brothers, than her or Baela or Rhaena. 
 “As it does in my sons and daughter, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon.” YN’s mother spoke up, YN placed her hand on Rhaenyra’s back in an effort to soothe her. “If you cared so much about your house’s blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No you speak only for yourself and for your own ambition.”
Her mother was right, in YN’s mind. Her father called her brothers his sons, they were his heirs. Driftmark was to go to the next male child who could further the family line.  Even if Driftmark didn’t go to a male child, as it still would, Baela or YN had more claim than Vaemond did. They were also Velaryons direct from Colrys’ line.  
“You will have chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhnaeyra.” Queen Alicent interrupted. Her nosey holier than thou attitude dripping from her voice making YN gag internally. “Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.” Vaemond smirked his pissy smirk, giving YN more cause to glare at the greens across the room. 
“What do you know of Velaryon blood, Princess? I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn’t recognize it. You seem not to have a single instance of Velaryon blood in your children, save for a daughter.” He was smug and posturing. “This is about the future and survival of my house, not yours.” 
His house could survive through many of means, if he objected to Luc there was Baela, Rhaena, and even YN. Though she had always hoped she’d never run a house. Vaemond gave a glance to Lucerys, smug and annoying as if he knew a secret about Luc. 
“My Queen, my Lord Hand. This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my lone above all.I humbly put myself before you asd my brother’s successor… The Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides.” He postured. 
YN placed a hand to Luc’s shoulder, comforting the increasingly anxious boy who shifted slightly on his feet. YN offered him comfort in this accusational trial against her mother. This was just about upending her mother’s right to the throne. Wrapped in a cloth of rights and succession they would deliver the blade of usurpation against YN’s mother, the true heir.  Her mother stepped forth, and YN took her place in holding Luc’s hand. She needed someone to ground her or she’d pulled out a knife and stab Vaemond in his smug face. 
“If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago, in this very-”
Her mother was interrupted by the sound of the doors opening. Everyone looked, and everyone saw the frail sight of her grandfather the king. He stood on a cane, though he did look fragile his air gave off the sight of a king who demanded his throne back. King Viserys of the land of Westeros was here to defend his daughter. 
The announcer spoke in a loud voice. “King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.”
YN felt tears sting in her eyes, but she held them back as she watched her beloved grandfather slowly make his way to his throne. Each step looked like agony, and she was scared he would stumble or fall. But he continued on. Everyone in the throne room watched as he made his way back to where he belonged. Otto quickly got off the throne to save face. Once her grandfather found his way back to the throne, he spoke. 
“I will sit the throne today.” He rasped out and tried to make his way back to the throne. Though it seemed too difficult for him to make his way up the steps, but he would shoo away the help of the kingsgaurd. 
In the end, it was Daemon who helped the king. Brother lifting brother up, family helping family. There was no malice, no revelry in one of them being so beat down. Hand in hand, Daemon lifted his brother to his rightful seat and placed the crown on his head. Giving him the power of the room and command of the throne. Viserys adjusted himself on his throne and readied himself to speak. 
“I must.. admit.. my confusion.” He breathed out, face heavy from the gold mask he wore. “I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present… who might offer keener insight on Lord Colrys’ wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.” 
All eyes turned to the princess, the queen who never was. YN looked closely at her grandmother, hoping that she’d come to the aid of her mother and that her family would be united in this front. 
“Indeed, Your Grace.” Rhaenys spoke up, regal and dignified. She stepped forward to the center of the room. “It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his trueborn son… Lucerys Velaryon. As he will further the house, YN will command the fleet to unite the family under him. His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him.” 
YN breathed out a sigh and went to hold Rhaena’s hand again. The girl smiled at her cousin and gave her hand a squeeze as their grandmother continued. 
“As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luc to Lord Corlys’ other granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena.” YN smiled at Rhaena, squeezing her hand. “A proposal to which I heartily agree.” 
That caused a shift in the room. The Blacks stood tall once again, now that there was a future of marriage to unite the family and they stood stronger for it. The Greens seemed to shift into an uncomfortable stance, unhappy with how Rhaenys had turned her support to Rhaenyra. 
“Well… the matter is settled… save for one thing.” Viserys turned his tired eye to YN. His first grandchild, his only granddaughter who was the very image of a princess and a Targaryen before him. “The Princess YN has no match for her. I hear she is handed many offers to wed, but no answer. Princess YN, would you consider a match between you and the Prince Aemond?”
Now the room gaped their eyes to Aemond and YN. She held her gaze to her grandfather, as Aemond looked right to her. He begged her silently to say yes. To agree to a match and unite them finally as they should’ve been when they were young. Rhaenyra looked to her daughter who stepped forth with her head high. 
“I must confess, I have had many a offer that intrigues me more. A dornish noble, a house from the North, and even from Ser Vaemond’s own son.” YN laughed the last part out before regaining her composure. “I would like my family to be united once again. I will consider the match to Prince Aemond and return my answer within 2 fortnights.”
Viserys smiled at her, she and him seeming to communicate mentally. Her telling him that she would do what it took to make peace and unite them. Him offering his love and promise that he would accept her answer no matter what. YN did not look to Aemond who stared at her, the faintest smile twitching at the corners. YN was going to consider the match and she would do anything for Viserys so she would most likely agree to make peace with them all.
“Then the matter is finally settled.” Viserys commanded the room. “Again. I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmsrk, the driftwood throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.”
The Blacks smiled at the reaffirmation. But Vaemond scored at the thought that this boy with no Velaryon blood would sit the Driftwood throne over his blood. The Viserys would make mockery of tradition and not see what was plain before him. 
“You break law..” Vaemond cut through the silence. “And centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me… who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No. I will not allow it.”
“‘Allow it’?” Viserys mocked back, gasping out the words. “Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.”
That seemed to set Vaemond off on a trigger.
“THAT is no true Velaryon, and certainly no nephew of mine!” Vaemond shouted out, finger accusingly pointed at Lucerys. 
“Go to your chambers. You have said enough.” Rhaenyra demanded, trying to get this shouting man away from her children. 
“Lucerys is my true-born grandson. And you… are no more than the second son of Driftmsrk.” Viserys stated, affirming his decision as king. 
“You… may run your house as you see fit… but you will not decide the future of mine.” Vaemond stepped forth, angry at the turn of the trial. “My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned… I will not see it ended on account of this-”
“Say it.” Daemon whispered, taunting the man who glared at them all. YN inched her fingers close to the knife she held at her waist, ready to defend whatever slander Vaemond spoke against her mother. 
The room was silent. Waiting for Vaemond to make the mistake. Everyone’s eyes looked at the man who grew angrier at the minute. Otto stood behind his daughter, her children stood around her waiting to see what would happen. YN kept a hand to her mother’s shoulder and the other close to the knife at her waist. She dared the man to say it, for she would take his eyes and tongue as punishment for speaking against her mother.
“Her children… are BASTARDS!” Vaemond shouted, his angry finally topping over and causing him to scream the forbidden words. Rhaenyra’s children stood ready to pounce on the man to kill him. Jace shook his head in anger and YN grabbed her knife ready to pull it out. “And she… is… a whore.”
That caused a commotion as the crowd gasped. YN pulled out her knife trying to rush forward to cut his eyes out, but she was stopped by Daemon who began to walk forward. Viserys pulled out his own dagger, anger in his eye and rage shook his hands. There was one punishment for slander such as that. 
“I… will have your tongue for that.” The king pointed the blade to the man who only stood smugly in the center of the room. 
But his smug expression did not last long. For once his head stared at Viserys, soon half of it was lopped off and fell to the floor. Daemon had cut his head in two, making the room gasp once again. YN froze at the sight of his half head on the ground. She had been accustomed to dead body’s but the way Daemon had removed Vaemond was so sudden and vicious she barely had a moment to breathe. YN ripped her eyes away from the bleeding corpse, blood rushing to her ears making her deaf to the following cries and words. She held Rhaena’s delicate hand in hers as her cousin began to grip it in shock at what her father had done. 
YN spared a look at Aemond who seemed to be smiling at the sight. Like he enjoyed seeing Daemon kill someone in front of him. Like it was a dream or a wish to be in the presence of such a violent man. YN couldn’t bear to see that disturbing smile, it reminded her of the smirk he gave when he came back from stealing Vaghar. 
The king began to groan, growing weary of standing so tall so long. He collapsed back on his throne, shocking Alicent and Rhaenyra. 
“Call the Maesters!” Alicent gasped and ran to him. 
“Father!” Rhaenyra spoke and ran to him as well. 
“Please, my love. You must take something for the pain.” Alicent pleaded and held the king up into her arms. She tried her best to support his weight with her body. 
“I will not cloud my mind. I must put things right.” He tried to dismiss her, but she held on. Rhaenyra stood at the foot of the throne waiting for her father. Viserys was led away by a guard and a maester. All Rhaenyra could do was watch. 
YN wanted to go forward and help her grandfather, but her cousin was still shaking and she needed to be there for her brothers and cousins. All of which had witnessed the man who had raised them kill a family member before their eyes. Even if he was a slanderous traitor. As she shooed her siblings and cousin away, a hand grabbed her arm, and she looked up to see Aemond staring into her eyes, 
“We need to talk. When can we?” Aemond asked, his eyes held no humor or mockery as they did before. 
“Later. After the feast tonight.” YN said. They did indeed need to talk, it had been six years since they did and they needed to finally talk about what they were going to do. Would YN accept him? Would Aemond understand why she chose not to be on speaking terms with him? Hopefully the air between them would finally be cleared.
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ezik0 · 20 hours
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A small redesign for Amanda Colris
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galacticwildfire · 1 year
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic | Alicent Hightower
Alicent Hightower x Targaryen!oc
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Their fathers sworn enemies, Viserra and Alicent should never have been as close as they were, yet it was a connection neither could fight. What began as an innocent girlhood companionship becomes something scandalous, with the bastard daughter of Daemon Targaryen showing her true colours. As the dance begins she finds herself torn between her loyalty to her house and her love for her father. Yet neither hold a candle to her forbidden love for the new queen, a love which threatens to destroy them both.
Word count : 4.9k
A/N: okay here we go, steadily moving through the first half of the series

Almost a year has passed since I left Kings Landing, and now it appears I may never return.
Laena is by my side at Driftmark as I overhear my father threatening the maesters outside my door, the fever is taking hold, and I wish I could say I'm not afraid, but I am.
Who knew all it could take to bring down a dragon rider is an ambush upon landing, Darkfyre burned every last one of them but not before they'd managed to put an already bloody knife in my gut and leave me for dead. It was not the blood loss that nearly took me, no, it was the infection as the maesters have deemed it. The skin around the wound agony to touch, as if it's eating away at itself. But the fever- it's the fever that's truly taking hold.
"What do you mean you can't fucking help her!" I hear my father raging and Laena holds my hand tight as Corlys intervenes.
"My maesters can only do so much- she needs the kings maesters. They've treated these wounds on him have they not?"
"His are from the damn throne not from battle," father argues as if it makes a difference and he storms into the room, followed by Colrys. "You are not dying on my watch!"
Never in my life have I seen him so maddened, utterly senseless, but Corlys is right. I need my uncle's maesters. He looks at me, at the festering wound and the sickly shade of my skin, we both know I am dying. 
For my sake he puts aside his spite towards his brother. "Corlys have a ship bring her directly to Kings Landing."
"No, it will take too long," I grit out. "Put me on Darkfyre and we'll make it."
"She's right Daemon," Corlys says. "She has mere days at best, we can't afford to put her at sea."
"You," my father begins with a finger pointed at me. "Are not flying on dragon back in this state. I will take you."
"You're exiled remember?" I remind him and Laena helps me as I attempt to drag myself out of bed. "I'll be damned if I can't fly my own fucking dragon!"
"Viserra," my father warns. "Don't you dare disobey me."
"I'll do as I wish," I mutter, holding on to the wall as I hobble across the room. "I'll be damned if I don't fly on dragonback one last time."
"Fucking hell," he snaps and marches past me to ready Caraxes, and perhaps it's pure spite that keeps me standing as I find my way to the shore, Corlys electing not to order his guards to keep me here as I come to find to Darkfyre who nests on a separate side of the island to Caraxes.
"Darkfyre!" I yell and she hears my call, coming to me and I grip onto the ropes of her saddle, she lays down to make it easier for me as I pull myself up and into the saddle. "Soves."
She lifts off and I hold on, knowing she'd never let me fall and somehow I know she knows where to take me. I look down, my father no doubt raging as I leave but I refuse to die so easily, and if I must it will be on my own terms, not in a damned bed drunk on milk of the poppy.
The journey is a blur, my vision darkening by the moment and only vaguely aware of her beneath me until I see Kings Landing beneath us.
Darkfyre lands at the entrance of the keep and as I go to take a step down the rope ladder my body meets stone and I cry out, laying there in agony as heavy boots rush towards me, the blood in my mouth a bitter reminder I'm still alive.
"By gods it's Lady Viserra!"
Vaguely I recognise the voice of Ser Harrold and I'm lifted up off the ground, my feet dangling in the air and there's movement beneath me, feeling as if I'm on dragonback but my blurred vision takes in the ceilings of the Red Keep.
"Take her to the grand maester now and get the king!" "Uncle," I murmur vaguely and my mind even in its half conscious state goes to her. "Alicent."
It's as I'm carried up a flight of stairs and laid down on sheets I see it's Ser Criston who's carried me.
"My lady-"
"Alicent," I breathe out hoarsely as I'm surrounded by strangers. "I need Alicent."
"Her grace is in bed-"
"Then fucking wake her!" I yell out as the infected flesh of my abdomen is prodded and I'm screaming out bloody murder for her "Alicent!"
"Pin her down!" the lord commander yells and I fight as they go to do just that.
"Don't fucking touch me!" I scream. "Alicent! Rhaenyra!"
I hear light feet run in and through my blurred vision see a blond head come to my side. "Viserra-"
"Get them off of me!" I scream out, fighting the hands that try to hold me down. 
"Her fever is advanced, we'll need nightshade to subdue her."
Rhaenyra holds my hand tight, almost forcing it down.
"Where's Alicent?" I demand to know, needing her. "I need Alicent."
Even through the tears I see the look of hurt and confusion in her eyes at those words. "She- Ser Criston get the queen!"
"I'm here!" I sit up despite the pain at those words, my head whipping around towards the door to see her rush in clutching a large stomach. "Viserra!" She comes to my side, getting down on her knees, and looking at me with horror "Viserra..."
"I couldn't die without seeing you," I whisper to her, not caring for the people surrounding us. "I couldn't die without you."
"Die?" she repeats back to me and looks to the grand Maester. "What-what's happened to her?"
"Your grace you should not be here in this condition," he scolds and I grasp her hand tight, if they want to tear her from me they'll have to kill me. "The babe-"
"What is this!" A voice bellows and the room falls utterly silent as Viserys marches in and he goes pale at the sight of me. "Seven hells-"
"Is Daemon with you?" Rhaenyra asks and even half dead I can't help how my eyes roll into the back of my head. "Viserra-
"I came on Darkfyre," I breathe, grasping Alicent's hand, the only thing keeping me from falling into unconsciousness. "The maesters at High Tide- they couldn't help me."
"Can you save her?" I hear Viserys ask and my head falls to the side, my eyes opening to Alicent's terrified and tearstained face.
"The queen shouldn't be here," is what the maester replies. "The child-"
"I asked if you can save my niece," Viserys repeats sharply. 
I watch Alicent's lip tremble as the maester answers "It is too soon to tell."
"It's okay," I whisper to her so only she can hear. "I'm not afraid."
A lie, I'm utterly terrified. 
"Save her," Viserys orders. "Alicent, you don't want to watch this."
I've seen her again, perhaps that is enough I can die with peace. 
Rhaenyra is the one to take her from me, guiding her out of the room as the grand maester orders. "Four drops of nightshade to put her to sleep, prepare to cut away the infected flesh."
Viserys comes to my side, and it's the fear in his eyes that strikes me as he tells me "You are my brothers daughter, I won't allow him to lose you."
I taste the nightshade on my tongue and the darkness takes me.
My body tingles from what can only be milk of the poppy as my eyes begin to open, though it is not enough at the utter ache that possesses me.
"Here," I hear her saying and feel a chalice at my lips. "For the pain."
"I'm not dead?" I murmur in confusion and feel a cool cloth on my forehead.
"No, it seems you're more stubborn than death." My eyes rest on her face as she fusses over me, wiping the sweat from my brow and her voice catches. "This- this is why I didn't want you to leave."
I take her wrist and move her hand from my face, lowing it down onto the bed and covering her hand with my own. She struggles to look at me. "I had to leave."
There is a venom in her eyes that I've rarely seen until now. "You left me to face my wedding night and every night after alone." Her voice trembles with rage. "You left me to face it alone."
Immediately I go to my defence. "You had Rhaenyra-"
"Rhaenyra," she breathes and her jaw clenches. "Rhaenyra has hated me since the day she learned I was to marry the king."
"That can't be right," I say quietly, still struggling with the light let alone making sense of things. "Rhaenyra-"
"Hates me, she won't even look at me," she says and withdraws her hand. "You left me here alone with no one to save me."
"I tried," I grit out and she just shakes her head. "I tried and you refused, so do not blame me for your predicament when I was willing to commit treason to save you from it."
"And yet all I ever asked of you was to stay." Teardrops run down her cheeks. "You were willing to do anything but that."
I feel tears burn in my own eyes but don't regret it, especially not at the sight of her now. "And share you with my uncle? Leave your bed empty for him? No, I would do anything for you but that."
Her voice is stiff. "Then you'll return to the Stepstones once you are well enough to fly." She pushes her chair back and leaves without another word, the coldness that's become her filling the room as I slip back into sleep.
Bedridden I wait for her to return, but she does not. It is only Rhaenyra accompanied by Ser Criston who comes to see me.
She sits by my side, asking of the war, telling me of her rides on Syrax. I remember them well, yet they pale in comparison to flying into war reigning down fire from above.
Finally she asks what I've been waiting for her to ask "How is Daemon?"
"Not here," I answer stiffly, having expected him to be following behind me on dragonback, but it seems he cannot bring himself to return home. "But other than that war seems to entertain him."
She nods and her voice is quiet "I've missed you." She reaches for my hand. "Sister."
She has stayed the same, yet I feel as though the girl who flew from the city a year ago is long gone. As is the lover I left behind.
"Alicent never wanted this," I say again and she doesn't want to hear it. "You don't need to be cruel."
"Cruel? That's bold of you," she says harshly and Ser Criston stands there confused, but she doesn't need to remind me. "Then leaving without a word."
 My eyes find themselves on Ser Criston who stands with his head hung, having betrayed his trust in leaving and being bedridden with little energy to fight I concede, although with little effort in actually sounding sorry, "Yes, that was a poor thing to do, my apologies."
But she knows they are empty words. "I needed you here Viserra, my father took a new wife and now means to replace me with Alicent's child. I needed you by my side-"
"Yes, you and Alicent both," I murmur offhandedly. "I never knew the both of you held me so dear."
"You knew we did," she replies, heat in her voice. "Although I never knew just how much Alicent did."
I raise an eyebrow. "And I never knew you shared the same affection for her."
She stands, having had enough. "Come Ser Criston."
He follows after her like a dog, again leaving me alone. Rhaenyra and I were raised together, more sisters than cousins, we fight and we forget, it's not her anger I worry for.
With the silence boredom quickly sets in, missing the company of Laenor and Laena. Missing my father.
Missing my dragon.
And so definitely against the maesters orders I pull myself out of bed and dress myself in a simple gown considering it's more comfortable than the riding clothes I've been accustomed to wearing. It feels strange after dressing in men's clothing for so long.
I gulp down the remainder of the milk of the poppy before finding my way through the halls of the castle, people surprised to see me but not questioning it after landing on dragon outside the keep. I've almost made it to the exit when I hear her voice.
"Viserra?" I still having been caught and turn to see Alicent standing there holding her stomach. "You should be in bed."
"I was bored," I answer truthfully and she gives me an exasperated sigh.
"Bored? What are you, a child?"
"Yes, as are you although you may be carrying one," I remind her and she only looks annoyed. "Does the queen forbid me from going on a walk?"
"The queen forbids you from going to the dragon pit," she answers, knowing me too well. "Darkfyre is being taken care of."
"She hasn't seen me since we arrived, she'll be fretting."
She breathes in heavily and hobbles over, clearly uncomfortable with every step. "She will be fine, you need to rest."
"I need to get out of that room," I retort. "Four days I've been in there now."
"You spent two of those unconscious."
"Yes, exactly," I reply and she rolls her eyes. "I could say you should be resting."
"I am nine months pregnant, I can't rest, I'm in a permanent state of discomfort."
"So you're due any day then," I realise and she nods, my stomach drops at what that could mean and I negotiate. "Let me come be with you, it's been far too long since I've been with you."
Her eyes soften and she gives me a pained smile. "I would like that."
I wrap an arm around her, helping her as we go back through the castle to her rooms, I open the door and help her over to the lounge chair where I sit her down, remembering well how much discomfort Aemma was always in. 
"Is that alright?' I ask her, putting a pillow behind her back.
"That's good, thank you," she says and I sit down beside her, remembering too well it was less than two years ago Aemma lay there and look around, the room noticeably absent of maesters.
"Where are your attendants?"
"The last thing I want is to be surrounded by midwives and maesters when I'm like this," she answers. "And they aren't as worried as they were with our last queen, this is my first child, they believe it will be healthy."
I was my mothers first and she still died in the childbed, but I do not remind her of it. I don't want to frighten her. 
"I hope so," I tell her, the most genuine words I've spoken in a long time. "Let's hope for a boy and it will be the last time."
She just laughs, but there's a sadness to it "No, they'll fill me up until I can't carry another, you know how it is." 
Unfortunately I do, and yet it is something I'll never have to experience myself.
"Well is queen at least all you thought it would be?" I ask and she only frowns. "I guess not."
"I'm the wife of a king, hardly a queen," she tells me. "Maybe that will change when I give him a son, maybe then they'll respect me but it feels these past months as if I've just been confined to these rooms, maesters coming every day to ensure I'm still with child."
"It must be awful," I say quietly and she looks at me, the first anyone ever said those words to her. "You don't have to pretend with me Alicent, I know you never wanted this, you don't have to pretend as if you do."
Some of the tension leaves her body and there are tears in her eyes as she tells me "When the maesters told me I was pregnant... I was relieved. I was relieved because it meant he wouldn't summon me to his chambers at night anymore." She rubs a hand over her stomach. "I'm scared for when the baby comes because I don't want it to start again."
I feel ill, I feel the guilt creeping to the surface at leaving her to face those nights alone because I was too selfishly weak to face them with her.
"I'm sorry Alicent," I say quietly. "I'm sorry for what's happened to you." Tears slip down her cheeks and I reach for her hand, bringing it to my lips. "I'm sorry for everything. I-"
The door opens and Viserys enters, Alicent quickly pulls her hand away and he's none the wiser. "Ah Viserra, glad to see you out of bed, I can't say the same for my dear wife." He laughs at his own joke and Alicent fakes a smile. "Do tell your father- tell him that he is welcome home as long as he recognises Rhaenyra as my heir."
I lower my eyes as I tell him "Then I'm afraid he will not be returning home." There is no gentle way to put it and I see the disappointment in his eyes. "The disinherentment was one thing, but the war... it isn't just a farce to keep him entertained, and he will not set his sights on the city until it is won."
"Well," he sighs. "I hope at least you will stay at court, it is no place for a lady out there."
I see the fear flicker in Alicent's eyes, the fear of me leaving and I clear my throat "We will see." I stand and bow my head to Alicent. "Rest well."
I find my way out, a sadness in me that no longer can I spend endless nights with her without anyone daring to look for us, without intrusion. Those days are over. 
The walk to the dragon pit is one filled with a quiet agony as the milk of the poppy begins to wear off, but the city seems to have remembered me, or rather my father.
Ser Harwin seems to have taken over as Commander of the city watch as he greets me in the street. "My lady, glad to see you home, how fares your father?"
"Better than I," I answer, no doubt word has spread quickly since seeing a dragon landing at the steps of the Red Keep. "I trust the fear of the gods my father struck into the city still remains."
"Aye," he answers, walking with me. "A knife in the stomach I hear?"
"Ambushed when climbing off my dragon, I killed who I could, Darkfyre did the rest but the damage was done. Lord Corlys's maesters couldn't treat me, so I took things into my own hands."
"Made quite the entrance if I recall," he says proudly. "Your father always wanted to train you up to be tough, bringing you down into the city with him, it's not surprising he made you a soldier." That brings a smile to my face. "Tell me, do you fight with a sword or on dragonback?"
"Both," I answer as I'd told Rhaenyra. "Although truthfully I prefer dragonback, Lord Corlys's son Laenor and I often fly together in battle, doing what we can from above whilst the soldiers fight on the ground."
"And is that where you're going now?" he asks me. "Walking injured through the city to sneak off to the dragonpit."
"Yes," I answer. "Though don't drag me back to the castle, I don't intend on leaving yet. I just want to see my dragon."
"Don't fret I'm not a Kingsguard," he reminds me as we come to the Dragonpit. "Would you like to be escorted back to the castle?"
"I dare say I'll take a horse back," I assure him. "Thank you Ser Harwin."
"My lady," he says, nodding his head as I enter inside the Dragonpit, having always found Ser Harwin agreeable but he's quickly forgotten as I step inside and see her.
It's a relief, and I know it's one she shares as she lowers her head, almost to nuzzle into me. A bond between a dragon and their rider... there is nothing else in the world like it. 
"Has an egg been chosen for the babes cradle?" I ask the dragon keeper who stands nearby.
"Not yet, my lady."
I nod and ask "May I?"
He doesn't dare refuse me and brings me to the clutch of dragon eggs, one of white and gold with flecks of pink catches my eye. Pure, beautiful. My father had chosen mine, a fearsome one of red and black, even as a babe he knew I'd be fire and blood. But I can't help the tenderness I feel at the sight of the egg, a tenderness Alicent needs in her life.
I take it in my hands and tell the dragon keeper "I choose this one for the king's new child."
I can sense the hesitance after my father robbed them of their last egg, but my intentions are nothing but pure.
"As you wish my lady."
~ The next morning I go to see her, finding her resting in that damned chair utterly miserable, but she smiles at the sight of me.
"How are you faring?' she asks me, noticing I'm walking easier than before.
"The milk of the poppy is certainly a help," I tell her and her brows draw together in confusion at what I carry, the egg wrapped in fine cloth. "I brought something for you."
"For me?" she asks in surprise and falls quiet as I unwrap it for her. "Oh."
"Your child will be a Targaryen, it's only right to carry on tradition," I tell her and place it in the crib at the end of her bed. "The colours, they seemed pure, bright. It only felt right that I choose this one, gods know it's what you need in your life. A child that will bring you joy."
I look back at her and see the tears in her eyes, tears she does not attempt to wipe away as she tells me "I'm afraid Viserra. Any moment now the babe could come and I- I'm not ready to die in the child bed."
I walk over and kneel down before her, taking her hand in mine, noticing the red surrounding her nails. "You won't, I won't let you."
She just laughs sadly "You can't stop the will of the gods Viserra, as hard as you may try."
I wear an equally sad smile. "No, but I'll be here by your side. That I promise you."
She looks at me with hesitance. "You won't leave me again? You won't disappear in the night?" 
I shake my head and bring her hand to my lips. "How can I leave you? Certainly not like this."
"Thank you," she breathes and I look at the girl I love, a girl who is no longer mine to love if she ever was, but I'll be damned if I lose her. "Viserra I-" it's then she hisses in pain "Ah!"
"Alicent?" I ask as she hisses. "Are you alright?"
"Just a contraction, I get them often, the maesters say they are nothing to worry about," she insists then cries out. "No- this one's different." 
It's then I notice fluid wetting the chair and panic. "It's coming." She looks up at me and immediately I spring into action, running to the door where Ser Harrold stands and telling him "Get the midwives, now!"
I run back to Alicent who's trying to climb out of the chair to the bed and I grab her arm. "Come on." I help her over to the bed where she grabs onto the bed post, beginning to hyperventilate and I start at the laces at the back of her heavy gown. "Let's get you out of this." She helps me pull it off her as the midwives come into the room and lay her down in her shift, the maesters following quickly behind.
"Has anybody gotten the king?" I ask one of the maesters.
"His grace is celebrating with the Lord Hand and will be informed she has begun her labours," he answers, and I realise Viserys won't be coming. "Her water has broken?"
"Yes," I answer and he ignores me to go to her, she lays there on the bed surrounded by almost a dozen people yet her eyes meet mine in panic as they pull her legs open and so I come by her side, on my knees and holding her hand tight. "Just look at me okay? Everything will be alright."
It's then she whispers to me with fearful eyes "Don't let them cut me open like they did Aemma."
I go cold at those words and swear to her "I'd cut down every man and woman in this room before letting a blade touch you."
And I mean those words, she knows I do.
For hours I stay by her side, never letting go of her hand as she suffers through the labour, watching closely the faces of the maesters and midwives as she screams. No one dares tell me to leave as I grip her hand tight, telling her she'll make it through this unlike our mothers.
Finally as night falls the babe comes out screaming and she falls limp on the bed, the babe being carried away by the maester and I press my lips to her sweaty forehead, still holding her hand. "You did it, you're both okay."
Her head falls towards me and we both smile, it's me the maester hands the babe to as the midwives sit Alicent up in bed and look down at him before I pass him to her. "A boy."
With those words I see both the relief and devastation those words bring her and she whispers "Rhaenyra-"
I shake my head, stroking her wet hair out of her face. "Shh, all will be well."
She looks down at her son as if she doesn't quite know how to feel, and then flinches, crying out "It's starting again."
"The afterbirth," a midwife says and she passes me her boy as she begins crying out again, I look down at the screaming babe in my arms, white whisps of hair on his head, it takes me a moment to realise he isn't just Alicent's son but my cousin just as Rhaenyra is.
As the afterbirth passes and the midwives clean it away the door flies open and Otto marches in, visible relief at the fact his daughter still lives and I turn to him with the babe in my arms, he stares at me holding his grandchild in horror, utterly unaware I was even here with her.
"The king has a son," I tell him and he pulls the babe from my arms as if my very touch is poison.
"A son," he repeats and smiles at his daughter, pale in the childbed. "Well done my daughter." 
"Let me hold him," she says, reaching out but he ignores her.
"I must take him to the king," he says immediately and gives Alicent a nod, pleased she's fulfilled the duty he forced upon her and leaves with the babe. It's then I see Rhaenyra in the doorway as the midwives check Alicent, making sure she isn't bleeding more than she should be.
Quickly I duck out the door and she pulls me aside "Well?"
There's both hope and worry in her eyes, and I know why.
"I'm sorry," I tell Rhaenyra. "It's a boy."
I watch her face change and she blinks away tears as if she's in pain. "A boy?"
I nod, having sworn my oath to her as my heir, an oath I still believe in. "I'm sorry."
"Viserra," I hear Alicent calling out and I apologise "I'm sorry."
I leave Rhaenyra to return to Alicent, who only then see Rhaenyra marching past back down the hall and her voice fills with panic. "Is she angry? Is she-"
"She knows, but she's still our named heir," I say, the maesters and midwives both eyeing me with particular carefulness at those words. "She will know that."
She nods, and reaches for my hand as the midwives cool her with wet clothes, utterly weary.
"Here," I say taking the cloth from the midwife as the others finish running her a cool bath. "I'll watch over her as she rests."
The maester nods and the midwives leave the room, the grand maester checks her over one last time before finally leaving her to rest and I kiss her head as they leave the room.
"It's over now," I tell her, lips brushing her temple. "You did so well."
"I think I'll want to sleep for days," she breathes, both of us laughing quietly before whispering in pain. "I don't want to have to do it again."
"Shh, don't think about that now," I tell her, helping her sip from a cup of water, her body still shaking as I help her lower her legs back down after being bent for hours. "You need to rest."
She doesn't argue with that, but murmurs "I'm sweaty and awful."
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," I say and help her from the bed, stripping her of her shift which clings to her skin and with some painstaking effort get her into the bath without causing her too much pain. "There you are."
Her head rests against the tub as I take a cloth and begin cleaning her, wiping the blood and all else from between her legs and rubbing sweet smelling lotion into her scalp, absentmindedly focused on the motions until she takes my hand and looks up at me with weary but beautiful eyes.
"Viserra." She says my name like a prayer. "I love you." I still and search her eyes, finding only truth. "I love you truly, I should have told you it long ago then maybe you would have stayed."
I smile sadly, tears in my eyes. "I always knew. I know your heart Alicent, better than mine."
She's pleading now "So you'll stay?"
For her own sake I nod, even though I have no idea what the next hour will bring, let alone what tomorrow brings. "I will."
She reaches for me, pulling me down until my lips meet hers. It's what I've dreamed of every night since I left her and now- now my heart is simultaneously whole and broken at the thought of what comes after this.
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sisyphusmile · 6 months
Bullshit: some similar vibes bt aegonaera and Henry VII/ Elizabeth of York
Richard III ordered the death of Elizabeth's maternal uncle and brothers (including her Grey half-brothers), making Elizabeth a bastard by annulling her parents' legal marriage.
Aegon II murdered Rhaenyra and the Greens also are responsible for the death and loss of Aegon III's brothers (including his Velaryon half brothers). He also annulled Rhaenyra's legitimacy as Queen.
Elizabeth Woodville allied with the Tudors in secret to defeat Richard and make her daughter Queen consort
The Blacks allied with House Velaryon (at the time Corlys has already turned to Greens, He was Aegon II's counsellor after Aegon II back to KL) in secret to murder Aegon II to make Prince Aegon King.
Edmund Tudor belongs to the party of Lancaster which was opposed to the Yorks. He was captured and (likely) murdered by the Yorks afterwards.
The Velaryons later turned to the Green side after the imprisonment of Colrys (yet not for long). Also Vaemond Velaryon was captured and executed by Rhaenyra and Daemon due to his opposition to Rhaenyra's Velaryon sons.
Yet Henry Tudor was born after Edmund's death. He never knew his father.
Daenaera was born after Vaemond's death. She never knew her grandfather
Henry Tudor is a super-off line heir from House Plantagenet. (But he's not a Plantagenet) The nearest Mutual ancestor of henry and Elizabeth is Edward III
Daenaera is from a very minor branch of house Velaryon, she's also not a Targaryen. Her nearest mutual ancestor with Aegon III is Aethan Velaryon
Last but not least: They both reigned in a post-war period, to seal the wound caused by the war for the realm. and They all had a marriage with mutual affection and love!
PS: I'm not a specialist in this history. This is just for fun.
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horizon-verizon · 9 months
I was asked by someone to look over a specific post and write what I thought about it...this is an opportunity to group several arguments & point out the pattern for a certain discrepancy.
LINK to the post I will talk about. Quote (the parts I will address):
but how can you judge Aegon for fighting for his (very strong and legitimate) claim on the throne when his family persuaded him to do so for their safety and survival but not judge Luke for taking Driftmark from Beala and Rhaena without blinking an eye which is objectively much worse because he was not forced into doing it by any means, and literally has no legitimate claim. Him not getting Driftmark would not have put the lives of his family members at risk the way Aegon not fighting for his claim would have.
I don't know if this post was about HotD or the original canon, but I'll divide my own thoughts accordingly. This post is in no way an invective against the Tumblr user as a person, just a critique of their thoughts.
Their argument claims four things:
Alicent's greens' main motivation to usurp Rhaenyra was self-defense
Aegon did himself at least feel that the throne/Viserys' regard should have gone towards him over Rhaenyra
the twins were at all in the customary line of succession for Driftmark as if they were part of the Velaryon house or were under Colrys' sole authority
that it is Rhaenyra making the decisions over succession
Book!Alicent, Cole, and the older green adults' main reason for usurping Rhaenyra was always about ambition and power. They both believed in patriarchal privilege/Faith-dominance AND used patriarchal privilege for their own ends. Show!older green adults are motivated differently:
Alicent is motivated by Otto's deception of her kids being in grave danger from Rhaenyra taking authority as well as her own envy of Rhaenyra's ability to at least avoid abuse and wishes to take some of her own by pulling Rhaenyra down through patriarchal restrictions and abuses (but even this is confusing in the show bc Alicent herself, as a character, is not written consistently nor intelligently...she is too reactive)
Cole just wants to destroy a person he pedestalized and at one point expected to pedestalize him back above her own station and role despite the fact that he had no real fear of her taking real advantage of him the same way a man could a woman
Otto is motivated by sheer ambition as his canon self is
Going back to the book characters, here are quotes from the green council for why each green older adult wants to usurp Rhaenyra (keeping in mind that they are also presenting their reasons to the green council and Alicent has left Viserys' body to rot to buy time and has already imprisoned/held hostage several people in the castle):
Fuller Account
Book!Otto cites survival for himself and Alicent, banking on Daemon's hatred for him and subsequent disapproval of Alicent for being his daughter, saying that Daemon would definitely try to execute him for just being someone he hated even after Rhaenyra gets crowned. Following his sentiment, Alicent cites the need to preserve her kids' lives on account that they had "a better claim to the throne than her brood of bastards" and are thus a threat to her. So she amends Otto's statement of Daemon killing them just bc he hates them AND uses the aristocratic disgust with bastards and the social stigma against bastards to make the council people more suspicious of the blacks/Rhaenyra. Again, bastards are regarded as inherently untrustworthy people bc they come from lust, "loss of self-control", and not the "duty" involved in a noble marriage. Finally, coming off of Alicent's note about bastards being untrustworthy and from lust, Cole reasons that if Rhaenyra were allowed to rule, she'd have lots of sex with Daemon and both would sexually predate on various lords' children or wives (note the gendered roles: "wife" of a lord). He's talking about "sullying", especially when he brings up how he thinks Laenor would have influenced the Velaryon boys to be sexually predatory themselves by virtue of the fact that Laenor was gay. So like modern media and persons who claim that gay men & drag queens (sometimes women, too but not that often) will prey on children based on the taboo sexual boundary crossing that queerness is seen to be, Criston uses homophobia to express that Rhaenyra shouldn't rule. Meanwhile, the boys are not supposed to be Laenor's kids--that is the whole argument for them being bastards--and Laenor actually didn't spend as much time with the V boys as people around them would expect for a father since he only went to Dragonstone to put up appearances and maybe the odd purely social visit. Laenor mainly lived at Driftmark with his Velaryon family and never built a household with Rhaenyra. Jace (114) was the only one who was born at KL, Luke (115) seems to have been born at the Red Keep and Joffrey (117) was born in Dragonstone.
Counterarguments to the OP's Post (bc some arguments still cross over to the show by the show's own writing)
Rhaenyra has been able to get others to fight for her even after her and her first 3 sons' deaths. The greens were the ones who always made the first move to antagonize, provoke, or undermine Rhaenyra and the blacks in both the book & the show, not the blacks.
If it was just about surviving, bastardry being made into a moral argument wouldn't be used. Also, we have no proof that Daemon would willingly taint Rhaenyra's and their kids' reputation by willy-nilly murdering not just Otto but the Alicent, the would-be Queen Dowager to Rhaenyra's own father without provocation. His killing of the Braavosi noble boy who was betrothed to Laena was all in Corlys' permission, i.e. the lord of Driftmark. Daemon may be a violent man, but he's not a stupid man.
And he never expressed actual hatred for Alicent, it is far more likely he thought of her as an interloper. Otto is still safe even though Daemon hates him: he never killed Rhea Royce and he could have killed Otto when it was safer for him before Viserys died if only by underhanded means. It's not like Viserys would actually execute Daemon if he did, even if it were exile.
As for how Alicent's kids being in danger:
Daemon largely ignored them
Rhaenyra explicitly said that if her siblings stopped she would spare them and only go after Alicent & Otto (this is after she's been usurped and she crowns herself at Dragonstone)
in the bigger picture sense, they actually had more defenses against other lords' machinations even with Rhaenyra [Posts: #1, #2, #3]
In the show, Laenor and Rhaenyra lived at the Red Keep together for all their boys to be born in the same place and it is very shortly after Joff is born that they leave together. Laenor still was not usually as physically close to Rhaenyra's side, but much more than what is implied in the book. However, Cole doesn't mention Laenor being gay as a reason for Rhaenyra's usurpation in the show and neither Alicent nor her father mentions bastardry or survival for their presented reasons to the council. It was just Otto shifting the conversation to naming Aegon and "discussing" the succession "question", Alicent being upset about being iced out for particular discussions and her trying to get them to not kill Rhaenyra and Beesbury's protests leading to his death plus Harold Westerling's giving up his cloak (who is actually already dead in the book). All because the show changed it to Alicent misinterpreting Viserys' dying words and her losing control over the council's and her father's actions, trying to prevent Rhaenyra's death--as she thought that was assured...tsk, tsk no confidence in one who she at one point was trying to go after her own son....
The show made the usurpation a whole, mere misunderstanding and miscommunication rather than the greens twisting truths, being blood purists and openly misogynists for their justifications. If somehow making the biggest civil war and injustices against a woman reads better as coming from a misunderstanding rather than an intentional perception attack on someone, I don't know if they understand the meaning of accountability nor think that misogyny is a real, palpable evil today or ever was, nor how to identify it.
Since we actually do not have that much evidence for how book!Aegon felt about Rhaenyra as a person before she was coronated, this is my headcanon and reasons for why I think he felt he deserved the throne over her despite his trying to foist off getting crowned until Cole (not Alicent) convinced him to take the crown for pure self-preservation sake. At least according to Septon Eustace.
This post goes into why Baela and Rhaena were not ever above the Velaryon boys in the line of the Driftmark succession.
Viserys, Otto, and Corlys are the ones primarily responsible for their children's misery for how they all contributed/directed to how they will marry. Both and show, except Alicent in the book, very much wanted to be Viserys' Queen Consort and of her own volition formed a faction and harrassed Rhaenyra for most of her pubescence and early motherhood.
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askachroma · 6 months
Colress! If you were to meet another version of yourself, how do you think they would react to you?
I… suppose it would depend on their values and how closely they aligned with my own, which would in turn depend on just how much multiverses can vary. Theoretically, there should be an infinite number of possible Colress’— uh, ‘Colri’ (I’m still rather bemused by the term 💧), so the likelihood of getting along with any one of them is about the same as being amiable with anyone else, surely? One thing I feel I can say for certain though: they wouldn’t be able to resist their curiosity about meeting an alternate self. No matter how much they adored or despised me, there would definitely be a lot of questions! — Colress. R.
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the-fatal-impact · 6 days
Not to be too controversial, but I think all serious (like, go and root for your favourite war criminal with the best hair) debates who's right - Team Green or Black, are pure nonsense. And that is so, because pretty much all arguments are deeply rooted in idea that monarchy makes sense as ruling system. And it doesn't.
Like, you can make argument that monarchy is what they have and go with it, but in that case Aegon is rightful ruler according to rules within that system. That's it. But then you see he is barely functional human being with little regard of other and simply not well suited to be the most powerful person in whole realm. So then is Rhaenyra, that seems more well put together as a person and maybe better choice over all. However, once she's on the throne, rules are broken, which puts on the table new doubts and questions: if not the eldest son, why even the eldest child? Maybe someone else will even better for the throne? Maybe Deamon, maybe Aemond, maybe even Alicent or Otto? Colrys? But then why even Targaryen after all, if we could find someone even wiser and more experienced? You get what I mean?
Monarchy as a system is obviously built on arbitrary rule that there is something like divine right to rule and ASOIAF always put a lot on emphasis on why this bad idea, HOTD is no exception here.
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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Denna paced on the battlements of the Castle, her long ebony hair whipped up by the incoming winter storm. Facing out into the frozen sound before her she was startled to feel Qwynn's quiet presence behind her as a pair of arms enveloped her in their warmth.
"War is brewing in the south again," she said, as the Lady of the House nuzzled her neck. "The Southrons always call for war, the North Remembers, and like Dorne we'll stay out of it unless the Stark Calls my Banner."
House of the Dragon S1E7 "Driftmark", Laena of Hosue Velaryon has passed, burned to death at her command by Vhagar. What will Baela and her sister do? Daemon must deal with the oncoming drama that will strike the House of the Dragon.
We are reminded as the last Prince of the Blood Royale was born, Joffrey, and how Lord Strongs death at his brother's hand. ANd how Laena died in fire. Thus the game of Thrones takes more lives. WE see the people of Driftmark  gathering as a priest speaks in Old Velaryon. The daughter of Driftmark has been given to the waves. Wait, it Corlys' Velaryon who is carrying out the funeral. He speaks a line about how the blood must never run thing. They start to drag the rock sarcophagus against the stone and prepare for it to be given to the sea.Makes me wonder how many Velaryon's are down there since it appears to be quite a few. Meanwhile, five dragons fly over Driftmark before we see the gathering after the service. Rha sees her uncle and notices how the entire party seems to be split down the middle. Jace heads over at his mother's word to speak to his cousins. THe boy knows that HRwin was his father. WE can sense as the king sits his mourning court, how the old Valyrian blood is slowly splitting among itself. Haelena seems to be having another dream as Larys sits like a pug waiting for attention. Baela and Rhaena quietly share a hand of grieving with Jace as Corlys sees how his grandson reacts to the comment of his inheritance. Rhaenys meets everyone as she hugs the twins and Jace sits aside. It's strange as Aemond comes over to stand before his cousin. A sea of Valyrians and yet they still act the fool as Aegon is already deep in his cups. THe tension here is disquiet a mixture of mourning and silent tension of the disregarded death of Lyonel and Harwin strong. Laeno sits in the water crying as Colrys gets the lover of Laenor to go get his liege. Oh the complexity of beards in a world where the King just wants the fools to actually care about each other. The Iron Throne looms over this death and the others of recent tidings. Viserys tries to connect with his brother, the two brothers remain quiet as Rhae watches. Daemon denies the return and thus continues the cut between the King and his brother. This is quite a saddening scene as Otto tries to say something nice and Daemon says something mean since the man deserves. Fucking fool started this nonsense. In the night as a moon slowly awaits over Driftmark Otto grabs a drunken fool Aegon and Laenor retreats for the night. Amond sits quietly all by his lonesome and hears the call of Vhagar above. The massive Dragon's silhouette dances across the clouds. Inside Driftmark Corlys awaits with her Husband as she talks about how her children are mourning. "Mayhaps the gods have scorned us for our insatiable pride." Corlsy counters whi how she truly is the "Queen Who Never Was" as she asks to set aside and it is his ambition which ignites further problems. Yes, Lord Corlys is one of the early instigators of the Dance as it is his and Otto's ambition set the fires for the damnation of House Targaryen. The silent antagonism toward the Strong and Targ children. This is where Crolys shows a vivid spark of genius "History does not remember blood, it remembers names." We switch to Rhae and Daemon walking upon the sands of Driftmark. It is revealed that Laenor is likely sterile. Both had no joy and they could not conceive a child. I like how people in this series are spent on scorning Rhaenyra when all of this is their creation and how they set her up. The girl just wants acceptance or her own ego, and this lack of it and the way she was driven away by Otto is what breeds her contempt for a long time. The two finally confront each other about how they could have continued their incest hookup. She calls her life a Droll tragedy as he says he loved Laena in her own way. As the disquiet of the death of Laena looms hard on the two they clumsily move to kiss and we can see that Daemon tries to give her a second to pull away. And finally, the girl gives into her lust as we get what she's wanted for a while. Another toast sex scene with thots of thighigh stockings and even more. So for those of you who aren't aware, no GRRM books don't feature nearly as much detail in sex. There are a few that happen, but the TV Series is far more emphatic on stuff. Yes stuff is violent, but the books are more about discussions of things and are more descriptive. Onto Vhagar getting "stolen" by Aemond. THe thing here is whoever the Dragon accepts is their rider. Aemond is the fool who decides to take on the Dragon and gets him killed later on. More actions that will divide the slowly dangerous corpse that is the House of the Dragon. Vhagar climbs into the sky with Aemond barely keeping a handle on him. He does well and as a child he wouldn't be aware of any etiquette when it came to grieving and Dragons. He would just make a decision. The twins awaken Jace as we see the two incesticles finishing up their scene. And the boy lands the fucking dragon over the set up pavilion area where the Mourning was taking. Jace the kids proceed to beat the shit and he decides to threaten the kids and insults. We see ALicent being a total fucking Karen instead of properly punishing her kids as Aemond is questioned by the King. All Aegon does after he's ratted on is says everyone's.  And the King demands peace. Queen Karen demands an eye from and she steps forward. Yup, this girl will just not let it fucking go. The King threaten's tongues when I could have started disinheriting people and exiling him. ANd the Queen slashes the Princess of Dragonstone, yeah in this instance I would have unmade her as Queen. The firstblood of the Dance is when Alicent strikes, not Jace. And yes, the kid lost an eye, but he got the oldest fucking Dragon in all of Westeros. WE see Daemon and Rhae standing before Criston and ALicent. THe two pairs that will actually form the basis of all Black and Greens. Otto is back. I get that she is mad, but honestly really, if she had spent less time formenting all this hate she could have taken the Iron Throne without blood. Otto being the shitty enabler he is and seems to be intent and continues to blame Rhae for her own actions. Seriously people, your own actions are your own. Yes, some are influenced by others, but when you commit a violent action because you resent someone. Its on you to move forward. If they are a toxic person this is good, if they are an ebuser or worse even better. But right now, Vhagar wa the one who provoked the fight, and it was their shitty raising of the kids which brought this. The Kids did make their actions but let us remember, these are FUCKING CHILDREN. Aemond picks up shit from his family, and it is the actions of parents and friends that make kids create their bloody morale compass. So yes, I am laying blame on both kids. Yes, the kids had harsh lives, but they have shitty examples like SIr Cristion, Daemon (who is happy to beat the shit out of people) to influence them. And we learn that impart it was Laenor's own strong reaction to hetero sex which likely which became the boundary. Laenor decides that he is here, and I think in a way that will invigorate Rhae's own detachment. Harwin is gone to be that support and so she's languishing in her grieving. It doesn't help that Alicent is basically been compressed by the men in her life to become the Karen she is now. Note I lay a lot of the enabling on Criston because he's a piece of shit incel anyway. Larys doesn't help either. The queen gives into her darker nature rather than controlling determinate for pure rage. As they leave Driftmark a lone vessel heads to Kingslanding as the Green Dragons head back to Kingslanding. The remaining Black aligned Dragons remain at Driftmark where it will become a stronghold of the Black Council. Rhae watches them all leave beside Daemon as she speaks to him. Larys is there to be a passive shit and instead of telling him to shut the fuck up. She listens to him as she realizes he's willing to do dark shit. ANd luckily she's back in her fucking rationality and denies him. Sticking him in her back pocket isn't a bad idea, but she should have kept a tigther lease on him. And not listened to his whisper. "I cannot face the Green's alone." She speaks to him about how they want to reunite the Dragonblood. Yup, they are already calling the Hightower Targs the greens. "We will always will burn together." And she is aware that Laenor will have to die if Daemon is to take her side. Can we all agree that killing off BIPOC characters in the current fashion which are kind of fucked up. There is a lot here we could have treated better. As the two duel we see the foolishness that the writers are willing to toss aware Laenor and Laena. Daemon is willing to kill people as the Targs leave a lane of bodies in their path to power. Like this is one of my heaviest critiques of the series again, its relying way too fucking much on killing peoples who aren't necessarily the pretty blonde white people. Daemon and RHae have a traditional Valyrian heading bonding their blood together. Wearing red stained clothing and marking their foreheads with each others blood the incesticles begins once again. As the two kiss Laenor is alive, having faked his death and joining Sir Qarl for a time of freedom. Okay, I liked how Laenor just fucked off and faked his death. I feel sorry for the damn servant but still nice little ending. Gay Canon A lot of the tension in the scene where the two "Queens' are arguing sets a lot of good scene ieas for alt verses. I'd love to see one where the women get into a hate fucking or hate kissing. Now a few other things is Laenor fucking off to Essos would make a pretty good tale honestly. Hottakes:
So, Hull, the one town on Diftmark has a lot of Dragonseed and House Velaryon has a lot of obvious cadet branch families with how many white heads I saw at the mourning pavilion.
Vhagar being maybe one of the apparent mothers of all the main dragons makes her killing them later on so fucking sad.
Aemond being a total prat against everyone shows you that thedarker tone of the Targs is coming to the fore.
Helaena deserves better than what her terribad parents are going to give her.
Colrys' own ambition is yes one of the proto-starts of the fucking Black Council.
Otto is back to being a shitty enabler and along with Incel Knight is going to fuck shit up even mooore.
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ourobororos · 2 years
for the drawing thing: colress? maybe? if youre still taking ideas
im actually too tired to draw more tonight but i have a few colresses (colri?) lying around for you. here you go
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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liaa--qb · 2 months
do you think that team black Stans takes this hotd war topic too much And They are very much hypocrite ?? I was new in this fandom and stand with team black. I hate to say this many of them spoil whole fun on Twitter debate.I have seen their jealousy alot at Aemond getting more attention than some of their characters by audience.They made stories about him like he r@ped Alys.They would have hated daeron if he was there since first season lmao. What's your take on team black stans. Don't mistake me as a Aemond wife. I am against team green but admitting I kinda liked his character only as villian. Helaena is the only person I love in team green
EXACTLY ! This..... EXACTLY this.. see firstly m not a team supporter or stan here. I am just enjoying d show till it's tolerable😅. I just want a good show dat's it. I am not on Twitter thankfully, I am well aware what goes on there n you can hate Aemond all u want. He's a villian ofcourse 🙏🏻
Fire and blood was boring but show has chance to be better atleast though if they ever want to try😑... Regarding ur take , it's gonna be bit long now as I don't do this long stuff unless it's a fic😭
lemme tell the truth now.... ik many dumb ones are not gonna like it 😂
yes there are majority of hypocrite team black Stans who would make up these bullshits mainly with Aemond like "they gave Jace's qualities to Aemond, Aemond r*ped Alys". Jace's one was the most random 😂
bitch... like where you thought after reading the book n watching show that they gave Jace's qualities to Aemond 💀😭 ??? Where... I read the book too😂. My friends who actually introduced me to hotd who are book purists too , even they laughed on this theory when I told them.
" Jace and Aegon were adapted exactly the way they were in the books ! " It's a fact Listen I love Tom Glynn Carney too (like how can you not🥵) but sorry to those Aegon girlies who were just saying that they forcefully made Aegon a r*pist. He was like this in the book very much. They both were shown correctly how they should have been in s1.
Both green and blacks were given some good and bad shots equally in show. Bad n good shots for God's sake doesn't mean one is Angel and other one being devil. It's about writing or storyline regarding both teams. N this whole jealousy or hypocrisy towards Aemond of some team black stans is nothing but a childish stupidity to me and it's obvious that Aemond would get alot attention in show than many N y not ? 🤦🏻‍♀️
[ top 3 characters from both teams will get attention. Show will be divided into two teams from Team black it's Rhaenyra, Daemon , Colrys n (someone with corlys) who would be focused more N from team Green it would Alicent, Aegon, Aemond. Majority of Attention would be given to Rhaenyra, Alicent n Aegon as they are main 3 . It should be very much clear to every person who read the book , to me it was as I read only after watching the S1 trailer. Wasn't this very much obvious in the book. ]
Also Aemond never r*ped or assaulted Alys in the book. We never got inside of their relationship in book. He can in the show though🤷🏻‍♀️.... if makers want to. He took her as war prize which was very much common for every guy winning war.
Honestly Alys was far yrs older fucking powerful witch😭 she would eat Aemond alive be fr if she wanted to. She would have killed him way easily in starting itself . Yes there relationship was problematic n it was power imbalance both sides. They both were using each other. Aemond was clearly under her spell or either for her powers and so was Alys. Who was taking her best from Aemond's position whatever she could get from both sides.
If Grrm lit wanted to show that Aemond r*ped Alys he would have done it very well like he does this with his all other characters who were actually r@pists but he didn't. On the contrary side he wrote Aemond as evil goth twink who never wanted to scare the ladies at court n wore eye patch bcz of that😂. Same guy was making out with his floris and fell hard under spell of strong bastard witch calling her 'my lady !'
Let me clear that also Aemond not being a r@pist doesn't make him a less bad person either. He was a sadist tyrant n murderer psychopath in book. This is what made him a villian or bad guy. But the problem with some team black Stans is that they knew that audience will start giving him the ' typical Kylo ren' treatment which he's getting. ( Idk how one cannot see this coming after reading dance of d in FNB, it was very much predicted I knew it). They don't want to give any good points to any team green characters in their silly game. Like as if audience don't hype bad guys more than good guys😑.
Same way when same audience hyped Daemon more than Harwin then they don't have any problem but if audience likes Aemond n Daeron more than team black kids then their ass hate to see this n would write whole new made up reasons for not to like any team green member while cheering any other character which they like for same thing.
Funny thing is that many team black daemon lovers would write how he was right man, he killed all r*pist from city while this is the same daemon who fucks literally little girls who are prostitutes n loves it which is very much written in book. Ofcourse mysaria was with him since her childhood. As prostitutes have no other options. Taking prince like daemon and Aegon was better for their survival.
He is canon p*dophile in book but yes if Aemond is r@pist then Daemon's account of doing r@pe is way higher than Aemond even before when Aemond was born. Now why would those black Stans admit this ? 😂 never....... Believe me when I say that some of them are that level of jokers who would say that Maegor is good and daeron is bad just because he is from team green.
I really like daemon too n daemon had his bad qualities n good qualities both 🧡atleast I like the way he is . It clearly shows that some Stans they cannot even like or hate the character for what they are. They are dumbass kids watching some cartoon fight with two team. They just want to hate one team for any reason n like other team for any random reason
Mind you....many of them even hate Helaena unnecessary but same time would love Laena and for what ????🤡🤡
what I hated regarding Aemond in show :-
now things I accept that Aemond not killing Luce was very much wrong and I hated that too. Because it was not good for plot tbh for me. It's just messing up with already messed up world building. Aemond as a villian got a very much reason to Luce n y should he not ? now that's thing I genuinely think that was done wrong regarding Aemond's character, people hating it is very much justified because it very much makes luc's death stupid rather than sad.
But making up reasons like they gave everything to Aemond like they didn't made Aemond totally bad during drift mark scene as we get sympathy for rhaena n we understood her reason for being angry on Aemond atleast n Aemond insulting her. but in books it's lit Nyra's kids who were not minding their own business n Aemond was just beating them n throwing them far away from him instead of killing them with rock like in the show but ofcourse this wasn't visible to team black Stans. Because in the book honestly Aemond was very much correct during drift mark scene.
They removed viserys's taunting Aemond regarding dragon which was very important.
They showed Harwin beating Criston but we all know it was Criston who took both Harwin and Daemon easily and so many of I started to count regarding team green were done equally wrong.
just see the dumbness and hyporcrisy I once saw Darkling and rhys Stans saying bullshit about Aegon and Aemond 😂😂. Same Darkling who physically assaulted Alina, abused her. The one who gave little girls like Genya to get r@ped by the old hag king for his benefit n
the way LB wrote him I can very say that she hated him as well. And Rhys is whole another level bullshit 😂if started to write. They were not even a good written bad guys. These same idiots would typing whole ass reasons to like them. It's funny that Darkling supporters would hate Otto hightower as if they aren't the same thing 🤣. Otto slays more as compared Darkling.
many of them pretend to care about representation saying that 'Jace should not have Sara n it would hurt baela n would make her unwanted ' while same time giving thousand reasons of there was nothing bet Nettles and Daemon so that it would not harm their Daemyra. So many of them were happy when there wasn't any news regarding nettles. ( It's not only team black , many of team green stans r equally hypocrite here you asked me of team black )
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