Ocorreu um grande segredo nessa adoração. Diário 137.
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dailysonadowfanfics · 1 month
Reading every single Sonadow Fanfic (Ao3): 134/4.687
Title: The Elusive Shadow in the Halls (account needed)
Author: thewiredgalaxy
Website: Ao3
Published: 03.11.2017
Word Count: 3.597 words
Language: English
Suited for minors? Teen and up
Warnings: Non consential blood drinking
Smut? No
Finished? Yes
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower
Ships: Sonic/Shadow
Author Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vacation, Blood Drinking, Non-Consensual Blood Drinking, Gay, Crushes, Awkward Crush, NaNoWriMo, Can't believe this is my first Sonic fic since I was like 13, But upside is that its so much more gay than what I did then, Also quality is better too
Author Summary: Sonic and Tails decided to go on vacation and one of the places they go to visit is an old castle that runs tours through it. Rumor is is that there is a vampire who roams the halls of the castle, but few have seen him. But Sonic isn't very interested in that. He's more interested in getting out of this place to go somewhere else.
My summary: Sonic and friends are human in this. Sonic is visiting an old castle and gets separated from the group. He meets the vampire Shadow, who needs to eat.
You can read it here
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nervous-young-homo · 11 months
i love u team bolas, i do not think it counts as spawn killing U_U
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klobexia · 1 month
the monster porn game i’m playing is more accessible than 90% of AAA titles.
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redsimmer-blog · 2 years
me: *sees a like from a new account* omg who is this 🥰 let’s see 😊 *opens the blog* *the first thing that appears is literally a p*rn video*
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gaykingslayer · 6 months
You know you should probably give up on writing when panic productivity isn't on your side anymore
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kaedeakeshisworld · 11 months
Having an appointement to sort out your life is something I am never mentally prepared for
Please, I kindly offer my spot to anyone I'm good
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oh no (cringefail loser guy who knows some stuff about dangerous magic is now offering to help the person who literally tried to end the world unknowingly and they haven't had many interactions before and both on their own are pretty easy to deal with/not that dangerous but together it's probably going to be disastrous)
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aceniixx · 1 year
There's nothing worse than reading a really good fic and then in the last chapter or few chapters it just gets really fucking outta pocket weird.
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roastturkey · 2 years
My roommate shocked me with a prodding stick in the nipple cause I lost Tapple.
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mybuddyjimmy · 2 years
Consentient [kən-SEN-shənt]Part of speech: adjectiveOrigin: Latin, 17th century1. Of the same opinion in a matter; in agreement.Examples of consentient in a sentence“We pitched the idea of a new hedge to our neighbors, and they were consentient.”“All passengers on the boat were consentient, so we decided to stop first at the barrier island before sailing to our final destination.”
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Qu'est-ce que le "stealthing" ?
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Comprendre le retrait non consensuel d'un préservatif Les normes de genre sont souvent à l'origine de pratiques sexuelles malsaines. Dans certains cas, elles peuvent créer des idées fausses sur les droits sexuels des hommes et des attentes irréalistes quant à la soumission et la docilité des femmes pendant les rapports sexuels. Ces idées fausses peuvent conduire à des violations des limites et à des activités sexuelles non consensuelles. Un exemple de ce phénomène est le "stealthing", une pratique sexuelle récemment identifiée qui repose sur la tromperie et la violation. Qu'est-ce que le "stealthing" ? On parle de "stealthing" lorsqu'une personne retire délibérément un préservatif lors d'un rapport sexuel avec pénétration sans le consentement ou la connaissance de son partenaire. Le "stealthing" est également connu sous le nom de "retrait non consensuel du préservatif". Un exemple de scénario de "stealthing" pourrait être le cas où une victime dit à son partenaire qu'elle ne veut pas avoir de rapports sexuels non protégés et qu'elle ne consent qu'à des rapports sexuels avec un préservatif externe. Le partenaire retire alors secrètement le préservatif pendant le rapport, souvent sans en informer la victime avant un certain temps après l'incident (ou pas du tout). Si tous les actes de furtivité ne ressemblent pas exactement à ce scénario particulier, il est important de se rappeler qu'ils ont tous un point commun : l'absence de consentement. Aux États-Unis, le stealthing commence tout juste à faire l'objet d'une conversation nationale, suscitant des débats sur la question de savoir s'il s'agit ou non d'un problème et, dans l'affirmative, sur la manière de l'aborder. Cette discussion a même atteint le système juridique. En Californie et au Wisconsin, les législateurs tentent actuellement de faire passer des projets de loi qui modifieraient les lois de l'État afin de classer le retrait non consensuel d'un préservatif pendant un rapport sexuel comme une agression sexuelle. En France, il n’existe pas de jurisprudence portant directement sur le stealthing, mais la qualification de viol devrait s’imposer. S’il ne fait pas de doute qu’il ne peut s’agir que de viol par surprise, il reste encore à faire reconnaître le fait que la surprise puisse porter sur une des modalités du rapport sexuel. La jurisprudence récente de la Cour de cassation invite à un certain optimisme dans ce sens. Le stealthing, viol par surprise. En droit français le viol est défini comme un « acte de pénétration sexuelle, de quelque nature qu’il soit, commis sur la personne d’autrui ou sur la personne de l’auteur par violence, contrainte, menace ou surprise». Le législateur ne se réfère pas directement au consentement mais prévoit 4 moyens par lesquels l’auteur d’une agression sexuelle est susceptible d’outrepasser le consentement de son ou sa partenaire : par violence, par contrainte, par menace ou par surprise. En l’occurrence si le stealthing peut être considéré comme un viol, il ne peut logiquement s’agir que d’un viol par surprise, la pratique consistant précisément à imposer un rapport sans préservatif sans faire usage d’aucune violence, contrainte ou menace préalable. Si l’acte requiert de la discrétion (stealth) de la part de son auteur, c’est bien pour qu’il agisse par surprise. Comment cela est-il normalisé ? Les pratiques sexuelles malsaines se normalisent lorsque nous les voyons apparaître dans la culture pop ou dans des endroits comme nos plateformes en ligne préférées, sans qu'il soit reconnu qu'elles sont nuisibles ou mauvaises. La furtivité, par exemple, porte un nom qui la fait ressembler davantage à un mode de jeu vidéo cool qu'à ce qu'elle est réellement : une agression sexuelle. Ce type de nom trompeur fait passer le retrait non consensuel du préservatif pour un comportement normal, voire amusant. La normalisation du stealthing ne s'arrête pas seulement à son nom, mais se poursuit également sur les médias sociaux sous la forme de mèmes. Sur Instagram et Twitter, les gens se sont mis à poster des mèmes "drôles" sur le retrait d'un préservatif à l'insu de leur partenaire. Ce faisant, ils contribuent à présenter le stealthing comme un acte sexuel acceptable. Les hommes (ou les personnages masculins) représentés dans ces mèmes n'ont pas honte de leurs actions mais semblent plutôt heureux de ce qu'ils ont accompli. Alors que les mèmes peuvent parfois être un bon moyen de parler d'expériences sexuelles/personnelles pertinentes, les mèmes sur le stealthing se vantent de quelque chose qui est blessant et non consensuel. Cette célébration de la tromperie sexuelle enseigne non seulement aux gens que le stealthing est acceptable, mais aussi qu'ils peuvent en être fiers. La normalisation de la dissimulation, par le biais de mèmes ou d'autres moyens, ne fait que favoriser la poursuite de cette pratique sans critique. En quoi est-ce nuisible ? Le stealthing a des répercussions physiques et émotionnelles pour ceux qui en font l'expérience. Les risques pour la santé physique lors de rapports sexuels avec pénétration augmentent sans l'utilisation d'un préservatif, car les risques de transmission d'une MST et de grossesse non planifiée augmentent. Par conséquent, les victimes de stealthing doivent généralement faire appel à des services de reproduction supplémentaires et à des tests de dépistage après l'incident. En raison de la tromperie qu'il implique, le stealthing peut également avoir des effets émotionnels et psychologiques néfastes. Comme les victimes de stealthing n'acceptent pas de s'exposer à ce risque physique ou d'avoir des relations sexuelles sans protection, leur consentement et leur confiance sont violés. Les personnes qui ont été victimes de stealthing décrivent l'acte comme similaire à une agression ou à une violence sexuelle. Certaines souffrent du syndrome de stress post-traumatique et éprouvent des sentiments tels que la honte et la confusion. Souvent, les victimes n'ont pas le vocabulaire approprié pour exprimer ce qui leur est arrivé, car le stealthing n'est pas considéré comme une forme d'agression sexuelle. La pratique de la dissimulation est ancrée dans les attentes problématiques des hommes et des femmes en matière de sexualité. Si l'on apprend aux hommes à être sexuellement agressifs, à faire passer leurs désirs en premier et à considérer leurs partenaires comme des objets passifs destinés à répondre à leurs besoins, alors le consentement et le respect sont considérés comme des éléments non essentiels du sexe. Cette croyance conduit à des actes comme le stealthing, des actes qui violent la dignité d'un individu et son droit à une sexualité saine et consensuelle. Que pouvez-vous faire contre le stealthing ? Rappelez-vous que l'activité sexuelle nécessite un consentement continu et une communication sincère. Consentir à une activité ne signifie pas consentir à toutes les autres. Utilisez les moments problématiques pour entamer des conversations sur le respect des limites des partenaires sexuels. Travaillez à normaliser les rencontres sexuelles saines et consensuelles (peut-être même créez des mèmes qui encouragent l'utilisation du préservatif et le sexe consensuel). Read the full article
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sincerelyverena · 8 months
can you do ollie watching felix and reader in the bathtub plss
this was so fun to write! i absolutely adored exploring a more submissive oliver in this one. thank u for the request my lovely anon. <3
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. . . OLIVER QUICK X FELIX CATTON X FEM!READER ‘i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me.’ @watercolorskyy
inbox is always open to requests!
in whichꕀ
✦ ﹒oliver witnessed his most secret fantasies play out before him.
✦ ﹒smut ﹐dom!felix﹐oliver being a creepy little fucker ﹐felix giving princess treatment﹐reader and felix are an established pairing ﹐oh felix! you little tease!﹐felix taking control ﹐voyeurism﹐non-consential voyeurism ﹐waterplay﹐rubber duck rubber fuck﹐masturbation ﹐pet names ﹐praise﹐bite-sized oneshot
THANK YOU TO MY WONDERFUL BETA READERS: @sparklehani ﹐@vikwrites
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They always said an open door is an invitation.
What was remaining of Oliver’s good-willed conscience advised him to turn back. He turned a blind eye to the nagging voice polluting the crevices of his scalp. Alas, the musters of benevolence tumble into an attuned silence at the scene poured to life before him.
The vivid imagination from the deepest crevices of Oliver’s fantasies played out before the widening of his aquamarine irises.
You. Perched atop the broadened boundaries of Felix’s lap. The length of your legs propped on either side of his awfully prominent hips. A sight alone caused the fabric of Oliver’s lower nightwear to tighten, which caused the bridge of his throat to constrict with halted breath.
As if a single movement out of place would disturb such intimacy.
The extent of Oliver’s arm extended upward, hand grappled around the ridge of the rippled doorway. Fingers twisting, pouring the molten heat pooled behind his abdomen throughout the strain of his ever-so-whitening knuckles.
A soft moan sounded throughout the otherwise quiet air.
An even softer gasp accompanies the seemingly murmured noise. “Felix…”
Oliver’s eyes offered a singular flutter. The firmament blue hardened into an avid mirror of lust as he witnessed the scene playing out before his very presence. 
The depths of Felix’s girth are illustrated beneath your weeping cunt. Oliver had to refrain from any variation of a choked noise to escape the hollow of his throat at the depiction. The flimsy material of the garments hung by his hips seemed to be on the verge of snapping altogether in the hue of your strangled pleas as Felix teased your slit.
“Did my baby forget how to use her words?” Felix’s prodding words drawled onward, lazily at that. Each syllable bounced off of the bathroom’s sleazy walls and reverberated into the crook of Oliver’s ears. 
His left arm immersed itself in the translucent water pooling around the pair. The other extended toward yourself, the adequate length of his fingers combed throughout the dampness of your locks. Teasing each hair strand before the edges of his digits rim along your scalp.
Felix’s water-submerged hand crept toward the space sandwiched between the roll of your back and the soft fat of your thighs. His palm pressed deeply into your asscheeks, squeezed into it. You yelped.
“What d’ya want, princess?”
The tip of his girth continued to strain against you purposefully. “Felix, don’ make me beg…”
The hand that once cradled the side of your head retreated from the wetness of your hair. Broadened fingers pull around the dew-dusted surface of your jaw, stubby nails dug into whatever face fat you possessed. You moaned around his hands, the sound muffled by the pure pressure his hand possessed.
Your moans turned into pleas. “Fi, baby– I… need you in me.”
“Say please.” 
Oliver thought for a moment he’d release in his pants then and there.
As Felix began to ease himself into you, the bridge of Oliver’s hand wordlessly slipped into the fabric adorning his hips. Fingers itching to ease the throbbing strain of his groin, already slick with thin pre-cum. The ridge of your back arched with strangled breath as Felix’s girth disappeared into you completely.
Palms pressed toward his neck, and you choked back a whimper. The sturdiness of Felix’s hips began to shift toward you lazily. His thrusts were comparable to rolls as his girth massaged the tightness of your inner walls. You found yourself grinding desperately against him, the friction coursing speckles of pleasure to ignite within you.
As the snaps of Felix’s length gradually intensify, so does the work of Oliver’s palm. His eyes practically glazed over as he witnessed before him the writhing sensualness that occurred. If Oliver didn’t know his proper place, he’d be a whining mess as you were now.
“My beautiful girl, you’re doin’ so well.” 
Felix praised in between strained breaths. The base of his hand slipped from your dew-graced shoulders toward the roll of your hips. He bathed in the little noise that escaped the depths of your throat as he plunged himself deeper into you.
Oliver’s cock convulsed. Reams of pleasure built at the base of his spine.
You were similarly nearing the edge. Had given in ages ago to Felix’s timing rather than yours. Gone were the desperate writhing of your wetness. Replaced solely by the erratic pace your lover had built into you. 
“Fi, I’m… almost there.”
“I dunno, you feel too good ‘round me sweetheart.” Felix teased, a humorous tone alighting the drawl of his words. He pumped into you a tad hoarser for exaggeration. Upturned lips in the fashion in which you clung yourself upon him. A silent plea to go deeper. 
Oliver almost slipped a breathless curse from the hitched nature of his breath. His girth is hot in the base of his hands, dripping pure need between his fingers. The fact that he was as desperate as you are to release almost made him combust.
“On one condition.” Felix prompted at last.
He continued to drive himself deeper into you. The hand Felix adorned upon your hips tightened with each word that escaped the lushness of his lips. He grunted with effort, yet kept an easygoing hue in his voice as he continued. 
“The only word I want to hear on your lips when you cum is my name.”
The renowned heir deep inside you now refused to await a proper response. Instead, the work of his hips tightened into a merciless tempo. Striking ass as he plunged into you over and over again. Prying out noises of pleasure you never knew were possible, all while singing his name with praise. 
Just as he ordered.
The pleasure that conquered the base of your torso intensified, just as Oliver, whose fingers grew warm with the strength he poured into his arm movements. He surveyed you, comparable to a hawk as he caught onto the scattered hints of your soon-to-be release. How Oliver only wished deeply to be inside of you as Felix is now, to have the opportunity to feel your tightness. He squeezed the entire wrap of his fingers around his length.
“Felix, Felix, Felix…”
You whispered his name like a prayer. Like a mantra. A mantra as you grew hot with a desire to peak, that peak approaching rapidly. The basis of your vision shifts rapidly with the pure intensity of the ecstasy that plunged into you. Oliver soon grew to repeat these mantras to himself, choking back physical moans as his digits pathetically rolled along the tip of his girth.
Felix’s release was growing closer, although he didn’t make it obvious. He never did. He just peered downward at you with a lazy drawl of a smile, soaking up the view of you sprawled out for him. Chanting his name. He reached downward into the lukewarm waters, the tip of his two fingers brushing against the pearl that lined your drenched entrance.
“I need you to cum for me. Can you do that?” Felix inquired aloud, a hint of childish glee audible in his voice. The pounding his girth offered to you never faltered the slightest in the meantime, an awe-aspiring – yet not surprising – sentiment he possessed.
In response to his words, you could only nod. Too overtaken with ecstasy.
Oliver, on the other hand, bored his eyes into Felix longingly. “Yes, yes, please.” His words too mustered to be heard over the fucking pounds of flesh and skin. It felt good to say. To good as his length pulsated in between his grip.
“Such a good girl.” Felix hummed his praises. The fingers that fidgeted with your clit fell back, pinching the bud instead. The motion is enough to pull you over the edge entirely. 
You snapped. Coming undone underneath his relentless jackings. The tide had broken, and the pleasure you had been chasing for minutes now had broken into you entirely. Felix. Felix. Felix. All you could vocalise. He was your beginning, your end. Your everything.
But the core of your fantasies. The middle. He stood blanketed in the shadows, relying on the small gap between the door and frame. His back arched with effort as he reached his peak. Oliver’s fingers squeezed around the doorway in an attempt to choke back any musters of his presence. White-hot pleasure seared through him, cock convulsing entirely as the centre of his boxers grew warm with the force of his seed. He could see stars. Hell, Oliver was convinced he could’ve taken a glimpse of the Earth’s secrets entirely with the force of his orgasm.
He came back down to reality with a single sentiment that overlooked the pure euphoria he had received. Oliver watched onward for a few extended seconds as Felix followed in his peak, and you slumped into him. Unaware of his presence, unaware of his thirst for the both of you.
You had never known the love he possessed for you.
You had never even suspected the fact Oliver would kill to submit to the two of you entirely.
Up until now, at least.
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roanniom · 1 year
Hey! I just saw your post about Eddie Munson on consent is sexy, and it's just 100% yes! Wonderful brain, you have!! Just wanted to share this with you (food for thought, NOT a request): I bet he'd love the opposite, too. Like if his partner was on top and started doing all the consenty things to him that he usually does. I feel like he'd love that.
Aw thanks, glad you like the original blurb about Eddie finding consent sexy!
Eddie Munson Thinks Consent is Sexy (pt. 2)
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, unprotected/PIV sex, a lil bit of role reversal and a teeny bit of sub!Eddie
I actually have this feeling that Eddie would love it secretly but would also be frustrated by the way it delays you from using him.
“This okay, handsome?” you ask as you straddle him. He’d been reading a book but the second you hover over him he’s tossing it to the side and grabbing your hips to pull you down, making all of your weight rest on his thighs.
“Of course it is, princess!”
You make out like teenagers for a bit until you take the initiative to work your way down his neck. You press a delicate kiss to his pulse point.
“Okay if I mark you up a bit?” you whisper, causing him to shiver.
“Please,” he all but moans. You suck and nibble on both sides of his neck and down the column of his throat. Making sure he’s a whimpering pile of mush beneath you.
Except for his cock. That’s rock hard and pushing against you with each impatient roll of his hips.
“Can I take this off?” you ask, toying with the neckline of his faded Metallica t shirt.
“Yes,” he nods frantically.
Your kisses trail down his stomach till you run out of room and begin guiding him to move and lay down on his back on the couch. You make eye contact and smile when he moves swiftly to accommodate you.
“I’m gonna pull these down, alright?” You say, teasing a finger under the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Yeah. Yeah do it.” It’s a grunt as he watches you do so. Watches the way his thick cock springs out and smacks against his stomach. You smile at his lack of boxers and ghost your fingers against the skin of his abdomen.
“Can I play with your cock?”
“For the love of Christ yes, please. Jesus, you can do anything, you don’t have to ask.” He’s flushed dark red and his eyes are wide.
“But, Eds,” you hum, letting your hand slide over his balls and along his length, relishing in the way it twitches. “I need to ask to make sure you want it.”
At the end of your sentence you lean down to lick a long stripe up his shaft, ending with a wet kiss to his head. Eddie drops his head back against the arm of the couch.
“Fuck yeah I want it.”
You grin up at him and kiss a trail back up his body.
“Yeah? You want it, big boy?” you ask breathily, taking his cock in your hand and beginning to stroke it. You lean over him, the glowing sun above his awed earth. He blinks stupidly.
The bravado is gone. Melted into nothing. Just earnestness remains as you make him feel so good.
“Can I ride you, Eds?” you ask, nodding along sympathetically when he nods.
“Please fucking ride me. Please.”
How you’d been able to dissolve this playfully dominant man into a moaning, begging mess on a casual Wednesday afternoon is beyond you, but you are absolutely living for the contrast. You push up his shirt to lick and kiss the tattoos on his chest before pulling your panties aside beneath your skirt and sinking down on him.
His brow immediately knits and his eyes close in pleasure as you pet at his hair.
“So pretty, Eds.”
He cracks an eye open and laughs.
“No you are.”
“We can both be pretty,” you amend with a shrug, beginning to move up and down his fat cock. He groans and squeezes at your thighs.
“That’s impossible,” he argues. It’s your turn to laugh.
“Of course it’s not. Couples in porn are pretty. It’s totally possible.”
“What I’m hearing you say is that you want me to go grab a video camera so if you’d just hold on— oh fuck.” You start bouncing up and down more vigorously and he completely loses his train of thought.
He gets lost quickly in the slide, the slap, the rhythm, the friction. The wet sound of your need for him and the soft pants that fall from your lips, betraying the way you, too, are falling apart behind the facade of your control.
You’re both more or less still clothed, fabric just bunched and pulled to the side to make way for wandering hands and errant kisses.
You end up draped over him, languidly rolling your hips as you kiss him. Sweetly. Softly and in contrast to the way you’d bounced on him at first. It’s your tongue in his mouth. Your hand on his jaw. It’s got him swooning and whining and gripping you with a solid might.
“Eddie, can I cum?” You ask against his cheek, pulling back from a particularly deep kiss. You’re still asking for consent, but this time the nature of it is reversed. Eddie’s hazy eyes do their best to focus and he nods.
“Please cum, princess. I want you to.”
You give him the same permission moments later, met with a flurry of thanks and praise from the sweet, happy man beneath you.
Thanks for reading, please reblog and comment to let me know what you think!
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th3b4dk1dzz · 1 month
I know this is a small bit and I should come to except it with this show, but I do admire the effort to not having Liv and Wendell have a first kiss that would be in any way considered non-consential.
Given the tropes they're playing with this season and the nature of improv, it could have been easy to fall into an uncomfortable pitfall. This episode does a lot to establish the want for it to happen on both parts, but makes it clear that when they kiss, it will be on their terms.
Not while a criminal gang is forcing them into it. Not while Liv is intoxicated and Wendell is sober.
It shows a level of care on Ify, Alex, and Brennan's part towards the other players at the table and to the audience that shouldn't go unsung
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cosmic--dandelion · 11 months
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Hot take: Blitzø's "arrangement" with Stolas isn't abuse. It's sex work.
From the beginning, Blitzø and Stolas's relationship has been mutually consential.
Blitzø is not going to starve to death in the streets if he doesn't fuck Stolas. He's a highly accomplished assassin/bodyguard/fighter-for-hire on par with people like Striker. (How else do you think he started dating a global superstar celebrity like Verosika? He was probably her bodyguard.) Hell, Stolas himself was perfectly willing to pay him regular money to be a bodyguard in "Loo Loo Land." Blitzø almost turned the job down because he wouldn't get to kill people.
Whatever his motivations are for starting his own business, it's not mere survival. It's probably a matter of personal pride since he always wanted to be his own boss and have his own circus, but he was an absolute failure as an enrertainer.
Blitzø is the one who built his entire business model off of having continued access to an infinitely powerful, one-of-a-kind magical artifact that belonged to a demon prince. Blitzø doesn't have any sort of right to the Grimoir; it was given to Stolas so he could serve the machinations of the upper echelons of Hell by interpreting the prophecies in the stars. So no, Stolas is under no obligation to just give it to him.
As seen in "Unhappy Campers", if Blitzø really, desperately wanted to travel to Earth, he could just steal an Asmodean crystal from a sucubus. He stays in this arrangement with Stolas because it's convenient for him. We're not shown how Blitzø actually feels about sleeping with Stolas, but he seems to be pretty neutral on the act itself.
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This is Blitzø after sex that he hated. Dude looks borderline traumatized.
Blitzø looks, at worst, mildly annoyed when they're in bed together, and that's largely because Stolas wants the book back so he can perform a ceremony at the Harvest Moon Festival. Blitzø, in his own words, has a long list of clients waiting for heads to roll.
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Blitzø straight up volunteered to fuck Stolas's brains out just to thank him for saving him and the rest of I.M.P. The first night they had sex, he spent the whole night with Stolas when he didn't have to. Stolas even offered to skip the whole kinky sex thing multiple times and literally just hand the book over, and Blitzø was relatively indifferent.
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Blitzø can and has said no to Stolas when he isn't in the right headspace or just plain doesn't want to, and Stolas accepts it. He never gets angry or entitled toward Blitzø.
It's also worth pointing out as early as "Ozzies", Stolas was researching Asmodean crystal. He knows the transactional nature of their relationship is preventing them from forming any kind of meaningful connection, and it massively hurts the fiercely independent Blitzø's pride that he's basically Stolas's sugar baby.
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So Stolitz is an absolute train wreck right now. It's been made very obvious that things can't continue as they are and lead to any sort of genuine, fulfilling relationship like what Asmodeus and Fizzarolli have. Their "arrangement" is unhealthy, sleazy, and exploitive on both sides: Stolas is using Blitzø as an outlet for all his pent up sexual frustration after being trapped in a loveless, sexless marriage with an emotionally abusive partner for almost two decades, and Blitzø is willing to seduce, manipulate, and lie to Stolas to get what he wants.
Look, I like Blitzø, but he is *not* a good person, or a good partner. Remember when Blitzø tricked Stolas into thinking they were on a date just so he could ignore him and spy on the M&M's? Or how he *aggressively* came onto a possibly drunk Stolas, shoving him onto the bed and straddling him when he clearly not ready for what was about to happen and was even protesting a little, all so Blitzø could steal from him. And this is totally in character for Blitzø. Look how he treated Verosika!
Ultimately, they're both very damaged, fucked up people who've done shitty things and hurt themselves and each other. I think they can cobble together some semblance of a functioning relationship when they actually start communicating with each other and admitting what they want.
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