#commander bumi
pathogenrot · 7 months
my heehee uncle
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*puts gun to your temple* pls reblog tumblr economy is in shambles
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bitofawildman · 5 months
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The prompts are finally here, and I hope you're as excited for the event as I am.
The week will run from 24th May to 26th May, and I will be tracking the tag #bumiweekend2024 or #bumi ii weekend 2024.
Day 1- Loss OR Day on the Water
Day 2- Bumi's thoughts about getting airbending OR Bumi, Tenzin, Kya shenanigans
Day 3- Bumi and Jinora oldest sibling hangout OR Scars
Free Prompts- Uncle Bumi brings the best gifts OR Naval Officers
This event exists to celebrate Bumi as a commander, son, brother, uncle or lover, and a list of faq can be found here.
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orangepanic · 5 months
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Made this today instead of... literally anything else.
Bumi just wants to be a supportive mentor, you know?
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novaae · 5 months
Hello, I know most of you regret following me and don't really care about Bumi but!!!! I was wondering if there is any tentative interest for a small Bumi week or weekend?
He's a good and fun character who is also the love of my life and I think an event dedicated to him would heal all wounds I have. And it would also bless you with an added five years to your life.
Any type of content or ship would be welcome because I'd like to be as fair as possible, my only request is that it be focused on Bumi , not Kataang or Izumi or Lin Beifong.
Edit: Bumi Week/Weekend/Event?
I'd probably hold the week on one of my Bumi url sideblogs.
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fuckmarrykillpolls · 7 months
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panther-os · 5 months
sometimes you can just tell bumi spent a lot of time with his uncle sokka and that makes me happy inside
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linnorabeifong · 2 months
wjo helped make bumi/jargala? who opened your mind?
@novaae needs no introduction, he is the man with the plan to make everyone a Bumi fan. I forget how Bumala came to be, I think it was because I kept bringing up Jargala. I can't take full credit for the unrivaled brilliance of Bumala.
It works since Jargala is quite sassy and Bumi is more soft so they have nice contrast but Bumi is quite playful too so they can have good banter. I also find the idea of him spoiling her so cute. She deserves it. She also sows chaos and Bumi loves the show. Thay are good sparring partners too. Jargala is good at hand to hand I think and being a nonbender his entire life Bumi teaches her all of the old school techniques. Bumi can teach her how to defend against air bending too. A couple that fights together stays together, yeah ?
(They would have cute kids too ! Am I wrong ? )
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bernard-the-rabbit · 1 year
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Bumi II with his fav uncle Sokka
[ID found by clicking alt on the piece]
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noxdoodles · 2 years
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finally got around the redesign for my canon divergent bumi, still a wip so it looks crazy now but yeah - im pretty excited about it
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notdrifting · 2 years
guy.exe is the go to song for me to write bumi bc… thats…thats essentially bumi they are describing there??
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saijspellhart · 7 months
Things I liked about the Netflix ATLA and some critiques:
Before you read. Please go watch the series, take off your blinders and keep an open mind. It’s surprisingly good. This review has spoilers.
They reordered some scenes so that emotional moments would have a larger pay off. Like getting to see and experience Aang’s relationship with Monk Gyatsu, and seeing his tribe before it was destroyed. So when he has his breakdown in the air temple with Sokka and Katara later, you really feel and understand his agony.
Azula is introduced earlier, with a story running simultaneously with the Aang’s journey but not involved with his. So she has a chance to be more fleshed out and explored before she becomes a major threat. Only time will tell if this more complicated Azula comes close to the animated one. Big shoes to fill, but not a bad start.
Fire Lord Ozai plays a more sinister and oppressive role. Not a faceless boogeyman anymore. You get to see his machinations and the cruel games he’s playing with his family, and see the emotional abuse that warps them.
Appa is adorable as fuck, and so is Momo. So well animated, such gorgeous care put into them.
Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Roku make more of an appearance. With Kyoshi narrating the prologue. And if you loved the novels you’ll see they incorporated more of Kyoshi and Kuruk’s backstory from the novels than what we saw in the animated cartoon.
The acting was competent, even if a little wonky at times. I found Sokka very endearing, I loved the kid they cast as Aang and you can tell they really tried to find a balance between serious and playful. They didn’t always hit it, but the effort was there.
Zuko was great. I think they nailed him and he had great chemistry with the actor playing Iroh.
King Bumi was great, I love how they made his internal struggles more complex. He wasn’t just a crazy old man anymore. He was a crazy old man who was weary and worn down by the horrors of loss and war. A crazy old man who struggled to reconcile that the best friend he lost is the avatar and wasn’t there for him.
I loved the costume and set design. It was like stepping into the actual world of ATLA. Cities were complex and well constructed. Every setting was incredible and the attention to detail was intense.
Zuko’s boat is full of artifacts he pilfered from the Air Nomads while hunting for the avatar.
They changed how Aang got the bison whistle so it makes more sense and fits more seamlessly into the story. It never made sense why a random peddler would be selling a bison whistle if air nomads and bison have been gone for 100 years. Not impossible for a peddler to do, but not probable. The Netflix series actually gave more meaning for the artifact and changed how Aang received it.
Emotional points in the show are now more intense and brought me to tears.
Commander Zhao is more competent and conniving, and his presence felt more dangerous and less comedic.
Sokka’s outright sexism was changed from putting girls down, to just manly machismo, talking himself up. Not gone, but not degrading. They decided to let the sexism message shine more prominently with the northern water tribe, rather than tackle it twice with Sokka too. (Sokka’s sexism being solved in one episode was never well written to begin with. And the animated series quickly forgot about it and moved on to him tackling more important issues, like his being a non bender inadequacy, his leadership journey, his physical combat journey, and him finding himself as more than just the funny sarcastic guy.) For time constraints, it was better the Netflix series did not to tackle the same problem twice, especially when you might not have the resources to give both sexism issues the gravity it deserves. By focusing the sexism problem to the northern water tribe they were able to give Katara more attention.
We got to see Katara’s water-bending go from being ultra sloppy and weak to badass. It feels like they are spending more time focusing on her developing into a warrior rather than being the mom of the group. I’m honestly not sad about it. She’s still the hope ridden, emotional glue, but now it feels like she explores that warrior side a little deeper. It felt so earned when she got the title of master at the northern water tribe finale.
The actor playing uncle Iroh nailed the role. I couldn’t think of a better live action adaptation of Iroh. I love him so much.
The shirshu looks fucking phemonal.
Koh was scary as fuck and I love it. They really nailed his horror elements. Even if I’m a little sad that they changed some things about his face stealing. (He eats faces now to steal them, rather than stealing when someone shows emotion.)
The three actresses who play Mei, Azula and Tailee actually look appropriate for their age. Since they are introduced earlier, they are clearly younger, and since this show is intended to get more seasons, the casting choice made sense as we are intended to watch these girls grow up over the course of the entire show. These actors will get older, and the characters will get more menacing and sharper. It’s great. It’s thoughtful. I love it.
We get to see Zuko’s dynamics with his crew more. And find out that he did more than just speak out against his father at that meeting. His outburst at that meeting saved an entire squad of soldiers, and they don’t even know it. Zuko feels such disdain and bitterness because of the situation, and his crew doesn’t even know why. It’s so complex, you can see how the abuse Zuko endured causes him to take out his anger on his crew, and in turn they are bitter back. And it’s this cycle, that festers. But the crew also grows with Zuko, they change and evolve as he evolves. And it’s such a delight to watch.
They could have cut the Secret Tunnel minstrels altogether, given the time constraints and that the episode was mostly fluff in season two. A fun romp, but not necessary. But the creators knew people loved the minstrels so they found a way to use them anyway. Because they knew they were special. I am thankful for that, even if they show up waaay earlier than they should.
I was honestly more sold on Sokka and Suki’s relationship in the live action. It’s was so adorkable. Do I wish it had more time to develop? Yeah, of course I love a good slow burn. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t fun as hell watching the two flirt so badly with each other. Sokka being a buffoon, and Suki overstepping and being too rough, before realizing she was being too hard.
Some Critiques:
They reordered some episode storylines to happen at the same time, and while it does bloat some episodes. it’s understandable due the episode and budget limitations. In the cartoon, during the inventor episode Katara didn’t have a lot to do, and during the freedom fighters episode Sokka didn’t have a lot to do. So they ended up combining both stories into one hour long episode in the live action, so that both Katara and Sokka would be involved in something. Is it the best? No. But it makes sense. I get it.
Katara starts off bland in the first episode and it takes a bit for her to grow into the character.
The past avatars can be a bit strong with the doom and gloom, and I wish they’d toned that back.
Koh and Heibei (I dunno how to spell the panda spirit’s name) got combined to the same episode, and Koh stole Heibei’s spotlight. Again, I understand why these got combined, but I think it could have been handled a little better and Heibei should have gotten more closure.
There should have been a ninth episode, placed between the two episode Koh storyline, and the Northern Water Tribe storyline. Why? Because the Koh storyline was really heavy and intense. And it leads right into the season finale. An extra ninth episode should have been added with a more lighthearted tone. Something to ease the tension between the two very intense storylines.
Aang should have been using a glider to flit about the temples in the first episode. But it’s not something that ruins the whole show. It was a dumb that only happens in a single episode in the season.
I really missed Momo and Appa’s presence. They appeared atleast once in every episode, but it was still sad they weren’t more of a presence. Again I understand why. They were so beautifully animated that everytime they were on screen it (without a doubt) cost the production thousands of dollars. They were generous including as many of the unique animals and creatures as they had.
I still don’t think Sokka had enough time to develop a relationship with Yue at the northern water tribe. It was rushed and contrived in the animated version, and it was rushed and contrived in this Netflix version. There also wasn’t any of the chemistry like Sokka had with Suki to make the whirlwind romance work. I never liked the romance from the original, and I wasn’t a fan of it here. But that’s ok, because it’s such a small and insignificant thing.
In conclusion most of the changes I can see made were due to budget, and episode limitations. The creators were clearly trying to bring theater-cinematic quality to what was essentially an eight hour long film. And you cannot deny that this show is stunning. Absolutely breathtaking. Most of the episodes cut were filler, and while hilarious and mostly loved by fans, were stories not as necessary in the grand scope. You could feel the love and appreciation the creators included in this series. It wasn’t soulless, it wasn’t a heartless cash grab, it wasn’t a shot for shot (thank god) but it also didn’t butcher the source material.
I understand that the animated show creators had creative differences with the live action Netflix adaptation creators. But that doesn’t mean that the Netflix series completely failed. As every fanfic writer out there knows, the original authors are not going to love what you create based on their works. Tolkien hated every adaptation of his works, HATED them. But no one is going about saying that the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies were hot garbage. A creator doesn’t have to endorse a project for it to be good.
Netflix ATLA is good, it’s not perfect. And it never was going to be perfect. The cartoon it was based on wasn’t perfect either. But the ATLA cartoon was definitely some huge shoes to fill that set a bar very high. Any adaptation was going to struggle to be just as good.
I think the Netflix adaptation was a treat and a pleasure to watch. I think people should go into it with an open mind and see that it’s not trying to replace the cartoon. It’s a love letter to the cartoon.
PS: According to behind the scenes commentary on the Nickelodeon ATLA cartoon, the reason we didn’t get a season 4 was because the creators wanted a live action film. Nickelodeon offered the original cartoon creators the option to make season 4 or to spend the budget meant for season four on a live action ATLA film. The original creators chose the live action film directed by M. Night Shamalan. They wanted a live action for their show over a 4th season. They had no idea M. night would butcher their baby with his pathetic film all those years ago.
This show was a second chance after the M. night abomination. And you know what? It’s a pretty decent adaptation. And guess what? With a resurgence of interest in the series, we are getting more animated content for the original animated series. There’s definitely something for everyone on the horizon if this succeeds.
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pathogenrot · 9 months
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A failed legacy
My last fanart of the year! I wanted to show a scene that could have happened in s2 of Korra, where Bumi and Bumju come across this broken statue head in Air Temple Island, and he's confronted with yet another symbol of his failure as an airbender. I just wanted sad Bumi.
Also yes this is deeply inspired by that NGE poster.
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bitofawildman · 5 months
Prompt Voting!
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Charming you with my trusty flute into voting for all your favorite prompts right here!
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melzula · 2 months
Hi mel!! I hope you're doing well and as always love your work 💖💖 if requests are still open, I was thinking hopefully another iroh ii and kya's daughter piece? 🙈🙈 I would love for korra and the gang to meet iroh and his family somehow! ❤️
a/n: for you my dear i would be happy to write about iroh and kya’s daughter 🫶🏼
summary: the family comes together to celebrate Bumi’s birthday
~ based off of these hcs ~
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“Tara, Azula, I better not find little fingerprints in your Great Uncle Bumi’s cake when I get over there,” Kya warns over her shoulder to the two little girls that peer over the table in awe at the perfectly decorated dessert before them. The frosted roses that line the edges are tempting, but the two girls know better than to disobey their grandmother’s words and instead opt to watch the woman prepare another batch of steamed dumplings.
“What are you two troublemakers up to?” A voice teases as strong arms wrap around their figures and hoist them into the air. Delighted squeals escape from their mouths as they meet the loving gaze of their father and are each gifted a kiss to the cheek.
“You better keep an eye on those ones, Iroh,” she jests before removing the cake and setting it away on a higher counter to sit undisturbed. “They’ve been eyeing that cake ever since y/n finished frosting it.”
“Now girls, we wouldn’t want to ruin your mother’s hard work, would we? I promise there will be time for cake later,” he assures the two before carrying them out into the yard where the festivities are taking place.
It’s Commander Bumi’s birthday today, and you and Iroh have graciously offered your home to host his celebration. Family and friends have been invited to partake in the festivities and enjoy the food you and Kya have spent hours preparing. It’s an intimate affair, but Bumi is grateful for each and every person that has come to celebrate.
After setting the girls down and allowing them the chance to run and play with their cousins, Iroh turns his attention towards you and your Uncles that sit admiring the newest addition to the family.
“I couldn’t be prouder to see how wonderful of a mother you are,” Tenzin compliments with a careful smile as he peers down at the babbling infant nestled in your arms.
“You did good, kiddo,” Bumi agrees with an affectionate ruffle to your hair. “He’s absolutely beautiful, a real Bumi if you ask me.”
You laugh softly at the way Tenzin rolls his eyes at his brother’s comment before looking down at your newest bundle of joy. Bumi the Third was born just a few months ago, and you and Iroh were thrilled to welcome your first son into the world. He was beautiful, with your eyes and Iroh’s nose, he was the perfect image of your love.
“General Iroh!” A voice calls, breaking the man from his thoughts and turning his attention to the group of guests that had just arrived.
“Avatar Korra!” He greets with a smile as he meets her and her friends halfway. “It’s so nice to see you all.”
“I hope we’re not terribly late,” Asami says apologetically with a remorseful smile.
“Someone had to stop and use the bathroom on the way here,” Mako retorts in annoyance while casting a judgmental glance towards his brother.
“It’s not my fault I didn’t have to go before we left!” Bolin defends adamantly only for Korra to shake her head and change the course of the conversation before they can embarrass themselves any further.
“Where’s Commander Bumi? We brought him a gift!”
“He was just here, but I think he went inside to check on the food,” Iroh explains before his eyes light up in excitement. Gesturing for the group of young adults to follow, the General leads Korra and her friends towards the guest area. “But there is someone I’d like you to meet.”
You sit alone now with baby Bumi, your Uncles respectively having wandered off to mingle with other guests and leaving you to your own devices. The child is as alert and happy as ever, letting out content coos as he grasps at the fabric of your dress. Noticing your husband approaching with the Avatar and her friends in tow, you’re quick to rise from your seat so you may greet the group.
“Y/n,” Korra greets with a respectful bow and a kind grin, “it’s nice to see you again.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you all, I’m so happy you’re here,” you agree with a pleasant smile. “It means the world to my Uncle that you all could make it.”
“I brought Korra and her friends over so they could meet the newest addition to our family,” Iroh explains to you with a grin before gesturing towards the newborn in your arms. “Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, I’d like you all to meet Bumi the Third.”
“He’s beautiful,” Asami gushes with a delighted smile as she extends a finger towards the baby and lets out a quiet laugh when he immediately latches on.
“You guys had another baby?!” Bolin exclaims in surprise only to earn a nudge to the side from his brother.
“We haven’t seen her in over a year, Bolin,” Mako reminds him before giving the two of you a polite smile. “Congratulations on the new family member.”
“Would you like to hold him?” You ask to an apprehensive Korra.
“Oh, I don’t know if I-“ she begins to protest, but she isn’t able to argue further as you wordlessly nestle your son into her arms. She looks panicked at first, but when he looks up at her with his wide eyes and gifts her a gummy smile, she realizes it isn’t so scary after all. “You’re a cute kid, aren’t you?”
“I call holding him next!” Bolin exclaims only to receive a harsh shush from the Avatar. You hide your laughter behind your hand before melting into Iroh’s side when he wraps a careful arm around your waist.
“Our children are lucky to be part of such a wonderful family,” you sigh wistfully as you watch the group fawn over the infant. It’s nice to know how loved your family is by all that know you and your husband, and you couldn’t be more grateful.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Iroh beams before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
How lucky you are to know such a wonderful group of people.
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novaae · 7 months
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i have so much to say but i wont. just saying that he has a very strong jaw which would have impressed many ladies.
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Linumi Hc
An incomplete and not in order list Because my brain is running a hundred different directionssssss
He is 10 years older than her but nothing starts with them until after the Linzin breakup so Lin’s like 33 ish he’s 43, long after she’s established in the RCPD and Toph and Su are gone.
Bumi wasn’t a violent man towards family and friends but the next time Bumi was in port after he heard what Tenzin did to Lin. Dropping her for Pema. (And expecting a kid within a year of breaking up with Lin) he decked Tenzin in front of Pema and the other air acolytes on ATI. Dropping Tenzin like a sack of bricks to the stone. “That’s for Linny.” He all but spat at the dazed Tenzin.
They write a lot. A LOT a lot. Lin receives several letters at the same time because Bumi has to mail them all at the same port after a while at sea. She saves every one of them but she would never admit it and Bumi assumes she tosses them but they’re hidden under a stone in her house. Lin doesn’t write as often to him as it usually ends up at the wrong port for him to be able to collect it.
They’re actually married but NO ONE KNOWS because Lin won’t wear a ring when she’s at work and no one can catch her when she’s not at work and Bumi doesn’t feel the need to tell anyone if they haven’t figured it out yet (*cough* Tenzin being oblivious)
One time Korra catches Bumi kissing Lin while they think no one was around at ATI and she was shoook
Bumi didn’t get any updates on what happened after Amon until it was weeks after everyone was at Katara’s house and as soon as he heard about it he couldn’t get there fast enough and no one dared tell Commander Bumi II that he couldn’t leave his assignment to get to his wife after what they heard happened.
Lin was in such bad state omg all the other hc injuries and nightmares but she was so pale and sickly thin when he got to her. He pulled her close to him and Lin just breaks down crying and apologizing over and over. (The night terror / comfort ficsssss please I beg)
When Bumi gets his airbending Lin grows distant a bit not really a huge fan of the new development but not discouraging him from his excitement. They do eventually talk it out but that’s kinda post series.
Bumi frantically digging through the wreckage of Kuvira’s mech to find Lin. (A Fog Au where Lin and Su are thrown into the spirit world by the explosion and Lin gets lost in the fog of lost souls- I think I have a few of those posts somewhere still)
Bumi joking that Mako/Rina(oc) or Bolin/Opal need to give him and Lin grankids soon because he’s retired and his niblings are growing up and finding other things to spend their time on than joking around with uncle Bumi.
Bumi loves making Lin smile and always manages to get a smirk at least as he’s goofing off in company. Sometimes he gets a chuckle and his week is made. Nothing can beat his Linny smiling and laughing.
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