#connor plays p5
dragonomatopoeia · 2 years
i'm always like yeah persona games are bad. anyway i have memorized the weaknesses of every single enemy in persona 5 and at one point i could tell you exactly what personae you could get by combining other personae
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alo-piss-trancy · 3 months
Okay so my playthrough clocked in at a little over 93 hours. Though probably a couple hours longer than that bc it took me 4 times to beat the Final Fight and there was also a couple of other optional boss encounters that kicked my ass lmao
So fun fact: I fucked my playthrough up at like the 87 hour mark 😭💔 I tried to be a decent person and not kill Loghain and let him go through with the Joining. Did not expect that Allistaire would throw a WHOLE-ASS TANTRUM and ditch us for good right before the final fight 🤬
Like bro I GET why you were hurt and angry but also??? This is literally a war to save a zillion lives we needed all the help we could get. Loghain was gonna die anyway. You bitched at me EVERY OTHER TIME I killed somebody (ok Connor was an accident. But he bitched me out over Brother Genetivi when he was gonna reveal the ashes and everything?!?). Bro goes on and on about honor and helping ppl and the Grey Wardens and then he literally just DIPS before the biggest fight ever. I thought he was gonna come back at the end and help when he came to his senses but NAH. WE'RE STRAIGHT UP DIVORCED FOREVER HE DIDN'T COME BACK OR COME TO MY CEREMONY AFTER. I NEVER SAW HIM AGAIN 😭💔💔💔💔 GLAD U LET UR HALF-SISTER DIE BITCH IM P SURE GOLDANNA'S HOUSE WAS RUBBLE IN BURNED-DOWN DENERIM. FUCK OFF YOU WHINY SELFISH PRICK I LOST SO MUCH RESPECT FOR YOU
Also Morrigan left that night too bc I wouldn't go with her fucked up demon baby plan lmao. Which I don't fault her for to be fair, I get she couldn't bear to see her only friend EVER die ☠️ I'm actually hype af for my future morally-awful playthru bc I will DEFINITELY be seeing that plan then lmao.
If I didn't have Leiliana and Meatball as my ride-or-dies my protag woulda been completely devastated for real like COME ON 😭💔 THANK GOD FOR HER BESTIE AND HER DOG THE REAL MVPS 😔🙏
Actually I was a little let down by the final fight. Like it was a cool concept and I enjoyed getting to play with the ballistas bc u keep seeing them in other parts of the game. But I basically had to play as Leiliana the whole time ajdkdjj. I built my character as a badass warrior with BUSTED strength and it was lowkey useless bc the final boss is out of range for 90% of the fight and I sold my crossbow to Sandal for more healing potions. Broooo 😭☠️💔
So yeah uh. SUPER awesome game I loved 90% of it (the combat on ps3 actually kills my hands bc of the constant L2 holding or tapping for radial menu and giving orders. SO PAINFUL please tell me they change this in the sequels it fucking HURTS). Fyi it actually was an interesting ending, I don't fault it and actually thematically it was cool to team up with Loghain for the last few hours, I'm just emotionally butthurt my whole imagined future with Allistaire went down the drain 😭💔 I love how many choices you get in this game tho and how they aren't always predictable. It's nice to not be able to 'game the system' for a 'perfect' ending as much as say, P5 or similar rpg/jrpgs lol. I like that you can fuck up REAL BAD with your companions lmao.
I have the other 2 games on ps3 waiting, fighting the urge to dive into 2 asap bc I want to digest Origins first but mmmm. I see why ppl went crazy for these. If I'd had these a decade ago I woulda replayed SO MANY times for real, this is what I wanted out of Skyrim story/companion-wise 🙏
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gontagokuhara · 4 years
tell me why i can romance kawakami, takemi, ohya, and futaba* but i cant romance the one (1) person i want to**: yusuke
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
A/N - LONG POST - Here's the part 5 of the GOTHAM ASSASSINS series. Takes place during the last episode of season 1, when Penguin tried to convince Connor, a hitman, to kill Maroni and his underlings. It still follows the main story but there are mostly Y/N and Zsasz interactions in this one.
Hope you'll like it, here are the
Enjoy! 🥰
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"We are looking for a dangerous serial killer who was responsible of the murder of numerous women during the last decade. The Ogre..." She cut the TV with a grunt and stretched like a cat.
So Jimbo has indeed decided to play with the big guys and publicly targeted one of the most terrible serial killer in town. The dude had strong steel guts thinking he would catch the Ogre that easely.
Nobody, even her, knew the face of the killer. Only that he was some kind of maniac, obsessed with women who he kept for weeks or months, before killing them and tossing them on the side of the road.
And here comes St James, on his white horse, thinking he'll catch the psycho and succeed where everyone failed. Don't misunderstand her, if someone was capable enough to do it, that would be Jimbo. But at what cost? That, was the interesting question here.
Two bare forearms trapped her throat and tightened around it, and she felt a hot breath just against her left ear which makes her shiver. "Be aware of the terrifying Ogre, who devoured defenseless little lambs" whispered the owner of the voice.
She snorted and lean her head back to watch Zsasz from upside-down, offering him a very tempting view of the delicate flesh of her throat. "Sorry Mister Ogre, but you just really happen to look like an homicidal maniac I know for a long time." She blankly said.
He clicked his tongue in disapproval. "You're no fun". The woman falsely beamed like an idiot and put her finger between his slightly frowned eyebrows. "I absolutely love role-playing with you dearest, but The Ogre doesn't really excite me you know..."
He hummed pensively and finally freed her throat, after putting a peck on her forehead. Zsasz walked around the sofa and sit next to her where he grabbed the remote and launched the TV again. He then leaned back too and put his left arm around her shoulders.
They didn't have much to do that day. A few marks to track on separate ways, then a bit of Oswald stalking at night. Uneventful, really.
Before that, here they were. They bought this flat last year because it was perfectly situated, in the middle of the city. Pretty convenient to store a few weapons, electronics, tools and just relax between two contracts.
Y/N closed her eyes, perfectly at ease, and lulled by the sound of the TV. "Some news about how Maroni will try to deceive Carmine after their touching little truce?" She asked airily while laying down and putting her head on his thigh.
Victor's hand was now playing with her hair pensively and he hummed. "Not really", he seemed disappointed a bit. "Calm before the storm, uh", she mused. "Never liked that bastard. Can't wait to see his third eye being opened with the help of a bullet" She Added.
Victor sneered at her comment and pulled her roots a bit, making her groan. "You don't like much people for starters, sweetness" He said. Y/N cracked an eye open and glared a bit at him, "Look who's talking, Mister psychopath".
He just shrugged her comment in a carefree demeanor. She was right after all, and he wasn't ashamed of it. At all. And she was not that different on the matter, the woman saw more than one horrible thing here in the crime city without being moved by it. And he tends to think that Gotham itself represented one big factor in the numerous cases of sociopathy and psychopathy blooming days after days.
Y/N herself was a good example of it. Psychopathic tendencies appear in general during teenage years. Young teens develop it has a way to deal with violence, and traumatic events. She did it so well, that she never ever look aside during his best torturing sessions. She stayed perfectly still, watching him as if he was painting or doing some mundane activities.
From what he knows, she used to be a wary little thing, cunning enough to survive in the Narrows and escape human and organ trafic which were two of the top activities in this part of the city.
She told him she had once been abducted and placed in a brothel. She litteraly cut her client in half with one of his own blades, decapitated him and scared the shit out of the clients and staff.
When the manager came and saw the massacre, he was ready to kill her like a mad dog. But she had been cunning enough to offer him a deal: ruining his rivals business by infiltrating them and perform the same slaughter to scare the clients enough to never come back again. It was a big bet on her life, but the manager accepted the offer.
The brothel slaughtering was her first contract. And even him, before his spiraling to hell, heard about it. The cops and coroners rarely saw a massacre like this one that time.
After his fall from sanity, a bit after he started to work as Falcone's hitman, he had to find her for a trivial thing. The Godfather didn't appreciate the death of one of his closest men she had kill for a contract. And when he stalked her and found out about the brothel slaughtering, he had became a big fan of her work.
That was probably why he didn't shoot her from distance that day and choose to broke in her flat to see what she was going to do.
And man, she didn't disappoint. Without using force, just with her silver tongue, she snaked her way out of Carmine blacklist with only a few words. She also convinced him to offer her a job. The rest was history.
*Are you already in position?* Asked a voice in her earpiece. Y/N was currently on the top of a building, laying down on her stomach and aiming at an empty street, minus some cars driving down the road.
"Not my favorite one to be honest, dearest", she hummed quietly. "I would much prefer lay on my back, like a few hours ago", She sneered with a toothy grin she was sure Victor could picture right now.
"Now, now, don't flirt during work sweetness, and don't tease me, I need to be able to walk without a painful pointer at my twelve" He chastised. This time, she chuckled. "Your problem, Vic. Now, back to business, I can see the car", she whispered.
He grunted in approval inside of her ear. "Same here, the two rats left their little secret reunion at the same time. Ready?" He asked.
"Since the day I was born". They pulled the trigger at the same time then looked down the street just in time to see the impact of the bullet and the blood on the windshield. While two drivers seemed to lose control of their black vehicles at the same time and in two opposite districts in Gotham, the assassins reloaded their gun.
"Mine is exiting the car", said Y/N just before a second muffled shot resonated and an Italian mobster fell on the floor, hit in the head. "Got him", she stated.
The silence from the other side, made her frown but didn't stopped her to place her riffle in a suit case then leaving her hidding spot. "Dearest?" She asked after a minute.
"Shot the mark but have some cops on my tail right now", She heard him sighed. "Need a hand?" Asked the henchwoman. "More you giving me a head, love."
"You can't knock out cops using your boner, Vic. Even a pretty honorable one, it would be a first in the history. Need help or no?" She asked, ignoring his previous comment.
"No, they'll become sweet sweet scars on my body in a min. Hang on." He purred. She rolled her eyes and walked to the fire esacpace stairs, climbing down. Soon, a few pained cries resonated in her earpiece and she sighed. "You're having a ball right now. Don't deny it Vic. You wanted all the fun for yourself, you greedy little thing".
He chuckled then admitted. "Guilty. How disappointing, they never last that much..." Now it was her turn to chuckled. "Don't pout dearest, makes you act like a brat after".
"You're the brat sweetness and I am the brat tamer" He growled a bit. "Eh, don't daddy me now, my love. I'm much more a mommy than a brat anyway." She laughed. "Let's put a brat in mommy then" He mocked and she can't repressed a shiver of disgust. "Nope, not even with a fucking gun pointing at my head". She said. "Now that's my woman~"
Hidding among the population had always been one of her talents. She just had to use the back door with Butch complicity to walk in Oswald's club. The poor brainwashed dear was loyal to Penguin, yes, but his maker's orders were absolute.
Here she was, blending in the shadows, looking Oswald from afar. The little conspirator was actively talking with Connor, another prolific assassin in Gotham, just after Victor and her. "Look at that little snake", she snorted quietly. "I can see that. Connor, uh. How disappointing", said Victor in her earpiece.
Since he was esay to spot in the club, they agreed for Zsasz to stay at their flat, spying via the cameras she hacked back when Fish was the owner of the club.
On the other hand, she, would enter inside and check what the ex-snitch was doing. And his little discussion with Connor wasn't good. Cobblepot was scheming something.
When the duo finally seemed to agree on something, Y/N waited to see Oswald walks back in his office and followed him a bit after. In front of the door, the drawed one of her guns. "Can't see what he's doing sweetness, stay alert", said Victor's voice in her ear. She hummed quietly and finally decided to open the double doors.
When she walked in, Oswald was behind his desk and lifted his head with a schoked face. "Y/N!" He squealed. "Oswald dear", she greeted with a calm voice and pointed directly her gun at him. "Now, now, how good your acting skills are, Mister Cobblepot. I can now see how you were able to deceive Fish, then Maroni. You've got some strong talent here".
The young man frowned and sighed deeply. He lifted his right hand, which had taken a gun from under his desk. "Bloody harlot" She heard him muttered. "Relax Penguin. Why don't you put your toy on the desk first, uh? You know you have no chance to be faster than me at this little shooting game. Victor is the only one to have that skill", She said while hearing said hitman cooed stupidly in her earpiece.
When Oswald put the gun on the desk, she walks until she was able to grab it. But the man was sly enough to draw a blade and pin it in on the surface. She just had the time to extend her fingers and dodge the weapon which was now deeply stuck right between her thumb and her index.
Y/N put the cold metal of the barrel of her gun against Oswald forehead. "Ha-ha-haaaa~" She warned him and lifted the security. "Swift, aren't we? Sorry to ruin your moment, but Maroni is more agile than you and even he, has some struggles touching me." She threw Oswald gun away in the room and took the blade in her now free hand. "I'll keep that, if you don't mind."
Threatened by the gun and the blade, Cobblepot was now livid. "Look, Y/N. I just wanted to defend myself, nothing personal here" He tried to argue quickly. "Against what? Aren't we suppose to be part of the same time, dearie?" She purred while he gulped loudly.
"Well, just so you know, you are quite intimidating. And I would be a fool to not be wary when you're around" He stated. She laughed airily, "My you have a valid point here Mister Cobblepot" But she suddenly lose her enthusiasm.
"You should indeed be veeeery wary when I am here and also when I'm not. I told you we'd see everything you would do." She put some distance between them and place the blade in her back, between her shirt and pencil skirt. "Now, I really would like to know why you were meeting one of Gotham's top assassins in here tonight." She said.
He blinked a few time and relaxed just a bit seeing her less aggressive posture. "I had a mission for him. Since Victor and you are devoted to Don Falcone, it's only natural that I try to find my own assassin's team, isn't it?" He answered with a convincing smile.
But he jolted and screamed when the cristal glass just behind his head was shot and exploded, hurting him a bit. "Cut the crap. Or next time I'll blow your ear Penguin. " She said with zero emotion on her face and her sharp eyes firmly locked into his. He was trembling like a leaf.
"I-I... Ok! OK! Please calm down. I made a contract with Connor ok? I asked him to kill Maroni. I know he'll be in a bar to celebrate Tommy Bones' return!" He said, now sweating bullets.
The silence which answered him was oppressive and he had to hold his breath and pray to see another day. "You want to kill Sal. Why would you do that exactly?" She finally asked.
"To prove my sincerity to Don Falcone! To prove him he can trust me and that I'm on his side!" He snapped. Again, a tensed silence answered. Then, he saw her slowly put her gun down. "Alright." She said. "Alright?" He asked skeptically. "You'll have to call the Don to tell him, but alright. I'll not interfere further in your grand Master plan." She explained. "But please pay an extreme attention at what I am going to say, Oswald." In a few steps, she was on him, looming on him and gripping his jaw painfully. "Be very careful about what you are going to do in the next days. Or it could backfire pretty badly. Got it?"
Penguin nodded quickly and closed his eyes, too scared to look into hers. He didn't move until he heard the 'click' of the double doors.
She was in the gloomy streets, walking peacefully. "What do you think, my love?" Asked finally Victor who stayed silent during all her interaction with Oswald. He trusted her judgment, deeply when it comes to find out what a potential foe was planning. He was himself pretty smart and sharp, in an instinctive way, but he had to admit that Y/N's capacity to think two or three steps ahead made her better at plotting. A quality she shared with Carmine. "I'm calling Carmine before the rat". She said in a very cold tone. She was furious.
She didn't had to wait too much for him to answer, and she made sure to find a spot on a roof where she wouldn't be seen nor heard. "What are the news Y/N? " Asked Carmine in his Godfather's demanding tone.
"Just came out from Penguin's club. He enrolled a killer to blow Maroni's head tomorrow during the celebration of Bones new freedom." She said quickly. "I told him to call you and inform you himself. He doesn't have the choice now." She added.
"What were his reasons, to do it without informing me before?" Asked again Falcone in a cold tone.
"A full package of bullshit to be honest, Carmine. May I speak freely?" She asked too. The Italian boss chuckled but hummed. After all he told her himself that she was now allowed to talk when she wanted to.
"I think he's plotting against you. I don't know how exactly, maybe he asked Connor to send lame underlings and fail the mission, maybe he wants to send him to negociate with Maroni and will plot against him later again, or something else completely. But I think you are his main target, Carmine. And he'll not be the one to directly pull the trigger on you, he's too fucking coward to do that. But he's clever enough to make other people do it. Directly or indirectly."
Falcone let a very long silence on the line after that. Then, after two solid minutes he sighed deeply and tiredly. "All those traitors, the betrayals, the shootings, I'm tired of this." She clicked her tongue and sighed too, "If you're tired, prepare your retirement and go spend the rest of your life in a boring mundain way somewhere safe. I don't know, buy horses, chickens again... God the chickens... Do some gardening, cook pastas... But don't you fucking dare die here, die on Victor and I, because of a petty power struggle you don't care about anymore." She was harsh but he needed to be told that.
Carmine Falcone needed to step back, maybe, but not killed by an opportunistic brat. He was respected here in Gotham, he was a legend and guaranteed 30years of relative peace, which was incredible, knowing the monster which was the city.
She heard another long sigh. "You've got quite the sharp and foul mouth, you know that my dear?" He mocked a bit. "But you're right. I need to plan my retirement properly before things go south. Thank you, Y/N. See you at the mansion."
She hang up and started walking again. "I'm in the car, sweetness. I'm taking you then we join the boss" Zsasz said and she hummed. Now it was their turn to plot against Penguin.
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 years
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I saw this bouncing around my dash and decided to fill it out myself for fun :)  I decided to not double-list any games, and I tried to mix up the companies I used too so that the list would be more unique.
Long post, so I’m doing a readmore for my longwinded part lol.
(read more)
Favorite Game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords - I could talk about this game forever.  How it tears apart the Star Wars universe from within, how it creates a compelling story while challenging the usual themes, etc.  I could talk for ages about the characters and how their motivations slot in place, and how this game lends itself to interpretation and analysis alongside roleplay.  It’s just a wonderful game, one I deeply love and will always love.  It’s a game that isn’t afraid to have you talk to other characters for twenty or thirty minutes at a time and honestly I’m always riveted at every line.  This game deserves the cult fanbase it has, but I think there’s a lot the fanbase misses in appreciating this game.  (Note...gameplay is a little janky and a community made mod restores a lot content that was cut before shipping-the game wasn’t properly finished).
Best Story:  Fallout New Vegas - It’s the setting that makes the story here, and all the moving pieces and factions alongside the main conflict really make this game stand out.  There’s so many little pieces to find along the way in the world and the way the main quest splits based on who you want in power feels important--and you are choosing a future for this whole region.
Favorite Art Style: The Witness - This game is peacefully wonderful with its visuals.  There are wonderful nature scenes and nests of wires and panels spreading in various parts of the island that are fascinating to look at.  The environment is half of the gameplay in most areas, so it’s important to look around even though exploration is not really the gameplay.  You find puzzles in the world, even in nature, and it’s fascinating.  The colors are bright and beautiful.  There is even a map in the middle of the island inside of a lake that helps you track your progress if you notice it (it isn’t like a normal ‘map’).
Favorite Soundtrack: Shin Megami Tensei IV - I love video game soundtracks, but SMTIV is something special.  The music booms in ways that make you really understand the atmosphere of the world, and there’s a great mix of different kinds of tracks for different places.  I love the tracks for the other worlds you enter, and the themes of the different routes are done so well.  Some of the music draws from past SMT games, but the remixes done for this game really are stunning to me, and there’s so many fantastic original tracks.
Hardest Game: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - I love this game but I literally never touch it without a walkthrough, which is why it gets to be the hardest game on the list, despite being a point and click adventure game lol.  Also just emotionally this game is challenging too, but I definitely mean this more in terms of getting a ‘perfect run’.
Funniest Game: The Stanley Parable - Trying to make this list has taught me that I don’t really play many ‘funny games’.  I don’t know if a game where multiple endings demand that you kill yourself should count as a ‘funniest game’, but it is also a game where the narrator tells you to stare at a fern and memorize its features, so....it counts.
Game I Like that is Hated: RWBY Grimm Eclipse - I’ve been playing this game since it was in early access and have loved it the whole time.  I find the gameplay soothing and fun, and I like playing the different characters.  It’s a game I play to chill out and just enjoy some fun battle mechanics.  It’s a fun game and I’ve spent over 100 hours in it, so I hope I like it, lol.
Game I Hate that is Liked:  Nier Automata - Neither this game’s gameplay or story impress me, and the fact that you have to replay basically the same stuff from a more boring-to-play-character’s pov in order to SEE all of the plot is a huge damper on the experience.  The story, to me, someone who engages with a lot of robot-focused fiction, is far from impressive or new, and it hardly engages with genre specifics at all, let alone in a new or interesting way.  I view this game as ‘a story with robots in it’ rather than ‘a story about robots’, which, to me, is a detriment.
Underrated: Nevermind - This game is amazing and very unheard of--and when it is heard of, it has been marketed incorrectly.  Nevermind seems like a horror game, and does market itself as one a bit, but it’s much more than that.  It’s more about trauma, recovery, therapy, etc.  This is a game that is so mindful about the topics it engages in that I am impressed by it every time.  It’s heavy with symbolism and character, despite lacking conversations or other similar game mechanics.  This is a lovely game that I really wish more people knew about-`p5-all of the patients are so interesting, and the focus on recovery and mental health is impressive.
Overrated:  Fire Emblem - I sort of mean this as the series as a whole really.  I have enjoyed the entries I have played somewhat, but I overall consider the series much less impressive than I was led to believe by others.  The gameplay especially is not impressive to me in any regard, even though I sometimes do find myself enjoying it.  The stories are alright, but many of them are weighed down by the gameplay and as a writer and person who likes to analyze writing, it’s very hard to do so when it isn’t able to fully exist under the chains the gameplay forces on it.  There are ways to mix gameplay and story well, Fire Emblem has not really done that in any of the entries I’ve played.  That being said, I don’t regret playing them, and I will occasionally replay, but I consider them mediocre games at best.
Best Voice Acting: Devil Survivor 2 - I love the voice acting in this game.  I feel like all the characters are really suited to their voices, and it’s really easy for me to visualize their voices.  They really bring the game to life and make both the dramatic and the funny scenes more enjoyable.
Worst Voice Acting: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy - I love this game, I really do, but some of the voice acting is janky.  Some of it is okay too--I think Kyle Katarn’s voice actor does fine, and some of the others I like NOW but hated when I was a kid, but the male protagonist voice in this game is just awful.  Which is bad when Jennifer Hale is the female voice actress lol.  His performance is passable though unless you’re playing darksided--the darksided ending to the game lacks all punch when you’re playing the male protagonist.
Favorite Male:  Battler Ushiromiya from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni - He’s the protagonist for most of the visual novels and I adore him utterly, especially once you move past episode 2.  He’s a wonderful character who I care about deeply.  I love his drive and how he fights--he’s someone who is easy to cheer for.  He matures well throughout the series and his character development is just wonderful.
Favorite Female:  Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 - I really like how Naoto fits so well in the game, especially for being a final recruit--oftentimes the final recruit of Persona games (post 3) have a bit of a more difficult time feeling right with the group.  Naoto works really well though, and I love her struggles and story as well.  I think the difficulties she has concerning living as a woman in her field hit very deep to a problem that has existed for a very long time.
Favorite Protagonist: Connor of Daventry from King’s Quest 8 Mask of Eternity - I’m like, one of four fans of this character in the world, lol.  KQ8 is not a very well liked game and it does have a lot of issues, both with age and with how much of a departure it is from the series prior to it.  It’s strange to take a puzzle adventure game and make it a hybrid with what basically is a shooter, and it doesn’t really work.  Add to that the fact that you spend most of your time in the game without anyone around to talk to and it leads to this really polarizing and weird experience.  For me, Conner goes through what I would consider to be the ‘Ultimate Nightmare Scenario”.  Everyone in the world is turned to stone except him (and he survived out of mere chance) and so now it’s up to him, practically alone, to save the entire world.  There is no game lonelier than this.  I adore him for his bravery in the face of it, and how he just picks up to do what must be done because someone should do it, and if no one else can, then he will.  I also really love how he apologizes to people who are encased in stone while he takes money from their houses to help him on his journey.  I really do think he went back after the game was over and gave everyone heaps of gold to pay them back with interest lol.
Favorite Village:  Oakvale from Fable - The first Fable is the only one I really like, and it was one of the games I played when I was little, so the hometown in the game always meant a lot to me.  I like how you grow up there and how your tragic backstory is there--and then how you get to return to the town years later after you’ve come into your own, and you can see it completely rebuilt.  I like to spend a lot of my time in this town, just wandering around it and playing the minigames.  Even though I have a house in every town, Oakvale is where my hero calls home.
Most Hated Character:  Merril from Dragon Age 2 - I don’t really want to lay into how I feel about Merril, but what I will say is that it was suggested to me that I totally ignore her when playing, and I did so.  I only met her for her quest, dropped her off in town, and literally never spoke to her or interacted for the rest of the game.  I had a much better experience for it, honestly.  She appeared after I made my choice in the end of the game, which felt weird since I hadn’t spoken to her in several ingame years, but other than that, the game was totally fine without her.  I sort of just wish you could kill characters in DA2 the way you can in DAO, then I’d just do that, tbh.  It doesn’t suit very many (or any) of the characters I rp in DA2 to keep her around or support her in any way.
First Game I Played: Mixed up Mother Goose Deluxe - I’m not actually sure if this is the FIRST game I’ve ever played or not, but it’s one of the first I played alone as a kid.  I really loved it--this is probably what created my love for point and click adventures, and the game was very silly and fun.
Favorite Company: Bioware - I’ve always been a sucker for Bioware games, ever since Knights of the Old Republic 1 was my favorite childhood game.  I love how they do stories and party members, and while I’m not a fan of all of their games, I really love what they’ve made and their style of storytelling and character driven plot.  Even though sometimes their stories get cliche, I think the suit video games well and most of my early gaming was within their games.
Hated Company: EA - Bioware truly only started to go to shit after the EA acquisition, so I fucking hate EA.   I know Bioware had issues before EA too, but I definitely don’t think EA has helped the situation whatsoever.
Depressing Game: The Beginner’s Guide - I relate to this game as a creator and a writer, and it affects me deeply because of the story it tells and the questions it raises.  It makes me reflect on how I think of myself as a creator, and it reminds me of friendships I used to have.
Creepy Game:  The Path - God, I love this game.  It’s just aimlessly wandering around and finding symbolic scenery and watching your current character comment on it.  Then, you go off to find your girl’s wolf, and each one is different and unique to her, and you watch it ‘kill’ her--and facing her wolf is the only way each girl can truly mature.  Whenever you get to grandmother’s house, the camera switches to first person, and your eyes keep closing, so you can only see while clicking to move.  It forces you to keep moving so that you can see, but since you are moving, you only get to see things somewhat vaguely.  It’s got a great atmosphere, and I love the symbolic storytelling.
Happy Game: Eastshade - This game is so sweet.  There’s some drama around to with many of the quests, but I like this as an rpg without combat, and I think this would be a really good kids game.  There’s a lot to see and explore, and the game was made to be really pretty so that you want to paint several aspects of it.  It’s really lovely to just wander around in this game and bike around the area, painting anything that suits your fancy.  As long as you don’t finish the main quest, you’re free to wander, and materials do respawn, so you essentially can infinitely paint once you get far enough.
Favorite Ending: Virtue’s Last Reward - I love the questions this game asks and where the ending goes.  It thematically ties together--the whole reason the game itself exists is to get the attention of a ‘higher being’--the player, essentially.  I love how it plays with that concept, and even though the final game in the series doesn’t entirely pick this idea up where this game left it, standalone this game is stunning in how it comes together.
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callunavulgari · 4 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2019
1. these roads will take you into your own country by @notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney | WIP | 33k
Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.
Heather Says: So. It’s funny that another of @notbecauseofvictories‘s stories is at the top of my list again this year. Keep in mind this list is sorted by when the fic was read rather than favorites (because that would get real complicated real quick). Clearly there must be something about January. There’s just something about the writing that is easy to slip into, be it a Star Wars fic or a Labyrinth fic or even a fic about Johnny and the Devil. This was lovely and I can’t wait until it’s finished.
2. eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by @honkforhankcon | Detroit: Become Human | Hank/Connor | 91k
Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Heather Says: I don’t think that this is the first DBH fic that I sought out after beating the game, but it is the first that I loved enough to make it to this list. I didn’t think that I would go for a modern au for this fandom, certainly not a modern au wihere Hank is a truck driver and Connor is a sex worker (albeit briefly?) but here I am.
3. Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit: Become Human | RK900/Gavin Reed | 41k
After the android uprising, Connor becomes a permanent fixture in the DPD. That’s fine. Gavin can accept that. The dipshit’s more human than he used to be, and a decent detective to boot. Gavin can deal with him being around. What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
Heather Says: I also never thought that I’d like a fic with Gavin in it. But I got curious about all the Reed900, and well, this fic really won me over. The writing is fantastic, and it softens Gavin while still keeping him believable. Also, well, I like the enemies to lovers thing.
4. Almost Cool by @blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 30k
While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Heather Says: This is actually the first thing that I read for this fandom. In fact, this is the fic that got me into Buzzfeed Unsolved in the first place. I’d seen a lot of art and gifs and fics pass my way, but I was only ever slightly interested in what I saw until this fic came through my inbox and piqued my curiosity. 
5. Pride by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne/Cersei | 22k
Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. 
Heather Says: Wowza. This fic was intense. I’ve always loved Jaime and Brienne. I’ve loved them since the second book, which was read at least a few years before I started loving them in the show. Adding Cersei to their dynamic would have probably been almost impossible to pull off if it was anyone else, but @astolat lives to surpass my expectations.
6. Skin and Scales by Ernmark | The Penumbra Podcast | Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla | 18k
The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing. “Lord Arum?”
Heather Says: I was one of those people who skipped through all of the Second Citadel episodes during my first listen through of Penumbra. The stories were good, but the pull of Juno was too great. A couple months after I finished, I went back and listened to everything I didn’t. And let me tell you. Lizard monster. Honorable knight. Bookish girlfriend. Poly. It hit every single button I had and then some. This fic really hit the spot when I ran out of story.
7. someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k
catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Heather Says: Noooot usually a big fan of high school fics. Namely because I’m not in high school anymore and well, after you read so many in your teenage years they sort of lose their luster. This one was phenomenal enough to change my mind.
8. Sands of Time by @tirsynni | Legend of Zelda | Ganondorf/Link | WIP | 98k
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Heather Says: I have seen a lot of really good Link/Ganondorf art over the years, but never really stumbled across a fic that didn’t have judicious amount of non-con involved. But the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer happened, and everybody started drawing really pretty art, so I went looking. And lo and behold, @tirsynni saved the day with this gorgeous time travel/fix-it fic. 
9. killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k
Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend. (Or: the one where the Phantom Thieves decide to know thy enemy, befriend thy enemy, love thy enemy, crush on thy enemy).
Heather Says: I’ve read a couple of veterization’s fics over the years, and to date they have never disappointed me. They published this in June, and I think I clicked on it mostly because I was bored and hadn’t read any good P5 fic yet. This was basically just what the doctor ordered, and I was really happy to find something where Akechi’s story went ever so slightly different.
10. paper thin by @ebonybow | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k
Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
Heather Says: So I went into this one knowing very little about how Sara fit into things. I didn’t know she was Shane’s girlfriend. I’d never even seen her, but I clicked because I like poly and I trust the author. I was 100% not disappointed. There’s also another fic with a very similar dynamic here, which is also aces.
11. damn.nation, now available on itunes by @kaikamahine | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 11k
When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell. This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
Heather Says: Elizabeth may have only written one fic this year, but she made it a damn good one. I’ve always loved her OCs especially, so I was pretty tickled that this is 10k+ of outsider pov. Also, demons! Demons are great! This demon is great! I want like 9 seasons and a movie about Amphora, just saying.
12. The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Jon/Sansa/Daenarys | 60k
When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Heather Says: What do you mean season 8 didn’t exist and the show totally ended with a three way relationship between the two most powerful women in Westeros and Jon Snow? Never been a big fan of Jon/Sansa before this, but this is another of those writers that I would literally trust if they wrote a fic about a fork and a spoon.
13. never tell me the odds by @wildehacked | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 9k
“I tried Star Wars," he says, adjusting the phone under his neck, "and it was way underwhelming.”
A shaky breath from her end. “Well, where did you start?”
Heather Says: I don’t remember which of @wildehacked‘s fandoms I started reading first. Most recently it’s been The Magnus Archives (more on this later). The point is, they’d written Wolf 359 fic and it had Hera and Eiffel and it was literally everything that I’ve been looking for since the series ended.
14. Find Me Somebody by raiining | Good Omens | Warlock/Adam Young | 11k
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
Heather Says: There was an Art. The art was lovely. So I went looking, because that’s what I do when faced with beautiful art depicting a rare pairing. And I found the holy grail. Like, possibly my favorite Good Omens fic? Ever? 
15. flirting with fire by @brawlite | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | WIP | 7k
Steve's a cop, Billy's a firefighter. It's not a grudge, it's just a regular old small town rivalry.
Heather Says: Okay so brawlite has written a lot of great stuff this year (more on that later), but I read this in bed at the beach house this August while I was reeling from both a horrible sunburn and like seven hours of mild to moderate day-drinking while everyone else was still throwing back shots right outside my bedroom door. Jaws was playing on the tv and I wasn’t even paying attention to it, because THIS. Long story short, I’ve been thirsty for more ever since.
16. gold, when you find me by mmtion | The Flash | Iris/Barry | 53k
It's not that Iris hates The Flash, per say - more that she hates writing about The Streak in a weekly, pun-heavy comic based on The Flash.
Heather Says: I never would have thought that a canon pairing would make it to my Top 25 list, but here we are. I like Iris/Barry a lot better when they don’t grow up together and spend a lot of time playing the Superman game, apparently. Also, this was really well-written, and sexual tension has never been something I’ve felt from Barry and Iris, but I felt it in this fic. Just. Damn.
17. never gets old by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger| Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Heather Says: Told you I’d come back to it. brawlite and toastranger are a fantastic team. last year was cherry pie and under the covers, this year it’s camboys and cop/firefighter dynamics. Also, I have a really strange fascination with fics where a character has an instragram. It’s really, incredibly strange. Also also, every time I see this fic title I get that one Discovery Channel song stuck in my head. And no, it probably isn’t the one you’re thinking.
18. ways to save the world by @wildehacked | The Magnus Archives | Martin Blackwood/Jon Sims | 19k
“I left you,” Martin says softly.
Heather Says: And we’re back at wildehacked too! The Magnus Archives was a thing that happened to me. This is I think the first fic I read for it while listening, and it was so very close to what we got in canon. I think when it comes down to it though, I still prefer this fic, even if the ending of this season was pretty fantastic.
19. The Denial Twist by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 35k
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
Heather Says: While the vampire one is my favorite both because it is excellent and because it was my first, this one was bizarre and sexy and also I read it like only a month or so ago! The dancing was my favorite part, but having dreams to work with made this story fantastically interesting and I loved every second of it.
20. silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 4k
The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. There were a number of them, all the same shade, following one after the other around her left wrist. They were pale as old scars, though they felt no different from the rest of her skin, and her mother claimed that Miryem had been born with them.
Heather Says: I really like soulmate aus. There’s so many different ways to twist them and the way they can sometimes change the dynamic entirely and other times not change them at all is just fascinating. I’ve been hoping there would be more Spinning Silver content on ao3 and running into this while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for yuletide was a real treat.
21. you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k
Costis has a particularly enlightening evening. (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
Heather Says: I accidentally re-read the King of Attolia and it made me consider ships I had perhaps not previously considered. This was really lovely and just steamy enough.
22. something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 21k
It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Heather Says: I want to only type the words AGONIZED NOISES to describe this fic because that’s basically my headspace when I get 21k of a shiny new ot3, but I mean. Really. This is super good and maybe my favorite yet? Why didn’t I start reading this fandom when I first read the books?
23. Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k
The dragon chooses, Mark knows that as well as any boy born in a weyr. He'd never considered what that would mean if the dragon picked someone you hated. He's starting to think that was a mistake.
Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
Heather Says: This should actually be somewhere back in March, but I apparently closed out of the tab at some point. I never really got into Pern much. I have the first three books, but got most of the way through the first one a long time ago and then never picked it back up. I didn’t think I would like this, mostly because of the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the books, but was surprised to find that I absolutely loved it.
24. Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | Lila/Kell/Holland | 9k
Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
Heather Says: I love the new things I’ve discovered during my yuletide trompings. I don’t think I ever actually considered this pairing when I first read the books, but I am just so enamored with the idea of the three of them together. Like, why did I not realize that potential back then? This was lovely, and I loved it, and I want so much more out of this pairing than what ao3 has to offer me.
25. Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Gen & Costis | 13k
Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
Heather Says: Technically this shouldn’t be on here because I only read it today, but it was really wonderful and so canon typical. Gen and Costis were perfect in it, Irene was perfect in it. Everyone was perfect and nothing hurts.
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natsumiheart · 6 years
My headcanons on the V3 cast with gaming:
(Warning: Kokichi is almost in all of them 😂)
Doesn’t play games by herself since she’s always on the piano
If she does play though it’s with friends (cause Kokichi just drags everyone to play with him)
Or playing piano tiles and magic piano on her phone when she’s not near her piano
Even though she doesn’t play much, she jams to video game OSTs
Plays a lot of games (especially danganronpa before he entered the game himself)
Used to be uncomfortable with online multiplayer until Kokichi started playing with him
A huge fan of the Ace Attorney franchise
Loves indie games, and just anything with a good story and music
Can not take the evil routes in some story games but forced himself in others, he needed to go through all the endings for the true end in Shadow the hedgehog for example, but will never do genocide in Undertale
Horror games don’t scare him cause nothing is scarier than his life
A freakin gaming nerd and doesn’t admit it
Says shit such as “GET REKT NOOBS”
He has dragged most of his friends to play with him, a member of dice keeps giving him games and he immediately nyooms to Shuichi to play
He also brags about how he won the  “Fortnite Battle Royal” but it was actually in Roblox
He LOVES the Persona franchise (P3 and P5 hit too close to home for him, and will fite you saying PQ was good)
Has secretly cried while playing kingdom hearts and is currently dying for KH3
Team PlayStation
Made a really angry review over no man’s sky “WE GET PROMISED SO MUCH AND YOU GIVE THIS SHIT HUH”
He LOVES Universe sandbox and had fought Kokichi because he says “it’s not a game”
He hates playing with Kokichi, with passion
Can not handle horror games, like seriously can’t- Outlast gave him insomnia for months
Team Xbox
Do you know how freaking good she is as Widowmaker? No, you do not
Secretly plays Neko Atsume and helps Gonta collect his cats (she told him she just knows instead of admitting that she collects kitties as well)
Kaito forces her to play games on the Xbox Kinetic with him even though she always beats him
Has too much stamina and can handle horror VR like a boss
Actually hates anything violent, like GTA
Plays sometimes when he’s not traveling
He loves open world games and exploring them, or survival games
Mostly you’ll find him playing rules of survival and don’t starve
He has the most fun playing them with Shuichi and Kokichi
Has spent 100+ hours on breath of the wild
Strangely a Sonic and WWE fan (please tell me someone recognised the meme)
Didn’t know what games were until kokichi introduced him to talking Angela and told him she’s actually a real talking cat
He started playing Neko Atsume, my Angela, and crossy road
Then kokichi introduced him to pokemon and now he wants to catch them all cause they are so cute (he loves the bug types)
Kiibo was the one to tell him that Angela was in fact not real
If he would stop getting games with robots recommended to him that would be great
Used to love Mega Man as a kid though
The first “game” without robots that was recommended by Kokichi was “Can your pet”, he’s still traumatized to this day
She says she doesn’t play
But we all know she’s all over those 18+ dating games, you know what I’m talking about 👀
Is actually weak to cute games, just anything cute
Used to play pretty girly stuff as a kid, that Hannah Montana game for example
Wii sports tennis alone or with Kokichi 
How did kokichi convince him to even try it? They both don’t even know
You bet he also has Neko Atsume and collected all the cats and their presents
Used to play smash bros with his girlfriend
Loves anything with magical girls because she relates™
Fantasy games 👏
Fav is Touhou
Is too lazy so she prefers portable consoles, sitting is a pain, going to a console is a pain
Used to not play anything
Refused to do so because gaming is “what most degenerates do" and it has "degenerate protagonists”
She threw Kokichi across the room when he asked her to play with him
But then when Himiko showed her Lara Croft from tomb raider she started only playing games with Himiko if it’s full of cute girls or strong independent girls OR JUST GIRLS
Kokichi made her play butterfly soup, let’s just say he gained some respect from her
Doesn’t play 
But once kokichi made her play draw my thing in a server in Minecraft and everyone was shook at how accurate that chest she drew was
She gets a lot of commissions of video game characters though so she knows about a lot of games
Plays some games for research
But really he just enjoys playing some games 
Has some seriously old board games and explains their origins to everyone
Kokichi is a huge victim of his symbolism in games lectures
If requested she will play
Likes animal crossing
Had a Tamagotchi as a kid, she loved taking care of her pet
Enjoys listening to calm video game OSTs recommended by Kaede
If it has an anime art style or its a JRPG she plays
Loves final fantasy and Otome games (has played any otome game she can find)
She religiously plays rhythm games such as Love Live! and Uta pri
Kokichi once tried to make her play infamous and she refused cause “main character isn’t her type” (you bet her type is 2D)
Kokichi also keeps lying to people that her fav game is ultimate ninja storm generations
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oriorchids · 2 years
Persona 5 Protagnist
thank you beloved /p
Persona Five Protagonist
favorite thing about them - he is a fucking idiot (affectionate)
least favorite thing about them - he doesn't have enough voicelines
favorite line - don't remember the exact line but BUTTON MASH
brOTP - protagonist and ryuji!! or ann.
OTP - you know what i'm putting down, kiki. akeshu
nOTP - protagonist x adult or futaba
random headcanon - he plays silly phone gacha games. also ace p5 protag is neat.
unpopular opinion - uhhhh idk. i don't have many opinions
song i associate with them - The Villain I Appear To Be by Connor Spiotto and Molly Pease
favorite picture of them
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nova-friends · 6 years
@Everyone and E; So is anybody here a Persona fan because if so, what do you think of the series as a whole? Also what do you think of Joker's official name being Ren Amamiya and not Akira Kurusu? Last thing, which game was your favorite? And Happy New Year to the lot of you!
Nova: Well canonically that’s all Missy and Connor mostly because Connor looks like Akira. that being said. 
E: (Wearing glasses as Life will change plays in the background) I love persona. I’ve never played persona 1 or 2 but I loved 3, 4 and especially 5. I love 5. My god it was worth the nearly 10 year wait. The soundtrack, the story, the style, the characters it was all just amazing and I loved it. I seriously can not go back to 3 or 4 though the fighting game spin off is pretty solid too (have not played the dance game not sure if I want to) I really hope p6 is brings back the cast of 3,4 and 5 for some epic story. personally I like Joker’s name being Akira Kurusu. It fits but that’s just me. 
Missy: p5, hands down.    
Nova; happy new year! *Everyone waves* 
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parastims · 6 years
How about a Haru Okumura (persona 5) stimboard?
Ta-da done! I hope this is alright? I haven’t played P5 in a while so I hope I still remember the characters ^^”- mod Connor
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junker-town · 5 years
Will Addazio’s BC ever win more than 7 games a year?
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If the Eagles do stray from the seven-win script in 2018, bet the under.
Bill C’s annual preview series of every FBS team in college football continues. Catch up here!
I spend a lot of time, both in this preview series and on Podcast Ain’t Played Nobody, setting bars for different types of FBS programs. That’s strangely difficult for Boston College.
On one hand, it’s hard to create a winner in the Northeast. The talent isn’t as deep as in other areas of the country, as evidenced by both recruiting rankings — per the 247Sports Composite, the Eagles haven’t signed a top-50 class since 2011 — and by BC being neighbors with some of the worst G5 (UConn, UMass) and P5 (Rutgers) programs.
Plus, the Eagles were doomed by randomness and stuck in the ACC’s hard division. Nobody but Clemson or Florida State has won the Atlantic Division since BC did it in 2007-08. (BC fans should be among the nation’s biggest pods advocates.)
On the other hand, BC bowls damn near every year. The Eagles have only been home for the postseason three times in the last 20 seasons. While they stumbled in Frank Spaziani’s final two seasons as head coach, Steve Addazio quickly engineered a rebound. He’s been to five bowls in six years, and it took horrible close-games luck and countless QB injuries in 2015 to miss going 6-for-6.
You’d like to see improvement, though. While Addazio has established a physical identity and beaten plenty of blue bloods (USC, Florida State, Miami), his Eagles are what they are. They have finished between 53rd and 73rd in all six of his seasons on the Heights. They have flashed higher ceilings, spending parts of early-2015 and early-2018 in the top 30, but they haven’t sustained it.
Typically, in fans’ eyes, if you’re not rising, you’re falling. But BC home attendance has risen 25 percent since 2015’s odd stumble. It improved dramatically in 2017, with a home schedule that included Notre Dame, Virginia Tech, and FSU, but in 2018, without this trio, it improved even further.
So to summarize: BC should expect bowls every year but should never even dream of a division title. The Eagles are stagnating on paper but rising in attendance.
None of that makes sense, and it makes it awfully hard to evaluate how Addazio is actually performing. He quickly dragged BC out of the post-Spaziani muck, and his teams at least slightly punch above their recruiting weight class. But he hasn’t improved recruiting, and while he’s bowled nearly every season, he still hasn’t cleared the bar set by Tom O’Brien (7.6 wins per year) or Jeff Jagodzinski (20 wins in two seasons).
Chances are, then, that we know what BC is going to end up doing this fall. S&P+ projects six wins and another ranking in Addazio’s typical range, after all.
The nature of BC’s returning production, however, is intriguing. The Eagles bring back quarterback Anthony Brown and maybe the most intriguing skill corps they’ve had in quite a while, one that includes 250-pound, 1,100-yard rusher AJ Dillion and a couple of true home run hitters in receiver Kobay White and utility man Ben Glines.
At the same time, they have to replace two star defensive ends (Zach Allen and Wyatt Ray combined for 26.5 tackles for loss and 15.5 sacks), their leading tackler (linebacker Connor Strachan), and almost all of last year’s starting secondary. The offense is projected to improve, but the defense is projected to regress considerably.
Over the last four seasons, BC has averaged a 103.3 ranking in Off. S&P+ and a 21.0 ranking on defense. Returning production suggests this could be the Eagles’ best offense in a while, and if the floor for the defense is high enough despite the turnover, this could be a top-40 team. At the same time, if the ceiling for the offense remains low and the defense collapses, this could be a barely-top-80 team.
So maybe there’s some change coming, one way or the other?
Nah. I’m just going to assume BC ends up with seven wins until proven otherwise.
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BC might end up in about the same place every year, but last year’s journey to Same Old, Same Old was circuitous. The offense spent much of the season hinting at something far greater before succumbing to BC-ness.
First 3 games (3-0): 52.7 points per game, 7.6 yards per play, 79 percent offensive percentile performance
Next 6 games (4-2): 29.5 points per game, 4.9 yards per play, 34 percent offensive percentile performance
Last 3 games (0-3): 16.3 points per game, 4.2 yards per play, 24 percent offensive percentile performance
Granted, the schedule had a role there. The first two games were against UMass (124th in Def. S&P+) and FCS Holy Cross, while Clemson (third in Def. S&P+) showed up in the last three. But the percentile performance figures above are opponent-adjusted — there was still a clear downward shift.
Both run and pass struggled. Dillon went from averaging 7.5 yards per carry in the first three games, to 4.5 in the middle six (in which he missed two games with an ankle injury), to 3.2 in the final three. Brown’s passer rating went from a Heisman-level 240.2 in those first three games to a miserable 109.2 the rest of the way. (He battled a hand injury late in the year, but the slide began long before.)
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Winslow Townson-USA TODAY Sports
Anthony Brown
BC ended up 114th in marginal efficiency and 27th in marginal explosiveness. Being so all-or-nothing, so reliant on big plays, makes you volatile and gives you a high ceiling, a low floor, and little consistency.
In theory, continuity at quarterback could create a bit more consistency. Brown is a two-year starter, and even if much of his 2018 success came against the Holy Crosses of the world, he still improved as a sophomore.
Brown loses tight end Tommy Sweeney and a particularly all-or-nothing target in Jeff Smith, but White had emerged as BC’s best all-around receiver by the end of the year, and in Glines and Travis Levy, he’s got a pair of security-blanket options, when they’re in the backfield in place of Dillon.
BC needs a new explosiveness option with Smith gone, but there are some exciting candidates between sophomore tight end Hunter Long (four catches for 103 yards and two touchdowns), sophomore wideout Noah Jordan-Williams (three catches for 74), and Penn State tight end transfer Danny Dalton.
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Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports
Kobay White
BC had two different offenses: one when Dillon was in the game and one when he wasn’t.
The Eagles were extremely predictable with the bruiser in the backfield. His rushing success rate was only 39 percent (Glines: 52 percent), and he was in no way a receiving threat (41 yards in 12 targets).
If you couldn’t stop Dillon, you had no chance of beating the Eagles (he averaged 5.9 yards per carry in wins), but if you could (3.2 per carry in losses), BC was reluctant to go to Plan B. When forced to change the script in Dillon’s absence, the Eagles averaged more than 30 points per game.
With quite a bit of turnover up front — those responsible for 41 of last year’s 60 line starts are gone, and Miami grad transfer Hayden Mahoney will likely be asked to star immediately — there’s no guarantee that Plan A will work even as well as it did last year.
When coordinator Scot Loeffler was somewhat inexplicably hired away as Bowling Green’s head coach, it gave Addazio a chance to modernize a hair. He chose against it, instead hiring Mike Bajakian, Butch Jones’ former OC at Cincinnati and Tennessee who spent the last four years as a Tampa Bay Bucs position coach.
Don’t expect much change. That’s unfortunate because some more early-down passing, and some more chances for Glines and Levy, could work wonders.
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Addazio made an interesting change atop his defensive coaching staff this offseason: coordinator Jim Reid, a nearly 50-year coaching veteran, took a demotion to defensive ends coach, and linebackers coach Bill Sheridan, a former NFL coordinator for the Giants and Bucs, got promoted to DC in his second year in town.
BC’s defense had regressed since former DC Don Brown left for Michigan — the Eagles were fifth in Def. S&P+ in his final season and were between 24th and 32nd in three seasons with Reid. Still, 32nd ain’t bad, and I’m assuming this move was at least in part because of Reid’s advancing age.
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Melina Myers-USA TODAY Sports
Max Richardson
Sheridan has some turnover issues to deal with in his first year in charge, and while turnover in the secondary tends to have an especially direct impact on your Def. S&P+ rating, I’m almost as concerned about BC’s front.
By the Eagles’ standards, they were mediocre against the run last year, ranking just 48th in Rushing S&P+. Reid only felt comfortable playing his starters — only four linemen had more than 11 tackles, and only one of those four (tackle Tanner Karafa) now returns. Regressing, then losing most of your contributors, makes for a scary double-dip situation.
The linebacking corps could pick up some slack, even without Strachan. Sheridan has to hope so, anyway. Juniors Isaiah McDuffie, Max Richardson, and John Lamot all return, and Richardson was even more of a play-maker than Strachan. Plus, redshirt freshman Vinny DePalma looked fantastic in run defense in a three-game audition, and incoming freshman Shitta Sillah was maybe the jewel of the 2019 signing class.
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Bob DeChiara-USA TODAY Sports
Brandon Sebastian
If the front seven can at least hold steady, that’ll give BC a chance to address the OTHER concern. BC usually boasts an excellent DB or two, but corner Hamp Cheevers, now a Tennessee Titan, was particularly strong. He and another departing cornerback, Taj-Amir Torres, combined for 10 interceptions and 18 breakups, and safeties Will Harris and Lukas Denis are gone as well.
Sophomore cornerback Brandon Sebastian is back, at least, and there’s still a veteran presence at safety with senior Mehdi El Attrach and junior Mike Palmer. But with any injury, BC will be dipping pretty heavily into a large pool of true and redshirt freshmen. Again, the floor for the BC defense might be high enough that the drop-off is manageable. But there will probably be a drop-off.
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Special Teams
Addazio has done himself no favors with special teams. The Eagles were ninth in Special Teams S&P+ in his first season but fell to 69th in 2014, 90th to 91st each year from 2015-17, and a dismal 118th in 2018. And that was with an excellent return man in Michael Walker, now gone. Punter Grant Carlson was 102nd in punt efficiency, and he’s the most proven of BC’s returning ST personnel.
2019 outlook
2019 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 31-Aug Virginia Tech 30 -7.4 33% 7-Sep Richmond NR 24.8 92% 14-Sep Kansas 107 15.3 81% 21-Sep at Rutgers 108 10.5 73% 28-Sep Wake Forest 62 0.1 50% 5-Oct at Louisville 87 0.9 52% 19-Oct N.C. State 47 -3.1 43% 26-Oct at Clemson 3 -31.7 3% 2-Nov at Syracuse 56 -6.4 36% 9-Nov Florida State 28 -7.7 33% 23-Nov at Notre Dame 12 -20.9 11% 30-Nov at Pittsburgh 59 -5.6 37%
Projected S&P+ Rk 72 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 81 / 63 Projected wins 5.5 Five-Year S&P+ Rk 3.0 (62) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 63 2018 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* 7 / 4.8 2018 TO Luck/Game +0.9 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 53% (69%, 38%) 2018 Second-order wins (difference) 6.2 (0.8)
S&P+ sees BC’s defense regressing more than its offense improves, and the Eagles are projected to slip from 63rd to 72nd overall, and from seven wins to closer to six. To believe something more ambitious, you have to believe that either the defense is slip-proof or that the offense has a much higher ceiling than it’s shown over the last four years.
The order of operations is interesting, though. After a season-opening visit from Virginia Tech, BC is a projected favorite in each of its next five games ... and then an underdog in the last six. There are some relative tossups in there, but the odds of a fast start and tough finish are solid. (The Eagles are used to this: they started 7-2 last year, hosted GameDay, and then collapsed, after all.)
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Team preview stats
All 2019 preview data to date.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
[A4A] (Fandoms) Summer is here! Looking for Long-term, writing Partners!
Your Name/Nickname/Alias: Bocaj Age: 22 Time zone: EST  Add. Information: Born in the Year of the Rat, Also, a Hufflepuff. 
Looking for: Someone interested in writing with Fandoms.
Literate/semi-Literate/Basic (Script): Literate, no text talk or anything like that please. 
Response Time: Varies throughout the day, but a few times a day. At least twice! Response Lengths: Again, varies. Bare minimum, a paragraph. More, usually.   POV: 3rd Past Tense, 1st when a character is in thought.
Original /Fandom: Fandom, please.  Canon Characters/Original: Usually, I stick to Canons. Some Fandoms are open to OC's,  I don't ask you to nail their character 100 percent, but try your best.  Favored sexual orientations:  If things go in a romantic way, usually I like FxF, or MxF.
Response Time Preferred: I ask, at least once a day, if not more. 
Contact Stuff: I like to Discuss, and possibly write on Discord. Open to moving to Email. Discord is: TheOneWhoSits#3363
Some ideas Revolving around the Fandoms I wish to write with:  Kingdom Hearts:  Now this can go many, many ways! I have played every game in the series, including the mobile App game, Union Cross. That said, my favorite must be, 358/2 Days. (Just so you have a feel of my type of KH fan I am.)  Could dive into a certain time frame from the serious, or, not. AU’s also welcomed to be discussed! For the sake of keeping spoilers out of public eye, I will say, there are things in Kingdom Hearts 3, that I would personally like to re-write in a Roleplay. But I will not dive into said things here.  Also, open, to writing in the time frame, when the Organization, the original Organization were still Some-bodies, under the study of Ansem the Wise. Dive into the rather sketchy experiments and studies they performed. 
Recently thought of something, sort of like an AU, based off the same idea of Final Fantasy X-2. Basically, some adventure /spin-off with the girls of the series. Could be its own AU, or what not. But, Aqua, Kairi, Namine, Xion all working together sounds fun! Not sure where we could take it, but very open to this!
Also open to playing with any of the Trio's, even one that's not highlighted a lot- (Young Xehanort, Yen Sid, and Eraqus.) A lot is open for this Fandom.
Might be open to OC Keybladers, in Union Cross type story, ending with the Keyblade War. That is one aspect of that game, I do like.
Dragon Ball: 
For this Fandom,  I wish to stay within Universe 6, Champa's Universe. Mainly focusing on the Saiyans of said Universe, Kale and Caulifla, and Cabba. I really want these three to be the main protagonist! After watching Super Heroes, I like to adapt some of that, and the GT Tuffle Arc in the Sixth Universe. The Tuffles rebelling against the Saiyans, perhaps them targeting Kale, since her Legendary like form.  OC's, as villains and antagonists are welcomed here, but the focus being on the Saiyans.
Persona 5:  This is also very open!  Part of likes the idea, of going through the story, with an all-female version of the Phantom Thieves.  Also like the idea, taking inspiration from the Anthology Manga, with side stories and events.  Perhaps we find a way to Cross Kingdom Hearts over with the Thieves. Sora, Donald and Goofy, working alongside the Phantom Thieves of Heart, could be fun!  Maybe something with the P5 Royal Girl, from the trailer. Something redeeming Akechi, or even the story from his perspective.  Maybe we can dive into our favorite ship and write an AU around them. (Mine is MakoAnn~!)
   Pokémon:  In reality, this deals with Pokémon Colosseum specifically, but not against any of the other games. (Though, the idea of mixing other Protags into the Colosseum realm is welcome too!)  Growing up, this was one of my favorite games. Though, even then I noticed how quiet it was. In a way, I wish to re-write in, but giving character arcs/growth to main villains and Wes himself. Let's have Wes have done some pretty horrible things, while working for Team Snag'Em, hinting at why he decides to betray them. People around the world, recognizing Wes, from his time as a bad person. Adding a sense of a redemption story for him, in his quest to stop them.  Team Snag'Em, themselves perhaps could be working in the Shadow Pokémon business, selling to other Crime groups, maybe other organizations from the other games.  Power Rangers!:   So, who doesn't like colorful spandex, and explosions! Of course, I did say I want to dive into the 2017 Movie universe, and this is still true! Ideally, continuing where it left off. Adding in, a new Green Ranger (ideally, a female Tommi Oliver) Though, my idea is to have her, slightly corrupted by the Power Coin Rita once held. (Stealing from the MMPR arc, Evil with Green) the coin could slowly corrupt her mind, in a way making her a second Rita, and the Rangers having to deal with a way to free her.  If we go the BOOM STUDIO Comic-Verse, I'd like to play around with the Broken Grid, type arc, after Lord Drakkon tried to rule over all. Form a team of our favorite Rangers, and have them stuck in many places, dealing with monsters out of time. Have this team, unstuck in time, as they try to fix the Grid, one way or another.  
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: I’ll be honest, I skimmed through most of Part-4; it didn’t really capture me that much. My favorite parts (of the anime, and in order) must go: Part-2, Part-3, Part-1, Part-5, and Part-4. Recently started watching Part-5, and its doing a lot better for me, than Diamond is Unbreakable.  I will also add, I enjoy Hamon, a little more than Stands. I know Hamon is all but forgotten now, but still, Joseph made me love it.
Though, I am not sure what I would do with this Fandom, just that it could be fun to write in! Perhaps OC’s, rather than Canon characters; though, I could try Canon characters. But we could take this many direction, really. Just a bit more discussing for this one.
    The Arrow-Verse:  For this, I have written a time-line, of sorts, for a Darker Future; since, all the shows seem to point in this direction. However, with the current season of Arrow having Flash-forwards to a dark future, I might have to re-work my Time line.  But, ideally, I wish to have the focus on Nora West-Allen/Xs. and John Diggle Jr/Connor Hawke. Dealing both with the loss of their father figures, and trying to work in a world, that has almost gone completely to crap.  Since Arrow has introduced new characters like Mia, and William, we can have them join the group as well. Kind of, like a new Generation of the Trio (The trio being Ollie, Barry and Kara). Open to introducing a character from Super-Girl's blood line. I don't want this to focus on one show's characters too much, hence why I suggest Nora and John Diggle Jr be the leads; the arrow and Flash reps. A super-girl character could be fun too!  Have arcing plots, maybe Nora looking for what happened to the Flash, but trying to locate Oliver Queen (since he was close to Barry) only to discover a ruined Star City and a New Green Arrow hopelessly holding on. 
Sword Art Online:  I don't have too much on this, just that I would like to have Suguha as a main character. Perhaps an AU, where she was trapped in a game, instead of her cousin. Or, her in some other sorts of games. OC's are welcomed in this as well.  A few other things, that would be discussed, but also open to write within! High School of the Dead| Prison School| The MCU| Legend Of Zelda| Battlefront II; Inferno Squad|
0 notes
gontagokuhara · 4 years
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Where Wales currently stand and what they need in Slovakia and Croatia Euro 2020 qualifiers
Wales face a pivotal week in their quest to qualify for Euro 2020.
Ryan Giggs’ side face Slovakia and Croatia in quick succession as they bid to keep their hopes of reaching next year’s tournament alive.
Here’s exactly where things stand ahead of the crunch double header.
What are the upcoming fixtures?
Thursday, October 10
Croatia v Hungary
Slovakia v Wales
Sunday, October 13
Hungary v Azerbaijan
Wales v Croatia
The Anton Malatinský Stadium
And what about the fixtures after that?
Saturday, November 16
Azerbaijan v Wales
Croatia v Slovakia
Tuesday, November 19
Wales v Hungary
Slovakia v Azerbaijan
How does Group E currently look?
1 Croatia – P5; W3; D1; L1; Pts 10
2 Slovakia  – P5; W3; D0; L2; Pts 9
3 Hungary – P5; W3; D0; L2; Pts 9
4 Wales – P4; W2; D0; L2; Pts 6
5 Azerbaijan – P5; W0; D1; L4; Pts 1
Wales’ Gareth Bale scores against Azerbaijan (Image: PA Wire)
What do Wales need to qualify?
A dream scenario would be for Wales to win all four of their remaining matches, as that would guarantee a place in the top two of the group, and with it a spot at Euro 2020.
But that’s a tough ask to say the least.
History shows countries finishing in second spot in five-team qualifying groups end their qualifying campaigns, on average, with 15 points from their eight fixtures.
You can read more on that here.
As Wales currently have six points with four games left to play, it looks as though they’ll need three wins at the very least to qualify, potentially drawing the other game, unless there are a few surprise results elsewhere.
As for the Slovakia game specifically, lose and Wales will face a monumental task to qualify via the regular format. Their hopes would be all-but ended. So it appears to be a must-not-lose game rather than a must-win, although three points in Trnava would be enormous for Giggs’ men.
Seven points could even be enough for Wales, for example, if they were to draw in Slovakia, lose to Croatia and then win their final two games, as long as Croatia defeated the other big guns in the group, which would allow Giggs’ side to sneak into runner-up spot.
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  What about the Nations League?
Let’s not forget the Nations League as it could yet come to Wales’ rescue.
The situation is explained in full right here.
Wales manager Ryan Giggs (Image: Getty)
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  Wales squad
Wayne Hennessey, Danny Ward, Adam Davies.
Chris Gunter, Ashley Williams, Ben Davies, Neil Taylor, Connor Roberts, Ethan Ampadu, Chris Mepham, Tom Lockyer, Joe Rodon.
Aaron Ramsey, Joe Allen, Jonny Williams, Harry Wilson, Matthew Smith, Daniel James, Will Vaulks, Joe Morrell.
Gareth Bale, Sam Vokes, Tom Lawrence, Tyler Roberts, Rabbi Matondo, Kieffer Moore.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
BMW M8 GTE Finishes Fifth at Long Beach
A fifth place finish by the No. 24 BMW M8 GTE of John Edwards and Jesse Krohn in today’s IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship BUBBA burger Sports Car Grand Prix at Long Beach made a difficult day much better for BMW Team RLL. What started as an excellent race for the No. 25 BMW M8 GTE of Alexander Sims and Connor DePhillippi, after clever pit strategy and the luck of a caution period, ultimately saw the car retire from the race on lap 37 after leading for nine laps.
DePhillippi started the No. 25 M8 GTE from the seventh GTLM class position and was the first car in class to pit on lap 17 at the 29 minute mark as the fuel window opened. Sims took over the controls and reentered the race with new Michelin tires and enough fuel to make the end of the race. A broken prototype brought out the race’s second yellow flag minutes later allowing Sims to save fuel and cycle to the front of the class as the balance of the field made their stops. Krohn, who had started the race in the eighth position, held position in the No. 24 M8 GTE.
After leading nine laps,  Sims was hip-checked back to second place at the fountain complex by the No. 912 Porsche.  Edwards, now behind the wheel of the No. 24 M8 GTE from lap 23, raced in the seventh position. The complexion of the race for BMW changed on lap 36 when Sims tagged the wall exiting the turn 10 hairpin and was forced to the pits. Ultimately, the car was retired. Lap 40 saw Edwards take over the sixth position. 11 more laps saw the No. 24 M8 move up to fifth as the No. 912 Porsche pitted with damage. Edwards held the position for the remaining 20 minutes of the contest to score a fifth place finish.
“A fifth place almost feels like a win,” said Bobby Rahal, Team Principal. “Our strategy worked out well initially, pitting early and getting one of the cars into the lead after the yellow. It was obvious that it would be very difficult for us to stay in the lead however. I am disappointed for the team as everyone has worked very hard and to not have the pace is very tough. Long Beach is a handling track but we still needed some more grunt. We will keep working hard and hope we will get back to the pace we had at Sebring.”
Connor De Phillippi, driver No. 25 BMW M8 GTE (DNF): “The team made a perfect strategy call to come in early. We played it relatively smart in the beginning to get out with the lead under yellow. We ran as hard as we could, as we have the whole weekend, but it simply wasn’t quite enough. Alex was fighting hard out there for us. Some days aren’t your days and today wasn’t ours. We will analyze and move on to the next event and try to get back into the fight for the podium.”
  Alexander Sims, driver No. 25 BMW M8 GTE (DNF): “In the beginning, the team made a great call on strategy putting us ahead of everyone else. If the car and I had had more pace we would have been able to make it stick and would have gotten a great result from it.”
John Edwards, driver No. 24 BMW M8 GTE (P5): “We executed a good race even though we knew we did not have the pace from qualifying. We planned to have one car do a non-traditional strategy and it worked when Alex got the lead under yellow. Unfortunately it did not go as planned when the No. 25 car was pushed wide and hit the wall. We were able to run a clean race in the No. 24 car and I think we executed well but did not have the pace throughout the weekend and had to find ways to make up spots.”
Jesse Krohn, driver No. 24 BMW M8 GTE (P5): “We got the best out of the car we could today but we simply did not have the pace. We got to the front with the No. 25 through great use of tactics but you saw the other cars driving around us. I am very happy for what we were able to do today with what we had.”
Round 4 of the 2018 IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, the ACURA SportsCar Challenge, will take the green flag at 1:05 p.m. ET on Sunday, May 6 and be broadcast live on Fox Sports 2 beginning at 1:00 p.m. ET. Follow BMW Team RLL on Twitter at @BMWUSARacing for “from-the-pit-box” updates all weekend.
The article BMW M8 GTE Finishes Fifth at Long Beach appeared first on BMW BLOG
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gontagokuhara · 4 years
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