#compassionate food
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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cubbihue · 16 days
I just found your Itty Bitty Au and I have to say, I love how you've written Perry and the other fairies to be... just a bit selfish? How Perry won't consider turning Dev into a Fairy- not because he doesn't really care about him or thinks there's a moral issue with it, but because if he turns Dev into a fairy it'll negatively effect HIM. Also, super excited to see more of Timmy (both)!
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Fairies are not like humans in that they have “Good or Bad” morals. Fairies, by nature, are extremely selfish. They don’t care for human conflicts, human goodness, or human morale.
A fairy’s first priority is doing their job right for their court, and their second priority is doing what they want most. Selfishness is innate for Fairies as Compassion is innate for Humans.
Cosmo and Wanda are outliers in that they care about their godchildren to an emotional degree. It’s what made them the best fairies to be godparents!! Peri… doesn’t understand that quite yet.
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thelaughingmerman · 11 months
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his name is rover and hes my friend
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revawake · 1 year
Lottie pre-crash eating her breakfast alone save for the maid who works for the Matthews, who is both Lottie's subject in a way (serving her) and her superior in a way (acting as an extension of her father's will, serving her medications she's not allowed to decline).
Lottie as an adult crafting herself a home where she can permanently banish the isolation and powerlessness of her childhood without losing its comforts. She's fixing it. She'll be what her father wasn't. Loving, not cruel. Liberating, not tyrannical.
She's a healer. She's a leader! She acts graciously when one of her servants followers serves her maca root instead of ashwaghanda. She makes it a rule that they can leave whenever they want!
Lottie in the wilderness hallucinating all her friends eating together, and look, even though she's died her disciple best friend Laura Lee is there and she already served got her some takeout! And Jackie isn't there there's one free seat just for Lottie!
Lottie's the good queen. Someone has to be! They can't all be unborn queens, she tells herself, or else she everyone would starve!
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rimouskis · 2 months
also as a society plagued by wealth inequality and rising cost of living we really need to address how we show love through money. like I offered to come over to help them decorate their new house so many times and they kept refusing me 😞 I wanted to help them paint! but noooooooo
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transmasc-malewife · 6 months
transition goal photo spread but it's all just pictures of laios toulden
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whsprings · 1 month
wow! I am going to crawl out of my skin!
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mars-ipan · 2 months
everyone needs to be kind to every nurse forever actually
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animalsoutloud · 9 months
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echthr0s · 5 months
oh so today's arbitrary marker of being a good person is *checks notes* having worked retail and/or food service, yes, I see
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heylinfanclub · 2 years
Compassionate intimacy is the best. Brushing/cutting hair, helping with clothes/makeup (putting on, off, adjusting), bringing a snack, holding (hand, body) when feelin your feels, treating your injuries, rubbing your back, half-holding while sleeping (no spoon, just hold), stepping close when they know your uncomfy or upset about somethin, the willingness to be vulnerable and encouraging with each other’s novice skills or even failures, helping with chores….. why must some of these feel so exclusive to parents.
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thetravel1 · 1 year
quick reminder: that feeling of wanting to live together with your friends in an apartment? That’s normal. That’s how humans live and have lived for thousands of years. It’s upsetting that we have forgotten that.
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doppelnatur · 2 years
Food is literally love tho
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yarmageddon-blog · 1 year
When you see your friends and then have a great time and then come home and go
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christiandomme · 2 years
I have spent entirely too much time accompanying people in ER’s recently but it has made me grateful for decent hospital cafeterias. Like, when your day is Not Good it is genuinely nice to stretch your legs down the hall and get something fresh and tasty.
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My hospital cafeteria freshly made breakfast sandwich this morning. Look at that cheese pull!
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theforesteldritch · 1 year
Some people suck so much there’s an Instagram account of a (really cute and silly) cat with cerebrellar hypoplasia, so the part of his brain that helps control movement isn’t fully developed so he’s pretty wobbly when moving but he is a happy, healthy cat. There’s an (again very adorable in an orange cat way) video of him just demolishing, absolutely obliterating a tuna treat, and of course he’s wobbly because he has CH! But the comments are full of people saying he should be put down. And like. This cat is fine. It is not suffering. And it just reveals what people think of disabled humans too because if people are so mad about disabled animals existing and being alive because they can’t fathom that disability and happiness and quality of life can coexist given proper accommodations and supports, what do you think about disabled humans? It’s not that far of a leap from thinking eugenics is good in animals to humans.
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