#but this screams warren on a talk show.
exidol · 9 months
ya'll didn't see that warren was on the new years eve special yesterday ?
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viranellee · 1 year
you'd never guess (i'd never know)
synopsis: the only thing eddie roundtree likes about billy dunne is his younger sister.
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warnings: smut, dirty talk, swearing, unprotected sex (reader is on the pill, but it's never mentioned)
a/n: the lack of eddie smut on here is appalling
⁠ ♡
“Where are you going?”
Frozen in your tracks, you slowly turn around and meet Eddie’s still sleepy but inquisitive gaze, and as his eyes look you over from head to toe, it morphs into a distinctive shade of lustful. You allow yourself the liberty to admire him as he does the same to you - unguarded and vulnerable in his half-awake state, the nest of tangled light brown hair on top of his head, his naked body painted with love bites underneath the white hotel sheets.
You want to kiss him.
“Sweetheart, c’mon. Come ‘ere.” He tries coaxing you, but you know the rules by now. No matter how sweet the temptation is, no matter the things his deep, husky morning voice does to your insides, no matter the way your heart threatens to beat out of your chest everytime you lay eyes on him, you need to be unfailingly secretive about this, whatever it is, between you two. Otherwise the deadly tornado of a man your brother Billy is will turn it into ruin with a single flick of his hand.
Even still, it seems that you’re the only one rightfully worried.
"Eds, I have to leave, you know this.”
Something hardens in his gaze for a moment, but it quickly slips away. It pains you to watch it. You lean down to kiss his cheek in an attempt to make him feel better, but he turns his head around, capturing your lips with his. You gasp and instinctively fist your hands into his hair as he rearranges you to sit on his lap. There’s something desperate about the way he holds you and kisses you this particular morning and it sets everything in you on fire. You moan into his kiss despite your brain screaming at you to get the fuck up and leave before anybody finds out you’re not in your room. Eddie seems to sense your overthinking, as he usually does, and slips his cold hands underneath your blouse, letting his long fingers trace your spine, trying to soothe you.
"Focus on me. Don’t think about anything else.” Eddie instructs and you suddenly feel lighter.
You kiss him again, a silent thanks for bringing you back to the present, and it’s his turn to moan as he presses you down on his hard-on.
"A couple of kisses and I’m already rock hard like a fuckin’ teenager. Jesus, the things you do to me.” He mutters, more to himself than you, but the words still manage to leave their impact on your nether regions.
“Eddie, Eddie…” you pant as his mouth begins to place greedy kisses down your neck. “We’re…we’re going to be late for breakfast.”
He laughs against your skin and you swear you’ve never felt something so good.
“I’m already having my breakfast, sweetheart, and it’s much better than the shit they serve down there.”
“Anyone got any idea where Eddie and my sister are?” Graham asks his friends, in the midst of swallowing his piece of omelet.   
Warren shrugs.
“Eddie’s probably still sleeping. I mean, when has he ever shown up for breakfast on time? Let the guy get some sleep, man.” 
Graham nods a couple of times, deeming the explanation logical. It doesn't stop him from thinking about the person left out from it.
"Yeah, sure," he starts "but my sister always shows up. I...I don't know, maybe she slept in this time, but maybe I should go up and check." 
Karen suddenly pipes in from her place next to Graham, putting her hand on his thigh. 
"Don't. For we all know, she's just sleeping in." She says, looking at Warren from across the table pointedly, who takes the hint and nods reassuringly at Graham. "And you know how she gets when someone wakes her up. Let her rest." 
"But what if she's hungry when she wakes up?" 
Karen sighs, closing her eyes for a couple of seconds. Warren inhales sharply, a tell-tale sign of him holding in his laughter. 
"Graham. She isn't an infant. I'm sure your sister is fully capable of getting breakfast for herself." She says, but he still doesn't look entirely convinced.
"Yeah, but I don't want her to be alone." Graham pauses. "I don't want her to feel lonely, y'know." 
"Hey, chill man. She and Eddie wake up around the same time anyway, they usually get breakfast together, don't they? I really don't think there's anything to worry about." Warren adds, as he takes the last bite of his P&J sandwich. 
Graham silently leans back in his chair and Karen takes the opportunity to change the subject.
"Anyway, uh, how's Lisa, Warren?" 
KAREN SIRKO: I knew she and Eddie were fucking from the moment I saw them together. 
WARREN ROJAS: For the record, I had no idea they were fucking. 
GRAHAM DUNNE: [sighs] Can we not talk about this, please? 
"Yeah, just like that. Fuck, you look so good bouncing on my cock like that." 
You don't know how long you two have been going at it. What you do know, however, is that Eddie Roundtree, the insatiable sex maniac, has already put you through five different positions and this is the sixth one.
"Eddie, I…I don't think I can..." You start saying as you feel your strength leaving your body, but he knows. He always knows. 
He tightens his hold on your hips and drags you up and down his cock and you have to physically put a hand over your mouth when he hits that spot inside of you. 
"Found it, huh?" He comments, with that goddamn cocky glint in his eye and you would have normally rolled your eyes at him if it weren't for the fact that they were already rolling towards the back of your head. 
"Shut...up!" You pant, and he smirks. As soon as you see that smirk, you involuntarily tighten around him. Eddie groans when he feels it and you lean down to kiss his Adam's apple, and then - him. He cups the back of your neck with one large hand and you shiver.
"I'm, I'm close. Eddie, fuck!" You barely manage to stutter out and he goes even faster, the sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the room. He presses a sweet kiss to your collarbone and immediately goes back to whispering filthy things into your ear.
"Cum for me, love. Cum on my cock." He urges, breathless, something swimming in his eyes you've never seen before, and you do just that. 
You think you might have screamed. You don't know. All you remember is Eddie.
You hide your face in his shoulder, sensitive and exhausted - he cums shortly after, your name on his lips like a prayer. You sigh when you feel him soften inside of you. He falls back on the pillows and you fall along with him, head on his chest and his hand playing with your hair. 
It's comfortably silent after that, so silent in fact, that for a second you think Eddie might have fallen asleep. You tilt your head upwards to place a kiss on his jawline, but you find him already staring back at you, an uncharacteristically contemplative look on his gorgeous face. 
"What?" You question, growing increasingly worried. 
This is it, you think, this is when he ends things. 
My worst fear is coming true.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Y'know, I've played in front of hundreds of thousands of people. I know what anxiety feels like. But laying in that bed with her, looking at her, was the most nervous I'd ever felt in my entire life. 
"I…" He begins and closes his mouth, as if carefully choosing his words, but doing nothing to ease the pit in your stomach. "Well..." 
You stand up upright, a typical "Dunne frown", as he liked calling it, on your face. 
He should look me in the eyes, at the very fucking least. 
"Oh, is this what you're doing now? Fucking me one last time before you reject me? You've had your fun, is that it?" 
Y/N ROUNDTREE: I do admit that I... misjudged the situation. But when you've been with assholes in the past, sometimes you come to conclusions a bit too quickly. 
Eddie's face scrunches up into a mixture of shock, confusion and slight sadness.
"What?" He asks so loudly that it makes you feel embarrassed. "What in the actual fuck are you on about? Why would you even think that? Sweetheart, I was going to say I love you."  
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I'll never forget the look on her face, swear to God. [laughs] 
"What?" You parrot back, just as loudly. It takes a beat or two for the words to sink in.  When they do, you start laughing like you've never heard anything funnier. 
Eddie simply looks at you like you've grown two heads. 
"Oh, Eds. Please don't lie to me like this." You cover your face with your hands.
Suddenly, your hands are being gently pulled away - he's staring at you so softly you think you might die. You might have actually died and this is your heaven. It certainly feels like it. 
He whispers your name and you whisper his back. 
"I love you." He says, cupping your cheeks,  and keeps repeating it as if trying to get it through your head. 
"Eddie…" you breathe against his lips. He pulls your bottom lip down with his thumb, pupils dilated like you're his new favorite drug. You might actually be. "Eddie, I lo-"
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: She might not have told me she loved me that day, but - [shows wedding ring] - I know. I know.
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
Something always fascinating to me is the "character who thinks they're in a different genre" phenomenon. The theme of the story you are telling determines what the right and wrong actions to take are; but the characters, reacting in-universe to the situation, don't know what story they're in, and the exact same responses can be what saves you or damns you depending on what kind of story the author is telling and what the story's message is about what life is like.
In Wolf 359, Warren Kepler approaches the mysterious and powerful aliens with threats; he kills their liaison and tries to position himself as a powerful opponent. However, he's shown to be wrong and making things worse: his preemptive aggression is unwarranted and unhelpful and bites him in the ass. The aliens want to communicate and understand humanity and share our music. It's Doug Eiffel, the pacifistic (and kind of scaredy-cat) communications officer who loves to talk and share pop culture, who talks to them and understands that the aliens are scary not because they want to kill us but because they don't understand the concepts of individuals and death. Talking to them, communicating with them, understanding where they're coming from and and bringing them to understand a human point of view, is what succeeds. Openness rather than suspicion, trust rather than aggression. Kepler thinks he's a dramatic space marine protecting the Earth from the alien threat by showing them humans are tough and can take them, but that's not the kind of story this is.
Conversely, in Janus Descending, Chel is in awe of the strange and beautiful alien world around her. She wants to touch it, understand it, get up close to it. When she sees a crystal alien dog, she wants to befriend it, despite Peter's warning. But when she gets close to it, extending her arm in greeting, it attacks her and drags her down into the cave to try to eat her. This sets the inevitable tragedy in motion. Suspicion is warranted; trust will get you killed. Because this is a sci-fi horror, with a major running thematic reading about how racism and sexism will destroy your brain and your society, and how the people who think they're too smart to be prejudiced don't see their own prejudice and will end up ruining the lives of the people they still don't fully see as equals, this kind of trust that Chel shows this strange alien is tragic. However it is also a horror story where there are very real hibernating space snakes ready to wake up and eat the fresh meat that has landed on their planet, and by being too trusting Chel has accidentally introduced herself to one.
Kepler, suspicious and ready to shoot any alien he doesn't understand, would likely have survived Janus Descending; Chel, with her enthusiasm for learning about and meeting aliens, would have been a wonderful and helpful member of the Wolf 359 crew.
In a similar manner, in Alien, Ellen Ripley yells to the rest of her crew not to bring the attacked crewmember with the alien on his face back on the ship and into the medical bay, you don't know what contamination that thing might have; she's ignored. She tells them not to let the crewmember out of quarantine even though he seems fine; she's ignored again. Ripley is the one person protesting this isn't safe, we don't know what's going on, and she is consistently ignored, until an alien bursts out of her crewmate's chest and then eats everyone and Ripley is proven to be right and also the only survivor. (And it turns out that the science officer consistently overriding her protests was an android sent by the company that contracted them, and said android was given orders to bring the alien back so the company could study it and do weapons development with it, try not to let the crew find out about it, and kill them if he had to in order to do so!)
Ripley's paranoia and mistrust of the situation was correct, because Alien is a space horror and the theme is in space no one can hear you scream (also corporations consider you expendable).
Conversely, in All Systems Red, we have a damaged and almost-combat-overridden Murderbot being brought back into the PreservationAux hab medical bay after being attacked by other SecUnits. Gurathin becomes the one person protesting this isn't safe, we don't know what's going on, he doesn't want to let Murderbot out because it's hacked and probably sabotaging them for the company contracted their security and sent it with them. Gurathin thinks he is the Ellen Ripley here! He is trying to warn his teammates not to make a dangerous mistake that will get everyone killed!
However, All Systems Red is a very different story than Alien, and Murderbot is neither a traitor on behalf of the company to sabotage them and steal alien remnants for weapons development, nor a threat to the humans - it's a friend, it's a good person, and it wants to help them against both companies willing to screw them over. Trusting it and helping it is the right thing to do and is what saves their lives. Gurathin is proven to be wrong.
If everyone on the Nostromo crew had listened to Ellen Ripley, they would still be alive (except Kane. RIP Kane), because this is a horror story about being isolated and hunted and going up against this horrifying thing that wants to kill and eat you and just keeps getting stronger. If everyone on the PreservationAux team listened to Gurathin, they would all be dead, because this is a story about friendship and teamwork and trust and overcoming trauma and accepting the personhood of someone very different from you.
Same responses. Different context. And so very different moral conclusions.
Warren Kepler was about how the brash violent over-confident approach to things you don't understand is wrong, and that openness and developing that understanding between people is what's important; Chel was about the tragedy of trust destroying a Black woman who wanted so much to believe in a world that could be kind and beautiful. Ripley was about a woman whose expertise and safety warnings were ignored and brushed aside and everyone who did so died because of it; Gurathin was about how even justified fear shouldn't mean you make someone else a scapegoat and mistrust them because they seem scary.
Sometimes you're in the wrong genre because you need to be, because the author is trying to show how not to react to the situation they set up in order to build the mood and the theme they're trying to convey.
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mystargirl-interlude · 5 months
𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞(s)
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Billy dunne x fem reader. Yes I’m aware I put this in the finnick tag, it’s the same actor and idgaf so keep it cute
smut, talk of sex, drugs and everything in between, fic is veryyy AU like the interviewer isn’t billys daughter, it was never specified but I imagine it as grahams and everyone in the band are still good friends. Read note at the end
Narrator: let’s talk about the incident of ‘76
Daisy: “what a time to be alive” she said before bursting out laughing
Karen: “messy, messy, messy”
Graham choked on his water
Warren: original Pam and Tommy I swear *starts cackling* y/n was the og 90s girl before the 90s especially her fashion sense…. And other things..”
Eddie just started at the camera
Y/n: “made a shit ton of money” She says, laughing when someone out of frame catches her eye
Billy: “well. Um.” He stutters out rubbing his beard before he’s thrown a magazine by someone out of frame. “Oh, well this pretty much sums up the year” he says before flipping the magazine around to the camera
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“Fuck” You whine out, attempting to clench your legs around Billy’s head.
“Keep the camera straight doll” he rasps out before going back to absolutely devouring your cunt. Your senses are completely overwhelmed between billy’s head between your thighs suctioning his mouth to your swollen clit and the loud party in the next hotel room over with the rest of the band. You guys snuck away as soon as possible, leading to billy stripping you of all your clothes but making you leave your high heels on
“Billy, shit I’m gonna cum” you loudly moan out as you move the camera closer to your cunt. You swear you almost smacked the shit out of him when he took his mouth off your pussy stopping your orgasm. He sat up so that he could kiss you, immediately shoving his tongue in your mouth as you lightly suck on it.
Billy grabbed the camera from your hands and pointed it down at you as you laughed grinning up at him. “Fucking ethereal” he groans out as he looks through the grainy video. He grabs your leg putting it over his shoulder as he lightly kisses your ankle that still has your high heel straps on. He switches the Camera to his other hand as he gropes your tit “billy if you don’t fuck me right now I’m gonna go crazy” “you already are doll”
Next thing you know you’re getting pounded into oblivion with a camera positioned at the both of you, billy had your legs around his hips as he was in a sitting up position absolutely rearranging your organs “Fuck, Fucking hell” you almost scream out as you feel his tip hit that spongey spot deep inside you “yeah, did I find it?” He groans out “yes! Yeah! Right there!” You whine as he starts rubbing your clit so fast that you swear his hand blurs.
“Oh my god! Billy, I’m cumming, yeah!” You say as you clench so hard around his you almost push him out completely
“Fuck, Jesus Christ” he moans. You can tell he’s about to cum by the way he’s twitching inside you “where do you want me doll” he groans as he pulls your head back exposing your neck as your eyes roll completely back in your head and your hair sticks to your face from sweat and mixed saliva
“Inside, please, fill me up” you moan as you being to cum mid sentence, white hot pleasure taking over your body and Billy’s cum filling you up only adds to the feeling.
You only take less than a minute before you’re grabbing the camera again and pressing record as you climb on top of him shoving his dick back inside you. He grabs the camera from your hold to switch the view pointing it at your cunt bouncing up and down on him.
The sound of the wet smacking from your creamy cum at his base fills the room as you viscously ride him as he begins to flick at your clit again and shows the camera the prominent bulge deep in your stomach.
The next thing you guys filmed was billy face fucking you to oblivion and the last thing filmed was billy pointing the camera down at you giggling with a wide smile and he rubbed his hand up and down ur body that was covered in sweat and thick layers of your shared cum
★ ✰ ✦ ♡ ♤ *ੈ✩‧���˚.
Way too many rounds later you and billy took a shower (and definitely didn’t go for 2 more) and went out for a smoke without thinking twice about the video camera lying on your dirtied hotel bed and most definitely didn’t think that Jonah berg would be the one to find it when he went looking for you two
★ ✰ ✦ ♡ ♤ *ੈ✩‧₊˚.
“Rockstars steamy x rated film leaked as many tell their opinions” you read out to billy and the band from a rolling stone magazine
Everyone had a shocked look in their face while billys face was pink with rage and looked ready to commit murder
“If it helps I haven’t heard one bad thing about it” Daisy says
“Yeah I mean you guys looked rockin So I don’t see why anyone would be too brutal….” Warren rambles before slowing down once he realized everyone was staring at him
“You watched my brothers sex tape…?” Graham says just above a whisper absolutely horrified
“Okay- we’ll- hear me out” Warren stutters out with his pointer finger in the air trying to make a point
“NOPE NOPE” Graham cuts him of by dramatically gagging and running out of the room
Warren turns back to the band once Graham left with a wide guilty grin on his face
“So um..” he begins
“I don’t care that you watched it Warren, I would be surprised if you hadn’t watched it” you say rolling your eyes
“Right okay” he strains out defeated
“Okay… as I was saying, I haven’t heard anything bad, I mean obviously it’s an awful thing but there is little to none slut shaming which is surprising, everyone is just being horny but hey it’s better than everyone calling you a whore” Daisy shrugs
“Okay but did everyone forget what we are here for, you guys have tour press today in less than 3 hours” you stress to the band
Billy wraps with hand around your neck and kisses your head.
It’s not like you and billy are deathly afraid of public pda, it’s actually the quite opposite, you couldn’t even count the amount of times you guys had been caught with his tongue down your throat, hand wrapped around your neck and practically dry humping you In the middle of downtown Los Angeles.
“We are gonna figure something out with that psycho, I promise.” He mumbles into your hair.
★ ✰ ✦ ♡ ♤ *ੈ✩‧₊˚.
“Daisy over here!” “Billy to your left!”
“What do you have to say about the leaked videos?” “Who’s the man you married Daisy?”
“Okay okay ONE at a time please” rod interrupts
“What do you all have to say about the leaked explicit tape of your lead man and his girlfriend and it possibly ruining her image?” one reporter asks the band as if billy isn’t right there
“Why should it ruin her image? It was an intimate moment between the two that got leaked by a fucking pervert, I’ve only heard people talk about y/n and nothing about billy, it’s NATURAL, y/n is an extremely talented and good looking woman, you guys are talking about it like you’re a bunch of fuckin virgins.” Daisy says to all the reporters
“And we will be expecting to see Jonah berg in court” Is the only thing billy said before rod cut time.
Warren: The berg-dunne-l/n lawsuit was the biggest thing of the decade and even in pop culture, I mean I still hear about it now”
Daisy: billy and y/n were very shameless people, they had the guts most people didn’t have, that being said; for all 7 days the case lasted they had every second broadcasted on live television
Y/n: what can i say? My kink is karma” she shrugs
Warren: I remember that the day they had me testify when we were leaving the building it was just a sea of paparazzi and flashing cameras, they even had security trying to pave a way to the car through all the paps, I also remember that once the security guard moved out the way and y/n came into their view- I will always remember this, it was truly an iconic moment but one of them just yelled out “y/n what’s up baby!” and then the blinding lights got ten times worse” he says with a chuckle
Karen: it was just insane that even despite the fact that they showed up to court everyday high cocaine they still managed to win the case getting 4 million dollars which mind you, was worth what 17 million today would be from rolling stone and Jonah berg” She says in disbelief
Daisy: remember when I said they were both very shameless people?
Eddie: yeah well after the case people and when I say people I mean like two news outlets called them embarrassed prudes or something like that and them being stubborn decided to really shut them up. In better words they decided to be the cover of the fall ‘76 playboy issue” he says thinning his lips
Rod: if I recall correctly I’m pretty sure that was the most popular playboy magazine of all time, I mean it was everywhere, every gas station, every corner you turned, they even had one of those big posters put up on the walls out by Venice beach area
Graham: yeah, um it wasn’t fun seeing my brother and his girlfriend naked every corner I turned.” He strains out
Billy: well it was definitely an interesting year, even after the case was closed we still had paparazzi following our every move, sometimes it would be worse than others, I remember we were at a party once after a show in Vegas and me and y/n were absolutely trashed, basically blackout drunk and high but the cameras were there and the next morning we of course saw our faces plastered on the cover of star magazine” he says slightly laughing
Y/n: yeah that was definitely a magazine cover! But we were practically hanging off each other trying not to completely collapse on the floor 
Narrator: do you ever wish you were never famous and lived a normal life?
Y/n: Well to be honest no.
Billy: even though it was a very hectic year that was probably the best year in that era, I got married to my wife that year
Y/n: that would be meeeeee” she says cheekily
Karen: I had a joke that was saying “rub it in their face put a rock on her hand” because them two were basically a married couple at that point and they took that seriously
Narrator: let’s talk about the incident of ‘76
Jonah berg: next question.
★ ✰ ✦ ♡ ♤ *ੈ✩‧₊˚.
Y/n: it was all very-“ she’s cut off by billy running behind her and quickly grabbing her face and hastily kissing her and then running off before she can even process what happened.
★ ✰ ✦ ♡ ♤ *ੈ✩‧₊˚.
During the break with the interview y/n and billy are talking and out of the blue she sits up remember something
“Do you remember the time we had a threesome with Daisy” she laughs out
✰ ✦ ♡ ♤ *ੈ✩‧₊˚.
LMFAO the way it took me over a month to finish this😭 chi I had testing and I was busy fighting and doxxing swifties on stantwt but now I wanna write a billy x reader x daisy smut 🙁 but I do apologize for this now stop harassing me in my asks for this fic anyway see you next time fatties
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
If there were more endings than just Sacrifice Chloe or Arcadia Bay.
So I came up with 2 alternate choices of what happens when Max comes back via the Butterfly photo.
Choice 1. Sacrifice Chloe remains the same, but give more angst. Max holds onto Chloe and is there for her in Chloe's final moments.
Choice 2. Sacrifice Max. Max sacrifices herself. So I've always thought it was odd this was not a choice. LIS used the Butterfly Effect as an inspiration, so Max would write down her final journal entry declaring she is going to defy fate and save Chloe and Arcadia Bay, but even if it costs her own life.
Max jumps out telling Nathan to stop, Nathan shocked, shoots Max. Chloe rushes to Max and holds onto her. Chloe crying and screaming Max's name. Chloe crying while Max simply smiles and tells Chloe "Have a fantastic life" and passes on.
We flash forward via the photos being burned and being replaced like in the Bay ending, but from Chloe's POV. One shot shows Chloe holding Max's body, in another she's in her room full of Max's pictures in front of her, another where she and Joyce embrace and make peace with David's hand on her in support showing a hint of Chloe making peace with her mother and a hint of David and Chloe making peace and the final photo is Chloe at the lighthouse. Cut to Max's funeral. Max's parents are there and are like how Joyce was at Chloe's funeral, Warren, Kate, Dana and Victoria are there and finally a shot of Chloe breaking down at the sight of the casket being lowered.
Epilogue. After the funeral, Chloe reads Max's journal. At first she can't believe it, but so many things start to make sense. Nathan, Rachel and Jefferson. Max gave up her life so that she can live. So Chloe vows not to waste this second chance and vows to do better for Max. Time skip showing a future where she lives with a new girlfriend(a completely new character or even Steph), works at Arcadia Bay Garage while attending Bay City College, plays the guitar in a band and doesn't forget Max, like show Chloe looking at a framed picture she has of Max, a reminder of what she lost and why she chooses to live on and how forever grateful she is that Max was in her life and the week they had together in another lifetime.
Choice 3. Max talks Nathan down.
Max slowly comes out of hiding and talks to Nathan calmly. "Nathan, please. Don't do this. I know you're tired of people trying to control you. I know you never wanted to hurt Rachel or Kate and you know deep down you don't want to hurt me or Chloe." Nathan's hand with the loaded gun is shaking but he listens. "I know about the Dark Room. I know what happened to Rachel and Kate. I know that your father and Jefferson made you the way you are. But you don't have to be like this. You don't have to hurt anyone anymore. You can bring them down. Turn yourself in and you'll be as far away from your father and you can get the help you need."
Nathan struggles with his words and falls to his knees and drops the gun. "Th…thank you" Nathan leaves.
Chloe jumps and hugs Max. "Max, what the hell just happened?"
"I saved you, and I saved everyone." Max explains everything, apologizes for not keeping contact and they hug one more time.
We see flash forwards. First picture sees Nathan turning himself in. Second picture shows Jefferson being arrested in the Dark Room. Third-5th picture shows depending on your pro Chloe or Warren choices shows Max and Chloe together having a date at Two WHales with Joyce smiling with approval and kissing at the Lighthouse. If you chose more pro Warren choices, we see Max and Warren Going Ape, holding hands in the chemistry room and sharing their first kiss at the Vortex party. Final picture shows Max, Chloe, Warren, Kate and Victoria all hanging out and living life.
Final end scene is Rachel's funeral. The last scene would be Max and Chloe smiling at Rachel's Doe spirit, similar to how Max did at the Blue Butterfly.
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sempiternalmuze · 1 year
ms. americana & the heartbreak prince
eddie roundtree/loving x f!reader
description: eddie is your prince, girls are mean, and you love the boy so much that it hurts. good news is that he loves you just as much.
word count: 1.7k
warning(s): none
a/n: erm...hi!! first eddie fic and this man has been in my head for the last month non stop. bit of a fluff/hurt comfort piece. this is the first thing i've finished reading in a long time, and i have some more stuff in the works. please like and reblog, its really helps :)!!
"You know I adore you, I'm crazier for you Than I was at 16...I counted days, I counted miles To see you there, to see you there...Leave with my head hung, you are the only one Who seems to care..."
─── ・ 。゚☆: . . :☆゚. ─── ➶ ─── ・ 。゚☆: . . :☆゚. ───
Your hands were traveling all over Eddie's body, pulling at the collar of his shirt, tangled in his hair. His lips were desperate against yours, searching every part of you that you'd let him.
"Baby, I gotta go-" He gasped, breathing heavily as he pulled his lips away from yours. His hand gripped the back of your neck while the other rested against the small of your back. The crowd could be heard echoing throughout the walls of the stadium, their cheers and screams bouncing around the two of you.
You nodded, giving him a smile and one last kiss. "Walk me down to the room?" He nodded, helping you down from the amps you had found your way onto.
Eddie and you had been together for over five years, since the last half of senior year. He was quick to ask you to come with him, and you hadn't hesitated to follow him and the band out west to California.
Eddie swayed slightly as he walked you down to the back room, where the others would be, preparing to take their time on the stage. He was smiling his beautiful upturned, soft smile.
"What's got you so happy? Excited?" You asked, squeezing his bicep.
"Just thinking about how lucky I am, to have someone like you with me. If I could have anything in the world, I'd still choose you." He looked down at you.
Your chest tightened with something, filled with the love and excitement of knowing that you had him. Eddie could be a real hard ass, always getting too mad too fast. But somehow, you could never make him mad. Did you annoy him sometimes? Of course, but not as much as Billy or Graham could. Did he love to goof around with Warren? Duh, but when it came to you, it was like he didn't have anything to prove, anything to leave behind to know you would still be there after a show or a gig in a bar. And you felt great comfort in knowing that despite the drinking, the drugs, and the chance to flirt with another, he would never do anything that left you alone or in pain.
As you two arrived in front of the door you took his hand in yours, giving it a tight squeeze.
"I love you a lot." You smile, kissing his knuckles, running your fingers over the callouses that covered his fingers.
The door swung open and Warren let out a cheer, pointing his drumsticks in the air.
"Let's fucking do this!!" He yelled, a mirage of cheers coming from behind him. "Woah, sorry to interrupt lovebirds, but we have a show to put on." He laughed, pulling Eddie with him.
Eddie rolled his eyes, mouthed a quick love you, and began walking in stride with the drummer, the others quickly following behind, giving you a wave and smile.
You walked into the room, which reeked of weed and alcohol. There were three groupies sitting on the couches and lounging around the floor. They usually stayed around for a bit, went to the show, then came back to freshen up before the band got back. Usually, you and Camila would sit in the corner, talk about life with your boys, and talk about the next show. But Camila was at home, pregnant, and could not stand being around the waves of smells.
So you sat alone, leaning against the couch that was more focused in the corner, just a bit farther from the four girls that littered the room. Usually, they clung to Warren and Graham, but you weren't immune to the looks they would give Eddie, they did the same thing to Billy, whether you and Camila were or weren't here.
You sighed, leaning your head back, hearing the crowd get louder as the band began their set. The cheers were enough to make you excited to see Eddie after the show. He would be full of energy and power, seeing as this was one of the biggest crowds, based on what the sounds themselves told you.
"Hey, you're the one that's always with Eddie, right?" One of the girls called.
You looked towards her, her makeup slightly messy, hair blown back. She was smiling, and for a moment you thought she might be showing you a bit of kindness.
"Yeah, always by his side." You smiled, prideful that you made your presence around him notable.
"Mm, yeah, you should try to do that less." She smirked, her hand lifting another hill of powder up to her nostril.
You looked at her, confused about what she could mean. Your arms wrapped around one another, hugging yourself as you leaned into her words.
"Yeah, that's just like, hook-up 101. You don't want to annoy them, just give them enough to keep it up." She winked, as the girls around her laughed.
There was a sudden ache in the bottom of your stomach, the way she eyed you, the way she had let the words drip off her tongue.
"Well," You squared your shoulders, "Good thing I'm not just a hookup. Eddie and I are together, have been for a while."
"Oh, sure. I'm not doubting that, I'm just saying maybe if you acted like you were just a hook-up, he wouldn't have the need to go find one of us." She shrugged, pouting her lips.
The malice in her voice, in her eyes. There was serious pity in what she was telling you and you had no idea how to react. She could be lying, she could be just playing up a story to try and get a reaction. Why would you give her that and her friends that?
You silently grabbed your stuff and walked out. If you took one last look or said something you weren't sure if it would be with anger or tears. The crowd was still cheering, yelling out as the band began the second half of their set but the only thing you could hear was the pounding in your head.
You made your way out the area's back door, the one nearest to where the bus had parked. Teddy was right outside, smoking a cigarette.
"Hey, darling-" You looked over at him, tears welling over in your eyes. He immediately turned to you, a look of concern splashed over his face. "What's going on?"
"Nothing Teddy. Just um, you know how these girls can be." You gave him a soft smile, wiping away the tears in your eyes. He gave you a nod, saying nothing before offering you a cigarette from his pack.
You took it, lit it, and let out a long exhale as your head rested against the wall of the arena.'
"You know, I don't know how to get, sentimental. I'm not the best with words or anything, but I will tell you this: Eddie would never do whatever those girls in there said."
"It's alright Teddy, I don't need any lies or cover stories. I'm a big girl, he's a big guy, and I'll have that conversation with him." You smiled, taking another drag.
"I've toured with bands for almost fifty years and you think I'm gonna start covering them now? Look, I know how these guys tend to get. I've toured with lots of bands for a long time, and I tell you, that boy is one of the very few that has never even looked at another woman the entire time I've been here."
The tears began to well in your eyes again, that tight feeling in your chest returning. You knew Teddy was right. But there was always a small part of you to doubt Eddie even though he had never given you a reason to. You felt it could be because of what Camila had found out about Billy, and you knew everything he had put her through. You had been the one to hold her at the hospital after Julia came, as Billy was on his way to rehab. You could never see Eddie putting you through that, and for all you cared, Eddie was ten times the guy Billy had ever been.
"All I'm saying is, if anyone is gonna tell you the truth, it's that boy. And he's still going to apologize for even letting you think that way even though he had no hand in it."
So why put yourself through the what if's when you could ask the man that loved you for yourself?
"You're right." You flicked the burnt stub to the ground, and stomped it out, turning to Teddy. "Thank you, Teddy."
He smiled, and grabbed the door, letting you back inside. The show itself was coming to an end, you could tell as the chorus for Honeycomb began. You rush to a bathroom, fix your eyeliner and lipstick, fluffed your hair, then made your way back to the band's room.
As you opened the door you saw that the girls had all quieted down, trying to fix themselves up before the others returned. You weren't going to say a word, just going to let actions speak for themself.
A few minutes later, the band rushed into the room, cheering, and jumping around as the girls got up to greet whoever they wanted. You sat, waiting patiently for your boy to appear.
When he did, his eyes scanned the room, looking frantically for you. When they landed on him he made no hesitation to race across the room, dropping to his knees in front of where you sit.
"Hi baby." He smiled, catching you in a kiss. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, his around your waist as he held you close to his body. He gripped you so hard you would think that someone was going to come into his arms and rip you away from him. He shifted around, so his head rest against your lap as you played with his hair.
And all the bad feelings disappeared. Maybe one day you would have the conversation with Eddie, tell him what had been said to you, what you thought she could mean. But for now, you knew that Teddy's words rang true. Eddie was a hothead, but he wasn't a cheater. He was someone whose heart had enough room for one person, and that just happened to be you.
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metalhead-painter · 1 month
❝And we're gonna get high-igh-igh, when we're low, low, low. The fire burns from better days. And she screamed, "Why, oh, why?" I said, "I don't know" The catastrophic hymns from yesterday... Of misery❞
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Hey! I'm Warren Taylor, I got tumblr because I was told it was a way to get my art out there, I've been lurking on the site for a while now but I've never really gotten the time to make an account. I am here now though. I'm a self proclaimed artist, I like to paint and sketch, I also love many forms of music, metal being my preferred genre, I don't play an instrument just yet but I'd love to learn how to play the drums, I think that'd be fun. I'm an absolute piercing maniac, with over 20 and counting, I'm moving onto tattoos pretty soon.. I'm a big motorbike fan and own a Harley of my own.. But! Moving on before I start rambling.
Enough about my interests, more about me. I'm 21, pansexual and go by he/him.. Though to be completely honest? Call me whatever, I do not mind. They/them? Go for it. ?! I'm chill with almost anything, though, I am a dude. Just don't try any funny stuff on here. Anyway! My blog is open for asks and discussion, I love to talk to others so just drop me an ask whenever.
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Hey hey! Back at it again with another blog! This time an oc rp blog because I love Warren with all of my heart. If you don't know me, hi I'm Richie, I own @riotsnrebellion and @nintndo64, my main blog is @1nervegas1. I'm an 18 yr old gay trans man with a love of horror movies, video games and anything related to em!
This blog will have sexual themes, violence and gore spoken about on it, if that's not your thing? This blog isn't for you.
I am totally okay with shipping, that includes crackships, rarepairs and oc x canon, just dm me first or shoot me an ask to discuss everything.
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Enough about me though, More about Warren! Warren is a jigsaw trap survivor, he struggles with both self harm, suicidal thoughts and a hard drug addiction, currently, he is attending a clinic to get over his addiction, attending the jigsaw survivors group and getting therapy. He works two jobs, one being a cashier at an old record store ran by a family friend, and the other as a server at a not so fancy restaurant. He lives in a shitty apartment with his dog, Mallow, and enjoys to watch local rock shows.
there will be more info to come! I'll be putting it in other posts though however to avoid making this one too long!
Yes his faceclaim is Dave Mustaine
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Tags that may be used on this blog!
-#🥁>RICHIE RAMBLES (ooc stuff)
-#🎨>WARREN MUSES (his thoughts/normal posts)
-#🎧>WARREN CONVERSES (interactions)
-#✏️>WARRENCORE (stuff that I associate with him)
-#🎵>WARREN REBLOGS (his reblogs)
-#<❗INFO❗> (info about warren, random stuff)
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liljafish · 4 months
just finished episode 8.
so-- here's the review
my heart truly truly aches. this was such a sickening case. the producers executed it beautifully
everyone put their all into their performances. the incredible, raw portrayal that each actor/actress devoted to their role was honestly one of the show's best qualities. riley keough, not to mention that she lost her brother in real life, had one of her best performances in her career (in my opinion). lily gladstone as well, and together, they shine. seriously, they have such insane chemistry together it's unbelievable. everyone had such breathtaking acting; they embodied their roles in an immaculate way.
and the kids- the kids, where do i start? these kids acted their asses off. for portraying such unsettling roles, they perfectly achieved it. warren's guilt, jo's harshness, etc. and let me talk about kelly. she had the most disturbing, cruel performance. how when she talks, she sounds so evil, doesn't take anything as serious as they are, looking to appear innocent (specific to her trial). and the screaming in the trial... dear lord she is doing her best
the tragic storyline. i haven't read the book yet, but it's clear that rebecca presumably did a great job capturing the story. her, as well as the writers, put so much into it. how it shows multiple perspectives, backstories, as well as cam's story. the bar scene in ep. 8 was incredibly heartbreaking and i was shocked
in closing. my heart aches the most for the virks. this was a terrifying, horrible case to view- and i can't imagine being involved in it.
but really. under the bridge was immaculate. i'll miss utb wednesdays dearly. but it's guaranteed i'm going to rewatch on and on
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superfallingstars · 4 months
Playlist for Snupin dancing in the kitchen?
(from Remus-poopin btw)
send me playlist prompts! please i still want them!
Gnjfhfjjdkfjsk this is like the ideal playlist ask THANK YOU
This is a playlist of warm and sunny 60s/70s/80s songs to dance and cook to, with a healthy amount of (slightly complicated) love songs. I'm gonna go thru this song by song because as per usual I have shit to say
Track list:
Todd Rundgren - Can We Still Be Friends?: so Snupin is kinda an enemies-to-lovers thing, right? So this lovely little song – "Let's admit we made a mistake, but can we still be friends?" – is rather fitting. Also I just love Todd Rundgren and his warm jazzy 70s piano songs, he makes great kitchen music.
Laura Nyro - Stoned Soul Picnic: I'm going to need to remove the phrase "warm jazzy 70s piano songs" from my vocabulary by the end of this, but that's exactly what this song is. Also I'm just a huge Laura Nyro fan and looking for an excuse to talk about her. Unrelated but also she looks like how I imagine Eileen Prince
The Cleaners from Venus - Lukewarm Love Song: IMO this is the best song on this playlist. Like I mentioned in the Remus playlist ask, The Cleaners from Venus (with their adorable jazzy lo-fi jangle pop songs) are peak Remus to me. This song is one of my favorites of theirs and imo fits the Snupin dynamic very well. The lyrics are SO ambiguous in the best way possible: "I would not be with you unless I wanted to" could be a comforting reassurance if that person is, well, with you, but if you're in a complicated enemies-to-lovers situationship, it might mean something else...! In this context, I read it as someone (let's be real probably Snape) convincing themselves that they don't like the other person, even though they are with them, and they do call them, and they think about them all the time (as the rest of the lyrics go)... and maybe THEN they realize that they're doing all of this because they want to. You done gone and fell in love idiot!
Shira Small - My Life's Alright: Ok I just have to say this album is amazing, this is Shira Small's only album and she made it in college and it's just the loveliest most comforting jazzy 70s thing in the world and I love it so much that I transcribed all the lyrics on Genius and it's great. To me this song is about slowing down and noticing the small things and being grateful for being alive and dancing in the kitchen and I like it!!!!
Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London: I like to imagine that Snape antagonizes Lupin with this song but Lupin begrudgingly enjoys it. I should finish that comic I started about this
Todd Rundgren - Izzat Love?: another W for Todd Rundgren and his warm jazzy 70s love songs
Shira Small - Here I Stand: A lovely little song of platonic or romantic devotion that also is surprisingly matter-of-fact. Here I stand with you but also you need to make up your mind about whether you want to enjoy life or not. Aka Lupin @ Snape
Orange Juice - Falling and Laughing: This is just kinda of one of the best love songs ever, I don't make the rules
The Replacements - Swingin' Party: This is very, we're cleaning up after everyone's gone home from the party but the music is still on and we're not quite sober yet. Also "if being afraid is a crime, we hang side by side" ?!!!! screaming crying throwing up
Ronnie D'Addario - Nice Meeting You Again: I think this song is very fun in the context of two people who met a long time ago and fucking hated each other. "With every day, I see the way our love's brand new again" – CUTE.
Thank you so much for this ask and letting me gush about all of these songs. I have such brainrot for this ship. Hopefully this playlist shows the dynamic I'm going for and doesn't just make me look insane 👍
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crystal-crax · 8 months
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(I) A rise to leadership
Pun intended bc Leo would love it
Has this been done yet? Of course, but i love ranting about my favorite characters and boy, rise tmnt has so much to rant about (well, the whole tmnt franchise has enough material to speak for HOURS buttt rise lives forever in my heart so yeah i'm biased). Might talk about mutant mayhem in the future idk.
Leonardo Hamato/Splinterson has always been the leader, the one that carries the weight of carrying the team and following splinter's steps as the next "head" of the family (as said by splinter in the 2012 tmnt). And yeah in much of the versions of the turtles, this is a very important aspect of his personality, it's his literal purpose; it's the catalyst for a lot of the narratives and storylines seen across the tmnt universe: His fights with Raph, his anxiety, his inferiority complex, his constant wish to be better, how he sometimes neglects (or simply goes against?)his brother's feelings in order to keep them and the team itself safe.
Being the leader is both the weight and medal that comes with being Leonardo, that sisyphean task that we will always see try to accomplish over and over again.
So if we want to explore why he is a great leader... shouldn't we take that weight off his shoulders?
And that my people, it's what rise does perfectly. The best way to prove that Leo is a great leader? To show us how he can handle the team from the shadows, let us see how well he knows his team's strengths and shortcomings.
But don't just make him want to be the leader, no no, show us why we should all trust him to.
First of all: Leo panicking at the face of danger, might be useful sometimes.
Honest to god: i think the rise writers and animators are amazing. They're so GOOD at showing us important pieces of the characters even without directly saying it.
First of all, he doesn't have a fight or flight response because he straight up waves his ōdachi directly at anything that attacks him and his brothers (bro has kill om sight sense, he literally sliced warren one time, remember?). He will always have the advantage, even when surprised. Also the way he lightens up the situation with his witty banter and one liners when stress is too much? Extra points for keeping team morale up👍
Or in a different case, leo's panic when the mad dogs get in trouble upon a stronger rival. Why is it great? Because even though he's losing his absolute shit, he's able to act and take the next conscious step; even when it's used for laughs: He calls for his father when his family is in danger. It may sometimes be a funny gag ; like in "Flushed but never forgotten" or soul fucking wrenching like when they're attacked by shredder and RAPH IS PROTECTING DONNIE AND LEO SCREAMS AND I- *ehem*. But he knows splinter it's capable of defending them, he trained them after all (this may be arguable when talking about season 1 splint but well, he still recognizes his father as a ninja and his master).
And thus, the next marvel of Leo:
B) He's completely aware of the team's abilities
He's a middle child, he has seen everything, and the most perfect example of it: Many unhappy returns.
He trusts his siblings completely, sure he looks out for them and supports them when needed (while being sarcastic about it), but he knows they're amazing at the hero thing.
I wouldn't doubt it if Splinter; being with Leo most of the episode saw just how in control he was of the situation and went: "dude...why are you not the one leading the team? You're...actually so smart wtf????"
C)He knows how to dial down his brother's enthusiasm and calls out his father's faults (and sometimes hypocrisy)
Remember the paper thieves episode?
That's peak leader Leo
The whole team was full on trying to get killed for the lols, and what does he do? Pulls them to the side and explains why they should start with something more simple and gives a speech on why focusing on the "easier task" it's still a good hero job (look out for the small/weaker ones, right?)
Not only that, but he's the one that constantly calls out his dad's mess ups, remaining by his brother's side and defending them (THIS IS NOT A SPLINTER SLANDER, I'M SAD DAD SUPPORTER AND I WILL TALK ABOUT IT LATER) seen as one of the YouTube shorts or when splints nags then about keeping secrets from him: he stands for his team, "you are not supposed to do that/you do the same thing you yell at us for"
He both inspires and defends his team, and hey; a leader is not the one that orders, but the one that motivates and supports you.
D) He's their personal hype man
Cue back to point B, he is amazed by his siblings abilities, even if he dies hide it sometimes. Remember when mikey wanted to go on a solo mission? He's fully on board and never doubts mikey is in control of the situation (sure he does go to "save him" with the others later on but come on, you all heard the call and saw Raph panicking. He trusts him but he's still his little brother y'know?)
He knows Donnie is an absolutely genious and is completely aware of Raph's dedication to the hero gig and responsability.
April and Splints? He knows they're completely capable of holding their own and willingly helps them when the situation calls for it.
And this is it please be free to add anything you might like and tell me if i'm making sense??? Idk i just love him a lot😞
HECK EVEN CASEY, A LITERAL BOY HE JUST MET. He is aware of casey's passion and abilities; i mean, if his own future self trusts him as the only one capable to fix everything, why shouldn't he?
Conclusion: Leo quite literally grew to deserve the role of the leader.
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rustyelias · 6 months
This ask/character dissection contains events from Red Valley, including major spoilers, blood and injury, and the fear of death.
*takes a breath*
Okay so I have become some what of a Clive Schill blog of late, and given that Red Valley in of itself isn’t wildly popular, and that Clive Schill is simultaneously the comic relief and antagonist of the show, there aren’t many people to talk about him with.
Initially, he comes off as just an arse. He’s mean to the protagonists, seems to have no remorse for his actions and is generally shown to also just be bad at his job? His main character traits are his “colourful” insults and his status as the Redval sugar daddy.
This doesn’t really change until near the end of season two, at which point he’s noticed Bryony’s treatment of the mc (Warren) and steps in. His concern is framed as a need for Warren to be in the best shape possible, for presenting to the world as a “solution to cryosleep”, but I do think he was also genuinely uncomfortable with the situation and wanted to get Warren out of there.
This all goes tits up when they return to Red Valley and the season finale happens. Won’t go into details but this winds up with Clive getting shot in the knees. Warren has simultaneously had a brain haemorrhage, and Gordon (mc no.2) has also just been shot. The focus is placed on getting the two mc’s inside of cryopods before they both bleed out. Clive is left forgotten on the floor of the lab.
He is eventually helped by someone else, and doesn’t die, but I think this is an incredibly important moment for his character. His entire story revolves around moving up the corporate ladder, and his desire to be the first to crack hypersleep is Always framed as a desire for recognition (and money).
Clive Schill is terrified of being forgotten. This also ties into his fear of death. He is terrified of dying and nobody remembering him. I think this fear translates into why he’s always so loud, so quick to argue and insult. He’s trying to be noticed.
So when he’s left on the floor bleeding out, with everyone else focusing on saving Warren + Gordon, it’s a huge fucking moment for him.
He goes on to form a business partnership with the person who saves him, they make Aloha Eternity, a cruise ship that utilises cryopreservation. He gets his recognition.
And then…
There’s growing unrest surrounding cryogenics. The world is rapidly going to shit thanks to climate change, partially due to big companies like Overhead (this is the one Clive, Bryony and the entire Red Valley team work for). The leaders and higher ups of said companies all plan to hypersleep (in cryopods) for 1000 years until the world’s unfucked itself. Clive helps this happen with the tech development he’s funded.
And when the time comes, he is not offered a place in the cryopods. Instead, he is made CEO of Overhead Industries. He got his fucking dream come true, because he was deemed expendable enough to let die in the real world. (Before this his cruise ship got blown up by terrorists, truly he has nothing)
So yeah uh there are some mildly coherent thoughts about Clive Schill. There is more where that came from but from here the thoughts get a Lot more incoherent.
Such as Bryony referring to Clive as “the shovel bit of the shovel”
She uses him for his status in Overhead and his money.
Also I think Clive is incredibly touch starved. Never comes up in the show because the only time people get close to him is when they’re hurting him (Warren’s headbutt)
Oh and he looks like Alexander J Newall. And Murph from D20. Just a mix of those two.
And he’s a musician. Like a really talented musician. I have no basis for this hc other than the fact I feel it in my soul.
Anyway if you’ve read this thanks so fucking much, and if not it was still great screaming into the pit
raaah!!! i love him! it's been a while since I last listened to red valley but omg! he is such a character to say he is treated like the comic relief or what I called him that prick™️ he has SO much going on!
Bro really gave his whole life to this business only for them to basically leave him to die in the fucked up world :( also the fucking cruise business bsjdjdjjdj
I love how I went from loving him because he was just the worst to loving him because he is a complex character. Gosh after he was shot man :(
jskskxkdkjd he is SO touch staved you get it! you get it!!
“Also he looks like Alexander J newall” oh god oh fuck its him:
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Okay yeah after my relisten of rqg I am 100% going to listen to Red Valley
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saturday-byte · 9 months
Hope this doesn’t bother you a lot, but can we get some headcanons of the teachers? I was curios about ur vision for them
Dw it doesn't bother me !! I love getting asks ^^
Anyway it's going under read more bc this feels like a long one
• she/they enby, omnisexual (<- me when I'm projecting)
• mentor figure for the newer teachers
• gives drawings and crafts as gifts, might or might not have various voodoo dolls
• uses Colin as a monitor for digital art
• he/him, bisexual
• you CANNOT tell me he doesn't drink tea 24/7. Most British mf I have ever seen
• weird hearing, very sensitive to loud sounds but can barely hear normal talking tones. Applies to his own voice too so that's why he screams a lot
• kind of an inferiority complex for the decaying use of clocks over technology lol
• gay and homophobic idgaf
• aware of the harm he's doing but genuinely loves his cult- "family" a lot
• likes telenovelas, granny type of beat
• he/it Libramasc, pansexual (here I am, projecting once again)
• has haphephobia but is working on it (this one might as well be canon idk)
• everyone has a computer day, so even if you see him every day you only get screentime once a year
• autism 🫵
• his tail is retractable
• has SO MANY viruses, that's why he glitches and talks slow
Healthy band
• doing them all together bc how can you think of them alone :[ don't separate them
• common fanon of them being a family ykn the drill
• their "birthday" (or date of release lol) is actually fridge and steaks anniversary
• depending on the day they either make the most rancid bizarre food or a 5 stars, Gordon Ramsay approved meal
• running on the same luck, fridge can either be filled with normal groceries, nothing (you have to buy groceries) or gore. Like those are his guts leave him alone
• everyone hiding inside fridge is apparently a normal bonding experience
• bread boy is transfem !! (Should we start calling her something different?)
• spinach is also a she/they enby, nobody in here isn't lgbtq
• he/him but doesn't really care, pansexual
• has been trying to be sober but he's already very fucked up, that's why he's like That™ in the TV show
• the other teachers we see in his episode are his party friends
• absolutely watches the others dreams, likes to bother them about what they mean
★ ok now the TV show ones
• has an absurd amount of skills, barbie kind of ridiculous
• lives with his brother and sustains them both
• workaholic
• was mr.petersons before red guy
• actually not that bad he's just really fast paced, genuinely just lost the trio on the fabric
• he/him goth gf <3
• doesn't like music AT ALL. And is very mean about it
• besties with the tissue box !!
• originally only used his hush tone for work but it slowly morphed into his normal voice
• pretty bad PTSD
• very kind with kids and people in general tbh, it might be something useful for his job but it's just how he is really
Lily and Todney
• I don't think about them a lot sorry
• they know what they are doing and that their whole family dynamic is pretty fucked but they genuinely just really want a mom tho ,,,
Warren the wo-Eagle
• genuinely just hate him so I don't think about him a lot either lol
• had no power over the trio because he was fired and not technically a teacher anymore
• his whole Thing (ykn) comes from bullying and a feeling of inferiority. He still sucks tho
• well. I guess I just don't think a lot about the newer teachers
• was actually a really nice teacher before still going to work at 120 years old
• nobody really liked him but he was the other's only way of going outside the house so they endured him
• there was a fight over his will. People died
• she/they enby n°3, lesbian
• really scared to touch her batteries now, has caused her to get cranky but still refuse to change them until forced
• puts up light shows for her friends
• huge sci-fi and videogames in general fan
• Colin's cousin. Actually all electronics are related
• wanted to be a music teacher but her biology said no
★ this is more of a general one but all of them are somewhere in the aroace spectrum !! I think it comes with the object nature. I have not defined where all of them fall tho
That's it I think. This is so long I am so sorry I just enjoy them a lot so I have a lot of thoughts
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yr-martyr · 7 months
Amrev people as things my friends have said part 6
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Brewster, abt Simcoe: yeah, but like,,, what if I threw him in a creek *sips apple juice*
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hamilton: I’m thirsty
Laurens: drink the pond.
Lafayette: mmm yummy yummy schuykill (:
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Woodhull: what’s your pronouns?
Strong: …she…they …*passes out*
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R. Woodhull: (to Thomas) thats medicine, dipshit.
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Allen: I saw a shirt that said “I ❤️ NY” and i couldn’t agree less.
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Woodhull: I should ask him to fight!
Brewster: he won’t, I saw him leaving the meetinghouse.
Woodhull: Shit! Let’s go talk to Townsend!
Strong: wait which one was it?
Brewster: the one on Main St.
Strong: that’s for jehovas witnesses
Woodhull: oh. OH.
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Random child: HEY NICOLAS!!!
Hale: who’s Nicolas and what’s he doing.
Kid: You’re Nicolas
Hale: No I’m not??
Kid: Nicolas, look at that big crow.
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N. Hale: (sick) *takes meat pie out of the freezer and hands it to Enoch*
E. Hale: you want one of these?
N. Hale: *nods sadly*
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Knowlton: *sprinting down the road as fast as possible*
Hale: *following him closely and also running*
All the other rangers: *also careening down the street*
The random stray cat they’re chasing:
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Warren: I’m a doctor, I’ve seen the horrors of the universe.
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(at Casimir’s funeral)
Random stranger: so! What’s the dead guy’s name?
Kosciusko: … Pulaski.
Random stranger: shit! Is he polish? I love polish people!
Kosciusko: ??
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(Ben showing a new recruit around)
Tallmadge: this is-
*scream from down the hall*
Recruit: what was that???
Tallmadge: Caleb.
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pzyii · 11 months
Refrence sheet (aka an excuse to talk about details and scars)
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all the details are under cut (tw for small self harm mention)
First just short. Yes she’s a lesbian, Idc that if btvs was made today they would’ve written her as bi, that’s not how it is, she’s written as a lesbian, she’s just comphet.
Secondly, I hc her as enby because well I want to, she likes using the trans flag too cause she thinks it’s pretty. (Tara’s a trans woman btw. And Dawn is transfeminine, a hc I can talk about a lot too if prompted. They are a family of trans lesbians)
And she goes by she/they/it with no special preferences cause I say so, tho I only used she in these rants for simplicity.
And yeah she's autistic but we all already knew that.
gonna go by detail by detail for these closeups
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Chest scar: so personally I headcanon that Willow (without thinking) took Tara’s pain as she died. Partly because of how she describes being shot to Warren so- personally. And just cause historically she haven’t been the best at controlling her powers. So that combined with everything that happened during her Dark Willow arc combined and I guess manifested a scar. It partly represents just how shattered and broken her heart became when Tara died.
Stomach scar: pretty self explanatory, she got it from the Gnarl in Same Time, Same Place. Because I think when you heal something using nature-healthy magic it leaves a scar cause it’s really just a sped up version of the natural process. This is especially true for when Willow heals herself cause of guilt that is always in her head trying to convince her to not heal. Also just like- she had strips of her skin eaten, that’s bound to leave a scar. And just the whole episode is so great and everything about it is so important so I think she needs a reminder of it.
Thin scars: a few are scratches she’s gotten over the years but most are sh scars. There’s not much to elaborate with that for now, I just think it’s something she did/does.
Big forearm scars: these are from when she resurrected Buffy. She has 2 alike ones on her other forearm. Another headcanon I have is that when wounds are caused by like really dark magicks, like the ones Willow used, scars don’t tend to heal normally, so they took a lot longer to heal than normal wounds their size, and also left clearer scars. Also yknow more scars that work as reminders for her guilt.
Rings: she’s gotten them from a bunch of different people, I don’t have the specifics for that, but the one with green is one is Buffys (in Who Are You? Willow is wearing one of Buffys rings that she and Tara uses for the spell)
Braclets: there’s nothing special about the beige one but the blue one is one of those braided friendship braclets. Dawn made it for her.
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Burn scar: it is what I just said. She got it in Gingerbread (she screams like “Buffy I’m on fire!” During it). Not only is Gingerbread one of my favrouite MOTW episodes but it’s really important in understanding Willows character because of her relationship with her mom. So I thought if I had the opportunity to give her a physical scar to remind her of the time her mom tried to kill her i just had to take it. In my personal headcanon of the show she walked with crutches in Helpless (since that only takes place one week after Gingerbread). (Also funfact, in my mlp au i haven’t posted here(if anyones interested send an ask) the burn caused chronic pain and she uses a pony-wheelchair)
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Hair: her hair used to be fully the same mid ginger colour but after Dark Willow it was permanently darkened at her roots.
Eyes: her eyes used to be green but turned pink because of the Buffy resurrection spell. And this is very much partly cause I’m an artist who just wants to have fun with my design. But it’s also the complementary hue to the one I use for Buffys eyes. Plus to me when you resurrect someone your soul and essence is kinda torn apart cause you need to kinda go to the afterlife to get them back in a way. So yeah her physical body was put through trials but so was just her psyche and well soul i guess, and because of that her soul is weirdly connected to Buffys, which also was torn apart and put back together. So complimentary!!! (Buffy didn’t notice the the change in colour until their conversation on the curb in Gone, she thinks they’re pretty)
Scars under eyes: these are also partly cause of stylistic choice (to be fair all are). But my design of Dark Willow has veins under her eyes, like tears. So they left scars, scars that also in theory looks like tears.
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faintlyglow · 1 year
oh hello garden childhood friends AU👀 please feel free to elaborate headcanons on this if you’re up to it. you got me reallyyy interested
hehehehe, hello. it's an idea me and @hymbeauxs were talking about recently!! the basic gist is: what if lonely nerd gordon and troubled loner warren met as kids and got to make each other's lives a little better by growing up as friends? some thoughts!
It's 1993, Warren and Gordon are two lonely, nerdy kids who meet in line on opening night to see Jurassic Park. (We originally discussed them meeting at a showing of LOTR, bc you just know Gordon was vibrating with excitement when those films came out.)
They live in two different parts of town, they don't go to school together. Gordon doesn't know anything about Warren's family, Warren doesn't know anything about Gordon getting bullied at school. They just happen across each other at this movie they're both bonkers excited for, and they bond over it.
Gordon makes one of his dorky but endearing jokes, and just like that they're friends. They sit next to each other during the movie. In the dark, Warren smiles over how excitable Gordon is when anything cool happens onscreen.
They swap phone numbers and keep up their burgeoning friendship by sneakily calling each other. Gordon's parents are a little absent, and Warren's dad is...difficult, so usually Warren will call Gordon first.
And, god, it's just nice. Warren isn't used to having friends, so having Gordon to talk to makes his chest feel funny (in a good way).
Warren learns about Lord of the Rings after Gordon flips over him never having heard of it and proceeds to tell him the entire plot. ("Seriously, Warren. You have to read it. I will lend you my copy, just. Please.")
He does read it. Warren likes Arwen a lot. For some reason, she makes him think of Gordon. Warren doesn't dwell on it.
Some snapshots of their friendship as they get older:
Whereas Gordon is the LOTR nerd, Warren is lowkey a walking encyclopedia of dinosaur facts. Them hanging out is peak neurodivergent to neurodivergent communication.
When they're a little older, Warren will sometimes sneak out to go visit Gordon. Gordon's parents are gone a lot, but he feels less lonely when Warren is there. They even come up with a secret knock so Gordon can always tell it's Warren whenever he comes over.
At age 15/16, Warren gets sentenced to some time in a juvenile detention place for punching Clive. Clive absolutely deserved it, but Warren very rarely gets treated fairly, so off he goes to be punished. He worries what Gordon will think. He didn't expect that Gordon would follow through on his promise to call as often as possible. But he does. For the time Warren is in juvie, talking to Gordon on the phone is a fucking lifeline for him.
When Warren gets out, he learns that Gordon is in a band now. His heart beats very very fast the first time he sees Gordon perform.
Anddddd, that's all for now folks lol. Please feel free to ask @hymbeauxs for her thoughts as well! We are very much alike, same road different directions, so if you like this AU, you will almost definitely like anything from her. Plus, she writes incredible garden fics that make me want to scream forever lol
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
donnie records everything right? right. the minute he’s coold with usagi, he’s showing him a l l of the embarrassing moments, i’m talking times leo trips over himself and falls flat on his face, i’m talking times leo cooked something and it caught on fire, i’m talking times leo got scared and let out the girliest high pitched scream ever, etc.
Donnie has a collection of videos. They are labeled ‘not blackmail.’ As he is bad at lying. In this collection there are five categories.
Cassie: he has all of the times they beat her as a member of the foot clan as well as her craziest moments with them.
Raph: all of his silly moments. Donnie has lines. There isn’t anything about Raph talking to his stuffed animals or any of his high stressed moments. He never wants his brother to be embarrassed by how he copes. But there is every time he screamed at Miss Cuddles or got clocked in a training exercise
Mikey: again there are lines. Nothing that would make Mikey feel ashamed of himself. But his cooking accidents and skateboard wipe outs are all in there.
Leo: it’s the biggest file. The Cain instinct is strong here. It’s nothing HE thinks Leo should be ashamed of. (That doesn’t mean that Leo agrees as he is quite good at hiding the things that hurt him) he has all of Leo’s cooking failures, skate board wipe outs, screaming/jumping in fear. He has the moment Leo broke brown Splinter’s door crying for help. He has Leo cutting Warren Stone in half. Any embarrassing thing imaginable.
April: this is for the day he chooses to be beaten with a bat. But it has all the moment April ATE it during a fight or a hang out.
He keeps them all for blackmail. As it is not something that they need to be ashamed of but something they would be embarrassed to have aired to the public.
I think he would show some to Usagi and the Tenshu gang.
There are some that are cute to Usagi. When Leo’s young and obviously struggling because he’s a kid who is learning and not a teen who needs help and support.
There are other videos. Videos Donnie thinks are fun, as it’s his brother goofing, but Usagi can see Leo’s uncomfortable. Maybe it’s embarrassment, maybe it’s shame, but there are some moments Leo doesn’t like remembering. Usagi can read Leo well, and he knows Leo’s insecurities the best as Leo doesn’t feel he has to prove himself to Usagi.
I think Usagi would pull Donnie a side and try to explain. I think Donnie’s hacks would rise at first. (How dare someone act like they know Leo better then him) yet I also think Usagi would convince him. Tell him that while he knows it’s in good fun for Donnie and the others they are hurting Leo. They don’t mean to and Leo would never say it, but Usagi won’t be a part of it.
It starts Donnie on the road to noticing how much Leo actually hides from them. It helps their relationship, both his and Leo’s and his and Usagi’s a lot.
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