#comrade???…… Hey. hold still buddy.
sixosix · 1 year
you can do it, soldier! 🫡 here's a samanco ice cream for u 👇
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eat it with both hands so that you can't pull 🫡
rie i love you i am crying but i cant wipe it because im using one hand to type and the other to eat the samanco
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crossoverbaps · 7 months
Chicken Back Again my Style
I left out the beginning because I found it good enough for my version to stay the same.
Content Warning: fictional S**cide attempt. If this triggers you don't read and say safe
A spaceship landed at SLURP, Glargg glared at three aliens who walked out.
"We're looking for Chuck Chicken, we need to vaporize him!" The red one demanded.
"Wasting your time! Chuck is lost in deep dark space forever and worse than that we lost an evac pod too and we all know how EXPENSIVE THOSE ARE!!!" Glargg screamed
"Well, he's not here, let's go home." The tall alien was stopped by the purple female.
"Nice try, but that excuse is old." The purple one stated.
"Don't take a step closer." Glargg tried to get in the way.
"Um…" The tall one stuttered. Glargg looked at him, something about him was familiar. He buried his face in his hands and started to cry.
"Glargg is no better than Mother!" Glargg whimpered. Chuck, who was disguised as the tall alien, frowned at this but then he noticed his new comrades sneaking away so he had to follow them.
Finley and Starley sat in the lunchroom trying to feed a cardboard cutout of Chuck. Niven and her possy came in to rain me their parade.
"Your butts are where OUR buttons wanna be!" Niven chuckled. Finley and Starley tried to think of a comeback but it was usually Chuck who was able to roast her.. "And forget about Chuck, he's gone."
"Hey!" Hugo rushed in on his stubby legs. "Chuck isn't even here to defend himself and you're mocking him?!" Everyone gasped. They had never seen Hugo be angry at anyone before.
"We just wanted to… Lighten the mood." Niven smiled nervously.
"Well you're doing the worst job ever!" Hugo barked at them. Niven, Dweezil, and Zonk then actually looked slightly ashamed, especially Niven. She turned around, leaving her boy buddies behind.
"I didn't know you had it in you." Ainta told Hugo. "No offense."
"I want to be alone…" Hugo sighed. PiPi was finished recording Hugo's outburst.
"Hugo is capable of anger, this will be great great pass on." PiPi giggled.
"Don't exploit the loss of Buck like that, he meant a lot to Hugo." Adele frowned.
"You act like you care about that, but you don't even know his name." Narci scolded her.
"Says the girl who threatens him just because he can be a little selfish!" PiPi scolded Narci. Everyone started to blow up in the cafeteria, Finley and Starley lowered their heads and walked outside. Starley burst into tears again, Finley patted her shoulder lightly. Suddenly two weird looking creatures picked up Starley and Finley and carried them into a secret room they found when they snuck to the academy.
"What are you doing with those… Creatures?" Chuck questioned.
"They look just like Chuck's siblings!" The red alien chuckled.
"And we need to find out where he is." The purple one stated.
"Wait… Let your captain handle this." Chuck got in the way, the two obeyed. "So this brother… What's he like?"
"He was selfish and annoying-" Finley was interrupted.
"I knew it…" Chuck sighed. "Ahem, I've heard terrible things about him, he's the worst and doesn't deserve anything good in life."
"No!" Starley gasped.
"You didn't let me finish…" Finley teared up. "Chuck was selfish and annoying but he still had a good heart!"
"And we would do anything if he would come back to us, so we could hold him in our arms and never let go for even a second!" Starley teared up. Chuck gasped and made his own tears.
"Then why didn't you look for him?" Chuck scolded.
"We did… We looked everywhere but… We found his abandoned pod… He wasn't in there and it was destroyed." Starley whimpered.
"I wish we could take back every bad thing we said about him!" Finley sobbed. "I'm a failure of a brother!"
"Me too!" Starley hugged her older brother tightly.
"Good job breaking them!" The red alien laughed. "Since their brother is gone and these two love him so much… They will be vaporized so their money will be taken!"
"Isn't there a way to take it without destroying them?" Chuck asked.
"Yes, but it wouldn't be as fun." The purple one scoffed.
"No! I order you to stop!" Chuck commanded.
"You can tell us what to do except for how to do our jobs!" The red one slapped Chuck's helmet revealing his red hair. "Chuck Chicken?!"
"It's true." Chuck scowled. "And I won't let you hurt my brother and sister!"
"Who should we vaporize first?" The red one questioned.
"Me! I'm the one you want!" Chuck pleaded.
"Chuck! No!" Finley and Starley screamed.
"It'll be okay." Chuck smiled. "I'll be a hero and finally get the respect I deserve."
"Chuck, please stop!" Starley begged.
"Chuck!" Finley pleaded him to turn around.
"I love you, and I'm sorry." Chuck was about to be vaporized by that machine, but then something got in the way. Hugo was vaporized into a pile of ash. "Hugo?!"
Hugo immediately turned back to normal, and indestructible. Seeing the Get Em Backs were distracted, Starley rushed over to steal their lazer guns and smash them. Finley rushed over to Chuck and motioned him, Starley, and Hugo to follow him.
"Look at them… all looking out for each other." The purple one sniffled. "We shouldn't be chasing debts… We should reunite our family by finding Croc!"
"You're so right!" The red one sniffled. "But… Can we destroy them anyway? Croc does need some apology gifts."
"Yep, and nothing says "we're sorry" like a few trophies." The purple one smirked as they pulled out new laser guns. Suddenly the two saw a large green towering figure, the principal from earlier. He picked them up by their clothes and put them inside an evac pod.
"Go as far from here as you can and never come back or else Glargg will grind you into nothing but miniscule space dust!!!" Glargg screamed. The two obeyed and drove off.
"Chuck, you almost let yourself get destroyed for us!" Starley looked more sad and worried than grateful when she touched Chuck's shoulder.
"Chuck, you could have gotten hurt." Finley scolded him lightly.
"But would it have mattered? I would be gone and nobody would ever have to see me again." Chuck sighed. "I thought my new sibs could handle me but they hated me…"
"Chuck, we're your sibs no matter what. We may not get along sometimes but we will always be a family." Starley explained while Finley nodded right away.
"And Chuck, when you left, I felt a part of me go missing as well." Hugo confessed.
"Don't ever think like that again." Starley told her younger brother.
"It's so hard though." Chuck whimpered.
"We're really sorry." Finley sniffled as he held Chuck's arm.
"We should have never tried to ditch you like that." Starley held Chuck close. Hugo nuzzled Chuck's face. The four walked out of their hiding place and Glargg smirked with satisfaction after getting rid of the Get Em Backs, but then he saw Chuck.
"Chuck… It can't be. You're back!" Glargg picked up Chuck and held him in his arms, squeezing him tightly. "Glargg was so worried you were gone forever!"
"I'm not BliBli…" Chuck sighed.
"You're just as important as her, if not more!" Glargg nuzzled Chuck's forehead.
"Glargg." Starley climbed to his head and whispered near his antennae. Glargg turned a bit pale, he looked at Chuck with panic in his eyes.
"Chuck… Glargg is so sorry." Glargg whispered. "Glargg was too hard on you."
"I deserved it though." Chuck replied.
"No." Glargg squeezed him even more tightly. "Never try that again, you mean so much to your siblings and Glargg too!"
"I… Okay…" Chuck sighed.
"You're staying with Glargg for a while, you're not to leave Glargg's side without approval." Glargg commanded, this time gently.
"Fine." Chuck sighed.
"Glargg just wants to make sure you're safe." Glargg told him. Glargg's heart sank when he noticed how surprised and confused Chuck looked. Glargg carried Chuck away and placed took him to his room. Glargg gently placed the chicken on his bed. Chuck yawned. Glargg was about to leave Chuck by himself so he could sleep in the couch, but his shirt was tugged by Chuck's hands.
"Don't go…" Chuck gave Glargg puppy eyes. "I don't want to be alone…"
Glargg sat next to Chuck and rubbed his hair. Chuck felt very relaxed as Glargg continued this until Chuck was fast asleep. Glargg forgot how relaxing and satisfying it was when he was taking care of one of his chickens. He assumed because they were much older, they didn't need him nearly as much. But he realized he was very wrong. Chuck needed him more than ever and he silently promised to protect the young one no matter what.
"Glargg?" Starley saw Glargg on his bed, cradling Chuck. Starley was with Finley, both looking very concerned about Chuck, though they were more at ease when they saw he was asleep with the protective Glargg. "We want to stay with Chuck too."
"Please?" Finley added.
"What's two more?" Glargg sighed. The two sat next to him, Starley leaning on his side. Finley was less snuggly but he fully enjoyed being next to Glargg for the first time in a long while.
The three watched the baby of the family being asleep.
"We're here for you Chuck, forever…" Starley whispered.
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genderfreakxx · 8 months
[Camera pans up from DAVID’s naked, bloody body in the alleyway to show DAVID and JACK, back in the outfits they wore upon their arrival to the UK, DAVID’s eyes red from crying and JACK restored to his un-mauled state]
DAVID: I…I couldn’t do it, Jack. I’m sorry, I know you told me to end it- I just- I couldn’t-
[DAVID breaks off into a sob, upon which JACK rests a heavy hand upon his shoulder, the two of them seemingly looking down on DAVID’s dead body as police lights flash over them from off screen]
JACK: It’s okay, buddy. It’s over now.
[DAVID nods erratically, wiping snot from his nose and choking back more sobs. DAVID takes a shuddering breath and looks over to JACK at his side, JACK’s hand still firmly gripping DAVID’s shoulder. We see shadows pass over them both in the lights of the police cars, suggesting that the body is being attended to as a crime scene. JACK meets DAVID’s eyes and they hold each others gaze for a moment before JACK speaks again]
JACK: Hey, at least one of us got to shack up with a beautiful dame on this trip, huh?
[DAVID laughs, half hysterically, but we can see a little of the tension leave his shoulders as he begins to accept his fate alongside his friend]
DAVID: She was incredible.
[DAVID holds JACK’s gaze as he says this, laughing through his tears as he reaches a hand up to rest atop JACK’s which is still gripping his shoulder]
[The two men share a meaningful gaze as they both seemingly decide that it’s time to leave. They collectively turn toward the dead-end of the alleyway, hands collectively falling from DAVID’s shoulder, instead bumping shoulders comradely and haphazardly as they meander toward the brick wall behind them.]
DAVID: So…Debbie Klein was at your funeral, huh?
[DAVID’s tone is teasing, bumping shoulders with JACK once more. JACK bobs his head down with a breathy chuckle.]
JACK: God forgiving what happened afterwards? I’ll be riding that high for the rest of my afterlife.
[As their bodies fade into the night, seemingly into the afterlife, the camera pans over to the other corner of the alleyway, police lights and shadows still moving to suggest further commotion off camera, we see the six UNDEAD beings that were killed by DAVID the night prior, standing stiffly and glaring over to where JACK and DAVID’s forms have disappeared]
GHOST ONE: Did we die so that bastard could get laid?
[there is a notable silence as each of the UNDEAD heave an exasperated sigh]
GHOST TWO: Fucking Americans.
[All six UNDEAD exchange tired glances before turning towards the back alley wall, disappearing as they walk into the distance, also finally free to join the afterlife]
[camera pans out wide, revealing DAVID’s body to have been concealed in a black body bag, being heaved onto a gurney. ALEX is being held sympathetically in DR. HIRSCH’s arms as she mourns DAVID’s death, police frantically running around the crime scene as the red and blue lights continue to flash. Camera pans up slowly into the night, revealing the clear sky and it’s Full Moon. Blue Moon by Bobby Vinton plays it’s third reprise as the screen fades to black. Credits roll.]
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For my first request, can you write a oneshot featuring Leorio with bondage & drowning please? In the story, he ends up targeted by mafia men who want him dead. So they strip him naked, shackle his barefeet to a metal ball & chain, cloth gag him, and throw him into the sea to drown. You can decide if he escapes or dies but I'd like it if he orgasmed underwater. What do you think?
i think this is a great idea! it's new for me, so it may not be the best but i'm trying haha.
Sent Off To The Sea.
leorio paradinight.
content: smut but not sex, not an x reader!, pleading/begging, "ill do anything", death!, bondage, gag, humiliation, drowning, cumming without friction, underwater orgasm.
summary: the mafia men are after him. he tries to get out by a boat but they've prepared for that, easily finding him and shooting down his boat. they tie him up and throw him into the water where he finds himself extremely turned on.
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He's running on the dock as the boat drifts away with the current once he's untied it. Jumping onto the small boat quickly, running to the front.
"How the- does this thing work?" He smashes down random buttons.
He is no sailor, stole the first boat he'd seen on the dock. But he will get nowhere with it if it doesn't work.. or if he can't find out how.
After smashing buttons, he realizes there's a key hole.
Cursing himself for not checking the boat before untying it from the dock, he sits down and groans.
He's too far to be able to jump back to the dock, the wind and currents are pushing him out slowly, but surely.
He has slight hope that maybe, just maybe this will work. Or that the key is on the boat somewhere.
Getting up going to look around for the key, he finds a cooler with drinks and some snacks in it. Which is good because he may be there for.. a while.
Still searching for the key and having no luck. He decides to lay down and take a nap, see where he ends up whenever he awakens.
Sleep feels like 3 seconds, but in reality it's been 8 hours.
He sits up, confused at first until he quickly runs to the ladder, climbing it fast to see darkness.
"Jesus." He goes to the front of the boat, sitting on the seat behind the wheel to sulk to himself. He doesn't have a clue where he is, and sees no land.
Loud noises. Like loud wind almost, but too, there is the sound of an engine.
He looks up to blinding lights shining off a helicopter.
"Fuck. Police over the people in that.. clan thingy I guess." He turns and sees another boat, a larger boat.
Why would the police send a boat?
He thinks to himself as to what to do, going to the cooler to grab a beer.
Going back to the top of the boat when he hears a loud pop!
"Hey- what the?" He feels the ship begin to weigh down. "They shot the boat with a cannon?"
He eyes the other ship to notice a familiar face. The one that he'd been running from. The entire reason he had been on this boat to begin with..
He has a devious grin on his face in victory, watching as Leorio's ship sinks.
At the stop of his boat, the other boat comes closer. The men aboard that boat hopping onto his own.
"Well, well, well. Theif's stealing boats now, huh? First you steal our money. Then some random civilians boat.." The tall, large, tattooed man stands front of Leorio.
"Chris! My buddy ol' pal, Christian.." Leorio backs up away from the larger man.
"I thought we were comrades, punk. What made you think you could get away with stealing from us, huh? Friend?" Christian pushes him to the ground aggressively, causing a groan from pain to slip from Leorio's mouth.
His glasses now shattered on the ground, impairing his vision to be hazy.
"Please! I'll do anything! Please, don't kill me!" He pleads.
"Anything?, then you'll do this.. Boys." Is all he says when the men behind him walk over to Leorio, holding things in which he can not see.
"Woah- what is that- hnn!" He attempts to speak when a cloth is shoved into his mouth.
"You're gonna stay quiet, punk." One of the men say, tying two more cloths together over and around his face.
Other men pull off his clothing, Leorio immediately feeling humiliated and regretful for what he'd done.
They unbutton his short-sleeved shirt that's worn atop a longsleeve white shirt. They slip that off too, his nipples being hard when the men pull and twist at them.
Another man unbuttons Leorio's pants, slowly bringing down the zipper to his jeans before pulling both the pants and the boxers off. The slip his socks off and look at the slight erection he's forming.
Stripping him naked, threatening things like "You're never gonna see the light of day again, punk." "You like the water?" As they chuckle together.
They need to act quite quickly as the ship is still sinking below them.
"h-gnn phls." He begs softly, being muffled by the cloth that he's gagging on.
Once he's completely naked he questions "wh-i i ght yew yhe mhny?" He yells as loud as he can under the cloth.
"Huh, punk? We can't hear you!" They chuckle and laugh at his pathetic attempts at pleading.
Two men grab his ankles when he attempts to pull them away, another man grabs a piece of glass from his broken glasses and stabs him in the leg, "Stop moving!" The man shouts.
Leorio whines muffled noises in pain, but complies with his ask.
The men continue, holding his ankles as they tie a chain to his feet. The chain having a large, very heavy metal ball at the end.
"Hurry up, boys! Ship's sinkin'!" Christian yells from his own boat.
Leorio finds himself getting hard from the gag, the men surrounding him, the situation really.
Everything about this to him, is attractive.
Exempt the fact that he may die, but he doesn't think about that.
"Are you hard, punk?" One of the men smirk, grabbing his cock to hold it up and squeeze it tightly in his hand.
"Hnnghn sthp!" He shouts behind the cloth.
"Huh? You want more?" The man continues to squeeze his dick as hard as he can before his boss yells.
"Let's go!" The deck of the ship is beginning to fill with water at a fast pace, the boat weighing down faster and faster each minute.
The boys stop teasing the man, jumping onto their own boat and sailing away, honking the horn as they leave.
Leorio attempts to shout for help, but nobody is around to save him. He is in the middle of nowhere on a sinking ship, and he can't move.
I'm going to die.
He thinks to himself, his body sinking into the water, his cock still painfully hard and flushing purple from the strangling hold the man had on it.
He takes one more big breath in through his nose before he's completely under the water, sinking quickly many feet under due to the heavy ball attached to his feet.
The water rubbing against his erection as he blows bubbles out of his nose in sweet, sweet pleasure.
Sinking farther down, the faster he goes the closer he gets to cumming.
"gnn dihye.." He whimpers, beginning to cry.
The water playing with his balls and his thick cock and it almost feels as though it's going to fall off.
It's painful, the orgasm he has. Moaning hard into the cloth with no breath in his system. He can't see anything and all he feels is heavy pleasure flowing through his body as his orgasm hits him so hard, cumming in the water.
And soon, his breathless, tied up body hits the bottom of the sea. About 78 feet under. He's gone, unable to feel a thing. His body lies there, at the bottom of the sea, to either get eaten or to decay.
Whatever happens, he died doing something that he loved.
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
The Musketeers Reaction: The Good Soldier
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Wench Intro: This episode is brought to you by the fact that my work life sucks and I’m drinking one of my finite number of sodas that count as Jezebel-approved Real Snack Food, so we just had to do a react… what a shame :)  We’ll pick up Dark Angel at some point soon, but I took advantage of the lull between Ben and Alec to steal Jezebel’s fandom attentions!  On with the show!
– – – 
GAHHHH! The king is such a child!  He whinesssss so much
So they ARE French!  Where’s the accents 😤 😂😂😂
Ooo jumpscare
Oh, buddy, not a “torn between my old friend and my new ones”  [Friends or "friends"?]  
She’s too nice!  [Anne?]  The queen [… Anne alksdjf]  Oh ☠️☠️  [She pays for it, alas]  Oh nooooooo!  Wait, the queen?  Or the sister?  [asldkfj The queen.  Anne of Austria.]  Hey the Terminator is from there [wtf is this exchange? We're bonkers, I see]
d’Art!  Of all of them to pop up!  It’s always d’Art!
d’Art.  You have.  No right.  To call anyone mad.  adslkfj
“Your endless deceptions… now give me your word”  ‘Cause that means anything
[Poor Constance keeps getting dragged into shit]  I know 😭😭  [Y'all, she ain't dumb]
Are they holding hands?  Buddy… Port is gonna be jealous  [Marsac's wrist is tied to Aramis' and his cloak is hiding the rope]  Oooh
[Um.]  Well  [*Hand on wrist*  *sigh*  "I've thought of you many times"]  Er… bro.  [Bruh… this scene]
But.  But you just called him that?  Why?  If you don’t-?  *sigh*  [No, stop, that’s not what he said… He said "Your name is held in contempt amongst your old comrades.  You're a coward and a deserter.  For that alone, you're under sentence of death."]  Ohhh  [That's all qualified by the "amongst your old comrades"]
Poor d’Art
Athos got some dead eyes! I’d be so scared to cross him
[Marsac favors Tom Hiddleston btw]  Ye I see it
Wottttt?!??  PLOT TWIST
OOOOP!  He ded  [He ded]
Fuck that! Rats
[Cardinal, stop posturing; it always goes badly]  Exactly  [I know this version of you is true neutral so you really don't have to do the whole villain monologue thing]  😂😂
He favors Izzy so much I can’t even
[Dude, the fics I could write in jail with no responsibilities]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ MAAM DON'T GET ANY IDEAS
[I adore Athos' and Porthos' loyalty to Treville]
Buddys temper is extremely short  [‘Tis true!  And d'Artagnan is not holding back!]
Gonna be beaten by a child  [He didn't, but only because he cheated and grabbed the sword to throw it away alskdjflaskdfj]
Oooo!  Not mad at the longer hair!
WOMAN  [MA’AM]  You don’t know what you want, sweet lord!  [YOU ARE MARRIED]  “Married”...  Lots of quotations this episode
“You’ll be out on your ears” Like you was supposed to be this time
Which… would be pretty good protection, what do you mean?
[I love this scene btw]
Athos is like… Wot now?  [Dumbass legit picked the best swordsman in the Musketeers laksdfjalskdfjaldskfj  Like.  Buddy… Ya ain't winning]  😂😂😂😂  [“Athos is the best swordsman in the regiment”  See?  I wasn’t exaggerating.]  😂😂😂
Athos is like… Aight, easy
[Buddy pissedddddd]
[It is a veryyyy good thing they picked Athos, for real… Man's about the only one of them not gonna be hot-headed and screw it up.  He'll sit there, stare the dude down with a glare that could cut, and still give the apology, but he *will* actually give the apology]  😂😂😂 but then he gets basically called hot headed anyway and has to apologize… Like, sorry I won?
[I love Athos’ passive aggression]  YESSSS  ["What motive could a Musketeer possibly have to want to kill the Duke of Savoy?"  *cough cough* I KNOW WHAT YOU DID]
– – – 
Jezebel: 🙂 Flirt Ep! 🙂
Wench: Indeeddddd
Jezebel: Buddy shoulda kept the locks 😮‍💨💕😂
Wench: asdlkfj Then you’ll love season 3; I think they all have longer hair
Jezebel: 💕💕💕💕  But also ack!  As much as he has been my favorite, I hatteeeeee the old friend loyalty storylines.  But like. Can one of them have a happy backstory episode orrrr? 🥺🥺 or is it like a requirement for the musketeers ☠️
Wench: Uh... d'Art was good up until his dad?
Jezebel: Exactly ☠️☠️☠️ He was probably doing his interview telling his life and they were like “ehhhh we don’t think you’re the right fi—” and then he goes “…and then my dad is as murdered.”  and they’re like “oh, you’re in”
Wench: Also technically Aramis had the backstory AFTER he joined.  He didn't have trauma pre-regiment that I know of
Jezebel: Ahhh I see 🙂  But alas idk if I trust the friend or not.  And I’m leaning more toward not.  And now 🙂 the sword fight! 🙂
Wench: I love that fucking swordfight
Jezebel: Again!  Man has DEAD eyes!  I would not want to fuck with him!!
Wench: akdsljf Don’t be rude
Jezebel: Shush! I don’t mean it to be rude! He just has a constant look of I give zero fucks
Wench: But that two-handed twist thing in the middle of the fight?  I'm not at all sure it's historically accurate (and probably isn't) but I love it regardless.  You know the bit I mean?
Jezebel: Yes! 😂😂😂 and SAME!
Wench: Aight... ready?
Jezebel: Yup!
– – – 
[Aramis, how have you not gathered that Athos is gonna be loyal alksdfj  I thought y'all knew each other really well alskdfj]  Not gonna lie I’m kinda annoyed Flirts so quick to drop his loyalty  [Oop!  Scandal!  :))))]  Shush lol
[Also, Port in the rain again]
Oooop… Maybe they should be losing loyalty
[Oof, the soundtrack HELLA Doctor Who rn]
Oooooooh hell no  [Bruh they said she's married]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Not that that’s stopping d'Art but still]  I really hope Flirt doesn’t defend this.. What a TURD! Ew! 😤😤😤
Lady, you stop that look
Poor d’Art ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ He was getting excited  [I love her though]  But yes I do too!!  The little giggle was adorable!  [:)))]
Well shit
Damn I felt the anger behind that punch irl 
Booooooo, Flirt, his- Welp.  Saw that punch coming.
["I need a drink"  We know, Athos, we know]
Ooooop she gonna get ded
[I love their cloaks 😭]  Yesssss! 
“It’s absolutely pointles- Do as he says”  And that doesn’t scream red flag  [He recognized d’Art]  No, I know laksdfj  I’m saying the duke is dumb
“How awkward”  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
The loook ☠️☠️☠️☠️ cardinal being sassy
Well now look at that, Flirt… You done fucked up!  [Not the kind of bedroom bondage he expected?  :)]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [I’m hilarious]
OHHHHH!  PLOT TWISTSSSSSS!  [Yup!  Not Treville's fault after all!!!]
FLIRT you are flip flopping so hard
Oooop more trauma *sigh*
His queen gift! 🙂  [Something something past lover vs present]
Now Flirt’s in the rain
– – – 
Jezebel: 😤😤 I don’t like the friend at all but I don’t fully hate him either! I get why he was doing what he was doing. But it was still wrong. And the captain wasn’t truly guilty. But Flirt you upset me in this one!  For shame! They are always blinded by the urge to be loyal to the friend.  And there wasn’t much Flort interactions 🥺🥺
Wench: My condolences asdkfj  If it's any consolation, there was relatively little Athos too.  We both suffered
Jezebel: I also felt bad for Athos because he held on to his loyalty for so long then in the end he looked so disappointed that maybe it was in vain.  Meanwhile, d’Art. 😮‍💨 buddy either a) doesn’t like conflict or b) doesn’t like change. Cause he refused to believe the captain was capable of this with like… NOTHING.., to back it up.  At least the others had worked under him for a while
Wench: Yeah… d'Art is just a bit naive and idealistic.  So he believes in the good of people without much basis.  He's also hot-headed, which seems contradictory sometimes, but it's not… He makes up his mind quickly and then refuses to change it unless confronted with a serious reason.  So, he's convinced Athos killed his dad; damn but he's gonna have to fight a duel, even against three Musketeers and not just one.  He's come to know Treville as a good guy?  He wouldn't betray the Musketeers.  Etc
Jezebel: Yeah I see what you mean 🙂  Also I loved the dutchess!!!
Wench: Yessss
Jezebel: Do they ever talk about her being a spy again?
Wench: I don't think so aslkdfj
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  What about Cluzet?
Wench: Nope
Jezebel: Sheeesh loose threads!  I’m still salty I didn’t get more Flort 🥺🥺 😂😂  I mean, I didn’t get much Port at all!  He was just kinda there… For shame!
Wench: Let him recover from last episode.  Oof- and prep for the next
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️ recover from whatever they walked off t- wait, next episode?  Is it bad?
Wench: Yes.  I have to stay up and do some more work.. wanna do another?  np if not
Jezebel: I’m 👀👀 hmmmmm…. Yes.  I do
Wench: Aight :)
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demonspartan1131 · 7 months
The fight was a fierce fight between two childhood friends. The rain started to Pouring down on to them. Rex badly beaten and cut up while blaze both emotionless as a clocked shadowy figure stood afar watching them duel it out. Rex looked at blaze as memory flooded in of them both being kids. “Hey blaze when we get older promise me that we would spare for fun and that you wouldn’t ever change.” Blaze looked at Rex and smiled. “Rex you know I’ll never change I will always be the same!…” the flashback ends abruptly as in the present blaze swung his blade with intent to kill. Rex managed to evade the swing.
“Blaze… please stop this I know you’re still in there!? Come on snap out of this. I don’t want to hurt you!?” Rex pleaded as he did his best to keep avoiding blazes strikes even though Rex is badly injured. Then the figure spoke “you think pleading for him to stop would help you? Then you must be a fool don’t make me laugh ha~!.” Rex in disbelief knows blaze is still in there but under some mind control. ~”I have to get him free from their control… but I-I don’t want to hurt blaze?.” Cutting back to a memory of them in their first year in high school. “So you know what club I’m joining rex?” Rex looked at him “hmmm~ is it the math club hahahah~!” Rex said laughing as blaze nodded no “no you idiot I’m joining the swordsman club. You should join me we both can get stronger along side each other.” Blaze said to rex as rex remarked to the past to blaze “you and me were going to be come stronger Blaze. Why aren’t you saying anything!?” The figure scoffed “he can’t hear you hahahahaha~ so it’s pointless.”
The rain pouring even heavier as they both stood a distance from one another rex knowing that he can’t get through blaze by talking but there was one way but it was dangerous and Rex knew he would die if he did it. ~”I don’t have any other choice so I. I hope that this works even if I die!?.”~ not far be hind Rex, footsteps could be heard they belonged to blazes little sister and Rex’s other friend. The watch what was going on. Rex looked over to them and smiled his lips moved slowly *mary I’ll bring your brother back* Mary started to tear up as she new what Rex was going to do, jack looked at Rex and Rex returned a smile and nodded his head signify his goodbye to him. Rex readied himself as he charged towards Blaze as Blaze did the same. However rex dose not draw his blade to counter Blaze.
Blaze blade impales rex through the stomach. Rex looked rat at blazes face placing his blood covered hand on his cheek. “This is the end buddy… I-I’m sorry I’ve failed you as a comrade and a brother…. Bu-but this I-is where our journey ends old frie….~” rex dies in blazes arms. The shock snapped blaze out of the trance he was under. He looked at rex tears started to form in blazes eyes as blaze fell to his knees still holding his best friends lifeless body “no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Rex come on buddy wake up, please Im begging you! You can’t die on me please….~” Blaze being consumed by sadness rage anger and remorse he lets out a deepen pain scream as Mary and jack ram towards them Mary hitting blaze for vanishing but crying because Rex brought her big brother back. Jack fell to his knees seeing Rex lay lifeless. The figure sputtering as they stumbled backwards “that’s impossible his sacrifice broke the control!? No matter he’s dead now my bosses will be pleased either way. Now to get rid of you all!” Blaze looking where to channel his emotions looked at the figure. “YOU!?~ you’ll pay for this!?” Said blaze grabbing Rex’s sword and his own blade as well wielding both blades blaze was like a dark vengeful demon. The figure tried thrusting forward towards laze but wasn’t fast enough as Blaze got behind then and cut the figure down with such speed.
The figure laid on the ground bleeding out as blaze sliced their left arm and right foot. Blaze looked at them as he held up both blades. The figure begged and pleaded with Blaze but blaze didn’t listen as he killed them…
The end.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake- Cheeky
Hey author-chan how are you? Well I saw that your requests are open and I would like to know if you write to Naruto and if the answer is yes, could I get a Kakashi x f!reader imagine/oneshot with prompt #19, please?
I ended up asking her to choose a couple more prompts, aaannnd here they are!
#19- Hmm, who you tryna’ look sexy for babygirl?
#20- Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you
#27- I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.
#30- Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay?
 #47- You’re too cheeky for you own good, kid.
warning.....I will fuck up your day. Might be OOC but almost all my shit kinda is imo lol Does anyone really care?....he spits in your mouth..... I am sorry for absolutely nothing.
“Watch it, Kid!”
“Why don’t you walk where you walk!” you caught the throwing star between your two fingers as it was hurled back at you. “You’re cutting into my training time.” you rolled your eyes.
“Damnit Y/N you could have taken my eye out.” Kakashi groaned. “Be careful with that thing!” 
“Like that would have been a bad thing.” you scoffed. “Get out of the way next time.” you rubbed your shoulder. “If you weren’t in my line of vision, you wouldn’t have almost got caught in the crossfire.”
“You know you love looking at me.”
“How can I when no one ever sees your face.” you burst out laughing. “What kinda mug you got under than mask, huh?” you challenged. 
“You’re too cheeky for your own good kid, someone outta bring you down a few notches.”
“And just whose gonna do that.” you rolled your eyes, turning away from him.
You ignored his answer and bent over, stretching to touch your toes. “My back.” you groaned. When you stood up straight again, he was staring at you. “You need something?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he blinked(...or winked?) at you.
“I can’t tell if that was a wink or not...” you raised a brow.
“You’re a real-”
“ Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you “
He walked off, undoubtedly wearing a self-satisfactory look on his face.
“How does she put up with him?”
“Damn, I thought she was really gonna kill him for a minute.”
“You’d think those two liked each other with how much they argue backed and forth.”
“It’s not nice to gossip.” you called behind your back to your comrades. You shoved the throwing star back into your pouch and walked off. Kakashi Hatake and Y/N L/N were always the talk of the town. One was always getting on the nerves of the others.
You were relaxing in your house after a long day of training. It was good to work out your skills while nothing was going on. You never knew when something was gonna happen. You stretched your arms over your head as you walked into your kitchen. 
“God I’m starving.” you sighed. Before you could dig through your fridge, there was a knock at the door.
“I’m coming!” you called, knowing they could hear. As you neared the door, the knocking only got louder. “Geez Hold on-!” You yanked the door open to see Kakashi awkwardly standing there. He wore his authoritative demeanor.
“Y/N, may I come in?” he spoke. You almost peaked behind his shoulder, people were walking around outside. ‘We must talk.”
“Sure.” you made room for him to walk in. Just as you closed the door, you were pushed up against the door. He yanked down his mask to show that daring smirk. You felt his lips brush against yours. Kakashi wrapped his arms around your waist, hoisting you up and pushing you even further against the door.
“ I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day. “ he moaned against your lips. “Shit you drive me crazy.” he growled.  “I bet you thought your little show was cute.”
“Got your attention didn’t it?” you giggled through the friction. “If we’re gonna sneak around, might as well make it fun for me too.”
For the last several months you had been more than casual with Kakashi. He trailed his hand down your spine, resting at the base of your back. 
“I have half a mind to punish you.” he began kissing down your neck. “But I missed you so much.”
“So does that mean you can stay for the night or do you have to wrangle those three morons again?” you melted into his tough as the thoughts of the Three Stooges getting into trouble that required Kakashi to clean up....again. 
“I’ll stay if you want me to.” he began kissing your cheeks, forehead, nose and lips. He kept rotating around each area of your face. To answer his question, you helped him out of his jacket. “Hm, okay then.” he smirked. 
“I don’t need to tell you where my bedroom is do I?” you stepped away from him.
... (Two days later)
Training in the woods wasn’t so bad. But training while Kakashi dragged his students along was gonna drive you absolutely crazy.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Yes. Naruto.” you seethed. ‘What can I do for you.”
“I’m gonna be the best Ninja in the world! You just watch! I’ll be able to beat you one day!”
“That’s great buddy!” you tried to laugh. Cute. No one could compare to you when it came to throwing sharp things at a target. You walked by Kakashi sending him a harsh glare. You walked ahead of the group. No one could see it, but your annoyance made him smile a bit. You stopped in front of a three, pinning a target to it before walking a good 30 feet away from it. You went into your pouch and took out a throwing star.
With a single flick of the wrist you threw it, watching it slice through the air and hit the target right in the middle. You walked back another few feet and did it again. Good to know you hadn’t lost your touch.
“Wow. Miss Y/N sure knows what she’s doing.” Sakura whispered to Kakashi. “I can see why everyone raves about her,”
“Yes. She is very capable, Sakura. She has impeccable precision.” he commented. Although he was thinking something completely different. Everyone watched as you took out your annoyance on the bullseye target, When you had ran out of stars, you trudged back up to the tree and yanked each one out.
Later on, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto were all napping. All had passed out at some point after some extreme training courtesy of Kakashi. As for you, you were sitting by the lake, getting some much needed recreation. You had just gone for a swim. The ice cold water felt perfect. 
You stood up against the tree facing away from everyone. You were prepared to get back into the water when Kakashi came up, slowly ridding himself of his shirt as he did.
“Going for a-” you were cut off as he pushed himself against you, claiming your mouth in a kiss. Not that you weren’t totally happy, but his students were literally napping less that 50 feet away from you both.
“W-wha are you-?”
“Shhh.” Kakashi pulled down his mask then got down on his knees as he fumbled with your panties. “If we’re gonna do this, you gotta be quiet.”
“You’ve had some pretty dumb ideas but-...fuh.” you cut yourself off as you felt him trail his hands up your thigh. He pressed small kisses down your thighs. You were still soaking wet from the water, so your skin was slippery. He pulled your panties down, placing small kisses along your heat.
You dared peek over your shoulder. Everyone was still sleeping, but you found it hard to focus. Kakashi gently drove his tongue into your slit, causing a sharp gasp to escape your lungs. Your legs shook as his tongue flicked against your clit.
“Kakashi~” you shuddered. You found yourself running your hands against his silvery white hair. He grabbed your leg and hooked it over his shoulder. “We could get caught!”
“Exciting isn’t it?” he giggled. “You just have to stay quiet.” you felt his fingers slither inside you. “ Come on Y/N... Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay? “ he moaned, sloppily dragging his tongue up your slit. “Shit- You’re so fucking good, Y/N. You’re soaking.” he laughed evilly. 
“Whose f-fault is that!”
He slapped your ass, making you gasp again. You could just picture that shit eating grin on his face. 
You were made to stand up straight as Kakashi rose to his feet. He hoisted you up, wrapping both of your legs around his torso. You hadn’t noticed that his pants had dropped around his ankles. You felt his painfully slowly slide himself inside. 
“They’re still sleeping.” he grunted, slowly thrusting into you. “Fuck I needed this.” he moaned. “I need you~” he coughed. “Kiss me.” 
He, in a hurry, sloppily kissed you. Your tongues clashed. You faced heated up from the lewd sounds your mouths made as they clashed together. Kakashi pushed your further against the tree. 
“Kakashi..” you were able to muster. 
“Open your fucking mouth.” he cut you off. “Now...” he growled. 
You obediently did as he asked, sticking out your tongue as Kakashi let a line of drool go from his tongue to yours. He claimed your mouth again while he dug his nails into your thighs. His cock twitched inside of you as his thrusts grew sloppy. 
You couldn’t even talk through his kisses. Your insides clenched around him, feeling yourself grow more and more sensitive at his touch. You didn’t care how loud you were anymore and he didn’t either. 
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna fucking cum. I’m gonna- ARGH-” 
You felt him practically bottom out inside of you, cumming inside your depths. To avoid making any sounds, he kissed you again. With one harsh thrust, you came too. You heard those lewd watery sounds as liquids dripped out of your pussy, down your legs. Poor plants. 
“Kakashi~” you moaned again.
“It feels good?” he talked down to you in a babyish voice. “You like my cum inside you don’t you.” he spilled the rest of himself into you tightness. “And they’re still sleeping.” he smirked. “You were worried about nothing.”
“Shut up.” you rolled your eyes. You whined as he slowly removed himself from you. 
“It’s running down your leg.” he laughed. “Shit, you’re so sexy.” he dragged his tongue down your neck. “Shit-”
“You’re lucky we didn’t get caught.” you shakily spoke. “And you call me the cheeky one.”
“Hm, don’t be like that, babe...or else I might not to easy on you this time.”
(This one was not so much hardcore, but it was something, so I’m all caught up with requests I think! Does anyone here fucks with Haikyuu?.....Can I- Can I write for Haikyuu?)
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ererokii · 3 years
I came running when I saw your requests were open! Okay, this is pure angst so bare with me. How about the reader dying in all the chaos when Eren first attacked marley? She was Jean's best friend and so when they were in the airship he carried her corpse inside, and Eren sees her and Jean is like she died l, and its all your fault. You could make her die in battle or she could take the bullet for Sasha, its up to you! Im just curious of how Eren would behave... Thank you so much baby🥺 remember to take care and if you dont wanna write this there's no problem!!♡♡♡
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WC: 1.1k
Warnings: character death, blood mentions, some violence, some spoilers for season four, unedited. Italics is flash back
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“She’s dead. You killed her.”
It’s silent; enough to hear a pin drop. Jaws are dropped, mouths parted as they stare in shock.
Jean stands there, a body limp in his arms, a tear trickling down his face and onto the floor. “She’s dead, Eren.”
Even sits there, staring at him through brown tresses that cover the majority of his face. His brother, Zeke beside him, stares at Jean with a raised eyebrow, absolutely no empathy for him.
“You..you killed her.”
It seems that victory couldn’t even protect everyone in that ship. After you and Jean had aboarded and left someone out there to watch, you were immediately engulfed into a hug by him.
“I’m glad you’re alive,” he mutters, burying his head in the crook of your neck, arms practically squeezing the life out of you. In normal circumstances you would have laughed, pushed his face away from yours and told him he stunk.
But this was different.
Your arms loop under his own, head pressed against his chest plate. “I’m glad you’re alive too.”
Arms wrapped around your torso from behind, hair tickling your nape as the person let out a shaky breath.
“Y/N, I can’t thank you enough for being there when I shot at the Cart,” Sasha spoke quietly. “I was a bit scared if I’m being honest.”
“I was there!” Jean interrupts, pulling away from you as his arms cross over his chest, averting his eyes elsewhere. “I didn’t get my thanks..”
“Who needs you when we have Y/N?” She grins, moving around to wrap an arm around your waist. “She’s all I need to back me up, isn’t that right?”
Eren’s eyes watch as blood trickles down Jean’s arm, seeping into the black sleeve of the uniform, making a small puddle on the floor. His breathing becomes uneasy, fingers clenching around the bench he was sitting on.
His superiors and comrades are unable to move; the sound of Armin’s gun falling to the floor as he rushes to Jean; said boy lowering the body to rest on the floor. Mikasa follows suit, falling onto her knees as she grabs the left hand, shivers running up and down her arms.
“If you didn’t do this, she wouldn’t be dead. Tell me, why is she dead, Eren?!”
I don’t know, don’t ask me, Eren thinks, wishing he could say those exact words.
But he can’t; all he can do is stare with semi wide eyes. His arms are restrained by the rope the Scouts put on him, two recruits pointing their guns at him. Despite having him on their side, there was still a fear within them that he would do something else.
“Answer me!”
“This is our first victory for the new Eldian Empire! Our first battle, and many more to come!” A crowd of soldiers raised their fists in victory, screaming at the top of their lungs as they felt like rulers; the only ones that mattered.
“Another one,” you mutter, rubbing your arm, massaging a sensitive area from when you crashed into the roof when the Beast threw rubble. “Just how many more..and will Eren still be there..”
“We seem to always follow Eren in the end. I don’t think he would be going anywhere,” jean comments, standing beside you as everyone walks towards the middle of the ship.
“Hey isn’t he still out there?” Connie asks, looking over his shoulder, staring at the open sliding door. “Should we check?”
“He’s fine. I didn’t see anyone out there when I was there.”
That’s not enough to convince Connie, his eyes still trained on the silver door but decides to shake it off, facing forward.
Everything feels too surreal right now. It’s serene; too peaceful after a massacre of Liberio’s people. Smiles and laughter are shared, everyone reuniting with their buddies, thankful they can take another breath.
However, your stomach churns, looking around a couple times before reaching your hand out, grabbing hold of Jean’s pinkie. There’s a creaking noise coming from the floor board, catching your attention.
“Jean, did you hear that?”
“No. Hey guys quiet down!”
Sasha must have heard it as well as she glances over her shoulder, a body rolling inside of the ship, a gun held close to their chest.
It happens all too slow. The child raises the gun, brown eyes full of anger stare Sasha down, her finger curling around the trigger. Her teeth are gritted as her brown strands stick to her face, small lacerations and dirt scratching at her visage.
Your body seems to move on it’s own, one foot in front of the other as your hands collide with her chest, applying force. She stares at you with warm yet wide eyes; body staggering backwards.
Jean’s words wrack every crevice of Erens mind; his voice increasing in volume.
She’s dead because of you. You killed her!
Eren’s mouth suddenly feels dry, tongue peeking out as he licks his lower lip, chewing on the inside of cheek as he exhales loudly, lowering his head in shame, afraid of the consequences.
“Did she have any last words.”
Regretting his choice of speech, Eren’s lower lips quivers, shoulders shaking slightly. With everyone’s eyes on him, he feels as if they’re staring into his soul, silently judging his choices (as some verbally let him know).
His heart is heavy as a noise leaves his mouth, nowhere near to a laugh, but not even close to a cry of sorrow. He feels like screaming until his throat is raw— to lock himself in a confined spot and to never be seen for the rest of his days on this hell on earth.
“If only you hadn’t gotten the Survey Corps involved with this, Y/N would still be alive, and would be able to see your sorry ass tomorrow in your jail cell. Maybe then she would be able to hold your hand, wouldn’t she.”
Mediterranean eyes that hold tears, glance over at your body once more. Your eyes are closed, cheeks suddenly hollowed. There’s a bandage wrapped around your torso, blood seeping through the white and drying as seconds pass.
Your whole body is relaxed , a trail of red stained on the corner of your lips.
Even with the recent tragic events, Eren can’t help but relax when he casts his gaze on your face. Something within him says that you wouldn’t blame him for the cause of your death, even if everyone else would.
But he can’t forgive himself.
“J-Jean,” you whisper, clutching weakly at his arm. “E..Eren..I want to see him..”
And all you wanted was to see him one last time— ,to spend your last breaths and tell him he wasn’t a monster.
He was just like you.
taglist: @sleepysnk @jaegerbombb @reddriot @kaqinq @kingtamakimurder @tamasoft @byougen @spike-this-ass @crimsonbows-and-arrows @thicmitten @eremiie @shisoaya @bakuhoesworld @sweetdanibear @jeanbabygirl @katsuhera @erenstars @novvabeam @basket-flower-chick @theycallmeleaf1 @simpingfor2dguys @murmikaa @izrers @panicatthe-crybaby (add yourself to the taglist HERE )
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Treasure Hunter AU
I binged watch the Mummy trilogy while i had no wifi/internet for a while and I had an idea for a treasure hunter Mari with Daminette.
Damian was bored.(age: 22-28 years old.)
At a gala party.
Meets Marinette who was equally bored.(abt the same age as D)
He finds out she was the finder of this famous artifact on display.
Damian tugged at his collar, scanning the crowd. His father needed a plus one to show up with and everyone else were busy.
He grabbed a champagne flute and made his way to the edge of the room.
He found a woman in a black evening gown, looking as bored as he felt. short dark hair. Blue eyes.( I suck at describing people after the third time doing it. It feels overrated)
"Hello, stranger. You bored with mingling in with the assholes on their high horses?"
"Should I be offended?"
"We will see. Depends on you."
"How about you? A beautiful lady like you not kissing up their asses to climb the social ladder. That is strange."
She made a face. "Trust me. I don't want to be here but my friend wanted family time so I came in his place. What about you? Why are you here?"
"I am pretty sure my father wanted someone to get him out if the vultures came too close."
"Vultures, adept descriptions. I am glad no one realized who I am yet or i would be in their claws."
"Who are you representing, anyways?"
"Myself but Adrien or Kagami usually comes in my place but tonight, they have their son's play to go to."
"Adrien and Kagami. Aren't they the Agreste-Tsrungi?"
"You are the Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Globe trotting Treasure hunter and also world-class designer, MDC."
"Now you know. What's your name, handsome stranger?"
"You don't know?"
"Hey. Like you said globetrotting treasure hunter. I am not up-to-date on the news front. And when I am in Paris to do designer stuff, i am too busy to look at the news."
He gave her his hand, "Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire and owns Wayne Enterprise."
She shook it.
"Pleased to meet you."
She stills design but like sent her designs to Adrien at least once every month, who had rebranded Gabriel to Miraculous Designs.
Some ppl thinks he did it to spite his father, who is in jail. Adrien and Mari has a partnership thing.
Mari also makes clothes but for a few months. And the rest of the time is spent travelling.
Exclusive designs from MDC are rare but the designs hand made by her are rarer so they are like a really big deal. They have the most amazing details. Really expensive and limited edition.
The rest of the time Mari spends finding Miraculouses (Miraculi ?) lost in the world so if she happens to find a few priceless artifacts that aren't the Miraculous. She donates it.
Alix helps and sometimes go find them with her.
She has Tikki and Plagg and maybe Wyazz all the time to look for curses and counter it.
She has also met John Constantine. They have an arrangement of sorts. A few magical artifacts that doesn't have to Miraculous business are given to him in exchange for any miraculous stuff he has or found.
Adrien funds her trips.
He is married to Kagami.
Kagami goes with Mari and Alix for a few months sometimes. Adrien likes being a stay at home dad.
Their kid is named Marin/Martin because it was Mari who got them together.
The few trips Mari dragged him on was enough to make him stay behind and run the business.
(Back to the story) Damian fangirled a little because Mari had been doing stuff like this since she was 18.
It was an amazing reputation she has.
She invites him to her next trip after questioning his skill sets.
"Are you good with heights, dark scary places and adventuring into the unknown?"
"You any good with guns, swords, knives, booby traps and keeping calm under pressure?"
"Yes. I have many experiences with them."
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Yes. Why are you asking me this?"
"Wanna join me on my next trip to the jungle of China? There are myths about some hidden temple."
Damian was a little conflicted.
He hadn't have the chance to explore the world much. He had been somewhere else for a mission (for the League of Shadows or JL business) but never for pleasure.
Being a vigilante by night and working at Wayne Enterprise by day gets a little boring after some years.
His brothers had a chance to travel the world on their own for a while. Sure, for reasons other than sight-seeing and looking for something to break out of the rut he was in. But still.
This was an exciting opportunity but a tad suspicious.
"Why me?"
She looked surprised at that.
"Oh. Well, my friends enjoy coming with me on my adventures, treasure hunting and all that every now and then except Adrien but they have other things in their life to come with me all the time. I can mostly survive on my own most of the time but it gets lonely travelling on my own and it's nice if someone is there to watch my back. I understand if you don't want to come. It's just that I enjoy your company and you aren't like those assholes on their high horses. My gut feeling says I can trust you. You are not after the treasure or see it as one big game. You are looking for an escape. You would definitely catch me if I fall. As you know from my choice of friends, i have a bad habit of pulling rich kids from their stuffy lifestyle and take them on potentially life-threatening adventures." She joked. Then she lowered her voice, "Besides, it might be handy having a former assassin around."
She said in Arabic.
His hand went to his hidden knife and found it not there.
"Looking for this?" She said, holding it.
"How much do you know?" He hissed back in the same language.
"Relax," she gave back the knife, "my mother was one and I have accidentally came across a few in my adventures. I know one when i see one. I took a stab in the dark with your middle-eastern background. Speaking of, you know Talia Al Ghul by any chance."
He narrowed his eyes.
"She's my mother. Why?"
"You look like her. Met her a few times. Nice lady but scary. Mine's Sabine Cheng, goes by the Blue Reaper." She said it so casually like their parents weren't dangerous deadly assassins and had normal jobs.
"You aren't normal, are you?"
"What gave it away?"
"That you willingly gave away blackmail material to me."
"Normal people don't have assassins for mothers. And you and me aren't exactly meeting the minimum standards for normal. Besides, I just told you a family secret that you would have found out anyways with a through background search and a little digging. So far all I know about you is that your parents are Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne-I wonder how an assassin got together with a billionaire-, you are a former League of Shadows assassin, you are great with weapons, keeping secrets and so far meeting the criteria for an adventure buddy. That's all I swear. And that you have some pets. A cat, maybe."
"How you know about my cat?!"
"Cat hair on your clothes." She was good. "If it will ease your mind about me, you can ask me 5 questions that I will truthfully answer. "
"So why are you doing this?"
"That's question 1. Well, I really want whatever this is between us to work. Partners, Friends, Companions, Comrades. Whatever you want to call it. Like I said, I get lonely sometimes and need some human interaction to at least keep myself sane. You looked like you want to be somewhere else and I thought this is perfect. I am not going to tell anyone about you or push you to join me. I swear on my mother's sword."
"Are we killing anybody?"
"Mostly I try to avoid that as much as possible. Sometimes I get into situations with no other alternative. " She looked away guiltily.
"Fair enough."
"Not judging me for that. That's a first for me."
"I am a former assassin and have killed before. I have no right to condemn you for your past."
"How much are you willing to tell me about this hidden temple?"
"That has to do with a secret. I would tell you more when there are less ears around. But this temple was said to hold a magic jewel that grants some powers and it is located really deep in the jungle. Getting there might take months."
"You forgot to mention that last one."
"Oh yeah. You think you can get away for some months. This kind of stuff usually takes a while. Like I said before, no pressure. Anyway, 2 questions left."
"What's my salary?"
"Aren't you a billionaire?"
"My father is. I have a trust fund and I get a salary for doing my job at the company. You are lucky that I just finished with most of my assigned projects so I might be able to come."
"I am so sorry about just assuming things about you. You can say no to the offer. The temple is said to hold some other treasures but I mainly want the jewel. We could auction off a few bits and pieces. I usually just donate them to museums and universities or sell them to those who really appreciate the history. I would also pay for the entire expenses for the trip."
"Can I think about this?"
"Sure. Here's my number. I leave on the 1st of next month. Gimme an answer a week before that so I can make the proper arrangements. It has been fun talking to you, Damian."
She walked away, going towards the buffet table.
Back in the car on the way home to the manor.
Bruce asked, "Who were you talking to for that long?"
"The one that gave you her number."
"Oh. MDC. She invited me to join her in China next month to find some hidden temple."
"She did?"
"Yes. Not only that she found out about mother and know what I did before I came here. She doesn't know about Batman, Robin or Crow. And she said she wasn't going to blackmail me but just wanted a companion to go with her. Ideally, it would be best to silence her before she digs any further into me but I trust her. I sincerely believe that she meant it when she said that she's not going to tell on me. And I am really tempted to take up on it."
"What do you want to do?"
"On one hand, i would be gone for months so there won't be Crow in Gotham for a while and I have a few projects I need to finish up. On the other hand. Father, I have been a vigilante for over 10 years now and I haven't really done much out besides that, school and now work. I have appreciated all you have done for me over the years. But I want to go with her. Do something that is not connected to Batman or Wayne or Al Ghul. Just a little something different for myself."
"You can go if you want. I am not going to stop you. I will make arrangements so the projects would be done by someone else. The others can cover your patrols. You are still young so it is understandable to want some fun every now and then."
"Thank you, Father."
Bruce put his hand on his shoulder.
"I am proud of you as Crow and as Damian Wayne. But if you want to go find some hidden temple in China just for a break from this life, to be just Damian, go for it. There are worse things you could do. Just tell me if you are going to go on any future trips like that." (I don't know DC much, sorry if that is a little OOC but I like good dad! Bruce.)
Damian dialed the number on the card.
"I accept your offer, miss MDC."
"Damian? Right, text me your email address. I will sent you things you would need to pack and flight details. And can you come by to the Gotham Rose Hotel tomorrow? I will give more details on the temple."
Damian comes by the hotel.
Marinette tells him of the kwamis and miraculous and makes him swear to not tell anyone unless they already know.
The hidden temple actually might have a miraculous.
Damian gets a little interested in the akuma situation she mentioned.
Mari doesn't say anything about it much.
When he got back, he goes to the Bat-computer and did some digging.
Ladybug looks a little familiar. Pulls up younger picture of Mari and look at that, she used to be a superhero.
Wonder Woman was kept informed of things and made sure no one goes to Paris without her knowing.
Zatanna helped capture the villain Hawkmoth and end his 2 year reign.
Fast forward, they are in Beijing now, sleeping off jetlag.
The next morning, They get out of the city somehow to the city limits and somewhere remote.
Mari uses Kalki and transports them to the jungle.
They set up camp. Cue Campfire stories.
"I thought getting here would take months."
"No actually, finding the temple would. According to my research and the map I copied through less than legal means, it is somewhere in this general area. There used to a city around here too and the king or emperor pissed off some powerful priest or wizard, take your pick. There was a curse. The city crumbled down and the temple is the only thing standing because the king went there and prayed to the gods for protection. The one who answered his prayers and protected the temple in doing so the king was pressed into service of the god. The king did everything the god said for a while but later, he started to hate it and began disobeying the orders. The god cursed him for his disobedience. The temple he was protected in became his tomb and he was tasked to protect the chest inside the temple for the rest of eternity. Anyone who opens the chest would gain the ultimate power to rule the earth. Thankfully, we are not after the chest. Some powerful crack-head with a misused miraculous tried to find it and open the chest for more power. But he never returned. My theory is that the miraculous is still in the temple. As long as we don't wake up the king or go for the chest, we would be okay."
"What are the guns for? And How did you get them past security?"
"In case of emergencies, an army of undead was mentioned and guns are surprisingly good repellent. Well, most of the time. It's useless if there is a no weapons can kill 'it' rule. Then, it's just a stress reliever. I kept them in a pocket dimension. Makes it easier to get around."
Damian vowed to never let Marinette meet Jason. Judging by the pile of guns and occasional knives and other weapons she took out of the brown satchel which apparently holds a pocket dimension, Jason would adopt her. He wondered if that was all that was inside in.
They packed up and started searching the jungle for hidden temple.
It was a month and a half before they found it.
They bonded a lot during that time.
They had a moment after drinking a little alcohol which Mari has in the pocket dimension. Or Drank a lot of alcohol and had sex.
It was awkward and they both agree to not talk about it again.
Soon after, they found the temple. But it is still a little far away.
But the temple is not the only thing they found. They also found a campsite with many people milling around. Some of them carried guns.
Somewhat rich bastard who overheard their conversation at the gala. Heard treasure and found out where Mari's next expedition is.
Had the help of some scholar who wants to be famous for the greatest find since King Tut.
They found the temple even though they had no magical help, they left 2 weeks before Mari did, so yeah.
Rich Bastard's name is 'Philip Anderson'(This sounds familiar to me for some reason and I can't find out why.) and Scholar is 'Harry Scott'
They have armed bodyguards and some 'hired' help to get the treasure.
Anderson is still rich but his company had been getting losses the past 2 years and this is a quick, easy get rich scheme.
Mari and Damian: "Rich asshole on his high horse."
Anderson doesn't know about the chest but Mari and Damian thinks he does and it was what he was after.
They set up camp a little further ahead of Anderson's
Unfortunately, they were found by Harry. Somehow.
I am going to continue this when I am more awake.
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hpalways · 3 years
Coin Flip || Childe
THERE were two sides to a coin. It could land on either heads or tails. One side could be shining, for it was lucky to never touch the ground, void  of being coated with all things slimy, while the other rusted, coveted to take the other’s spot. This was how you would describe Childe. 
Most people didn’t get to see what you saw out of him. Usually, he was labeled as the troublesome Fatui man who hid his bloodlust behind a charming smile. To that, you would not concur. It was true. He was a strange man, sometimes acting as if he was possessed by some war-like creature who decided to give no shits about consequences and whatnot. However, this was what made your days a little more interesting, for better or worse. He became someone you grew to care, and for that, that was enough to prevent yourself from leaving him anytime soon. 
Speaking of the devil, he was calling out to you. “My my… [Y/N], what’s with that silly face you’re making?” He proceeded to hold a slender hand up, pinching your cheek as if you were a baby. It frustrated you how the simple touch from him could invite a swarm of butterflies to your stomach. 
Pretending to not look as flustered as you felt, you swatted his hand away. “I was just thinking. What, is your tiny brain unable to do the same?”
He let out a dramatic gasp and placed his hand over his chest. “Oh, you wound me, dear Comrade.” His blue eyes hovered over your face and for some reason, he wouldn’t look away. Embarrassing. Instead, you broke eye contact before he did, averting your hues towards the sea that accompanied the Harbor of Liyue. But even then… the color rolling off from the waves reminded you of Childe’s eyes. Dammit. 
A warm breeze brushed through the two of you and his fiery, orange locks swayed along. It was annoying how you kept on turning back to him. Scowling to yourself, you focused on the stalls propped up with merchants in them, who were advertising. Some had red-orange fish laying there waiting to be sold. 
“So are you sure you’d like to tag along with me? The brother that’s visiting me today can be quite the handful.”
You nodded, not at all hesitating. “Of course! I think it’ll be fun. You’ve been working hard lately. A break is needed.”
He scratched his head and let out a chuckle. “Alright, alright. Stop fretting so much about me. I eat three meals and make sure to sleep every night.”
You waggled a finger towards him. “You better be.”
Entering upon the actual dock, you followed the tall male as he peered around to look for the ship that would supposedly contain his little brother. Boots clopping against the wooden floor, you dodged the crowds and was struggling to keep up with his long strides. He seemed to be anxious almost -- was he that excited to see his brother? 
The groups of people grew more and more dense by the second; the arrival of ships was the cause of it. Because of this, bodies pushed against you, nearly knocking you off your feet. Teeth grinding into one another, you tried to make it pass through them, but the obstacles further increased the gap between you and Childe. You were going to lose sight of him…
A hand broke through the tight space that encircled you, its palm open and welcoming. Wasting no time to grab on it, you felt it wrapped firmly around yours. It pulled you with great strength, breaking the walls that nearly trapped you. 
“Thank you, Childe,” you pant, hoping to calm your racing heart. His hand wouldn’t release yours, despite being out in the open. You nudge your head towards it in question, but his grip only tightened. He wasn’t going to let you go. 
“Try to keep up, won’t you?” he said. He grinned wide and something in his gaze glimmered. With that, the journey proceeded -- this time, with him lugging you along. 
Zig zagging through every dock that contained newly boarded ships, Childe scanned each and every one carefully. It took a few more minutes of a search, but soon enough, it was a success. 
Climbing down a ship on the end, a young boy stretched his arms up to the sky and stretched. He yawned loudly, too distracted to see the larger figures approaching him. To your pleasant surprise, he indeed resembled Childe. His red-orange hair to his deep, blue eyes, the two of them were no doubt brothers. Freckles smattered his nose and he wore a cozy-looking hat. 
“Teucer!” Childe called out, finally releasing your hand. He stepped forward with brisk steps, a smile decorating his lips. 
The boy glanced upward and instantly he brightened with adoration. “Brother!” He ran up to his brother, jumping around in excitement. “You’re here. You’re actually here!”
Your friend crouched down and engulfed the boy in a hug. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” So you weren’t imagining it. Childe was just as excited to see his brother. Your heart warming within you, you sort of felt bad to intrude on something that suddenly seemed too personal. When he finally straightened himself up, he turned his head towards you. “Ah, Teucer, I’d like you to meet someone.”
Clearing your throat, you neared the boy and leaned down slightly to extend a hand. He blinked innocently up at you and his gaze wavered from his brother to you, over and over again. Once he received a nod from Childe, he finally accepted the handshake. “Hey there, little buddy,” you said brightly, ignoring the awkward passing moment that had just occurred. “I’m [Y/N].”
“Hi there!” With that, he pulled a small toy out from nowhere and shoved it into your face. “Do you see this? My brother gave it to me during my last visit!”
“O-Oh, that’s very cool,” you said, slightly taken aback. Was it just you or did the toy look familiar to something? Maybe you were overthinking. 
The Snezhnayan man ruffled the boy’s hair and chuckled. “Come on, let’s not bother Miss [Y/N] too much here. Why don’t we go up to the mountains? You want to play with Mr. Cyclops?”
Easily, the child’s face brightened immensely. He nodded long and hard, jumping around in excitement. Furrowing your forehead in confusion, you couldn’t voice your inquiry because they were both already ahead of you, leaving the docks. Quickly pursuing after them, you decided to brush it off for the time being. You had a more important matter at hand: going on this tiring trek to the mountains of Liyue. Really? This was what he would label as relaxing? 
When the three of you left the entrance of the city, Childe lifted his brother onto his shoulders and extended a finger outward. “Are we ready for the travel ahead, hero Teucer?” he bellowed dramatically, playing along a role you never fathomed to see. He was so soft on his brother, it was insanely adorable to witness. 
This was exactly what you meant. Another one of his sides that no one else understood but you. He was more than a notorious Fatui, more than a vengeful man, more than a weapon. You were tired of society viewing him as that way, shaping him to be how they wanted him to be. 
Walking up the towering path that awaited you, you were breathing heavily by now. But Childe’s figure in front kept you going, for he was willing to carry his brother for the entirety of this trip. He was so persistent, but that was not a surprise. 
The moment you reached the top of the mountain, you slumped down to the ground and leaned against a tree. A beautiful view of Liyue Harbor was seen from a distance, the structures that made up the city looking miniscule for the first time. Meanwhile, the sun was starting to set, giving off a glowy haze that blanketed the world. 
Turning your head to see what the two brothers were up to, you watched as Teucer approached a Ruin Guard. Getting up hurriedly with panic taking over your expression, you were gently pushed back to the ground. “Childe… your brother!” 
“He’s fine, [Y/N], don’t worry. The Ruin Guard won’t activate,” he explained. 
That wasn’t the problem here! “Why… is he… playing with a… Ruin Guard?”
He sighed and rubbed his eyes warily, sitting down beside you. “I suppose I can’t get away with this, huh.” His glassy, blue hues were full of remorse and stress, and it was seemingly obvious that this was somehow taking a toll on him. “I’m keeping the Fatui a secret from him. He doesn’t know what a Ruin Guard is… so please don’t say anything!”
You shook your head and you couldn’t help but smile a little. “I won’t say anything, but I’m pretty sure this is going to bite you back in the ass someday.”
“Thank you so much!” he exclaimed, disregarding the last part. The next thing you knew, he gave you a bone-crushing hug. Your cheeks flaming up and your heart pounding long and hard against your chest, you could barely do a single thing. He had left you frozen. Too close, too close, too close. His homely scent, his touch, his heartbeat that aligned along with yours -- it was just too damn much to handle. 
It was an understatement to say that you were happy when he finally released you. Coughing loudly and looking away before he could notice your flustered state, you frantically thought of something to bring up. “You’re a good, older brother,” you pointed out. “Continue to take care of him, alright?”
“So you noticed,” he said, sounding prideful. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Turning to look at him again, you stilled in confusion. He looked so serious that it almost hurt. 
“Won’t you continue to take care of me?” He jutted his bottom lip out and gave you his best puppy eyes. 
Letting out a laugh, you rolled your eyes. “You’re such a child, Childe.”
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cinnoasch · 3 years
Listening to the Sea (Childe x Reader)
A/N: Jeez, I meant to have this out on the first day of Childe’s rerun banner but anyways a ‘hey girlie/hey buddy’ to all the Childe havers/wanters out there
Word Count: 1275
The waves crashed gently onto the shore as you sleep peacefully. After a very long day of working at Bubu Pharmacy, you were tired. You were always out and about with Qiqi, picking herbs for the pharmacy’s medicine, fighting the occasional hilichurl camps you came across.
However, today seemed to make you more tired than usual. You were so tired that you didn’t even make dinner; you simply opened the door of your house and fell onto the soft comfort of your bed. 
You were sleeping so peacefully, the moon shined through your bedroom window, enveloping the room in a soft glow. However, a loud and rapid knock sounded from your front door as you open your eyes, groaning in annoyance as you get up.
You open the front door and see an all too familiar ginger haired man standing there with a grin. You immediately try to shut the door, but he holds it open with his hand.
“Hey now, is that any way to treat a friend in need?”
You glare at him, “You come here at the worst times, you know that?”
“I’d apologize for that, but I know you enjoy my company. And as much as I would love to continue our chat, I am bleeding out severely so...”
With a sigh you open the door, allowing Childe to walk into your house. He was clutching his side; his gloved hand covered in blood. Even though his hand was covering the wound, you could tell that it was quite deep.
“Alright, come this way.” You say motioning to the bathroom. “Geovishap this time?”
“Ruin Hunter.”
You turn back to look at Childe, glancing at his wound again. “Ruin Hunter? Really? Well, I guess I should consider you lucky since you seem to have only one injury.”
“Lucky, huh. That’s one way to put it.” He says as you open the door to the bathroom. Childe slips his jacket off, wincing when it touches his wound. He places the jacket next to him as he sits down on the edge of the bathtub. “I wanted to test something.”
“And that is?”
“Well, I wanted to try to hit the Ruin Hunter’s weak point when it does that spinning attack. You know the one.”
“And let me guess, you somehow managed to hit it’s weak point while it was spinning but you weren’t able to dodge it’s last attack.” You say as you press a damp cloth to Childe’s wound.
He hisses in pain as he grins. “You know me so well, comrade. And managed to hit its weak point? You’re saying as if it was a lucky shot.”
“Childe, no one could do that. Not even the best archer in all Teyvat could manage that.”
“Well I did it. It only means I’m becoming more adept at the bow.”
“Uh-huh sure. This is going to hurt.”
You begin disinfecting Childe’s wound as he winces, although he’s still grinning. After disinfecting it, you take out a thread and needle. “You’re okay with me stitching you up right?”
“I would’ve gone elsewhere if I wasn’t okay with it. Besides it’s not like you haven’t done it before.”
“I feel like I’ve done it too many times to count. Especially since I don’t charge you for my services.”
“Charge me all you want; I have the money to spare after all.”
You roll your eyes as you focus on stitching Childe up, “Sure, sure. Now be quiet for a few minutes. Then again, you should know the drill by now.”
Childe only hums contently as you continue patching him up. You remember first meeting Childe when you were sleeping one night. You heard a loud thud come from your front door waking you up in the process. You kept your weapon by the front door, so you grabbed it just in case. When you opened the door, you saw him slumped on the stairs, he was bleeding severely and his body was littered with cuts and bruises. You noticed the Fatui mask on his head, so you were wary of him, but you remember seeing him walking around Liyue Harbor and visiting the pharmacy at times as well. So you dragged him into your home, patching him up just like you were doing now. It was an odd sense of deja vu every time Childe showed up at your door, but you didn’t mind it.
With a sigh, you wrap Childe’s torso up tightly with a bandage and stand up. “Now, I’m sure you remember this, but you never listen to me so, please no strenuous activities. No fighting, nothing that could open your stitches. Got it?”
“Yeah, doctor’s orders, right?” Childe says with a grin as he stands up, slips his jacket back on and walks out of the bathroom. “Thanks again, Y/N.”
You shake your head slightly as you clean up the supplies scattered across the floor. “I’ve heard that too many times to count.”
As you put everything back in its place, you hear the door open and close. A few seconds later, you hear the door open again. Childe walks back in with a smile, “Wanna look at the stars with me? You’re not going back to bed are you?”
“I guess not. Let’s go.”
You and Childe walk outside of your house, the sand crunching under your feet. You find a spot to sit down as you gesture for Childe to sit next to you. As he does, you pick up a starconch from nearby and hold it in the air, overlapping a star with the the conch.
“You know, I remember when I was little, my parents would tell me that starconches came from the night sky.”
“Did you believe them then?”
“I was a kid, of course I believed them.”
“And now?”
You look at the starconch, bringing it close to your chest. “Somewhat. I guess childhood memories die hard.”
“Childhood memories, huh?”
Silence settles between you and Childe as you quietly look at the waves rolling onto the shore. It was calming, serene, as if time had simply stopped. You always loved the ocean, being able to hear the waves outside of your home. It could get lonely at times, but you would never admit to Childe that you enjoyed his company. Even if you only saw him when he showed up injured in front of your door.
You hear Childe yawn beside you as he stretches his legs out. “Tired?”
“Me? Never. Well, maybe just a bit.”
“That’s probably from the blood loss.”
“Good to know. Any estimation of how long this will take to heal?”
“A few weeks.”
Childe sighs as he stands up, “Expected.”
“Are you leaving already?”
“Oh, so you do enjoy my company.”
You roll your eyes as you stand up and give Childe the starconch. “Here. You like starconches right? I remember seeing you on Yaoguang Shore picking some up.”
“Have you been spying on me Y/N?”
“No. I just happened to pass by the area one day.”
Childe grins as he takes the starconch out of your hands, “Well then, thank you.” He turns with a wave as he walks away. “I’ll be back soon so don’t miss me too much.”
You immediately regret your outburst when you see Childe smile again.
“Do you want to come with?”
“Just this once.”
Childe only gestures for you to walk alongside him as he turns back around, and you run up beside him. Childe’s laughter fills the air as he says something, and you lightly punch him in the arm. Maybe this little adventure wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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beskarberry · 3 years
Krayt’s Teeth
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Bargaining with Beskar, Chapter 3 (The Mandalorian x f!reader)
The sound of crashing and shouting was hot on your tail, the other hunters had followed you and were gaining fast. You saw a light rapidly approaching ahead of you, and the two of you burst out into the brilliant daylight to the worst possible place: a dead fucking end.
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 6.7k
Content warnings: Canon typical violence, killing in self defense, headcanon angst, FLUFF, sensory deprivation, body worship, oral sex (f receiving).
A/N: These are my headcanons regarding Mandalorian culture in terms of sex, I didn’t find much lore on it so whether it’s accurate or not idk but I like them and that’s all that matters! Enjoy~
<-Previous Next->
You could have slept forever, even on that horrible little cot you were so comfortable that you could have been out for days, but the only one on it was you. You did’t know when Mando got up from the tiny space you both shared through the night, or how he managed to get out from your tangled bodies without waking you up. You opened your eyes to tiny green baby hands tugging at your fingers. 
“Hey booger, is it time for breakfast? Where’s your papa?” You started to sit up, but the horrible sticky mess underneath you made you reluctant to move, a mix of passion and pain from the day before. “Yikes. I’m gonna run all his water out if I have to keep using the fresher. Come on, let’s get scrubbed up.” The baby gibbered excitedly at you, though you weren’t sure how much of what you said he actually understood. You scooped him into your arms without looking back at the sad little cot and all its stains. “You’re water proof, right?”
The ship’s engines were rumbling away, so you guessed tin man was up in the cockpit flying you towards your next bounty. Or Nevarro. You would have to find Mr. Mystery later, the grossness that was you had to be dealt with. Between you and the child your shower took forever, the two of you getting water and soap bubbles from top to bottom. You didn’t care. You had been on Tatooine for months without having a real shower, being consigned to the sonic freshers that vibrated the sand off of the moisture farmer’s bodies; and this was the second real shower you’d gotten to have in twice as many days. You spent a good deal of time trying to get your chatty friend to hold still long enough to be dried off, the little fart squealing with joy every time you went for him with the towel.
An ordeal later you were both fresh and presentable, but your host was still nowhere to be seen, though the ugly sheets had thankfully disappeared from view. The ship was quiet now, without the engine running you knew you had to be back on the ground, and you could hear a distinct hum of activity coming through the walls. Space port? He flew us into town? The thought was replaced immediately with a rich, savory smell coming through the air vents: FOOD! Your gut grumbled loud enough to resonate through the cabin and earn you a confused look from the baby. When was the last time you really ate? You’d been living on ration packs for the last couple of days. That was going to change right now.
“Ya hungry buddy? Me too! Maybe that’s where your dad is, hmm?” Grabbing your old backpack and hooking the baby under your arm you started punching buttons on the wall to get the door open, sending walls sliding and cabinets opening before you got one of the access ramps open. Bright double sunlight nearly blinded you, and on reflex you covered the baby’s giant googly eyes. It took a moment for your own to adjust to the radiant light of the Tatooine morning, and the smell of cooking food hit you like a ton of bricks, making your mouth water. As your eyes adjusted you were able to take in your surroundings: though it was bright outside you were parked low inside a maintenance bay, the walls of which soared high above you; littered with engine parts and humming with droid activity. Sound was the last input your hungry brain could process, but when it did you didn’t like what you heard. The sounds of an argument echoed around the hangar, high and shrill.
“I already told you, you can’t park here! You’re bad for business!”
“I just need to park here long enough to get supplies.”
“Well you’re gonna have to pay up, Mando! I’m not running a charity here! You got credits for supplies you got credits for parking! Up front this time!”
Oh no.
Of all the mechanics and docking hangars in Mos Eisley he had to pick this one. The fireball of a woman barely came up to your partner’s chest, but she made up for it with unbridled fury; and the giant cooked animal leg she was swinging around like a club between bites made her look even more formidable. She noticed you coming down the ramp and stopped grilling your comrade long enough to glare daggers through your skull.
“Oh NO! No nope nuh uh! You can turn right back around and get back on that ship, missy! I knew it! I knew you were bad for business, Mando! What’re you doing running around with her? I hope she’s your bounty because she’s your problem!”
“Peli.” Your words were cold as ice, but the squirming baby in your arms took all the malice out of your stance. He wiggled until you set him down, and he ran towards the mechanic with open arms.
“Baby! You can stay but your dad’s gotta take the mean lady somewhere else! She cheats at sabacc!”
“You lost fair and square, Peli! Try playing a better hand next time!”
“Ladies please!”  Mando cut through your bickering, holding his arms up between the two of you like he was trying to corner a pair of wild blurgs. “If I let the child stay with you for the day, will you let me park the Razor Crest here? Just for a couple hours?”
Peli bounced the child on her hip, offering him a bite of her breakfast. The baby squealed happily while he sank his little teeth into the mighty snack, though the size of it comically dwarfed his itty bitty hands. “I’ll tell you what, you let me keep him and then maybe I’ll let you park here in a week.” Mando cocked his helmet at her with disdain and she huffed loudly, “Well if you put it that way, I guess you can park here, but you gotta put five hundred credits down, and not a cent less!”
Mando reeled, stabbing his hands to his hips with indignation. “Five hund- absolutely not! What am I going to buy our-” You interrupted his tirade with a hand on his shoulder, waving a slew of credits in front of his eyes. Peli snatched them out of your hand, fanning them out like cards to count them.
“Who’d you cheat these outta?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You leaned casually against your metal man, eyeing Peli with a smug look on your face. “Let’s go, Mando. Bye baby green bean, have fun with Auntie Cheats-at-Sabacc!” You spun him around by the hand and dragged him towards the exit, ignoring the insults being slung at your back. “We are getting breakfast and that’s final!”
The Mandalorian allowed you to pull him along a few feet before grinding his heels into the sand, shaking his head. “You have to stay here.”
Now it was your turn for sassy head tilts. “I just paid for your parking, buckethead, that makes me in charge and I’m hungry! I’ll buy you breakfast too if you want.” He didn’t budge, fixing you with that intense stare of his and grabbing you by the shoulders.
“You are still being hunted. Mos Eisley isn’t safe for you.”
You knew you could look after yourself, and he himself had compared you to a ferocious rancor just yesterday. You groaned loudly, “Shit balls of hell. But dad, I’m huuunngry!” The man bristled at your paternal harassment, sighing heavily and letting his helmeted head fall to the side like the world was ending. He glanced around the hangar exit, his shiny beskar snapping to each object of interest until he located a protocol droid corpse that was missing everything from the waist down. He strode over to it and held it down with one boot, yanking it by the head until it popped off. He began prying the droid’s vocorder apart at the mouth, pulling it wide until the droids face plate broke off with a snap! Tossing the rest of the logic processing unit to the ground, he held the face plate up to the light, inspecting the clarity of its photo receptor casings. He bent back down to the junk pile and fished out a stray wire to thread through the ruined audio processors, then tossed the finished creation to you.
“Put that on.”
You turned the makeshift mask over in your hands to check for sharp edges before you pressed it to your face. The bug eyes on the front were dirty, but you could see well enough. Before you could clean them more thoroughly you felt the weight of fabric on your head, his cloak now worn as your own. The thought of how you must look made you giggle. “You make me take my clothes off, now you want me to put clothes on. It never ends with you, Mando. Next you’ll be forging me beskar. Now can we eat something, please?” Without a word the armored man turned on his heel and walked out the hangar exit. I’ll take that as a yes.
Mos Eisley buzzed with life, people and animals and things you couldn’t explain made their way up and down the bustling streets. The smell of food led you to a vendor selling something that could have been a root vegetable, covered in herbs and spices and grilled to perfection. You couldn't wait, all thoughts of self-preservation went out the window as you hauled ass to the stand, waving two fingers in the air. When you had both of your prizes in hand you stuffed the savory veggie under your mask, sighing contentedly at the taste of real honest-to-Maker food. “Hey tin man, I hope you like... whatever this-” You turned to offer your partner something to eat, but he had disappeared from the crowd. “Alright... more for me.”
Taking a newspaper from the vendor you wrapped the extra snack up tight and threw it in your pack for later, continuing to chow down on your own. You would find Mando eventually, and you had credits to spend. You had held onto your hush-money for months to avoid suspicion, but now it was burning a hole in your pocket. Wandering the streets of Mos Eisley from merchant to merchant you began accumulating a small hoard of supplies, ranging from bacta to hand tools, and food. Whatever you could get your hands on that would survive hyperspace when you inevitably left this fucking dirtball for good; though you still weren’t convinced that you wouldn’t be making that flight in carbonite. You picked out new clothes and underwear, a much-needed bedroll, and some soft bantha-wool blankets. Something further down the marketplace caught your eye, and you made your way to the fancier items that glittered in the double daylight. You didn’t wear jewelry yourself, a poor choice of attire for a hunter, but the way the trinkets caught the light still made you wistful. Your hidden eyes danced over the glittering treasures; jewels and geodes that had been found deep in the sands and polished to a radiant shine.
You spotted something opalescent at the end of one table and found a pair of krayt teeth, each about the size of your palm. They had been sanded to a smooth, flat finish and carved with intricate desert patterns. The backs of them had tiny fittings that could be sewn on as buttons, or pulled off to reveal magnets. Something about their shape seemed familiar, though you couldn’t imagine why in that moment. You purchased the unique pieces anyway, something to remind you that even the harshest of places could hold hidden beauty. After a while you had so much junk piled in your arms that you could barely see over it, and tin man was nowhere to be found. You spotted a courier droid and paid for it to deliver your treasures back to Hanger 3-5, though you kept the pricey teeth in your pockets. With your arms free you started looking for your missing comrade.
The streets were busy with people, you would have to get somewhere out of the way in order to scan the crowds. Your eyes went from shimmer to shimmer, looking for his reflective chrome dome. “Big jerk,” you mused to yourself “‘Mos Eisley’s not saaafe...’ If he’s so worried then where the hell is he? Bah!” The scratched-up photoreceptor casings of your mask made it a challenge to see through the crowd, and you took a moment to adjust the iris apertures so you wouldn’t have to keep squinting into the double sunshine when you felt a hand on your back. Finally. “Mando, where have you-”
“Mando? Whos’sis man-do? Nah sssweetheart, I think you got me confused wi’ sssomeone elssse.” The slithering voice in your ear made your blood run cold. Not Mando! You rocketed your elbow backwards, connecting with the gut of the stranger on your back with an -oof! The hand let go long enough for you to make a run for it, and you tore off down the streets of the busy spaceport, smashing into bystanders in your wake. You cast a quick look behind you to see a large reptilian body flying after you, brownish scales catching the reflection of the noonday suns. Though you had your blaster, the risk of hitting a civilian was too great, so running would have to do. You were thankful for the courier droid that had freed your hands just minutes before as you barreled down the busy streets.
Market stalls flew past you, your boots kicking up sand and dust. The mask on your face, as dirty as it was, kept the debris from your eyes as you raced through the sunburnt city. You had to lose this fucker and fast. You turned down an alley, left, right, another right, leaping over supply crates and low fences like a lothcat. You turned to see if you had lost your chaser, breath heaving and heart pounding. Behind you was clear, but you took your eyes off your path for just a second too long, and were taken by surprise when a heavy weight fell on you from above.
The Trandoshan had gone over the low sandstone roofs, chasing you easily through the alleyways of Mos Eisley while you were none the wiser. He pinned you under him quickly, ripping your blaster off your hip and pointing your own barrel in your face. “Tha’ss enough, princesss! Nice n’ quietlike now. You gonna make me a pretty penny you are.” The lizard’s words dripped with metaphorical venom, though you were sure by the look of those fangs that real venom was probably right behind. “Ahm gonna cart yer arse right back to th’ Guild’n I’ll become th’ most famous hunter in th’ galax -urk!”  With a sickening gag the hunter above you grew a shiny new fang in the back of his throat before falling down dead on top of you, a vibroblade protruding from back of his skull.
“Took you long enough!” You hollered at your chrome companion, who was stepping forward to kick the carcass off of you. “Where the fuck have you been? Getting your rifle polished?” He pulled you to your feet, handing you your blaster while readjusting the mask on your face. You swatted at his fussing hands, but when you looked at him you were shocked to see not one but three blinking bounty fobs dangling from his belt. On the ground by the dead lizard was a fourth, flashing rapidly in the sand.
“I told you you weren’t safe! We need to leave right now.”  You were barely able to grab the remaining bounty fob while you were being tugged away by your allied hunter. He had a death grip on your hand, pulling you along behind him towards what you hoped was the docking hangar. You would have to cross the main street to get there, and as the pair of you plowed across the dusty, busy road there came shouts from either side. More hunters, fucking Guild! You didn’t have a single second to assess them before you were lead through an alley on the other side of the street. These were darker than the ones you had run through on the west side of town, and shady bodies moved quickly out of the way of your living locomotive.
At the end of a narrow alley you both burst through a door leading into an abandoned building. The darkness was almost worse than the blinding sunlight, you would need time for your eyes to adjust but the Mandalorian had enough sensory detection equipment that he ghosted through the ruinous building with ease; never once letting go of your hand as you tripped and stumbled through the dark. The sound of crashing and shouting was hot on your tail, the other hunters had followed you and were gaining fast. You saw a light rapidly approaching ahead, and the two of you burst out into the brilliant daylight to the worst possible place: a dead fucking end.
“There! Get down!” Mando pointed at a pile of rubble, probably big enough to hide behind, but that’s not how you handled business.
“Fuck you! I’m not going down without a fight!” You pulled your blaster out and aimed at the incoming assailants. He growled at you and stepped closer, putting his body in between you and the door. The reptilian hunters burst from the darkness of the warehouse, firing rapid shots of blaster charges that bounced off of Mando’s beskar. You fired over his protective arm, taking out the first one and tripping up the second, who fell over his cohorts limp body. Mando took shot after shot to the chest, reeling with each impact. His other arm cocked back and shot out, sending a wall of fire into the last of the Guild’s hired guns.
Both of you were panting, shaking and sweating from flying through Mos Eisley, but the sound of blaster fire would draw attention and you knew there was no time to waste. You stepped over the incinerated corpse, making sure the fob it carried was melted, the second body still squirmed in the dirt, and you weren’t going to let it get a second chance, firing your blaster through it’s scaly skull. You picked the remaining two fobs and stuffed them in your pockets, making a run for it back through the building with Mando right behind, the blaze of his flamethrower lighting your way.
You took a different door out of the building and were relieved to see the words ‘HANGAR 3-5′ painted in bright blue Basic straight ahead. You skittered through the entrance, rounding the corner and dropping down behind the edges of the hangar doorway. Mando did the same on the other side, both of you pointing your blasters back towards Mos Eisley’s dark heart. Bootsteps behind you made you snap around, and you nearly shot your mechanically inclined host.
“You kids have fun out there?” Peli stood over where you were hunched, and you lowered your blaster to the ground. At her feet your little buddy was holding onto her pant leg, making big puppy dog eyes at you. You looked over to Mando to make sure there weren’t any more coming, but he still held his blaster out ahead. After a few tense seconds he lowered it down until it was back in its’ holster, then pulled himself to his feet.
“We can’t stay any longer, we’re putting you in danger. Time to go, kiddo.” His charred beskar still shimmered when he bent down to pick up his adopted son, who chirped with delight. “Thank you for watching him.”
“He can stay any time! Oh and thanks for all the snacks you made that droid bring me!” Peli called after the three of you as your party quickly boarded the Razor, making you turn around and stick your tongue out at her. She happily flipped you off and started closing the ground entrance to the bay, letting you board the ship uninterrupted. Fortunately, the courier droid’s delivery had made it to the ship, though you couldn't help but notice a few of your most carefully picked snacks had been taken as collateral. Fucking Peli. As much as she infuriated you, there wasn’t another person on all of Tatooine that you would rather play sabacc with.
The old rust bucket rumbled to life, taking off into the midafternoon sky and pointed towards the stars. Finally! Bye motherfucker. The hazy atmosphere of the outer rim planet fell away below you until the light of the bright yellow world illuminated the Crest’s stern. The pre-Imperial scrapheap started howling with noise, and you were almost thrown to the deck when it blasted into the safety of hyper space.
Your heart was still racing and you struggled to catch your breath. Once you had yourself in order you started busying yourself with putting the supplies away, filling the food larder to capacity. The child was contentedly telling you about his day with his auntie in his cute baby gibberish, and you picked him up off the ground to give him a much needed hug, pushing your stolen identity onto the top of your head to give him kisses. You almost wanted to ignore the sound of heavy armored boots hitting the floor panel under the ladder, their wearer opting to jump down from the cockpit rather than climb. You could feel the fury coming off of him as he stalked over to where you were sorting your treasures.
“You could have been hurt! I knew it was a bad idea to let you go wandering around, even with your face covered. What if they’d caught you? I picked three of them off before you even saw one!”
“I had it under control, Mando! I’m not some princess that needs you coming to her rescue at every sign of a struggle. And you don’t get to let me do anything, you don’t own me!” The man under your scrutiny paced the cabin on stiff legs with his hands on his hips, helmet snapping with rage.
“I know you can handle yourself, but I need to protect you.” He said with a huff, “And that lizard was... he had you pinned down, had his filthy, scaly claws on you... Nobody should touch you like that! What if.. what if he... I- I- didn’t like that he was...” Listening to the sound of the gears jamming in his head made you realize the ridiculous thing he was trying to say.
“Are you.. Mando are you jealous?”
“No! I- I’m.. Cyar’ika I... ”
Oh no, you don’t get to be cute right now. “I don’t know what that means, Mando! What is that, some kind of sexy little pet name you use on all the girls you take underneath of you?”
“NO! I didn’t- I would nev- I’ve never had... There’s never been- no!” Oh how you wished you could see his face, watching him flail trying to defend himself from your accusation, he was probably white as a sheet under all that armor.
“Never what, Mandalorian?”
“I’ve never had anyone in this ship before!” The Mandalorian’s confession lost steam halfway through as embarrassment and fear crept into his throat, threatening to choke him with his own secrets.
“Wait.. wait wait. Never? You’ve never had anyone in this ship or...” You started approaching him, analyzing his visor for hints of meaning. “Or you’ve never had anyone at all?” The Mandalorian stopped his pacing, but his shoulders looked like they were carrying the weight of the galaxy. His silence told you everything, and the last piece of his puzzle fell into place. “Mando...was I your first?”
“Y-yes.” His visor tilted up to you, hands fidgeting at his sides. His voice was faint and sheepish, a stark contrast to the thunderstorm you were arguing with a moment ago.  Your eyes were full of questions, all racing through your mind so quickly none of them made it to your mouth. The metal man answered them all for you in one singular motion, raising his fist to knock a couple times against his beskar helmet. His creed.
“So, what, you guys aren’t allowed to have sex?”
He sighed his heavy, trademarked sigh and plopped down on the nearest supply crate with a defeated thud, cradling his head in his hands. “No it’s not that. Not... not exactly. In Mando’a the word we use is me'dinuir. It means ‘to give’, specifically to give yourself to another. And... when you give yourself away to someone-“ He turned the black gloss of his single eye up to you, “-you belong to them. That is The Way.”
The weight of his words made your blood cold. He was jealous, but not just because that other hunter had put his scaly hands on you. Everything about his attitude around you suddenly made sense, the way he had looked at you when you were presenting yourself to him that first day, why he never threw you in carbonite when he probably should have, and how he had stayed with you through the night after you nearly died hunting his bounty. His mysterious way of life decreed that giving his body to you meant that he had also given you his soul, and that made you just as important to protect as his foundling.
Mando reached out to pat the fuzzy green head of the baby you were still holding, who gibbered sleepily up at his armor plated papa. “I’m sorry to put that on you, and I’m sorry for how I acted. You’re not my bounty anymore, and I shouldn’t try to control you. I understand if you don’t want to continue with me to the next bounty. You can take whatever you want from the armory when we land next. I’m.. I’m so sorry.” The monolithic man looked so tiny now, sitting on the edge of the crate with his shoulders hunched. He reached his arms out to take his infant son from you, hugging him to his blast-burnt chest and smoothing his massive ears. "I didn’t get to thank you for washing him earlier, he smells really good.”
You desperately needed to know more, though the sight of him fawning over his sleepy son made your heart swell. “I kinda got the feeling that you were rusty when we met, but that was actually your first time? And what does that mean ‘you belong to them’? How can you belong to me? I don’t even know your name.”
"It means that I’m now sworn to protect the one that carries my soul. I’m not asking you to do the same, you’re not Mandalorian.”
His words made you feel sick, ashamed that you had taken something so sacred from him without a second thought, but how could you have known? He could have stopped at any time, you were the one in cuffs that day, not him. No, out of trillions and trillions of sentient beings in the galaxy he chose to give himself to you, knowing full well what his heritage decreed. Why you? Arms crossed, you dug deeper. “You’ve never seen another naked body than your own?”
He shook his head. “Just... holo-vids...”
You were going to have to ask him about those later. “Nothing? You’ve at least kissed someone before though, right?”
Maker fucking help you. “Yeah you know, kissing? The thing you do with your... oh, right." You reached up and tapped him twice on the beskar. “You need your face to do it.”
He cocked his helmet at you. “Can you show me?”
The innocence of his question made you melt. Fuck you, tin can, you’re not supposed to be cute when you’re in trouble. You reached your hand out, demanding he give you his, and shyly he obeyed. You pulled his hand to your lips, unsure of how much he could actually feel through his thick leather gloves. You pressed his hand to your lips and watched his whole body snap straight. “Kiss, like that.”
He was staring at his hand like he’d never seen it before, and after a moment he pulled your locked fingers to his head, tapping his forehead with the back of your hand. “Kov’nynir, But we do it with our helmets.”  At this rate you’ll be speaking Mando’a in no time. He still held your hand gently, running his thumb over your fingers. “I think I like your way better. Could... Could you do that again?”
So polite, maybe having him stuck with you wouldn’t be so bad. You pulled his hand back to you, giving him another soft kiss on the side of his thumb, and you heard the sound of his breath catching in his modulator. Your lips pressed to each of his knuckles, and then you turned his wrist to kiss his palm. “How’s that?”
“That’s amazing.”
“You like that? Watch this.” Addressing the bantha in the room would have to wait. You tugged his glove off, revealing the warm bronze skin underneath and kissed him again. The hitched breaths coming out of his modulator were honey to your ears, and you turned his wrist over to kiss his bare palm again, hunting for more sweet sounds. His body was so stiff, so tightly wound you thought he might snap. “Are you ok? Do I need to stop?”
“I- I- want to... Can... Can I try?” You nodded, your heart jumping to your throat at the thought of him removing his helmet in front of you, but instead he gently reached up to the busted droid face you still wore on your head. With a twist of a knob the armatures inside of the eye casings coiled shut, and when he slid the mask down into place you were thrown into total darkness. “Can you see?” You shook your head. “Promise?”
You sighed, long and frustrated. “I promise, dark as a sarlacc’s backside.” You were met with only silence. Then, after what felt like an eternity you heard the sliding sound of metal as the child’s pram shield slid closed, then the shuffle of armor being removed, and lastly the dull thunk of something heavy being set down on the crates. His hand found yours again, and he pressed his lips against your skin. They were hotter than you were expecting, and soft, almost plush. You understood right away why he was so rigid when you were doing the same, it was amazing. Gentle kisses made their way over the back of your hand and made heat flood through your veins. He moved slowly over each joint, following the same pattern you had shown him, then turned your hand over and kissed at your fingertips. Something fuzzy brushed along with his lips, and you imagined that he might have a mustache. The shivers that crept their way up from your captured hand knocked all the strangeness of your conversation out of your mind, but when he reached your wrist he stopped.
“Where else do you kiss at?” You nearly fainted at the sound of his unfiltered voice, a rich baritone that dripped with dark intentions and stole all the words from your mouth. You could only point with your other hand at the forearm attached to the hand he held. Again you felt his lips on your wrist, then slowly, inch by agonizing inch he made his way up your arm, each kiss slower than the last until your toes were curling in their boots. When he reached the edge of the tunic’s sleeve that hung at your elbow he paused again. “Where else?”
“Everywhere.”  Your tormentor hummed at your consenting words and let go of your hand to run his palms down your clothed thighs. When he reached your knees he pulled on their joints, bidding you to bring your legs up over his lap. When you were seated on him he resumed his trek up your arm, kissing at the crease of your elbow and then upwards over your tunic until he reached your shoulder. When he got to your neck you almost buckled over, but his hands were at your back in an instant, wrapping heavily around your waist. Your own hands made their way to the nape of his neck, and your fingers found the edge of his hairline that you had felt before. To your delight you felt that the tousled curls went all the way up, and you tangled your fingers in them, exploring their softness while he explored you.
His journey led him up your neck to the base of your jaw where he nipped gently at the sensitive skin like you had done to him last night, sending a fresh wave of goosebumps from your head to your toes. When his nose bumped the edge of your mask you were suddenly aware of how silly you might look with your big bug eyes. “Can I take this thing off?” you asked in a whisper. “I won’t look.”
“I have a better Idea. Hold on tight.” You dug your hands into his shoulders and felt his arms wrap under your legs as he stood up, lifting you with such ease that you wondered if he felt your weight at all. His boots echoed through the cabin until he stopped at the other end. You hung on for dear life while he climbed the ladder with you still wrapped around his front. When you both reached the top you let yourself unwind from him and scooted on your butt over the floor, listening to the sound of him pulling himself all the way up. You remained seated as your host fussed around the flight deck, the noise of buttons pressing and switches being thrown the only input to your deprived senses.
You were only unattended for a moment, then his hands found your waist, fishing for the edge of your shirt. The tunic was pulled up and over your head, taking your mask with it, and you squeezed your eyes shut to protect his modesty; unsure of what his unconventional oath to you included in the fine print. Your diligence was rewarded with a kiss on your forehead, then down to kiss both of your closed eyes, and then lastly to your lips. The searing heat of his mouth on yours threatened to throw your eyes open, but when they fluttered all you saw was darkness. The transperisteel’s blast shielding had been closed, and the only light in the cockpit came from a handful of illuminated buttons on the dash.
He was lying over top of you on the metal floor, one arm wrapped under your neck for support. The cold decking under you was uncomfortable, but you couldn’t be bothered to care, letting yourself be consumed by his kisses and becoming drunk on the scent of leather and adrenaline. The soft fuzz of his facial hair tickled slightly as he pressed into your lips, and you couldn’t help but smile. Your hands went to his face, running your thumbs over his cheeks and feeling what you weren’t allowed to see. His face was scruffy but not unkempt, and the bristles went all the way from his jaw up to the bottom of the defined nose that bumped against your own. You felt the creases on the corners of his eyes, wishing you could see his smile lines and all the stories they would tell.
You kissed him back, letting your tongue glide over his plush lips and making him inhale sharply. You licked into him again, and this time you were met with his tongue as well, just the faintest touch of its tip. He hummed in your mouth, and the sound of him so close made your belly pool with heat and your kisses bolder, sending your tongue deeper into his mouth until he was almost vibrating with the sensation of you exploring something as forbidden as his human body. He mirrored you as best he could, rolling the smooth muscle over your lips and the edges of your teeth until you were both lost in each other’s taste. He pushed his forehead against yours, pulling his mouth away with frantic breaths that spread fire over your skin. “Everywhere?”
You pushed your lips against his again, giving him an ambitions ‘Mmhmm’ as an answer. His growl made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you realized where his goal was. He kissed and nipped his way down your throat, letting his tongue glide over your skin. He made his way to your breast, taking its’ tender tip between his teeth and making you gasp. He sucked at it gently, rolling his tongue around it while it grew harder for his efforts. The hand not under you groped at your free breast so it wouldn’t be ignored.
An urgent chime echoed in the tiny space, the hyperdrive indicator was flashing its countdown warning: 10 minutes remain.
The Mandalorian’s growl on your breast made your blood turn to ice and your core flush with heat at the same time. He wanted to devour you, taste every single inch of your exposed skin, but time was not on your side; and he became a man on a mission to prove himself worthy of you. Bristles dragged over your skin as he slid down your belly until he hit the edge of your pants. They were yanked off so fast you briefly worried about the krayt teeth that were still in their pockets, but you didn’t have long to think before Mando was poised over the apex of your thighs, kissing at each leg to make his intentions known. Those must be some good holo-vids you’re watching, tinman. You let him push your legs apart with his chin, receiving a soft kiss on each one once they were far enough apart for him to stuff his face in between.
Your back arched, hard, followed by the most ragged moan you‘d ever heard escape your throat. The grip on your thighs kept you in place as he lapped at your clit, sucking and teasing in an experimental way. His inexperience didn’t seem to matter, his hunger for you fueling his efforts and making you squirm in delight. Your hands sought desperately for something to grab onto to keep yourself grounded, finding his lovely curls to bury your fingers in deep. It was all you could do to hold on for dear life, tangling in his hair and struggling to breathe as he worked you into a frenzy.
The noises coming from below your waist were heavenly, wet and greedy in between his hums of contentment. It took you a while to realize they weren’t hums at all, but alien words of worship being prayed at your sinful altar; but the blood pounding in your ears and the gasps from your throat were too loud for you to hear his devotion.
“Beep beep!”  Five minutes remain. Fuck.
The Mandalorian’s efforts doubled, running his tongue almost too quickly in his attempt to eat you alive. You let your hips grind into his mouth, begging him to bring you your release, and it wasn’t long before he succeeded. Stars flashed behind your eyes as you came into his hot open mouth, but he refused to leave until he had drank his fill of you. Eventually he pulled his face away from your spent heat with agonizing slowness, as if he would rather drown than address the impending drop from hyperspace. He kissed at your shaky thighs, your soft belly, and each breast before pressing his lips into your panting mouth, pushing the taste of you onto your own tongue. His breath was ragged, and you could feel the sweat of his brow where it was pushed against your face. 
He lifted away from you, and the weight of the handmade mask was draped over your face, making you groan with the displeasure of your passion being cut short. However, once it was in place, it was almost immediately pushed under by strong fingers to lift its edge, and you were given one last kiss to swear his promise of return to you.
“Din. My name is Din.”
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TAG LIST  @mrsparknuts​ @cookiejuicedesu​ @mandoinevarro​ @kaermorons​
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Clean-up in Aisle 4 (Will Miller x GN reader blurb)
Summary: a grocery store meet-cute with Will. Little bit of fluff, mainly angsty.
Author’s note: First time writing Will. Super quick one but hope you like it. Helps a lot if you know Will’s canon from the movie. You can read-up here if you wanna. Told you I was in Triple Frontier feels tonight!
Warnings: vague but thematic mentions of prior trauma related to military service and PTSD / anxiety themes, though nothing in-depth / graphic. Swearing. 
GIF: @will-grammer
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The first thing you noticed about the man was the broadness of him. Wide shoulders, leading down to a nipped-in waist. You weren’t ogling. Really. It was simply hard to miss, since you nearly drove your cart into his back, the brick wall of a man coming to a sudden, dead halt in front of you as you each approached the grocery store.
The second thing you noticed, as you huffed out air and scooted your cart around him, was the way his hands white-knuckled as they wrapped -achingly tight- around the handle of his own cart, the tension extending into his forearms and along the veins of his straining biceps.
The third thing, causing you to fully abandon your intended pursuit of a passive aggressive side-eyeing, was his ashen expression; the way his gaze fixed unerringly on the sliding, automatic doors as though they were the gates to hell and he was deathly afraid to enter. You saw then that the tension extended all then way through the chords of his neck, into his chiselled jaw, which was covered in a scruff of blond beard.
You’d seen that look before. Seen it on others in the field; and out of it. Had seen it plenty when you looked in the mirror too. It looked like trauma, raw and exposed and bile-inducing, and the recognition had the words rising out of your throat before you could stop them.
“Hey, are you okay?” you had asked casually, in a cooling voice as you lined your cart up side-by-side with his.
It was reflex by now. You had seen too many comrades freeze in the face of danger - and in your experience, freezing near-always led to sub-optimal outcomes. Perhaps that’s why you felt a personal responsibilty to shock him back to life. He seemed stuck. He seemed like he needed a push, like that damn cart.
The man’s eyes - hazel centred and fringed with a piercing yet muted blue - flicked fiercely towards you, and the hint of volatility made you very suddenly take note of his size and latent strength, your body’s fight or flight response firing as he appeared to take a little unkindly to the interruption.
Of course, you stood your ground. You always do. It’s a bad habit of yours.
His eyes softened, however, just a little, as he clocked gentle concern rather than confrontation in your own, and he self-consciously shuffled from foot to foot, his heavy combat boots seeking surer-footing on the paving; quite literally grounding himself.
Oh, he’s definitely military this one. You recognised that too in the way he moved. In the habits ingrained in his body.
Still, you saw the rush of panic fleeting across his eyes as he ignored you and fixed his stare back on the threshold of the store. It might have looked like nothing -a simple line to cross- but you knew all too well how the smallest of lines could be something much bigger; a marker, a milestone, a hurdle.
It seemed hard for him. And if it seemed hard, and he was still here, trying, then you were damn sure it seemed important too.
You had noticed the ticks in his body then too. He tapped his boot and his fingers on the handle, almost as if he was counting. Counting-up or counting down to something, you were not sure.
“Afraid to go in?” you had asked him gently, devoid of any mocking.
“I had a bad experience here...” he had told you, his voice a deep, drawling, painfully empty baritone.
He told you this much, though he was not sure why or how he even began to speak. Why or how he looked at you. He was not sure either, why he was unable to continue speaking.
He was a speaker by profession, wasn’t he? He had repeated his story often enough as part of his motivational speeches, and yet, the words died in his throat now.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
His hands tightened their grip on the cart, just like they had tightened...
“Hmm,” you acknowledged, chewing on your lip as you digested the new information.
“Well. Me too,” you admitted, as his eyes segued back to those double doors, bumping open and closed as his proximity continually reactivated the sensors. “It was bad. My shorts had split clean in half right down the ass-crack and no-one thought to tell me. Some of the clerks still call me Cheeky to this day.”
The incident you spoke of was painfully true, and at least mildly cheering, you thought, but the man barely registered it. At least, not initially. He took a moment, still staring, still counting, but then he looked at you with a reluctant and pained amusement that evidently took him by surprise.
Now, he saw you. His eyes gave you the once over.
You were not what he was expecting. That story wasn’t what he was expecting. He wasn’t expecting...
“Wait, what?”
Letting your mouth draw open into a smile, effortlessly holding his attention now, you had pressed on with your distraction.
“Split right up the ass-crack. Mortifying. So... I could use the company, if you’ll brave it with me?” You had nodded your head towards the double doors, and you had shifted your cart to casually bump his. “We could go together?”
The man had simply stared at you, and you had patiently waited for his response. The muscles in his jaw had twitched, tendons slipping over bone. He was frozen still; that is, until you had politely nodded and started to move away from him, with a sincere, “Take care of yourself, man.”
“Hey, wait up,” he had called as you moved ahead of him, and you threw your head over your shoulder to humourously inspect the seat of your pants.
“Shit, why, is my ass out again?” you had laughed, and Will tentatively laughed with you, following you into the store; crossing his personal boundary.
It was hard, and it was important.
You had waited for him to catch-up with a soft smile, proud of the man although you did not know him yet, and this time he had drawn his cart to a halt alongside yours.
“Your ass is not out,” he had promised. “Shit. Not that I was looking. I just, uh. Shit. I could actually use the company?”
“Sure,” you had nodded, without judgement, and you had stayed closely by his side on your usual, winding route around the store.
You had tried your best to cheer him and distract this stranger, and even earned a few smiles as you engaged him in meaningless conversation.
Then, the man had paused at the mouth of a particular aisle and stared turbulently into the vacant space there, face and body pulled taut as if replaying an unpleasant memory. He was about to abandon his cart, you thought. About to leave you with a hanging apology he in no way owed you about how he wasn’t ready for this.
It was important, but perhaps it was still too hard. 
However, instead, you had blitzed into the centre of the aisle and trampled over his ghosts, barraging all of his memories out of the way as you shifted armfuls of dog food into your cart with a clatter.
He had swallowed thickly, his hands stuffed into his pockets, until you shot him another soft smile.
“You have a dog,” he observed tentatively, consciously tearing himself away from the past. Counting the seconds; his breaths, his heartbeats, the cans of dog food. Moving forward.
“I do. He’s the goodest boi. He even has medals of honour.”
The man tips his mouth into a lop-sided smile. “What for? Can he walk on his hind legs?”
“Ugh, okay. I love it when smug fuckers underestimate my mutt.” You had added the last of your tins to the cart and gestured for Will to follow you into the next aisle. Away from his demons. He did follow. “No, actually,” you begin more softly, “he sniffed out IEDs when I was on my tour of duty.”
“Holy shit, you’re army?”
“Ex-Army,” you correct. “You too, I’m guessing?”
He had that look. That manner to his movements. The man looked like he had killed. It was a look you had learned to identify at ten paces. It was a look you saw in the mirror often enough.
“That obvious?” he says, sucking in air through his teeth.
“Oh yeah.”
He had smiled nervously at you. For the first time since meeting him, you noticed that he looked sweet.
“Yep, uh, I got out. Now I give motivational speeches where I relive my trauma and try ‘n’ convince recruits it’s all worth it.”
You had nodded, thin-lipped, as you moved towards the check-out.
You had wondered what happened to him out there, but something about the way his gaze had fallen on that spot in the aisle told you that what weighed heaviest wasn’t what he did while he was in, but what he did when he got out.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost...
That could happen. You had seen the pattern too many times amongst your buddies. Still, you had seen regret in this man’s eyes. That doesn’t always happen. Not everyone can pull back from the violence. Not everyone wants to.
You had peered into the man’s cart as he moved the items to be scanned. He had cola, lemons, and some sriracha in his cart, but... one step at a time. Coherent meals could come later.
This was hard. This was important.
“You should meet my floofy war hero. He’s outside in my truck,” you had offered, picking-up your bags, and the man picking up his... lemons etc..
“Oh yeah? Sure. Would be an honour,” he had smiled shyly, and you had tracked together over to your truck, thrown your bags in the back, and had let your boy out of the passenger seat.  
“Hey, buddy,” the man had cooed, kneeling down on the ground to deliver some quality scritches, and you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sight.
“Aw, he loves you! Freddie, you slut!” you had laughed as this huge, burly man baby-talked to your mutt, your dog rolling on the floor and showing his belly like you didn’t feed and water him and take him for walkies.
You had watched the man for a moment. You had noticed a lot about him already, but now you noticed that, shit, he was handsome. That smile. That laugh. Blonde hair and beard and piercing eyes. His arms rippling beneath his pale blue t-shirt.
He had risen back to standing and leaned up against your truck, looking like soemthing out of a catalogue. And then, there it was again. That look. That raw, exposed, bile-inducing look.
“Listen,” he had said earnestly. “Thank you. I probably would still be standing out front if you hadn’t taken pity on me.” 
“No problem. Except, not pity. Not at all,” you had reassured. Affinity, maybe. Recognition.
He had huffed out a gentle, grateful breath.
“For real though, I was getting kinda tired of eating gas station noodle pots. Wouldn’t have my...” he had finally peered into the paper bag, registering the groceries he had panic bought. “Fuck. Wouldn’t have my lemons and sriracha without you.”
“Okay. Now maybe I’ll take pity on you,” you had smiled, gently teasing, and you shifted a few choice ingredient from your bags to his, despite his protests that you’d done enough for him already.
“You did it,” you had said firmly. “I just walked into a place where all the clerks accidently saw my ass cheeks. Whatever you did. It was hard and it was immportant. You did that. You should be proud.”
He had looked at you curiously and disbelievingly with those piercing eyes of his, like he didn’t deserve your words - even though they were merely the truth. So, you had bumped him on the arm, loaded Freddie back into the truck, and had thrown him a “Take care of yourself, man” as you clambered into the driver’s side.
“Wait.. I...”
The handsome, troubled man had motioned to you and you had wound down the window, leaning your arm out the side of the truck.
“Yeah?” you had asked, with a soft smile, but the man had simply shaken his head.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
He had looked apologetic, like maybe he wasn’t ready to subject himself to anyone just yet. As if he looked at you and saw the ghost of someone he let down standing over your shoulder. Maybe even in your face.
Cart. Blacked-out. Choked. Almost... 
His brows had knitted together, and he had looked down at his boots, shifting and seeking sure-footing all over again. Grounding himself.
“Listen,” you had offered, starting your engine up. “I do my weekly shop at 2pm on Sundays. You know, if you ever need some company? Or,” you had added with a smile and a casual wink, “if you ever need an excuse to check-out a nice ass again.” 
He had nodded his head and pursed his lips together, before a broad grin split his features, his deep baritone now sounding full as a chuckle spills out of him.
“Good to know,” he had smiled, looking up at you shyly, and he had stepped back to let you swing the truck around and pull away, offering you a wave.
He never did tell you his name, but you had a feeling that you might be seeing him around.
Sometimes, things were simply better with company, after all.
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Resignation : It's time. She did so much and went nowhere. And when she finally did achieve something, it wasn't what she thought. It wasn't what she needed. So many people got hurt. People who didn't deserve it. So now... she's resigning.
Foot Recruit’s whole body strained under the weight. Her hands began to spasm and she released the stone on instinct, letting it fall back down the two inches she had yielded with a heavy thump. She let out a groan of frustration and tried again. Foot Recruit placed her palms on the side of the stone slab, using the friction of her hands to hoist it up enough for her to slip her hands beneath it. The gravel of the stone cut against her palms but she ignored it. With a strained cry she was able to pull it up to her knees. She could feel the veins in her neck popping out under the pressure, her knees shook under the weight, and then her hands began to cramp again. When the muscles from her pinky all the way to her forearm spasmed , Foot Recruit couldn’t control when her hands let go. She staggered backwards at the sudden release of the weight, tripping on her own feet and landing on her butt with a heavy thump.
She sat there for a moment, staring at the fallen piece of concrete before her. Foot Recruit stood suddenly, maybe she could punch through? She had crushed bricks in her hands plenty of times. Her fist hit the stone with a dull thud. She threw the next few punches rhythmically, her hands pounding against the solid surface like she had practiced in her early days of training. Not even a crack was forming, she gritted her teeth as she adjusted her stance. Why couldn’t she do this? Recruit increased the pressure of her breath, hitting harder. Why was she doing this? No cracks. She began uttering short shouts, her teachers had called them Kiai when she was younger, increasing the pressure even more, hitting harder and faster. Why was she ever a part of this?! A collage of imagery from the last few hours cycled in her mind and her blood boiled. With a strangled cry she threw her whole body into the punch, her fist hitting the stone with a crack.
Pain shot through her like a bullet. With heavy breaths she ripped her fist back, opening and closing her hand to try and numb the throbbing pain. She slowly brought her eyes back to the fallen stone. Only the corner, amounting to about three inches, crumbled away from the mass.
She screamed and cursed, kicking the corner of the stone with her foot as she cradled her fist in the other hand. Why couldn’t she do this? Why couldn't she do this?
A strained groan that wasn’t her own pulled her from her infuriated kicking. She staggered up the stone slab, falling to her knees at the hole.
“Comrades, hold on! i’m-” Recruit’s breath hitched as she tried to hide the stagger in her voice, “i’m close to getting you out!” The Lieutenant had already passed out, but his Brute second in command was still conscious. A pool of sweat, mixed into mud from the dust and gravel had pooled beneath his head. Foot Recruit could see his shoulders shaking from the momentous weight that he had been holding for hours now, attempting to keep it from crushing his and his comrades bodies.
He only nodded with a short gasp, he didn’t have enough strength to talk anymore.
Foot Recruit ran back down to a different side of the wall. Maybe it was the angle, if she could just get another angle she might be able to lift it up.
~~You can find my work on A03 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/30623072 or read under the cut for more. :)
She pulled it up again, slowly getting the slab back up to her knees and akingly brought it up higher than she had before. She cried under the weight as she got it up to her waist. Recruit could feel her bones rattle and her guts shake against the strain. It hurt. It hurt so much but they were her comrades, she had to do this but it was hurting so much. And then it became weightless.
She quickly adjusted to push the stone slab up and over, throwing it away from the pile. She turned to her right. The red turtle.
“I, uh…” he walked over to the next stone slab. “I saw you run off and I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.” With a gruff breath he hoisted it up, forcing it over to the side. His ninpo had long since faded away, leaving only his red wrapping and bandages around his hands and feet.
She doubted his sincerity, finding it more likely that she hadn’t run off to commit any crimes against humanity, but ultimately she said nothing. With the largest of the stone walls no longer obstructing the rubble she was able to begin removing some of the smaller stones that had piled up around. She spoke between gritted teeth as she pressed herself against a stone. “This,” she rolled away a stone the size of the red turtle, “is none of your concern.”
The turtle rolled away one of the shredded pieces from Draxum’s giant, “I figured you needed the help.”
“I don’t need your charity,” she snapped. She found a large piece lodged awkwardly in the rubble. A quick scan of the mess rewarded her with a jagged pipe that she was able to stab beneath the stone and roll it away. “I was doing perfectly fine!”
“Uh-huh,” he hefted up another large slab and set it on his shoulders, “hey! Come get your buddies out!”
She left her stone, running over to jump into the hole. She hadn’t expected for it to be cleared so quickly. She lifted the Lieutenant by the shoulders and urgently dragged him away from the rubble, he was like a ragdoll, limp as his head hung loosely. Recruit lowered her head to his face where short, labored breaths brushed against her ear. He was still alive.
The turtle trudged next to her with the brute leaning on his shoulder. “What’s the plan?”
“What?” Foot Recruit slipped her arms under the Lieutenant and lifted him up vertically against her chest as she stood. She took his wrist and slung his arm over her shoulder and leaned down to pull him farther over her shoulder. She straightened, holding his slung over wrist with her other hand that was over his leg.
“We’re taking these guys to a hospital or something, right?” The turtle had the brute on his back, holding his arms under his legs and leaning forward to keep the Brute from falling off.
“You need not concern yourself with the affairs of the Foot Clan!” Recruit begins to stomp off, the foot Lieutenant slung over her shoulder like a ragdoll, she only glanced behind her to make sure that the red turtle was still behind her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to carry the Lieutenant and his comrade by herself.
Foot Recruit knew of a Hidden City exit that would take them topside, she didn’t want to risk running into the police on one of the mainstream exits, she didn’t know if they knew about the foot’s affiliation with the shredder.
She traced along the side of an alley wall, glancing around the corner to see if there were any official looking people in uniform.
“So, uh…” the red turtle started, “my name is Raphael, my friends call me Raph.”
No police in sight. She darted from the alley to the next, repeating the procedure faster than before until they arrived at the end of the street. Raph followed close behind, moving almost as stealthy as her despite his bulky form.
She spun her head around quickly to make sure that they were still in the clear. The street was surprisingly empty. Even though it was night time, the yokai city was always bustling with activity. But now it seemed to be… abandoned.
Foot Recruit moved to take a step but was snatched by the back of her uniform and pulled into a shadow. An officer flew over them, quickly disappearing from view over the rooftops.
She batted his hand off with a huff and darted across the road.
She heard the turtle sigh behind her as he followed, “a thank you would be nice.”
“I saw him coming before you did, so thanks is unnecessary.” She slowed her pace when they stepped onto the bridge, bouncing the Lieutenant on her shoulders to improve her fireman carry.
“Right…” she could practically hear his eyes roll. “It was Cassandra, right?”
She snapped her head around to look at him, “don’t say that!” She nearly tripped over her own feet with how fast she turned her head. Foot Recruit quickened her pace into a jog.
Raph cocked an eyebrow, “what? Cassandra?” He kept up with her, and asked awkwardly with a matching smile, “would you rather me call you Casey?”
“No!” She ducks behind a dumpster just as a police balloon drifts gently above. “Do not say my name! Period!”
“Why?” He whispers, crouching besides her, “you said that was your name.”
“Shut up!” She follows the blimp in the sky. One of its riders held a speaker in their hand, the siren squeaked to life as they conveyed a message: “Citizens of Yokai City, please remain in your homes until further notice. This is not a test. At 9 pm this evening there was an attack on the city, please remain within your homes until further notice.” Foot Recruit cringed. Of course, no wonder the streets were empty.
Raph nudged her shoulder and pointed to a kiosk across the street. They darted across as the blimp riders turned their backs. “I’m just trying to make conversation,” Raph argued, she could sense a bit of annoyance in his tone, “you’re one of the Mad Dogz now, we’re friends-”
“Shut up, shut up!” She balls her hand into a fist and pouches the wall next to them as she turns.She points a finger into his chest, “I don’t know you, so don’t say my name!”
“Why would I want to be part of your Mad Dogs clan, the Foot clan was able to succeed where you continued to fail. You idiots couldn’t even-” She cuts herself off with a choked noise. Raphael looks at her with an expression of hurt compassion as he gently places a hand on hers. She rips her hand away and turns, stomping off again as he follows close behind.
>With A lot of NYC in shambles and it being past sundown, topside is confused enough to let Raph drop off F.Brute off at the hospital entrance
She checked around the corner one more time before she approached a set of metal doors. With the Lieutenant still on her shoulders she fit her fingers between the crease. She strained, and it slid open a little in her grasp as she strained, but Raph’s wrapped green hand fit between the space she made, prying it open all the way almost effortlessly. She huffs again, leaving him to follow her as she enters.
A layer of dust rises under their feet as they enter the old shaft. Creaking wooden stairs filled with rot april above them, leading to a dim blue light above.
“This is the way you wanna go?” Raph steps out of the way of a steady water drip. He cranes his neck to look up, following the hazardous stairway with his eyes.
“Did you happen to bring your blue friends teleporting sword?”
“Don’t you know the Foot Clans teleporting spells.”
“I-” She grits her teeth. Foot clan members don’t learn magic until they reach the rank of Sergeant. The implications and reality of it all flooded her with a mix of emotions, too many for her to deal with right now. “Just follow my steps, and don’t fall behind!” She yelled with a snap before she darted up the stairs with her comrade in tow.
Her clan used this tunnel frequently, especially when they wanted to avoid the authorities of the yokai city who didn’t take kindly to the clan's activities. It was old, and at one point a decent construction shaft for New York’s industrialization, but once it had been claimed too hazardous for the humans work it was used as a more private route in and out the cities.
Recruit looked over her shoulder. The red turtle, or Raph, she remembered, was matching her pae perfectly, darting up the decaying steps with ease.
They reached the top of the shaft and exited into the open night air.
It was almost easy. With New York covered in rubble, and its residents confused as to how it got there, they were both able to walk right up to the hospital's E.R. doors.
Raphael gently placed the brute by the door. “I’m uh, gonna go now.”
“Thank you.” She mumbled. She saw the turtle smirk quietly just as he turned and jumped away, leaving her to enter the hospital alone.
It was easy to get her comrades admitted. She just told the frost desk that she had found her “uncles” under some broken piece of a random building (that pretty true) and they rushed the two of them away.
She waited for a bit, unsure whether or not she should follow. But after a few hours of pacing and sitting she just barged into the clinic.
It wasn’t hard to find them.
The room was dimly lit, every surface sickeningly white with tubes and unlit monitors decorating the walls. Brute was sitting up, his legs hanging off the bed as he leaned on his knees and facing his partner, he had a bandage around his head and a cast for his arm, but nothing else. Lieutenant wasn’t as lucky, laying almost flat against the bed with a neck brace and a brace on his leg.
Brute noticed her and turned to face her, “well look who it is! The General who pulled us out of the muck.” There was no maliciousness in his voice. He sat with a smile on his face, motioning toward her with his uninjured arm.
She stood stiffly by the curtains of their little corner. She wanted to grab it, and feel the materials between her fingers but she fought off the desire. She just… stood there for a moment, feeling like she was shrinking as the Brute watched her from his bed.
“Is something wrong?” The Lieutenant’s voice was ragged. He pried himself up on his elbows, looking her over carefully.
She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again before closing her eyes. She gently, slowly, lowered herself to her knees and bowed. “It is with a heavy heart that I must-” Foot Recruit fought back a choke, “resign from my position as General of the Foot Clan.”
Brute was startled, taken aback and stealing a look at his partner who sat beside him. The Lieutenant was equally shocked, but cleared his throat to speak.
“General…” he paused before turning to his partner. With a whisper he asked, “general? When did that happen?”
Brute matched his whisper, “right before you blacked out, Shredder promoted her right before he ditched us.”
The Lieutenant's eyes looked side to side as he searched his brain. He mouthed ‘oh’ as the memory stuck him and he straightened. He slowly sat himself up completely, wincing in pain as he brought himself up to sit straight. He cleared his throat.
“General,” she hesitated to look up, quickly wiping away the tears that clouded her vision as she rose from her bow. “Are you certain of this choice?”
She furrowed her brows as the pain welled inside of her chest.
“You have been… a dedicated member to our cause for many years.” The Lieutenant held almost a sad look, maybe… regret? “Once you resign, by our laws, you will be banished from our group forever.” She knew this. Case knew this, because she had studied it tirelessly for more than a decade, ever since she was seven, ever since she had been accepted. “You will be denied from entering our grounds, stripped of all rights and titles, and dead to our clan.” He steeled himself, “are you certain of your choice.”
Her throat tightened. Recruit squeezed her eyes shut, allowing her hot tears to cut down her cheeks. She sucked in sharply with a pained gasp. “My sensei’s, I yield my title willingly and surrender my place in the Foot Clan.”
“As Lieutenant of the Foot Clan, I accept your resignation and strip you of all rights and titles,” he sighed before softening his voice, “and return your name.”
She bowed deeply once more before standing. “Thank you, Foot Lieutenant, I accept my name, Cassandra Jones.”
The Lieutenant sighed, and there is a moment of quiet as Casey fights back her tears. He looks towards his comrade before looking back to her. “Cool, but was that really necessary?”
Recruit- Casey looked up. “What?”
“Look, I get the whole rights and titles thing, but technically the Foot Clan has already been dissolved and abolished, since like… almost a year ago, right?” Lieutenant looked over to his companion.
Brute folded his arms and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, last November.”
“November, right,” the Lieutenant lowered himself back down to his bed. “We’ve never been too uptight about the rules, kid. No need to get so worked up.”
“This was my life.”
The Brute looked towards her again, and the Lieutenant lifted his head up to meet her gaze.
“This was my life!” She stomped, bringing her hands up to rub through her hair fuzz, “how can you just-” the words cut in her throat. She tightened her fists and rage boiled inside of her before she just screamed in frustration. “I gave everything, and did everything you asked. I was devoted, more devoted than Joselyn! I worked so hard!” Her voice was breaking, and she could feel the stares from the other residents of the clinic but she didn’t care.
“Kid, we’re in a hospital,” the Foot Brute yell-whispered at her, but he held a look of sympathy.
“We’ve already moved on,” the Lieutenant says sharply, silencing her. “I recommend you do the same.”
She wants to scream again, to stomp, to break a desk, to toss a bed (it didn’t matter if it was empty or not) or flip one of the hospital's cabinets. But she doesn’t. She opens her mouth to say something, she wants to do something to make them understand or for her to understand… but she doesn’t. Her voice is barely above a whisper. “I wish you a speedy recovery,” Cassandra’s voice wavers painfully, “and I wish you the best. Goodbye, my sensei’s.” And then she leaves.
She doesn’t register her walk home. She doesn’t register the air, or the people, or even her feet as steps over concrete. When Casey finds herself at the door to her apartment, she doesn’t remember how long she had been standing there, and it feels like it takes hours for her to slip her key into the lock.
She takes a Kunai from her back pocket, slowly tracing it down her arms and legs and throat, allowing the traditional Foot Clan uniform to fall in tatters around her feet. She practically rips away her toga and pants, throwing them to the side before stepping into the shower and turning it on its coldest setting.
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
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As an add on to the playlists I created for this particular day, I also wanted to do some writing for the 01 kids as well.
For those who don’t know, I love the Digimon Adventure tri. character songs. (I even did a full blown analysis of the lyrics.) So I decided to do some short one shots featuring a lyric from each kid’s character song.
You can find the songs here in case you haven’t heard them. I found the English translations on Wikimon.
I hope you enjoy! <3
"If you get lost, I want you to hold my two hands"
Agumon hadn't made it home yet. Tai was starting to get worried about the little Digimon, so he grabbed his coat and went to look for him.
As he looked in the usual places (namely, food stands and shops), he was reminded of a time when he and Kari were little. They'd gone to play hide and seek in the park, and Kari had hidden so well Tai had been looking for her for over an hour. By the time he'd found her, she was crying because she had gotten herself lost and didn't know how to get back to him. He'd had to hold both of her hands and lead her back to where their mom was waiting.
Not that he expected Agumon to be sobbing, but he hoped he would at least find him before he got hurt.
It didn't take long. In the same park Tai had once found Kari in, he found Agumon, kicking his feet back and forth as he sat on a bench. "What took you so long, Tai?" he said, the long-forgotten wrappers of crepes and candies resting beside him.
"There was no telling where you were, buddy," Tai shot back, gently rubbing his knuckles into Agumon's head. 
The Digimon laughed and hopped off the bench, gathering up his trash to throw out. "I got lost, but I knew you'd find me, Tai. You always do."
Tai smiled. "I guess I do."
Even though he didn't need it, Agumon held Tai's hand all the way home.
"The seasons continue to change and we become adults"
"When did we become adults?" Tai complained, his legs draped over the back of the couch.
"About the same time we started college, I'm pretty sure," Matt quipped from where he sat on the carpet, staring out the window. He glanced over at his best friend, who looked put out by this answer. "Has it gotten through your thick skull yet?"
"You're one to talk," Tai muttered, folding his arms behind his head and closing his eyes. "I can't accept it if I refuse to believe it."
"Yeah, yeah." Matt shifted his gaze to stare out at the sunset. His hand lifted and aimlessly searched for Gabumon's head. He'd taken to petting the Digimon's head like this whenever he was deep in thought. The contact kept him grounded; he had no fear of flying away whenever he did this.
"I think it was that summer," Matt finally said, his hand stilling on Gabumon's head. Gabumon looked over at him, immediately understanding his meaning.
"Which summer?" Tai asked. "In case you forgot, there have been many. Nearly ten now."
Matt chuckled wryly. "That summer. Ordinemon."
He didn't have to look to see Tai's eyes turn sad. Matt made it a general rule not to mention Ordinemon in front of his best friend, if only because it reminded him of Nishijima. But he could tell by Tai's silence that he agreed.
Matt murmured, "The seasons kept changing, but we'd already grown up."
They both kind of hated how right the sentiment was.
"It's alright, my feelings for you will last forever"
Sora sighed at the mess before her. "Biyomon…"
"Sorry, Sora," her partner said meekly, almost shrinking into herself as she refused to meet Sora's eyes.
It was hard to be mad at a Digimon who looked so adorable when remorseful. Sora's mouth quirked up on one side as she crouched down and patted the top of Biyomon's head. "How about you help me clean this up?"
"Okay!" the bird Digimon agreed.
They worked together to clean up the mess Biyomon had accidentally made, humming along to some song they couldn't name as they did so. Despite her occasional clumsiness, Biyomon was quite adept at cleaning up messes. It made Sora thankful to have her around; an extra pair of hands—er, wings—came in handy.
When they were finished, Sora collapsed on a chair. She was suddenly exhausted, and she couldn't really pinpoint why. Maybe she was a tad overwhelmed from all the cleaning she'd done all day, and all the cleaning she had a feeling she'd be doing the rest of the day. Whatever it was, she just needed a moment to sit.
Concerned, Biyomon nervously approached her. "Sora," she began, "you're not mad at me… are you?"
Sora's eyes opened to meet those of her Digimon partner, so wide with worry. "Of course not. What would make you think that?"
"Well… you've just been so tired lately. I thought maybe you'd be mad that I made a mess again…"
"Oh, Biyomon," Sora sighed, folding her Digimon into her arms. "I hope you know I could never stay mad at you. I love you too much."
There was a relieved chirp in her voice as Biyomon said, "And I love you, too, Sora!"
Those three words lifted a good part of the exhaustion from Sora's shoulder.
"That fragment of memory I made has disappeared"
Izzy frowned. He lightly placed his fingers on his temple and forehead, trying to pinpoint the sinking feeling in his stomach and the uneasy feeling in his heart. It wasn't a headache, surely, despite him holding his head. And he was fairly sure he didn't have a cold. So what was so wrong?
"What's wrong, Izzy?"
The words weren't coming to him to explain to Tentomon what was wrong. His Digimon buzzed his head, asking him rapid fire questions about his health. He didn't answer any of them, so focused was he on figuring out what was wrong.
"I… forgot."
"Forgot what?" the Digimon asked in surprise.
Looking up at Tentomon, Izzy murmured, "I forgot the first joke of yours I laughed at."
Tentomon landed on the ground and placed a gentle claw on Izzy's lap. "That's it?"
There were tears on his face now, and Izzy had no recollection of shedding them. "It was one of my favorite memories of the time we met."
"Oh, Izzy," Tentomon said fondly, reaching up to pat his cheek. "I'll tell you all the jokes you want."
"I'm sorry," Izzy whispered, leaning forward to wrap his arms around the Digimon. "I didn't want to forget any of that."
"We'll make new memories for as long as we're together," Tentomon reassured him. "That's a promise from Digimon to human."
"Thank you."
Tentomon held Izzy until the pain of losing such a fond memory has faded along with the tears.
"I do not want to forget that it happened"
Mimi hummed to herself as she finished stringing the beads on the cord on her desk. Three similar bracelets sat on the right corner of the desk, their beads glinting in the faint sunlight streaming through the window.
"Whatcha doing, Mimi?" Palmon's voice asked from behind her.
"Making bracelets to honor our friends," Mimi declared, sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she finished the knot to tie the bracelet together. "There. Wizardmon, Pixiemon, Whamon, and Chuumon are done. Leomon is next."
"But Mimi," Palmon asked, peeking her head over the desk. "Why are you making them?"
"Because they sacrificed themselves to help us, all those years ago. I wasn't sure how to honor them until now."
Palmon blinked, still not understanding. "But… many of them were reborn, Mimi."
Her hands stilled for a moment. Her determined face melted into a sad one. "I know, Palmon." She turned to her Digimon partner and gave her a weak smile. "But I don't want to forget what they did for us just because they got a second chance."
"Oh, Mimi," Palmon sighed, wrapping her arms around Mimi's middle. "You have such a big heart."
"It's not much," Mimi admitted, stroking Palmon's flower. "But I want to keep their memory alive somehow. It's the least I can do."
"Then let me help you," Palmon decided, and Mimi smiled and nodded.
By the time they were done, Mimi had an entire rainbow of bracelets dedicated to their fallen comrades.
"I sincerely want the strength to protect you, too"
Joe woke up once again to a breakfast tray sitting on his nightstand. Gomamon had surely left it for him, as he had been doing for the past week. He'd been pulling constant all-nighters and late study sessions to cram for his exams again. If his Digimon partner hadn't looked so happy to help, he would've felt bad for constantly putting the little guy out.
It was one of those days where he realized just how much he loved his Digimon.
Yawning, Joe ate the breakfast Gomamon had gotten for him, wondering what was the best way to thank him. That was when he heard the crash in the kitchen.
"Gomamon?" he called, racing out of his room to see what the noise was all about.
The seal-like Digimon crawled out from behind the kitchen counter, favoring one flipper-like paw. "I'm alright, Joe. You have studying to do, right?" he asked, trying, and failing, to mask the pain in his voice.
"Let me see," Joe insisted, holding out his hand.
With a sigh, Gomamon handed him his paw, and Joe's face fell when he saw the cut. "Hold on." From the bathroom, he fetched gauze and some medical tape to wrap the wound. "Oh, Gomamon, I'm so sorry. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so tired—"
"Joe, stop, this isn't your fault," Gomamon interrupted, staring up at his human partner and meeting Joe's desperate gaze. "I was clumsy. That's not your fault."
"I know, but…" Joe paused in wrapping Gomamon's paw. He whispered, "But I want to be helpful to you, too. Just like you are to me."
"Hey," Gomamon said, and Joe looked down at him again. The Digimon was grinning. "What are partners for, Joe? Is it so wrong for me to take care of you?"
"Only if I never get to return the favor," Joe teased, pulling Gomamon into a hug. "You better not scare me again like that, okay?"
"Sure thing, Joe," Gomamon laughed.
For the rest of the day, Joe carried Gomamon on his back so he wouldn't strain his paw. Gomamon told him it was very "doctorly" of him to do so.
"What is important to me is right here"
"Hm?" T.K. looked up from his book to Patamon, who was flapping nervously above his head. "What's up, Patamon?"
"Don't you have a date today?" the little Digimon asked, looking very concerned about the shift in what was usually a very hectic social schedule.
A smile spread across T.K.'s face. "I canceled it. I didn't feel like going today."
"Is that okay?"' Patamon landed on the couch beside T.K., placing his front paws on his lap and staring up at him. "Are you sure she won't be mad?"
"I told her I had something more important to do," T.K. said cryptically, looking back down at his book.
"Oh? And what's that?"
Patamon yelped as T.K. suddenly wrapped him up in his arms, pressing his face into the Digimon's back.
"You silly," T.K. laughed good-naturedly. "Spending time with you is more important."
The Digimon blushed a tiny bit. "R-really?"
"Of course. You're my best friend," T.K. said, hugging him tighter. "Now, how about I read to you?"
"Or we can go get ice cream!"
T.K. laughed out loud. "Sure thing, Patamon," he said. "Anything for you."
Later, T.K. would remark that he had much more fun with Patamon than he would have had with anyone else that day.
"A shadow of the tears you've shed remains"
Gatomon had been silent all day. Kari was used to this from her by now. Some days they would sit in comfortable silence, staring out the window at nothing in particular or watching something nonsensical on the television. It was par for the course at this point in their lives, but that didn't mean that Kari was sometimes concerned about how sad Gatomon would look on these silent days.
To others, the cat Digimon didn't look any different. But Kari could tell from the look in her eyes, from the way she brushed one paw over the other, from the way her tail swished in a particular fashion, that she was sad. And she had a feeling she knew what it was about.
Today had been one of the more silent days. Gatomon had barely acknowledged Kari's presence all day. That's how Kari knew it was one of the bad ones. Normally, she would have left Gatomon alone to not disturb her. 
But there were tears running down her partner's face, and she couldn't let them stay there.
Without warning, Kari scooped Gatomon into her arms and embraced her, cradling her as she would the family cat, waiting until the sniffles and warm tears stopped falling onto her shoulder. "Wizardmon," Gatomon mewled at one point, and Kari felt her own eyes prick with tears. Of course. Neither of them had ever truly gotten over it.
"It's okay," Kari murmured, pressing her face into Gatomon's fur. "I'm here."
Yes, it was certainly one of those days. One of those days where they mourned together for the friend who'd given himself for them. A friend who had been there for Gatomon where Kari hadn't yet been.
Yet, as Kari had assured Gatomon multiple times since that day, in the middle of the night after a shared nightmare, she wasn't going anywhere. And she never would, so long as they were together.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 39
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The Road So Far
Is this still worth it?
The SEVEN Inch Wound
Gary 'Roach' Sanderson
Task Force 141 Base - Gym
Roach finally got his seal of approval. After weeks of physical therapy and daily check ups, he was now finally fit for battle and he was lucky enough that Nero was still under the radar. He wouldn't want to miss out on the battle he started. He was lucky enough that they were exonerated when Shepherd surrendered, because if they continued to be fugitives, Roach would not have access to appropriate medical attention.
It has been almost a month after the events in Afghanistan and Task Force 141 was already re-established, Samantha and Maxine were housed on a nearby compound where veteran's families lived under the safety of government protection. During his time in the infirmary, Maxine was always there to visit, telling him tales about dreams she recovered as time went by. Roach was glad she was returning to normal and that no matter how her memories came back, her treatment towards him was the same.
"Good to see you back on your feet, my man." Rocket went up to him and did their fist bump, a series of elaborate claps then finished off with finger guns accompanied by their almost realistic attempt at pistol fires.
"Haha. Yeah? I'm glad I'm back." He waved as Rocket pointed at his back. Roach turned to see Maxine, carrying a packed lunch, waiting at the end of the hallway.
"Hey you. Just in time for lunch as always." He smiled, wrapping an arm around her as they made their way to the mess hall.
"Glad to see you smiling and walking about." She says, as her palms ran across his firm chest, tracing the scar that changed his life.
"Yeah, finally passed the damn physical test." He grinned as they sat down at their usual table, the only table which consisted of two tables stuck together to form an eight seater.
The rest of Roach's closest comrades were already there. Alex, guessing what Samantha packed for him. Soap and France arguing which meal choice was best for them and Ghost, who was already halfway through his lunch while the rest of his comrades haven't even started yet.
"Good to have you back, buddy." Ghost greeted with a wide grin on his face, well technically only half of his face was shown.
"Hey man. I sure am glad. How have you been doing?" he joked. They constantly visit him in their free time, so there was actually nothing to catch up on.
"The rest of the squad proceeded to badger Roach with questions about everything they wanted to know. Roach enjoyed the hot seat as the military mess hall felt like the university cafeteria.
"So, any news about Nero?" He finally asked as soon as everyone was done with him. The table felt awfully quiet.
"None." France was the first to speak up. Everyone else nodded and frowned.
"Shit. Guess our only choice is to wait." He added.
"Shepherd didn't have any leads towards Nero. Their last contact was the exchange of blueprints and after that, he was gone." Soap explained the situation.
"The missing persons?" Gary asked.
"Still missing." Alex commented.
"And there are still a few additions every other day as indicated by the FBI and DHS." Ghost added.
"Is interpol still involved?" Roach turned to Ghost.
"They're still after the traces of EMP equipment from the missing persons. Their new lead is that Nero's team is trying out a lethal kind of grenade. One that explodes without damaging property. If he's planning invasion, this is actually a good idea without ruining too much of the invaded country." He replied. Roach nodded at the theory. EMPs only damage mechanical equipment and this was a good call for the bad side.
"I never knew they'd think of this kind of weaponry. I always expected bioweapons being the last of modern warfare." Ghost muttered.
"Well, that was what happened in Verdansk and we stopped it. We could do that again." Alex tried to boost morale.
"Yeah. We'll do whatever it takes." Roach agreed and they continued lunch.
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By the time he started training, Roach focused back on his Sniper techniques. His wound may have affected his previous breathing training and it was only inevitable that he'd train it again. He wanted to master the long ranged rifle as it was vital towards his development as a soldier.
"Back on the scope huh." Ghost huffed as they reached their 200 yard mark, by the hill just outside the base.
"Glad you could help me on this one." Roach unzipped the sniper bag and began scouting the area.
"You sure this is your spot?" Ghost asked, using his hand as a visor against the hot afternoon sun.
"Yeah. This fits."
"Suit yourself." He chuckled as Roach snapped every attachment of the rifle, from the bipod stand to the clicker adjustments.
He peeked at the scope and looked at his target. Five small cans standing on top of a log 200 yards away.
"Remember what I told you." Ghost mused as he looked at Roach steadying his breathing.
"Damn." He added as he noticed the change in wind.
"Yeah, damn. I just was about to fire it." Roach muttered as he took another deep breath and began to hold still as his crosshairs adjusted to the shift.
A loud fire echoed across the hills as dust scattered on the ground where Roach fired. He was about a few inches off.
"Great. Do that again but change your adjustments." Ghost said as consolation.
"Yeah got it." He rolled his dial once again and accounted for the wind, easing his breath and fired again. The loud sound once again echoed through the hills, followed by a soft metal can flying away from the log.
"There you go! A clean hit." Ghost congratulated as he tapped Roach's back while he reloaded his sniper and aimed again.
Roach stayed at that spot until it was too dark to continue and Ghost accompanied him until such time. On their way back, Ghost opened up to something that has been bothering him ever since.
"Roach. Do you mind if I say something important?" He asked and it made Roach stop on his tracks.
"Yeah. What's up." Roach asked.
"I've already sent my formal letter, but I just wanted you to have a heads up on the matter." Formal letter. Roach's heart started to pound as his mind automatically thought of him quitting or leaving.
"Letter about?" he asked. His mouth almost felt dry. He didn't want him to leave. Not again.
"Transferring department. Alexandra offered me a spot on the Interpol. I told you this first because I knew that if you were on my shoes, you'd go too, right? Do whatever makes you happy?" he said, quoting Roach's famous words.
He isn't wrong about doing what makes him happy, but his decision didn't feel right either, or maybe because he just doesn't want Ghost to go.
"Well, you bet I'd go for that option too!" Roach said, trying to validate his decision despite not wanting it. It was sad to see him go, but for the first time in ages, Ghost actually acknowledged the term happy.
"I knew you'd understand." he smiled and continued their trail back to the base where Roach remained quiet until they reached the base just in time for dinner.
After dinner, Roach opted for a night jog around the base to clear his mind off of Ghost leaving. After the second lap, he soon noticed Alex catching up to him.
"Wonderful weather for an evening run, huh?" He asked all cheery as he's quite used to his heavier and more realistic leg.
"Yeah. It is. Good to see you're liking Samantha's surprise." Gary nodded and removed his earphones.
"You know, it's really a surprise when I'm the only one who doesn't know about it." He commented.
"It feels like a real leg, actually. The wonders of modern technology never ceases to amaze me." He mused as they both took the turn.
"Yeah? That's good to hear. Pretty sure Samantha loved the way you thanked her." Roach teased as Alex chuckled, like he recalled some memory.
"Oh yeah, she did." Alex nodded suggestively, the kind that Roach didn't want to ask anymore.
"This your last lap?" Roach asked as Alex slowed down for his cooldown, turning to the set of exercise bars.
"Yep. See ya!" He waved as he started his cooldown.
Gary took three more laps just to make sure he's exhausted for the night, so that once he got in his bed, no more thoughts would assault his mind, hindering him from sleep.
There was only one way out of it. And it was accepting Ghost's inevitable departure from the 141.
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The next morning, the 141 was briefed on a possible lead on Nero. This time, Ghost wasn't in the room and that meant that his letter was now approved.
"Okay lads. We've received word on a supply drop activity from Nero. We intercepted an unencrypted call signal to an abandoned port just off the coast of Sierra Leone, Africa. If intel is correct, we're going to be dealing with someone who goes by 'Volt', Nero's bomb maker." Price paced in front of the huge screen showing details regarding their mission.
"Volt is a high value individual who must not be killed. He's our only hope towards Nero. The intercepted call came from the USA, and it's quite impossible that Nero is here, so he must've used a secure line. Jack will be staying in the base as our new Operations Command as suggested by Laswell. Overlord will continue his role as our commanding officer as well." Price added making clear about the jurisdiction.
"Damp and dry Africa." Soap muttered.
"Have you been there?" France asked.
"Only in Egypt. My mom used to tag me along her trips." he replied.
"Recon suggests a high chance of militia activity, so our standard rules of engagement; treat anyone as hostile. Volt's compound will be surrounded by his own personal army and they're willing to shoot any unwanted visitors. He also has access to a port, so I'm sending the Charlie team to stand by the shore and make sure they're not planning an escape." he added.
"I'm leading the Alpha team and our task is to infiltrate his base and secure Volt for intel. Bravo team, led by Alex, will act as our support when things go south. As bonus, we need to destroy any trace of bomb making equipment.
Roach, I want you to man our new air support tools from above as soon as we confirm that there are no SAMs on his base." He shot his glare on Roach and he nodded. Guess he isn't on the ground tomorrow.
"We leave tomorrow at 0300. Make your necessary preparations especially on our brand new comms equipment. Ones that are immune to EMP blasts. Dismissed." He said as everyone got up and went on their way. Gary purposefully left himself behind so he could ask Price about the Ghost situation.
"Hey there lad. You feeling good?" Price approached as soon as he noticed Roach.
"I just have a question about the mission."
"Sure. What about it? Any suggestions?"
"No no. The plan is fine. Where will Ghost be?" Price gave him a worried stare.
"Ah. Didn't he tell you about his transfer?" He crossed his arms and stared at Roach.
"He did… but why did you allow it?"
"Well, it certainly looked like he was happy to go there. And I had no power over his commendations." Price reasoned as they walked out of the briefing room.
"Oh. I thought he was going to have one last mission with us." Roach smiled as he walked back to the room. Ghost wasn't a fan of goodbyes. Maybe because he knew they'll meet again.
Sierra Leone, Africa
"This is Hunter One-One requesting sitrep, over." Roach phoned his allies who were already on the ground for support. This mission was their vital lead towards Nero. He wished that the guy Volt was here so that they could finally finish the war before everyone else gets hurt.
Before he could man the air support, he needed to confirm that there were no SAMs present on their base so he could safely provide suppressing fire from above.
Next Chapter : The SIXth Ship
Notification Squad my Beloved
@whimsywispsblog @ricinbach @bumblingbee1 @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio
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