#convinced i’ll break my back out there one day o_o
ectoplasmer · 2 years
okay g’night tumblr your girl takes so much damage from melatonin it’s not even funny
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eirenical · 3 years
*drops by to yell about "post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge… time-sharing Wu Xie"* <3 <3
AHAHAHA-- RIGHT. So, @elenothar when I told you I wanted to hold on to this ask and let the fic percolate, I didn't think it would then CONSUME MY THOUGHTS for the next several days until I had to get some of it down on paper. O_o;;; So, this is shaping up to be longer than originally intended, and this bit is still on the rough side, but here's the first (1200+ word) scene? To gauge interest, maybe? (...oh who am I kidding; interest or no interest, I'm gonna write it anyway. XD) Enjoy? ^_^
It was quiet. The party that had raged and roared like a living beast for hours before now slumbered. Huo Daofu threaded his way carefully through the sleeping and unconscious bodies it had left in its wake to take up a careful perch on one of the few remaining upright pieces of furniture. As he settled in, the bench's occupant lifted his bottle to clink aimlessly against his, then briefly raised it before taking a pull. Huo Daofu obediently took a sip from his own bottle; there was little enough left in it.
Lowering his bottle, Huo Daofu let it dangle loosely from his hand as he leaned over to brace his elbows on his knees. It had been a long time since he'd indulged himself this way. A very long time. Beside him, Wang Pangzi leaned back to rest his elbows on the table behind them, tipping his head back. He was smiling. "Now *that* was a party."
The corners of Huo Daofu's lips pulled up in an answering smile before he even realized they had. They'd been doing that a lot lately. Smiling without his express permission.
They used to do that often. Before.
The smile fell from Huo Daofu's lips as though it had been washed away by a bucket of cold water. He'd been down this road before. He'd been down this road before, and it had only led him to heartbreak. He had no desire to travel it again now that he knew where it led. He looked up, gaze catching on the only other upright person in the room. Zhang Qiling. Xiao-ge. Wu Xie's Menyouping. Wu Xie's—
Huo Daofu tore his gaze away, closing his eyes to the sight and finishing off his bottle in one long pull. By the time he had finished, Pangzi's leg was a heavy line of warmth against his own, his outstretched knee lazily nudging into him. He laughed. "Now, where have I seen that look before, I wonder?"
Taking advantage of the few inches remaining on his side of the bench, Huo Daofu shifted away, frowning to discourage Pangzi from claiming the inches he'd ceded. Pangzi, of course, took no notice. Wu Xie had ruined his understanding of personal space, like he had for so many others… if Pangzi had had any to begin with. Pangzi had rolled onto his hip to face Huo Daofu, one arm propping his head up on the table, the other bracing his own bottle on his hip. He raised an eyebrow.
Huo Daofu matched that look, stare for stare, for as long as he could before breaking. He twirled his empty bottle idly back and forth between his hands, wishing he hadn't finished it, that he could take another drink in lieu of answering the question so clearly waiting in Pangzi's open expression. Finally, he sighed, leaning back against the table. Quietly, he said, "How do you let him go? When the mission is over, when the wounds are healed, and to the victor have gone the spoils… how do you let him go?"
Pangzi's snort ruffled the short hair at the back of Huo Daofu's neck, and he repressed a shudder. "Xiao-ge?" Pangzi's hand waved wildly across the room for a moment before he snorted again. "He's like a feral cat, that one. Happy to accept food and skritchings and pettings when it pleases him, but restless and aggressive if tied down to one place for too long. It's better for everyone concerned to let him wander where he will and when he will. Eventually you just…" he shrugged. "…learn to accept it." There was a brief pause, then Pangzi reached out and poked Huo Daofu hard in the shoulder. "Aiyo. You're not turning into another Sang Bei'er on me, are you? One Xiao-ge superfan is already more than we can handle."
Huo Daofu turned to face Pangzi, his face hardening. Zhang Qiling. Really.
As their eyes met, Pangzi's face abruptly softened. "Ah. Ah, ah, ah. OK." That last came out in English, and Pangzi reached out again, this time to pat the spot on Huo Daofu's shoulder that he had just poked a moment before. "Apologies, apologies. I misunderstood." Another pat.
If Huo Daofu could have moved further away without falling off the bench, he would have. He wasn't used to… this. Pangzi sat up beside him, finally, taking another pull of his bottle before turning his own gaze across the room. Zhang Qiling was still sitting upright, looking down at a boneless Wu Xie, who was sprawled across his lap like some oversized cat, with a softer look than Huo Daofu had ever seen on his face. His fingers slowly sifted through Wu Xie's hair and Wu Xie curled *closer* and— Huo Daofu's stomach clenched at the sudden sense memory of his own fingers sliding through that same hair. He dropped his head into his hands, doing his best to convince himself when Pangzi's overly heavy patting resumed moments later, that it was reassuring and not intrusive.
Softly, and with almost more sympathy in it than Huo Daofu could bear, Pangzi said, "I hate to say it, but I think you're very much barking up the wrong tree here. I don't have a great track record, myself, of being able to let him go. Exhibit A being me literally falling to my knees and begging for his life outside your very own youtiao shop, not all that long ago… in case you forgot."
Quietly. "I haven't forgotten."
How could he?
It had been years at that point, since Huo Daofu had last set eyes on Wu Xie, years since what they'd had had ended in a fiery explosion of tempers that had left a hole inside him that had still been only slowly healing when Wang Pangzi showed up on his doorstep. He'd seriously considered, then, leaving Wu Xie to die, had still been considering it days later when he joined them on that frantic rescue mission from which Wu Xie should not have returned. But being near him, supporting him, taking care of him, day after day after day… of being subject to that wry, unassuming smile and the dry sense of humor that they'd always shared… of having that body back in his arms, no matter how dire the circumstances… it had weighed on him until he'd reached a wary sort of peace with himself and an even warier sort of peace with Wu Xie. Huo Daofu had bid him goodbye on that last desperate mission fully expecting it to *be* goodbye, that having made their peace, they could let each other go, and Huo Daofu would be left to remember him fondly after his death, instead of with the bitterness that had so overshadowed their last parting.
But then Wu Xie had returned.
With Zhang Qiling at his side.
And now Huo Daofu was faced with a Wu Xie who had let *him* go… and he being unable to return the favor.
Pushing himself off the bench, Huo Daofu gave Pangzi a pat of his own in return. "Never mind, Pangzi. I'll find my own way." Softly. "I always do." And then before Pangzi could say another word, Huo Daofu turned and left. He had responsibilities. He had his pride. He was no longer 20 years old, willing to pine forever after the unattainable. It was time to let go. Angry words hadn't worked the last time, formed as they had been of barbed hooks that pulled both ways. This time, Huo Daofu would simply… wish Wu Xie well. And hope that that would be enough to cut the ties that needed to be cut, for both their sakes.
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yangsrose · 4 years
Owo i noticed your requests are open,can I have an angst with street racer haechan based off the song in another life by Katy perry + haechans death from crashing?
Word Count: 2.9k words
Warnings: street races, mentions of alcohol, mentions of tattoos, mentions of making out, character death, angst
Authors Notes: this is my first time writing something like this so if it’s bad i’m sorry akjdfn also i got a bit too carried away hence the fic almost being 3k words o_O
Summer after high school when we first met
You pulled out the old photo book, flipping through the pictures that you had taken that fateful summer. You felt the memories of the summer before the first year of college flash back to you, remembering how carefree and young you were. As you flipped through the pictures, we saw a familiar leather jacket peeking from the corner of one of the images. Tears pooled in your eyes as you saw his face, memories of him flooding your brain. 
Lee Donghyuck, or Haechan as everyone called him, was your first actual boyfriend. Sure, you had a few flings with other people throughout the course of your high school, but your first actual relationship was over the summer with a certain purple haired boy that lived across from you. 
The day that you met him was forever ingrained in your brain, never letting you forget about him. Your parents had gone on a trip over the summer, leaving you home alone for the entire break. You spent the summer before university just like how anyone normally would, wasting your time by lying around and eating a ton of ice cream. Your summer didn’t truly start until one of your friends convinced you to go to a street race that her friends had invited her to. You were nervous and jittering, not wanting to get caught by anyone by going to the illegal race sites. 
You remember sitting in the bleachers and watching the races, feeling an adrenaline rush surge through your body as you watched the cars zip down the gravel road, constantly trying to overtake each other. The hot June breeze blew your hair around, causing there to be more heat than refreshment one usually gains from the wind blowing. You remember watching a certain light blue and white car zip down, and something in you hoped that they would be the one to win. Maybe it was the fact that the colours popped out amongst the other darker cars, or maybe it was the fact that the driver easily maneuvered around the other cars. Whatever it was, your attention was instantly captured.
After the race was done, all the racers stepped out of their respective cars and your friend dragged you to go see her friend that you had attended the race for. As you walked through the multitudes of people, you saw the person in the blue car take off his helmet and shake his hair that was currently flattened from the helmet. As if the world was going in slow motion, you and him made eye contact, and you felt as if you were being tugged to him. 
His dark purple hair complemented his tan skin perfectly, giving him a carefree and rebellious look to his doe like eyes. His jacket matched his car, having a white body and bright light blue sleeves, patched adorning them. His pants were an odd combination of light and dark washed stripes, but even after all these years, you have to agree that he was the only person that could pull off wearing those. 
While you were still stuck in your trance, you didn’t notice the male walk up to you and stick his hand in front of you. One thing led to another, and before you knew it, you had exchanged numbers with each other and even had a date planned out. You felt a giddy feeling rise up in your chest as you drove away later that night, replacing any doubts that you had about going to the race today. You looked back at Haechan from your rearview mirror and saw him wave at you, leading you to replicate the same motion. Even though you had only known him for a span of a few hours, you were truly whipped for him. 
We'd make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my 18th birthday we got matching tattoos
Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof
It was now the beginning of August and summer was almost done. Haechan had asked you out in the beginning of July, which meant that you two had been dating for a month now. He took you on frequent dates, them always ending in the backseat of his car, making out, or on your roof. Even though you were pretty apprehensive about climbing up to the top, Haechan was always there for you, holding out his hand so that you could climb up to the top without getting hurt. He was also the first person that you had even gotten drunk with, him bringing bottles of alcohol to the roof. Yes, some people might label him as a bad influence, but you truly knew the type of person that Haechan was. Even though he made some bad mistakes here and there, he was the sweetest person to exist, never letting anything bad happen to you. 
On your 18th birthday, you made a decision that some people might call stupid. You begged Haechan to take you to a tattoo parlor, wanting to get a matching tattoo with him. He denied your requests, saying that you would just regret it later on. But as you pleaded even more, he obligated, taking you on your birthday. 
You remember sitting next to Haechan, holding his hand as the repetitive prick left your arm stinging. An hour later, yours and Haechan’s wrists were wrapped up, and you both left the store, walking hand in hand with a small lock and key tattoo permanently inked on your skin. 
And for the record, you never regretted that tattoo. 
Talk about our future like we had a clue
Never planned that one day I'd be losing you
Eleven months into your relationship with Haechan, you both realised that going to different universities would be really hard for the both of you. Between the long nights spent at the library and the hours in internships, you both soon began to cherish any free time that you had together. Haechan still raced, but you spent more time focusing on your school work, leaving for no free time at all. Today was the only day that the both of you finally had free time in your schedules, due it currently being summer break. You and Haechan currently lay in your bed side by side, talking about anything and everything that came to your minds. 
“What are you planning on doing after graduating?” Haechan asked you, turning to face you. 
“Probably try to get into medical school. You?” you asked, turned your head towards him. 
“I’m probably going to go into music.”
“Yeah, I like singing and not to mention, I’m pretty good at it.” Haechan said, smirking in your direction. 
“Looks like you’ll have to show me one day.” you said, giving him a coy smile. 
“Do you know what else I’ll be doing?” 
“Spending the rest of my life with you.”
You choked on your spit and sat up, not believing what Haechan was saying. The look on his face was one of pure adoration, showing no hints of deception. 
“Don’t say stuff like that” you said, shoving his shoulder lightly. Haechan laughed at your response and teased you a bit for your shy attitude. But deep down inside, the both of you knew that you would be willing to spend the rest of your lives together. 
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other, we made a pact
On your second anniversary, Haechan went all out for your date. He bought you a huge bouquet of roses, and even cooked you dinner, setting the small dining table in your shared apartment to make it seem like you were at a fancy restaurant. You remember Haechan pulling out your chair for you and acting extra dramatic that day, making you laugh at his silly antics. Little did you know, he was actually planning to purpose that night. He fidgeted the entire night, sticking his hand into the pocket that held the velvet box encasing the small metal band.
 After dinner and desert were done, Haechan cleared his throat and asked you to listen to a song that he had recorded a bit earlier. You didn’t take much into account because he was always asking you to listen to stuff, wanting to get your opinion on his works. But today, something seemed different. For one, Haechan seemed more jittery, and he kept fidgeting with something in his pocket. You put those all aside and pressed play, the sweet voice of your boyfriend filling the air. Once the song ended, you were met with your boyfriend kneeling on one knee in front of you, holding a dark velvet box containing a small diamond ring, the stones glittering under the bright light in the dining room. Your hands flew up to your mouth and you felt tears form in your eyes, jumping out of your seat to tackle Haechan into a hug. He groaned a bit when you hugged him, but his arms encircled your body, pulling you closer to him. 
Hugging him here, it felt like nothing in the world could go wrong. 
Sometimes when I miss you I put those records on 
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the blues
It's time to face the music, I'm no longer your muse
“Get out.”
“I said get out.” 
Haechan sighed and stormed out of the apartment, grabbing his jacket along with him. You watched him go out, feeling a mix of anger and sadness brew in your stomach. You felt a feeling of anxiety rise in your chest, confusing you at what the feeling meant. 
Six months ago when Haechan proposed to you, he vowed to put his racing days aside. He told you that he wanted to start a family with you, and frankly, racing was slowly becoming more and more dangerous, leading to more people dying from crashes that occured during races. You were relieved, feeling happy that he wouldn’t be putting himself at risk anymore. But two weeks ago, you started feeling suspicious of Haechan. He would always give you an excuse of “having to go to the library for schoolwork”. You investigated into the cause of his absence, and when you did, you found out that he was secretly going back and racing , something that he promised you not to do. When you confronted him, all he did was stare at you in disbelief. How did you find out? He was so careful to cover his tracks, but you still managed to figure out what he was doing. Haechan began arguing back, saying that he needed a way to get rid of all the stress that had accumulated on himself from school. Before the both of you knew it, it had just led to Haechan walking out and you sitting on the loveseat, sobbing your eyes out. 
Three hours later, it was near midnight and Haechan still wasn’t back home, causing you to get worried for him. Even when you two fought with each other, you always managed to make up with each other, keeping true of not letting the sun go down on your anger. You called his phone multiple times, getting the same message saying that the receiver could not be reached at the time. Your hands started to shake as time went on, and you felt a feeling of anxiety take over you. Just as you were about to grab your coat and go outside to search for Haechan, your phone let up with a notification of someone calling you. You immediately grabbed your phone, saying a small “hello” into the receiver.
“Is this y/n l/n?” the person asked. You nodded your head fervently and listened to what they were saying. When they finished, your phone dropped out of your hands and fell onto the floor with a clattering sound, causing it to resonate around the small room. 
Haechan had gotten into an accident while racing and was in the hospital in a critical condition. 
You ran out of your house and got into your car, driving at an unreasonably fast speed to the hospital. You rushed over to the front desk, telling the receptionist that you were there for a patient named Haechan. The receptionist told you the room he was in, and you ran off to the room, hoping that you would reach on time before it was too late. Your wish went into vain however, because by the time that you had opened the room’s door, you heard the doctor announce to the nurse to write down the time of death. You felt the world spin around you, and suddenly, everything turned black. 
All this money can't buy me a time machine, no
Can't replace you with a million rings, no
I should've told you what you meant to me 
'Cause now I pay the price
Two weeks later, you stood in front of the huge headstone that was placed in front of you, feeling the never ending tears well up in your eyes once again. Everyone flocked around you and Haechan’s family, mummering their condolences and placing flowers on his grave. 
That night, Haechan had left the apartment in anger. Wanting to find a way to relieve the stress, he went over to the familiar race track, hoping to feel better after racing for a while. He apparently lost control of his car after he swerved to avoid hitting another racer that was ahead of him. The rest of the details were hidden from your mind, you selectively choosing not to listen to what had happened after that. 
After the funeral was done, you walked back to your car, feeling as if an immovable weight was placed on your shoulders. You sat in your car, the silence of the environment threatening to swallow you whole. You looked down at your stomach, placing a hand over it. 
The day that Haechan died was the day that you took a pregnancy test, realising that you had symptoms of potentially carrying a child in you. You remember waiting to tell him of your news, all of it long forgotten in the process of the events that happened the few days prior. You felt the tears well up once again and you hastily wiped them away, not wanting to break down once more while you were trying to get home. You inserted the key into your car and drove away, your mind clouded with countless thoughts of what you would have to do now. 
You just wished you could tell him that you loved him one last time. 
In another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say you were
The one that got away
“Mom come on! We have to get going to the ice cream parlor!” you turned around and saw your daughter’s head peek up through the top of the attic, the only thing being seen was her mischievous eyes peeking out.
“Go put on your shoes. I’ll be there soon okay?” you watched as her head left sight, the sound of her hurrying to put on her shoes echoing through the house. You put the photobook back into the box that you pulled it out of, smiling at your past self ten years ago. Your life had changed drastically through those years and even though you still spent days grieving over Haechan, you realised that he taught you to love the little things in life and let loose for once, learning to live in the moment. 
You climbed down the attic stairs and walked over to where your daughter was standing, putting on your shoes as well before feeling her tug at your hand. You laughed and let her lead you, not noticing that your necklace had come out from under your t-shirt when you bent down. The light reflecting off of it caused your attention to be captured, scattering multitudes of small multicoloured diamond shapes all over the floor. Your hand clasped onto the dainty ring that was held on by a thin gold chain, the cold metal sending a shiver down your spine. You looked down at your other hand and saw it being held by your daughter, who you had to admit was the exact same person as Haechan. Her infectious personality and positive attitude reminded you of the days where Haechan would sit next to you for hours on end, helping you with your school work. Even her facial features were the same, the round doe eyes holding bits of mischief in them, lighting up whenever she smiled or laughed. 
The sun shone down on the both of you, finally peaking through the clouds as it scattered the light around. You looked up and smiled, something in your heart telling you that it was Haechan’s way of saying “it’s going to be okay.” You smiled and walked into the parlour, because for the first time in almost seven years, life did seem like it was going to be okay. 
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the-evil-authoress · 3 years
GX Month Day 4: “Swing of Memories”
Ah, yes, those sweet, precious memories shared with siblings...and a few you’d rather forget. Explore the bond between Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes and Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes today! A sweet sibling hug? A heated argument? Show us!
Yes, I summarized and skipped over parts of the actual duel. This thing would have been so much longer if I hadn’t. Cheese and crackers this monster. O_O
This is not how Alexis expected this night to go. She almost regrets her idea for all of them to crash together when they are now standing on a magic platform above lava that will destabilize with every turn that passes. Syrus already looks ready to pass out, clinging to the back of Jaden’s jacket for dear life.
“Isn’t this counterproductive for you?!” Alexis yells at the shadowy creep. The way the darkness clings to him makes it impossible to distinguish any features, beyond the fact he wears black and that creepy mask. Even his voice sounds distorted. “If we die, you can’t duel us for the keys!”
A dark laugh like shadows on the walls. “Do you know why the Keys cannot simply be taken?” the man asks instead of answering.
“Because the Keys form a bond with whomever holds them,” Bastion snaps. Of course they already asked the important questions when Chancellor Sheppard told them about this crazy shadow war. “Therefore that bond must be broken through ritual combat.”
“Mmm, well you’re half right.” The man tilts his head, sounding smug under the layers of shadows that mask his real voice. “There’s more than one way to break a bond. A Key holder could give their Key to another- a simple, painless transfer. But I don’t expect you lot to do that. You’re far too good.” For a moment his voice is viscous, deadly, and sends a shiver down Alexis’ spine. The next he returns to almost mockingly light-hearted teasing. “However, if a Key holder dies, there’s nothing for the Key to bond to, now is there? A Key without an owner is free for the taking.”
Great, just great! So much for ‘can only be won in a duel’. If this wackjob figured out a loophole, then how many of the other Shadow Riders know about it?
Bastion inhales sharply, eyes darting back to the dark platform under their feet as Christina snarls a curse and Syrus and Chumley wail.
“Of fucking course!”
“I don’t wanna die~!”
“Don’t you worry about that.” That shadows-on-the-wall laugh again. “I’ll win this match long before you can fall. I want the pleasure of taking you all out myself.”
“Certainly confident,” Bastion grumbles, but there’s genuine fear in his eyes.
“Not gonna happen!” Jaden yells with all of his usual bravado; Alexis shouldn’t be surprised.
The duel starts to everyone’s dismay but it’s not like they actually have a way off this volcano. Alexis still doesn’t know how they got here beyond falling through the magical darkness that overtook Jaden’s dorm room. The first round isn’t anything special, the most excitement comes from Chumley’s leg falling through the platform as he tries to convince himself it’s still stable. Syrus and Chumley both scream as they all yank him back up and stare in horror at the brand new hole in the only thing between them and certain death.
“-Red-Eyes Black Dragon!”
Alexis’ attention snaps back to the duel as the familiar monster takes the field in a blaze of glory and proceeds to blast Jaden back several feet. Syrus goes tumbling with him, and Christina shrieks as they come dangerously close to the edge, but Jaden skids to stop with a foot to spare, one hand braced against the platform and the other fisted in Syrus’ jacket.
Barely able to breathe, Alexis turns back to Nightshroud and Red-Eyes Black Dragon. “Why do you have that card? What did you do to my brother?!”
“Your brother?” Bastion yelps but Alexis can’t focus on anything but the man in front of her.
Nightshroud pauses, head tilting. “Who? Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about. This card has always been mine.”
“Liar!” Alexis screams, voice raw, chest heavy. “That card is a tournament exclusive!” Atticus gushed over it for weeks, showed it off at school, more excited about the card than winning the tournament. This is the first sign she’s seen of her brother in two years! This man has to know something!
“You dare call me a liar?” A dark bolt darts out at Nightshroud’s command and sends Alexis careening back. Her foot slips off the edge.
Jaden yanks her back by the arm with a grip hard enough to bruise, and Alexis startles at the absolute terror in his eyes. “Hey, not cool!” He swings back around to face Nightshroud, the bravado back in full force, but this time Alexis knows what it hides. “You’re dueling me! Leave them out of this!”
Nightshroud only snorts, a derisive sound. “Then duel me, since you want to save them so badly.”
Alexis is still close enough to see the cards as Jaden draws Polymerization and fusion summons Rampart Blaster to deal Nightshroud damage even from defense position. The shadows shiver as Nightshroud suffers the pain of his own shadow game, momentarily revealing brown hair.
“Feel like talking now, buddy?” Jaden taunts with a grin.
Nightshroud’s legs shake before he stands tall once again. “I already told you! This card has always been mine! I don’t know anything about the girl’s brother!” For a moment, the shadows obscuring his voice part and it sounds almost familiar.
Rampart Blaster’s defense proves futile as Nightshroud hits Jaden directly with the spell Inferno Fire Blast. The flames that engulf Jaden are far too real for any hologram, and Jaden sinks to his knees and nearly through the platform as it gives way beneath him. Christina and Syrus scramble to drag him back up as Bastion checks him over for serious injury.
“‘M fine.” Jaden tries to brush them off and stand on his own but immediately winces and sways.
“Fine my ass!” Christina hisses.
“I’m inclined to agree!” Bastion pushes up Jaden’s sleeve to reveal an angry red splotch. “You’re covered in blisters if not more severe burns!”
“We can worry about that later!” Jaden pries his hand free with another wince as Nightshroud uses his next monster to force Rampart Blaster into attack mode.
“Wait. No.” A cold spot appears in Alexis’ chest as she takes a step back. She recognizes more than one card Nightshroud has played. “It’s not just Red-Eyes... I think he has Atticus’ whole deck.”
“What?” Christina spins from where she stands to act as Jaden’s support.
“But how is that possible?” Chumley stammers.
“I don’t know!” Alexis snaps, shaking. She has this horrible, horrible feeling. No matter what Nightshroud claims, he must have done something to her brother and taken his deck. She never once let herself consider the possibility, because it meant giving up, it meant letting her grief win, but what if... “I-”
Syrus shrieks as the platform gives way underneath him, stumbling forward as Chumley catches and hauls him back to safety. Their safe places to stand are dwindling quickly. Jaden finishes his combo by fusion summoning Thunder Giant. The two monsters’ clash ends in a draw as both are destroyed, setting up Burstinatrix for a direct attack.
“Let’s see how you like it!”
Nightshroud barely flinches against the assault of flame as the shadows around him flicker and swell as if fending off the attack. Pouting, Jaden moves onto his next play then passes the turn to Nightshroud. Mirage Dragon takes the field and Alexis startles as Nightshroud refers to the dragon with feminine pronouns. That’s how Atticus always referred to that card. Most duelists default to masculine pronouns unless the card art is obviously feminine, but Atticus was different.
-“She just gives me, ‘cranky old lady’ vibes, ya know?”- Atticus said when Alexis asked. She hadn’t known, not all, what Atticus meant.
Atticus’ deck was one thing, but this particular quirk... It couldn’t be.
Jaden goes down again as Mirage Dragon takes out Burstinatrix; Christina drags him back to his feet and away as a new hole opens up in the platform. His next turn sees Elemental Hero Tempest take the field and obliterate Mirage Dragon. This time, Nightshroud flinches as the shadows scatter off his form; and even with that mask on his face, Alexis knows what she sees.
“Hold on whut?” Jaden jerks, gaping at her.
Alexis starts forward and stumbles as her foot falls through another hole.
“And who the hell is that supposed to be?” Nightshroud growls, and it’s Atticus’ voice now that the shadowy echo no longer obscures it.
“You!” Pulling herself upright, Alexis watches the floor for holes as she continues forward. Her friends call after her but she ignores them. “I know that’s you, Atticus! You really think a dumb mask would make me not recognize my own brother?!”
“My name is Nightshroud-”
“Why are you doing this? Why are you a Shadow Rider? What happened to you, Atticus?!”
She manages to duck this time before the darkness strikes her, elbows banging hard against the platform. The breath shudders out of her and she realizes she’s crying.
“I don’t know you, little girl.”
It hurts. It hurts so much. She found him but like this and he doesn’t even know who she is. A hand on her shoulder alerts her to one of her friends, unsurprised to find Christina kneeling next to her. “It’s him...” Alexis whispers brokenly as Christina pulls her up.
“I know.”
“Why is he...” she hiccups, unable to finish the sentence. Christina squeezes her finger as she leads Alexis safely back to their friends.
Atticus summons Red-Eyes back to the field with Red-Eyes Chick’s ability then trades it in for a card Alexis has never seen before - Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. Darkness. Nightshroud. That thing has her brother and she needs to figure out how to get him back from its clutches. Jaden ends the turn with Negate Attack, surviving to the next round. He hesitates as he draws his next card, then plays Wroughtweiler in defense and switches Tempest to defense.
“Jay?” Christina sends him a look.
“I honestly don’t have any other plays right now,” Jaden says, voice low as he glances back at her. “Besides, if that’s Lexi’s brother... Doesn’t the loser of this duel die?”
Alexis breathes in sharply. Christina hisses through her teeth.
“But what if winning gets rid of whatever is controlling him,” Bastions says. “Assuming he’s been possessed by some sort of dark power.”
“Yeah, maybe, but-”
“Jaden.” Alexis forces the words out as he turns to look at her, those eyes so full of compassion and concern. “If you lose, we all die. We can worry about the rest of it later.”
Jaden flinches. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m not!” Alexis loses the battle against her emotions as a fresh wave of tears overtakes her. “But what other choice do we have?”
Jaden stares at her a moment longer before turning back to face his opponent as Atticus attacks Wroughtweiler with Spear Dragon. He activates Wroughtweiler’s effect and goes down with a scream as his Life Points drop because Spear Dragon deals damage even if the monster it battles is in defense. Still, Jaden gets to add Sparkman and Polymerization back to his hand and gets back to his feet with a little help. Not that it does much good. The force of Tempest’s destruction sends him reeling back into Bastion, and Bastion yelps as the ground threatens to cave under their combined weight. Between the four of them, they manage to keep their friends on stable ground, but Jaden looks like he’s barely conscious at this point. With 600 Life Points left and their safety net looking like swiss cheese, Alexis glances at the lava below and turns back to her brother.
“Enough! Enough, Atticus! This duel is over!” she declares with all the fire she can muster. “You want a Spirit Key so badly, then you can have mine!” Ignoring the startled outburst from her friends, she pulls the object from its place around her neck and holds it out. “You said it works if it’s given freely, right? Let my friends go, and you can have it!”
“Alexis...” Jaden rasps, held upright by Christina’s arm. Alexis never looks away from her brother.
Atticus scoffs. “While I’m flattered that you’d give me your Key willingly, I’m afraid just one Key won’t do. I want them all.” His voice darkens, distorts into something unrecognizable again as the shadows rise up and cling to him. “Wait your turn, little girl. I’ll duel you next.”
“Atticus!” Alexis pleads, except this time she knows she’s not talking to her brother anymore - if she ever was - but this thing that’s taken over him.
“Make your move, Key keeper. If you can.”
Pulling his arm off Christina’s shoulders, Jaden glares his opponent down. “Oh, I can. And I’m winning this duel!”
“But you can barely sta-AAAAAA!” Syrus screams as he falls entirely through the platform. Alexis dives, catching his hand as Bastion grabs the other. Together they haul him back up while Jaden watches, pale as a sheet.
“Whatever you’re about to do, do it fast!” Chumley clasps his hand together, legs shaking so hard Alexis is surprised he still stands.
“Right!” With Christina’s hand on his shoulder, Jaden draws his card.
The combo he gets off next is a spectacular comeback. Atticus hits his knees with a scream as darkness rolls off his form in waves, and Alexis runs for him without a second thought. She doesn’t get far before the dark platform vanishes completely from beneath her feet. She has a single terrifying moment to think, This is how we die, before a bright golden light engulfs her.
When she opens her eyes again, she pushes herself off the cold, rocky ground of the mountainside while Syrus and Chumley cry over not being dead.
"What was that light? It looked like it came from your deck," Bastion murmurs, and something glows faintly as Christina shuffles through her cards with a frown, Jaden slumped against her.
Alexis spares them only a glance as she continues straight for her brother, collapsed face down on the ground feet in front of her. “Atticus!” She drops to her knees and rolls him to face her.
His eyes flutter briefly open. “Who...?” he mumbles weakly before his head lulls again, and Alexis fears the worst as she searches for his pulse. It flutters under her fingers, slow but strong, and she finally releases the breath she’d be holding. It comes out a sob.
“Is he...?” Bastion ventures closer, not daring to finish the inquiry.
“He’s alive...” Alexis breathes, cradling her brother close as another voice breaches the mountain air.
“Heeeey! What’s going on over here?!”
Alexis looks up as Zane and Chazz come running. “Zane. Zane!” she calls, heedless to how broken her voice is and doesn’t miss the way Zane immediately speeds up. “It’s him! It’s Atticus!” She holds her brother closer as Zane freezes in his tracks, face flooding with shock. “I found him...”
“What-” Zane croaks as he kneels next to them slowly, and reaches out like he expects Atticus to disappear under his fingers. The emotions that play out over his face when his hand lands on Atticus’ shoulder are too complicated to name. “What happened?”
“I don’t know.”
They sit in silence like that for another moment, just soaking in that Atticus is back. Then Zane shifts to slide his arms under Atticus’ limp form. “Here.” Nodding, Alexis moves aside to let Zane lift Atticus into his arms. Some distance away, her friends hoist an unconscious Jaden onto Chumley’s back.
“If he looks this bad after winning, I don’t wanna know what losing looks like,” Chazz gripes.
“That?” Syrus points hesitantly at Atticus.
Zane sends Alexis a sharp look. “He was a Shadow Rider,” Alexis whispers, and glances away as Zane’s expression breaks again. “He didn’t recognize me. That’s all I know.”
“Okay,” Zane says at length and they begin the long trek down the mountain.
Alexis still has so many questions...and fears. She once thought finding her brother would make everything okay again, but now... Now she’s scared this is only the beginning rather than the end she sought. What if he wakes up and still doesn’t recognize her? Can she handle that? Can she handle learning what turned him into a Shadow Rider? Her hand fists itself into Zane’s coat tail. If he notices, he doesn’t comment.
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saladejin · 4 years
Admire | 05
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Seokjin x Fem!Reader | arranged marriage!au, husband!Seokjin | Strangers to lovers, angst, self discovery, loneliness in luxury, touch starvation (eventual smut), eventual domestic fluff
Summary: You’d never needed anyone else. Growing up alone, living alone, existing alone. It all came naturally and effortlessly, quite like breathing. That was until your somewhat distant parents finally decided it was time to make good on a promise. One they’d made before you were even born.
Warnings: Some depressing and painful talk but nothing crazy, a few fluffy and domestic-ish moments for u all, and oh ... there’s only one bed? O_o
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: This is so different from what it used to be, wow. I was out here changing entire paragraphs lol, but anyway sorry if there are any mistakes! Let me know your thoughts at the end :)
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The road fell away in front of you as you scrolled mindlessly on your phone. After a round of brusque insistence on his behalf, you'd finally given in and let Seokjin convince you into relinquishing the driver's seat after a couple of hours on the road. You made sure to grumble in protest before plonking yourself down on the passenger side, him brushing you off easily.
You’d put the memory of the thoughtless kiss to the back of your mind, hoping that he’d forgotten just as swiftly. You were here to enjoy your trip, not to overthink about what had happened in the past. Thinking back on the past 24 hours, you sighed in defeat.
Let’s hope we don’t crash. 
*hours earlier*
You both arrived at the meeting place after countless attempts of stuttering out the most confusing directions to the driver. At this point, you almost wanted to pass out and it was still relatively early. 
Managing to greet all your aunties, uncles, and cousins as a couple of lovebirds came effortlessly enough. It was nothing but a way of life for you and Seokjin these days.
“(Y/n) you’ve grown so much. Oh, I’m going to cry!”
You tried to calm one of your more eccentric aunties while your husband stood awkwardly to the side, looking around at the gathered group of people in contemplation. Dressed casually again, he hadn’t been prepared for the sheer number of everyday individuals preparing to depart. All beside a line of large black and white motorhomes which were currently fuelling up under the shade of nearby woodland.
Once the two of you finally managed to break away from the introductions and reunions, you let out a sigh of relief. You were finally alone, sinking into the refurbished leather seats of the vehicle to regain your composure. Dealing with a horde of chipper relatives can deplete one’s energy like a starved leech if it continues for too long.
“Sorry, they’re just excited.” You laughed airily, leaning forward to switch on the air conditioner. The temperature outside was already heating up from the unforgiving sun, and you were going to positively drown in sweat if you didn’t get some cold air blasting on you lickety-split.
“They’re…lively. But it’s okay, I signed up for it anyway,” the tall man replied with a smirk of his own. He seemed amused at how quickly you'd been swamped, but he also seemed to notice how happy you were at receiving all the attention.
“The first one will probably leave soon. I’ll start driving and then if you want you can switch with me later. We won’t make it to the first stop today, but it’ll most likely end up being late tomorrow morning,” you explained while readying yourself at the wheel of the vehicle. Seokjin hummed in acknowledgement and craned his long neck backwards to ensure your bags were all safe a secure.
You admired how comfortable he looked in his simple travelling clothes. How he could pull off such a simple but effective appearance that highlighted his handsome features, such as his dusky brown eyes and midnight coloured locks of hair - hair that had grown out and gotten nicely longer, you might add - was a complete and utter mystery to you.
“By the way, we don’t have to put on as much of an act here with these people,” you began on a weirdly sombre note, trying not to look over at him for a reaction. “The whole relationship thing doesn’t matter to them as much. They won’t get suspicious or question us, so don’t stress too much about going all out, alright?”
“Okay,” came his simple reply, void of much emotion.
You didn’t know why you expected anything else, but a small part of you longed to continue pretending. You wanted to be with him, wanted to feel his hands on your skin again. It was almost too much for you to handle. You couldn’t imagine anyone else ever feeling so conflicted about their own lover, not to mention having hands on your arms of all places.
Absurd. Right?
Suddenly, the motorhome in front of you began rolling forward and you pressed down slowly on the gas pedal to follow suit. Seokjin twisted his broad shoulders back around to face the front, blinking harshly as the sunlight shone through the windscreen and hit him forcefully in the face.
Your lips quirked up in an amused smirk. What a goof.
Your eyes drooped with a heavy sleepiness as Seokjin finally pulled the truck into the site where everyone would be camping. The drive had been quite lengthy, but you’d been swapping every few hours or so until you’d become too tired to go on. Being the husband-material he was, Seokjin gladly took the burden of getting you both through the rest of the way.
“Hey wake up, everyone’s getting out for some reason.”
You blinked the sleep out of your eyes and groaned, feeling slightly more energised from your nap but still groggy. You slowly made your way down the steps and outside into the humid air, nostalgic memories finally flowing into your mind as you watched the members of your family collecting around several bright vans.
“Oh, this is the food truck stop,” you rasped out in a matter-of-factly tone, causing Seokjin to eye you in confusion. It was luckily still light enough to catch his dumbfounded expression.
“There are food trucks in this parkland area, so we can go and buy some hot-dogs or something if we want. It’s always the first dinner stop,” you tried to explain mid-yawn. The sky was blending into darkness as the sun began to set below the horizon.
“You’re so sleepy.” Seokjin snorted lowly, almost chuckling when you looked up at him through glaring watery eyes from the yawn, as if it weren’t obvious enough. He looked fairly relaxed, and you gently smiled at the sight of his beautiful eyes lighting up with wonder at the view of the campsite around him.
It was enthralling, how fascinated he was with absolutely everything. Even though the red cap sitting atop his black mop of hair cast a shadow over his face, it was still easy to spot just how eager he was to just enjoy life normally for once. To be a commoner and forget about all the pressed suits he had hanging up at home, the bucket loads of cash sitting in his bank account, the disapproving parents.
Now was the time he could finally taste the sweetness of freedom.
All of a sudden, the tall man left a tap on your shoulder and leaned in close once you faced him curiously. The stuffy fog of sleep was immediately chased away from your whirring mind, and you widened your eyes in shock when one of his hands pulled you closer, indicating what he wanted you to do with a simple touch.
Is he initiating a kiss, for once?
You reacted almost instantly to his subtle body language, everything coming naturally as you stepped in closer and raised your lips to peck his plump ones sweetly. Your whole body was buzzing with eruptions of joy, heat and surprise at the impulse; hands curling into his shirt so that you could feel the warmth of his body even more…for just a little bit longer. It was so rare for him to be bold like this.
For a single second, you forgot what your relationship truly was and felt - for the first time - what it was like to pour your heart into loving another person.
An older man cackled with his friend as they shared a beer together. “My, you young ones are just so passionate, aren’t you?” You swept some hair back behind your ear and ducked your head to hide the embarrassed flush. Or maybe you were trying to hide the stupid smile sitting on your face.
“I’ll get some food for us,” Seokjin said after another few moments of observing the place. You inwardly gaped at him as he moved towards one of the colourful food trucks, wondering if he was going to actually cover you for food.
What's gotten into him? Maybe it’s just because he’s used to putting on a performance, and that it’s such a different setting on top of that.
You shook your head to rid yourself of the fluffy feelings and jogged up to where your dark-haired partner was lining up for hot dogs.
“Do you want me to give you some cash for mine?” you asked hesitantly, gaze imploring for his attention again.
“No, go find a table to sit at,” he murmured, flicking his head upwards to point out a group of empty wooden tables nearby. You were pleasantly surprised at his motive and couldn’t help the way your jaw went slightly slack, simply stunned. Eventually, you complied and headed over towards the seats.
He'd looked so refreshed and so pleased with himself. Even with the weariness brought on by the long and tiresome journey.
The whole area was illuminated by a few atmospheric park lamps, but everyone knew that it would soon grow too dark to stay outside for much longer. Plus, you’d all need a good night’s sleep if you were going to make it to your stop tomorrow. You almost groaned again at the thought of driving so early.
“Here, I forgot to ask what drink you wanted, but you usually like bubbly stuff so I got a soft drink.”
Bit different from champagne, you surmised, but it was cute that he thought like that.
Seokjin placed a can next to where your arm was resting on the tabletop. Then, he held out a delicious looking hot dog sprinkled with fried onion rings, and you couldn’t stop the way your stomach grumbled and growled at the sight.
“I’m a starved woman, thank you.’’
He sat down and glanced around at the groups of people chatting, the strange but somehow never misplaced glimmer of interest never faltering in his eyes. On the other hand, you essentially inhaled the meal in front of you despite how weird it felt to ingest such cheap and fattening food. After months of high-class dining, it was more peculiar than one would think. Even something as unfamiliar as eating such a messy meal didn’t bother either one of you after the day you'd had.
“So, you don’t go around and talk to them much?” Seokjin questioned in a light tone of voice, picking his long and slightly curved fingers clean of any crumbs. The man was picturesque in how calm and concentrated he was. You decided that you liked that look of determination on him, even if it was for something so insignificant.
“I do, but I’m not really in the mood right now.” You sighed, resting your face into your palm so that you could ease the tension in your sore neck. You cast your gaze downwards and hoped that you wouldn’t regret your next words.
“Plus, I kind of want to spend most of my time on this trip with you.”
His eyes stared into yours from across the table, unblinking as he was thrown into one of his strange thoughtful silences.
You rushed to elaborate in a panic. “I-I … well I’ve done this trip many times and I thought it’d be nice to get to know each other a little bit more. We haven’t really asked many questions during the past few months, and I already feel so peaceful travelling together that I thought it’d be cool to just spend some time away from all the parties and shit to really relax and talk, you know?”
Cool? Did I really just say it'd be cool if we talked? Fuck you (Y/n).
You took a rickety breath and clasped both your hands together to try and hide your flustered appearance. With pursed lips and a slight cringe from the ranting accompanying your nerves, you searched his gaze with your own to try your best at reading him.
“Yeah, I know. It would make everything easier if we knew more about each other, so I don’t have to make up more lies,” he eventually spoke after clearing his throat quietly.
You thought he would’ve been more uncomfortable, or rather less than willing to take you up on the suggestion, but you were surprised yet again at his almost enthusiastic response. Was he finally letting you see past the high and sturdy walls he’d built up at the beginning of your relationship? If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was coming out of his shell a little as well, but then again it wasn’t as if you knew enough to make that observation in any kind of confidence.
Maybe he's always been more open like this to people he was close with, and you were only just beginning to see this side. Even if that was the case, it made you happy to think that he was starting to trust you enough to change the way he acted. You were content enough to be considered as something close to a friend, at least.
“It’s late. We should head in,” his familiar voice snapped you out of your rampant thoughts, causing your feelings of bewilderment to skyrocket.
I need to keep my shit together!
“Yeah, sorry for spacing out.” You laughed, trying to shrug off the mortification at failing to keep your wits about you. Maybe if he stopped being so oddly charming with his perfect lips and enigmatic eyes, you’d be able to focus a little better.
You made your way to the last motorhome in the line. Seokjin had parked it a little ways from the others, almost as if he’d sensed your need for privacy and solitude. You were somewhat introverted at the best of times, so after a whole day of socialising you really wanted nothing more than to retreat back to your own little space to recuperate.
Had he figured that out, or was it just a lucky guess? Maybe he was just the same…
You followed him into the portable house and weaved yourself around the table and sofa lounges, eventually coming to stop by the comfy looking queen bed at the very back. This was where things would get weird again. You’d never shared a bed before tonight, and the couches weren’t large enough to allow anyone space to sleep either.
“Ah, I guess we don’t have a choice. You don’t mind, do you?” you remarked reluctantly, knowing that you were more than happy to have company in your bed, but he might not feel the same.
“Well what else can I do?” He shrugged with indifference. “I would’ve taken the couch if I could’ve already.”
“Right, sorry I didn’t tell you before we left.”
You sighed, more embarrassment clouding your vision as you hurriedly searched the inside of your suitcase for a flimsy shirt. It was way too hot during the summertime to wear a full set of pyjamas, so you hoped Seokjin wouldn’t feel even more uncomfortable by your choice of clothing.
Better than being naked.
You shuddered with heat at the thought but pushed it all away quickly. This was already bad enough as it was.
“It’s fine, I honestly don’t mind if you don’t,” he grunted while beginning to unbutton his shirt. You swallowed thickly at the sight of his broad chest and collarbone slowly getting revealed the lower he went. That, paired with the way his hair had become messy and rugged after driving and running his hands through it, was a dangerous combination you were enjoying way too much.
“Well, I don’t. Never did." You smiled nervously before moving to the bathroom to get changed.
You knew that sharing a bed with him after so many months was never going to be an easy feat. It was awkward at best, with you trying your best to ignore the thoughts of him being so close - thanks to your fear of doing something unpredictable - and him having no trouble forgetting you were there altogether. It was nothing for him. Somehow, he could just sleep the night away and not think about the presence of other people constantly.
The sound of soft breathing, the occasional movement of a foot or arm, the slight rise of the duvet with every deep inhale, or even the dreamy mumbling slipping past lips every now and again. You envied the peaceful way he drifted off, knowing that living with siblings most likely allowed him to factor these things right out.
For you, they were things that kept your eyes wide open, mind running a million miles a minute.
The next morning brought you to the first town on the itinerary. The sleepless night faded away as you parked the large vehicle next to the others, legs already bouncing with excitement at the thought of finally visiting some of your old childhood pastimes.
You all spent the day traipsing through the streets while some of the older family members greeted the shopkeepers and residents heartily. You could feel your heart bursting at the sight of Seokjin looking around the place with wide eyes, obvious amazement lighting up his face as he regarded the interactions of those around him. There was a growing fondness there you never thought you’d see.
One parkland picnic later, and the two of you found yourselves mingling with the crowd. You surprisingly found it easy to talk about your married life together. Even though he was quiet and unsure of how to act, everyone loved Seokjin and found great amusement in teasing and joking around with him. Many times you had to bite your tongue to hold back a snort of laughter. The old uncles and aunties never did hold back their rowdy banter.
“I remember when I was first married, son,” your eldest cousin said and clapped a hand firmly onto Seokjin’s shoulder, “It’s always magical at first, but soon you’ll want to chew your own ear off!”
You all laughed at his sardonic humour. Everyone, even the hopeless romantics, knew that marriage was never supposed to be perfect.
“It can’t be magical the whole time?” Seokjin asked thoughtfully, the tone of his voice light-hearted but the nature of the question way too innocent for your boisterous family to bypass.
Okay, maybe not everyone knew.
You almost choked on your sandwich when the people around you burst into loud laughter, feeling sorry for your husband. He just didn’t know the group of people he was dealing with yet.
The older men clinked their beers together. “Look at this guy, he wants a life-long honeymoon phase!”
“Nah, I think he’s looking for an early grave instead.”
You furrowed your brows and yelled through a smile, “Hey! What do you take me for, a monster?”
They exchanged wide-eyed looks and chuckled again before waving you off and tousling your hair affectionately.
“Be careful or I’ll tell Aunty what you said.” You giggled, trying to fix your messy tresses.
The loud and harmless jesting continued amongst the rest of the group while you turned to see how Seokjin was going with his food. A smile curved your lips again when you spotted the slight crinkle appearing at the corners of his eyes. He was amused, and the way the beaming sunlight streamed down through the tree branches to light up his grinning face was breathtakingly perfect.
His eyes shifted to meet yours suddenly, and you were glad it didn’t cause his expression to change. His gaze, irrevocably beautiful, was so warm and lively. If you could, you would want to see him this happy for the rest of his life.
“Son,” he mouthed quietly after shifting his gaze away from your awestruck scrutiny, “I’m still waiting for my own father to call me that.”
A ruthless stab to your chest. Not only from his words, but rather the lack of emotion he expressed while speaking them.
You didn’t know the kind of relationships he’d had, or how he’d lived his life so far, but trying to find out was like trying to connect with a brick wall. This simple statement about his father had you swallowing back sympathy, and it was upsetting to think that you’d never even once thought to ask him about it.
You wanted – no, you needed him to open up to you.
Quickly sifting through one of the cute picnic baskets led you to find a bundle of sweet packaged snacks. You would do anything to wipe that distantly forlorn look off his face, and universal law stated that candy was sure-fire way to lift anyone’s spirits. You personally loved them, but it was tough to determine if his tastes would match.
“Want a jelly?”
“Wait, you mean-” he started, but cut himself off when you finally fished out a specific packet and let out a small ‘ah!’ of triumph. His eyes shone with recognition, and you became confused at his unexpected reaction.
“I haven’t had these since I was young. They were my favourite, but my mother wanted us to stop eating too many sugary things…” Seokjin revealed, his lips pulling up into a smirk as he recalled his childhood memories.
“Well, you’re on your own now, and I’m not going to stop you. So here.” You chuckled and waited until he’d grabbed a handful of jellies before popping one into your own mouth.
Seokjin shook his head with a huff. He obviously found it stupid how he’d followed the strict rules of his parents for so long, not allowing himself to rebel in the slightest. It had never been an option before, but now here he was – living in a motorhome, eating hot dogs and jellies, basically hitchhiking through old weary towns rather than having his head down working for a big-time business firm.
You watched his eyes trail over you again, almost picking up his phantom of a voice saying, “So this is the life I could have lived.”
It brought a smile to your face as you thought about the way his gaze had lit up and drank everything in with such fervour. His cold and masquerade-like world was changing, he was seeing life from a different perspective, and knowing that you’d played a part in that brought you immense joy.
It was a warm glow of happiness you’d never felt or known before.
Night fell once more. Everyone filtered away to their beds, eyes drooping and bellies full of the various baked goods of the town. It had been an amazing day, and you knew you couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to help Seokjin emerge from his shell.
He seemed to be enjoying the trip for the exact same reasons you always had. Except now, you had another.
Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.
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So this tag exists on AO3 but has no works: Gouenji Shuuya/Kazemaru Ichirouta. 😭 Since I have no stories to read can you please give me ideas for Goukaze fics? They can be sweet, they can be dumb, just any crumbs for this starved shipper would be appreciated *holds out hat*
YOU’RE COMING./././ TO ME/.,/,, FOR GOUKAZE FIC IDEA??????.,,.,/
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Truth be told I am not a fanfic writer at all, HOWEVER I do have an absolute fuck ton of fanfic ideas that I’ve just thought up of over the years, I just can’t read/write.
^ I lied about this I have 0 ideas at any one time. I do have their whole timeline planned out so like, go crazy with any part of this if you want, I’m sorry I’m a huge sucker for ANGST, I CRAVE THAT HURT/COMFORT LIKE IT’S MY GOD DAMN LIFE BLOOD.
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Hopefully this doesn’t show up too small, knowing my luck it will </3 YOU DO NOT GET FLUFF WITH ME, YOU GET P A I N
Here’s a few extra ideas that I’ve just had floating around in the void that is my brain, I’m sorry I’m bad at explaining myself or my ideas, this is why I’m an artist not a writer </3
ARES DATE ARES DATE - remember when they went to watch all those soccer matches together in Ares??? I do and I think about it a LOT, it was 100% a date do not convince me otherwise. I like to think that they weren’t actually dating yet, it’s all just Gouneji inviting Kazemaru out on dates and him just, not getting the idea. Kazemaru: “Wow thanks for inviting me out to go watch the Raimon matches Gouenji, and you’re taking me out somewhere to eat afterwards, AND you’re walking me home, that’s so nice of you I’m glad we’re friends.” Gouenji: “Please.,.,, please can I just.,., hold your hand.,..,”
GOUENJI DOES NOTHING BUT YEARN FOR 48976567 YEARS – I always see Gouenji as the one to be all “oh no I have feelings, fuck *pretends they don’t exist*”, like he takes Kazemaru out and hangs out with him and all that and Kazemaru just never connects the dots lol. It’s not that he’s oblivious/ignorant (he kind of realises after a while that maybe Gouenji’s being gay for him), he just doesn’t want to get things wrong and mess up whatever relationship they have. Gouenjis never really that sad that Kazemaru never says anything about dating him, he’s just happy that he keeps wanting to hang out with him. One day, as a fucking power move, Kazemaru just asks him if they wanna date for real, and it’s like the one time Gouenji just breaks any Cool Guy façade he has and becomes a rambling mess.
POST ALIUS – IDK how many people remember this but like, why did Dark Emperors Kazemaru choose to wear the same number as Gouenji??? Like that’s kinda gay if you ask me, Gouenji goes up to him afterwards and is just “hey what’s with having the same number as me are you gay???” and Kazeamur’s just like “ O_O fuck”
WHATEVER THE HELL GO WAS ABOUT – I know Gouneji joined fifth sector by himself but I always thought that like, he got super pressured into the role he got and wasn’t able to back out (I’ve never watched GO please don’t hunt me for sport </3). Gouenji had to move out because he’s security evil now and he didn’t want Kazemaru to know, it just strikes me as something Gouenji would do lol. Gouenji just spends the whole time resenting like “man I miss my fiancé so much I hope he’s not mad at me”, meanwhile Kazemaru’s sat in their apartment like “I am so fucking mad”. Then once Fifth sector is defeated he goes back to Kazemaru and gets bitch slapped. It’s fine they sort everything out after that.
THEY GET MARRIED – that’s it, let them kiss.
GO HOG WILD ON AU’S – Honestly it’s what I would do, all my Au’s involve monsters thou </3. Harpy/Demon is my favourite one for these two thou, there’s also the werewolf one where Gouenji’s a werewolf, I have a lot that are very self-indulgent and cringy as FUCK, so I’ll maybe explain them all another time, BUT HONESTLY GO BUCK WILD!!!
This is such a god damn mess I’m sorry, if you can decipher anything from this burning trash fire then be my guest, I love fanfiction and I’ve been meaning to ask every single “send me an IE OTP and I’ll write something about it” question things to talk about GouKaze, but alas, I am but a baby </3
O yea fun fact, if you search GouKaze on Google images, I show up, that’s so cringe on my behalf I’m glad I made it big time.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 20th-July 26th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from July 20th, 2020 to July 26th, 2020.  The chat focused on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta~! (http://ring-spell.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until July 26th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Feather J. Fern
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? I like how it seems lighthearted at first, but knowing Artem it's going to drop the ball on us really soon haha.(edited)
Also I always love how the backgrounds are, they look great.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Hahah, it's a shame I didn't get one more update up XD Thank you so much, Feather~!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
well, the CTP is gonna run for the rest of the week...
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I can't finish the next 8 pages by then XD
My guess is they'll be up the week after next
For the beginning, I'm with Feather and I like how quickly the comic transitions from just lalala happy school to oh wait there's weird shit going on. I really like stories where the status quo is quickly ripped out from under your feet. My favorite moment in the comic so far is probably the most recent scene when we get to see Lyall's apartment and ya know, Claire starts dropping all these bombshells on us. The scene is the epitome of "Well that escalated quickly" and its just loaded with so much info to unpack. My favorite character right now is Claire. One because she seems the most sensible and mysterious, and two because I love Claire's hair so much and I'm so jealous and want such floof beautiful hair. ;3; As for characters I like see interacting the most, probably Claire and Lyall and they have some really good banter and a relationship, insofar, that's just kind of hilarious in its brutal honesty. A close second for me is Claire and Tasha as it quickly switches from happy smiles to probably most likely to have a catfight in the hallway.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Catfight in the hallway, lolol. Makes me want to draw them dressed like cat girls XD
No not that sort of catfight
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
comic turns into a catgirl fetish comic
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
1. I like how the first word is Zenchav which was the title of the comic this is a hard reboot of XD 2. My favorite moment was Lyall sticking his hands up Damon's shirt XD I really like how it was drawn and it's the most Lyall thing ever to do. 3. My favorite character overall is Damon, although it's probably Lyall at this point in the story. But I like them all of course XD 4. Damon and anybody, lol. I like when I get to draw him XD 5. I've been trying out a new shading style with this since I almost exclusively just hard shaded before, so it's nice to be branching out a bit and trying some new things. The Intro page is probably my favorite atm.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Theory: Lyall sticking his cold hands up Damon's shirt is how he drains Damon's energy, because secretly he's the witch.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh no! XD that would be a twist!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh snap!
Hmmm, so we ship Claire and Tasha then?
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I don't not ship Tasha and Claire >v>
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Drew that picture of them
We should indeed all suspect Lyall. I mean no parents, lives alone, yet somehow affords everything? That's witchery.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
How does he afford all that stuff
does he sell drugs on the side or something XD it is suspicious
1. I'll mostly echo everyone else here in terms of the start seems pretty straightforward and makes one wonder how the teaser page fits into it all. I'll add a remark on the subtle details of world building, like you've got your digital alarm... and dude straight up has a TAIL, and it's like, no comment, that's normal too.
2. Favourite moment was probably recruiting Claire into the cosplay skit. It's like, hello new person, oh you want to associate with us? Then you need the proper accessories, and Claire's all 'Um, I'm not sure... prop weapons? Uh, okay then...' Cosplay is a force to be reckoned with. (nods)
3. Fave character... yeah, may have to echo Rebel here and go with Claire. Possibly because she's the first chapter name, and like the reader is coming into this new situation, so can get behind her trying to figure it out... but also because I'm big on the time/space bureau stuff and that sounds like a cool job to get.
Damon has a cool cane and has the mysterious ailment afflicting his cosplay though, so he's my fave guy at the moment. (Werewolf blood? Moon thing? Dunno.)
4. I honestly do like the Tasha/Claire interactions the most, because each of them seems to have something to hide, and so you're kind of wondering if and when one of them might slip up. The other girl interrupting with the paint was classic, and I felt it helped break tension. The ship picture (which I imagine won't show in the log) is kind of representative of that with the chessboard too, like they're making moves against the other (though I'm not yet convinced that one is a witch, could be a setup).
Of course, I'm very biased towards the yuri, so grain of salt for my opinions and all. And while the ship was a humour comment at first, I think I'm more into it after seeing a "catfight" could play out.
All that said, the Lyall/Damon interactions are equally good. Lyall's perversion sometimes saying the quiet part out loud.
5. I recognize the art style, have read some of the work before (under different name). Always find the hair impressive, like here you get the impression of each individual strand except that's not actually what's drawn... you can still see the neat ears, Claire having some strands that fall in front of her too. The shading is really good too, like definitely shades of grey, not just black and white.
Kind of echoing the author there, but I can see it.
I'm so bad with themes and need to charge computer, will be back later. o.o
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I love all this input Math, thank you ;3;/
@mathtans You have no idea how happy I am that someone noticed the tail that nobody seemed to comment on.
What I like about the art is how clean and crisp everything is cause mmmm that sexy lineart you can just paint bucket when needed. <3 I like that the comic explores the idea of having someone you've known your entire life possibly be evil. Cause it opens up a lot of questions. Like should you doubt? Should you trust? And at which point have you hit the point of betrayal? So I'm glad we'll get to see a bit of this tackled as Lyall and Claire look for evidence. As for the overall story, I like that there's just lots of questions going on. It's a theorists dream. But I find the more mysteries a comic has, the more engaging it is. Because even when you know the answer, it's interesting everytime to see the characters reach that answer. As for the comic's strengths, see the above and the art. It's super pretty and clean to look at, has some fantastic emotive faces during the more comedic moments, and there's just lots to theorize and look forward too. ;3;
Now I will proceed to weep as someone who beta read the script and actually can't theorize cause I just know .
Others may have noticed but not been sure what to say? (Does the tail turn into the cane?)
6. Ok, themes... could be a theme of belonging in there. Like Claire being accepted into the group, like Lyall wondering if she's only talking to him to get to Damon, that sort of thing? Then there's the idea Rebel raised of thinking you know someone but not necessarily knowing them.
Of course, there's also credibility, like maybe Claire is simply an escaped mental patient with really good hacking skills to get herself in the school and apartment. Because that's quite the tale she spins. (Though Lyall had heard of the organization? Or he's pranking her, bit hard to know for sure.)
7/8. The story's been setting up a number of things in the background, I feel. Which can be a strength, as we're learning more character items first. Though Claire's latest revelation I'm really jazzed about, because the idea of time travel (times when demons weren't supposed to be) and personification (Earth as a female entity) are right up my alley. So that's cool.
Also Lyall apparently has a strange aura to go with Tasha's strange energy? Maybe the witch is jumping bodies. Maybe we should ship Lyall/Tasha.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh my gosh, loving these ideas!
I don't want to give spoilers but I think I'll answer the tail thing cause I never really meant for it to be a mystery It's just tucked into his pants when he's in public is all. That's why he's wearing the track suit for the school and not the standard school uniform, cause the pants are looser.
although it turning into the cane could have been hella cool(edited)
now I'm a little bummed I never thought of that
But the cane has other purposes
I didn't really think it was a big mystery, and that explanation makes sense. (So I suppose it could be not normal, only normal for Damon's friends... demon prejudice otherwise?) Ok, so the cane is where he hides his stimulants to keep awake until the full moon.
Comic Tea Party
9. What are your theories about Damon’s past? Why is he concerned about when the full moon is? Additionally, what do you think was meant about Damon and Xerfonos being the same age but not being twins?
10. Do you think Claire is right that Tasha is the witch Cadence? If so, how will she prove it? If not, who else could it be? Also, what might this all have to do with Tasha’s concern about Claire being the mysterious Draco’s student?
11. What do you think Cadence ultimately wants from Damon? Why would this compel the Earth, and by extension Apus, to protect him? Also, even if the characters find Cadence, can she actually be stopped?
12. Why do you think Lyall reacted so strangely to Claire mentioning Apus, and why do you think he’s so sure Apus wouldn’t care about protecting Damon? Do you think Lyall can trust Claire even for the long term?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
9. I mean, Damon seems to be a demon, but he's cool with being in our world, so... maybe he was born of a human/demon pairing? Or he was adopted by humans when he was a baby and simply given the same birthday as Xerfonos. I'm guessing the full moon has more significance than merely to werewolves (unless Damon needs to bite a werewolf to regain strength idk) and so it would help him.
I will say that initially the "same age" thing didn't phase me because there's more than 9 months in a year, plenty of time for having a second kid born in the same year. But now that I'm debating the adoption angle, maybe there's more to it.
They're not twins... they're TRIPLETS! Dun dun dun. Anyway.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
they could also just not be twins due to a date technicality like one was born right before midnight and one was born right after
but yeah the adoption angle would explain a lot
10. I don't think she's right about Tasha, or if she's right, not in the way she thinks. Because we've seen some from Tasha's perspective and she didn't seem to be the person in charge of whatever. In terms of proof, I guess she could see if Tasha would cosplay as a witch? And if the shoe fits? But yeah, maybe the witch is jumping between people like I mentioned earlier, or is not actually there yet, like APUS got the date wrong or something. Maybe Tasha's also trying to protect Damon from the witch (hence trying to give him that new name) but it's a rival organization?
I mean, technically still twins in that case, just not having the same birthday. (If Feb 29th enters into it, it gets even weirder.)
Actually, why wouldn't Claire use Damon's given name? Maybe her organization doesn't know everything it thinks it does?
Anyway, just had time for some random thoughts. Back later tonight.
11. Cadence may just want him to keep living so that she can keep siphoning off energy. (Thus perhaps APUS wants him dead, it's not about protection?!) Or maybe Cadence wants a sweet cosplay. (Probably not.) Of course, it might be that if she's a free floating witch, she wants his body. Maybe she can't be stopped, but could be redirected?
The Earth aspect is one I haven't really been able to figure out yet. (Are pavonis a type of pasta?) But maybe there's a destiny or something that Damon needs to fulfil first.
12. Lyall could have been pranking, but maybe he knows a different organization like that... or maybe that's the name of some mystery file on his computer that he hasn't been able to open because the Cadence inside him hasn't revealed the password, oooh. I think Lyall can trust Claire (assuming she's not a raving lunatic) and she might even need him to provide better cover (she didn't seem to even know what apartment she was in)... but that's short term. Long term is another question, if she starts getting Apus directives saying to do things he wouldn't agree with.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
This is all so interesting ;3;
Pavonis as a type of pasta, lolol
I'm glad it's more interesting than rambly.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Nah, I love it XD I'm afraid I'd give spoilers if I said anymore lmao
My theories about Damon's past are that he's a werewolf. And that something about being a werewolf has changed how he ages compared to Xerfonos - thus why they're the same age but not twins. Granted I guess they could also just be half brothers who have a shared father who said, "Man I should knock two girls up at once." But werewolf sounds more interesting. No I think we've established Lyall is clearly the witch. He is too suspicious. Tasha probably is a super secret agent or something, hence the suspicion. Maybe Apus is into some shady shit that Tasha knows about, especially Draco, so she doesn't want them jumping in on everything. As for how proof, she won't. Cadence will reveal she's Lyall when the most damage can be caused and Claire will weep her career as a detective is through. Cadence might just think Damon is hot. Although I think Damon has a grand destiny ahead of him, and Cadence wants to interfere with that destiny while also bulking up on some of that tasty werewolf energy. Also, can Cadence be stopped? Probably. But definitely not by these chumps right now. XD Lyall reacted strangely cause that was the Cadence in him going oh shit and kind of taking over. And sure, Lyall can trust Claire to never figure out its him. Sorry Claire, you hot, but clearly aren't noticing some stuff.
I hadn't considered the "same father different mothers" angle. O.o Maybe it was a sperm donation sort of thing though?
As to Claire, maybe Tasha will be nice enough to buy Claire ice cream and give her snuggles once she realizes the error of her ways.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Tasha and Claire will get to snuggling at some point I'm sure XD
The same father with different mothers sounds most probable
of what's been mentioned at least
I mean, time travel could also be involved. What with Apus.
Maybe Claire is Damon's daughter and she's trying to protect her own existence.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Maybe Claire is Xerfonos' mother
Wait, I don't think that'd work out lmao
Daughter would be way more probable
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I look forward to getting a bit further into the story XD it's still pretty early on atm and there's a lot of really good scenes later. I don't feel like we've really gotten to know Damon yet either
I am looking forward to seeing people's theories as the story continues and pieces fall into place. It will be interesting to see the routes people take with the ideas of what the answers are going to be. My final words are just read the comic. O_O
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I didn't end up having any brain power to write responses over the week, but I really enjoyed Ring Spell. Damon and his brother are cuties, Claire seems very capable, and I can't wait to find out what Tasha's motives are. I'm real excited to see how the themes of magical marital vows come to the forefront :3
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you~!
Busy weekend was busy. Looking forward to seeing how the Apus thing fits in, like is Claire even from their time period? Will Lyall spill all the secrets? Will the ships happen? I'm so behind in all my reading but I've flagged it to check back when I can.
There was also the bit at the start implying knowing people from other lives, but the time travel possibilities make that weird. And I guess there's also the question of whether a Ring will have a Spell on it. Like, maybe the witch doesn't know she's the witch while she's wearing a ring? Or they have to get her to wear a ring? Here I am guessing again. ^^
14. To conclude, all the best with it, looks like a good setup. I do enjoy the art style too.
Also I guess congrats on being the finale CTP? Nice that you got it in there. Good initiative.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you so much Math~!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Ring Spell this week! Please also give a special thank you to Artem Ficta for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Ring Spell, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://ring-spell.com/
Artem Ficta’s Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/artemficta
Artem Ficta’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtemFicta
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themattress · 5 years
Rewatch: My Bride is a Mermaid Ep 9 - 11
In which I watch three episodes, each better than the last.
Except for their endings, which somehow keep getting worse.
Episode 9: The Running Man
OK, so much happen in these episodes that I’m doing this with bullet points.
- “SUN! YOU JUST HIT A CELEBRITY IN THE FACE WITH A VOLLEYBALL!”  Right off the bat, Lunar loses all of that menace she had in the previous two episodes. What a dork!
- Kai Mikawa is introduced, crashing though the gym floor with a submarine. He’s a jerk who throws his power and money around to solve his problems, but a highly entertaining one.
- That flashback to child Kai and child Sun was hilarious and adorable.
- Kai has severe agoraphobia. He would thrive in the current conditions of the world.
- The midway point of the episode is clearly where Kai’s debut chapter in the manga ended, with him seemingly leaving to go on a journey of self-improvement for Sun’s sake only to show up as a new classmate the next day. The second half of the episode is a completely different story about a school field day, with the only link being Kai’s heavy involvement.
- Kai reveals his famous space suit, the only way he can get around his problem with being outdoors. He also gains a devoted servant in Chimp, who betrays Nagasumi and even tries to launch missiles at him from Kai’s submarine. Damn it, why couldn’t you stay Chimp Roshi? Actually, great things come out of this Kai/Chimp alliance later on, so I should be grateful.
- Sun’s team is rightfully losing, so Gozaburo fucking cheats and declares the final event to be worth a ridiculously large amount of points so that if Sun’s team win it, they win the whole field day. But ha ha, this plan fails when a downpour of rain incapacitates the merpeople.
- Seeing Kai flopping around on the track as an orca whale is just....what!?
- The episode ends abruptly: Sun sings her ridiculous sleep song to put everyone to sleep, and then there’s a brief scene with all the girls talking before Nagasumi, Kai and Chimp’s faces get superimposed onto a rainbow and Kai’s voice saying something like “I’ll get you next time, Nagasumi Michishio!” Really? They couldn’t think of a better way to end it?
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Episode 10: Iron Man
- This episode introduces one of the most famous characters from this series: Lunar’s father, the boss of the Edomae Gang, who is a total Terminator parody. Seeing this huge, seemingly emotionless, Arnold Schwarzenegger-looking guy as an overprotective dad is hysterical.
- Nagasumi spends the start of the episode being menacingly stalked by Papa Edomae and trying to convince all his doubting friends that he really saw such a monster of a man. This would have worn thin if it’s all the episode was, but thankfully it switches gears pretty quickly.
- Mawari throttles Chimp. I fucking love you, Mawari!
- A long chase scene with Nagasumi and Kai running from Papa Edomae occurs, with them trying every possible hiding place, getaway route, or means of defense (Kai even pulls a Karin Kanzuki and tries to blow Papa Edomae up with a satellite beam), but nothing works. 
- So Kai’s dead, then? But he only just got introduced! 
- Sun comes in to protect Nagasumi, which isn’t a surprise. But Gozaburo coming in to protect them both is, and Nagasumi is astounded by his heroism as he holds his own against Papa Edomae in a brutal 1-on-1 battle that, like episode 8′s climax, seems very DBZ-inspired.
- Papa Edomae’s identity is revealed, he goes into a flaming dumpster and, in a parody of Terminator 2, gives a thumbs up while saying “Hasta La Vista, baby!” And that’s the end. Again, pretty abrupt. You would think we’d get more from Lunar at the end than we did.
- Another Masa Today omake, with Maki getting her comeuppance for that stunt she pulled two episodes ago: first locked in a cage and then flushed down the toilet! Damn, that’s harsh.
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Episode 11: Armageddon
- Chimp Roshi is back! But damn it, he’s indulging in the perverted side of Roshi, which isn’t any different from how he usually acts! And now Kai is in on this creepy-ass behavior too?
- Lunar is devastated at having gained weight and immediately decides to go on a crash diet, which she drags Sun into, which in turn drags Gozaburo into it. Oh, this is going to be fun!
- Masa and Shark Fujishiro run their own mermaid telemarketing channel in their off time. It’s supposed to make funds for the Seto Gang, yet Gozaburo buys from it himself to help with Sun and Lunar’s exercising! And then Fujishiro buys from it as well! These people are idiots!
- Nagasumi accidentally drinks mermaid bottled water, which has a negative effect on humans...specifically, it makes him grow gigantic and turn into a mindless rampaging beast!
- Mawari sees a giant, naked Nagasumi and decides she’s overworking herself.
- Class Rep sees a giant, naked Nagasumi and decides she needs new glasses.
- It’s Kai to the rescue when he hits Nagasumi with a rocket ship and sends him to the moon before he can smash up the town. But then he takes it too far and launches missiles at the moon to kill his rival with. “Time for you to DIE, Nagasumi Michishio!” Gee-zuz, Kai! O_O
- Gozaburo is also hilariously ecstatic about this development, but poor Sun is devastated. It’s brief, but we actually see Lunar looking concerned and saying “Sun...” softly. Awww! 
- That Lance of Longilus-inspired mermaid spear actually ends up playing a pivotal role in the climax of the manga, but here its main use is for one of the funniest jokes in the series. Sun gives her dramatic speech and catchphrase amidst the falling sakura petals, gets ready to throw the spear at the moon...and then trips and falls down. And then Octopus Nishijima lands on the spear and breaks it. Needless to say, Sun’s mind breaks at the exact same time.
- But it’s OK, because order one spear from Masa’s TV channel and get a second free!
- The episode could have ended on a funny yet touching note with Sun and Nagasumi, but it fucks up at the last minute by having it end on more abuse given to poor Nagasumi from his awful parents. Child abuse is something that is extremely hard to make funny, and I’m sorry, this show does not manage it. Gozaburo is Nagasumi’s unwilling father-in-law, so him beating up Nagasumi is funny. Nagasumi’s actual father beating him up, otoh, is just aggravating.
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Your Eyes Burning at The Back on my Mind
A/N: SO. This is a late birthday present for the lovely!!!! @queen-of-pigeons , 
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !!
(Side note: this is possibly the longest thing I’ve written yet. 2.8k O_O)
(Side side note: I’m not abandoning my other fandoms or anything. Dw, my few followers. Although I’m on a semi hiatus lol.)
(Side side side note: Special Thanks to @slightlystalesushirolls , the best beta anyone could ask for!)
They meet on the battlefield, and Tony can't look away. At all. 
Which is either very fortunate, or very unfortunate. Fortunate, because this is important, the type of deal that could make or break his business (not that it isn't already made). Tony can't afford to look away, to lose focus, even for a second. Hydraulics manufacturers are serious business. It's unfortunate though, because he can't rip his eyes off of the man across from him long enough to pay attention to what's actually going on. For the rest of the meeting, he runs on autopilot and relies on natural charm. He's not entirely sure what just went on, and whether or not he's been completely taken advantage of. But Tony knows what hydraulics company he wants for his next venture. The one with the blue-eyed negotiator. STEVE After the meeting, Steve stops to take a break. They had, of course, briefed him beforehand. They told him about Tony Stark, ruthless CEO, who got what he wanted far too often. Always informed, with an insatiable urge to be at the top. But they didn't tell him about the dry wit and sharp banter, or his ass in Armani slacks, or the scent of expensive cologne that permeated the air. Steve stares off into space and inhales deeply, partly to calm himself, partly to try and get another breath of that cologne.
It's a few months after they meet, and he's home late. Again.
As he enters, he nearly trips over Peter, the six-year-old lump in spider-themed pyjamas sprawled practically in the doorframe. Damnit.
Five seconds later, Jarvis materializes.
“Hey, Jarvis.”
"He insisted on waiting up, Sir. I tried to convince him you would be happier if he waited in bed, but he refused quite adamantly."
"It's alright. C'mon, let's get you to bed."
He carries the boy back to bed. As he gently sets him down, Peter stirs awake. Just what Tony needs.
"Daddy? You're home late again."
"I know. It was a long day."
“Did you talk to Mr. Rogers again?”
He's mentioned the blue-eyed negotiator, whom he's learned is named Steve Rogers, a few times (or more) to Peter, but he never realized it had gotten to the point where his son remembered the name.
“Not today.”
He flashes back to endless agonizing over whether he's going to buy an entire company. Not over Steve Rogers. Buying companies is, also, serious business. The type that involves countless headaches and mountains of paperwork and negotiations galore (the only good part).
He does need hydraulics manufacturing if he's going to work on heavy vehicles, but if he's losing time with his son, perhaps this is going a bit far.
“Tell you what, I'll make it up to you by having take your kid to work day tomorrow!”
“But I have school!”
“You're so smart that you don't need school!”
Peter laughs. “You just say that ‘cause you’re my dad!”
“Well I am your dad, and you know what I say, Bug? I say you have to go sleep.”
“Can't I stay up a bit?”
“Nope. You've already stayed up late enough.”
Tony smiles, Peter scowls, and that's that. “Fine.” STEVE
"Seriously! You two give 'heated negotiations' a new meaning! The rest of us are just waiting for the sexual tension to end!"
Steve groans. The new techie ended up staying for the whole meeting, chatting with the Stark Industries secretary after coming to check on a faulty projector. Her name is… Wanda? Or something. Pretty sure she has a brother in the engineering department.
And she hasn't stopped talking about him and… Tony? Mr. Stark? The CEO of Stark Industries.
According to her (and apparently, the rest of the tech department) they have good chemistry.
There certainly is some kind of spark when they're in an intense back and forth. Like holding a match to an oil slick, dangerous and ready to ignite.
He hopes it might lead to something more. But Tony (Mr. Stark?) is so above him, he might as well wish for the moon.
Even though he's made an impromptu take-your-kid-to-work day, it doesn't mean any less work, which is a problem. He can't take Jarvis with him (the butler/babysitter probably needs a break anyways), and Bruce (head of engineering) flat out refused, citing a short temper and lack of child-minding skills despite possibly being the most gentle person Tony knows.
This is how he ends up with Peter in his office, babbling nonsensically.
“Yeah, Bug?”
“I'm bored.”
There's a pause, as Tony attempts to fill out yet more forms and the phone rings.
“Tony Stark speaking. Who is this and why the hell are you bothering me? … I see. When is it due? … Fuck. I'll be there in five minutes.”
Peter looks up.
“Bug, something important just came up. I need to go up.”
“Can I come?”
“Not this time. Here, why don't you go down to the vending machine and get some snacks? Then come back here to wait for me. I'll be right back.”
Peter takes the twenty dollar bill and nods wordlessly. Tony walks out of the office, but not before registering the disappointment on his son’s face.
He's on break wandering through the building when he noticed the kid. Pretty cute, actually. (Steve’s been always susceptible to cute kids.) He knows Tony has a son, so this is probably him. What other child would be on the engineering floor sitting beside the entrance to Mr. CEO’s personal workshop with a bag of chips?
As he gets closer, he realizes that the boy is struggling to hold back tears.
“What's your name?”
“Daddy calls me Bug, but my real name is Peter.” he sniffles.
“So, Peter, what are you doing out here?”
He imagines the enigmatic Tony Stark losing his temper and throwing the child out, but can't really picture him doing it.
“I got locked out.”
This time, he's actually starting to cry, and the tears that pooled in his eyes are running down his cheeks. In no time, he's sobbing, almost wailing into the floor.
Steve does the reasonable thing to do when confronted with a crying child. Panicking internally and forcing his face into (hopefully) a happy expression.
“Well, until he comes back, I can stay here with you!”
Peter gulps, and his breathing slows, if only slightly.
There's an awkward pause in the conversation. Peter quickly fills it.
“Do you know my dad?”
“Is this his office we’re outside of?”
“Then yes, I do know him. In fact, I work with him!”
Peter smiles, and it's as brilliantly blinding as only a happy child’s can be. Completely adorable.
“Wait, Mister, what’s your name?”
Steve realizes with some horror that he never introduced himself. He just walked up to a random kid in the hallway and starting talking. Not creepy at all.
“I'm Steve. But you can call me Mr. Rogers if you want.”
Peter's eyes light up in recognition.
“Oh! I know you! Daddy talks about you all the time!”
Steve’s heart skips a beat. He's pretty sure there's a blush spreading across his face. What if it's something bad, though? Like how Bucky (his roommate and best friend) talks about his coworker T’Challa constantly. As in fuckin’ T’Challa finished the contract before me. Again. And he’s team leader for the Vibranium Project. Or fuckin’ T’Challa brought gluten-free scones to staff social night again. Why can't he just get regular scones like a normal-fuckin’-person? Of course, he's met T’Challa and the man seems kind, technologically minded, and clever. Gluten-free scones aside. Still, what might the great CEO, Tony Stark, say about him?
“Mhmm. He usually says a lot of bad words when he thinks I'm not listening! And he thinks your butt is nice. And you have pretty eyes. And he says you're suuuper haaandsoo--”
“Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark!”
“Uh-oh.” Peter’s eyes widen, a grimace appears. But not before Steve watches a self-satisfied grin flit across his face.
“That’s enough of that! Into my office!”
Steve looks up, at the flustered, exasperated, and very, very red CEO of Stark Industries.
“Uh.” Steve gulps, acutely aware of his precarious position.
Then Mr. Stark (Tony?) clears his throat. “Oh, you know. Kids like to babble and exaggerate. My apologies, Mr. Rogers.” He half mutters, half says (but still in that forceful way of his).
“Apology accepted. And please, call me Steve.”
“In that case, Mr. Ro--Steve, call me Tony.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This was not how Steve Rogers was supposed to find out. Tony was going to dazzle him and awe him and make him so love-struck that Steve would be falling at his feet. Not that anyone wouldn't fall at his feet, Tony assures himself. He is the irresistible Tony Stark. Now to explain some very crucial details to his son.
“Yes Daddy?”
Peter gives him a wide-eyed, innocent look. Where’d he learn that? (Tony then realizes that it’s the same look he gives Pepper after he’s dismantled the photocopier for the millionth time.)
“If someone asks what someone else thinks of them, we don’t say if one likes the other.”
“But you do have a crush on himmm. Don’t you want me to tell the truth?”
Tony almost shrieks, before catching himself. “It’s not a crush.” he says firmly. (It is in fact a crush, now that Tony thinks about it. But he refuses anything ‘cutesy’. That’s just not in the Stark code of conduct.)
Peter groans. “But you liiiiiiike him.”
Tony sighs. This is going to take a while.
So. Tony Stark. Gorgeous, witty, fucking CEO of Stark Industries, likes him. Maybe. Probably. What the fuck is he going to do now?
Besides panic. He's got that covered. What if it's just innocent child babble?
Or what if Peter overheard Tony (it's nice to know what to call him) talking about Pepper Potts, the almost freakishly competent secretary? Or Diana Prince, the charming, kickass personal relations manager?
What will he do then? And why does this information matter so much anyways?
Then he remembers; somewhere along the line, he's called head over heels, completely in love.
He needs help. Professional help. He needs to talk to someone.
“Bucky. Stop laughing! Please.”
“I-I’m sorry, Steve, really.” Bucky manages to huff out, before collapsing into another fit of laughter.
“It's just so funny…”
“Right. My personal relationship crisis is funny. You know, I listen to you rant about T’Challa and the scones.”
“O-o-okay slow down. Those issues are totally different! One is the tiny, little son of your boss or whatever telling you that Stark thinks you're hot--”
“--he's not my boss. Negotiations for the company are practically at a standstill.” Steve is bright, bright red. The red you'd find on ripe tomatoes and fire trucks.
“Sure, try to add the technical talk in there. The issue still stands; not-boss thinks you're hot. On the other hand, we have a job-stealer, and more importantly, gluten free scones. Do you understand how bad they are? Do you understand? They look like normal scones, but it's like eating fuckin’ glue!”
“Fine. I can be serious. Honestly? Tell him you've fallen madly in love with him and maybe he'll take you in.”
Well. That conversation went nowhere. Maybe he needs a different angle.
Natasha isn't laughing as hard as Bucky, but she's still cackling.
“Ha! Clint needs to pay up! I told him that Tony would come through first!”
“The office has a pool. Diana, Pietro, Bruce, and Sam all think Tony’s too much of a chicken to make the first move. Me, Clint, Wanda, and Pepper, are all team Tony ‘cause we think he's got more nerve than you! There are different bets going, though, for the details.”
Steve takes a moment to clear his head, and consider his next statement.
“That's not relevant to the question though. Natasha, please.”
“Alright. I know the face of a man in pain.”
He sighs in relief.
“Do you really want my honest opinion? I don't know if you'll like it...”
“I'm desperate. I'll take it.”
It's her turn to sigh, then take a deep breath. “I think that you should tell him. You two would be good for each other! You’d balance him out, y’know?”
“I guess…”
Damn. This wasn't what he was hoping for. He was hoping someone would tell him that he didn't have a chance. It would be a lot easier than actually telling Tony that he reciprocates these (possible) feelings. But what if he’s wrong?
Lately, it feels as though there's something between him and Steve. Not just the slightly heated tension from before. Just… Tension. Like how sometimes, Steve will start to say something, flush (attractively, everything he does is attractive, from the little gestures he makes when he's talking, to the way of his voice when he's talking about something he cares about) then start talking about finances. Or tie colours. Or anything remotely uninteresting.
Tony’s not an idiot. He knows what it is.
Peter may have meant well, but he’s put up an awkward sort of wall. Not that it’s really Peter’s fault. Tony should've made a move sooner. But what if Steve had said no? It's a foreign thing, this fear or rejection. Tony has been charming and disarming for as long as he can remember. He's always gotten what he wants. Until now. This is different. Maybe, just maybe, it's some form of love? Whatever that is.
October turns to December, fall to winter, and he's still done nothing. Nothing. At. All. He hates this. But he's too much of a coward to do anything. That's going to change tonight, probably.
It's the office party for Tony’s near and dear (besides Peter, who is hopefully asleep and away from all the stupid, inebriated people here). This includes certain people from the hydraulics manufacturing company, with whom he's works so close with for the year. Even after deciding not to buy it at the end of November. It's a sort of last hurrah. He's completely drunk.
Steve shows up, cute in an ugly Christmas-themed sweater. Tony’s opted for a casual suit, which he hopes looks good. Well, he did. He's too far gone to care right now. Besides the top-notch assortment of alcohol, there is also a buffet. The canapés are amazing.
Steve walks up to him. Tony almost swoons. But not quite. He can hold his liquor.
They meander over to a doorway.
“Tony Stark? Drunk at this hour? Why am I not surprised?” Steve smirks, smile made of light and teasing and mischief.
Tony notes the change in his manner instantly. It's less formal, much more intimate than usual.
“I’m not. Just, less coherent. Have I mentioned you look fabulous tonight?”
“Are you hitting on me, Mr. Stark?”
“It's Tony, and so what if I am?”
What is coming out of his mouth? Apparently he has no filter now. Might as well come out and say it.
“Your ass looks fucking fantastic in those jeans, by-the-way.”
Aaand he’s said it. It's done. Steve is the colour of an adorable beetroot. Everyone is staring. All conversation has stopped. Must've been loud.
Chatter eventually resumes. But some things are different. First of all, conversation is stilted and charged. There’s a buzz in the air, and it's not just the alcohol. Second, the rest of the party seems to be holding its breath.
Someone from the crowd yells; “Just kiss already!”
He realizes that they're standing under mistletoe (what a fucking cliché) and decides to throw all caution into the wind. Except Steve’s already done that.
They're kissing, really kissing. Lips and tongue and teeth mesh together and time stands still.
Someone in the crowd (Natasha?) shouts out. And he doesn't think anymore.
Before Steve, love was a string of one night stands and extravagant gifts, empty promises and bottles of vodka. He knows better now. Because this, right here in Steve’s arms, is where he belongs.
He wakes up beside Tony. It's… warm. And soft. And better than anything he dared to hope it would be. Slowly, reluctantly, he gets out of bed. If only to open the blinds for the view from the penthouse apartment.
Tony grumbles. “Why are the blinds open? Jarvis? Turn on a heater. It's fucking cold--”
He looks up.
“Oh. Come back.”
Once they're snuggled back together, Tony pipes up again.
“I'm going to have a hell of a time explaining this to Peter.”
Steve smiles. “I think he's already figured it out.
“I think I might be in love with you.”
“I know.”
Closing A/N: This is just to say that I know that Diana is DC. (She’s Wonder Woman for goodness’ sake. Geez.) But I love her so much... 
Deleted Scene:
“Yup. I'm adopted.” He rolls each syllable of the word around in his mouth like a pebble.
“But Daddy says don't worry about stuff like that when I have school!”
“That does sound like your dad.”
“Well duh! He said it
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petiteredlady · 7 years
This is not spoiler-free
I finally saw Yuukyuu no Toki today ! I had a seat almost at the very back of the hall but I still had a pretty nice view of the whole stage. And given how small the hall was, I'm happy I got a seat at all^^ Sambart93 already posted a pretty detailed summary of the stage so I won't go into that much detail about the plot. (Especially since I usually watch Messiah DVDs with my dictionary, so it was harder to follow live XD)
I don’t have a scanner but I’ll see if I can find a good scanner app to share the pamphlet pictures. They’re gorgeous.
Yuukyuu was better than I expected, but I didn't expect a lot to be honest. The "new" Messiah series hasn't convinced me so far. I thought Akatsuki and Polar Night had too many plots with little impact on one another, too many characters, and consequently a lack of focus on character development. I found many returning characters OOC, too. And I liked about half of the new characters^^
BUT I thought Yuukyuu actually did better ! There are still too many plots and too many characters, but at least there was some sort of link between them all. Like Ariga and Itsuki's graduation mission is to kill Ichijima, who is pretending to ally with the Hanged Man, who's based around the Tower of Babel, which is the target of a more general Sakura mission. And the two runaways have a way to hack into the Tower of Babel. Cheka also associating with the Hanged Man was... weird, but given how he ended up in Akatsuki I can believe it. The only thing that felt really out of place was Salyut looking for his father among the Spectres. Like, why now and not while he was working with Cheka ? Why does he have a partner if it's not an official mission ? What's the link with everything else ? I'm sure we'll have answers later, but that's also a thing with the new Messiah : they're too aware they're a series and are bad at foreshadowing ans cliffhangers. In the previous series, while stories were evolving, each stage was a complete story. So yeah, not that it important, but it felt very random.
And despite having too many characters, I thought most of them were well developped. Returning characters did not feel OOC this time ! (Especially Ichijima. I had been so disappointed in Akatsuki and Polar Night despite him being like my second favourite character.) Yugi and Mayo-sama got just the right amount of cryptic discussions to be interesting and likeable while I really didn't like them before. Hinamori's introduction was so, so, so random (almost like Ichijima pulled the first guy passing by and decided he'd be Kogure's Messiah XD), but he had a great personality and Yamamoto Ikkei was so good at playing him, I loved him instantly. I think he and Kogure have great potential to work together !! And I also liked Kogure starting as his usual self and slowly losing it throughout the play ! That gave him depth he didn't necessarily have before. Kuroko and Dr Three were good surprises too. I've been gradually warming up to Kuroko but in general I just find him cringy +_+ And here I think there was just the right balance between comic relief and actual character. He was a great leader for Sakura and I was glad to see Ichijima acknowledge that ! (Actually they were pretty friendly with each other in this play, I was surprised.) Dr Three was still mostly the same character, but I liked that he eventually played along with Kuroko's antics ! He did feel like that kind of character before, and I'm glad he's now allowed to be a bit silly too. Finally, I expected to not care about the two runaways, but they were very very cute. They felt like stereotypical shounen protagonists, though, with their promise from long ago of one day leaving the island together XD I'd be ok with not seeing them ever again, but they weren't the annoyance I feared. I think they were also portrayed very well, because I felt a lot of things from them despite them not having too much stage time. (I was delighted to see Murata Mitsu, but I'm 0 % ok with the plot twist of him actually being an old friend of Ariga =_=)(But that's me generally disagreeing with every new Messiah story XD)(That's a trend they have now where everyone is related to everyone and just NO.)(And having Ariga kill him, even with Itsuki, goes against all the character development he’s had since he killed Mamiya ! He said NEVER AGAIN ><)
Actually, in addition to the "everyone is related" terrible idea, they should really leave alone the people who are gone. Like why did Mamoru and Kaito have to have helped several times in significant ways during this stage ? Aren't there MORE THAN ENOUGH CHARACTERS who could do the job ? And just STOP WITH MAMIYA. Mamiya had an amazing story with a great conclusion, I loved it, but they're really destroying everything that was great about it by just adding and adding. Itsuki trying to play the violin was both OOC and extremely cruel. Good thing he got shot before he could really play, despite it meaning that Ariga has now shot ANOTHER violin-playing Messiah T__T
Other random things I wrote down :
- At several points during the stage I laughed because I wanted to do the Messiah drinking game where you finish your drink when someone should have died from gun shots XD There were SO MANY people who were shot at close range in pretty vital areas and still survived. Sometimes still stood and talked. Special mention to the Hanged Man, who was double shotted by Itsuki and Ariga and still got up to talk then shoot himself XD Honorable mentions : Itsuki, Ariga, Kogure and Mayo-sama ! (And maybe Ichijima. My goodness, my heart stopped when I thought he was shot dead +_+)
- Ichijima and Kogure went full CLAMP on us, with the only important part of their discussion being whispered in Kogure's ear >o< But omg I was so impressed, because from the beginning there were people speculating on the internet that Ichijima and Kogure were related and I was just rolling my eyes like "Come on, just because he has glasses..." AND YET ! That's what Kogure wanted to ask Ichijima O_O And it was obvious enough that Ichijima guessed it O_O
- Hinamori stole the show for me XD Instantly. And yet his first appearance has him getting into a face-grabbing match with Kuroko XD (He called him Momose-chan and that was the cutest thing ever, too.) I'm forever sad I didn't get exactly WHY he resented Ichijima, though T__T Well, the DVD and my dictionary will be there in due time XD
- Yugi and Mayo-sama managed to break my heart in one conversation. With Yugi saying god doesn't exist and he wants to kill the 'divine child' who lead the cult he was part of. I didn't think he'd open up that much. And Mayo looked so so depressed, but also relieved, because he wants to be killed by Yugi >o< I don't know why him specifically, but apparently Mayo is tired of the fact that he can't die, an interesting twist for a guy with the same curse as Eiri. (Though in Mayo's case it might be litteral XD)
- At the end of the play I almost thought Ariga was really going to kill Ichijima, but then he beautifully mirrored the scene at the beginning when Ichijima spared and recruited him <3<3 Amazing. Thank you Ariga.
- During the play I kept thinking "well Murata Mitsu isn't that tall actually, Nakahara Yuuya and Izawa Yuuki come really close". Then when they were all lined up to bow, I realised that no, he is really really tall, more than anyone else XD
- Itsuki and Ariga's post-graduation outfits were super cool. I loved Ariga's flowing coat and Itsuki had a nice wild style. That made the girls next to me feel better, because during the second half of the play they were all crying XD (I wasn't. But I was gasping a lot^^)
- ... Yamaoki Yuuki is a father ???? I didn't know that. He was the one who had a special speech for the curtain call, and he told us about his son and I was like "YOU'RE THE SAME AGE AS MY LITTLE BROTHER YOU CAN'T HAVE A BABY". Hashimoto Shinichi and Yamamoto Ikkei made fun of him and at some point he lost his train of thoughts XD Then the same thing happened when Izawa Yuuki was speaking and Sugie Taishi was being silly behind his back XD
.... There were other things but this has gotten long enough already^^
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
well, the sport’s festival has kicked off! and things are getting wild
Akutagawa: "...Please bite me." teacher: excuse me? Akutagawa: "Oh, are you hard of hearing as well in your old age?" kirika: *snickers* teacher: D8< why you little- yana: oh shit son. Akutagawa: *crosses his arms, stares at the teacher* "I am taking notes for my colleague, who is missing class, so I think I'm paying sufficient attention already. Now, proceed, or do you wish to deprive your students of their education, you low-paid, whiny, egotistical halfwit?" yana: *chuckles* teacher: D8< Meme (teaching assistant): ^^; "Araragi? I suggest you apologize to our teacher--" Akutagawa: "Or what?" Meme: "..." *looks at Mio, nods* mio: *hammer arm* someone's gonna get wrecked. Akutagawa: "..." *closes the notebook, slides the pen into it, and hands it to a classmate* "Please protect these from the ensuing battlefield damage. I have to break a hammer in two." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *puts coins into soda machine* "..." eijiro: eeeeey todoroki! are you todor-okay? Todoroki: *stare* "...Ha." -elsewhere- Yumi: *with Shiori in the park* *points* "And that is a dandelion." shiori: dad lion! Yumi: *glasses flash, smile* "So smart!" -elsewhere- Ponera: "..." *pokes the unconscious Shaula* shaula: *whine* mamaaaaa.... Ponera: "...Um...???" shaula: *whimpering* Ponera: "..." *hug* shaula: TT~TT w-why duznt mama love mueh? Ponera: "I-I'm sure she did--does!" shaula: its shho shtuuupiiiid like. she always gives meduza nd arachne aaaalll the attenshun... Ponera: "...Maybe they _need_ more attention? Maybe your mother trusts you?" shaula: zzzzzzz..... Ponera: ^^; ("Now...how do I get her off of me...?") -elsewhere- lana: *resting* Poe: owo;;; *holding a platter* "T-T-Tee-Tee-Tea?" lana: hmm? oh. sure. *smiles and takes it* Poe: owo;;; "I-I'm happy you are here." lana: im happy too. ^^ *kiss on the cheek* Poe: O\\\\\\O "...Why did you do that?" lana: well, cause i love you of course ^^ Poe: "..." *hug* "I love you, too!" lana: ^///^ *hug* Poe: *rests his head* "...I-I-I would...like to get you something for our...um...2-and-a-half week anniversary?" lana: ^///^; that sounds nice. (thinking: oh my god he is too precious for his own good holy shit! >/////< ) Poe: "I-I-I just need to wrap it..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Heard your stalker got detention." atsushi: yeah....part of me feels kind of sorry for him, but the other part really wants him to leave me alone... Lucy: "Dude could use therapy." *sips her tea* atsushi: yeah....maybe i could ask dazai for advice? Lucy: "Well, they did work together. Worth a shot." odasaku: ..... *remembering how hostile akutagawa was towards him* .... {Akutagawa: "Why does he not trust me?!"} odasaku: .....*sighs* atsushi: *knocking on dazai's door* dazai? are you in there? -THUD- Dazai: "Whoops!" atsushi: ?! dazai?! *using the key and opening the door* DAZAI?! Dazai: *on the floor* "...It didn't work." atsushi:.....!!! *helping him up onto the couch* Dazai: *cough* "W-Welcome!" *smiles* "How are you?" atsushi: we could ask you the same thing... Lucy: "...What the hell were you trying to do?" Dazai: "Kill myself." Lucy: "..." *facepalm* atsushi: ....*sigh* is something bothering you or is it the usual? Dazai: "A bit of both. See, I saw this new beam up there that I hadn't tried before--" atsushi: *sighs* do you want some water or something? Dazai: *nod nod* atsushi: ok. lucy, could you keep an eye on him while i get some water? Lucy: *nods* *stares at Dazai* "...Don't do anything stupid." Dazai: "What, me? I would never! So, you keeping an eye on Atsushi for me?" Lucy: "...Yes?" Dazai: *eyebrow wiggle* Lucy: "...TIGER! HURRY UP BEFORE HE STARTS SAYING WEIRD THINGS!" atsushi: ok i got it! here you go dazai. Dazai: "Thanks, buddy! So, how're you two kids doing?" Lucy: -\\\- atsushi: actually, we wanted to ask you some questions...about akutagawa. Dazai: *spits out his water* atsushi: well, you've known him longer than either of us have. could you give us some insight on why he is the way he is? Lucy: *her face is now covered in spit* "..." *removes her own hankie* Dazai: "...Because I was a shitty teacher." atsushi: ....*listening and hands lucy a paper towel* Lucy: "Thanks..." Dazai: "My attitude was, sink or swim. I wanted perfection..." atsushi: ... Dazai: "That's what I thought the Mafia wanted...what I thought Mori wanted: a soldier, perfect, powerful..." atsushi: ....*remembering how terrified kyouka was of mori* ....(thinking: what kind of person is he...?) Dazai: "And when your boss wants something, you do it...Mori always seemed so...pleased, happy, just wanting to see the best..." atsushi:....i see....do you think....akutagawa hates you because of that? Dazai: "Yes. I think he wants my approval." atsushi: ...wait, didnt you give it to him after the incident on the moby dick? Dazai: "Approval isn't just a one-time thing. You have to keep giving it." atsushi: ...i think i see what you mean....but it makes me wonder how he fell in love with me. here i am thinking he hates me guts...aaah, its so confusing like, why is he like this? and even then he's still hella agro on me! odasaku:...hella agro? atsushi: (thinking: shut up! it slipped!) Dazai: "Hmm...He may be hella agro out of a desire to get closer to that person who receives my approval, his hatred warping into some form of what he considers 'love.'" atsushi:....with all due respect, that's fucked up. odasaku: yeah, that is pretty damn unnerving. Dazai: "Yeah, maybe he should get therapy." Lucy: *soft slap on Atsushi's arm* "See?" atsushi: yep. exactly. but im not sure if we can exactly 'convince' him. seeing he is on the enemy side, after all. Dazai: *sighs* "It's something he has to want to do himself...or have a friend take him." atsushi: .... *lightbulb* we could ask chuuya! Lucy: "...'We'? I think if Dazai asks him it will end badly." Dazai: "Tch. What're you talking about? I'm great with Chuuya! I have a full notebook of 'short' jokes I haven't told him yet!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* Lucy: *chops Dazai* "No." Dazai: TTWTT "Fine. You two ask Chuuya." -and so- atsushi: i think this is the right apartment... odasaku: it's been a while since i've seen chuuya. last i saw him he was getting ready to travel abro- atsushi: *knocks on the door* mr chuuya? Chuuya: *from inside* "Careful--or the fluffy teddy bear will get you with a big bear hug!" atsushi: ???!!! (thinking: what the?) *rings the doorbell and looks at lucy* Lucy: o____o "What sick stuff is he into?" Chuuya: *inside* "Hang on, Sonia--" atsushi: *rings the doorbell again* Chuuya: *looking out the peephole* "???" *opens the door a crack* "...What do you two want?"' atsushi: we were wanting to ask you about akutagawa. sonia: *peeeek* papa, who are these people? odasaku:... !!!??.... how long have i been gone? Chuuya: o_o; Lucy: *shiny eyes* "Oh my God, she is so adorable!" Chuuya: "Um...They are my...classmates, Sonia." sonia:....hello.*small wave* atsushi:....is this a relative of yours? Chuuya: "...I'm taking care of her now...Would you like to come in?" atsushi: um...*looks at lucy* Lucy: "Yes! Thank you!" *enters, bringing in Atsushi by the hand* atsushi: oh, um. o///~///o -and so- sonia: *staaaare* atsushi: have you noticed any changes in akutagawa's behavior recently? Chuuya: "Yes. He is really odd around you." Lucy: "...How old are you, Sonia?" sonia:....you got red hair like mama does...but mama's is a darker red. atsushi: yeah, i noticed that...what was he like? after dazai left the mafia, i mean? Lucy: ("...Doesn't really answer my question...") ^^; "Thank you. I like your hair." Chuuya: "Rather serious, but abusive. Especially towards Higuchi." atsushi: yikes....is she ok? Chuuya: "It took her a long time to get over...a lot of complicated regard she has for him." atsushi:....ah.... Chuuya: "On the one hand, he's gotten a bit better...then there's you." atsushi: *points to himself* me? Chuuya: "He...is infatuated with you." atsushi: ...i kinda know that....but the way he has been going about it is.... alarming. Chuuya: "No kidding. I don't know what to do with him..." atsushi: maybe try getting him therapy? Chuuya: "...Not a bad idea. Don't know how to convince him, though." sonia: *picks up mito and pets her* mito: =w= Lucy: "Oh, you have a cat? What's their name?" Chuuya: "...Mito." mito: *mreeow* ^^ atsushi: oh right, i think i saw her the last time i was here? Lucy: "That's a cute name." *stares at Mito* Chuuya: "Yeah...She's doing well." sonia: she's got the same name as mama....but mama's in heaven now. atsushi: ...... Lucy: "...Oh." sonia: *hugging chuuya* Chuuya: "..." *pats her, hugging her back* -elsewhere- Gin: "...What am I going to do with him?" higuchi: i have no clue. naoya: same tbh. Gin: *sighs, pours another drink* "He'll be in detention all week. That is not helpful for missions." naoya: god damn, did he kill anyone? Gin: "No. He was knocked out by a meister-weapon duo." naoya: seriously? how did that happen?! Gin: "The weapon had two edges...I would not be surprised if he was distracted." higuchi: how do we get him out though...? naoya:...*lightbulb* i could pose as his aunt! Gin: "And do what?" naoya: see if i can talk them into letting him out in those guardian-teacher conferences! Gin: "Ah. That is a good idea. Please do so." -elsewhere- Mori: *sets down tea and cakes* elise: ^^ *nom* miura: ... Mori: "Miura, we should really give you something to let you eat and drink..." miura: it's fine. i dont need anything at present. Mori: "Oh, you don't know what you're missing with this cake." *takes a bite* "Just imagine the taste..." miura: -_-;;;; Mori: "Elise, it is tasty, yes?" elise: *nods* miura: -_-; Mori: "See? Now we just need to give you an intestinal track, taste buds--" miura: i think i'll pass up on your offer. Mori: *shrug* "Oh well. More cake for us, Elise!" -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." RHOD member: got a call from pushkin. he said he'd be arriving sometime this month. bandage butler: *pouring tea* FD: "His return will be helpful...but I do not look forward to his bear-hugs." bandage butler: i can imagine after his previous conversation with miss lewis, he will be steering clear of her. short girl: i do not look forward to him lifting me into the air like last time...if he tries that, im going to be tempted to put a bulled between his eyes. yana: jeez katya, chill. FD: *small laugh* "Will certainly be more entertaining around here..." yana: ....huh. im actually surprised there's a bunch of people working with us. for a while, i forgot about the rest of them. FD: "Simply taking care of business abroad. All part of the plan." yana: noted....whats up with the padre? he looks like he's about to collapse... FD: "He...needed to be reprimanded." Hawthorne: *shudders* yana: .....oi padre, you look like shit. Hawthorne: "...Yes." katya: <here i thought the nurse hitting him with a pipe would have given him brain damage. that's one durable priest.> Hawthorne: *stares at Katya* <Indeed.> yana: oh, look at that, he's learning. Hawthorne: *stares at FD* "I will do as you instruct...my lord." FD: *smiles* "Glad to hear." -elsewhere- Sho: "...Him..." dahlia: sir? Sho: "The one with the Adora Burst...He will be dealt with." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *covered in bandages* momo: D8 tsuyu: did something happen? Aizawa: *muffled voice* "I volunteered for medical training today. The lesson was on bandages. The students over-did it." momo: *sigh of relief* Aizawa: "I also have forms for you all to fill out for the Festival--" *tries to pick up papers--but his hands are wrapped* "..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *waves to Sonia* ^^ sonia: byebye... atsushi: ^^ Chuuya: *waves* "...You were very polite to our guests, Sonia. Good job." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...Did they seem friendly to you?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "...Want to go out for a walk?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay." *pulls out a jacket Kouyou gave him* "This should fit you." sonia: *puts it on....the sleeves are a lil big, but ok* Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "You'll grow into it." sonia: *holding his hand* Chuuya: *smiles* "Maybe we can stop by a shop and pick you up some other clothes, too. You like dresses?" sonia:...*nod* Chuuya: "We'll get you a dress that you like--whatever you like." *opens the door, leading her out* -elsewhere- Lucy: "...So, how are you going to tell Dazai that Chuuya has an adorable daughter?" atsushi: welll..... 7-7;;; -gilligan cut to...- Dazai: "...WHAT?!" atsushi: yeah. ^^; Dazai: "...I need to buy a present!" -elsewhere- naoya: hello there! im ryuzaki's aunt, a pleasure to speak with you! ^^ Akutagawa: o_o; Teacher: "??? Um, hi...How may I help you?" naoya: well, we heard you've given him a week's worth detention for him acting out in class? Teacher: "Yes. It was quite a disturbance in class." naoya: ah. you see, i think he's stressed out because of the time of year. it was around this time that his mother died, my sister in case you didnt know. Teacher: "...I'm sorry." naoya: yeah. Teacher: "Still, his behavior was disruptive, and he must be held accountable--" -elsewhere- Gin: *sigh* "That's a relief." -elsewhere- sonia: *nomming on crepe, shiny eyes* Chuuya: "How is it?" sonia: this is the most delicious thing i have had today. where have these been my whole life? Chuuya: "Hee hee...Well, they're here whenever you want. I mean, during business hours. And only after you have your--" Dazai: "HUUUUUUUULLOOOOO!" sonia:...papa, who is that weird person? Chuuya: o_o; "..." -_- "No one. Just ign--" Dazai: "I'm your Uncle Dazai! Pleased to meet you, Chuuya Jr!" sonia: *glaring at dazai* Chuuya: -___-;;; "This man is just a fool, Sonia, ignore--" Dazai: " 'Sonia'? Why not something better? Like--" sonia: dont talk to me, scrub. Dazai: OWO;;; Chuuya: "..." TTWTT "So proud..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "How did your mission go?" kenji: it went great! we even got to see one of my friends from ihatov! Kunikida: "Oh? Who was that?" nankichii: *peeeek* Q-Q; Kunikida: "??? That them? Don't just stand there--present yourself." nankichii:....nankichii niimi....im in the city....working for the salamander publishing company.... Kunikida: "Oh, you're an editor?" nankichii: i guess y-you could say that... Kunikida: "...I write." nankichii: are you a novelist? a reporter? Kunikida: "Novelist." nankichii: really? how interesting. Kunikida: "Yes. It is a noir story, with romance." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...Well, thank you for freeing me from detention." naoya: no problem, akuta. *hair ruffle* ^^ Akutagawa: -_-# *small growl* naoya: *chuckles* Akutagawa: "...Not my fault that teacher didn't shut up." naoya: yeah, i feel you, man. Akutagawa: "And I would've won that duel if I wasn't distracted." naoya: what distracted you? Akutagawa: "..." =\\\\= "The Weretiger..." naoya: ahhh, i see. you really like him, dont you, akuta? Akutagawa: "I-I simply want to dominate him in combat--and maybe make out a bit." naoya: *nods* Akutagawa: "...You think I'm weird, don't you?" naoya: i dont think so at all. whatever floats your boat, dude. some people like girls, some like guys, some like both or more, some arent interested at all, it's no big deal. *shrug* Akutagawa: "...Folks don't want to be intimate with their enemies." -elsewhere- Mori: "How is work going without Chuuya?" kouyou: its been busy. i've already had some of my servants deliver a few things to his apartment. ^^ Mori: "...Happy to see you so devoted." ^^; kouyou: ^^....i was expecting ace to make some smart ass quip, but he is dead, so no one cares. Mori: "Ha ha ha!" kouyou: we still havent found a replacement for him yet... Mori: *shiny eyes* "Time to interview..." miura: ._.; Mori: "Do an internal search among current employees--and maybe we can interview outside--" miura: understood, sir. Mori: "Thank you, Miura." *looks around* -elsewhere- Spirit: *doing push-ups* -elsewhere- Higan: "...Not quite right." -elsewhere- Rin: *practicing with his sword* -elsewhere- louisa: *writing things down* Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott, update." -elsewhere- Gin: "I am finished." hirotsu: good job. Gin: *bows* "Thank you. Will that be all?" -elsewhere- Kid: *stomach growls* .\\\. stocking hungry? Kid: *nods* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *checking the backyard with magnifying goggles* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Come along, Sonia." sonia: *walking with him* Dazai: QWQ *broken inside* "...Such awful language by someone so young..." sonia: *glares at dazai* Dazai: D8> Chuuya: *pats Sonia's head* "You have a good day?" sonia:..*nod* Chuuya: "That's good. And we'll have your bed set up tomorrow." sonia: okay papa. Chuuya: ^^; "I think you'll like your own bed. And we can decorate your room. What would you like on the walls?" sonia:....*shrug* Chuuya: "Well...Maybe flowers?" sonia:...i guess... Chuuya: "...Your grandmother likes flowers." sonia: *smiles* Chuuya: "We can meet her tomorrow. Would that be good?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay, then. We'll bring Grandma a gift, too." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *sips coffee* "...Why are there linear scorch marks along the walls?" maki: hm? Akitaru: *points* "It's like someone just kept attacking the wall with, what, a laser pointer?" maki:....*stares at arthur* Arthur: *his shirt is scorched, has a flame still burning on his shoulder* "..." *he's still holding a fiery Excalibur* "...What?" -elsewhere- Shinoda: *sipping apple juice* nea: *enjoying an ice pop* hard to believe it's october already. Shinoda: "Yes...Time keeps passing quickly..." *clears his throat* "Have you considered what to do for Halloween?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *in his pajamas, drying his hair with a towel* fuyumi: im back from work! Todoroki: "Oh. Welcome. How was work?" *pours tea* fuyumi: went well. *smiles* Todoroki: "That's good. The stew is about done." fuyumi: awesome! Todoroki: "...Sis?" fuyumi: hmm? what is it, shouto? Todoroki: "...This is a lot of food. I was thinking of...company." fuyumi: oh? one of your friends from school? Todoroki: "..." *nods* fuyumi: have anyone in mind? Todoroki: *nods* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *seated in his room, reading* "..." child!hawthorne?: *staring at him, bleeding* ...... Hawthorne: *glances* "...What now?' child!hawthorne?:.....*just smiles, with blank, hollow eyes* Hawthorne: "!!!" *shuts his book* ???:....na...tha...niel.... Hawthorne: "?!" *looks around* -what looks like mitchell is crawling closer to him.....'she' looks up at him, pale skin, with the same blank hollow eyes- mitchell?: its.....so cold....here......i...miss you.... Hawthorne: "!!!" *tries to back up--and falls out of his chair* mitchell?: *she crawls on top of him* im so lonely nathaniel....its so cold its so cold its so cold its so cold -her voice almost sounds like its being spoken over an old radio- Hawthorne: "Get off of me! This is not how I want it!" mitchell?: dont you...love me? *stroking his cheek* Hawthorne: *shudders* "Mitchell...I'm going to s-save you...but you aren't...this isn't..." mitchell?: dont you....want me? Hawthorne: o\\\o "Mitchell...This is not how..." mitchell?: *kissing him...she's freezing* Hawthorne: *trying to push her away* "N-No! Stop!" -knocks on the door- -both the fake mitchell and the young hawthorne are gone- Hawthorne: *collapsed on the floor, shaking* katya: *leaves his food on his desk then exits* Hawthorne: Q~Q -elsewhere- Lucy: *shiver* anne: *pulls the covers up over her* Lucy: =w= "Thank you..." -morning- Kid: *happy sigh* stocking: zzzz Kid: *turns over* stocking: zzzzzzz Kid: *hug* stocking: =w= Kid: *smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Good morning, angel..." *pats her side* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: "Sleep well?" *holds her close* stocking: mmhmm....you? Kid: "Very...Guess who was in my dreams?" stocking: *smirks* elvis? Kid: *soft chuckle* if I were doing things like _that_ with elvis, that would just be all kinds of weird. -elsewhere- Dazai: *snoring* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *setting out a bowl of cereal with yogurt* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *sets out cat food, heads to his bedroom where Sonia sleeps* "Sonia?" sonia: *yawn* Chuuya: "I got fruit and yogurt for you, and some granola." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *tossing in bed* -*screaming*- Todoroki: "Wh-What?!" -silence- {Todoroki: *shaking*} {???:...useless...} {Todoroki: *sniffles*} {???: i should have disposed of you the moment you came screaming into this world} {Todoroki: "Wh-Why...Why are you doing this?"} -alarm clock- Todoroki: *blasts an icicle spear through it* -silence- Todoroki: "..." *lets out a sigh, trying to steady his breathing and racing heart* -at school- Mineta: "--and she said, 'But that's how it's supposed to work!'" *smiles widely, waiting for the laugh at his punchline* -no one payed any attention- student: i dont get it. Mineta: D:< "I WAS TELLING YOU A HILARIOUS JOKE! I'll start over. See, it's funny because--" ochako: oh, the teacher is in! Aizawa: "Hi." *in a duck costume* ochako:....*covering her mouth, trying not to laugh* Aizawa: "...I can explain. We need volunteers to dress as mascots for the Festival. Those who are not participating in the games should volunteer. Ask your friends. Or, those of you without friends, ask your classmates." jirou: cool. Aizawa: *hands the flyers to Iida to pass out* Iida: *looks at the mascot options* "...You actually have a capybara outfit?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *honking the horn* "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" nea: ouo; *in the passenger's seat* Kepuri: *cuts someone off* nea: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?! D8> *legit terrified* Kepuri: "??? What? You said you wanted to get there at a good time. And this is how I always drive." nea: BY GOOD TIME I DO NOT MEAN A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE!! Kepuri: "I told you, I drive this way all the time." *runs a red light* nea: Q_Q;; akaderu: *asleep in the back* Kepuri: "I've been doing this kind of thing for years--never got a ticket once, still got my license. Isn't that right, babe?" akaderu: *sleep nod* nea: how the hell?! i grew up into a mafia family and even _we_ drive better than this! Kepuri: "Then you haven't seen anything yet..." *drives off a platform--off the highway* -elsewhere- Mori: "Elise, just once! Please!" elise: no way. it looks so stupid! >xP make miura do it! Mori: "??? I don't think it's her size...Miura, can you shrink your body?" miura: no. -_-; elise: lame. and we cant use rainy's body because she wont react.....what did you ever even do with it, rintarou? Mori: owo; "...Buried it, of course." elise: did you really? -.- Mori: "Would I lie to you?" elise: .... -.- Mori: "Now, no one is leaving until someone in this room puts on this dress." -it ended up being mori who put it on- -elsewhere- Gin: *tosses her kunai at the wall* "Stop." ayako: OuO;;; higuchi: o.o; Gin: "Watch again. Higuchi will help me demonstrate." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *writing notes* -elsewhere- fang: uu! kurome: *showing him a picture book* Kurogiri: "D'aw..." himiko: ^^ Kurogiri: "I brought snacks..." *holds up a tray* kurome: *nom* thank you, papa ^^ Kurogiri: "You're welcome. Make sure to chew your food--and have some juice." -elsewhere- Arthur: *in angel wings* shinra:....i think boyle has finally cracked. Arthur: "I descend from Heaven. I stand here on Earth. I am your Holy Knight to protect you all." licht: ..... Hyde: "...Kick his ass, Licht." licht: *grabs hyde and throws him at arthur* Hyde: *SCREAM* Arthur: "???" *tries to swing his sword, but--* -KO- Arthur: X___X Hyde: *twitching* shinra: i'll dig another grave for arthur's dignity....again. Hyde: "Licht...Save me...I’m dying..." licht: i'll arrange your funeral then. Hyde: D:< "Avenge me!" licht: i shall bring you to heaven because *pose* i am an arch angel here to bless you. Hyde: "..." .\\\. iris: i have no idea what's going on right now. shinra: ditto. Relan: "...Evidently, Arthur's dead, and Hyde's going to get a funeral?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *doing chin-ups* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *drawing in edges of paper* momo: you alright, todoroki? Todoroki: "??? Fine. Thank you. Just focusing on the competition." momo: ah. Todoroki: "...I know you are as well. Good luck." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *crushing cans* -elsewhere- Black Star: "I'm going to hit this one far!" *has a baseball bat and ball* soul: alright. *eye glint* sayaka: wa wa waaaa kilik: ^^; Black Star: *holds the bat, ready to knock the ball out of the park* soul: *TOSS* Black Star: *swings* -SHAWIIING- *crack* soul: oh... oh shit. Touma: "WHO DID THIS?!" sayaka: FUCKING BAIL! kilik: oh shit oh shit oh shit. Touma: *running* @@#^@$@T$*@&Y$!!!! Black Star: "..." soul: O-O *grabs him and runs* Touma: *catching up to Sayaka* "YOU'RE PAYING FOR THAT OUT OF YOUR ASS!!!" sayaka: *SCREEEEECH* ???: "Oh no you don't!" sayaka: ueh? Johannes: *surgeon punch* Touma: D: *knocked down * sayaka: o.o ..... Q_Q;;;; soul: are you fuckin real right now? Johannes: *wicked voice at Touma* "So...I see I have a new patient..." *removes a scalpel* "Time to operate..." *then smiles at Sayaka* "Hello, Lima Bean! Long time~" sayaka: TTuTT (thinking: just when i thought this chapter of my life was over..... W H Y ???? ) mafura: D8> Touma: *dazed* "I see the stars...Am I in outer space?" Johannes: *shiny eyes* "How have you been? You look taller. How's your health? Need a blood test? Turn and cough..." mafura: please dont die mr touma! D8> sayaka: *voice crack* been good. Touma: "God? Is that you? I see the light..." Black Star: "...Um...Maybe we should head home--" Johannes: "I'll give you a ride!" mafura: *poke poke* sayaka: aaactually my mom was gonna give us a lift! OuO;; Touma: *his mouth moves, bleeding a bit* "Nom nom..." Johannes: "Then I shall meet her and let her know how great you are!" kilik: yeah, im sure she'd love to meet the weirdo who has been harassing her daughter. soul: oh sick burn. Johannes: "I'm not harassing! I'm talking!" kilik: yeah, you're just one letter missing from that. soul: oh sick burn x2. mafura: mr touma! you're bleeding! should mafura make it better? Touma: "Yes, Miss Angel--help me..." Johannes: *somehow already behind Kilik and Soul, twin scalpels ready* "..." kilik + soul: O_O; you sure he isnt related to stein?! sayaka: not that i know! mafura: *licking the blood........her pupils dilate* Johannes: *looks up at Mafura* owo;;; mafura: *charging at them* sayaka: !!! *blocks with her sword* HOLY FUCK! kilik: ?!?! soul: the fuck is wrong with her?! Johannes: "Don't let her bite you!" sayaka: IS IT RABIES?! mafura: *snarling* Johannes: "More like a vampire!" sayaka: O_O BLACK*STAR DO SOMETHING! YOU'RE THE VAMPIRE EXPERT HERE! Black Star: "..." *walks up to Mafura* mafura: *hisses at him* kilik: O_O; Black Star: *takes Mafura by the back of her neck* mafura: *growls* Black Star: *slams her, face first--into Touma's forehead* -KO- -elsewhere- Poe: *humming* karl: *resting on his head* Poe: *looks over the pages* "..." *nods* *turns to the first page, and writes a dedication...* karl: *peek* *Dedication: "To Lana, the light that illuminates the recesses of my mind, and gives eternal warmth to my heart”* karl: ^^ Poe: "..." *looks at business card* "... ... ... I CAN'T DO THIS!!!" karl: *pap pap* Poe: "M-Maybe I should burn the manuscript. The publisher doesn't need to see this! Just destroy it--" karl: *raccoon chop* =3= *raccoon sounds* Poe: Q~Q *rubs his head* "You make a persuasive argument, Karl...I can set this aside and think about it..." karl: ^^ Poe: "...I don't even know whether she'll like it." -knocks- Poe: *tenses* "Y-Yes?" lana: hey. hope you dont mind me dropping by. ^^ Poe: owo "N-Never! Delighted to see you! How are you? Hello, Lana!" lana: ^^ doing good. hard to believe it's october already. Poe: "!!! It is?! But I haven't decorated for Halloween yet!" lana: i could help you out if you want. Poe: "...YES! I would like that." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Welcome back!" nea: *scarred for life, foaming at the mouth* awawawawawawawawa...... Emine: "..." *stares at Kepuri* "Teach me how you did such a bad deed." Kepuri: -_-; "I didn't do a bad deed. We were test driving my new modified car--" Shinoda: D: "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" *shakes Akaderu* akaderu: 'parently she has motion sickness. nea: awawawawawa... Shinoda: *smashes wall glass with tiny mallet, revealing a small refrigerator with frozen ice cream inside* "Eat! You must recuperate!" Kepuri: ("I bet he won't even thank me for installing the 'Emergency Cold Stuff' wall unit...") nea: *nom* TTuTT Shinoda: "It's okay. You're safe now..." Kepuri: *looks at Akaderu* "What's with people not able to handle a quick drive?" akaderu:....*shrug* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: .\\\. -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Can you recommend a school for Sonia?" secretary: a school, sir? hmmm. depends on what you're looking for in terms of her education. Chuuya: "Private. Best in the area. Good security." secretary: let me just take a look then, sir. Chuuya: "Thank you." Mori: *calling out from his office* "I think it looks wonderful!" secretary: -_-; Chuuya: "What the--" *Mori comes out in the dress* miura: -_-; elise: *laughing* secretary:............ mafioso:...consider this my week's notice. Mori: "See? Elise likes it?" Chuuya: o_o; "..." -_- *pulls out a flask* naoya:.....im not sure if this is the best or worst thing i have ever seen... Akutagawa: "..." *bringing Rashomon to his own eyes* rashomon: *blindfold mode* hirotsu:.....*takes a long drag* to each their own, i suppose. mafioso 2: aaaand posted! Mori: owo;;; "...'Posted'?" mafioso 2: ..... >3>;;; -underground- yana: oh. my. fucking. god. FD: "???" katya: ......no comment. RHOD member: it does make him look pretty, got to give him that. FD: "...I can think of others who would look better in it." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." *loud laughing* mii:......*cat snerk* Dazai: "Gonna forward this to Ango..." kenji: he looks really pretty ^^ Kyoka: "...I can't unsee it..." atsushi:........ odasaku:....yeeeah im not touchin that one. Kunikida: "We're not paying you all to stare at crossdressing photos. Back to work." fukuzawa:........ -____-; not even a lifetime of sake will get me to unsee that. Dazai: "Don't know unless you try, Boss!" -elsewhere- ango:......*glasses crack* DAMMIT! Taneda: "???" ango: *exits out* nothing sir. -elsewhere- Relan: "...I wore it better." shinra: so true. Relan: "Speaking of..." shinra: hmm?... o///o oh. Relan: "I can...try it on..." -elsewhere- Touma: *waking up* "Wh-What...?" medic: feeling better? Touma: "...Fine. Where is Mafura?" mafura: *in the bed next to him, asleep* Touma: "...When will she awaken?" medic: she's resting for right now...we had to apply some sedatives to her... Touma: "Get her to recover. When she does, we'll have a mission..." medic: understood, sir. will you be bringing tsurugi along as well? Touma: "Yes." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: =w= *kicks slightly* kirei: he seems happy. Tsukiyo: "Yeah...Any idea why?" kirei: he's probably dreaming about something... {tsubaki: *pet pet* ^^} {Mr. Tsubaki: ^W^ "Am...I good?"} {tsubaki: *nods and hugs*} {Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\o "...That means so much to me..."} {tsubaki: *leans in for a kiss*} {Mr. Tsubaki: o\\w\\o *closes his eyes, leans in...*} -elsewhere- Black Star: *putting ice on his arm* tsubaki: you could have died!! D8 Black Star: "Well, I didn't." ^^; tsubaki: *sigh* honestly... Black Star: "...Hey, it got solved. At least Sayaka didn't get hurt..." tsubaki: well, then again, sayaka is able to heal. right now im more concerned about you! Black Star: "...Thanks. I'll...recover." -elsewhere- Johannes: =w= metsu: you seem in a good mood today, doctor. Johannes: "Ran into someone after a long time~" metsu: oh? Johannes: "That sweet little Lima Bean..." *sigh* metsu:...*dials phone* yes, i would like to report a pervert. Johannes: D: "Why does everyone say that?!" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Another drink?" namiko:...*nod* Aizawa: *pours* "...Rough, huh?" namiko: yes.....the ropes didnt work.... Aizawa: "You can't go on like that..." namiko: TT-TT -elsewhere- Patty: "Hello, Mrs. Stocking's Mother!" felisia: hello patti. what brings you here? ^^ Patty: "...Can we talk in private?" felisia: ah. what's on your mind? Patty: "...What's it like being pregnant?" felisia: well, other than being sick in the mornings....it's...it's pretty scary...you have a small life growing inside you, and you want to keep it safe... Patty: "...I...never knew what that was like with Big Sis's pregnancy..." felisia: *small shock*......oh... Patty: "...!!! Shit! I shouldn't have said that! D-Don't tell Sis..." felisia: ... ^^ i wont say anything. Patty: "...It's just not something I can ask Liz about when...you know." felisia:....*pats her head*... Patty: -w- "Th-Thanks..." *sniff* felisia: ...... Patty: "I don't know how you all do it...I can't imagine it..." felisia: .... Patty: "A-Are you scared?" felisia:...hard not to be. one of those things that comes with being a parent, i suppose.... *remembering how angry stocking had been with her* .... Patty: "Is it weird having a child pop out of you?" felisia:....it can be painful. yes. and dont forget all the screaming. Patty: o______o "...Yours, or the baby's?" felisia:........................................yes. Patty: o_o; "...I think I'm going to be practicing safe sex for a bit." felisia:....good call. -elsewhere- Rin: "...Have I improved?" shura: sure have. Rin: "...Then why don't I feel it?" kyouko: takes practice i guess. Rin: "I guess...Then I guess I'm still practicing..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Don't think I'm going to go soft in the Festival." eijiro: *holding up punching bag* Bakugo: *one punch after another...* eijiro: keep up the great work! Bakugo: *pulls back his fist* "I'LL SHOW YOU WHO IS THE HERO OF THIS CLASS!" *powerful blast* eijiro: *KNOCKED BACK BUT STANDING GROUND* that was.....WICKED SWEET! Bakugo: *panting* "...Still not enough for the Festival...Take five." -elsewhere- Shinoda: "Any better?" nea: =n= *nod* Shinoda: "..." *rubs her back* nea:..... Shinoda: "You're safe now." nea:.....*sniff* i missed you, dummy. Shinoda: "..." *hug* "I missed you, too." -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* stocking: *hug* *smooooch* Kid: "!!! Hee hee...Jump scare?" stocking: maybe.... i love you so much~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ "I love you, too." *smooch* -elsewhere- Izuku: *swimming laps* mina: *timing him* Izuku: ("The water will give resistance...build up arm and leg muscle...regulate my breath...") *taps the wall, swings around--and pushes his feet off to swim back* -elsewhere- Yohei: *with a picture book* "And so, the inventor put together the pieces, until she made a new toy..." toru: *watching* uu! Yohei: "Hee hee...It's a funny toy, right?" *the picture book has a drawing of a teddy bear, with some soft cloth attached to touch and feel what the bear feels like* "Want to pet the teddy bear, Toru?" toru: *pat pat* ^o^ Yohei: "Soft teddy bear, right?" *there's a button on a toy robot* "What do you think the button does, Toru?" -elsewhere- Konro: *cutting up vegetables* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *in overalls, covered in paint* "I think that's about it..." naoya: nice job. she's gonna love this. Chuuya: *small smile* "I hope so...Thanks for helping." naoya: no probs. ^^ Chuuya: "How have things been at work?" naoya: same stuff as usual, i guess. Chuuya: "Akutagawa behaving?" naoya: define 'behaving'? Chuuya: "Has he compromised the Mafia in any way that required bribing, drugging, or killing witnesses or authorities?" naoya: in short, he hasnt murdered anyone outside of required targets, no. Chuuya: "Well, that's progress..." naoya: i guess... *sigh* the kid's been put through a lot in his life... Chuuya: "..." *nods* "When you are on the street...and then how Dazai treated him..." naoya: .....i never did like that stuck up little shit. his additude seriously pissed me off, acting all high and mighty just cause he is the 'youngest mafia executive in history'. tch-, more like a spoiled brat, if you ask me... Chuuya: "No kidding. You know, there _are_ other executives with accomplishments, Dazai--glory-hog." naoya: yeah, even ace-hole had something going for him, even though he was a BITCH! haha! Chuuya: "Don't let Mori hear you--he likes to think his choices of executives have been excellent." naoya: hey, i wont say anything if you wont. but in all seriousness, acehole can fuck right off. Chuuya: "He certainly failed to have any good will among his subordinates. That is no way to run an operation." naoya: gotta give those rats _some_ credit, they managed to knock him off his high horse....and off the mortal coil. Chuuya: "...Yes." naoya:...just what do those rats want? ....you think this might be another situation like what happened with mimic? Chuuya: "I don't know...Mimic seemed rather focused on one thing. These Rats...just seem to want to rip apart." naoya: ....shit. you got any booze on ya? thinking about all this is just...i dont even know, man. Chuuya: *hands her a flask* naoya: thanks. *takes a long sip* ah, fuck that's good. Chuuya: "You've had your practice with alcohol." naoya: yeah...cant believe its been like, what, 8 years since i joined the mafia? Chuuya: "Any regrets?" naoya: .....about as many as most people, i guess. but no turning back for me now. Chuuya: "..." *sighs* naoya: ......hard to believe you're a dad now. Chuuya: "...I am." naoya:....that kid's going to be depending on you...trusting you....you better not break that trust. *her expression is serious* Chuuya: "I-I won't! I swear." naoya: .....good. *smiles* so, you gonna be in the sports festival? Chuuya: *sighs* "Don't see how I can avoid it." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." mafioso: what a day... Akutagawa: "What? Exhausted already?" mafioso: just been a long mission....got something on your mind, akutagawa? Akutagawa: "...No one takes me seriously." mafioso: sir? Akutagawa: "I'm now playing a student, getting detention...Cannot get Dazai to take me seriously, the Tiger..." mafioso:...that's rough, buddy. Akutagawa: "I can't even get drunk..." mafioso: but hey, how about next year, we take out out someplace nice? Akutagawa: "...Fine." mafioso: awesome! Akutagawa: "...Maybe I'll go out for a walk." mafioso: be careful out there, man. Akutagawa: "I am. Always." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *points at a window* "How about going there?" naho: hmm? ooh! that looks nice! Sakuya: *opens the door* After you~" naho: thanks sakkun ^^ Sakuya: "Any time...Should be able to get a table--" Host: *looks at Naho* "May I help you?" naho: table for two, please~! ^^ Host: "I have the perfect spot. Right this way..." *leads them up the stairs...* naho: ^^ woah! *The table is already set--with one of Naho's favorite appetizers...* naho: *shiny eyes* *drooling* Sakuya: ^^ *pull out a chair for her* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Ready?" fang-hua: *nods* Tsukiyo: "Yep!" Benimaru: "Proceed." fang-hua: *charging forwards* Tsukiyo: *war cry* -elsewhere- Gin:"...No." Tachihara: “AW COME ON! it’s one favor I’m asking here!” hirotsu: ?? Tachihara: "Just once! And I'll never ask for anything ever again!" mafioso: i doubt that! Tachihara: "SHUT UP, KEVIN--YOUR BREATH SMELLS LIKE DOG FOOD!" mafioso: -_- *mutters* play the bean boozled challenge once, and ya never hear the end of it... Tachihara: *on his knees* "Please, Gin! Just once!" Gin: "..." *looks at Hirotsu* "What should I require he give up in exchange?" hirotsu: given there is a formal event coming up. actually wear a suit this time, and not that trashy suit t-shirt. what is he asking for _this_ time? Gin: "Retrieve the number of some girl he is stalking--" hirotsu: *facepalm* of course. Tachihara: "IT'S NOT STALKING! She works at the cafe--" Gin: *holds up a hand* "Put on the fancy suit, you'll get it." hirotsu: if you're that desperate, why not talk to her yourself? Tachihara: TT_TT "The guy ahead of me in line asked for her number--and got thrown out the window." mafioso: yikes. Gin: "I can promise that will not happen to me." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "You seem pleased." atsushi: i guess i am. Kyoka: "Any particular reason?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *grunt* -elsewhere- Kouji: owo *petting puppy* dog: ^u^ Kouji: ^W^ *LOUD SCREAMING* Kouji: QWQ; *turns around* jirou: what the-? Bakugo: "GET BACK HERE, YOU CRIMINAL, SO I CAN BLOW YOU UP!" -elsewhere- Izuku: "Thank you for the meal, Mom!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *sends an icicle through a target* "...Suppose that's good enough." -soon, the opening ceremonies would begin- lord death: HOW'S IT GOING EVERYBODY! -audience cheering- Hiro: *his view is blocked* ._. "...Is something happening?" lord death: thank you all for coming to this years sports festival! and for those of you watching from wherever you're viewing this, be it at home, or on the go, thanks for tuning in! EF: ah! i got a livestream up on my phone, here. Hiro: "Oh, great! Thanks." -elsewhere at the festival- Ann: "Man, security here is a pain--at this rate, we'll never get inside for interviews!" camera man: well, considering all the incidents... -inside- itsuka: hey! katsuki! best of luck out there, ok? Bakugo: .\\\\. "I-I don't need luck...I'm just going to blast my way to the top with my own skill!...Th-Thanks." itsuka: glad to hear. because i wont hold back either! *shiny eyes* *determined* Bakugo: "?!!!" *smirk* "Oh, yeah? WELL YOU BETTER NOT HOLD BACK! I'm here to do the best against the best!" itsuka: ^^ Mineta: *pacing* "Don't be nervous don't be nervous...Just do what you should do when you're scared: imagine the audience naked!" *pause* "...THAT ISN'T HELPING!" ochako: IM HELLA PUMPED! eijiro: YEEEEEAH! Iida: "Okay, everyone! Get your game faces on!" Izuku: *nervous smile* Todoroki: "...Midoriya." Izuku: "??? Y-Yes, Todoroki--" Todoroki: "I know you are being groomed by All Might. I know your skill. But don't think for a second that will be enough. Out there, we are competitors. And I will win this Festival." Izuku: ._. Bakugo: "?!!!" mina: woah, he's seriously getting into it o.o;; Izuku: *clenches his fist, shakes slightly* "Todoroki...I respect your powers...but don't think I'm going to back down either. All of us are fighting for something out there. And I have a reason, too--I am will do my best to win!" momo: besides, today is only the opening ceremonies. Todoroki and Izuku: .\\\. "...Oh. Right." Bakugo: "Tch. Noobs." -in the other training room- yuuji: ..... hitoshi:......good luck. yuuji: *nods* yeah.... -in another training room- atsushi: seems the hero classes and ALT classes have different uniforms. im kinda nervous. Chuuya: "Because it makes you a target for the heroes to knock you out of the competition first?" atsushi: yikes. ._.; kyouka, are they always this hostile? Kyouka: "Pretty much." Akutagawa: "Tiger..." atsushi: *SHRILL SCREECH* heeeeeyyyyyy ak-er-'araragi!' ^^;;;; Akutagawa: "...I just want you to know that, just as everyone else is fighting for someone out there, I too am fighting for someone: you." atsushi: owo;;;;; um....w-wha-what about dazai? OwO;;;; Akutagawa: "When I kill you, I will have impressed Dazai." Chuuya: -_- atsushi: ah...huh...eh...hueh??? ????? Akutagawa: "By killing you, I will surprise Dazai. And when you are dead, then you will be mine, now and forever." Chuuya: "Missing about 12 steps there..." atsushi: ........yeeeeeaaaaahhh im just going to back far away from you now. *backing up from him* Akutagawa: "...What did I say?" Chuuya: "Dude, just...Dude." Kyoka: *follows Atsushi* pony: jeez, even monoma aint dat creepy! Akutagawa: "...You take that back..." pony: OwO;;; Monoma: O_O;; ibara: it's time to begin now. we should start heading out. Chuuya: ("...Sonia...Watch me out there...") -elsewhere- twice: *watching the games on tv*.....!!! YOOOOOOO DUDES! CHECK THIS OUT! LOOK WHO'S WITH THE UA GENERAL DEPARTMENT! *points to yuuji* Kurogiri: "!!!" himiko: HE....looks familiar. yuuji:....*scratching the back of his head, awkwardly on the tv* Aizawa: *whispering* "Don't look so nervous. Talk." yuuji: uhhh.....lets get this shit done? *forced smile* hitoshi:.... girl: *facepalm* how lovely. midnight: ^^; well, anyways, onto the support classes! Aizawa: "...Points for effort, Yuuji." mei: hey everyone! mei hatsume here! lets give it our all!! Izuku: *polite applause* midnight: and for the heroes courses, we have katsuki bakugou! mitsuki bakugou: GIVE EM HELL SON! Izuku: ._.; "...Wh-Why is it Kacchan--" Bakugo: "..." *marches up to the stage* *clears his throat* itsuka: ... Bakugo: "Don't fool yourselves: I'm taking first." Izuku: D8 itsuka: *sweatdrop* bold. girl: D8< Student: "Cocky asshole!" Iida: "Why are you sapping the dignity from these ceremonies?!" *waving his arms* Student #2: "Dirty bastard!" Bakugo: "You're just stepping stones to me reaching the top." momo: *facepalm* Todoroki: *sighs* tetsutetsu: YOU WANNA GO YOU LIL SHIT?! Student #3: "Over-confident jerk!" Izuku: ("No...He's not smiling. He's pushing himself, insisting he won't lose...") -_-;; ("But he's still royally screwing us over with his arrogance.") midnight: ^^; well, those sure are some *ahem* colorful comments from your peers, bakugou. Bakugo: "Yeah, you're welcome." -elsewhere- atsushi: OwO;;;;; *nervous* Kyoka: "Breathe. Calm down." atsushi: *inhales* ok. im good. midnight: ok, up next we have ryuzaki araragi! Akutagawa: "..." *uses Rashomon to lift him up to the stage* "..." atsushi: O_O;;;; (thinking: NOOOOOOO) Akutagawa: *clears his throat--and stares at Atsushi* "Don't die out there. You better survive this when I face you in combat." Student #4: "...That's a weird way to talk to the entire crowd." atsushi: ._.;;;;;;; odasaku: ...my words fail me. Kyoka: "...What a fool." Akutagawa: "..." *moves closer to the microphone* "Go team." atsushi: *glances at chuuya* Chuuya: -_-;;;; "Idiot." -elsewhere- naoya: oh my god. Gin: -_____- higuchi: this is going to be a long festival. naoya: you have no idea. Gin: "I'll get the booze." -elsewhere- Master: "I'm behind on these orders. Have the other waiters and waitresses arrived?" liz: im here! miranda: present. Patty: "Yo, boss!" Master: "Glad to see you. Please change into uniforms--and try to push the Sports Festival-themed items on the menu. We'll have more TVs being set up--" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Who do you think has the best shot at winning?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *collapses on the couch* chie: long day babe? *kiss on the forehead* Yohei: *nods* "My boss and Kepuri's boss had us working to the last minute on security and audio-visual for the Festival's stadium..." chie: ah. toru: uu! Yohei: *weak smile* "Hey, buddy." *pats Toru's head* toru: ^o^ io: anko yohi! anko yohi! saki: ^^ Yohei: *sighs, sits up with a smile* "Io! How was your day?" io: guu! chie: that's good to hear ^^ Yohei: "You been keeping an eye on your younger cousin's safety, Io?" io: yuppie! Yohei: "Good work!" ^^ -elsewhere- yana: *looking around* ???: "Ah, aren't you going to share your snack?" yana: nyeh? *looks back at who is talking to her* Meme: *waves* yana: oh, you're one of...anya's friends, right? mio: *nods, nomming on cotton candy* Meme: "Meme, yes!" yana: ah. cool. you in the games or no? Meme: "Yep! Just got turned around getting to the participants' entrance..." ^^; mio: it's this way, meme. Meme: "Oh, cool! Later, Yana!" yana: yeah, see ya round... *Present Mic can be heard in a nearby room, broadcasting* yana: *looking around at the stands* *There are boxed seats with teachers in them...* -elsewhere- Relan: Q~Q iris: it's ok relan. im sure you'll be able to take part in the festival next year ^^ Relan: "I'm just not that good..." iris: there's always time to improve ^^ Relan: *nods* "I wish there was something I could do now..." -elsewhere- Mori: "Any update on our missing person?" miura: keek still hasnt replied....i have some concerns about this. Mori: "No leads?" -elsewhere- sonia: *drawing* Gin: "Do you have enough crayons?" sonia: *nods* hirotsu:...and these people are? sonia: they're from underground... Gin: *points* "Who is that one?" sonia: that one's mr priest....he's frowning because he was always in a bad mood...he always had booboos on him too. Gin: "Do you know how he got those booboos?" sonia: ....i dunno. Gin: "I see..." *points to another drawing* "And that one?" sonia: that's zoey. my fake mama. she said she was my mommy when i came out of the tube....but i found out she was lying in my dreams....that's where i meet my real mama. Gin: "...'Tube'?" higuchi: she must mean the incubator we found in there. sonia: that thing. higuchi:....i see. sonia: she really likes mr fyodor a lot, and she always agrees with him because she always screams 'yes yes'. higuchi:....is....that...right? ^^;;; Gin: -_-; "Sonia, were there other people down there?" sonia: *showing a picture of several people, including a large man, a small yet angry looking girl, a girl with a flower hairclip, a man with bandages on his head, a girl in glasses...and a sad girl with the name 'keek' written above her head* Gin: " 'Keek'?" sonia *nods* she cries a lot. higuchi:..... *her stomach drops* hey sonia, mind if we make a photo copy of this real quick? sonia:...ok. Gin: "Thank you, Sonia." *soft smile* -elsewhere- FD: "I said to work faster." *holding remote, his finger over the button...* keek: I AM! DX> FD: "Only by about a half second. Maybe you need encouragement...How long does it take to code this?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looking at the audience* fuyumi: *waving* ochako: seems the games themselves officially start tomorrow! im so hyped! Todoroki: "Hmm. The sooner, the better." ochako: ....about what happened in the locker room. you seem really into it... Todoroki: *hard look* "Because I am here to compete. This is not some team sport." ochako: ... Todoroki: "...So, that is my goal. Otherwise, I will not rise to be a hero." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *looking at social media* "..." *angry face* eijiro: how is it? Bakugo: "THEY'RE ALL CALLING ME A JERK?! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT SHIT?!" -elsewhere- Lucy: "Eat well for the competition!" atsushi: *nods* Kyoka: *hold up empty bowl* "Then give me more." Lucy: -_-;;;; *hands her another plate of tofu* "I hope you're paying for this, Tiger." -later- sonia: .....*staring at the door, with mito on her head* *The door opens* Chuuya: *pokes his head in* "???' sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "!!! ..." *smiles, hugs her* "I'm back." sonia: =///= mito: *mreow* ^^ Chuuya: "...You okay? Hungry?" sonia: *nods* -her drawing is up on the fridge- Chuuya: "??? Sonia, you drew that?" sonia: *nods* i was behaved for aunt gin and aunt higuchi. Chuuya: *pats her head* "That's very good. Did they leave a note?" sonia: on the counter. Chuuya: *picks up the note, seeing Higuchi's handwriting* note: 'good luck in the games!' Chuuya: *smiles* "That was nice of her..." *looks at the drawing* -it was the same drawing from earlier. as well as doodles of 'the demon'.....and 'mama' and 'papa'...- Chuuya: *stares at 'the Demon'* "...Sonia?" sonia: ?? Chuuya: "..." *smiles, hugs her* sonia:.... *hug* i love you, papa... Chuuya: "I love you too, Sonia..." -elsewhere- Mori: ("That child...") -...- (Mori: *tossing a condom* "Won't be needing that...") {rain: .......*whimpering*} {Mori: "Now why would you bring a thing like that...?" *unbuckling his pants*} {rain:....*she just stares at him with a dead expression....much like the one his mother had always given him as a child*} {Mori: "...Stop that..."} {rain:.....} {Mori: *slaps her* "I said stop!"} {rain: *winces.....tears falling*} {Mori: "There...That's better..." *has lowered his pants and boxers* "We can continue."} -knocks- Mori: "!!! ...Who is it?" miura: just me, sir. Mori: "...Enter." miura: *opening the door* seems the fax we received from higuchi revealed some members of the rats. Mori: "Let me see it." miura: *hands him a photo copy of sonia's drawing.* Mori: "...A child's drawing. Really? Or did someone hand Tachihara a set of crayons?" miura: apperantly it was drawn by the child that the black lizard found. and considering she had been with the rats prior.... Mori: "...'Keek'?" miura: it appears the rats have our hacker as a hostage... Mori: "...Given what she knows, that could destroy this organization..." miura: what shall we do, then? Mori: "Retrieve her. Alive...or dead." miura:....very well. but we dont know her location, which is a problem. Mori: "Don't we geo-tag these people?" miura: ... Mori: "I will take that as a no. *sigh* Any leads on the Rats' den?" -elsewhere- FD: "--and that is how I remove chips from people's skin." keek: D8> FD: "And I think it would be good practice for you to put chips into some test subjects..." keek:.... Q~Q FD: "Who wants to volunteer first? Bill? Rebecca? Jane, you look the kind of person who wants a chip shoved under her skin." jane: *a hostage miner* why are you doing this? FD: "Research. And I like to know where my possessions are." -elsewhere- Izuku: *shuffling his feet* tsuyu: you nervous? Izuku: "Y-Yes? I mean, I have some difficulty discerning whether it is nervousness or still being energized after post-workout cooling down--" -elsewhere- stocking: *petting kid's head* feeling better? Kid: *small shiver, but nods* stocking: ....*hugs* im right here kid, and im not going anywhere, ok? Kid: "I know...I'm just...anxious..." stocking: *hums and rubs his back* Kid: *soft breathing* -elsewhere- lana: *walking home, exhausted after a long day* *Poe's house appears in her peripheral vision* lana: *relieved sigh* thank fuckin god... *rings the doorbell* Ghost Butler: "Oh, hello, Miss." lana: *collapses onto the floor, asleep* ghost maid:...i'll call her father. Poe: "Who is it at the door--!!! ..." ("She looks exhausted.") lana: zzzzzz..... Poe: "I'll bring her to the guest room." -later- lana: *sleeping peacefully* =w= Poe: *seated in a chair* "..." ("So angelic...") karl: *plops onto the bed and small cheek lick* lana: *giggles* e-edgar, that tickles... Poe: D8 *tries to stand up to pick up Karl* lana: *hugging poe's arm* =///w///= Poe: .\\\\.*steam coming off his head* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yep. You got it, Maki." maki: awesome! ^^ shinra: we're back! Relan: *small wave* Vulcan: "Hey. How were the festivities?" shinra: opening ceremonies were pretty interesting. tamaki: ._.;;;; *nervous* Vulcan: "??? Hey, Tamaki? What's up?" tamaki: just worried that something dumb is gonna happen to me. shinra:....well arent you just a big ol bag of sunshine. tamaki: shush you. Arthur: "Relax. All we need is to find you a four-leaf clover." Relan: "...Only one?" shinra: *snerk* good one, rel. -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Adequate job out there." midnight: thanks~!.....you alright? you sound different. allergies? Aizawa: "No, just haven't been the same since I was a smear on the floor at USJ." midnight: yikes. Aizawa: "So, how many students you think will make it through Round 1?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *turns off radio* "Some festivities..." -elsewhere- twice: CAN YOU FUCKIN BELIEVE THIS BULL MALARKEE?! MUTHAFUCKIN YUUJI BIOENI TAKING PART IN THE FUCKIN SPORTS FESTIVAL! UN-FUCKIN-BELIEVABLE! kurome: uh oh, uncle twice said a no-no word. Kurogiri: *low growl* twice: OwO;;; Kurogiri: "You better apologize..." twice: sorry kiddo. ^^;;;;;;; Kurogiri: "Good..." *growl* -elsewhere- tsurugi: aww, the sports festival looks like so much fun. mafura: *staaares at the screen* Touma: "...Mafura, not so close." mafura: *backs up* Touma: "That's better. Can't have you affect your eyes." tsurugi: mr touma~ can we do something like that someday? Touma: "If you train hard enough to beat the person who fires explosives out of his hands." tsurugi: YAAAAY! 8D mafura: \(^o^)/ Touma: "..." ("They're going to die so badly...") -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: *reading a bedtime story to toru* toru: o.o Yohei: *small snore, before he sits up* "..." chie: tired? toru: bapu! Yohei: *nods* "Sorry...I'll be better this weekend..." *yawns* chie: *smiles and kisses his forehead* Yohei: =\\= chie: ^^ toru: uu! Yohei: *hugs Toru* -elsewhere- Gin: "That drawing..." higuchi: yeah....if they really do have keek... Gin: "...Mori's orders, too...It's a lot to process." higuchi: i never really knew her all that much. from what i gather, she often kept to herself in her own home due to having difficulty dealing with other people. Gin: "And if one of us had paid attention to her...maybe she would not have been captured." higuchi:....*punches wall* dammit! Gin: "!!! Ichiyou..." higuchi: ....*looks at her fist....it's bleeding a bit*.... Gin: "...Let's bandage it...It's going to be fine." higuchi: good call. but i've gotten used to the pain over the years... Gin: "..." *shudders...then hugs her* higuchi: !!.....*hug* Gin: "You can't let yourself get hurt all the time..." *pats her back* higuchi: yeah, but i guess it comes with the job. Gin: *pulls back* "The job is not everything. There are people involved. There is also you." higuchi:...right. Gin: *examines Higuchi's hand, begins bandaging it* "...I'm sorry what Ryu has done..." higuchi: *nods* it sucks, but i know you two have been put through a lot in your life.... Gin: "Yes...The price for survival is high..." *finishes bandaging* "Everyone has their burdens to bear." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *holds a tray of cookies* kirika: *nom* Gopher: .w. kirika: thanks. Gopher: owo "You're welcome!" -elsewhere- Dazai: "That should do it..." naomi: hmm? Dazai: *points to a map* "I have been tracking various locations..." naomi: for what? Dazai: *points to one spot* "This where I would be hiding if I was avoiding the Mafia and authorities." *points to another color pin* "This is where people were already searching." *points to a red pin* "And this spot is where I can try jumping to my death." naomi: ._.; oh. um.... Kunikida: *CHOP* "Stop scaring children like that." kenji: good luck, dazai! ^^ Dazai: "Thank you!" *his head is bleeding from the chop* "And now, I depart to find more locations to sniff out these rats!" *leaps out the window* kirako: ah- yosano: !!...oh, seems the law firm is getting new couches. Dazai: *calling up* "This one is comfy!" -elsewhere- Poe: "Zzz..." lana: zzzz karl: =w= Poe: *shifts slightly* lana: =////= Poe: *yawns, opens his eyes* lana: zzzz..... Poe: o\\\\O *brain breaks* lana: *nuzzle* Poe: *opens his mouth--and no voice comes out* lana: *she seems content* Poe: "..." ("She looks so calm...") *doesn't move, just lets her rest...* lana: *sleep talking* love you, edgar. Poe: o\\\w\\\o "I love you, too..." -early morning- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking:......*neck kiss* Kid: *small moan, as he opens his eyes* .\\\. stocking: still tired~? Kid: .\\\. *shakes his head 'no'* "Y-You?" stocking: nope~ *smirks as she goes under the covers* Kid: owo;; "O-O-O-Okay..." *lays back* stocking: *smirking.....soft sucking on the tip* Kid: *soft moan* "Ah~..." stocking: like your wake up call, hun~? Kid: "V-Very...Feels great..." *his fingers rest along her head* stocking: that's good~ *sucking* Kid: *small pants* "So-So good...I-I've wanted th-this..." -elsewhere- kirako: good luck in the games today, atsushi and kyouka! atsushi: OKAY! OwO;; Kyoka: "Thank you. We will bring honor to the Agency and massacre our enemies." Dazai: owo;;;; ("...At least she'll keep Akutagawa in his place...") -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Be sure to watch..." *pat pat* sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "And be good for Granny and your aunts." sonia: okay. Chuuya: *hug* "I'll be home tonight. I love you." sonia: love you too, papa. mito: *mew* ^^ Chuuya: *smiles, pets Mito* "And take care of Mito too, okay?" sonia: okay. ^^ Chuuya: *smiles, as he exits...* rain?: do your best out there. Chuuya: "?!" *looks around* -nothing there...- Chuuya: "..." *small smile, as he goes down the stairs* -elsewhere- Gin: "Better?" higuchi: *nods* Gin: "That's good. Ready to begin?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Okay. Line up." -alt students lined up- atsushi: *nervous* OwO; Akutagawa: "Good luck." atsushi: you too! (thinking: atsushi. just...just shut up.) =u=;; Akutagawa: "This will end, one way or another..." atsushi: noted. *screaming on the inside* odasaku: look alive kid. atsushi: YESSIR! Aizawa: "..." *points at Atsushi* "See? That's the fired up spirit you need out there." Akutagawa: *now glaring at Atsushi* atsushi: OwO .... QwQ;;; odasaku: 7-7;;;; sorry, i know, i kinda suck at this whole 'guardian angel' thing. Aizawa: "Let's see what will be your first round of competition..." tsugumi: *determined* Meme: *cracking her knuckles* mio: *yaaawn* ao: ... sayaka: *hyped* madoka: *looking to the audience* hitomi: *waves* Rin: *two thumbs up* owo madoka: ^^ Aizawa: "Then let's see what your first round is..." *pulls a lever next to the podium, causing the TV sets around the stadium to cycle through various options...* *Screen flashes "MARATHON"* Aizawa: "Get on your running shoes. This is about endurance--and dodging your competitors..." atsushi: (thinking: maybe this wont be so bad) Aizawa: "And you have to make sure your peers don't try to pull you down with them...or throw you back." Akutagawa: *Rashomon is quivering* kirika: *cracks knuckles and smirks* Kyoka: "..." Anya: *re-ties her shoelaces* tsugumi: ... Anya: "...Do your best, Tsugumi." tsugumi: we will. Anya: *small smile, nods* Aizawa: "On your marks..." atsushi: *breaths* Aizawa: "Get set..." kirika: *smirks* Aizawa: *hits the button, as a loud buzzer goes off* "GO!" atsushi: *starts running* kirika: *dashes right past him* atsushi: O-O; announcer: and kirika kure is already making a headway with speed manipulation! it truly is a free-for-all! Kyoka: *far in the back* Chuuya: *picking up speed--* Akutagawa: *--but he passes Chuuya* shinra: *FLAME ON* WOO HOO! tamaki: *picks kyouka up and makes a dash for it* atsushi: *tiger arms and legs and running forwards* Kyoka: "???" Akutagawa: "..." *Rashomon appears behind him* tamaki: how you holding up, kiddo? announcer: and it seems tamaki kotatsu is giving a helping hand to kyouka izumi. talk about a team player! Kyoka: "Fine. Why are you lifting me?" tamaki: you looked like you could use some help. *smiles* Kyoka: "...Thank you, ma'am." *small smile* Chuuya: *starting up his gravity abilities* -elsewhere- louisa: *watching the screen.* ... Fitzgerald: *sips* "Quite a game. Did we place our bets?" louisa: i dont think you place bets in the sports festival. ._.; mary: loser buys lunch! bram: -_-; Fitzgerald: "Hmm...I think I'll bet on the tiny girl held by the taller cat girl." louisa: *sweatdrop* mary: what about the redhaired girl with the big monster? louisa: HUH?!?! *looks* !!! Fitzgerald: owo "Oh my goodness..." mary: oooh. whos that, mr fitz? Fitzgerald: "...A former employee." -on the track- Chuuya: o___O "IT'S A JUGGERNAUT!" takeru: *SCREAMING AS THE MISSLES SEND HIM ....forwards?* announcer: AND TAKERU 'JUGGERNAUT' NOTO IS USING THE RECOIL OF HIS ABILITY TO SEND HIMSELF AHEAD! Lucy: o_o; "...I thought _you_ would be the juggernaut here, Anne..." *ducks* Chuuya: "No no nO NO NO NO--" anne: ^o^ *Chuuya is knocked down by Takeru before he can dodge* Dazai: "Huh. Chuuya's such a tiny target I thought he wouldn't get hit..." atsushi: oh shi- Akutagawa: "..." *puts up a Rashomon shield* -nice catch!- Chuuya: *knocked across the marathon--into a barrier* x_x announcer: oh! and chuuya ozaki is knocked right into a barrier! that's gotta hurt! kouyou: CHUUYA KICK THEIR SORRY ASSES!! rain?: dont give up now! Chuuya: *snaps awake* "Rain?" *looks around--and sees the race* "..." *his eyes start to go white...* sayaka: you ok there, ozaki? Chuuya: *three contestant float off the ground--and can't run any further* student: w-what the heck?! Chuuya: *flies forward, picking up students off the ground along the way* student: WOAH! sayaka: YEEEK! ochako: woo! you go, gravity buddy! Chuuya: *tearing up the ground as he goes forward* Akutagawa: "...Show off." -elsewhere- Gin: "Has Ryu killed any competitors?" higuchi: thankfully no. sonia: papa's flying. higuchi: !!!! i dont see any markings, so he isnt using corr-....h-he's fine. Gin: "...If there is a problem, someone will intervene." higuchi: r-right. Tachihara: "Damn. Look at him move! He's super-fast." naoya: i dont see the markings, so at least he isnt using corruption, that'd be bad. hirotsu: *pressing tachihara's suit* indeed. Tachihara: "??? Ah, come on! I don't need you doing that to my threads!" hirotsu: well, you do want that phone number, dont you? Tachihara: -___- "F-Fine..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Look out, Tamaki. He's coming up behind us." tamaki: !!!! Chuuya: "..." *he's heading right for her and Kyoka* Kyoka: "..." *opens her phone* tamaki: oh fu- Kyoka: *calls into her phone* "Now." tamaki: *bracing for impact* Kyoka: "Demon Snow. Block him." demon snow: ~understood~ *BLOCK* annoucner: AND KYOUKA IZUMI BLOCKS WITH DEMON SNOW! Chuuya: *still white eye...he's held back...but he's pushing Demon Snow enough that he's propelling Tamaki and Kyoka a bit* tamaki: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Q~Q Chuuya: *yells as he keeps pushing--and they all move forward with a burst of speed* Kyoka: "..." *hugs Tamaki* tamaki: *SCREAMING*.....*from the speed, her pants fly off...but a plastic bag floating in the air ends up as her new skirt* FUCKING FUCKER FUCK! announcer: woah! i guess that's letting the cat _into_ the bag! Announcer #2: "...Holy crap, June." Kyoka: ._. "...Huh." tamaki: WHYYYYYYYYYY Q_Q Chuuya: *pants now in his face, as he starts to wake up* "Wh-What is even--" *he slams against the ground--and the force knocks Demon Snow, Kyoka, and Tamaki to the finish line* tamaki: *FACEPLANT* announcer: FIRST PLACE GOES TO TAMAKI KOTATSU, KYOUKA IZUMI AND CHUUYA OZAKI!! Kyoka: *lands on her feet at the finish line* "..." *picks up Tamaki, and drops her off on the finish line first* Chuuya: x___x kouyou: MY BABIES WON! plus some thieving cat BUT WHO CARES ABOUT THAT ONE! tamaki: Q~Q Relan: "..." *struggling not to laugh* Akutagawa: *still racing* "..." atsushi: *jumping forwards* kirika: NYOOM MOTHER FUCKERS! *2nd place* Akutagawa: "??? You think you'll get ahead of me?" atsushi: CANT STOP NOW! (thinking: MOSTLY BECAUSE I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE THE BREAKS!!) Akutagawa: *he's in Atsushi's path* "...Oh shi--" atsushi: OwO (thinking: mama) -BOOM CRASH- atsushi: LUCY HELP ME! -they both made 3rd....with atsushi ko'd on top of akutagawa- atsushi: X_X -cue screams from overjoyed fujoshis- naomi + maki + naho: *SQUEEEEEEEEEE~* Akutagawa: owo "...God?" Lucy: D8< "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN! ANNE, CRUSH HIM!" anne: *picks atsushi up and puts him aside, and punches akutagawa* atsushi: *tiny birds flying around his head* lucy montgomery you're my hero. Akutagawa: D:< "DAMN YOU--" *sent flying out of the stadium* Lucy: -w- "I know." *forehead smooch* "Let's get you to the infirmary...." higuchi:....we should retrieve your brother now. Gin: *sigh* "He's probably outside the city by now. Bring a shovel--he likely landed in sand." higuchi: noted. chuuya: im fine...just sore. dont worry about me obviously =_=; Kyoka: "Okay. No one was worrying about you." *takes Tamaki's hand* "Thank you for your help, Tamaki." tamaki: Q~Q *covering herself with the bag* its fine.... Kyoka: "...Demon Snow, bring her to the locker room. We'll get her new pants." Chuuya: *lifting himself from the ground, looks around* "...What happened?" kirika: you won first, shipdit. not bad for a newbie. but in the next one, im whupping your ass. Chuuya: "..." *smirks* "We'll see about that..." *then notices--* "...Why do I have a pair of pants draped over my shoulders?" kirika: ....dont ask. tamaki: *takes the pants.....and punches him right in the face* kouyou: D8< sonia: bad lady! hirotsu: *pinching the bridge of his nose* so uncouth. Kyoka: "..." *thumbs up* Chuuya: X_X *nose bleeding* announcer: oooh, that's _gotta_ hurt! Announcer #2: "I know I expected a bloodbath _during_ the competition, but not _after_." Kyoka: "Pants acquired. Good work." Lucy: ._.;;; "...That's weird." -elsewhere- Kid: *smooch* stocking: ^///^ Kid: *hugs, whispers* "Thank you for earlier..." stocking: any time, hun~<3 Kid: *whispers* "I'll pay you back...whenever." stocking: challange accepted~ Kid: "Hee hee..." *pats her hip lightly* -elsewhere- Anya: "So much for even placing..." tsugumi: cheer up, anya. 13th isnt that bad. we still make it into the next round! Anya: "How? At this rate, I think we're going to get removed the next round." tsugumi: we'll just have to work harder then! Anya: "..." *sigh* "Your optimism is boundless." tsugumi: ^^ Meme: *stretches* "Could've been worse. I'd hate to have gotten knocked around by those giants. BTW, how did Takeru do?" tsugumi: 7th place! mio: steep. Meme: "Huh. Would've thought crashing through the line that fast would've gotten him further ahead. The anti-gravity guy was just too powerful..." mio: even kotatsu got ahead of us... Anya: "..." *smirks* "Most of her did..." tsugumi: anya! that's not very nice. even if it is true. Meme: "More on the 'true' than 'not nice' side." tamaki: SCREW YOU GUYS I GOT FIRST PLACE! Meme: "Eep!" *hides behind Mio* Anya: *eyeroll* "On a technicality..." ao: it was a 3 way tie~ ^^ Anya: "...I can't believe I'm agreeing with Ao, but yes, what she said." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Here, hold the ice..." atsushi: *wince* aaah... Lucy: *sighs* "That guy is not going to quit." atsushi: no kidding. *sigh* Lucy: "Maybe carry a taser?" atsushi: maybe....perhaps i should ask his sister for advice? Lucy: *nods* "Can't hurt." atsushi: we'll just have to find her first. *Knock knock* atsushi: ? Kyoka: *enters, hands over her eyes* "Please tell me you two are decent." atsushi: yes, yes we are. ^^; Lucy: -_-;; Kyoka: *uncovers her eyes...approaches...hugs Atsushi* atsushi: congrats on winning first place today! Kyoka: "Thank you. I had a lot of help." atsushi: still. *smiles* Kyoka: "...Are you feeling better?" atsushi: yeah, a little sore, but im not dead. Kyoka: "Don't tell Yosano that." atsushi:.........noted. Lucy: "Any update on next round of competition?" Kyoka: *shrug* -elsewhere- Gin: *digging* naoya: found 'im! higuchi: oh thank god, he still has a pulse. *phew* Gin: "!!!" *runs* Akutagawa: x_x naoya: ooi, akuta, you with us man? how many fingers am i holding up? Akutagawa: "...6?" naoya: *holding up 3 fingers* shit. *opens a bottle of water and splashes it on his face* Akutagawa: *coughs* "Wh-What happened?" naoya: you got 3rd place in the marathon!....and some doll monster knocked you right out of city limits like motherfuckin team rocket. Akutagawa: "...The tiger?" naoya: we have it on the DVR if you want to see it. Akutagawa: "..." *shivering, Rashomon rising up* "..." naoya: there ya go, buddy. Akutagawa: *lets out a low, loud, guttural bellow that blows outward from himself, causing Rashomon to rise up over the desert's sands* higuchi: O-O; naoya: woah, easy there- Gin: "...RYUNOSUKE AKUTAGAWA! YOU WILL STOP THIS BEHAVIOR RIGHT NOW!" Rashomon: owo;;; Akutagawa: *he's not stopping...* higuchi: MY APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE! *PUNCH* Akutagawa: X______X *knocked to the dirt* Gin: "...It had to be done." higuchi: *phew* that....that felt warranted.... Gin: *pat pat* "We'll bring him home." *lifts up Akutagawa* "Naoya, a little help, please." Rashomon: xwx naoya: *helping lift him up* there we go. come on kiddo, you need to rest up for tonight's party. Akutagawa: X_X *flies buzzing around him* Gin: "??? 'Party'?" naoya: remember the party that tachihara agreed to wear the suit for to get that chick's phone number? Gin: "Ah. You do know he will fail in this endeavor." naoya: i know he will. i talked to her already. *smug grin* Gin: "???" *looks at Higuchi* "You are going as well?" naoya: sure. they got a drink bar. like balls im gonna skip out on free booze. Gin: "Hmm. That is a good reason indeed. Higuchi, be my date?" higuchi: .////////. i would love to. see you there! Gin: "Excellent. I will see you as well." -elsewhere- {Giovanni: "You understand my instructions, correct?"} lisa:....*staring up at the ceiling*.... -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Brilliant work out there!" shinra: ^^ *he won 8th* Relan: ^^; Arthur: "...I got lost going to the field." tamaki: Q.Q iris: congrats on making 1st. Akitaru: *nod nod* "That was a great performance! Good work carrying that small child to the finish line." shinra: *laughs* *ahem* s-sorry. just thought of something funny... tamaki: im pretty sure that guy is around our age. Akitaru: "??? I meant the girl you picked up." Relan: *looking at Shinra laughing* "???" tamaki: oh. shinra: *whispers into relan's ear* we scored our initial brigade numbers. Akitaru: "In any case, we got you your favorite dessert as congratulations, Tamaki." Relan: "...Ah. Heh." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...They leave the stadium such a mess at the end of each day..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *holding ice to his head* "It all hurts..." sonia: get well soon, papa. -she hands him a bandaid- Chuuya: "Thanks, sweetie..." mito: *asleep on his torso* Chuuya: *looks at the bandage--it has kittens on it* "...Cute." *applies the bandage carefully to his cut* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "I guess I'm missing the party...but I'm glad to be here." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "Hee hee--ow!" sonia: O.O Chuuya: "Sorry...Still sore." sonia: oh. ok. Chuuya: "Just go easy on the hugs until my aches heal--which, I promise, will be soon." *pats her head* -elsewhere- Gin: *finishing her makeup* -elsewhere- mii: zzzz kirako: im home, mii~ *taking her shoes off and heads to her room to change into her pajamas* *humming as she finishes changing* -elsewhere- Tachihara: *adjusting his collar* -_-; -elsewhere- Rin: "I think you did awesome." madoka: thanks *hug* sayaka: yeah, but watching the games is always a lot of fun too! madoka: *nods* Rin: "And I made the snacks! Anyone up for more pizza bites?" kyouko: heck yeah! momo sakura: can we have shrimp too? hitomi: ^^ Rin: "Sure! Just got to finish cooking them." *puts on his apron* "So, who are you rooting for out there now?" sayaka: im rooting for kyouka. she's a precious bab. kyouko: you're letting this whole 'senpai' thing get to your head. sayaka: can you blame me~? *head donk* ^^ Rin: "Can't blame you for that. How 'bout you, Madoka?" madoka: i havent seen her yet, but i think asui has a lot of potential. Rin: "Oh, I can see that. She's pretty fast in athletic competitions, especially pool." kyouko: and let me guess, _you're_ cheering for bakugou or something? Rin: "Nah. He's too much of a stubborn jackass. My money's on Izuku." kyouko: ah, i see. Rin: "Izuku's worked so hard for this kind of stuff, and I think he deserves a win." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "May I bring you anything?" felisia: one of those popsicles. banana and grape flavored please. Mephisto: "As you wish~" *small cheek kiss* "Be right back* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Congratulations!" atsushi: ^^ Kyoka: "...Where is the food?" yosano: we got it right here in the meeting room. Kyoka: "Yay." *pushes Dazai aside* Dazai: QWQ Lucy: "..." atsushi: you hungry, lucy? Lucy: *smiling, blushing* "Oh, no, I'm fine--" *LOUD STOMACH GROWL* .\\\. kenji: ^^ you want some, kyouka? *offers ice cream* Kyoka: "..." *nom* kenji: ^^ Lucy: *starts with a salad, salivating* "So hungry..." -elsewhere- yana: oi, im back, what i miss? katya:.........sounds played over the intercom. pushkin: *pokerface* yana:....your reactions say it all. fuckin nasty. zoey: ahhhh~ *still twitching on the floor* FD: *humming to himself, buttoning his shirt* "Thank you very much, my pet." zoey: ahhh~ *she's still dripping wet* FD: "??? Need help drying yourself?" zoey: *shakes head* i love... feeling your cum inside me.... <3 FD: "...Okay." *adjusting his cloak* "Kind of like how I like feeling myself in you." zoey: ah~<3 FD: "And do you want anyone else in the world?" zoey: i live only for you, master~ FD: "Very good." *forehead kiss* "And if I brought another woman here, what would you do?" zoey: if you desired, i would do whatever you asked of me to her... FD: *gropes one of her breasts* "Such as pleasure her for me?" yana + katya: *backing far away from the door* O_O;;;; nope. FD: "Tell me, have you imagined being taken from more than one side, Zoey?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *black eye'ed* -_(-) -the DVR shows the playback of akutagawa and atsushi crossing the finish line.- Akutagawa: "...I had him." medic: ?? Akutagawa: "Right on top of me. So close. I could have delivered the killing blow..." medic: .... Akutagawa: "Or take his heart, body, and soul..." medic: mmhmm. Akutagawa: "...Leave me alone." medic: *exits* Akutagawa: *rewinds and plays...pauses...squirms in his seat, letting out a small noise* “…” *leans back, staring at Atsushi's face...his hand rubs along his chest* "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Gin: "...You look very good." higuchi: you too.. .//////. kuniko: use protection you two! Gin: "Understood." higuchi: o//////////o Gin: *takes Higuchi's hand* "Just a little joke to break the ice." *small smile* higuchi: right. hahaha... Gin: "I appreciate your company, Ichiyou." *small hand squeeze* -at the party- Tachihara: *adjusting his tie* "Girls really like these things?" naoya: depends on who yer askin. Tachihara: "..." *sigh* "This better work. I didn't put on a suit like this to not get some." naoya: i even went the extra mile and told her a black lizard commander invited her to this lil shindig. she seemed pretty excited. Tachihara: "...For real?" naoya: *nods and smiles* Tachihara: "...Well, okay, I can deal with this suit long enough...Thanks." -elsewhere- Assi: *opens a door* "Mono, I got your mail--" mono: O//////O *she's in her undies* Assi: "..." *his glasses' lenses crack, revealing his eyes* "..." *small nosebleed* "N-Nice stripes..." -too violent to be shown- Emine: "...Did you hear something?" lin-kimpur: *shrug* Emine: "Hmm...." *smiles* "I think I have finished my bad deed, having Assi hand out mail today." -elsewhere- Lucy: *pats her full stomach* Kyoka: *eating a crepe* atsushi: ^^ Lucy: *small cheek smooch* "Can't wait to see how the competition goes next..." -elsewhere- Relan: *yawns, cleaning off his plate* -elsewhere- Gin: *hands a drink to Higuchi* higuchi: thanks. Gin: "You're welcome." *sips* "...Seems like a good gathering." higuchi: yeah. girl: *looking around, she seems antsy* Gin: "??? I think that's Tachihara's date." naoya: *smirks* oh this is gonna be good. Tachihara: "!!!" *walks towards her* girl: (thinking: where is he....?) Tachihara: *approaches her* "Evening." girl: oh....its you. *she sounds displeased* Tachihara: *oblivious* "Yep--me alright! Glad you could make it." girl:.....just get me to the bar. -_- Tachihara: "Of course~ Now it's my turn to serve you a drink." *smiles* higuchi: she looks about as pleased as all of tachihara's dates usually do. naoya: *trembling, trying not to laugh* Gin: "...Naoya. Explain." Tachihara: *pouring a drink* naoya: you'll see... Tachihara: "Here you go!" girl: *sips* thanks. Tachihara: "You're welcome! So, did you get here okay? Having a good time?" girl: i guess.... Tachihara: "That's great! I'm so glad you could make it! Want a snack?" girl:....look, sweetie, im gonna level with you here, when your friend told me a black lizard commander asked me here, i was expecting someone else. Tachihara: owo; "...I mean, I know I'm different here than I am out in public, but I didn't think I was _that_ different. Like, which version of me do you prefer? I can go both ways." girl: i was expecting the other commander. Tachihara: "...'Other'? Wait. You don't mean...Who are you talking about?" girl: you seem decent enough, so i'll put this in terms you'll understand; i prefer older guys. Tachihara: "..." *light bulb--which then breaks into giant shards that litter the floor and stab into what is left of his broken heart* DX Gin: "..." naoya: *cackling* OH SHIT SON! I PLAYED YOU LIKE A GODDAMN FIDDLE! *slamming fist on to the table as she laughs* tachihara: SHIGA WHAT THE FUCK Gin: "...Quite humorous." Tachihara: "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" naoya: just cuz~ hirotsu: hmm? girl: did you..want to dance for a bit? .///. Tachihara: D8 Gin: "..." *long sip* hirotsu: um... ._.; Gin: "Sir, it would be rude to turn down a lady's request." Tachihara: Q________Q hirotsu: very well then. higuchi: ouch. Tachihara: *arrows into chest* "...Damn it..." Gin: "These things happen." naoya: ah, you'll be fine, kiddo. *pats his back* Tachihara: *death glare at her, low growl* naoya: OwO;; Tachihara: "Give me one good reason I shouldn't snap you in two..." naoya: well, im older than you for one thing. and i dont think hirotsu would want you murdering your fellow mafiosos for such petty shit....if its any condolence, sorry. higuchi: did you really like this girl or was it just your dick that liked her? Tachihara: "Shut up! I know what I felt! And this was different! And you!" *points at Naoya* "You're going to owe me for this!" naoya: ok! ok! fair enough, sheesh... Gin: "Hmm. Well, that was entertaining." *sets down her drink* "I would like to dance." Tachihara: *growling* higuchi: O-O; Gin: "..." *takes Higuchi* "Let's put some distance while they 'talk.'" Tachihara: *still growling* naoya: .... Tachihara: "That was just mean..." naoya: yeah, yeah it was. stupid me for not thinking of others first. *sigh* Tachihara: "Glad you can admit that." *sulks, crosses his arms* naoya: ...you really liked her, didnt you? Tachihara: *sniff* naoya:...*sigh* oi bartender! shot'a bourbon for this one. Bartender: "Coming up." Tachihara: T_T naoya: want me to call you an escort? Tachihara: *nod nod* naoya: alrighty then. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *small pant* -silence...- Akutagawa: "..." *closes his eyes* -...- {Akutagawa: *contented sigh*} {atsushi: *hug* hehe~} {Akutagawa: .\\\. *hug* "...You're huggable."} {atsushi: ^^ i love you, ryu} {Akutagawa: "...Atsushi...I love you..." *kisses his lips lightly*} -phone rings- Akutagawa: *eyes snap open* "..." *groans, answers* "Yes?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." sonia: zzzz mito: =w= Chuuya: *pulls blanket to tuck Sonia in--and leaving him uncovered* sonia: =w= Chuuya: *muttering...* "Rain..." sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "I miss you..." -...- Chuuya: "It's not fair..." {rain: ? mr nakahara?} {Chuuya: "??? ...Rain..." *hugs*} {rain: o///o e-e-e-eh?! m-mu-mr nakahara?!} {Chuuya: "It's so good to see you."} {rain: um...i-it's good t-to see you too...} {Chuuya: *pulls back, smiling* "You busy? Coffee?"} {rain: um... s-sure ^^} {Chuuya: ^^ "Great." *holding her hand* "That's great."} Chuuya: *shivering, whimpering* mito: *nyaaawn* Chuuya: "D-Don't go..." -silence- Chuuya: *crying* sonia: mmmn......mama.... Chuuya: *hearing Sonia's voice, his eyes break open* "???" sonia: zzzz.... Chuuya: "..." *holds her* sonia: =w= Chuuya: "..." *smiles* ("I'll keep her safe, Rain...I promise.") -elsewhere- Higan: "...Love the outfit." lavender: hehe~ ^^ -elsewhere- himawari:............. Shamrock: "...It's okay." himawari:......i thought....i'd be ok by now.... Shamrock: "...Sometimes, it's an everyday thing. One day at a time..." himawari:....*whimper* Shamrock: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Izuku: *turning in bed...can't sleep...stands up, puts on his tracksuit, steps outside...* -it's a cool night out- Izuku: *exhales, seeing his breath...starts to jog* -the night is calm- Izuku: *heading down the street, along the canal, the moon shining along it* -splash- Izuku: "???" *looks* lovecraft: *casually swimming along the current* Izuku: o________________o lovecraft: *locks eyes with him*....you didnt see me. i wasnt here. Izuku: o_______________________o "...Do you need help?" lovecraft:....im good. thanks. Izuku: "...'Kay. G-Good day..." *keeps jogging* o___o -elsewhere- Hibana: *tossing* {rose: *screaming*} {clematis: it hurts! it hurts!} {iris: *wide eyed, tears falling*} {Hibana: *covering Iris's eyes* "D-Don't...Don't look..."} {sumire: *stumbling forwards} {Hibana: *makes eye contact with Sumire*} {sumire: *bits of her skull can be seen* hi..ban...a...} {Hibana: *horrified, her mouth opens--but she cannot make herself scream*} ???: -..na wake up! Hibana: "NO!" gabriella: *hugs* it's ok...it was just a nightmare... Hibana: *shaking...starts sobbing* gabriella: it's ok....im here now... Hibana: "I-I'm sorry..." gabriella: it's ok... -elsewhere- ivy: .... *turns on her lighter, drawing a small snake from the flame* .... Joker: *groans, seeing through the darkness* "Too bright..." ivy: in the pitch darkness? Joker: "I didn't think you would be seated here...My eyes haven't adjusted yet..." ivy: dont have anywhere much else to go... red gonna be here or is she busy? Joker: "She's around..." ivy: ah. -outside- scarlet: ..... Joker: "...Hey. Look who's here." scarlet: ugh....get me a hard whisky. long night. Joker: *already pouring* "Talk?" scarlet: ran into some weird guy....tried to stab me. something about him....was just off. Joker: "??? What, he was drugged?" scarlet: wouldnt say that....it was more like....he was a puppet. Joker: "..." *takes a long drag* "Like he was possessed?" scarlet: maybe? seemed more like mind control if anything....freaky. Joker: "You scare him away? Or..." scarlet: i fired a warning shot at him....then he screamed about me being the devil or some shit, yammering about my soul being damned and what not. ivy:...i hope he chokes. Joker: "Hmm. Evangelist?" scarlet: *shrugs* seemed more puritan. ivy: *rolls eyes* either way, i couldnt give less of a fuck. Joker: "...Maybe get a drawing of this guy, in case he shows up again..." scarlet: alright. *sketching a picture....of hawthorne* Joker: "...You're good at this." ivy: *pout* Joker: "??? Ivy? What is it?" ivy:...nothin... -elsewhere- Gin: *walking with Higuchi* "Thank you for being my date." higuchi: *smiles* i had fun tonight. Gin: "So did I. I always miss having a good dance partner." -elsewhere- Poe: OWO;;;; lana: thanks for letting me stay over ^^ Poe: "Whenever you want!" lana: ^^ *hugs* Poe: "...I-I l-love you." *hug* lana: i love you too. ^^ *smooch* Poe: "!!! ..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Kid: "Rise and shine..." *smooch* stocking: mmmn, kid, that tickles.... zzzz Kid: *small pout* *hugs her* "Time to wake up..." stocking: zzzz *slightly drooling* Kid: "..." *smirks, as he slips under the sheets...carefully tugs down on her pajama pants...* stocking: mmmn~ Kid: *kisses slightly along her legs, one side at a time...* stocking: *opens her eyes* frisky already, hun~? Kid: "With you, always." *his tongue makes quick, small licks along her* stocking: *soft moan* Kid: *places his lips along her, slipping his tongue into her...* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *stretching* sonia: zzz mito: *streeeetch* Chuuya: *sets out a bowl of cereal and a dish of milk...starting making pancakes* -elsewhere- Relan: "Good luck today." shinra: i will. *smiles* Relan: *smiles back* "I'll be cheering for you." -elsewhere- Tachihara: *snores* prostitute: zzzz Tachihara: *yawns, opens his eyes...sits up, nudges her* prostitute: *yaaaawn* Tachihara: " ...So, thanks. Got your cash." prostitute: thanks hun~ Tachihara: "...Yeah, sure." *pulls up his pants* -elsewhere- Gin: "How was your date, sir?" hirotsu: i wouldnt exactly call it that. -_-; Gin: "What would you call it?" hirotsu: a simple dance. Gin: "...I have to admit, that's more boring than what I thought would happen. But I appreciate that you were a gentleman, sir." hirotsu: *takes a drag* likewise. Gin: "...Did you get her number?" hirotsu: didnt bother. naoya: well, in his defense, the guy is 50. Gin: "True. Hope you let her down gently." -elsewhere- Belkia: *snoring* otogiri: .....*watching tv* Sakuya: *stumbles into the room* "...Stupid rug..." otogiri: *nice catch* morning. Sakuya: "..." *smiles* "Hey. Thanks." *rights himself* "Anything on?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: *at microphone* "Welcome to Day 2 of the School Festival. Congratulations again to yesterday's victors in the three-way first-place finish..." *points to Chuuya, Kyoka, and Tamaki* tamaki: =w= Kyoka: *small smile* Chuuya: *still has a bandaged nose* Aizawa: "And as the three of them won first, they now have the most points...which any of you can now acquire." tamaki: wait what now? *The screens around the stadium show photos of the three of them--with 500 points listed for each one of them* Aizawa: "So, if you beat one of them in the competition, your ranking will increase for the next round." Chuuya: "..." ("Shit.") tamaki: mother fu- Kyoka: "Bring it on. I'll fight all comers." -elsewhere- Rin: "Oh shit, man! This is going to hurt..." kyouko: oh shit, indeed. Rin: "Maybe some of the other students will go up in rankings. How many people are left in this round?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." *turns off the TV, looks back at a photograph...of him, Yu...and Lisa* nozomi: ... Vulcan: "...Yo, Nozomi? I got something you could help me with. Maybe...take your mind off of...Um...I mean, you okay?" nozomi: hmm? oh, im fine. ^^ Vulcan: "...Up for a project? I'll let you use the jackhammer." nozomi: oh goodness, im not sure if i can use something that big... ._.; Vulcan: "I can attach foot holds for it..." -elsewhere- Announcer: "It is pandemonium! Meme Tatane has a folding chair!" Meme: "I got you now!" student: WHERE DID SHE GET THAT?! Chuuya: *floating students away from him* "Really? This the best you all got?" Kyoka: *using Demon Snow as a barrier, yawns* Anya: *hand chopping opponents* "I knocked down possessed students from all sides! This all you got?!" -elsewhere- Mori: *writing notes* elise: *drawing* Mori: "Elise? Didn't you want to play with Sonia?" elise: yeah, but she doesnt come by a lot....like ever. Mori: "Maybe you can have a playdate at her apartment." elise: maybe. Mori: ^^ "What are you drawing?" -it's herself, sonia, Q, and mori as a child.- Mori: TTWTT "Um...Wh-Who is that?" elise: it's rintarou, duh. Mori: "...That's n-nice..." *pats her head* elise: ^^ Mori: "Let's hang it up..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Please keep the Commander away from the shovels. He keeps digging holes..." maki: noted. Akitaru: "This new shovel is great! Doc, how did you get it to dig so well?" -elsewhere- Patty: Q_Q "Takeru...Hang in there..." takeru: *SCREEEEEAM* Akutagawa: "I will have first place..." *trying to grab onto Takeru with Rashomon--and failing* "Hold still, damn you." -elsewhere- Ponera: "Feeling better?" shaula: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Ponera: "...I mean, you seemed...bothered when you were...inebriated." shaula: eh, im fine, no skin offa my nose. Ponera: "..." *hug* shaula: OwO; Ponera: "You're okay." *pat pat* "Try talking instead of just drinking alone, okay?" shaula: alright? >->; Ponera: *pulls back, smiles* "Good. Well, time for me to get this mission ready. -elsewhere- Mephisto: *stares at an empty bowl that once had ice cream* owo; felisia: zzzzz.... maid: ._.; Mephisto: *whispers* "I guess my sweet tooth just got beat...Be ready to bring her breakfast, 'kay?" maid: understood, sir. -elsewhere- Assi: *his head is bandaged (but he still has his A glasses on), as are his hands, like mittens* "..." *reaches for his spoon for his cereal--and his fingers are too bandaged to get it* "..." *muffled* "Darn." mana: showtaro, could ya feed ashi his breakfast? Shotaro: "Sure! Open wide!" Assi: "..." *muffled voice* "Ahhhh..." Shotaro: "..." *pulls down bandages--which causes a ripping sound* Assi: "OUCHIE!" Shotaro: "Whoops! Sorry!" Emine: *small smirk* -elsewhere- vivian: *she has her fan out* -CRASSH- tamaki: HOLY FUCK announcer: AND VIVIAN HELVITZ IS USING HER 2ND GEN ABILITY TO SHOCK THE COMPETITION! LITERALLY! Kishiri: o\\\w\\\o Anya: D8 *trying to outrun the electricity* Chuuya: *dodging charges* "Crap crap crap--" Lucy: *ZAPPED* X_X vivian: uhuhu~ torry~ i hope you're watching~ atsushi: !!! *grabs lucy and kyouka and gets them to safety* Kishiri: "Oh, I'm watching..." Kyoka: "...Now what?" atsushi: *thinking* if we had rubber suits, it would make us shock proof. Kyoka: "If only. Unless you know someone who can spontaneously generate rubber--" atsushi: crap....wait.... *glances at akutagawa*.... *lightbulb* it's not rubber, but rashomon can consume anything, right? Kyoka: "...Yes. How will you convince him?" Lucy: X____X atsushi: it's a risky move....but i might just have to take it! *runs out into the field* Kyoka: "...Good luck." Akutagawa: *swings another student around the field* "Be gone." atsushi: *jumping headfirst where he will likely get struck out* Akutagawa: "!!!!" *looks around--spots Vivian* *glowers* "...No one will have victory over the Were-Tiger but I!" *aims Rashomon at Vivian* vivian: OuO; *blocking* *Rashomon pushes upon Vivian* -elsewhere- Dazai: *tenses up* kirako: ?? Dazai: "I sense a disturbance...Did I leave the toilet seat up?" -elsewhere- Gin: o_o;;; higuchi: ._.; Gin: "...We'll need another shovel." -elsewhere- yana: electricity, eh? interesting. *looking up info on haijima's europe branch* FD: "Quite powerful." yana: should we pay these haijima guys a visit? FD: "Do it." yana: *grin* -elsewhere- Hibana: *staring in horror at a photograph* "...That's not him." *it's dated 8 years ago* gabriella: ?? princess? *Photo caption: Dr. Giovanni* *It looks like a rather normal man* gabriella: who is he? Hibana: "One of the fire commanders, from eight years ago...Before he put on that mask...I had never seen him without it." gabriella: ah. i see. Hibana: "...If this could help find him..." -elsewhere- Rin: o____o "...That's a lot of screaming." madoka: ._.; announcer: AND IN FIRST FOR THE SECOND ROUND, VIVIAN HELVITZ AND RYUZAKI ARARAGI! Akutagawa: *cough cough* *waving* Kishiri: QWQ atsushi:...huh. *Leader board has Vivian and Akutagawa's scores rise up; Kyoka, Tamaki, and Chuuya's fall* Kyoka: "Boo. But at least we aren't dead." atsushi: at least we made it to the next round. takeru: im just glad im out. *sigh* Lucy: *holding her head* "I feel like I got hit by a very large horse riding an even bigger horse..." Patty: "TAAAAAAAKERUUUUU!" *glomp* takeru: omph-! Patty: "Hee hee!" *cheek smooch* Chuuya: *looks at the score listing* "Where did I place?" -seems chuuya made 2nd. tamaki: D8 13?! atsushi: oh, looks like you got knocked out. sorry kotatsu. Kyoka: "..." *hug* tamaki: OxO .... TTxTT nyuuuuu.... Kyoka: *pat pat* Relan: "Kind of amazed she made it this far." shinra: yeah... Kyoka: "How did I place? Atsushi, did you qualify?" Chuuya: *smiling* "Hope that's good enough, Sonia..." atsushi: i made 12th, so im still in. how about you lucy? Lucy: "...14th place. Darn." atsushi: oh. maybe we can get lunch to celebrate? you did your best, right? ^^ Lucy: "..." *hug* "Food sounds great right now..." atsushi: ^^..... (thinking: i can feel a glare of intense hatred in my direction....) Akutagawa: "Tiger..." atsushi: OxO;;;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: -_-; "Oh. This nonsense again." atsushi: *SCREAMS ON THE INSIDE* Akutagawa: "You better survive the next round. Because I assure you, in the last round, I am going to face you. And before everyone here, they will see me dominate you." atsushi: *high pitched* sounds good, my dude....*forced laughter* Akutagawa: "Those are not the noises you will make when my heel is digging into your hand, as I repeatedly jab into you." Kyoka: "...I think he means he will jab with his fists. Into your abdomen. Not anywhere else." atsushi: *voice cracks* thanks for the clarification! Lucy: *holds Atsushi's hand* "Come. He's not worth it. Not until the last round when you kick his sorry behind out of the competition." Akutagawa: *DEATH GLARE AT LUCY* atsushi: WHO WANTS LUNCH?! OuO;;; Lucy: o__o; "Me! A thousand times!" Kyoka: "I will eat them out of business." Akutagawa: "..." *stomach growls* -and so- atsushi: TTuTT (thinking: ODASAKUUUU SAVE ME) odasaku: to tell you the truth kid....if i were in your shoes....i'd be besides myself too. *sweatdrop, scratching the back of his head* Lucy: -____- "J-Just finish the meal, I guess..." atsushi: QuQ;; Akutagawa: "...What about dessert?" Chuuya: -____-;;; "Will you come along?" Kyoka: *sipping her tea* "Like this peon will defeat Atsushi. He will send you running home crying." atsushi: *trying not to piss himself* Akutagawa: "I doubt that." Kyoka: "Want to bet on it?" atsushi: WELLLL it's getting late. time to call it a night, right guys? ^^;;; Akutagawa: "Like I need to take a bet when I could just sneak into his residence and kill him in his sleep." atsushi: *forced laugh* oh, you're so funny! but enough joking, lets head home now please? Lucy: "Oh, sounds like emo boy here is a chicken. A big, fat chicken." Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: ahaha...lucypleasedonottempthim. Akutagawa: "What would I get if he loses in the competition?" *A hand chops Akutagawa in the back of the head--into the pudding put out for him* Dazai: "A wild Dazai appears!" Kyoka: "...That was a waste of pudding." atsushi: *phew* Dazai: "Now, where's Chuuya? I thought he'd be here..." *looking over Chuuya's head* Chuuya: "..." *tries an uppercut* Dazai: *dodges* Chuuya: *random muttering growling* atsushi: ^^; Dazai: "You taking care of my niece okay?" Chuuya: "SHE'S NOT YOUR NIECE!" atsushi: oh, you mean sonia? Dazai: "But I already got her a teddy bear as big as you!" *holds up...a normal size teddy bear* Chuuya: *struggling to ignore Dazai* "Yes. Sonia. She is well. She's drawing so much, writing, counting--" Kyoka: "...You had a child?" Chuuya: *uncomfortable silence* atsushi: .... Chuuya: "I adopted her." Kyoka: "Ah." atsushi: ... Chuuya: "Sh-She needed someone..." Dazai: *pats Chuuya's head* "Best dad!" Chuuya: -_____- atsushi: mm.... odasaku: ..... Chuuya: "Speaking of which, I should get home--and bring him with me..." *pulls Akutagawa's head off the plate* Akutagawa: *covered in pudding* -_____- -elsewhere- Arthur: *holding a "You Tried" cake* tamaki: TT.TT Arthur: "I thought you did good. You were ahead of so many other people." tamaki: 737 Relan: "Yeah--and this time you didn't have any wardrobe malfunctions." tamaki: =n= Takehisa: *facepalm* Relan: "!!!! I-I meant that as a good thing..." Akitaru: "Come on, Tamaki! I got the plates and drinks..." tamaki:...*nom* TTnTT Akitaru: "There you go!" Vulcan: "And if it makes you feel better, I got some new tech for you to try out." -elsewhere- Anya: T_T tsugumi: it's ok anya. ^^ ao: it's not like you've contracted a flesh-eating disease. Anya: "...Gee, thanks." -elsewhere- Meme: *humming* -elsewhere- Kid: "Cookie?" stocking: *nom* mmm~<3 *nuzzle* Kid: =///w///= *holds her* stocking: ^^ kirika: *rolls eyes* get a room. Kid: -_-;;; "No one is making you sit here." -elsewhere- Assi: *collapsed on couch...his bandages and clothes are torn up* TT__TT -elsewhere- sonia: zzzzz.... mito: =w= Chuuya: "..." *tucks Sonia in* sonia: =u= Chuuya: *kisses her forehead, whispers* "Sleep well, kiddo." sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *sighs, places a stuffed bear in her arms* sonia: *snuggles it* =u= *she seems content* Chuuya: "..." *shy scratch of his cheek* ("Guess Dazai can get some things right...") mito: *nuzzles chuuya's leg* *mrew* Chuuya: *small smile, pets Mito* "Good Mito..." mito: *mweow* Chuuya: "Shhh..." *picks up Mito* mito: =w= *purrs* Chuuya: "Better feed you..." -elsewhere- Gin: "At least he didn't injure too many." naoya: oi, akuta. congrats on first place! Akutagawa: "Thank you..." *still wiping pudding off himself* naoya: heard you ran into that waste of bandages today. he give you a hard time? Akutagawa: "He teased me for not dominating over the Were-Tiger, then said I should try a dating site." naoya: *rolls eyes* typical. Akutagawa: "I will wipe that smile off his face, too." naoya: finally getting over your schoolboy crush on him? higuchi: come on, naoya. -_-; Akutagawa: "Hmph. I will not even dignify that with a response." naoya: suit yourself then. *shrug* Gin: "It's okay if you don't find someone, too. Just let things go as they will." Akutagawa: "...Thank you." *looks at Higuchi* higuchi: .... *glances at gin* Gin: "..." *blinks* "..." *holds Higuchi's hand* higuchi: ^///^ Akutagawa: "..." *nods to Gin, walks away* Gin: "...Ichiyo..." higuchi: *hug* >////< Gin: o\\\o "..." =\\\= *pat pat...cheek smooch* naoya: look at this. my gals being so cute together. i feel like such a proud mother ^^ Gin: =\\\\\= "Please. That's a little embarrassing..." *holds onto Higuchi* -elsewhere- Yohei: *smooch* chie: =////= Yohei: "I'm done for the day...so I'm all for you." chie: *grins and drags him to their room* Yohei: *follows, slight chuckle* -elsewhere- Aizawa: *sets out the drinks* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *fox yawn* -elsewhere- katya: .... Hawthorne: "...What?" katya: .... <oi boss, im back.> FD: <Welcome. How did it go?> katya: *hands him a USP port* <i got a copy of the stuff you asked me to get.> FD: <Good. Let's pull it up...> *inserts into a computer* -a few folders appear with 'employee records' 'projects' 'locations' etc.- FD: *opens a record* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *forming a snowball* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Ponera: *nodding off* grimoire:...*carries her to bed* Ponera: *holds onto him, murmuring* grimoire: ?? Ponera: "M-Ma..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *sets down his tea* -two letters have arrived- Kunikida: *looks at the addresses* -one is from aya, the other doesnt have a name- Kunikida: "..." *opens Aya's* note: dear mr kunikida, i hope you're doing well. ^^ it feels like such a long time since you helped me back then. if you ever need a jr detective to help you out, let me know ^^ ~Aya Kunikida: "...Cute." *sets it aside, examines the other letter* note: GUESS WHO'S OUTTA PRISON ASSHOLE! well, sorta. im stuck on parole atm. got part time work as a grocery bagger, but they're keeping tabs on me in case i 'become a threat to public safety'. XP shit, you probably have no clue who i am. remember that blonde dude from 2 years ago? the one with the numbers ability? yeah that would be me. peace out. -there is no name written- Kunikida: "..." >_< -silence- Kunikida: *sigh* *starts writing words on sheets of his notebook--including the names of certain weapons* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "I'm sure you'll be fine." atsushi: i hope so.....what do you remember him being like? d-during your time with..y-you know. Kyoka: "...He was sad." atsushi:....maybe if i try, i dunno, befriending him maybe...maybe he'd chill out a bit? Kyoka: "Worth a try. I would bring protection." *holds up a baseball bat* atsushi:...noted. Lucy: *passed out on the couch* *snore* atsushi:....i should take her home now. *picks lucy up* Lucy: =w= "Zzz..." Kyoka: "I'll get the door." -elsewhere- Dazai: "My babies are growing up." =w= kirako: ^^; Dazai: "And Sonia takes after me so much. She has that hard stare I make when the guy Mitch at the sandwich shop gets my order wrong..." kirako: ^^; is that so? Dazai: *nod nod* "And Atsushi is going to win that competition. Or Akutagawa. Or both. Or neither. Either way, I'm responsible for their entire greatness." kirako: i see. ^^ Dazai: "So, how you doing? I didn't get to see you much at work." kirako: doing good. you doing well? Dazai: "...You know what? Yeah." *smiles at her, stares at her* kirako: that's good to hear. *making tea* Dazai: "..." *hugs from behind* kirako: *sly grin* getting frisky already? Dazai: *presses from behind her* "You tell me." kirako: mmn...at least let me finish making us tea first, ok? Dazai: "Ooooookay." *pats her side* -elsewhere- FD: *reviewing papers and video clips* "All good..." zoey: ..... FD: "Look at this one, Zoey. With a better diet, I think we could get their performance up." zoey: .....perhaps...do you.....need me to do anything right now? FD: "...Zoey. Close your eyes, and imagine the thing you want most in the world." zoey: ....... -i want to be with you- FD: "What do you see?" zoey: i see you... FD: "What expression is on my face?" zoey: i can see a smile...but that's all i see... FD: "Do I look happy?" zoey:....yes. FD: "That's good. What am I doing?" zoey: ....kissing my hand softly... *she blushes* FD: "Like this?" *she can feel his lips brush along her hand* zoey: *soft moan* y-yes. FD: "And after I kiss your hand?" zoey: ah.....please.....take me however you wish. FD: "...Keep your eyes closed." *he kisses just above the top of her dress* zoey: a-ahhh~ FD: "If I ripped every last stitch off of you..." *kisses her cheek lightly* "What would you do?" zoey: *soft sigh* i-i'd....i'd do whatever you wished of me... FD: *unbuttons top of her dress* "Aren't you embarrassed, your naked body exposed?" zoey: i-if it p-pleases you, master...i would gladly expose myself... FD: *his hand slides down her back* "All of you?" *lifts up the bottom of her skirt* zoey: ah~ y-yes. FD: "When you dream...What do I do to you?" *his fingers slip under her panties, clutching her cheek* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *staring in the freezer* *every carton of ice cream is labeled 'Nea'* mana:...house petition to invest in a mini fridge for nea. chie: agreed. Kepuri: "Seconded. I'll get to building one." *pulls out a wrench* -elsewhere- Mori: *sighs* -silence- Mori: "..." *presses his intercom button* miura: yes sir? Mori: "I want to go out." miura: very well sir. Mori: "You're coming, too. You need to get out." miura: understood. Mori: Make sure you have a good outfit on..." *opens his office closet, removing a suit* miura:.....sir are you asking me on a date? Mori: "No. I just expect company with me to dress appropriately for the establishments we will visit." miura: understood, sir. Mori: *is putting on the suit* "I'll see you in 30 minutes." -elsewhere- Tachihara: *slurred speech* "Stoopid sheet! I-I'm too good for these things!" naoya: uh-huh. *making sure he doesnt fall over* Tachihara: "What've these bitches got up their butts?! I'm sooper!" hirotsu: im sure you're just swell. Tachihara: "Right?! So why did that cunt go for your old balls and not me?!!" hirotsu: two things; first of all, show a little damn respect. second; different people have different tastes. if it makes you feel better, we didnt fornicate. Tachihara: "Then she could've fucked me, man! I'm hot! I'm young and with it! I'm hip!" naoya: hey, there's plenty of fish in the sea, right? Tachihara: "Then why can't my big-ass lure attract a fish?" mafioso:...you wanna go to the lake then, man? naoya: maybe it has to do with your commitment issues? Tachihara: "I'm committed!" hirotsu: oh really? i think what she means is have you ever been in a meaningful relationship? one that lasted more than a week? Tachihara: "..." Q~Q naoya: ....*pats his back* Tachihara: "I-I just like things to be fast and immediate, man..." naoya: ah. Tachihara: "It's supposed to be simple, like in those dating sims." naoya: well, this is reality, kid. hirotsu: and people are much more complicated and unpredictable. Tachihara: "...Damn it. Maybe I can take notes or something..." naoya: maybe Tachihara: "Maybe take hookers on practice dates..." naoya: sure, knock yourself out....though not literally. Tachihara: *drunken laugh--then passes out* naoya:.... hirotsu: *pays the tab* i'll carry him back. naoya: good call. -elsewhere-
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eirenical · 3 years
1 and 2 for the writing meta prompt please!
Thank you, @flamingwell
[If anyone else would like to send questions, here is the list. ^_^]
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Oooooooh boy. Well, I have quite a few. XD So, how about we just go through the ones I have actively open in Word right now?
Legacies Found: The Untamed, sequel to Legacies Lost. This is a giant canon divergent AU that I've been working on for well over a year at this point. There is one key thing that I changed (and in the interest of spoilers, I'm not going to say what, but if you're curious and don't mind spoilers then, by all means, come ask and I'll tell you all about it. ;D) and it affected everything in-universe, some for the better, some for the worse. Here's the AO3 summary:
Sixteen years ago, the Yiling Patriarch died, a victim to his own hubris and the Yin Tiger Seal. Hundreds of cultivators from many different sects died with him that day, their souls forever doomed to find no rest, even in death. On this, the 16th anniversary of the battle of Qiongqi Pass, Jin Ling is determined to make pilgrimage, to try to put the spirit of his long-lost father to rest. He finds much more than he bargained for, and what he finds… will change everything.
And in the sequel, things have progressed significantly from this point, but the people involved are still broken in various ways, not quite at the point of healing yet, but getting there. The plot is opening up to the wider world and new characters are going to be introduced, and I'm having a lot of fun writing it, but it is SO MUCH SLOWER GOING. OTZ
Mirror, Mirror: I talked about this one extensively in this post, and it hasn't really progressed any further from there. XD This is a Guardian AU based on a short film that Zhu Yilong did with Li Bingbing called "Into the Mirror" (there's a link in the other post).
Reclamation: *eg* For anyone who's been following my Whumptober series (yes, I know we're WELL past October OTZ) of fics that I've been writing for Granting You a Dreamlike Life, this is the latest in the series. This monster is already almost 18K words and it's... it's a LOT. The story is a canon-divergent AU that starts out mostly overlapping canon during episode 35 and begins to diverge somewhere between there and episode 36. I leaned REALLY hard into the whump on this one, went really self-indulgent and wrote the fic that I would most want to read for this fandom, because I was pretty damned sure that no one else would write it or would take it as far and as dark as I wanted it to go if they did. And this particular story is the darkest of the bunch so far. ^_~ I'm not going to link directly to this one, because this is definitely a HEED THE TAGS situation, but if anyone's interested in some really, REALLY dark GYADL fic... hit me up and I'll be happy to tell you more. ^_^ (And for those who just want to look for themselves, you can find it under #eirenical does whumptober or on my AO3 where the series name is "Indefinitely." ^_^)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I think I've talked enough about my current projects, so how about some future projects for this one? ^_^
(...and how about under a cut because this is getting kind of long...)
The Lost Tomb Reboot
I have... several fic at the plotty stage for TLTR, and I just added a new one to the list this morning. XD
Ershu fic: So, for anyone who's been following my TLTR journey, you know I'm obsessed with Ershu. I LOVE HIM. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. And you know what happens when I love a character, right? Right? I WANT TO BREAK THEM. *coughs* Anyway, something happens to Ershu in S2 of TLTR that I won't go into detail about because spoilers, but essentially, he's betrayed and ends up in the hands of the person who betrayed him with no one else being the wiser and with him helpless and unable to tell anyone. And there are just... all KINDS of dark, fucked up possibilities there, and just like the Whumptober series, I AM going to write that fic, even if no one but me ends up reading it. ;D
Probably post-canon domestic bliss fic: For those of you who enjoy WHIPLASH ;D, I just honestly want ALL THE SOFT DOMESTIC IRON TRIANGLE. ALL OF IT. And I want Wu Xie and Ershu to have an opportunity to sit down and actually TALK about things (e.g., their need for a family heir), instead of trying to one-up each other. Special appearances by all the ducklings, Xiao Bai's girlfriend, and Lia Jiale and Jia Kezi (...my fic, my rules, we ignore canon when we want to ^_^) having an ...oh moment, and sweet, soft cuddles for Liu Sang and Kan Jian because they're adorable and I love them, too. (I have no idea if this is all going in one fic or if it will be a series of slice of life things, but I just want everyone to get their happily ever after IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK???)
Post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge... time-sharing Wu Xie?: IDEK what to call what's going on here, but... yeah. XD (See, @elenothar, I haven't forgotten! ;D) To crib from another post... I really do think that Xiao ge loves Wu Xie and loves being with him and all that that entails, but that he gets… restless.  A little feral cat, if you will.  And he just needs to wander off and be on his own for a while sometimes.  And I would love to see a permutation where it’s just kind of understood that he and Huo Daofu just kind of… share Wu Xie.  ^_^  Not in a threesome way, but in a way that they both understand each other’s claim on Wu Xie and neither of them wants him to be alone, so they just kind of… work that out between them.  Like he's a time share. (OMG, I have to be careful of how often I use that phrase for this fic or I'm going to end up calling it that as a title. XD)
DMBJ x Highlander xover that I just came up with literally this morning: No, seriously, this LITERALLY just popped into my head as I was waking up this morning. It was a wild fucking ride, too. O_o;;; ANYWAY, I'm probably going to make a separate headcanon/plotty post for this one, but basically I just randomly woke up thinking... Duncan was an antique dealer in the late 80s/early 90s in the US. Wu Xie is an antique dealer in China, now, and his family has been involved in the antique trade for a... VERY long time. Maybe Duncan did some business with the Wu family. Maybe he met Wu Xie as a kid. Maybe he knew Xiao ge even EARLIER than that (like 100 years earlier). Maybe post-canon Highlander, Duncan starts getting back into the antique trade by helping to quietly repatriate artifacts and comes to China to deal with the Wu family to do that, and meets Wu Xie again... and Xiao ge. And has a WTF moment because Xiao ge ISN'T an Immortal like he is, but he doesn't look a day older than when they met 100 years ago and just... WTF?? And Wu Xie is looking at Duncan and looking at Xiao ge and having a WTF moment of his own because is EVERYONE immortal except him and Pangzi?? And... I just think that would be a lot of fun to play with. ;D
The Care and Training of a Former Megalomaniac V and VI, maybe?: OK, so this idea isn't really concrete, but I still want to play with it. I want to do something to tackle Ye Zun's past with the Rebel Leader and the trauma that that left behind, and I'm thinking he'll end up having a good (...drunk) talk with Da Qing about it.
Another idea I had (MUCH more concrete) was based off my own poor lazy bb. He LOVES to catch bugs. LOVES IT. He gets SO EXCITED and SO into it... but sometimes the bugs fly up to the ceiling. And Gabriel is comfy in my lap and doesn't want to move. So he will swat at the bug... halfheartedly. And then he will turn around and complain to me when it won't come down to be swatted at again. Like I can somehow make it come down so he can play with it? IDEK. XD ANYWAY. I had a vivid mental image of Da Qing doing this to Ye Zun and somehow convincing him to actually... bring the bug down. Using his powers. And someone at the SID detects Ye Zun using his powers so ZYL and SW race home... to find Ye Zun... using his powers... to tether bugs for Da Qing to play with. And I just think that would be hilarious. XD
...I think that's everything in the mental kiddy right now? XD
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