#comic long hair iq your a dick
haribojam · 5 months
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I.Q. What was the fucking purpose of that decision
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outoftheframework · 4 years
characterization cheat sheet - batfamily girls + additional characters / elements
Some of you wanted to see another one of these posts including the girls, so I thought I’d combine them with a few other points I was thinking about after I posted the first one.
You can read about the batboys here.
Cassandra Cain:
Age: 18-22
Appearance: Cassandra is of asian descent, typically has pale skin, shoulder-to-chin length jet-black hair, and a button nose. She has the body of a dancer, with long legs, a lean middle, and strong arms. Cass is typically wearing black and is drawn with dark, strong features to match. 
Personality: Comic Cass is almost on the complete opposite of the spectrum as the one portrayed in Birds of Prey. She is disciplined and seems to work well with teams / under the direction of Batman. She has the potential to grow into herself more as a leader. Cass can be impressionable, especially toward the beginning of her journey and with people she likes/admires, like Batman or Stephanie. Cass is similar to Dick in her capacity to love and her dedication to her found family.
Speech: She grew up training to be a master assassin completely reliant on reading body language, and was never taught to read or speak. Her portrayals range from her being completely illiterate to her having a stronger control of language after spending some time with the batfamily. Her desire to learn and express herself is a hallmark of her personality, and she can sometimes become frustrated. Cass can be expressive through her body and facial features, and in some iterations (mostly fanworks) communicates through sign language. 
Additional Attributes: Cass is a good listener and often easy to get along with. She is sometimes caught up with proving her strength/her worth, especially to her biological parents and sometimes Batman. Despite her being illiterate, do not write off Cass as unintelligent; she is on par with the rest of the batfamily. Cass likes to travel and sometimes takes long journeys away from Gotham.
Barbara Gordon:
Age: 25-30
Appearance: Barbara has red/orange hair of varying lengths, often pulled out of her face (with some fly-aways). She wears glasses often while working as Oracle, but I’ve never seen a Batgirl interpretation wearing glasses while in uniform. Her wearing contacts could be a little detail to add to your work. Babs shares some features with the Commissioner (who also wears glasses). She is tall and healthily thin. She’s often dressed in comfortable clothes or business casual attire. As Oracle, she is a wheel-chair user.
Personality: Growing up in Gotham as a police officer’s, and later the Commissioner’s, daughter, Barbara is thick-skinned, outspoken, and can advocate for herself. She holds secrets and lies easily, even to her father whom she loves. As Oracle, Barbara suffers from PTSD, which affects her mood and actions, more so in the beginning of her time with the mantle. After some time coming to terms with her injury and trauma, Barbara delves into her work as Oracle, which is a monumental help to the batfamily. She’s smart and quick-witted, and never misses an opportunity for a pun.
Speech: Barbara grew up with Jim, who definitely has a strong Gotham accent. Her speech is assertive and doesn’t typically stutter or trail off at the end of sentences. At work she speaks very differently than at home or with friends. She has a playful canter to her voice when relaxed and surrounded by trusted companions. Her voice as Oracle is smooth and clear like a radio host, as she is to provide information quickly and accurately. Her voice has a calming effect to the vigilantes out in the field.
Additional Attributes: Babs is the best at calling Dick Grayson out on his bullshit, and he typically cares about her opinion the most. She appreciates friendships but is not reliant on romantic relationships. She is one of the world’s best hackers and computer scientists, with a very high IQ. 
Stephanie Brown:
Age: 17-20
Appearance: Long blonde hair with bright eyes and pink lips. She has a cute beauty to her and tends to keep herself well-groomed. She often wears purple (her favorite color) and black. Stephanie Brown is one of those characters that artists love to give unrealistic body proportions to. Perhaps because she’s blonde? Whatever the reason, she’s often drawn with like a 10-pack and back-breaking-ly large breasts as a teenager. I implore you not to do this, but I mean, whatever floats your boat. She’s a vigilante but is also a teenager that obeys the laws of human proportions.
Personality: Steph is witty and loud. In fan works she’s often the one to suggest a fast-food run or dare someone to do something wild. Stephanie is a self-starter and dedicated to heroism after growing up with a dad involved in crime who continually abandoned and lied to her. Steph is still young and can get caught up in common teenage angst and gossip. She can make mistakes but stringently takes steps to correct them.
Speech: Stephanie is close to Jason in the degree of her accent, but with a feminine touch and a stronger control of modern slang. Sometimes uses speech fillers as in “um” and “like.” Her voice fluctuates in tone with her emotions. She likes to tease and joke around, and can purposely use incorrect grammar.
Additional Attributes: In her original continuity, Stephanie became pregnant as a young teenager (I want to say around 15 years old). She is mostly firm in her decision to not raise the baby, but some doubts and regrets still appear when she’s emotional. She found a lot of support in Tim during that time, but ultimately the decision was her own and caused her to mature very quickly. Steph’s hero name of “Spoiler” stems from her “spoiling” the plans of villain “Cluemaster,” her father. Stephanie loves waffles.
Additional Elements and Characters:
Kate Kane: I admittedly haven’t read much involving Batwoman, but here’s some basic points.
She is a female foil to Batman as his Bruce’s cousin; she similarly uses her wealth to fight crime in Gotham
She has bright red long hair and very pale skin, with a tall athletic body
Her sexuality is a main theme explored in her narratives
Jim Gordon: One of my favorite reoccurring supporting characters
Jim is of average height with a slightly athletic build due to his position. He wears glasses and often neutral colors like tans and grays.
Jim Gordon without a mustache isn’t Jim Gordon
He has a very accurate moral compass and is adept at following his gut feelings about danger. He is at foremost a detective, which contributes to his relationship to Batman.
Alfred Pennyworth: The man, the myth, the butler
Alfred lived a full and exciting life before working for the Waynes, and is trained in military medical assistance
He can put on a calm and collected appearance to take control of a situation despite his actual feelings 
Alfred is loyal to the Wayne family but will not hesitate to reprimand Bruce or the kids
Ace the Batdog or Titus?: The age old question
Titus is directly associated with Damian and his softer side/love for animals
Ace is more so Bruce’s dog, and sometimes even performs clutch actions to help out Batman and co.
Wayne Manor: These walls hold a lot of secrets
The mansion is located just inside the city limits of Gotham, with expansive surrounding land and a long, gated driveway
The manor is secured with the latest security systems to keep both enemies out and sneaky kids in
The layout changes and is up for interpretation, but it’s often described as “stately,” which implies grand and old architecture
The whole mansion is well-kept but Alfred, but some places accumulate dust, especially high bookshelves and little nooks and crannies
Gotham City: Take creative liberties
Gotham varies from a some-what functional city with corruption and violence in the shadows to a complete gothic hell scape where it’s never daytime
These can add realism or an elements of fantasy, respectively
Gotham is a mix of old and new, with modern corporations like Wayne Enterprises mixed with ornate art deco buildings like City Hall
Like real cities, Gotham is a mix of safer, more tourist-y areas and more dangerous areas like the appropriately named “Crime Alley”
Hope this helps! Feel free to add on, and remember to be civil and respect other people’s interpretations :)
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salavante · 6 years
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Last one, with a compilation of all the heads incoming! I already answered the ask where @solrika originally asked about Rusty, so this one’s a free-floater. 
Full Name: Rusty Tsivanoh
Gender and Sexuality: Nonbinary Transmasculine (they have been through the magical equivalent of HRT but no top surgery), Bisexual
Pronouns: They/Them with masculine honorifics (Mr., Boyfriend, Husband, Sir, etc)
Ethnicity/Species: Luch-Dor (Bennai mixed with a bennai subspecies known as the Dor)
Birthplace and Birthdate: Born in a subsection of Logtown, and would refer to their birthday by the Bennai calendar, but we’d be familiar with it as January 21st.
Guilty Pleasures: Pretty much all of the guilty pleasures regard unhealthy food - big milkshakes, loaded nachos, giant cheeseburgers, chicken & waffles, key lime pie etc. They maintain a really rigorous fitness routine and diet, but will buckle every once in awhile. Odwain is a bad influence. 
Phobias: They’re a really loving dad when they have kids and their #1 fear is something bad happening to one of them, which unfortunately does happen in the case of Horace and Horatio respectively.
What They Would Be Famous For: Adventuring with The Network (Hare & Jonquil’s organization), being a key engineer on a large building project (well, textbook famous, not celebrity famous). In Ozzy’s universe Rusty is part of a government task force that hunts Liches and while they couldn’t be recognized on sight, their codename, Heatmiser, is well known.
What They Would Get Arrested For: They actually were canonically arrested on an assault charge, lol.
OC You Ship Them With: Rusty is one of those characters who has good chemistry with a LOT of people. My two big ones that I fawn over are Rusty/Odwain and Rusty/Jonquil, but in Ozzy’s universe Rusty has a daughter with Rutabaga, and they also have good potential romantic chemistry with Hare, Domino, Nev and (a couple names that mean nothing to anyone but me and Jacob) Hemlock and Trillium.  
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I mean Odwain depending on what stage in their relationship is in when you look at it (he did not like them at first), and there also are universes where they are enemies instead of friends or lovers. The only constant is that their relationship is always really intense. Oh, and The Machine God also wants to eat their dick.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: When Rusty reads its probably for the absorption of information more often than it is for pleasure, whether its scientific journals, stuff about fitness or research papers in their field of expertise. Movies are something they’re more likely to seek entertainment in, and honestly probably like some pretty basic stuff. Action films, the occasional horror movie, romance - anything as long as it doesn’t get slow or boring. They like popcorn flicks.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Not a fan of slow-burn types of stuff or things that are too heady or artsy or complicated.  
Talents and/or Powers: A master engineer with a genius level IQ. They started out being nonmagical, but some shenanigans ensue that make them magically sensitive. Horatio’s pop, the Rusty that’s married to Jonquil, is a witch that uses fire magic. In our current tabletop game they’ve taken a prestige class called a Warcaller, where they can do magical enhancements to themself by speaking simple incantations.
Why Someone Might Love Them: They’re full of rustic charisma, are good with people and are fairly emotionally intuitive, and extremely reliable once they’ve simmered down in their late 20’s. Good to people in low social classes, where they have their roots, and have a lot of compassion for their struggles. The make things with the genuine intention of creating stuff that will make peoples’ lives easier. Solid sense of humor and a big, hearty laugh, and are good at having fun wherever they are. Really sweet and generous towards people they care about, and very romantic and chivalrous with their chosen partners.  
Why Someone Might Hate Them: They were a fucking shithead from about the ages of 16-23. Started shit at the drop of a hat, got in fights all the time, picked on people who they felt deserved it, ran their mouth. They were the guy who’d come to your party, get drunk and crash head first into your mother’s china cabinet. Even today, Rusty has a temper and will throw the first punch if they are inclined, and has a very strong personality that I think would cause some people to actively avoid them.  
How They Change: I can’t speak much about comic verse. But in our games, obviously their relationship with Odwain changes from something very antagonistic to something very loving, but I’d say Rusty gets a lot less volatile even from then on out. They worry about the people they care about more, and when their son has a near death experience, they are way more overprotective of him than they ever could’ve imagined they’d be. In our current game, they’ve been wrestling with how Odwain has visibly aged while they’ve stayed the same, how they can spend the rest of his life with him, but they’ll be without him for a significant stretch of theirs. They are not going to grow old together. This is exasperated when Odwain, well, DIES. YEAH HE DIED a few sessions ago. If the PCs win the game The Hunt will resurrect the dead, but if they don’t, he’s just dead, dude. Rusty’s in a rough spot right now. They feel most powerless they’ve ever been. 
Why You Love Them: Mm, well, I don’t love talking about being trans, but I made Rusty when I was first kind of dipping my toe into presenting the way I felt, right before I started coming out to people. Rusty is unapologetic about who they are and it gave me something to be encouraged by. It sounds dumb, but I went, if some asshole gave me shit about Rusty’s pronouns or their appearance, wouldn’t I defend them? And wouldn’t they defend themselves? So I should be able to defend myself too. Same with, “they saw in themselves a person they didn’t like and resolved to change it. Bad things they may have done in the past do not make them a bad person in the present, because they have put in the labor to become a better version of themself.” They are sort of a personal physical ideal - the build, facial hair, body hair, chest size etc that I would ask for if the Testosterone Fairy told me I could wish for anything. I love them because I needed a part of myself to love, because I am very, very bad at it.
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