#convo: Icarus
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
for those who didn't catch it, forever called elq out on his bluff when he brought up the time he questioned normal quackity about what he would theoretically do if he ran for/became president. forever goaded him into it saying "yeah, remember how when we talked, you said you'd try to give the eggs extra lives?" when quackity never said anything of the sort. elq tried to evade the topic by going "oh did i say that? i don't remember a lot from the wedding", except forever didn't ask that at the wedding, he did it days before, meaning elq couldn't use the amnesia excuse. elq agreed that he remembered the conversation, and that's what gave forever the evidence he needed that wasn't just circumstantial technicalities elq could argue away
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smolstarthief · 7 months
Ok so I was thinking about Maruki getting a new Persona and thanks to research, it is technically possible to have a Persona that can shift between Navi and Combat thanks to Rise's Persona in P4AU:
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...Wait a second... Idea forming... What if Maruki can have that ability too?
Ohhh! I just realized something:
Perhaps kinda like Rise, he would use a visor to scan but can then shift to fight mode when needed since he isn't bad combat wise and has some Metaverse knowledge. Perhaps limitations can be applied too for balance. Navi Mode Maruki would also be able to use "Guiding Tendril" (the ability his Will Seed gives) along with some actualization abilities (namely ailments?)! Of course, the ability would have the limitation of being usable for ambush still. Keeps him from being too op.
It would definitely be good symbolism for his pacifism but also fiercely protective. A fighter but also wanting to provide support as well!
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aethergazing · 9 months
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the fall of icarus.
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dragonsdomain · 1 year
Random Convo: Holding character weapon
Pit: It's a little weird holding a weapon based off someone I know. Who's making these?
Palutena: Someone probably commissioned them, maybe from Dyntos.
Pit: I mean, I get that for the ones based off gods. But what about the Magnus Club? The Gaol Blade? And how did Dark Pit get a staff named after him?
Palutena: Jealous?
Pit: Well, yeah, a little!
Palutena: If you had a weapon made for you, which kind would it be?
Pit: Ooh... maybe a bow 'cause that's classic... or a blade 'cause I'm versatile... but I'm strong and reliable, like a club or cannon...
Palutena: Or constantly feeding off of things, like a palm.
Pit: Hey! It takes a lot of energy to fight all these enemies!
Palutena: No comeback?
Pit: I know who I'm not comissioning for my weapon.
Palutena: Oof. That was a good comeback.
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boydykedevo · 1 year
I don’t have time to write this fic but when has that ever stopped me
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m0rninglatte · 4 months
No one:
Violet to Icarus during their convo in the finale:
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willbee-1 · 7 months
Thinking about the convo between Quixis and Ick-
....man my thoughts with Ick telling Quixis that they were gonna listen to them-
Just makes me think of Quixis almost being helpless and having no other option-
Quixis warning them that them changing things back are gonna cause problems to the other worlds
And Ick just doesn't care, they're only out for themselves and how to fix things they've broken
When they keep just messing up
Which makes me wonder if they're "doomed by the narrative" that they just- can't fix anything- or they try and its not working very well, ⟟ mean just look at Quixis
Like-mhmmmmm /pos
Ick's been given power and is *running with it* and ⟟- mhmmmmm
Icarus telling Quixis to stop when the glitching blocks are around them, is so unsettling but in such a /pos way-
Mhmmmm me when-
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eirianerisdar · 4 months
Hey! The newest chapter of Icarus was so satisfying. The catharsis! I LOVED how quiet Daniel and Max’s conversation ended up being after all that buildup. I have a quick note on the French. êtes is the vous conjugation, not the tu conjugation, so depending on the level of familiarity you want between Fred and Toto, you’re looking for either tu es or vous êtes
Ay! Thank you kindly for the French help, will fix
Also yeee our boys have grown and they’re actually communicating. I loved being able to get to this point in Icarus; the whole convo was them basically saying I love you to each other in different ways.
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I find it hilarious that the chat system on simply plural. Is. Just discord lmao?? Practically, at least
Woah deja vu, huh. Also, another convo straight from our brain.
Icarus: My feet our cold
Bo: Feetsies are coldies
Tommy: youre a coldie feetsie
Icarus: you know, this joke is starting to grow on me, i kinda like it
Layla/Coral: I don’t
Great work team.
Also, if intros were to happen, uhh, how? I dont fully know how tumblr works, i’ll be honest. Pls halp
- 🍂 (Icarus) / ☢️ (Bo) / 🪸 (Layla/Coral) / 🦝 (Tommy)
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light-fawn · 9 months
Ok so... I was writing down a scene for my fic and I realized I might have something special on my hands; there's a point where Sabine stares up from where she's kneeling in a building site and Baylan is a few meters away checking on a generator.
They're talking about regrets and the weight they carry on emotion, how they anchor them instead of sinking them (I cannot explain further without spoiling an unnecessary amount).
Shin is pretending to mind anything but the way Sabine is looking at her, but she enters the convo anyways and it goes like this:
"If I had let my regrets sink me down I wouldn't be where I am right now, I have everything I could want." Shin says, annoyed at the prospect of being talked down.
Sabine looks up with too much wisdom and sadness on such young eyes, and it makes Shin nauseous as she actively tries to avoid the attention of her father.
"Then tell me, Icarus, how does it feel to fly so close to the sun?"
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littleapocalypsekitten · 10 months
I was thinking over Greek/Roman monsters and how beings like Medusa, Centaurs, Cyclopses, Argus and Satyrs started out as genuinely inhuman or even grotesque, but overtime the artists started drawing them as sexy people with monstrous features?
To list:
Medusa: Attractive woman but with snake hair. Originally had a hideous and monstrous face.
Centaur: Attractive muscle-man with horse lower halves. Originally depicted as having a grotesque human appearance as they were based off foreigners.
Satyrs: Originally long tongued monstrous humanoids with goat legs and constant erections, later attractive guys with less prominent goat legs and just as prominent erections! Sometimes just men with pointy ears and erections
Cyclops: Early artwork depicted them as grotesque giants with just an eye and mouth on their face. Later artwork, particularly in roman times depicted them as giant, but attractive chiseled men with a normal human face, but with no eye sockets or just closed eyes, and a singular eye in their forehead.
Argus: He was described as being having one hundred eyes over his body, but alot of ancient artwork depicted him as a normal man but with the eyes all over his arms and legs!
Actually that reminds me, we don't see alot of "sexy cyclopes" in modern media, hahaha, I wonder why that is?
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No such thing as sexy cyclops, hmmm? Monsters are fun to play with. They allow creativity, whether you want to go ugly or beautiful. It's kind of like the "Biblically Accurate Angel" fad, isn't it? There are only a few places in the Bible where Heavenly Host are depicted as highly weird to human sensibilities, a few visions. In Daniel, if I'm not mistaken, and in Revelation - the Revelation four-faced angels stick out to me in particular because I used them as the basis for a monument / statues important to a kingdom in one of my fantasy novels. Yet, more often in the Bible, angels are just guys. Like... instances where they just look like humans because they're doing the undercover-agent thing. It's neat that the Classical Greek monsters were originally meant to be horrifying. (Personally, I find Medusa's story more horrifying than gorgons, themselves... if I recall correctly, Medusa was cursed by Athena for the crime of being raped in her temple. It was like, everything back then was to blame the woman because the Ancient Greeks were pretty horrible about not seeing women as human). Modern people making her pretty cool? It's like revenge for the original story! Reclaim the problematic myths! Medusa, as a character, is pretty sexy in Kid Icarus: Uprising, even though she's a villain.
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I have a picture somewhere I cannot find of a re-wilded centaur I drew in response to a tumblr convo with @virovac I can't seem to locate it right now and tumblr is being a butt on me inserting images. (I'm lucky to have gotten what I got here... system is so touchy). Eh, for every monster, there's a monsterf*cker, I guess. Neat to find out how far back it goes!
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dragonsdomain · 11 months
Random Convo: Holding Aurum weapon
Pit: I feel kind of uncomfortable fighting with an Aurum weapon.
Palutena: If it's any consolation, they're not actually from the Aurum. Dyntos just copied their technology.
Pit: That doesn't really make me feel better. Dyntos has done some weird stuff.
Palutena: ...If it's alright for me to ask, why do these weapons in particular make you uncomfortable? You haven't had trouble with other weapons based off your enemies.
Pit: Well, that whole Aurum situation was really weird. You remember what happened to Pyrrhon? He tried to control the Aurum, but...
Palutena: ...They ended up controlling him instead.
Pit: And I had to watch. He's somewhere out in space now. Not in control of his own body.
Palutena: I can see why that would have been disturbing.
Pit: Yeah...
Palutena: This isn't just about Pyrrhon, is it?
Pit: Maybe we can talk about the rest some other time. After I've switched to a nicer weapon.
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toestalucia · 3 months
event stuff<3
(reading 5.1) am i at pixiv
havent changed to djeeta to reread something this fast since logia happened. its the same script except for like a tiny change at the 'ow' part...? plus seofon & narmaya delivers one of the lines noticeably differently, narus goes more serious while seofon is more excited
i had serious thoughts regarding a few things (the start) but im finishing up ch6 + ending tmrw so zzzzzz ill talk about it briefly then. when im not so ????/huh/laughing about 5.1. i rly was not rdy for that. i. i have no words. the icarus & deimos convo early on was also a lot why is this sword so bitter LOLLLLLLLL 'u filthy traitor' CMONNNN
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
Thank you, Kennedy! In lieu of a decent episode description for “The Oracle of Whispering Remains” (we got 2 lines), no show stills, and no promo trailer, our queen gave us a very specific description, and her Nancy-inspired song list.
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I already wrote a detailed blog post with tons of BTS photos and trailer screenshots: EPISODE 5 BLOG.
Let’s look specifically at Kennedy’s hints and guess what’s going on.
1. Teeth! The trailer shows Nancy sleuthing around a secret room or crypt with skeletons and skulls, and in the voiceover says the teeth grew symbols.
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I wasn’t able to figure out what’s on the labels, maybe an eagle-eyed fan can read them. Is this a lair or a crypt owned by the creators of the “Black Door?”
We also saw Nancy poking around the room and getting freaked out by a skeleton.
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2. Now on the breaking and entering front (“classic b&e” baby), is the above the B&E? Or is it this?
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Nancy’s got the beanie on, so it might not be the same scene or even the same episode. Where is this? Could it be the Claw, which does have a paneled ceiling, but there’s no reason for Nancy to break in. Or is it the Glass’s house (thanks to @likestosolvethepuzzle for the idea)? They do have a red kitchen wall that might match. However, it’s paired with this intriguing shot of a gloved hand pressing a wooden skull into a recessed panel - is this the key to entering the crypt?
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The wall/door convo doesn’t look like the Glass’s house. Could it be the fictitious Clifton University? We shall see! Did the founders discover the Black Door as a supernatural way to hide and forget sins, and is it somehow linked to these skeletons and teeth as a way to contain them, or hide the victims, and use that hidden skull panel to enter it? Hmm…
3. Now to the TENSION! We all assume this is about Nancy and Ace, which I think it is primarily, but could also be George and Nick, and even Addy and Bess (more on the latter two couples later).
Regarding the question of how much Nancy and Ace interact in this episode, I count at least 5 possible scenes (from the trailer, promos, and BTS based on wardrobe):
the morgue (where Connor accuses Nancy of being ready to steal a bag of teeth - which she is):
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the woods in daytime (there’s also a crane shot of them walking in the woods):
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the woods in nighttime,
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Icarus Hall (unless this was a pure promo shot),
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And this scene - most of us believe that’s Ace’s hand:
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Nancy and Ace are next to each other in two of the shots, farther apart in the woods scenes, with Bess clinging to Ace when Nancy finds the tooth, and this final shot of them alone together - is Ace in trouble, or even re-appearing from another dimension (if that halo means anything)? Is that the Claw? I hope this means we get at least one scene of them alone together.
OK no more room for screenshots, go to PART 2.
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bluebellbanshee · 5 months
braved the siren song, DIED FOR: pride
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you really wanted to hear them sing, didn’t you? if only your crew mates had tied the knots a little tighter. unlike those that got the icarus answer, your pride comes not from the beauty of freedom. but from the need to be correct. you said you could handle it and you were determined to prove it. that was your downfall. you are probably the glue of your friend group and love the pirate aesthetic. you probably crave walks on the beach and like showing your friends the little treasures you collect in your daily life - like a pretty stone or a fun stick
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empty-like-my-soul · 7 months
Thinking about,,, the SMP again. Some silly convos
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Look at them being so silly
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Quackity is in denial
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Stampy's cat
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