#cool luch bag
sopiao · 11 months
hey!! i love your writing so so much oh my god. your account is just perfect– if it's not too luch to ask (and forgive me if this is a little long) can i request headcanons with taskforce 141 + masc reader???
reader's kind of distant from the rest of the task force. they all get along with him just fine, does what he's asked to do on missions and all that, but he just feels kind of... absent. nobody really gets what his deal is, but they've gotten used to him. (BONUS POINTS IF HE ALSO WEARS A MADK HE DOESNT TAKE OFF THAT OFTEN... i wanna be cool too </3)
one day he wakes them up, and (to their surprise) tells them that he had a nightmare. this is the softest his voice has ever been and the most he's ever opened up– just. fluff and comfort lolz :p
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i’ve always had a hard time writing this kind of stuff but i’m cleaning out my inbox so.. ^^
it sorta implies angst?? like the nightmare is something serious of an issue?? idk
(Callsign will be Anon to make it easier for me ☹️)
Anon has always been distant, keeping some space and never really contributing to any of the conversations x But they still treasure him just as much as each other. They understand that some people just have a hard time with stuff like that or just don’t wanna get into it in general.
Soap and Ghost always makes constant visual checks to see if he’s still part of the group, since he’s always quite as a mouse it’s hard to keep track of him. Price would make sure to save a seat for him whenever he’s a little late. And Gaz would always check up on you from time to time.
They make sure you felt part of the team. Just because Anon doesn’t really have a deep connection with any of them doesn’t make him any less one of them.
In the middle of a mission they all had to sleep in a safe house for the night. A rather small one since they had to share a room together. Sleeping bags all lined up across the room. One soldier found it hard to get at least a wink of sleep. Price’s and Soap’s loud and grumbling snoring didn’t really disturb them since it was practically white noise to him now.
After half an hour Anon finally found the ability to be carried into rest. It was peaceful for a while. Until he woke up violently, body twitched when he woke up from how intense it was. He found that it was hard to keep his breathing under control and try to focus on one thing. Physically and emotionally.
He put this off as a last resort and tried everything to calm himself down. But when all else failed he turned to Ghost beside him. Reaching for his mask and hastily pulling his mask over his head, hesitating before bringing his hand up to shake Ghost awake, he’s a light sleeper anyway.
“What? What happened?” After a second to comprehend what was happening he sat up and looked around, thinking something happened, like someone broke in or someone found them. But once he saw his comrade’s, somewhat, relaxed but worried eyes and stopped.
Sitting up fully and comfortably, he asked if everything was alright. Judging by his lack of response Ghost nodded, immediately understanding and not making a big deal out of it since this is way out of his comfort zone.
“Go on.” He nodded his head, sitting next to him and relaxing against the wall, still half asleep but still willing, very willing, to listen and comfort if needed. Ghost listened intently as Anon began to explain and mumble out what happened in his sleep.
“Uhm.. Fuck— Now that I’m thinking about this, it sounds stupid—” Looking down and fiddling with the edge of his sleeping bag Anon’s interrupted by Ghost.
“Just tell me. You’ve already got me up” He’s probably not the best one for comfort, but he knows he’s trying, not the best with his words, but he’s willing to listen.
It stuns him for a second with his bluntness, but chuckles lightly, knowing that he really does wanna listen. He starts to explain, second guessing himself every couple sentences, but slowly he gets more comfortable with sharing.
Halfway through Soap starts to stir and move in his sleep, making both stop and just stare. Turning around to see both sleeping bags empty, Soap immediately sits up and searches for them, only to see them off the side, sitting together.
“Oh.. shit..” He calms himself down, both Ghost and Anon look at each other before looking back at Soap. He slowly sits up and crawls over to where they are, next to Anon so he’s between Ghost and Soap.
“What’re you two doin’ up?” Somehow his accent is deeper when he’s half-awake. Slouching back against the wall, almost leaning on Anon’s shoulder.
“I couldn’t sleep after.. a.. uhhh… nightmare” Anon was hesitant to explain, wondering if waking up his friends were really worth it, hoping that they wouldn’t make fun of him. Soap just hums in response.
“Nightmare? Al’right. Continue” To Anon’s surprise, Soap wants in too. He looks back to Ghost who just shrugs and nods, silently telling you that it’s up to him whether he wants to share or not.
Before Anon can even start again, both Price and Gaz wake up, both confused as fuck, but following along, dragging their sleeping bags over to him. They were all now wide awake, Price laying back in his sleeping bag, arms crossed, half-awake but still lucid enough to understand stuff coherently.
Anon started to explain again, relaxed to see how supportive his teammates are with how little they really know about him. Once he got to a certain part of the nightmare, the part that really made it a nightmare, his lungs felt tight once again.
Suddenly his mask felt so thick and concrete, he had to lift it up to his nose to breathe. Blubbering out apologies between breathes as they tried not to stare too much.
“Nah, nah. You’re fine” Ghost reassured him through his mutters, rubbing his back to try and soothe him. It didn’t, but it was something. Something that they were there to listen.
“Don’t force yourself if you don’t wanna tell” Gaz nodded, not wanting to force Anon to go too much out of his comfort zone, in the chance that he changed his mind and wasn’t okay with sharing this kind of stuff.
“I’m fine.. fine” Anon nodded his head, realizing how much of his face he exposed and tried to cover it up with his hands so he can still breath. But for those couple seconds that his lower half of his face was open. A large, old, scar decorated his lips, diagonally going from the top right to bottom left, almost reaching his chin.
With something so unexpected being exposed, the fact that Anon even reached out, it made them all alert to watch out for his emotions and how he’s feeling. But what was most surprising for them, was how he talked. It was usually so stern and short, always getting straight to the point. Almost robot like. But now, it’s softer, more warm but sorta confused, he fumbled in his words a little but it was just so different than how he is out on the base.
An hour has passed, but now that all of that is out of Anon’s head, and everything, almost everything, was off his chest, the sleepiness started to catch up to him. In the midst of Ghost explaining how he was feeling and the possible reason for it, Anon was already asleep, snoring softly as he struggled to keep up.
They knew that this was something you’d never do. So it was a sort of shock for him to break his blocked off demeanor. But it made them feel good that Anon even considered venting. Even if it was something small like a complaint or something annoying, they wanted him ti let it out.
(this has been in my drafts for forever T-T)
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trendyaxessories · 7 years
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SOLD! #Formula1 #red #race #car #Lunch #Bags - #Design by #BluedarkArt - via #Altervista #Blog > http://bluedarkart.altervista.org/formula-1-race-car-lunch-bag-designed-by-bluedarkart/
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wintersweetbou · 4 years
Running on Empty
Fandom: FFXV/Kingsglaive. Rating: G? Its fluff. 
Summary: Luche Lazarus works himself too far trying to prevent further losses on the battlefield. Tredd Furia sees the crash coming. Now, a nice person would calmly voice their concerns. A Furia would drag them kicking and screaming back home. Is Tredd a nice person? In his eyes he is, until Luche fights it. They are both going to give their captain a headache at this rate.
Luche keeps tapping away at his keyboard despite the fact it was quitting time. Shadows hung under his eyes, blooming under sickly pale skin. Tredd leaned against the doorframe of the tiny office, watching in concern. Luche took to being a workaholic to deal with the stress of losing a battle, everyone was getting worried while he threw himself at his work. The redhead lightly knocked on the polished wood, looking expectantly. 
“Yes?” Luche groaned, rubbing his eyes. 
“Wanna hit Yama’s for some food? Heard they were toying with new recipes.” Tredd watched the slow roll and shudder of Luche’s shoulders as he stretched, and shook his head. 
“You ok?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Don't sound fine to me. Don't look too good either. Lets get some food, and watch a movie at my place, hm?” 
“Sounds great- but go on without me” Luche sighed, rubbing at his temples, slouching in his seat. Frowning, Tredd stepped forward, putting his hands on his hips. 
"Dude, you are not ok. You're working yourself way too hard. I get it, you are working for us. But you need a full meal and nights sleep." 
Luche slumped a squidge in his seat, as if acknowledging his condition was shameful. 
"Your work will still be here in the morning. Burning yourself out won't solve anything."
"I'll get some rest tomorrow. Tonight I can get by with coffee…" 
"If I have to drag you out of this six-damned office I will. Luche- don't think I won't." 
The readhead barged over, grabbing Luche by the wrist and hefting him to his feet. The vice captain was tired enough that his mind and reflexes didn't catch up until Tredd almost had him out the door. Luche snarled, bracing against the door frame. 
"Enough! I don't have time for this!"
"You don't have time for me?"
"No! The war-" Luche wheezed as Tredd tackled him to the floor of the cramped office, struggling to pin his growling brother in arms. 
"Fuck the war. I'm taking you home, getting some food in you, and making sure you get some sleep!"
Luche struggled- Tredd was broader and stronger and the miniscule floorspace gave him no wiggle room. Tredd grinned, bearing his full weight down on the growling glaive, squishing him into the corner between the desk and wall. Luche viciously bucked, throwing Tredd enough for him to twist and regain his position, kneeling, bracing against the desk and forcing Tredd back in a wild grapple. 
Tredd locked with Luche, grinning maniacally. This was Tredd's forte- brute strength. Luche's muscles trembled under him, barely holding his idiot back. Tredd mustered and shoved forward, the other glaive shuddered but held, shaking violently with effort. Tredd shoved again, forcing Luche down against the desk, then on his back on the ground. 
"Get off, asshole!"
"Too tired to make me, Lazarus?"
Luche squirmed, but no longer had the energy to buck him off. Tredd sat on his legs, pinning his hands above his on either side of his head.
"Get your insubordinate dickish self off of me-" came a muffled growl.
"Take a night off." Tredd snickered, leaning further on the kicking legs under himself.
"I said get off!" Luche roared, struggling in vain to muster strength that just wasn't there.
The blonde managed to turn and bite the readhead on the wrist. Tredd glanced down, still holding tight, to see teeth marks- rapidly turning red- clearly visible. 
"The fucker bit me." Tredd sounded awed. Luche bit Tredd. He must be in far worse shape than they thought- calm, in control, cool Luche lay smirking and bedraggled after fighting and biting his best friend. Six.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You are going home one way or another. Gonna keep fighting?" This got a quiet curse in response.
"Hard it is." Came the muttered reply. 
Tredd adjusted his sleeves, pinning the others two hands in one of his, over his head, looking down at his prey. Luche lay exhausted but still defiant. His hair flopped down in his eyes, uniform a mess, shirt untucked under his coat. Tredd chuckled at the sight.
"Remember, all you need to do is take the night off …" 
 Luche growled in response, writhing in his grasp. 
Tredd leaned in, tugged his shirt up further, and dug his fingers into the skin above Luche's hip. “Tredd! Get off or I swear to Ramuh!” Luche squawked, bucking weakly.
Tredd tickled along the cut of his hips and lower belly, earning increasingly desperate threats. Tredd grinned, clawing into the muscle above the joint, deeply amused at the shaky curses. Based on the flush along Luche's face and how bad his stomach quivered in his grasp, the beleaguered glaive just needed a little push. 
“I’ll go home as soon as I’m done!” Luche squirmed, desperately struggling to reign himself in. 
“You are done for the day.” Tredd smirked, kneading. 
“Just a little more! I swear!” Came a pleading squeak. 
"You asked for it." Tredd snickered, leaning in. 
"No! Get the fuck off! Nonononoo!" Luche squealed, then broke into wild cackling at Tredd nibbling at the exposed skin of his hip. The blond managed to break his arms free, but his strength to do anything else withered under the crippling mirth. Tredd laughed into the quivering skin, holding tight onto the poor glaive frantically squirming in his arms.  
The vice captain bucked weakly, shaking his head amid aching guffaws. His lungs and muscles burned, adrenaline spent. Tredd chuckled, kneading into his quaking waist. Luche looked to be near admitting defeat, face bright red and hair askew. 
"Gonna get some rest?" Tredd glanced up, smiling at the giggling glaive.
Luche panted and told Tredd to go fuck himself in Gahladian. 
"Alrighty then..." 
Luche screeched as Tredd blew raspberry after raspberry onto his belly, clawing into the meat above his hips. The blonde was held tight as he thrashed and laughed helplessly. He couldn't stand it, couldn’t escape, his mind stuck in a spiraling loop of six, it tickles and I'm stuck. Tredd smirked, continuing mercilessly, not noticing the form of the captain in the doorway, taking a stealth pic of his poor second being tickled to death. 
"May I ask why you are tormenting Lazarus?" Drautos inquired over his second’s breathless shrieks of laughter, leaning casually on the door frame. Tredd froze, wide eyed. Then shook himself and smiled up at his captain.
 "Lazarus is burning himself out, sir. I am merely encouraging him to rest up." 
Drautos raised an eyebrow, observing the poor condition of his second. The blonde had been taking on more paperwork and training, desperate to prevent losses on the battlefield. This war had taken a terrible toll on his glaives, and some bore the stress better than others. While training and hard work was well and good, rest was also key. Drautos nodded, and turned back to the hallway.
"Can't fight or think on an empty tank. Go home, the lot of you. That's an order." 
Two yes sirs sounded behind him, one smug, and the other uncertain. 
Tredd ran his fingers through his hair, sighing. After forcing takeout down the blond’s gullet and settling in for a night of games, he had turned around to find him passed out cold on his couch. He really had no idea how Luche held it together for so long. Tredd himself dealt with stress by beating a weighted bag until his knuckles bled. Sometimes with fire dancing viciously between the bones protruding under taut skin. He went until his strength was spent and someone- usually Luche- would catch him. The others did the same, roughly. The “hero” and his squad drank their troubles away, leaning on each other through the hard nights. Axis sank into his family, letting their love wash his wounds clean. Sonitus sang and danced with the remnants of his clan, their songs steady, leading its participants into a cleansing, healing trance. It was easy to let eachother hold the stress for a bit. It was what kept them all going- sticking together. 
Tredd glanced down at a soft snort from Luche, watching the man snuggle deeper into his couch. Draping a blanket over him, the redhead turned to get ready for bed. Maybe Drautos would take it easy on them in training tomorrow.
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aij-writes · 5 years
Quarter Past Wrong, Pt 2
Rating: Teen, Swearing, Mild Fantasy Violence, Romance
Pairing: Ignyx (Ignis/Nyx)
Summary: Ignis is superhuman...if he is human.  Nyx is pretty sure he’s a vampire.  Case in point...
Warnings: So…going by Japanese standards, even a 17 year old isn’t at the age of majority, so by Insomnia standards, Ignis is still a little young for the 26 year old Nyx.  In Galahd, and his heart, it wouldn’t matter.  Age range is nine years because I accidentally bump up Ignis’s age to three years older than Noctis (instead of 2 ½ of canon) and Gladio a year older than Ignis.  Also, I have a headcanon I’m carrying over that Dragoon is a race and Ignis is a Dragoon.  If I ever write an explanation to this I’ll link it.
Other Tags: Canon compliant, Brotherhood Era, Best friends Gladio & Ignis, Slow burn?, pining, OCs with no development for plot purposes, gratuitous workout and training scenes
For @ffxvignyxzine using all the prompts on day 2 “Meet me after dark”, Rain, Is he a vampire or am I imagining it
Second part of a multi-part fic trying to tie it all together
“Is he a vampire or am I imagining it?” Nyx asked, leaning back against the bleachers.
“Huh?” Crowe asked before throwing her fist up and cheering.  “Come on!” she yelled.
“He’s talking about the bureaucrat again,” Luche complained, leaning back from the next bench down.  He groaned, slapping money into Pelna’s hand.  “Shove it,” he complained.
Crowe continued to watch her team trounce Luche’s in rollerball.  Finally, though, she glanced at where Nyx was staring.  “Dude...don’t be weird,” she complained.
“I’m just saying,” Nyx said, insistent and on the edge of unloading.  “The kid’s not human.”
“He’s a Dragoon.  You know they say the same about you Galahdians,” Tredd offered.
Nyx kicked him hard, sending him crashing into Axis.  He leaned forward, chin in his hand balancing his elbow on his knee and watching the much nicer box seats where the prince watched.  Galahdians didn’t officially have to sit in the low stands, but they just typically did.  along with all the others that coun’t afford better tickets on their salary.  There was no use bothering to mingle with the rest of Insomnia.  They preferred them out of sight, out of mind.  As a Dragoon, Ignis might have had the same issue, the son of refugees himself.  Of course, he’d been handpicked by the king to see to his son, but Ignis faced enough discrimination that Nyx couldn’t help but sympathized.
“I mean...what does that even mean?” Crowe asked.  “Are you calling him a daemon?”  She laughed, taking the box of popcorn from Nyx and munching on a handful.
“I mean, sure, it sounds crazy but like--”
“Fangs?  He’s got fangs for biting the heads off anyone that looks at the Prince the wrong way,” Luche pointed out.
Nyx rolled his eyes.  “Okay, okay, forget it.”
“Maybe you should,” Crowe said, straining up.  “You know...no one finds stalking romantic, Ulric.”
“I’m not...and I don’t...!”  Nyx finally let his cool demeanor crack.  “It’s not like that!”
“Sure, of course not,” Luche agreed.  “He’s a teenager.  Nyx isn’t looking to break Insomnia law.”
“Forget the age of majority, Luche,” Crowe pointed out.  “The kids practically royal court.”
“I’m not trying to date anyone let alone him, Astrals!” Nyx said tensely.  “I wouldn’t date a vampire anyway!”
Tredd snickered.  “Interested in guys, Hero?”
Nyx rolled his eyes.  “All I’m interested in is figuring out if Scientia is a vampire.  That’s it.”
“Here,” Crowe said, having been on her phone.  She mailed him a list.  “Checklist.  Go do your stalking and find out before you go completely stark raving mad, alright?”  She motioned her head.  “The Crown finds out they’ve got a creature of the night tucking the prince in, they’ll give you another medal, right?”
Nyx rolled his eyes.  Still, he couldn’t help but look over the list.
Pale Skin/Aversion to Sunlight
Nyx was walking down the hall, talking to Gladiolus Amicitia.  Over the years, he’d gotten to know the Shield’s son as a pretty cool guy.  He’d even been invited over for a few meals at the manor and sat in on one of Gladio’s tattoo sessions when he went to get the line down his own right index.  Gladio tended to be easygoing, but honest, and just as fun and without caring he wasn’t native.  His sister liked to ask him questions, even if she never asked anything important.  Which, to be honest, he sort of liked.  It was rough with the only thing anyone wanted to ask him was about fighting.  Even Gladio’s father balanced a line between respectful and boyish enthusiasm.
Right now, Gladio was talking about a movie adaptation of some novel, complaining about the casting and merging of characters.  Nyx followed along, having read the book but not having gotten around to seeing it.  The set pieces sounded cool, but it didn’t sound enough to save a movie on a book he’d actually enjoyed.  They were headed to lunch together, as Nyx had had to pull guard duty at the gates and missed his friends’s break and Gladio just liked to rotate his options.
As they went to turn into the cafeteria though, they nearly ran right into the prince.  Fourteen and every bit as sullen as the age demanded, Noctis huffed, stepping back and looking away.  His shadow cleared his throat and Noctis rolled his eyes.  “Yeah...sorry...”
Gladio raised his eyebrows, before asking Ignis, over Noctis’s head and silently, He alright?
Ignis gave Gladio a sympathetic look.  Father, he mouthed back.
Nyx guessed that meant something about the king.  Before he could get too worried about King Regis, though, Noctis huffed and kicked his shoe against the floor.
“Since Dad’s too busy, can I just go back to my room?”
Ignis frowned, fingers nervously worrying over his cuff.  Gently and proddingly, he said, “Noctis, wouldn’t you like to sample the changed menu?  There’s a new burger I think has merits and--”
Noctis let out a tortured noise.  He frowned as Gladio snorted and rolled his eyes.  “Oh yeah, sure, and then everyone can whisper and point and go Oh look, it’s the prince.  I put up with that enough at school, Ignis, thanks.”
Ignis sighed, pushing his glasses up.  “Your Highness...”
Gladio threw an arm around Noctis’s shoulders.  “Come on.  You two can join me and the Hero.  That way, if anyone’s staring, you can tell yourself it’s in awe of braids and muscles.”  He eyed Ignis.  “And those ridiculous bags under your mom’s eyes.”  He put a hand on Ignis’s shoulder, holding him there.  “Astrals, Iggy, you stay up all night cleaning up after His Bratiness again?”
Ignis squirmed.  “Honestly, Gladio!”  He frowned.  Like the kid didn’t have enough criticisms getting through his teenage years.  His acne was finally under control.  Though his skin was much smoother and soft now, he was all the more paler for it.  For a moment there, Ignis had quite a time.  He dressed like a little business man, had glasses, an overbite, acne, and carried a briefcase everywhere.  At seventeen, he was finally growing into his looks having started to do things with his hair and put together slightly more stylish versions of the blazer-dress pants-collared shirt that was his uniform.  Still, he had a wan look.  He looked like he carried the fate of the entire kingdom on his shoulders.
“I’ll grab us a table,” Nyx offered.  “You’re still buying, right?” he asked Gladio, punching him on the shoulder  “Get me an orange juice with a deluxe burger and onion rings.”
Noctis made a gagging noise.  “Orange juice at lunch?” he said to Nyx.  He looked around the cafeteria then settled his eyes outside.  “Can’t we go eat outside?”
Nyx looked at Ignis, almost holding his breath in expectation.  It was dumb but--
Ignis gave Noctis a patient, apologetic smile.  “It’s really more comfortable in here, right?”
“In the gardens, no one will know I’m there,” Noctis tried to and failed not to whine.
“And I won’t know anyone’s sneaking up on you,” Gladio said, crossing his arms.
“You’re supposed to be ready for sneak attacks,” Noctis pointed out.  “Warp boy’s got us, right?”
Nyx glanced at Ignis.  “It’s really nice out.  Even pencil pushers have to get sunlight sometimes, right?”
Ignis sighed.  “I’m afraid it’s a tad windy and I’d hope to finish going over your homework so I might have an evening to myself, Your Highness.  Do you mind if we stay inside?”
In the end, Noctis assented.
Mind Control
“Oh...hey,” Nyx said.  He was leaving the library, book tucked under his arm.
Ignis pursed his lips in that displeased way he had.  “Yes,” he said.  “I need to--”
“They’re closed,” Nyx said, jutting a thumb back.  “Just got kicked out myself.”  He grinned, leaning on the door.  “Not so quick now, huh?”
Ignis frowned at Nyx, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hey, come on, no need to pout.  I’m sure you’ll be up early enough that you only have to wait a few hours, right?”  Nyx tried to nudge Ignis on the arm, but he didn’t even respond.
Nyx wasn’t even sure how, but in less than a moment, the door was unlocked and opened.  A single hand reached out with a book.  Ignis reached behind Nyx and took it.  He nodded his head at it.  He didn’t even look at Nyx as he rotated on his heel and marched back the way he came.
“Anyone ever tell you that you have an attitude problem?” Nyx asked Ignis.  He was doing pull ups near where another Crownsguard was working Ignis through stretches.  Ignis looked like he was in extreme pain or simply concentrating, but he clearly ground his teeth too much.
Ignis put a finger out to flip him off.  That was with him being flipped and having his leg extended.
Nyx tried to laugh and regulate his breathing but he ended up releasing his grip.  He fell onto the mats below.  He grabbed his towel and wiped down his face.  “Wow, Scientia...you’re too much.”  He stooped down next to Ignis’s head, watching him.  “Careful Novitas doesn’t rip something.”  With his worst impression of Ignis’s Dragoon accent, he teased, “The Kingdom would fall without our favorite high-stressed gov’nor doing everything for everyone.”
“Let me...do you a favor,” Ignis said with a surprising amount of breath control.
Nyx grinned.  “Oh yeah?  You want to come over and set my pants on fire?”  Last week in training, Ignis had missed a mark and set Luche’s pants on fire.  Though Nyx had to admit it was awesome, he hadn’t let Ignis live it down.
Ignis’s face was already flushed but now he was glaring.  The way he clenched his teeth, though, it made his lips pouty and his narrowed eyes behind glasses gave him a sultry look.  Nyx tried not to notice that the guy was hotter than Ifirit’s sigh.
“No,” Ignis grunted.  “The favor is, I won’t punch you for gawking.”
Nyx grinned at him with a wide, toothy smile.  “Who’s staring?  I’m wondering if you’re almost done being stretched like taffy.  I wanted the mats for crunches and squats.”
Ignis groaned, tapping out.  “Enough, Nov!” he gasped.
“Getting limber, aren’t you?” the grinning blonde asked.  He eased Ignis’s leg down.  “One more?”  He ran his hand up and down Ignis’s back along the spine.  “Help you cool down?”
“Might put the fire out,” Ignis agreed, still giving Nyx a glare that only made him hotter.  “No, you can use the mats all around me, though.”
He tried not to think about it.  In Galahd and the rest of Lucis, it might not have been so odd to find a seventeen-year-old attractive.  In Insomnia, it was one more disconcerting thing the refugees left around them where the age of majority was twenty.  Never mind the fact Ignis clearly never thought of anything other than work and training to be better at work.  He knew he was the Prince’s future adviser, but there was enough evidence that Ignis did nearly everything for the teen and was still counted on for other things.  He overheard complaining about him speaking up at council meetings he was merely meant to take notes at and, they had the insistence of saying, the King actually discussing with the Head of Urban Development as serious advice!
Not it wasn’t so much Nyx shouldn’t find Scientia hot.  It was that he did and he knew it didn’t matter.  Fellow refugee or not, there was already murmurs of King Regis granting peerage to Ignis.  Then he wouldn’t just be an unofficial member of the royal court, he’d be a lord and there’d be an official House of Scientia.  Nyx knew that anyone that close to the royals was already too high-strung to be interested in grabbing coffee--though Ignis seemed to live of the stuff even at his age.  He’d never risk his standing for a nearly decade-older Rat who didn’t even particularly want anything.  Nyx just thought he was nice to look at.  And maybe a vampire.
As Novitas wrapped an arm around Ignis from behind, Nyx situated himself where he might watch in the mirrors if he chose to.  Between push ups, he did.  Novitas had Ignis drapped over his arm.  Ignis was bent almost double over it, hands sliding down his own legs as Novitas used his other hand to push Ignis down further.  No one should bend that easily.  No one should have Ignis in such a pliable position if he wasn’t going to do something about it.  With Novitas’s serious look, though, he clearly only had the boring workout in mind.
Ignis clearly needed to prove himself even if it was only to himself.  He was like a chocobo in a rainstorm; letting water roll of his back.  No amount of underestimation had ever caused him embarrassment.  But the impossible standards he set himself kept being held up despite how much more he stacked onto himself.
Nyx ended his last set as Ignis ended his actual cool down stretches.  He’d already thanked Novitas and they’d parted sometime before.  Libertus had ended his time on the weights, talking about his day’s best.  As he asked Nyx how much he’d done, they headed to the lockers room, Ignis trailing behind.
“I dunno...I just do ’em til I’m done.”
Ignis rattled off the numbers of pull ups, push ups, crunches, and squats Nyx had done.  He looked at their surprised faces.  “Counting habit.  When I’m working out, I’m trying not to think about anything.  Counting helps.”
Invitation Only
“Hey Nyx?” Gladiolus called, catching up to him.  “You good?”
Nyx rubbed his shoulder.  He had bandages over it.  A spell had gone wrong on the field last week and burst from his flesh.  He had electric burns down to the muscle.  He offered a grin.  “Sure, why not?”
“His Highness,” he said, always careful to be proper when not talking to Ignis or Noctis, “nearly gave himself frostbite a year or so ago.  No reason to act tough.”
Nyx shrugged with one shoulder.  “Who’s acting?”  He cuffed Gladio on the head.  “You ever stop growing?”
“If not up then out,” Gladio said, smirking as he flexed.  He was in a tanktop and the steadily filling in lines rippled like a bird’s plumage might actually in the wind.  He looked like he wanted to say something after that, but Nyx let him stew on his thoughts as he kept walking towards his neighborhood.  He actually wondered how long until Gladio refused to go further.
“So...you having a few people over for drinks and watch the Founder’s Day thing?”
“Yeah,” Nyx said.  “You wanna come?”
“Can Iggy come?”
Nyx raised his eyebrows.  “Uh, sure...why not....though, I can’t imagine he’d miss the real thing.”
Gladio shook his head.  “The Prince has finals and is going to stay in all night and prep.  Ignis is hoping he’ll see to himself and I want to give him a chance to be distracted from worrying he won’t.”
Nyx nodded.  “Well, my apartment isn’t going to compare to the Amicitia manor.  Or the Citidal apartments.”
“Ignis isn’t stuck up, you know.  You could give him a chance.”
“I’m not mean to him,” Nyx said with an incredulous look on his face.  “Boy, you really are protective of him, you know.  He probably doesn’t like all that big brother posturing, you know.”
“Sure, I know,” Gladio agreed.  “Except I’m always there to remind him to live a little.  It’d be nice if someone wanted to include him without wanting something from him.”
“I mean, he can come.  It’s no biggie.”  Nyx couldn’t quite say he didn’t want anything from Ignis.  To see the guy smile might be asking too much, though.
“Well, sure, if I tell him, he’ll never come.  Maybe you could invite him.  Let him know he’s welcome.”
Nyx frowned at that, but nodded.  “Sure...I’ll tell him about it.”
Aversion to Garlic
“What are you doing?” Ignis demanded.
Nyx looked up.  “You looked tired.  I made us coffee.”
“...what did you put in the coffee?” he asked in a careful tone.  There was some amusement there, though.
“Uh...well, it’s Ebony beans, water, chocolate flakes, honey, and...oh, yeah, I guess that’s...”  Nyx eyed Ignis carefully.  He’d been caught in the kitchens making himself a sandwich after bullshit guard duty released him way too early in the morning and caught Ignis baking.  He slid the mug over, perversely curious.  “You like to try new things?”
“Of course,” Ignis said, frowning.  “One should always look to expand their horizons.”
“Alright, well, you ever put anything in your coffee?  I know I’ve seen you only take it black from the can.”  Ignis raised his eyebrows at this, as if surprised Nyx was keeping tabs.  Or maybe it that there was any other way to have it.  Or the avoidance of answering directly.  Nyx grinned.  “So I made it how I had it back home.  You know...where I’m from.”
“In Galahd?” Ignis asked softly, picking up the mug and looking at it.  “I thought I saw spices go in.”
“Yeah...salt, pepper...garlic paste stirred in.”  Nyx smiled sheepishly.  “It’s better that way.”
“You can’t put garlic in coffee.”
“I think you’ll find I have.”  He picked up his mug, knocking it against Ignis’s.  “Drink up.”
Ignis stared into it.  “No.”
“Well, I’ll admit, a fresh clove it better.  But one sip isn’t going to kill you.”
Ignis sighed.  “I mean, I’m watching you drink it, but I swear you’re just playing a prank on me.  Maybe there’s no garlic in yours.”
Nyx snickered.  He took Ignis by the wrist, bringing his mug up and tipping a bit into mouth.  “Mmm...like Daddy used to drink.”  He released Ignis’s wrist, but used his fingers to tip the mug towards him.  “One sip,” he urged in a soft, teasing voice.  “Be brave, Crownsguard.”
Ignis looked at the mug, before meeting Nyx’s eyes.  He let him raise it to his lips, but put his other hand on Nyx’s.  He took a slow sip, still watching Nyx intently.
“Maybe not my taste but understandably good for others,” Ignis agreed softly.  He stepped back a bit, putting the distance and raising his voice to a normal tone, “I think I’ll take it plain from now on, but once can’t hurt.”  He smirked at bit at Nyx.  “I still think it’s some elaborate punishment game you’re just immune to.”
“No one’s immune to garlic, Ignis.  Enjoy it.”  Nyx turned from Ignis.  “It’s good for you.  How’s it any different from your quest to sneak veggies into the notoriously picky prince’s dessert?”
“Fair enough,” Ignis conceded easily.
“You must be poisoned.  You didn’t even argue.”  Nyx came back, putting the back of his hand to Ignis’s forehead.  “Is that a fever?  You’re burning up.”
Ignis rolled his eyes.  “Like I haven’t heard jokes on my name my whole life.  Imagine if you knew my middle name.”
“Middle?” Nyx asked.
Ignis looked embarrassed, at least for him.  He turned his head a bit even if he kept his eyes on Nyx unabashedly.  “Well, it’s a Dragoon thing.  We have a family, a personal, and a middle.  I wouldn’t be ashamed of it, but it’s dumb.”
Nyx grinned, leaning in.  “You’re full of secrets, aren’t you?”
“I don’t doubt it, Mr. Ulric.”  Ignis smirked a little.  “I don’t let many people too close.  Too close to me is too close to the prince.”
“You’re faithful,” Nyx pointed out.
“It’s love, Nyx.  I love my country and I love my job.”  Ignis looked up at the older man.  “I love Noctis, too.”  He bit his lip at the casual use of his name, but he was already that far in.  “I’ve taken care of him for so long, how could I not?”
“Yeah...” Nyx agreed.  “I know what you mean.”  He didn’t elaborate to Ignis, but his thoughts were to his sister.  “But you know that time isn’t all love is.”
“Of course not,” Ignis said with a huff.  “If the prince didn’t deserve my love, he wouldn’t have it, only my duty and follow through.”
“Still seems like it’s hard to earn those,” Nyx said.  “You think there’d ever be another person as lucky?”
Ignis smirked into his coffee.  “Sure.”  He let the casual assurance hang as he eyed Nyx with his teasing green guys.  “My best friend Gladiolus.”
Nyx nodded.  “Fair enough.”  He reached over, tapping Ignis’s chin up.  “Anyone would be a fool to try to stretch you any thinner.”  He gazed at him before moving on.
“That’s you, Ulric,” Ignis said, setting his mug down.  He flipped the timer on the oven off at four seconds and peered inside.  “Always issuing a challenge.”
“Name a time I ever do that,” Nyx demanded, only to frown.  “Alright, alright...”
Ignis huffed, pulling the pastries out.  He used the mitts to fan the steam rising off them.  “Everything you do around me is a challenge.  Even coffee.”
“Well...maybe you’re looking at it wrong.”
“I often don’t,” Ignis said carelessly.  “I tend to have an accurate idea of others’ motives and strategies.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”  Nyx sipped at his coffee.  “I must be that annoying know-it-all you think me as.”
Ignis raised his eyebrows.  “Or you find pushing me around is the best way to get me where you want me.”
Nyx startled, coughing around a bad swallow.  He set the mug down, watching Ignis’s back.  He took a careful step forward, sliding in next to him.  “You always seem to like things a bit direct so as to get it over and done with.”
“Hmmm...that would be a mostly accurate summery,” Ignis said, sprinkling powdered sugar over the pastries.
“Maybe I’m tired of you being over and done with people.  Me or otherwise.”
“You?” Ignis asked, having the slightest look of surprised as he realized Nyx was closer.  Right next to him with the heat off his body warmer than the pastries.  He shifted, turning to look up at him.  “And what more would you want from me?” he asked, no blush or nervous tremble.  Just honest, direct curiosity.
Nyx couldn’t help but look at those lips.  “For you to engage with people for the pure pleasure of their company.”
Ignis blinked at him, before breaking the moment by moving away without a word.  He pulled a linen-lined basket towards him and began to load the pastries in to bring up to Noct.  “I would have to find their company pleasurable, don’t you think?”
Nyx scowled.  “Right,” he said a bit abruptly.  He went to pick up his plate, ready to retreat.  “Unlike a Rat with too many opinions.”
Ignis let out an annoyed hum.  He lifted a pastry that had broken apart.  He took a knife to it, cutting it evenly in half.  He tipped it onto Nyx’s plate.  “I may be efficient, Mr. Ulric but I’m not boring.”  He gave Nyx his own challenging look.  “You want to order me around, make sure it keeps my interest.  Trade for the coffee.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” Nyx said irritably, turning to catch the hurt look cross Ignis’s face before it was as quickly schooled into a challenging look himself.  He winced at that, before taking a bite.  “Pretty good,” he mumbled around the crumbles and silky filling.  It had a warm, nutty flavor.
“Probably not good enough for His Highness but I try,” Ignis said, shrugging.  “Well...if you don’t want anything more, I guess I better leave for someone who always needs me to get him up and going in the morning.”
Nyx watched him leave, gap-mouthed.  Okay...never mind what he wanted.  What did Ignis want?
“I’ll kill him.”
“Sure Iggy.”
“No, I will,” he snapped.  “Slowly, too.  I’ve been working on interrogation techniques with the Marshal.  I’ve found plenty of places to put a knife that’ll bleed good but not kill or maim.  Enough of those, though...”
“Well...that’ll come in handy,” Gladiolus marveled.  “How come he never has anything useful for me?  All I got was this amazing physique.”
“You did that yourself, you swole-head.”
Nyx kept walking, not wanting to know who’d get Ignis that worked up over anything.
Animal Familiar
Nyx burst into laughter.  Ignis shot him a look from across the hall they were passing in.  Nyx shrugged, gesturing behind him.
Noctis had stopped in his walk, standing in the light of the high window.  He had none of his usual teenage scowl.  He just blinked sleepily, smiling faintly.  He looked a bit puffed in the warmth of the sunlight.
“Your cat’s distracted,” he said with a grin, gone before Ignis could throw another withering look at him.
Water Barrier
Nyx had his hand over Ignis’s on his kukri’s handle.  “I want you to feel it pass from my hand to my blade,” he instructed.
They were nearly back to front, past the usual training time, but Ignis had finally asked for something.  He was having difficulty with lightning spells and issued his own challenge to Nyx he made it look so easy.  Ignis still had problems with aim and release and the erratic electricity was the worst.  Just today, upon issuing the command, Drautos had taken a tiny bolt to his knee.  He’d limped out of there after carrying practice on as normal, wincing and using Luche and Libtertus’s help to walk as he couldn’t feel his leg.
“Come on, Scientia,” Nyx urged.  “This is the only area I’ve seen where your power outstrips your finesse.  You don’t have to be the strongest on the field.  But there’s so many people around, you run the risk of getting your guys.  No amount of battle formations is going to prevent friendly fire.”
“This fire isn’t feeling so friendly,” Ignis muttered darkly.
“You need to let failures happen,” Nyx coaxed.  “Doing it right the first time means you fall into bad habits.  Like confusing trying with succeeding.”
“You are really arrogant, you know that?” Ignis shot out.
“We’re not sparring, let alone trading barbs.  I’m here instead of showering and getting a beer.  I think I’m being fucking gracious and you’re the arrogant one,” Nyx snapped.
Ignis startled.  With that, a bolt shot out, hitting one of the stone pillars.  He looked back at Nyx.  He pulled his hand from Nyx’s, using the other, uncharged one to push his glasses up.  “My apologies.”
“I don’t want ’em,” Nyx assured him.  “Just focus.”
Ignis looked around the training yard.  It was just him and Nyx.  “Of course,” he assured him.  “I let my frustrations get the best of me.”
“The best of you is better than that,” Nyx couldn’t help but say.
“You know me so well?” Ignis inquired.
“Uh...well, I know the standards you hold for yourself...they’re not easy.”  Nyx shifted a little so it was less like Ignis was in his arms.  He took his fist, placing it at the center of Ignis’s gravity above his navel.  The teen had started to shoot up in height.  Already tall, he was squeezing a few more inches out of what was left of puberty.  Nyx started to wonder if he’d end up towering like his best friend.  At seventeen, Ignis was nearly Nyx’s full height.
He swallowed, trying to ignore his thoughts of how neither would strain into a kiss.  At least physically.  The emotional, societal burden was insurmountable he decided.  Had to conclude and be done with.  This attraction was getting out of hand and it was so one-sided he’d started to consider his friends were right.  He was stalking the damn kid.
“F-feel right here,” Nyx said, only the slightest waver in his voice.  Ignis stiffened at it, but relaxed as Nyx went on, “I want you to be a storm.  Gather, pull, twist and turn in place.  Build it up.  Draw from every bit but keep it here.  Then...”  His hand went from fist to open palm, cupping the taut muscles of the Dragoon and dragging his hand up over his chest.  “Direct it,” he ordered quietly, “only a little.  You hold that storm in place,” he said, other fist going back to the spot.
He now had both arms around Ignis.  Nyx was pressed against him, their different body types fitting together well.  He kept his head turned slightly, chin barely resting against the back of Ignis’s shoulder.  His open palm continued to run, curving with Ignis’s defined curves.  “You are bringing forth one bolt,” he reminded him.  “You aren’t separating it, though.”  He gently ground his fist in a little.  “Connected to your storm, but seeking grounding.  You are connected.  Your aim is to find the easiest root from your storm to your target.”  His hand ran over Ignis’s pectoral, fingers trailing a little high to touch the exposed skin of Ignis’s collarbone for a moment, but moving on.
His hand continued its path.  From Ignis’s shoulder to arm, down, down, slow and direct.  Nyx shifted, pressing as close as he could, breath its own heat cloud against Ignis’s ear.  His hand turned, running over the inside of Ignis’s wrist before the final rest, wrists pressed together.  Ignis still had Nyx’s kukri closed in his his hand.
“Release,” Nyx guided, directly yet soft.
Ignis released a single blast that as quickly webbed out and enveloped the pillar, turning it into a beacon.  Both had to shut their eyes, but Ignis held strong as he overwhelmed it with his entire charge.  Behind eyelids, they could see it get brighter still before plunging them into darkness.
Ignis was breathing heavily, obviously worn out.  Both kept their eyes shut, but Ignis shifted in Nyx’s arms.  He handed him back his knife and turned, his own hand drawing over Nyx’s chest.  He was quicker with his movements and it came to rest in the crook of Nyx’s neck.
Nyx felt charged lips near his.  His hand gripped at fabric, holding Ignis close to him but not moving closer.
A crash of thunder startled them apart.
Ignis gasped and Nyx yelped.  But it was a real storm.  The exposed air of the training grounds let in the storm above and rain started to fall on them.
Ignis dove for cover, but it was harder to tell if it was from the rain or the man that stood in it, watching him go.
“There are eyes everywhere, Scientia,” Nyx murmured, holding an impassive look.  He had guard duty for a delegation of scholars that wanted to discuss crystal magic.  They mostly wanted to implore the king again to ask him was it wise to let the Rats steal pieces.  That the Kingsglaive would be the guard was by design.
Ignis wasn’t looking at him.  But he was wondering close to Nyx.  He’d been asked to the meeting personally by the king and had stood up, impassioned in his argument that the Kingsglaive was not only necessary, but in favor of King Regis’s duty to his people.  The scholars had argued back that first and foremost, the King had to duty to the crystal itself.  The heart of their star resided in it and needed to be protected above any people.
Drautos and Leonis, rarely on the same page of anything, had taken their time to both argue.  The Marshal had pointed out His Majesty must protect his lineage to continue protecting the crystal.  Both Ignis and King Regis had shared a mutual look of distress at summing up Prince Noctis’s purpose as a progenitor for more servants to the crystal but neither had voiced it.
Drautos had merely spat out there wouldn’t be a crystal to protect if Nifleheim was allowed to snuff the lands out.  “There’s hardly a star, let alone its heart, if there’s no people to stand upon it and receive its blessing, right?”
The meeting wasn’t futile but it was frustrating.  No one walked away happy.
But Ignis wasn’t walking away.
Nyx had put a healthy space between him and Ignis.  As in always several floors away if possible, as he’d started to make himself unavailable.  Ignis hadn’t acted as if he’d noticed, but he now shot Nyx a questioning look over his glasses.  Nyx merely stood at attention, eyes gazing past him.
Pushing them up, Ignis gathered up his papers and put them in his briefcase.  He pulled on his tie, loosening it a bit.  He walked past Nyx without another word.
Only once the meeting room was empty did he finally relax his stance.  And look at the tiny paper pressed into his hand.
Meet me after dark.
Nyx wasn’t sure where or why or should or even could.  He didn’t know where Ignis went when he wasn’t working.  He certainly didn’t know what he wanted.  Not really.  The almost kiss, if that’s what it was going to be, had worn him out.  He hadn’t even thought about it.  It was too much to consider so he hadn’t.  He just avoided it and avoided Ignis.  Now he was summoning him.  Where?  Who knows.  When?  Dark was relative.  He was in the dark now.  Why?  To be threatened and yelled at?  To be grabbed and kissed?  To be lectured about propriety and laws and how a royal retainer and a soldier with nine years difference and from two completely different backgrounds were not meant to have so many run-ins?  Should he go and assure him it was a moment they’d both read wrong?  Could he really face those wide, searching eyes and listen to the berating from those pouty, full lips?
He went home.  He went home and changed and fed himself, and even got some of the chores he’d let slide.  He distracted himself.  Then he groomed himself, checking his braids and washing his face.  He dabbed on cologne and changed his shirt.  He frowned at his reflection.  He stopped dawdling and caught the train back to the Citidal.
He walked towards it with purposeful steps even if his mind was blank of any strategy.  He stopped short, though, seeing that Ignis always had a plan.
The rain had continued to fall for the last week.  Nyx had shrugged on a raincoat with a hood, but Ignis stood in his partial suit under an umbrella.  He was off to the side, at the foot of the steps.  He turned this way and that, looking like he was trying not to look so obviously looking.  But Nyx stared.
He was too much.  Too cute in his obviousness.  Too young in his unabashed forwardness.  Too out of his league in his poise and elegance even under duress.  He was too much of a bad idea.
Nyx approached, boots splashing in the rain.  Ignis still hadn’t noticed him even if he made no attempts at stealth.  But his mouth wasn’t working right, so he didn’t call out.  Nyx reached Ignis.  Ignis looked up at him, surprised and unable to force his expression to something neutral.  Nyx didn’t even pause, reaching Ignis, closing a hand around Ignis’s back, and pulling them close together under the umbrella.  It was a tight squeeze.  Ignis continued to look at Nyx, not hiding his thoughts so well.  He was wanting.  Nyx wanted it back.
They met into the kiss, neither making the first move.  Ignis’s freehand went to tangle into Nyx’s hair, stroking at braids and petting down to his nape.  They opened their mouths to each other.  They kissed until breaking apart.
Nyx was hugging Ignis, though, so they didn’t move more than their faces.  Ignis ran his hand over Nyx’s scruffy beard.  His expression was thoughtful, soft, still wanting but only more now instead of unchecked yearning.  Nyx watched Ignis with something akin to hope as his fingers traced patterns across Ignis’s shoulders.
Nyx closed his eyes for a long moment as he sucked in a stuttered breath.  Can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, never ran through his head.  Ignis’s next kiss only tasted like yes.
They made out in the rain, not sure where this was going and what they’d have to do to keep it.  But Nyx did have the presence of mind to run his tongue over Ignis’s teeth.  Just to check.
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Magic and Miracles
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Ok so since Tumblr is being cool and offering my own posts back to me with the read more intact. Let’s try this again. 
Magic and Miracles, all the way from the beginning. Because I’m feeling nostalgic, that’s why. Also I’m slightly recasting. As always, Johan Akan as Nyx Ulric. Now featuring Liza Soberano as Selena Ulric. The ever lovely Nastya Kusakina as Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Alex Pettyfer as Ravus Nox Fleuret because when I think of pretty blonde guys who can both be douche bags and have some character development and turn out into sweetheart hearthrobs, I think of Alex Pettyfer, I’m taking creative license. And Greg Blackford as Luche, I can’t recast him. He’s too perfect and pretty. And Heather Graham will be playing Sylva Nox Fleuret, that’s a good looking family right there. 
So again you can read it here-> AO3 or below. 
Magic and Miracles
Chapter 1
Nyx was walking into school with his little sister Selena, his best friends – Libertus, Crowe, Pelna and Luche before they saw a white limo pull up in front of the school.
“What kind of pretentious ass-wipes do we have now?” Crowe complained, her irritation and disgust clear.
The rear driver’s side door opened and a tall blonde guy came out, polo shirt that looked pressed and khaki slacks and just everything about him screamed prep, his posture was proud and the unimpressed expression he carried on his face was to those who looked on- was hardly surprising. He walked around the car to open the car door on the passenger side and opened it, offering his hand to the occupant in a very gentlemanly like manner. A slender, almost fragile hand reached out and grasped it. Nyx stood still, barely breathing, as a blonde girl, hair as brilliant as sunshine stepped out, it was in a twisted side braid and the prettiest blush dusted her cheeks as she came out of the car. She happened to look in his direction and their eyes locked and for that moment, while minuscule to everyone else, it seemed to stretch until it felt that time had stopped. Her big blue eyes were hypnotizing, then she smiled bashfully at him before she ducked her head and stole into the guy’s side as she took his arm before he escorted her into the school.
“Uh oh,” Libertus teased before giving a playful punch to Nyx’s arm to break him out of his trance.
“What?” Nyx blinked rapidly a few times before he turned to his friends who were snickering.
“Damn, Nyx, one look, one look,” Libertus teased.
“I’ll bet you ten bucks he’s smitten,” Crowe crooned.
“Shut up,” Nyx dismissed as he shrugged it off and began to walk into school.
“You better not be man,” Luche muttered, being the only one not snickering.
“Why?” Selena asked before Nyx could.
“Dude, have you not heard the rumors? That was probably Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, and that was her brother, Ravus Nox Fleuret, their family owns Miracle Hospital.” Luche informed them.
“What’s she doing here then?” Nyx asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Well, the last I heard, their mom wanted her kids to have a ‘well rounded’ education. Looks better on a resume apparently.” Luche shrugged.
“Well here’s to hoping we’ll get new uniforms,” Libertus chuckled as they all made their way into school.
When they walked past the office, he could see Lunafreya and her brother talking with Principal Regis Caelum. It was when Lunafreya was talking to the Principal that he saw her smile and his heart fluttered and he could feel himself swoon and his steps slowed to a stop as he stared through the windows of the office. It was almost odd since Lunafreya had now taken Regis’ arm like he was now escorting her and the way she looked up to him, the adoring bright smile was completely unlike the way any other girl looked at the Principal before, almost like the way a little girl would look up to her loving and doting father. Which didn’t make much sense, Principal Caelum only had one son unless she was like a niece? She must have been his niece, because it was such a familial smile that Principal Caelum and Lunafreya both smiled at each other with. But it was such a gorgeous smile nonetheless.
“Oh, Nyx Ulric.” Principal Caelum said as he escorted them out of the office.
“Yes sir?” Nyx answered shaking his head out trance.
“Ravus, Lunafreya, meet Nyx Ulric, he’s our quarterback and captain for our football team, he should be more than happy to show you around and to your classes.” Principal Caelum invited before he reached into his suit coat jacket pocket to pull out his note pad and wrote Nyx a pass to excuse him from all tardiness from all of his classes for the day.
“Sure,” Nyx nodded. ‘Jackpot!’ Nyx thought to himself he just had the best excuse to get closer to her.
“Excellent, if either of you have any questions or concerns my door is always open,” Regis invited before shaking Ravus’ hand with one hand while Luna had taken Regis arm and was practically glued to it and Luna hugged his arm before he wrapped his arm around her and they hugged each other from the side before he, out of habit and not thinking twice about it, kissed Lunafreya on the crown of her head. Oh yeah, she had to be his niece. And only barely registering her brother roll his eyes and glare at both of them in disgust. “Have a good day Sweetheart.” Regis bid Lunafreya who nodded eagerly and flashed the brightest of smiles back at him.
“Will do, I’ll come to you at the end of the day and give you a full report.” Luna offered with a light and melodic laugh that had Principal Caelum crinkling his nose at her. Oh yeah, doting uncle. Nyx had to be on his best behavior.
“So, what classes do you guys have?” Nyx asked once Regis retreated back to the office.
“AP Chemistry,” Ravus answered.
“Biology,” Lunafreya answered.
“Awesome, well, Ravus your class will be just up the hall,” Nyx invited as he turned to lead the way.
“So what brings you to Lucis High?” Nyx began curiously.
“Our mother insists on us having a well rounded education,” Ravus answered aloofly. “Personally, I prefer Tenebrae Prep or even Niflheim Academy.” Ravus added.
“I think it’s a great idea to come here,” Lunafreya countered softly.
“Yeah?” Nyx asked, as he turned his head to consider her curiously.
“Tenebrae Prep and especially Niflheim Academy has nothing but elitist snobs who are sheltered in bubbles of their own making who have no idea how the world really works.” Lunafreya professed softly, Nyx had to strain his ears just to hear her over the general roar of the throngs of students. But while her words were softly spoken, they were still quite astounding and Nyx found himself agreeing with that sentiment because he felt the same way.
“You’re just repeating what mother said,” Ravus retorted snidely.
“Doesn’t mean she’s wrong.” Lunafreya argued quietly before they came to Ravus’ class.
“Go break a leg.” Luna bid Ravus and Ravus just rolled his eyes as he walked into class.
“Sorry,” Luna apologized to Nyx once Ravus walked away.
“What are you apologizing for?” Nyx asked as they turned and Nyx led the way to their class.
“For him, he’s the biggest elitist snob I know.” Lunafreya murmured lowly with a playful grin as she walked a little closer to him so he could hear her before she reestablished their distance. Even so, Nyx got a good whiff of her perfume. It was sweet and floral and it took all of Nyx’s self control not to breathe in as deep as he could to try and smell it some more.
“Oh I’ve met worse.” Nyx dismissed.
“Gosh I would hate to meet worse.” Lunafreya grimaced with a soft laugh. Everything about this girl was soft and Nyx felt himself completely swoon. She wasn’t even wearing makeup and goodness gracious she was still so pretty. Model Pretty. 
“So what other classes do you have?” Nyx inquired curiously as he mentally tried to map out his route for the day.
“Oh um, after biology, I have social studies, algebra, history and then I have second lunch then there is gym, drama and study hall.” Lunafreya listed off from her schedule.
“Awesome, we actually have some classes together,” Nyx grinned.
“We do? Which ones?” Lunafreya asked, the light of her enthusiasm making her eyes shine bright.
“Well, we have biology then lunch, gym and drama together.” Nyx informed her.
“Awesome,” Lunafreya grinned happily.
“So, Luna-freya was it?” Nyx started, slowly enunciating her name.
“Just Luna, please, my friends call me Luna, only adults and my brother call me Lunafreya.” Luna insisted. “I don’t care for it.” Luna shrugged.
“Why?” Nyx inquired.
“Because my full name sounds pretentious and stuffy and blah,” Luna made a disgusted face which Nyx found utterly adorable.
“Ok, well Luna, here we are,” Nyx said as he nodded toward their first class. “After you,” Nyx invited as he gestured for her to walk in first taking advantage of her walking in front of him so he could get one more lungful of her perfume.
“Thank you,” Luna ducked her head as her cheeks stained rose again as she tried to hide her smile.
“Luna?” Noctis said as he saw her walk into the class.
“Noct!” Luna gasped happily as she quickly jogged over to him and the two hugged each other tightly like they hadn’t seen each other in years.
“What are you doing here?” Noctis asked as they pulled away.
“Remember when I told you about my birthday wish and mom’s idea? Yeah, that,” Luna excitedly informed him.
“Awesome!” Noctis cheered before the two began their super friend handshake. “You’re so sitting next to me, Prompto, move over bud,” Noctis directed.
“Nice to see you again Prompto,” Luna greeted as they too hugged but not quite as tightly as Noctis and Luna had.
“Princess.” Prompto grinned as he moved over. Luna rolled her eyes but smiled none the less as she sat down.
“Please don’t call me that here,” Luna requested of Prompto.
‘Dammit,’ Nyx cursed inwardly as he hung his head in defeat and walked to the back of the class where Libertus could barely contain his laughter.
“Shut up,” Nyx murmured under his breath he took his seat.
“Aww, poor Noctis stole her away already,” Libertus pouted sarcastically.
Nyx glared at him in return.
“So what classes do you have?” Noctis asked Luna.
“See for yourself.” Luna invited as she handed her schedule over to him.
“Sweet, we have most of your morning classes together and lunch, oh and drama, for the win!” Noctis raised his hand to give Luna a high five.
“Ok, settle down class, we have a new student with us today. Would you like to introduce yourself?” The teacher invited.
“Hi, I’m Luna,” Luna said as she quickly stood up, waved a little to everyone before she sat back down.
“Oh come on, all of it,” Noctis prodded as he grabbed her arm and shook her gently. Luna was so tense it made to motion look more forceful than it was as her whole body seemed to move stiffly with the motion. Nyx frowned at the gesture, wanting to rip Noctis’ arm off in a flare of his temper which he quickly stamped down. It wouldn’t be a wise idea to rip the Principal’s son’s arm off. And who was he to be so protective of a girl he just met?
“No,” Luna hissed.
“This is my best friend, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret,” Noctis introduced proudly. Luna ducked and covered her face as she blushed scarlet. Nyx could see her ears turn bright red as he imagined the rest of her face to be as well.
“Idiot,” Nyx mumbled under his breath as he rolled his eyes. Was Noctis blind? Could he not see how embarrassed she was? Before he realized that Noctis said ‘best friend’ not ‘cousin’. Ok this wasn’t adding up anymore and Nyx suddenly worried that Noctis and Luna perhaps were ‘friends with benefits’ and that thought made him sick to his stomach and he couldn’t say why exactly. Maybe she was dating Noctis? And Principal looked at her like a future daughter in law? That made him even sicker.
“Also known as Princess,” Prompto added loudly.
“No, no, please don’t,” Luna spoke up, panic evident in her tone as she shook her head before giving Prompto a glare that could freeze lava. Luna then gave Prompto a jab in his side with her elbow in retaliation.
“Ow,” Prompto gasped as he rubbed his side.
“Alright, that’s enough, Luna, this is your textbook, we’re in chapter 14,” the teacher started to teach the class.
After class Noctis went up to Nyx. “Hey Nyx, I have the next few classes with Luna so I can walk her to those, ok? See you at lunch.” Noctis said.
“Sure man,” Nyx smiled politely.
“Bummer,” Libertus snickered as Noctis walked away.
Nyx shot Libertus another glare and simply went to his next class.
At lunch, Nyx wasn’t surprised in the slightest when Noctis continued to keep Luna by his side, moving his friends around so he could sit right next to her. So close their sides were touching and shared their food with each other as well as Noctis’ friends who all seemed very happy to see her and have her with them. She was talking with Ignis about something… about her phone before she handed it over to him. She must have been having issues with it. But when Ignis had solved whatever the matter was, Gladio took it from Ignis and held it just out of Luna’s reach.
“Give it back!” Luna demanded as she tried to get it out of Gladio’s hold.
“I just want to see your wall paper Princess,” Gladio waved off.
“I said,” Luna bit out before she got up, marched around the table and reached out and grabbed his ear and twisted it violently.
“Ow! Ow, ow, ow!” Gladio yelped as his towering frame crumpled from the pain.
Luna held out her palm expectantly and Gladio laid her phone into her palm before she grasped it and let go of Gladio with a victorious smile. Nyx smiled to himself. Gladio was a tower of muscle but he deserved what he got for messing with her. Ok so maybe she wasn’t all soft, she had an edge or two, he could definitely dig that.
After lunch Nyx walked Luna to the girls locker room for gym.
“So how is your first day treating you?” Nyx asked as they strolled down the hall.
“Treating me just fine,” Luna assured him.
“Having trouble with Gladio?” Nyx asked.
“You saw that huh? He’s...harmless, he’s just being...himself.” Luna shook her head as she waived it off.
“I can make him do extra push ups.” Nyx offered.
“Oh that’s right, quarterback and captain of the football team,” Luna recalled. “It’s ok, don’t worry about it. But I’ll keep that in mind the next time Gladio decides to be a jerk, I’ll have extra ammunition.” Luna grinned mischievously and Nyx found that grin out right enchanting. “Thank you, by the way for escorting me today,” Luna graciously thanked him.
“You’re welcome, happy to help.” Nyx said as he stopped just short of the girls locker room before he turned and went to the boys locker room himself.
He tried not to stare at her when she stretched, clearly doing the splits as she did so.
“Damn girl,” Crowe remarked.
“Ballet,” Luna tried to explain as she pointed her toes to deepen the stretch.
“Oh I gotcha ya,” Crowe nodded in understanding.
Nyx smirked as he continued to stretch, so she was a ballerina, he could definitely see that. She had the slender physique and grace of one. It was also evident in the way she ran, it wasn’t so much a run as it was bouncing and leaping from foot to foot. It looked beautiful. But she had very little hand eye coordination. They practiced basketball and she could barely dribble or shoot the ball.
The big surprise came in drama when everyone gave their own little performance. She had taken out her notebook, perhaps to recite poetry.
“Luna, Luna, play Hallelujah!” Noctis begged. “Play and sing,” he insisted as he shook her arms again.
Luna huffed in defeat and got up and went to the keyboard and selected the piano setting. She was blushing again, giving her pale complexion such a beautiful contrast. She squared her shoulders, sitting up straight but keeping her focus down at the keyboard and laid her hands on the keys and began to play the familiar melody. She slowly swayed a little to the rhythm, causing the wisps of hair that had fallen out of her braid to sway as she did so.
“I heard there was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the Lord.” Luna began softly as she focused on the keys, trying to block out the rest of the class as they quietly talked among themselves before the teacher shushed them.
“But you don’t really care for music do you?” Luna continued in the same soft tone before she looked up at Noctis who was smiling and nodding at her, trying to encourage her.
“Well it goes like this. The fourth, the fifth. The minor fall and the major lift. The baffled king composing Hallelujah.” Luna sang out much stronger as she found her voice’s sweet spot. And everyone’s eyes got wide as they all seemed to realize the girl had a hell of a voice and had already been classically trained.
“Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelu-oooh-ooh-oooh-ooh-ya,” Luna closed her eyes for a moment, as a gently smile played on her lips, the class was silent except for the sound of her playing the piano and her singing.
“Your faith was strong but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof. Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you.” Luna sang as she chanced a look up at Nyx. He was staring in awe and he instinctively gave her an encouraging smile and nod. She smiled shyly in return before she looked back down at the keys.
Nyx couldn’t believe his eyes or ears, God she had to be an angel, she had to be. How could she not be? She was kind and sweet and gracious and funny and so pretty, he was definitely smitten, beyond smitten. God and she was so talented! Was there anything this girl didn’t have or couldn’t do? Then the tone of the song made as her face change to that of sadness and her tone was filled with such moving emotion, everyone seemed to forget that they were watching a student and not a professional singer.
“She tied you to a kitchen chair. She broke your throne, and she cut your hair.” Luna’s face morphed into one of pain and agony as her voice began to crack like she was in real physical pain as Luna tried to just imagine she was at home alone playing and singing and not in front of a class of strangers and her new instant crush, which made her so nervous, she wanted him to like her, so much, she didn’t know why she did either, she just...did, she wanted to impress him, make sure he knew that she was smart and kind and funny and she had tried to get him to laugh but she did get a grin and a smile and they had been beautiful and she didn’t care if she made a little bit of a fool of herself. God he was so handsome and so far had been nice and sweet and careful around her, almost like he instinctively knew she was a fish out of water and awkward that that was ok, she just...she felt safe around him. Which is something she hadn’t felt around guys other than Noctis and his friends in forever. She almost didn’t recognize the feeling but when she did, she was so pleasantly surprised and longed for more.“And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah,” Luna continued. “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelu-oooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ya.”
“Baby, I’ve been here before, I’ve seen this room and I’ve walked this floor. I used to live alone before I knew you. Well I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch. But love is not a victory march. It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah!” Luna cried out, her sorrow temporarily replaced with anger as she sang the last two verses and finding a raspy growling edge to her voice as Nyx’s eyebrows nearly shot up into his hair line, he wasn’t expecting that, that was surprising but thrilling. “Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelu-oooh-ooh-oooh-ooh-ya.” Luna continued to sing before her key change.
“I did my best, it wasn't much. I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch. I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you. And even though it all went wrong, I'll stand before the Lord of Song. With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah!” Luna sang forcefully.
“Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelu-oooh-ooh-oooh-ooh-ya.” Luna sang acapella her eyes closed serenely as she did so before playing the piano again. “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelu-ooh-ooh-oooh-ooh-ya, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelu-ooh-ooh-oooh-oooh-ya.” Luna sang as she continued to look at the keyboard, not being brave enough to look up at her classmates, too afraid to look up at Nyx, what if he thought she sounded horrible? What if he hated it? What if he didn’t like her singing? What if he didn’t like her? She faded her voice before she ended the song and was about ready to cry, her thoughts spinning and running away from her. But the whole class erupted in applause, whistles and cheers that it made Luna snap her head up as she looked at them in surprise, as she jumped in her own skin a little, not used to that kind of outburst but when she noticed that it was Noctis and Nyx who were cheering the loudest and clapping the hardest and the smile of relief that quickly donned her face and the small, soft giggle left her as she bashfully had to look down at the keys and wondered if the class wanted to hear something else.
“Are you in choir?” The drama teacher asked.
“No,” Luna shook her head.
“You should be,” The drama teacher encouraged.
“Thanks.” Luna smiled.
“Nyx,” The teacher called out. Nyx grabbed his special deck of cards and walked to the front of the class, gently and “accidentally” bumped into Luna as she made her way back to her table she shared with Noctis and Prompto before shuffling the deck in these very elaborate ways.
“Noctis, help me out,” Nyx invited and Nocits rose and stood next to Nyx.
“Pick a card,” Nyx invited as he spread the deck out and Noctis chose his card.
“Show the class if you want.” Nyx suggested and Noctis showed a king of spades before he put it back into the deck.
“Did you like your card?” Nyx asked as he began to re-shuffle the deck.
“Yeah man,” Noctis nodded.
“Good,” Nyx said before he held up a joker card. “Was this your card?” Nyx asked.
“No,” Noctis shook his head with a laugh as he perceived the trick going wrong.
“Huh, maybe Luna has it.” Nyx grinned and the class looked over to see Luna pick her hands up off the table in a ‘I surrender’ motion, a playing card underneath her sleeve on the table.
Luna’s jaw dropped as she picked the card up and looked at it before turning it around to show the class- the king of spades.
“How?! How did you do that?” Noctis demanded as he went over to Luna to get the card from her.
“Magic,” Nyx smiled victoriously as he took the card back and took his seat again.
Luna continued to stare at him in amazement before she got her notebook out and wrote down something before turning her attention to the next performer in class. Luna bumped into Nyx on their way out of class giving him a knowing smile as she did so before she went with Nocits who showed her where the library was so she could attend study hall. Nyx went to his next class and sat down before he heard the crinkle of paper in his back pocket. He reached out and pulled out a little note. Nyx looked at the folded piece of paper in curious amusement. Noting the definitely feminine way his name was written before unfolding the intricate folds.
‘Thank you Nyx, for helping me today. P.S. I know exactly how you did it. But don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Let me know if I can help again. Sincerely Luna.’ Nyx smiled wide as he reread it over a few times. He refolded it carefully and put it into his pocket, his front one this time for safe keeping.
Nyx watched as Luna and her brother walked out of school and into the limo that was waiting for them. Luna caught his eye and flashed him a bright smile and a small waive which he returned before she got in the car.
“Ready for practice?” Libertus asked as he nodded to the football field.
“Yeah, sure thing.” Nyx nodded.
“So why do you guys call Luna- Princess?” Nyx asked Gladio as they did push ups together.
“Oh it’s what her dad used to call her all the time,” Gladio explained.
“Used to?” Nyx inquired.
“Yeah man, he died, of cancer, like five years ago, we all keep calling her Princess in memory of him, and we’ve all been friends since we were little, her dad was a real cool dude, she misses him a bunch, and she’s practically been adopted by Uncle Regis, and she’s practically adopted him too, calls him ‘Dad’ and everything, pisses Ravus right off every time she does.” Gladio explained between push ups.
“Oh, then why doesn’t she want to be referred to as that anymore?” Nyx asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
“Well, especially in this school, no one knows about any of that, I think she’s afraid people will assume she’s a spoiled brat, which, I mean she kind of is spoiled, you saw the limo right? But she’s not a brat, not even close. Her brother though, he’s the spoiled brat through and through. But keep that to yourself man,” Gladio urged with his own scheming and knowing grin. Having picked up on Nyx’s interest at lunch. And Gladio knew Luna well enough that he knew Nyx and Luna would be really good together so he would do all he could to steer Nyx her way. Nyx was the hero, always, and that’s exactly what Luna needed.
“I will,” Nyx nodded as they finished their rep. Now all of it made much more sense. Well they weren’t related by blood but they were basically family, and that meant that she practically was, for all intensive purposes, Principal Regis Caelum’s daughter. Ok, that made him a little nervous and felt a little inadequate, he was on good terms with him, was a pretty good student, but he felt like he should be asking Principal Caelum for “permission” to date his “daughter”. But he then started to worry again about the ‘friends with benefits’ thing again.
When Nyx got home, Selena was sitting on the couch watching TV. “Hey, how was practice?” Selena asked, happy he had made it home because she could barely contain her excitement another second.
“Fine, how was your day?” Nyx mirrored.
“Good, I made a new friend today, we made plans to hang out Saturday. She also helped me with my homework, got it done in study hall so I didn’t have any when I got home.” Selena baited with a scheming grin. 
“Oh yeah?” Nyx asked as he crashed on the couch with her.
“Yeah, she’s really nice, explained geometry better than Mr. Hills ever could.” Selena grinned wider and waited for Nyx to ask the inevitable. But Nyx was too tired at the moment. Selena frowned, wanting so badly to tell him her ‘news’.
“You’re not going to ask me who it is?” Selena finally asked.
“Should I?” Nyx asked as he turned his head to consider her curiously.
“I don’t know, I would think you would care if she came over to the house, considering she also told me about how you threatened Gladio with extra whatever for messing with her. She thought that was really sweet. She also, took a personal interest in me asked me what I wanted for a career and what college I was thinking of going to.” Selena explained as she started to smile even more mischievously.
“L-Luna? The new girl we saw this morning?” Nyx asked, suddenly much more alert as he angled himself toward her and leaned toward her expectantly as his heart started to pound in his chest.
“Luna, blonde hair, big blue eyes, really pretty and bright smile, totally your type? Yes, and I may have informed her that I was your little sister.” Selena teased as she got up and went to the kitchen to get another Gatorade.
“And?!” Nyx asked, he couldn’t help himself, he happily jumped right into her trap.
“And then it was 20 questions,” Selena giggled at the look on her brother’s face as she tossed him a Gatorade.
“What did she ask? What did you tell her?” Nyx demanded. Oh his luck could not get any better. She was interested in him enough to ask about him! This had to be a good sign.
“Oh gosh, we talked about your music tastes, which she, by a giant surprise, knew just about all your favorite bands and had been to their concerts this past summer with Noctis and his friends. And then we talked about your football career and wondered if you were going to go on to play professionally and wanted to know your college choices. And then it was what was your favorite food and your favorite everything else and blah blah blah.” Selena waved off. “I think she really likes you.” Selena ventured.
“You think so? Are you just saying that to mess with me?” Nyx asked. 
“I would say you like her too, by the way you kept staring at her.” Selena ventured.
Nyx hung his head. “Yeah a lot of good it’s going to do, Noctis has been hanging all over her all day, they are practically an item.” Nyx informed his sister as his head hung and his shoulders slouched.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Selena smiled evilly.
Nyx’s head shot up and fixed her with an expectant look.
“Do the dishes for me, and I’ll tell you.” Selena brokered.
Nyx groaned in frustration and pulled himself off the couch and went back to the kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher before reloading it and turned it on. He went back to the couch and sat next to his sister and folded his arms over his chest.
“Spill,” Nyx ordered.
“Ok, so I asked her about her relationship with Noctis and she said that they were just strictly platonic friends, like best friends and that they’ve known each other since they were little kids and that she stayed with him when he was hospitalized as a kid when he was in that horrible car accident and they’re more like brother and sister than anything and that she’s actually single.” Selena divulged. “But she was, I believe I would use the term – delighted- to hear that you’re single too.” Selena revealed with a bright beaming smile of her own.
Nyx’s eyes went wide as his jaw dropped. “No way,” Nyx breathed in disbelief as his hopes soared.
“Yeah so like maybe get to know her, keep walking her to class, see what happens.” Selena encouraged.
Nyx smiled and gave a small cheer of himself. Oh this could not get any better! “I will do just that.” Nyx vowed before he got up and went to his room to do his homework at his desk.
Once in his room, he shut the door and sat down at his desk and took the note out of his pocket and carefully unfolded it again to read it again. He set it aside and tried to focus on his homework but it took him forever to complete it because he kept looking from his homework to the note. He had to reciprocate. He needed to do something for her but he had no idea what.
Back at the Nox Fleuret’s residence, Luna had emerged from her room for snacks and was dancing around the kitchen as she cut up an apple and sliced some cheese and got a bunch of grapes, lip syncing her music. She ducked into the pantry to get crackers and when she emerged Ravus was standing in the kitchen with a friend he had made that day. Luna screamed and jumped as she dropped the box to the floor at the sudden appearance of them.
“Ravus! You scared me!” Luna scolded as she pulled the earphones out from her ears and put her hand over her heart to calm its racing rhythm.
“I’ve been talking to, if you stopped listening to that pop and rap crap you would have heard us.” Ravus retorted as he and his friend tried and failed to control their snickering laughter. “Could you please make us sandwiches?” Ravus requested.
Luna looked from Ravus to the guy standing next to him curiously then to back to Ravus.
“Lunafreya, this is Luche, he’s in most of my AP courses.” Ravus introduced as he realized she may not know his new friend yet, but knowing she should get to know him sooner than later.
“Lovely to meet you, please, call me Luna,” Luna greeted cordially as she regained her composure and shook Luche’s hand. “Would you like a sandwich as well?” Luna asked politely.
“If it’s not a bother,” Luche ventured.
“No, it’s not a bother, she loves to cook and host,” Ravus answered for Luna.
Luna cut her eyes at her brother for a brief second before turning back to Luche to try and save face. “It’s no bother at all, we have turkey, a couple different kinds of ham and roast beef and I have white, wheat and I think rye bread.” Luna explained as she went to the fridge to get out what she needed.
“So...” Luna began as she continued to gather her ingredients. “What do you like on your sandwich?” Luna asked.
“Chef’s choice, I’ll refer to your superior and refined tastes.” Luche smiled as he took a seat next to Ravus as they sat at the breakfast bar as he watched her appreciatively, not being the only one to be instantly smitten at sight of her that morning.
Luna smiled politely at that, goodness gracious, he was laying on the flattery a little thick wasn’t he? Right out of the gate too, she got the feeling Luche was going to pursue her as hard as he could and that made her feel dread. She didn’t want him. He was handsome and obviously charming but that feeling of safety that she felt with Nyx was non existent with him. In fact, she very much felt like prey and she felt on edge and could feel his eyes on her. She went back to the fridge to get out her favorite ingredients before she went to an herb planter in the kitchen window. She snipped a few herbs off before going back to the cutting board and assembling her own favorite sandwich before she plated it artfully and presented it to Luche.
“Thank you, so much.” Luche smiled as he graciously took it from her.
Luna nodded as she went back to make Ravus his preferred sandwich of turkey, lettuce, tomato and mayo on white. She went ahead and plated her snacks before she started to put her ingredients away before Luche practically moaned.
“Good?” Luna guessed as she shot him a curious look over her shoulder with a hopeful smile. 
“Oh this is extraordinary,” Luche praised. “What did you put on this?” Luche asked.
“Oh, um, smoked honey ham, arugula cause it’s spicy and sweet basil for extra flavor, and I used an heirloom tomato and this probably overpriced sandwich sauce...” Luna listed off before she showed Luche the bottle. Luche took his phone out and snapped a picture of it so he could find it for himself.
“Smile,” Luche prodded as he focused the camera on her. Luna indulged him and posed with the bottle herself like she was a model on the price is right.
“I’m happy you like it,” Luna grinned as she took a seat on the other side of Ravus, putting him between her and his new ‘friend’ to eat her snack. “So you're in the same classes as Ravus?” Luna asked politely, no use in being rude and get accused as a frigid bitch by her brother, again.
“Yeah, we take a lot of the same AP courses.” Luche answered.
“Wow,” Luna nodded, ok so he was smart. “So what college do you want to go to?” Luna asked civilly.
“Harvard.” Luche answered and Luna wanted to snort a laugh. Every ‘smart’ person wanted to go to Harvard. Ravus included.
“Well I hope you get in, maybe you and Ravus can be roommates.” Luna remarked with a dry humored sense of sarcasm that Ravus immediately picked up on and gave her an unimpressed side glance but it went right over Luche’s head and he thought she was being sincere.
“Where do you want to go to college at?” Luche mirrored.
“My mom wants me to go to Julliard for ballet and something Ivy League to get my doctorate.” Luna answered, purposefully being vague to keep him from immediately changing his mind and decide to go her school of choice to be ‘closer’ to her.
“So you dance ballet?” Luche asked even though Ravus had already told him that his sister danced. But Ravus had encouraged Luche to ask Luna about it as a way to find a common ground that they were both athletes. “That is one tough sport, anyone who says it’s not a real sport has obviously never tried it.” Luche complimented and smiled charmingly when Luna smiled appreciatively in turn. Ravus gave Luche an encouraging smile and nod of approval at that.
“Thank you, I try, but I don’t have the passion for it that perhaps I should, I would rather be a pediatrician.” Luna revealed.
“Wow that’s awesome, I’ll keep you in mind the next time I’m injured on the field.” Luche grinned.
“Oh you play a sport?” Luna asked.
“Yeah, football, wide receiver, get tackled a lot.” Luche informed her proudly.
“Oh, yeah totally, I work with a lot of the sports medicine doctors at Miracles, yeah from one athlete to another, you guys have a game on Friday night right? I’ll bring my goody bag just in case.” Luna offered and immediately wanted to face palm herself. WHY DID SHE JUST OFFER THAT? WHY?! She didn’t want to give this guy some false hope that he had a chance as Ravus smiled encouragingly at Luche. 
“That would be great,” Luche smiled even brighter and more victoriously and Luna immediately wanted to retract her offer. But then she remembered that Nyx played football, so she could still go and cheer Nyx on, so it wasn’t a total loss.
“I should get back to my homework, it was lovely to meet you Luche. See you tomorrow.” Luna bid him before she got back up and put her plate in the sink before retreating to her room again.
“You’re sister is really awesome,” Luche said to Ravus.
“Yeah, she is.” Ravus nodded in agreement. He had hoped the introduction would go well, instantly liking and clicking with Luche on so many levels and they had hit it off so well already and Ravus had hoped that Luche might be the one to get Lunafreya out of her frigid bitch phaze and start coming around. All she needed was the right guy and Ravus had a really good feeling about Luche that he could be that ‘right’ guy. Especially since Luche had been so respectful and curious and not derogatory in any way when Luche had asked Ravus about his sister.
Back at the Ulric’s residence, Nyx was banging his head on his desk while groaning and whimpering, trying to wrack his brain of how he could respond to Luna.
“Selena,” Nyx called out.
“Yeah,” She answered.
“Did Luna say anything about her favorite... anything?” Nyx asked as he leaned out of his room.
“Yeah, her favorite flower is the sylleblossom.” Selena answered from her room as she folded her own laundry and put it away.
Nyx went back in his room and googled images of the sylleblossom as he got out his drawing pad and practiced and practiced drawing them before their parents came home from work with takeout. Nyx took his food and went back to his room to eat and continue to practice the rest of the night before he finally made a decent picture of a field of wildflowers, most of which were sylleblossoms with butterflies. He signed the lower corner and oh so carefully folded it up to give to Luna in the morning.
He tried to sleep but the anticipation of the next day had his brain fighting off sleep no matter how badly his body begged for it.
The next morning he practically jumped out of bed and got ready for school, giving himself a pep talk to give himself the added confidence. He put the small folded piece of paper in his pocket for safe keeping.
He went to school and met up with his friends in front of the school but Luche was showing everyone a picture on his phone.
“And she made me the most delicious sandwich.” Luche boasted.
“Wait, what happened?” Nyx asked, not catching the first part of Luche’s story.
“I went to Ravus and Lunafreya’s house yesterday after practice and stayed for dinner, oh you should have been there, Lunafreya was so sweet and hospitable, made me her favorite sandwich, which is now my new favorite sandwich, and then she and her Nana made me the most amazing, delicious dinner and their mom is amazing, real firecracker, Luna said she would be coming to game on Friday to cheer me on,” Luche bragged as he showed the pictures of a smiling Luna, cropped from her shoulders up, both in her kitchen and at the dinner table. The ones at the dinner table tho were clearly taken in secret.
Nyx’s stomach dropped. How, how had Luche weaseled himself into Luna’s life already?! It wasn’t fair god damn it!
The white limo rolled up and dropped Ravus and Luna off. Luna found Nyx in the crowd and flashed him another bright smile as she left her brother to walk up to the group before she realized Luche was standing with them and froze at the sight of him.
“Ravus! Luna!” Luche invited and smiled and waved them over. Luna smiled politely back and forced her feet to move toward them and that was only because Nyx and Selena were there too. Nyx especially. She would be ok if Nyx was there. Even though Ravus had come and had his hand on her back and was pushing them over to Luche and his friends.
“Good morning,” Luna greeted everyone politely before standing between Nyx and Luche while Ravus stood between Luche and Pelna, Luna however stood closer to Nyx than she did to Luche by both subconscious and instinct.
“Good morning, thank you again for your hospitality yesterday,” Luche thanked her as he leaned towards her slightly Luna leaned back slightly to keep the same amount of distance between herself and Luche before he introduced her and her brother to the rest of the group. And it was then that Selena realized that Luna’s brother Ravus was actually… really... ok, he damn handsome himself, like crazy super fine hot kind of handsome even up close. But the way Luna talked about him, Selena knew she would be giving him a wide birth. He sounded like a fuck boy and she had no interest or patience for those. But still, whew, lord have mercy, why were all the super pretty boys assholes? Why? This wasn’t fair. 
“You’re welcome, happy to oblige,” Luna nodded at Luche before she turned to Nyx.
“Hey Nyx, would it be horribly inconvenient for you to show me to class again today?” Luna inquired hopefully, as her instincts told her to run and put some space between herself and Luche. “I’ve been trying to study the school layout and I suck at directions.” Luna tried to explain.
Ravus snorted at that. “That’s an understatement.” Ravus muttered under his breath. Selena frowned at that. Not liking the way he said that, because he was mocking his sister. Ravus noticed the change on Selena’s face and blinked as he noticed how Nyx’s sister was actually... really pretty herself. She had that slightly exotic look with her dark brown eyes and dark brown hair and olive skin tone and she was slender but had softness where it counted and she looked... beautiful if he was honest, she would be an absolute knockout if she did her hair or put make up on because she had a lot of natural beauty to build up on and actually... she seemed...really sweet, he decided. And he realized that she was actually so his type. But then he remembered that he shouldn’t be looking, since he currently had a girlfriend. One that would have his hide if she knew he was looking at another girl. Besides his current girlfriend was all woman and Selena was still clearly in her girl turning into a woman phase, but God, what a beautiful woman she’d be when she would... But that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate another girl’s beauty right? But it bothered him that she frowned at him and cut her eyes at him and looked at him with...disapproval. Every other girl always smiled at him. No matter what. But she didn’t, he couldn’t shake the feeling that she could see right through him. And Ravus didn’t know why that...it just didn’t feel right, like she saw who and what he was and was already disappointed in him and didn’t like what she saw- and he wanted her to smile at him, to like what she saw when she looked at him. He quickly tried to tell himself that he shouldn’t care what she thought of him. That it didn’t matter. But that resolve was the weakest resolve he had yet.
“Yes, I mean no, I mean, it would not be inconvenient, I would be glad to show you to class.” Nyx happily and readily agreed, tripping all over his damned self and flushing with embarrassment at his so not smooth answer as Crowe was damn near crying not to laugh too loudly. Oh but she was going to roar with laughter once they left. 
“Awesome, thank you so much.” Luna thanked him appreciatively before the bell rang and they began to walk together.
“So your brother and Luche are friends now?” Nyx asked as they weaved their way through the throngs of students.
“I guess,” Luna muttered with a heavy sigh. “I take it you’re friends with him too?” Luna guessed with a hint of apprehension and wariness. Oh god, what if there was like a “Bro Code” that they stuck too? What if Luche had already ‘staked a claim’ on her and that meant no one else could try? What if Nyx became deterred by Luche’s advances, thinking he didn’t have a chance? How could she possibly assure him that she wanted his attention, she wanted him to keep trying. She wanted to get closer to him without coming off as creepy or desperate?
“Yeah, kind of.” Nyx admitted even though deep down Luche was like a brother to him and was like another big brother to Selena but right that second he was the competition that needed to be beaten.
“Why do you ask? Is everything ok?” Nyx asked curiously, hoping Luna didn’t like Luche back. Hoping he still had a chance.
“Well, um,” Luna stuttered and stammered as she tried to be delicate about this. And then it dawned on Nyx that Luche made her uncomfortable and it was clear as day to him in her behavior.
“Was Luche a creep?” Nyx guessed with a barely contained knowing grin and laugh Luna immediately relaxed and the look of relief on her face was clear as day.
“Yes! And it was so awkward! So hear me out, so I emerge from my room for provisions and Ravus and Luche sneak up on me in my kitchen, nearly give me a heart attack and then Ravus demanded that I make them sandwiches, which, they have two hands they could have made themselves sandwiches but whatever. So Luche is all ‘chefs choice’ so I make him what I like on a sandwich and of course he thinks it’s the ‘greatest thing ever’ and just pouring on the flattery nice and uncomfortably thick and so I show him what I put on the stupid thing and he takes a picture and then he goes ‘smile’ and snaps a picture of me holding the sandwich sauce like I’m a model on the price is right, and of course he just had to stay for dinner and, ugh! It was so creepy! Like I was just waiting all day yesterday to go home already.” Luna confided as she put her things in her locker as she got ready for her morning classes as Nyx snickered a good hearty laugh. Yes! she was able to see past his pretty face and see him for who he was, a suck up. Nyx had listened attentively, relieved to hear her side of the story and eternally grateful he had chose to walk her to class, his hope and faith were restored.
“And so then he invited me to the game and I, sadly, feel obligated to go.” Luna grimaced.
“Well the next time that happens, you could always say you have plans,” Nyx suggested.
“With you?” Luna asked, raising a quizzical brow and a barely contained grin. Quite proud of herself for being that quick.
“Sure,” Nyx immediately agreed before he inwardly chided himself for appearing too eager, he had to play this cool, Luche had been too eager and had crashed and burned. He had to go slower. He couldn’t scare her off. He liked her way too much to chance scaring her away. Besides his gut was telling him, no, screaming at him that he had found someone, someone special, someone that could and would change his life forever. He couldn’t mess this up. He had to get this right.
Luna smiled brightly at him as she took out her phone and tapped on a new contact page before she handed it to Nyx. “Name and number please.” Luna watched as he Nyx typed in his name and cell number in.
“Thank you,” Luna smiled brightly again as she took her phone from him before she turned and walked into class.
He went in and sat down before he felt something in his back pocket again. He pulled it out and found it was an ace of spades with her own number written on it. Oh she was smoother than he gave her credit for. He pulled out his phone and put the number in it and saved the contact as Luna before Libertous walked into class himself.
On the way out of class, Nyx slipped the picture he had made for her in her own pocket.
While Luna continued to sit with Noctis and his friends at lunch, she did spare Nyx several smiling glances while he did the same. After lunch Nyx walked Luna back to the girls locker room.
“Thank you for the drawing, it was beautiful, you’re a really good artist,” Luna praised feeling herself become absolutely smitten and falling hopelessly for him. He was handsome and sweet and talented. And he was a freaking artist and her heart immediately melted because what were the chances?
“Thanks, and thank you for the card.” Nyx replied bashfully.
“Well if Noctis was the king of spades, then you should definitely be the ace,” Luna reasoned as she ducked her head back down to hide her own bashful smile as she cheeks started to stain rose and she fidgeted with the edge of her sleeves. The bell rung before Nyx could say anything else.
“See you in there,” Nyx bid her as he turned and walked quickly to the boys locker room.
And for the rest of the week, they would continue to subtly flirt with each other, afraid that if they flirted too hard it would drive the other away and it was clear to the whole school that something was happening between them even if both of them were too shy and uncertain of themselves to make a real move on the other yet. But they did get to know each other and quickly became friends even if they both wanted so much more. And Nyx was blown away that Luna wanted to be a doctor, a pediatrician of all things and was practically a doctor already with how vast and intricate her knowledge was about it. He could listen to her talk all day long and never get tired or bored of it.
When Friday evening came around, Luna found herself sitting next to Selena and her parents while Ravus sat behind them with Luche’s parents and Luche’s little sister Luca who was a decade younger than Luche but who Ravus got along with really well, kicking into cool big brother mode. Meanwhile, Luna practically froze in her white hoodie and jeans.
“Here,” Selena offered as she shared the blanket that she and her mother were using to shield themselves from the cold snap that had seemed to come out of nowhere. Luna, Selena and her mom snuggled together closely to retain heat and Selena’s mother broke out their thermos of hot cider and Selena and Luna shared a cup, taking turns holding the cup to keep their hands warm.
“Next time I’ll bring hot chocolate,” Luna offered. “And a blanket, and a coat, preferably a parka, like the kind they use in the arctic. And boots, and a scarf, and a hat, and a face mask, and hand warmers, possibly some wool layers.” Luna muttered to Selena as they laughed. Noctis arrived not long after with Ignis and Prompto. Noctis sat on the other side of Luna as Ignis sat on the other side of Noctis while Prompto took pictures of the game. 
Nyx and his team came onto the field and everyone cheered. He chanced a glance at his parents and did a double take to see Luna sitting next to them, sitting extremely close to his sister. Luna smiled brightly at him and gave waive. Nyx gave a small wave back. Thrilled that she was there, and unbelievably pleased she was with his family as he suddenly put so much pressure on himself that his team needed to win this game, if only to have Luna see them win, see him win. Every girl loved a winner right?
“Wait is that Crowe?” Luna asked as she saw her on the field too.
“Yeah, our school is quite progressive, she isn’t the only one,” Selena revealed as she pointed out two other girls on the field. “The best players make the team, no matter their gender.” Selena informed her. Luna nodded her approval of this.
“Alright, you guys are going to have to talk me through this because I have no idea what’s going on.” Luna explained as the teams warmed up before the game started. Selena, Noctis and his friends all tried to explain the game but Luna, for all her trying, still could not figure it out.
However, only into the first quarter, Libertus sustained a sprained ankle in a pileup when the opposing team fumbled the ball. Luna left the group and grabbed her bag and made her way to the field and talked with the medic and coach Drautos before she was allowed on the sidelines.
“Hey, Libertus is it?” Luna asked as she knelt down in front of him. “On a scale from 1 to 10 how much pain are you in?” Luna asked as she dug through her bag to find the tube of cream she had been looking for before she pulled out a pair of exam gloves and put them on.
“11,” Libertus told her as he tried to keep his cries and hisses of pain down to a minimum.
“Sounds about right,” Luna nodded in understanding. “Now Libertus, what I have in this tube is a proprietary medicine, still being tested by the FDA for human use, it should help alleviate the pain and swelling, think bio-freeze or mineral ice on super jacked up steroids.” Luna informed him.
“Do it, put it on.” Libertus authorized.
“Do you swear to not hold me or the school liable for any ill effects.” Luna warned.
“I swear,” Libertus confirmed.
“Ok then,” Luna grinned as she squeezed some out into her hand and carefully took the ice packs off his ankle and applied it generously.
Libertus watched in amazement as the cream, within less than two minutes alleviated nearly all of the pain before the joint became nearly completely numb.
“I don’t suppose I get to keep that tube of yours.” Libertus hinted as Luna took off her gloves and sanitized her hands.
“Uh, well, sure, um, just,” Luna stuttered before she blushed scarlet and whispered something in Libertus’ ear. Libertus blushed crimson himself and nodded before Luna handed it tube over to him.
Nyx, Crowe, Pelna and Luche watched the exchange curiously. Luna carefully replaced Libertus’ ice packs before standing and turning to them.
“He’ll be fine,” Luna assured them. It was only when she was closer that Nyx realized she was wearing makeup. Subtle but gorgeous all the same. And her hair was either naturally curly or she had curled it and it was sticking out around her face from her hood, framing her face with it’s golden brilliance. She was like an angel who had materialized in front of them again.
“Thank you,” Nyx thanked her earnestly before the rest of them followed suit and thanked her.
“You’re welcome, happy to help, sorry it’s needed.” Luna smiled and nodded before she went back and sat with Nyx’s family.
“What did she say to you man?” Nyx asked as he took a seat next to Libertus.
“I’ll tell you later,” Libertus muttered.
“Oh come on, what did she say?” Crowe pressed before Libertus whispered it in her ear before she fell onto her knees cackling. 
“What? What?” They pressed her. 
“Apparently, this stuff is so potent, if you try to jack off with it, your dick will literally fall off!” Crowe cackled as she laughed so hard she was crying. “Tredd! Tredd! I have lotion you should jack off with!” Crowe howled as Tredd frowned and flipped them off. 
With Lucis winning the game, everyone decided a victory pizza party was in order. Luna continued to sit next to Selena who was quickly becoming another best friend, only this time Selena chose to sit with Nyx and the rest of the team, putting Luna between herself and her brother purposefully trying to get them together like she had been subtly encouraging them to do all week. While Luche invited Ravus to do the same, putting Ravus across from Selena while Luche sat across from Luna.
“Libertus, how’s your leg doing?” Luna asked Libertus who was sitting on the other side of Nyx.
“Doing fine, thank you again, that’s some miracle cream.” Libertus informed her.
“Good,” Luna grinned before she pulled out her notebook again and wrote down recommendations for doctors to see and programs to use to help with his recovery and tore the page out and folded it and handed it to Nyx to pass to Libertus as Nyx smiled proudly, eternally grateful she went to that length to make sure his best friend would be taken care of. Her heart was just so big and she really, genuinely cared and he went from smitten to head over heels for her. He really needed to make a move sooner than later. He just needed the right moment. He couldn’t let her slip through his fingers because he was too afraid. Maybe tomorrow when she came over to his house. When they wouldn’t have everyone staring at them, she seemed to be such a private person, he doubted she would be up to being asked out in the middle of Pizza Hut in front of the whole football team, even though part of him wanted to stake a claim to her in front of all of them, especially Luche who hadn’t let up in the slightest and who was giving her every look, smile and compliment and piece of praise he could. And while Luna had accepted it all with grace, it was clear she just didn’t like him like that at least and while she was friendly, civil and polite, she was never more than that and that gave Nyx so much hope. 
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alia-turin · 7 years
It is the end of the year and I am indulging in some guilty pleasure. I started writing that thing two weeks ago, but then holidays happened and after that my ear decided it has to be a little twat and hurt. So I’m sorry if the fic is super messy, it’s one of these things I started writing just because, not even planning to post it, but it’s the end of the year and why not. Enjoy some Glaives shenanigans and smut. 
Fic Title: Never Have I Ever Rating: M (drinking, swearing, smut) Couple: Luche/OC, Crowe/OC (mentioned) Summary: It’s Libertus’ birthday and Tredd comes with the brilliant idea they all play never have I ever. Also Tredd gets terribly drunk. Notes: Fic is sort of spin off to my Comrades OC story. I just needed to write Ada being a bit happy, a bit more like herself. Also I am sorry about the messy writing once again. I hate writing fics over a long period of time and this one took me 2 weeks as I said.
Tagging you wonderful people, might not be everyone’s cup of tea so if you don’t feel like reading, I am not getting offended at all.  @lazarustrashpit @jojopitcher @kairakara101 @birdsandivory @ladychocoberry @theyearofdiamonddogs @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy
Add pulled out the cookies from the oven when the knock on the door came.
“Could you please open?” Crowe shouted from her room.
Ada left the cookies on the counter when another inpatient knock followed. She knew exactly who that was.
“You look amazing!” Tredd waked in as she opened the door giving her a wide grin. “Have I told you how much I enjoy looking at you?”
“Tredd, where is the cake?” Ada asked concerned seeing he had brought nothing but himself. They had split the responsibilities for that event, Ada and Crowe were hosting and they were going to prepare some of the food, Tredd had to grab the cake, Luche was bringing the drinks Pelna was bringing the rest of the food.
“Cake? What cake?” Ada could feel herself getting from calm to angry in a matter of a second. Then Tredd started laughing. “Relax my minion is bringing it.”
“Fuck you, Tredd.” Axis’ voice echoed from the staircase below.
“Could you please leave it in the fridge, I have made some space.” Ada directed Axis as he final reached the door.
“Cookies!” Tredd shouted and ran toward the kitchen before Ada could stop him.
“Not now!” Crowe’s voice roared in the apartment and Ada gave out a sight of relief. She was hoping the cookies would survive at least till everyone arrived.
“Hey!” Luche’s voice came from behind her and Ada jumped not expecting someone to be there. “Easy it’s just me.” He gave her a warm smile and lifted up the two bags that he was carrying, the bottles inside ringing. “Where should I leave these?”
“Why are you in uniform?” she grabbed the bags from him and passed them to Tredd who had joined to check who was coming.
“Drautos kept me.” He explained taking his duffel bag off his shoulder. “Can I change somewhere?”
“Sure, my room is down the corridor, please ignore the boxes.” Ada suddenly felt very embarrassed about the state of her room. From all the people in the world he was the last one she wanted to see the mess. She had a valid excuse for that mess, she was moving out tomorrow, but still felt silly about the piles of boxes and suitcases.
One by one the rest started arriving. Pelna brought more food than they all could possibly eat in one night and Crowe’s new girlfriend brought more alcohol. All that was left was for Nyx to finally bring Libertus.
“Ada.” Tredd sat next to her on the couch and gave her a glass of wine. “You still want me to help you tomorrow?”
“Yes…” she suddenly got worried he would bail out on her. Beside Libertus’ birthday, today was also her last day living with Crowe she had finally managed to find her own place. She had asked Tredd to help her move since he has one of these big trucks absolutely unreasonable for city living. “Don’t tell me you are doing something else tomorrow.”
“No, I’m all yours, babe. Just wanted to make sure you still needed me.” He gave her a very wide grin and Ada sighed. For the past five months with the Kingsglaive she had developed the ability to ignore him to a masterful level. Tredd would flirt with anything and anyone, walk into someone’s personal space, without any consideration. All that bothered her for a week, then she just learned to ignore him and act normally.
“Please don’t call me babe.” Ada made a face at him as she saw Luche coming. She didn’t mind Tredd’s flirting, just not in front of Luche.
“What are you guys doing tomorrow?” Luche joined them on the couch placing himself between her and Tredd.
“He is helping me move out. Well he and Crowe.” Ada explained trying to ignore the fact that Luche was way too close. He always had this habit of being too close to her, which she liked but also tried to avoid. Whenever he was that close she was thinking about nothing but him.
“Is it tomorrow?” he seemed surprised. “Why didn’t you ask me for help?”
Ada had told him she was moving out this week but never asked him for help. It was childish of her, but she was still trying to decide on scale one to ten how much of a terrible idea was it to have a crush on him. Beside Crowe he was her best friend and part of her was happy with things being just like that but another part wanted way more than friendship.
“Because of these?” Tredd answered unknowingly saving her and flexed his arm and showing them his biceps.
“’Kay guys listen up!” Crowe walked in with her girlfriend. “That’s is Lucia and you will be nice with her. You know Ada.” Ada had met the woman before, sweet thing with long blond hair and big blue eyes. “The guy next to her is Luche, the red head is Tredd, just ignore everything he says. Axis is the guy you met in the kitchen and the guy that just walked in is Pelna.”
“What about me?” Pelna had missed what was going on and suddenly looked like a child that was caught reaching for the cookie jar when he wasn’t supposed to be.
“Sonitus, nice to meet you!” the man introduced himself as he walked in.
“You are very late. Nyx should be here any moment with Libertus.” Crowe almost sounded as if she was scolding him but ignored him right after for something that Pelna whispered in her ear which made her laugh.
“Where have you been?” Tredd asked Sonitus as he passed him a drink.
“Worse guard duty. You remember last week when Drautos told us to behave and we didn’t.” Tredd nodded, Luche laughed. “Well I was put on guard duty in the citadel today as punishment. Boring as usual, but something interesting happened. The captain had a meeting with the king, and no idea what the meeting was about but you should have seen Drautos as he walked out. He was so angry that I thought he might punch me just so he gets some anger out of his system.” Ada wondered what was that about but didn’t miss to see the look Luche and Tredd exchanged.
“Explains why he kept me so late and why he was acting as if someone pissed in his coffee.” Luche added.
“…and that’s Nyx texting that they are downstairs.” Crowe said loud enough to attract everybody’s attention.
Ada went to switch off the lights and everyone remained silent waiting for Nyx to bring Libertus upstairs. The whole apartment went absolutely quiet and they could hear Libertus complaining about something to Nyx. Somebody in the room giggled and then a very loud ‘shuuush’ followed from Crowe which made the rest of them laugh. In that exact moment Nyx walked in, Ada switched on the lights but instead of everyone wishing Libertus happy birthday they were all just giggling and laughing.
“Surprise?” Libertus screamed ironically and waved his hands up.
“You are all terrible humans!” Crowe was the only one who wasn’t laughing her ass off at that point. To be fair that whole surprise party was her idea and she had organized most of it so Ada could understand why she felt like murdering them all. On the other hand, you couldn’t expect that bunch to stay serious for more than ten minutes unless they were on the battlefield.
“Happy birthday, Libertus.” Ada told him as he passed next to her and gave him a warm hug. “There is food and drinks in the living room and cold drinks in the fridge.”
“Let’s play never have I ever!” Tredd almost yelled in order to get everyone to hear him since they all had returned to their pervious conversations or just wished Libertus happy birthday.
And they did. Since Tredd had suggested he had to start first.
“Never have I ever taken a pregnancy test” he said that very proud of himself. Nobody drank.
“Tredd there are literary three people here who potentially might have done that, that’s a very stupid question.” Libertus said that and threw a peanut at him.
“I had to try! It could have been a cool story behind it!” he defended himself but no one seemed to agree with his logic.
“Okay my turn!” Libertus said since he was sitting next to Tredd. “Never have I ever gotten lost in an amusement park.”
Ada drank, Tredd drank.
“How?” Nyx asked.
“I was six!” Ada defended herself. She really was six and it was scary.
“I have no excuse.” For some reason Tredd seemed embarrassed and drank again.
“Okay…” Crowe thought for a second. “Never have I ever been in Drautos’ office, that’s our captain.” She explained for her girlfriend. “Without being asked to be there.”
All the guys drank excluding Pelna.
“Don’t tell me you were there together.” Ada teased.
“No, I just wanted to go through his files.” Tredd admitted.
“I was hiding from him.” Libertus added and everybody laughed.
It was Lucia’s turn and she seemed a bit unsure what to say. Crowe whispered something in her ear.
“Hey no helping! You had your turn.” Axis shouted.
“I wasn’t helping. I just told her none of you is shy so she shouldn’t go easy on you.” Crowe defended herself.
“I’m shy.” Nyx laughed after he drank from his glass and his own laugh almost made him spit his drink.
“Okay I have one!” The blonde woman said. “Never have I ever been in handcuffs for any reason.
There was a moment of silence nobody moved, they all just looked at each other waiting for someone to reach for their glass. Pelna sighed, swore and drank, then it was Nyx, Sonitus, Tredd and Ada.
“Wait, wait stop!” Axis said. “Aren’t you underaged?” he pointing at Ada.
“I’m almost twenty…plus I might have been arrested…get your mind out of the gutter.” That wasn’t the case, but she might have been.
“Before any of you says anything, I was arrested.” Tredd added.
“I was handcuffed to a bedpost.” Nyx admitted.
“My turn. Never have I ever had sex with someone whose name I didn’t know.” Luche said.
Tredd drank and Nyx drank.
“Oh, you two!” Crowe made a disgusted face.
“Things happen sometimes okay? Don’t judge.” Was the only explanation Tredd provided, Nyx didn’t even bother to explain, he just enjoyed his drink.
“Never have I ever given or received a lap dance.” Ada said.
Everybody drank and she felt like that was some sort of small victory.
“Never have I ever been so drunk I couldn’t remember how to get home.” Axis chuckled in Tredd’s direction.
“Fuck you.” Tredd drank and then continued. “It was your fault.”
Libertus drank as well which made Crowe stare at him in disbelief.
“In my defense, I went to Nyx’s place instead of my own, just got the address wrong, thought I live there.” Everybody was laughing before Libertus could even finish his sentence.
“Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex.” Sonitus said quickly.
Crowe and her girlfriend drank, Ada drank, Nyx drank and Luche drank.
“You two together?” Ada raised an eyebrow and pointed an Nyx and Luche.
“He has a stick too far up his ass for me to kiss him.” Nyx laughed.
“Too much of a hero complex for my taste.”  Luche toasted with his glass and drank.
They continued like that and Ada learned more about her colleagues than she probably wanted to. Tredd and Crowe had tried to flirt their way out of a speeding ticket and Tredd had been successful. Pelna and Nyx had lied about their birthdays just so they get a free dessert in  a restaurant. Crowe’s girlfriend was insanely good at that. Every time it was her turn she managed to make all of them to drink. Apparently, they all had crush on someone in the Kingsglaive at some point or currently and they all had flirted with someone they worked with.
At the end of the evening Tredd was so drunk he couldn’t stand from the couch and Nyx had to drive Libertus home for similar reasons. Crowe and her girlfriend went to Crowe’s room and Ada was left alone with Tredd and Luche.
“Hey Ada…I’m cold.” Tredd said, half asleep on the couch.
“What do you want me to do? Set you on fire?” she asked and Luche laughed.
“That sounds painful.” Tredd said with very innocent voice. “A good night kiss?”
Ada sighed but leaned forward and kissed his forehead. As she pulled away and was about to tell him that was one time only just because he had managed not to say anything stupid in fifteen minutes, he was already asleep.
“Let me help you.” Luche grabbed couple glasses and helped her carry them to the kitchen. “So, who is your crush.” He whispered behind her.
“What?” Ada almost dropped the glasses as he asked her that.
“You tell me yours, I tell you mine.” Very calmly he left the glasses he was carrying in the sink, his body brushing against hers.
Ada bit her lower lip as she was usually doing when she was nervous. He was her friend, her closest friend not counting Crowe, he was also her mentor in a sense and a superior. He was also her crush despite how hard she was trying to hide it and deny it even to herself.
“It’s you.” She finally admitted.
“Huh, funny.” For a second she thought Crowe was wrong and in fact he didn’t like her, but next thing she knew he was leaning over her kissing her gently.
“You are drunk.” Ada said as he pulled away from her lips, but his body was way too close to hers.
“I had just couple of drinks, not enough to join the sleeping beauty on the couch.” He smiled and pushed her against the kitchen counter. “It’s funny because I happen to have a crush on you. Pretty bad one.” He finally admitted with a very cunning smile.
“Why you never did anything?” Ada’s body had developed a mind on its own and her hands moved to his waist and pulled him even closer to her.
“I’m now.” he touched her face with his knuckles. “Plus, I didn’t want to make it awkward between us. I like you, but I also value you as a friend.”
She realized he spends too much time with her but she dismissed all as he is being friendly and nice. Then Crowe had pointed it out and she could see the little details, but again never said anything. It wasn’t her place to say anything, what if he really was just super friendly and that was going to make it awkward between them. After all he had become a close friend, crush or no crush, and they did have a lot in common, that she didn’t want to lose.
“You can talk to me, you know.” He said after she had been standing there for probably a good minute not saying anything, just having some sort of internal monologue.
“My bedroom.” She was still keeping her hands on him but now moved them under his shirt feeling the tense muscles of his back.
“You are not giving the orders here.” He pulled her up and places her on the kitchen counter reaching for a kiss but Ada pulled away and pointed toward Tredd who was sleeping but if awaken could see exactly what they were doing. “He sleeps like corpse when he is drunk don’t worry.” Luche dismissed her concern and tried to kiss her again.
“All we need is for him to wake up to pee…” Ada insisted.
“Fine. Your bedroom.” Luche grunted and grabbed her from the kitchen counter carrying her to the bedroom while his lips weren’t leaving hers. Her room was absolute mess with boxes all over the place but at least her bed was in order. He gently let her step on the ground breaking their kiss just for a second when Ada pulled his shirt up and took it off. Looking at him like that was…different. It wasn’t her first time seeing him half naked but now it felt different. She had caught herself staring at him at the gym when he would take his shirt off, or thinking how his skin would feel under her fingers, but now she could actually fell it. She ran her fingers down his neck, to his collar bones, and hard chest placing her palm over his heart which was beating faster than she expected. At that moment he stepped back and sat on her bed, Ada was about to follow him but he stopped.
“No. Take off your clothes.” He smirked at her and Ada gave him slightly puzzled and confused look. “You sad you never stripped for anyone. Do it for me.”
She was pleasantly amused he actually remembered what she had done and she hadn’t, but then again, she also had made a mental not of all the times he drank and didn’t drink. She reached for the end of her t-shirt and slowly stared pulling it up, her eyes fixed on his. He wasn’t doing anything just watching her, but she could see his breathing was becoming more rapid. As her top was out of the way she reached for her jeans slowly unbuttoning them. She could see his jaw clenching, his eyes looked almost black. As she pulled her jeans down and kicked them away as gracefully as she could Luche reached and pulled her closer to himself. He didn’t say anything but turned her around, his face against her back. Ada turned her head confused, but just then he started kissing down her spine, his hands skillfully undoing her bra. He started varying between soft kisses and bites, definitely leaving marks. He held her firm with one arm around her waist, the other he moved between her legs and started rubbing slowly against the already wet fabric.
“You like that?” he asked her as she moaned louder than she expected. Luche turned her around, this time facing her. His mouth started kissing just below her breasts going down to her tummy and Ada couldn’t believe how pleasant she found all that. He slowly pulled her underwear down and she kicked it away eagerly. His fingers were quickly doing the same thing they did before, but this time there was no fabric on the way. Ada pushed herself closer to him, wanting to feel more, but that was when he moved back, again, and just stared at her.
“Could you not stop when it’s getting interesting.” She could barely control her desire for him right now.
“You need to earn it.” He started undoing his pants and Ada laughed. She should have expected that from him.  She went on her knees, pulling his jeans and boxers down. He moved his hand at the back of her head but didn’t guide her of force her down on his shift for which she was grateful since she was certainly going to gag on his length. She brushed her lips against his dick, then followed the same pattern with her tongue. Luche was getting inpatient as he tried to push against. She started stroking him slowly with one hand, the other placed on his abs feeling how tense his muscles were. She slowly took him in her mouth, hearing the most pleasant groan coming from his lips. He left her at her own pace for a while, but she was going slower on purpose and at some point, he couldn’t last any longer like that. His hand started dictating her speed and Ada had to try very hard not to laugh and choke at the same time. Eventually he pulled out lifting her chin up and making her look him in the eyes.
“You are fucking beautiful.” He said running his fingers through her hair.
“You are saying that only because I just sucked your dick.” Ada smiled and gave his tip a teasing kiss.
“I would have said it before you did it to convince you that’s a good idea.” He grabbed her arms and pulled her toward himself. “Come here.”
She was on top of him, his hands resting on her waist. Ada started moving down slowly, one of his hands moved between his legs to guide him in her. She was hungry with desire for him but there was something strangely pleasant in going slowly. She could enjoy every inch of him while watching his body tense in anticipation and his breathing becoming more rapid. Once his full length was in her he moved both of his hands on her ass and helped her move up and then down. Funny how technically she was on top, but he was the one in control. Luche pulled his body closer to hers, his chest pressing against her breasts, his lips tracing the length of her neck with kisses. She moved a bit making sure to get him hit all the right places and he moved one of his hands between the two of slowly massaging exactlyw here she wanted his fingers to touch. Her finger grabbed his back, feeling tense muscle below them, her nails dug in his skin as she felt herself getting closer. He was still controlling the speed of her movement and thrusting in her as she came her whole body clenching around his.
“Good girl.” He whispered in her ear as he stopped moving just gently moving his fingers down the length of her spine. Luche’s lips started placing soft kisses on her neck while she was trying to gather her thoughts. Once her breathing was back to normal he grabbed her and rolled her under himself.
Ada wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him closer to her, but he didn’t need the invitation. He shoved his full length almost brutally in her making her moan load. He grunted and leaned as close as possible to her, kissing and biting her neck and shoulders. He was setting a quicker pace than before, the slow gentle way he allowed when she was on top absolutely gone. Ada could feel her second orgasm coming way faster than she expected, her legs wrapping tighter around him wanting him to go even harder.
“Luche…” she moaned his name as her body shivered with pleasure below him and arching her body closer to his. He didn’t slow his speed, prolonging her orgasm but his moves were far less controlled and more rapid. He grunted as he came, his body tensing on top of hers and then relaxing. Neither of them moved, they were both breathing heavy.
“We should have done that months ago.” He said as he rolled next her, his chest still raising too fast.
“Better late than never.” Ada said as she got off the bed.
“Where do you think you are going.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward himself.
“Shower? You are welcome to join.” She smirked at him and he smiled back.
 Ada woke up feeling the warmth of Luche’s body wrapped around her. His arms were squeezing her so close for a second she thought he was awake, but when she turned around he was just beginning to wake up.
“You are still here…” she remarked a bit surprised.
“You want me to go?” Luche placed a lazy kiss on her neck.
“No, I just thought…you might want to leave…”
“Why would I do that?” he pulled her toward himself and made her face him. “I like being in bed with you. You remind me of home so much…it’s like holding piece of home, I’m not going to run from that.”
“We probably need to keep it low-key.” She knew what was going to happen if the other caught wind on that. She wasn’t going to hear the end of it for very long time and there was also the question what would the Captain do.
“Probably not a terrible idea. Although I don’t really care what the others say.” He placed a kiss on her neck. The sound of pans and pots came from the kitchen. Crowe was already awake.
“We have to figure out an excuse why you slept here…” Ada didn’t want to think about any of that. She was enjoying the warmth of his body and his kisses way too much.
“I got drunk, crashed on your floor because Tredd was snoring.” He pulled away for a second and looked her in the eyes. “Don’t worry. I have it under control.”
She wasn’t worried just…concerned. She liked him too much, not because he obviously knew what to do in the bed, but also as a friend. Ada didn’t want to lose that.
An hour later they were finally out of bed or at least Luche was, Ada was still naked lying on the bedcovers watching him getting dressed.
“The only good thing about Drautos keeping me last night is I have spare clothes.” He said as he pulled pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt from his bag. Ada was half a mind to tell him to leave all that and come back to bed, just watching the lean muscles of his body work on simple tasks like bending or putting on clothes made her mind sink in memories about last night, his body all rigid under her fingers.
“You need to get dressed, it’s too distracting.” He smirked as he was looking around the room to pick up his clothes from last night.
“Are you in a hurry?” Ada got out of the bed and took the t-shirt he was wearing last night refusing to give it to him when he extended his hand for it.
“You were the one who told me an hour ago to go faster because you have to move all that today.” He waved toward all the boxes. “Give me the t-shirt.”
“First of all, it’s my t-shirt now. Second I do remember you saying you will help me which made me stop protesting.”  She hid the t-short behind her back and gave him an innocent smile.
“I will go deal with Crowe, you get dressed.” He said as he was shaking his head obviously giving up on the t-shirt.
Ada left his shirt on the bed, she had to remember to pack it before she left.
“What the hell are you doing? Where did you sleep?” she could hear Crowe interrogating him as she was getting dressed. Ada couldn’t hear what Luche answered but Crowe obviously wasn’t buying it. “I don’t believe you.”
Ada laughed. She knew Crowe wouldn’t just believe the ‘I was too drunk’ story. She knew Ada liked him and she suspect he liked her back so that seemed too much of a coincidence.
Crowe walked in her room without knocking, Luche following after. Ada gave her a very innocent smile, she knew Crowe wasn’t stupid. The other woman closed the door behind herself, the three of them finding themselves in Ada’s bedroom in awkward silence.
“If you hurt her, I will kill you.” Crowe finally said to Luche. “I don’t care why or how, I will end you. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise.”
Before Luche could say anything in his defense Crowe walked out leaving the two of them alone.
“She won’t stab me on the battlefield?” he asked.
“No. She is just worried.” Ada understood how Crowe felt. The two of them have grown very close in the past five months. In a sense Crowe was the big sister she never had and the same way Crowe was taking care of her, she was taking care of Crowe.  
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Baked/broiled steak tips with some red wine and a iceberg lettus salad for dinner. I had a multigrain bagel for breakfast. And then my only luch was a bag of cool ranch Doritos. So... not the healthiest start to the day but I'm making an effort to eat less in general. That's kind of my only focus for December. I feel like I'm just a 2 meals a day type of human. I feel like I've always been told that if you skip breakfast or if you skip a meal it's bad for you but I really only get hungry 2 times a day and maybe I should just be listening to my body.
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livefreeshop · 7 years
SpaceX (SpX)-11 Launch: SpX-11 is scheduled to launch today at 4:55 pm CDT. Pending a successful launch, capture and berthing are planned for Sunday, June 4th at 9:00am CDT. Rodent Research-5 (RR-5):  The crew unpacked, installed and configured four Animal Habitats and configured the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) for RR-5 operations to be performed after arrival of rodents and additional hardware and materials on SpaceX-11. The Ground team successfully completed a software checkout of all the Habitats. DOSIS 3D:  The crew de-installed DOSIS 3D passive detectors and handed them over to a Russian crewmember for packing for return on Soyuz 49S.  Data from the various active and passive radiation detectors are used in the determination of the radiation field parameters absorbed doses and dose equivalents inside the ISS. A concise three dimensional (3D) dose distribution map of all the segments of the ISS will be developed based on this data and data from JAXA and NASA monitoring devices. Matiss:  The crew de-installed the four Matiss Sample Holders from the Columbus module for return on 49S.  The MATISS experiment investigates the antibacterial properties of materials in space to see if future spacecraft could be made easier to clean. The experiment aims to understand the mechanisms of attachment of biofilms in microgravity conditions. MATISS objectives include simplification of decontamination operations to save crew time and validation of innovative surfaces for use in future spacecraft. ISS Change of Command: In preparation for 49S departure on Friday, Peggy Whitson handed over command of the ISS to Fyodor Yurchikhin. During this event, the entire crew discussed with Mission Control Center (MCC)-Houston and MCC-Moscow Flight Control their roles and responsibilities for the timeframe between the Change of Command event and tomorrow’s 49S departure.  Following the Change of Command, the new Commander’s Soyuz crew became prime for emergencies.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Recharging Soyuz 733 Samsung PC Battery Soyuz 733 Stowage Ops and completing the right seat container packing Note 5 CASKAD. Connecting Anabioz Incubator to РБС and Power Up Rodent Research Habitat Install DOSIS 3D Passive Detectors De-Installation from Columbus (10 PDPs and 1 TDP). ISS RAM Handover to RS Crew for Soyuz Return On-Board Training (OBT) Dragon Emergency Review DOSIS 3D Passive Detector Pouch handover to Russian crew for download of dosimeters with Soyuz. Deinstallation of Matiss Sample Holders Rodent Research Habitat Install CASKAD. Starting Anabioz No. 2 Battery Charge STRUKTURA. Deactivation of crystallization process Photography Cyclops ICE Experiment Photos Rodent Research Habitat Install STRUKTURA.  Transfer of Luch-2 bag to Soyuz 733 Group Combustion Module (GCM)  Gas Bottle Unit Air (GBU) Change HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection Setup Replacement of urine receptacle (МП) and filter-insert (Ф-В) in АСУ. [АСУ] Activation after Replacement Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Install Soyuz 733 right seat container transfer completion report (S-band) Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open Signing ISS RS Handover Protocol On-Board Training (OBT) Dragon Emergency Review Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold Bottle Replacement Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Power On Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth Rodent Research Node 2 Camcorder Video Setup Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Close Rodent Research Microgravity Science Glovebox LSAH Setup Terminate Soyuz 733 Samsung PC Battery Recharge VHF2 Comm Test from Soyuz 733 via RGS Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan Prep Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Data Export Group Combustion Module (GCM)  Gas Bottle Unit Air (GBU) Leak Check Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config LAB Setup Change of Command Health Maintenance System (HMS) Stow Reminder HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection Reminder Rodent Research Thermal Consideration Soyuz 733 [СА] cooling down prior to descent Reminder 1 HRF Generic Saliva Collection Completed Task List Items None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. RR5 Habitat Install support Change of Command  Three-Day Look Ahead: Friday, 06/02: 49S undock/landing, OBT Dragon vehicle ops, Zbook deploy Saturday, 06/03: Crew off duty, housekeeping Sunday, 06/04: SpX-11 capture/berthing/vestibule outfitting QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Manual Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2swIPsE
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hrhprince · 7 years
ISS Daily Summary Report – 6/01/2017
SpaceX (SpX)-11 Launch: SpX-11 is scheduled to launch today at 4:55 pm CDT. Pending a successful launch, capture and berthing are planned for Sunday, June 4th at 9:00am CDT. Rodent Research-5 (RR-5):  The crew unpacked, installed and configured four Animal Habitats and configured the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) for RR-5 operations to be performed after arrival of rodents and additional hardware and materials on SpaceX-11. The Ground team successfully completed a software checkout of all the Habitats. DOSIS 3D:  The crew de-installed DOSIS 3D passive detectors and handed them over to a Russian crewmember for packing for return on Soyuz 49S.  Data from the various active and passive radiation detectors are used in the determination of the radiation field parameters absorbed doses and dose equivalents inside the ISS. A concise three dimensional (3D) dose distribution map of all the segments of the ISS will be developed based on this data and data from JAXA and NASA monitoring devices. Matiss:  The crew de-installed the four Matiss Sample Holders from the Columbus module for return on 49S.  The MATISS experiment investigates the antibacterial properties of materials in space to see if future spacecraft could be made easier to clean. The experiment aims to understand the mechanisms of attachment of biofilms in microgravity conditions. MATISS objectives include simplification of decontamination operations to save crew time and validation of innovative surfaces for use in future spacecraft. ISS Change of Command: In preparation for 49S departure on Friday, Peggy Whitson handed over command of the ISS to Fyodor Yurchikhin. During this event, the entire crew discussed with Mission Control Center (MCC)-Houston and MCC-Moscow Flight Control their roles and responsibilities for the timeframe between the Change of Command event and tomorrow’s 49S departure.  Following the Change of Command, the new Commander’s Soyuz crew became prime for emergencies.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Recharging Soyuz 733 Samsung PC Battery Soyuz 733 Stowage Ops and completing the right seat container packing Note 5 CASKAD. Connecting Anabioz Incubator to РБС and Power Up Rodent Research Habitat Install DOSIS 3D Passive Detectors De-Installation from Columbus (10 PDPs and 1 TDP). ISS RAM Handover to RS Crew for Soyuz Return On-Board Training (OBT) Dragon Emergency Review DOSIS 3D Passive Detector Pouch handover to Russian crew for download of dosimeters with Soyuz. Deinstallation of Matiss Sample Holders Rodent Research Habitat Install CASKAD. Starting Anabioz No. 2 Battery Charge STRUKTURA. Deactivation of crystallization process Photography Cyclops ICE Experiment Photos Rodent Research Habitat Install STRUKTURA.  Transfer of Luch-2 bag to Soyuz 733 Group Combustion Module (GCM)  Gas Bottle Unit Air (GBU) Change HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection Setup Replacement of urine receptacle (МП) and filter-insert (Ф-В) in АСУ. [АСУ] Activation after Replacement Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Install Soyuz 733 right seat container transfer completion report (S-band) Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open Signing ISS RS Handover Protocol On-Board Training (OBT) Dragon Emergency Review Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold Bottle Replacement Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Power On Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth Rodent Research Node 2 Camcorder Video Setup Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Close Rodent Research Microgravity Science Glovebox LSAH Setup Terminate Soyuz 733 Samsung PC Battery Recharge VHF2 Comm Test from Soyuz 733 via RGS Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan Prep Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Data Export Group Combustion Module (GCM)  Gas Bottle Unit Air (GBU) Leak Check Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config LAB Setup Change of Command Health Maintenance System (HMS) Stow Reminder HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection Reminder Rodent Research Thermal Consideration Soyuz 733 [СА] cooling down prior to descent Reminder 1 HRF Generic Saliva Collection Completed Task List Items None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. RR5 Habitat Install support Change of Command  Three-Day Look Ahead: Friday, 06/02: 49S undock/landing, OBT Dragon vehicle ops, Zbook deploy Saturday, 06/03: Crew off duty, housekeeping Sunday, 06/04: SpX-11 capture/berthing/vestibule outfitting QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Manual Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from NASA http://ift.tt/2rjeRdK via IFTTT
0 notes
livefreeshop · 7 years
SpaceX (SpX)-11 Launch: SpX-11 is scheduled to launch today at 4:55 pm CDT. Pending a successful launch, capture and berthing are planned for Sunday, June 4th at 9:00am CDT. Rodent Research-5 (RR-5):  The crew unpacked, installed and configured four Animal Habitats and configured the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) for RR-5 operations to be performed after arrival of rodents and additional hardware and materials on SpaceX-11. The Ground team successfully completed a software checkout of all the Habitats. DOSIS 3D:  The crew de-installed DOSIS 3D passive detectors and handed them over to a Russian crewmember for packing for return on Soyuz 49S.  Data from the various active and passive radiation detectors are used in the determination of the radiation field parameters absorbed doses and dose equivalents inside the ISS. A concise three dimensional (3D) dose distribution map of all the segments of the ISS will be developed based on this data and data from JAXA and NASA monitoring devices. Matiss:  The crew de-installed the four Matiss Sample Holders from the Columbus module for return on 49S.  The MATISS experiment investigates the antibacterial properties of materials in space to see if future spacecraft could be made easier to clean. The experiment aims to understand the mechanisms of attachment of biofilms in microgravity conditions. MATISS objectives include simplification of decontamination operations to save crew time and validation of innovative surfaces for use in future spacecraft. ISS Change of Command: In preparation for 49S departure on Friday, Peggy Whitson handed over command of the ISS to Fyodor Yurchikhin. During this event, the entire crew discussed with Mission Control Center (MCC)-Houston and MCC-Moscow Flight Control their roles and responsibilities for the timeframe between the Change of Command event and tomorrow’s 49S departure.  Following the Change of Command, the new Commander’s Soyuz crew became prime for emergencies.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Recharging Soyuz 733 Samsung PC Battery Soyuz 733 Stowage Ops and completing the right seat container packing Note 5 CASKAD. Connecting Anabioz Incubator to РБС and Power Up Rodent Research Habitat Install DOSIS 3D Passive Detectors De-Installation from Columbus (10 PDPs and 1 TDP). ISS RAM Handover to RS Crew for Soyuz Return On-Board Training (OBT) Dragon Emergency Review DOSIS 3D Passive Detector Pouch handover to Russian crew for download of dosimeters with Soyuz. Deinstallation of Matiss Sample Holders Rodent Research Habitat Install CASKAD. Starting Anabioz No. 2 Battery Charge STRUKTURA. Deactivation of crystallization process Photography Cyclops ICE Experiment Photos Rodent Research Habitat Install STRUKTURA.  Transfer of Luch-2 bag to Soyuz 733 Group Combustion Module (GCM)  Gas Bottle Unit Air (GBU) Change HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection Setup Replacement of urine receptacle (МП) and filter-insert (Ф-В) in АСУ. [АСУ] Activation after Replacement Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Install Soyuz 733 right seat container transfer completion report (S-band) Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open Signing ISS RS Handover Protocol On-Board Training (OBT) Dragon Emergency Review Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold Bottle Replacement Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Power On Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth Rodent Research Node 2 Camcorder Video Setup Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Close Rodent Research Microgravity Science Glovebox LSAH Setup Terminate Soyuz 733 Samsung PC Battery Recharge VHF2 Comm Test from Soyuz 733 via RGS Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan Prep Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Data Export Group Combustion Module (GCM)  Gas Bottle Unit Air (GBU) Leak Check Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config LAB Setup Change of Command Health Maintenance System (HMS) Stow Reminder HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection Reminder Rodent Research Thermal Consideration Soyuz 733 [СА] cooling down prior to descent Reminder 1 HRF Generic Saliva Collection Completed Task List Items None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. RR5 Habitat Install support Change of Command  Three-Day Look Ahead: Friday, 06/02: 49S undock/landing, OBT Dragon vehicle ops, Zbook deploy Saturday, 06/03: Crew off duty, housekeeping Sunday, 06/04: SpX-11 capture/berthing/vestibule outfitting QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Manual Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   June 01, 2017 at 10:00AM from NASA https://go.nasa.gov/2swIPsE via IFTTT
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