#im very sure that it will be a slowly comeback instead of all of them being back at the same time on a very big evemt
sillygh0st · 5 months
I think that like every week/some time period one or two eggs will be back (idk If two at the same day, but I think that today we got two eggs bc they share the same parents!)
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Nico one day being surprisingly quiet, not even trying to be good just quiet and a little sad. Eren makes the connection that it’s because father’s day & he feels a little left out so he makes the effort to give Nico something small like an ice cream & he would not stop talking about it to Mikasa, eyes filled with stars and all. She’s definitely fallen in love now if she hasn’t already.
omg help no this poor bb boy 😭😭 He has no father figures and he absolutely latches onto Eren! omg ugh help me!! HELP IM DYING THEY'RE SO CUTE!!
It's the last day of school and Eren feels melancholy.
He's thrilled to have a month basically off from his little gremlins, get some good Christmas shopping done, hangout with his family, maybe go skiing, but on the other hand he's gonna miss them all. Especially Nico, he's gonna miss picking the little tyke up after school, hanging out with him, making him hot cocoa while they wait for Mikasa to pick him up after a late shift. It's an interesting arrangement they've come up with but Eren's embraced it, he likes hanging out with Nico whether he's on the clock as Mr. Yeager or not. So, he's not sure how he feels about not seeing him for a month, because really he shouldn't bother Mikasa and Nico during the holidays, it would be inappropriate, there's no reason her son's school teacher needs to see them during Winter Break.
And yet, Eren finds himself already coming up with ridiculous excuses to visit. To make matters worse Nico is acting weird, he hasn't been causing any mischief today and instead has been sullen and silent since story time earlier in the day. Eren had even read Nico's favourite story, 'The Berenstein Bears and the Big Road Race'. To say the least, he's concerned about the little hellion. It's the end of the day now and most of the students have already left, Nico is the only one remaining stubbornly at his cubby, very slowly putting on his winter gear while Eren waits patiently at the door. "Nico, buddy do you need some help with your boots?" "No," Nico tells him loudly, continuing to shove his little feet into his velcro snow boots and Eren groans, this is going to take another ten minutes. "We don't want to make your grandma wait too long for you do we Nico? She's probably worried at home about you," Eren tells him diplomatically and to his immense surprise instead of a typical snarky comeback the little boy abruptly bursts into tears.
He sinks to the floor in an absolute state, full body heaving sobs and Eren short circuits, his instincts taking over as he moves to comfort the shaking little boy. "Nico, what's wrong buddy?" He can barely speak through little sobs and all Eren can do is hug him while he waits for the tears to subside. It takes a few minutes but finally Nico is coherent enough to hiccup an answer through his tears, "Gonna miss you Mr. Yeager." "Oh Nico," Eren hums, pushing silky brunette locks away from his face and cupping chubby little cheeks as he looks into emerald eyes the same shade as his own, "It's okay, I'll see you in January, we won't be apart for very long." This is evidently the wrong thing to say because Nico breaks into another long wail, "But, but I won't see you all Christmas, and all the other kids are going to leave milk and cookies out for Santa with their daddy, and-and-"
Nico continues to sob as Eren gets a faint inkling about what this might be about, the fact that he doesn't have a dad, something Eren's been suspicious about for a while. His educator instincts had been tingling and this confirms it. "And there's no one to help mommy put up the Christmas Lights so we're going to be the weird house with no lights again, and no daddy to carve the turkey on Christmas Day." Yeah, the kid has some very obvious daddy issues. Eren wipes away some of his tears, thumbing over soft baby cheeks as he tries to comfort him by just being there, "But what about your Uncle Levi, I'm sure he'll cut the turkey." Nico sniffles loudly, a bubble of snot coming from his nose and Eren reaches over to grab a tissue from some kid's desk, wiping at his nose, "And I'm sure your mummy does an awesome job with the Christmas lights, you can help her." Nico shakes his head wearily, taking the tissue from Eren, "It's not the same, I wish I had a daddy Mr. Yeager." Eren ruffles his hair affectionately, "Well you know, sometimes people don't have daddies, sometimes they just have really great mommys and I think yours is pretty awesome isn't she?" Nico nods sullenly as Eren distracts him, taking his hand and helping him put on his coat before trekking him towards the car, "And tell you what, I'll come visit lots over the Christmas break okay, I'll even help you put the lights up and maybe we can make some cookies for Santa together." Nico perks right up at this idea and by the time Eren gets him to the car and strapped into his car seat he's excitedly babbling away about the kinds of cookies they're gonna make. Looks like he's going to be crossing some inappropriate teacher boundaries this Christmas, but he thinks it's all worth it for the look of excitement on Nico's face, and well, maybe seeing Mikasa won't be so bad either.
"Did you know how I was born Mr. Yeager?" "Eren when we're off school right Nico?" Nico nods obediently, changing his phrasing, "Eren, did you know how I was born!" Eren chuckles, looking at him in the rearview mirror as he pulls out of the parking lot, "How were you born Nico?" "Mommy said she went to the clinic and chose me right there! I was in a test tube and then they put me in her tummy! It's called sp-sp" Nico struggles for a moment with the word and Eren swallows as he realizes where the six year old is going with this, a dawning horror overtaking him, "Sperm donation?" "Yeah!" Nico says excitedly, "That's why i don't have a daddy because mommy said she didn't need one, that she did it all by herself!"
Eren spends ten minutes at the stop sign outside of the school his mind going in circles because what are the odds that Mikasa used a sperm donor after Eren donated, and this kid looks EXACTLY like him?
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myunghology · 2 years
Hello. May I please have comfort headcanons of Dainsleif, Ayato, and Kaeya (separately, please) comforting their (gender neutral) significant other who is scared of thunderstorms? Thank you. Have a good day/night.
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dainsleif, ayato, and kaeya comforting their s/o who's scared of thunderstorms!
a/n : finna be workin myself for you guys, workin hard so i can please you LMFOA, apologies if it's short. gn! reader.
requests : opened!
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i had to squeeze all my brain juice for dainsleif...
his heart hurts whenever he sees you being scared or just covering your ears, although he doesn't really get why you're scared of it, but respects it.
he immediately sits beside you next to the window with water drops going down, softly telling you stories about his adventures with the traveller.
i have a very weird hc that he's slightly demanding in a good way, so i think he'd probably make you sleep with him rubbing circles on your back.
if that doesn't work, he'll just hug you until the thunderstorm is gone, after that he waits for you to calm down with no pressure at all, and asks for you to go on a walk with him while it's still cold outside, he makes sure that another thunderstorm isn't gonna comeback anytime soon.
if you don't like going outside or if you don't like the cold, you two would just stay inside the rest of the day under blankets while drinking warm tea.
"dear.. are you alright?" dainsleif asked as he sat beside you, thunder could be heard as you shivered. he gets out of his position to get blankets and came back after awhile to put it on you both as he covered your ears with both of his hands.
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i also think ayato would make warm tea for you, tries to distract you with other things, talking about your and his interests. in fact ayato's voice could easily make you fall asleep.
his warm hands going up and down your arms as he sits behind you is very comforting, also would like to listen to you about anything, if you want to talk about something important, it would be the right time to discuss it there.
ayato would ask help from thoma too, actually one time thoma and ayaka came back to the estate drenched in water because they had to do something with the traveller.
they saw you shivering in ayato's arms as they asked what was wrong. ayato slowly explained as he saw you asleep in his arms and combing through your hair with his hands.
"fufu, y/n has already fallen asleep, thoma, would you help me make them tea once they wake up?" ayato asked looking at thoma while ayaka was beside him. "of course!" he smiled, as ayato carried you to a bedroom, after sometime, you woke up with tea on the bed table.
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kaeya is such a tease im sorry
but he also feels really bad, stops the teasing for awhile but continues on after the thunderstorm is gone and after you calmed down.
he'd also read you stories since he probably gets some books from the library that lisa let him borrow.
also tells you about the mischief klee has been doing every day, totally the person you could come to if you wanna laugh and ignore your fears.
i don't think he knows how to make tea.. so he makes warm food for you, any food of your choice.
he heard the door open slightly, he peeked through out the kitchen to see what was happening and you both saw klee drenched as he laughed.
kaeya malewife arc, he makes warm food for the both of you, tells klee she should dry off and take a bath first, after klee finishes drying up, she hands you her humpty dumptys that aren't bombs and are just plushies as you squished both of her cheeks on her face.
klee actually talked a lot, tiring you and kaeya, once you all got tired you all snuggled up in a blanked and slept, forgetting about the thunderstorm.
"klee? what are you doing here?" you questioned, "well, the headquarters was too far already and i got tired. so i decided to come here instead! you and uncle kaeya both live here anyway." she sang as you got up and headed to the bathroom to dry her up as she changed into new clothes, while kaeya was done cooking for the both of you with a small smile on his face.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Evermore- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Summary: The wizarding war is starting and your family fears for their safety. Even though they were purebloods, they were not death-eaters. They decide to flee to america, but you, unlike them have someone to lose by leaving.
   Kody: The song this image is based off of. Evermore by Dan Stevens (From the Beauty And The Beast 2017 Movie)
   Year: 7th
   House: Slytherin
   Possible Triggers/Warnings: some angst, cursing i think?
   when you were 13 you had the displeasure of meeting Draco Malfoy. Just transferring from America had been a big change for you, but you were ready to take on the challenge of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. That was until you bumped into him.
   you hit somebody’s chest with a harsh thud “Watch where your bloody going!” someone shouted at you. You step back and meet the cold grey eyes off a pale boy. “Excuse me?” you said, slightly taken aback by his loud shouting. The boy had an amused grin on his face.
   ‘I was the one who had it all. I was the master of my fate’
   “do i need to repeat myself? Watch where you're going? Who even are you? You sound american” he crosses his arms over his chest. You raise a brow ‘who does he think he is?’ you thought. “I’m Y/n L/n from ilvermorny. I just transferred here today so i am in fact American.” 
   his grin didn’t falter in the slightest “What’s your blood status?” he asked. You almost gasped. Why did he need to know that at all. You keep your composure this time putting on a grin of your own. “and why does that matter in the slightest?” you question. 
   “Because, i’m Draco Malfoy, pureblood and i shouldn’t be wasting my time with anyone less” he spoke with such smugness that you wanted to punch him right then and there. You put on a fake pout before answering “It’s to bad that i don’t care about blood status then huh?”
   with those words you pushed past him and his trio of friends, leaving him in your metaphorical dust. As you walked away Draco watched your every movement. He was captivated by the way you stood up for yourself. It was different. It was exciting. 
   “I remember now! She’s from the american pureblood family. The L/n’s!” Theo shouted with a proud smile at his memory. Draco looked at him with a surprised expression “Really? Why didn’t she just tell me that then?” he replied, slightly irritated.
   “because she was messing with you and you walked right into, Malfoy” Pansy rolls her eyes “I swear boys are so stupid” scoffing she began walking to class. Blaise and Theo following after her. Draco just sighed very loudly “Oh so now i’m the bad guy!”
    ‘I never needed anybody in my life. I learned the truth too late’
   the next week during potions class Draco was visibly struggling with a potion he had been working on all class and if he didn’t get it done before the end of the session he would fail. “That doesn’t look quite right” a voice said from beside him. He looks over to see you, standing behind him.
   “Shove off L/n and mind your own potion” he hissed, each word laced with venom. What a Slytherin am i right? “I’m already finished, i think you missed an ingredient” you say, leaning over to look at his potion. He uses his free hand to push your head away “I don’t need anything else, it has to be perfect.Now leave”
   he watches you place something next to his cauldron and walk away to your own desk. He gazes over at what you had left. Unicorn hair? hes hesitant, but picks it up then drops it in the cauldron. He watches the potion change to the right color and smiles to himself.
   he looks over at you and you give him a small wink before going back to your potion. Maybe you weren’t that bad, but he’d never say that out loud.
    ‘I'll never shake away the pain’
   fast forward to 4th year, yule ball is upon Draco and he came alone. Pansy was taking Ginny and Blaise was taking Theo. As he stood at the entrance of the ball he felt a presence to his left “Did Draco Malfoy come alone to the ball?” a teasing, familiar tone said.
    ‘I close my eyes but she's still there’
   he rolled his eyes and prepared a witty comeback, but all words left him once he saw you in a beautiful black dress. “Have i left you speechless?” you ask, stifling laughter. He regains his composure somehow and grins “Didn’t you come alone as well, why? Did no one ask you?” he teased.
   you shake your head “No actually three seperate boys asked me. I just said no” you say simply, catching Draco off guard. “Really? Why?” he questions, He watches as you sigh deeply “Because i was waiting for you to ask me of course. Now do you want to dance?”
  ‘I let her steal into my melancholy heart’
   Draco stood in shock before he felt you grab his hand, leading him to the middle of the dance floor. “Unless you don’t want to of course?” you tilt your head to the side. He shakes his head a bit before placing his hands on your waist. A strange feeling envelops his chest.   
   you wrap your arms around his neck, giving him a warm smile “You seem frightened by me?” you ask, unsure of your own question. He shakes his head quickly “No!- no i’m not, it’s just- thank you for saving me from the embarrassment of going alone. I don’t want people to think im-” he admits.
   "a loser?” you finish his sentence. He chuckles at your answer “Yeah, something like that” he responds, his tone sadder then before. You shrug your shoulders at his statement “I wouldn’t think your a loser. I’d still like you” you spoke confidently.
   his grey eyes widened as you said those three words to him.
    ‘It's more than I can bear’
   and he ran away...
   weeks had past and students were now leaving the train to meet up with their parents for the summer. Draco hadn’t spoken to you at all. He was to scared to admit his own feelings to you. It was a coward move sure, but it was better than having to look at your bright E/c eyes and fall even more.
   Draco was holding his luggage in one hand when he bumped into someone “Oh my, i’m so sorry” and there was the familiar voice again. His eyes locked with yours “Hey Y/n” he said. You scoff and place your luggage down, turning your body towards his.
   “you leave me on the dance floor and reject me in the most rude way possible and all you say is ‘Hey Y/n’ if you were that disgusted by me Draco Malfoy, you could have just said so!” you shouted at him, he could see the tears brimming through the same E/c eyes he had seen so many times before. 
   he felt his world shatter a tiny bit at your outburst “No that’s not it at all. No one has ever liked me before okay?! It’s different. Especially when i like them back” it was your turn to be surprised this time. “Oh...you do?” you say, wondering if your ears had been playing tricks on you. 
   Draco nods slowly “Yes, i like you Y/n and i’m sorry for the way i acted at the yule ball” he says genuinely, no trace of mischief in his eyes. The corners of your mouth turn upward in a smile “Apology accepted” you nod once. He copies your smile.
   “so what does that make us?” he asked. You roll your eyes “It makes us boyfriend and girlfriend Draco. That means i am yours and you are mine, got it?” you state, pointing a finger at him. He grins lightly and nods “I wouldn’t dream of anything else.”
   ‘Now I know she'll never leave me’
   you smile up at him before your eyes looked at something behind him. “Oh that’s my parents! I have to go, but i’ll write you!” you force each word out quickly then stand on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek. You give him one last smile before picking up your luggage shouting mom and dad.
   ‘Even as she runs away’
   Draco turns behind him to watch as you walked away with your parents, his hand reaching up to touch the cheek you had left a kiss on. He felt his mind go fuzzy as the tingling feeling still lingered on his kiss. He let out a deep sigh “She’ll be the absolute death of me, that’s for sure”
   ‘She will still torment me’
   the month you two spent apart was one of the worst feelings Draco had ever felt. Now that you two were together, he had this nagging feeling of always wanting to hold you and just be by you in anyway. He didn’t know he could become so attached to someone. 
   after one night he had a fight with his father he stormed up to his room, slamming the door. He tried to calm himself down, but it was no use. The anger just wouldn’t subside. That was until a soft knock came to his door “Draco, honey. A letter came for you. From someone named Y/n L/n?”
   Draco quickly opened his door. Narcissa handed him the letter and turned on her heels to walk down the hall. He closed his door again and rushed over to his bed. He opens the letter, your handwriting was so unique. With each word he read, the angered feeling drained away and a comforting one replaced it.
    ‘Calm me,  hurt me’
   he did scowl at the small section of you berated him on how he should of sent a letter first, but he also found it quite cute. He collected each one of your letters after that. He kept them in a black wooden chest that he hid under his bed. They became his cherished memories. 
   ‘Move me, come what may. Wasting in my lonely tower’
   he wished that he could have spent that summer with you instead...
    ‘Waiting by an open door’
   his leg wouldn’t stop shaking, he was going to see you again and it was the start of his fifth year and whatever, but that wasn’t on his mind at the moment. He was sitting in the Slytherin cabin of the train, waiting for you to step on. His mind was racing in two different directions.
    ‘I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in’
   while waiting his mind had convinced myself that she was actually a figment of his screwed up imagination and he was a fool for waiting for her, but after realizing that even thinking that was the truth was mental he calmed down quite a bit. 
   “Draco?” that familiar voice spoke. He looks up to meet your E/c eyes once again. He jumps up from his seat and wraps his arms around you tightly. You stumble on your feet a bit, but hold onto him as well. “Happy to see you too?” you say with a small laugh.
   “please don’t ever go on vacation for the summer again, i couldn’t handle it”he breathed out into your ear. You smile and pat his back “Okay i won’t you big baby” he pulls away and pecks your lips quickly, your face flushing. He grins a bit at your reaction. “Your lucky i like you Draco Malfoy”
   ‘And be with me for evermore’
   ‘I rage against the trials of love. I curse the fading of the light’
   they were 16, it’s been a year since they started dating and Draco was, to put in simple terms. Losing. His. Shit. Not only did he have the dark lord’s orders to fulfill, you were coming over tonight and he was going to tell you those three terrifying words. 
   his thoughts could no longer race as a knock came to his bedroom door “Draco?” oh shit. You were here. He takes a deep breath before going over and opening the door. He instantly wraps his arms around your waist “hello darling” he says in a breathy tone before leaning down to kiss your lips.
   “hmm, hi” you say in between kisses. “I can’t believe your mom said yes to me sleeping over” Draco leads you into his room, shutting the door. He shrugs “Mother knows how much you mean to me so” he trails off at the end. You nod “Yeah i am your girlfriend, so it makes sense”
   ‘Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach’
   “yeah, but your so much more to me” he says, his tone becoming serious. You chuckle nervously at his change of demeanour “Okay..” he lets out a deep sigh “oh merlin, i’m trying to say i love you Y/n. i’m in love with you. Like stupidly in love with you and you say boys are stupid”
   a smile grows on your face before you wack his arm with your hand “Ow!” “Next time just say that you goof. I love you too Draco” you exclaim. He chuckles before scooping you back into his arms and both of you share a sweet kiss. 
   now. 7th year. With the wizardry war starting and people choosing sides. Things were getting chaotic and fast. “Y/n pack your things quickly, were leaving!” your mother shouted from the living room. You rush downstairs in a haste “What do you mean were leaving!?”
   your mother turns to you with a horrified expression “the sacred 28 are coming. There going to try and convert us to death eaters. Were leaving for America now!” she shouts. You shake you head rapidly “But Draco- i can’t leave him!”
   “He’s a death eater Y/n. I know you love him darling, but he chose his side” she spoke in a comforting tone, but you didn’t find it comforting at all. Pulling out your wand you apparate away. Leaving your mother in shock. Where had you gone.
    ‘She's never out of sight’
   a there you were. Standing in Draco’s room. He looked away from the window and to you “Y/n? You can’t be here. Love. you have to leave” he spoke in a hushed tone as he walked towards you, grasping your shoulders. “I know Draco, i know your a death eater”
   his grey eyes were filled with shame, looking away from you “I’m so sorry. It wasn’t my choice Y/n you have to believe me. It was my fathers idea i swear on everything” the way he spoke was enough to convince you. “I believe you Draco. I do” he lets out a sigh of relief “Thank merlin”
   “my family is fleeing to America. The sacred 28 are coming to my house right now to give me the mark” his eyes were no longer shameful, but terrified. “You have to go then” he said, cupping your face with his hands “I can’t-” “-Yes you can. Love, your not safe here”
   “I don’t care. I can’t leave you Draco. It would be too painful” you spoke, tears starting to water in your eyes. He nods slowly “I know, but as soon as this mess is over you can come find me again. I’ll be waiting at my front door for you. I promise”
   you look down, refusing to meet his gaze as tears began to stream down your cheeks “Promise me Y/n” he says more sternly. You hesitantly look up at him “I promise” you nod, putting your hands over his. “I love you Y/n L/n” he chokes out. “I love you too Draco Malfoy-”
   “-I had a feeling you’d be here” a voice came from the doorway. Narcissa Malfoy. Draco lets go of you and pushes you behind him “Mother please” he begged. Narcissa waved her hand “There’s no need for that Draco, come along Y/n so i can sneak you out. They’ll know if you apparate”
    ‘Now I know she'll never leave me’
   “Your not going to tell the dark lord?” you asked, holding onto Draco’s arm. Narcissa simply smiled and shook her head “I could never do that to you or my son, now we must leave at once” she held out her hand for you. You look at Draco before letting go of him.
    ‘Even as she fades from view’     
   “Make me a promise as well. In the end you’ll choose the right side in the end” you say/ He nods slowly “Anything for you” he spoke, giving you a smile that you return. Narissa grabs your hand and leads you out the room, closing the door. He waits a couple minutes before looking out his window.
   he saw his mother leading you out the Manor. She seemed to say something to you before placing something in your palm. She gives you a kiss on your head before you apparate away. At that moment, his whole world had shattered. You were gone. Really gone. 
    ‘She will still inspire me. Be a part of everything I do’
   and he kept his promise. At the day of the final battle when Harry Potter fell out of Hagrid’s arms. He ran towards him and threw his wand at him before leaving the scene completely. He hoped his mother wouldn’t worry to much about his whereabouts, but when Harry finally defeated the dark lord. He smiled.
   he couldn’t wait to see you again. After charges were being dealt to his parents Draco and his mother were pardoned of all crimes due to there help towards Harry and his friends. For once he thank Potter for speaking for him at his trial. He wasn’t such a bad guy.
    ‘Wasting in my lonely tower’
   it had been days since the war was over and there was still no word from you. It had been months without contact and you were no where to be found. He went by your old house. Empty. Not a single witch or wizard to be seen. Had you moved on?
    ‘Waiting by an open door. I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in’
   like he promised, every morning, afternoon, and night. He wait by his door for an hour. Waiting for you to walk down the Manor path so he could wrap you in his arms again and feel your familiar warmth again, but a week had gone by and nothing, but he wouldn’t lose hope. 
   ‘And as the long, long nights begin. I'll think of all that might have been’
   he started waiting longer at the door. One hour turned to three. Narcissa had became worried about her sons health. So she made sure that he ate and drank enough water. Even help him to bed when he passed out leaning on the doorframe. Which he did. A lot.
   three weeks. Nothing. The early morning shift that day he wore his night clothes as he sat on the concrete. He had his face in his hands, rubbing away any tired feeling he had. “Draco?” his whole body froze like ice. He prayed that it wasn’t the tiredness as he looked up.
   there you were. A small smile on your face as you stared down at him. He leaped off the ground and grabbed your face “What took you so bloody long?!” he shouts. “I had to wait until i turned 18 so i could leave. My mom tried to keep us apart, but it’s okay. I’m here now”
   he nods vigorously. “You are. Your here” he smashes his lips onto yours in a passionate kiss. It lasts a couple seconds before you pull away “Your mom gave me this by the way” you pull a silver ring out your pocket. It had a small black diamond on it. “My mother's engagement ring?” 
   you chuckle “That makes a lot of sense now. she told me to give this to you to give to me when we see each other again” his face flushes slightly as he takes it from your hand “After you leaving me for a month. I never want to lose you again. will you possibly, maybe, marry me?”
   he looked unsure of your answer. “Of course you goof. Gosh, boys are so stupid” you say and hold out your hand. He grabs it and slides the ring on your finger. he gives you the brightest smile “I love you Draco Malfoy”
   “I love you too Y/n Malfoy”
   ‘Waiting here for evermore’
   Kody- 4am, sleep now. scoliosis hurting. Anyways, peace. 
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floatinginwords · 4 years
Saved by the Devil (8/?) - Tommy Shelby
Summary: you go missing and a lot of people get worried
Paring: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader (Not romantic..yet)
A/n: I actually wasn't gonna post today but this chapter fell out of me. Its funny how some days are tougher to write and others its like riding a wave. I hope everyone has a wonderful day :)
The man with the busy eyebrows and mustache called himself Inspector Campbell. A fucking police officer. When you came too you found yourself tied to a chair, ropes around your wrist and legs, tight against the skin cutting off blood circulation. He didn’t ask questions first. No first, was the punching against your ribs and stomach. Then your face. He didn’t give you no breaks, not like he would give you any.
 “I think me and you have gotten fairly acquainted with.” The inspector say his foul breath reaching up your nostrils. Blood dribbled down your chin and nose. It was you could taste.
His men have left the room, on his orders of course. He leans on his cane as he stares at you from above. A evil smirk on his face as if he was some god looking down at his pitiful creations. You spit blood at his shoe.
 He grabs your face harshly, you face scrunching up like a fish. “Tell me what you were doing with Thomas Shelby. Or I can make this night a whole lot painful for you.”  He throws you back and all you do is glare at the man. Not saying a word. Not even huffing a sound.
 The inspector laughs. And walks out the door. You see him point to you with his cane as he talks to the other men that were abusing you moments ago.  You brace yourself for the inevitable. The torture last for hours.
 No ones seen you for three days. Ada, the first night you didn’t comeback, called Trinity. but she hadn’t seen you since the morning. The next day Ada and James went out looking through the streets at your usual spots. You didn’t have any Ada just wanted to feel as though she was doing something. You didn’t have any family or any other friends. Except one other person who may know your whereabouts. So on the third day of no trace of you, with a little nagging and encouragement from James and Trinity, Ada decided to make a call.
 Over at May Careltons mansion, Thomas Shelby listens half heartedly to the woman discussing the progress on his horse. He could care less at the moment. He’s just thinking of ways that he could stay the night. He wasn’t a fool, he knew of Mays attraction to him. It benefited him in more ways than one.
 “Excuse me, Mr. Shelby,” A maid interrupts May in the middle of whatever it was that she was saying, “You have a phone call.”
 “I’m sure they can leave a message.” His eyes not leaving Mays
 “Its your sister, she sounds urgent.” The maid says.
 With that thought in mind, Tommy excuses himself from May.
 “Ada this better be important.”
 “Where the fuck are you,” Ada screeches over the phone, “Ive been trying to contact you everywhere and Polly tells me your-“
 “What is it-“
 “(Y/n) is missing.”
 Tommy swallows hard. “I’m sure she’s around somewhere ada. How long its been?”
 “Three days. No ones seen her. Tommy please, Im worried.”
 Three days ago was when he last saw you. When you agreed to go to dinner with Alfie and Arthur You had left the car without another word. He wanted to follow you but decided against it. He was regretting it now.
 “Ada, just calm down. Ill ask some boys to go look for her okay?” He reassures his sister over the phone promising to find you.
He hangs up.
 “Is everything alright?” May asks from behind him. Her eyes were hopeful looking at him. She too was hoping he would stay though that was something she would never admit out loud.
“I have to go, family emergency.” He says. Turning his back on her without another thought.
He didn’t have to leave. He knew that. He could have stayed with May have her fill that hole within his heart that Grace had left about a year ago. He owed nothing to you. He kept telling himself this over and over as he drove back, pushing the speed way past its limit. He begins to reminisce about your first meeting. You were nothing but a chess piece to him at the time but you surprised him a lot in that first meeting. Especially when you didn’t take that money he offered. He was confused to say the least. Everyone took free money. You didn’t. He remembers seeing you again at the Eden club. He though he would never see again. But there you were. He couldn’t not talk to you. He just had to. He knew he hurt you with his words. He didn’t apologize. He never apologizes. He remembers finding out Ada had a roommate. Imagine the surprise on his face when he realized it was you. Of course Thomas Shelby was always in control of his emotions so it never really showed. He was distrustful of you as he always is with people. But you showed something since your first introduction that most people didn’t show their entire lives; Honesty. And he liked that about you. He believed you when you said you didn’t work for Sabini anymore. (Of course he had his people look into it after to be 100% sure) He trusted you to go to meet his brothers, be in the same car as them, come to an auction. He remembers seeing you bloody and a mess. Guilt and rage had filled him up. He couldn’t hold himself back from shooting the guy. When he stitched you up, he liked that you tried to make conversation. You knew when to back up, you never pried. He didn’t know if that was fear of him or if that was just you. He hoped the latter. He liked the way you said Mr. Shelby, though he often wondered how his first name would sound falling off your lips. Thomas Shelby pushes these feeling aside as he drives. He tells himself he just doing this as favor to his sister and because you can be very valuable. But as he drives into the city, a piece of his mind whispers that that just might not be the only case.
 Three fucking days. You couldn’t believe that that’s how long it lasted. The torture, the beatings. They released you on the thought that you really didn’t know anything. You never said a word. They drove you out to the fucking country side and dropped you off like you were trash. You were never more humiliated in your life. You walked, each step bring you pain and anguish. But you kept going.
 ‘Its Friday’ You think to yourself. You never got to call to confirm if you were going on that dinner. You laugh at yourself. Out of all things to worry about.
 You find a little pond as you were walking and attempt to wash your face off all the dirt and blood. You looked half decent.
 It took you till sundown to get back into London. People in the streets gawked at your face. You knew you were bruised pretty bad. Worse than before thanks to the inspector. The stitches on the right side of your body were now leaking. You can see the blood drip slowly through your hand. You sigh. Its always one problem after the next.
Once in front of the house, you see all the lights on. Something you knew Ada hated. You see multiple people moving about and you curse underneath your breath. The last thing you wanted was to interact with people. Someone looks through the window, a young boy you didn’t recognize.
 “Is that her Ada?” You hear the boy loudly say not keeping his eyes off of you.
 As soon as the boy says that, a multitude of people rush out to the window to look out followed by a rushing to the door. Ada being the first to run into you, bear hugging you.
 “Where the hell have you been?” She cries out.
 You stay silent, your arms limp across your sides. No energy left to pick them up or say anything. You wished at that moment to escape into eternal darkness forever. You see a bunch of people behind her mostly men. All in black caps and coats.
 ‘Peaky blinders.” You think. You step back from Adas hug and move up the stairs toward the house. The men spread apart not wanting you to push through them. You walk up the rest of the stairs to your room slowly. You can feel all their eyes burn into your back.
 Once you reach your bedroom, you sit on your bed and stare at the empty wall. You couldn’t get the inspector eyes out of your head. It was like he enjoyed watching the life get beaten out of you. He talked a lot.  You replay the last three days in your head trying to piece together what that crazy old man was talking about as he was ‘interrogating’ you
 As tommy walks through Adas door the first thing he realizes is that it seems that everyone is fucking here instead of doing their jobs. He watches them lounge about, eating and drinking away his sister’s stuff. He’s about to yell at them when Ada puts a hand on his shoulder.
 “Tommy She came home.” She says, he notices a lack of smile on her face.
 He raises an eyebrow.
 “She looks like she’s been beaten all over. I mean I only saw her face but the way she was walking…” Ada trails off biting her lip.
 “Im gonna talk to her.”
 “Tommy I don’t think-“
 Hes already at the top of the stairs before she finishes her sentence. Its not hard to figure out which room is yours. For reason being your room is the only one open. He sees your figure sitting up just staring at nothing in the dark. He clears his throat, not wanting to scare you with his unknown presence. You don’t turn around. He takes slow steps around to sit next to you on the bed. You both face the wall.
 “Its Friday,” you break the silence, “I apologize for not calling about dinner.”
 Right, he almost forgot that Alfie and Arthur were meeting right now.
 “Never mind that,” You suddenly get up as he talking, limping around the room, “what are you doing?”
 You light a candle on the other side of the room. He sees how bad your bruised face is in the light. And the blood trail your leaving with your freshly open hand.
 “(y/n), you should go see a doctor.” Thomas says standing up.
 “I’ve been through worse, Mr.Shelby.”
 “Who did this to you?” You notice the look of controlled anger on his face.
“Inspector campbell. Know him,” You ask sarcastically,” cause he really doesn’t like you.”
 You laugh and wince, the action hurting your ribs immensely, ”oh and he sure talked a lot. Kept mentioning a general, if I knew him, if I seen him, if you told me his name,” you pause, “what are you planning to do with a general?”
 He doesn’t answer you. The clocks in your brain keep turning. “Cause there’s only one thought that comes to my head.”
 “Why did he question you?”
 “Cause you took me to the fuckers house. And your being followed by the way.” A pain strikes through your head the more frustrated you become.
 “You should lie down.”
 “What did you get yourself into?”
 “it doesn’t concern you.”
 “Look at me, how does it not?”
He stares at you and though to you he looks emotionless, inside the feeling of guilt and fear are swirling. You on the other hand cant decipher anything that going on behind those eyes.
‘maybe this what he looks like when he is lost.’ You think. You know you could lend a hand through this, whatever it is. You assume an assassination. One the police are having a hand in themselves. When inspector Campbell was ‘questioning’ you, you noticed how it didn’t seem like he cared for the generals life but feared of who got a whiff of the info. It seemed that Mr. Shelby was getting something from it, maybe with you helping so can you. A ticket out of here perhaps.
 “what do you want?” He says shrugging.
  “I want to help.”
read pt.9
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @evelyn-4034 @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Day 4 -Habits
I just wanted to put a trigger warning up at the top. It's not very well discribed, because this was edited at 3 am, BUT. Marinette... Disassociates(?) Toward the end of this. I know that it's a little different than what people usually discribe for her, but I kind of based off my experiences I've had and experiences my best friend has had.
The sun started to peak its way through the windows as Dick Grayson made his way into the kitchen at the manor. It wasn’t often that he was able to come back for long stretches of time, but when he was, he enjoyed beating his family down. As he walked in, he blinked in shock. There sitting at the counter, was Marinette. His younger sister (who he was still mad at Bruce for hiding from him) was siting there happily chatting with Alfred as she sipped on a mug of coffee. She was already dressed and seemed too chipper for 5:30 in the morning.
 At the sound of him slinging himself into a chair, Marinette threw him a smile that made Dick squint in return. He huffed in response and latched onto the mug that was passed his way. There was a reason he made sure to be up before the others, after all.
Tim was settled with his laptop when Marinette maneuvered into the sitting room. In one arm, she had her sketchbook, a bag of pencils, and a cup of water. In the other arm, she had her computer, phone, and a tray that was holding four cups of coffee. When she set one down in front of Tim, he hummed in appreciation. She sent a smirk his way and added “a gift to the lord of the room” his responding
“Hey! Get back here Little Bit!” was met with laughter. She threw him a smile and arranged herself onto the opposing couch. He smiled at her and returned to his homework. This was his quiet time, and she knew that. Recently she had been making a point to spend time working in the same space with him when they both were busy. Both times she had come to visit since Thanksgiving, he had found himself working with the girl. Somehow, she always knew when he needed a break, and the thirteen-year-old girl made sure to pull his attention away for an appropriately short amount of time. He had often found over the last few weeks that he was sleeping better because of it too. Now, as he reached over to grab the coffee, she had brought him, he smiled. Maybe he could convince her to make a habit of this.
Every week his sister had been at the manor over the course of her winter break, Dick had been beaten to the kitchen. As he stumbled through the kitchen once again at an ungodly hour of the morning, he realized that he could hear Alfred and his sister talking quietly in the smaller dining room. As he made his way into the room, he could make out the tail end of their conversation, “-do know that they would be more than willing to let you talk about this, Miss Marinette. You do not have to carry this burden on your own.” The sound of a disbelieving snort followed.
“I know you keep saying that, Alfred, but I just…they all have such busy lives and there’s so much going on in Gotham and- “
“and you are still part of the family, Miss Marinette. Master Bruce is starting to worry about you, and Master Dick is starting to notice that you are avoiding the topic. Do not shut them out, when they can help you. This situation may need an outside touch.” When Alfred finished speaking, Dick decided that he had overheard more than he should have.
“Alfred? Are you in here?” When he called out for the older man, Dick watched with a cringe as little Marinette jumped at his voice. “Hey Net! I’m not sure if I should be jealous that5 you keep beating me down in the mornings!” as he teased her, he watched her eyes light up.
“Well, Dick, you try being the child of two bakers- “as the girl started her comeback, a groggy voice cut through the air.
“what the hell are you all doing up?” the three turned to see Tim standing in the recently vacated doorway, clutching his water bottle and looking around with bloodshot eyes. “it’s like, 2 am.” At Tim’s declaration, Marinette giggled.
“Tim? Its almost 6?” the look of shock that flashed over the boy’s face made Dick frown. Tim’s all-nighters were becoming more and more frequent. The way the teen stumbled out of exhaustion was worrying.
“Hey Timmy? Let’s get you to bed.”
In the week prior to Christmas, Bruce made it a point to try and come home earlier so that he could spend more time with both Marinette and Tim, who were both supposed to be enjoying their winter breaks. He knew, of course, that Tim had wheedled his way into doing extra course work over the holiday to cut down on time spent in school. That didn’t mean that he expected the boy to focus solely on the work. Imagine his surprise when he had come home to both of his teens settled in the sitting room working. Marinette was sketching furiously, while Tim was typing away on his laptop with a ferocity that would scare many of the villains that populated Gotham. Bruce blinked in shock before turning to find Alfred standing off to the side smiling.
“They have adjusted their habits so that they can bond even though this season is busy for the both of them, Master Bruce.” He turned back to his children and smiled at the two of them as they continued working, unaware of anything outside of the sitting room.
The next morning, when Dick came down, expecting to see his sister and Alfred, he was instead met with the sight of macaroons cooling on the counters. On the island, there were croissants, and on the stove, there were pans full of freshly baked sugar cookies. He blinked in concern and turned around the room searching. On the other side of the kitchen was his sister, standing over the sink, hands unmoving, as she gazed out at the slowly rising sun. Her eyes were unfocused, and as Dick made his way over, his eyes focused on the slight tremor that was running through her hands. “Net?” When he received no answer, he moved closer, “Marinette? Hey- “the girl moved, and Dick’s hand shot out and caught the bowl that she had been holding and set it down. Gently, he guided his sister out of the kitchen and led her into the sitting room, where they passed Alfred as he made his way down for the morning.
Once Dick had Marinette settled, he sat next to her and held out one of his hands, leaving the offer for comfort open as the girl blinked and started to look around in confusion.
One moment, Marinette had been starting on the dishes, the next, she was sitting on the love seat in the siting room next to her brother. The sharp poke in her side that had brought her out of her mind was one that she could only attribute to Tikki. As she sat there, adjusting to the change in location, Marinette took a deep breath to ground herself. She wasn’t expecting her brother to speak.
“Do you want to talk about it, Net?” The girl studied the Man sitting next to her for a moment. When she decided that she couldn’t find any hint of insincerity, Marinette nodded hesitantly and trained her eyes on her hands. They were twisting in her lap, working as a distraction and an outlet for the nervous energy that had been building up since August.
“I- “Dick waited patiently for the girl to collect her thoughts, “I love Paris, I really do. I mean- it’s the place I grew up! But. Well, recently.” She hesitated again. She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes. “everything is wrong!” The phrase tore out of her, and she clamped her mouth shut afterwards as her mind flew through damage control ideas. “I mean. Well. Everything is do tense. Too perfect. No one can feel anything!” When had she started crying? Marinette could have sworn that she had a better handle on her emotions after spending the last five months held emotionally hostage. As she started to devolve into true sobs, Dick pulled the girl into a hug, and she clung to him. For the first time in almost five months the girl was able to truly process what was going on in her home city.
When Alfred came to check on them 20 minutes later, he found the duo sitting curled on the couch. In the other doorway stood a shocked Bruce. Alfred smiled at the look of shock on the fathers face before the man strode over to join his oldest and his youngest. As Alfred turned to go back into the kitchen and finish making sense of all of Marinette’s baking, the man shook his head. Who knew that the habits that Marinette influenced would be the ones that would bring the Paris situation to light?
so, i plan on picking up in the same place for tomorrow’s prompt (overprotection) so i didnt resolve anything. i think i have the rest of the month plotted out as well! as soon as i have a day where im not stuck at work all day, im going to go through and put all of these in a master post, along with my other fic *ideas*. 
just so that i can also clear up any potential confusion, no. Damian is not yet present in this. yes. he will eventually. at this point, Marinette is 13, Tim is 15, Jason (who is going to be in the background for a bit still) is 19(ish) and Dick is either 24 or 25, i haven’t decided. I do plan on including more of the Batclan as i go...
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Across The Serververse, Chapter 9
About an hour after the last chapter Bugs stood with his arms folded looking critically at the...thing that Marvin and Wile.E were telling him was a car. It looked, to Bugs’s critical eye, very much like a jagged rock. This would be because it was a jagged rock, a deep jagged rock, hollowed out to create a drivers seat, a steering wheel somehow forced into it and four wheels haphazardly slung onto it. In a bid to make it personal to him Pepe and Penelope had painted it orange and were proposing he call it ‘The Carrot.’ Not th most original of names, but there you go.
“So...lemme jus’ get this straight.” Bugs said, slowly. “Ya want me ta actually drive this thing?”
“Of course.” Marvin said, sharply.
“It’s perfectly safe.” Wile.E added. “Trust us. We’re geniuses.” 
Despite having the perfect set-up Bugs - with great effort - made no jokes or witty comebacks and instead positioned himself in the drivers seat, popped a helmet on [safety first and all that] put his seatbelt on and then raced off to join the others.
‘Sweet moither of carrots, this is fast!’ Bugs thought to himself as he zipped round corners and up and down the sides of hills. No wonder the Wacky Racers all seemed to look permanently startled!
After a good half an hour Bugs saw his first car and - tightening his grip on the wheel - pushed down the accelerator. The car lunged forward with such speed Bugs was left in the air for about two seconds before being pulled back into his drivers seat by the seatbelt. 
He landed upside down and hastened to right himself. When he did manage this the first thing he saw was a cliff coming towards him so he grabbed the wheel and turned away from the cliff somehow managing to end up back on the path. Heart nearly beating out his chest he panted and briefly thought of his house and nice comfy bed before giving himself a slap and readjusting his hands more tightly on the wheel. He WOULD get Sam back even if it killed 'im.
Bugs pressed down the accelerator and zoomed off, this time managing to stay on the track. He was on there a while actually, about 45 minutes before he saw the first car. Annoyingly it wasn't Sam's and Bugs wasn't familiar enough with the world of wacky racers to identify it. It wasn't Penelope Pitstop or Peter Perfect he knew that.
As he tried to overtake, one of the toons (a caveman) leaned over and whacked him on the back of the head with a club. "Hey!" Bugs cried as the caveman tried to batter him senseless. "Cut it out! Yer damagin' me ears!"
The cave man ignored him and Bugs - in a fit of anger - turned the wheel sharply causing the car to whack into the side of the cavemen's (there were two of them) car which, in turn, sent them flying down the side of the cliff.
There seems no need to go over every racer, but suffice to say that Bugs through a mix of intelligence; trickery and, in one if two cases, blunt force, managed to eventually reach Sam. Not that he was exactly hard to miss. The gold that his car was painted saw to that.
"Sam!" Bugs bellowed, trying to be heard over the sound of the engine. "SAM"
The pirate twitched and tightened his hands on the steering wheel, a grim line of determination on his face. In hindsight Bugs should have recognised that look for what it was. Sam was In The Zone. Any attempts to distract him would surely end in tears. However, in that moment, seeing as he was literally *that* far away from him Bugs grabbed a megaphone out of hammerspace and screamed into it. "YOSEMITE SAM!"
Sam - not expecting that - wobbled dangerously and his hands jerked of the wheel sending the car spinning of the road.
Bugs winced and braked making the car shriek as he did so. When the dust had cleared he looked left and right then hopped out the car and ran across to the wreck. "Sam!" He called, worriedly. "Sammy, are you alright?"
There was a long pause, during which Bugs started composing songs for Sam's funeral, then a pale hand grasped the wreckage of the car and - with a dramatic gasp - Yosemite Sam pulled himself out of the wreckage and mustered enough strength to look straight at Bugs and growl. "I hates you."
Bugs took the statement with good grace and, holding out a hand, pulled Sam from the wreckage. "An' dere I was t'inkin' you'd be glad ta see me." He said, teasingly.
Sam glared and, adopting the voice of a posh upper-class englishman [think Mac and Tosh] said. "It may have escaped your here notice, Mr Bunny, but you have just WRECKED MY CAR!"
Bugs blinked and shrugged, giving the easy smile that always worked with Daffy. "Eh...Oi crushed Wile.E under a boulder. He was happy ta see me."
Sam glared and pointed at the smouldering wreck that had once been a car.
Bugs followed his point and, feeling a stab of guilt, mumbled. "Yeah...so dat's not great..."
"IT'S WRECKED!" Sam screeched. "An YOU ah wrecked it!"
"Well..." Bugs murmured as the feeling of guilt intensified. "Technically you're hands were on the wheel-"
Suddenly without warning Sam's eyes welled up with tears and he started blubbing. "Ya don't understand! Tha' car-" He indicated the smoking pile of metal. "-took me 3 weeks ta make! To craft! From scratch! They wouldn't let me race until ah had a car!" 'They' Bugs presumed to be the Wacky Racers. "An' now I've got it it's-ah taken me four an' a half month to claw ma way ta fourth - fourth! - place! This - this! - was gonna be mah chance to crack at least top three! An' now it's gone! An' it's all YOUR FAULT! An' ya not even sorry!"
Bugs's guilt was to string for him to ignore now and he said, aiming for a placating tone. "Look Sam, I'm sorry, oi really am! I didn't know the car meant that much ta ya. We'll-" He thought quickly. "We'll get it fixed! Look, gimme a minute-" Bugs got a flag out his hammerspace and shoved it into the ground. "I claim this planet in the name of Earth!" He said, clearly.
As was expected Marvin appeared a few foot away from him and walked over with his own flag. "I claim this planet in the name of Mars!" He said, briskly. "Now, what is it you want, earth-creature?"
Bugs looked at him with a attitude that said 'really' and nodded his head at Sam. Marvin looked over at Sam and clapped his hands together. "Oh, Yosemite Sam! It's SO good to see you again!"
"Likewise brother." Sam said, gruffly as they hugged. "Now what can you do about my car?"
Marvin frowned and walked over to the wreckage. He made a few calculations and walked round the wreckage about five times all while muttering in Martian. Neither Sam or Bugs were fluent in Martian but they could pick up some words. 'Idiots', 'disaster' and 'time' being the main ones. Well after half an hour Marvin made the final notes on his checkboard and speed-walked over to Bugs and Sam, looking grim. Bugs and Sam immediately sat up and looked interested.
"The car is very nearly a write-off." Marvin announced, in his usual blunt fashion. "How it survived at all is beyond me. However it is fixable." He grimaced. "It'll just take a while."
"Eh...how long's a 'while', Doc?" Bugs asked, conscious that this whole thing was on a time limit.
"How long have we got?" The Martian asked, thrown for a loop.
The rabbit did a quick calculation. It didn't take long. "13 days." He said. "An' den Rhythm does Jones knows what. Give up hopefully. But de fact is we need ta get everyone back within those 13 days or they'll be..." Bugs couldn't even bring himself to say the words, a weird lump forming in his throat.
Thankfully Marvin understood [it helped that he had already been brought up to speed on the stakes offscreen a few chapters ago.] and he said, quickly. "Don't worry it will certainly take less than 13 days. Less than 13 hours probably, if we all work together and you listen to my instructions exactly without any fooling around..." Here he narrowed his eyes at Bugs.
Bugs was not an idiot. The meaning was clear and, although normally he might happily 'fool around', there was to much riding on this for him to do so. Really, strictly speaking, he should probably insist they leave Sam's personal junkyard behind, but he knew if he did that the pirate would never forgive him. And contrary to what people may think Bugs didn't want to upset his on-screen 'enemies' TO much...
"Well den." He said, brightly, clapping his hands together and smiling at Marvin. "Whadda we waiting for? Lets call de oithers and get fixin'!"
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Regret pt.4 (final)
Part one 🍓 part two 🍓 part three 🍓 part four 🍓
Warning(s): smut  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A/n: omfg finally im posting this, I couldn’t upload this from my phone so I gave up and used my laptot, guys the editing is bad cuz idk how this aMaZing app works on pc. Anyway this is the last part!!! I hope you like it omg. Now I’ll be waiting for you requests!!! I write about anyone, don’t be scared and just request  uwu.
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You wake up at the feeling of the sun warming your face and check the time "oh shit it's already 11pm" you get up quickly and go take a shower. You do your morning routine and prepare breakfast. "morning" your best friend Mina says walking with her eyes half open "morning lazyass" you chuckle and tell her the breakfast is ready.
You decided to put on some music from the speakers while you eat and chat. After a couple songs NCT DREAM's Ridin starts playing and you stop eating, looking emotionless at your food, flashbacks filling your head. Your friend quickly changes the song feeling guilty for not checking the playlist before putting it on play. You look at her giving her a faint smile "their new album is pretty good.." she looks at you not knowing what to say. "should I agree or change the topic" she thinks to herself looking at you confused , "Mina!" you startle her and chuckle "your food is getting cold, eat! I didn't cook it to be thrown away" you say and she nods and continues eating.
It's been almost 2 months since what happened. You both never talked after that night. After crying your eyes out everyday and night for a whole 3 weeks, you decided to get out of the sorrow you're in and get a hold of your life especially when your comeback was very near, you thought that working hard and for yourself and your members and fans was more important and so you continued on living trying to not think about the whole incident, which was obviously pretty hard. You missed each other so much but you both were too hurt, you were afraid that staying together will hurt more than letting go of each other. Your band had a comeback last month and you're more than thankful that you both didn’t have a comeback at the same time, otherwise you would've had to promote together. You congratulated the nct members for their comeback , except of course Haechan. You're still in contact with the members, and they believe that there was a misunderstanding between you two so they also were trying their best to talk to Haechan about it whenever they get the time. After that incident Mino apologised to you and promised you to make things right. Well you also feel guilty about it so you forgave him, not wanting to lose such an important person again. -meanwhile- The dreamies are all sitting in the dressing room watching their comeback performance. "yo hyuck did you make your mind?" Jaemin whispers to Haechan but of course the other members heard him and switched their attention on Haechan who's now looking at his bubble tea thinking deeply. He sighs "I don't know..." "c'mon man they did wrong but you know damn well y/n was completely not in her right mind!" Chenle says "that's right, and you know how easily y/n gets drunk and how clumsy she could be" Renjun adds and the others nod. One month ago Mino finally had the chance to meet Haechan after getting rejected numerous times, and he finally explained everything to him, from the beginning till the very end and took the blame for starting it. "I know y/n didn't understand what she was saying nor doing and i knew she didn't mean anything of it but i was just.... I just really missed her. I know that was very selfish of me but it's not her fault! I was wrong, i made a mistake, please don't hurt y/n more, she's already broken i can't see her like that" Mino says in one go afraid he'd get interrupted again and ending up in another misunderstanding. After that, Haechan had been thinking about it and he decided to forgive you, after all he loved you more than himself, you were his everything. But he was afraid he hurt you too much, not forgetting how you once told him "when someone hurts me... I usually automatically start building hate towards them so my good feelings end towards them and I can live without being or getting hurt anymore, that how my escape or fight-mode works" you told him after getting out of your toxic relationship. Haechan just couldn't stop thinking about that and kept getting more scared everyday thinking that your hate towards him is growing more and more everyday. ----------- "you look gorgeous" you stylist looks at you mouth open. You had a yellow crop top that showed your shoulders and black mini pencil skirt, with yellow and black thigh high boots. You looked gorgeous, everyone looked at you in awe, especially when it was your first time wearing yellow in such an event. You're on an award show, where basically all the artists are attending and especially the band where's also your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend. "wait let me put this necklace, it suits your outfit very well" your stylist says going behind you, you look in the mirror and see her putting on the sunflower necklace Haechan gave you on your first date after getting officially together, long time ago. You hold the necklace and hesitate "what's wrong? You don't like it??" your stylist says and you shake your head "oh no.. Bu- nothing it's pretty" you smile and she nods putting it on around your exposed neck. Your members look at you in awe "y/n you look- wow you're really gonna be the prettiest in this event" "i know rightt! Ugh I'm jealous" your members whine and you chuckle. You were the last band to enter the hall and everyone stood up bowing to you and you doing the same to them. Your table was near NCT's and you feel yourself getting nervous. You sit down and start chatting with redvelvet members who were sitting with your band in the same table. You feel someone's gaze on you and automatically turn your gaze to meet his, Haechan's. As soon as he realises you're looking at him he looks away and you do the same. He was looking extremely handsome that night, "a whole snack" you thought to yourself. It's been already 45 min in the event and you just can't hold it in anymore. You and Haechan keep gazing at each other, until you both finally hold eye contact that lasts 5 seconds. You look away and sigh getting up and walking past NCT's table towards the backstage. Haechan's eyes follow you and see where you're going. You go backstage and walk till you reach the cafeteria that's made for idols. You buy a water bottle and drink it. Suddenly you feel someone grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the nearest empty dark room. As soon as the door closes you're pinned on it. Thanking god for the open window where the moon's light is shining through, you could see who it was. The one and only, the boy who owns your heart and your soul, the one who completely owns you; Lee Donghyuck. His face is so close to yours as you can feel his breath on your lips, he looks at your mouth and back at your eyes, then he scans your face, the face he's been missing for the past 2 months; 60 days; 1440 hours. Without words he leans in slowly, making sure to give you the time to react and stop him before he does what he's about to do, but you don't do anything, instead you grab him by his collar and pull him in for a kiss. A kiss full of emotions, sadness, hatred, happiness. Soon the slow kiss turns into a heated hungry make out, you both pull away panting and holding an eye contact. "I fucking missed you" he says leaning his forehead onto yours. "i missed you too, hyuck, so much" you say closing your eyes, you soon feel his lips back onto yours and you start another make out session wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling his hair. He moans in the kiss, damn he missed you, everything about you. Your smell, your taste, your voice, your smile, your moves, everything. Haechan's hands move from your waist to your ass, giving is a small squeeze as his hands then slide down to your thighs to pull you up. You jump and wrap your legs around his waist not breaking the kiss. Haechan places you on the nearest table and lets you sit on it, he moves from your mouth to kiss your jawline down to your neck and collarbones till he reaches your necklace. His eyes glows as he chuckles and kisses your necklace and your chest area around the necklace. He leans back and looks at you "you're gorgeous" he pulls you into another kiss but now you can feel his apologies in it, his regrets and his sorrow. You feel as tears stream down your face he pulls back and holds your cheek wiping your tears "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he says now tears streaming down his cheeks too. You hold his cheeks "Sorry Donghyuck, forgive me I was so stupi-" he interrupts you "shhhh i can't stay mad at my baby for a long time you know" he chuckles and gives you one last kiss before kissing down your chest, pulling down your top, showing your breasts and he wastes no time to attack them, sucking on them as if his life depends on it. You let out a whimper and hold pull on his hair, letting your head fall back and arching your back. His hands go down to your boots and zips them off, massaging your bare legs, not letting go of your nipples. You feel your nipples getting numb and moan loud trying to pull your chest out of Haechan's mouth and he pulls away kissing down your clothed stomach reaching your sensitive clothed clit. He pulls your legs putting them on his shoulders pulling your skirt up and taking your pants off, attacking your sensitive nerves immediately and you let out a moan putting your hand on your mouth right after. Haechan groans knowing he won't be able to hear you moan since people could be anywhere out there. He eats you out, giving you full satisfaction as you arch your back and hold his head pushing him deeper "ah fuck hyuck! I'm-im close" your back is about to break arching trying to reach your long waited climax. Just about when you reach it, Haechan pulls away and you whine at the cold feeling. Haechan looks at you smirking zipping his pants off and freeing his thick dick, you bite your lips as soon as your eyes lay on his thick member, feeling the saliva in your mouth you just want to get on your knees right now and give him the best suck but his chuckle wakes you up from your dreamland, "already feeling hungry baby?" he says. "I want to suck you" you say straightforwardly and he nods "I'll remember that and make sure you keep your promise" he says and slams into you. "Ah!" you let out a loud moan "fuck you're big" you say panting and he chuckles "it's not like it's your first time having me inside you" he kisses you jaw waiting for you to adjust but you start immediately moving your hips "needy aren't we" he smirks "just move- fuck!" he interrupts you with a harsh thrust, another and another until he's thrusting at a fast rhythmical pace. You try to keep you moans in, he pulls you closer and you put your legs around his hips, making him go deeper and hit that perfect spot making you a moaning mess "fuck it" you think and let go of your mouth hugging Haechan biting his shoulder and moaning. Haechan on the other side keeps groaning in your ear as he bites and sucks on your sensitive neck, leaving red and purple marks that will definitely cause you troubles with your stylist. "fuck babygirl you're so tight" he whispers growling sending goosebumps down your spine "only for you daddy" you say feeling yourself getting closer to your lost climax and arch your back "ah fuck im close!" you moan and his thrusts get faster if that's even possible "fuck me too baby let's do it at the same time" he kisses you swallowing each other's moans as you reach your climax and soon you feel his hot cum filling you up. You ride your orgasms and lean your foreheads on eachother's. "I love you y/n" "I love you Hyuck" you smile at each other still panting feeling him getting softer in you. "Okay are you done now? Get out it's our time to perform" you hear a knock and Jaemin's voice, and dreamies' chuckles.
"they'll never stop teasing us" hyuck says and you laugh putting your clothes on and getting out of the room hand in hand, face red. You see the dreamies smirking at you both and shaking their heads. "you hornyass nasties!" Jisung yells in disgust and they chuckle.
"Y/N!!!!!!! WHAT'S ON YOUR NECK" you hear your stylist yell and you swear under your breath. Well you both got in trouble in that event but you didn't forget your promise later that night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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onewfantaesy · 3 years
i love stairway au!!!!!!!!! its a concept ive been thinking about lately so im super keen to see where you go with it!!!!!
tyty!!! I think it’s rly neat but I’m not sure what I’m gonna do w it yet tbh we shall see!!
Stairway AU
There’s not-so-hushed whispering coming from just outside the room, and Taemin groans and rolls over in bed and tries to hold a pillow over his head. Kai and Ravi are so damn loud sometimes, what he wouldn’t give to be able to live in an apartment without roommates. They’re probably doing some stupid video for Kai’s dumb video game vlog again. Taemin huffs and buries his face deeper in the pillows, pulling the comforter tighter around his shoulders.
Except this isn’t his comforter. And he bolts right up and his eyes snap open and stares at a bedroom that’s way too big to even belong in his crappy little apartment. And he’s standing in this foreign bedroom in nothing but boxers and shirt that’s way too big and where the hell is he, maybe he really did hit his head.
“You’re up!” Kibum’s voice calls, the door pushing open, and Taemin yelps and pulls the comforter to try to hide his basically bare lower half from the three people from work who barge into the room.
“What the hell?” Taemin shrieks. “What are you doing?”
“Why are you so shy all of a sudden?” Minho snorts.
“Are you seriously gonna act like a prude?” Minho laughs, watching as Taemin stumbles back on the bed and tightens the comforter around himself. “Dude, we’ve seen you naked, are you embarrassed about your underwear or something?”
“Where am I?” Taemin asks, feeling very breathless, not at all liking the way Minho from three cubicles down has apparently seen him naked. “Why are you here?”
“You’re at home,” Jinki says softly, moving closer to the bed, but stopping short when Taemin flinches back. “This is your house. Your bedroom. Does it not look familiar?”
“This is not my apartment,” Taemin says, his voice shaking almost as much as his body. “And this is definitely not my room.”
“Are you feeling okay?”
“No!” Taemin snaps. “Do I look okay to you?”
“Why don’t we get you something to eat?” Kibum tries instead. “Are you hungry?”
“Maybe go take a shower,” Jinki suggests. “Then you can eat. That might help.”
Almost instantly, he’s got towels and a change of clothes shoved into his arms, and he’s pushed into the bathroom connected to his bedroom. Definitely not his apartment, definitely not the crappy little bathroom he has to share with Kai (because Ravi won at Rock Paper Scissors when they moved in and got the master, the dickhead), and definitely not his clothes. He stands in the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, dripping wet as he holds up the clothes in front of him. They look expensive. Even the soap in the shower looked expensive, even the toilet paper is better than the cheap stuff Taemin always buys.
Definitely not him, as he stares at the mirror and finds a strange reflection of himself staring back, with dyed white/gray hair. He gets handprints on the mirror, touching his own reflection, unsure of how they could have possibly dyed his hair (and made it grow? A little bit?) in just a few hours without him even noticing. Even his skin looks different - tight, and overly clean, and like he uses way more than just the drug store face wash in his usual bathroom.
He doesn’t know what sort of twilight zone bullshit he walked into, but the knock on the bathroom door and the worried voice of Kibum asking if he needs any help snaps him out of his stupor, and he shrieks back a quick “No!” before hurrying to put on the clothes that were picked out for him.
“One of the stylists said you were acting a little spaced out when she was doing your hair at the shoot,” Kibum says when Taemin steps out of the bathroom. “Did something happen? We can cancel practice today if you’re not feeling well, really. You don’t have to keep overworking yourself like this.”
“Practice for what?” Taemin asks, not even questioning the way Kibum holds his arm and pulls him out into the hallway, towards a kitchen, and Taemin can finally see windows without blackout curtains and it’s definitely morning now, how long was he passed out?
“For the comeback,” Kibum says slowly, helping him sit down at a table.
Taemin almost asks “What comeback?” but his eyes lock onto pictures that are scattered around the house, some hanging on walls, some propped against them. Of him in strange outfits with strange hair and strange makeup, stage lights illuminating his face, showing him mid-dance. Of him with the other three, hugging them, squished between them, big smiles spread wide across all their faces. Drawings of him. It doesn’t make any sense. He looks so young in some of them, he didn’t even meet these guys until a couple years ago when he switched companies, when Jinki hired him, none of this makes sense. Why does he look like a gangly teenager in some of these pictures with the other three looking just as gangly and teenagery? He hadn’t even met them before he turned 25.
“We’ll cancel practice for today,” Jinki says, and it sounds final, like when he ends a meeting before anyone can ask any dumb questions. “So you can get some rest. The comeback isn’t for another few weeks anyway, we have plenty of time.”
Are they idols? Some teeny bopper boyband? How old is he supposed to be?
A plate of food is pushed in front of him, and Taemin abandons every question in his mind so he can focus on eating. He’s starving. And it’s way better than the instant ramen or cereal he usually eats.
Sure, he’d wanted to be an idol when he was younger. Hated school and vowed he’d never get a normal 9-5 job. But it was just a phase, it had passed, he’d never even auditioned like he always said he would. Instead, he focused on school, went to college, and somehow managed to get a decent career in the end. Yeah, he liked dancing, and he and Kai would go come up with dumb routines to dumb pop songs on their down time, but nothing serious. Nothing that made them any money. Certainly nothing that could buy a huge place like this with fancy bath towels and expensive shampoo and designer clothes.
“I think someone was really worried about you,” Kibum teases, and Taemin doesn’t understand at first, food halfway to his lips, and that’s when he sees it. Jumping up on the table. Moving to nuzzle it’s face just under his chin.
Oh my God, twilight-zone-Taemin has a cat.
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megalony · 4 years
You were warned
This is a murderer! Ben Hardy imagine (two in one day!) I hope you all like it, this one is rather long.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem​ @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid​ @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez​ @jonesyaddiction​ @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me​ @peterquillzsblog​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​
Murderer! Ben masterlist
Summary: One of Ben’s men starts to harass (Y/n) and Ben warns him not to go anywhere near her, but he doesn’t heed his warning.
Warning: Mentions of shooting, attack, slightly detailed scenes.
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'Can't you people knock?'
The words rolled around in Ben's head and were just on the tip of his tongue until his head tilted up and saw who it was entering his office without knocking or saying anything. As soon as his sights set on (Y/n), the words diminished into nothing but a passing thought and his eyes softened in a way that (Y/n) meant he was practically smiling at her.
Ben didn't hold the ability to smile, he was too stern, too tense and on edge and too cold for smiling. He could grin, boy could he curve his lips into the most sinister of grins that (Y/n) had ever witnessed in her life and he could form some kind of likeness to a smile when he laughed. But smiling on demand was never something he could do. His way of smiling at his wife or looking at her in a calming, gentle and loving way was to let his eyes soften and crease at the corners. Sometimes his eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed in a certain way that made him look cheeky or like he had a plan up his sleeve, (Y/n) often found him looking at her like that.
"You alright?" Ben's head dipped to the side and his eyes narrowed when he looked at (Y/n) more closely. She was fiddling with her hands, ringing them out and digging her nails into her palms which was something Ben knew she did whenever she was nervous or unsettled and her eyes weren't staying focused on him for very long.
"Can I stay in here for a while?" (Y/n) tried to smile but it didn't reach her eyes and even she could tell how nervous she was coming across. She didn't quite know why she was asking him anyway, Ben was her husband, he never minded her coming into the office and sitting with him for a bit even if she was rather distracting at times.
"You don't have to ask... what's wrong?"
Ben's brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed as he planted his hands down on the desk to push himself up and out of his chair. He rounded the side of the desk so he could walk over to (Y/n) until he was close enough to wrap his arms around her and pull her in for a hug.
It was surprising to (Y/n) how affectionate Ben could be when he wanted, his cold exterior always used to make her think that he wouldn't be very into PDA or even affection when they were alone but he was touchy with her at the best of times no matter who was about or watching.
"Nothing, just want to be with you for a bit." (Y/n)'s words were hardly convincing herself, let alone Ben who only had to look at someone to know they were lying.
"(Y/n), tell me what's wrong." Ben's tone bordered on dangerous but he wasn't threatening her, he was becoming agitated because he knew something was up. It took him a moment to prize her arms away from his torso so he could take a step back in order to look at her properly before he moved one of his hands to gently take her chin in his hand and tilt her head up to look at him. His eyes looked down into her own and he could see the anxiety pooling in her eyes more than usual. It was common for (Y/n) to be nervous at times when she was in the club.
Ben's business set her on edge, seeing the men walking about with guns made her uneasy and watching Ben spar or box sent her heart lurching into her throat. Ben could only imagine what it would do to his wife if she ever were to see him having a proper fight with an enemy. But there was something about the look in her eyes right now that didn't settle well with him, (Y/n) wasn't on edge simply from seeing someone with a gun or watching one of the boxing matches take place or seeing the members sparring in the gym. It was something else that he couldn't work out.
"I... I don't get along with one of your men- it's nothing bad, I'd just rather be in here with you than out there with him."
A shudder ran all the way down (Y/n)'s spine when Ben's head mechanically turned at an odd angle when he looked down at her, causing his neck to make a sinister cracking sound that shot through (Y/n)'s nerves in the wrong way. She could see the wheels turning in his mind and the way his upper lip was curling suggested he was getting both frustrated and possessive at the mere thought of one of his workers making (Y/n) feel uncomfortable.
Ben knew it was daunting on (Y/n) since he owned the club and everyone followed whatever he said down to the dot. He made people fear him so they didn't step out of line or think they could try and overpower him and with her being married to him, everyone knew they couldn't touch or mess around with (Y/n) and get away with it. Ben also knew that some of his men might resent her for that, for the power she automatically gained in the club just for being married to him.
"Who is it? What's he done?" Ben's hand left (Y/n)'s chin to curl into a fist at his side and for one moment (Y/n) wondered if he was about to walk off and search the man out himself. He didn't seem to know what to do with himself until (Y/n) tangled her arms around his waist, making sure he couldn't run off in anger without her. It took him a moment, but the tension left his arms and his hands moved to cradle her hips instead but he still looked uneasy and like he was rearing to start a fight.
"He's not done anything I promise, he hasn't tried anything on... he just, says things sometimes, I don't want to be around him is all." (Y/n) leaned forward until she could rest her chin on Ben's chest, tilting her head up so she was still looking at him.
The man in question hadn't really done anything to (Y/n), he'd never hit her or tried to hurt her or force himself on her, the one time he had ever done anything was hitting her bum when he walked past her. He was too smart for actually making a proper move on her with all the other workers around. But some of the things he said made her uneasy, he would comment about her and Ben and say she didn't belong here but what made (Y/n) worried was the way he always said something whenever Ben wasn't around. He'd say how she wouldn't be so lucky when Ben went somewhere without her and it worried her that if Ben left the club, despite all the men she knew and got along with here, that this man in particular would try something on.
(Y/n) didn't want to hang around the club with him constantly watching her and smiling and making snide comments because he thought he could. Whenever (Y/n) tried to make a comeback he would just laugh or look at her like she was way out of her depth and she didn't like it.
"Who is it?"
"It doesn't matter, I don't want you to do anything Ben I just want to stay in here with you."
"If you tell me I can make sure he isn't on shift when you're here." Ben rose his brow, his voice becoming deeper, begging for the name so he could do something but he knew (Y/n) wasn't going to tell him.
(Y/n) knew better than to tell because they both knew Ben would ruff him up and if he did that then the man would know that (Y/n) had said something and he would only be worse around her and more discreet so no one else would know. She didn't tell Ben so he could waltz in like her bodyguard and take care if it, she told him so she could hang around in the office without feeling like a burden and making Ben think she was trying to distract him.
"Then he'll know I told you, I don't need you to sort this out it's okay, please? I just want to stay with you."
Ben's lips pressed together very tightly and (Y/n) could see the debate going on behind his eyes. He had the choice of trusting that one of his men was not a threat and let him be whilst knowing he was unsettling (Y/n), or he could go barging in and try to rectify this with the possibility of making things worse for (Y/n). He wanted to know who it was, he could tell him in no uncertain terms not to mess with (Y/n) and he could keep a close eye on him, but he couldn't make things unbearable for (Y/n) or make her feel unsettled when she spent a lot of her time here at the club.
"If you swear to me he's never done anything but say some shit to you then fine, I'll drop it." If Ben could know for certain that this man had never done anything other than mouth off a few times to (Y/n) then he wouldn't do anything because it was just a few words and (Y/n) was trying to handle this her own way.
But when (Y/n) bit down on her lip, she felt Ben's fingers suddenly digging rather tightly into her hips as his eyes narrowed and blazed with a burning passion.
"(Y/n) what's he done?!"
"Ben calm down-"
"What the fuck did he do?" Ben's voice rumbled deep from within his chest and his voice was an octave lower than usual showing that he was going trying very hard not to lose control. His feet were tapping against the floor in a manner that reminded (Y/n) of someone running a relay race, getting ready to bolt at the sound of the starting gun.
"He was messing around, he wasn't being abrasive. He passed me in the corridor last week and he... he hit my ass when he walked past. I think he was joking around, he didn't hurt me or scare me or threaten me, it was nothing." (Y/n) untangled her arms from Ben's waist so she could slowly rub her hands up and down his arms, trying to calm down the rage that was evident on his features and burning in his eyes.
It was no secret to anyone that Ben was possessive about a lot of things but with (Y/n) it was a whole other level. He always felt like he had to protect her due to how bad his business was and the kind of things he got up to. If someone so much as looked at her the wrong way she had to hold Ben back from saying or doing something to them.
"I want his name."
"And if he does it again or he tries anything on you can gladly have his name."
"(Y/n)-" Ben's tone was so daring and so angry that (Y/n) stood on her tiptoes to smother his lips with her own, desperate not to know what kind of threat or foul language was about to follow her name.
She didn't tell Ben so he could murder the man, she told him because it made her feel more at ease knowing that if it got any worse then Ben could deal with it and it showed he cared that she was feeling a bit uneasy. But right now she didn't want Ben to beat him up or scare the shit out of him because he would only be worse towards (Y/n) when no one was around and she didn't want that.
There was no reason for Ben to attack the man.
"Alright, princess?"
A shiver ran down (Y/n)'s spine when that cynical, grating voice filled her ears and made her stomach churn. She didn't dare slow down her pace or turn her head to look at him over her shoulder, she kept her eyes straight ahead of her and sped up her pace just a little to try and escape being alone in the corridor with him. If (Y/n) ever had to be around Henry she wanted witnesses to be present.
When his arm suddenly slung over her shoulder, (Y/n)'s shoulders tensed and pulled inwards like a huge weight had been bestowed upon them that was causing her to cave in.
Saying nothing, (Y/n) glanced her eyes over at him before she moved her hand to pinch his arm and pull it off of her frame. He didn't even look angry or rejected, he simply smiled like he knew something she didn't or like he'd won a game.
(Y/n) tried to add a bit of space between them as she continued walking but he closed the gap like it was nothing at all. (Y/n) could see the end of the corridor getting closer and the moment she turned right she would be entering the boxing ring where at least one person would be so that Henry couldn't continue trying to mess with her like this.
"Come on princess, I know you want me and I don't see anyone around, do you?" He pressed his hand to the small of her back and (Y/n) could already guess that it was going to move south at any given moment. A small sense of pride flooded (Y/n)'s chest when she watched the grin slip from his lips when she quietly laughed like she was laughing at a joke he didn't understand. "What's so funny?"
"What could you possibly have that I would want?" (Y/n) swept her eyes up and down Henry as if proving her point before she again, shrugged away from him and walked faster to get away from him.
There was nothing physically about Henry that would attract (Y/n) for one thing, his personality was as inviting as a dustbin, he was foul-mouthed and crude and (Y/n) was already married to the one person she wanted. There was nothing Henry could ever say or do that would make her want him and the fact he thought she did was laughable. Henry was rather tall but his frame seemed like it was mix and matched to (Y/n). His legs were thin like matchsticks and rather small but his torso and chest were broad and stocky, he reminded her of an oddly shaped dorito on matchstick legs. His neck was rather small too so his head was just plonked on top of his body like God didn't have enough time to create him.
"You think no one notices you flirting around with all the other guys here, princess? What would the boss say if he found out, hmm? You'll go for anything in trousers round here." His words were snarled in a hissed tone, clearly so that if anyone was passing by they wouldn't be able to hear what he was saying as he grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulder to stop her from walking away from him.
"If that's the case then I certainly wouldn't go for you, would I? You're wearing shorts Henry... as if you could fit in trousers." (Y/n) whispered the last part under her breath but Henry heard her nonetheless.
He walked into that one since he was wearing gym shorts right now and (Y/n) doubted trousers even fit him with his thin, short legs that didn't go with the rest of his body. She decided not to comment on what Ben would say if he found Henry talking to her like this, she wanted to fight her own battles without having to bring Ben into the argument as some kind of ultimate threat.
A gasp escaped (Y/n)'s lips when Henry's hand left her arm, only for him to roughly push her up against the wall and place his forearm over her neck and the top of her shoulders. The pressure he forced into his arm made it extremely hard for (Y/n) to breathe but when she quickly dug her nails into his arm to try and release herself, it barely impacted on him. Her strength was no match for most of the men here who worked for Ben or just came to work out in the gym.
"H- Henry..."
"Not so smart now, are you? But I bet you're used to this kind of stuff, being married to the boss and all."
(Y/n)'s heels scraped against the floor as she tried to breathe but Henry kept slowly pushing his arm tighter and tighter against her throat until she was sure her trachea would be crushed. Tears sprung in the corner of her eyes as her body started to shake from panic.
But in what felt like a milisecond, (Y/n) blinked through the tears to no longer have Henry sneering and goading in her face and when his arm was removed from her throat her knees gave way sending her sliding down the wall until she was in a crouched position. Her eyes snapped closed from dizziness and both hands moved to her throat that was pulsing and aching as she gasped like she'd been revived from the dead.
It was clear from the way Henry was so suddenly separated from her that someone had intervened but when (Y/n) looked up through teary eyes, she felt her heart sinking to her stomach when she realised it was Ben.
Ben grabbed Henry by the shoulders the moment he came into reach and with very little effort, he slung the slightly shorter man across the other side of the hall until his back hit the wall with a loud echoing thump. Henry had no time to recover before Ben's hand was around his throat like a viper pressing right under his chin. Ben's fingers dug into Henry's throat right into the soft flesh under his jaw and they felt like teeth just grazing his skin, getting ready to sink through and pierce his skin. The bone of Ben's hand just below his index finger pressed violently into Henry's throat like a lump on the outside of his throat that he couldn't swallow down.
Ben's other arm pinned Henry's shoulders to the wall and his knee pressed between his legs so there was no way he could get past Ben without a very hard struggle that he would never dare to start.
"I've knocked a man out just for looking at my wife in the wrong way, so what do you think I'm gonna do to you for trying to strangle her?" There was something deathly calm about Ben's voice that set both Henry and (Y/n) on edge, even more so because (Y/n) knew he wasn't lying.
Someone had sneered at (Y/n) before in the club and he had looked less than kind right before Ben's fist met his face. There was no telling what Ben was about to do to Henry for trying to choke her like that, even if he didn't mean to properly hurt her he had and he had tried to shake her up too. Ben wasn't having anything like this happening to (Y/n), especially not in his workplace by one of his own men.
"Ben d-don't..." (Y/n) could barely find the words she needed to calm down her frantic husband but actually trying to speak was shredding her throat to pieces.
Her arms latched around Ben's upper bicep but she had no effect on him, the look in his eyes showed that he was too far gone to spare her a glance due to the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He was planning out Henry's murder, he could see himself punching the teeth out of his gums and kicking his ribs into splinters. Ben could see Henry's organs shifting and bursting in his ribcage until there was nothing left but split bags and blood everywhere.
But anything and everything that was running through Ben's head stopped when he felt (Y/n)'s arms around his chest under his own arms and her head pressing between his shoulder blades. He couldn't do anything that he was planning with (Y/n) attached to his back like a baby monkey. When a very quiet but still audible 'please' tickled his back through his shirt, he knew he couldn't kill Henry, at least not today.
Very reluctantly, Ben released his hand from Henry's throat and took one small step back so that there was an inch of space between both men. He could feel (Y/n) sighing and relaxing against his skin but he could also feel her shaking and it was giving him very mixed emotions.
Ben held onto (Y/n)'s hands and slowly unravelled her from him, sparing one glance at her before he turned and bolted his knee up into Henry's crotch sending him down to his knees. He wasn't going to fully attack or kill Henry but he had to do something about the rage rattling through his system that he wouldn't be able to calm down unless Henry was hurt. Tangling his hands into Henry's short brunette hair, Ben leaned over and smashed his head into the concrete floor that was closer since Henry was kneeling like he was at church.
It was surprising to Ben that Henry didn't pass out from that but then again he didn't really want him to because this way, he was in more main. (Y/n) wrapped her arms back around Ben and pushed herself into his side under his arm to make sure he didn't do anymore damage and when she felt Ben's hand tangling in her hair, she knew he was done.
"You touch my wife like that again and I'll snap your neck like a twig, understand me?"
"Who the fuck is letting off rounds in my club?!" Ben's authoritative yet uncontrolled voice resonated off the brick walls and bounced back to him like he thought his answer was going to come through the echos of the walls.
Every worker he passed as he stormed down the corridor moved out of his way but looked just as confused as he did, only with added fear in their eyes. When each man noticed Ben's signature handgun tightly clenched in his hand they made a point of keeping their distance, it wasn't unknown for Ben to shoot his workers in the club even with witnesses around.
"Boss?" Joe's slightly raspy but altogether confused voice hit Ben's ears and provided the smallest ounce of relief, though Ben didn't stop his fast pace down the corridor he simply waited for Joe to catch up with him.
"Get out front and make sure everything's okay, some fucker's let off two shots back here during work hours. And find my wife."
Ben had no idea who was letting off rounds of bullets but he wasn't having it. Shooting was only authorised by Ben and it wasn't allowed when Ben had the boxing ring and the gym open up for members who had no idea what kind of dealings and workers Ben had in the back of the club. He couldn't have anyone talking or finding out about what went on back here and Joe knew well enough that he may have to frighten some of the punters to stop them from letting loose that shots had been fired in the club.
Something rattled Ben's cage when he reached the end of the long corridor and his eyes set on the dark room. The shots were distant from Ben's office so it had to be from down this end of the club and it certainly hadn't happened out front where the gym or the rings were, customers would be mouthing off if it happened there.
"Boss..." Gwilym's naturally emotionless tone caught Ben's ear but when he looked at one of his most loyal workers, he could see confusion and fear in his eyes.
Ben followed Gwilym's line of sight but his confusion only grew when he realised Gwilym was looking at the dark room which must be where the gunshots came from. Ben used the dark room for interrogations, beating people up and a lot of the time to dispose of people he had no need for. It was plain room, concrete dirty floor, breeze block walls and one small window rather high up into the wall so at night it was very unsettling when the one light bulb was casting a very dim yellow glow into the room.
No one should be in here right now, no one went in here during the day, if there was ever any bodies in there or blood or grime and such, it was cleaned up at night and out of work hours.
There was a hint of precaution in Ben's movements as he held his gun in one hand and slowly opened the door with the other, unsure what he was about to be faced with on the other side of the room. He could find one of his men just messing around and letting off a few shots, there could be two or three of his men having some kind of shoot out or an argument that's gotten out of hand. It could be someone trying to deal with one of the low lives or enemies, he didn't know.
When he walked through the door, Ben was faced with a sight he had not accounted for.
The vast, almost empty room was the same as it normally was but what made Ben's blood run cold was the sight of his wife curled up at the far end of the room beneath the one window the room had. Her hair was strewn about her features, her knees were curled up beneath her cowering frame but she had her hands held in front of her near her face.
Ben's eyes noticed that the gun was sitting a foot in front of (Y/n) but that didn't mean she had been the one to use it.
He spared one glance at the body laying a distance away from (Y/n) and deduced that it was Henry who shouldn't be here after he was fired last week for what he did to (Y/n). Ben tore his eyes instantly away from the disgraced man and tucked his gun back into his trousers as he bolted over to his wife, kneeling down in front of her.
"Baby, shh look at me." Ben's unusually gentle hands pressed to her cheeks, his thumbs swiping away her tears as he turned her head so she was looking at him and not Henry. Ben hated to see (Y/n) upset in any way, but seeing her hardly able to breathe from panic and breathlessly sobbing made something inside of him snap.
Glancing his eyes down to her hands, Ben felt his heart jumping into his throat when he saw that they were drenched in blood. Ben let go of her face so he could hold her wrists, pulling her hands closer to him before he did a thorough inspection of her to see where she was hurt.
"Talk to me baby, are you hurt, what happened?"
Ben could see the bruising around her neck from last week, he could see the first three or four buttons on her shirt were either popped off or hanging by a single thread and there were splatters of blood on the bottom of her shirt and on her trousers. But he couldn't see any huge patches of blood anywhere or any injuries except some scratches on her arms and maybe some on her hands, he couldn't be sure.
"Baby, the blood..." Ben moved her hands to try and get her to talk, he was becoming both frustrated and anxious beyond belief.
"N-not mine." As soon as the words left her lips, a horrendous sob followed that broke Ben's heart that was beating in frantic relief that she wasn't hurt, at least, not badly.
(Y/n) cradled her hands to her chest when Ben let go of her wrists so his arms could wrap around her frame and pull her into his lap. He held her shaking form against his chest, feeling (Y/n)'s tears soaking into his shirt as she tried not to scream but he could feel her chest quaking with the desperate need to let them out. His hand slowly and methodically carded through her hair and his other hand rubbed up and down her side until he felt her flinch against him causing him to just rest his hand on her hip instead.
"Shh, you're okay it's alright. I've got you." It felt like years had passed until Ben could hear his thoughts over (Y/n)'s frantic sobbing and the occasional scream. He didn't know what Henry had done to her or tried to do but it had to be something bad to make her like this. Ben could only take solace in the fact that Henry was clearly shot and that he hadn't managed to shoot, rape or even kill (Y/n). "Two seconds, baby, close your eyes for me, hands over your ears."
Ben slowly and gently set (Y/n) back down on the floor as he moved so he was crouching in front of her like she was a scared toddler he wanted to calm down. He waited until she closed her eyes, then held her bloodied hands and pressed them over her ears before he longingly kissed her temple. He couldn't have her watching or listening to what he was about to do to Henry.
When he got up, Ben noticed Gwilym standing close to Henry, unsure what he was meant to do now that he had checked Henry;s pulse and determined that for the next few minutes, he was alive.
Ben moved his hand in motion for Gwilym to stand guard near (Y/n) in case she tried to either stop Ben or broke down in sobs again.
When Gwilym was out of the way, Ben pulled his gun from his trousers and stood beside Henry, hovering over him like a demon. With the way the light cast over him and caused his face to be clouded with shadows, all Ben needed was wings sprouting from his back to prove he was some kind of demon of death.
Ben's eyes scrutinised over Henry, deducing that one of the two gunshots had grazed his upper thigh but not embedded into his skin and the other bullet had gone right into the middle of his chest near his sternum. He could have lived with these injuries, but with what Ben was about to inflict upon him there was no point even thinking about that what if.
No words left Ben's lips as he pulled the safety off the handgun and released one bullet into Henry's ankle right in the middle of the joint. The scream barely registered in Ben's ears before he moved the gun and shot Henry in his left shoulder, again dead centre in the joint so it would shatter and inflict the most pain.
Ben was handy with a gun, he never missed his target.
Another three rounds unleashed bullets into Henry's wrist, his lower abdomen and another randomly into his knee before Ben stopped for a moment. He could leave Henry here like this and in an hour or maybe less, he would bleed out all over the floor and be no more trouble. Ben could call in his men to torture Henry some more until he died from the pain. He could dump Henry somewhere to die, toss him into the river, there was a number of things he could do, but Ben wanted to end his life and he didn't want to drag it out.
Checking his gun, Ben noticed he had one more bullet to spare and so decided Henry could use one more wound.
A bubble of blood and spittle gurgled from Henry's lips but Ben couldn't understand what he was trying to say, nor did he care. Ben waved the gun around Henry's body like a wand trying to pick where it wanted to go before he hovered the gun right over his crotch.
"You won't be needing that anymore."
Now Ben could hear the gurgling words 'no' and please' before he unleashed his last bullet somewhere he knew would inflict the most pain. The scream that followed was inhuman and deadly and it made Ben feel bad only because of the sob it caused from (Y/n) in response. She didn't know what Ben was doing and she dared not imagine it but she couldn't block out all of the sounds or screams.
Ben tucked the gun into his belt loop at the back of his trousers before he kneeled down beside Henry, being mindful not to kneel in the puddle of blood that was slowly reaching out and getting bigger.
"You were warned what would happen if you dared touch my wife again." Ben sighed through the words like he expected better of Henry and in some ways he did. Henry knew Ben followed through with his threats and he should have known not to try and get even or go anywhere near Ben's most treasured possession.
The moment Henry seemed to realise what Ben's threat had been, his eyes bulged in their sockets that were filled with sadness as more blood gurgled from his lips when Ben pressed his hands on either side of Henry's neck.
Ben smiled when he heard (Y/n) faintly humming, desperate to block out all of the sounds around her and he thanked God she started humming just before his hands moved and Henry's neck snapped between his hands just like a Christmas cracker. Ben wouldn't have minded letting Henry bleed out, it would have been a drawn out punishment he deserved, but Ben had told him if he touched (Y/n) again, his neck would be snapped.
"All over baby, just keep those eyes closed for me." Ben gently removed (Y/n)'s hands from her ears, pressing a gentle kiss to her neck before he slipped his arms around her and picked her up bridal style, cradling her to his chest. He couldn't have her seeing how he'd practically mutilated Henry, she didn't need to have that image imprinted on her mind for the rest of her life.
He had been warned.
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jaeyooniverse · 3 years
Fantasy friend here! My day went alright, I got a little writing done and watched some music videos ☺️ how about you?
I'd definitely adopt you as my younger sibling (wait how old are you? If you're older than me that would complicate things a bit lol), you seem like a really fun and sweet person 💕 I guess the thing of being an older sibling is accepting that you have an influence on your younger siblings' lives and trying to act accordingly? I'm still working on that tbh, I sometimes have trouble keeping myself responsible when it comes to being an example 😔 it can be tough but if you're doing your best then I think things will turn out fine!
Both of my sibs who are interested in kpop will listen to music from other groups besides the ones they're most into, but the one who introduced us to kpop only really follows Seventeen and sometimes MX - I'm hoping that if I get the other one into SF9 then our combined enthusiasm will convert them 😂
I've listened to RPM, Knights of the Sun, 9loryUS, and Mamma Mia all the way through so far! I've listened to all the title tracks a lot of course, and I know the main b-sides from a couple of their other albums plus some scattered other songs. I'm working my way through their discography slowly but surely haha
It seems like everyone has a soft spot for Youngbin... honestly I can't imagine seeing him and *not* immediately going That's My Baby!!!! Chani too, he's so cute but also really charismatic when he feels like it - they're all just so great sdhjgsgjfhdsh
Ah I get what you mean with regards to the energy of the album! Personally I think if an album was 100 percent hype I might explode after listening to it, I want at least one chill song to break it up a little 😂 if I feel like only listening to energetic songs I put on my hype playlist but I need to be in the mood for that, usually I like when there are various types of songs on an album. That's a personal preference thing though 😌
What's your favorite concept SF9 have done? Are there any you would like to see them try?
sounds like a nice day! what writing were you working on? is it a personal project or for school/work? my day was okay. i've been a little stressed lately but my friends are helping me through it, and honestly this anon event + the comeback teasers have been the highlight of my week 😅
i'm 24 (96 line 😁😁)! even if you can't be my older sibling you seem like you'd be a wonderful sibling to have 🥰
true true, but no one can be perfect all the time and that's fine, what matters is acknowledging our weaknesses and the effort we put towards bettering ourselves. that's something im kinda really trying to work on these days. striving for perfection is unrealistic but instead aiming to be even just the tiniest bit better makes it a lot less stressful
haha i hope your plan works! good luck! 😁😁
oooh if you want any suggestions i say listen to breaking sensation next, i think that's one of my other faves. ooh or first collection! 🥰 but if course there's no rush, listen at your own pace ! i personally need to listen to most if not all of a groups discography before i consider myself a stan?
oh is it noticeable? 😂😂 i can't deny it, youngbin has a special place in my heart 🥰 as they all do of course ~ and yes! agree abt chani he can be very charismatic (which i guess he would need to be as an idol 😂😅) and i just love his vibes tbh i think he'd be cool to hang out with lol
FDSGDHF OH NO we don't want you to explode!! 💀💀💀 ok that makes sense and i get that, it'd be nice to have a balance of hype & chill songs. i feel like it's harder with mini albums bc it's less songs so the change in energy is more obvious? (except rpm. perfection) idk if im making sense 😭😭 but a full album like first collection is nice bc it has chill songs, cheery/upbeat ones and your hype songs too ! but yeah everything comes down to personal preference~
im so bad at choosing faves lol i don't think im picky with concepts like i'll take what i get 😂 there's no specific concept i really want to see from them,, but actually yeah id love to have another fresh/bright comeback from them! what about you?
0 notes
Dont Leave
Part 1:
It was nearly midnight. You had finally convinced your friend to leave after promising that you would 1. not leave the house, 2. not drink, 3. not call Harry and finally 4. you would just go to bed. Well you had attempted all four of those promises with a good effort and succeeded in only one of them. So now you stood in the middle of a dance floor, a few drinks in, and dancing with some guy whose name you couldn't remember. Oops. I tried. You weren't having fun, but Steve, no Brandon yeah his name was definitely Brandon, was having a blast. He was all over you, running his fingers up your arms and down your back pulling you closer against his body. He moved his hand up the underside of the dress you were wearing and tugged at your underwear. You typically didn't let any of this happen with random strangers, but who cares at this point. Your mind continued slipping back to Harry. How he had left you a second time. How you had actually believed him. How you had let him convince you he actually cared. All of it swirled around your head making you dizzy, or was that the vodka? All you knew was that it was over and you were never going to see him again. You pushed Brandon off  and moved towards the bar. One more drink and I’ll leave. Brandon, not getting the hint or not caring followed you, tugging your arm a little too hard towards the door. “Let go.” you slurred attempting to push him off again. 
“Lets just go back to my place, talk, maybe get some food? How does that sound beautiful?” Beautiful...thats what Harry called me. Brandons fingers tightly gripped your wrist and the pain was pulling you from your thoughts.
You shook your head again and mumbled no but he pulled you towards the door anyways. “Let me go” you whined trying to pull your wrist free of his grip. “You're hurting me...” Brandon laughed and kept tugging making his way into the parking lot. “Seriously stop. Let me go.” you said instantly sobering up. Another hand grabbed your other arm tightly and pulled you back a step away from Brandons car. 
“I believe she said to let her go.” the deep voice growled at Brandon. Your heart stopped and skipped a beat. This isn’t happening...no way. You had actually driven 45 minutes out of your way to avoid this situation at all costs. How the hell is he here right now..You refused to look up and Brandon refused to drop his grip. 
“I believe I was dancing with her first.” 
“You may have danced with her but she's mine. She always will be. If you don't remove your hand from her I will forcibly remove it for you. I suggest letting her go now while you have the choice.” Your heart ached when listening to the words he had threatened Brandon with. She's mine...he doesn't actually mean that though. He wouldn't have left if he did..Harry’s guard walked up behind him and Brandon stumbled back, dropping your wrist and pushing you into Harry. What a gentleman, you thought watching Brandon scramble to open the car door.
“Whatever man. She's no fun anyway.” Brandon said climbing into the car and driving off. Thats what you think asshole. Harrys grip on your other arm loosened once Brandon’s car was out of sight and he took a step back from you. You finally looked up at him, his green eyes were full of something you didn’t quite recognize. Disappointment? Anger? Sadness? It seemed to be a mixture of things. He looked you up and down before opening his arms. “Are you okay?” His voice was barely a whisper. You just stood there not moving, confused and angry. You never broke eye contact with Harry though. You just stood there a few feet away trying to figure out what was happening. His arms were still open, expecting you to rush into them like he was some kind of savior and hero.
“What you think just because you saved me from that guy that I’m going with you?” You knew it was unreasonable to lash out at him but you weren't about to give in as easily as last time and let the heartbreak hurt more than it already had. Harrys arms fell to his side before he moved them back through his hair with a frustrated movement. I’m not about to let you win this..Not this time. “Well Harry what prize would you like this time? Another kiss that you could just run out on again? I know how about I make some false promises about my feelings toward yo-” He cut you off his arms grabbing your wrists and pulling you into his chest, his lips locked on yours begging for a response. You pushed back against him hard and stood a foot away from him. Tears were running down your cheeks and your mind was a mess. 
“No stop. Just fucking stop Harry. I can't do this. I can't play these games with you. Not anymore.” You felt sick, your head was spinning, or maybe the room was you weren't sure. 
“I know I left, but I can explain and I’m sorry I didn't stay to explain earlier.” Harry took a step towards you. “(y/n) I only left because I knew what I wanted. I knew in that moment I wanted you more than anything, more than my career if needed. I went to my management team, and told them to fuck their rules. I wasn't going to play their being single game anymore, I want you by my side through everything. Yeah I shouldn't have just left without saying anything but my mind was clouded and I wanted to make things right. I knew leaving would hurt but I needed to get that sorted out before I came back for you to tell you-”
“To tell me what Harry? That you love me? How can you even say that right now?” ugh I need to sit something is not right. You looked around for a bench or chair anything really but all that was available was the cold and very wet pavement. 
“I do love you! I love you more than anything. I know I need to regain your trust but babe I want us back. I want to work on things together. I need you in my life, even if you just want to be friends... just please (y/n)...please let me fix this.”
You were trying to focus on his words and a comeback for what he was saying..you really were but the drinks were not sitting well in your system and you wobbled a little to the side. Harry watched you sway and reached his arm out to steady you. You wanted to swat his arm away but instead grabbed on for dear life and fell slightly into his chest. “I don't feel good” you whined looking up at him with tears welling in your eyes. You never were good at holding your alcohol. “Harry-.” and with that you moved out of his arms reaching towards the grass and vommiting most of what you had consumed that night. Harry followed closely, holding back your hair and rubbing your back. He whispered soft words to calm you. A minute later you sat on the wet pavement exhausted, sick, and drunk. Harry sat next to you, not saying anything. Finally he looked over at you, tears in his eyes.
“I’ll just leave.”
Ouch. Okay here we go again. He stood up and walked towards the car pulling around. Not this time. Nope. You don't get to play this game again. “Harry Edward Styles.” He stopped dead, turning to face you. You stood up and walked over poking his chest. “You are a fucking idiot. Why are you leaving. You just come here and say all those things and you just-you just leave again? I don't think so. I-”
He cut you off, his lips attacking yours. They pressed firmly against yours and his tongue maneuvered its way into your mouth. You fell into him, your hands grasping his shirt tightly. There was no refusing this kiss.. His arms supported your body weight and he deepened the kiss. Camera lights flashed around you and you broke the kiss. Harry defensively stood between you and the paparazzi. He carefully guided you to his car and opened the passenger door, pushing you in and making sure you were buckled. He then hopped in the driver side and drove off. You didn't say a word, just waited for him to get to wherever he was going. Your eyes drift close and your head falls against the window. When you wake up you are nestled into Harry’s chest as he walks you to your door. “I couldve walked..” you mumble snuggling deeper into him.
“You looked so peaceful....I didnt want to wake you.” Harry sighed and pushed the door open, carrying you up to bed and carefully tucking you in. He pressed a kiss against your forehead and started to walk away. 
“Don't go..” you said suddenly very awake. You sat up and grabbed his hand. “Please...stay.”
“(y/n)..” he started looking away. ��You're drunk...exhausted..and I think you need to sleep.”
“I do need to sleep. But I need to sleep with you...please. I haven't been able to sleep on my own for weeks. Stayyyy” you beg. Eventually he smiles and gives in. Dropping his pants to the floor you whistle. “Damn Styles.” he laughs and shakes his head while pulling off his shirt and climbing in next to you. You snuggle into him, tracing his tattoos and then kissing his jaw. “Promise me. You'll never leave again.”
“I promise I will never leave again. I want you now and forever. You’ll be sick of me and still won't get me to leave.”
“I’ll never get sick of you” You climbed on top of him, your legs straddling his waist. You kissed his lips hard slowly biting them and pulling away. His hands traveled up your waist pulling your shirt over your head. You rocked against his body slowly causing him to lay back and breathe harder. He soon took control, kissing down your now bare chest. His lips playing with the soft skin on your boob and then making his way down your stomach. He carefully pulled your shorts off and moved to his next. Kissing your lips he pressed his length inside you. You groaned into the kiss, your nails digging into his back and his body pushing father into you and then pulling out faster. Harry had his hands over you chest, playing with each nipple. 
“Fuck baby” he whispered against your lips. “Im close.” You rolled your hips into his.
“Do it.” you breathily whispered. He did. He groaned and fell on top of you, both of you now sweaty. His kissed you sweetly before climbing off you and heading to the bathroom. You were exhausted. Your eyes were closing as you saw him head down the stairs. “Harry...”
“I’m just getting water babe, I’ll be back shortly.” He came back a few minutes later with two cups of water. He drank one and handed one to you before climbing back in bed. “Come on now...we both need sleep.” You nodded, snuggling into him and falling asleep to the sound of his heart beat against your ear. 
“(y/n)...” your friend wandered up to your room. “How are you doing toda-” her voice stopped. You opened your eyes. Her mouth was open. Harry stirred next you, sitting up with a gentle and sleepy yawn. “Oh my god”
Harry grinned, kissed your cheek, grabbed the sheets and stood up pulling them around his waist. I’m just gonna go grab us all some breakfast. He grabbed his shorts and ran downstairs. You looked at your friend with a guilty look. “I know what you're going to say..”
“I’m happy for you.”
“I’m glad Harry’s back. I’m glad you're back to yourself. I know you love him. It just worries me..”
She sat next to you on the bed and you sighed. “I know. I do trust him though..I love him so so much. I don't think he’s leaving again.”
“I’m not.” Harry said coming back in with donuts from downstairs. He was dressed again and stood in front of you and your friend. “I swear I’m not going anywhere. Now or ever. I love you more than I love anything or anyone. You're my person. I was stupid not to see it at first but I do now.”
You smiled and your friend rolled her eyes taking a donut. “Better not Styles. I’ll kill you.”
You and Harry laughed. “There won't be a need.” Harry promised kissing your cheek and handing you the other donut. “I’m here for good.” You smiled at him and at your friend. Life was finally back to normal.
I forgot about this one lol but here it is. Its a little rough but I wasn’t super into the story line anymore.
Hope you like it! xoxo
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jjpmoans · 5 years
Where Loyalty Lies [M]
Word count : as long as the night last
Warnings : just- jealous jinyoung being petty
A/N :
Since everyone thinks I'm swerving to Jaebeom lane, yeah you guys made Jinyoung mad. Instead he tortured me to write him a make up sex for making false impression about my loyalty. You heard it. Jinyoung bitch is back. Also @softseunies triggered the comeback tbh hahahahahahah. Enjoy!
Your head is thrown back with the amount of pleasure you're receiving, you doubt that you can last long. Behind you is Jinyoung, moving his long slender digits inside you while you kneels on fours, arching your back like a cat.
"Jinyoung!" You gasp when he snaps his wrist, grazing a certain spot which you believe can make you see stars tonight. It's been too long since your last sexual intercourse and you're starving for his touch.
You're starving for him.
Desperate moans, you clench the sheet underneath you while Jinyoung dives in for a good lick, however turns into a mess when he starts eating you, tongueing your cunt with his wet muscle.
"Jinyoung- oh fuck." His whole mouth on you, lips closing around the abused nub to which he licks repeatedly not caring the profanities that has been pouring out of you. "My goodness- yes yes. God-"
He hums in delight when you produce more and more juice to his liking. The dirty sound of him slurping and humming against your cunt is unbelievably hot, as to that you plead for his mercy.
"Jinyoung- ooohhh! Please jinyoung." Needy, frustrated. That's all you will have to say. You want him inside you. You want him to fuck you until you pass out and he needs to fuck you again until you remember his cock. You want him. All of him.
"Please Jinyoung. Fuck me."
Nonetheless you and Jinyoung hasn't been on a good term for a while, partly your fault and partly his. Being busy is another thing but yet to address the elephant in the room is another thing.
Another person for all it's worth.
"What do you think if Jaebeom hyung sees this?" His question snaps you out of your need, shooting straight to your south. Clenching around nothing, you whine in absolute frustration.
"Why are you bringing it up!?" The reason for why you are apart, for all the distance between the two of you is named after that man.
Im Jaebeom.
He chuckles from behind as you feel his heat closer to your own, sliding his cock against your cunt for stimulation. Damn, that's too much for a teasing. Your juices seems to coat him well, he doesn't even need to apply it on his cock, just rubbing it makes him completely wet.
"You're so wet." Compliment or a mockery, you has long given up to guess his tone.
"All wet for me?"
Loud slap resonates across the room and you feel the sting on your cheeks, causing you to contracts around the tip of his cock.
"Hmm wet." Slowly but not so softly he pushes his tip inside you, your wall starts hugging his meat deliciously good. "And snug." Pushing himself all the way in, your head lolled to the side while he stretches you good.
"So fucking hot."
It's been too long since you've been stretch this good.
He's as thick as you remember that when he is fully inside you, you almost twerk against him due to the fullness.
"Oh god..." dragging your moan, he snaps his hip once and you're pushed up the bed, elbows sliding on the sheet. And so he starts thrusting, angry strokes fills you to the brim, trying to make up to all the sex he should have been getting if he wasn't too jealous of his Jaebeom hyung.
"Take the phone and call him." He orders. "I need to let him know who you belongs to."
Silently, you curse his mind for being so childish. It could have settled between you two but of course, Jinyoung needs to announce to the world about it.
The phone is on the side table so you need to move across the bed to get it. Shakily you crawl, however a lewd moan escapes your throat when Jinyoung thrusts in even at your slightest move.
He doesn't make it easy for you to move, that it takes almost five minutes for you to reach the side table and start calling for Jaebeom. Whimpering, you contemplate on pressing the red button so Jaebeom won't have to deal with this shit.
"Hello? Jinyoung?" The other line connects and you gulp, not knowing what to answer. The sound of skin slapping and Jinyoung's cock moving in and out of you ignites this lust even more.
Jinyoung however not taking your silence, reach a finger to your clit to get you start talking.
"Oh no- fuck. Jaebeom. Hi Jaebeom." You almost yell, the pad of his finger rubs your clit in the most pleasurable way that you can't help but to moan.
"Y/n?" Jaebeom speaks, asking you what's wrong.
"I.." your words trails when Jinyoung moves his hand to your breasts, palming them. "Jinyoung-"
"What is wrong? Y/n are you okay?"
"YES! Yes I am okay- damn it." Jinyoung shifts inside you and you scream into the receiver, heavy breath and all. The other line went silent and you thought to yourself to fuck all of this and let Jaebeom hear everything.
"Good heaven- Jinyoung." He is pounding into you, hips slapping and balls hitting your cunt good. "Fuck- fuck fuck yes yes."
"OH MY GOD!???? Yah- Why would you do this to me!!????" Jaebeom shrieks from the other line, obviously annoyed and offended.
"Who do you belong to?" He asks, slapping a hand against your ass. "Who?"
"You! You, Jinyoung. You- oh god you're so deep, I can't-" You sobs, almost crying and he rams his cock inside you without mercy. The phone call is long forgotten as your moan becomes more ragged and you start spouting profanities. "J-jinyoung."
"Are you guys- really? Jinyoung? Don't tell me this is because she's been hanging around me for these few weeks?"
Even worse, Jinyoung takes the leverage to make you moan even louder, rolling your nipples while his maddening stroke becomes faster. You on the other hand, spilling nonsense as your orgasm is building inside you, not caring how Jaebeom keep talking but no one response to him.
"Fuck ya'll I'm unfriending!"
The phone call ends, though your torture hasn't end just yet. You breathe out a sigh of relieved, even then you're not too relieved knowing the beast behind you might still not cooled down.
"How much do you miss my cock?" Jinyoung asks after the room goes silent, the only sound comes from the slapping of his hip. "Cmon baby."
"Very much." You try to breathe but Jinyoung makes it difficult to do so. He pulls you, kneeling like he is while he thrusts up, hands everywhere on you.
"Tell me more." He demands.
Sucking in deep breath, your walls closed around him, hugging him securely while he moves. "I miss your cock, I miss how big it is, i miss how deep you'll be inside me."
Nipping your neck, Jinyoung's hands roam all over your body to end up palming your breasts, you sighs as he cups them.
"This fucking tits." He squeezes, pounding inside you faster than before, humming as he feels your wall contracts.
"That's it baby." He whispers to your ears, coaxing your orgasm close. "This cunt is fucking mine."
"I'd say cum on my cock and you're going to cum." You nod, desperate to reach your high. "Yeah like that. Yeah yeah fucking good."
"Jinyoung. Jinyoung. Jinyoung!" Like a mantra, you recite it as you shatter, eyes closed from the blissful orgasm that runs electricity through your body.
One final thrusts and he growls, your walls pulsate around his meat, sucking him in and trying to milk him.
"Fuck." The contraction of your walls are painfully pleasurable that he cums, jets and jets of white ropes paints your inside, filling you up.
Both of you are exhausted, wasted even that when Jinyoung presses his cock deeper inside you to bring you up the bed, you let out awhine at the sensitivity.
He settles both of you in spooning position, trying to calm your heartbeat from the excessive exercise. You can still feel his cock pulsating inside you and you clenches around him, earning a groan from behind.
"Aren't you going to pull out?" You ask when he simply reach for a blanket to make sure you will be kept warm.
He shrugs, pulling you closer and onto his chest. "Let Jaebeom hyung see what we did when he walk in on us tomorrow."
You gasp, hitting his shoulder in response. "Jinyoung!"
"Sleep, sweetheart. Or I'll fuck you right here and you'll have to cum again on my cock." At that you shut up, though your pussy feels otherwise. As though it's challenging Jinyoung, your walls pulsates even harder, so hard that you can actually listen to the sound.
Then you feel Jinyoung's hand slowly reaching for your breasts, toying with the hardening bud, you doubt that you would even be awake when Jaebeom enters the room tomorrow.
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hazelolive · 4 years
It was later at night. Kera and Mammon were both hanging out in her room. They were both relaxing sitting on top of her bed as the movie played on screen. She was doing her best to fight it but she felt herself drifting in and out of couisness and slowly was finding it harder and harder to stay awake. They were both sitting agaisnt the massive pile of pillows she had on her bed. Infact it probably was the only thing keeping her sitting slightly upright at the moment.
She could feel herself sliding though it wasnt very noticable to her at first intill she felt something solid and warm on her side. It was nice half awake she went to nuzzle into his arm. Enjoying this nice comfy spot she had found for herself.
"UM Kera! What are you doing." The flustered demon said throwing his arms up!
She startled slightly and opened her eyes. Now flopped almost painfully agaisnt his chest after being dramatically jostled.
"I was slowly falling asleep intill someone almost knocked me off my bed." She was really comfy and now she was slightly upset that he had complety knocked her off his arm.
"I think your being over dramatic. You barely moved!" He said cheeks beet red.
She gave out a little annoyed huff. Picked her self up off the demon and faced the other way putting a couple of inches between them as she did so.
"I'm soooooooo sorry I acidently fall asleep on you. I'll try not to let it happen again." She said slightly annoyed grabbing one of her blankets and shoving her face into a pillow instead.
A minute of silence passed by but she found that she couldnt fall asleep now. She had been woken up and talked and now she was just awake. But while she wasnt normally a prideful person she didnt want to just go back to watching the tv again because she had already made a small fuss and felt like she couldnt just go back to doing what she was before because of it.
Mammon sat there slightly shocked. He just was watching a movie with a sleepy kera who was doing her best to stay awake but failing miserably. He didnt know why he freaked out some when she ended up laying on his arm. Not only that but She even nuzzled into his arm. DID SHE HAVE ANY IDEA JUST HOW DAM CUTE THAT WAS? So whyyyyyy was his first instinct to fling the cute little human off his arm. He felt a little dumb in this moment but was confused about something. She had expressed her mock grievance about falling asleep on him and even turned away from him but.......she wasnt sleeping.
He could tell from the way she was breathing that she hadnt fallen back asleep. Yet she wasnt watching the tv now either so she was probably just staring at the wall. He almost wondered how long she would do this. She could be pretty stubborn so he bet that she would most likely be able to do it for a good while. So he decided that he was just going to see how long shed stare at the wall and then say some sort of whitty comeback when she eventually rolled back over. But he started to fell bad about it around 3 minutes of him just watching her stare at the wall.
"Hey Kera."
"Come on Kera im sorry okay?"
No response.
He scooted over to her and then just leaned over her and saw that sure enough she was still awake and just staring at the wall.
"You crazy stubborn human come here."
He said scooting back and rolling her over so she was facing him. He looked down at her and wrapped his arm around her but she was still refusing to speak to him.
She was facing him and staring level with his chest with a sort of grumpy look on her face. Geez had he really mad this human so mad at him by flinging her off of him.
Kera was experiencing a few different emotions at the moment. She was just going to stare at the wall listening to the movie in the backround but that changed when Mammon decided to stick his face a few inches away from hers! And then to add insult to injury he put her inside his arms after rolling her over so she was more on the bed again. There was a small amount of space between her and his chest but if she moved even a little she would practically be laying agaisnt his chest. You know LIKE HOW LOVERS DO! Ahhhhh she couldnt help but feel her face scrunch up some and her cheeks redden which she soooooo hoped he couldnt see from this angle.
"Kera? Please say something. I'm sorry okay." He said reaching one of his hands over to tilt up her face.
Noooooooooo if he did that hed see the large blush that was on her face right now. She quickly shoved her face into his chest in additon to her hands covering her face. She could fell his chest rise and fall due to the quick breath he sucked in. Surprised most likely by the sudden unexpected contact and tried not to thing of how close she was to those abs and chest she had seen him show off anytime he switched to his other form.
He was startled to say the least that this small human who he thought was mad at him was basically now hiding against his chest. All he had done was try to get a better glance at her face!
"I G-GUESS I'll all-low you to stay there. You Should c-c-count yourself lucky!
What was that!? That wasnt smooth or cool! He didnt know what he wanted to say but he knew it wasnt that!
"Stupid comfy pillow." He heard murmed into his chest or at least he thought that's what she said He couldnt entirely be sure. This human was going to be the death of him though that was for certain.
Sooooooo I decided to write a drable of the first time that mammon had a sleep over with Kera that was just the two of them aka one that the brothers didnt crash or got interrupted by some other weird schnanigians.
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gladuisnocturno · 4 years
It all started at First Aid Class
Let me paint you a picture and tell me if it sounds familiar. Quirky girl meets a dorky boy. The two hit it off almost immediately. A girl with troubles making friends and a boy trying too hard to be liked, seemingly out of nowhere encountered each other…and all of those insecurities just banished. It just felt natural, it was as if they had known each other since the beginning. They shared laughs, they shared dreams and over time, they began to share more and more. What drove them, what scared them, what gave them guilt and what gave them hope and in every step of their journey, no matter what the world threw at them, they were always there for each other. A simple meeting built a bond that couldn't be broken. It just felt right.
It's been a few years since that encounter, but the spark of that friendship only grew larger. Jaune and Ruby had been through a lot. They had their victories, their challenges…and their losses, but they faced it all together.
Their journey now took them to Atlas Academy, a place of wonders and distrust, but somewhere that reminded them of their old home at Beacon. Teams RWBY and JNPR had fought through Grimm, terrorists, and villains, but after all of their adventures, they now found themselves with a little bit of time for themselves.
General Ironwood had granted them the title of Huntsmen and with it, the teams had finally reached what they had worked so hard to become, but of course, the circumstances meant that they were still a bit inexperienced. Fortunately, the General gave them free leeway to make use of Atlas Academy's resources to further their growth as true Huntsmen. Students, teachers, facilities, and of course classes. They would have been crazy not to take the opportunity…then again, something happened at a certain class…something that made things…a bit awkward for everyone.
"Yang, for the love of the gods! Turn down the music!" Weiss yelled. As usual, she was trying to focus on her studies, she had taken a few too many supplementary classes, something that of course pleased her…yeah, I don't get either, but neither did Yang. Her blonde teammate kept on dancing in their dorm.
"Come on! Throw those books away and have some fun for once, Weiss!".
"Books are fun! How dare you?!".
And thus, another argument, but as usual, Blake found herself having to mediate between the two.
"She is…kind of right, Yang…." Blake said rather nervously, hiding her shame behind her book.
Yang and Blake had been developing a special bond lately, so as soon as she heard that, Yang responded with awkward shock, "Oh!..I…I thought you were enjoying it…I'm sorry..".
"No! No! I was! It's just that…maybe you can turn the volume down just a little?" Her cat ears retracted as she quickly tried to cheer Yang up. "It's fine! Really! Maybe we can read later!"
"No, if it's bothering you…"
"Is not! Really! I promis…"
"UGH! Just kiss already!" Weiss rolled her eyes, getting third wheeled was becoming a recurring thing in their spared time and at this point, she just wanted them to get it over with.
"Fine! Then don't! whatever. Just, turn down the volume. I don't want to get distracted with neither your music nor your 'will they, wont they' routine". Weiss said without taking her gaze from her books, leaving Yang and Blake to fluster and murmur in embarrassment.
Blake crawled to her bed and hid once again in her book, but Yang was a notoriously sore loser. Her embarrassment however only let her mumble her snappy comeback, "….At least I have a will they wont….".
"AH! FORGET IT! Where is Ruby?! I can't deal with the two of you alone!". Weiss, said even more frustrated. She would have been lying if that comment didn't sting though.
"She should still be in her first aid class, right?" Blake responded.
"Oh yeah, that started today".
Weiss took a deep breath to calm her nerves, but her frustration still lingered…if only she knew it was going to get worse. " Sigh.  Why she even took that anyways?".
"Why else do you think? Jaune asked her to take it with him".
"Seriously?! The guy healed me from a stab wound with his semblance and he needs first aid classes?".
"Nora said he didn't want to rely on his semblance though. Honestly, I can relate to that". Yang responded, she completely understood where he was coming from. She had to learn that her semblance, while useful, should not be more than a tool for the right moments.
Jaune himself had been working towards becoming a good guardian, protecting his loved ones and the people that needed him was the path he chose, so learning first aid was just a part of his formation. Ruby in turn was more used to protecting by attacking, she was a prodigy in combat, and dealing with threats was her way of guarding those in need, however, knowing how to treat a wound was a useful skill that she wanted to learn as well.
"Fine. Then I'll go to the library. You two have fun…but not too much…".
"WEISS!" Blake yelled in embarrassment while Yang just turned red.
Weiss chuckled a bit, "You two are adorable" she said to herself as she opened the door. To everyone's surprise, a twister of roses trampled everything in the room, throwing Weiss and Yang to the floor and leaving the room full of petals. The red whirlwind rushed to the top bed bunk and hid under the sheets.
"RUBY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!". Weiss yelled, surprised, a bit angry at the sudden rose storm that hit her in the face but also genuinely worried for her best friend.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!". Ruby yelled before hiding her face against her pillow.
Yang, Blake, and Weiss all jumped at the scene, all concerned. It wasn't usual for Ruby to act this way.
"Rubes! What happened?" Yang asked her little sister, climbing to her side trying to console her.
"…issed me….".
Ruby turned her face away from the pillow a little. She had some tears in her eyes and her blushing face was redder than her hood. "Jaune kissed me…".
Yang froze. Her eyes wide and an awkward and confused smile covered her face. She slowly climbed down and walked backward, still facing her sister and still with that weird smile on her face.
"What did she say?" Blake asked.
"Jaune…kissed her….".
"Jaune kissed her?".
The room went silent for a minute. Blake served water to her friends and the three of them cleared their throats. Once refreshed, they took a deep breath and responded in the most naturally and calmly way possible.
Ruby kept on hugging her pillow as tightly as possible, trying to shield herself from the embarrassment, but her older sister didn't exactly make things easy for her.
Yang picked her up as if she was still a 5-year-old, hugging her and swinging her around with joy, "You had your first kiss! I'm so proud of you!".
"Yang! Let me go!" Ruby whined, freeing herself from her sister's hug with a temper tantrum.
"But this is so cute!".
"Shouldn't you be upset? I mean, Jaune just took advantage of your little sister!" Blake argued, but Yang just kept a joyful smile.
"Well, yeah, if it was any other person I would be pissed. But this is Jaune we are talking about. I mean, I once saw him apologize to a bunch of baby spiders for killing their mom, he was crying the entire time and cried, even more, when the baby spiders crawled in his mouth". Yang responded chuckling with a big smile.
Weiss was curious. She had some unpleasant times with Jaune back at Beacon. At the time she sure would have bought that he would be the kind of guy to steal a kiss from a girl…but that was a long time ago. Jaune wasn't the sort of person she once thought he was. He had grown a lot since then, he left those habits behind him and Weiss knew perfectly well that Yang was right, he cared a lot about Ruby and would never take advantage of her.
"Here" Weiss told her partner before passing her a glass of water that Ruby instantly drank entirely. "Better?".
"Good. Now, tell us what happened".
Ruby took a deep breath. "It-It all started at first-aid class…".
Classes at Atlas Academy normally were given in large auditoriums full of students listening to a conference from one of the many teachers of the academy. However, the first aid class was a more private and personal course. It was an elective, students had the option to take the class or chose another and since this wasn't a particularly exciting course, not many took it. Still, Jaune was very intimidated by the group of around 12 students sitting around him.
"Come on, where are you? Please don't leave me alone here…" He kept saying to himself, begging for his friend to finally arrive.
The door was opened but to Jaune's misfortune, it wasn't who he wanted it to be. Instead, it was the teacher in charge of that morning's class.
"Good morning students. Please have a sit" Winter Schnee walked with elegance and authority everywhere she went. "I'm afraid Mrs. Silva is undisposed today. As such, I've been assigned to substitute her. For those who don't know me, I am Special Agent Winter Schnee. Today we will go over basic first aid techniques following the training guides of the Atl…"
The sound of the door slamming open was more than enough to throw Winter off her tracks and of course, the entire classroom quickly turned towards the sound.
"IM HERE! I made it in….time…".
Jaune just chuckled awkwardly, seeing how Ruby tried her best to keep her cool as she walked down to her seat.
"Ms. Rose, you are late".
"I'm sorry, Winter! Nora challenged me to a waffle eating contest and I could have beaten her if only…".
"Just take a seat! And it's Ms. Schnee".
"Right, sorry. Ms. Schnee. Hehe" She said, she was clearly a bit embarrassed but as soon as she sat next to Jaune, that embarrassment didn't matter at all. She was just happy to see him and so was he of seeing her.
"I was totally gonna win though", She whispered to Jaune who immediately chuckled.
"Against, Nora? Please, I've seen her eat a full pie in less than a minute".
"Oh, so you are a man of low faith, I see! I'll show you!".
"She had already eaten a full cake and a milkshake".
"Ok, then maybe I was 5 waffles behind, but the match didn't end so if you think about it…"
Two white summoned Nervermores flew at high speed and landed on their heads, pecking them slightly.
"Ow! OW!".
"Ow! That hurts!".
"Rose! Arc! May I remind you; you are in the middle of a class!?".
"Sorry, Ms. Schnee…". The two said with shameful voices but as soon as Winter turned to her board, Jaune and Ruby just took a quick look at each other and chuckled at the sight of the other's smile.
The class continued as Winter went over multiple techniques of first aid in a variety of situations. Jaune and Ruby took the class seriously for the most part, but of course, there were moments in which neither could avoid just goof around with the other. Whether it was Jaune throwing small paper balls at her or Ruby making funny drawings of him, the two were occasionally caught by the serious gaze of their teacher but neither could stop having fun with the other, it was just the way they were.
It had been so long since the two got to have some time to breathe and just enjoy each other's company. Ever since the Fall…it was rare to see either smile. Jaune was haunted by the sorrow of losing Pyrrha that night, while Ruby was filled with guilt for not having been able to save her and for dragging Jaune in this mission, knowing full well how much he was suffering.
The journey hadn't been easy. The weight of the world resting on their shoulders, it was unbearable at times. Ruby in particular tended to push through her doubts and sorrow, but of course, she had her limits. Some nights she would wake up sweating and with tears in her eyes, desperately wiping them out before someone noticed it. Everyone relied on her to continue going, which she did gladly, but she would be lying if she said it didn't affect her at times…but then, there were moments like this one. Moments in which she could forget for a moment all the pressure of the world and just enjoy herself. She enjoyed just letting loose with her friends, her team, her family. And of all those people, there was one she just enjoyed hanging around the most. Jaune was always there for her when she was in doubt when she needed help and especially when she needed someone to smile at her, Jaune was always there.
Jaune began his journey without knowing what even meant to be a true hero. He was put in a position of responsibility that he never thought he would be able to handle. He worked to better himself, he learned through many mistakes, and eventually…his fears became true…he failed and people got hurt because of him. The Fall of Beacon left a dark void in his heart. To say he had been in a dark place would be an understatement…and yet, here he was, with a smile once again. Ruby had always been there for him. When he had doubts, she was the first one to inspire him. When the world told him to stop trying, Ruby was the one who inspired him to keep going. The moment he began to fall into that dark self-hating place, Ruby was always there brightening his day. She shared a laugh with him, she shared her tears with him and he in turn did the same.
Friends until the end. It was amazing how a bond that strong was born from a simple meeting….It just felt right.
"I really thought you were leaving me alone here".
"Pff. Have I ever let you down? Plus, I don't know why you were so scared".
"We are in a room full of people I've never seen in my life. What if I had to talk to one of them?!".
"So? You did that with me when we met and had no issue".
"Yeah, but you are special".
Jaune's face turned red and without noticing he started sweating a little. Special? He just called her special? Of course, she was special to him but up to that point, he had never outright said it. He began to panic a little, afraid that he had accidentally said something embarrassing.
Unbeknown to him, Ruby's mind did linger on that word for a moment. Special? He just called her special? What did that mean? What was is it special about her? Why did he think she was special? Special how?...Did she want him to think she was special? All questions that rushed Ruby's head as fast as a bullet train.
Jaune began to stutter "I-I mean. Not special…well, yeah, when I first saw you there was something special about…Well, no, I mean…".
Neither could hide their blushes and the two just wished the world ended right there and then to end the embarrassing conversation. They were never as relieved as the moment the white Nevermores hit them on the head again.
"ROSE! ARC! That's enough! The two of you should be ashamed", she had no idea how right she was. "You two are licensed huntsmen now and are here just behaving like children! Instead of acting like fools maybe you could make yourselves useful. Stand up and come down here".
Jaune and Ruby complied, still a bit uncomfortable with their heads down in shame. They stood in front of the class as Winter began to give them instructions.
"Ms. Rose, please lay on you back. Mr. Arc, please kneel next to her".
The two of them did as told. Having all those eyes staring at them just made the entire experience more and more awkward by the minute. But the moment Ruby laid on her back, she got a bit of a confidence boost since she couldn't really see the audience. This gave her an idea.
"Hey, Jaune. Are you scared?".
"I wanna die!".
"Come on. We have been through worse. Don't worry, just look at me and ignore the audience. Trust me".
Look at her? After what he said earlier? Even with his eyes closed, he felt embarrassed just being near her. But seeing the audience staring and judging him freaked him out more. Something that Ruby said gave him confidence though. She asked him to trust her and there was no one in the world he trusted more than her.
Jaune took his eyes away from the audience and centered them on Ruby…and nothing else mattered. She just kept smiling and humming and all his anxiety slowly banished. She then began to make funny faces and he couldn't help but chuckle a little. She truly was special to him.
"Ok, class. This is a demonstration of assisted artificial respiration. Mr. Arc if you may".
"Eh…yeah…assisted…yeah, I know what that is…".
"You…weren't paying attention at the classes, were you?".
"Of course, I was!...So I put my hands here and…".
Winter rubbed the bridge of her nose. "What you are doing is CPR and you have your hands wrong!  Sigh.  To perform assisted artificial respiration, you must first cover the patience's nose like this", Winter grabbed Jaune's hand and helped him pitch Ruby's nose.
"Ah! I'm sorry!".
"I'm just messing with you! Hahah".
"Aw, give me a break. Hehe".
Winter rolled her eyes at the goofiness of her students. "Take this seriously. Your friend is in mortal danger, Mr. Arc". Those words hit Jaune deeper than she could imagine, but it was everything he needed to stop playing and learn every skill he could to protect his loved ones.
"Now, grab her mouth like this". She put his hand on her face and slightly opened Ruby's mouth.
"Ok, then what?".
"Then you put your mouth against hers and blow".
"Right. I put my mouth against…hers…WAIT WHAT?!".
The audience burst in laughter and Winter just grew more annoyed. "You two are unbelievable. Assisted artificial respiration is better known as mouth-to-mouth resurrection. Your friend is not breathing and you must fill her lungs with air through her mouth".
" Yo-You can't be serious!".
"Well, no, this is a demonstration. You are not going to actually blow air into her. That would be dangerous. Just press your mouth against hers and…".
Ruby tried to stand up. "You know, maybe we can see a video on the internet! I'm sure if we ignore the kitty videos and the lets players, we can find someone doing…".
"Lay down! You are supposed to be unconscious!".
"Doesn't that make it worse?!".
"For the love of…. You are in a desperate situation, Arc! Rose just got attacked by a Grimm. She hit some rocks and now is not breathing. Every second that passes, her life in danger. It is up to you to do something or else she will die. What will you d…".
Before Winter could finish, the mere idea of losing Ruby had pushed Jaune to ignore everything in the world. He had to give it his all, he couldn't lose her, he was not going to lose her…so he did it.
Ruby's eyes showed her shock…his lips…and hers…Her mind went blank. Her heart just kept pounding faster and faster. What was happening? How did this happen? Jaune was her friend, her best friend. And here he was, with his lips against hers. She didn't know how to feel, she couldn't understand…but a part of her was enjoying it. She soon relaxed, slowly closed her eyes..and let herself go.
Jaune wasn't thinking. He got carried away by the scenario and just went for it. He even forgot to cover her nose. The only thing in his mind was trying to help Ruby…but at one moment, he realized what was happening. He had his eyes closed and let himself get trapped by the soft and sweet lips of his best friend. It felt odd. She was his best friend. She was special to him…maybe the most special person to him…He shouldn't have but he couldn't deny it, he was enjoying every single second of what was happening.
Jaune and Ruby stayed there for a few seconds that felt like hours and a part of them wished it was years. It was confusing, it was sweet…it just felt right.
Their closed eyes just showed the sweet joy they were feeling….yet something happened that shocked them back into reality. Their eyes got wide and they stared at each other. Jaune stood back is awe of what just had happened, while Ruby stood covering her mouth with both hands. Their eyes didn't disconnect from each other and the two blushed and shook nervously.
"Ru…" That was all Jaune could murmur, before Ruby's eyes became a bit teary and a vortex of rose petals rushed out the classroom at max speed.
"And then I ran here…". The little huntress finished her story, whimpering in shame and confusion as her friends stood around her chair focused on the story.
The first one to break the silence was her dear sister. "It's ok, Rubes. You didn't do anything wrong".
"Yang, my friendship with Jaune is over! How do you want me to see him in the eyes again?!".
Blake stepped in, "It wasn't a kiss though. He was just using a first-aid technique, it was part of the class, nothing else".
"Blake is right. Besides, just because your lips touched doesn't mean you can´t be friends anymore. Nothing bad happened" Weiss continued as she showed her support to her dear friend. The three gave her a soft smile as if saying "you poor thing" to their brave leader…poor poor girls, they weren't mentally prepared.
"There was tongue…".
All four girls had their own freakout. To say that dorm was in chaos was putting it slightly. But after a few seconds of constant screams, a chilling knock on the door sent goosebumps to their spines.
The knocks grew stronger and stronger until they were outright slams. And an aura of a powerful beast could be felt behind it.
"Oh, no…you don't think…".
Another slam made a dent on the thick metal door.
"Yang! You answer!".
"Blake! I thought we had something special!".
Another dent appeared.
Weiss shallowed as she built up courage. "Co-Come in!".
The door opened with enough impact to shake everything in the room. "One of you is coming with me…".
"Nora. We can talk about th…". Weiss tried to reason with the ragging berserker in her doorstep, but before she could finish, Nora put her on her shoulder and made her way out with the princess as her hostage.
"You will be missed, Weiss!".
"I'll dedicate my first book to you!".
Nora dragged Weiss to the gardens of Atlas Academy, sitting her on a bench.
"That was extremely unnecessary!".
"Shut it! Princess! You know why I brought you here!" Nora pointed at Weiss accusatorily…before wiggling her finger to play with her prisoner's nose.
Weiss shook her hands to get her off her, "St-Stop it!". She took a deep breath before addressing the matter. "So, you heard".
"Heard?! Jaune came in rushing like a bullet! I have never seen him so embarrassed in my life and I was there when he got a wedgie from an Ursa".
"Don't remind me, he was giving me flowers that day".
Nora certainly was upset but her demeanor didn't show anger. She was mainly frustrated with the whole situation and worried for her two friends. Jaune in particular…she wasn't sure how his heart would take it. "Seriously, of all ways for this to happen. You know how hard it was to get Jaune to smile again?!".
"Hey, don't look at me, I had nothing to do with this! Besides, if you are so worried about Jaune, why aren't you with him?".
Nora scoffed "Please! It's not like I left him alone. Ren and Oscar and keeping an eye on him".
"You left him with Ren and Oscar…".
"Yeah. Why?".
"I don't get it! Why you took your hand off her nose? Wouldn't the air come out from there?".
"She put her tongue in my mouth! Who cares about the first-aid technique, Oscar!?".
"But are you sure it was a kiss though? Many cultures have varied ways of greeting a friend or family. The customs in Patch might be more exotic than we think".
"Ren, just…Just give me another tea…".
"This really isn't his day, is it?".
"Would you take this seriously?!" Nora was growing ever more frustrated by the time and Weiss began to notice this situation had her unusually nervous.
"Nora. Calm down. This isn't that big of a deal. I'm sure they can makeup, they are inseparable". Weiss reassured her.
Nora sat next to her, letting herself fall as if her worries were weighing her down. "It's just… You don't understand. When we traveled to Haven, I had to see Jaune and Ruby get eaten by their own regrets. Ruby had nightmares every night. Jaune barely slept". Nora took a deep breath, the memories of that road trip with team RJNR were as sweet as they were sorrowful. "Jaune's heart…it took him so long to start to heal. It made me so happy seeing him goof around and have a smile again after so long. But you know who managed to bring joy to him before he began to stand up on his own again? Little Ruby Rose".
Weiss was beginning to understand where Nora was coming from, "You are afraid they'll drift apart over this?".
"Ruby worked so hard to take his mind off…what happened. But every time she gave him joy, something else happened that pushed him back into that pit and every time that happened Ruby fell back into hers. I knew she regretted bringing us in that trip, I knew she felt guilty and was hurting just as, if not more than the rest of us. But I didn't know how to tell her everything would be ok…But you know who did?".
"Hehe. Of course, I do. Even before the Fall, Jaune and Ruby always knew what to say to each other". Weiss chuckled just remembering those good old days when all her family, her true family just spent time simply enjoying each other's company at Beacon.
"Yes, I am very afraid they'll drift apart. They are great for each other, Weiss! That's why I brought you here, I need your help".
Weiss was a bit surprised by her words. "Wait…You mean…you want them to be together?".
"They bring the best on each other and are happier when the other is around. Let me tell you a little story. We swore to never tell you guys…but I already told Yang so…".
Weiss rolled her eyes, just thinking that of course, Nora did.
"There was this one night we were setting our camp. We were getting everything ready when Jaune noticed his sleeping bag was full of ants. He started swinging it around but the thing was completely covered. Jaune didn't have anywhere to sleep…so."
"No! They did not!".
"Yep. Ruby told him they could share hers".
"Why didn't he share it with Ren?".
"Because I'm an amazing matchmaker, that's why! They ended up spooning each other that night!".
"Ruby was the big spoon, wasn't she?".
"It's called a jetpack".
"Ren is a little spoon too, noted".
"Every night was another nightmare, another sleepless night that just ate them from inside…but that night…that night they sleep so peacefully. Ren and I couldn't believe it. That was the one night they had a deep sleep…and it was while one was embracing the other".
Weiss understood completely. Ruby and Jaune were in a panic for the same reason, it wasn't just embarrassment. They were special to each other and just like Nora, what scared them the most was losing that bond due to a silly mistake…if only they could see it. "Are you sure they like each other?".
"Come on! I've been dealing with Jaune's love life since day 1 at Beacon. Trust me, they are head over heels for each other!".
"Then what's the big deal? They are not going to drift apart; all they need to do is be open with one another".
Nora launched herself at Weiss and put her face uncomfortably close to the snow princess' "As if it was that easy! You have done it before, haven't you? That fear of making things awkward by saying the wrong thing. If you care too much for someone, screwing things up would be as painful as tabbing your hand! Just spitting your feelings is not as easy as…".
"I never said it was easy, but if that person matters that much to you, you have to be honest to them and to yourself.".
"It's more complicated that…".
"I…feel we aren't talking about Jaune and Ruby anymore….".
Nora sat back down, her gaze drifting to the distance, "…It's hard to tell the person you love how much you love them…and there is always that fear that they won't say it back…".
Weiss delicately put her hand on Nora's shoulder who turned to see her reassuring smile. "You know what I love about you and Ren? You show your love to each other. Even in the smallest moments, Ren is always showing how much he cares about you. Give him time, someday he might find the courage to say it, but until then remember that actions speak way louder…and Ren does love you".
Nora became a bit teary-eyed, but she wasn't going to let the ice queen win, "Stop it. Hehe.  Sniff.  This isn't about me".
"Nora…you have to be open with Ren if this worries you so much. Hell, you would all be happier if you were more….That's it" Weiss stood up revitalized and with a plan in mind. "I know what to do".
"I'll drink my pain away! I LEARNED FROM THE BEST!"
"I doubt Qrow was passing out on milk…".
"What the…" Weiss entered the room, amazed at the bizarre scene. Of course, this wasn't the weirdest thing she had found her teammates doing in their dorm by a long shot…which really is saying something.
"Weiss! Do something!". Ruby pleaded but Weiss planted her palm on her face.
"For the love of, Ok! Listen up! All of you!". Maybe in another life, Weiss would have done for an excellent general, because as soon as she spoke, all her teammates stood with attention. "We have exactly an hour to have Ruby ready".
"For what?" Ruby said concerned but Weiss was done with everyone's nonsense.
"Quiet! Yang, take her to the shower; she reeks of milk".
"On it!".
"Wa-WAIT! AHH!" Ruby continued complaining but Yang just carried her as if made of cardboard.
"Blake, help me find her an outfit. Nothing too formal but what I would call 'casual elegance', and no heels! I cannot put her under more stress".
"I think I got an idea, but…Weiss, what's going on?".
Weiss gave her a confident smile, the one she usually got when all her chess pieces fell into place. "Tonight, everything changes. For everyone".
Night fell and the gardens of Atlas Academy lite up with gorgeous lamps that displayed the snow lowly and softly falling on the bushes and trees. The sound of the running water of a fountain was a sweet melody that brought attention to its beautiful depiction of two huntsmen standing side by side against all adversity.
"Weiss, this is insane! Please let me go back to my bed".
"And run and hide for the rest of your life? Not a chance, you are braver than that, besides, you look so pretty!" Weiss said while fixing Ruby's clothes and hair, she wasn't going to let her be messy this night, but of course, she knew her best friend far too well, she wasn't going to put her in a dress she would be too embarrassed to wear, but between the skirt and one of Blake's shirts, Ruby looked comfortable and pretty, the exact balance Weiss was looking for.
"Weiss, I don't want to see him. It makes me nervous just thinking how Ill mess this u…".
"You won't! Ruby, you care a lot about Jaune and he cares so much for you. I get it, you guys did something embarrassing, who cares?! That doesn't change anything between you. But you have to talk about it".
"But…what if…".
Weiss hugged her tightly, she was there for her and she wanted to show it. "You know how you feel about him. But Ruby, you have to be honest with yourself. I know it is scary, but it's a leap of faith you must take".
"But…what should I say…?".
"The truth. All of it. Let your heart go wild. Be honest and I'm sure he'll be honest with you too. You are special to him, I'm sure of it".
Ruby hugged her even tighter, she needed those arms she could rely on more than anything at that moment.
"Besides, if he rejects you, I'll push him off Atlas".
"Hahaha. No, you wouldn't".
"There is a reason we are doing this outdoors, hehe".
The two separated a little, giving each other a loving smile, "You got this, Ruby. Just be honest with yourself".
"Thank you".
With those words, Ruby turned around and walked off to the meeting spot. Her legs were shaking, but with all the support Weiss gave her, how couldn't she try?
The snow kept falling but Ruby didn't know if her shivers were of cold or excitement or both. She had so many things in her mind, what she was going to say, what she was going to do…how did she actually felt? The more she reflected the more she kept wondering what she feared the most, for Jaune to not have feelings for her or him having them and her hurting him. He was her best friend, he was family…but…was he also…
Her feet stopped as soon as she noticed the figure of her tall friend. Jaune was rather nervous himself. Nora had made him take off his armor and go out mainly wearing his jacket, but somehow this made him feel vulnerable.
"But, Nora…".
"No buts!" her voice came from his scroll, "You are doing this and is final! Plus, you look so handsome!".
"You are sounding like my mom…".
"Yeah, talk about your mom. A great conversation starter, big guy".
"Star.." Jaune turned around and immediately froze seeing Ruby standing behind him.
"Good luck!" with that final message, Nora ended the call and Jaune and Ruby found themselves alone.
"This feels wrong, why are we spying?".
"Oscar, sweetie, you need to learn to listen to big sis Nora!"
"Shhhh! It's starting!".
The entire team hid behind the bushes, ready to listen to their leaders. They were all wondering how things would go, but Weiss just had one wish, for the two to open their hearts.
The awkward silence was as cold as the snow. Jaune and Ruby had decided to share a bench. For a minute, all their conversation was silence followed by a few "hey"s and "so"s…but at least they were trying.
Jaune began to wonder how did he end up in this situation. How after everything they had been through, an awkward kiss had changed the way he acted around Ruby. It was always so natural to talk to her. From the start, he never had fear or anxiety talking to her. It was always so easy….then why was it different this time? He made a mistake, but this was still Ruby. She was the most amazing person he knew, she was kind, brave, strong, funny...beautiful. She was special…so why should this be different from normal?
"R-Ruby…" She was surprised to see him force those words out. He did his best to put himself together. "Ruby, I'm so sorry!". She was shocked, but at this point, he couldn't stop. "I-I didn't mean to…kiss you. I wouldn't steal a kiss from you, no, no, no! I don't mean from you; I mean from anyone. Not that I want to kiss other people besides you...wait! No, that's not what I…"
"I'm sorry too!" To Jaune's surprise, Ruby had jumped in as well "It was my fault! If I had paid attention to the class or…or…I didn't mean to….I didn't mean to put my tongue in your mouth!".
"I owe Jaune an apology".
"Oh, so is not a custom in Patch?".
"What?! No!".
"It was my fault! I shouldn't have asked you to go on that class in the first place!".
"I shouldn't have made Winter mad! How was I supposed to know she was a big Weiss?!".
"…Why did I help those two…?".
"Look, it doesn't matter".
"Right! What matters is…".
"IM SORRY!" The two said at the same time, surprising the other. Ruby and Jaune sat there with a look of shock, staring into each other's eyes.
Silence had returned, but this time it wasn't as awkward. That small outburst felt liberating. It was as if a big weight had been lifted from their shoulders. The two still had ashamed faces, but looking at each other, the two couldn't help but to crack a laugh at their situation.
They laughed as hard as they could, barely being able to compose themselves.
"What are we doing?". Ruby asked, resting her hand on Jaune's shoulder.
"I guess…I guess we are being dumb". He responded with a soft smile on his face.
"Yeah. Big time. Hehe…Look, it was a silly mistake".
"Yeah…To be honest, I was really afraid. I just…I didn't want you to hate me. You are my best friend, Ruby".
She punched his arm lovely, "I would never hate you, silly. I actually thought you hated me. I mean I did take advantage of you…".
"You are right! I should report you! Or worst… I'm telling your sister!".
"Ha! Too slow as always! I already did!"
"Really?! How did she take it?".
"Dad is gonna kill me!".
"Surprisingly well".
The laughs kept coming as the two did what they did best, enjoy each other's company and bring in joy in one another.
Ruby paused, she started to wonder just how open she could be with him. He was her best friend. They had shared many things, especially in their darkest moments. She decided to test the waters, but might have overdone it a little, "If I'm honest…I was afraid I would hurt you".
"What do you mean?".
"…You told me…about your first kiss and…I was afraid you'll get hurt ag…".
"You could never hurt me" He stopped her. "Ruby…Yeah, I have some memories that pain me to this day. But those aren't the ones I treasure. Do you know which I do? The ones that make me happy and you happen to be in plenty of them". He caressed her hair lovely, something that made her skip a beat. "I do miss Pyrrha…but, not long ago, I realized that I couldn't continue hurting myself, especially because I was hurting the people I love. Ren, Nora, Oscar, Weiss, Blake, Yang…and You. I would never have made it to where I am if not for you. You could never hurt me because you make me stronger, Ruby".
Ruby smiled at him, her eyes tearing up a bit. Jaune was special to her, she now saw it clearly. Being a part of his life and him being a part of hers brought her so much joy.
"You really are a dummy, aren't you? Hehe".
"Oh, come on! I'm pouring out my heart here!".
"But it was so cheesy!".
"Well, yeah, but…".
"I'm messing with you…I happen to like cheese".
"Gods they are adorable and lame".
"I think it is sweet".
"….Ren….did you just….".
The awkward tension had banished. It was as if it had never been there. They were back to normal, joyful, playful…simply happy about being together.
The snow was starting to grow a bit stronger. Ruby was grateful for Blake lending her clothes, but her taste in shirts wasn't really wintery. She began to rub her arms and shiver.
As the silence continued, Ruby kept on thinking how relieved she felt, how she was able to be honest with the way she felt and Jaune returned that honesty. But a part of her was also glad this was all over and everything could go back to norm…
"Here. It's getting a bit cold…".
She was stunned. She felt it in slow motion, how the fabric of his jacket covered her skin. A look of shock was all she could give in return. She stared at him while he just sat there next to her, only a shirt on and a bright and warm smile.
"Maybe we should get back in. Come on. I think they have hot chocolate in the cafeteria". He stood up cheerfully and began to walk away. But Ruby didn't follow…she stayed seated.
"I enjoyed it".
His eyes got wide and his heart skipped a beat, but Ruby had finally made her mind. She was not going to be silent; she was going to be honest with herself, she was going to be honest with her feelings and honest with him.
"I enjoyed it, ok? It felt…I felt like I wanted it to last forever. I don't understand it yet but I do know that I enjoyed it and not just the kiss!" She stood up looking at him straight in the eyes. "I was so happy when you said I was special to you. Because YOU are special to me! I care about you and have done it for a long long time but I knew how much you were hurting; I knew all the pain you were going through and it killed me that I couldn't just take that pain away!".
Jaune was paralyzed on his spot. His heart rising with every word.
"It's embarrassing! It's weird! It's frustrating but I don't care!" Ruby began to rant and clench her fist in frustration and determination. "Weiss is right! Hiding your feelings isn't fair to yourself. Sometimes you might want to protect and respect someone, others you just can't put your feelings into words, but you should always be honest to yourself! Be honest with your feelings! Be honest with who you are, what you want, how sad you are, and how much joy you have in your heart when you see someone you love smile!
Weiss, looked attentively, she was worried but more than anything, she was proud. "Be honest, Ruby". She said with a soft smile.
"When you care about someone, that person is special to you. If you love them that much why wouldn't you be honest with them!? Why would you hide your doubts and fear from that person who is always there, with whom you share something so beautiful and special?!. Be honest! Be honest with your own feelings and be honest with that person you love! It's hard, it's scary but ARENT THEY WORTH IT?! You love them for a reason! BE HONEST!".
She didn't realize it, but those words hit hard to more people than she thought. Yang and Blake had been through many things together and still had a long way to go, but there was something clear to everyone, they cared for each other and their bond had been tempered in fire, it was stronger than steel. Yang grabbed Blake's hand, she was surprised, but the smile they shared gave the two of them warm.
Ren had never been good at expressing his feelings. He always kept them hidden, is not that he didn't have them nor that he didn't want to let them out, it was simply difficult to put his love into words. Nora knew this, it pained her but she was certain he loved her just as much as she loved him. Ren was never good at talking, but he always showed how much he loved her, still, his heart was pained and worried and Nora was determined. She knew how much she loved him and she was going to be there for him. Someday, somehow, she would get through him, she would help him be honest with himself…and until then, she was going to stand by his side, giving him all her love. To her surprise, even in these moments of uncertainty, Ren held her hand, he looked ashamed, he knew he had too much in his mind and didn't know how to say it, but Nora understood the gesture, a soft touch that said "You are special to me". She smiled and leaned on him, not a word was said and at the same time, they said it all.
"That's why….that's why I'll be honest wit h you!...I did enjoy it…because you are special to me…because I…I…".
"I couldn't sleep!" Jaune said, stopping and surprising Ruby. "That night in Argus! When we were split. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, Nora had to make me drink water! I was so worried about something happening to you! To all of you but especially you! I was terrified of losing you, Ruby!". She began to get tears in her eyes. "I did enjoy it but it wasn't meant to be a kiss! I was afraid! I let myself go by what Winter said. The idea of you getting hurt…I CAN'T BARE IT! Ruby you aren't only special to me, you are the most special person in my life! I've known for a long time, I just….I had so much hatred for myself…A part of me refused to be happy...but you were always there bringing me joy even in my darkest times…You were always there…you are always there and I want you to be there and I will be there for you! From the moment I met you I wanted to walk beside you, I just never realized just how much I want to be with you!".
The two stopped and began to breathe faster and faster. Exasperated….but somehow also relieved. They were there bringing out everything filling their hearts. They were being honest with the most important person in their lives.
"….Go out with me…" Ruby said, breaking the silence with a shy voice. "I want to be with you too…so…". Before she could realize it, her head was already down, hiding her face from the embarrassment and had grabbed her hands and pressed them on her chest as if holding her heart. "I know is silly….but…".
"Yes". And with one word, Ruby's head rushed back up, meeting Jaune's eyes. The two connected with a simple gaze. "Yes…of course, I will…".
They had shown the contents of their hearts…and the love was mutual and strong. Ruby and Jaune changed their shocked looks for joyful smiles as the two of them realized what happened. They were honest with themselves….and it just felt right.
The two got closer. Their bodies moved on their own. Without a moment to waste, Jaune caressed Ruby's face and the two got closer and closer and closer…
And with that, Yang had exposed all of their friends hiding in the bushes. Jaune and Ruby had their jaws on the floor.
"Damnit, YANG! It was so close!" Weiss yelled in frustration.
"I've been waiting for this for SO LONG!" Nora worked so hard for months and now, she got robbed.
"I couldn't help it! It was so beautiful! Right Blake?".
"It was so cute!".
"Good job, Jaune. I was really moved". Ren smiled while giving a thumbs up.
"I'm so happy for you guys!". Oscar cheered.
Jaune and Ruby turned red. All those embarrassing things and their friends heard every single word. Had the world ended right there, they wouldn't have had any regrets…well, maybe just one regret.
"We have to celebrate!".
"Can it be inside? It's freezing here!".
As their friends all walked away, they followed behind, discreetly walking right beside each other. After all, they had promised to stay by each other's side…always.
Ruby sneakily grabbed Jaune's hand, caressing it tenderly with her thumb.
"Don't think you'll escape".
"Hehe. I wasn't planning to".
"You know…you do owe me".
"Yeah. Apparently, my first kiss wasn't a real kiss after all…".
Jaune began to rub the back of his neck. "Haha…yeah…But I…can make it up to you lat…".
He didn't notice but she had a keener eye, as soon as she noticed their friends had gone a bit farther away, she took the chance and stole a sweet and lovely kiss.
"You know what? I enjoyed this one more" Ruby winked with a smile and blush before running back to her friends.
Jaune stood there but the sight of his special girl with a big smile brought nothing but joy to his heart. That warm love….it just felt right.
"Hey wait up! That's not fair!".
"Come and catch me if you want another!".
Fan fiction for the 9 days of Lancaster 2020! 
This is honestly my first time writting romance but lancaster is worth it!
Prompts: Regret / Apology
3 notes · View notes
hardyimagines · 5 years
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“Not how you do it, pet.” Alfie grumbled out beneath his breath. His sudden words made your ears twitch before you craned your neck around to eye him. He was sat at the sturdy, wooden desk in the center of the room. You were stood in front of the tall bookcase, dusting the spine of his various books, stacked high above your head. Unbeknownst to you, your boss was watching your every move out of his peripheral. The glasses on his face had slid down the bridge of his nose and were now, no doubt, agitating him. He kept wrinkling his nose and scrunching his brows together, as if the constant movements would magically nudge the glasses back up and into their rightful place.
Without saying anything, you merely cocked a brow and resumed your task. The rag in your hand was coated in dust, filthy pieces, wads that were very visible as they fell from the vanity and floated to the floor to join the sticky contents that was spilled alcohol. There was a lengthy moment of silence before you spoke up. Alfie assumed you were pondering a comeback.
“Mr. Solomons,” a lengthy, drawn out silence followed, one that lured him in so that you were sure you had his attention. “If you’re so picky about the way your books are cleaned, why don’t you clean them yourself.” The twitch of your brows and curl of your lips made him feel as if you were mocking him. Silently teasing him in a ‘you don’t know what you’re doing either sort of way.’ He almost smirked visibly at the thought. He’d taken care of the novels for years and he didn’t plan on letting them waste away now.
The leather seat he was perched on moaned out as his weight was lifted up and off of the thing. He nudged it lightly to the side, palm falling to his trousers so he could lazily pick at the fabric and pull it off of his skin. The room was hot so the fabric he wore was clinging to him like a wet rag. Ruffling his brown locks, sweaty and a bit messy from the hat he’d worn all day, he stepped up behind you. His arm was longer than yours. His legs were the same. He stood taller than you, capable of reaching the high places that were too far for you. You’d had intentions to use a step-stool, but clearly your height wasn’t what he was complaining about.
The space was small. The book case was wedged in between two walls, a perfect fit for the costly piece. Alfie gripped your wrist, fingers still clamped around the rag you’d been using to flick at the dust. His chest, broad and tight, pressed against your back in the slightest, warm breaths tickling the side of your neck as he spoke.
“Right, pet, i, yeah, have got more important fucking matters to tend to, haven’t I? Yeah, I do, right, so you, yeah, you’re gonna have to learn how to do this fucking properly, ain’t ya?” His words seemed to blend together when he spoke. Your ears constantly twitched and burned as you strained to catch every word, because of his thick cockney accent. His fingertips were rough to the touch as they grazed your warm, soft flesh. He adjusted the way that you held the rag. Instead of balling it up in your fist, he angled it to where the cloth circled your fingers instead of vice verse. “Up and down, yeah, along the spines.” His voice seemed so much huskier when he spoke quietly. His hips accidentally brushed against your own, delicate touches as he showed you how it was done. “Not side to side, pet, right, that just smears the mites.” Focusing on his words was impossible to do. His voice, low in your ear, mixed with the tingles and goosebumps on your skin caused from his hot breaths, and his hand enclosed around you wrist, guiding your arm as his front brushed against your back made it entirely too difficult to concentrate.
It was thrilling to say the least. Alfie Solomons was a very attractive man. Gentleman was pushing it. Kind, protective, possessive, defensive. He’d hold a door open for you, but he’s not the type of man a mother would swoon over. You had it bad for Alfie anyway. No approval was needed. No conversations or inquiries with family members for their opinion because he was older and it was just a clear assumption that nothing would progress between the two of you.
Eye-sex, brief little touches, a skim of the fingers, a brush of your chest against his back when you hunched over him to point at the papers on his desk — that was all fine. All innocent. Too impossible to tell if it was just simple or something more. It just left unanswered questions.
But Alfie, chest grazing your back and hips rubbing against yours each time he leaned in to get a better, firmer wipe on the books, made your eyes flutter and your heart thump noisily. You were sure he could hear it. It was involuntary as you swallowed thickly. Your lengthy lashed fluttered closed and the room tripled in temperature within seconds. Your hips pushed backwards as you simultaneously took over cleaning the books. “Like that?” Your voice held entirely too much seduction.
Alfie, with no expectations of what you’d just done, let his hand fall away from your wrist, but only so he could cradle your hip. Neither of you expected the slight — but very noticeable movement, but neither of you said anything about it either. Alfie drew his bottom lip in and lazily suckled on the pink flesh before he slowly moved his gaze back to the books. He could see your hand shaking. The twitch of your fingers. He bit his cheek before pushing his hips, just as firmly as you had, back into your own. Your hipbones pressed against the vanity, sharp against your tender flesh, but too good to be true and too good to stop. Your free hand fell to the desk, steadying yourself, as the other tried lazily to skim the covers. It was so pointless. Every time he moved. Every time he breathed. You crumbled more and more. “Just like that, pet.” Before you knew it, his palm lifted to the center of your back and without warning, he pushed you down so that you were laid on it, flat, belly pressed against the wood and head turned to the side so your warm cheek could cool, pressed just as firmly against the surface.
He watched you daily as you did your duties. Scrutinizing, silently correcting, pleading with you to notice what you were doing was wrong. And yet, you never did. He inhaled deeply, lengthily, eyes squinted and features hardened as he stared down at your arched back. Another part of him hardened as well, especially as you innocently wiggled in front of him, ass rubbing his crotch with every little twitch of your hips. There was no question about what was to come. He wouldn’t have shoved you, face-first, down on the table unless he had intentions of having his way with you.
And as you felt those fingers, those hot fingers clad in cold jewelry, slip inside the back of your dress, you knew he was about to do just that. The dress you wore was rolled up swiftly, far too easy. He fisted his hand in the material and held it around your waist, squeezing it roughly in order to prevent himself from doing it to you and leaving a bruise. All this time.
Watching. Waiting. Waiting. Watching. Wandering. Examining. He’d paid such close attention to you and you were oblivious. The sound of his belt, leather scraping cloth, filled the room before the thing thudded to the floor. You sealed your eyes shut and adjusted your body on the table before moaning out your response. “Mr. Solomons.” The professional means to address him made him harden further. He loved the control. “Mr. Solomons.. I need this.”
Alfie’s free hand ran along your leg before up to your hip. He tugged your naked hips backwards and rubbed his clothed crotch against your bare one, eyes fluttering. The sensation was so nice. You moaned out pleadingly, so desperate for him. “I need this too, yeah, I fucking do..” His eyes fluttered. “You’d best brace yourself, yeah, it’s been a while for me, innit?” Your arms opened before extending across the table so you could grip the back of the bookcase. Clutching on to it, you let your eyes slide shut.
“Don’t hold back.” Your plea was clear. “I can take it, Alfie.”
And take it you did. Like a champ. Hips were no doubt bruised, lower back surely sore. Your mouth was swollen from his sloppy, but the blame was on the position, eager kisses and your eyes hadn’t stopped watering since your orgasm — Alfie Solomons knew exactly what he was doing.
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