Ocorreu um grande segredo nessa adoração. Diário 137.
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Gender Passing Pride Flags
Cis-passing Pride Flag
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Cis-passing (or simply passing): a transgender person’s ability to be correctly perceived as the gender they identify as and beyond that, to not be perceived as transgender; to be passable as cisgender.
Trans-passing Pride Flag
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Trans-passing (or non-passing): a transgender person's ability to be perceived as transgender; or a person who is perceived as trans despite not being one.
The flag format is based on straight-passing flag. Image descriptions pending.
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shy-cryptic · 4 months
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i wonder what Italian dish he's named after
angel hair belongs 2 @peppeppeppepperoni-pizza
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v2is-baby · 1 year
you all wanting to bang the robots while I'm here wondering if there's any way to grant true freedom to a machine. and if I cannot bring free will, freedom to a machine tied by its false sentience and programming; then how am I supposed to know what freedom is if i am myself a slave of something greater like them.
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wolfbane-blooms · 4 months
Doompilling myself about my voice bc I didn't low dose t so my larynx supposedly didn't have enough time to grow normally so I must have the "t voice"
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aliaoftheknives · 2 years
i’m going to need 16 year old trans kids to stop going on reddit 
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girl4music · 6 months
I love seeing characters on TV shows breaking the law to do good things. Helpful things. Justful things.
That sentence is so odd to say but sadly it’s the truth.
Because… as Xena taught me. There’s a big difference between what justice is and what the law is.
And we should never wait around for justice.
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felixora · 3 months
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So if it's been 10 years since Transpasser, that, means Fenris is much older now as well…
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lilisgardensblog · 1 year
~Alluring Gaze~
Vyn Richter x Reader
"One kiss for one shell."
fem! reader, kissing, make out
A/N: I didn't actually read this card, but I'm in love with it so here's a fanfic based on it
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You are walking by the sea shore, trying to calm your mind. You had an awfully busy schedule today and the stress was starting to get you. You had a headache all day, almost didn't turn in a very important file and even Mr. Wing asked you if you were okay. You said yes, but he sent you earlier home anyways.
Back at home you tried to do some work, but you simply couldn't concentrate. You were staring at your laptop screen for an hour, until you decided it's pointless. You got up and drove to the sea, the only place that could calm your mind in your current state.
Back in the present, you are walking by the sea shore gathering some pretty shells as the moonlight is guiding your every step. Busy collecting the shells for some handmade gift you wanted to make, you don't notice the pair of eyes that have been observing you for the past minutes. Or at least not until a tail hits the water near those golden eyes.
You stopped midway from picking up a shell, but quickly straightened your back as the eyes were moving closer toward you. You could now see blue ,ears like, fins peaking through the white locks of what you were sure of by now it's a merfolk. A very beautiful, alluring and curious merfolk.
Curious as well, you took a cautious, small step forward trying not to scare the merfolk and get yourself possibly drowned. The merman also swam closer and was now with its human half out of the water as the tail was still moving in the water.
You dropped to your knees so you two could be at the same height as you locked eyes with the mysterious merman. You were still unsure if he could understand you or not, but you decided to speak anyway just so you'll do something else then lose yourself in those golden eyes.
"Hi..." you said almost whispering, not daring to ruin the atmosphere.
He turned his head, looking at you with an amused yet impressed look. He almost looked proud of you for not running away and answered you back. "Hello"
Trying to keep the conversation going you ask the next question you could think of. "What is your name?" you asked and your curious gaze made the merfolk laugh. It was more of a low tone, amused giggle, but he answered you anyways.
"Where I come from they call me Vyn. What about you, pretty human?" His tone was unreadable, making you unsure why he took an interest in you. Maybe where he came from he lured all the mermaids and was uninterested in them so he decided to come above and find a naive human girl to play with.
"y/n" you answered and played with one of the shells near you as Vyn studied you, observing your every move, how you look around trying to gather your thoughts to form a question, but not sure what to ask first.
"Ask me." he spoke, getting closer to you, placing his hands on each side of your legs, trapping you with his body. You were now face to face with the merfolk that you thought would drown you and he was forcing you to put yourself together while he was towering over you, making your mind run wild. He figured you all out and knew you wanted to ask him something and was now patiently waiting for you to form the question. Gulping your distracting thoughts you asked.
"What are you doing here?"
He looked pleased with your question or maybe he was simply pleased that you finally managed to ask something and confirm that he was right and you had a question lingering at the tip of your tongue.
"I was simply swimming in my waters when I sensed a new presence in my territory and it appears the intruder had the audacity to even steal my belongings."
You were shocked. It appears that Vyn was accusing you of going into his territory when you walked on this sea shore millions of times. It's true that you didn't do your weekly walks in the past couple of months, but no one accused you of transpassing before. Or worse, of stealing.
"Excuse yourself, but first, it's not the first time I'm walking around here and second, I'm not stealing anything."
The corners of his lips raised and you realized you might have said something against yourself. An attorney that couldn't protect itself, the universe was laughing at you today and this was the cherry on top for all your misfortunes.
"So you admit you've been transpassing multiple times and deny that you're not taking with you the shells you've been collecting since you came here?" he was enjoying this. The look on your face, stunned and out of words, as he was simply stating the evidence from his point of view.
You reminded yourself you're an attorney and as shitty as this day went you still had to defend yourself. "There is no sort of warning that states this is a private territory and I'm sure these shells have no owner as they are spread by the sea in a public zone."
He laughed once again. "I think I might like you ,human.Fine I'll offer you my shells, but not for free. You have to agree with my conditions if you want them." Unsure of what he meant, you nodded, waiting for Vyn to specify the conditions.
"One kiss for one shell."
You could feel your cheeks getting warm as the distracting thoughts you pushed back moments ago were brought back with one sentence.
"You can pick the placement of each kiss, I won't force you to do anything against your will, darling."
You looked at your shells. They were 5 in total and you considered for a moment letting them there and going back home. You could gather shells in another day without a blue tailed merfolk accusing you or even better you could find another beach to pick up shells. But what if another beach had another merfolk?
"So that means just 5 kisses?"
"Wherever I want?"
"Well then...." you took a deep breath and placing both your hands on his face you kissed his left cheek then his right cheek. "That means 2 shells, right?"
He nodded and you leaned in once again and kissed his forehead. "3 shells..." you kept count. "2 more to go" Vyn seemed to try and encourage you but you realized you're running out of options.
You leaned in again, kissing the tip of his nose, making him pull back a second in disbelief. He looked like a little kitten who got an unexpected nose boop. "one more to go..." you whispered looking at the last place you could kiss him, admiring his lips. How they moved slightly in expectation, waiting for you to decide.
Leaning in one last time, you slowly kissed his lips. You were ready to announce that you finally earned all your shells, but Vyn caught your lips again and deepened the kiss. It wasn't anything forceful, letting you decide if you want to break the kiss or not.
You placed your arms behind his neck, pulling him closer, letting him know you wanted this as much as he wanted it. His hands travelled down the curve of your waist and back up caressing your round br3asts. You moaned in the kiss and moved your hand through his hair, giving it a slight pull making the merfolk moan into your arms.
His lips moved from your lips to your neck, exploring and leaving a small bruise with each kiss. You raised your head to allow him to mark every inch of your skin as your hands were moving through his hair and then moving to feel his chest, his heart pounding as quickly as yours.
He came back up to find your lips again, both of you lost in the moment. His warmth against yours, his hands on your body and your hands on his, everything felt perfect.
But the moment was interrupted by a passing car, both of you pulling away at the sudden sound. Vyn looked down at you, admiring his work. You were sure you looked like a mess and all he did was kiss you. You could feel your hair being messy and your neck was pulsating under the sudden love marks. But he wasn't any better. His wet hair was now messy thanks to your hands and was now slightly covering his eyes and his lips were covered in your lipstick, now a bit smudged from the previous actions. While both of you tried to catch your breath, Vyn let you stand again, giving you a hand to raise yourself from the sand. You were sitting crossed legged, trying to fix your hair as both of you were shocked by what happened.
You cleared your throat and broke the silence.
"I think I need to leave." Vyn nodded and handed you your shells not saying anything. "Thank you" you added, ready to leave. You turned one last time and gave the merfolk one last kiss before leaving for good, going back to your car.
vyn pov
'She left so soon, leaving me on the sea shore, watching her figure turn smaller and smaller as she went further away....I saw the hesitation in her eyes before kissing me. Maybe she thought I was just messing with the first human girl I've seen....I've never felt this. The way my heart skipped a beat, before beating miles per hour....Who is she really?'
The blue merfolk spoke in the wind as his finger tips touched his lips, where her lips were moments ago. Such an ironic situation. He finally found someone that made him want to live again and she was a human. A mere mortal that should bow before him and yet he was willing to worship her if he could have the chance to see her one more time.
(this was so fun to write live laugh love vyn)
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Relationship between the kings and Dantalian
Satan is the cool uncle that Dantalian adores. Loves getting kicked by Satan so much that people joke that he should move to Gehenna since he's already got the spirit. When he was a toddler, Satan would kick him more gently, but now they get into full on fist fights for fun. Satan likes Dantalian the most out of all the nobles and he kind of sees him as his son as well. He's still in contact with Dantalian even to this day and he sometimes invites him over.
Mammon is that one rich family member that everyone uses to get stuff. While it's cool to get new clothes often (especially when the old ones tend to get damaged frequently), the fact that Mammon coddles him doesn't make Dantalian keen on going to Tartaros often. Mammon can't have the son of Asmodeus getting killed no matter how much he may want it. He sees the younger devil as not only his son, but someone he should protect fiercly. Mammon is particularly concerned with what would happen if one of the kings died, and he's thinking about somehow talking Asmodeus into giving Dantalian to him.
Leviathan is the family member that nobody likes... at least Asmodeus doesn't. Dantalian is all over Leviathan, being as loud and annoying as possible. He wants to get hanged so badly. Too bad Leviathan lost uncle priveledges when Dantalian hit puberty. Doesn't stop the younger devil from transpassing though.
Beelzebub only appears once in a blue moon and Dantalian throws a party for him every time. They go out, drink till they can't speak, fuck around, find out and then fall unconcious. At least Dantalian does since he doesn't have the stamina of a demon. Beelzebub always tucks him in and gives him a gentle good night kiss before leaving to not be seen again. Dantalian kind of reminds Beelzebub of Asmodeus when he was little. Asmo and Beel used to go on crazy banters back when they were teens but it stopped once Asmo left for the human world. Beelzebub isn't ready to be a father but he does like hanging out with Dantalian every so often and relive his childhood romance he had with the kid's dad.
Lucifer only lets Dantalian in Paradise Lost for medical check ups and nothing else. Sure, Marbas is Dantalian's family doctor, but sometimes Lucifer himself needs to take a look at things. Dantalian would like to taunt Lucifer and see him hiss, but Asmodeus is always next to him during check ups and if Dantalian tries anything funny, he'll paralyse him. In general Lucifer doesn't really like Abaddon demons, but he gives Dantalian a pass since he's young and dumb in a cute sort of way... like Gamigin. If he wasn't so prideful he would have probably asked Asmodeus to let Dantalian hang out with Gamigin as well.
Whenever Dantalian comes over at Belphegor's place, the king just uses him as a body pillow. Dantalian gets bored whenever he's in Niflheim since there's nothing to do but sleep and do homework with the worst demon ever (Dantalian hates Gusion and his math). He does like hanging out with Agares and his dog, though. Belphegor doesn't like how close the son of another king is to his rival for the throne, but he's too lazy to really do anything about it.
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vezououtraescrevo · 20 days
Seu olhar transpassou o meu como flecha avassaladora, deixando em mim um desejo ardente por você. Cada vez que nossos olhares se encontram, é como se o tempo parasse e tudo ao nosso redor desaparecesse, restando apenas essa conexão intensa e inegável que nos une. Esse desejo, agora desperto, queima dentro de mim como uma chama que não pode ser apagada, ansiando por se transformar em algo mais, algo que só você pode saciar.
vez ou outra, escrevo.
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delirantesko · 2 months
O arco que sua coluna faz disparou a flecha que transpassou meu coração.
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cartasparaviolet · 10 months
Desista desse sentimento soturno, mulher acorrentada. Eles não passam de grilhões que nos prendem a dor do que não foi, do que poderia ser, do que precisei deixar ir. O passado não volta, são apenas memórias e prefiro pensar que são passageiras como miragens em meio ao deserto. Liberte-se das suas correntes, só você pode fazer isso por você. Está pesado, está doloroso, está sangrando. Deixe ir. Chore, lave a alma, perdoe-se acima de tudo. Você deu o seu melhor, mulher acorrentada. Se não foi como você quis, ainda é tempo de ser melhor do que você sonhou. Aquele que escreve a sua história não colocou ponto final, apenas uma vírgula. Transpasse-a, levante-se e siga adiante. Pois agora, você é uma mulher livre.
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miitarashi · 11 months
Not sure if nobody has asked this before but could u do some headcannons about what Tintin would be like when/if he gets jealous? Like if the reader was being flirted with by another person or if that other person was very obviously checking them out, also, whether or not he would do some NSFW things *wink* later that night as a kinda paranoid way of saying "please dont leave me" or something, idk if that makes sense but yea ❤️
......Nah. This- Bro??? I was thinking about it yesterday! What the- are you on my mind??? Better get out this place is worst than the backrooms.
Such delicious request need to be done 😌🙏🏽
[Name] = your name (reader neutral,not specified)
Warnings: it'll be some spicy things,some nsfw so don't read if you don't like. Sorry for any misspeling words.
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☆Tintin headcanons - jealous☆
Ok,first things first.
I don't really see him like someone that would really feel jealous. Like,he trust you.
Or he would be emotionally mature or emotionally naive.
Bear with me-
He would enter in a relantionship waiting for the same,loyality and companionship,if you dare yourself enough to cheat (lock pretty good your house because i'll be coming for your soul) he would be disappointed? Sure,but i don't think he would try again or give a chance. Wouldn't be difficult to move on from it.
Now,the thing change when you was there,living your life and out of nowhere someone try to flirt with you.
If Tintin's around,he'll watch more for your safety since, again,he trust you. If the man/woman keep insisting after you denied,he'll join in to take you out of there.
Overal, it's not that big of a problem.
Only in two. Specific. Situations.
If someone is obviously checking you out.
He worship you every moment he can,this boy know how beautiful you are and he don't blame other people.
But this really get under his skin for some reason,even more when you was feeling beautiful and good with yourself and those people checking made you uncomfortable.
His overprotective mode kick in and soon enough you was far alway from the stares,while he comfort you in a caring and gentle way as usual.
Now,the second thing is. He knows that sometimes he stay away for a long time on his adventures when you don't go with him,even don't contact for a while because of the difficult situation he's in.
He make up for it as much he can,but there's still this little lingering voice in the back of his head saying that this can make you want to break up to be with someone more available and close.
You two already talked about this,but that damm tiny voice kept saying the same.
Being pretty loud and annoying when Tintin see you getting along with another person.
Not everyone of course,but you know when you just meet someone and you click with them right away?
That's the type.
He try to brush it off,but hearing you laughing, hugging and playing around with that one person really bugs him in the wrong way. That feeling "they can get someone better than me"
In that same day,he still try to let it pass but hearing you talking enthusiastic about that person...
He really wanted to communicate,but he didn't had the words,then he used his other love language to transpass what he was feeling,touch.
He begin with a hug from behind while you're talking, hugging you firmily against him. Without saying nothing,in a smooth motion he slowly begin to use his hands on you.
A possessive touch,but desperate behind it, kissing you all over,face, neck, chest belly,his favorite place that he took an extra time to kiss,your thighs.
He was so smooth that you just undestood what was happening when he laid you in bed.
He made it his goal to keep hearing his name falling from your lips, holding onto your hips for dear life,in a way that if he loose the grip you would disappear from his life in a blink of an eye.
When he really begin to move,a bit of his frustrations was used on you, setting slowly a bit rough pace,but always focused on bringing you pleasure equally.
His praises was how much he loved you,how perfect you are and how good you felt while holding eye contact resting his forehead against yours.
After finishing and after being taked care of properly, cuddling against his chest,his arms wrapped firmily around you and his face fit in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry for exaggerating a little" - he says in an apologetic and low tone against your skin.
"don't worry, it looked like...you needed it" - you said in a slightly humorous tone as you stroked his back gently.
Tintin was silent for a few seconds, seeming to enjoy the caress you were giving, but low and soft, he called out to you in a whisper, hearing a "hm?" yours in response. His arms tightened a little more, holding your body against his, sure that if he didn't let go, you would never disappear.
"Don't leave me" - he whispers, pulling away from your neck to look into your eyes.
"Please" - he pleaded, with both words and eyes.
Piecing together the loose ends from the way back to his behavior when you were out together,you let out a long sigh, disappointed in yourself for not noticing sooner and hugged him back with one arm while your other hand cupped his cheek, giving him a comforting caress and a long kiss before answering:
"Never Tintin, I love you too much for it" - you whisper back for only him to hear.
Tintin let a light sigh of relief escape, thanking you in a brief whisper, caressing your back and sides, saying sweet nothings lulling you into a safe and peaceful sleep in his arms.
N/A: Nah,i'm still in deny of the right moment that this request showed up. YOU! UNKNOW PERSON! GET OUT OF MY MIND YOU BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING! But,overal i loved writing this one,hope you guys like it too! Thank you for reading! 😘
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ataldaprotagonista · 4 months
você, enzo, matí, kuku, simon hempe, blás polidori (não ao mesmo tempo, sua safada)
Entrevistas e memórias...
"A SOCIEDADE DA NEVE" tornou-de em poucos meses um fenômeno mundial.
Bayona, como o anjinho que era, fez questão de concordar com o máximo de entrevistas para que vocês tivessem cada vez mais notoriedade.
Geralmente iam você, que era protagonista no filme ao lado de Vogrincic, Matí e Agustín Pardella.
Mas essa não.
Essa era uma entrevista com o elenco... inteiro. Bom, a maioria.
Estavam brincando de "quem é mais provável?". As perguntas, até então, tinham sido tranquilas, como "quem é mais provável de chegar atrasado no set?", "quem é mais provável a esquecer as falas durante as filmagens?"
Estavam tranquilas, porém foram subindo de nível e se tornando mais contrangedoras, até o entrevistador questionar: "Quem é mais provavel a ficar com mais pessoas do elenco?"
Todas as pessoas naquela sala, que sabiam das histórias, viraram a cabeça imediatamente para você.
Você arregalou os olhos e então começou a encarar cada um daqueles idiotas que viraram o rosto em sua direção...
Ele havia te chamado pra jantar. Isso antes das gravações começarem de fato, já tinha rolado várias reuniões com o elenco geral, mas como vocês ois seriam os protagonistas, seria de extrema importância, de acordo com Bayona, que vocês dois tivessem conexão.
Jantar não significa encontro, né? 
Pois bem, acabou se tornando um.
Tomaram umas taças de vinho, conversaram sobre tudo: infância, família, gostos musicais, filmes, sobre os países de cada um... ele te elogiou pra caralho também.
A medida que as taças foram fazendo efeito, foram aproximando as cadeiras e aumentando os toques. Hora ele encostava no seu braço desnudo pelo vestido tomara que caia chique que vestia, hora você apertava a coxa dele por de baixo da mesa rindo exageradamento sobre algo que ele falava.
A partir de um momento, Enzo começou a encarar seus lábios avermelhados pelo vinho, lambia os dele enquanto observava os seus.
- Que foi? - você perguntou sem tempo de ficar envergonhada.
- É que... eu queria muito te beijar.
E como esse homem tem o rizz, você sorriu, observou os olhos dele brilhando e o beijou.
Kuku sempre foi um cavalheiro com você.
Desde o primeiro dia que se conheceram, para tudo.
Era divertido e tranquilo o que fazia com que você sentisse a necessidade de estar sempre perto dele, necessidade essa que ele tinha com você. Um esquisitinho gostoso que dançava, lia, sempre te fazia rir e te levava para passeios culturais.
Iam assistir filmes no cinema em momentos livres, aqueles que não tinham ensaios nem gravações, visitavam museus, bibliotecas e livrarias espalhadas pela cidade. Você apresentou a ele Clarisse Lispector e ele te deu de presente livros de Jorge Luis Borges, um escritor e poeta argentino. 
Conversavam sobre as peças de Nelson Rodrigues e de outros autores até que surgiu a oportunidade de assistir uma apresentação de um dos contos do autor. Ele fez questão de te buscar em casa, como o bom cavalheiro que era. Isso na ida, pois seus amigos iriam te buscar no teatro para um rolê na saída.
Foram o caminho todo conversando ansiosos sobre o tema, afinal, ambos haviam lido o roteiro da peça. E quando acabou, não deu outra, aplaudiram de pé  o espetáculo.
Sairam do teatro andando lado a lado falando sobre as cenas, as atuações, os figurinos e tudo que havia chamado a atenção de vocês. Estavam muito felizes e empolgados, até ele parar a sua frente e segurar suas mãos.
- Gracias por ter vindo comigo, a experiência não teria sido a mesma sem você.
Você sorriu de canto e ele ficou todo derretidinho.
Mesmo envergonhado ele passou as mãos pela sua cintura e te puxou para um abraço tímido, você transpassou as mãos pelo pescoço do mais alto e quando afastaram um pouquinho os rostos, se encararam e parecia certo demais se beijarem naquele momento, naquele lugar.
E foi o que aconteceu.
Não sabia ao certo quanto tempo ficaram se beijando, só parou quando ouviu uma busina alta, gritos e risadinhas de um carro do outro lado da rua de onde estavam. Seus amigos haviam chegado... e visto a cena.
- Tchau, Esteban. Gracias por hoy - falou com um leve sotaque passando o polegar no rosto corado dele, puxando a cabeça do mais velho pra baixo e depositando um selinho.
Saiu correndo para o carro, fugindo e rindo como se tivesse aprontando. Já dentro do veículo em movimento, olhou para trás e viu ele paradinho lá, com a mão no rosto.
Estavam a uns quinze minutos chapadinhos no quarto de hotel em que estavam hospedados para fazer as filmagens.
Matí, seu parceirinho de verdinha. 
- Eu fiz um péé, lá no meu quintaal, to vendendo a grama da verdinha a um real.
Você cantou deitada na cama ao lado de Recalt depois de passar o beck para ele. O garoto te encarou por uns segundos e desatou a rir.
- Porra, nena, essa é nova...
- Pior que é velha - você deitou de lado, de frente pra ele, com o cotovelo na cama e a cabeça apoiada nas mãos. Merda, tinha fumado e quando acontecia... aquele tesãozinho de chapada vinha com força.
 Já tava com o olhar venenoso, na maldade. 
Matí não estava muito diferente, se aproximou deitado assim como você e disse:
- Deixa eu assoprar na sua boquinha?
E você deixou, ele puxou e então colaram as bocas. Só que quando a fumaça se foi, por meio de abanos de vocês, ele se aproximou de novo e dessa vez, beijaram pra valer.
Noite na praia.
Aquele safado.
Aquariano nato.
Quando soube das fofocas jurou para si mesma que não ia, de forma alguma, ficar com ele.
Principalmente porque havia, até então ficado com TRÊS garotos do elenco.
E quando convidou o pessoal do elenco para passar uma semana em uma praia brasileira com você, não achou que ele fosse topar, até porque tinha mais coisas pra fazer. Mas pelo contrário, ele foi e era muito divertido estar com ele.
Em uma noite, saiu para fora da casa que alugaram que dava direto pro mar e sentou na areia fria observando as ondas suaves. Ele estava ali fora fumando um, logo que o baseadinho acabou, sentou do seu lado e ficaram conversando.
Pararam uns minutos observando o reflexo lindo que a lua deixava na água calma até ele puxar assunto de volta.
- Sabe, acho que a gente podia se pegar, sem maldade, só pra ver se a gente beija bem.... dizem que você beija diferente das argentinas, um diferente bom, beeem bom - sabia que nem Enzo, nem Esteban falariam o que aconteceu entre vocês... porra, Matías Recalt filho da puta!!! Você riu mas não queria deixar na cara que super concordaria com a proposta.
- Ah, cala a boca, Hemp - falou segurando os joelhos contra si - Você é o mais pegador de todos.
- Você fala isso como se já não tivesse amassado geral do elenco - você olhou para ele com a boca aberta e os olhos bem abertos de choque. Deu um tapinha nele.
- Mentiroso.
- AH é? - você revirou os olhos e ele se aproximou de abraçando de lado. - Relaxa, S/Ninha, não vou falar pra ninguém... não se você me beijar.
- Ta me ameaçando é?
- Não se faz de sonsa - você fez uma cara de choque, mas não havia ficado puta, estava se divertindo com aquilo - Eu sei que você quer me beijar, tanto quanto eu. Só não se apaixona...
Porra, aquilo ali já era humilhação! Mostrou pra ele, empanados na areia da praiam o nosso jeitinho especial,  único de beijar brasileiro e ele ficou maluquinho na sua. Se pegaram mais umas vezes naqueles dias... e era ele que chegava todas as vezes.
- Quem que é o "só não se apaixona" agora, ein? - zuou quando ele te levou para dentro do banheiro pela milésima vez no dia, mas Simon nem se dignou a responder. Te calou com um beijo.
Naqueles mesmos dias de verão em praias brasileiras. Aproveitavam o dia para sossegar e curtir a areia e mar, e as noites para baladar, drogas e bebida.
E com gente bêbada vem ideias extraordinárias (ou não), que te humilham (ou não) e que te fazem fazer coisas que jamais faria sóbria (faria sim, vai), como por exemplo: brincar de verdade ou desafio.
Quando viu estava - no meio de todos seus amigos de elenco - sentada no colo do garoto beeem mais alto que você, com a boca atracada na dele.
Na manhã seguinte se arrependeu do que fez, principalmente porque Blás... se apaixonou no seu beijo.
Um dia conseguiram ingressos para assistir a um jogo do time de Pipe, você nem era muito ligada nessas coisas, mas o rapaz de olhos bonitos te convidou com tanto carinho que você aceitou. 
Felipe te deu uma camisa dele para usar no dia, vVocê só não sabia que era a final de um campeonato importante pra o time que ele tanto torcia e falava.
Quando deu um penaltí inesperado foi o momento perfeito pra você falar enquanto passava um gloss:
- Pipe, to com sede.
Ele que estava com os cotovovelos enfiados na coxa, a cabeça entre as mãos, olhou de você pro campo e do campo pra você. "Puta merda, o que eu faço agora?" pairava na cabeça dele.
- Tudo bem - ele falou e saiu correndo, subindo as escadas até sumir de vista. 
Quando ele voltou com uma garrafa de água, dois copos de chope e um balde de pipocas você sorriu.
- Gracias - ele beijou a sua cabeça e questionou:
- O que aconteceu? - meio ansioso para entender qual foi o resultado da gritaria que ocorreu pós o lance.
- O moço de vermelho errou a bola, eu acho.
Ele riu fofinho e então começou a te explicar o que era cada coisa, o que estava acontecendo e tudo mais, só então você se sentiu mal por pedir pra ele buscar alguma coisa num momento tão importante.
No intervalo do segundo tempo vocês conversaram e como começou a esfriar ele deu o moletonzinho tão amado dele e enfiou o boné branco na sua cabeça. Tiraram umas fotos e então os times entraram em campo novamente.
Mais a frente ele explicou que faltavam apenas dois inutos para acabar e que o time dele precisava fazer mais um gol, se não estavam fodidos.
E, manas, esse gol veio nos últimos dez segundos de partida.
Ele levantou e você levantou junto, aí o inesperado aconteceu, de tanta empolgação ele te tascou um beijo da-queles. Te levantando pela cintura e tudo mais.
Você ficou vermelha quando, em poucos segundos, lembrou de momentos tão intensos.
- 3, 2, 1 - disse o entrevistador e em um milésimo de segundo teriam todos que apontar para alguém.
Puta merda.
Fechou os olhos temerosa e quando abriu soltou uma gargalhada.
Todos haviam aprontado para Francisco Romero.
- Ayyy, disculpe - disse ele fazendo todo mundo rir e você respirar aliviada.
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ressoar-da-alma · 1 year
Me tocou além do físico,
Transpassou o tecido que me cobria,
Acessou o mais íntimo de mim,
Sua força vitalícia,
Sem esforço, você me tocou,
Com um abraço apertado me atravessou,
Sentindo teu coração bater em meu peito,
Despertou ainda mais o meu desejo,
Arrepiou meu corpo inteiro,
Estar com você é como viajar para outro lugar,
O tempo parece parar,
Dentro desse nosso universo particular.
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