#cookie run star dreamers
republicsglory · 27 days
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star dreamer (i think) pv he is based on apollo
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lemon-slushie · 11 months
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Woah look it’s a wip of two totally official costumes not 1 fan made one omg guys look
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inaphyr · 1 year
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radiant, glowing star.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
If they made a Sagittarius Star Dreamers costume, would it go to Fig Cookie or Caramel Arrow Cookie?
Since you know, the Sagittarius constellation is like a centaur archer
Okay realistically, they’d probably give it to Caramel Arrow Cookie, since if I’m being honest, I doubt Devsis would give Fig that kind of special attention. Plus Caramel Arrow doesn’t have a costume yet
But still, you know
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sorathecookie · 1 year
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I was thinking about my Star Dreamers inspired AU today, so i made a little WIP sketch of my next OC(how she plays a part in the AU will be mentioned)
Her name is Madame Financier Cookie, the mother of Financier Cookie and the matriarch of House Financier in the Creme Republic. Like Lord Madeleine Cookie, she's one of the first paladins in the Republic, and hasn't aged a day since then. She's known for her strong sense of justice, a trait passed down to her daughter.
How she plays in the AU(this is also canon): In the World of Dreams, Madame Financier Cookie lives out her previous identity as the Star of Justice, one of the brightest stars in the cosmos who fights injustice.
Also she's blind. Her eyes are covered by her hair in her normal form, while as her dreamer/star self, she has a blindfold.
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jarofstyles · 2 months
Lullaby 2
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Hey hi hello! We got vampy part 2 coming' at you now. I'm thinking this is a 5 parter, I've been chipping away at it :-) I hope you guys like him.
Check out our Patreon for early access and 180+ exclusive writings
Lullaby Masterlist
WC- 6.1k
Warnings- vampires, mention of blood, mentions of familial death etc, H is obsessive n a lil stalkery but he's a vampire so to be expected, slight manipulation on his part, invasion of her privacy, soft h, slight smutty thoughts, etc
The Sun setting was one of her favorite views. 
Sitting on the front porch with her book in hand, she had her feed tucked under her to the side as she looked at the blend of fiery orange, saccharine pinks, brilliant yellows and the tiniest bits of purple. The calming of the day, the chaos of lawnmowers, cars running, children giggling and squealing all blending out into a soft quiet harmonized with crickets. The new summer heat lingered but the cool breeze tickled her skin, a welcome relief from the oven of a car she had been in on the way home. Her AC had died earlier today, marking the beginning of a difficult day. 
At the end of it, though, she could always count on the sky to calm her down. The swirls of color fading into the night, twinkly stars appearing as the dotted sky darkened and the moon peaked out to say hello. 
Y/N was a dreamer. Someone with her head in the clouds a lot of the time, theorizing and poetical thinking, wondering what else was out there in the world. What had she not discovered yet? There was this tug in her soul, bone deep, that she was meant for something more. That the other shoe would drop at any moment and her life would be turned upside down. Her dreams were filled with promise, of a world that was a little darker but so much more vibrant. Smells more intense, colors more vivid, taste elevated. In her dreams a few nights prior, she could feel the hands of her lover perfectly, though she had a problem actually seeing them- just a general outline, dark hair, pale skin. Cool hands on her cheek that she nuzzled into, a deep voice drawling out words she couldn’t quite understand but somehow found comfort in. That feeling had soothed her soul, settled that ache in her bones even just for the duration of the dream. 
Her heart hurt when she arose, seeing no lover beside her. No cool fingers brushing hair from her eyes, no soft lips buttoning with her own. It hurt her to crave someone she logically knew didn’t actually exist, but she accepted it. As dreamy as she could be, her logical mind won over in this aspect and reminded her that she’d find her person one day. That her dreams were just dreams, to not mourn the loss of a lover that simply did not exist.
But still, the yearning didn’t stop. 
Her bowl of cherries beside her, she rocked on her glider as she watched people arrive home for the night. Odd? Perhaps. But Y/N enjoyed the art of people watching. Waving to her neighbors who gave her polite smiles before entering their own houses, seeing their own families.
As much as she was grateful to her grandmother for leaving her the large old home that she had many a memory in, it sometimes felt overwhelmingly lonely. There was only so much space a single young woman needed, and even if she thoroughly enjoyed using a single room for a closet, it only reminded her when she laid in the dead of night after waking up over some weird tugging feeling in her chest that bogged her down significantly. That loneliness that felt even more palpable in the way she had no one to try her test batch of cookies and no one to turn over to in bed to show a ridiculous post she saw on social media. 
Sure, she had some friends who would come over and stay the night at times but after her grandmother passed, she had no one. At least of familial relation. Her friends were as close as they could get, but it was difficult to form bonds at times when she was tugged two separate ways. Everyone always left. The want to be so close she was clingy, and the overwhelming fear something would happen and they would leave by their own accord- or not- hindered her from allowing people to get as close as she desired. 
Sometimes she wished her loved ones could have been immortal. Even though it didn’t exist- even if her grandmother told her the stories of the supernatural and paranormal bonds- she wished it did. Wished that someone would never leave her, would love her endlessly. A bond deeper than marriage, no worries of cheaters or boring of her. It may sound a bit crazy, but she wished for complete devotion. Overwhelming love that wouldn’t end.  If only something like that existed in anything but a book. Her grandmother had sort of set her up for failure by planting all those ideas of those all encompassing love stories in her mind.
Sighing to herself, she popped a cherry into her mouth to end her own pity party and went to go back to her book- but a familiar car brought her out of her focus.
Harry was back. 
He hadn’t been home for three days, she had noticed. Not that she was stalking him or anything but she had vowed to herself in her journal and her mind to make more of an effort with him, so his absence had been noted. In some ways she had been relieved to have an excuse so she wouldn’t have to fear rejection but on the other hand she was getting antsy to just get the disappointment over if it was going to happen  
Harry was, for a lack of a better term, dreamy. His voice, the bold structure of his face; the petal pink of his lips. He had the most alluring eyes, shifting between green and gold at times that she had noticed the last time they’d spoken. He was tall and built, large shoulders and tattooed arms she had seen peeks of but not enough to get a full picture. Large hands with thicker fingers and a plethora of rings that would look gaudy on anyone else but with his persona, it simply fit. Slightly mysterious, guarded in a way; but still kind. Classy in a different sort of style that she hadn’t seen from many people around here. The stylish way he dressed even represented bits and pieces of a time that she read of in her books. He was elegant in ways that she had thought of as a movie character, like he was in a different time period and brought here. The elements of vintage tied into his outfits had her thinking he must have an appreciation for history at the very least.
Her eyes took him in as he lifted a worn leather duffle bag out of the trunk of his sports car. It wasn’t the Range Rover she had usually seen, or the Audi, but a bit flashier and sleek. A new purchase, maybe? Nevertheless,  it was a way into conversation. 
“Nice car!” She called over, wincing immediately as she realized how lame that must have sounded. His head snapped over to hers, sunglasses still on his eyes even with the fading light. A tiny smile planted the well of his dimple, placing the bag on top of the now closed trunk. 
“Hi, Y/N.” Skin prickled with chills as he said her name. It sounded real damn nice coming from his mouth. “Would you like to come see it?” He asked politely. Not being able to see his eyes was a little intimidating, but she returned the smile and stood up with her cherries in hand. The least she could do was share her fruit with him if he was letting her see the car.
“Is it new?” She questioned, approaching with her sandals slapping against her feet. Mentally she set a reminder to get different ones that weren’t obnoxious. Getting closer to him she could feel the familiar tingle at the base of her spine, a slight giddiness as her heartbeat picked up the closer she got to him.
“It is, yeah. Had to fly out to drive it back.” He admitted, seemingly taller than the last time they’d talked. How much money did the man have? Surely a decent amount, as anyone in this neighborhood did, but three cars and flying out to get one seemed a bit luxurious to her. 
“Oh wow, that’s some dedication. It looks worth it though. I don’t know a ton about cars but it’s gorgeous.” She nodded, looking it over. The rambling didn’t help her cause but it was pretty much standard when she was nervous. “Oh! Uh, did you want some of my cherries?” Holding the pink ceramic bowl out to him, her eyes looked up at him and saw her reflection in the sunglasses. She wished she could see how he was looking back at her. If she would see any interest. Thankfully she could tell by the smile that he at least seemed slightly endeared. 
“Sure, thank you.” Two of his ringed fingers picked out a ripe one, pinching the small red fruit in his hands, looking down as a bit of the juice dribbled down his thumb. “Did you…”
“Yeah, I pitted them already. Sorry, I didn’t think to warn you. But you’re wearing all black so it shouldn’t stain, I don’t think.” The attempt of a joke had her groaning in her head. Could she act fucking normal? Her mind was a jumbled mess, as it usually was with him, but it seemed to be getting worse. The thought of her cherry stained fingers had come back to her, filtering through the thoughts of wanting to know more about him into a slight shame that she hadn’t thought to have warned the man of dripping cherry juice down the back of his hand. 
“It’s not a problem.” He assured, popping it into his mouth.
Perhaps she needed to get laid, but somehow watching him chew the cherry was better than porn. The slight dark red sheen on his lip, gently dripping down his chin and the clench of his jaw as he worked the flesh of the fruit through his teeth, he let out a pleased hum. 
Y/N saw the path the dribble of juice going further down and before she could think twice, she leaned up on her toes. There was little hesitation as she thumbed over his chin, wiping the juice away. It had been like second nature, invading his personal space like it was instinct.
Her hand froze as soon as reality set in, his chewing taking a pause as there was a moment of bated breath. Bright eyes widened, ripping her hand away like his touch had scorched her. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I have no idea why I just did that.” She squawked, holding her hand up in front of her chest. “That was so rude of me. I swear I don’t usually just touch people like that, it was just dripping down your chin and I didn’t want it to stain more of your skin and-“
“I didn’t say it was a problem.” The vampire murmured, swallowing the sweet fruit. “I didn’t mind at all.” His own thumb came up to brush over the path her digit had taken. It still thrummed with warmth from the human’s touch, his body perking up as he ached to take a step closer. Her scent made a lot of sense considering he had seen her more often than not with bowls of fruit on her porch. Fresh cut strawberries in sugar, watermelon, mango sliced into wedges, grapes, but most frequent were the cherries. It reflected in her sweet scent, sugary but not in a sickly way. Fresh, sweet, ripe like fruit. 
He was glad he wore his glasses because the thought moved towards how sweet she would taste right now. If he were able to just take her gaze and use his slow, deep words and locked eyes to compel her to move the hair off of her neck and tilt it for him, lift her to sit on the hood of the car and let his teeth sink into the throbbing artery in her throat. How the sugary taste would tinge the metallic aftertaste. She’d writhe in his hold and spread her legs for him, give him the option of burying his tongue to lap up the only substance that would be able to compete with the obsession he would surely have with her blood. Maybe even take a bite at the junction of her thigh, leave marks all over her. Punctures to visibly show it and his scent to claim the little human as his own. 
If the glasses weren’t on, it was sure that she’d see the flash of red in his iris. 
“Still.” She said sheepishly. “We are friends but I don’t know how you are with touch and everything and I didn’t have permission, so I’m sorry.”
Harry smiled at that. The little peach, his little cherry, so considerate of other people. She had no idea how he had to dig his nails into his palm to keep from grabbing her and hauling her into him so he could suck off the slight stain on her lips. Bury his face in her throat and inhale her dangerous temptation. 
“I promise, it’s quite alright. You can touch me anytime you’d like.” He took a risk in placing one of his hands on her shoulder, letting some more of her warmth infiltrate his system. The words had been loaded, sure, but he remembered vividly how her journal entry had written about wanting to see more of him. It was his fault, spending so much time with her even if she was asleep. Her body was going to crave him just as much as he craved her. “If you would like, I would be more than willing to take you on a drive sometime.”
This was something of an excuse to see her again, but the creature was overwhelmingly desperate to form a bond with her. As much as he looked forward to watching her sleep, he would rather her be in his bed, soaking his sheets and pillows with her tantalizing scent. The idea of getting close to her was something he had been weighing for a while, but reading her journal a few days ago had clued him into knowing the pull wasn’t just one sided.
The memory of her nuzzling her cheek into his frosty palm, sighing in contentment when he had observed her the night before had him feeling borderline insane- even more than one would be after living centuries, amassing knowledge and watching the world consistently evolve around you than one would imagine. His hand still tingled when he recalled feeling the heat of her skin, knowing she was so full of life underneath him. Finding comfort in the monster that gnawed at his cheek to keep from sinking his fangs into her delectable skin, taste her blood as it seeped over his tongue. If only he could skip to the part where she knew, where she’d crave the venom igniting her nerves. Y/N would be the prettiest little snack he ever had.
“Oh, really?” She perked up, blinking up at him. “I’d love that. When- when did you want to? It’s up to you, I’m free all weekend and stuff but I know you’re busy.” There was a pause. “Or it seems so. I’m not sure why I assumed that.” 
Again, his little human made him chuckle. “I am.” He wasn’t, not right now. He had a handle on his duties, but the majority of the time he was writing. Painting. Looking at properties to invest in on his iPad while curated playlists crooned from the speakers around his house. If only he could imagine such a thing back in 1760 without being accused of witchcraft. Then again, witchcraft was too much for humans even now to comprehend. “But I’d be more than happy to take you out. I don’t… know many people in the neighborhood because of it. A little lonely at times.”
It was actually by his own want, because the less people knew of him around here the better- but he had this insane obsession with this particular human, so she was the exception to his ‘stick to vampires but even then limit your socialization’ rule. 
He knew he was appealing to Y/N’s metaphorical bleeding heart. Manipulation was in his nature. In this case, though, he had no cruel intentions. He wanted to get to know the pretty girl, wanted to have her feel the same amount of lust and obsession he was subject to feel on a daily basis. Humans knew nothing of how intense and passionate a vampire’s affections could be, and for that reason he had been hiding his time. Laying in the shadows and approaching while she slept to soothe the inner beast that insisted he crawl out the window with her body attached to his so she could reside in his house, feast on whatever she chose and allowed him to touch and feed on her as much as he chose. 
She’d like it, he was pretty sure. Once she warmed up to the idea, Harry had high hopes that she would allow him to be as handsy as he wanted. Sex between a pair with a compatible scent was otherworldly. If she were to be with him, he’d need to pace himself and understand his strength, but there was that part of him that still worried slightly. He cared for her. She wasn’t a metaphorical juice pouch for him to snack on like a lot of others his kind referred to humans as. Something he used to laugh at before he scented the girl with eager eyes in front of him. Now he understood why his uncle had fought so much, defending his human soulmate. Eventually he turned her, but during the few years she remained human he had been valiant in his efforts to defend her honor in every way possible.
It was partially why he didn’t tell many people of his suspicions of his bond with his own little human. Already slightly on edge from not being able to hold her the way his body needed, he would not be surprised if he lost it on anyone who snickered at her. 
Buying the car was a strategic effort to get himself to cool off, but it did no good. If anything he was more desperate now. The good news, however, was that Y/N felt his absence just as much. Her hands had touched him like he was hers to touch. His body felt the flush of pleasure just being near her, clenching his fists by his sides to keep from reaching out to her. So close to him, so damn close, but he had to behave. 
Y/N with her tender soul gave him a look of understanding. One that would later make him feel a sickly guilt because he was alone by choice, and the pretty woman was alone because life had dealt her a hard hand. She understood loneliness because it was all she felt. 
“Well you know me.” Her voice was delicate as she looked up at him. “And we can get to know each other so maybe you feel less alone. I know the feeling and it’s hard, but you don’t need to feel that with me. I’m right next door.” Pointing towards her house with an understanding smile, he felt a little more guilt but tried to shove it down. Y/N wouldn’t feel any sort of loneliness if he could help it. “You’re welcome anytime. Just knock.” 
The knowledge that he’d been inside her house more times than she could even count should be something that exacerbated the guilt, but it didn’t. In that respect, he thought of it as a favor to her. Getting his fix without suffocating her with his presence while she was awake was a gift, because if she had even the slightest inkling on how much self control it took for him not to simply steal her away and sink his teeth into her neck, claim her as his soul bonded, she would be terrified. “I will.” Letting himself smile a bit bigger at her, he lifted the bag up on his arm. “How about you come over tomorrow evening and I’ll take you on the drive.” 
He could hear the pickup of her heart. The slightly elevated thumping went harder, the blood rushing to her cheeks as her eyes widened slightly and she swallowed audibly- for him anyways- making him feel the satisfaction in his chest that he had this sort of impact on her. If his heart still beat he was positive it would kick up at the mere mention of her, the slight catch of her scent, but this was progress. Restraining himself now was the hardest thing he had ever done. 
“Yeah! Yeah, that would be awesome.” The human chirped, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear. His hand tightened on the bad strap from how the slight movement had wafted some more of her scent towards him. It would be a struggle to control his eyes when they were alone, but going at sundown should be an excuse to keep his glasses on… at least for a little while. 
“Amazing. I’ll be yours at sunset.” 
In more ways than she knew.
Harry let her stumble over her goodbyes, her slightly shaky hands grabbing the bowl of cherries and walking back to her front porch with curious eyes that met his own as she looked back. He knew he wasn’t the only one who felt the connection, he’d seen it written in her journal, but feeling it in real time was surreal. It took the most self discipline he’d needed all week to walk inside his house, dropping himself onto the velvet sofa with a grunt. The place she had touched on his chin to wipe away the ironically deep red juice still held some warmth, reminding him again that she’d touched him. There was no question about the pull, seeing how mortified she’d been at her body's reaction- but it had been natural. It made sense to him that she’d be drawn to touch him. Human resolve was weaker than one of a vampire but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel that overwhelming urge to run to her house and ask to come in right now just to see her. 
Instead, he sat with the french doors open in the back to listen to her go about her house. She hummed to herself, cooked dinner, and took a shower. The humid air floated out of her bathroom window that she kept slightly cracked to make sure it didn’t steam up too much, letting him inhale her at her purest form. When they got together he’d try to find her less strong shampoo and wash so her natural scent could be highlighted, but luckily her intuition had her choosing similar to how she came off to him. Almost like subconsciously she knew what to do to attract him there. 
It was when he heard the scratching of pen to paper that he went outside to wait. In hand he had a warmed bag of blood poured into a crystal glass- a bit pretentious- to calm his nerves. He loved wine, sure, but he needed to be positive his hunger was satiated before going up to see her. If he was being honest, he knew it wouldn’t be until he tasted Y/N, but he had to try. Had to keep her safe in the best ways he could until they passed the threshold of pretending to move around one another and into a courting. 
The plan had never been to take a human as a mate- as it probably wasn’t for any vampire. Humans were glorified bloodbags to a lot of his kind, seen as a lesser being. While he didn’t always share that exact sentiment, he was guilty of caring less for humans in general. They were oblivious to danger, slightly obnoxious, covered themselves in putrid perfumes, loud, uncouth, and fragile. So fucking fragile that it still terrified Harry to touch Y/N. He needed to ensure her safety in any way possible and that meant training himself to touch gently. To hold gently. To avoid any sort of pain that would absolutely wreck him to be the source of.
Humans weren’t ideal mates for that reason. Vampires got carried away during sx, the stamina hot and hard, the passion making it difficult to hide the monstrous nature that laid internally. He knew he’d take Y/N over and over again until she was sleepy and sore if he had the chance. If Y/N allowed him that honor, he could easily spend days locked inside of a room with her with little need to pull his cock from the warm confines of her cunt. It was the dream he had over and over again, yet something he feared. If he lost control with her in the heat of the moment he couldn’t recover. Though he had faith in himself to keep her safe, sex was the one thing he craved and feared the most with her. 
Lost in his thoughts, he watched the light turn down in her room. Never off, as she had a slight fear of the dark. Her bedside lamp turned on, he could hear her breathing start to even out as he jumped over the fence separating their properties and scaled the tree to her balcony. It wasn’t necessary, but the less trapezing he had to do around her home the better. Counting her heartbeats, he waited for 30 minutes for it all to even out and resemble the deeper parts of sleep before he opened the door.
One of these days he would scold her for leaving windows and doors unlocked. It was just like a human to be forgetful of those things, even if it did benefit him. His chest tightened as he walked in to see her body curled into a ball under the duvet. Hair peeking out, she was obviously a bit cold from how she had huddled under the cover of her blankets. A pang of sadness hit his stomach, perhaps a hint of inadequacy because he wouldn’t be able to keep her warm with his body. He could blame all sorts of health issues, but as long as she remained human he wouldn’t be a source of comfort in that way. 
He let out a soft sigh before swiping the journal, settling himself in the chair across from her. A leg crossed over his thigh, lightly tapping his foot in the air as he began to read. 
‘I talked to Harry today :-) He was so nice. Very intimidating in a weird way, but also not. It’s hard to explain. That feeling that makes me drawn to him felt a little stronger, even if I did make a fool of myself. I didn’t think twice before reaching up to wipe cherry juice from his chin, which like…. That was so weird of me. He didn’t seem to judge me for it but there had to be some part of him that was freaked out.’
A chuckle left his throat, whisper soft as his fingertip caressed the words as he read. In his head he could hear exactly how she’d say these things out loud. The journal was an extension of her, a physical example of her stream of consciousness. 
‘Regardless, I’m seeing him tomorrow. I’m panicking, of course, but I think above else I’m really excited. There’s that weird buzzing in my stomach at the thought of him and my chest gets all warm. I haven’t ever spent time with him outside of our talks outside or when he came to get his cat but he offered. I was going to be brave and all of that but thank god he took the initiative. I would have done it… probably. It’s just hard because I don’t think my body has ever reacted to a man the way it reacted to him today.’
Harry smiled to himself at the last sentence. It must be confusing to a human with no idea of what was happening. No clue that it was the universe leading her towards him, making him appealing because he was the one that could give her what she wanted. She was his, the bond he had accidentally jumpstarted starting to fall further into place. The sleeping girl didn’t know how he’d almost moaned at the feeling of her hand on him, how he’d been tempted to suck the juice from her thumb and squish one of the fruits between his fingers to trickle down her neck. His throat tightened at the image in his head, dark red beads moving down her skin, taunting him. His tongue lapping it up, kissing over her pulsepoint before he sunk his teeth in and took a few strong pulls from her artery. 
Swallowing thickly, he went to go back to the journal entry, to read more about her thoughts and excitement about him, but that was interrupted. 
“Harry?” A hoarse voice rang through the air, making his entire body freeze. The flush of cold washed over him as he lifted his eyes to meet hers, droopy and furrow browed. “Am I dreaming?” 
“Yeah, darling. It’s a dream.” His voice swiftly took on a croon, placing the journal to the desk and standing up from the chair. “You’re alright.” If his heart still beat it would be in his throat and at his feet at the same time, body tense as he tried to navigate this the best way possible. It was too early for her to know he came in here, came to spend time with her even when she slept. It was far too much for her to know he counted her breaths and monitored the beats in her chest. That he tried to give her privacy when she touched herself to get herself sleepy, but he couldn’t help overhearing even when trying to distract himself in his home office. 
“Oh.” The sad sigh had him curious. Was she disappointed? What would she truly do if she knew this was anything but a dream, a sickly reality where a monster was completely and utterly obsessed with her, and wanted to bond her to his side for the rest of eternity. “Can you come lay with me then? If this is a dream I think I shouldn’t waste it with you over there.” 
The vampire wanted to laugh at how completely absurd this was. How fucking insanely lucky he had gotten that her own glass of wine had her more drowsy than normal. This scenario had been his fear from the beginning, but he had to wonder if her body felt the pull more now that she’d touched him. Now, she knew how his skin felt. Contact had been made, and maybe her body felt his presence more than before. “Of course I can.” He smiled lightly, padding over to her empty side of the bed to toe off his shoes. It felt surreal, her heat radiating off of the mattress as he slowly lowered himself down on the sleeping pad that was probably a bit too hard and springy for her. She’d prefer his bed, he was positive. It’d cost a pretty penny but for the times he did want to sleep it was perfection. 
“This is the most realistic dream. I need to lay off the Cabernet before bed.” She yawned, lifting the duvet up and showing no hesitation as she scooted closer to him and laid herself down next to him. “Well, dream Harry, you’re gonna have t’do until the real one wants me. Hold me please.” 
It was times like this that Harry wondered what sort of good karma he’d gotten, especially with how many lives he’d taken,  to get a taste of this. Her body warmth was so delicious, her scent making his mouth water and he thanked whoever was listening in his head that he’d had the intuition to have fed before this. Her body was delicate and soft, turning over for him to lay with her- spoon her. Harry hadn’t done this in a number of years, had never felt the real urge to, but he did it for her regardless. Took her soft flesh into his hands and felt her shiver as she she huddled closer to him. Hot fingers ran over the backs of his hands, slotting in between the spaces. In all his existence, he had never had a feeling to compare to his one.
“Is this alright, Darling?” He asked into her ear, trying his best to remain calm. This was the ultimate impulse control, her thudding pulse right at mouth level. He could hear the blood running under her skin, the pumps of her heart moving it through her system. Digging his canine into his lip, he took deep and slow breaths through his mouth to try and limit temptation. It didn’t take it all away, his head dizzy from the scent surrounding him, but if he took a large inhale of the spot next to her ear he would perhaps lose his mind. 
“Mhm.” She sighed contently. “This is a good dream. Maybe you’ll fall in love with me tomorrow and I can make this real.” The words were said so quiet that he was sure that no human could hear them, but he could. He heard them and committed them to memory. The sweet little human had no idea that he’d been falling for a long time. Y/N took up the majority of his thoughts, owning him in a way that had him feeling like his life wasn’t his anymore. For someone with control issues it had made him furious at first, but the last bit of anger towards her for owning him melted away as she melted into his body, giving herself to him. There was no way he could hold even the slightest bit of resentment when it felt this divine to hold her. 
The only times he had held humans in his life had been to drain them of their blood. To watch the life drain from them as he took it selfishly for his own needs. Never once has it been to cherish one, to commit the feel of her fingers between his to memory. It was overwhelming, as the girl dozed off in his arms, to know that this was merely a taste of what he could have. He needed to charm her, to get her to see that he could give her the love no one else could. Albeit obsessive, possessive, intense, unlike anything a human could give her, he had a feeling that if she had been a temptation for him that the fates had chosen to give him a human who could handle it. 
“I’m going to take care of you.” He spoke softly, not wanting to rouse her from her sleep quite yet. “You are the most precious thing in my world. Somehow you’ve managed to bewitch me, little human. Completely take my heart from my chest, regardless of how dormant it has laid.” Inhaling shakily, he let his nose run along her cheek. “You won’t have to be alone ever again. Not if I can help it. I’ll show you the love you deserve.”
It wasn’t until the bright blue of the early turning dawn started to break that he found himself able to move from her bed. It took three tries and a lot of control when she sought him out, holding tighter to him and whimpering when he went to leave in his first attempts, but he had to go before she woke up. It ached, the thought of leaving her, but he had to. Even though hours later would feel like an eternity, he couldn’t take any more risks tonight. The selfishness he had for staying all night couldn’t be extended to waking her up with sweet words and his mouth. Even though it pained him, the soreness of his chest making it feel even more hollow, he had felt more whole in those hours than he’d ever imagined he could be. 
The melancholy that followed him around, the bitterness, it didn’t go away completely- but it had dulled down to a whisper as he climbed out of her yard. Just hours with her and he felt lighter.   Like his heart started to beat again. 
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allegroart · 9 months
You know what, I'm going to post this here too. This is my entry for the Cookie Run Kingdom fanart contest! I really love the star dreamers line of costumes, so I crocheted Cream Unicorn Cookie in their pegasus costume!
I tried challenging myself by adding in more details for this piece, and I do like how it turned out! My main goal for this project was just to go as hard as possible on it, haha.
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queensharotto · 1 year
Cookie Run Kingdom: Costume Phone Wallpapers (Part 2: Star Dreamers)
Free to use! ⭐️
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1yuuki3 · 1 year
Convergence Point
Fated to Love You Genre: Strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, YoongixReader
TW: none??
A/N: Hi, sorry for not updating, been busy with some personal stuff, crossposted on wattpad
Wc: 916 words
Synopsis: You were never one to believe in fate, You're life was made up of plans and bullet points , Organized to the very end. Until fate played a cruel joke and left your life in shambles. Nursing a broken heart in Spain, will this make you change your view on love and fate?.
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Yoongi's body was covered in excitement and anticipation like a swarm of ants attacking him. He couldn't shake of the feeling that finally, maybe just maybe the universe is finally giving him a second chance.
As he was busy preparing for the dinner with the rest of the Bangtan Boys and the new producer. He caught sight of your bucket hat and memories of that summer night flooded his mind like a movie, Leaving a wistful grin on his lips. For the first time after a couple of months he was excited about something that didn't involve work.
Yoongi was the first to arrive at the chosen restaurant, his heart pounding in his chest. The lyrics he had written lingered in his mind, a silent reminder of the second chance he desperately wanted to grasp.
After a couple of minutes the other members arrived, they ended up teasing Yoongi for being early.
"Hyung, it's a miracle that you are here" Teased Jungkook.
"Yes Hyung, you usually pick your studio or sleep" Hobi said as he joined in teasing Yoongi.
Jin's windshield laughter resonated in the private room of the restaurant as he enjoyed seeing Yoongi being teased by the others. Glad that it wasn't him. Jungkook's excitement was contagious as always, and the camaraderie between them was unmistakable. But the absence of the new producer weighed on Yoongi's mind, a disappointment he hadn't expected.
Just as they were about to order, the door chimed, and in walked a familiar figure that stole Yoongi's breath away. It was you, looking even more radiant than he remembered. Time seemed to slow as your eyes met his, and for a moment, it was as if the world had paused just for the two of you.
      —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ
Y/N's Pov:
Y/N was running late for the dinner with the boys as she fondly calls them. She missed the bus and had to wait for the next one. She can't update their group chat because she left her phone at home as she was leaving the house in a hurry.
Y/N was experiencing a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The lively interactions with the boys, especially the virtual exchanges with Jungkook, had left her with a sense of belonging she hadn't anticipated. The cookies she had baked for them had been devoured with enthusiasm, and her heart swelled with gratitude for their warm welcome. But what really occupied her mind as she tried to sleep was the 7th member of BTS named Yoongi. Could it be?.
Y/N called Aya the next day, to tell her of her fears and anxiety about tonight's dinner.
"What if it's him Aya? What will I do?" Y/N asked her friend over the phone.
"And if it's him?" She asked back.
Y/N doesn't have an answer, so she just ended the call and went to her desk to write.
In the sands of time, were we both drift.
Our paths already crossed before.
Two lonely hearts in the vast empty space.
Are we really fated for each other?,
Or are we mere dreamers, caught in a mist?
Doubts swirl like autumn leaves in the air,
Can we rewrite a story that once was so rare?
Is destiny flexible, a path to amend?
Or are we merely chasing a wistful trend?
Asking the stars, the moon in the night,
Can second chances mend what was once out of sight?
Do destinies alter, like rivers that flow?
Or are we simply hoping, in the afterglow?
Writing has always been Y/n's way of escaping, it's also her way of sorting out the emotions that currently hold sway in her heart.
As she entered the private room of the restaurant, her eyes fell on a familiar face. The one she was hoping to cross paths again. Seconds turned to minutes until Y/N finally found her voice.
"I'm sorry, I'm late I had to wait for the next bus" Y/N breathlessly said as she tried not to look at where Yoongi was sitting.
The others rushed to greet Y/N assuring her that it's ok, The maknae line asking if she brought more cookies for them. She's thankful for the distraction they brought as she tried to calm her beating heart.
"Noona, this is Yoongi Hyung" Jimin excitedly introduced Y/N as he pulls her towards the table.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" she said as she bowed respectfully at Yoongi.
"Yoongi, nice to finally meet you" He said in a whisper.
Seokjin looked at the both of you bewildered, knowing well that you have already met and you are Yoongi's bucket hat girl. But kept silent and just watched your interactions.
The conversations flowed effortlessly, with each member sharing stories and laughter. Yoongi found himself captivated by your presence, hanging onto your every word, and the lyrics he had written came to life in his mind once more.
The mood eased as the night went on, and you found yourself having interesting conversations with everyone. Your laughter was brought on by Jungkook's antics, while your curiosity was piqued by Namjoon's serious insights. There was an unmistakable connection between you and the others, as if you had known each other for much longer.
The evening was marked by shared stories and newfound friendships, and amidst the laughter, Yoongi's gaze often found its way to you. Still not believing that it is really you in the flesh. 
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sleepyhead-poll · 6 months
Welcome to the Loser's Bracket submissions! If you don't know how it works, here's a rundown:
For about a week, I will have nominations open for the Loser's Bracket. Nominate as many characters as you want who were in the tournament but have lost, but do not nominate someone more than once or someone who wasn't in the main tournament. (All contestants who lost prior to the semifinals have a shot to be nominated.)
After the Loser's Bracket nominations have been recorded, I will take the top 16 most nominated characters and begin the Loser's Bracket, which will last 4 rounds. Each round will last only a day, unlike the main tournament, where each round lasted a week.
The winner of the Loser's Bracket will have an honorary place on the podium and be mentioned in the finals winners post.
All propaganda for the Loser's Bracket will be unique, so feel free to write more propaganda on why you think they deserve this second chance.
I will stop taking nominations the day that the semifinals poll is over, as I want to start the Loser's Bracket the day the finals go up.
I will take nominations through the ask box! Send the name of your character & any propaganda on why you think they should have won.
Under the cut is a list of ALL THE LOSERS thus far and WHICH ROUND THEY LOST IN. Feel free to scroll through it to refresh yourself on anyone you want to nominate. (I hope I spelled everyone's name right because that was a lot to type and I'm not doing that again lmao)
Lost During Round 1
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless)
Sanada Ryu (Kimi ni Todoke)
Yokune Ruko (UTAUloid)
Ritsu Sakuma (Ensemble Stars)
Tsukasa Hiiragi (Lucky Stars)
Chayanne (QSMP)
Koshiba Kiri (Beauty Pop)
Towa Motosu (World Dai Star)
Takenaka Hanbei (Samurai Warriors)
Budwin (Papa Louie)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock)
Judai Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
Sleepy Gary (Rick and Morty)
Viva Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code)
Garfield (Garfield)
Shari (Wayside School)
Takane Enomoto (Kagerou Project)
Howard Philips Lovecraft (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Belphegor (Obey Me! Shall we Date?)
En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Hyp (Touhou: Fantastic Danmaku Festival 2)
Meitenkun (King of the Fighters)
Mint (My Time at Portia)
Priscilla (Rune Factory 5)
Dreamer / Protagonist (Melatonin)
Clovis (Percy Jackson)
Towtow (Super Smash Bros.)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Shota Aizawa / Eraser Head (My Hero Academia)
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)
Vooshvazool's Bat (The Neverending Story)
Enrico Pollini (Rat Race)
Denjiro Kyoshiro (One Piece)
Sans (Undertale)
Midnight (Fairytale)
Ahito (Galactik Football)
Laffey (Azur Lane)
Noelle (NieR Reincarnation)
Nemu (Haibane Renmei)
Snoozing Carpenter (Sky: Children of the Light)
Aurora Sya Lis Goodreste (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle)
Eve (Eaternal Nocturnal)
Elle (Crush Crush)
Hastings (One Upon a Time in Space)
Briar Beauty (Ever After)
Silver (Twisted Wonderland)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Layla (Genshin Impact)
Totoro (My Neighbor Totor)
Slakoth & Slaking (Pokemon)
Musharna (Pokemon)
Dreaming Nemleria (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Noddy (Kirby)
Nemukko Nyago (Sanrio)
Citrus (Otherworldly Ravenous Beast)
Espinas (Monster Hunter)
Lazy Smurf (The Smurfs)
Paddi (Pleasant Goat and Big Bad Wolf)
Dozer (Cookie Run)
Forde (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
Trec (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
Mirabilis (Fire Emblem: Heroes)
Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Ladybird (King of the Hill)
Lost During Round 2
Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
Kanata Konoe (love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club)
Yoshihito Usaida (Gakuen Babysitters)
Yuuya Amane (Nukoduke!)
PJ Berri (Parappa the Rapper)
Nagi Seishiro (Blue Lock)
Sleepy Ernst (Destroy All Humans)
Peppermint Patty (Peanuts)
Saiko Yonebayashi (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute Earth Defense Club HAPPY KISS!)
Hisoka Mikage (A3!)
Ryker (Rune Factory 5)
Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
Talon (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Agares Picero (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Mister Zzz (Batman)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Dino (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
Nemurin (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Siffrin (In Stars and Time)
Sakuma Fueko (The Feelings We All Must Endure)
Sleepy (Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Sleeping Beauty (Shrek)
Sayu (Genshin Impact)
Slowpoke Evolution Line (Pokemon)
Caitlin (Pokemon)
Gudetama (Pokemon)
Number 6 Floof (Monster Hunter Stories)
Flower (Bambi)
Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)
Mitama (Fire Emblem: Fates)
Durin (Arknights)
Lost During Round 3
Yumemi Nemu (Vocaloid)
Panda (Polar Bear Cafe)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Kuro / Sleepy Ash / Sloth (Servamp)
Clorica (Rune Factory 4)
Hypnos (Hades)
Unconscious Argentinean (Moulin Rouge)
Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Sunny (Omori)
Sleepytime Tea Bear (Celestial Sleepytime Tea)
Jing Beiyuan (Lord Seventh)
Komala (Pokemon)
Rainforest Dragon / RainWings (Wings of Fire)
Judd (Splatoon)
Haar (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Lost During Round 4
Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh)
Jeff Wiggle (The Wiggles)
Nanaki Kazuaki (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier)
Bedman (Guilty Gear)
Wonderland Sekai Megurine Luka (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
Snorlax (Pokemon)
Lindhardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Lost During Round 5 (Quarterfinals)
Snoozer (Hamtaro)
Hotaru Yura (Magia Record)
Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Bedtime Bear (Care Bears)
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 08/03/2024
Reach for the Submission, Immortal Fes
Season 5 Featured on: Bloodstained Bounties ~ The SiIvaGunner All-Star Summer Festival 2021 Collection [Event Side]
Ripped by minindo, Myeauxyoozi
Requested by crickqt! (Ask Box)
And so we reach the third installment of this, I guess "Trilogy" of Minindo Touhou rips. It's fascinating, especially as someone who doesn't really know much about the games, to see how Touhou music gradually became more and more prominent on SiIva over the years - it began as mostly just Princess Sylvyspirit's passion project on the channel back in Season 1, yet gradually grew into becoming one of the channel's most known sources for good ass rips. Touhou creator ZUN was featured in both King for a Day Tournaments, we finally got the long-awaited Touhou album right before Season 5 began, and as Season 5's big summer festival event drew to a close, it was a Touhou rip - Reach for the Submission, Immortal Fes - that co-signed its ending.
I've gone on record saying that Season 5 was the time where I was...least engaged in the channel's activity. I believe I described the Season as feeling "aimless" back in my rip :), which in hindsight I wouldn't exactly say is accurate, It's moreso just that it was a period where the channel was doing things I wasn't quite as enthusiastic about. In a way the change was to be expected: the team had put the main narrative of the channel on hold since Season 3 and spent both episodes of Season 4 specifically on building up to, performing, and celebrating the King for Another Day tournament. Season 5 (and the final months of Season 4 Episode 2) was then, in a way, the first time that the channel wasn't really tethered to any recently set-up beats to follow through on, with the Christmas Comeback Crisis already long on hiatus and the King for Another Day tournament officially wrapped up. As a result, we got a ton of interesting, out-there projects that we likely wouldn't have otherwise: The beginning of SiIvaGunner Fusion Records/SGFR in snow halation but it shreds and Running Through Cookie Country, the debut of Friday Night Funkin' and the ridiculously high-effort rips made for it such as Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier; and of course the continued emphasis on voice acted side stories, with various audio dramas such as Curse of the Fallen Angel in Knowledge of the Depths and today's topic, SummerFes 2021.
SummerFes 2021 may not have had as much immediate emotional pathos as its predecessor in Season 4 Episode 2, but used its standalone nature to great effect - a super distinct western theming with some of the best art on the channel, tons of left field events like Christmas in July with Nostalgic Blood of the Gregg ~ Old Source and Dream's birthday with Five Dreams at Night 1.16, and so much more. In closing out this vast, varied fun time of rips, Reach for the Submission, Immortal Fes is more than just a meme medley mashup - most all of the jokes are, in chronological order, reflecting each part of this greater SummerFes event. The annual PSY Day, the Spirited Away anniversary event, the Dream event (synced with *Dream* Land's music from Smash 64 to also cover Super Star Symphony), Beatles Day...its a full-on journey, a trip down memory lane of the entire event and just how much fun it all was.
Minindo's ripping prowess is something I've emphasized before in the prior Touhou rips of his I've covered, particularly Beautiful Dreamer, but it absolutely bears repeating: a rip this varied and large in scope only works because the guy is exceptionally good at what he does. And while I definitely prefer Beautiful Dreamer as a listen due purely to how focused and refined it is, Reach for the Submission, Immortal Fes still manages to give me those same feelings that the smaller-scale Fusion Collabs on the channel have always done, of sending me on an audio journey through an super-event that, though less fondly than others, I do still hold very dear to my heart. A lot of people became fans of SiIvaGunner through King for Another Day and its subsequent celebration in the Season 4 duology, and SummerFes 2021 did an excellent job demonstrating just how good the team is at keeping you engaged even with seemingly so little to actually work with.
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republicsglory · 4 months
the star dreamers are deities or at LEAST linked to moonlight. éclair's dream was a vision. —a theory
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you know what time it is! the theory i ALWAYS ramble about.
some parts of this may be taking stretches, but let's not waste any time. more important factors are in bold for ease.
this is in sections.
- a summary of the story
- an observation of the costume set's descriptions and inspirations
- observation of the costume set's bond story
- why the nightfall butterfly was used by moonlight to induce éclair's dream as a vision
with that, allow me to begin.
a summary of the story :
the bond story is linked here if you'd like to read it for yourself. butttt, for those of you who can't be bothered :
éclair cookie falls asleep whilst writing a relic journal on nightfall butterflies. he dreams of three cosmic entities, constellation guardians. these being financier cookie, wildberry cookie and cream unicorn cookie. éclair wakes up, and there is assumption his dream was from the nightfall butterfly, tales say it can cause dreams of the night sky.
an observation of the costume set's descriptions and inspirations :
éclair cookie, stargazing scholar :
let's clear éclair up first, shall we? éclair is not as significant as of currently compared to the other three. he is an astronomer and the observer, serving as the gateway to what we see about the star guardians. he is based around the fantasy-astronomy aesthetic. he has no zodiac basis, yet for...some reason the fandom just appointed him as aquarius someday. he is the main character of the story.
financier cookie, brilliance of justice :
alright, to the deities here! financier cookie's brilliance of justice costume is based upon libra, as well as the greek titan-goddess themis (lady justice). the theming of lady justice is extremely blatant.
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and as of the manner the costume is described in. it's pretty straight up.
the phrasing of so divine that you do nothing but revere to her is head on. that's a deity right there! these descriptors are...obviously deliberate.
wildberry cookie, hero blessed by the stars :
wildberry's costume is based off of heracles, the greek divine hero. there are also hintings of the leo and serpens constellations.
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also pretty on the nose. the beginning of a new legend, plus this description is literally how you'd tell an epic tale or legend..... a hero protecting the peace of the night.
cream unicorn cookie, memories in the night sky :
cream unicorn's costume's basis is pegasus! the fandom also kind of collectively agrees there's virgo stuff LOL
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a moment too magical to be true. this theory can also lean on cream unicorn a little more due to them being a mythical creature and powerful figure already.
yeah? yeah! the common theme here is that the three guardians are described like you'd think of a divine myth or something.
the theming is also very well picked out. the costumes could have easily been designed with the same midnight theme as éclair, but they chose great figures. verrry deliberate.
it's also established in stormbringer cookie's update that gods and deities appear to be a different matter in cookie run. deities are seemingly “lesser”. do what you will with that.
you probably think "this is just a dream this is going to happen", i can counter that
observation of the costume set's bond story :
hope you didn't forget the summary too fast! lets get into this next part where we apply more onto this.
as i said, the story begins with éclair adjusting himself for a night of stargazing.
the first constellation he falls onto is wildberry. wildberry knocks out the serpent and lion constellations via a punch, calming them. apparently things have been growing dangerous in the northern sky. his powers seem to include peace induction.
this isn't normal, no shit sherlock. oh but wildberry in the real world is something i'd like to discuss.
wildberry cookie's strength does not appear to be natural, or at least stronger than the average cookie. okay, gauntlet, sure, but he doesn't seem to have much problem fighting an ambush of white masks bare-fisted. he also can carry his gauntlet around without problem while crunchy chip (a strong WELL trained cacaoian warrior mind you, literal beast tamer) struggles with it. we can assume somethings going on here
wildberry is outshone by the dazzling light of financier cookie's sword. financier, as her description pretty obviously states, weighs out justice with her scales. the stars with "murky lights in their hearts" flee from her.
financier in the real world has a great sense of justice (see: cookie odyssey). it'd be a nice pointer to these things. a fair just paladin, the glass slipper of serving as lady justice would fit perfectly.
and finally, cream unicorn's mild light pacifies both stronger lights of wildberry and financier's. well, i'll use the dream excuse for them walking across the milky way because How™.
cream unicorn's case in the real world is interesting. they are already powerful, the role of a deity wouldn't be far off from them. at least i believe so? i'm not too caught up on their lore and i apologise for that.
and the story concludes with éclair awakening. he makes his way to the natural ecology wing to see a faint glow coming from the nightfall butterfly. as stated, tales say they can induce dreams of the night sky.
this actually gets into the next point.
the nightfall butterfly and why moonlight used it to induce éclair's dream :
for reference, here's the relic!
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in the bond story it's actually called the nightlight butterfly, but we can pretty easily equate them to be the same thing. plus the butterfly is in the nature hall, no doubt the ecology wing.
the alternative name to the butterfly is the star jelly butterfly. the city of wizards has a motif of star jellies throughout, especially with say, milky way cookie. it even takes place on moonlights clock tower!
also wings like the night sky? providing dreams? that's the city of wizards for ya.
onto miss "night sky and dreams" herself — moonlight cookie!
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moonlight's crescent guardian attire is on par with the guardian star dreamers costumes. right off the bat.
moonlight providing the dream makes sense. note this could have been ANY cookie as the observer, though they chose to play around with éclair's relics. moonlight can prooobably grant specific dreams.
this, is moreso a vision than a dream. the nightfall butterfly was in the reach of éclair. and listen, he's knowledgeable enough to hold such a revelation and to piece the puzzle. it'd make sense for him to be plucked out.
wouldn't it be nice to see some of the stars moonlight yearns for, those who she'd dance with upon twilight?
moonlight is awake when gaining her crescent guardian state. this is reality. it is achieved upon reuniting with stardust cookie (look. STARdust. the stars). stardust is essentially the key to this, and this perfectly falls in line if we assume this time period is when éclairs dream happened.
my point is also to say that the dreamers are in a state of dormancy of some sort.
a few extra points to this :
sea fairy blesses the gem mermaids with powers. why shouldn't a fellow legend be able to do the same?
the odds of the costumes having relevancy to lore is NOT impossible, contrary to belief. due to the setting being a dream, it could've actually happened and had no effects on the lore quite yet. also, white lily's costume was presumed to just be an "au" but became canon to the storyline. it's not impossible!
éclair doesn't know these cookies. or at least, he is never seen to interact with any of them. éclair DOES interact with financier in the crunchy spring picnic story, but wildberry and cream unicorn? debatable. why dream of cookies you don't know? the brain cannot make up faces.
this is a stretch but getting a whole bond story when easily able to have been lumped in with crunchy dreams?? goddamn!!
also.. face it. if devsisters can get money off of this for a beast yeast plot or something, why not go in for it? AND there is still room for a moonlight update. she will gain a crystal jam eventually, as well as other untouched city of wizards things that could be expanded on.
some of this might not make sense, i was extremely tired typing. butttt.. here's my whole input of it. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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lemon-slushie · 1 year
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I wanted to draw madeleine if he were apart of the star dreamers except I didn’t base him if a constellation cuz idk much about stars
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1nksta1neddesk · 11 months
A Court of Reader and Dreamers
Chapter 23: Stike the Match
The moon was high in the sky as I stared from a window deep in the library, hiding in the stacks as darkness had come down around me. A book laid in my lap, forgotten, just as many tomes had laid in the previous weeks since coming from the mountain. My eyes no longer wished to read the words and my mind denied the ability to retain the words or their meanings, leaving me stranded in the library as I took my only slice of quiet into its stacks. So now I was left staring at the sky, reading the stars instead. They yielded no secret meaning between their dots and streaks of light. 
I looked away from the stars and down to the burning candle, nestled in some high peaks of frosting on top of a small cake. The kitchen had been confused but I needed to honor her somehow. My eyes were sensitive from tears and my throat sore from keeping the emotions from disturbing the others in the library, a place that had become much more active as each day passed. I used a fork, a dessert fork Ianthe had told me the evening before last when I had apparently committed some cardinal sin for not using the right cutlery. Ianthe was occupied now, still outside in the revelries I had escaped from to have my own candied vigil into the night. I wanted to tell Rhysand of his mate, the woman who I had watched in pages and I had seen grow into a high lady, let him have the small sliver of her that I had stolen from under him. But the bond was silent, as it had been in the first weeks since the mountain entrance crumpled behind us. 
Servants still thanked me, and I stayed far away from the village restoration expeditions where I knew more hands and more mouths to give thanks to me. I didn’t want it, I wanted things to be quiet again because everything was so loud and there was a constant banging going inside of my head that only seemed to reverberate with a tolerable melody when I stared into the waning moon with new Fae eyes, let the night wind cool and soothe my irritated nerves. I rarely got those moments though, late nights becoming more and more filled with events conducted by a blonde priestess and an equally willing blond high lord. I enjoyed it now, with melting wax pooling in the grooves of frosting as the flame flickers and sputters as I run my finger through the light.
“Feyre,” The name comes as an insistent whisper just a few alcoves down from me. “Feyre, come on now.” It was Alis as she came down the rows, searching for me as I shrink back into the cushions around me. But is it too late and she has seen me as she stomps over. I blink out the flame between two pinched fingers and hold the cake close to my chest, I feel like a child being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Come to bed, Ianthe has a full itinerary for you in the morning.” I fix Alis with a look and she shares the same exasperation with me as I once would have given her. “I know- trust me I know- but just appease the High Lord, he has far too much to deal with as it is.”
I lift silently from the alcove, and I see discomfort in Alis’ eyes as I rise to my feet, silent and lithe as a pure blooded fae. Everything had changed in that single night and now as I walked with Alis, my nightgown swishing around with my movements, I stood a head’s height taller than her. I let her open the doors in front of me, keeping my hands together on the cover of my book to keep from fidgeting.
Half a dozen doors had splintered or shattered under my heavy hand, not yet adjusted for inhuman strength. I found that a trend of the recent days, my body and mind not adjusting themselves to their new settings. I could no longer add the heavily scented salts and soaps to my bath without finding myself over the basin of a toilet. A whole set of silverware had bent under my fingers at this point, and I was tempted to eat with my bare fingers but when I had used my fingers to pluck up two pieces of fried potato both Tamlin and Ianthe had fixed me with such harsh glares that I did not dare violate the rule again. I was no longer allowed glass cups in my rooms or at dinner, roughhewn wooden ones given in replacement for me to nurse watered down juices.
Alis opens my chamber doors for me, guiding me in with a soft hand at my back to go to a low backed chair in front of an empty fire. She puts a cup of warm tea in my hands, and I grimace from the smell of it, taking a sip to appease her before setting it down on the nearest side table. I see the sorrow in Alis’ eyes at the movement, but she makes no comment on it, busying her hands to undo a halo braid she had put in that morning.
We spoke little, my occasional quip of how well everything seemed to be doing dying off after Alis had scolded me for empty conversation. It was the only conversation I could make though, there was nothing else I could say when someone asked how I was doing, rehearsed lines in the mirror with plaintive and honeyed smiles and crinkling the corner of my eyes.
Alis stood back from me once the golden hair fell in odd curls. I gave her a quick hug before she went wherever the servant chambers were. I was alone again, and I idly plaited the hair back from my face again, still not able to fully face it. I slid onto the bed, staying above the covers as I laid, the warmth of artificial spring having become more cloying since Tamlin had been returned to his power.
Tamlin had had quite a bit going on with the reconstruction of his court, Ianthe having come to aid with my own rehabilitation, like I was some wild animal . I had barely seen the High lord in the weeks we had returned outside of the nightly dinners, and even then there were many nights he was out in some town. The instruments that laid in a corner of the library and of my room were developing a coat of dust but my fingers flinched away each time I went to pick one up. Lucien was occupied with the paperwork of the court and was frequently left reading over curling parchment at the dinner table, ink staining his hands as he wrote fervently. 
It had left me alone to hold a conversation with Ianthe, which mostly had me agreeing to any plans she had already put in the schedule of the next day. Just as today, I had agreed to go dress fitting after she said something of the distaste of a High Lord’ associate to dress in worn pants and crinkled cotton shirts. I had taken back to running around the manor as I had before, but that had stopped last week when Tamlin had come back from some mission to see me. I had not even been able to start sweating, fae stamina was horrifying and I had just wanted to feel the burn of muscles again, when he had started ranting about presenting a united front to his people and that my ‘training’ was in direct opposition to that.
It was making me stir crazy, and with the inability to escape into foreign worlds, I was festering. The hollow in my heart was festering like my flesh had when I was mortal, I wanted to fill it with something, pack the wound to let it heal but nothing fit. Not floating into the kitchens to chop vegetables silently as the staff moved around me, only occasionally taking and giving new plants to chop or dishes to wash. Not sitting with the stable boys and picking clean the horses' hooves after long rides, or bottle feeding a brindle foal- the new mother having been too spooked by its movements to allow it to drink.
  I stared into the dark, willing shadows to bend in my mind's eye and translate to the deep dark around me. They did not yield to me, instead nipping at my fingers as I traced silken sheets. I had been trying to play with magic that had to lay inside of my newly formed veins, but none of it answered my call and it left me thrashing and angry and it felt good to be frustrated in a cold ocean of indifference.
I did need sleep, though, and I closed my eyes, needed the sleep for sanity not to put a steak knife through Ianthe’s hand if she tried to coax me into her vision of a human-made-fae. The warmth of letting consciousness trickle away welcomed me along with the smell of hot metal. I jolted, shifting to a spot of bed my body had not yet warmed to run from the nightmares that awaited me. Still they taunted me at the edge of my mind, the promise of their show daunting me and I rolled over to my other side.
When I did find sleep red spilled around me, bright and tinged with gold as I thrashed around in it. It was not blood, not even liquid, as strands of hair wrapped around my arms and legs and constricted, slicing the flesh until my blood had mixed with it. Smoke was in my nose and I was choking as Amarantha crawled on top of me and her eyes bore down into me as she grinned like a panther. Her hair flowed down around us and I realized it was her stands that were cutting into my skin. 
I was screaming as she drug the ash dagger down my skin, blood pilling up from my skin where the edge scraped along. My breastbone bloomed with red and it flowed down the sides of my ribs and I felt the hair under me stick to my skin with the help of the sticky liquid. The scent of my blood was replaced with something more noxious and I was in the dark, skin raw and scrapped against rough stone. The blare of a siren was down the street and I was suddenly in a new vision angle, there was a chime from a convenience store door I was leaving. A plastic bag crinkles in my hand as I tighten the grip, fluorescent light casting the street in a soft glow as I see a mass on the side of the road, a few feet off from a crosswalk. 
I walk past the form, ignoring the scent of carrion as I make it to the cross walk. There is music in my ears, scratching at a soft and comfortable part of me. There is a vibration from the phone in my pocket and I check it as I cross, a notification of a message from my father. I shut off the phone and put it back in the pocket. A horn blares to my right and I look up, light blinding me before a mass hits me. When I can feel again pain is radiating from each part of me and I am at the same first angle, staring at a street light that blots out the stars.
The cycle repeats and repeats and repeats and I am left to see myself become the mass on the side of the road.
The week has been hectic, the staff moving in flurries as they prepare for some banquet Tamin has called for the aristocrats of the Spring Court. The kitchens turned me away and I was left to wander the halls before Ianthe swept me to my rooms. Tamlin was holed up in his study and I could barely hear the exchange of shouts behind the heavy door as we passed. Lucien had gone in there this morning after we had a quiet morning breakfast over some tea and I had not seen him since.
“Oh, come along now, we must get you into an appropriate dress.” Ianthe tittled by my ear as she dragged me along, not heeding to the sounds of shouts as she half shoved me into my rooms. She quickly sent me with two servants to wash up with some comment of me smelling like a puca. I heard her rustling in my room as I was placed into a bath. 
I have grown able to control my stomach against the heavy smell of bath salts but it still has my stomach clenching as I let them scrub my skin of the grime of the day. Thin fingers scrape my scalp as they work a rose scented shampoo through it. I am roughly handled by Ianthe’s servants as they clean and dry me, rubbing me down with perfumed oil that left me feeling dirtier than at the start of the bath. Ianthe came in with a dress, full skirt and billowing sleeves that distorted my senses even more as I was put into it.
My hair was done up in tight braids, straining my skin before I was done up in makeup. Through the entire process I did not resist, only the occasional jerk against Ianthe’s sharp nails as she maneuvered me. Though I knew I should hate her, and should probably kill her now before she was able to cause any damage, I could not find the energy to do much more than let my ire seam into my mental walls that I had been keeping up. The venomous thoughts served to reinforce the stone that had blackened and melded together.
I was escorted with Ianthe just ahead of me, robes of pale blue splaying behind her as I followed. The dress itched at my skin, the sleeves having been made of lace to disguise my swirling bargain, the bargain that has been terrifyingly silent for the two months since I had killed Amarantha. It was a sunny yellow that washed out my skin and tight slippers were already digging into my feet as we walked to a ballroom.
The ceilings were high and the floor swelled with the writhing of bodies, courtiers, ladies, and lords all mixing as bright music sung through the air. There were tall windows that revealed the setting sun, sky stained orange and burgundy and petal pink from behind glittering glass. I see Tamlin now, sitting in a throne at the front of the room and my heart races, eyes recalling a different room with no windows and another throne of stone. But he smiles at me as he stands and I am ushered to one of the two chairs that sits just next to the throne with its green twigs sprouting from under an arm rest and its clawed feet having roots that dive into the smooth marble floor.
He takes me into a warm hug with a laugh as I return it softly before he pulls back, “Sweet Feyre, I am so glad you were able to make it tonight. And I see Ianthe has dressed you to be as sweet as honey.” He shoots a glance to the priestess above my shoulder and I can feel her preen from here. I take a step back as the hug ends and I see nothing of the emissary, assuming Lucien has been lost to the crowd. 
“Of course, Tamlin, I would not miss this for the world.” The words fall easily from my lips, the right words, and it's not like I had much choice in being here. Still the niceties are common and effortless as I slide into the role I know he wishes to see me as. The victor of the lands, who fought for his and the rest of Prythian’s freedom and has come to reside peacefully in his manor once again. 
I take my seat, the farther chair from the throne, as the party continues on around me and I feel a sudden dropping in my gut and I am observing, removed from the crowd entirely as I watch. There is something haunting about no longer being an active participant in the room as I see Tamlin laugh with some stone skinned woman, her hair drooping mass of moss and lichen sprawling over the gray skin. Perhaps it is minutes or hours that flicker by as I nestle into my observatory. The windows grew dark until it was black outside and the flicker of fire lighting the room from burning candles made the glass shine like it had just been poured from a crucible.  
Lucien comes from the crowd, his face twisted in an odd expression, his brows furrowed and his eyes darting everywhere around me. Tamlin rises from his throne and the crowd goes silent, the movements of skirts and coattails coming to an end. I stand next to Lucien,I notice heavy bags have formed under his eyes and I let my knuckles brush against his in reassurance. His hand retracts from mine to cross with his other one in front of his body, I follow the same motion as Tamlin addresses the crowd.
“Two months has passed since we have been released from the curse” He says in a booming voice, pausing for a moment to allow the crowd to cheer, “And to celebrate the tremendous occasion I have pushed back the Tithe till the new year, let the land and it’s people heal and come together until tradition can yet be reinstated.” He paused before flourishing a hand towards us and Lucien stepped forward. “To help usher in the new beginnings of the Spring Court, I am here to announce the engagement of Feyre Archeron, our Liberator, and my faithful Emissary, Lucien Vanserra. The ceremony will be held under the new moon of next month, and I pray that all of you can attend.” With that he sat back down in his throne looking rather satisfied as he looked to Lucien.
I am still observing and I am afraid to come back to myself, to have to think about the words. Lucien still did not look at me, not because of formalities of the court but because he had been shameful. My stomach is in knots but I get through the night, watching the revelries around me as the party continues. Many faces of fae come up to me with congratulations and I am not sure what I say as I drink from heavy goblets of wine and flutes of champagne.
As the party winds down I am snapped back into myself and the night crushes down on me, thoughts blurring with the alcohol in my blood. I was disgusted and could not stop myself from fleeing from my spot, heading towards a servant's door that was closest to me. I bumped into a servant girl with a new tray of champagne flutes as I went and I heard Lucien apologize to her as he follows after me.
I can’t breathe, I can’t think as I go through the narrow walkway, ducking into another side passage that lets out into the hallway. There are a few trickling nobility in the halls, some glancing at me as I made my way to the nearest room I can think of with a semblance of privacy. I see the doorway of the infirmary and duck into it quickly, the fae lights on the wall staying dark as I hurl into the basin of the sink.
I am washing my mouth out with stale water in the faucet when I see the door open from the corner of my eye. Lucien slipped into the room with a deep set frown on his face. I send a glare at him before I pull away from the sink, sitting on the dusty bed in the infirmary. There was a thin coat of dust coating everything in here and it was obvious the staff had forgotten to clean it in the months since I had bandaged up Tamlin. 
Lucien sat next to me with his head hung low, hands folded in his lap as he opened his mouth and shut it again, repeatedly like a fish gasping on land. “I am sorry Feyre, I should have told you before the ball. That's not an announcement someone should learn about in front of others.”  
My skin itches and I resist scratching at my arm through the sleeves as I swallow a knot that had formed in my throat. “I don’t want to marry you, Lucien. You are a brother, not a lover.” The words claw out my throat, coated in fear that I want to wash away to the hot anger under my skin. He hums his response as he thinks some more, I see the gears in his brain whirring while his golden eye spins in place.
“I know, I know. Tamlin wanted to show everyone that the court has grown past Amarantha, and he knows you wouldn’t marry him. I tried telling him that this isn’t the way to do it but he wouldn’t hear me.” Lucien’s voice cracked as he reached a hand out to mine, squeezing my fingers as he moved in front of me to look into my teary eyes. I don’t know when I started crying, the fury over flowing from myself and I want to staunch it at its source. “I am so sorry, there was nothing I could do. I’ve known him for nearly 5 centuries and I-” He is about to start a sentence and I remember his executed lover but he regains his voice a moment later ,“ I never thought I would marry. But though it might not be a marriage of love I do not think it would be so bad to at least put up a front for a couple years.” 
Something burns in me and it consumes me so wholly I smell smoke as I rise from the bed, shoving Lucien away. “No-no, no!” I’m screaming it as I back up, running into the work bench, my hands bracing against it. The dam that I had been hiding behind was giving away and thoughts were pouring from loose lips, “Lucien, no. I am not going to become a figurehead for Tamlin’s shows of peace. Fuck, Lucien, things aren’t okay. Do you think Amarantha is the end of it? She was one general, one, from Hybern. Use your damned head, I know you know how, and see that things are not over in the slightest. Do you think that us having a ceremony is going to change that? It is a distraction for the hell readying against the world on the other side of the ocean.” My breathing had turned heavy and sweat was beading along my brow, anger burning me from the inside out, charring away the empty and filling it with that blood boiling rage that made me feel warm.
It was so good to feel again that I did not care that I was yelling at Lucien, not as he already looked cowed and his eye was shining with fear in the fire light. “A party and a wedding is not the solution when there is a King ready to slaughter and enslave my race. Please Lucien, make Tamlin call it off. Neither of us want this, a political play like this will not end well.” No matter how good it felt my voice was cracking as tears of anger rose to my eyes. I tried in vain to blink them away before they fell down my face.
There is silence, only filled by my panting and I still smell smoke, acrid and tangy as I heave. Lucien’s eyes aren’t looking at me in their shock, they are darting between the bed I had just risen from and to my hands. A light that should not be in the room flickers out as I look down to my hands, the last bits of embers floating down from my burnt cuffs. There are two distinct hand prints charred into the wood; and the cotton where my hands had gripped before I had risen were crumbling ash now. The smoke was not my mind supplying me with a new sense but actual smoke that was rising from where my hands touched.
Black ash smeared on my dress as I quickly batted my hands against the puffy skirts. The ink of skin had disguised the burned sleeves soot but now gave way, staining the bright yellow. My thoughts have gone quiet, silencing themselves as I am left in the moment, Lucien still staring at me through the dark. 
“Th- Has that happened before?” His voice is unsure as his words double over themself, his limbs rigid as he slowly rises to come up next to me. I was looking at my hands, where soot still remained under the edges of my fingernails as I shook my head slowly. A different heat was building in my chest though, pushing away fear as I matched Lucien’s gaze.
I squealed as I ran to him, taking him into a hug and spinning him around as I did so. Rage had turned to bubbling ecstasy that I never wanted to leave, it felt like getting drunk on solstice wine and I loved its warmth. He was taken aback for a moment before he stopped my spinning and I hadn’t realized I had lifted him from the ground until I had to lower him to the ground. I had been expecting nothing in the back of my mind, a tantalizing thought if I was different from Feyre and the mother had seen to deem me unworthy of the coiling energy in the center of my chest that tugged at me. But I was wrong and heat was thawing my veins and allowing a heavy pulse to push through what I had thought dead and withered. It was a rush, a falling into the sky where I was weightless and had nothing binding my mind, I was drugged on power and I never wanted to let it fade.
“Feyre- oh by the mother, Feyre.” He said with such grief it struck my joy upside its head and it evaporated from my heart. My anger rushed back in like a tide as he took my shoulder’s in his hands and I remembered the anger I had just been feeling at him, at his weak constitution against Tamlin. “We have to tell Tamlin, this changes so much Feyre. You are a target for the other high lor-”
“No” The word is harsh as I cut him off. For once I did not want him to tell each and every one of my secrets to Tamlin. I hadn’t told him of Tamlin coming to the closet under the mountain but I am sure he would have seen the commotion and- my bones are aching at any memory of the courtroom and who I had been with. I was a fallen angel from the sky and my words were venom dripping from serpent fangs, “I am done with being the trophy of the spring court. I won, Lucien. Not him or you, but me. I am the one that died and I damn sure do not want it to happen again so you will keep your mouth shut to Tamlin about this and you will teach me how to control this.” I steady my breathing and I am about to rub my hand over my face but think better of it. “I can pretend for a little while, but you will find a way to call this wedding off and I will find a way to control this is.” 
I leave him with my command before I walk out of the storage room, snagging a towel to drape over my arms and hide the burned chiffon and soot stains as I smile and nod to the servants I pass and the nobility that cut hungry eyes at me. I was in my head and did not see the trailing stares, not as I think of where I was willing to compromise and how I could change my life yet again.
My room is a welcome reprieve as I slam the door behind me and I wince against the shake of the door frame. I felt exhausted and drained of life as I looked in the moon washed room. The yellow dress was even more of an affront in the silver light than it had been when I had first gotten dressed. I sighed as I started to undo the laces at the back of it, at least with the engagement it would keep Lucien from Ianthe’s hands but it also removed the barrier that had stood in the way of Ianthe becoming a high lord consort. I worried the skin of my lip between my teeth as I chucked the puffy monstrosity into the corner of the room and returned to the bathing chamber. A tub of warm water always waited for me there and I slid into it easily.
There were no bubbles or salts in this one, just a few stray rose petals that scurried from my hand as I traced a finger along the water surface. The ash made the water gray and my eyelids were being drug down my face. A reverberating wrench of yearning hit my heart. I wanted things to be easy, I wanted to lay down and have a night where tears and pleas did not mar my face from nightmares or the overwhelming waves of cruel, wicked, poisonous emotions that filled me. I wanted to return to the early days of joking in spring meadows over a bottle of sparkling wine, of getting high off my rocker with witchberries. I wanted anything else than these high crests of emotion that left me hollow and ruined when they chased away to another shore.
An evil tide, those emotions were. My face was hot with tears and I wiped them away as I took to using a rough brush to scrub the soot from my nails and hands. I wanted to go home, it had been so close, and the door to it had been slammed into my face and I wanted nothing more than to rot into my bed and never come back to. But that was selfish and I could not be selfish when the sisters across the wall didn’t know their sister had truly died and the imposter was forever left wearing her skin like a cheap costume. Not when power that licked in my veins seemed to rejoice at the vile emotions that flowed with it. 
I drag myself to the cold bed with a fluffy robe around me, too tired to dig through the closet and find a nightgown as I collapse into it. I give an empty tug down the bargain with Rhys, he had missed coming to cash in our bargain twice but I knew it had taken 3 months to recover before. That had been with him reeling from the mating bond with Feyre and rebelling Illyrian camps. My head hurt and I decided to leave thinking to be an issue for me another day.
Sleep beckoned with its razor tipped hands that I was forced to take, drifting off easily to another night of terrors I knew would find me. Hopefully I would sleep through them, perhaps the dreams would be an empty expanse of dark sleep. Those nights were becoming rarer and I hoped honing the magic would exhaust me to dreamless sleeps like I had before.
That was a sweet thought, and I savored the potential promise as I faded into the night sky that danced just past my eyelids.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Random thing, but because I’ve been seeing stuff with Wildberry’s Star Dreamers costume, now I just have this idea in my head that the costume is canon, and in fact it’s technically Wildberry’s true form and he’s some sort of constellation deity, but it’s only in the world of dreams, and his normal form we see is just the mortal form he has to take in the waking world
Also he’s unable to use any of his deity powers in the real world (other than maybe his strength coming from that), and I’m debating whether or not he in the real world is entirely aware of this fact, or if it’s just dreams he can’t remember
I suppose this then would also translate to the other Star Dreamer characters (other than I guess Eclair?)
I just thought it was a neat idea
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steamboat-silly · 1 year
hiya !! ⭐
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i'm willie !! although i do go by other names. i use he / it / toon pronouns, plus other neopronouns !!
i'm an age / pet regressor and dreamer, although i'm not too sure what age i regress to. my physical age is 22 tho !! but i never really "act my age" so just assume you're talking to a younger person ha ha.
i'm otherkin and fictionkin, and that does affect my regressing when i get shifts !! i do swear but i'm gonna keep that tagged / to a minimum on this blog.
i'm shy and sensitive in general but especially of this side of me so i'm not likely to talk in DMs to people i dunno. i may not talk a whole lot while regressed anyway. also i'm keeping this blog and my main blog separate, so please don't mention one or the other on either blog if you know !!
more about me under the cut, including names and interests !!
DNI: typical criteria, pr0sh!pping, anti-kin, anti-agere, traumacore, and just general NSFW interactions. safe interactions only on this blog !!
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willie, mickey, animal names (fox, mouse, rabbit, etc.), sonic, ghost, kin names, and i'll accept other names if asked, i like collecting them !!
drawing, animals, stars and space, nature and plants, hearts, colors, food, plushies, video games, and music
mickey and friends, pokemon, fnaf, sonic the hedgehog, super mario bros, teletubbies, slime rancher, fnati, batim, cookie run, animal crossing, kirby, digimon, and possibly more
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