forumaberto · 5 months
Como ligar o compressor de ar com tomadas inteligentes
Uso a Google Nest e o o Assistente do Google para ligar, desligar e programar automações como de horário ou de desligar tudo ao sair da oficina. Controlo, lâmpadas, placa luminosa, compressor, ventiladores, roteador, barra de carregadores e em breve até o elevador. Me perguntaramn como fiz, mas é muito simples. Então seguem as indicações do que eu comprei no vídeo e na lista abaixo da…
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hon3yvannila · 9 months
Ahsoka finale!!!!!
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"I'm home"
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ars-solitudine · 6 months
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Jonathan Glynn Smith
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cheemken · 5 months
Okay this is a cool blog I love all the Drayton stuff the angst it fuels me. Something about wanting to see your fav put into situations
For an angsty scene, I like to think that the Terrarium can still be dangerous if someone gets caught off guard. Maybe Drayton's been training in the Polar Biome and all his Pokemon are exhausted. His plan is to find a rest area to heal up.
Maybe on the way he got blindsided by a wild Pokemon or its attack (the Beartics in that always chase me lmao). Got knocked out for a bit and when he rouses, he realises that adrenaline is one hell of a drug. Gotta go find help or something cause it messed up his ankle and he's got no mons to help. His Rotom Phone either ran out of juice or broke from the attack
Just thinking about him stumbling his way through the snow, always tripping and falling without a support stick or something. Pain and fear warred within him and he's just trying to get somewhere safe
Maybe E4 realises something's up when they try to contact Drayton but it says it's not available after he missed something he promised to attend. Just picturing them heading out to find clues on what happened till it led them to the Polar Biome, where they sent out a search until they found him, battered and one step away from a panic attack but, y'know, alive
Omfsss imagine tho him beating himself up bc he wasn't that fit to run such distance from wild pokemon, also the wild pokemon suddenly attacking him too, and he's there going on abt if he just really tried to keep up w Drayden's training, then maybe he'd be able to really fight back even without his pkmn; but he didn't, and it sucks, and now he's trying to find a safer place to stay, hoping help will arrive soon
But also tho imagine him thinking that no one's gonna help him, that maybe people thought he was just slacking somewhere else, that he's probs sleeping in the club room or inside one of the abandoned and empty classrooms, and the fear creeps up on him y'know, it scares him that maybe his laziness would really be the reason for his downfall like everyone said it'd be. Just him finally finding a place to hide, but the fear is still there y'know, the paranoia he has that maybe the others won't bother finding him, that they really think he's just taking a nap somewhere and forgot abt their lil meet up
And soon that fear starts to build up, that paranoia along with his self loathing just clawing out from within his chest, he wants to scream. He can feel his breath hitch, his chest feels tight, tears threatening to fall, Arceus he really was a failure
When helped finally arrived, he almost thought he was just hallucinating from the fatigue, that the Crispin and Lacey and Amarys he sees are just figments of his imagination, his own mind messing w him even more, but no, those really are his friends, and it only took for Crispin to call out his pokemon to help warm Drayden up
Imagine him just gripping Crispin's arms tight, grounding himself too. Crispin was warm, he doesn't wanna let go, god he hasn't stopped shivering. Amarys and Crispin had to help him up to take him outta there, Lacey was there carrying the pokeballs Drayton has, half muttering how all his pokemon are in no condition to fight anymore, Lacey's there reassuring him that they'll have all his pokemon healed
When they got him to the nurse's office imagine them not wanting to leave this side tho hahah like, that's their friend, no, they won't leave him behind again, doesn't matter how long they have to wait for him to recover and wake up again, they won't ever leave his side again
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howdyboh · 4 months
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Ma siamo un sacco in anticipo sulla scaletta wowww
Oso dirlo? Oggi si finisce alle 1:20? Perhaps? 👀
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parasitoidism · 1 year
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this is really funny
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exidol · 6 months
ya'll didn't see that warren was on the new years eve special yesterday ?
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marie23e · 6 months
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crocodilesareboring · 2 years
Non avete vissuto davvero finché non avete partecipato a un matrimonio del profondo Sud
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venicepearl · 2 years
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Louise-Françoise Contat (16 June 1760 – 9 March 1813) was a French actress.
She was born in Paris and made her debut at the Comédie Française in 1766 as Atalide in Bajazet. It was in comedy, however, that she made her first success, as Suzanne in Beaumarchais's Mariage de Figaro; and in several minor character parts, which she raised to the first importance, and as the soubrette in the plays of Molière and Pierre de Marivaux, she found opportunities exactly fitted to her talents.
By Louis Marie Jacques Amalric, comte de Narbonne-Lara (17, 23 or 24 August 1755 – 17 November 1813), soldier and diplomat, she had one daughter Louise Amalrique Bathilde Isidore Contat de Narbonne-Lara, born at Saint Pierre de Chaillot, Paris, on 21 September 1788, who married in Paris on 2 December 1811 Dutch Jan Frederik Abbema, born in Amsterdam on 13 June 1773, and had one son Émile, vicomte d' Abbéma, who had an only daughter by his wife Henriette Anne d'Astoin named Louise Abbéma (Étampes, 30 October 1853 – Paris, 4 August 1927).
Bouillet writes of her "She played comedy to perfection and made people remark on the flexibility of her talent, succeeding equally as grandes coquettes and as soubrettes". She was part of the success of the plays of Marivaux and Beaumarchais. She left the theatre in 1808, and in 1809 married de Parny, nephew of the poet Évariste de Parny.
Her sister Marie Émilie Contat (1769–1846), an admirable soubrette, especially as the pert servant drawn by Molière and de Regnard, made her debut in 1784, and retired, in 1815.
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lojadcasa · 2 years
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tendreestlanuit · 21 days
Da quando è scoppiata la polemica su Dante penso alla descrizione (gore) delle interiora di Maometto nel canto XXVIII dell'inferno almeno una volta al giorno
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meteoroby · 2 months
Domenica col sereno, weekend Primo Maggio a rischio di altre perturbazioni e le temperature potrebbero tornare a scendere
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sillygh0st · 2 months
I think that like every week/some time period one or two eggs will be back (idk If two at the same day, but I think that today we got two eggs bc they share the same parents!)
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dopo sta scena non ho più dubbi questi fanno i simuel canon non ci posso credere
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ligaconfeitaria · 10 months
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Corante em gel para as tuas receitas.
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