#competition au
Harem reverse
(I am working through the backlog at the moment, so for anyone curious: REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED. But these are my requests from years ago, that I am finally answering now that life is marginally less bad.)
Person A is an assassin/hitman and is unaware that through their work, they’ve caused a lot of reapers to develop crushes on them. Now Person A’s moment of death is coming up and the various reapers, Person B+, are all trying to take a chance and making Person A fall for them so they can claim Person A’s soul when they die.
Person A is a firefighter who is frequently known for being reckless but blessed for getting in and out of very dangerous situations that their coworkers wouldn’t dare. What Person A is unaware of is that since they’ve been a pyromaniac since childhood, they’ve caught the eye of quite a few fire spirits/demons/etc. And those beings, Person B+, are keeping them safe from harm. One day, Person A gets themself in such a dangerous situations, that one of the spirits has to appear before them to get them out of it, and the rest take the opportunity to start approaching Person A in their daily life, to try to flirt with them.
Person A lives in a very artsy part of town and often goes jogging, walking their pet, gardening, and other outdoor activities that make them recognizable within their neighborhood, but is unaware of the various hermit artists who watch Person A from their windows and have been using Person A as their creative muse for some time. When Person A attends a local art gallery, they end up seeing some works that remind them of themself/that they relate too, and makes a comment to the artist, Person B, about how well they captured the moment (ex: a pet owner interacting with a pet, someone gardening, etc.) and how they must do that hobby themselves. Person B doesn’t want Person A to think they’re stalking them, but mentions they people watch for inspiration, but uses the conversation to try to befriend Person A for real. The other artists, also at the gallery, get jealous and also start trying to be more social and outdoorsy to get chances to interact with their muse, Person A.
Person A is a dragon, guarding an item that the governments of the world have realized is very dangerous and could be used as a weapon beyond anything else. Person B+ are the various actors each country sends to try to win over Person A, steal the item, coerce Person A into giving it to them, etc. Person A just doesn’t know why they’ve suddenly acquired a harem, but wants to make their harem happy and make it so they never want to leave.
Person A is a god of life and has immense healing and plant/animal powers. Person B+ are the biologists, doctors, and similar academic field researchers who are trying to convince Person A to help them with their research and/or let them research Person A. Person A gives them a set window to win them over and convince them, and invites them to one of their secluded homes for the competition. Person B+ quickly start to get sidetracked by finding a being of immense power who shares all their various nerdy interests though.
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auideas · 2 years
Uncredited AU
Going to graduate school was supposed to be less stressful than your undergraduate degree; there’s fewer classes, you’re studying what you love rather than needless general courses, the professors are more chill, etc. That was supposed to be true, but the first month of graduate school led Characters A and B to believe that they had successfully found their academic arch nemesis: each other. 
In an attempt to one-up the other, both students chaotically attempt to gain as many undergraduate minors as possible before completing their masters degree. Why, you may ask? Well, these two idiots can’t stand to think the other can do something they can’t, even if that’s Beginner’s Russian, or Introduction to Music Theory, or that one weird class in the basement of the occult building that only had four students registered and a professor whose name they didn’t recognize and the syllabus is only one page and the course’s supplies include a dead rat and two paperclips--wait...
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tizeline · 2 months
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Oh? What's that? Ya'll want the next part of TSAU's story? Well fuck you you're getting this fucking thing instead.
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kathaynesart · 4 months
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Draxum's rude af kids are making their way through the @tmntaucompetition
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Friendly warning: don't mess with Dad.
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
Has Lambert called Narinder any nicknames/pet names except for Nari?
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Lamb does it sometimes. And loses often.
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fluffyartbl0g · 4 months
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SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @wheryheart-rb AND @staryeclipse WHO WERE EPIC ENOUGH TO LEND ME THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF OVERWATCH T O T!!!! Stary wrote Nami's rant (tho I tweaked it a lil owo) and Whery suggested characters that Nami, Luffy, Franky, Zoro and Yamato could play as! (which u can see below,,, thanks guys <3)
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Anyways I was thinking about a modern AU, but ONLY about what video games everyone would play XD Though I've decided jinbei and brook are the type to not understand pc gaming at all,, so,,,,
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cupcakeslushie · 27 days
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Kappa when he’s with his family, or anyone else in the Council: Life is pain. Every day is a nightmare with you all. Im exhausted.
Kappa when in the Presence™️ of Replica Leo: tiny kitten.img
Really EW!Leo is channeling me here lol. It really was so cool to play this last round with @kathaynesart and go up against @dianagj-art, @intotheelliwoods, and @tizeline! Everyone enjoy their pizza!
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notherpuppet · 25 days
hey pooks wheres pt7 its been a week 😢😢
I am a just one woman with a job and limited free time 🥰 I promise I’m more eager to share it than anyone else 😘😘😘
This is the schedule of release of the next parts for those wondering:
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tangledinink · 2 months
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i just wanted to draw the gemini looking cool with 50s vibes...
next poll in the @tmntaucompetition is out! vote for them, perhaps? :3c
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evenmoreofadisaster · 4 months
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Saw this post by @angelpuns and I knew what I had to do..
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Halloween: Treat!
Person A enters a competition of sluttiest costume award for Halloween, not realizing the competition’s fine print says its for incubi/succubi/sex demons only, but when Person A wins, it causes an uproar within the sex demon community. Person B is one of the judges who is trying to smooth things over and mediate between Person A and give them their prize with as least hassle and messiness as possible.
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tmntaucompetition · 2 months
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2AL - intotheeliwoods
Sep!Leo - dianagj-art
Swanatello - tangledinink
Good luck have fun!
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dianagj-art · 2 months
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what if I give more tiny One? he likes knives:3
I have more of these...
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tizeline · 1 month
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I've been pretty bad at drawing my AU blorbos in historical outfits for the @tmntaucompetition But!! I'm doing it now!!! Yay me!!!!
I'm pretty sure the current round's theme is the 70s, so I drew April and Donnie in 70s fashion. If it's actually another decade then.... well whatever, you're getting this now.
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kathaynesart · 2 months
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Oh HI GEMINI! Omega has such a soft spot for Feral Leo, even if he is difficult to handle at times. Seems like spray bottles don't work on him anymore.
IT IS TIME TO VOTE! Please go HERE and choose whichever you want! It has been such a pleasure to have the excuse to interact with all these amazing artists I'd probably be too shy to ask otherwise, haha!
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v-albion · 4 months
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Draxum's rude af kids are making their way through the @tmntaucompetition
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Insert the girls are fighting meme
Looks like Mikey’s a bit trigger happy
which we haven’t seen yet cause all the people so far are so nice
Also poor poptart
@tmntaucompetition @red-rover-au @littlemissartemisia
Prev : Part 8 | Part 9 | Next: Fear’s Embrace
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