#commentary in my audio drafts...
rocktheholygrail · 7 months
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Hannibal 3x06 - “Dolce”
"This is a big Hannigram scene that is a favorite among Fannibals. I just wanna say, first draft, his shirt came off. Totally. I'm always pushing [my homosexual agenda]. I did it to Chucky, why not Hannibal?" -Don Mancini (audio commentary)
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keep-ur-head-low · 7 months
All Hadestown West End lyric changes (as of Feb 15 2024)
Many thanks to @ghostlypawn for posting their audio of Hadestown on the West End :) Keep in mind these are from a preview performance and the production wasn't finalized until Feb 21st, so things may have been altered further since then.
Lines in bold indicate changed lyric
Road To Hell
New Hermes line: "You can tip your hats and your wallets / With your pennies and your pearls / To the hardest working chorus / In the gods' almighty world"
Original Bway line: "Brothers and sisters, boys and girls"
If It's True
New Orpheus final verse: "Brother, look around today / Is this how the world was made? / There must be another way / Is it true? Is it true what they say?"
Original Bway verse: "If it's true what they say / I'll be on my way / Tell me what to do / Is it true? Is it true what they say?"
(Note: In the Hadestown development book Working On a Song written in 2016, Anais Mitchell said she felt If It's True as written on Broadway needed to end on more of a political mic drop and commented she may change it someday. Nice to see she got the opportunity.)
Epic III
New Orpheus section: "I know how it is because he is like me / I know how it is to be left all alone / There's a hole in his arms where the world used to be / When Persephone's gone / His work never done, his war never won / Will go on forever whatever the cost / 'Cause the thing that he's building his wall around / Is already lost / Where is the treasure inside of your chest?..."
Original Bway/NYTW section: "What has become of the heart of that man?" up to "What he doesn't know is that what he's defending / Is already gone"
(Note: I think whether you like this change is entirely dependent on your feelings on Broadway's changes to Epic III. In Working On a Song, an early draft of this new verse can be found with Anais' commentary that her intent was to simplify the Epic so that it became a simple gift of empathy as opposed to the intricate poetry and lyricism of NYTW's Epic, something she couldn't quite finish in time for Broadway's opening. It seems like she and Orpheus might have finally finished their song.)
All references to Hermes as "mister" or "missus" are altered (ex: "a god with feathers on her feet... Yes it's Hermes, that's me", "excuse me Hermes" from Orpheus instead of "Mister/Missus Hermes")
(Note: May or may not be specific to Melanie La Barrie's portrayal)
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ellephlox · 2 years
Summary: You get sick and refuse to let Matt help you because you don’t want him to get sick, too — the question is, how long can you keep him away?
Pairing: Matt x fem!reader
Warnings: Some gross pneumonia descriptions, light swearing, nothing else!
A/N: So I’ve been away for awhile, and I’m really sorry about that. I’ve been trying to write my own book and I finished the second draft, so taking the time for fan fiction has been on the back burner lately. But of course with the RETURN OF OUR BELOVED KING on She-Hulk, I had to take the time to write something because IM STILL FREAKING OUT GUYS MATT IS BACK AND HES SO AMAZING AND HOT AND ALLSKJF LSDKFJLSKDJFLSDK
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You felt the chest pain on your way home from work — the kind that arrived out of nowhere, as though it dropped from the sky into your lungs, and seriously made you wonder how colds were able to work that quickly. 
Of course, maybe it wasn’t a cold. You kept your hopes up as you cooked dinner, testing your chest a few times with a few large intakes of breath, but each time was the same result: a small tickle in the back, like a little voice saying, Hey, I’m here, and you’re going to be miserable for the next couple of days! 
Which really stunk, if you were being honest. It was getting towards mid-October and you were hoping to carve pumpkins with Matt or do some other corny autumn activity that every other normal couple did in the city. Not that you two weren’t normal. But other couples didn’t really have to contend with the whole I’ll-see-you-later-honey-after-I-beat-up-some-bad-guys-tonight, and you figured it must make movie nights a lot more frequent for most people than it did for you and Matt. That was another thing on your list, too — watching a horror movie to get into the Halloween spirit. 
“I’m not into horror movies,” Matt had said when you’d pitched the idea to him. “Audio commentary kind of kills the whole scary aspect.”
“Then you’re watching the wrong movies. I don’t mean movies with gallons of blood and cheap jump scares. I mean psychological horrors, the kinds that make you stay awake at night because they’re that freaky. We’re doing it, Murdock, whether you want to or not.”
Whether you want to or not, however, didn’t include the extenuating circumstances of getting sick.
It took longer than usual to get up the stairs to your apartment. You felt so drained that you wouldn’t have minded showering and then crashing into bed, if you weren’t hungry. The wind rattled at your windows as you cooked a big pot of rice, enough to last the next few days. You’d bought fixings yesterday to make a homemade curry with it, but one look at your pantry and you scrapped those plans in exchange for half a jar of pesto with a dubious expiration date on it. Matt wasn’t supposed to be over until after seven in the evening, thanks to the unforgiving hours of lawyering, but you called him as you stirred the pesto in with the rice. 
“I was wondering when you’d call,” he said. His voice was lighthearted. 
“Hi,” you said, as casually as possible. “How was your day?”
“I officially reduced the pile of paperwork on my desk from ten inches high to eight inches high, so I’d call it a success. You at your place?”
“Yeah. Hey, I wanted to let you know that I think I’m coming down with something, so maybe you should stay at your own place tonight.” Before Matt could ask, you added, “I’m fine. Just one of the colds that’s going around. But I’d feel horrible if you got it.”
“What about the pumpkins?”
“Pumpkins can wait. I haven’t even bought them yet.”
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed, and your stomach flipped. What a way to boost my self-esteem that he actually likes me. “How about we just don’t share sodas, then?”
You frowned. “Last time this happened, I told you to stay away from me and then you just ended up kissing me. The next day, lo and behold, you started coughing. So, no. Not happening.”
“You kissed me, if I remember correctly.”
“Excuse me? What kind of a lawyer are you? That’s gaslighting, sir.”
He continued, ignoring you. “Maybe I’ll just hear some suspicious noises coming from your apartment tonight. And then I’ll have to investigate, because it’s my civic duty as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. And when I see a beautiful girl, sitting on the couch and pathetically eating rice and pesto alone, I’ll just have to join her. Accidentally, of course.”
“What I’m interpreting from that is that you go cuddle up with any girl that you find eating alone in her apartment.”
“What I’m interpreting is that Matt says he’s doing all these dangerous things at night but really he’s just chilling out while enjoying the lavish praise of being a local superhero,” Foggy said, his voice distant in the background. 
You snorted. “Am I on speakerphone?”
“No,” Foggy answered, sounding far too cheerful for someone working far beyond sunset. “Matt just keeps his phone volume weirdly high for someone who supposedly has super-hearing.”
“I do have super-hearing, Foggy.”
“Then how are you not shattering your eardrums? Between your phone volume and crashing at girls’ apartments to eat rice and pesto, I’m really doubting this whole Daredevil façade,” Foggy said. 
“Anyway,” Matt cut in, “I’ll pop in tonight, just to bring over some food and meds. Do you want anything specific?”
“Matt, really. I don’t want you catching this. And it’s late, you should get home and actually get some sleep for once. I’m fine, it just feels like a cold.” You would have elaborated, but your chest decided to seize at that moment, and you had to trail off quickly before it became apparent in your voice. 
He sort of listened to you that night. He had swung by (through the window? Or with the spare key you’d given him? There was no way to know) and dropped off food, but it was while you were asleep, and it looked as though he’d only gone into the kitchen then left. 
You’d only found the food when you wandered in blearily at three in the morning, sweating and freezing at the same time. There was no point for the thermometer; a fever was obvious and you didn’t particularly care what the number was. The cough was worse, though. It made it hard to fall back asleep — every few seconds you’d feel as though your lungs were spasming, and the back of your throat felt as though it had been bitten by fire ants. 
Sirens rang in the distance. You hoped it wasn’t for something Matt was involved in; not because you didn’t trust him to handle it, but because it was three in the morning and you’d kick his ass if he wasn’t sleeping at this point. 
Then the headache hit you. Maybe you wouldn’t be kicking his ass anytime soon. 
The pressure was enough to make you stumble into the counter as you rummaged for a glass of water. Everything about your arms felt off, as though your muscles had been crushed into powder, and you misjudged your grasp on the glass. It fell, crashing to the floor and skating outwards like a nebula of knives. Automatically you reached for the paper towels, and in your haze you stepped forward. 
Glass crunched under your foot and you swore, not at the pain but at your own stupidity. It took another half an hour to bandage up the bottom of your foot and at that point you were too exhausted to finish cleaning up the glass. 
When you woke up next, sun was filtering through your curtains and your mouth was as dry as though you’d swallowed ten cotton swabs. Dazed, you picked up your phone, and squinted at the notifications; one missed call from Matt and a followup text. Quickly you sent him an I’m okay message and then fell back onto your pillow. 
The fever felt worse. Goosebumps ran up and down your legs, but you were simultaneously sweaty under your sheets, so you threw them off to go shower. Only then did you remember the glass you’d stepped on because your foot protested angrily as soon as you placed it onto the carpet. 
Hopping was the only option remaining, and that expended just about every ounce of energy you’d garnered while sleeping, so that you just about collapsed against the bathroom wall, wheezing, by the time you’d made it. And of course that was when your phone rang, so you hopped back to your room, and barely made it in time before it went to voicemail. 
“Hello?” you croaked. 
“That’s all I need to hear. I’m coming over.”
“I... what?”
“Yeah. You sound terrible, Y/N.” Matt’s voice was overly concerned, and you didn’t like it at all; you could practically feel the pity coming off of him. At least, it felt like pity. And that wasn’t what you wanted. 
“Matt, not only will I personally make you rue the day that you step foot in here while I’m sick, but—” You broke off, coughing, and wincing at the same time because you could imagine Matt’s expression on the other end.
“I don’t like talking to you over the phone,” he said in a low voice. “I hate not hearing your heartbeat, hearing your lungs, feeling your temperature. You’re being overruled. I’m coming.”
“Don’t you have to be at the court today?”
“Not until ten.”
Defeated, you flung the phone on the other side of the room. That conversation sucked out everything you had, and you gave up on the idea of taking a shower. The bed looked much more comfortable. It didn’t help that your breaths were getting alarmingly short, and it was difficult to draw in anything more than a quick inhale. Your eyes were closed for about five seconds before they popped back open. 
Matt was coming. Damn it, damn it, damn it. You went to the windows and locked them all, then crossed to the front door. He had a spare key, but you also had a bolt, and you slid it across, feeling somewhat proud of yourself for having made the trek to the entryway. The bar is very, very low at this point. 
You’d run a marathon right now before letting Matt get anywhere near you. That resolve was the only thing penetrating the fog around your head, and you double-checked the windows again. It wasn’t as though he’d be leaping and climbing up to them, anyway; he was coming from the office, and would therefore be in his lawyer suit. With the number of people down on the streets and the broad daylight, Matt would be hard-pressed to make it up to your fire escape without the newspaper headline being BLIND ACROBAT BREAKING AND ENTERING IN HELL’S KITCHEN the next day. 
Sure enough, ten minutes later Matt was outside your door, and his sharp rap on the door did nothing to make you move. You sat at the counter, sipping on some water, and shook your head. “Nope. Not happening.”
“Y/N, I can hear the crackling in your lungs,” he said, his patience more intact than you would have expected. He thinks he’s going to win.
“My lungs aren’t crackling. They’re just... not feeling so hot.” Now overly-conscious of your breathing, you tried to make your breaths smoother and less obviously sick. 
There was a pause on the other side of the door. “You’ve got too fast of a heartbeat. Unlock the bolt or I’ll kick the door down.”
“Yeah, my heart’s racing, because there’s a man threatening to kick my door down,” you said, and feeling inspired, you clicked the on button of the remote next to you. The television flashed to life, showing the weather report, and you turned the volume up. Take that, Matt. “See? No more lung crackling or racing heartbeats.”
The only issue was that now you could hardly hear him. You barely made out his next sentence, it was so faint on the other side of the door. “I can still hear both, you know,” he said, muffled. “You know how many televisions there are in the average block of apartments that I have to filter out every single night?”
“Shit.” You shut the television off. “Listen away, then. It’s not going to change anything because I’m not letting you in.” 
“I wasn’t kidding about kicking the door down.”
"And I’m not kidding about not letting you in. Plus, you’d have some tough questions to answer when my neighbors report you for kicking down my door, Devil Man.”
“Why won’t you accept help when you need it? You really need a doctor.”
“Hypocrite,” you said under your breath, relishing the fact that he could hear you.
“I can hear you.” Just as you’d expected. “And what I do is irrelevant to the fact that you’re currently sitting in your apartment with what’s probably pneumonia.”
“Oh, it’s not pneumonia,” you said dismissively, though you felt awful enough that he was probably right. At least, your lungs seemed to concur with that diagnosis, and as if to verbally agree with him you coughed, wheezing and choking for air.  
“If I didn’t have to be at the court in half an hour, I’d go home and get into the suit just to have an excuse to come through your window right now.” Matt was pissed, that was for sure. There was a dangerous undertone to his voice, softened only by that ever-present concern in what he was saying. 
“I know, Matt.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s a lost cause, alright? Tomorrow I’ll be feeling a lot better and then maybe — maybe — I’ll let you come in. And that’s if we keep all the windows open for fresh air and—”
“Why do I smell your blood?”
You glanced down at your foot. Traitor. It had stopped bleeding ages ago, but you should’ve changed the bandage again one more time before Matt showed up. “I’m... doing acupuncture. On myself.”
“Fine. I made a blood oath and pricked my thumb to assure myself that I will never, ever let you catch a sickness from me.”
“In ten seconds this door is coming down unless you tell me. And if you could hear my heartbeat, you’d know I’m not lying.”
“Fine! I just stepped on some glass, okay? But my foot is fine, it’s seen worse days. I mean, you should’ve seen that time that I got a pedicure and the lady told me my heels were the most cracked she’d seen in a long time.” You were rambling, and that wasn’t a good idea, because it made you lose your breath and then you were gasping for air. 
After another five minutes of arguing that ended only when you swore to call the doctor if you got any worse, he left, grumbling that Foggy would kill both of you if he was late for court, and that was the only reason he was giving up — “temporarily”. 
Only when it was too late did you realize that was a mistake, and that you should have let him help.  
It was past two in the afternoon when you woke up from a nap, and every muscle in your body felt as though it were frozen. You were trembling slightly from the cold, but couldn’t muster the energy to even sit up and grab the blanket at the foot of your bed. It was difficult to swallow, and you clutched at your throat, certain that someone must be standing over you and clasping their hands around your neck, but there was no one there. 
“Matt,” you whispered, expecting him to be there, or to hear you, but there was no one. Taking slow breaths, you tried to calm down on your own. One, two, three. One, two, three. All you could manage were short, raspy breaths that hardly got enough air, and your head pounded. Blindly you reached out for your glass of water, and nearly dropped it again, your hands were shaking so much. The feeling of your lips against the rim was like pressing a dried sponge to the edge of a bowl and the water tasted sour in your mouth. 
And then you tried swallowing. It was as though someone had blocked up your throat, because you couldn’t swallow, and you gasped, heart racing as panic flooded through you; for a moment you couldn’t breathe and then you finally coughed up the water, chest heaving from the sharpness of each cough. You grabbed a tissue, hacking into it for at least another thirty seconds, and finally a glob of mucus came up and your airway cleared up just enough that you could breathe a bit more. 
You almost tossed the tissue to the floor without looking at it, but a flash of red caught your eye. 
Blood. In the mucus. 
That was the tipping point for you. Didn’t people die shortly after coughing up blood in the movies? That was how it went. A character coughs, looks into their hand, and then resignedly tucks it away without the other characters seeing. It was like the knoll of death, ringing in your ears. 
You hardly knew what you were doing as you dialed Matt’s number, not even thinking about what you were tapping into your phone but allowing muscle memory to guide you. 
“Hello?” He picked up almost immediately. 
“Matt—” You started to speak his name, but halted; it was too painful. Dropping your voice to a whisper, you started over. “Matt, I think I need you here.”
“What? What is it?” 
“I’m—” You glanced down at the tissue. Literally dying here? That was a surefire way to make Matt have a heart attack. “I’m not doing so well. I might take you up on your offer to help.”
He didn’t hesitate. “I’ll be over in five minutes. Did you call the doctor already?”
“No.” The thought of calling the doctor was exhausting on its own. 
Matt seemed to notice that. “I’ll call,” he assured you. “Can you breathe alright?”
“Not really.” Tears were spiking in your eyes and you brushed them away. “I just coughed and... there was some blood in it.” You wheezed for breath, the drawing in of air rattling everything inside of you and getting caught at the top of your throat.
“I’m taking you to a hospital.”
“No, sweetheart. You need a real doctor. I’ll be over in a minute.”
Somehow you must have fallen asleep again, because Matt was lifting you from the bed and you wrapped your arms around him. “Can’t breathe,” you whispered, gasping for breath. 
“I know. I can hear your lungs,” Matt said, voice strained. “I’ve got a cab waiting on the street. Can you walk or do you need me to carry you?”
“I... I can walk.” You slung an arm around him and made your way slowly out of the room, limping with every step on your bandaged foot. Matt, to his credit, allowed you to do what you could. His tie was loosened and his suit jacket was gone, but he still wore a button-down, tucked into his pants. 
“Bet you won your case, then,” you whispered, hardly even aware of what was coming out of your mouth. “No one can... say no to this.”
“Hm. This.” You meant to nod up and down at Matt, but it came across as more of a head shake. “You.”
And then your assertion that you could walk proved difficult to fulfill, so you redirected your efforts to not face-planting in your living room, despite the strong, steady hands Matt kept on you the entire time. Once you reached your stairs he took over for the most part; your feet were hardly touching the ground with the amount of support he was giving. 
That was where your memory cut out. You must have passed out, because the next time you opened your eyes, it was in the hospital bed, and Matt was reading next to you, his long gaze fixed on the wall in front of him as his fingers danced over the text. 
“Hi,” you whispered lamely. Everything about you was groggy and it was hard enough just to focus on him. 
Him. Only he could look handsome in a hospital. At some point he’d exchanged the suit for a tee shirt and sweats, and his hair stuck out at every angle possible. You wondered vaguely if he’d come from Fogwell’s. 
He set the book down, relief evident on his face. “Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?”
You ignored his question. “How do you always manage to look good?”
He nudged you. “I should be the one asking you that.”
“That’s... the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. Even if you weren’t blind, it’d be a lie.” You closed your eyes, then opened them again. The ceiling was too white. “What happened?”
"Aspiration pneumonia.”
“You have aspiration pneumonia,” he said. “Which just happens to be a type of pneumonia that’s not contagious.”
You meditated on this. “So?”
“So you could’ve let me into your apartment, that whole time,” he said, looking distinctly indignant, and it was enough to make you laugh. The laugh was short-lived, because it quickly transformed into a wracking cough that made your entire chest throb, but Matt was on his feet in an instant, holding your hand.
Only when the coughing stopped did you remember the bolt on your door. “Matt?”
“How’d you get in?”
“Broke down the door, like I promised.”
“Are... are you serious? What about the neighbors?”
He laughed. “You know, breaking down a door isn’t incriminating evidence that I’m Daredevil. I told them you were having an emergency, and when they saw you, they believed me.”
“They saw me?” You didn’t remember an audience when Matt was helping you out of the apartment.
“Well, you were taking your sweet time on the stairs, and coughing loudly enough for anyone in a mile radius to hear you, so yeah, they wanted to see what was happening.”
You buried your face in your hands. “That’s just great. And now, what, is my apartment wide open for anyone to go in?”
“No, I called in a favor with Foggy, and he’s hanging out there until someone can come in and fix it.”
“Even better. Now I’m indebted to Foggy.”
Matt smiled coyly. “Oh, and I should mention—”
“Oh, no. What?”
“—that there’s something else you’ll love about all of this.”
“Stop smiling like that. Why are you smiling like that?”
“Aspiration pneumonia is commonly associated with the institutionalized elderly. In other words, it’s a nursing home problem.”
“A nursing home problem?”
“A nursing home problem,” he confirmed. “I was thinking that maybe for your next birthday I could get you fitted for dentures.”
“Hilarious. Really, so funny. You really should have been a comedian. I swear to you that the next time you get sick, I’m going to make fun of you and you’ll never hear the end of it. Got it?”
He grinned and squeezed your hand. “Murdocks don’t get sick.”
“That is the second biggest lie I’ve ever heard. I seem to recall that time you projectile-vomited off of the Ferris wheel.”
“Because I was motion-sick, not sick-sick.”
Your eyelids were already getting heavy just from the five-minute conversation. You beckoned him closer and leaned onto his shoulder, pressing yourself into his warmth. He smelled like fresh deodorant and coffee. “Pumpkin carving as soon as I can leave?”
“Definitely,” he said, placing your fingers onto the pulse that drummed under his wrist. “And this time, I’m not lying.”
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whoovesnassistant · 9 months
We will be streaming the rough draft audio of Episode 15 Part 1 "The Traveler's Prison" on December 30th at 12:00pm PST and 4:00pm PST. Livestreams will start 30 minutes early to set up and give youtubers more of a chance to see the stream announcement, at which time people can chat with some of the crew while listening to DWnA music until the episode begins.
You will be able to find the stream here:
That means that we are relying on your feedback and commentary on the episode to help us improve any issues and gauge how the audience feels about the writing.
The episode will be deleted when the streams are over, because it is incomplete at the moment. There will be a premier of the finalized episode when it is ready.
We have plenty of artwork for the episode and will be displaying it during the stream, but feel free to submit fan art of the episode scenes to this blog and we will try to include it in the final video.
NOTICE: THE ENDING IS NOT THE FULL ENDING! We didn't want to reveal the twist at the end for this test stream, so when the finalized episode is posted, be sure to at least listen to the end to hear the twist!
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ober-affen-geil · 2 months
@januarydivide this one is for you!
In this post that I added to yesterday I talked about some of what a library degree encompasses, and other people have added in the notes about even more. Also in that post, I said that when I was in college I chose to pursue an archive specialty under the Information Science umbrella, so I'm going to talk about what being an archivist actually is!
First, like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), there is actually an acronym that covers the Information Science professions: GLAM or GLAMR, Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and sometimes Records depending on who is using the acronym. I bring this up because explaining what an archive is, and what an archivist does, I've found works best if I compare it to things people already are familiar with.
If anyone has any questions, either about something I didn't answer or something I didn't clarify, please ask! Also, if there are any archivists out there who see this and want to add commentary please do so!
Anyhow. Museums, Libraries, and Archives.
Museums are (mostly) public places you can visit that hold collections made up of objects that visitors can look at but not touch (usually), nor can they be taken home.
Libraries are (mostly) public places you can visit that keep collections of published media that visitors can look at, touch, and take home.
Archives are (mostly) public places you can visit that store collections of unpublished, unique primary source material that visitors can look at, usually touch, but can't take home. Things you will typically find in an archive include letters, diaries, scrapbooks, photos, memos, unpublished drafts, and more. Often "special collections" areas include newspaper archives (sometimes on microfilm) and rare books that are old enough or unique enough that they need specialized care or restricted handling. Just like specialized subject libraries like law libraries or medical libraries, there are archives that are specific to mediums like audio/visual (A/V) archives and digital archives.
The most important thing to keep in mind is, because archive collection materials are by nature completely unique, no archive is the same.
So. What does an archivist do? For perspective, my background is primarily in university collections that are mostly paper based but have a smattering of other materials. Currently I work in a historic home that has a significant paper collection as well as an object collection.
Ultimately, it is the archivist's job to a) make sure the collection materials are actually useable by patrons, b) help people trying to use the collection access it, and c) ensure the long term safety/security of the collection by caring for the materials. (All while remembering that the collection creators were people and their agency needs to be part of the ethical balance.)
Let's break that down.
Making the collection useable. With paper collections, the big step here is what's called "processing"; trying to determine if there is an "original order" that the creator of the collection kept and creating one if there isn't. This also includes shifting the materials into acid free folders and boxes, assigning them internal unique identifiers/shelf locations, and creating a "finding aid" that is similar to the index of a book that has a top-level summary of what's in the boxes/folders. Most times (but not always), this includes creating what's called "metadata" that covers descriptors that helps to catalog the material internally and makes the collection material searchable externally. For A/V material this can also include creating subtitles/transcripts.
Help people access the collection. This is mostly down to being as knowledgeable as possible about the collection(s) that are in the archive, and also a little bit of other collections that have related material. Sometimes people come to the archive knowing exactly what they want, usually tracking a reference from a published source. This is incredibly rare. Usually what happens is people are working on a project and they have a subject area they know they need to research. The archivist's job at that point is to recommend which materials, if any in the collection, would be most helpful for them to look at. Archives are typically also what's called "closed stacks", meaning that the physical materials in the collection are not accessible by anyone but the staff. Requested material is brought out individually to the visitor, and it's the archivist that does this. If the person needs to use special equipment to access the material (a microfilm machine, a reel to reel player, etc) or if the material has special needs associated with it (a book cradle, photographs out of sleeves, textiles or objects, etc) it's the archivist's job to facilitate that.
Caring for the collection. I've put this last, but it is without at doubt the most important part of an archivist's job. This encompasses everything from monitoring for pest activity, ensuring the temperature and humidity of the collection storage area is constant and safe for the materials, cleaning/maintaining materials, and sometimes advocating for funding from within or without the organization that the archive is part of. This can also include raising public awareness of the collection materials by creating exhibits and/or creating handout materials, leading educational sessions/workshops, and maintaining a social media presence.
This is by no means a comprehensive overview of everything that being an archivist is, but it's a taste of some of the things I've been responsible for while I've been one.
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idontwikeit · 11 months
I'm fascinated with your iwtv haunted house video, what inspired you to put the images in the order that you put them in? What made you choose that poem to set the video to? I just want to know the whole artistic process behind this video, I've watched it like 10 times now, its so good!!!
Thank you!! I’m sorry I reply this late but this is a long answer. The poem is actually not a poem but “tapes” audio tracks lifted from the horror game Anatomy by Kitty Horroshow (itch.io// full gameplay link with no commentary // all tapes // tape transcripts for your reading pleasure) the rue royale one is based around the “final” one towards the ending. It’s one of my favorite horror games and it features one of my fave concepts with the house as a living breathing being
the idea of the amv is based around “louis as a haunted house” which I saw on a tumblr post/tag (i got zero clue where i saw it but it is probably from my trusted mutuals), aside from a few scenes that are based around claudia (since simply there are no ldpdl scenes close to the dialogues) they should all revolve around louis
Pretty easy from there since scenes are chosen based on the monologue, so I first chose the key scenes to feature first, then I usually edit the first and ending first so to get a vibe I want for the amv. You can see from my draft which I posted before when I missed the deadline oops
But to deliver the horror tm, I prefer building up quiet tension and interrupting with action or cut (like my other amv rip selfpromoting here but its less intense), so lots of the cut evolve around the key scenes, with the under layer a long scene preferable steady wide shots which led to this:
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you can see the third track is filled with short clips, cut scenes that interrupts the longer scenes which I put underneath, and you can see there are more cuts in the middle part here so to make the amv getting more chaotic before metaphorically dying out, matching the "lie in wait" "hungry". the cuts around the key scene will either be parallel or contrast: like the one with them in the living room(?) sitting but the cuts are all actions: lestat throwing louis across the room, or them in the garden etc? the common themes will be the room they are occupying/ the object in the scene so there is transition but also not? just some discordant added
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there are cuts that are like 1-2 frames only (like them dancing around the incinerator/far shot of them burning the evidence/hand) but I put them there for my own fun mostly and to disorient vision so if you are lucky and pause you can actually get those frames lol
This is similar to what I did for Part 1 dubai, I used the scene with louis controlling daniel's hand almost throughout, interspersed with cuts to amplify the panic, but since that one is FILLED with lost temper, there are much MORE cuts i was insane for that 50sec tape
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
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I have literally been sitting on this post for WEEKS.
Yeah no, my VoicePlay Visuals post for In The Hall Of The Mountain King wasn't actually just a random thing - it was deliberate! After all, I am currently a VoicePlay Patron, and so I got early access to this video - four weeks early in fact! (Longer than it usually is between early access and public release actually - none of us know why this one took so long, it's maybe something to do with their new audio distributors). It was posted a couple days before I joined, and it's what prompted me to go back and watch VoicePlay's video for In The Hall Of The Mountain King. Honestly I considered making a post about the sneak peek video they posted a week or so ago, but I had already had this post sitting in my drafts for a fair while and figured it would be easier to just stick to my original plan (though I have altered my wording a bit here after realizing the wait would be longer than expected).
I definitely have things to say about this video, and in fact I ended up making a "live reaction/commentary" draft post where I paused multiple times to type out my thoughts as I watched through the Patreon early access video, and that post will be uploading not long after this video debuts! (I'm gonna schedule it)
Trust me, both the video and arrangement are amazing - Mountain King pales in comparison! But try not to eat or drink anything while watching - you have been warned!
(Oh and don't read the description before watching the video - it's more fun that way)
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sonicmusicmusings · 1 year
whistles quietly...
hello there!
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You may have noticed that it's been 6 years since the blog's last update, and 8 since the last time it was somewhat active. That's crazy! If you're still here on Tumblr dot com, congratulations--so am I.
"Well shadsy," you may be asking, "why are you here at the bottom of your blogs checking on this old thing?"
Sometimes, you like to go down memory lane. And in going down memory lane, you read your last housekeeping post about all those dead Dropbox links, and say "hm, I really should clean those up." Back in the day, you only could upload one audio post per day, like some kind of animal. The 10 MB limit was still in place, which is why a lot of the later SATBK songs got offloaded there.
"Okay, easy!" I say to myself, "I'll just do what I should've done in the first place, and convert down some of those bulky audio posts, and just reupload them! Nothing to it."
Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Mostly due to Tumblr being the way it is and not letting my new uploads stick. So, here's what we're going to do:
I'll be trawling through some of the bygone posts, uploading embedded audio, quoting my commentary, and then linking back to the original. It'll be like old times! Kinda! (I won't be updating the follower milestone jingles...sorry)
14 tracks, Wednesdays and Saturdays over the next few weeks. Who knows, maybe I'll throw in a few tracks that were abandoned in the drafts or my request box. Maybe I'll even take some requests from games that have come out since the blog has been dormant (Forces, Mania, Frontiers)!
But, let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is getting long winded as it is. Let me queue up some of the housekeeping, and we'll go from there.
Thanks! - @supershadsy
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Pinned post.
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[ID: The icon for this blog, which is a black right triangle on a brown square background, with text following the diagonal of the triangle, reading, "Let irregulars enjoy fandom too.". End ID.]
Please copy and paste the image description I write into the original post for your art, rather than simply reblogging it from me. (You can also reblog it too, if you want, thought!). Plain text (what you're reading right now) is more accessbile than ALT text because tumblr is a glitched mess.
The image description should go directly below the image being described, above comments, and stay in normal sized, black text, without italics, bold, or colors. It may be indented (like above) to make it easier to distinguish from the rest of the text in the post. This is in fact more accessible.
This blog is run by @rjalker so it's easier to keep track of which Flatland art has an ID already, and so people have an easy place to find it all.
Anyone can reblog from this blog, even if I have you blocked on my main. I block people sometimes just to filter posts and then forget to unblock...RIP
Please note: I cannot describe posts with eyeburningly neon colors, flashing lights, or audio that is difficult to hear or very fast paced.
If you list your OCs names, pronouns, and shapes in the post itself, it will make it much easier for me to describe.
Posts on the blog so far: 404 Posts still in the drafts: 1,022
Blog created on September 18th, 2023 Numbers last updated: September 7 2024
(The drafts consist of all of the undescribed Flatland art, and art that is described but I still have to tag, that I could find in the whole tag going back to January 2022, at which point tumblr started giving me random unrelated posts instead. Not sure if it ran out of Flatland posts, or just stops actually keeping track of tagged posts after a year...?)
Here is a link to a post with many places to read, watch, and listen to Flatland, all for free, because the book is public domain.
Very important note:
Very important edit: Ladd Ehlinger, the creator of the 2007 film that’s free on youtube, is an extremely racist and misogynistic conservative. He made a political ad so blatantly racist and sexist that youtube has literally resstricted it, so that you can’t share the link outside the site. Simply google his name and you will see dozens upon dozens of articles about how bigoted he is.
Please be aware of what kind of person made that movie when you watch it. His bigotry is baked into the movie, and is why he refused to actually do anything with the original political commentary from the book.
You are not a bad person if you already watched the movie and enjoyed it, but you do need to be aware of what kind of person made it and how that affected the movie, and make sure others are warned. He is also here on tumblr with the username filmladd. I highly recommend blocking him.
The tagging system for this blog is under the cut so this post doesn't get too long. More tags will be added as I find more art to reblog.
The tags in use so far, which I have saved to a notepad so I can just copy and paste them as needed.
Some tags are newer, so might not show up on all art! Let me know if there's any that should be added to specific posts, or if there's any tags you want to see to be able to search for!
please copy and paste into the original post for accessability no credit needed! It should go directly below the image and stay in regular#text without color italics or bold though you can make it indented like I have it here! Image descriptions are like subtitles for blind ppl
described images, described art, Flatland, Flatland art, Flatart,
transcribed audio, transcribed lyrics, lyrics, music,
Physical books,
Flatland a Romance of Many Dimensions, Flatland Illustrations,
Book collections, Flatland collections,
The Color Revolt, Configurationism, Circularchy,
Stylized form, Literal form,
anthropomorphized, humanoid, anthropoid,
Flatland animals, Flatland rabbit, Flatland bees, Flatland horse, Flatland chicken, Flatland dog, Flatland cat, Flatland mouse,
Flatland technology,
Flatland anatomy, Flatland worldbuilding, Flatland cosmology, Flatland structure,
Spaceland worldbuilding,
A Square, The Sphere,
The Sphere 1965, A Square 1965,
A Square, A Square 2007, A Sphere 2007,
Spherius 2007, the Sphere,
Adam the Square, Spherus the Sphere,
Kormance the Sphere,
The Grandson of a Square, A Square's Wife, The Wife of A Square, The Sons of A Square, The Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather of A Square, The King of Lineland, The Monarch of Pointland, Chromatistes, Chromatistes the Pentagon,
memes, Flatland memes,
Public domain characters in Flatland, Flatland versions of characters,
Public domain characters,
Family Trees, Comic, Animation,
Flatland OCs, Original characters, Flatland original characters,
Character reference,
Disabled characters, Characters with disability aids, Characters with glasses, Characters with visual impairment,
Disabled characters, Neurodivergent characters, Physically disabled characters, Characters with mobility aids, Characters with disability aids, Characters with prosthetics, Characters with canes, Characters with walkers, Characters with swimmers, Characters with glasses, Characters with wheelchairs, Characters with chairs, Characters with sleds, Characters with crutches, Characters with rollators, Characters with scars, Characters with facial differences, Characters with limb differences, Characters with visual impairment, Blind characters,
Queer characters, LGBTQIA+ characters, Gay characters, Bi characters, mspec characters, Lesbian characters, Trans characters, Nonbinary characters, Characters who use neopronouns, Characters who use multiple pronoun sets, Aroace characters, Aspec characters, Omni characters,
Black Characters, Characters of color,
Irregular characters, Deirregular Characters,
Werestars, Stellanthropes, Shapeshifters, dragons, serpents, weredragons,
Characters with wings, Characters with tails,
Sphereland, Flatterland, The Arts of Being, The Breaking Point, Neopronouns in Action, Flat Dreams, Flatterland, Flatland the film 2007, Flatland the movie 2007, Flatland 1965, A Visit to Numberland, Numberland, Flatland Heist 2013,
Neopronouns in Action 062, Neopronouns in Action,
Neopronouns in Action 090, Neopronouns in Action,
A 2024 Flatland Summary,
Tarzan of the Apes, Mickey Mouse,
Esther Flat Dreams, Nora Vigenere, Nora Flat Dreams,
Pollux Codex, Madelyn Schwarz-Carver, Hunter Schwarz, Marianne Smith, Michael the Misogynist Pentagon, Providence, Nature, Providence and Nature, Germs, Mr Square, A Shape,
A Son of A Square,
Frau Line,
Lily Cipher,
Ruth Galton, Ruth, Liz, Elizabeth Huntsworth, Stella, Orbis, Irene Huntsworth, Mama Huntsworth, Chief Jr, Atlas Huntsworth, Atlas, Vance,Vance Huntsworth, Elijah, Elijah Huntsworth, Jasper,Jasper Huntsworth, 01 Isosceles,
Vincent, Trey,
Hauntlight the Irregular Line, Cenotaph the rabbit aether, Sirenade the Irregular Multiangulus, Raptigan the _, Avispa Oro, Beatris Baker, Mo Guy, Unnamed characters, Billie Bob and Joe, Billie the Straight Line, Bob the Circle, Joe the Hexagon,
Jerult the Irregular Kite, Cairis Garret the Equilateral Triangle, Letel the Isosceles Triangle, Aralinda the Straight Line, Leteralinda the Straight Line, Ambrosine the Straight Line, Lucille the Straight Line, Carolayn the Kite, Tristram the Isosceles Triangle,
Arsenn Lupin, Arsene Lupin, AScrossover, Arsene Lupin crossover, Ortence Daniel, Hortense Daniel,
Flyssa of Ib-Wa, Dearg of Ib-Wa, Lieutenant Kellite the Configurationist, Grandna Tuokeli,
Angelica Tessan, A Tesseract, Abel Spherious, A Sphere, Anthony Squaur, A Square,
Vikki Line, Victoria Line, Lee Line, Jubilee Line,
Bill Cipher, Gravity Falls, GFcrossover, The Book of Bill, , Flatfalls, The Mother of Bill Cipher, The Father of Bill Cipher,
Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Ford Pines, The Axolotl, Andrew Kryptos, The Mosaic,
Randie,Gravity Falls, GFcrossover, Flatfalls,
Flatsune Miku, Hatsune Miku,
Astrum, Astrum the five pointed star, Funis, Pi,
Ted the vwindir,
A Squared shipping, Quadsphere shipping, ASquarexTheSphere, Squaresphere, Squeer,
Spacelanders, Flatlanders, Linelanders, Pointlanders, Hyperspacelanders, Exter Dimensional beings, Higher Dimensional Beings, Beings From Unknnown Dimensions, Planiversers, Numberlandians,
Walking Flatlanders, Swimflying Flatlanders,
Alternate Universe Forms,
Video, autoplay, GIF, Autoplay, WIP animation, Unnamed Animation 001, Animation,
games, downloads,
Flatland Merch, Art you can buy, Art you can print,
public domain art, public domain designs, public domain characters,
Square characters, Sphere characters,
Straight Line characters, Irregular Line characters,
Triangle characters, Isosceles characters, Equilateral characters, Scalene characters,
Rectangle characters, Irregular square characters, Kite characters,
Circle characters, Irregular circle characters,
Pentagon characters, Hexagon characters, Septagon characters, Octagon characters,
unspecific characters,
Art templates,
plush, plushies, arts and crafts,
Ty for adding it to the original,:), ID added in reblog, ID in original,:),
Plain text ID added in reblog, Original ID in ALT text, :),
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pumpkinblossoms · 2 years
OK, in the spirit of positivity, here are my top reads of 2022!
A bit in the way of context: I am a librarian, I read a lot, and, for better or for worse, I live and breathe books/publishing buzz/ARCs/etc. The list below is purely based on my own fully biased opinions, though those biases have nothing to do with whether I had early access to a title, a connection to the publisher, etc. and everything to do with whether a book is sad, gory, or gay. And thanks @explosionshark for suggesting I write this up!
DEAD COLLECTIONS by Isaac Fellman: holy fuck was this book good. The whole “trans vampire falling in love and solving a quiet, sad mystery in the archive where he works” angle is catchy, but this is definitely not the fluffy or straightforward story some people are after. I really loved how vampirism is depicted as a life-ruining weakness rather than a cool and sexy superpower. I also really loved the multimedia aspect of including forum posts and TV scripts and listserv chains.
BABEL: AN ARCANE HISTORY by R.F. Kuang: I think some criticisms of this one, like that it’s slow and repetitive and a little didactic, are founded. However, I couldn’t care less. R.F. Kuang excels at unhurried school stories that slowly and brutally dismantle themselves over hundreds and hundreds of pages, and the formula she establishes in the excellent Poppy War trilogy is perfected here. This is what actual dark academia looks like–The Atlas Six could never.
KISS HER ONCE FOR ME by Alison Cochrun: I used to read a lot of contemporary romance, specifically f/f romance, but after being burned over and over and over and OVER by bad books I’m incredibly selective about what I read and recommend in this genre. I gave Alison Cochrun a ton of shit for her incredibly mediocre debut, The Charm Offensive, but I am totally willing to say that she’s improved, and this book–while still definitely goofy and even grating at times–was probably the best f/f romance out in 2022 from a major publisher other than Delilah Green (which I read in 2021 and therefore did not include in this list, but also whose sequel sucked so much it honestly made me like the first one less). Do me a favor and don’t even read the back copy because it doesn’t make any fucking sense and will turn you off the book.
THE PALLBEARERS CLUB by Paul Tremblay: hoooo boy. OK. So this one got dismal reviews from the Goodreads crowd, but I believe fully and genuinely in my heart that everybody is wrong about it and should feel bad about how wrong they are. The thing is, Paul’s books are slow and atmospheric (are you sensing a theme to what kind of books I tend to like best) and there are no easy answers or moments of triumph or anything you might be led to expect via publisher-created blurbs or taglines. And going into a book with one expectation and having that expectation remain unmet is one of the quickest and simplest ways to have a bad-faith negative reaction to said book, in my personal experience. Like, could this book have been scarier? Definitely. But I loved it regardless, and I loved that the physical format of the book–Art’s memoiry fiction draft, or fictiony memoir draft, depending on your perspective, plus his best friend Mercy’s commentary written in red in the margins–is the sort of embodied story that I love because it fucking sucks to read on a screen or an ereader. You’re tied to the format, either print or audio (which I hear was well done for this one, though I haven’t heard it myself), and that’s great to me.
THE THOUSAND EYES by A.K. Larkwood: In my opinion this duology is criminally, WOEFULLY underrated. Csorwe is a grumpy butch orc warrior and she spends most of her time getting herself and her terrible frenemies out of trouble and also falling in love with a powerful sorceress. This book is the second one and is gloriously angsty and everyone gets middle-aged and sad and yet they all still pine for one another across time and space. I cried. I’m not sorry. It’s GOOD.
AN ARCHIVE OF BRIGHTNESS by Kelsey Socha: ok, full disclosure, this is my wife’s book, but it came out in August and it’s a lovely group of interwoven weird little gay stories. I would’ve loved it even if I didn’t share a mortgage with the author, I promise. Like, people live in houses made of scorpion corpses. Come on.
Honorable mentions: I didn’t really feel like getting too much into YA here, but I really liked CONFESSIONS OF AN ALLEGED GOOD GIRL by Joya Goffney, which was a really honest and interesting exploration of purity culture and religion; HOW TO EXCAVATE A HEART by Jake Maia Arlow, an interfaith winter holiday f/f romance (what a year for holiday romances, sheesh); and HELL FOLLOWED WITH US by Andrew Joseph White, a really gross and sad book that also manages to be incredibly, gleefully YA even as the protagonist morphs into a horrifying monster.
I also didn’t want to mention anything that hasn’t been released yet, so HOW TO SELL A HAUNTED HOUSE by Grady Hendrix and SOME DESPERATE GLORY by Emily Tesh are both out, even though both were SO GOOD and you should be foaming at the mouth to get your hands on them next year. And lastly, I didn’t think The Locked Tomb series needed any extra hype and if you haven’t picked it up yet it’s not like I’m going to convince you, so I didn’t bother saying anything about NONA THE NINTH although it was really very good.
And finally: I’m currently reading WHEN THE ANGELS LEFT THE OLD COUNTRY by Sacha Lamb which absolutely fucking rips so far, very much Good Omens meets Spinning Silver, but I haven’t finished it yet so it didn’t seem fair to count. I recommend it based on the first half, though!
PHEW ok that’s it! Send me your recs please!!
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
Space Ghost Week
Wherein we cover an entire season of Space Ghost Coast to Coast over the course of a week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #54: “Boatshow” | December 12, 1997 | S04E21
A Very classic episode, even though musical episodes are almost always bad. Musically, you could pick this one apart, but it’s very Space-Ghosty (scrappy, imperfect, weird, and exceptionally funny). Andy Merrill wrote this one, and they had to do very little re-writing for the draft he handed in. The writers described the rewriting process as simply adding more stuff to the episode, which might explain this one’s slightly beefy running time (15 and a half minutes). 
This one features Steve Allen, late night host/legend. When I was a kid, he was always this guy who would show up on shows (like this one!) and be fawned over. I’ve yet to find a single person who doesn’t respect Steve Allen. The fact that this was only a few years before he passed away is pretty impressive, because the guy is undeniably sharp. He even speaks Brak-ese. A real pioneer; he did Letterman-esque stunts on TV back when Letterman still had his egg tooth.
Speaking of Brak, Brak’s at his most palatable here. His songs are dumb but catchy, and the music goes along great with them. His final line “I’m really very sad!” has been stuck in my head since forever. Other slightly edgy bits include the runner of Space Ghost and Zorak ganging up on Moltar, berating him unfairly every time he tries to sing, even going as far to declare “we hate you!”. Space Ghost was never REALLY a kid’s show, but this is maybe as unwholesome the Cartoon Network ever got. 
Andy Dick fills out the last half of the show, and it turns out they interviewed him specifically for this episode (he even mentions Steve Allen during his interview). He improvises songs and they miraculously come together. This is mentioned on the audio commentary track for this episode on DVD; the music was actually done by a 30+ piece orchestra, which is why they mixed it in 5.1 surround for the DVD. 
Andy Dick, like Brak, is maybe at his most tolerable here. In the 90s he was just seen as an affable nerdy guy who you could stick into your show and probably get a funny performance from. It wasn’t until The Andy Dick Show, his MTV sketch comedy series, did I start realizing that when he wasn’t part of an ensemble of geniuses that his comedy instincts were mostly garbage. The Andy Dick Show was painfully unfunny. Way too much reliance on unfunny riffing. Basically, every project where he is the main creative voice behind it is comedically worthless.
Okay, this is the Andy Dick bashing portion of the write-up, so buckle in: His musical comedy albums are complete dreck. In high school, I thought very highly of myself and my ability to write funny things, even though most of that stuff is humiliating to read nowadays. But I went through a phase where I tried to write funny songs, and even at my most egocentric I realized I was a very bad song writer and kept those pieces hidden on my computer. Andy Dick’s original songs remind me of those terrible, no-talent high-school-brained attempts at comedy. Except he RELEASES HIS.
Okay, my Andy Dick story: I attended the annual Bridgetown Comedy festival in Portland, OR, and sat through a show that I remembered very fondly from a previous year. It was a show where all the comics did characters. Andy Dick was top-billed on this show, and the grand finale. His guitar player (who I learned later was his son), went on stage and started vamping: “who’s ready for Daphne Aguilera?” the lack of excitement was palpable, but people politely cheered. Daphne Aguilera, if you’re not familiar, is an Andy Dick character from The Andy Dick Show. She’s Christina Aguilera’s little sister who is also trying to make it in showbiz. It’s also worth noting that we were well past this joke being relevant at all. Who the fuck was talking about Christina Aguilera in the early 2010s? 
Daphne doesn’t come out right away, and it doesn’t seem like it’s part of the bit. There’d been rumblings about Andy Dick having fallen off the wagon while in Portland, and terrorizing various venues and shows around the festival. So the guy played guitar for what felt like a few minutes, and then tried to announce Daphne again. It was extremely clear something was wrong. Where the fuck was she?
She eventually shows up, and Andy is clearly really fucked up. Daphne sings a song about being great, and how she’s better and more famous than the audience members watching. So, that was the joke: A celebrity is an egomaniac. Pretty original stuff. At least, this is what I could discern from the lyrics I could actually understand: Andy was barely intelligible singing this song. It was really sad. People started filing out of the venue almost immediately after he started singing, and you sensed that it felt like a very moral decision on the parts of those leaving. I was part of a big group hanging out in the back, and I don’t think any of us left. The room emptied out to an incredible degree, where I feel like 90% of the audience left during the song. At the end, the 10% of us that opted to keep witnessing the train wreck were treated to the grand finale, “Daphne’s” dress falls off. She’s not wearing underwear. Andy had tucked his penis between his legs. That was the big punchline. But then Andy “accidentally” untucks, so his dong flops out in front of what was supposed to be hundreds of people, now just a few dozen. He pretends to be bashful about it while letting his brain hang unfettered.
I remember overhearing Ron Lynch laughing hysterically and saying to somebody “he asked to go ahead of me. He wanted to do THAT before MY set!” If this episode and that incident tell you anything, it’s save Andy Dick for the end.
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bambi-intersensory · 5 months
Week 3: Exploring Transcription
((My notes for this week are definitely jumbled and short as I was incredibly focused on listening and watching the videos. Apologies!))
Labanotation: transcribing physical movement.
We explored transcription in music via a piece by Yoko Ono titled "Voice Piece for Soprano" which was screaming at/or different things like the wind. I find the transcription to be interesting as its something you can completely interpret per individual.
I personally don't love Yoko Ono's works, and found this one to be obnoxious, but I can see how this can be an interesting form of transcription.
Fayen D’Evie and Benjamin Hancock:
Fayen: Ascending/Descending sonic shadows 2019 tactile potential of a print
Derelict in uncharted space tactile map for performance
Essays in vibrational poetics 2019
Body movement became an essay
Dance is letters?
Unreadable ancient scripts?
Alex craig score for sensing a beating heart. 
Dance transcribed into a poem
Unseen dance performances with audio, and written transcriptions
Dancer barely moved, the captioning was the movements 
Live captioning of the sound design 
Spatial sound design
Liberating Audio Description: 
Ozark: You end up missing SO much information due to the limited amount of time there is for an AD. Since film and television isnt really tailored to hard of sight audiences, it can be really difficult to create meaningful AD.
Raina peterson stim dance: This AD sucks!! there was a lot going on in the video, and the narration was incredibly simple and lacked the pizzaz that Raina had during the video.
'You Describe' - self captioning site for youtube; I think this is a nifty tool to be able to use!
When completing an AD, will it be insulting to blind people? Do blind people know what this thing or that thing is like? There are a lot of considerations regarding experience but you cant cater to everyone unfortunately :^(
Imagist Poetry
Language of common speech
Expression of mood
Content freely
Allowing images to speak for themselves
Producing hard and clear poetry
Maximum compression
Sports Commentary - good example of imagist poetry
<Dungeons and Dragons is also a fantastic example of imagist poetry as the game relies on poetic descriptions and immersion for players to consider themselves a part of the game. It's also a great accessible tool for anyone with sight or hearing impairments as each game master can cater to their players individually.
There are also tactile dice created for sight impaired players which is so cool!-->
Andy Slater
Tiktok as audio description for a brawl
Tiktok is from the perspective from a hat 
Pure audio description no video of event
 Exercise: georgina kleege and nelly kate draft
The hands tickling the ground as they are jittery in motion and movement
Then to the shadows along the coloured walls as they are vast in shape
Back to the hands and then the shadow
Then to the blinding spotlight behind the figure
Then the figure
A range of approaches to audio transcription based on audience and what the piece is. Context is incredibly important; it depends on what you want to publish. 
0 notes
secondbetrayer · 1 year
I have done a fair bit of writing today and am verrry proud of myself for it, so I’m going to leave my remaining drafts for now and lurk while I reward myself. specifically by watching the director’s audio commentary of my favourite film. hope all of you beautifuls have a great week ❤️
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dirtydesk · 1 year
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It's Cloud Town Tuesday. The day I post an image from my graphic novel and talk about the process of making it! As proud as I am of the standard Cloud Town cover, there is a secret version hidden beneath the book jacket on the hardcover edition that has a special place in my heart. While there were dozens of drafts and compromises involved with the creation of the primary cover, this "case" cover was done on an extremely short deadline. This means there was no time to do anything but print the illustration exactly the way I drew it. There's an alarming amount of "hurry up and wait" in the publishing business and often the moments with the biggest time crunch produce some of the most interesting results. We will talk more about that next week when we discuss "end pages." Can't wait? Join my email list to get next month's commentary all at once:danielmccloskey.com/jointheclub Or join the Patreon and get time-lapse videos with audio creator commentary: patreon.com/freemoney
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sothischickshe · 3 years
👀 please??
even though it CLEARLY said in the instructions that you were supposed to name a fandom and you refused............. i shall assume gg........?
👀 Inexplicable / unnecessary scene
idk if it's a fave precisely but an inexplicable scene im obsessed with: the one with the dishwashing where dean basically tells beth that he doesnt like her body??? like??? what was going on??????????????
SEND ME A FANDOM + uncommon fandom qs
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slashedshadow · 5 years
하나 둘 셋
Tag Dump
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