#considering the fact that she was constantly antagonizing him
elliebyrrdwrites · 3 months
Dramione Drabble 5
Three days. It had been three days since she had felt Draco’s lips against her skin and the intimate feel of his hands on her body. But they remained with her, like a brand. Searing into her skin, claiming her.
She caught glimpses of him moving around the department, could feel him as he moved around the halls, coming in and out between calls. That little wiggle in her chest, that warmth pulsing inside of her, was like a reminder that he was always , somehow, nearby. Always caring. Always wanting. Always needing.
Hermione holed herself up into her office, catching up on paperwork, avoiding everyone. Because everyone was afraid of her, now. They were nervous beneath the weight of her stare. She wondered if it was the fact that she had nearly died, or because her eyes now looked like someone else’s.
She was also avoiding Ron, who was constantly popping into her office without knocking. Constantly asking her if she was certain that she should be back at work. Asking if she was staying away from Malfoy.
She was staying away from Malfoy, but not because Ron wanted her to. She was staying away from Malfoy because she didn’t actually want to avoid him. And that was a problem. Because she was engaged and Malfoy was just her friend. Right?
More than that, she felt like she needed to be near him. Which, if she thought about it, wasn’t much different from how she felt before the accident. But now it was intensified and after the way he had touched her, it felt like she was committing adulatory just to consider it.
On Friday morning, Hermione could feel him before she walked into the board room to find three empty seats. Two, were directly across from Malfoy. The third, was directly beside him.
Aside from Harry and Hermione, everyone else was afraid to sit next to him. He was often antagonistic and had always had the unfortunate ability to send people running with a simple look. Which, in all honestly, was once frightening even to her.
His eyes could grow dark, sometimes they would deaden, growing incredibly cold. Being caught beneath that stare was unnerving. Most people avoided it.
But due to Harry’s loyalty to Ron, who was resolutely anti-Malfoy, Hermione was the only candidate willing. More than that, she was the only Auror who wanted to sit beside him.
But she had been avoiding him.
For three days, she had avoided him in the halls, refusing to respond to calls and essentially locking herself away in her office. It was painful because she missed him, had desperately needed to see him. Not for any logical reason, other than the fact that physically and mentally, it hurt to go too long without seeing him.
Today, when she walked into that department meeting, her entire body nearly convulsed at the sight of him. Because she missed him, shemissedhimshemissedhim. The sound of his voice, the feel of his eyes on her. The sight of his smile. The warmth of his touch.
He was leaned back in his chair, one ankle propped onto his knee. With his chin resting in his hand, he leaned his elbow into the arm of the chair and was lazily flicking his wand around, guiding a paper air plane around the room. It was antagonizing the rest of the Auror’s, zooming around their heads, nearly poking several in the eye.
He looked bored, despite their cries of outrage and irritation.
Hermione couldn’t help but smirk as she watched him. The lazy flicks of his wrist, the way his hair looked askew, despite the sharp lines of his perfectly tailored suits.
His eyes flicked up and she watched as they darkened as they latched onto her. Yes, most people were afraid of Malfoy and his dark looks.
Not Hermione.
In those eyes, she found warmth. Inside of his eyes, there were numerous inside jokes, a shared love for literature and the same thirst for knowledge. For her, the dark and scary demeanor was just a façade.
Those eyes tracked her as she moved into the room. Dipped to the sway of her hips as she made her way toward him.
She settled into the seat beside him. “Malfoy,” she greeted, quietly as she scooted her chair closer to the table and his eyes lifted to her mouth.
There were whispers replacing the cries out outrage, now. The paper plane he had been controlling was hovering above the table as he watched her.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He murmured against the fingers he held against his mouth.
“I have not.” A beat of silence between them. She sighed and leaned towards him. “I have.” She winced with the confession.
“Because you feel guilty.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement of fact.
Hermione nodded, anyway and leaned in towards him, shifting her body to face his. “Of course I do. Don’t you think the entire situation was inappropriate?”
He angled his body towards her, his right elbow sliding along the arm of the chair. “I think it was about time, actually.” He whispered. “You died, Granger.” He leaned closer, lowering his head toward hers and putting their faces only mere inches apart. “Did you think I was going to keep pretending that you belong with that poor excuse for a man you call a fiancé?”
“Malfoy,” she sighed.
“No, I got a second chance with you.” He hissed. “And I’m not letting it go.” Hermione froze beneath the weight of his stare. His words slithered out of him, frantically, but with such fierce determination, it caused her skin to prick and tighten around her neck.
“Ahem.” Someone cleared their throat, loudly, from across the table.
Hermione was mortified to find Ron and Harry had arrived. They were both staring at them. While Harry regarded them with mild interest, Ron was livid. All he saw, when Hermione and Malfoy were together, was competition.
And now she knew why.
Hermione pulled away from Malfoy, settling into her chair, resting her hands onto its arms. Malfoy remained leaned in toward her, but his fingers had slid away from his mouth, instead they splayed over his chin as he shot Ron a grin.
“Congratulations, Malfoy.” Robarbs gruff voice barked as a copy of the latest Prophet landed onto the table in front of them with a loud slap.
Ron sighed, exasperated. Malfoy pushed his lip out with an impressed lift of his brows. The room filled with whispers and banter but Robarbs held out a hand, effectively silencing the room.
“Because of Malfoys heroics, the ministry has decided to enforce a mandate requiring every Auror to have a partner. No longer is the,” he leaned over the article and read from it. “lax demeanor of the DLME allowing their Aurors to go out to calls without backup.”
Malfoy shifted, uncomfortably and dropped his hand to the arm of his chair.
“Lax?” Ron scoffed but Hermione couldn’t help but agree with the article. If she had been alone on that call, she would have been dead. Before she could open her mouth and interject, warm fingers brushed against hers.
Her eyes darted down to where Draco’s fingers were playing lightly over hers. Nobody else could see their hands. They were hidden away beneath the overhang of the table.
She glanced up to find Draco’s attention on the newspaper in front of them. Robarbs was jamming his index finger into it. “The article also made sure to mention that many of our Aurors fail to know basic First Aide.” He threw a pointed glare at Goldstein before sliding it over to rest onto Ron.
Hermione felt her stomach dip as Draco’s fingers threaded in between hers, slowly brushing against hers, eliciting a delicious sort of friction. Shivers ran down her back, the dip in her stomach plummeted to in between her thighs, where she began to seep warmth.
“So, as you might have imagined, there will be mandatory first aide training next week.” Robarbs jerked his head to Granger. “You about ready to get back out there, Granger?”
She was. She was so tired of sitting at a desk. Yes, she had been avoiding Malfoy and his inappropriate touches but she missed it. She missed him. Working with him, bantering with him. They worked well together, almost seamlessly moving with minimal verbal communication. Like a choreographed dance or a well oiled machine.
It was all in the eyes.
Hermione glanced up at Malfoy. He glanced sidelong at her, his face turning toward hers ever so slightly.
“I am.” She said, looking up at Robarbs.
Her hand received a squeeze.
“Great, then you and Malfoy are officially partners.”
“You can’t be serious!” Ron exclaimed, practically jumping out of his seat. Harry’s hand reached for his shoulder, gently tugging him back into his seat. “That’s a terrible idea.”
“Why is that, Weasley?” Draco asked, leaning back in his chair, his fingers still wrapped tightly into hers.
She stiffened. She watched as he eyed Ron, his eyes growing dark and cruel.
“I have already proven to be an excellent partner, perfectly capable of being there in times of…need.” His mouth quirked.
Ron’s jaw tightened, and Malfoy’s thumb began to stroke over her knuckles. His tone was cruel, his words cutting, But his touch was everything, it was healing, it was wrong.
It was addicting.
“I don’t mind that you have failed to show gratitude for saving your fiancé but are you even happy that she survived?”
“What?” Ron sputtered, indignantly.
But Hermione felt her chest hollow out, as her eyes began to burn with tears. Not because Malfoy was being cruel. But because he was right. Not once, since she woke up in that hospital, had Ron shown any relief at her surviving.
In fact, he only seemed angrier than she remembers him being before, his hatred for Malfoy was intensified and she seemed to be a reminder of how much he loathed him, essentially lumping her in with him.
Their love life was suffering. He hardly touched her, and whenever she did manage to get close to him, he always pulled away, always finding an excuse.
“If you’re concerned with our girls safety here, Weasel, no need.” Malfoy smiled at Ron. “I’ll always take care of her.”
Ron’s teeth were bared. “You’ll never be able to take care of her needs.”
Hermione blinked at his words. When she opened her eyes again, she suddenly felt detached. Like she was looking at Ron through a new lens.
Her wand was out, aimed in front of her. And then Ron was flung out of his chair, his body slamming into the wall behind him, before he was Crucio’d over and over. Again and again until blood was running from his nose. Until his mouth hung open, slackjawed. Until his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
Draco’s cool, slow drawl filled her ears.
“I don’t think you even understand what her needs are, let alone how to tend to them.”
Hermione was pulled back into the moment, sucked through some sort of vortex of space and time. It felt like she was suddenly thrown back into her seat, her back jerking agains the chair, her body jolting with the surreal way in which she felt her limbs reattached to her body.
Draco’s hand gave hers a squeeze. She realized that everybody was staring at her, waiting.
She was suddenly trembling and perspiration dampened her brow. “I’m sorry, what?” Her voice was shaky, she felt breathless, realizing that she had fallen into some sort of morbid daydream.
Robarbs eyed her, curiously. “The decision is up to you, Granger. Are you okay with partnering up with Malfoy?”
Ron mouth was puckered, his eyes urging her to decline.
She swallowed, nodding her head. “Yes, of course.” She gave her head a little shake, and looked up at Robarbs. “I trust Malfoy with my life.”
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jadeyarts · 2 months
two years ago i drew art to ... "celebrate" (if you can call it that) the release of fairly odder, and i was asked this question:
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truth was i hadn't actually watched it so i couldn't actually answer the question fairly. but now that i've actually watched it: apparently, yeah.
i wouldn't call it a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination - it's a relatively mundane nickcom that just happens to feature cosmo and wanda. its not as funny as drake and josh or icarly, but not as terrible as sam and kat or... the... superhero nickcom? i definitely like it much better than i liked victorious. and i do think it's a lot more creative than it was initially given credit for when it first released. it doesn't come across as trying to devalue animation as a medium but rather an experiment in blending the two mediums. though the 2d animation in the series is a little wonk when it's more than just cosmo and wanda.
some jokes are really, really miss for me - but a lot do make me laugh. the acting is decent - they're certainly no emmy or oscar winners with these performances. but i really do think they're fine. campy and hammy and perfect for a nickcom. if this had come out around in the early 2000s, 2010s maybe, i could see it doing well - doing better than it did in 2022, at least. it's absurd in all the ways i personally find entertaining in a series. despite everything i see wrong with it and the ways i think it's not good, i'm liking it.
i love the way the plot is introduced adds to timmy's character - emphasizing that empathy and kindness he's always shown in the original series that i loved so much. that he wanted cosmo and wanda to look after his younger cousin he knew would struggle to adjust to a new environment, with her entire life being flipped upside down - wanting them to comfort her and be there for her during this period of her life... it reminds me why i've always loved timmy so much as a character. i love that they establish he's still a good-hearted person.
yes, timmy suddenly having a cousin is a little jarring but i always found it unrealistic that he didn't have any in the original series when he's meant to be an average kid - the average kid has a ton of cousins! - so i think her existence is a good call! sure, i wouldnt call viv or roy (viv maybe, roy definitely not) miserable enough to really need fairies the way timmy ever did, or the way chloe did, but honestly at that point i genuinely believe jorgen would be willing to let the family do what they want as long as they otherwise followed da rules and stayed out of his way. and i like the idea that cosmo and wanda can be godparents in ways that aren't the norm for other godparents anyway.
i'm also liking most of the new characters introduced in fairly odder and i could easily see them fitting into the original series! rachel and zina in particular make me laugh out loud. when they're not making weird jokes about zina's obsession with roy's scent, she cracks me up. i like the way she is confident and charismatic but also a huge obsessive weirdo, but mostly not in a way that made me uncomfortable like tootie. her back and forth with roy is actually entertaining and if she ever actually got together with him i don't think i'd mind at all. in fact maybe i'd even be a fan?
and i like how absolutely inconsiderate and uncaring and truly sick in the head rachel is - she is a bitch in the most literal sense. she barks at people. ty seems a little more considerate considering he realizes he was impulsive and should have told viv about what was going on then apologizes. but rachel is dramatic, describes herself as nuts, and selfish. she's mostly not making much of an effort to bond with viv - it's not like shes a horrible stepmother or anything, she clearly doesn't dislike viv and treats her decently. she's not antagonizing her or going out of her way to be horrible to her - but she is also nuts and rude. and she barks at people constantly. she's fucking weird and self-absorbed and i love her so much.
and roy - i love the way he mirrors timmy's character as someone who is self absorbed and tactless, irresponsible and impulsive... but ultimately extremely caring and loving. he's easy going, and easily accepts the unexpected and strange. the difference is he's exactly as popular as i think timmy realistically would have been, being a charismatic and natural leader. he's not as quick thinking and cunning as i think timmy is, but viv kind of makes up for it, i think.
viv is... a little more... normal than i was hoping for. she's fine, and i think she makes a decent foil for roy in that respect. much like i think chloe made the perfect foil for timmy. but i kind of hoped that viv's neurotic social-awkwardness and people-pleasing would be more exaggerated like chloe's was. not in the same ways, of course, it'd be boring to have an exact duplicate of chloe when roy isn't even an exact duplicate of timmy per say. but i just feel like viv was far more normal than timmy and wanda's conversation about viv being a mess lead me to believe she would be. and while i like the idea that it's cosmo and wanda's influence that helped bring her out of her shell and helped her adjust to dimmsdale, i do wish it could have been shown more.
with their parents' love of dancing and highly dramatic demeanors, combined with the characterization for their children, the whole family kind of has the vibes of a remix of early series timmy's parents, chloe, and timmy - even being in a family set-up similar to what i personally wanted to happen with timmy and chloe - but despite their similarities theyre also different enough to stand apart! i can see them being family because they're similar without being carbon copies. it's fun for me, personally, because exploring extended and blended families and the ways they can be similar and different is something that i like.
i also liked nate buxaplenty! i never liked remy, but nate was funny.
the only real objection i have is the subplot where vicky has a thing for crocker. though i guess honestly thats just because i personally always headcanoned crocker as her uncle but that's not canon so thats not really substantial grounds. the fact theres an age gap would really only be terrible if crocker actually reciprocated but he doesn't so it's weird, but honestly fine. my second instinct is to say it devalues her as a character but she had weird taste in men in the original series and she was repeatedly shown to be exactly like that when infatuated so it fits her character. i still don't like it... but its fine. could do without, though.
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tojikai · 1 year
also wanted to add this part since i forgot to add this to the original ask:
the manipulation is so cruel and heartbreaking. to constantly torment the reader knowing how she feels and to just upset her on purpose is disgusting. also to mention in front of the baby mom you discarded and mistreat that you want to have children with someone else and willingly allow the gf to diminish the reader’s role in her own child’s life. i was more sad than mad at first when the child called the gf mama but now i think the anger and sadness are equal. i know the child is young (and that gojo probably cosigned that) but they are inadvertently turning them against reader. she already has to coparent with him and the gf enabling him too so she definitely doesn’t deserve to be put last by her own child for the people who torment her especially since she is the only one being the bigger person and that no one as of right now is in her corner. the taking the child on trips was appalling; they didn’t consider how reader would feel and they overstep her boundaries and just disregard her role. part of me even thinks that there is a possibility gojo cares more about antagonizing the reader than being a dad sometimes. hopefully the child will stop calling the gf mom bc it isn’t right (they’re not even married, she didn’t even see or care how reader felt about it and the gf is trying to slide into the role too quick) maybe its just me but despite not having kids, having them around strangers is a definite NO. the fact that she could see how the entire situation affected reader and had the audacity to smile at her and to just watch her get mistreated screams “pick me” but also screams “evil and enjoying her suffering” i just don’t trust her. it makes me sad that the child doesn’t have loyalty to her mom and hopefully they develop to have more loyalty to the reader. i hope the reader can find happiness and at least have her child also (saying also bc i think someone else said this too) and then leave gojo and his gf where they are at. i do genuinely hope that gojo suffers in this fic lmao pls dog walk his behind😭
hopefully her feelings can fade and that she falls in love with someone who will have her back, protect her and just be loyal to her.
(maybe this entire this sounds bitter, but i didn’t know how else to phrase it. i know when i was little and even now i would see my mom have this kind of personality and is kind to everyone so i stick with my mom on everything so to read that kinda shocked me and made me sad. if my child called someone else mom id be devastated.)
sidenote: i also would like to think that reader’s child would be gojo’s karma since he is so malicious towards the reader and that with time the child will pick up on that and strengthen their bond with the reader as well as her loyalty.
(this is honestly a lot but i had a lot of feelings and thoughts 💭)
- theory anon
i definitely get you. seeing a babydaddy's gf try to take over the mom role even when the real mom is literally alive and kicking can be really revolting. and the fact that the babydaddy is not taking action is just disrespectful. tho, we cant blame the child bc they're weak when it comes to toys😭irl, i know that as a child grows, they slowly realize all of that and side more with what is right. i really enjoyed reading this, theory anon <33 hope you're doing great~
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Alrighty, let’s go! Below the cut, because this is gonna be a lot.
-Mountain and the ghoulettes (AKA Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine)-
It goes without saying that mountains reach towards the sky, and the same can be said in regards to Mountains bond with these three. He loves and adores them each individually, and even took to Sunshine after only knowing her for a short time.
Cirrus likes to tease Mountain for being a bit silly at times, and Cumulus is good at listening to his oftentimes bizarre thoughts on the world around them.
-Dew and Sunshine x2-
There’s something about multi ghouls that seems to drive Dew up a wall, because while he is undeniably close with Sunshine, she makes him absolutely bonkers at times with her antics.
She once headbutted him to say “Hi” and sent him tumbling backwards with the force of it much to his embarrassment.
To Dew, having Sunshine around is a lot like having a sister.
An annoying, but well meaning sister.
Don’t let the grimace fool you, he calls her “Sunny” when she’s not around.
-Rain and Sunshine x2-
Imagine having a younger sibling.
Now give that younger sibling a twin.
Albeit polar opposites, these two are as thick as thieves and twice as mischievous. 
Copia honestly doesn’t know how it happened, considering Rain can be a gentle sweetheart when he wants to be, and Sunshine is generally well mannered, bit something about leaving the two of them alone together breeds chaos.
As such, Copia has implemented a toddler rule: If it’s quiet, it’s probably not a good thing.
-Dewdrop and Cirrus x2-
Do they roast people together? Yes. Do they tease each other? Oh absolutely.
But would they defend the other life and limb if someone ever insulted the other?
Damn straight they would.
It’s older sister-middle child solidarity honestly. 
They can be immensely catty towards others when they’re together, but it’s all in good fun, and they’re pretty good at pulling back and apologizing when they go too far, which is surprisingly rare.
-Rain and Dewdrop x2-
Have you ever met someone who just... got it? Like saw you and went, “I know what you’re really like”?
That’s these two through and through.
Maybe it’s because they went through similar situations growing up, or maybe it’s just chance, but Rain and Dew understand each other in a way the others don’t, and that’s saying something.
Rain is good at drawing out Dew’s sillier, less emotionally encumbered side, and something about that makes Rain... oddly protective of Dew.
While most of the other ghouls see Dew as aggressive in some way, Rain just sees someone who is strong, but in need of a gentle hand and he thinks, perhaps, he could be that for him.
Although it is fun to antagonize him...
-Swiss and Sunshine-
These two are both the light of their friends’ lives and the very bane of their existence at the same time, but they’re especially bad when they’re together.
There’s just something about multi ghouls that makes them two parts sugar, one part vinegar, and a whole jug of what we’re presuming is vodka with how wild these two can get.
Throw Rain into the mix and Copia is going to seriously consider becoming an apostate.
-Cirrus and Rain-
Left hand, meet right.
Together, these two get shit done at a rate that is almost alarming, and if something goes down, you’d better believe these two are going to fix it... barring, of course, the situations in which they are the problem...
Sometimes they are, in fact, the problem.
Okay, often enough...
And lastly;
-Dew and Swiss-
Your best, whom you hate, but actually...
These two were almost constantly at each others throats when they first met, and, truth be told? Both of them were at fault for that.
Dew’s immovability vs Swiss’ unstoppable force personalities clashed many a times before resolving into a friendship that is nothing short of a miracle.
Swiss’ need to have strong connections with the people around him pairs well with Dew’s need for reassurance, even if neither of them will admit that they need/want such things due to their own issues, but what matters is they get along now.
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maddymoreau · 2 years
Niall Analysis
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While Niall’s actions are obviously wrong and extremely misguided I do find him to be an interesting character! Niall wants to be a good father. However, what is a good father to him? Niall is a Naegleria fowleri, a brain-eating amoeba, so to Niall being a good father means multiplying to create new “offspring”.
Later into the game when Marlowe asks him, “Why do you want to be a father?” Niall retaliates:
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Which makes sense considering he’s been multiplying inside her for days. What I find the most interesting is the dialogue option response, “I doubt you actually know what a great father is, Niall.”
Of course Niall reacts poorly questioning Marlowe. She clarifies, “Well, at least not in the human sense. I mean, how could you have learned? If you had no one to teach you?”
Niall responds coldly, “ . . . Then tell me.” Marlowe explains, “Children take priority.” Niall snaps back, “You think I don't know that?”
Marlowe questions him, “ . . . How many of your decisions are for your own survival? How much of this is really for the survival of our children?”
After this Niall becomes visibly insecure. He's always been okay with the idea of dying with Marlowe, so long as they stay together. However after hearing Marlowe’s perspective on what a good father is he slowly begins changing.
During the game you can tell his shortcomings as an amoeba REALLY bother him. He’s upset when he can’t help Marlowe stand up, drink wine with her and more. The biggest example of this is when Marlowe either compares him to the real Niall or her father.
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Niall isn’t holding Marlowe captive as a way to punish her. Rather if Marlowe got treatment not only would Niall die but their “offspring”. Even if it’s killing her, to him, that’s okay. Besides, “Don’t say it like that, Marlowe. Isn’t it wonderful we get to spend time together?”
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Now you might be thinking . . . if Niall is fine dying with Marlowe then why wouldn’t he be okay dying so she could get treatment? Outside not wanting to be separated it’s all about Marlowe’s perception of Niall and their “children”. 
If Marlowe reacts poorly to the hallucination of their child:
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If Marlowe always rejects Niall throughout the game:
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It EXTREMELY bothers him when Marlowe views him as a parasite in her body.
“But I see it as a sign. And you know what I saw when I got closer to your brain? Your wish for a family, Marlowe. It’s as strong as mine.” 
He believes not only that their encounter is fate since it’s so rare for his kind to infect humans, but that because they both desire the same thing (having a family) that what he feels towards her is love.
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All Niall wants is to create a family full of love with Marlowe. 
Even if it results in both of their deaths. In one of the death endings where Marlowe dies after constantly antagonizing and rejecting Niall. Niall still holds Marlowe close to his heart. He can’t bring himself to hate her, but his anger towards her treatment causes a poor reaction. Where he ends up causing Marlowe to suffocate. 
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Niall doesn’t want Marlowe to hate him or view him as vermin. He wants her to be just as happy as he is about the situation. He wants his feelings to reach her.
“Just why did my love not reach you? I am sure I expressed it a lot. Surely you know how much I want a family like you.”
Niall isn’t human, he’s a brain-eating amoeba and I find a character who desperately wishes he was human super intriguing. 
Also I love the fact that Niall’s desire to be a good father and create a family full of love with Marlowe is his downfall. When Marlowe teaches Niall what a good father is, it allows her to create an opportunity to escape him. 
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Niall will continue to multiply in the lake while waiting for Marlowe. Doing exactly what he set out to do from the beginning, starting their family. Unaware she will never return to him despite their “love”.
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theothergueck · 4 months
i think im finalyy gonna talk about difinitief lore lets go
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difinitiefs physical appearance explained: his head is a golden cross that is supposed to be a Celtic cross but without the bottom part, his head is covered in thorns, flowers and leaves, specifically the passion flower as it is considered a symbol of god, the end parts of the cross are painted in red or white, he also has a single eye growing out of his golden shell, suggesting there might be some organic stuff in there, his skin is pure white and his torso is covered in golden marks, he wears 2 large golden cuff 'bracelets' which have sharp ends around it, his legs are wrapped in thorns and roses and his legs constantly bleed ichor due to the thorns stabbing into his body, once again a reference to his godhood, he also wears a white and yellow colored priest stole around his neck
His past: he mostly works in the shadows so you wouldn't see much of him in game but he basically existed ever since the existence of religion and got released into valestrum by the god of belief(his creator) in the form of a priestress(who i sadly haven't given a valestrum form yet) once equinox and solstice had gained enough power to start forming a religion of their own, difinitief was tasked with aiding the religion and trying to make it grow stronger, he first started with joining the cult of equinox and working his way up to become one of his most trusted servants where he could directly manipulate equinox into doing things that would aid his cult, leading crusades, doing errands, and keeping his belief alive, and it stayed that way for a while(which unfortunately lead to the cults downfall later on as difinitief convinced equinox to have solstice do the work for equinox, not knowing how powerful dusekkar was with his plot book), (also fun fact,difinitief was also the one who convinced wiscara to join equinoxes religion),later at the end of the story while working on trying to help equinox sustain his rule and keep him alive while Tess scriptliss and dusekkar are dismantling him he encounters scriptliss, who he almost ends up killing before dusekkar ends up defeating equinox and sealing him, equinox, solstice and many others in the old world, where he remains trapped to this very day(until antagon found his seal while on a mission with protagonist and was tricked into breaking it
His relationships/friendships
Sweetums: he didn't like her very much and still doesn't because she tolerates scriptliss due to him being nice to her (difinitief HATES demons, alot)
Wiscara: he used to like her(as a friend) until she ended up joining dusekkar, scriptliss and tess, he often refers to her as a traitor (he doesn't like aristris either but not as much as wiscara)
Dusekkar, scriptliss and tess: absolutely DESPISES their existence and wishes they were never given the gift and curse of living, he often plots about how he will murder dusekkar and scriptliss once he escapes
Crevons, eyedemons, paperdemons, basically any demon species: he hates them all and wants them all to suffer or be exterminated, nothing else
Torchkins: he compares them to demons because they live in a hellscape but usually tolerates them as most of them haven't done anything to receive his judgement (other than being similar to demons)
Lanter and sphara: he believes they were also catalysts to the collapse of equinoxes and solstices religion so he despises them too(if you destroy a religion it's like destroying a part of him so he will take it very personally)
Otempes: he likes this old man because hes good friends with harmonians
Base cleph: only tolerates him because he was friends with an eyedemons(pink i)
i think thats all i'll tell but Heres a quick funfact, one of difinitiefs weaknesses is songs with to many bad words and odd suggestive stuff, if you play a song like 'not like us' by Kendrick Lamar (absolute banger) near him he will immediately be disgusted and try to get away from you as much as possible
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I know it's been awhile, but if the Arei/J thing is true, Levi is a prime suspect because of the chapter 1 FTE video. In the top 20 most voted pairing, J and Levi got 8th place, despite them not interacting with each in the first chapter from what I can remember. Almost every other pairing on that list either had some interaction, even if it was small, or something like Ace/Arei who were both bullies. Me thinks people on the team may have wanted to give the chapter 2 deaths some spotlight.
//I know people are probably tired of me talking about this...but I'm gonna do it again.
//I want to ask a genuine question: let's say you're right and Levi is the killer. I've seen a lot of people who are thoroughly convinced it's him and even patting themselves on the back over it, thinking they've got it all figured out. But are you happy with that?
//Let's say that's the scenario. Arei, who wanted to be a good person, went to Levi about her secret. Levi, who's tried to be a good person but still has a dark streak to his personality, doesn't know she's trying to turn over a new leaf and thus either kills her in a fit of rage or knocks her out and sets up the death contraption, both of which he could do because he's strong.
//Okay, but as an explanation, doesn't that just feel...predictable? Unsatisfying? Even flat-out boring?
//In fact, not only is it all three of those to me, it completely undercuts the messages and themes of Despair Time itself. Something that I feel a lot of people continue to miss entirely.
//Despair Time Chapter 2 has, in large part, been about the importance of building and rebuilding trust. Not only has Teruko been the centerpiece of so many discussions about why her paranoid distrust of everyone is unhelpful, but Ace has constantly been antagonizing and mistrusting Levi after that outburst in the first trial.
//If you're saying Levi is the killer, you're effectively saying Ace is right. You're saying that every paranoid accusation that Levi was waiting to kill him or someone else was accurate, and that in turn, you're also saying Teruko was right for not trusting anyone.
//Except the game is trying to tell us that trusting nobody is just as dangerous as trusting everybody. That's a key theme in everything going on here, and having a killing that undermines that feels out of place.
//Furthermore, another thing to consider is this: wouldn't it be far more knife-twisting and tragic for them to make Arei an active part of this chapter, and we get to see her desire to change, then leads to her death? Instead, she only gets a handful of scenes here and there, one of the big ones in a flashback with Eden.
//They were good scenes, don't get me wrong, but if they wanted us to feel like she was raising legit death flags, there should've been more focus on her, not less. Instead, she practically vanishes after the playground scene and apparently then turns up dead. And with all that's gone on so far, I believe it was by design. Arei dying like this also makes no sense otherwise.
//This is why I still stick to my switch theory. Not only does it fit with themes of the story, but Levi, being the Ultimate Personal Stylist, is the perfect person to make them look similar enough that nobody would notice.
//So no, I don't think Levi is the killer. It's the most predictable and played-out explanation one could go with, and with as high production value as DT has had, I absolutely cannot believe they'd go that route. There's far more going on here than we realize.
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madhare0512 · 2 years
A Comprehensive List of Spideyfist Interactions (pt.2)
hello and welcome back to: reasons Spideyfist is canon. a series where i take you through each episode of The Ultimate Spiderman and show you why i believe that Spiderman and Iron Fist are dating in canon. and also give you a little insight into my thoughts of the show
warnings for: episode spoilers, season spoilers, action/injury description, unsolicited commentary, probable cussing, violence, caps lock
this part features episodes 7 through 13 of season one
S1E7 Exclusive: 
- Danny is in this episode for point-five seconds and he doesn’t even speak or interact with Peter much so again, almost entirely headcanon and commentary but i’ll try
- MJ going through different versions of her name for the Daily Bugle interview was really cute
- this entire episode is filmed almost entirely from the POV of MJ’s camera and that’s a crime
- while Sam, Ava, and Luke look vaguely upset about the interview, Danny just looks tired, almost as if this is a fight he’s heard and is not interested in continuing. 
- honorable PowerTiger mention: Ava and Luke are practically sitting in each other’s laps
- lets count the amount of times MJ is picked up and moved by Peter as Spiderman. here’s one
- that’s two
- MJ is a fucking idiot, you don’t run TOWARDS the danger, even if you’re a reporter
- bug man is somehow the best and worst insult Hulk could’ve come up with 
- how many times did Peter consider calling the team this fight? cause all we see is what the camera shows us, so it’s possible he tried to call the team
- “then stay low” ah yes, perfect compromise
- at least she acknowledges she’s not being smart here
- five
- eight, but off camera
-i think people sometimes forget that behind the sarcasm and powers is a kid who’s super fucking smart and way out of his depth. Peter’s used to being a solo act, he doesn’t know how to be a team leader, you know?
- SHIELD in this series makes me angry specifically because Peter is a proven ally and they shot at him anyway
- eleven, two off camera, one partially off camera
- headcanon: “sparky” is also a nickname Peter affectionately uses for Danny when they start dating 
- ahh the end of the camera pov
- Hulk just picks Peter up and moves him like he weighs nothing
- you don’t see the kind of desperation Peter displays when searching for MJ often. so far, it’s shown for Harry and MJ alone. 
S1E8: Back in Black
- the dragon man scares me, but only because i love dragons and hate to see them slandered like this
- the Venom suit is cool but that’s essentially it for this version of Venom
- why don’t people listen to Peter’s bad feelings more often?
- Peter sits next to Danny during the meeting
- while the others harp on Peter for being jealous and cry about him being sick, Danny says, “perhaps you’re seeing connections where there are none” which i believe was his attempt at comforting Peter. Venom was traumatizing for all of them, but for Peter especially
- also, i know the wiki says that Fury and the team wanted Venom on the team, but the first one who brings that up is Peter. 
- the fact that no one says “are you okay?” kind of hurts, but also from the voice and excessive sneezing t’s kinda obvious he isn’t so i’ll give them a pass on that. i’m attributing the no comforting to the fact that they’ve only known each other for a few months or so at this point. i like to believe that Danny reaches out later and asks after Peter because he’s that kind of guy
- okay, so if it wasn’t obvious BEFORE NOW that this fake-Spidey is Harry, the flexing bit just proves it. 
- also, how Harry doesn’t put it together that Peter is Spiderman from this episode alone is beyond me
- another thing that turns me off of SpideyNova is that Sam seems to constantly antagonize Peter at every chance he gets
- this episode marks the beginning of Peter and Harry’s cracking friendship
- Harry’s whole villain arc later in the series is actually very tragic when you consider that all it really is, is that Harry wants his dad’s approval. it’s all he’s ever wanted
- “last time we met, you had someone inside there that shouldn’t be” flashbacks to episode 4 when Sam, Luke, and Danny got trapped
- Vemon is much cooler in the Hardy movies if i’m honest with myself, but that’s only because of Eddie Brock
- headcanon: Harry Osborn has electricity scars on his back
- Peter recounting his fight to Fury is cute
- the team all harp on Peter for getting them sick, but Danny’s comment was “there is absolutely no enlightenment to be found in this level of misery” which less harping and more a complaint that he doesn’t like being sick
- side note: colds are spread by bodily fluid and Peter has hardly been around the team unless you count sneezing at Sam from like six feet away, so how did the entire team catch Peter’s cold?
S1E9 Field Trip: 
- Peter, sir, why the juice box?
- of course Danny studied the ancient texts and OF COURSE he can read this Nordic rock. also, i fully believe that Danny’s mystic powers are the only reason the stone activated to send the Frost Giant through
- so you can’t see it well and it’s only for a split second, but when the Frost Giant first brings it’s club down and it brings the club back up, you can see that Peter has appeared in front of Danny and Sam has now teleported to be standing behind Luke. i’m counting this towards SpideyFist for the express reason that there is NO NEED for Peter and Danny to be standing that close together
- “what is that thing?”, Danny you studied the ancient texts and they said NOTHING about Frost Giants?
- the second Danny gets hurt, Peter’s giving orders for “less talking, more teamwork”
- this might be me, but Peter always sounds so admiring when he talks about Danny and this introduction to Thor is no different
- Danny jumping in to calm the arguement, by offering the sage advice DIRECTLY TO PETER
- okay, so Luke, Sam, and Ava are looking in the direction i assume the ice came from, but Danny is not, so what’s Danny looking at? my guess? he was going to warn Peter and Thor about the Frost Giants before they even appeared
- Danny goes looking for weak points in the ice and without even discussing it, Peter knows exactly what he’s doing which suggests a level of familiarity we’ve yet to see between Peter and the others
- Peter also asks how the progress is coming and when Danny responds with one of his sayings instead of “yes, no” or something more concrete, Peter just accepts it without comment
- “found it” busts through a wall of solid ice like it’s nothing DAMN BOY 
- you know, the Frost Giants keep freezing Danny specifically and i feel like it’s telling that it’s happened TWICE that Danny was incapacitated first (once with Venom and now with the Frost Giants)
- when desposited back in the snow, Danny and Peter land directly parallel to each other
- Danny and Peter step forward together when the dwarf is scolding Thor
- when they find him, the Master Dwarf is working on the sword he’ll later give to Danny
- in the line up, Danny and Peter are standing close together. you don’t see their hands, but i firmly believe they held hands at first
- what is it with Danny and Peter and standing close together this episode? it’s like every chance they get. just another reason i firmly believe this is the episode BEFORE they got together
S1E10 Freaky: 
- Mesmero gives “skiddish teenager” vibes, not “supervillain” vibes
- when Sam goes to protest as Peter walks away, Danny stops him from saying anything, which i am in fact counting as minorly protective
- Danny is the only one who seems actually concerned with how Peter’s acting instead of upset.
- Danny’s question also suggests that he expected an honest response, as if he’d asked something similar before, perhaps many times. and the shoulder touch! 
- firstly, Wolverine is unneccisarily aggressive with a non-confrontational Danny, but second, the way Danny looks both afraid and concerned says a lot to how he feels about Peter and how Peter acts around him
- “baby i do like me a redhead” flashbacks to Wolverine’s crush on Jean
- off screen convos include what Wolverine said to the team, MJ, and Harry and how things went down with Danny specifically. something like: “kid, you got a guy willing to stand up for you when you’re not yourself and when you’ve just threatened him. if i where you, i wouldn’t let him go.”
- Danny was in Peter’s “soap opera” themed daydream-sequence alongside MJ and Ava, who would both be considered love-interests
- a random Deadpool appears
- Peter also apologizes off-screen to the team, MJ, and Harry. this is the episode Danny and Peter get together
S1E11 Venom Attack:
- okay, and again i’ll say Peter is supposed to operate independant of SHIELD. Nick can’t order him off the assignment
- Danny doesn’t seem annoyed at being caught in the webs like the others are
- Danny is the only one Peter apologizes to when Peter redirects the team’s attacks on Venom
- Danny is the first one Peter acknowledges when he’s being scolded by the team for keeping secrets
- “wait, you can do that?” “he can do that” not Danny casually being the only one who remembers that Peter is fucking SMART
- Danny being the one to consistantly acknowldge there is another life inside Venom once being told so and using Harry’s name as a reminder to the others that it’s PETER’S BEST FRIEND that acts as Venom’s host
- Danny’s the first one to show up on the roof when Peter’s up there with Venom
- USM!Osborn makes the list of shitty fathers purely because he’s using his son as a science experiment
- okay “Squash the Spider” is kinda fucked, but also they’re stupid teenagers so i’m giving them a “they don’t know much better” pass where everyone apologizes off screen
S1E12 Me Time: 
- Peter being worried about Aunt May being caught indencent is really cute
- FURY GAVE MINORS CONTRACTS TO SIGN AND THOUGHT THAT’D BE A-O-FUCKING-KAY? jesus fuck the more i watch this show as an adult the more fucked up it seems
- we’re supposed to see him leaving his communicator and walking out as Peter being idiotic, but in reality this is a massive breech of privacy for a company full of SPIES who give contracts to teenagers and expect them to sign it with no issues. and you know, maybe there are none. i guarentee you that if a lawyer went over those contracts, there’d be a lot of things wrong with them. these are children! the only ones of them that have legal guardians are Luke and Peter. Luke’s parents are SHIELD scientists and Peter lives with his Aunt! this is fucking BS
- no notable interactions between Danny and Peter in this episode, so here’s a headcanon. when Danny found out that Spiderman was captured by Doc Ock, he went to Peter’s home and asked to spend a few hours out with him. under the guise of making sure Peter is okay. in reality it’s because Danny’s kinda scared to lose Peter, even only knowing him for a short amount of time
S1E13 Strange Days: 
- this is one of my favorite episodes because of the whole magic v. science debate. i think it’s really cool
- Danny tells Peter that he was dreamwalking, which seems pretty personal and private. Peter didn’t seem shocked when Danny tells him this, so they’ve likely talked about it, which means that Peter has probably given Danny permission to walk in his dreams. 
- Danny wakes Peter up instead of someone he’s known longer, like Luke, or someone better suited to a mystic battle, like Ava
- Danny wakes Peter up KNOWING how Peter feels about actual magic, implying they’ve talked about that as well, at length probably because Danny’s on the mystic side of things while Peter firmly believes in science
- Peter knows Danny well enough to predict Danny’s reaction to something unexplained that he seems to know a little something about, explained as “weird and foreboding”
- Danny holds on to Peter’s waist when they’re riding the Spider-Cycle, much like one in media would traditionally hold on if you where DATING
- even Danny’s explaination of magic sounds practiced, as if he’s repeated it a lot, specifically to Peter
- Danny seems so happy when Peter seems to get something he’s saying
- Peter’s fond exasperation when the quote goes over Danny’s head
- Danny takes all of Peter’s jokes and silliness without complaint or judgement
- traditoinally, bowing to someone is shown to be a sign of respect to them. Danny bowing to Peter, even sarcastically, kind of shows the same thing
- Peter acts like “a beacon to someone with [Danny’s] sensitivities” which i’m counting because it falls under the “fate put them together” tag
- Danny comforting Peter when his mind is blown BIG TIME by Doctor Strange, with an arm around the shoulders and a hand on the bicep
- idk if this makes sense, but during the full episode, Peter’s focus is on Danny almost entirely, even when it seems like it’s not
- Danny’s immediately justification of bringing Peter instead of someone more qualified, Danny is Peter’s number-one fan and you can’t convince me otherwise
- in Luke’s dreamworld, Danny and Peter are tied back to back, which is symbolic in that even Luke sees they’re always there for each other. Luke and Danny may be ride-or-die, but Danny and Peter are more than even that
- Peter looks at Danny when he says, “i will temporarily press pause on my magic bashing”, mystic arts are a big part of who Danny is as a person and Peter knows that, which means that, coming from Peter, those words would mean more to him than they would to Strange
- Peter gets knocked down and Danny IMMEDIATELY takes out the Dreamon who does it and then helps Peter up. he also proceeds to explain the rules of this world Peter’s never been exposed to
- Peter clocks it immediately when Danny disappears into his dreamroom
- Danny’s introduction of his home to Peter, even in his dreamlike state
- Peter continuously trying to tell Danny that this isn’t real, even saying “i bet it’s fantastic, in REAL LIFE” and saying “that’s Nightmare!”
- Danny’s assurance to Peter that he doesn’t have anything to fear, but not saying he’s not afraid. clever bit of word play there, tbh. also Peter knowing Danny’s scared anyway
- despite being in the dreamworld, Danny STILL listens to Peter when Peter says anything
- Peter defends Danny against his own worst fears, struggling agianst iron bars that keep him away from Danny while shouting encouragement. 
- Danny tells Peter his worst fears, a choice he makes to elaborate on what Peter is already seeing
- Peter punches through three iron bars to get to Danny
- i firmly believe that Nightmare’s roaring wasn’t what kicked Peter out of Danny’s dreamroom, but Danny himself. Danny is supposed to be the mysterious, mystic warrior, a king sometime in the future when his year of study is up. i highly doubt he was given lessons on mental health in K’un-Lun, so it’s probable that Danny doesn’t want Peter to see him at a low point. so he kicks Peter out of his dreamroom in order to protect both himself and Peter, because god knows the kind of damage a damn dragon can to the unexperienced soul
- “he’s playing your fears! just like he did Iron Fist!” Peter is so far gone, mans isn’t even HERE and he’s still mentioning him every two seconds
- Danny and Peter are standing UNNECCISARILY CLOSE TOGETHER
- “nice entrance!” “i try. thank you for beliving in me” translation: “thank god your back” “of course i am, you saved me”. ALTERNATE TRANSLATION: “you came!” “you called.”
- in my experience, when you’re sleeping around another person, generally you feel safe around them. which lines up with what happened in this ep, but also, one experience doesn’t equal a pattern
- going back to the desperation thing from episode 7? the desperation’s been shown for Danny now
thank you!
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squidslugs · 29 days
1 and 5 for the oc asks
1 - do you have any ocs who can't meet, but would be friends if they could?
oh, i got one! to clarify though, they theoretically could meet in fact but likely never will; my general ocs with no strict setting i consider to "technically" live all in the same universe, although i dont tend to overlap them super heavily
this would be Ariane and Dune. they are the primary example for this because them knowing eachother very nearly was canon! the only reason i didnt ultimately keep it was because i think their "scenes" are juuust different enough that they wouldnt really cross paths all that often. dune just likes to go to bars and get drunk, while ariane is into actual partying/rave culture type stuff. i think they'd get along pretty well if they did start talking to eachother since they both have pretty niche shared interests and i think dune would LOVE the idea of attending parties like hes 19 again. i think ariane would teach dune how to dance properly. i also think if they met now it would be a terribly bad influence on dune as a currently recovering alcoholic, so lets maybe not let him relapse.
now i more consider that they probably crossed paths once or twice in their lives, but genuinely wouldnt know who eachother are - although if pointed out to the other they'd go "hmm, they look a little familiar".
i can think of a few other faces who could get along but not in as siginificant detail as ari and dune, who gets a pass for explict detail because i did consider making them canonically friends once.
for other examples; all three of my scientists, dr. distemper, vesper and dr. alasbaster could get along since theyre all autism central about similar subjects, although i think distemper would make vesper nervous lol. sheriff octozilla and phenomena would get along because both are no1 chaos fans tbh. and i think fig would really appreciate the company of sapling, since shes the kind and understanding type, especially of the guy with 5 billion problems. that, and her garden would be pretty incredible to him i think.
5 - do you have any ocs that either cannot, or would not be able to stand each other?
let me thinkkk
tick and diamond are their universes resident "time deity who is super out of touch with whats normal for a mortal" and would probably get really particularly protective about having to share that role with another person. especially tick. tick would probably win this fight though, because tick is violent indiscriminantly in a way diamond is not (diamond is fucked up and evil but more in a possessive/abusive way than in a "kills people for fun" way)
caliber and mamba are both the exact same archetype (someone gave this paranoid freak a gun) and would have a dynamic wherein they both make eachother EXTRA paranoid and have to point those guns at eachother constantly
edgar kevin and lydia, while a little bit sympathetic to their plight, would collectively think its funny as hell to antagonize larynx tympanic and sclera. triplet on triplet violence.
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Who are the top 5 people who you would argue that Kokichi is close with?
If 5 are too many people for Kokichi's standards then you can lower the number lol.
Aaaa this is such a good question!!
Firstly, I want to say during the killing game I think it was very hard with someone like Kokichi to be considered close with someone. So i'll just try to point out the dynamics that were probably significant enough for his character and why I think that dynamic would be considered "good" in Kokichi's standards.
This is mainly just my personal view so please don't attack me and thank you!
There is no particular order in this take.
1. Kiibo and Kokichi:
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory but i'll try my best to breakdown why I think Kokichi would and could have been pretty close to Kiibo.
For starters, Kiibo is very empathetic but he isn't gulliable like Gonta. He knows where to draw the line with Kokichi's misgivings but that doesn't take away the fact that he really does acknowledge Kokichi as his own person.
He also doesn't actively antagonize Kokichi. For example: when everyone looked at Kokichi as the black sheep when he warned Gonta that being gulliable could get him killed, Kiibo was the only one who didn't see any harm in his advice.
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Kiibo is a great friend to Kokichi, even though Kokichi constantly belittles him, Kiibo still tries his best to treat him with kindness.
What I really like about their dynamic is how Kiibo tries his outmost best to see eye to eye with him.
Kokichi's teases him constantly, he does that to try to push him away. Why does he try to push Kiibo away? Because someone is finally trying to break down Kokichi's true nature and it touches him and scares him at the same time, he doesn't know how to react.
In ch5, when Kokichi had already revealed he was the mastermind, Kiibo wanted to talk with him first so that Kokichi and the others wouldn’t resort to violence.
This tells us a lot about Kiibo as a character, and it tells us a lot about where he stands with Kokichi.
Kokichi didn't fully trust Kiibo during the killing game, some speculate that its because of the possibility that Kokichi thought that Kiibo could have been an elaborated robot created by the mastermind.
But that doesn't take away the fact that Kiibo's intentions to understand and befriend Kokichi are pure.
All in all, Kiibo was the only one who actually believed in Kokichi's last words while everyone swiftly brushed it off as lies.
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I think its evident that Kokichi kept everyone at arms lenght because of his trust issues but I think that if a killing game wasn't a thing they would have defiently been good friends.
During the UTDP and DS games they have multiple interactions were Kiibo makes Kokichi let his guard down for a small moment.
Kiibo really would have been a necesarry friend for Kokichi to have—someone who accepts him as who he is yet someone who draws the line when he goes too far.
2. Miu and Kokichi
Right now you are probably thinking: "whaaat? But she tried to kill him and she tried to kill her! How could you ever consider these two to be close?"
Allow me to quickly get that argument out of the way.
Miu didn't want to kill Kokichi just for the sake of killing Kokichi. She choose him for a reason, but it wasn't because she hated him.
Why did she plan on killing him? Because she is aware of how smart he actually is. Her two options were to kill either Shuichi or Kokichi, she choose to kill Kokichi because she has done plenty of inventions for him and it would have been much less suspicious for these two to hang out in her lab (even for Kokichi himself it would be less suspicious) than for her to tell Shuichi to help her out with an invention when they rarely spent time alone or worked on any blueprints or inventioms together besides the one with Kaede in ch1.
Not only that, but she felt regretful for what she was about to do to Kokichi and even apologized to him beforehand. She didn't mock him at all, she felt genuienly bad.
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And now you're probably thinking "okay maybe Miu didn't really want to kill him just because she hates him but what about Kokichi? He could have prevented all of this!"
Actually, before entering the virtual world, Kokichi actually tests Miu's willingness to see if she would actually go through killing him. Begging is not something Miu would do so lightly considering her arrogance.
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He also gave out so many hints multiple times infront of Miu, he even questioned Miu various times in the virtual world, showing her that he was aware that she was up to something and trying to make her not go through with what she wanted to do.
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He also gave Gonta an open choice, he didn't manipulate him, did he direct him towards the decision? Yes. But he never forced him to do anything, Gonta killed Miu on his own free will and actively agreed with Kokichi's "killing everyone is the best choice" mindset.
Actually, after Gonta killed Miu, Kokichi was acting super angry at him during the rest of the trip on the virtual world. It's as if a part of him hoped Gonta maybe would have backed down on the plan, but Gonta actually accepted the plan with little to no hesitation.
And anyone can fight me on this but post- class trial in ch4 you can just tell Kokichi feels regretful as hell for what he did to both Miu and Gonta. He goes through the lenghts of wanting to actually get killed alongside Gonta. And before anyone tells me he was lying about that, theres so many points that prove quite the opposite.
Maybe Kokichi could have prevented her from getting killed but he would have never been able to actually stop her blood-thirst.
Alright, with all of this out of the way, let me explain why I think Miu and Kokichi was a significant bond to Kokichi himself, excluding the obvious chapter 4 ordeal.
Even during the killing game, Miu and Kokichi seemed comfortable with each other, no masks, no forced antagonism, just both of them genuinely bitching at each other and revelling in being unpleasant.
During the ch1 class trial, when Kokichi called Kaede out telling her that she did save their lives but she did exactly what the mastermind wanted in the first place, she became a puppet for the mastermind to use.
Miu actually sided with Kokichi because as cruel as his words were, he wasn't wrong. She backed him up before Tsumugi could even finish her sentence.
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On another note, Kokichi is also one of the only people who is able to genuienly handle Miu's lewd insults and jokes.
While everyone else gets disgusted by her insults/jokes or shut her down, Kokichi easily just fires the lewd insult or joke back at her.
Actually, I remember someone pointing out on once how Kokichi never yells at Miu, and although this seems pretty unimportant considering he always calls her horrible sets of nicknames but thats exactly what makes all of this so sly.
Miu's demeanor completley shifts the moment someone yells at her, because of her upbriniging she isn't used to get yelled at so she actually gets shaken by it.
The fact Kokichi found a surprisingly gentler way to handle her and quiet her down shows how observant he is of others behaviors. Plus, Miu being the massochist that she is, actually doesn't mind the insults and actually sort of likes them.
Also, the fact that Kokichi who has major trust issues had to put his trust in Miu enough on the inventions he asked her to make, and also how he also trusted her enough to tell her about his plan to revolt against Monokuma.
Then theres Miu who entrusted Kokichi with her actual fears of betrayl and also how she considers Kokichi's saftey enough to warn him against working with other people, then it makes it even better how Kokichi didn't mock her fears and genuienly listened to her concerns.
During ch5, Kokichi points out how Miu's constant loneliness and unwillingness to trust others is what made her want to kill, he tells the others about the conversation he and Miu shared and you can just tell he feels regretful about what went down with the two of them.
Danganronpa DS provided us with a few interactions between the two and you can tell that they do get along in their own wierd ways.
Isn't it funny that in the DS Kokichi and Kazuichi's event, Kokichi was indirectly calling Miu better than Kazuichi while roasting her in the same breath? Pure art.
3. Gonta and Kokichi
Things went down in ch4 and i'm never going to justify Kokichi for it, but lets take into account that Gonta had free will the whole entire time. Before anyone starts calling me out on victim blaming or something, let me explain my reasoning.
Kokichi did lead Gonta to the flashback light, but when Kokichi broke down the plan to Gonta, he actively agrees with Kokichi's "mass killing to save everyone" mindset.
Of course, Kokichi lead him to make a decision like that but in the end Gonta accepted it. Kokichi never blackmailed him or manipulated his thoughts, Gonta commited the murder because in the end he did think that it was the best plan when he found out the secret of the outside world.
Gonta has a moral code and knows whats right and wrong, he agreed to kill Miu with no loopholes whatsoever. Although Kokichi lead him to those murderous thoughts, he also gave him a free choice to act on them or to not act on them.
Besides, Kokichi felt crazily guilty over everything that went down in ch4. He lost his composure multiple times during the class trial, he was more eager and constantly yelling at everyone, he even went as far as yelling at Kaito, which shows how he couldn't even keep his carefree composure infront of his rival.
In the end of the class trial, Kokichi is genuienly crying and begging to be punished alongside Gonta. Theres people who think he was lying here, but I disagree greatly.
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Kokichi was saying a lot of things here that didn't seem like simple lies, not to mention these crying sprites were rarely even used during earlier parts of the game.
Plus, Kokichi begging to be executed alongside Gonta actually did put his own life at risk. If Kokichi was doing all this just for the act he wouldn't have gone as far as saying this.
He has no idea if Monokuma would've denied or accepted his request since theres never been an incident like this before so why would he say something so risky if he was actually lying?
Kokichi claims he was lying about caring for Gonta so that he wouldn't attack Kokichi but thats the biggest bullshit I have ever heard in my life.
Gonta's initial reaction to realizing that he was tricked by Kokichi to do murder was literally just him in tears asking if all of this was a trick done by Kokichi. He wasn't resorting to violence and Kokichi who is hyper aware of others behaviors knows that himself, so he wouldn't have to lie to make Gonta not hurt him.
Plus, Kokichi is smart enough to know the rules of this school. If Gonta tried to be violent Monokuma would've easily restrained him.
Actually, if Kokichi wanted to strenghten his mastermind plan, he could have acted cruely minutes before the execution but he was so hurt by what happened that he couldn't even keep up his facade and compusure to do it.
And our sweet boy Gonta tells the rest of the cast to not blame it all on Kokichi. He just wants everyone to continue to stay friends, and he asks Kokichi to promise him they would all get along, Kokichi promises him that to give Gonta a sense of peace because he damn well knows these people would never try to get along with him.
Even after Kokichi's wrongdoings, Gonta still cared for him and accepted him for who he was. He always considered him a friend no matter what.
Most importantly, lets take a look at Kokichi's state after Gonta was killed.
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Kokichi had never reacted this greatly over an execution, he was silent and wasn't able to regain his composure after Gonta's death, it wasn't until Maki and Kaito kept pressing him about the flashback light when he snapped.
His feelings were basically being trampled on before and after Gonta's execution. The cast instead of understanding Kokichi needed space and time to grieve they start asking him about the one thing that got Gonta killed—the flashback light itself.
Besides Gonta and Kokichi's dynamic in the killing game, the UTDP and DS events they share together prove to us how much Kokichi estimates and cares for Gonta and how much Gonta cares back.
I would also like to quickly mention that Kokichi tells Gonta that he isn't boring which is a big compliment in his own standards.
They have a lot of significant conversations and most of them have Kokichi put his guard down for a second to express his genuine concern towards Gonta.
And although UTDP and DS aren't canon, they are still Danganronpa licensed games that are just non-despair au's. Supposedly, these games are reflections of what could've been.
4. Kaede and Kokichi
This was a very short-lived dynamic but a significant one at that. Their relationship was was interesting because Kokichi gradually helped shape Kaede's perspective while Kaede inspired Kokichi.
Unlike Kaito, Kaede did take some of Kokichi's words and advice into consideration. A clear example of this is when everyone was getting memtally and physically exhausted from trying to escape from the exit and she kept on insisting to keep trying.
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Kokichi is speaking for everyone here, they were all emotionally exhausted and needed a mental break.
He tells Kaede that she can keep trying on her own but that she shouldn't drag everyone down with her. He then reasonably snaps and tell her that what shes doing isn't inspiring them but strong-arming them.
That specific line strikes Kaede and she realizes she was actually indirectly harming everyone. Thanks to Kokichi snapping at her, she leveled her positivity back to a natural level.
She is one of the only characters in V3 who actively takes in some of Kokichi's words, the ones she feels that genuienly carry importance.
In the end of the first class trial, Kokichi tells Kaede a very cruel and harsh truth, he tells her how the moment murder filled her brain, she became the masterminds bait. Kaede doesn't shut down Kokichi and tells the rest that Kokichi isn’t wrong.
And lets not forget that Kokichi bestowed Kaede one of his most genuine compliments.
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Believe it or not, Kaede did inspire Kokichi. Shortly after her death, he quickly started to make blueprints and requesting Miu to make inventions so that they can all work together to revolt against Monokuma and the Monokubs.
In the ch5 conversation that Kokichi mentioned that he had with Miu, he seemed pretty hopefull about the idea of working together until Miu tells Kokichi her own fears which causes Kokichi to realize that coaporation can lead to betrayl if you're not smart enough.
That doesn't take away the inspiration that Kaede fuels in him which causes him to make a complete 180 and pretends to be the mastermind to try and end the killing game, even if it means his death to follow suit.
Honorable mentions:
1. Kaito and Kokichi:
Hear me out, I absolutely love rivals, but these two were done pretty bad in my personal opinion.
I enjoy when rivals come completley full cycle. Take Komahina's dynamic as an example, Hajime tried to understand Nagito and thanks to him being the only person who genuienly to get his true intentions, he got to solve the ch5 case based on his full understanding of Nagito.
This makes the rivalry come in full cycle, Hajime barely comprehending Nagito to Hajime finally being able to understand him which helped save him and the others.
Kaito and Kokichi's rivalry on the other hand had so much potential thrown in a flaming piece of garbage.
Kaito and Kokichi's concept at first glance seems promising, but do you know what completely crushes their dynamic? Kaito not believing in his last words.
Rivals working together in storylines is usually a way to make said characters to realize each others worldviews.
Kokichi understood Kaito since the beggining, hes very analytical of others behaviors. Kaito on the other hand, never once bothered to get to know Kokichi and brushed everything about him as lies.
Kaito and Kokichi working together in ch5 could've given us a fantastic opportunity were Kaito realizes "Shit. This guy is fucked up but he also has feelings like all of us. He was in the same situation as us and I never treated him as such. I believe in his sacrifice and last words."
Kaito and Kokichi's development was one-sided since it was only done by Kokichi who even bestows Kaito his "you're not boring after all" compliment.
Kaito on the other hand says that Kokichi's sacrifice was selfish and that everything he said in his last dying moments were a lie.
Kaito and most of the v3 cast have every right to be upset by Kokichi, but to belittle his sacrifice and last vulnerable moments was a low blow.
This is the reason why Kaito and Kokichi's was an honerable mention and not in the list, this could have been a great dynamic were the characters foil each other but it was just very one-sided by Kokichi and then Kaito just constantly hates on him and doesn't put effort in understanding him.
However, I will add that their dynamic was necesarry for the storyline, thats the reason why I even added these two here.
I would also like to mention that they had very cute moments in the DS events, they have light banter and Kaito genuienly does try to understand Kokichi in these events. There are very bittersweet "what could've been" moments.
2. Shuichi and Kokichi:
I know people are probably mad that I put these two in a honorable mention but let me explain myself.
These two barley have any canon moments that actually are meaningful to both the characters.
Besides the "you will be alone" moment in ch4 and the "trustworthy" board on Kokichi's room this dynamic is very one-sided.
Shuichi himself wanted nothing to do with him half of the time and tried to avoid him constantly. Kokichi was the one who sort of persued to befriend him but Shuichi quickly shut him down because of his dyanamic with Kaito.
The reason they are even in my honerable mentions is because of how Shuichi's words affected Kokichi more than any other character after ch4.
When Shuichi tells Kokichi that he will forever be alone, he looses his compusure for a moment, he stutters, changes the subject and immedietly comes up with an excuse to leave. Shuichi's words evidently hit him and probably were part of the reason why he did what he did in ch5.
Kokichi having Shuichi as "trustworthy" on the board is a nice touch, but it would have been way more touching if their dynamic was actually explored more in canon. I think the reason Kokichi labeled him as "trustworthy" is because of how they all do rely on Shuichi's detective work and Shuichi never lead them to the wrong conclusion.
But the main reason I have them as an honerable mention is because of the ftes, these two had very nice ftes proving that Kokichi genuienly enjoys spending time with Shuichi, and in the ftes Shuichi actually worries when Kokichi accidently cut himself with the knife (in contrary to canon where he barely blinks an eye when Kokichi's head is bleeding in ch3).
The ftes show us a very interesting and fiery dynamic between the two that never got explored in canon.
I would also like to add the *cough* fanservice *cough* love hotel because not only did Kokichi see Shuichi as himself in the love hotel, but he also was one of the few characters that immedietly backed out when he realized he made Shuichi uncomfortable, plus can u believe that its only in the ftes and love hotels where Shuichi actually wants to know more about Kokichi? How sad tbh.
But anyways, Shuichi and Kokichi barley had any sort of dynamic in canon (the rivalry was practically unexistent since Kaito took the role as Kokichi's rival). But that doesn't take away the fact that Shuichi did impact Kokichi's character.
In conclusion...
If you read all of this, I applaud you. I am so sorry for my long ramble but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!
Whats your favorite Kokichi dynamic? I would love to know myself:)
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that-yandere-life · 3 years
hi! could u do one with Natasha that has an s/o in a relationship with a boy, using this sentence from that TikTok audio that says "i could be a better boyfriend than him"?
have a nice day :)
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[Warnings: Yandere Themes *Obviously*, Minor mentions of abusive behavior but nothing descriptive, Technically cheating (Not by Nat but with Nat)]
Natasha was becoming sick and tired of finding you crying over your boyfriend, who quite honestly was just antagonizing you at this point.
Constantly trying to lure you away from the people who cared about you in an attempt to get you further under his thumb, and the worst part was you didn’t see the glaring red flags he was exhibiting.
This time you were sitting with your arms wrapped around your knees in your bedroom, no longer crying but staring off into space completely zoned out until you heard someone enter the room.
Used tissues surrounding you making it clear that you had been emotional a few moments before she entered, her heart dropping at the sight of you so beaten down by your relationship.
Taking a seat next to you, feeling you lean into her, so she opened her arms so that she could wrap them around you in her best attempt to comfort you.
Not opening her mouth because there were so many things that she could say that likely would upset you even further and that wouldn’t be productive in that current situation.
That is until you started asking her questions, ones that you didn’t necessarily expect her to answer but to your surprise she does.
First asking what you were doing wrong to make him act like this, explaining that all you ever tried to do was the right thing by everyone, and in the end you were the one left unhappy.
Then inquiring as to if this kind of thing was normal, as you hadn’t had many relationships this one being your most steady and long lasting so you were at a loss of how it should be.
Finally finishing with asking what you could do to fix it, because it was crumbling down around you and you were scrambling to keep the pieces together.
Taking a deep breath she replied that you did absolutely nothing wrong, that the guy was trying to control you and your actions, limiting your support system so that eventually all you would have is him.
Going on to shake her head furiously as she explained that this absolutely was not normal, in fact it was considered abuse in a lot of ways, banking on your inexperience to slip his tactics under the rug.
Finally finishing it off by stating that you shouldn’t try to fix it, it wasn’t you who broke it in fact the whole thing started off with horrifically visible cracks.
Recognizing the shock on your face she wondered if she had overstepped your boundaries with her honesty but relaxing when you seemed to actually take in her words seriously.
Touching your shoulder to gain your attention she then changed your entire world with a single sentence, something that you never expected to happen.
“I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit he never did.”
Before you could respond she continued further breaking your resolve that you once felt rising from the base of your spine, bringing you back to reality and it was as if you could breathe for the first time in months.
“Up all night, I won't quit, thinking I'm gonna steal you from him, I could be such a gentleman… Plus all my clothes would fit.”
Ending the last sentence with a subtle wink that increased your heart rate tenfold, getting lost in her eyes as you drank the sensual gaze in.
Unable to hold yourself back anymore, leaning in to press your lips to hers, feeling her shift you fully into her lap, her hands raking over your entire form like she couldn’t get enough.
This was what she had been longing for since the moment she met you, cursing that your idiot boyfriend had gotten to you before she ever stood a chance.
Now you were the one initiating the contact with her, and she was soaring with excitement, want, need, and everything that came in between.
Parting long enough for you to both catch your breath, neither of you realizing you had been holding it in the entire time, her fingers caressing the side of your face gently almost like she thought you would break if she was too rough.
Sure you should have been cutting all ties with him right then, but instead you just couldn’t bring yourself to care you were on cloud nine completely drunk off Natasha’s mere presence.
Wishing that this is what you had felt like all along, before you were wasting your time with someone who never fully appreciated you instead there was an incredible woman who had been waiting their turn this entire time.
It was the opportunity to make up for what was lost, the rest could be dealt with later, the fallout going to be bigger than anticipated, you were more than sure of that which is why you instead turned off your phone wanting no more interruptions.
Resuming your soft make out session a gentle start to the rest of your lives together, one step at a time, the journey finally looking bright.
[I knew I had to do this prompt the moment it came in, I love this TikTok sound and all it's various uses. Another one that I need to base one off of is the Heather's Veronica interaction, it's so deliciously yandere I just don't know who I want to write it with! I hope that this is what you were wanting and that you enjoy it darling! <3]
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birlwrites · 2 years
ttdl if the marauders and regulus's group were in the same year
i came up with this in the tags of my last post so if you notice some similarities between this post and the tags on that one, that's why
slughorn assigns potions partners alphabetically by last name so regulus and sirius would DEFINITELY be partners. they'd be INFURIATED. sirius would strongly consider changing his last name to potter. regulus would say 'what, you can't even handle my presence? pathetic' and then out of spite sirius would stay potions partners with him
evan and james: constantly competing to be The Cool Funny Popular One. at all times. they're fucking insufferable
regulus knows EVERYTHING in astronomy and sirius can't decide whether to pretend to know nothing to spite his family or to reveal that he also knows everything to spite regulus specifically (because he can't have people thinking regulus is the smarter one!! no fucking way!!!)
lucinda and lily would be friends and they would also frequently look at each other like 'are we the only sane people here' and the answer would be no. because none of them are sane.
remus is having constant breakdowns in the corner watching his friends get into ANOTHER fight with the slytherins about ANOTHER incredibly stupid thing that will probably result in sirius being decked YET AGAIN by barty crouch jr
(the first time this happened is because they were fighting and barty said something like 'if you say one more word i'm going to hit you' and sirius said something like 'why bother threatening me? just hit me then!! or are you a COWARD' and that is how they wound up in the hospital wing)
the teachers all have a meeting on the subject of 'do we separate them for detention or do we make them do detention together as part of the punishment'
the answer depends on who they're trying to combine. james will be grumpy but non-combative in detention with anyone except regulus (then there's fighting). you cannot put barty and sirius in the same room and expect it to go well. or even mediocrely. if you put regulus and sirius in the same room there won't be outright fighting but there will be constant bickering with the meanest zingers you've ever heard. it's hilarious but you Cannot Laugh because you're also a little horrified at the barbs they are trading. also because you're supervising their detention
the embarrassingly huge crush that emma definitely had on marlene mckinnon in fourth year would be even WORSE because now they would INTERACT REGULARLY
charlotte is also having a constant breakdown in the corner but it's not because her friends are getting into fights it's because everyone around her has lost it and she cannot get peace and quiet ANYWHERE in the castle and dumbledore refuses to let her transfer to hufflepuff
regulus would have significantly less time to fight a war because he'd be busy coming up with new ways to get back at james for his most recent crime (e.g. breathing too loudly)
neither gryffindor nor slytherin would win the house cup for a full seven years
they wOULD however set a new record for 'largest number of students in detention for being involved in the same fight'
as well as 'largest number of students who are SO infuriated by each other that even the presence of minerva mcgonagall is not enough to persuade them to BEHAVE THEMSELVES'
james attempts to bodily pick up and throw regulus into the black lake
regulus retaliates by locating the proper window of gryffindor tower, flying up to it in the middle of the night, breaking it, and dumping gallons of lake water into the room
evan helps, just for shits and giggles
maeve would help but she's terrified of heights so she mostly helps with gathering the water
regulus and remus go a full 4.5 years without exchanging a single word because remus (correctly) assumes that the ONLY thing keeping him out of the fighting is the fact that he has never antagonized regulus
barty and remus are secret DADA study partners. they attempt to take this secret to their graves. unfortunately the marauders' map ruins this and sirius and regulus have a SCREAMING FIGHT over it in the great hall at breakfast the next day
regulus's reputation for being cool and collected is completely destroyed. actually it never existed
gryffindor v slytherin quidditch matches routinely draw the entire school to watch. they love finding out about quidditch fouls they didn't know existed. they also love remus's commentary because of his editorial comments about his fraying sanity and his countdown to graduation (which he begins in third year). once he gets the number of days wrong and mcgonagall corrects him. she's counting too
but over the years remus stops being surprised by literally anything that happens in these quidditch matches
so his commentary turns into 'aaaand it looks like the gryffindor seeker is attempting to shove the slytherin seeker off his broom... last year that didn't happen until about half an hour into the match, this year they've beat that time by twenty minutes, i suppose that's progress... sirius black's broom seems to be on fire... either one of the slytherins has managed to sneak their wand onto the pitch or they have someone who can do wandless magic... either way it bodes poorly for the rest of my week. potter has hit vanity in the face with the quaffle, unclear if that was a flubbed pass or if it was on purpose. madam hooch is not calling that as a penalty, i assume because she's decided to let the minor fouls slide and focus on the ones that verge on attempted murder, she only has so much time in the day after all. 703 days of this left, by the way'
'706, lupin'
'oh sorry, professor, you're right. 706'
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knickynoo · 3 years
In your interpretation, do you think Marty has anxiety?
I think that Marty definitely has a lot of anxious qualities, most of which are probably a result of his upbringing/home life. There really is a good deal of dysfunction in the McFly family, and when you consider that the scene at dinner paints a picture of what the norm is like for them, it really is lousy environment for a kid to be raised in. I almost don't see how it wouldn't end up causing some significant anxiety issues.
I mean, Marty's got a father who is constantly being pushed around and berated by Biff. This terrible, abusive guy is just there at their house all the time, threatening George and looking down on the whole family. And Marty is witness to this time and time again and probably has been since he was little. He just watches his father take the mistreatment and occasionally is subject to it himself, all the while knowing that George won't even come to his defense when a grown man is calling him names.
Marty is also--frequently, we can assume--being steered away from taking risks by his father. Having his interests and dreams sort of waved away with a shrug and a well, it's probably for the best that it didn't work out. You'd probably only end up disappointed anyway. Which is, you know, majorly damaging to a kid's self-esteem to constantly have it put in his head that taking chances is bad because of the potential failure/rejection.
And then you've got Lorraine, and while I believe she does deeply love Marty, it's clear that she really isn't great at expressing it and also has her own personal challenges. She's been sort of beaten down by life. She's depressed, an alcoholic, and generally disconnected from things. I think seeing your mother sad so often, plus the challenge of silently dealing with alcoholism, would be enough to plant the seeds of anxiety. Not to mention the fact that Lorraine also speaks with a pretty critical tone to Marty.
Add in Strickland, who's apparently made it his mission in life to antagonize a teenager and tell him what a worthless, no-good punk he is, and honestly it's impressive that Marty is like...functioning at all? (Of course, we all know that it's because Doc is his core support system and source of kindness, but I digress)
So, yeah, to make a long-winded response short: I think it's very possible Marty has some degree of anxiety. He's got so many strikes against him already with the poor quality of adults in his life, that a little (or a lot of) anxiety seems like a given.
Thanks for the ask!
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azzandra · 2 years
I finished FEW:TH! Or at least I finished the Golden Wildfire route, still got the other two to go. Here are some random thoughts I had on Byleth and the temporal meta-narrative (spoilers under the cut)
Here’s a fun thing I noticed: Byleth has A, B, and C supports with all the characters, but no support convos with anyone but Jeralt and Shez. I like this on a meta-narrative level. This implies that FE3H still happens on some level, that all the routes in that game happened, that the bonds exist and somehow transcend time, and I think it’s a nice thought.
I have a lot of feelings about Byleth, BUT BUT BUT consider the fact that I love Byleth. Their flat affect and emotionless personality are referenced in FE3H, but in this game we really see it on full display with Byleth’s robotic voice and occasional insensitive remarks. Jeralt takes it all visibly in stride, even when the people around them are shocked, and I kind of love it.
Now, back to Shez. I played on the casual/easy settings, because I CANNOT deal with characters dying. I cannot. So they just retreated, except for a few deaths, and I’m fine with that.
The thing about FE3H is that even on the easiest settings in that game, characters can still die. I am still shaken from having killed Ferdie because I couldn’t recruit him in time during the student phase tbh. When he showed up again in this game, I was TERRIFIED I’d see a repeat of that. So imagine my relief when he just retreated!
So this is the thing that makes Shez’s timeline seem much brighter than Byleth’s. There’s just a lot less death. There’s a lot less suffering: Monica doesn’t get flayed so Kronya can wear her skin like a cheap coat, for example, and Dimitri doesn’t go full on one-eyed rampaging, raving rage monster. Even at his most antagonistic, he doesn’t seem to rant about chopping Edelgard’s head off, and oh boy, I’m relieved he seems to be doing much better in this timeline.
And the other thing is, while Byleth had up to S-supports, Shez does not. She has A-supports maximum. And the impression I get of this is that Byleth forms much more visceral relationships with other characters, despite their initial lack of emotional displays. It almost comes across as trauma bonding. Shez is a friend to all the characters; but Byleth is a strange constant. Is this the influence of Sothis? Is this the omnipresence of a goddess?
Here’s an idea: Sothis, even if not a literal goddess, has powers over time. Do these powers spill over into Byleth, giving them the uncanny quality of existing in every reiteration of the timeline? Is Byleth, in some strange way, doomed to haunt every iteration on Fodlan?
Arval/Epimenides speaks about cycles. The cycle of destiny. The cycle of time. But it seems as though space is their domain, as demonstrated by the power to warp. Time is instead the domain of Sothis. Is that why they hate Sothis so much? Because she is the one who constantly breaks the cycle by killing them/their host Shez? But as we established, Shez’s timeline is a lot brighter, especially if they choose to ally with Byleth instead of antagonize them.
With Shez gone, the one who takes a central spot is Byleth. And in FEW:TH, the moniker you constantly hear is: Ashen Demon, Ashen Demon, Ashen Demon.  You hear it more in this game than in FE3H, but it carries more weight knowing that Byleth, in some way, portends different kinds of small doom in any timeline in which they success in killing Shez and breaking the “cycle of destiny” that Arval references.
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mikelogan · 2 years
Considering some angst where like. Perry is much much closer with Paige than he is in canon. Like. Maybe something happens and she has to move in with him or something.
And it's established jdox but when Paige comes around, she's like really passive aggressive with JD and is constantly telling Perry that he's going to hell for dating JD and he should absolutely get back with Jordan.
He has a child/children with her. He was married to her. She just wants him to be happy and she knows he'll never truly be happy separated from his children and their mother. And Perry has so many complicated feelings for her that he starts to believe his sister. But he loves JD. And they're so happy together.
He goes to Carla for advice and she's like. If you still have feelings for Jordan you need to break things off with JD before you hurt him! If you can't be sure that you'll choose JD over Jordan what are you doing with him.
And like. The constant pressure from people around him makes him tell JD he needs a break to figure some shit out. And during that break he ends up spending more time with Jordan because Jack is sick or something and. She's Jordan. They could be a family. Paige would approve and Carla would stop being mad at him and. It would be easier. And. He loves Paige and this was really upsetting her which isn't right and he doesn't agree with this. But.
So he gets back together with Jordan. But doesn't tell JD. Because he doesn't want to hurt him. So he just starts avoiding JD until eventually JD hears elsewhere that Perry moved on during their "break".
(this story is brought to you by my ex boyfriend whose conservative religious parents didn't approve of our gay relationship (well pan/bi relationship but i don't think they appreciated the distinction) and the fact that we went on a break in February of 2020. He 'temporarily' moved back to his hometown for COVID and was with his high school sweetheart his parents loved in April. I'm not bitter.)
Okay first of all, I am SO sorry you experienced something like that, that's awful! Sending hugs 🥰
Secondly, FIX IT?????????
But this is Very Interesting and completely unexplored as far as Paige is concerned. Like Dan usually throws quite the wrench in things, but not from a homophobic perspective. Just an idiot perspective lmao. And I can see Paige at first hiding that from Perry and antagonizing JD behind Perry's back. And JD doesn't want to hurt Perry and he knows things haven't always been good between him and his sister and he doesn't want to be the reason that happens again. But he gets increasingly uncomfortable and literally when he finally decides to try and tell Perry what's going on, that's when Perry says they need to take a break.
And of course, JD is heartbroken. He saw a future for them and while he knows (or thinks he knows) a break doesn't necessarily mean the end, he's still devastated. But he keeps holding onto that hope that Perry will do whatever he needs to do and come back to him. Until he finds out he's back with Jordan. And then all the instances of Perry avoiding him make so much more sense and honestly, the whole thing just threatens to break him completely.
And JD, on the outside, forces himself to seem fine. (He doesn't, everyone sees through it.) He only lets it out when he's alone in the middle of the night, physically aching bc Perry's not there beside him and he never got an explanation as to why. Did he do something wrong? Did he push Perry back into Jordan's arms?
Um yeah so anyway now my heart hurts real bad and I need you to fix this lmao
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retvenkos · 3 years
“shall i capture your heart with a song?”
A/N: lol, i only know the witcher on netflix, and what i have found out about jaskier via tumblr osmosis, so how accurate is this? i guess we’ll have to see, lol.
well, seeing as jaskier is of noble birth, i’m going to say that you are, too.
your families are old friends, so when you guys first meet, (i want to say you’re like 8 or 9) it’s at some celebration or another and at first you’re a little unsure if you should talk to each other or just,,,, stand there.
one of your parents absent mindedly tells you to talk to the boy, and so you have to do the awkward introductions.
“i’m (y/n) (l/n)”
“i’m julian alfred pankratz.”
“that’s unfortunate.”
“don’t worry. i’ll find something better to call you.”
“yeah, well... i’ll find something better to call you.”
(sorry, guys,,,,, i still can’t get over jaskier’s real name)
the two of you decide to sneak away from your parents to get some food or something, and then you eventually decide to sneak away from the party entirely 
it was jaskier’s idea, really. he was trying to avoid some family or something - the family that thinks they are oh so better than you and compare achievements and what not...
the two of you are just wandering (jaskier’s sense of direction is horrible so it’s really up to you to keep everything straight) and you end up in some field or another, talking about whatever comes to mind. jaskier is telling you stories and you scoff.
“you’re like a weed, julian alfred pankratz. like a.... dandelion.”
“i am not!”
“what flower would you want to be, then?”
“something better than a dandelion!”
“like what, a buttercup?”
“yOU are.... are like....”
“like what?”
“...aconite! that’s a poison.”
“aconites are related to buttercups, dandelion. you can’t get rid of me.”
and jaskier thinks it’s wildly funny that you know horticulture, of all things. he finds it so funny, in fact, he fails to miss that you’ve coined a new nickname for him.
it seems that all the time, afterward, you run into jaskier and his family. by virtue of constantly seeing each other, the two of you end up being really good friends.
it’s a running gag that you love horticulture, and since the illustrious julian alfred pankratz uses it against you at every turn, you fluctuate between calling him “jaskier” and “dandelion”. he eventually gets used to it, but he hates it when others start to catch on.
he also comes up with ridiculous nicknames for you, but none of them quite seem to stick. he’s constantly cycling through through new ones, hoping to find the right one.
the two of you hang out a lot, but since you do a lot of reading or gardening and need jaskier to stop chatting with you for five minutes he picks up the lute and learns to play it really well.
you’re the first one who tells him his singing voice is quite beautiful.
“i’m sorry, did you just say my singing voice is ‘quite beautiful’?”
“it’s nice, okay?”
“if you keep this up, i’ll just have to insult you.”
“you’d never.”
“do you not remember the first time we met?”
“like it was yesterday.”
“i laid down some pretty decent insults, if i remember right.”
“i called you poison.”
“yeah, but aconites are pretty. unlike dandelions.”
and jaskier scoffs. “and buttercups?”
“they’re not bad looking.”
so we all know that jaskier supposedly gets into poetry when he’s 19 because he’s inspired by his love for the countess de stael,,, bUT,,,, consider this instead:
he actually gets into poetry for you.
jaskier has had a few loves at this point, and with each one, he’s a nervous wreck. you always help him by curating the most beautiful bouquets (all of which come from your amazing, thriving garden) and you are always there to help him with his flirting (which needs serious help,,,, i’m not even sure you’re cut out for the job)
you guys have probably even kissed before - both of you were regrettably drunk (don’t tell your parents) and jaskier said he desperately needed ‘the practice’. plus, he wanted to know!!!! was he a good kisser or not? no one else would rate him on a scale from 1-10 with brutal but accurate honesty! neither of you fully remember what exactly happened, come morning, but you remember the lead up to the moment and jaskier remembers the thoughts running through his head afterward... both of you agree not to speak of it.
anyway, when jaskier starts to realize that he has these awkward feelings that seem suspiciously illicit, he knows he has to get them out, somehow, but you are the only one who would listen to his complaints, and he very well can’t tell you.
so he decides he has to write them down.
but clearly they can’t be literal, lest someone stumble upon them,,,,, so he has to learn the secret art of poetry.
you, of course, notice how oddly quiet hanging out with jaskier has become, and his odd questions on flower symbolism, and it doesn’t take you long until you realize that, of all things, jaskier has turned to poetry.
“you can’t make fun of me for liking horticulture, anymore, dandelion. you’re a  p o e t .”
“at least i’m a good one.”
and you flick his forehead
“what will your stage name be? surely julian alfred pankratz won’t work.”
“which one should it be? jaskier or dandelion?”
and you laugh, the sound like a summer breeze.
“i knew you’d come to appreciate my nicknames, eventually.”
jaskier frequently “serenades” you, under the guise that he’s practicing, of course, but it’s also his not so subtle way of seeing if you like his poetry and his songs - they are for you, after all.
“you’ll certainly capture hearts with that one.”
“did i capture yours?”
and you, feeling very flustered, especially seeing as you’ve had feelings for jaskier for a while now, can only let out a guttural sort of scoff.
“of course,” and you try to say it over the top and jokingly, but you can feel your face heating up.
and jaskier winks. you huff and turn back to your books.
oh, yikes, i didn’t realize this was getting a little long,,,, let’s speed things up.
everyone knows that you and jaskier are end game. your families think it’s vvv sweet, and everyone that either you or jaskier attempt to woo know it’s only going to be a passing fancy because,,,, have you seen the way you look at each other? like you hang the moon and the stars?
but of course, both of you are dramatic as hell, so you frequently have conversations like:
“we’re piss poor in love, aren’t we?”
“i guess the world just doesn’t understand our genius.”
“terrible that i have to share this lonely cleverness with the likes of you.”
“absolutely devastating.”
and you just sit there for a while, staring at the ceiling.
maybe you guys do some traveling together for a while, but you eventually find a place to put down roots (lol, horticulture jokes). maybe you run an apothecary! that would be precious. 
either way, jaskier is a bard so when he isn’t traveling around, he’s staying with you. 
a frequent request of yours goes something like this:
“dandelion, play me a song.”
“what kind?”
“a love song.”
and he does, and afterward, he sits down across from you and winks.
“did i capture your heart with that one?”
and some nights you’re a little too tired to make a show of it and some of that blissful candor slips out and slaps jaskier across the face when you smile and say, “yes.”
if you haven’t noticed, the two of you hella dance around your feelings. it’s insane, because catchphrase is: “anything for you” meanwhile you are the most soft™ for him and yet you don’t seem to clue in.
100%, you are going to have to be the one that expresses your love first, because jaskier is the definition of suffering in silence
but what’s also really funny is you both probably try to keep it hidden just how long you have loved each other for, and yet you are both nosy as hell and want to know how long this has been going on, so it leads to really funny conversations where you are both trying to dodge giving a proper timeline, but are drying to coax one out of the other.
ohmygod, i forgot to do marriage headcanons
alright, lightning round: firstly, i don’t think it takes you guys long to get married - you have known each other for so long, and you already act like a married couple, might as well make it official
jaskier refuses to let anyone else sing at his wedding, but you eventually coax him into it because how else are you going to dance with him?
let jaskier invite all of his witcher friends. the divide between your wealthy families and the witchers would be funny as hell. like inlaws that don’t get along but wORSE.
some quick marriage thoughts:
jaskier has definitely learned the art of flowers, thanks to you, so (1) he leaves you flowers everywhere, and (2) both of you get to garden with each other all the time.
sleep and jaskier don’t mix - no matter what time of the night, you can wake up and he’s up and about, doing something or another. maybe he’s writing a song, maybe he’s eating, maybe he’s arguing with yennefer (she often visits, just to antagonize jaskier. you guys are great friends) in the livingroom and trying to keep his voice down 
similar with nicknames, jaskier is constantly using pet names, trying to decide on which one is best. it doesn’t really work out, but maybe the most common one is he’ll call you his muse.
and it only sounds cheesy 20% of the time
you guys get to go to parties together! that’s fun - you like dressing up and sneaking away half way through because you’re bored. you guys steal food and hide out until they realize the bard is missing and drag him back.
so we all know jaskier is big on compliments, and it only gets worse when the two of you are together. it’s like,,,, yes. now i can shower you with love and affection at all hours of the day, and it’s okay! he still does his poorly timed winks but he insists they’re charming!
you begrudgingly agree
consider for a moment: going to get breakfast with this man. first of all, breakfast is probably his favorite meal, and he’s always adamant you get a good one (since being with geralt means no breakfast at all). jaskier talks like you haven’t seen him in years, despite living together, and he’s very big on holding your hand or bopping you on the nose. plus, he smiles.
oh! and his singing is 100%  contagious, so it doesn’t take long before you are singing around the house, and jaskier is just stunned at you,,,, you find him staring and roll your eyes at his ridiculousness, but this man is in love!!!! let him be in love!!!!
and you also talk to your plants, so you know jaskier picks that up, to. you’re a very vocal couple, lol.
-- taglist: @lenalxvegood, @cooloaflandhero, @swanimagines, @multifandomfix // message me if you want to be added!
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