#come in come in O Weary Traveller
ladymoonpearl · 9 months
BL Palace Writer Resolutions
(The BL Palace Tumblr (@blpalace) is doing a little thing~! Excuse me while I answer the call.)
Did you finish a project this year? If so, congratulations! Please tell us a little about it and share a link!
I did, but the direct link doesn't exist yet! This year, I submitted a short story to the BL Palace's winter anthology, which will be releasing soon. The theme is "Cold Farewells and Warm Reunions", and I have written (technically) for both of them.
I don't want to spoil the surprise, but the anthology will be released on their account here. I heartily recommend joining us for it! There's even a fun little commenting competition.
Still working on an ongoing WIP? How was your progress this year? Let’s see those links too!
I am, uhh... Planning. Always planning. But at least I'm making progress!
Right now, I'm working on a magical (fem)boy story set in a Spain-inspired fantasy world. I want it to be a more mature story than the Neoclassical anime and manga I grew up with, but not tragic like Madoka Magica and its successors.
I need to do more research on the various cultures that have influenced and are now a part of Spain, but I'm hoping to solidify the world building and move onto cast-building soon.
What are your writing resolutions for the coming year?
I really want to start writing this magical boy story before the end of 2024. I've been playing the field too long and it's time I committed to something.
Bonus question: Pick any character from any of your stories (finished or ongoing) and tell us what’s on their wish list. Have they been naughty or nice? Do you think they’ll get what they want?
Hm... Mephisto, from "When Angels Wear Prada", wants an extra special giant hamster run for his, uhh... Pack of hamsters. Flip a coin on how far the witch of the castle is willing to indulge this insanity.
(Alternatively, a ring, but we all know that's a matter of when and not if.)
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romanteacism · 1 month
Knight Aemond x Princess Reader Please
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Synopsis: You've come to learn the fact that your sworn protector has a hard time denying your requests. Warnings: None (yet), Aemond and Reader coming some realizations, ¿infatuation?, Aemond Concerned, Fluff PREVIOUS PART / NEXT PART
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“How much further?” You asked, voice louder as you peeked your head out of the moving wheelhouse so you could speak with your knight who rode atop his horse beside you. “A few more hours, princess— we shall arrive before sundown.” Ser Aemond replied, watching as a pout formed on your lips as you were growing bored with the endless hours on the road. “I’m bored,” You sigh, trying to make conversation with your knight whilst half of your body dangled on the edge of the wheelhouse. 
“Princess, you must sit down— you might hurt yourself,” Aemond said, concerned the roads were quite uneven, and he was certain that with just one bump, you’d fall from the slot. “But my legs are numb! Can we not rest for a moment?” You questioned, trying to look for Ser Aemond’s eye through the slats of his helmet. Widening your own eyes, imploring him to agree. “The princess is right; we had been riding since first light. We could rest for a moment.” Ser Adam then intruded on your conversation, riding faster and abandoning his post that was behind the wheelhouse. “Return to your station, Ser Adam.” Aemond gritted as the knight rode beside him. 
“Ser Aemond, please! Just an hour, I’m certain the drivers are weary from travel as well! We could all use rest.” You implored, clutching tightly upon the window frame as the wheelhouse jostled, making Aemond take in a sharp breath as he was overly concerned that you might harm yourself. “Fine, just half an hour, princess. Your brother gave strict orders that we must arrive before sundown.” He sighed, motioning for Adam to tell the drivers to halt and rest by the side. “Thank you!” You sang and finally complied with your knight’s orders to sit back down. When the doors opened, you were met with the muddied ground, and before one of the squires could place a cloth over it, Ser Aemond took hold of your waist and lifted you off the ground into the grass. “Come, Theo,” You called, and the jingle of your cat’s collar could be heard as he leaped from the wheelhouse and found his place by your side. 
“Have we brought enough food for them?” You asked Ser Aemond as the drivers and footmen rested by the distance. Ser Aemond assisted you with a blanket placed under a tree where refreshments were served. “Yes, princess,” Aemond nodded and stood by your side, your pet cat suddenly hissing, making your knight reluctantly take a tiny step away from you. “Would you like some Sers?” You asked, offering them some custard tarts and lemon cakes as well as tea. Ser Adam was ready to agree, but Ser Aemond spoke. “No, thank you, princess, we are on watch.” He gritted, glaring at his fellow knight, who defeatedly sighed. “Oh, come now, there are no dangers here— we are quite literally in the middle of nowhere. Help yourself, Ser Adam,” You smiled, and it took no further convincing for Ser Adam to take a lemon cake into his hands. 
You took a custard tart onto a napkin and raised it to Ser Aemond, who shook his head. “Stop being stubborn; I’m well sure you are famished as well. Just eat, Ser Aemond,” You sighed, but your knight was hard-headed. “Please,” You said once more and waited as your knight sighed and reluctantly took the pastry from your hand. You hindered your smirk as you were coming to realize that one specific word had your knight succumbing to your requests. 
You were chatting with Ser Adam, and as always, Ser Aemond stayed silent, only speaking when you directly asked him a question. Ser Aemond moved to stand directly behind you as he noticed you were constantly readjusting your posture because your back was already sore. He stood behind you as a silent message for you to use his legs to rest your back, which you gladly did. Perhaps it was beneath or too much of him to do such actions, but he could not help but to— it did not sit well with him when you were in discomfort, and besides, you were always so grateful for him and his actions. 
“Princess, we must go— rain is about to come,” As the words left your knight’s lips, a clap of loud thunder sounded out, making you jump. “Yes, of course,” you say and hastily stand as the footmen quickly pack away the blanket you sat upon along with the refreshments you were served.  Ser Aemond once again lifted you off the ground so you would not step on the mud, fast with his actions as he mounted his horse and yelled towards the driver to move. 
The rain was punishing. It did not cease even for a moment, and luckily, the roads did not prove cumbersome, and you arrived at your destination without much hassle. “Are you well?” You asked your knight quietly as he, in his armor, was soaked. “Yes, princess. It was just rain.” He said, but both of your attention was caught by Ser Adam, who had a sneezing fit and was quick to grow unwell. Aemond rolled his eye at the sensitivity of his fellow knight. It was just water— weakling.“See to it that Ser Adam is brought to a Maester,” you said softly as your brother came towards you to greet you. “Yes, princess,” Ser Aemond nodded and let go of your arm as you headed towards your brother. 
“Finally! Father was growing restless! We thought you would be stranded in the rain.” Your brother sighed as he kissed your cheek in greeting. “We’re fine, but why is it raining? It is not supposed to be summer?” You questioned as the sole reason why you and your family ventured to your summer palace by the sea was because the heat in the capitol was unbearable. You did not expect to be greeted with such great amounts of rainfall. “No one can explain it— anyway, come, supper is served.” He said and ushered you inside the castle walls, leaving your knight behind to dry himself. 
Aemond shuffled through the halls as the summer palace was unfamiliar to him. It took him half an hour to find the great hall where you and your family ate, and luckily, as he arrived, you had just finished your meal. “Should you not rest, Ser Aemond?” You questioned as you guided your knight through the halls of the castle that was unfamiliar to him. “I am well, Your Highness,” He replied, memorizing each turn you would take. “But you still need rest— Ser Brandon could take the watch.” You suggested halting your steps. “I am fine, princess, truly.” He sighed, but you shook your head. “I insist you rest. Ser Adam was already taken by sickness— please, you must rest.” You said, taking hold of his arm, imploring him to do as you say. You hear his reluctantly sigh again, and you bite the insides of your cheeks. “Very well then, if you insist… but I shall return at first light.” He said, apprehension heavy in his voice. You smiled and nodded. “Of course. Good night, Ser Aemond,” you nodded and walked a few steps toward your chambers, but your knight waited until you disappeared, and he was certain that you had bared your door before he left and called upon Ser Brandon.
When morning broke, it was as if the rain had never came. “Good morrow, Ser Aemond,” You chirped as you exited your chambers, silently noting the absence of your second knight, much to the relief of your first. “Good morrow, princess.” He bowed and followed you as he was still to learn the routes of the castle. “Have you ever been to the ocean, Ser Aemond?” You asked as you guided him towards the path that led to the sea, where you would take your meals during your stay. “Only once, princess. When my family and I attended a funeral,” He answered. “Oh,” was all you could say at the rather sad fact. “I’m sorry,” You say quietly, and Aemond nodded. “Well, I hope your stay here will be more cheerful,” You added as he assisted you to your seat. 
Aemond did not care for the sea. It smelled of fish, and the sand that blew in the wind always landed on his eye and clung to his boots. He found the sound of crashing waves vexatious and the shrill cries of seagulls irritating. He, however, observed that you were happy as a clam. You slipped off your slippers and buried your feet into the cool sand; your eyes followed each crash of the waves, and you hummed along to the cries of the seagulls. He never thought of you as someone who would love the sea, which was an oversight on his part, for he had seen you countless times painting seascapes during the afternoon. 
“What did the masters say about Ser Adam’s condition.” You asked as your knight escorted you as you walked along the shore. He was holding your parasol and the slippers that you had discarded. You, as well, noticed he forwent his usual metal armor and instead wore a simple leather tunic. “He has a cough and is bedridden with fever. The maesters say it would take him a week or two to recover.” Aemond answered, resisting the smirk that was twitching on his lip. He was not joyous about his fellow knight’s ailment but rather his absence, leaving you and him just as it ought to be. “That’s a shame,” you say, and Aemond only nodded, though he did not wholly agree.
“What are you doing, princess?” You saw the deep frown on your sworn protector’s face as you sat on the sand. “Building a sand castle,” you smiled as your hands moved to gather sand, piling them high. “Come, join me.” You say, motioning to your side, wanting your knight to experience one of your favorite pastimes whilst you stay in the summer palace. Ser Aemond shook his head, looking at you oddly though he tried to make his face blank. “Come now, it’s fun!” You urged as you formed the sand in your hands; Aemond was mesmerized at how quickly molded the sand to your will. “Please,” You sang, begging him with your eyes, counting inwardly until Ser Aemond would let out a reluctant sigh. You reached the number five, and eventually, Ser Aemond crouched across from you, humoring your request and helping you build a structure with the sand. Who was he to deny your requests anyway? 
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Taglist: @anukulee @ladyriverasafespace
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theweewooshow · 3 months
Buck wakes up to his limbs being moved, to the mattress shifting with the weight change of Tommy getting out of bed.
He’s bleary-eyed as he lifts his head, a questioning sound leaving his throat before he’s even opened his mouth, trying to figure out why his sleep is being interrupted when he’s still so tired.
Tommy shushes him and leans down, kisses above his eyebrow—his birthmark, his favorite spot to kiss soft like this.
Buck looks up at him, his mouth trying to form the word stay.
Tommy kisses his forehead again and says, “Go back to bed, sweetheart.”
And Buck is tempted to sink back into the warm sheets and let sleep take him again because his body is sore and he’s bone-tired and weary after a tough shift yesterday, but then he hears the shower start up and remembers that Tommy switched shifts with someone from another shift so they could go to their kid’s dance recital today.
So he rolls over and sits up, stretching out his arms and his neck and his back, getting some of the kinks out before he drags himself out of bed with a groan.
He trudges downstairs to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. He shakes the fog from his brain as he blinks at the machine, watching it sputter to life.
He pours himself a cup when it’s done and pours one for Tommy too, who he knows will be out of the bathroom soon.
He sips coffee from his mug, taking stock of what fruit they have left and what breakfast proteins they have in the fridge as he formulates a plan for breakfast.
He’s cutting up some bananas so he can make a Bananas Foster topping for pancakes when he hears Tommy coming down the stairs.
He smiles when Tommy slides up behind him, warm from the shower and smelling like Buck’s shampoo.
“Morning,” Tommy says, wrapping his arm around his waist, leaning his full weight against him, his chin tucked over Buck’s shoulder as he yawns into his neck.
“Good morning,” Buck says, turning his head to press a kiss to Tommy’s temple.
“Thought I told you to go back to sleep,” Tommy says, voice light and teasing as his hand travels across Buck’s chest to rest on his shoulder, effectively wrapping Buck up in him, making him feel held and warm and too many emotions for this early in the morning.
“You know I don't always like following orders,” Buck says, smirking as he returns to cutting up the bananas in front of him.
“Yeah, when you’re being a brat,” Tommy says, a fond sort of exasperation creeping into his voice. He nuzzles into Buck’s neck, his nose pressed against the bolt of his jaw.
“I didn't want you to have to eat breakfast alone,” Buck admits after a second, utterly incapable of being insincere when Tommy has him in his arms like this, when he keeps him close and just doesn't let go.
It’s one of his favorite things about being with Tommy, how when they’re alone together, Tommy always wants him pressed right up against him, no matter what they’re doing—whether it’s watching TV or cooking or doing laundry, he just always wants Buck close to him.
It was a surprising thing to learn about Tommy—how clingy he actually is. He seemed more aloof when they first met, but once he let Buck in, the shift was pretty quick. And Buck is absolutely not going to complain about that, not when he gets to have this whenever he wants.
He leans back into Tommy’s embrace when he finishes prepping the bananas, letting the warmth of Tommy’s body seep into him, letting his hands drift along Tommy’s arms around him, his fingers tracing up and down his skin.
“You’re sweet,” Tommy whispers, his lips pressing soft, deliberate kisses to Buck’s neck.
Buck would normally be more than content to stay here, wrapped up as he is—to turn his head and brush his nose against Tommy’s before their lips touch, to bring his hand up and curl his fingers into Tommy’s hair to keep him where he wants him, to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him like there’s nothing else he’d rather be doing, to kiss him until his mouth is sore and red and the air around them is warmed through with the heat of their kisses—but they’re on a tight schedule this morning with only another hour or so before Tommy has to leave.
So even as he basks in the quiet comfort of this moment, he asks, “You gonna let me make you breakfast?”
Tommy’s arms tighten around him, his mouth pressing firmer to the junction of his neck and shoulder. “In a minute,” he murmurs.
Buck hums in response, closing his eyes. He’s got no place to be but right here.
also posted on ao3!
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itsbeeble · 1 month
Take My Soul, Take My Heart
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SUMMARY: Seonghwa is a monster, this he knows. He is a monster, but he just can't help the obsession he has with love. You have taken his soul, staked your claim on his heart, and now he wants all of you
GENRE: smut, angst
PAIRING: pirate!Park Seonghwa x afab!reader
WC: 6,571
PERM TAGLIST: @winterchimez @juyeonszn @flwoie
FIC TAGLIST: @sanaxo-o
WARNINGS: jesus christ yall im wishing you luck with this fic fr, lots of plot, violence (like a lot), many mentions of blood, weapons (knives, swords, guns), threats, swearing, alcohol, seonghwa is lowkey obsessed with love, Seonghwa and reader are both a bit psychotic, they kill a man (actually many men), bad depictions of pirates arrrrghhhhh, manipulation, murder, mentions of brothels, actually there are some scenes in a brothel so yeah, p in v sex, marking, oral (f and m receiving), poorly done dirty talk i fear, unprotected sex (please wrap it irl), this is actually kind of vile, mayhaps future hongjoong x reader but who knows, not edited so pls lmk if i forgot anything or if anything looks dumb as hell
A/N: HEYYYYYYY how y'all doinggggggg. thank you to @deobienthusiast for beta reading this IT TOOK ME SO LONG BUT RAAAHHHHHHH SHE HELPED MEEEEE. I've been wanting to do a pirate fic for so long but i never got around to it BUT HERE WE AREEEE PLEASE ENJOY AND REBLOG IF YOU LIKED IT PLSPLSPLS
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Seonghwa learned a long time ago that love was nearly impossible with his life style. 
No matter his charms, no matter his will, no matter how he fucked, no one would stay. Not once they found out who he was, what he’s done. The crimes he’s committed are enough to sway those that he swore he would protect as he worshipped them under the light of the moon, above the swaying waves. Love, however, is nothing to him compared to the power he feels when on the ocean.
It was a choice hat he made a long time ago. A promise, really, that he made to Hongjoong the moment he’d stepped onto the wooden planks of the Blue Bird. He gave up the idea of love when he first drew a blade, when he felt the first drops of blood hit his skin and stain his clothing. The blood of men and women who threatened his crew, who threatened his lovers, who threatened him. He’d grown accustomed to the metallic stench, to the warmth of the red liquid against his skin. He practically bathed in it, relished in the feeling of it. 
Seonghwa doesn’t understand it, this feeling in his chest. This burning to be worshipped and loved. He cannot comprehend the longing, the desire in his stomach and in his heart. The longing that never leaves, lingering at the corner of his mind and at the tip of his tongue. Love is nothing compared to the power he feels with the weight of a blade in his hand, the metal of a gun at his hip. Love is a hindrance, love is nothing compared to the feeling of his weapon cutting through the air, through the flesh and bone of those who wrong him.
Seonghwa is soaked in blood still as he steps off the ship, his boots leaving wet footprints against the dock. Had the color of his clothing not been violently stained in the color, it could have been mistaken for the salty water that pushes and pulls against the rocky cliffs around him. A shoulder brushes against his, a hand pressing back against his chest to stop him in his tracks as Hongjoond looks up at him. That stern look is in his eye, one that the first mate had grown used to over the years.
“You know what we’re here for,” the captain’s voice is raspy. “Do us all a favor and don’t get distracted by any…side quests, if you will.”
Seonghwa’s tongue runs over his teeth, his shoulders rolling back and one of his hands coming to rest on the hilt of his sword. 
“When do I ever get distracted?” Hongjoong’s eyes are weary with travel, flicking from Seonghwa’s head down to his toes.
“Not what I meant, Hwa.”
“He means,” Wooyoung comes from behind the two, squeezing between them and throwing his arms around their shoulders. “Don’t fuck anyone. You know it never ends well for either party.” 
Seonghwa’s lip curls at the younger crew member’s words but he manages to hold his tongue. 
“Leave the man alone, Wooyoung.” San chides, pulling the cook back by the collar. “It’s not his fault he becomes blind when it comes to women.” Both men laugh, and Hongjoong folds his hands behind his back. 
“And this is funny to you two because…?” the captain’s eyebrow arches, his eyes glittering with a warning. 
“Well, I mean,” San stands a bit straighter. “Shouldn’t he know by now that ‘love’ doesn’t work with our lifestyle? Women find us, they fuck, take a bit of gold, and run off or try to kill us before the sun rises. Sometimes both at the same time. Love isn’t something that works with us. We’re blind to it, or it is blind to us.” 
Seonghwa pushes Wooyoung off his shoulder, his lips drawn into a thin line. Suddenly the bloody clothing that clings to his body burn like fire, uncomfortable and scratchy. 
“I have things to do,” he states with an eerie calmness. “I’ll be back by sundown.”
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You take notice of the man the moment he steps into the tavern. Maybe it was his delicate features. Maybe it was the way the tavern went quiet with something similar to awe or fear or both. 
Or maybe it was the blood staining his clothing and dripping onto your freshly cleaned fucking floor.
You can barely hold your tongue as he approaches your counter, your jaw ticking and your eyes narrowed. His own, like that of a fox, are darting from person to person as if measuring how long it would take to strike them down. In a bar full of pirates, he is one of few that came alone. 
When his eyes land on you, he straightens his spine. I am powerful, I am a god, fear me. His body language is screaming the words, but you’re screaming right back.
One wrong fucking move and I’ll have your ass on the ground with a bullet between those pretty eyes before you can blink.
His lips twitch up into a smirk, yours deepen into a scowl.
“You got blood on my floor.” 
“I apologize.” 
“You don’t sound genuine.” 
He leans against the counter, eyes searching yours curiously. A glove-covered hand slides a gold coin toward you, your heart jolts. 
“I am sorry.”
“Apology accepted, gorgeous.” Your painted red lips curl into a delighted smile as you snatch up the coin before curious hands wandered a bit too close. “What can I get for you?”
“Mead, any will do.” His eyes seem to be searching you, sizing you up, and his tongue runs over his teeth. You do as he says, all too aware of his eyes watching you and staring you up and down. You weren’t a fool. You knew of your…features and what drew customers in. Men, women, you couldn’t care less so long as it got you what you wanted. Gold. Silver. Fuck, even copper would do sometimes. There was hardly a level you wouldn’t stoop to if it meant paying back your debt. 
You turn back to him, a mug of honey wine in one hand. He still watches you, curious and unashamedd of how how examines you. You let him, knowing deep down that you were doing precisely the same in order to ignore the man under your counter. 
“Anything else, gorgeous?” You lean forward, tongue dancing across your red lips. He watches the motion and smiles coyly. 
You kiss your teeth, arms folding on the counter as you watch him glance around the bar. “On?”
“A man going by the name of Socha.” 
Your body stills, fingers curling into tight fists. You feel eyes burning into your skull, and the gun barrel pressing into your hip grows tighter.
“I know of no one by that name.” 
The man searches your gaze, and you can’t find yourself wanting to look away. You want so desperately to scream out. He’s here, you want to tell him, there is a gun against my hip and a room filled with his crew all around you. Help me!
“Are you sure?” The man leans closer to you, tilting his head and bringing his lips close to your ear. “There’s a reward in it for you if you tell me where he is.”
“I know of no one by that name.” You repeat. “I would greatly appreciate it if you left my bar now, sir.”
He pulls back from you, pursing his lips briefly before returning to the malicious smirk. “If you change your mind, find Seonghwa on the Blue Bird.”
You don’t move a muscle until the door he entered through is shut. The tavern returns to its original volume, and the gun against your hip lowers. Your fists unfurl, and the gold coin hits the ground. 
Socha rises from beneath your counter, lips spread in a vile grin and a stench that makes you want to gag. 
“Maybe you’ll be useful after all, barkeep.” He leans in close to you, raising his gun to brush stray hair out of your face. Your throat tightens and your eyes squeeze shut, every muscle in your body screaming to run. “Loyalty isn’t something we take lightly on the Skylark.”
“I understand,” you choke out, praying to anyone who might listen that the gun leaves your temple. “Thank you for the…opportunity to prove my worth.”
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Seonghwa doesn’t appreciate liars.
He also doesn’t appreciate the fact that the captain of the Skylark had decided to take an innocent woman hostage at his favorite bar in his favorite city. 
It was obvious what had been happening. Sure, it was typical for a port city to be filled to the brim with pirates, especially at the local taverns. What wasn’t typical was for the tavern to be filled to the brim with pirates wearing clothing the color of drying blood, a symbol that the Skylark crew had taken in the early days when Socha spilled blood across the ocean for miles and miles, his clothing stained so dark it looked black. 
He wasn’t stupid. He saw the fear sparking in your eyes the moment he said Socha’s name. Now it was time for him to wait for you to come to him. 
“You seem so sure that this barkeep will show her face.” Yeosang sits on the steps leading to the upper deck, twirling a curved blade between his fingers.
“She was terrified. Socha was there. Whether she wants to or not, she’ll be on this ship tonight with information we need.” 
Seonghwa leans against the railing, steadying himself against the waves that crash against the side of the ship. He’d changed out of the bloodstained clothing hours ago, washed the dried liquid off of his skin and let it run into the ocean. The sun is beginning to set, casting a golden light against his face that he soaks in with delight. The warmth of these last rays clings to him, and it’s when the sun has finally set below the horizon that he accepts that you will not be coming to the ship this night. 
“Maybe you need to do a bit more convincing than just giving a woman gold,” Yunho stomps up the stairs from the lower deck, a crate in his hands and a grin on his lips. “Maybe that’ll get you something in a brothel, but that was a woman working in a tavern. She knows better.”
“Shut up, Yunho.” Seonghwa spits out, whirling on his feet and stalking toward the gangway with burning ears and a boiling hot temper. 
He was pissed. He had truly believed that you’d show up. Was Socha still holding you in that tavern? Were you afraid of him? Were you afraid of what might happen if the captain found out? Were you loyal to the Skylark?
Seonghwa huffs, his hand finding the hilt of his sword again as he makes his way into the port city. It’s busier now that the sun is down, the streets crowded and filled with vendors of all sorts. Weaponsmiths, farmers, beggars, thieves. The streets became alive with everyone under the stars. It made it more difficult to maneuver quickly and quietly, but Seonghwa knew that he would only draw attention to himself if he moved any faster than he was. 
A delicate hand grabs his elbow and faster than the brothel worker could blink, there’s a dagger against her throat and her back is against the wall. Her eyes are wide, her lips parted with shock. Seonghwa drops the blade just as fast as he’d drawn it, his eyes lit with annoyance. 
“Care for a step inside?” Her tone, despite her previous shock, was sultry and enough to draw almost any many in. 
“I am not interested in what you have to offer.” Seonghwa begins to pull away, but her grip tightens. Her eyes are desperate now, and Seonghwa allows himself to pause.
“I believe you will be very interested to know that someone has paid good money to speak to you,” she speaks quickly, tugging at his arm to guide him to the door. “Please. Step inside. They will guide you to where you need to be.”
Against all that tells him to turn the other way and run, Seunghwa listens to the woman. She steps to the side, that seductive look plastered back onto her face as she guides him and other patrons into the building. 
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The stench of sex is heavy in the air. It’s thick and nearly overwhelming his senses. Or, perhaps, it is the burning incense that overwhelms him. The smoke provides a haze, distracting him from the naked bodies all around him. Scattered across th4e ground, in chairs, on tables, in rooms that are only covered by a loose, sheer cloth overe the doorway. He avoids looking at anyone he can, but then his eyes find you. 
You’re tucked away in the corner farthest from him, your eyes watching his every move. His head tilts, tracing your body with his eyes. Nearly bare like the women around you, covered only by a shear cloth seemingly lined with gold. You tilt your head up, practically beckoning him toward you.
He follows you, putting up no fight against the primal urges inside of him that tell him to pin you against the wall and take you right there. 
His steps, careful and calculated, weave through the bodies on the floor, following you into the darkest corners of the brothel. You don’t let him get close, no matter how he chases you. It’s like a game to you, and you’re winning. Seonghwa lets it happen. 
“I’m sure you understand why I brought you here,” you murmur, your voice hardly louder than the sexual noises around you. A private room in the very back of the building and secured by a wooden door. “I had to speak to you where we could be…private, able to speak freely.” 
Seonghwa, for a long moment, doesn’t say a word. He watches the way your hips sway with every step, watches how you bend forward to light each candle. 
“You said you wanted information,” you speak again, coming to stand directly in front of him. Your breasts brush against his ribcage, your hands reaching for his. “I’m prepared to give you it.”
“In exchange for a quick fuck?” He raises an eyebrow, tilting his head at you. You only smirk.
“I had to bring you somewhere logical. Pirates love brothels almost as much as they love my bar. Besides, if anyone comes stomping in here, at least they’ll get a good show, won’t they?” 
You push Seonghwa towards the large fur-covered mattress with more force than he’d expected. He stumbles back, letting himself fall back until his spine meets fur. You’re quick to crawl over him, sheer fabric coming loose and allowing your breasts to come free. 
“Why are you looking for Socha?” You ask him, hips rolling down against his. Seonghwa stifles a groan, relishing in the feeling of your grinding hips and the way your nails digging into his chest. His hands grip the flesh of your thighs, squeezing tight enough to leave marks. 
“Why was he in your bar?” the pirate counters, eyes drooping in a lust filled haze. You click your tongue leaning down and nipping at the lobe of his ear. 
“I asked a question first.” Your lips trail kisses down his neck, a trail of red lipstick following you, and Seonghwa feels air brush against his chest as you undo the buttons of his shirt. “Answer me, gorgeous.”
“He has something of mine,” he says, annoyingly calm given the circumstances you have him in. “I want it back.”
You roll your hips down with more force, leaning back to admire his sculpted body. You shouldn’t be shocked. He’s a pirate after all. One with a gorgeous face, gorgeous body, and you’d be willing to bet his cock is equally as perfect. Your mouth waters at the thought, your body sliding back so you have easy access to his cock. 
“What does he have?”
Seonghwa sits up, leaning back on his hands as you work at his pants. A lazy smirk is plastered on his face, one that has your stomach churning and pussy dripping with need. 
“Ah ah ah,” he tuts. “My turn to ask a question.”
His hips lift as you start pulling his pants down, exposing his half-hard cock to your eyes in the dim candlelight. 
“Ask away, gorgeous.” Your hands inch forward, reaching for his cock in an act of near desperation. 
“Why was Socha and his crew in your bar?” Seonghwa watches as you wrap a hand around him, a breath of air hissing out of him as you stroke him gently up and down. Your eyes lock with his as you lean down to spit on his cock, and he has to bite his tongue to keep from losing his composure. 
You shrug at his question, letting a bit more spit drip from your mouth as you pump his now fully erect cock. “They wanted drinks, I suppose.”
“Bullshit and you know it.” Seonghwa grunts, letting his head roll back. You smirk, letting your free hand slip down to cup his balls. 
“Tell you what,” you dip your head down and place a kiss to his tip. “Let me please you, and if you aren’t satisfied I’ll tell you everything I know.”
“And if I’m satisfied?” He asks, reaching a hand to tangle his fingers in your hair.
“You take me with you out of this godforsaken city.” 
Seonghwa’s breath, for the first time, stills. He searches your eyes for something, anything to tell him what might be happening. 
“You…you want to come with…with me?” 
He’s confused. Why on Earth would someone like you want to come with him? “You have a life here. People who care about you, guaranteed safety. Why would you—”
“I have nothing here.” You spit out, leaning up to look him in the eyes. “I have misery and shame and misfortune. I do not care that I will not be safe with you.”
“I don’t understand—”
“Then we will make the choice later.” You kiss him gently, leaving him aching for more of you. “Let me satisfy your needs, Seonghwa.” Your hand pushes at his chest, urging him to lay back. 
“I don’t even know your name,” Seonghwa’s head hits a pillow, letting his gaze settle on the ceiling above him. 
“Do you need to?” He can feel your lips trailing down his chest, nipping at his skin and leaving marks he knows will not go away. 
“It would be nice to know who I’m speaking to.” Who I’m fucking.
“I suppose,” your lips touch his hip, right beside a trail of hair, and he can feel the way they curl into a grin. “You can call me Y/N.” 
Seonghwa can’t get a response out before your lips are wrapping around his cock. His fingers curl into the furs beneath him, fighting the urge to buck his hips into your mouth and force you to take as deep as you can. You could probably handle it, but he knows he needs to exercise restraint for himself if anything. 
Your nails dig into his thighs, leaving little red crescents in his golden skin as you take him. He can feel your throat constricting around his cock, trying desperately not to gag as his tip hits the back of your throat. Your tongue runs along the underside of his shaft as you pull yourself off of him, kitten licking the tip before taking him all the way back down again. Your nose presses against his pelvis, and Seonghwa can feel tears hitting his skin. Or, perhaps, it’s spit dripping out of the corners of your mouth as you hollow your cheeks and swallow around him. 
Finally a pitiful groan is pulled from his lips. 
Deep and gravelly as if he’d been holding it in for far longer than his body wanted him to. Your eyes peer up at him, your tongue laving at his balls and your hand pumping up and down while your mouth is occupied. Seonghwa’s hips jolt, little drops of precum leaking from his tip in an endless stream. His back arches as your mouth returns to his aching cock, your pace fast and harsh as you swallow around him and suck as you pull back up, urging him to cum faster. 
His back arches off the bed, his jaw drop and hollow moans pouring from his lips. One of his hands finds your hair, holding you in place as he begins to piston his hips up. Your eyes widen, your hands flailing briefly to find purchase on something, anything to keep you somewhat upright. You’re gagging now, unable to help it as Seonghwa’s cock punches the back of your throat. 
You like it, though. You like how rough he is with you, the way he lets himself lose control and become blinded by his own pleasure. His hands yank at the strands of your hair, and a moan escapes you. The vibrations run down his cock, and suddenly Seonghwa’s hips stutter and thick, white hot liquid is spurting down your throat. You try pulling off of him, the liquid coming out too quickly for you to keep up with, but Seonghwa forces you back down, forces you to take all of it down his throat.
“That’s it,” he coos, breathless and mocking. “Take it all. Take everything I’m giving you.” The snide comments pull a whimper out of you, and you allow yourself to relax just enough to swallow all of his cum. 
When he finally releases you and allows you to pull off, there’s droplets of cum running down your chin. Your cheeks are burning, your chest rising and falling rapidly, and you’re pretty sure your hair is a knotted, uncontrollable mess. 
He’s smirking down at you. I am powerful, I am a god, fear me.
You raise yourself up, slotting your lips against his. You are powerful. I am not afraid of you.
“Are you satisfied, then?” You murmur, letting one hand come up to cup the back of his neck, the other slipping down to soothe the ache in your dripping pussy. Seonghwa kisses his teeth.
“You think my cock down your throat is enough to satisfy me, darling?” Your breath hitches at the vile nature of his words. It isn’t as if you hadn’t heard that before, however he says it so…condescendingly. As if you were a fool to assume that he would be done with you just yet. 
“Are you not…satisfied?” 
“I’ll make you a deal, darling,” The tip of a blade rests under your chin and your stomach churns, however it isn’t with fear. No…this is something else entirely. This is…lust? No…it burns too sweet to be lust. “Take me to Socha, kill him yourself, and fuck me in his bed while my captain kills the rest of his crew, and then I’ll be satisfied. Do we have a deal?”
“Will you let me come with you?” Your eyes gleam, and Seonghwa jerks your head up to kiss you. ‘Kiss’ being a very loose term. With his blade against your throat, he shoves his tongue into your mouth, and you push yours against him just as hard. Teeth clash, biting at each othe harshly in a motion that’ll leave you both bruised and bleeding. 
“I’ll let you come with me.” 
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You weren’t expecting them to trust you. Hell, you half expected to be shot dead the moment you stepped onto the Blue Bird. Hongjoong stairs you down with curiosity and doubt in his gaze, but he says nothing as the crew argues over whether or not to trust you and your word. Or, rather, Seonghwa’s word. 
“You think we can trust her?” Mingi is eyeing you up and down, his lips curled into a sneer. “She’s a barkeep, she’ll say anything for some gold and a quick fuck.” 
You bare your teeth right back at him. “Is that not what a pirate is? Roaming the seas and sticking their cocks into the first hole they see and grabbing as much gold and ale as they can carry?” 
Mingi is far larger than you are, but you are not afraid. You cannot be afraid if you wish to be on this ship for the rest of your days. You cannot be afraid of the men Seonghwa sails with and commands. 
“And what of Seonghwa?” Jongho, the quiet one in the corner, chimes in. “Do we not trust him? Right hand of our captain, are you doubting that he has our best interest in his mind?”
“I think that he slept with the first person he saw and immediately became blind to reality.” Mingi snaps back. “How long before this one leaves you? How long before you decide you’re sick of her and throw her overboard?”
Your heart drops to your stomach and your head whips to look up at Seonghwa who has gone still beside you.
“What is he talking about, Seonghwa?” Your hand pulls from his, but he grabs it right back.
“He is speaking nonsense,” he snaps, eyes glaring at Mingi. “I know exactly what I am doing. I know who I can and cannot trust. She is loyal to us, not to anyone else.”
“And you got all that from having your cock down her—”
“Enough!” Hongjoong’s voice rises over the others. All it takes is that one word for all to go quiet, their gazes on him as he rises from his seat on the table. “Seonghwa is my right hand, if he says that this woman is to be trusted then she will be trusted by us!”
“But—” Mingi tries to argue but a pair of dagger-like eyes hone in on him. 
“Do you want to be on slop duty?” Mingi’s face goes green and the eyes are trained back on you. “And you— are you so certain that you want to join us?”
“I am certain, Captain,” you tell him, dipping your head into a nod. “I have never wanted anything more.”
“Then it’s settled,” Hongjoong declares. “We kill Socha at sunset tomorrow.”
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There’s an odd sense of safety that you feel while you approach the Skylark. You can hear the chatter of the crew from the edge of the gangway, but you know that a crew of your own is watching and waiting for your signal. 
Your signal, of course, being Socha’s body being dumping into the harbor. 
“Hey! Look who it is!” 
A hand clamps down onto your shoulder and you grimace at the first mate’s disgusting smile. 
“Little miss barkeep came to pay us a visit!” The crew erupts into cheers, some calling for a drink and some calling for you to give them a show. Bile rises in your throat at the sounds they make. Suddenly the blade up your sleeve feels a lot lighter in your hand. “How can we help you, little miss?”
“I need to speak with Socha.” Your voice holds steady, thankfully. 
“Socha isn’t expecting you today.” The first mate clicks his tongue. “I’ll take a message.”
“This is urgent,” you argue. “I have information on the Blue Bird’s crew.” 
The first mate barks out a laugh, throwing his head back as he bellows. The crew joins him, and your cheeks begin to heat up. 
“You think we give a fuck about that measly little crew?” The first mate cries.
“What are those dumb fucks going to do to a crew of 80 men?” Someone across the deck cries. “We have ten to their one, they can try but they won’t fucking get past the gangway.”
“Now, now gentlemen.” A deeper, gravelly voice to your right grabs everyone’s attention. Socha leans against a railing closest to his cabin, lip curled at you in what looks like disguswt. “The little miss has information for us! We should hear her out.”
“Socha,” you breathe out andhe clicks his tongue. 
“I don’t believe we have rewarded you yet for your…loyalty, have we?” He’s five steps from you, almost close enough to stab him. His hand reaches for you, and you take it. Two steps, only a bit too far from the edge of the ship. 
“Can we…can we speak a bit more privately?” You look at him through your eyelashes, lips pushed out just a bit. “It’s a little loud out here.”
“Of course, little miss.” Socha’s hand on the small of your back makes you want to light someone on fire. It disgusts you, and the bile begins to rise in your stomach again as he guides you to his quarters. He lets you in first, keeping his eyes on your swaying hips the entire time.
As soon as the door shuts behind him, you spin around to face him. 
He’s one step away.
The knife in your sleeves drops into your palm.
You raise your blade to strike him.
A gunshot.
Both of you go silent, your bodies going still. There’s something wet soaking your skirts, you stumble back. Your eyes raise to the man behind Socha.
The captain hits the ground, blood pooling around him. Blood stains your cheeks and your white shirt. 
There’s commotion outside the cabin. 
“I had it handled, Seonghwa.” Your eyes narrow, and your lover barks out a laugh.
“I know, darling. But he would have shot you the moment he saw that blade.” A body hits the door, wood beginning to splinter as Seonghwa takes the two steps he needs to reach you. Blood soaks the bottoms of his boots, but neither of you care. His hands come to cup your cheeks, blood smearing across your skin as he brushes over your cheekbones with his thumbs. 
“You did wonderfully, my love.” He murmurs, and you find yourself beaming. “I think, however, you still have part of your deal to hold up to.”
“His cabin is a bit far,” your lips are brushing his and you lift your head just a bit to try and kiss him but he tuts at you.
“A deal is a deal, my love. I will not be fucking you near a dead body.” His nose curls and he kicks Socha out of the way. 
“Fine. Have it your way, gorgeous.” 
You take his hand in your own, swinging the door of the captain’s quarters open to reveal the end of a blood bath. Hongjoong is watching from the upper deck as the other six members of his crew dump bodies into the harbor. You catch his eye as you move through the masses and down to Socha’s cabin and he gives you a small nod. 
You did well.
I know I did. You keep your head high, a proud smirk on your lips before you disappear with Seonghwa hot on your heels. 
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Seonghwa’s lips are hot on your neck, his hands dancing over your body grabbing at everything they can. Airy moans pull from your lips, an addicting sound that has Seonghwa afraid that you may be a siren. He cannot get enough of you, cannot pull away even if he tried. 
In the center of the room, the two of you stand bare and ready for each other. A pile of clothes surrounds you, a bed behind you and a desk covered in papers in front of you. 
“You’re fucking addicting,” Seonghwa growls, grabbing at your hair and yanking your head back to bare your neck for him. “Fuck, I can’t get enough of you.” 
You can’t respond, hands shaking as they grab at Seonghwa just as harshly as he’d grabbed you. Your nails scratch down his chest, his back. Into his hips to try and force him closer to your body, but he keeps himself just out of your reach. 
“Mingi was right,” Seonghwa grunts as he spins you around, pinning you against the desk and throwing everything that was on it to the side to make way for you. He shoves you back, pinning your shoulders against it. “I became blind to reality the moment I saw you in that fucking tavern. Addicted to you the moment you spoke to me.”
His lips reattach to your skin, making their way down your throat, past the valley of your breasts and down to your navel. His hands grip the flesh your thighs, forcing your thighs apart to make way for him. You’re dripping for him, you can feel the liquid pooling at your center, dripping down your thighs and onto the desk below you. 
“Fuck, I will never go a day without looking at this pretty pussy.” 
Seonghwa’s hand rubs against your folds, spreading them and rubbing your slick around for a moment before pulling back.
The sting is almost unbearable, your back arching as you wail and Seonghwa’s hand cracks down on your pussy once more. 
“So pretty for me, love when I get rough, hm?” You can barely hear him. Hell, you don’t think he can hear himself in this lust filled haze. “You’ve taken my soul, taken my heart from its confines. You have to pay for that, you know?” 
You whine when his lips touch your cunt for the first time. Soft at first, kitten licks and little kisses against your clit that quickly become harsh sucks and nips that have your back arching and legs thrashing over his shoulders. It’s easy for him to pin your body down, making heat growing in your stomach as he eats you like a man starved. His long tongue dips into you, digging in as far as it can go before Seonghwa drags it up to swirl around your clit, drawing figure-eights with the tip of it and making your body writhe before he repeats the process. 
A knot begins to form in the pit of your stomach, and you cry and beg for Seonghwa to please please please, faster, more more, god please. Fat tears roll down your cheeks as he focuses his attention on your puffy clit, digging his tongue into it and listening to the way you scream his name. Your back arches one final time before you’re coming undone beneath him, your body quivering and your hole clenching repeatedly. Your hands find purchase in his dark hair, yanking at the strands for some semblance of a grasp on reality. 
You don’t get long to recover before Seonghwa is flipping you over and pinning you down again, face down against the desk. You can practically smell your own cum, and you try to push yourself up just a little bit. 
“You’re not trying to get up, are you?” Seonghwa’s lips are right next to your ear. “You know what to say if you want me stop, darling.” His lips nip at your ear and you whine desperately, finally caving and letting your arms drop. “Good girl.”
His hands rub against the backs of your legs, massaging them gently before spreading them open once more. 
“You ready for me?” His hand traces along your dripping folds, waiting patiently for your response. 
“Please, Seonghwa,” you whine. “Please fuck me!” 
So he does. 
The stretch burns as he pushes in, but he’s quick to soothe you, kissing your shoulders and down your spine so, so gently compared to what you know he’s going to do to you. Your walls clamp down on him like a vice, trying desperately to push him out but pull him in at the same time. 
“So tight,” he groans, biting into your back as he finally sheathes himself inside of you completely, engulfed by the warmth of your walls and somewhat reluctant to pull out again. “Fuck, you feel so good around me, darling.”
“Hwa,” you moan out, hands clawing at the desk as you try to push back against him, trying to get him deeper inside of you. “Please, please move!” 
His hips begin moving before you can finish your statement. He sets a fast, brutal pace, each thrust punching the air out of you and leaving you wailing his name. You scramble to find purchase on the edges of the desk, holding tightly so as to not slide off. Seonghwa grabs at your shoulder with one hand, the other gripping your hip as he slams his hips against yours. His cock reaches places you never believe one could, brushing against a spot inside of you that has your vision going white with pleasure, your hiccuped moans becoming nearly silent screams. The knot inside of you draws tight again, and Seonghwa is practically throwing you over the edge as your body seizes up once more.
“Fuck,” he grunts out. “Cumming again already?”
“I— I can—can’t help it!” You hiccup. “Feel—feels so—so good!”
“Yeah, I bet it does,” Seonghwa grunts, letting his head fall back and his jaw fall open as your fluttering walls force him closer to the edge than he wants to be. “Fuck, don’t wanna cum yet but this pussy feels too good.”
His body folds over yours, one of his hands slipping down to find your clit. Cries of overstimulation pull from your lips, your body shaking as he continues to rail you into the desk. Seonghwa’s hips begin to stutter, and the moment he feels your walls flutter around his for the final time, he’s cumming. He breathing is ragged, quiet whines pulled from his lips as your pussy clenches around his cock. 
You can barely move as he pulls out of you, your body covering in sweat and cum. Seonghwa runs a hand over his face, catching his breath and brushing his hair back. 
“You alright?” He crouches near your face, tracing a finger along your cheekbone while you recover. “Here, let me help you.” 
Seonghwa is quick to lift you up, shushing you when you whine, and carries you over to a surprisingly luscious bed. He sits against the wall, your body curling into his as you both recover. The steady rocking of the waves against the ship seems to calm you, your breathing evening out until you’re fast asleep in his lap. 
He’s almost asleep himself until the door of the captain’s cabin swings open and Hongjoong barges in. 
The captain’s eyes fall to you briefly, and Seonghwa swears he can see his tongue running over his lip before Hongjoong’s eyes are back on the right hand. 
“We gotta get going, soldiers from the upper city are on their way down to find out why there’s bodies in the water.”
Your body stirs, eyes fluttering open quietly and Seonghwa grins. 
His heart and soul belongs to you now. You, the first and only one to not run from the monster he’d become. 
“And so it begins.” 
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© itsbeeble. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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Can I see Furina, Navia, Lynette, and Yae Miko dealing with their S/O who wears a mask all the time and never seen your face before? S/O got hurt badly protecting them and they took S/O mask off and see what S/O looks like and help them.
(Genshin Impact) Furina, Navia, and Lynette with a S/O who wears a mask
This is the way. I'd do Yae but my brain is at maximum capacity writing for the three, so remind me to write Yae later!
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Furina had become very used to the sight of her S/O's mask.
It was reminiscent of a theatre mask, fittingly enough. The holes for the eyes were completely black, and there was no expression for the mouth.
No one could identify what S/O was feeling, other than determining it by voice alone.
Many people found it suspicious, but she wasn't one to judge.
Especially since Furina herself wore a metaphorical mask for the past few centuries.
And besides, there were far more suspicious people in Tevyat than the one person just covering their face.
Furina had grown to love S/O since they did the same for her. They cared for the person underneath the facade, and Furina did the same.
During their travels, they had come under attack by rogue Meka and were caught off guard.
Although Furina cannot not die, S/O very much could, and had gotten terribly injured during the skirmish.
(Furina) "S/O!"
Furina quickly dispatched the last Meka with her vision, a burst of Hydro sending it tumbling into the waters below in pieces.
S/O had finished off their attackers with a sword bisecting the machine. However, they were breathing heavily and leaning against a nearby rock, sliding down.
The mask betrayed nothing of what they felt, but she could tell they were hurt.
Panic began to set in Furina's head, quickly scrambling to help. Her eyes glowed a bright blue before a familiar appeared next to S/O, healing the worst of their injuries.
(Furina) "S/O, are you okay?!"
Her usual bravado was absent though it was slowly starting to come back when she saw their breathing begin to steady itself.
(S/O) "Could....be worse, thanks."
Furina's hand placed itself onto her chest, breathing a deep sigh of relief.
(Furina) "Thank goodness! Come now, we shall get ourselves some rest and-"
A red stream trickled down S/O's face, coming from underneath the mask and catching her attention.
(Furina) "Your head! Allow me to-"
Furina's hand stopped itself as it quickly reached for their mask. She had never seen S/O without it, and she wasn't sure if they wanted to be seen with it off.
Silently answering her, S/O's hand gently reached up to her arm, and nodding.
(S/O) "Not a word of this to anyone."
Furina gave them a weary smile.
(Furina) "It depends on how handsome/pretty you are, S/O."
Hearing their pained chuckle, Furina slowly took off the mask and saw their face for the first time. She couldn't help but stare for a few seconds before moving to clean the blood from their head.
It scared her so much to see them hurt, but it was also comforting to see them give her a reassuring smile back, and to see those eyes staring back into hers for the first time.
(S/O) "...D-Don't just stare at me like that, Furina."
(Furina) "How could I not? You look incredible, simply marvelous!"
(S/O) "Even with blood gushing out of me?"
(Furina) "Hah, especially so. It makes you look rather dashing."
S/O could tell she was joking, as her hands were still gripping tightly onto theirs from worry.
(S/O) "Once I actually look presentable and not beat up, you can stare all you like."
(Furina) "I will hold you to that. Now, let's get you cleaned up!"
Furina not so subtly stared at S/O on the way back, smiling back when S/O noticed her and broke off eye contact. How cute!
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Navia did raise an eyebrow at S/O upon first meeting, but she quickly became accustomed to it.
It's not like she dressed all that subtly herself after all.
And besides, what matters the most about a person is what's on the inside!
And to Navia, S/O was one of the most trustworthy people you could meet, weird mask aside.
She did not pry on their reason for wearing it, only wanting to ask when the time seemed right.
But that time came quicker than she thought after a dangerous encounter with bandits.
(Navia) "Feeling lucky?!-"
Her umbrella gun's blast blew away the ground the bandits were standing on, sending them flying back.
After seeing them retreat after dealing with the remaining ruffians, she smirked in satisfaction.
(Navia) "Serves you punks right, now get out of here! Hah! S/O, did you-"
Turning back to brag about her skills to S/O, she suddenly noticed that they weren't responding, and worst of all, they were on the ground with red on their hands.
Navia stopped breathing for a split second before nearly sprinting over to them, quickly lifting them up.
(Navia) "No! No no no, please, no!"
(S/O) "...N-Navia-"
(Navia) "Please, stay with me! I can't lose you too!"
Navia's hand brushed against the side of their head, her eyes welling up with tears as her heart raced.
S/O's hands wiped away the tears from her face before speaking up.
(S/O) "I'll live. They just grazed me. Promise."
(Navia) "Y-You...You better...!"
S/O slowly reached for their mask and took it off to look Navia in the eye. A small amount of blood came from their lips, but they thankfully displayed no signs of bleeding out.
Navia stared wide eyed at the sight of their face, taking it in. This was the first time she had ever seen them with it off, and this was not the time she was expecting to.
(S/O) "S-See? Heh, perfectly fine...OW!"
Navia suddenly grabbed their face, squishing it repeatedly with one hand as she rubbed off the blood with her thumb.
(Navia) "Why...Why in the world did you not take that off sooner?! You're simply breathtaking!"
(S/O) "Becushyewd'dewdis!" (Because you'd do this!)
They could not form the sentence correctly with how Navia's hands were squishing their cheeks together, as if she were squeezing a ball.
S/O gently grabbed Navia's wrist and lifted it off their face, chuckling lightly.
(S/O) "Not that I don't mind your hand on me, but can you at least do so without feeling me up like a toy?"
(Navia) "A-Ah, my apologies! You're hurt as well, so we need to get you to a doctor!"
Throughout the trip, S/O caught Navia taking several glances to examine their face.
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Lynette had kept her eye on S/O the moment she heard rumors about a masked individual going around Fontaine.
She had learned to watch out for any signs of danger in a person, especially if it concerned herself or Lyney.
What had shocked her the most was that S/O had displayed no reason to distrust them, other than the mask.
In fact, they were one of the most trusting people she had met, looking into any information about them, nothing about their past was particularly alarming.
So that meant their reasons for wearing the mask was less to conceal an identity and more personal.
The two had gotten to know each other after S/O was found taking care of a few stray cats around the city, both of them quietly enjoying their time.
After that, it became a lunch or two, and a few conversations here and there.
Eventually, it blossomed into something more as the two spent time, neither of them fully revealing everything about their past.
S/O didn't pry, so Lynette didn't either. At least not after she got to know the person behind the mask.
But after S/O had saved her from rather vicious wildlife...
S/O and Lynette took a moment to breathe, escaping to higher ground from the creatures attacking them.
(Lynette) "That was too close. S/O, thanks for-"
Her ears turned sideways as she realized there was blood falling from S/O's head.
(Lynette) "You're bleeding! Sit down!"
(S/O) "O-Ow...No need to tell me twice."
S/O almost collapsed before Lynette caught them, slowly making them lean against a nearby rock as she grabbed their mask.
She took it off without thinking and was stunned by seeing their face for the first time.
Her ears immediately straightened up as the words got caught in her throat. Lynette almost forgot what she was doing until seeing the blood trickle down.
S/O made no motion to stop her, only giving her a small smile that made her heart race even faster. After cleaning the injury on their head, she averted her gaze.
(Lynette) "...Sorry. I should have asked first."
(S/O) "You were worried, so you acted. If anything, I'm flattered."
Hearing their voice so clearly was messing with her head. To finally connect their soothing voice to a face was almost unnatural to her. Part of her was convinced that she'd never actually see it, at least not this soon.
(S/O) "You told me quite a bit about yourself and Lyney already, I think it's about time I returned the favor, anyway."
Lynette returned their smile, albeit hers was not as big.
(Lynette) "I suppose that's a fair trade."
She was finally able to look them in the eye for a few seconds before putting the mask back into their hands.
(Lynette) "...You should have that mask off more often."
(S/O) "I'll do that if you promise me you'll do the same...As long as it's only the two of us."
Her ears twitched for a brief moment, processing what they were asking.
She sincerely doubted at this point they were the type to blabber about anything they were told, something she was thankful for.
And if she got to see the true them, maybe that wasn't the most outrageous demand they could make.
Lynette had seen worse deals, anyway.
(Lynette) "Only for the two of us."
S/O responded by holding her hand tightly, and she responded in kind.
(Lynette) "First, we need to get back to the city. I've had enough outdoors for today."
(S/O) "Heh, agreed."
On the way back, Lynette could not keep her eyes off their face and felt a tad disappointed watching them put it back on as they reached civilization again.
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strlingsav · 9 months
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
— Western AU: You have a run-in with notorious outlaw, Ghost.
Explicit sexual content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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Boisterous laughter and loud conversation made it difficult to hear John beside you, though you were hardly listening. You were too preoccupied with surveillance; scanning the crowd for a familiar face- or mask, more appropriately. It seemed most folks had let loose for the evening, but your eyes and ears remained sharp as you peered around the room.
Nightfall had come, cooling the hot sand of the desert and bringing with it the expectation of drunken patrons. Candelabras, oil lamps and a roaring fire tinged the saloon red and camouflaged the smell of cigar smoke. It was the usual for the small town, the only source of entertainment and drinks within a hundred-mile radius.
It'd been a while since you had the privilege of relaxing, even if you were still hyper-vigilant. Your exhaustion came from sleepless nights while on your travels. Unable to let your guard down under the stars, you'd hardly slept in the last few days. Sleeping on buffalo pelts and red dirt; your eyes were weary and tired, though there must've been a look of contemplation in your eyes.
"What's got you quiet?" John asked, leaning in closer. "Worried?"
You looked over at him; in all his drunken relaxation and exhaustion from the day's ride, he still read your expression with ease.
"Not worried," You shook your head once- unconvincingly. "Watching."
"Think you're waitin' for somethin' bad," He joked, elbowing you a bit harshly for your liking.
"Think you're a bit too drunk," You tossed back, watching him grin.
"Loosen up, kid," He scolded. "Only here for the night."
You were about to respond, when the saloon went dead-silent; the clinking of lost coins falling as patrons froze in their footsteps, the low shuffle of chairs while they searched for their pistols- likely dropped carelessly in a drunken stupor. The tune from the piano abruptly stopped, and all heads turned to the swinging parlour doors.
You lifted your gaze and there he was. Ghost.
Your jaw clenched, sitting up straight as you watched him slide in effortlessly, like he was unaware he'd stopped the world for a second. His boots hit the floorboards with heavy thuds, his spurs clanking and spinning with each step. You watched him tip his cowboy hat to the barkeep, who appeared no less than terrified.
"No trouble, alright? Hardly finished cleanin' up from last time," The barkeep said, stern yet wavering.
"No trouble," He nodded, taking a seat at the bar.
Most of the activity had resumed, though more than half of the townsfolk had escaped the moment he stepped inside. You didn't blame them; he was an intimidating man, and his stoic nature left questions and whispers at his back. You perched up further on your seat, eyes locked on the mass of muscle that made himself comfortable on the foolishly small stool.
"Ghost," John hardly whispered- disbelief, fear, a combination of both. It ran a shiver down your spine. "Never thought I'd see him here again."
You remained silent, studying the cowboy as he hunched over the bar and nursed his drink. He peered over his shoulder, finding your prying eyes and staring right back. You swallowed harshly, wondering if he recognized you. If he knew it was you, sitting mere feet from him.
Of course he knew it was you.
"Let's get out o' here before the shite hits," John swallowed the last of his beer, throwing his coat over his shoulders.
"I'll catch up," You nodded.
John was hesitant; he knew well you'd handle your own, stand your ground, but stray bullets have no name and he worried for your life. Ghost's reputation was not one of gentleness and kind deeds- he was an outlaw.
"C'mon," He ushered.
"I'm finishing my drink. I'll catch up, John," You insisted.
He finally conceded, pulling his arm through his sleeve before nodding curtly.
"I'll pay the barkeep and stablehand. I'll come lookin' if I don't see you in the mornin'."
You nodded in response, watching him stride past the masked man, head turned as he investigated. Finally, he disappeared from the saloon, leaving you to your own devices as you sipped your whisky. It wasn't without your appreciation- but unbeknownst to John, you knew Ghost better than anyone.
Your eyes drifted around the room, not noticing him stand from his stool and approach your table until you heard the spurs hit the floor. You lifted your head then, and watched as he pulled the chair out across from you to sit down.
His scent immediately washed over you- gunpowder and rolled cigarettes. The fresh smell of whisky emanated from his lips as he spoke through the black mask over his face. The deep, inviting accent made your body shiver- already planting arousal in your womb without any effort.
"You here on business?" He asked.
"Pleasure," You replied, finishing a gulp.
You feigned relaxation, letting your shoulders fall and your back hit the chair as you leaned further away. This was your game, your routine- you enjoyed the part you played, even if it took an astounding amount of willpower not to climb onto his lap.
"Seems you're in the right place," He said back, raising his head to look at you.
"Thought so," You added. "Wasn't sure when I didn't see your face plastered around town."
You watched the fabric of his mask move- a grin. You smiled softly, smugly.
"Reason for the mask," He responded. "Lucky few get to know my face."
You raised a brow.
"Colour me flattered."
"You interested in a ride, sweetheart?" He asked, thighs spread as he leaned back in his chair.
You swallowed again, this time finishing your drink. Your hand held your chin up as your eyes met his with a glimmer of sadistic enjoyment. He watched your hat tip, and you brushed a stray lock of hair from your face as he stood to his feet.
He lead you upstairs- a room he'd rented for the evening while in search of you. You'd met a handful of times, always finding each other in the chaos of the saloon and ending the evening in whatever bed was available.
Since then, he'd come to terms with the fact that he'd ride to the ends of the earth to find you. The laws he had to break hardly mattered, neither did the "wanted" posters or the townsfolk cowering in fear at his very appearance. None of it mattered as much as finding you. You left him chasing the very hint of you, the smallest pieces he could get his hands on just for the chance of relief.
He risked his freedom every time he strolled into town. It was common knowledge everywhere he went; his previous crimes still kept him labeled as a wanted man. He could've ridden off, started a new life under his true name, but you brought him back every damn time.
"Y'were hard to find," He muttered, his lips haphazardly pressed against your neck.
He'd corralled you against the wall while his fingers worked open the buttons on your breeches. He'd ditched his hat and mask, thrown recklessly on the floor as you danced around each other in an attempt to disrobe.
"Maybe I didn't want you to find me," You answered, your arm wrapping around his head as you pulled him closer.
"Doubt that," He answered as his calloused hand dove beneath your pants, and was welcomed with warmth and wetness. "You like knowin' I'll find you wherever you go, sweetheart."
You grinned, your ego slowly shattering as his fingers teased between your thighs. Warm, calloused fingers slid through your folds, eliciting a jolt when he purposely evaded your clit. You huffed softly, humming amusedly in his ear.
"Nowhere to hide from Ghost," You whispered in his ear, making him groan. "I think you like the chase."
"I do," He grinned against your neck. "But now that I've got you- there ain't nowhere left for you to run."
You shivered as he circled your clit, the softness in his touch a stark contrast to his other hand; an iron-like grip on your waist, keeping you pinned against the wall.
The room itself was quiet and dark, lit by only a few candles and the smell reminiscent of the fire roaring beneath you. You could hardly make out his face in the orange light, but your head turned to meet his gaze, and his lips upturned subtly.
He missed you; most everything about you. Truthfully, you weren't very hard to find. You left every possible clue and trace, in hopes he'd track you down. You never stood a chance against a man like Ghost, anyway. He could practically smell you from the town over.
His cock was pressed against your thigh, a sense of anticipation creeping up your spine. You grasped at his vest and work shirt as he slid two fingers inside you, lips against your neck again as he hid his soft grunts from you.
Long fingers stroked firmly inside you, his thumb caressing the bundle of nerves above. Your knees had weakened, pushing your hips against him in an effort to get closer- to get more.
"Ghost," You muttered softly, hands planted against his chest. He was still nipping and kissing at your neck, still driving his fingers into your pussy. "Get on the bed, cowboy," You said- firmer this time, and it caught his attention.
He pulled away slowly, withdrawing his fingers before placing them in his mouth and sucking softly.
"Beautiful," His lip twitched, removing his holster from his hips while he backed up.
You followed, shrugging off your blouse and stepping out of your breeches while he unbuttoned his work shirt.
Usually, Ghost wasn't one to allow a woman control, but the way you looked riding his cock was enough of an incentive to listen.
He collapsed on the bed, taking hold of your waist as you climbed on top of him, straddling his wide hips and setting your palms on his chest. His eyes were drawn to your chest, then your stomach, then your pussy, where he felt his cock rest between your folds and shifted your hips to feel the slick wetness seeping from your pussy.
"C'mon, then," He grunted, jerking his hips up to earn your attention. "Ride it, love."
You smirked- abiding his pestering by gently coaxing his cock inside you, a slow descent to fullness, earning an airy exhale as you found yourself seated on his hips.
He groaned, aggressive hands guiding your hips back and forth, up and down. He watched as your head fell back, toes curled beneath you while your hips strode forward.
"Ghost," You exhaled again, fingernails digging into the muscle and taught meat of his chest.
He sat up, his hand finding the small of your back, matching your rhythm with short thrusts. His other hand used heavy pressure against your clit, head tilted up while he watched your eyes squeeze shut with pleasure.
Your stomach twisted, pace increasing while you fell deeper and deeper, closing in on your orgasm with ambition. Your hips retreated, desperate to ease the over-stimulation and try to bring yourself back to present, before he tugged you closer and rammed his hips up into you.
"Don't run from me," He chided, eyes face-level with your bouncing tits, he brought one of your erect nipples to his mouth and sucked hard. "Take it, love."
You gasped, your body pushed over the boundary of stubbornness and finally allowing your orgasm to pass through your insides. Your entire body filled with heat, flushing red-hot blood through your womb as your pussy clenched around his cock.
"So good," You managed a whisper, jaw clenching before you sucked in a sharp breath to regain clarity.
"No cunt as good as yours," He grumbled, his hot tongue running across your breasts and circling your nipples. His fingers dug into your soft flesh, your body nearly crumbling in his hands. "Keep goin' sweetheart."
Your laboured breaths spurred him on, leaning against the wall as he sat up to finally kiss you, harsh lips enveloping yours. He sneaked his tongue inside your mouth, teeth nipping at your bottom lip.
"Y'want it in you?" He asked, nearly breathless.
You nodded, eyes glazed over and too exhausted to answer. He released inside you, muscles tensing and cock twitching as warm spurts of cum coated your walls.
You took a moment to catch your breath, before dismounting and collapsing next to him with a huff.
"You onto the next after this?" He asked.
"Gotta be," You tilted your head to smile softly at him. "Can't stick around for long- people get suspicious."
"Come with me," He said, less of a question and more of a suggestion.
"You wanna run away together?" You asked, grinning.
"I'd turn myself in 'for I let you get away again."
You let out a short chuckle, "Alright, outlaw. Get your rest- we're gone at dawn."
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miffysrambles · 1 year
Hi,I have a request! How about a one shot of Wukong and Macaque (separate) they accidentally falling asleep cuddling together with (fem) s/o, for the first time then afterwards they can’t seem to being able to sleep well since then until they just finally snap and snatch reader away? Please and thank u!
P.s. sorry if this is a lot lol 😅
Wukong and Macaque Falling Asleep and Cuddling With S/O
(Sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy!)
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You shifted awake in your bed in the middle of the night, feeling a presence having you in their grasp as the sheets were wrapped around the both of you.
You looked over in distress in your exhausted state but quickly calmed down to see your boyfriend’s tail peeking out from the mountain of blankets he was buried under.
Smiling, you kissed his nose as you rested back in his arms, you were slightly more awake now as you remembered how you had gotten into the accidental cuddling session.
Earlier, you watched your boyfriend practically beg to stay over for the night.
Wukong had wanted to sleep over because he was, to put it in honest terms, too lazy to travel back home.
You playfully argued with him, he was the Monkey King after all! It could take him mere minutes to get back to his own house, whether he traveled by cloud or just from his speed alone.
“Yeah but why do that when there is a nice comfy couch right here? C’mooon peaches, just for tonight?” He asked you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, you eventually agreed as long as he slept on the couch.
You’re relationship was still fairly new so you wanted to take things at a standard pace and he respected your wishes.
He responded by jumping onto the couch, resting his hands behind his head as he rested his leg up on his knee while sighing, “Haha! Man, this couch really is comfy, gonna have the best sleep of my life on this thing.”
You laughed softly, he was just being courteous with you, that couch was less than comfortable. You knew from personal experience.
You grabbed a few blankets and pillows from the linen closet and threw them on him while he lay on the couch, “Wha?- Hey!”
You playfully stuck your tongue out at him, ‘If you need more from the closet, help yourself.”
He glared at you, eventually breaking into a small smile, “Oh I will! All the blankets will be out, and you will have to fold them all again!”
You grinned as you leaned down to his face and rubbed your nose against his, “Cheeky monkey…”
“You know you love me.” He responded, his tail wagging softly from the nose kiss. 
You finally helped him get to bed on the couch, saying your goodnights as you did your own bedtime routine and eventually settled under your blankets. 
It wasn’t even two hours later when you heard a knock on your door while reading a book on your phone, “Come in.” You called out to him.
“Yeahhh so funny thing (Name), that couch is super uncomfortable…” He pointed his index fingers together as he looked at the ceiling.
You grinned as you raised an eyebrow, “You lied so you could stay over didn’t you?”
You had caught him, making him laugh nervously, “Mayyyybbee?”
“And you want to sleep in here with me?”
You chuckled as you nodded, “Come on in hon, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
He beamed as he grabbed the pillows and blankets from the living room, settling down into the opposite side of the bed, making sure to give you your own space.
And that is how you got into this situation, You guess that in the middle of your sleep, you both broke the pillow barrier and started spooning each other. 
You weren’t complaining though, not in the slightest! Although you were a bit weary at first, you were now more than comfortable to do this again.
You were just not prepared for this to be a regular thing.
A few nights later, you were on the brink of sleep when you heard a tap on your bedroom window.
Groaning, you got up and opened the curtains to see Wukong on his cloud, still in his pajamas as he looked exhausted as well. 
Without saying a word when you opened the glass for him, he snatched you up and carried you to your bed.
“Wukong? What are you…” Your voice trailed off as he set you both on your bed, laying down next to you.
“I haven’t been able to sleep for a few nights since I slept over, guess I need you by my side sunshine…” he lowly chuckled as he pulled you closer to him. 
You smiled as you nuzzled into his chest, his fingers running through your hair, “Let’s make this a regular thing then.”
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His arms were wrapped around you in a protective grasp, as if he never wanted to let you go.
Macaque was fast asleep when you shifted awake, his calm gentle breaths were more of an indicator for you as usually he was on edge and his breath was more heavy.
Macaque also had a habit of mumbling in his sleep, but it was so ineligible and quiet that you could never realize what he was actually saying.
His tail was wrapped around your waist as it held you close to him, you nuzzled your face into his shoulder as you were back on the brink of dreams yourself. 
This cuddling session happened by pure accident or even coincidence, you were just sitting next to him on his couch after watching him train in his dojo.
He set his shadow staff against the wall as he let out a sigh from being clearly exhausted, sitting next to you on the worn-down cushion, “You sure you don’t want to join me? I could teach you a few self-defense moves.”
You smiled as you politely shook your head, you would love to spend more time with your boyfriend any way you could but he could be a little intense while training.
“Alright, suit yourself dollface. Guess I’ll have to keep a close eye on you then?” He grinned while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
Letting out a small laugh, you flirted back as you closed your eyes, “Guess you will.” You laid your head on his shoulder, making him hum contently. 
You both stayed in that position for a few minutes until you opened your eyes back up from the feeling of being pulled down onto the couch with him.
You looked over to see his half-lidded expression looking down at you, his lips cracking into a small smile.
You smiled back, of course, lying your head on his chest as his fingers ran through your hair and pressed small gentle kisses on your forehead. 
Your ear was pressed against his chest, hearing his heartbeat pound within him.
Ba-dump… Ba-dump… Ba-dump…
It was calm, a rare sound indeed.
“I can hear your heartbeat too y’know.”
His voice pulled you back into reality as you looked up at him, his hand caressing your face.
“I don’t need to have my ears pressed against your chest to hear yours, I can hear with the six ears and all that. Glad to hear you can relax that much around me…”
His words were genuine and affectionate, making you beam up at him as you nuzzled your cheek into his grasp,
“Of course I can, I love being around you. Even if it’s just watching you train.”
He brought your face up to his lips, pressing a loving kiss onto them.
“And I… I love you (Name).’
He had trouble saying the L word, so this moment was incredibly special to you.
“And I love you too Macaque.”
You nestled back onto his chest, making him smile down at you as he laid his head back on the armrest of the couch and closed his eyes for just a moment.
That moment turned into a cat nap, he was comfortable enough to let his guard down and actually sleep for once. 
You followed soon after, your eyes fluttering closed as you listened to the melodic sound of his heartbeat like it was a lullaby for you.
You both ended up sleeping for the rest of the evening, never once breaking the loving mutual grasp you two had created.
A few nights after, you were lying in bed struggling to fall asleep.
You were imagining his heartbeat in your mind to help, although nothing could ever beat the real thing.
You sighed as you held your pillow in your tight grasp, trying to imagine it was your boyfriend holding you in his arms.
It was not working, to say the least, it was making you miss him even more.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a shadow portal being summoned above your headboard, you looked up to see a pajama-wearing Macaque appear out of it.
He smiled down at you, “You too huh?”
You nodded as you held your arms up at him, “Mhm…” 
He happily obliged as he snatched you up in his arms, falling back onto your bed as he kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight sugarplum” He held you in his arms, your ear immediately going to his chest to hear that addicting sound as your eyes finally closed for the night.
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reclinepilled · 5 months
worn out abby anderson
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cw; smut, comfort, soft dom!reader, power sub!abby, oral sex, pet names, masturbation, i think thas it :P
wc; 1.5k (surprising.)
a/n; hai guys omigosh i haven’t posted a work in sooo long, idk if this is that great but i missed writing honestly. writer’s block KICKED my ass 😔. anyways i’ve conquered and prospered so stay tuned for more uploads. don’t forget to smash that like button and sub! also i literally can’t see any asks/reqs for some reason so there’s that. reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
don’t stop talking about palestine!
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the rain that patters on the windows surrounding you, and the soft glow coming from the ambient lights in the kitchen creates a perfectly calm atmosphere for you. it definitely amps up your productivity as you type away, completing the work your professor had oh so gracefully assigned on the weekend. you were so engulfed in perfectly forming your thesis for your psychology essay, you didn’t hear the click of the front door and your girlfriend’s heavy boots trudging in.
it actually took a terrifying thunderclap to snap you out of the trance your laptop screen had you in. your attention is stolen from the rustling coming from the hall, quickly realizing your girlfriend has made it home. you push yourself from the kitchen island and scurry to the hallway. slowly rounding the corner, you see your disheveled girlfriend. braid messed up, flyaways sticking to her forehead and neck due to the weather conditions outside. she looks up from her bag, that thuds on the floor, to you. abby has always had a pouty face, though right now, it was much poutier. you could visibly see how worn out she was, her harsh job actually taking a toll on her for once.
it saddens you to see her like this. your expression softens seeing how her hands were covered in grime and calluses. you slowly stroll over to her, pulling her in for a longing hug. she quickly returns the hug, letting out a sigh of relief that shamelessly went straight to your core.
she’s careful not to get the muck on her hands on her your oversized tee. she’s always careful with you, you loved that about her. it brought you so much comfort, and all you wanted to do right now was return the favor.
“tough day today, baby?” you pull her arms closer to you, implying you didn’t care about getting dirty at the moment. you just wanted to be as close as possible. “mhm,” she sighs again, slowly rocking you. she buries her damp face into your neck, unashamedly inhaling your scent. you turn your head to pepper her temple in kisses before you cradle your hands around her tired face, lifting her head. you give her a sweet smile while you move your hands to grab hers.
you lead her to the living room, letting her go to let her slump against the couch, so she’s finally able to rest her back. she sighs again, but so softly you could’ve missed it if you weren’t watching her intently. she manspreads as she leans her head back on the plush couch, closing her eyes. you hated seeing abby so weary. thankfully, it was a very rare sighting.
you wanted to make her feel better and wipe that fatigued look off of her face, and you decide to do it the best way you could currently.
you plop yourself onto her thick lap. like clockwork, she wraps her hands around your waist. she swore your waist was carefully crafted for her muscular arms, “they fit like a puzzle piece” she would frequently state. you close in the bit of distance between your two faces, giving her a soft kiss she had yearned for since she left that morning. your hand travels up abby’s face to softly rub her warm cheek. there was no fight for dominance in the kiss, just affection that abby desperately needed after working like a dog. you pull away from her soft, sullen lips to cover her neck in open-mouthed pecks. she leans her head back, sighing for the third time tonight—this sigh was cleary different.
she lifts her head and one of her hands travel to your ass, then up your shirt to cup one of your tits. you airily sigh then lean in for a kiss again, this one feeling a bit more heated. your tongues clash together as you both savor the warmth the kiss brings. abby can taste your sticky gloss, making her groan. she plays with your hardening nipple, catching your soft whimpers into her mouth. she can feel herself getting wetter by the second, you could too. she removes her hand and pulls away from the kiss, “take this off. please.”
“no,” you move off of her lap. “what— did i do something?” abby’s brows crease up. a bubble of silence passes between you two as you stifle a laugh. “no, love,” you lean over her form on the couch to caress her soft cheek, “how about you strip.. let me make you feel good?” abby’s curious look with those doe eyes drove you crazy.
her cheeks visibly heat up. she raises up to start eagerly pulling off her layers. when she’s left in nothing but her bralette and briefs, you softly push her back down to the couch. “lay down,” you start to pull your shirt off. abby hesitantly leans back on the couch, impatiently eyeing you.
you’re now left in only your panties when you move to straddle abby. you trail a finger from her ear, to her jaw, all the way down to her toned tummy. it flexes at the cold digit lightly grazing her. “you’re so gorgeous, you know that right?” she quickly nods, watching you attentively, anticipating your next move. “of course you do,” you slide down and position yourself between her legs. she bites her lip, a telltale sign shes getting needy.
you smooth a finger over her clothed cunt, groaning at the heat radiating from it. you pull the waistband of her briefs to watch the fabric bunch up around her pussy lips and the wetness that seeps through. you quietly moan at the lewd sight and the soft whimpers abby was letting loose. you start to peck at her needy cunt, making sure to leave little kitten licks to stimulate her further. she buries her hand in your hair and starts to squirm.
“angel, please,” she whispers, throwing her head back. “‘please’ what?” you smirk, tracing her bud with your thumb through her underwear. “f-fuck— stop teasing and just…” she trails off while bucking her hips into your touch.
“just s-stop teasing and please eat my fucking p-pussy. shit—“
you give her an amused smile and reach for her briefs’ band. she lifts her hips up a bit so you can pull them off. her pussy twitches a bit at the sudden cold air hitting it. you spread her toned thighs apart only to melt a little at the view, “shit, you’re wet.” you slide your finger between her lips, collecting the slick that’s oozing out of her pink pussy. “all because of you,” she tilts her head, boring her eyes into your now flustered face. you rub at her swollen clit a bit, eliciting a strained moan from her. you slide a finger into her tight hole, slowly starting to pump in and out. your cunt throbs at the sound it makes, not to mention the sounds she’s making. you eagerly add another finger, picking up the pace. you inch yourself closer to her weeping cunt to latch onto it. you circle her swollen bud with your warm tongue, coaxing loud moans from her due to the stimulation. you work your way to her puffy lips and between, eager to taste her pending release. hearing her beautiful moans and grunts makes you wet yourself. “y-you eat me so— fuck. so fucking g-good!” you remove your fingers to replace it with your tongue, pumping the muscle in and out. abby tangles her hands into your hair again, tugging at it, while slightly arching her back up into your mouth.
you move your own hand down to your needy cunt. you felt like a loser being on the edge of cumming just from eating pussy, but you couldn’t help it. you hastily rub at your pussy as you move back to abby’s puffed clit. you start sucking on the bud while shaking your head intermittently. “holy s-shit, i’m gonna cum,” abby shrieks while trying to refrain herself from enclosing your head with her thighs. she doesn’t know you wouldn’t mind. you start whimpering loudly, adding vibrations to her clit. you slide two fingers into your hole while simultaneously sliding two into abby’s. her back arches off of the couch, “i-i’m cumming— fuck!” she yanks at your hair while smushing your head with her thick thighs. you moan loudly, giving her a few more kitten licks so she could ride out her orgasm. she pushes your head away and that’s when you cum on your own fingers, dropping your head onto her stomach, whimpering as your thighs convulse.
a few minutes of silence pass by. the only noise that reverberates around the living room is you two catching your breath. the smell of sex clings to the air as sweat dribbles down your temple.
abby heaves before speaking, “did you just fuck yourself while giving me head?” she reaches down and smooths your hair. you look up at her with a droopy smile. she lets out a snort at your confirmation, “nasty.” you slap her stomach softly. “do you feel better?”
“yeah, thanks princess.”
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please do not plagiarize any of my works or post them on other websites without given permission !
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wheredafandomat · 11 months
Love Bites
Written by @wheredafandomat and @simplyholl 🖤
Summary: You think you've found the one until a dinner at Loki's house goes horribly wrong.
Pairing: Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Smut. 18+ Only. Minors DNI.
Whore-O-Ween Spooktacular Masterlist
“Behind.” Loki spoke in your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck as he passed you, leaving you smiling as you continued to prep the vegetables. It hadn’t been long since you started working at this restaurant with Loki as the head chef, but things between you both had already grown so much.
It didn’t take long for subtle glances to turn into lingering touches or for lingering touches to turn into late nights spent locking up together and then fucking in the locker room. It was almost like routine now. A routine that left you both growing more and more titillated the closer you drew to the end of your shifts.
Considering that Loki was the head chef, the other workers didn’t dare disobey him or call him out on his blatant eye fucking of you in the kitchen. He was a good leader too, something that kept him in everyone’s good graces. It was that charm and authority that made sure no one batted an eyelid to your sexual exploits.
“Turn the radio up.” You called out to Loki who was standing near it. “Two weeks on and the search for Ava Jones continues.”
Hearing the radio, you sighed at the news. It didn’t help that you lived in an area surrounded by woods. You didn’t feel scared traveling to and from work, you were just weary. After the news that another girl had gone missing, Loki insisted on walking you home. Which only made you worry about him going home alone after, despite how many times he’d assure you he wasn’t scared of anything.
You still made him FaceTime you as soon as he arrived home. He thought it was so sweet. You felt it was necessary. When your shift was over, you said bye to everyone as Loki dismissed them before heading out to the locker room to change out of your work clothes.
Facing your locker, you lifted your top over your head before hearing footsteps. Smiling to yourself you felt Loki’s lips against the back of your neck as he wrapped his arms around you. You leaned back against him, pushing your hips backwards as he pressed you against him.
His lips moved across your neck as he undid your bra, your breasts springing free. Loki’s hands ventured up your stomach before he cupped your breasts, kneading them as his kisses on your neck turned harsher. You tried to keep yourself standing upright as he flicked your nipples with his thumbs, eliciting a pleasured sigh from you.
“Come here.” He ordered, spinning you around before capturing your lips in a messy kiss. You kissed him back, your fingers reaching underneath the hem of his shirt to take it off. Loki helped, raising his arms as you slipped it off of him before pressing himself against you.
You could feel his lean chest against your breasts as he kissed you passionately before he broke the kiss, his lips venturing lower. Your head fell back against your locker as he took one of your breasts into his mouth, his tongue circling your pebbled nipple. He moved to the other one, doing the same thing as your panties dampened.
It didn’t take long for him to move lower, undoing the button on your jeans and tugging them down as he sank down onto his knees, gripping one of your legs and lifting it onto the bench behind him, exposing you. Your hand found purchase in his hair as he buried his face between your legs, lips wrapping around your clit. You rolled your hips against his face as he flattened his tongue against you, allowing you to grind against it.
You dared a look down only to be met by his sharp gaze as he sucked your pussy into his mouth. “Always so delectable.” He praised, licking his lips before continuing his feasting on you. “Fuck.” You moaned as his tongue swirled around your sensitive clit. “Give me that sapid ambrosia.” He almost bullied, entering you with two of his fingers making you moan louder as he sucked against you whilst you neared your climax.
“Loki!” You cried out, hand tightly gripping his hair as you came, legs shaking. “Such a sweet little thing, aren’t you?” Loki grinned, licking the arousal dripping from his lips as he stood up. You weakly lowered your leg as you looked down at Loki’s erection, straining against his trousers.
Reaching down, you undid his belt, hand wrapping around his length as he kissed you again. You could taste yourself on him, it was almost sinful. Pushing him backwards, you made him sit down on the bench as he pulled his trousers down enough to expose his cock.
Straddling him, you stifled your moan as he entered you. You moved against him, both of you so close as you fucked. Your names slipped from each other’s lips as you pleasured one another. Loki was sucking bruises onto your neck again as you threw your head backwards, your only protection from falling being his arms around you.
“M’gonna cum.” You moaned. “Go on, sugar. Cum for me.” Loki prompted before you reached your climax, your walls thrumming around his length. “Fuck.” He groaned. “You’re milking me” He continued to grunt, balls tightening as he came inside of you.
You were humming with excitement. Loki invited you over for your first real date. It was the first time you would be inside his home, which was strange considering how long you had been sleeping with him. You never made it out of the locker room at work without exploring each other. He was going to cook for you tonight and you couldn’t wait.
He was the head chef at the restaurant you both worked at for a reason. You knock on the door, the delicious smell of his cooking surrounding you when he opened it. “Hello darling. I missed you.” He greets you with a kiss. You take a seat at his table decorated with a lit candle in the center. He had two wine glasses set out.
“Do you mind if I pour myself some wine?” You smile at him. “Allow me, my love. Oh, it’s still in the refrigerator.” You stand up, walking to the appliance, when Loki sees you, he sprints in front of you, grabbing the handle.
“No, I’m taking care of you tonight.” It was awfully sweet of him you think as he walked you back to your seat. But you had to fight the feeling that he was behaving strangely. As you ate, the feeling subsided. You moaned when Loki’s homemade pasta sauce touched your tongue, the flavors bursting in your mouth.
You ate it all ravenously. Loki chuckled watching you enjoy the fruits of his labor. “I made us dessert too.” He tells you as he scoops a second helping on your plate. “What is it?” You ask, reaching for his hand. “Homemade ice cream. It’s in the freezer. I’ll get it for us when you’re finished.”
He excused himself to go to the bathroom. You couldn’t wait to try it, so you decided to get it out so you could have it faster. You open the freezer and grab it from the front, then you see it.
A severed head, hidden in the back. You recognized her. It was Ava Jones, the missing girl from the news. You stifle a sob with your hand, hot tears running down your face. You study the freezer more intently. There were more body parts among his frozen food. There was a foot with a bite taken out of it. Three fingers lay beside the head. One of them appeared to be nibbled on as well.
The meal you just ate threatens to come back up. You have to get out of here. You need to call the police. With shaking hands, you grab the door, ready to close it. You freeze, fear making you unable to move. Loki’s once gentle hands dig into your arms.
“I really wish you hadn’t seen that.” You yelped, willing your feet to carry you forward away from your most recent discovery, away from Loki. “Get away from me!” You screamed, dashing through Loki’s house, desperate to leave. “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” He called after you, his arm wrapping around your torso as he pulled you backwards, kicking and screaming.
“What is it about women that makes them unable to follow orders? I told you to stay put. I told you that tonight, I wanted to take care of you.” Loki rambled to himself as he carried you back towards the dining table. “HELP!” You hollered. “Don’t start with that.” Loki huffed. “The house is soundproof, no one will hear you.”
“Please Loki, let me go. I-I won’t tell anyone. I swear.” You stutter. “Oh, I know you won’t tell anyone.” He smirked, placing you back down in your seat. “P-please don’t kill me.” You began to cry again, hot tears streaking down your cheeks. “Now why would I do that?” He replied, his once kind eyes piercing into yours as he looked over you.
“You’re going to stay here, and I am going to get the ice cream.” He smiles wickedly. “Loki, please” you spoke quietly, not sure what it was you wanted him to reply. “Now, if you try to escape again, I’m only going to drag you right back. Believe me, next time I won’t be so forgiving.” You decide to play along, to humor him in the hopes that he’d spare your life.
Besides, your legs couldn’t move on their own anymore as you stay frozen in pure terror. A million thoughts ran through your head as you recounted all the moments you had spent with Loki. All the times he made you laugh, cum, feel like there was a chance for the two of you to be a real couple, a happy one. Not only were you scared, but your dreams were also shattered. You couldn’t help the sobs that escaped you.
Loki walked back to you, his usual smile on his face as he placed down two bowls of ice cream. The sight of it made you wretch as you remembered what you saw. “Pick up your spoon.” Loki cooed. With shaky hands, you picked it up, your lip quivering as you looked down at the bowl. “Eat.” He ordered, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
“I won't ask you again. Eat.” Your sobs grew louder as you reluctantly dipped your spoon into the bowl, gathering some of the ice cream. Loki watched you eagerly as he nodded at you, prompting you to eat it. You fought down the bile that rose in your throat as you brought the spoon to your lips, eating the ice cream.
“Mmm” You tried to hum enthusiastically, smiling at Loki in hopes that he’d let you go. “More.” He spoke. So, you ate more. “Good, that should be enough.” He smiled, dropping his own spoon onto the table as realisation hit you. He didn’t eat any at all.
“You ha-haven’t eaten any.” You choke out. “No, I haven’t.” He agreed. “I made it for you, it’s special.” He smiled. “S-special?” You questioned, your vision blurring. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time now, Y/N.” He grinned. “Now I finally have you. I can practically taste you. You’re mine.”
“No please, Loki! L- Lok” You tried to fight, feeling faint. “Goodnight, Y/N.” He simpered as your eyes fell closed.
“Two weeks on and the search for Y/N Y/L/N continues.”
“It’s sad, isn’t it?” Evelyn sighed, listening to the radio. “Very.” Loki agreed, turning to the voice. “You must be new here.” He figured. “Yes.” Evelyn beamed, placing her hand in his. “Welcome.” Loki smiled. “I must say, you smell delicious.”
Tags 🖤
@lokischambermaid @gruftiela @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @itsybitchylittlewitchy @wolfsmom1 @gigglingtiggerv2 @chantsdemarins @buttercupcookies-blog @lokisgoodgirl @donaweasley @muddyorbsblr @litaloni @lovingchoices14 @mochie85 @lamentis-10 @loz-3 @glitchquake @goblingirlsarah @multifandom-worlds @kats72 @eleniblue @mischief2sarawr @anukulee @joyful-enchantress @fictive-sl0th @marygoddessofmischief @lulubelle814 @evelyn-rathmore @lokiestorch @ladymischief11 @valarieravenhearst1 @cakesandtom @monkey0105 @dj-murasaki @ririsutty73 @cindylynn @violethaze @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @coldnique @km-ffluv
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Headcanons for the Sparda lads and V getting massages from their s/o? Assuming they'd want one/would be comfortable with it, I mean.
Absolutely, here you go! 💜
Sparda boys + V x Reader massage headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Is very, very stiff after years of fighting demons, doing crazy aerial acrobatics, getting stabbed in the chest, and falling asleep almost every night in his wooden office chair.
-Was a little shocked when you offered to give him a massage because no one had ever suggested something like that. Ever.
-His muscles were kinda sore though, so he agreed and hopped onto his bed, stomach down.
-The moment you started kneading his back, he heard so many cracks. It was like years of stress, trauma, both physical and mental, tension and pain was being popped and squeezed right out of him. It was such a good, relieving sensation.
-He soon melted into it, enjoying every second of your masterful mashing of his muscles with delighted little "Oh"s and "Ah"s.
-When you were finished, he found himself to be twice as flexible as before; the discomfort of a million battles finally gone. He'll definitely be coming back for a round two in the near future.
■ Vergil ■
-Does not like being touched by most people for whatever reason. He is constantly paranoid and afraid that he will be attacked if he lets someone touch him.
-However, you're a different story. He knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him and that he could trust you, so he agrees to your offer of a massage, with some half-hearted grumbling.
-He wasn't sure what to expect from this "massage", but it certainly wasn't what he got. The moment you set to work on his taut, tense, rock-hard muscles, he felt himself instantly relax. He even let out a soft little moan.
-Vergil enjoyed the massage a lot more than he ever expected to. The sensation of having someone press down on your tense areas without murderous intentions was pure bliss.
-When you announced that you were finished with the massage, he whined. Yes, he genuinely, actually, unmistakbly whined. You thought he would request a continuation, but no. He simply stood up, stretched, and slipped his jacket back on.
-Massages are now a nightly tradition between the two of you. He even goes out and gets different lotions and oils for you to experiment with.
□ Nero □
-Nero has never had a massage in his life, nor has he ever wanted one. He didn't dislike the notion of you giving him a massage, nor did he like it. He simply accepted it to make you happy.
-Turns out massages are way better than he could have ever imagined! He just can't get over how it seems to make all his stiffness melt away.
-Now he wants you to massage his legs, arms, shoulders, and neck too--oh, and also the rest of his body.
-At one point he fell asleep while you were massaging him, proving one of two things: Either A, he's very, very, tired, or B, he's just that relaxed.
-Getting massages from you is now the number one thing Nero looks forward to when he comes home from missions.
-Sometimes he has Nico put together a new, vibrating attachment for his arm--which he will then give to you so you can have a helping hand.
● V ●
-V has never heard of a massage and therefore has no idea what it is.
-After Googling it, he deduces that such an activity would benefit him, and that he would be wise to take up your offer.
-And so he does; while the sensations are an entirely new experience for him, he finds them very enjoyable. In fact, they're so helpful in mitigating his stress, he should write a poem about them.
-V loves to have you massage his legs because they're so weary from traveling and supporting his lanky frame all day long.
-Also, he can read while you massage his legs, which makes it all the more comforting.
-Massages are now one of his top stress-relievers, other than cuddling with Shadow, that is.
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strwbivy · 2 months
hii! i love your writing! can i please request a suga/kageyama fic where their s/o starts paying attention to the plushy they had gifted them? I hope it fits your writing standard!! <33
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synopsis. they gave you a cute lil plushy as a present, not expecting it would backfire on them.
wc. 1.6k words | genre. fluffy | cw/tags. no warnings, bear plushy, jealous sugawara + kageyama, final exams, studying, movie night w/ kags, very fluffy stuff, kag's part is longer because yes (。・∀・)ノ゙
m.list // hq. masterlist
you've got mail ✉ ! hi anon! first of all i just wanna say tysm :D <3 and your request is just too adorable! i just can't not write it! i kinda struggled with writing sugawara since he's not my fav but i tried my best! and uhhmm i just realized i have a terrible problem with overwriting and writing too much unnecessary stuff so yeesh.. (; _ ;)..
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he suddenly gives you a mysterious gift. you felt the slight weight of it as you swayed the paper bag.
" thank you, sugaaa! this is really nice, but what's the occasion? " you asked, looking at the gray-haired man. he lets out a snicker. " ohh nothingg~, i just wanted to give you something once in a while, you know? " he replies in a monotonous voice.
you gave him a small smile before taking another look at the bag. "so are you gonna open it? or are you just gonna stare at it all day.." he jokes, chuckling at the end of the sentence.
you returned his chuckle, before finally opening the sealed bag. tearing up the strips of adhesive, you eagerly open the bag. your nose caught a whiff of a very familiar scent.
the source of the scent was coming from the bag. you checked out the inside of the bag, and you see a light-gray colored bear was containing it. you gasped with excited eyes, as you immediately took the plushy out, letting the bag fall on the ground.
you faced the bear in front of your face, observing the gray coat of it. the scent of sugawara's cologne lingered around the plushy. so you directly smelled the tummy of the bear, inhaling the fragrant scent. you slowly moved the bear sideways to reveal your smirking face to suga.
" hmm? the smell seems so familiar.. " you commented, pretending to act clueless. you then take another good whiff of the plushy. " i wonder who it could be?? " sugawara gave out a chortle.
" oh yea, i sprayed some of my cologne on it. just in case, if you missed me, you can just smell it, you knoww? " he says, elongating out the last word. " mhhh hmm, sureee.. " you hummed out while you gave the plushy a good squeeze.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝
ever since sugawara had given you that scented plushy, you were totally obsessed with it. you had brought it with you to school, the mall, and had traveled with it. the scent of it had slightly faded away, but nonetheless, you still adored the stuffed animal.
the date of your finals was nearing, and you just needed some help with a specific hard subject. fortunately, sugawara was good at the specific topic.
you asked sugawara to tutor you, and he, of course he agrees without hesitation.
he came to your house after school, he had brought some notes of his and the both of you started to study on your desk, that had the plushy displayed
" so to get the answer, you just need to find the LCD and divide it to just add it. did you get it? " he turns to you. he notices how your eyes were set, fixated on the bear plushy.
a heavy sigh leaves his mouth, which draws your attention back to him. startled, you snap your head to him. " ohh uhh.. yea-yea! " you answered in a tone that wasn't quite convincing.
his face softened with a weary expression, his lips pursed as he looked at you. he rests his cheek on his hand. " y/n, i know that tone of yours. you know you can't fool me. " you listened to his words, but you can't help it but have another peek of the plushy.
and he then suddenly cups your face with a hand, facing your head directly to him. " hey, you. i know that plushy is cute an' all, but i'm trying to help you study here, but you're so focused on that plushy. "
a pouty expression appeared on his face, making you feel guilty at the slightest. he hesitates, his lips part with uncertainty as he contemplates on. but with a deep long sigh, he becomes confident to some degree.
" focus on me won't ya? "
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kageyama had given you a plushy as a toke of his affection. he knew that plushies were your favorite, and he wanted to give you something special to show how much you mean to him.
he was quite nervous giving it to you at first, because he wasn't quite sure you would like it. and to no-ones surprise, you accepted his gift wholeheartedly. he felt relieved after you received his present with a smile on your face. his eyes watched give affection to the plushy, feeling a sense satisfaction to his right choice of gift.
and so, the raven colored plushy had captured your heart entirely. its fur feels so soft at touch, and it's beautifully blue-colored eyes and a cutesy little bear face that screamed cuteness had you keep adoring and giving it every little bit of your attention.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝
a planned movie date marathon was made between you two.
he had come over to your house late at night, carrying with him a wide variety of snacks and drinks that he knew you loved. he had carefully chosen each item, knowing that you would appreciate his thoughtfulness, and was excited to spend the night watching movies with you.
and once he set foot into your humble abode, something had caught his attention. and it's that it seems like you had another guest. but it's more of a roommate rather than a guest since the esteemed guest was actually living there.
his eyes peered over to the plushy that was sitting on your couch, right at his spot. a scrunched up expression appeared on his face, while he looked directly into the plastic eyes of the plushy.
to him, the plushy looked alive to him. he felt the bear plushy stared right back at him as he stared at it. it seems like he had started a staring competition with it. his nose only scrunched up further when he glared at it longer.
during that time, you were observing his odd deameanor.
you noticed the scrunched expression on kageyama's face as he carefully placed the snacks and drinks on the table, and you could see that see that his gaze was locked onto something. your eyes then followed kageyama's line of sight, only to realize he was looking right onto the bears face.
being slightly confused, you just shrugged it off that he was just appreciating the thought that you loved his gifts.
finally, after preparing the snacks and arranging the couch to be more comfortable, the movie night had finally started.
the opening sequence of the movie rolled in, the bright light of the tv almost blinding you. you sat beside the bear, which was sitting at kageyama's owned spot. kageyama groans as he gave the plush a disapproval sidelong glance.
and as the movie continued to play, you got into a cozy position. you layed your back on the couch, pulled up the soft blanket, and placed the plushy right up to your chest. you snuggled up to the soft head of the plush while you squeezed its ears from time to time.
as you felt warm and comfortable, kageyama was feeling cold. he glanced at you occasionally, feeling a tinge jealousy that your hands were all over the bear and not his. he sighs, as he hugs himself.
the more you cuddled with the plushy, the colder and kageyama seemed to get. he shot fleeting glances at you, as if he wanted to be held by arms instead of the bear. a soft sigh leaves him as he hugged himself a bit tighter, trying to keep himself warm, but he secretly wished that you would give him your attention and to him instead of the plushy.
but after a few long glances later, he had enough. he needed your attention badly. he then follows his first thoughts, grabbing the tv remote with a slight haste.
" whoa! that look so coo— what the?! " the sudden power off of the tv caught you off guard. your head immediately turned to your raven-haired man, he was already looking at you.
you looked at him with a confused expression. " um tobio?? why did you uh.. do that? " you asked, but he didn't reply. he instead moved closer to you. his hands pushed your thighs to give way for him to on your stomach.
kageyama then cuddles himself to you, finally getting the warmth he has been longing for. but there is one more thing he needs to do.
he lifts his head from your stomach, facing you and then looking at the plushy. he gives the plushy a good long look before taking it, removing it from your side. you look at him with a slight shock.
you were about to speak, but you immediately get cut off by him.
" tsk, why are you always paying so much attention to that plushy? you're always cuddling that damn thing. " he states, his tone being a bit upset.
" oh kag— " he cuts you off once again.
" it's not fair, i'm your boyfriend, and that's just some stuffed toy i gave you! that damn stupid plushy.. " his last words trail off as a sudden heat of embarrassment came to his face.
you were quite at a loss for words. ' so that's why he acted that way! he was jealous '
you began laughing at the situation as the man lying on your stomach got more embarrassed. you could clearly see his ears getting pink!
despite kageyama feeling embarrassed after admitting his envy towards the plush, he is just glad he has finally got your attention and he gets to feel your warmth again.
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copyright © strwbivy ↣ do not copy, translate or repost.
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harrypoppinss · 20 days
Hey !! So, maybe a Charles Smith with a chubby s/o w stretch marks 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
You ask and I shall answer 🫡
Charles Smith x afab!reader
(I didn’t proofread this one🙏 i apologize for any spelling mistakes)
Warnings: fluff, a hint of insecurity, post van der linde gang
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If there was one way you could describe the feeling you had in America, it would be suffocating. The revolution of machinery made it less desirable for you and Charles to stay in Saint Denis.
You had considered renting off a piece of John’s ranch for your homestead that Charles has been mentioning about making for the two of you, but it just didn’t feel right. You had been in America during your time running with the Van Der Linde gang, and now that it was over; it was time for some fresh scenery.
You two had considered Mexico, but decided the weather was less than desirable. Then your minds turned to Europe, but the only issue was travel, you were weary of boats. Then you came up with a solution; Canada.
That’s how you found yourself in the cold country, with a small ranch with your now husband Charles. The journey to this new life was rough, but you had eachother through it all. That you never doubted. You had built a stable life, there was no more running to be done. You had expanded your bloodline with a 5 year old little girl name Emilia.
Currently, you were standing on your porch, watching Emilia endlessly chase the dog around the small expanse of the area between the barn and the fence where the horses were grazing on the pasture, you arms crossed over your chest. The birth was hard for you, with it being a day long event of agonizing pain.
It had left your body with some stretch marks, along with a small amount of chub from just how big of a baby she was. But that never changed how Charles saw you. Everytime he looked at you, it was with absolute adoration, love. Before the baby, you had always been a bit chubby but still, that never deterred him from doting on you.
Postpartum was mainly to blame for your lack of self esteem. It was hard for you, but Charles was there by your side, encouraging you and helping you through the small episode of depression you fell into. He never once saw you as any less than a woman for it, in-fact the new life brought into the world by your body made his love swell for you even more.
The sudden feeling of hands sliding over your stomach as you stood on that porch, admiring your little girl as she yelled at the dog to come back with her stuffed toy. Charles rested his chin on your shoulder. A small grin on his face as he saw the scene. You leaned back into his embrace, contentment flowing through your veins.
“She gets that from you.” he said to you, a soft tone lacing his voice. He was referring to how stubborn she was about getting that toy back, even if she didn’t even play with it.
You shook your head in a small protest, denying it even if it was true. She was spitting image of you. She had your hair, your eyes, and your nose. Her skin was a mix of both of the colors that made up you and Charles.
“She doesn’t,” you hummed out, you head turning to look at where his own head rested on your shoulder as his arms tightened around your waist. “If anything she gets that from you.” He glanced over to your face as you looked at him, before he leaned in, bringing his lips to yours in a small kiss.
His hands moved to grab your hips as he spun you around in his arms, his hand taking their stop on the small on your back. One of his hands did end up moving to cup your face, his thumb brushing against your cheek softly as his eyes held nothing but adoration.
“Everyday you seem to get more beautiful.” he hummed out. The sudden compliment made a crimson shade slowly creep up your neck as you bashfully looked away from him. Your self doubt was swimming in your mind, he could tell. He always could.
“None of that,” he hummed out, his hand guiding your face back to his as he gently made you look at him. “You’re beautiful.” He said again, his free hand sliding to rest on your hip. “Every part of you, it’s exquisite.”
You knew he meant it too, how could you not? His eyes were practically shaped into hearts the entirety of his small speech he just gave you. He leaned forward, his lips pressing onto your forehead, before he dipped his head down to be level with yours.
“I’ll show you what I mean tonight.” He declared, a small grin tugging back at his lips as they met yours once again. Your hands slid up to cup his strong forearms, before your kiss was interrupted.
A loud “eww!” rang out in the air. You both looked in the direction to see your daughter’s face scrunched up into a grimace as she saw the scene of her parents kissing infront of her.
“Ew?” Charles said, sidestepping as he had a small, mischievous glint in his eyes. He always did this what Emilia would do something along those lines, he gave you one small glance before he made his way down the porch steps. Making your daughter squeal as she darted away from her father.
A smile tugged at your lips as you watched Charles easily catch her, lifting her into the air as he pressed a series of small kisses playfully to her cheek. Yeah, you were definitely glad you moved to Canada.
Authors note: I’m finally back😼 I’m in my rdr stage again currently and I have SO many ideas🙏
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fanfic-gallery · 9 months
my captive roommate
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alhaitham × yandere gn! reader
|| cw (dead dove): implied manipulation, drugging, kidnapping, stalking
» manager's note: hello again, did you guys miss me? cuz i did~ now before you come at me about the haitus— calm down, let me defend myself- i just had a case of 'following the numbers, instead of following the heart'; i was trying so hard to appease my audience that i forgot the sole reason for my passion of writing; my entertainment— alright- enough moping, hope you enjoy the fic; and as always, stay safe, drink lots of water, i love you guys <3
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he never would have thought of him agreeing with someone, especially with that certain someone managing to drag him into this situation; back slouched against a chair with his limbs bound to its wooden frame by course rope.
maybe it was the drug still pulsing through his veins — clouding his mind, causing him to make such a rash decision... or maybe, he really didn't mind your offer; getting to spend his days within this isolated cabin far from the main capital in peace, with necessities all provided for... all with the exception of ur wandering eyes observing his every move.
you weren't a new sight to him; ever since kaveh grew an attachment towards you — with the many times he'd seen that idiot inviting you over to his house, showering you with gifts and gold, he had deemed you a faker... nothing but a con that was screwing his roommate over with your charm and pretty smile.
a pretty smile that's seemingly showing up more often than not — the reveal of you being apart of the akademia was no surprise; instead, it was the fact that you were under the same division of the scholar that he found slightly strange... never once in his lifetime had he noticed you before. despite his clear lack of interest in others, he still does take the time to familiarise the faces around him to avoid trouble; yet, not once, had he seen you.
he had concluded you must have been a transfer; as you had once stated you were from a far off village within the rain forest; invited by the akademia similiar to tighnari. yet, whenever he asked, you could neither confirm nor deny his hypothesis; always dancing around the subject, dragging kaveh into the conversation to avoid his observant gaze.
...there was more that meets the eye...
...and he decided to prove it.
stood within a isle of the empty, enormous library — he waited patiently; fingers nonchalantly flipping through pages of a book he had chosen at random as eyes underneath silver locks glanced around carefully.
tap, tap, tap...
...ears perked at the echoing sounds of scurrying footsteps.
tap, tap, tap...
...left, right — eyes swayed.
tap, tap... tap...
...thump, he held the now closed text.
tap... tap...
...before, punting it straight forward; yet, to his disappointment the thick spine smacked right against the cold, hard marble floor. with a tsk, he took a step back; assessing his failure... is what he'd presumed you were thinking...
glassy turquoise stared down the figure stood right by the second tomb at their feet. "...what business do you have here...?" he stated bluntly, carefully making his way towards the intruder.
"...you must have not been weary of the closing time for the studies..."
"...you won't be reported if you escort yourself o— out..-"
hand traveled up to his nape, feeling the thinnest of needles sticking from his skin. despite pulling it out without a second to waste, it had seemed whatever had coated the metal's surface was already kicking in... what a bad foresight... he never would have thought of you to be this sly...
lashes fluttered to what was pitch-black, he groaned softly as the effects of the anesthetics were slowing wearing; letting him to feel the aches of his back and stretched limbs behind him — which resulted in a slight struggle
"...you're awake!" figure froze at the familiar tone.
"oh- let me get that for you," unknown hands wandered to his head; and with a rustle and tug, a flash of light meets his pupils. brows furrowed as he adjusted, slowly coming to his senses.
"you're quite the difficult catch~" you chuckled.
"...but that matters not now... you're finally home...~"
"...what is it that you want from me?"
"come now... we haven't even gotten to introduction, but then again... your straightforward fortitude doesn't stray from what i've gathered..."
"...i'll ask again... what is it that you want from me?"
"...heh~ a stubborn one indeed," you sighed, tumbling back into a chair of your own.
"i'll cut it short... i'm here with a deal for you," arms crossed over themselves as you kicked up your heel
"you'll be able to leave a quiet life within this home far from the bustling city you so despise with necessities all provided by me all in exchange for becoming my little lab rat,"
"you'll be observed full to 24 hours; meaning, little to no privacy... but i'll allow some certainties, of course — and if you question if there's any tests involve, yes and no... there will be no tests involving narcotics or such, all you have to do is life your days here as you would within your own home~"
"...and is this research of yours going into anything? such as the akademia?"
you giggled, hopping off your seat: "...nope, im doing this for my own interest... you see i'm quite a fanatic for the human psyche... how it functions and what those decisions lead to..." eyes narrowed as you trailed over to a corner of the small room dressed in a curtain.
"...and you've been on my radar for quite some time now..." with a swoop, the wall undressed revealing a full portrait of pictures of the scholar plastered across its surface; ones dating back to a few days ago to others dating back since his freshmen year at the akademia.
"...you really are quite a sick individual, aren't you?"
you laughed in response, "why thank you~ im quite proud of this myself,"
he could only sit and marvel at your 'masterpiece' as he thought of what to make of this; arms swayed as he tried to struggle out of his bounds.
"ah- i almost forgot, i'll be confiscated your vision during the observation period as well, can't have you using it on me..."
forced to live out a average life within the confines of a little hut probably far from any civilization within a metre's radius, all without his vision...? you truly were a mad genius, weren't you?
yet, to say he wasn't enticed would be lie; the times he'd internally wished he was whisked away to some place far and distant without needing to think of work, his troublesome roommate and the public eye...
"...is that all?"
"...your conditions?"
"well," fingers rubbed at your chin. "for now, yes~"
maybe this was his chance to live a life he so desired — no superiors to undermined his own interests, no annoying roommate to disturb him of his peace — with the added bonus of all his basic needs all afforded for...
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have-kake · 6 months
Big Brother [2/3]
Three instances of big brother instincts within the chain. [Ao3 Link]
[Part 1: Wind] [Part 2: Twilight] [Part 3: Warriors]
Twilight pauses when he thinks he hears shouting. He's far from camp, and he can't usually hear the others from this far. He quickly changes directions and starts back. If monsters showed up, he'd rather be a part of the fight than find out he missed the entire thing.
The shouting gets clearer the closer he gets. He's careful to keep quiet as he hurries along. The last thing he needs is for any potential enemies to hear him.
"You don't need to know how to read to work a fucking map!!" Legend practically roars.
Twilight stumbles to a halt in his surprise.
Wild screams his own retort back.
Twilight runs a hand over his face with a long sigh. Of course they're arguing over how to travel. When do they not argue about how to travel?
He doesn't bother rushing for the rest of the walk back. They're screaming at each other, but it doesn't seem all that serious yet either.
He stops at the edge of camp where he can get a good look at them. He's not surprised to see Legend and Wild squaring up, but he is surprised to see Hyrule doing the same. He even seems to be on Wild's side too.
He looks around the camp to see where the others are. Sky and Four are both gone. Wind sits with Wars and they're both snickering at the arguing trio. And Time is doing a wonderful job at ignore everything.
He lets out a weary sigh. How did he end up being the only adult in the group? He's not even part of the oldest three! Yet he always gets stuck breaking up the stupid fights.
Hyrule and Wind play with a chuchu from Wild's era? Time's there to glare at all of them in disappointment.
Everyone places bets on whether Four can win against a like-like in tug-of-war? Time's there to lecture everyone and glare at them in disappointment.
Four and Wild nearly come to blows over what a tomato is? Twilight's there to calm them down.
Legend and Sky start fighting over religion and which Goddesses are real? Twilight's there to separate them.
Wild and Hyrule gang up on Legend about how to travel? Twilight's left to resolve the issue.
"That's soundin' like a pretty serious argument y'all are having," Twilight comments as he steps up to the trio. Instantly all three of them start shouting again as they try to talk over one another to give their side of the story first.
Normally, Twilight doesn't mind. He's used to breaking up arguments and fights between the kids in the his village. But these are grown adults! And none of the other adults bother to do shit!
Without warning, he hits all three of them on the head. "Shut up!" He snaps.
Hyrule falls silent in shock. Legend just crosses his arms with a huff. Wild tries to talk back, but a glare has him backing down.
"Y'all gettin this fight every other day!" He snaps. He doesn't even care about how the others are gonna pick on his accent. "I am sick 'n tired of hearin' it!"
"Then go somewhere else!" Wild yells as Hyrule tries to blame Legend for something.
Twilight reaches out and grabs both of them. He picks them up with ease. He makes sure to hold them extra tight so they don't slip free and so it's uncomfortable.
Legend snorts.
Twilight glares at him and the vet immediately falls silent.
Wild tries to break free so he tightens his grip, and he keeps tightening until Wild starts yelling. "Okay, stop, stop! That hurts!" He shouts finally stopping his struggle.
Twilight stops tightening his grip, but he doesn't loosen it either. "If I gotta hear this stupid dang fight one more time!" He threatens. "Imma rat the three o' y'all to Time!"
That seems to get the Old Man's attention.
Legend narrows his eyes up at Twilight. "You wouldn't," he whispers.
"Watch me," he looks away to find Time watching them carefully. "Hey, Old Man, y'ever wonder how yer fancy shoulder armor got all chewed up?"
Legend's eyes widen comically wide. Twilight would laugh if he wasn't so annoyed. He has to fix his hold on Hyrule as the poor boy also tenses. Two birds with one stone.
Time's single eye narrows. "Yes," he says slowly. "As a matter of fact, I do."
Twilight turns back to Legend with a triumphant smirk. He even focus on the two in his arms for good measure. Can't let Time know for sure who did it.
"Or maybe I'll tell Sky which o' y'all spilled that weird gunk on the Master Sword," Twilight continues feeling Wild and Hyrule flinch. "Or Wars who tore up his scarf." The scarf had actually been Four, but having the Captain's attention increase the tension helps.
"Okay, okay! We'll stop!" Wild says.
Hyrule's quick to nod along. "No more fighting! Got it!"
Twilight lets go abruptly. Hyrule tries to catch himself, but still ends up with a mouthful of dirt. Wild doesn't even bother trying and just flops to the ground with a quiet grunt.
He waits until they've picked themselves up to cross his arms. "Well?"
"Sorry, Twilight," they say with varying degrees of reluctance.
"I ain't the one y'all should be apologizin' to," though he does appreciate it.
Legend and Wild grumble while Hyrule simply shuffles in place.
"I'm waiting."
Hyrule sighs. "Sorry, Legend."
"Yeah, sorry," Wild adds.
Legend huffs. "I'm sorry, too, I guess."
Twilight claps both Legend and Wild on the shoulder. He smiles at the way they both jump. "See, that ain't so hard."
The three of them disperse and wander to different parts of the camp. Twilight sighs and makes his way over to the fire. There goes his plans to transform for a few hours. He's too exhausted to even think of running around. Shame he can't take them out to chop wood. Like Fado liked to say: you got energy to fight, you got energy to work! 
Wind snickers as he walks by. "Looks like even big brother Twilight has his limits," he stage whispers to Wars who snorts.
Twilight stops to raise an eyebrow at both of them. "Y'all two fixin' to join in?"
Wars and Wind both hold up their hands. "Nope, we're all good," Wars says.
"What he said," Wind agrees.
He ignores them and goes to take a seat. He lets out a long breath as he gets settled.
Time leans over to him. "Who was it?"
"Who messed up my pauldron?"
"Dunno what you're talking 'bout," he replies.
Time frowns. "But you said–?"
"And they stopped," he shrugs, "so s'far as I'm concerned, I dunno what you're talkin' bout."
Wars laughs. "A true brother's honor!"
Some time later, Sky finally wanders into camp. He looks around and raises an eyebrow at Four and Wild as they cook. "Did they finally finish fighting?"
Twilight glares at him.
Wind leans forward from his spot by Time. "You should've seen it!" He says excitedly. "Twi really let 'em have it!"
"He went full farm boy on them, too," Warriors adds. "Thick accent and all!"
Sky looks surprised as he takes a seat next to Warriors. "Really?"
Twilight's still glaring at him. "And where were you?" He asks. "You were supposed to be watchin' the camp with Wars 'n the Old Man."
"The fighting was getting annoying, so I went for a walk," he shrugs.
Twilight simply nods.
In the morning when they head out on the road again, Twilight lets Legend know Sky's the one who accidentally dumped his pack a few days ago. He leaves to scout ahead just as Legend starts shouting. Maybe one day Sky will act his age. Until then, Twilight will keep treating him like one of the kids from the village too.
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I am but a humble weary traveler, may I please have some fluff headcanons for the claymore queens (Dehya, Eula, Beidou, I can't remember if you've taken on Navia into your list of ladies, so if you want to swap her for Noelle thas good too.)?
(Genshin Impact) Dehya, Eula, Beidou, Navia, and Noelle random fluff
I write for Navia now, and how about both?
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(Dehya) "A-Archons above, it's freezing!"
Dehya had not seen snow until she went with S/O to Mondstadt.
The two were on a date walking through the streets in the winter months when snow began to fall.
As the snowflakes gently came down, Dehya was shivering, both her arms desperately holding onto her body for some warmth.
(Dehya) "H-H-How can anyone stand this?!"
(S/O) "Well, it'd probably help if you didn't dress like that."
(Dehya) "How was I supposed to it was going to snow?!"
Dehya grumbled something under her breath before falling silent when S/O wrapped their coat around hers.
(S/O) "Here, I'm a lot more used to the cold than you are."
Flashing Dehya a smile, S/O held her hand, quickly warming them.
Dehya's cheeks suddenly began to heat up as well, now it was starting to get a bit too warm.
(Dehya) "Um..T-Thanks."
Dehya returned the smile and snuggled even closer to them as they walked home.
Hopefully their next date would not include Dehya nearly turning into...what did S/O call it?
(Dehya) "Hey, what's that one sweet where it's like some...frozen treat on a stick?"
(S/O) "A popsicle?"
(Dehya) "Yeah that!"
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Eula sighed as she opened the door to her house.
It had been a long day, and the only thing she wanted to do was sit-
(Eula) "...Is that singing?"
It was S/O's voice, and the melody was coming from the kitchen.
The distinct scent of mooncrest pie caught her attention as she approached, watching S/O softly singing to themselves as they prepared it.
The singing wasn't the best Eula had heard but it still enamored her all the same. After all, it was by someone she loved.
And best of all, they hadn't noticed her yet.
(S/O) "I, can fix all those lies, But baby, when I run, I'm running to you! You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside, My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you!~"
Eula didn't recognize the song they were singing, but it seemed catchy at least.
Her smile grew end to end as she leaned against the wall, counting her blessings. A loving S/O, a warm home and dinner to come back to, most people would kill to have a thing.
And never in her life did she think she'd have anything like this.
(Eula) "Nice song."
(S/O) "GAH?!"
S/O jumped up in surprise, quickly turning around but relaxing when they realized it was just Eula.
(S/O) "How long were you there?"
(Eula) "I just arrived, truth be told. But I'm far more interested in that song's lyrics. Is it perhaps revealing something about your plans?"
S/O rolled their eyes playfully and set Eula's plate of food on the table.
(S/O) "Eat up before I take my vengeance on you, Eula."
(Eula) "How could I refuse?"
Eula happily sat down, her smile not going away for the entire night.
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(Beidou) "S/O! Come drink with the crew and I! We'll be finally reaching shore tomorrow."
It had been quite the voyage the Crux had embarked on. The trip had lasted nearly three weeks, and spirits were high after obtaining a large amount of mora.
Of course, the real party would be the three day feast, but that wasn't until they actually landed.
Everyone, including the captain, was drinking to celebrate their success, all of course, except the captain's love.
(S/O) "I-I think some of us should remain sober for tonight."
(Kazuha) "I would agree. Rest is important for all the sailors, Captain."
(Beidou) "Psh, buzzkill! Come on, S/O. Just one drink, I promise."
Both Kazuha and S/O raised a single eyebrow.
(Beidou) "Hey, I said one drink for them, not for me."
S/O sighed and relented, making Beidou do a small fist pump.
(Sailor) "All riiight! Welcome to the party!"
(S/O) "Only a single drink, okay?"
(Beidou) "Come on, it's not like we're gonna get that drunk together!"
Kazuha sighed, shaking his head as he realized there wasn't going to be any sleep had anytime soon.
S/O and Beidou were displaying way too much signs of PDA for his and the crew's liking, but it was pushed to the side by their singing.
Singing which he couldn't deny made him tap his foot in rhythm, but by the Archons it was loud, and disruptive of the beautiful starry night.
S/O and Beidou had their arms wrapped around each other's necks, swaying side to side with a mug in their hands, obviously far too gone to save.
(S/O) "No line was cut, no whale was freed, The Captain's mind was not on greed!"
(Beidou) "But he belonged to the whaleman's creed, She took that ship in tow!"
(S/O) "...Beidou."
Beidou's eye groggily opened as they rose from the bed in the captain's quarters.
Their clothes and hair were an absolute mess, accompanied by a killer headache.
(Beidou) "...That wasn't one drink, was it?"
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Navia inhaled deep of the scent coming from the oven, letting out a satisfied sigh.
(Navia) "S/O, your soufflé is ready!"
It smelled delicious, and for their first time making it, that was impressive!
(S/O) "W-WAIT! Navia, don't look!"
(Navia) "Hm? Why not?"
(S/O) "I-...I-I messed it up."
(Navia) "Nonsense, mon chéri/ma chérie! I bet it will look as good as it smells-"
Upon opening the oven and putting the soufflé on the table, she was quickly proven very wrong.
Navia's open smile faltered for a few seconds before quickly clearing her throat.
(Navia) "Aha...aaaah..." AHEM! "Well, next time I could help you plate the treats! That way it'll match your dazzling radiance!
Navia gave S/O a quick kiss on the cheek, which made them giggle.
(S/O) "Thank you. How about we both try it?"
(Navia) "I'd love to!"
Navia took a hearty spoonful, immediately putting it into her mouth the moment the soufflé cooled off enough.
She suddenly froze in place for a few moments, her facial expression remaining unchanged.
(S/O) "...It doesn't taste good, does it?"
As if time had finally resumed, Navia swallowed S/O's cooking, albeit reluctantly, and kept her smile.
(Navia) "Not as good as your lips.~"
(S/O) "..."
(Navia) "...N-No..."
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Noelle struggled to keep her heartbeat steady as she held the rose in her hand.
She knocked on S/O's door, and when they opened it, she gave a polite bow.
(Noelle) "Good evening, S/O. I wish to give you something!"
Noelle extended the rose to S/O, surprising them.
(S/O) "A rose! It's beautiful, Noelle. Thank you!"
S/O smiled at Noelle's flustered expression, noticing she wasn't meeting their eyes.
(Noelle) "I...I remember what you said about the meaning of Roses and...w-well...!"
S/O chuckled and adjusted the roses on her headband, making her freeze up.
(S/O) "I remember that first date. You gave me a rose saying that you'd keep my secr-"
(Noelle) "Ah! Please do not bring that up! It's...embarrassing."
(S/O) "I think it was adorable. Much like you are right now."
Noelle's fidgeting increased at their teasing.
(Noelle) "A-Anyways, would you like to go to dinner with me? I have finished all my tasks for today, and I had reservations at Good Hunter for us!"
(S/O) "I'd be honored to, my rose."
Noelle smiled at that, though the blush refused to fade away for the night.
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kaixserzz · 1 year
Hello! If it's alright, may I request Pantalone, Tighnari, and Wanderer's s/o (separately, of course) helping them when the boys aren't feeling good? S/o comforting the boys instead of the other way around
Thank you! I hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night ✨️
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With You By My Side
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ੈ♡˳ Pantalone x Gn!Reader *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ 0.8k words ┊ Fluff *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ Masterlist *ೃ༄
author's note ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
HIII ty for the request !!! i hope i delivered this nicely and sorry for taking for so long HDIJSKNADSA!! requests open btw guys :3 have a nice day/night too !! sorry i didn't include tighnari, i just can't think of anything rn for him :(( while wanderer's gonna be a separate one!! i just had a really good fic idea for it... teehee :3 i hope i didn't disappoint too much
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More often than not, Pantalone finds himself stressed being one of the Harbingers of the Fatui. There's always something to do, with piles and piles of paperwork adorning his desk, requiring meticulous scrutiny and countless signatures.
Alas, not everything proceeds according to plan; Il Dottore often approaches him, beseeching for additional Mora to fund his recent projects, and then there are the damages he must compensate for due to the Traveler's meddling. The responsibilities seem unending, despite being merely the 9th of the Harbingers.
Nevertheless, Pantalone is resolute in his dedication to his duties. He never entertains the thought of slacking off, for he knows that giving his all is the only way to secure the rewards he rightfully deserves. At the end of the day, he envisions all the Mora he could ever desire within the grasp of his fingertips as a fitting testament to his unwavering commitment.
Regrettably, he finds himself vulnerable to the relentless onslaught of growing exhaustion and the suffocating grip of stress.
There's still so much to be done! Papers and meetings—this just won't do! As he lets out yet another deep sigh, he can feel the weariness settling in, each breath a testament to his exhaustion.
As three soft knocks echo on his door, he couldn't help but groan. With a determined effort, he straightens up on his chair, hoping to appear presentable enough to whoever stands outside. "Come in," he calls out, setting his pen down on the desk as he readies a smile on his lips.
As you stepped inside his office, a bright smile adorning your face, and a cup of tea carefully prepared just for him in your hand, a sense of relief washed over him, causing his tense body to relax. With each step you took toward him, his smile widened, feeling utterly cherished as you handed him the soothing tea, magically dispelling all his stress and exhaustion at the mere sight of you.
With a small bow, a gesture of respect for his position as a Harbinger, though you were his dearest lover. There was genuine concern in your eyes as you addressed him, "You've been hard at work, my Lord. I hope you give yourself a moment of rest."
"Thank you for your worries, my dear," Pantalone replied gratefully, feeling a warm flush in his cheeks as he took a sip of the perfectly prepared tea. He couldn't help but marvel at how you knew precisely what he needed without him having to say a word, coming to his office at just the right time. "I am almost finished for today," He added, reassured by your presence, knowing that with you by his side, he could find solace as he continued on with his work.
Flashing him another dazzling smile gracing your face, you positioned yourself beside his desk and gracefully bowed your head. "If you need anything else, please tell me. I will do my best to help."
Pantalone perks up at your words, a mischievous smirk played on his lips, and he casually set down the cup of tea on his desk. "Is that so?" You nodded eagerly, "Then kiss me," He simply ordered with a rather teasing tone. Pantalone chuckled, charmed at your cute reaction, eyes widening before your face flushing and quickly averting your eyes from him.
For a moment, you struggled to form a sentence, before furrowing your brows and clearing your throat, looking back at him with an embarrassed expression. "My Lord, we are still at work..." Pantalone raised a brow at that, crossing his arms.
"Oh? And I'm your superior." He stated with an authoritative tone, reminiscent of how he addressed the Fatui soldiers working beneath. But you could tell it was all for fun by the twinkle in his eyes. "So, I am ordering you to kiss me right now."
"But my Lord, what if-"
"You're not defying my orders now, are you?" His smirk widened when you looked completely cornered, hiding your extremely flustered face from him with your hand.
"N-no, my Lord..." With a small sigh escaping your lips, you gave him a playful glare. Taking a step toward him, you leaned down, and let him grab you by the back of your neck. He pulled you close to him, greedy lips attaching to yours.
It takes a good amount of force from you to separate from him, the kiss leaving you panting and a little lightheaded. You could tell he really needed that based on his very pleased face. He licked his lips, eyeing your lips for more, but you put your hand on them, glancing nervously at his door.
He didn't let up, trailing kisses all over your face and down to your jawline. You had to hold him by the back of his head to prevent him from going further down. "My Lord," You warned him, but you weren't pulling away from him either.
Pantalone's laughter resonated wholeheartedly, his hand gently cupping your cheek as a genuine and sincere smile adorned his face. It was a smile filled with love and adoration, a reflection of the deep affection he held exclusively for you.
"Now, sit on my lap." He teases once again, "That's an order."
"My Lord..."
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛❛ If you like this a lot, consider reblogging! I'll appreciate it very very much! Don't repost and/or translate my work anywhere. ❜❜ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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