#commander wolffe x riyo chuchi
melymigo · 6 months
Familiar faces
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New Episodes of the final season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch are now available on Disney plus.
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fandom-friday · 6 months
Hello friend Karrde!
I hope that all here have been well and prosperous, or at least not buried in snow like me. I have more offerings again for the rec list! I apologize because this is gonna be a whopper of a list too, totally understand if it doesn't make it in this week.
On the Art side of things:
@pinkiemme has been rocking our world with both Commanders Wolffe and Mayday... such scrumptiousness. But then I saw this panel of Captain Rex and... (crying).
@rexxdjarin again with the thick and healthy series latest Echo and Gregor... the study of muscular anatomy is so on point!
@sunshinesdaydream has given us the adorable duo of Hardcase and Sparks
@spicyclones79s has gifted us Omega & Hunter, Commander Wolffe, and a very sweet Foxio
@ladykagewaki always has my heart with the Bebe batch snuggles But also Ms. Fangirl has shared how to summon Echo (May contain spoilers!)
@cloned-eyes made me smile with Wrecker and his little friends but then sob when I saw Jenot.
Comic Recs!:
@paperback-rascal is back with mercy and co with an interesting neurologic finding on Major 40
Fic Recs!:
@pickleprickle 's Newest fic features an injured Mace Windu in the wake of the Empire's rise in Shattered Sunrise. When I say I binged the first two chapters... go read!
if anyone is in need of a Howzer Fic after @the-rain-on-kamino has just reposted their Exigency series. I didn't get a chance to read it the first time and am making my way through it now and let me tell ya... the love, the longing, the CAPTAIN! oh and the build up to the SMUT!
Hopefully I'll have the other comic pieces gathered together for next week and a few more recs. Till then happy reading!
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This is one HECK of a list that's got a little something for every TCW/TBB fan out there! I love all of the artwork, and the fics are phenomenal!!!
(Quick correction: the art of Hardcase and Sparks was a commission done by @cloned-eyes)
As always, THANK YOU for taking the time to pull all these together!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Welcome back, Karrde! Thank you, as always, for running Fandom Friday!
This week I want to shout out a couple fics:
Dancing with Wolves, a very smutty Wolffe x reader x OC trooper one-shot by @wizardofrozz that made me SWEAT! Rozz's OC Sawbones makes Wolffe look sweet here, which is quite the feat 👀 The writing is immersive, considerate, and SPICYYYY! Thank you to Rozz for releasing this incredible piece. 🫶
Stars Beyond Number, a longfic by @dystopicjumpsuit that will be releasing chapters weekly(!) featuring Rex, Echo, and Gregor as they endeavour to save their brothers from the clutches of the Empire! I've already gushed extensively in her AO3 comment section, but I'll say that DJ's writing is so clever and always treats characters with incredible depth! This story is something I'd kill to see in TBB, so I'm thrilled she's written it for us! 💖
Thanks again!
Thank YOU for the submissions Kira! These are both WONDERFUL. I am on my KNEES for Sawbones HOLY HELL IN A HANDBASKET. Rozz crams SO MUCH spice into such a short little fic. And I LOOOOOVE the concept DJ's laying out in Stars Beyond Number. It's so difficult to balance so many characters at once, and DJ is doing a PHENOMENAL job in this fic! I've only checked out the first chapter and I am HOOKED. Thanks again for sending both of these in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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p4vserviceanimalsau · 5 months
Pets 4 Vets Service Animals Masterlist
PFP is Gregor with a service strill by @cobaltbeam
Moderators: @anxiouspineapple99 @freesia-writes
Sweet divider by @dystopicjumpsuit FIND THEM HERE
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In the year following the fall of Palpatine, the Clone Rights and Personhood Act ushered in the age of clones integrating into civilian life.
While Right To Love Matchmaking Services was helping troopers find their way in love, many troopers still found the transition to regular life from combat challenging.
And so Pets 4 Vets was born. P4V Service Pet Services helps clone troopers find forever friends to help them acclimate to their new civilian lives and to assist with the scars of war; both visible and invisible.
Pets 4 Vets is a nonprofit organization, proudly funded by the senate with notable senators such as Padmé Amidala, Riyo Chuchi, and Mon Mothma volunteering time and funds to the cause!
Submit your fics and art!
Dividers to use in your fics!
Submission Requirements • How To Submit • Meet the Founder • Ideas and Suggestions
🍋 - indicates NSFW
501st Legion
Jesse: Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || 🍋 Ch 4 - @freesia-writes
Fives x Non-Binary OC - @spade-andthe-microwave
Clone Force 99
Crosshair x Fem!Reader [request from @moonstrider9904 ] - by @spade-andthe-microwave
Wolffe and his Loth-Wolf by @nika6q
Pylat bird, Wisp by @arcsimper5
Akk dog, Scram by @arcsimper5
Jesse and Pookie by @arcsimper5
Captain Keeli and Commander Mayday by @nika6q
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knightprincess · 8 months
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) Part 19
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Words: 2K Warnings: None - Does mention Clone Rebellion Pronouns used: She/Her - (Y/N) and (Y/L/N) also used
"Calm yourself, Echo," called Rex as he put the freighter he shared with the Arc Trooper and Gregor on autopilot. "Wolffe won't let anything happen to her, whether they're together or not," added the great captain, swiveling the pilot's chair around to face his companions, noticing Gregor seemed preoccupied with something. 
"She's with him," confidently replied Gregor, throwing his feet on the dashboard as he leaned back and relaxed a little more, a grin appearing across his lips mere moments later. "Didn't you hear?" asked the Commando, not wording he'd recognize Snap's giggle anywhere, especially when he purposely wound up Wolffe. 
"How do you know it was (Y/N) and not some civvie Wolffe picked up?" asked Echo, almost as if he assumed Wolffe was similar to Fives and Jesse, even Gregor himself, when it comes to the charm and ladies. His question only served to amuse Gregor, who loudly laughed while Rex shook his head as if trying to rid himself of unwanted mental images. 
"Wolffe ..." started Rex with a sigh before stopping, almost as if he searched for the right words. "He doesn't trust those outside of his circle, especially civvies..." continued the great captain, recalling the times in 79's when Wolffe had been somewhat relaxed but still on guard. "After the judgment and fear he received because of his eye, he grew colder to outsiders," explained Rex, trying to word the explanation in the kindest ways possible, determined not to offend the Commander even if he wasn't there. 
"Upon my return from The Void, I was assigned as her protector alongside Gruffles; I'd recognize her laughter anywhere," answered Gregor, once again nicknaming Wolffe, similar to how he'd nicknamed others around him based on their personality and his knowledge of them. "Plus, we have Cody's account; that has to count for something," he added, returning his gaze to the ordinary colors of hyperspace, almost welcoming the distraction despite knowing it wouldn't last long. 
"You'll see her soon enough. I'm sure Snap will be just as thrilled to see you as you are for her," spoke Rex, changing the subject to the impending reunion once more, almost seeing the irony. The scenario was almost an exact repeat of before, except now it was just Rex himself and Gregor instead of Clone Force 99, General Skywalker, and Rex. Instead of returning to a military base of operations on Anaxes, Snap is within the ranks of the GAR, serving with the 501st. Now, she was touring the length of the galaxy with Wolffe, hiding from the empire and their unknown desires and motivations. 
"I'll tell her about her family," voiced Gregor, seemingly lost in the swirls of hyperspace, although it was clear he was thinking of an impending reunion too. Rex and Echo glanced at each other, both still debating if it was a good idea to tell her Devika was the only family she truly had left. Octavius and Isolde had both been killed at the end of the war, and (Y/N)'s parents and other immediate family members had been killed not long after for one reason or another. Her parents vocally protested what happened at the Military Base. The others for trying to protect both Snap and Devika. "Good idea or not, Snap deserves to know the truth. It's better it comes from someone she trusts than allowing the imps to weaponize it." 
"Where is Devika now?" asked Echo, recalling the younger woman with a love for politics. Despite everything, she stood as a fighter for Clone Rights alongside senators Chuchi, Organa, and Mon Mathma. "I don't recall seeing her around the senate building," added the Arc Trooper, concern beginning to flood his voice, even more so when Omega had mentioned some she'd met when with Riyo. 
"The Queen of Naboo extended an invitation to her, she's been helping survives of the purge get away and hide" replied Rex, recalling briefly meeting the young politician when on Naboo before, at first he thought she was (Y/N), the two being almost identical. "The queen keeps her protected until the times right for her to return to the Senate, likely as a fully-fledged senator," added the great captain, hearing Gregor chuckle, noticing something few others seemed to recognize. 
"I wonder if they did that on purpose?" questioned Gregor, purposely being vague with his line of thought. Another chuckle fled his lips mere moments later upon glancing at Echo and Rex, seeing the confusion written across their features. "Snap and Wolffe running across the galaxy is distracting the imps to the point they haven't even realized Devika is probably the bigger threat. One refuses to give the empire what they want out of sheer stubbornness, and the other is basically building a rebellion," explained the Commando, seeing the irony in the situation. Almost as if the (Y/L/N) sisters had used the divide and conquer tactic against the empire. 
"If that was planned, they're doing a good job at it," replied Echo, a proud grin coming to his lips, even more so when their plan seemed to be working. "Tech would be proud," laughed the Arc Trooper, thinking of how Tech and the rest of the Bad Batch would respond. 
"So would the rest of the boys," added Rex, knowing all their brothers would be proud of what the (Y/L/N) sisters had managed to do, even if it was unintentional. "And General Skywalker," he added, thinking of the unorthodox Jedi Knight he'd served under for the entirety of the war. Deep down, Rex liked to think the General would be pleased his creative thinking had rubbed off the civvie medic and the senator. "I think Senator Amidala would be proud too; I'm sure if she was still here, she'd be doing as Devika is now," sorrowfully added Rex, sadness glimmering in his eyes to think of all those lost at the end of the war for various reasons. 
"Speaking of planned things," started Gregor, pulling his feet from the dashboard, being careful not to catch any buttons and leavers. "How do you plan to sway old Wolffee to join your rebellion?" curiously worded the Commando, suspecting it would be no easy feat to convince the Commander to join the ranks of the growing clone rebellion. "And the rest of Clone Force 99?" he added with haste, suspecting Rex had a plan to convince the three remaining lads of the Bad Batch to join them. 
"Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker have Omega to think about; her safety is the number one priority for them," voiced Rex, acknowledging in order for the rest of the bad batch to fight, they would have to be sure Omega would be protected. "As for Wolffe, it shouldn't be much trouble; convincing Snap will be far harder," he replied, knowing the plan Cody had thought of would certainly help, but it relied on (Y/N) and put her in more danger than she was already in. It involved putting her into the heart of the empire's secret goings-on. 
"Convince Snap of what?" asked Echo, quickly deciphering he wasn't going to like the answer. Still, he pushed the growing fear and judgment of the situation aside to listen with a clear mind. Rex could only sigh, whereas Gregor clearly displayed his disagreement with Cody's plan; even if it would help them, he was still insistent it wasn't worth the risk. 
"Before Cody went looking for General Kenobi, he shared a plan with Rex. It would help with the rebellion and freeing our brothers, but it will also put (Y/N) in the heart of all the danger," worded Gregor, displeasure dripping from his normally smooth voice as he slumped back into the co-pilot chair he'd occupied as if protesting against the idea once again. 
"We know clones within the imperial ranks and prisons are disappearing. They're transferred to a secret facility somewhere and never heard from or mentioned again. Cody theorized they were doing experiments on them, he'd heard whispers of a top secret project, Death or Dark Troopers" wearily began Rex as if he was doubting his own judgement for agreeing with the idea in the first place. It was dangerous, and (Y/N) was no soldier, "Snap was supposed to be transferred to the Advanced Science Division when the war ended, but Wolffe, with help from Fox, got to her first. The Science Division is also involved in the disappearances; at first, I thought it was a coincidence, but the more time that passes, the more I believe whoever runs the division had a purpose for wanting (Y/N)," added Rex, sighing as the truth was slowly dawning on him, why the empire wanted to send Snap to such as place. 
"To use her as a weapon against us," voiced Gregor, pointing out the obvious answer as well as displaying his disagreement with practically handing Snap to the Science Division on a silver platter. "We clones are loyal to her. We're her army. Who better to use against us?" added the Commando, thinking like the enemy to come to the only logical answer there was. Snap wasn't going to join the empire willingly; the imperials knew it, so her purpose was to be a tool, leverage to force clones to do what the imperials wanted. 
"I agree with Gregor," stated Echo, not willing to put Snap in danger, especially if there was another way to get what they needed without taking such a risk. "I know (Y/N) would be willing to do this, especially if it meant furthering something she believed in, but I couldn't bear it if she were hurt or killed. I almost lost her once; I can't take that risk knowing this time she might not come back," added the Arc Trooper for once, listening to his heart rather than his head. Finally, he admitted how it felt being parted from Snap for almost a year, how it felt like he had lost her. He'd already mourned what could have been had the war ended differently, mourned the life he could have shared with her. He didn't want to go through the grief of actually losing her, as he had done with so many brothers, as he had done with Fives and Jesse, and so many others.
"Told you," victoriously spoke Gregor. "Old Wolffee isn't gonna be a walk in the park either."  
"And if Snap agrees to the plan?" asked Rex, knowing the opinions of his brothers mattered, but so did (Y/N)'s. What would they do if she agreed to do as Cody suggested? What would any of them do if she willingly joined the Advanced Science Division as a mole? "I know Wolffe would protest, but he'd also do what he could to protect her, even if that meant telling her she's an idiot," added the great Captain, recognizing the danger and Wolffe protesting. After all, protecting Snap was the only duty Wolffe likely felt he had left; there was little doubt the Commander wouldn't be so quick to let it go, especially if he were aware the civvie medic still needed him as much as he needed her. 
"I would reluctantly agree. I know better than to argue back with her," quietly replied Gregor, as if he were a cadet again being scolded on Kamino. After all, he was well aware it was pointless trying to convince Snap not to do something, especially if she'd already made her mind up about it. "I'd do everything in my power to make sure she's as safe as possible and has the support needed to complete her mission." 
"I would say try and convince her otherwise, but I know she's more stubborn than a Rancor at feeding time," commented Echo, knowing his Civvie Medic could be far more determined and stubborn than the best of soldiers. She could be more savvy than the politicians in the Senate if she had to be, and she was as fearless as the Jedi once were. But that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of losing her; they'd both survived one war, but there was no guarantee they would survive another; the Empire was far crueler than both the republic and the separatists combined, cold and ruthless when it came to dealing with their enemies. 
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Find Your Way Back Home- Ch 3
Riyo Chuchi x Commander Wolffe, Riyo Chuchi x Commander Fox
Rating: T |||| Word Count: 1.9k |||| Set Post Order 66 |||| AO3 Link
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Riyo gripped the kitchen countertop tighter than anything in her whole life. The loud pounding of her heartbeat in her ears threatened to drown out the pounding of her heart as she sought a tether point in her whirlwind of emotions.
She couldn’t do this.
How could she do this? The ghosts she’d left on Coruscant were now seeking shelter in her bedroom.
She’d looked at Wolffe laid out on her bed, and some sick part of her expected him to be Fox. She used to bandage her lover’s wounds on their bed in her old apartment. What had she done to deserve this cosmic taunt?
Riyo’s hands flew to her mouth to hold in her startled shriek at Ahsoka’s appearance just to her left. Her friend’s lips twisted into an apologetic smile, and she patiently waited for Riyo to come down from her sudden rush of adrenaline. Her rusty hand cupped Riyo’s elbow to help ground her.
“I’m so sorry,” Riyo murmured, blinking rapidly to hide her brimming tears before she met Ahsoka’s gaze.
The Togruta’s eyes were sad as she searched for the right words, despite them both knowing nothing would ease Riyo’s pain. “You see him.”
Riyo tried to laugh, but it came out as more of a gasp for air after so long underwater. “How can I not?” Her tears stubbornly refused to fall now, despite clamoring at the floodgates only moments ago. “I can’t… I can’t focus on this right now.”
“You can’t go back in there right now either,” Ahsoka calmly pointed out. “Wolffe needs to heal.”
And so grew her guilt. “I know.” She needed to do something to keep her hands and mind busy. “I’ll get some more juvan ready so I can make a cold pack and show Rex what to do. You’ll both need to know how for when you go back.” She tried to ignore the predatory way Ahsoka’s eyes followed her around the kitchen as she gathered supplies.
“I find that talking helps sometimes,” Ahsoka quietly suggested, once Riyo stood back at the sink with her items gathered around.
“I’m not sure I remember how to do that after so long on my own,” Riyo muttered, grabbing a bundle of leaves from a jar more harshly than they deserved.
“No time better than the present.”
Riyo paused to stare calculatingly at her friend. She wasn’t lying about not knowing if she’d be able to speak of her nightmares after so long bottling it all in. “I propose a trade.”
One of Ahsoka’s painted brows rose in interest. “A trade.”
“I will tell you if you update me on your… situation.” She’d tiptoed around the circumstances of her guests’ arrival– and unlikely survival– for the past few days.
“Alright, deal.”
Riyo’s hands hovered uncertainly as she tries to steady her breathing before she begins. Where to even start? She’d tried so hard to forget that night six months ago. Now she had to relive it in full.
“I… I was home for the night.” Riyo doesn’t even recognize her voice with how vacant it sounds. “Everything was normal, even when I got a call from Co– Thire.” She didn’t want to relegate them to their titles. Those men– her friends– were worth much more than that. “He’d call sometimes if Fox was too busy to come home.”
Breathe in, one, two, three, breathe out.
“There’s– there was a code phrase Fox had me agree to. Dusk is falling soon. If one of us used it in a communication, we knew it was from the other.” Her hands began to shake as she ground the juvan up. “Thire said it to me that night. He said I had to flee Coruscant while I still could, before I was marked as a traitor by the Chancellor. That Fox needed to know I was safe, because… because he didn’t think he was coming home.”
“Oh, Riyo…”
Riyo tried to laugh but she choked on her voice. “No, no it’s fine. Please don’t feel sorry for me, not after–”
Not after what you’ve lost. It hangs in the air like a shadow, chilling the two women to the bone.
She could feel Ahsoka’s eyes on her for a long moment before she conceded. “Alright. So you fled Coruscant?”
Riyo nodded. “Yes. I waited for him, but… then I gathered those I could and had a trusted pilot shuttle us off. It wasn’t just those from my office, though. There were several other members from Pantora’s allies that we also safely evacuated. It was beneficial in the long run, since the number of hyperspace jumps we needed to make ensured that we weren’t followed.”
“That was wise of you,” Ahsoka confirmed. “You most likely had been tailed. The Empire has been interrogating anyone they view even as having a potential to be rebellious.”
Riyo dipped her head in a gentle nod. “And I never was one of the Cha– Emperor’s greedy followers,” she added.
Her friend’s lips quirked up in a humorless smile. “No, you weren’t.”
“Anyways, I timed my resignation to autosend sometime during our flight, and I contacted Bail, who gave us directions to follow. That’s all there really is to tell,” Riyo sheepishly shrugged, relieved to be finished and able to turn her attention back to the juvan leaves she’d laid out. They needed to be diced and then ground with water into a paste that could be either frozen and saved, or wrapped in a damp cloth and held to the wound.
“So, my turn then?” Ahsoka asked, faux-cheer evident in her voice but appreciated.
Riyo nodded, thankful for something else to focus on. She beckoned her over though, waiting until the Togruta was looking over her shoulder. “Just make sure to watch how I do it, so you’ll be able to on your own. The leaves have to be separated carefully, or you’ll negate the medicinal qualities.”
Ahsoka observed quietly as Riyo worked, nodding along to each specific task that Riyo pointed out. It was quite simple, but an untrained eye would still mess it up. It was nice to have someone at her side. She’d been so used to being alone.
“We agreed on a trade?” Ahsoka prompted, once Riyo stepped aside and handed the knife over for her to try. “Would you still like to hear what we’ve seen?”
Riyo bit the inside of her cheek to try and keep herself afloat in the surge of stress that threatens to sweep her away. “Yes, please.”
Ahsoka nodded sharply, and then the knife made its first clean slice. “We were on our way back from Mandalore after apprehending Darth Maul– the Sith Zabrak,” she elaborated for Riyo’s sake. “And an order went out to all the clone troopers, everywhere in the galaxy: execute Order 66, to kill the Jedi.” Her fingers clenched around the knife handle to the point that Riyo thought it’d snap. “Somehow Rex… he fought it long enough to warn me to find a file about Fives, an ARC trooper that–”
Riyo could feel the blood drain from her face at the mention of that name, one she’d long forgotten. “I remember. Fox… he shot him, to protect the Emperor.” It felt like lifetimes ago.
In a twisted sense, it was. It’d been during Fox’s lifetime, when he still came home to her every night.
Ahsoka hummed in agreement. “Right. Well, Fives had told Rex that the clones all had control chips in their heads, and that a damaged chip had caused another trooper to shoot a Jedi. No one believed him.” Her shoulders drooped. “I was able to capture Rex and take the chip out of his head, and he was back to normal. I… I let Maul out of his cell though as a distraction, and he damaged the ship so it crashed into a moon. We lost the whole battalion,” she finished in a whisper, head bowed.
“Oh, Ahsoka,” Riyo gasped. She wasn’t sure how a hug would be received, so she placed a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
Ahsoka’s eyes were teary when she looked up. “Thank you, but please don’t be for me. I took a risk, and it was Rex’s brothers that paid the consequences.” She shrugged half-heartedly. “I’m glad we found Wolffe. There have been other clones that escaped, but Wolffe was always one of his closest brothers.”
A small smile slipped onto her face unbidden. “I’m glad for the both of them as well. How did you find Com– Wolffe, though? You all barely made it here,” she pointed out.
The Togruta sighed. “You know Bail’s been coordinating a lot recently. We were sent out on a mission to try and contact a defector from the Empire. They’re a medic, and they’ve been treating several troopers sent to them for abnormal behavior. We arrived to get them out, and Wolffe was their latest patient, but they were being watched.” She stopped talking to peer at her work cautiously. “Is this correct?”
She stepped out of the way so Riyo could observe her work. “This is very good for anyone’s first try,” Riyo praised her. “Now we just need to grind it with some water to get a thick enough paste.”
Ahsoka waited for Riyo to set up the next step before continuing. “We had the freed men escort the medic onto our waiting ship, but we couldn’t take Wolffe back to base because of his chip. I followed their instructions to try and deactivate it, but we had to leave in a hurry. It took us a few days and several firefights before we lost them well enough to get here.”
“Had no idea you’d gotten that good with a blaster, either.”
Riyo bit back a shriek as Rex’s voice piped up from behind them. Good thing she’d been using the mortar and not a knife, otherwise she might’ve cut herself. At least he had the decency to send her an apologetic smile once she whirled around to face him.
“Gee thanks, Rex,” Ahsoka huffed, reaching out to playfully slap his chest. The two of them shared a grin, and Riyo decided to study the wooden floor beneath her feet until they snapped out of it. She wouldn’t dare disrupt their small moment of joy.
“I came out to let you know Wolffe is asleep again,” Rex finally explained his presence after he shook himself free of their little bubble. “We spoke some, but he tired quickly.”
That was good. He clearly was suffering from some form of head injury, so any amount of time Wolffe was able to be awake and coherent was a step in the right direction.
“Alright, that’s wonderful news. We should be able to apply this compress despite that.” Riyo picked up the bowl of ground javun and gestured at a clean cloth folded on the counter top. “Would you grab that and come with me? I’ll show you what to do, so you know how in the future.”
A quiet grief crept up her spine with each step she took back towards Wolffe’s room. He needed her help. She could pull herself together for him.
Riyo entered the room alone and took the seat beside Wolffe’s still form. Rex would be along in a minute.
Until then, she studied the still man’s face, finding and cataloguing each unique feature of him and hoping it wouldn’t come back to haunt her like before.
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Ask Me to Stay
Pairing: Riyo Chuchi x Commander Wolffe
Premise: @lilhawkeye3 proposed Riyo/Wolffe post-Order 66 and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. 
Word count:  Approximately 2.3k
Warnings: Allusions to sex but nothing is described in explicit detail. Light steam, no smut.
Coruscant, 16BBY
At first, the idea of returning to Coruscant filled Riyo with trepidation. Getting caught by the Empire was the least of her worries. What she feared was seeing ghosts everywhere: of her friends, of her colleagues, of the Republic itself, of the man she loved and lost. 
Perhaps Fulcrum sensed what Riyo was thinking and feeling, and that was why they assigned her to work in a neighborhood on the planet’s surface far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and far away from the Senate complex. Riyo had been assigned a cover as an administrative assistant in a public records office, where she could relay coded messages between street-level informants and Fulcrum. The work wasn’t fraught with peril or all that exciting, yet she joked to herself that it was more meaningful than being a Senator was.
She eventually found comfort in routine: keep her hair dyed black to hide her natural shade of purple, cover the markings on her cheeks with blue makeup and use yellow face paint to paint dot-and-line patterns around her eyes, visit the markets every day after work, spend her nights reading or watching holovids, and check her personal messages. Sometimes she would engage in friendly chatter with Ahsoka or Bail on a secure channel, some lighthearted conversation to take their minds off things. Rarer than that, she would receive messages from him, letting her know she was still on his mind even though they hadn’t seen each other in person for nearly a year, and she treasured those messages more than she treasured a perfectly brewed cup of caf. If she had a secure means of messaging him back, she would tell him the same. She never imagined that she would be able to love again after Fox, but the universe proved her wrong … right before duty pulled them apart.
One evening after work, she went to the market as usual, picking out what to eat for dinner. Somber gray clouds covered the sky. Riyo checked every crosswalk and every person that crossed her path, always on alert as Fulcrum advised her to be. When she finished her shopping, she turned to walk home but froze in her tracks when she looked across the street.
He stood outside a café, the hood of his coat over his head to obscure most of his face. But there was no hiding that bright white cybernetic eye, especially when it looked at her with such intensity and focus.
At first Riyo thought she was hallucinating; she had barely slept the night before, and perhaps seeing him was a byproduct of that. But as she crossed the street to meet him, and raised a hand to touch him, only to have him take her raised hand in his own –
“Wolffe,” she gasped. “How are you here?”
“I took a transport,” Wolffe replied dryly. She could see his mouth curve into a small smile under his hood.
“No, I mean- I thought you were in the Outer Rim somewhere … is this about your mission?” Not that she wasn’t happy to see him, she couldn’t help but be confused. She glanced around, making sure the other people passing through didn’t notice her talking to him. No one paid them any attention, all intent on going about their own business.
“No, the mission is on pause right now. So I came here.” Wolffe kept his voice low as he talked. He paused, looking over her head for a moment, then he looked back down to her.
“I wanted to see you. I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Riyo replied. “I can’t believe you’re here.” Questions about how he knew where to find her could wait. All she wanted to do in that moment was throw her arms around him and kiss every inch of his face that she could get her lips on. She could sense that he wanted to do the same. The sooner she got him in her apartment, the better.
Next thing she knew, though, she was being grabbed around the arm and yanked into the narrow space between the café and the shop next door. Wolffe pinned her against the wall, caging her in with his body, and the stubble on his jawline scratched against her forehead. She looked past him to see a dozen Stormtroopers marching in formation down the street.
“And I don’t like that you’re here by yourself. Especially with all these Stormtroopers crawling around.”
“I can handle myself. I can call for extraction if it ever gets too dangerous.” Riyo placed her hands on his chest and pushed him softly, allowing herself to look up and make eye contact with him.
“If you need to make that call it’s too late,” Wolffe protested.
“It wasn’t too late that one time on Corellia,” Riyo reminded him.
“We got lucky on Corellia.”
“Maybe.” Riyo smirked playfully at him.
A beat of silence.
“How is the mission going?” she asked.
Wolffe sighed. “Could be better. We found Bacara, got his chip out, but the trail’s gone cold for the others. Back at base Gregor’s taking care of his recovery and Rex is working with Ahso- I mean Fulcrum – to find new leads to chase. Rex knows I’m here, doubt anyone else does.” He paused. “Eh, that’s all there is to talk about. What about you?”
“You know I can’t talk about my work.”
“Not even to me?”
Rain began to fall, starting as a trickle of small drops and sprinkles but soon turning into a steady shower from the sky. “We should get inside,” Riyo said. Her hair was steadily growing wetter, as were her clothes, and they stuck to her skin.
“Lead the way,” Wolffe answered, taking a step back from her.
She took his hand and led him along, the two moving quickly to an apartment building three blocks from the market. Riyo’s apartment was on the third floor: a small studio with a kitchen and dining area, space for her bed, and a narrow fresher.
“It’s not much, but it’s home,” she remarked as she brought Wolffe inside. After she cast off her coat and shoes, she went to set her bag of food down on the dining table. She swept her hand across her face to wipe some raindrops off her face, and some of her yellow face paint came off with it. So much for being waterproof, she thought.
“I’m going to wipe off my makeup really quick, make yourself comfortable. There’s some spare towels in the closet if you want one.”  
Wolffe nodded in response before making to remove his boots. Riyo went into the fresher and quickly cleaned the makeup off her face, revealing the crescent-shaped markings on her cheeks. She then went back out to find Wolffe standing by the kitchen counter, wiping his face and neck dry with one of her towels. His face brightened when she walked over to him, like he was seeing her for the first time.
“I near forgot what you really look like,” he remarked as he dropped the towel and reached out to her. Riyo grabbed his hands and let him pull her close. “Lost my picture of you like this somewhere around Felucia. I’ll need another one.”
“I don’t keep pictures of myself anymore, or even any devices with a camera, but I’ll see what I can do.”
His mouth curved into a small smile. He moved his hands out of her grasp up her arms, gliding along with the gentlest touch, across her shoulders, and on up until he cradled her face in them. Riyo’s hands rested on either side of his waist.
“Not a day went by that I didn’t think of you,” Wolffe confessed. “And I half-expected Fox to appear from the beyond to give me an earful for leaving you alone.”
Riyo chuckled. “Did he?”
“No, he must have known I would fix that mistake.” Wolffe stroked his thumb along her cheek, tracing along the path of her marking. He then leaned in, and Riyo closed her eyes and craned her neck up so she could meet his lips with her own.
Kissing him was like taking a drink of cool water after being parched for days, or reexperiencing warmth after only knowing cold loneliness for so long. She didn’t know just how much she had missed him until that moment, and she let her hands roam to become reacquainted with his body. He must have been thinking the same thing as he let her head go so his hands could travel down her sides and to the small of her back.
They eventually broke apart to catch their breaths. Riyo felt heat rising in her cheeks, heat in her skin under his hands, and an aching craving deep within her. All she wanted to do was envelop herself in him, to touch and taste any part of him she could get her hands on.
“I want to take you to bed,” Wolffe said breathily, his pupil dark and blown wide.
“Then take me.”
Hours later, all of her energy was spent. She was sore between her legs, and her limbs felt like jelly, but she felt blissful and at peace. It amazed her, how he still knew exactly where and how to touch her to make her come undone, how in the throes of passion her name sounded like a song on his lips, and how secure and treasured she felt in his arms. For a brief amount of time, nothing outside of her apartment mattered: not the Empire, not her assignment, nothing except her and him. Knowing that he would have to leave again increased her desire to live in the present moment forever.
Riyo lifted her head from Wolffe’s chest to look at the chronometer on the nightstand, seeing that it was a little past midnight. Rain still fell, droplets tapping against the windows and reflecting lights from outside. When she lay her head back down, Wolffe shifted underneath her, moving slightly so his nose was in her hair. She heard him inhale slowly, and when he exhaled she felt his breath tickle at her scalp.
“What’s your natural hair color?” he asked, his voice hinting at his tiredness.
“Purple, like the Alderaanian lavender that Bail keeps in his garden.”
“Hmm. Didn’t even know you dyed it until now. Smells like the stuff Gregor used on Rex one time to make his hair blue as a prank ….” He lifted his hand from her shoulder up to her head, where his fingers combed through her hair. “That purple sounds nice. Hope to see it one day.”
“I’m sure there are pictures of me from my Senator days on the Holonet.”
“Maybe, but I want to see it in person.”
“Get to ousting Palpatine and dismantling the Empire then.”
“Yes ma’am.” Wolffe pressed his lips to her hairline.
They were quiet for a few minutes, laying still, listening to the rain fall outside, and content to be with each other. Riyo’s hand rested on his chest close to her face, his skin warm under her touch and right above where she imagined his heart would be. She could hear his heartbeat, a dull thud in her ears. It took most of her willpower to not drift off to sleep, because she didn’t want to miss a single moment with him.
“When do you need to go back?” she asked.
“Soon as I hear from Rex. Could be in an hour, could be tomorrow, could be in a few months.”
She responded by nuzzling into him deeper, holding him tighter.
“But I’ve been thinking, I might not go back at all. Not if you want me to stay. I can watch out for you as you do your work.”
Riyo shot up, propping herself up on one arm and looking him dead in the eye. “But, Wolffe, your brothers-“
“I can help them from here. Sniff out some useable intelligence. Surely someone on this miserable planet knows where Cody and the rest of them are. Once Bacara’s fighting fit, he’ll be more useful in the field than I ever was.”
“You’re a good soldier, Wolffe,” Riyo reminded him.
“Not as good as I was before,” he retorted, gnawing on his lip.
She glanced up to the side of his head, at the dark curls that hid a scar marking where his inhibitor chip had been removed. She knew all about it, how the events of that day affected him, and there was no need to reopen old wounds. Maybe reducing the risk of him having to revisit Cato Neimoidia would be best for him.
Yet as much as she liked the idea of him staying on Coruscant with her, her mind only filled with reasons why he couldn’t. It was too dangerous, he was needed elsewhere, Ahsoka and Rex would never go for it-
“Riyo,” Wolffe said, snapping her back to the present. He looked at her with such tenderness and adoration, she couldn’t imagine denying him anything.
“Ask me to stay, and I will.”
Riyo leaned in to kiss him. She felt his lips chasing after hers as she pulled away, and when she rested her forehead against his he caught the corner of her mouth.
“Will you stay here, with me?” she asked, her hand resting against his face. Her thumb traced along his scar.
Wolffe brought a hand up to the nape of her neck, and the other rested between her shoulder blades on her back. He closed the distance between their mouths in another kiss.
“I will.”
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kanerallels · 3 years
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
(for Foxiyo Week day 7, for the prompt "reunion/hope")
Read on AO3!
Word Count: 4,411
Tags/Warnings: rated G
Riyo Chuchi had found herself spending a lot of time in the Jedi Temple over the past two months. At this point, she suspected she knew all the best ways to the Temple from the Senate Building-- although perhaps not as well as Master Skywalker, who she saw coming and going almost as often as she was. However, they had decidedly different reasons.
Smothering a grin, Riyo adjusted the clothing bag she carried over one shoulder as she recalled the last time she’d spotted Master Skywalker in the Senate building-- pestering Senator Amidala’s temporary replacement, Saché Adova, for news about Amidala and her twins, who were positively adorable. Riyo had visited them on Naboo a few weeks ago, and Luke and Leia had their parent’s looks.
They won’t be fooling anyone for long, she thought, shaking her head.
Turning down the hallway to Fox’s cell, she was surprised to see a decidedly different figure than usual standing guard-- a familiar man with auburn hair and a beard, who smiled warmly at the sight of her.
“Master Kenobi,” Riyo said in surprise. “I didn’t know you’d be standing guard.”
“Neither did I, until recently,” Kenobi said ruefully. “However, Cere’s new Padawan, Cal-- well, he was injured in a training incident, and she wanted to be with him.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Riyo said, frowning as she thought of the boy she’d seen with Cere. Red-haired, usually with a serious expression on his face, he’d seemed kind in their few interactions. “Will he be alright?”
“Oh, certainly,” Kenobi said, an absent frown crossing his face. Shaking his head, he said, “However, I’m sure you didn’t come here to hear about such things.”
“Unfortunately, I didn’t,” Riyo agreed. “It’s Commander Fox’s trial today--”
“I’m well aware,” Kenobi said, nodding. “Cody and Master Junda have been repeatedly reminding me. He’s cleaned up a bit in preparation-- may I assume that’s his outfit?”
“It is,” Riyo confirmed. “Can I go in?”
“Thank you-- oh, and I should have some friends coming soon. Have them wait outside.”
Kenobi stepped aside to allow her to the door to Fox’s cell, and Riyo entered to see Fox already on his feet, pacing back and forth in the small space he had. She was almost taken aback at the sight of him clean-shaven, with a regulation haircut again, after so long seeing him looking a little scruffier.
But my, did he look handsome this way.
Batting away that stray thought-- we can address that at a later date, when Fox isn’t worried that he’s going to prison, she told herself sternly-- she stepped forward. “How are you feeling?” she asked.
Fox’s head snapped around, and his eyes widened fractionally at the sight of her. “Senator! I didn’t hear you come in.”
“That’s not what I asked,” Riyo pointed out. “How are you, Fox?”
Releasing a long exhale, Fox said, “Fine.” When Riyo arched a disbelieving eyebrow at him, he seemed to relent. “I'm a little nervous.”
“I understand,” Riyo said. “It’s going to be fine, though. I have this under control.”
“I’m not worried about that,” Fox muttered, starting his pacing again. “It’s all those people staring at me, watching me. I can handle people, but usually-- well, usually, I have my armor, my helmet, something.”
Feeling a twinge of sympathy, Riyo said, “I’m sorry I can’t give you those. I mean, I have your dress uniform here, but I somehow doubt that’s the same.”
“Better than nothing,” Fox said. Meeting her gaze, he asked, “How are you?”
Tilting her head to the side thoughtfully, Riyo said, “A little nervous, but it’s a good kind of nervous. I have a good feeling about this, Fox.”
“I hope you’re right, Chuchi. I just don’t see how any of those stuffed shirts in the Senate--” Fox stopped abruptly, and Riyo stifled a giggle.
“They can be pompous,” she agreed. “But you just have to make them see things through their lens. That’s what I’m here for.”
Fox glanced at her. “I don’t know if I’ve thanked you for that properly yet. For everything you’ve been doing. You didn’t have to visit me, bring me food. You didn’t have to care. Plenty of people don’t.”
“I’m not like most people,” Riyo said. Something in Fox’s eyes softened.
“No,” he said quietly. “You’re not.” And Riyo found herself catching her breath at the look in his eyes.
A chime from her comlink snapped her out of it, and she shook her head. “Right. Um, here’s your dress uniform-- knock on the cell door when you’re done, Master Kenobi will let you out. Don’t take too long--”
“My hearing’s in half an hour. I know,” Fox said wryly, taking the clothes bag from her with a nod. “I’ll be ready.”
“I know,” Riyo said, shooting him a smile before leaving the cell.
As she stepped outside and the door hissed shut behind her, she closed her eyes for just a moment, remembering how Fox had looked at her, how the warmth in his eyes had swept through her. Riyo had never had anyone look at her that way before. And somehow, he was the only one she’d want to. She already knew that much.
~ ~ ~
Fox had always prided himself on controlling his emotions, on being the perfect soldier.
However, now, less than half an hour away from an event that would decide his life, he was scared stiff, and it was infuriating.
Pull yourself together, soldier, he told himself as he put on the dress uniform Riyo had brought for him. It was a little stiff and not as comfortable as civilian clothing, but Fox could handle it. The same way he was handling this whole situation.
But kriff, he wished he had his helmet.
Tugging on the hem of the tunic part of the suit, Fox took a deep breath, running a hand over his freshly trimmed hair. You’ve got this. You’re just going to walk in there, let the senator do her thing, and wait for the Senate to drop a verdict. While everyone’s watching. Everyone.
Kriff. I can’t do this. Releasing a short sigh, Fox thought, But I have to.
Stepping over to the door, he knocked on it, and a few seconds later it hissed open. “Hello, Commander,” Master Kenobi greeted him warmly. “If you’ll just step out here with us, I believe you’ll see you have a few guests.”
Fox frowned as he moved through the doorway. “Guests? What do you--”
His voice stuck in his throat at the sight of two familiar figures standing in the hallway. Thire and Thorn, both clad in the red and white armor of the Coruscant Guard with their helmets under their arms, caught sight of him and moved forward instantly. Thire reached him first, and pulled him into a rough hug.
“Good to see you again, vod,” he told Fox.
“You have no idea,” Fox managed, his face still crushed against Thire’s shoulder. “What are you doing here?”
“The senator called us,” Thire explained, releasing Fox and giving him a onceover. “Made sure we knew the time and place-- looking quite sharp, aren’t you?”
“Nothing but the best for the people who’re going to decide whether or not I’m going to prison,” Fox said with an eye roll. “I’d still rather have my armor, though.”
Snorting, Thorn said, “Who can blame you?”
Hesitating, Fox met his brother’s eyes. “I heard about Stone,” he said softly.
Pain flickered through Thorn’s eyes, and Thire bowed his head, saying, “He’ll be missed.”
“It’s my fault.” The words wrenched themselves out of Fox’s mouth painfully. “I ordered him to go to the Temple--”
“Under Order 66,” Thorn reminded him. “I could have stopped him, I wasn’t--”
“It’s no one’s fault,” Thire interposed firmly. “Neither of you are to blame. We’ve lost men before.”
“Not like this,” Fox said, and Thire nodded reluctantly.
“No. Not like this.”
Releasing a long sigh, Fox’s voice was rough as he said, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything that happened.”
Thorn shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry for. You couldn’t control the order or the chancellor. The only thing you could control was yourself, and you did. You fought back, Fox.”
“And that’s more than I can say,” Thire said with a grimace. “Lucky Thorn had my back-- you know, your batchmate shot me, Fox. I take that pretty personally.”
“It was a stun bolt, you kriffing pansycake,” Thorn muttered, and Thire smacked him in the back of the helmet, resulting in a yelp. “Watch it!”
Shaking his head, Fox felt a smile crossing his face. “I missed you two idiots,” he said, reaching out to grip first Thorn, then Thire’s shoulder. His brothers reacted, pulling him into a hug full of elbows and edges of armor, but one that was somehow more comforting than any other Fox could have received.
Thire was the first to pull back, shooting Fox a mock frown. “Now, don’t we have a trial to get you to? Oh, by the way, Bly, Cody and Wolffe are waiting for us at the Senate.”
“What?” Fox said, gaping at them.
“Yeah, they got news of the trial-- two guesses who told them,” Thorn said with a smirk. “Your senator gets things done well, Fox.”
“She’s not my senator,” Fox muttered, ignoring the skeptical arch of the eyebrows from his companions.
“Sure thing, Commander,” Thorn said, putting on his helmet. “Well, we’ll see you at the Senate building. We’ve got someone else’s job to do.”
“Good point,” Thire said. Putting a hand on Fox’s shoulder, he gave him a serious look. “You’re going to get off, Fox. I know it.”
“And how’s that?” Fox tried to keep his voice joking, to keep the fear still knotting in his stomach from coming out. He wasn’t sure that he succeeded.
“Because I got off, and I didn’t kill the shuckface who caused this whole thing. Because you’re innocent. Because you’ve got the best defense you could ask for.” Thire paused. “And because I really, really don’t want to have to do your job anymore. It sucks, vod.”
Fox actually laughed at that one, the tension in his stomach easing somewhat. “I’ll see you after the hearing.”
“Yes, you will, brother.” Giving his shoulder one final squeeze, Thire turned and led the way down the hall, Thorn on his heels. Fox watched them go for a moment, then turned to where Riyo stood watching him.
“You called them here.” It wasn’t a question.
“I thought you’d want to see your brothers before everything went down-- I called Wolffe, Bly and Cody as well.” Riyo shifted from foot to foot, looking almost nervous. “I hope you don’t mind--”
“No,” Fox said, his voice hoarse. “I don’t mind at all-- thank you, Riyo. I don’t know how to thank you properly.”
Riyo’s eyes went slightly wider, and a purple-blue flush spread across her cheeks. “I’m glad I did, in that case,” she said, giving him a shy smile that was so unlike her usual one that Fox wasn’t sure what to make of it.
What did I-- oh, kriff, he thought, realization hitting him. He’d called her Riyo. The name he’d sworn to only call her in his head. He, a clone about to go on trial, had just called her, a senator, by her first name. In front of a Jedi.
At this point, I don’t see how things could get much worse, he thought, sending a subtle glance at Master Kenobi, who was clearly pretending not to be seeing or hearing a single thing going on. Which, knowing which Jedi it was, wasn’t terribly surprising.
“We’d better get to the Senate building, or we’ll be late for the hearing,” Riyo pointed out, snapping Fox’s thoughts into focus.
“Right,” he said quickly. “Let’s get moving.”
The two of them made their way through the Jedi Temple and over to the immense Senate building, managing to keep out of sight of the majority of people. As they slipped out a back entrance of the Temple, Fox spotted a large group of what he guessed were journalists for some form of the Holonet at the front.
“I thought you’d want to avoid all that,” Riyo said, following his gaze. “Besides, it’s always better to handle that sort of thing after the trial. You can release a statement later if you want to.”
Fox was pretty sure he was going to do nothing of the sort, but he kept quiet and followed Riyo into the Senate building.
They reached their entrance quickly, where Fox saw a trio of clone troopers waiting for him. Before he had time to react, Wolffe, Bly and Cody had all tackled him in a hug, sending him crashing to the ground.
“Vode… you’re flattening me,” Fox gasped from under them.
“Good,” Wolffe said. “That’s for giving us a heart attack.”
“It’s not my fault no one told me the plan,” Fox grumbled. “Yell at Bly, he’s the one who kept his chip in.”
Letting out a groan, Bly muttered, “Please don’t remind them. They keep punishing me for it.”
“Someone has to,” Cody said, smacking Bly in the back of the head as the two of them got to their feet. Wolffe did the same, offering Fox a hand.
“How’re you feeling, Fox’ika?” he asked seriously, studying Fox.
“Ready to get this over with,” Fox said, grimacing as he rubbed his shoulder. “Kriff, Wolffe, I thought it was your squadron who tackled you all the time. You seem like you might have some practice at this.”
“Trying to keep his general from dying,” Cody suggested. “Although he has it the easiest of the three of us and he knows it.”
“True,” Wolffe agreed. “Well, we came by to check on you, make sure you’re not going anything stupid like blaming yourself for this whole debacle.”
“I’m not,” Fox said, and when Wolffe gave him a look, relented. “Anymore. But I got talked out of it.”
“By who-- oh. Interesting.”
Fox followed Wolffe’s gaze to where Riyo stood, and immediately guessed his thoughts. “Don’t,” he said.
“I won’t. Yet,” Wolffe said with a smirk. “You’d better sort things out with your, uh, defense before the trial begins.”
“Tell her she looks nice,” Bly suggested.
“Yeah, take advice from our resident love expert,” Cody said mockingly, and Bly punched him in the shoulder, resulting in a scuffle.
“You are supposed to be Marshall Commanders of the GAR, behave yourselves,” Wolffe said with annoyance. Glancing at Fox, he said, “Go talk to her. I’ve got these two.”
Giving him a nod, Fox turned and headed to where Riyo stood, a few yards away. “I owe you one for this,” he told her, nodding at his brothers. “Although you might regret bringing them into the Senate building.”
“Actually, I like them,” Riyo said with a grin. “They seem to really care about you, which I can understand. But you don’t owe me anything, Fox. You’re my friend, and I wanted to help you.”
“You know, I don’t really get called a friend by many people,” Fox said, surprising himself with his own honesty. “Least of all a senator.”
“Well, I told you, Fox,” Riyo said, giving him that smile that seemed to sparkle. “I’m not like most senators.”
And she wasn’t. She really wasn’t, and that was what Fox liked about her. He liked how much she didn’t care that he was a clone, all but a piece of property to most of the Republic. But not in her eyes. He could see it when she looked at him. He was something else entirely, and more than anything, he wanted to know what that was, and to show her what he saw in her.
Fox suddenly had a feeling that he was in trouble. Because his thought process was starting to sound like Bly when he’d had a little too much to drink and was talking about his general again. Kriff.
“The Senate session will be starting in a few minutes.” Riyo’s voice caught his attention. “Are you ready?”
“I don’t know,” Fox said wryly. “Do I look ready to face the Senate?”
“Hmm.” Riyo gave him a onceover, then stepped closer to him. Fox’s heart rate picked up and he went completely rigid as she stopped, mere inches from him, and reached up to adjust his collar, which had flipped over on itself. One of her fingers brushed against his neck fleetingly as she pulled back, and he caught his breath. “There,” she said with a warm smile. “You look very handsome, Commander.”
“Thank you,” Fox managed. “You, too.”
Riyo laughed, then her face grew serious. “Listen, Fox, I know you’re nervous. I usually am, too.”
“You don’t show it,” Fox said, and she shrugged.
“I’ve had a lot of practice at it. But when you’re in there, if you’re worried, or anything-- don’t watch the crowd. Seeing how many people are out there never helps. Watch me instead, alright? Keep your eyes on me, and everything will be alright.”
Giving her a nod, Fox said, “Thank you, Chuchi.”
“Anytime,” Riyo told him. “I’d better get in there-- see you in a minute.”
She shot him a final smile and headed down the hall to where her Senate pod’s entrance was. Fox took a deep breath, watching her go for a few seconds before turning towards his own entrance. Where his three brothers still stood. Smirking.
“‘You, too’?” Cody said as Fox approached them.
“Shut up,” Fox muttered.
“Surprised she didn’t go for a good luck kiss,” Wolffe said with a wicked grin, which Fox ignored.
As he walked past Bly, the trooper leaned in and said, “Invite me to the wedding.”
Disregarding all of their comments, Fox stepped into the Senate chamber and into the pod that would carry him out into the center of the Senate Chamber. The shadows made it hard to see most of the other senators, but he could hear them, hear their whispers. And he knew they were all watching him.
Taking a deep breath, Fox thought, Calm down, soldier. Remember what Riyo said. Eyes on her, don’t think about anything else.
Somehow, he didn’t think he’d find that terribly difficult, and he was right. As Riyo’s Senate pod rose up near him, his eyes moved to her without even thinking. And… kriff. She was beautiful.
Fox knew that as a clone, he had no right to think of a senator this way. That his mind shouldn’t even stray there for a second. But watching Riyo, his heart had other plans.
Her hair was arranged on top of her head and kept expertly in place with crystal-tipped pins that shimmered even in the stark light of the Senate Chamber. Her dress was dark blue, long and sweeping, with a deep collar, and with the serene but peaceful look she had in her eyes, Fox didn’t think she’d ever been so beautiful.
He was also aware that he was falling for her, hard and fast, and he couldn’t have stopped it even if he wanted to. It’ll never happen, he thought, his eyes still on her even as he thought. A senator and a clone? Impossible.
But stranger things have happened. Who knows? Maybe-- just maybe-- I might have a chance.
In front of them, Acting Chancellor Organa was beginning to speak, and Fox braced himself. Of course, that chance will largely depend on if I’m pardoned today.
The hearing dragged on and on, and if Fox was being honest, he didn’t listen to most of it. Witnesses came up and speeches were given by various impassioned individuals, both for and against him. There was even a surprise appearance from Senator Padme Amidala-- who wore an off-white overdress, the metallic teal underskirt peeking out at the front matched by the elaborate collar embroidered with flowers. Similar floral patterns, in blue, pink and green, covered the front of her overdress, matched by the white stomacher in front with one large pink bloom embroidered on the cyrene silk. Her hair was done in an elaborate collection of loops and braids, held back by a silver headdress and several pink ribbons-- who gave a speech in his favor that probably changed quite a few minds.
The one Fox paid the most attention to, however, was Riyo. Her amber eyes flared with an intense passion as she argued with senator after senator, persuading where she could, bargaining, but never backing down on her ideals. She was a powerful speaker, somehow polite and firm at the same time. Seeing her in her element like he was… It’s incredible. She’s incredible.
The proceedings came to a close four hours after he was brought in. By this time, Fox was starving, and his legs ached from standing in one place for hours at a time, which wasn’t actually anything all that new for him. He was used to waiting through hour after hour of Senate sessions, not moving an inch for more than a second and definitely not sitting down.
But this time, he could feel his legs shaking as the votes for and against his innocence were tallied up. Finally, after what felt like hours but was only really minutes of voting, the results were announced-- 1,013 for him, 987 against. He was cleared.
Fox felt a wave of relief sweep through him as a roar of approval thrummed through the Senate, and his pod floated back to the door from where it had come. The minute he stepped through the door, Wolffe had tackled him in another rib-crushing hug. Behind him, Fox could see Thorn and Thire chanting “HE GOT OFF! HE GOT OFF!”
“Knew you’d be pardoned,” Cody said, his grin just a little too relieved to lend credence to his words.
“You seem pretty relieved for someone that knew,” Fox said, shooting him a smirk. He felt a thousand times lighter without the threat of prison hanging over his head.
“Yeah, well, the Senate and I don’t always agree on everything,” Cody said with a shrug.
Before Fox could respond, Bly had appeared out of seemingly nowhere and hauled him into a hug, his grin gleeful. As Fox had the wind knocked out of him for the second time in under a minute, he caught sight of a blue-skinned Twi’lek woman watching them from a little ways away with a gentle amusement.
“Your senator’s a genius!” Bly said as he stepped back. “You chose a great one, vod’ika.”
Fox started to protest, but someone calling his name caught his attention. “Fox!”
He turned to see Riyo heading towards him, her eyes sparkling. Fox knew the rules. He lived them most days. But the way she was looking at him and the way his heart skipped a beat at the very sight of her, he didn’t even resist the urge to pull her into a hug as she threw herself into his arms. Fox stumbled backwards, but quickly caught himself.
“We did it,” Riyo murmured, arms twined around his neck.
“You did it,” Fox corrected her. “You were amazing. I couldn’t have dealt with any of this without you, Riyo.”
Pulling backwards, she gave him that wonderful smile. “You called me Riyo.”
“I… guess I did.” Eyeing her, Fox said, “Is that... okay?”
Her smile turning to something softer, warmer, Riyo put a hand on his cheek, and Fox felt himself catch his breath. “Yes,” she said. “It’s more than okay.”
Today feels like a day where anything’s possible. If I can get a pardon after everything… why not this? Fox leaned in, ever so slightly, and was surprised when Riyo did the same.
Her lips were barely inches from his when someone called her name. “Senator Chuchi!”
Fox jerked back like he’d been burned, the reality of her title hitting him like a slap. Senator. Force, she’s a senator, you idiot. You can’t--
“I’ll be right with you,” Riyo called over her shoulder. She turned her gaze back to Fox, who suddenly realized that he was still holding her, and started to let go. Riyo’s hand went up, catching hold of his arm, her eyes questioning him. “Don’t look at the title,” she whispered. “Look at me. If you’re not ready, I understand, but please, please don’t let it stop you if--”
Fox interrupted her by pressing a kiss to her lips. Responding instantly, Riyo pulled him closer, deepening the kiss and sending his head spinning.
He didn’t hear the wolf-whistles behind him until they finally broke apart. Keeping her eyes on his, Riyo smiled, long and slow. “Finally,” she said quietly.
“Yeah,” Fox said, feeling a slight smile cross his face. He hesitated, and said, “Are you sure-- I’m not--”
“I don’t look at what you aren’t,” Riyo said firmly. “I never have. I see what you are, Fox. I see who you are.”
“I know,” Fox told her, drinking her in for a moment. “You’re more than I deserve.”
Letting out a very undignified snort, Riyo said, “If I said that, you would spend the next hour telling me all the reasons I was wrong. And I’d love to do the same for you, trust me.” She paused, a smile curving her lips, and then said, “I have some things I need to take care of. Then we should talk.”
“Absolutely,” Fox agreed, reluctantly letting her go, already missing her in his arms. But the final smile and the kiss she blew his way as she walked down the hall-- that very definitely made it worth it.
He turned around to see his batchmates, Thire and Thorn smirking at him. “Never pegged you as the make out in the hallways type,” Bly said.
Pointing at him, Fox said, “I guarantee you’re next.”
Bly didn’t look like he would be too sad about that.
As the others joined in the merciless teasing Fox knew he’d be dealing with, he couldn’t help but smile. He was surrounded by his brothers, had just been released from prison, and he had a really good feeling about what had just happened with Riyo. Who knew what the future would bring next?
I don’t know, Fox reflected. Something with a minimum of drama, I hope.
Ah, who am I kidding? This is gonna be a disaster. Time to get back to work, and hope I can keep Bly out of prison.
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fandom-friday · 6 months
Hi Karrde! Happy Fandom Friday! I'm excited to share some fun links today.
First up, @pinkiemme's collection of tattooed clones. I'm losing my mind over every one of them.
Next, this Asajj Ventress art from @vimse that nearly made me spontaneously combust (CW knife).
A self-rec: I finished Stars Beyond Number. It follows Rex, Echo, Riyo, Gregor, and OC Cerra Kilian as they work to build their resistance network. Fireball and Nemec are also major characters. The romance pairings are Echo x Riyo and Gregor x Cerra. This fic does contain mature content and themes, so all chapters have individual ratings and warnings, but as with all of my fics, it's intended for adults regardless of rating. Here's the series masterlist and the soundtrack, which slaps if I do say so myself.
Finally, I'm obsessed with the art style of @ginalongillustrations. They create gorgeous stained glass-style portraits from several fandoms, and I'm obsessed with every single Star Wars piece they've shared. Top favorites: Chopper - The War Criminal Captain Rex - The Soldier Padme Amidala - The Queen
Hey hello there DJ! First off, CONGRATS ON FINISHING STARS BEYOND NUMBER!! That fic has been on my TBR forever, and I am stoked that I can just speed run it when I get around to it! As for the rest of these, ALL OF THEM ARE ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. I will never get over Emme's work EVER, and that Ventress artwork had me grinning like a fiend. I've seen Gina's work on my dash before, and every piece is absolutely breathtaking. Thanks so much for putting this list together! HAPPY FANDOM FRIDAY INDEED!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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The rest of our lives
Summary: Just before Riyo Chuchi and Fox get married, Fox hears that Pantora want Riyo to do another term as Senator. The only problem is, Fox cannot face going back to Coruscant after everything he and his brothers in the Guard suffered. Leading to Fox to have a minor emotional breakdown and thinking that Riyo would be better off without him, as he doesn't want to hold her back. However, the rest of Fox's family has something else to say, not to mention Riyo's own opinions.
22nd in Vopak AU series.
(Warnings for mentions/discussions of what Palpatine and the Senators did to the men in the Coruscant Guard. I don't go into great detail, but be warned for mentions of clones being reconditioned or decomissioned and just the general awfulness of Senators being awful.)
Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Alpha-17 (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-2224 | Cody, Monnk (Star Wars), Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-5052 | Bly, CC-6454 | Ponds, Riyo Chuchi.
Relationships: Riyo Chuchi/CC-1010 | Fox, Alpha-17 & CC-1010 | Fox, Alpha-17 & Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), Alpha-17 & CC-5052 | Bly & CC-2224 | Cody & CC-1010 | Fox & CC-6454 | Ponds & CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-1010 | Fox & Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox & CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-2224 | Cody & CC-1010 | Fox, CC-1010 | Fox & Monnk (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox & CC-6454 | Ponds.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Mind Control, Mentioned Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, emotional breakdown, Mentioned Flashbacks, mentioned nightmares, CC-1010 | Fox Needs A Hug, Sad CC-1010 | Fox, CC-1010 | Fox gets a hug, Protective Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Protective CC-3636 | Wolffe, Protective CC-2224 | Cody, Protective CC-6454 | Ponds, Protective Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), Worried Alpha-17 (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox is So Done, Weddings, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Mentioned CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mentioned Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala.
Read on A03.
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catsnkooks · 4 years
updated 3/5/23
hello everyone! i thought i’d make a masterlist since i now have a few works on here!! this will be updated as i publish things and as always, everything is published on my ao3 too!!
as of right now, i’m not going to be putting my headcanons on here. however, they should still be under the tag #my writing
click here to be added to my taglist!
key: smut 🔥, fluff 🌸, angst ⚡, crack 😂, steam (almost smut) 💦, * indicates gender neutral reader
the mandalorian
din djarin
You Deserve It 🔥
origins of trust 💦 🔥
ch. 1, ch. 2,
paz vizla
Safe, Secure, and Warm 🌸 (clan leader!au)
cobb vanth
pretty girl 🔥
daddy issues 🔥
ch. 1, 
boba fett
sweeter than expected 🔥 🌸 (a/b/o dynamics)
Boba Fett x reader x Din Djarin 💦 🔥
pt. 1, pt. 2,
star wars
a deo et rege (sith!codywan x reader) 🔥
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt.5,
darth maul
fulminis instar 🔥
pt. 1, pt. 2,
Salvatore in progress!!
jangobi (jango fett x obi-wan kenobi)
Desperate Measures 🌸 ⚡
pt. 1, pt. 2,
keep lying (to me) 🌸 ⚡
ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3,
star wars: the clone wars
The TILF Awards 😂
pt. 1, pt. 2
If You Give a Fives a Bottle of Vodka 😂
commander wolffe
Knight in Tested Armor 🌸 ⚡
ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3,
Lacy, Racy 💦
Moments Like These 🌸*
arc trooper echo
Tied Up 🔥*
captain rex
Tease 💦*
Delight 🔥*
arc/clone trooper jesse
Nobody 🔥 
codywan (commander cody x obi-wan kenobi)
Foul Mouth 🔥
Mandalorian Elegy 🌸 ⚡
ch. 1, ch. 2,
falling into your ocean eyes ⚡
anakin skywalker
(not the) bad guy, duh 🌸 ⚡*
commander fox x riyo chuchi
Senatorial Issue 🌸
Senatorial Solutions 🌸
Foxiyo Week 2020/21 ⚡ 🌸
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
arc trooper fives
The “I love you” Debate 🌸 😂*
commander cody
Sweatpants Season 💦*
Beach Craze 🌸 (Hardcase x reader x Jesse)
the thot collection 🔥
Commander Wolffe,  x
Commander Blitz
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fandom-friday · 8 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! This was one HECK of a week, and it couldn't have happened without all of the submissions I received! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
✨ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: Vermillion (Clone OC Specter x f!Reader) by @dickarchivist New Members (Fives x OC Rasha Skohl, Echo x OC Ari Nierre) by @fives-lover ✨ The Den (Kix x OC Nihlus Brek) by @for-the-sake-of-color ✨ Dancing Lights (Wolf!Wolffe x f!Reader) by @the-bad-batch-baroness ✨ I Yearn, And So I Fear (Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ✨ Man on the Moon (Fox x Riyo Chuchi) by @emeraldvsociety ✨ In Command (Rex x OC Senna Aven) by @wild-karrde ✨ Eight Shades of Blue (and the Touch of Orange) (501st Legion x f!Reader, Cody x f!Reader) by the_rain_on_kamino (AO3) Crèche to Command by Boredom (AO3) The Commander Swap by @brainrotrants Dominoes by meridianpony (AO3) Fox Hates Red by @stormyblue90 Dead Dog by @corvod
The Bad Batch: ✨ Stars Beyond Number (Echo x Riyo Chuchi, Gregor x OC Cerra Kilian) by @dystopicjumpsuit Tooka Dad (Crosshair x OC Rayla) by @drafthorsemath Sunflowers & Blasters (Crosshair x OC Isabella Ramót) by @523rdrebel Low Battery (Crosshair x gn!Reader) by @523rdrebel ✨ Cleaning Up (Tech x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Secret Kingdoms (Knight!Hunter x f!Reader) by @jedipoodoo/@lizartgurl A Cosy Bed: A Stardust Conspiracy Fanfic by @just-here-with-my-thoughts
Call of Duty: ✨ If I Had a Heart (Ghost x Soap) by @cod-fishing
Legends of Chima: The Forgotten Legends of Chima by @olivescales3
Marvel/MCU: Black and Tan (Bucky x Sarah Wilson) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Crossovers: The Misadventures of Cosplay Man (Danny Phantom x DC Comics Crossover) by Shynnohwen (AO3)
The Clone Wars: How Dominoes Fall by @frostycatblr-fandom-files Temeura Morrison Study by @keldabekush Cody with Long Hair Art by @rochenn Commander Cody Art by @captora Blade to Blade by @rackcty Anakin and Ahsoka Art by @finpews
The Bad Batch: The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Character Introduction by @amorfista The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Introduction by @amorfista Hunter and Omega Art by @eggdrawsthings Tech Art by @talesfrommedinastation
Critical Role: Caleb Widogast Art by @middimidoris
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko Artwork by @chiptrillino-art
Yonderland: Cake Bake Lady Edith Art by @bahoreal
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fandom-friday · 6 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
💜 = 18+ content 🔵 = contains spoilers of a currently running show
The Clone Wars: New Members (Fives x OC Rasha Skohl, Echo x OC Ari Nierre) by @fives-lover Poets and Painters (Commander Wolffe x gn!Reader) by @frostycatblr-fandom-files Lady of Mercy (Commander Fox x Riyo Chuchi) by @eloquent-apollo The War of Life and Death by @galacticgraffiti
Star Wars Legends: Echoes of a Queen (Mara Jade x Luke Skywalker) by Conquistadora36 (AO3)
Batman: Life Happens by @cdelphiki Your Emergency by shanahane (AO3) Awake By Dawn by cookieTHEdragon (AO3) Happy Napping-Day by cookieTHEdragon (AO3) Baby Love by @awkwardbluefish Unacceptable by @jazz020 Little Bird by GoldTitaniumMaiden (AO3)
X-Men: Pound the Table by An_October_Daye (AO3)
Lucifer: Unwritten (Chloe Decker x Lucifer Morningstar) by @mightbeawriter
Legends of Chima: The Forgotten Legends of Chima by @olivescales3
Persona 5: Breaking the Rigged Game by Lord_Tenebros (AO3)
Crossover AUs: Home of the Weird (Gravity Falls X Hetalia Crossover) by IrenkaFeralKitty (AO3) Set Naked on Your Kingdom (Batman X Spiderman Crossover) by sassydandelion (AO3) Spider's Web (Sherlock Holmes X Hetalia Crossover) by Well Groomed Goldfish (FF.net)
The Clone Wars: Commander Cody Art by @rexxdjarin 💜 Downtime Series by @for-the-sake-of-color Shaak Ti Art by @sabellart Commander Fox Art by @jekyllnahyena
The Bad Batch: Wrecker Art by @allofthedoodles 🔵(TBB S3) But You're the One Who Found Us by @hauntingacorpse
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
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Post-Order 66, post-kiss Riyo and Wolffe? 👀 I say yes
@wildhoneyprose a gift for you💕
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lilhawkeye3 · 3 years
Find Your Way Back Home, Ch 5
Riyo Chuchi x Commander Wolffe, Riyo Chuchi x Commander Fox
Rating: T |||| Word Count: 2.1k |||| Set Post Order 66
AO3 Link
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Riyo’s heart was in her throat as she slipped out of Wolffe’s room that morning, hair slightly disheveled from her pillow’s thickly woven fabric. She hadn’t meant to sleep in so late, but tried to crush her lingering guilt by reminding herself that she hadn’t slept that well in months now.
She came to an abrupt stop when she spotted Rex standing in the kitchen, staring out the window at the fields of javun with a steaming cup of tea in his hands. He looked back over his shoulder at her with a soft smile.
“How is he?” Nothing could get by the captain, especially in such small quarters with two of the people he held dear to him.
Riyo offered a tired smile. “Healing. Able to hold a conversation, and be sarcastic,” she added as an afterthought, feeling pleased when Rex chuckled. “I think he’ll be alright.”
The blond’s smile turned bittersweet. “As alright as the rest of us,” he sighed.
Her shoulders drooped. “I suppose so.”
He grimaced apologetically and turned away, back to the window and the world outside. “Sorry, that was rude of me.”
“But not untrue.” Riyo made her way around the kitchen, snatching her favorite mug from the drying rack and a reusable tea bag from her cabinet before preparing a drink with the hot water pot and tea leaves Rex had left out on the counter.
He spoke up as she poured water into the ceramic mug. “I’m glad it was you.”
She nearly spilled the pot all over herself with how much she jolted in surprise. “Pardon?”
Rex was looking at her again, eyes a deep gold in the morning light. “I’m glad it was you here.” He lifted his drink to his mouth, but not in time to hide his sly smile. “I don’t think there’s anyone else that could really help him now. And I know Ahsoka’s been glad to see a friendly face.”
Riyo blinked at him vacantly for several long seconds. “And you?” She asked, choosing to side-step dealing with the confused swirl of emotions that now filled her.
Rex smirked, clearly knowing she was avoiding it. “I found it nice to see that someone held true to their oaths.”
Her mind flashed back to when she’d first met Rex and his men, the renowned 501st Battalion. Orto Plutonia had been an unhappy experience, but one that she had grown much from. Seeing the lives of so many men cut short over miscommunication and greed, learning that her people were in the wrong, treating with a proud nation despite being uncertain of her place.
“‘To die for one’s people is a great sacrifice. To live for them, a greater sacrifice. I choose to live,’” she recited, those words seared into her soul until the day she died. She met his gaze with a steady look and a raised eyebrow. “What do you choose, Rex?”
He met her stare with an equally quirked brow, as if to say I’m here, aren’t I? “I live for my brothers that haven’t been freed. I live for the ones that already breathed their last.” He paused. “I live for her.”
“She chose you,” Riyo said slowly, parsing out his hidden message. “She saved you.”
“She saved you… but at the cost of your brothers.”
He sucked in a breath. “Yes.”
Riyo closed her eyes, feeling the pain that rolled off him in waves. “And you blame her for it, yet you owe her everything.” She opened her eyes, and the devastated look on Rex’s face showed she’d guessed correctly.
“Sometimes, I wish she’d let me die with them,” he whispered into his mug, watching several stray tea leaves swirl in a gentle pattern. “To see them living, but not really alive– ” He trailed off, searching for something, anything to keep him afloat. Riyo rushed forward, gently taking the mug from his hands and setting it aside before wrapping her arms around his waist. She hoped he wouldn’t take offense– they’d never been close– but he readily clung to her, breaths coming in ragged pants as everything finally overwhelmed him.
She wondered if he hadn’t allowed himself to feel until now, in this safe haven on a forgotten planet.
“It’s a fate worse than death,” he finished, fingers clutching at her knitted sweater.
Riyo stroked his back, trying to help soothe him. “It is for you and them,” she murmured. “You can grieve for what you lost. You’re safe here.” She felt him tremble against her and tried to hold him tighter. “Would… would you like to come help me in the fields today? Ahsoka can stay here; she’ll be able to monitor Wolffe and come get us if needed.”
Rex exhaled shakily, but she could feel some of the tension leave him at the temporary escape she was giving him. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
It seemed that Wolffe wasn’t the only trooper under her roof that she’d be helping to heal.
Riyo woke Ahsoka after she’d gone to get dressed for the day. She wasn’t about to leave the house without alerting her friend, seeing that her and Rex disappearing with no notice could trigger a traumatic response. As it was, Ahsoka opened one eye to listen to Riyo’s explanation of where they’d be before mumbling her thanks and burrowing back under her blankets.
And so Riyo and Rex went out into the juvan fields.
They talked while they worked. Rex spoke of the brothers he’d lost, Riyo of the friends among the Corries. Color returned to his face and light to his eyes as the day went on and the memories piled up. By the time the afternoon light began to fade, he was able to laugh over some of the shenanigans his Torrent squad had got up to.
Ahsoka watched them both with curious eyes when they returned, but she didn’t comment. Instead, she told them that while Wolffe had been muttering on and off in his sleep, he hadn’t yet woken up again. Riyo made sure to set aside some of their soup that evening for him, thinking that he might finally be stable enough to eat. When dinner was finished, Riyo left Ahsoka and Rex to their low conversation as they spoke over washing dishes in the kitchen to check on Wolffe. To her surprise, he seemed to just then be waking.
The savory smell of the soup in her hands caught his attention first, and by the way his stomach rumbles, food was definitely what he needed. After a quick check to his bandages, Riyo held the bowl and helped him sip directly from it, finding that to be easier than trying to use a spoon. It was a slow and steady process, but she wanted to make sure Wolffe didn’t eat too fast and consequently vomit it up because his body couldn’t handle so much after so long asleep.
He seemed to be keeping it down well, to her relief, but then Wolffe mentioned needing to use the fresher, and a whole new set of obstacles arose. The first they barely managed to overcome as Riyo helped Wolffe stand by letting him lean heavily on her, and together they shuffled out of the room and to the fresher.
The second wasn’t as difficult physically, but still proved to be problematic on its own.
Riyo glares at him, unimpressed. “Can you even get your pants off by yourself?”
Wolffe’s indignant expression makes her fight back laughter. “Of course I can–” he starts, curling downwards slightly to try and pull them down far enough, but the crunch flares up his chest wound and he hisses. “Fine.”
Riyo sighed. “Wolffe, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. I had to change you into these when you got here. Besides, I often walked through the Corrie barracks on my own, and one time I made a wrong turn and ended up in the Flash squadron locker room, and–”
“Alright, alright. Your point has been made,” he groaned with a roll of his eyes, and she finally caved in and laughed.
“Come on, then.” He held still as she carefully pulled down the sweatpants and underclothes, being sure not to aggravate his thigh injury. She’d been honest about seeing him bare not bothering her; anatomy was anatomy, and it was nothing to be ashamed of or shy away from, especially when acting as an impromptu medic. “There, is that good?”
“Yeah, I can–” Wolffe shifted slightly and accidentally put weight on his bad leg, nearly falling if he hadn’t tightened his hold around Riyo’s shoulders. Her hands shot out to brace his waist and keep him from toppling over.
“You’ll be able to do this alone soon, but not yet,” she reaffirmed. Closing her eyes, she jerked her chin towards the toilet. “Get busy, soldier.”
“Hilarious,” Wolffe deadpanned, but Riyo could feel him relax under her fingertips. She’d hoped her nonchalant manner would be similar enough to any medical care he’d had before, and it looks like her bet had paid off. She was a statue, solid and silent next to Wolffe as he relieved himself for the first time since waking. He was trembling from standing for so long by the time he finished, and didn’t say a word as Riyo helped him redress, wash off, and return to the bedroom. She knew how hard it was to accept help after spending so long being someone others relied on, and to be in a situation where he had no other option than to accept her generosity was bound to be even more difficult.
The unwitting sigh of relief that slipped through his lips as she guided him to lay back down on the bed was evidence of how taxing the short trip was. It worried Riyo. If he was to try and go anywhere further than the fresher, he’d need someone much stronger than her to steady him, and she didn’t know how long Rex or Ahsoka were planning to stay. She was already surprised they’d remained for this long, but she figured Rex wanted to make sure his brother was definitely alright before leaving him again.
“Thank you.”
She looked up from maneuvering the blankets back over his legs at Wolffe’s raspy voice. He was watching her again, appearing just as defeated as he had in the low light the night before. His eyes were flat, his face shadowed and paler than it normally was, which only served to heighten his haunted form.
“You’re welcome,” she finally replied after several moments of silence. “How do you feel now?”
He closed his eyes and let his head sink back into the pillows. “Tired.”
Riyo smiled lightly. “You need to rest. Can you drink some water before you go back to sleep?”
Wolffe hummed, which she took to be affirmative. When she returned with a mug of cool water, it was to find Wolffe had already propped himself up and was looking somewhat expectantly towards her. She held the mug to his lips again so he could drink and distracted herself by watching the way his eyes fluttered shut as he emptied the mug. With that done, she set it aside on the bedside table and hovered in case Wolffe couldn’t arrange himself comfortably on his back. To her delight, he was able to do it himself, albeit with shaking arms. Some progress was better than none at all.
Dusk was truly settling in and the room was beginning to grow darker with each passing second, so Riyo murmured a polite excuse and moved to leave. She was stopped by Wolffe’s hesitant call of her name.
“Yes?” Hopefully he wasn’t in too much pain…
“Can you…” His words died off as he gestured weakly towards the floor next to his bed.
Oh. “Of course I’ll stay,” Riyo agreed. “Let me wash up and change, and then I’ll be back.”
His eyes were closed and his chest rose and fell in a steady, slow rhythm by the time she slipped back into the room. His arm dangled awkwardly off the side of the bed so his knuckles brushed the chilled floor. This time Riyo was the one to take his hand in hers and rest them on her pillow, next to her head. He was warm and solid, something real that grounded her as she drifted off to sleep.
It was too dark for her to see the weary smile on Wolffe’s face as his thumb rubbed gentle circles against her palm before he too was out like a light.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
find your way back home - ch 2
Riyo Chuchi x Commander Wolffe, Riyo x Commander Fox
Rating: T |||| Word count: 1.3k |||| Set Post Order 66 |||| AO3 Link
Warnings: angsty, non-graphic injuries
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Riyo stood in the doorway, staring at the sleeping form draped under a layer of blankets. All was quiet now. The golden light of dawn shone through the gaps in the window curtain, softly illuminating Wolffe’s face. It gave him a more peaceful appearance, one that Riyo knew contrasted what he was probably facing within himself.
The commander had been in and out of it for the past few days. While it was good that he’d been awake for several hours, meaning Riyo could get some water and food into him… she assumed what he was experiencing was doing more harm than she could heal.
The first time he’d woken, he’d just stared at her as if she’d torn his heart out. He hadn’t answered anything she’d asked, but he did let her prop him up so she could raise a glass of water to his lips. He drank slowly with his eyes closed, and Riyo sighed a silent thanks to the Goddess as she watched him empty the glass.
Wolffe dropped off quickly after he finished, and she’d done her best to ease the transition by carding her fingers gently through his hair. It was something Fox had loved, something he told her was commonly done by any ori’vod in a unit to a battle-weary brother to calm them. Riyo’s heart pained when she first realized that as commander, Fox had no one to do the same for him, until her. She wouldn’t be surprised if the same was true for Wolffe, or Rex, or any of the other commanding troopers.
The second time he’d come to, Wolffe had trembled and muttered a constant stream of Mando’a. Riyo only recognized a word or two, but she was so busy focusing on keeping his prying hands away from his bandages that she hadn’t picked up a word he’d said.
They were all waiting to see if Wolffe would be more coherent the next time his eyes fluttered open. It was very touch and go, especially considering his serious injuries and the incision on his temple. The javin worked considerable wonders on the majority of his wounds, but… brains were a delicate thing. There wasn’t much she could do other than heal Wolffe to the best of her abilities and let his body do the rest.
Well… that wasn’t necessarily true. She’d been playing host and healer to Rex and Ahsoka in the meantime. Rex had his fair share of cuts and bruises that she cajoled him into sitting still for her to treat, and Ahsoka had curled up in the chair across from them as the two took turns updating Riyo on what had been occurring in the galaxy.
It wasn’t good.
Hundreds of thousands displaced as refugees, environments already in upheaval, any non-human sentients being barred from entering Inner Core planetary ports without special approval. Battles being fought to bring former Sepratist planets under Imperial control. Rising death tolls. A budding Rebellion, of which Bail, Ahsoka and Rex managed o be in the center of.
At least one good thing had come from this. Riyo hadn’t missed the way the two warriors shifted to keep the other in their sights as long as possible. Whatever they were destined to face, they would have someone watching their back.
Riyo’s snapped from her thoughts by a quiet moan that slipped through his cracked lips. She darted forward, concerned that he may have shifted in his sleep and pulled at one of his bandaged wounds. Her fingers brushed over the bindings, not feeling any change from how she wrapped them earlier, so her attention turned onto his face to see if anything could be determined from his reaction.
His brows were drawn tight together, his mouth curved down in a grimace as another shaky breath left him. Riyo cupped his jaw, tilting his head straight and back to ensure his airway was open and unstrained. His next breath indeed came easier, and his eyes opened blearily in time with his chest rising.
“Riyo? Wha…” She could practically see the cogs in Wolffe’s head starting up to try and work through his confusion. “Where am I?” His voice was tired and scratchy, so Riyo shushed him while she reached over to pick up the glass of water she’d left at his beside.
“Drink first,” she urged, and held the cup to his lips after he gave a tired nod in assent. “You’ve been resting here for three days,” she explained while he was occupied. “Rex and Ahsoka brought you here so you’ll be safe while you recover.”
Wolffe pulled away from the water when he’d had enough. “This… your home? Is Fox–” He trailed off in a groan and moved to grab his head. Riyo caught him before he could touch his incision and curled her fingers around his as she listened patiently. “The… the Pack. General Plo.” His moan was mournful now as he shut his eyes in an attempt to avoid the onslaught of memories. “We shot him down, we shot him down!” He gasped and began to shake.
Riyo knew it was best to let him come out of it naturally, so she hummed a lullaby from her childhood softly while he clung to her. “Focus on me, copy my breathing.” She watched the fight leave his body as his adrenaline left him, neither able to fight or flee.
There were several moments of silence once her song ended before Wolffe’s shoulders slumped and he looked her dead in the eyes. “Where’s Fox?”
She’d told herself she wouldn’t fall apart, not when she had to help these three soldiers heal, but despite her best efforts, Riyo could feel her eyes fill with tears. “We’re all that’s left of him.”
Wolffe let out a broken cry. “Rex,” he whispered. “Can… can I?”
Riyo squeezed his hands and moved to stand, but thought better of it after a sidelong glance at Wolffe. She knew he’d try to get up the second she left the room. Instead, she leaned back her chat and called out for his brother. “Rex! Come here, please?”
Wolffe choked out a laugh at the sound of an abrupt clatter and inventive swears from the kitchen. She was thankful for having plastoid dishes after hearing the commotion, but wouldn’t have held it against Rex if something had broken. Plates could be replaced.
Rex’s amber eyes were wide when he stumbled into the room, as if he’d seen a ghost… which was accurate, Riyo supposed, after the loss of their brothers. She felt the same way.
“Wolffe.” His voice sounded like he’d been punched. “Wolf’ika, you’re alright.”
“Who’re you calling ‘ika?’” Wolffe tiredly joked, trying to move and breaking out in another moan. “Hurts.”
Riyo knew things must be far worse than they appeared for him to admit such a thing. “Can you tell me where it hurts?” She asked gently, placing a calming hand on his chest to try and keep him still. Wolffe’s gaze flickered back onto her, and she bit back a worried murmur at their glazed over appearance.
“Head. Chest cold,” he rumbled. His arm trembled as he lifted it and shifted her touch to straddle his sternum and left breast. “Here.”
Riyo’s vision went blurry as she looked between their hands and his face. “The pain will fade,” she promised shakily, removing her hand from his grasp to smoothen his brow. It was warmer than earlier– not a good sign. “Rex, will you keep him company? I’m going to get something to help fight his fever.”
She stood and backed away from the bed before either could respond, but Rex nodded gratefully as he came forward to take her place beside his vod. Riyo allowed herself a glimpse of Rex leaning down to press his forehead to Wolffe’s before she all but ran from the room.
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