#luch bags
sopiao · 8 months
hey!! i love your writing so so much oh my god. your account is just perfect– if it's not too luch to ask (and forgive me if this is a little long) can i request headcanons with taskforce 141 + masc reader???
reader's kind of distant from the rest of the task force. they all get along with him just fine, does what he's asked to do on missions and all that, but he just feels kind of... absent. nobody really gets what his deal is, but they've gotten used to him. (BONUS POINTS IF HE ALSO WEARS A MADK HE DOESNT TAKE OFF THAT OFTEN... i wanna be cool too </3)
one day he wakes them up, and (to their surprise) tells them that he had a nightmare. this is the softest his voice has ever been and the most he's ever opened up– just. fluff and comfort lolz :p
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i’ve always had a hard time writing this kind of stuff but i’m cleaning out my inbox so.. ^^
it sorta implies angst?? like the nightmare is something serious of an issue?? idk
(Callsign will be Anon to make it easier for me ☹️)
Anon has always been distant, keeping some space and never really contributing to any of the conversations x But they still treasure him just as much as each other. They understand that some people just have a hard time with stuff like that or just don’t wanna get into it in general.
Soap and Ghost always makes constant visual checks to see if he’s still part of the group, since he’s always quite as a mouse it’s hard to keep track of him. Price would make sure to save a seat for him whenever he’s a little late. And Gaz would always check up on you from time to time.
They make sure you felt part of the team. Just because Anon doesn’t really have a deep connection with any of them doesn’t make him any less one of them.
In the middle of a mission they all had to sleep in a safe house for the night. A rather small one since they had to share a room together. Sleeping bags all lined up across the room. One soldier found it hard to get at least a wink of sleep. Price’s and Soap’s loud and grumbling snoring didn’t really disturb them since it was practically white noise to him now.
After half an hour Anon finally found the ability to be carried into rest. It was peaceful for a while. Until he woke up violently, body twitched when he woke up from how intense it was. He found that it was hard to keep his breathing under control and try to focus on one thing. Physically and emotionally.
He put this off as a last resort and tried everything to calm himself down. But when all else failed he turned to Ghost beside him. Reaching for his mask and hastily pulling his mask over his head, hesitating before bringing his hand up to shake Ghost awake, he’s a light sleeper anyway.
“What? What happened?” After a second to comprehend what was happening he sat up and looked around, thinking something happened, like someone broke in or someone found them. But once he saw his comrade’s, somewhat, relaxed but worried eyes and stopped.
Sitting up fully and comfortably, he asked if everything was alright. Judging by his lack of response Ghost nodded, immediately understanding and not making a big deal out of it since this is way out of his comfort zone.
“Go on.” He nodded his head, sitting next to him and relaxing against the wall, still half asleep but still willing, very willing, to listen and comfort if needed. Ghost listened intently as Anon began to explain and mumble out what happened in his sleep.
“Uhm.. Fuck— Now that I’m thinking about this, it sounds stupid—” Looking down and fiddling with the edge of his sleeping bag Anon’s interrupted by Ghost.
“Just tell me. You’ve already got me up” He’s probably not the best one for comfort, but he knows he’s trying, not the best with his words, but he’s willing to listen.
It stuns him for a second with his bluntness, but chuckles lightly, knowing that he really does wanna listen. He starts to explain, second guessing himself every couple sentences, but slowly he gets more comfortable with sharing.
Halfway through Soap starts to stir and move in his sleep, making both stop and just stare. Turning around to see both sleeping bags empty, Soap immediately sits up and searches for them, only to see them off the side, sitting together.
“Oh.. shit..” He calms himself down, both Ghost and Anon look at each other before looking back at Soap. He slowly sits up and crawls over to where they are, next to Anon so he’s between Ghost and Soap.
“What’re you two doin’ up?” Somehow his accent is deeper when he’s half-awake. Slouching back against the wall, almost leaning on Anon’s shoulder.
“I couldn’t sleep after.. a.. uhhh… nightmare” Anon was hesitant to explain, wondering if waking up his friends were really worth it, hoping that they wouldn’t make fun of him. Soap just hums in response.
“Nightmare? Al’right. Continue” To Anon’s surprise, Soap wants in too. He looks back to Ghost who just shrugs and nods, silently telling you that it’s up to him whether he wants to share or not.
Before Anon can even start again, both Price and Gaz wake up, both confused as fuck, but following along, dragging their sleeping bags over to him. They were all now wide awake, Price laying back in his sleeping bag, arms crossed, half-awake but still lucid enough to understand stuff coherently.
Anon started to explain again, relaxed to see how supportive his teammates are with how little they really know about him. Once he got to a certain part of the nightmare, the part that really made it a nightmare, his lungs felt tight once again.
Suddenly his mask felt so thick and concrete, he had to lift it up to his nose to breathe. Blubbering out apologies between breathes as they tried not to stare too much.
“Nah, nah. You’re fine” Ghost reassured him through his mutters, rubbing his back to try and soothe him. It didn’t, but it was something. Something that they were there to listen.
“Don’t force yourself if you don’t wanna tell” Gaz nodded, not wanting to force Anon to go too much out of his comfort zone, in the chance that he changed his mind and wasn’t okay with sharing this kind of stuff.
“I’m fine.. fine” Anon nodded his head, realizing how much of his face he exposed and tried to cover it up with his hands so he can still breath. But for those couple seconds that his lower half of his face was open. A large, old, scar decorated his lips, diagonally going from the top right to bottom left, almost reaching his chin.
With something so unexpected being exposed, the fact that Anon even reached out, it made them all alert to watch out for his emotions and how he’s feeling. But what was most surprising for them, was how he talked. It was usually so stern and short, always getting straight to the point. Almost robot like. But now, it’s softer, more warm but sorta confused, he fumbled in his words a little but it was just so different than how he is out on the base.
An hour has passed, but now that all of that is out of Anon’s head, and everything, almost everything, was off his chest, the sleepiness started to catch up to him. In the midst of Ghost explaining how he was feeling and the possible reason for it, Anon was already asleep, snoring softly as he struggled to keep up.
They knew that this was something you’d never do. So it was a sort of shock for him to break his blocked off demeanor. But it made them feel good that Anon even considered venting. Even if it was something small like a complaint or something annoying, they wanted him ti let it out.
(this has been in my drafts for forever T-T)
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zvdvdlvr · 5 months
loser!kyle garrick and his girlfriend 😮‍💨❤️
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fucking like rabbits literally everywhere, getting high and having deep conversations whenever he stays the night, casual dominance from kyle, kisses so hard they make you dizzy, kyle dropping the L bomb when you wake up with him after the fifth official date, feeling so safe around each other you both just sleep in each others’ arms most days, playing video games with kyle when he whines about doing better when his good luch charm is with him, rolling blunts for you and drawing goofy hearts on the bag before he gives them to you 🤍
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sparklecryptid · 2 months
okay so. I was plunging the depths of the Royal Bastard AU tag (it started in 2018. I've been here for most of that. time is illegal now), and I was struck with. an absolutely silly way for an Ace!Reveal to go:
Ace is not the Tallest person to work in his bar. he isn't the shortest either, but. that's irrelevant right now. anyway: Ace works with Tall People. this is relevant, because the lighter he needs for this drink is up On A Shelf.
Ace considers the shelf.
Ace could climb the shelf. He could call one of the many, many glaives over to get it for him. He could even warp up to the shelf. Ace decides to set the drink aflame with a poke instead.
Ace turns. he is met with A Stare. Ace has Many Regrets.
- ^_^ anon
Ace stares at his Glaives.
His Glaives stare back.
“You saw nothing,” Ace says in the same tone his mother used when he, Nyx, and Libertus did something they definitely weren’t supposed to do.
His Glaives do not buy it. One of them makes a strangled noise. Another stares at her drink like it contains the secret to the universe.
The Glaives that Ace knows extremely well don’t look particularly shocked but they all look like they want to strangle him.
Pelna in particular looks like he’s ten seconds away from following in the footsteps of his ancestors and murdering a Lucis Caelum.
Luche looks mildly annoyed, like he lost a bet he had money on.
“You owe me 200 Gil,” Tredd says to Luche, “I told you it would be something stupid that let the cat out of the bag.”
Luche grumbles.
“You had money on it?” A Glaive balks at the idea.
“It’s rather obvious,” Luche says dryly, “Once you know him that is.”
“Hey,” Ace says, “I think I did a decent job of not being found out!”
“You literally just outed yourself because you didn’t think to ask any of us for a lighter.”
“Luche, shut up. For all you know I could be a member of the Crownsguard.”
“But you’re not.”
“….Stop being smart.”
Luche’s unimpressed gaze is the work of legends.
“Your husband and Libertus will be informed as soon as they walk through the door that you did something stupid.”
“They don’t know!”
“Ace, we all know. Or had suspicions. You are too weird to not be a Lucis Caelum.”
“…I’m not that bad.”
“Your uncle threw you off a cliff and you survived. I know this because you went to Pelna and began bitching about it immediately after it happened.”
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
Sola/Little Nox Dissidia au
@raven-6-10 @secret-engima
The promised trainwreck under the cut!
The Citadel's been a wreck of tension ever since Spitfire and the prince went missing. Abyssus yowling fit to wake the dead brought the on-duty glaives running to find Sola's bed empty, phone still on her bedside table and all her shoes still in her closet, all signs pointing to an unwilling departure despite a clear absence of any sign of a struggle.
They'd raised the alarm, checking on the rest of the royal family and their retinue-
-and found Prince Noctis' bed as empty as his sister's.
Then, while Citadel security was swarming like a kicked anthill, spearheaded by a blackly furious Marshal and King's Shield looking for their godschildren, those guarding the Crystal had sounded the alarm.
Which is when they'd found their missing royals, via the Crystal putting out a hologram of the two like something from a bad science fiction movie.
Tredd hasn't gotten a decent night's sleep in four days.
If it's not the palpable worry radiating from the King racking up the tension, then it's the fact that the royal children have been summoned to a desolate world to participate in what's essentially a glorified death match on opposite teams, during which Prince Noctis is in nothing but his pajamas.
No one is ever again calling Sola's insistence on keeping her deployment bags in her armiger frivolous.
Though, if Tredd has to be completely honest, Sola's younger brother's lack  of proper attire is only a fraction of what's causing the tension. No, the bulk of it goes to Spitfire's newest Uncle and now youngest brother. The once-Chancellor of Niflheim and Captain's kid. Captain's kid who's apparently the Crown Prince's clone, created from a sample Niflheim stole how knows how many years back.
Luche had dipped out to make a phone call to Axis, because those are Arra braids in Ardyn and Nox's hair, and Axis had completely neglected to mention that his recent adoptees were Lucis Caelums, leaving Tredd to watch Axis' clansmen on this fucked-up version of reality TV.
Nyx has been teaching Spitfire the Ulric Dance ever since her Rage a few months back clued them all into the fact that Spitfire's as Sky-born as anyone can get without being an actual dragon - and seriously, Tredd is this close to shaking Nyx, the idiot needs to adopt her already, for Ramuh's sake - so he's in the room whenever he's not sleeping. Which means Libertus is also here, making sure Nyx does take the time to sleep because the last thing any of them need is the twitchy Ulric doing something Dumb, aided by Abyssus literally carrying Nyx out of the room when it's time to catch some shut eye.
Crowe's anxiously watching her girlfriend fight off various monsters and champions, fingers plucking at the rubber band Crowe's worn on her wrist ever since the Burning. This hadn't been how Sola and Crowe had wanted Sola's family to find out about that particular relationship, but Crowe had adamantly refused to be barred from the room for a second until Sola came back.
Luche, like Tredd, is there as Axis' braided brother, leaving the rest of the Fourth Regiment to attend in shifts depending who's on break, with Pelagia and her Third Regiment counterpart running everything because Captain is also busy watching this clusterfuck.
The Marshal's not left since the whole thing started - has he even slept? - but the King and Shield have to leave for short periods to make token appearances lest the entire country learn the royal children have disappeared into the ether. Gladiolus and Ignis have to be forced out of the room for their studies, which has apparently resulted in temper tantrums worthy of a Raging Sola, but the two young teens have yet to convince the King, Shield, or Marshal otherwise so the process repeats every day without fail.
Sola latching on to her new uncle and brother isn't a surprise. She's Sky-born, they do that. Especially because for all that the ex-Chancellor is clearly missing more than a few lines to his sails, he equally as clearly cares for and is protective of his niece and nephews, despite his distaste for Regis and Mors.
Were it not for the danger to her brothers, Sola would probably be having fun. The chance to cut loose against other skilled fighters? No one looming over her shoulder, scrutinizing her every action and deeming anything not up to their standards as 'monstruous'? Sola would have loved that in any other scenario.
But Spitfire has two brothers to protect, and Tredd swears under his breath when Sola assigns herself to Noctis and Nox's guard team, instead letting Ardyn join the strike team. The self-sacrificing dumbass.
"Care to explain that?"
Tredd cringes away from the Marshal's displeasure, silently thanking the Storm-Father that the King and Lord Amicitia are off in an unavoidable meeting with one of the Councilors.
"Sola is better suited on the strike team, sir." Luche says politely, before Tredd can stick his foot further in his mouth. "She's not usually charged with guard duties in the field."
The Marshal eyes them both severely. "Izunia is stronger than Sola." He says sourly. The revelation of the former Chancellor's heritage and all it's unpleasant implications hasn't been fun for anyone. "He can take a smaller strike team, freeing more people to guard Noctis and Nox." Unsaid is the fact that neither Sola nor Ardyn will leave the princes alone with strangers.
"Yes, sir." Luche demurs. That had been the argument Sola used to convince Ardyn.
(Tredd hadn't thought anyone could be more protective than Sola of her brothers, but Ardyn has her beat by a mile. Ifrit have mercy on whoever tries to harm either of the princes in the future, because Sola and Ardyn sure as Pyre won't, and Tredd doubts there'll be enough of the moron in question afterwards to scatter their ashes.)
Tactically, the assignments have merit. As Tredd exchanges a glance with an equally grim-faced Luche, he knows tactics aren't what they - or any of the glaives - are worried about.
Spitfire doesn't do defense. It's not a matter of skill. Tredd wouldn't be worried if it was, skill they can compensate for.
No, the issue is that Sola's a damn dragon of a Sword. Her first, second, and third instinct when dealing with threats is to kill it. She can't do that on defense - her priority has to be Noctis and Nox's safety, even if it means letting her target escape.
It's not impossible. Not when she's got help.
And yet Tredd can't shake the feeling that this isn't going to end any way but badly.
Tredd's right.
Two days later, everything goes to Ifrit's Pyre in a gift basket.
The strike team is away, trying to complete whatever the objective is that will send them all home.
(Ardyn is a force of destruction to contend with, tearing through enemies like they're tissue paper, making the King pale with an anguished epiphany he refused to share.)
The ambush catches everyone off guard. The strange dragon-like creatures swarm the protective detail. The healers push Nox and Noctis behind them, the champions better suited for close quarters combat struggling to keep the creatures off their more vulnerable companions.
In the commotion, Tredd doesn't see what sparks it, but he sure as Pyre sees when Spitfire loses it.
A low snarl rips from her throat, gaze and focus narrowing down on the threat in front of her.
Crowe swears. "Pyre-damn it all, someone back her up-"
But none of the other champions are watching Sola's back. They're too busy with their own battles, too busy keeping the kids safe. They don’t notice how Spitfire's been drawn away from the rest of the group, don't see the blind spot left vulnerable without a glaive or Abyssus there to cover her.
If Sola's family hadn’t known before, they've sure as Pyre realized it now. It's impossible to miss the glaives' reactions - Luche's grim certainty, Libertus' hand a physical restraint on Nyx's shoulder, Nyx's hands clenching and unclenching as he resists the useless instinct to grab his kukris and throw, Crowe's snarling at people who cannot hear, the way every muscle in Tredd's frame coils as he fights off the Fury rising like a wave-
-and crests, as Spitfire staggers, the attack she doesn't see ripping through her. Magic erupts throughout the room as Sola's eyes widen and her face twists in an agonized cry that has no breath to voice.
Sola hits the ground, and Nox s c r e a m s.
Ghostly weapons tear through the remaining creatures, a constant stream of light and steel that is nothing like any armiger they've seen. Champions startle as weapons pass through them harmlessly only to shred the creatures around them, until nothing remains.
The healers rush to Sola's side, but even from here, Tredd can see that it's bad. Really bad - he doesn't know if Spitfire's going to make it even with three healers and her own regeneration trying to save her life.
There's another burst of magic and Ardyn arrives, terrified and protective - Nox's magic must have alerted him, but Tredd doesn't know what the ex-Chancellor can do that the healers can't, Lucis Caelum magic just doesn't heal…
Ardyn takes in Nox, boneless with exhaustion and sobbing in Noctis' hold. Noctis, trying to keep it together. The champions doing their best to shield them from where Sola is laying on the ground between the healers.
(None of them can see it in the blue of the Crystal's hologram, how Sola is too pale against the shock of red hair haloed around her face, nearly indistinguishable from the blood staining the grass.)
Something in Ardyn's spine steels. He strides forward, ignoring the champions' attempts to keep him back, shedding his upper layers before he kneels and gathers Sola against his bare chest.
(The scars hit Tredd like a sucker punch. They've all seen some gnarly scars, no one survived the Burning unscathed, but these… these are torture scars. Torture scars and death blows and the glowing sigil of the royal family that can't be anything other than a brand.)
(The King is white as a sheet. Tredd wants to throw up. Parents are supposed to support you, not… not this.)
(Six, no wonder Axis kept Ardyn and Nox's heritage a secret. That Ardyn is able to trust and care for any of his Kin is astounding.)
It's not until magic rises from Ardyn's skin that Tredd realized what's happening. That he realizes what the tint of the Crystal's magic had disguised. But he's seen Spitfire heal others dozens of times out in the field, he recognizes this shaping of magic, and Ardyn is so much stronger than Spitfire-
It doesn't make it any easier to watch as Ardyn's skin splits, his blooding pouring out to join Sola's painting the ground. Doesn't make it any easier to watch as his wounds close, Ardyn gasping and trembling from more than just pain as he curls over his healed but unconscious niece, even as Noctis and Nox barrel in to comfort him.
Tredd's almost relieved when the Marshal turns to them and demands, "What the fuck just happened?"
As one, every glaive turns to Nyx. He's the only Chief present, he's the only one who can make the decision to share Galahdian lore with Outsiders as he has been with Sola.
Nyx stares a few moments longer at Sola's too-still form, hands flexing. Finally, he turns to face the Marshal and the King, expression dark as a thunderstorm. "We call it the Draconian's Rage."
"We?" The King's eyes are sharp. Tredd thinks he sees something of the warrior the King must have been when he visited Galahd twenty years ago.
"Galahd. The Draconian and the Infernian weren't the only Astrals to Bless humans. The magic disappeared long before the time of the Founder, but we still Remember." Nyx glances back to where the healers are fussing over Sola and Ardyn and Nox. "You have the Draconian's Blessing. But the Draconian isn't human."
Nyx turns back to the King, storm-blue locking with armiger-blue. "The Astrals aren't human, and sometimes their Blessed aren't either."
The King's lips thin. "You're saying my daughter isn't human." Treading on dangerous ground - the King's never taken kindly to the rumors painting Sola a monster.
"Physically, she is." Nyx says, steady as the cliffs against the storm-swept tides. "In her soul? Her instincts? She's no more human than I am."
That startles the King. "You are-?"
"Ramuh's. Storm to Sola's Sky."
There were rumors that the Ulrics were Ramuh's Blessed. Coeurl-Kin. Shape-changers and Wind-Walkers and as Black as the storms in their souls.
Tredd never thought he'd hear the rumors confirmed. This is Clan History. Private Clan History only ever shared with Clan Allies. If that.
"We thought you knew." Tredd says, trying to buy some leeway for Nyx. Tredd can't reveal that he's also not-quite human. Not without his Chief's permission. He might be able to get away with telling Sola - it's only a matter of time before she joins the Clans - but King Regis? Tredd would be in serious trouble. "You have thousands of years of history. Family customs as unique as any of ours." Customs catering specifically to those non-human instincts, Tredd doesn't say.
Tredd suspected otherwise after Sola's Rage in HQ. Sola didn't know anything about her Rages, only that she'd get so angry she couldn't think beyond needing to kill something. She was terrified that she'd try to kill anyone near her, hence her retreating somewhere secluded until she could regain control over herself. When she'd come out of her Rage to find Nyx and Tredd at the end of her weapons, injured but otherwise in one piece, she'd been horrified that she might have tried to kill them.
She hadn't known that she wouldn't. That even in the deepest Rage, her instincts would recognize the difference between hers and threat. Sola would never harm an innocent bystander. Not on purpose. Not unless they provoked her first.
So Tredd had suspected. He didn't want to believe it - how could the Lucis Caelums not have any information of the Draconian's Blessed? He knows Mainlanders don't keep Tales like the Clans do, but they do keep records! Sola cannot be the first Lucis Caelum to be Skyborn!
But no. The royal family has no clue.
What a mess.
"What does that mean for Sola?" The Marshal asks while the King processes Nyx's revelation.
"She's protective." Crowe says. Tredd snorts at the understatement of the century. "She'll react violently to anything threatening her Claimed. Lethally, if she can - Skyborn don't like leaving threats alive to try again."
"Prince Noctis and Nox are her only vulnerable Claimed. Prince Nox has his uncle to protect and care for him, which will satisfy Sola's instincts." Because nothing short of an Astral will be able to get past Ardyn to harm Nox, and even then Tredd would still put his money on Ardyn. "But Sola's Sword to Prince Noctis, and the oldest and strongest of his Retinue. She's his primary protector. Not being allowed or able to kill anything threatening him will stress her instincts."
The Marshal grimaces, glancing at the King and Shield. Tredd wonders if he's thinking about how Sola came to join the Kingsglaive. She'd eventually told them the circumstances behind her joining their training, one night out on deployment. Knowing now that Sola's Skyborn, that was a really Stupid decision on the King's part, banning Sola from protecting her disabled brother. The King was lucky Sola didn't try to sneak out of Insomnia after them.
"When she's under a lot of stress, she'll lose her grasp of human language." Tredd tells them. Tredd's never had that happen to him, but he also knows that as far as Seaborn instincts go, his are fairly tame. Sola, unfortunately, is way out on the extreme end of the scale. "Sign language she can comprehend, and that empathic thing she does with her magic. She'll lose her words before she Rages, so if it's that bad don't bother talking to her. She won't hear it."
Another glance between Sola's relatives. Six, how many signs had they missed?
Tredd determinedly ignores it. "When she's Raging, either give her space to work through it or spar with her. Sola won't hold back, but she won't try to kill you. But if you need to step out of the fight, make it physically clear that you surrender. Weapons away, hands down and open, on your knees and throat bared if you have to."
The King frowns. "That seems… dangerous."
"Not with Sola." Nyx says before Tredd's temper leads him to say something snarky and unwise to the King. "She'll always recognize her own."
"Shit's starting up again." Luche suddenly says.
Everyone turns back to the Crystal, conversation tabled.
For now.
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andywinter16 · 1 year
Some random headcanons for FFXV because I want to cry and hug my idiots, but sadly they´re fictional. So I wrote something to cheer us all!
- all the glaives are foreigners, there definitively were situations with mispronuciation or just simply forgetting words:
 “You know what I mean, it looks like a hat.” “What? What thing like hat.”  “ You can used it for cooking! And I don´t mean a pot. “Oo, you mean that thing with holes?”  “Did .. did you guys meant colander?”
- Tredd is oficially banned as babysitter for Axis´s children (because teaching them how to blow up whole city ain´t good idea, Tredd)
- Luche, Sonitus, Pelna and Crowe are the type that when they drinks a hot bewerage are absolutely melting the cold inside them
-there is a tradition that before mission whoever slaps Nyx´s butt will have luck and won´t die on the deploytment. (That was proven correct many times ) Nyx was unaware of this till recently ...
- Crowe is avid tea drinker (loves green tea with lemon), absolutely hates plain black coffee with sugar
- Libertus is great at winning prizes at amusement park. Always wins so much that he gaves it away to children
- Luche never swears ... ALMOST never swears. He breaks this belief when his idiots do something EXTREMELY reckless. (or when someone was being asshole to glaives) Well, then he´s got some very colourful words for them
- Titus owns a small cabin near lake. It´s beautiful here and so calm. When he´s got a time, Titus packs his bag and take his doggie there.
- glaives have got into lot of drunken shennaningas ... like having a race with those mobility scooters 
- Axis once burned water for coffee. In his defense, he didn´t sleep for like 48 hours cuz his children were ill and couldn´t sleep
- Tredd hates needles! And it doesn´t matter if it´s at doctor or tattoo artist, Tredd is scared!
- If you get ill, Pelna is the one who will take care for you. (cooking you food, buying groceris, cleaning,..) And no, he doesn´t give a damn If he gets ill himself in the process. 
- Sonitus has great fashion sense. That man knows how to dress to impress. (More than once was invited as fashion guru to help pick outfit for their date)
- When Luche kiss someone he cradles their face in his hands to prolong it. The closeness and intimacy makes his heart melt
- Pelna sometimes likes to spent his time alone (to charge his energy). He usually spents somewhere out of city (some nice hike) or at home where he tinkers with computers. Also likes to play videogames, these days he enjoyed Animal Crossing.
- Nyx is playful boy and loves to make people smile. He absolutely hates when those close to him feel miserable. Whatever it takes, Nyx will make it better.
- I believe I said that before but Titus loves watching soap operas. (Rosalia, Esmerald,..) And reads absolutely sugary romances that would cause cavities. Don´t judge him, he loves good sappy ends!
- Libertus is actually big softie, If you get past his mean and guarded demeanor.  Gives the best hugs and cuddles!
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garbria · 3 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I saw this on @firefallvaruna's blog and wanted to give it a try.
Cor cursed as smoke rose from the console while he wrestled with the controls. (When the Wind Blows, FFXV, Gen with hints of CorNyx)
“Haven’t seen you on this side of the Citadel in a while, Ulric.” (A Rock and A Hard Place, FFXV, CorNyx)
Nyx stared at the report on his desk, not really seeing it. (Holiday Hero, FFXV, CorNyx)
Nyx sighed and pulled the worn hoodie tighter around himself as the wind tugged at him. (Mad Season, FFXV, CorNyx)
Titus strode down the hall, concentrating on keeping his feelings off his face. (Today's Gonna Be My Day, FFXV, Gen)
Libertus sighed as he saw the fake smile on Nyx’s face. (All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter, FFXV, Gen)
Nyx bit back a sigh as he crouched behind what used to be a wall and was now only half of one. (Fools Rush In, FFXV, Gen)
Luche sat down, eyeing the bags under Nyx’ eyes highlighted by the flickering light of the fire, but didn’t comment on them. (Not All Who Wander Are Lost, FFXV, Gen)
Pelna crouched on the top of the cliff and looked down. (Holding Out for a Hero, FFXV, Gen)
Regis rubbed his temple and considered the consequences of just burning the offending piece of paper. (Best Laid Plans, FFXV, Gen with mentioned IgNoct)
The FFXV Remix and Kingsglaive Legends fics at the end really misrepresent the amount of gen I write, I think. Without those events, there would be a lot more CorNyx on the list.
The main takeaway is I really like starting fics in media res, which I already knew. It is my favorite way to start fics. At least I have a brand!
No pressure tags: @awlwren, @rvnoir, @whostarlockeda03, @whumpwriterforlife, @starjunco, @ertrunkenerwassergeist, @caparrucia, @yuzukimist, and anyone else who wants to
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
Nyx Week 2023… Day 7: When We First Met
Thank you @calling4glaives for organising Nyx Week! As the final day was a free day I thought I’d share the first time that my OC - Violet Amicitia - and Nyx met, thanks again and I look forward to the next one! ☺️💙🌸
The Glaive had strict training schedules; in the mornings, they would train as a group, focusing on their combat skills, after lunch was magic, then after a couple of hours they were sent off. The Captain encouraged them to train further, either in the gym, or a run around the perimeter of the Glaive HQ but he didn’t force it onto his soldiers. When the first recruits from Galahd had joined, Drautos had said that his Captain would run them to the ground to a point they’d pass out from exhaustion, he didn’t want to follow that example. Although most did train extra after a long day, it was never to a point they’d make themselves ill.
Nyx had just dressed after a quick shower - he and Luche had just finished 3 laps of the HQ perimeter - and began to make his way out the building when he passed the outdoor training arena, where her could hear wooden weapons clashing.
He leaned through the doorway to see where the noise was coming from, and who was training so late. To Nyx’s surprise, it was the Captain parrying blows from a young woman, no, a girl, clearly still a teenager, it wasn’t someone Nyx had seen before either. Nyx stepped out to the edge of the arena, catching sight of the girl’s school coat and backpack piled up at the side.
The Captain and the girl were so focused on their training that neither of them saw Nyx standing there at first
“Better!” Drautos praised as they finished this round of strikes, “you’re getting there, you’ll be knocking your brother down in no time” he added as he reached over and ruffled her hair with a smile on his face. Nyx couldn’t believe what he was seeing, the Captain was smiling!
“Oh… umm, Titus” the girl nodded towards Nyx, Titus! She was on first name terms with the Captain?
“Ulric, what are you doing here?” The Captain’s usual expression was back as he looked at Nyx
“I was… just leaving when I heard you both in here, is she a relative of yours?” Nyx asked
“She’s not,” Drautos sighed as he waved Nyx over “might as well introduce you both, Nyx, this is Violet Amicitia, the Lord Shields eldest daughter, Violet, this is Nyx Ulric, one of my Glaive” Violet smiled as she shook hands with Nyx.
“I’m sorry I interrupted your training, Lady Amicitia, I wasn’t expecting to see anyone in here”
“You weren’t interrupting,” Drautos spoke, “just had a text, Violet, the Marshal is waiting outside to take you to the Citadel”
“Oh! Is it that time already?” Violet ran over to get her bag and coat then returned to the Captain, Nyx could have sworn she went to kiss him on the cheek, but she stopped herself. “I’ll see you tomorrow Ti… I mean, Captain Drautos,”
“Take care Violet.” As she ran to the door she looked over her shoulder and waved
“Nice to meet you Nyx!”
“And you”
Once Violet was gone, Nyx turned to the Captain
“So… how do you know the Amicitia’s well enough to be on first name terms with their daughter?”
“I’m a family friend” Nyx laughed, “what? Don’t think I’m capable of having high ranking friends?”
“Don’t think you’re capable of having friends, Sir” Nyx said with a playful smirk, earning a sharp elbow to the ribs, knocking the air from his lungs
“You’re lucky I don’t give out punishment for snarky comments, Ulric”
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nyanykamito · 1 year
I wanna blame @nemo-of-house-hamartia​ for this because cozy nyx is life 
Nyx living his best life, he lives in a shared apartment with his roomies pelna, libertus, luche, and another guy. They have planned movie nights, video game nights and other events. 
In their living room nyx has claimed a certain cozy chair and he always has a blanket folded in there incase he falls asleep there. His chair is his throne and castle and he’s had to kick a few people out of it. But he can’t dethrone Crowe and Selena because they have little sister rights. 
On quite nights you can find Nyx curled up in his chair watching netflix and cuddled under his blankets. And on early mornings you ca find him there except he’s eating a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons. 
early mornings he goes jogging with Cor and Gladio and in the afternoons he goes shopping I mean carrying bags with Crowe, selena, Iris, pelna, gladio and Libertus
in the evening he either goes to the bars or eats dinner with the fam, and he actually helps cook. Some nights in the outback they’ll have a few drinks, reminisce on the past and sit by the fire. 
Just a normal happy day for the crew, nobody died everybody lived and Nyx still the hero of the glaives. 
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A very smexy hero of the glaives
Now if Nyx had a s/o 👀
Nyx would allow her to stay in his chair, but they’d have to share it. Nyx is totally the needy one in the relationship, and clingy in his own way. 
Soft touches and kisses on her hands, forehead. Whenever their standing together somewhere he pulls her close and has his arm wrapped around her. 
some part of him has to be touching he’s touch starved, the boys make jokes about him being twitter patted and he denies it to them. But when its just him and his s/o he can be vulnerable he can be soft, he can be weak for them.
He can admit that he wants and longs for her, she makes him feel superhuman when he’s able to come to her aid. He uses his warping abilities to show up at her apartment, he brings her lunch while she’s at work. 
If s/o has a kid, Nyx has unofficially adopted them. He’ll pick them up from school, get them McDonalds. They go the arcade alot and the kid destroys Nyx, Noctis, prompto, Ignis and Gladio. Kid is god tier
Nyx takes the kid on warping trips and they travel around Insomia, but s/o doesn’t know about it.....yet. 
When the kid calls Nyx dad for first time unprompted or tells Nyx they love him, Nyx almost cries. He didn’t think the kid saw him like that. Nyx is such a softy
Nyx pulled a few strings and go a tiny uniform for the kid too and fake blades, so for their next warp trip they’ll be ready for action. 
If the kids a girl, nyx will do the whole dad thing. Painting nails he’s good at it, hair doing he’s good at it and dress up. He even does princess play, must be all those years of playing with his sister has paid off. 
Nyx is also the one to get said kid out of trouble when they mess up...than nyx is in trouble. And only a romantic date can save him
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nokikissa · 1 year
dont mind me i gotta do some whining about minor annoyances...
I'm the kinda guy who takes almost always the same sort of lunch and snacks to work, and now recently lidl seems to have taken issue with my set luch.
I almost always take like tomato soup that is like premade soup from lidl, one pack of that is enough for two days work lunches... But recently they haven't been restocking that that often so it's been out in multiple of lidls I've been to? Which is annoying but fine, I'll live. I can buy similar but slightly more expensive brand name versions from different stores.
Another thing I took to work was like lidl store brand knock off version of twix bars, like I bought a multipack of those and took one to work each day, and ate one half of it on one coffee break and another on the other coffee break. But then somewhat recently apparently they've stopped selling that anymore??
Eventually I settled like fine. I can't have my knock off twix bars. fine. I'll buy like your bag of mini kitkats and take two of those to work. It's less ideal, I like them less but whatever that's okay I guess and somewhat inexpensive.
And yet today I went to lidl and was like oh gotta buy a new bag of the mini kitkats... and what do I find? Nothing. Seems like they've stopped carrying those as well. 🙃
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 7- Edging
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Yeah. Gonna cheat by pulling another couple from another story. This time the FFXV Modern AU- Magic and Miracles featuring Luche Lazarus and his wonderful spitfire of a wife- Ada.
Kinktober 2022
Day 7 Edging
Beads of sweat formed and fell from your form as you moaned and whined rather pitifully from around the gag tied around your mouth. But there was little you could do except either give him a thumbs up that you were ok because your hands were tied behind your back and he currently had you bent over a stack of pillows in the bed and was playing with a myriad of toys on you in between stuffing you full of his own cock too, which he currently had in a cock ring himself. Or you could flip him off when he noticed you were just on the edge of climax and he turned the damn things off to keep you from coming. But oh, you were going to make him pay for this because you knew how to return friendly fire and give as good as you got. 
Honestly you didn’t know if this was heaven or hell or a mixture of both. 
But you were currently restrained and couldn’t move, not that you would- had you not been. Because honestly? This was some of the best sex you had had with your partner in a while. And it definitely beat out the lazy sex before bed just so you could wake up early and get the kids to school- by a long shot. 
The kids were off at the grandparents for the weekend. And you and your husband Luche decided to spice things up a bit, your 10 year anniversary was still a few months away. And while you did have a Disney Cruise planned for your whole family, it seems he was wanting to celebrate it a bit early and a bit differently than the way you had been celebrating in the past.
You spent the day at the best spa in town. Getting everything you wanted from head to toe. The perfect cut and color and style for your hair. The lash extensions. The facial. The massage. The manicure and pedicure. Your makeup professionally done. You bought secret lingerie to wear under your dress. You got an undergarment slimmer to hide your mom belly you had gained carrying and birthing three kids. You bought this sexy as sin dress in the best shade of royal blue that complimented your complexion to wear and new “fuck me” heels and this new perfume that made you feel like you smelled like a goddess and made you feel as amazing as you looked at everyone in that spa complimented how hot and sexy of a MILF you were. And at least your husband saw the dress so he knew exactly what shade of suit to dress in so that you looked like a proper pair.
You met him at the very upscale bar that was close to the hospital he worked at as a minor CEO. You pretended not to know each other and he tried some cheesy pick up line he most likely had gotten from Google no doubt. But he tried. And you appreciated the effort.
And Luche looked great. He had always looked handsome but today? Oh he had turned the charm on and up to 11.  He too had gotten a new suit, shirt and tie for this, perfect shade to match your dress perfectly. And he had packed quite the goody bag for the both of you to enjoy this weekend. He bought and was wearing new cologne that made him smell amazing. He just got a hair cut and a custom shave from his barber. He looked like a million bucks. 
And according to him- so did you. 
Granted the fact that you had been wearing half that amount in the jewelry set probably helped, but he assured you that had you not been wearing anything, you'd still be the most beautiful woman in the world to him.
It was the most planned “spontaneous” thing you two had done since you gave birth to your last daughter Emma. Who was now..almost 3. And now you were trying for baby number 4. But the whole point of getting pregnant was so that you could climax and so could he. But he apparently wanted to have much more fun “before the finale”. And considering just how "stocked" this bag of tricks was, he was keen to try to use as much as possible and was particularly giddy to try- with your consent and permission of course, which is how you found in your current position.
Which is why after he took you out to the most amazing restaurant, he took you to this hotel, specifically to this suite. Had your bags, that he had spent all morning packing himself so that you would have everything you wanted and needed. 
‘Let’s try it,’ Luche said. ‘It’ll be fun’, he promised. ‘It’s the best’ he had assured you when he suggested the two of you try edging.  
Fun? In the beginning. Yes. 
The best? That was currently up for debate. 
But you did have a safety signal in place for when he could push you too far. And while you desperately wanted to cum. You also desperately didn’t want to lose this battle of wills either. 
Because you wanted him to remember something.
That the best part about sleeping with a redhed- is that you don’t sleep at all.
And you didn’t care if it was 2 in the morning. Hell you’d stay up till the sun came up. And tomorrow night was your turn to edge him. And right now, you were mentally keeping a tally of how many times he had denied you your orgasm and you were be going tit for tat with him- plus one or two. Depending on how much longer and further he took this. 
After the first round, you learned that if you just kept your voice down and did your best not to make any noise at all, that maybe you’d get a quick orgasm in- without him noticing. But Luche wasn’t having that at all. He wanted to hear it all. Even with the gag in your mouth. 
But the key was the gag itself. It came with a quick release. All you needed to do- to end this- was use your tongue to turn the ball that was in the gag that came with a button that you could push in with your tongue and the ball would fall out of the gag and you could tell him to stop. 
But perhaps that was the most tortuous part of all. Because you didn’t want him to stop. He had just stuffed something of a vibrating anal plug into you and an even bigger vibrator into your pussy and had a wand at your clit you were beyond exquisitely stuffed and your petite but powerful legs kicked at the bed and you let out a shrill pleasured cry because finally, please, after 3 hours. You wanted it. This was it. If you were going to cum, you wanted to cum on this as you used both hands tied behind your back to give him the thumbs up that this felt amazing and you were still cool with this and wanted this and before he could turn them off, you finally, finally came. 
That glorious, wonderful cascade of pleasure and he at least had the decency to let you finish before he pulled the vibrator out and replaced it with his own cock and finally came into you too so that such precious seed would hopefully take root.
But by this point, you were beyond exhausted. Pleasured, sated, but exhausted as the time of night finally caught up with you. And by the time he got the ball gag off of you and untied you and pulled that anal plug back out of you. You just laid there. Rather limply as he cleaned up both himself and you. But you were content to lay there. Eyes closed, catching your breath, ass still up in the air, supported by pillows while your arms simply were happy to lay next to you, your own semi closed hands on either side of your butt just up in the air. 
“Babe? You ok? Did I go too far?” Luche asked worriedly when he got out of the bathroom to see you had not moved once he took everything off and put it away. 
“I’m so tired. Like. This was fun. But. It feels like I haven’t slept in 36 hours and my body is jelly and my brain is fried.” You answered honestly as you were even starting just drool where your head laid. 
“Oh. Sorry. I guess we got a little carried away. Well good thing is- it’s a holiday weekend. And you have the next three days to catch up on all the sleep you want.” He tried to reassure you as he gently moved you to lay on your side while he rearranged the mountain of pillows and even carefully lifted your head to lay your head on a pillow before he put another where he would be sleeping before he turned the lights off, got into bed and gathered you into his arms. 
“Are you sure you’re ok? Are you sure I didn’t go too far?” Luche asked again as he tenderly kissed the crown of your head. 
“I don’t know. I’m too tired Babe. Ask me after I’ve slept for, 8, 10, 12, fuck it, 14 hours.” You mumbled as you could feel sleep drag you down. 
“Ah, I kept you up too late. Sorry, I got a little carried away.” Luche apologized again. 
“It’s ok. You owe me though.” You insisted as you buried your face into his chest. 
“Owe you what?” Luche asked.
“8 orgasms.” You answered which got him to laugh. 
“Ok. I’ll get right on that, after you’ve slept and sufficiently refreshed yourself and refueled. And I’m sure you’ll make me pay for every one of those when it’s my turn right?” Luche guessed with a fond smile. 
“Oh hell yeah.” You answered. 
“Ok. Goodnight Ada, I love you.” He cooed. 
“Love you too Lu, good night.” You murmured before you fell asleep within his embrace. 
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nightiingaled · 1 year
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death drabble | @lastglaivestanding [Luche]
"Are you sure about this Luche?"
The Glaive was sorting through his pack one last time, methodically checking each and every pouch to ensure everything was in it's place. "Captain's orders." He sounded solemn when truly he was afraid. He couldn't let on to a fellow Glaive as much though.
They gave him a sideways look. "Yeah captain's orders--But..." They're voice dropped low, "Luche last time you almost didn't come back."
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Luche froze. The terror that had already crawled it's way under his skin flared to life like a cold flame. "I remember." He didn't mean to sound so abrasive with his tone, but he had no other recourse to avoid giving away his true feelings. Of course he remembered his capture, but the Captain said jump and Luche said 'how high'.
A cleared throat and the other Glaive changed the subject. They reached for a lovely jeweled hairpin that Luche was checking off into the bag. "Oh yes, this is absolutely your color."
Luche's features burned bright red and he coughed, shaking his head. "It's a gift...for the princess," he said softly, "But keep that to yourself."
"The princess!"
Luche gave them a stern look and they subsided. "Please...promise me you'll come back."
"You know I can't."
"Just this once."
"I promise."
. . .
The taxi dropped him off outside the city, a motorcycle waiting exactly where mission parameters stated it would be. He was watching the area closely as the taxi drove off, casting his eyes around to see if he'd been followed. Nearby movement grabbed his attention as another van turned the corner, dark grey in color it turned at the stop sign and started down towards Luche.
He stiffened in preparation for a fight, but the van drove on past and disappeared into the horizon. Luche gave himself a wry chuckle, shaking his head. Paranoid...
The sound was barely seconds ahead of the pain, a loud noise that echoed in the empty expanse. The pain tore through his back, not once, but two more times as the bullets struck home. Luche collapsed over the bike in agony, feeling someone grab his collar and toss him to the ground.
He met death with his eyes open - staring his killer down as one final bullet took his life.
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trendyaxessories · 7 years
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SOLD! #Formula1 #red #race #car #Lunch #Bags - #Design by #BluedarkArt - via #Altervista #Blog > http://bluedarkart.altervista.org/formula-1-race-car-lunch-bag-designed-by-bluedarkart/
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sparklecryptid · 4 years
Oh bleep, imagine Regis asking *Tredd* what female!Luche's family was like. Tredd with /not pull his punches/, and was probably /there/ for some of it - he saw some of those interactions up close and personal.
Tredd, upon realizing he can drag Regis’ feelings through the mud just by being honest: 
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And- the thing with Tredd here is that he doesn’t particularly care about the King. His fight with Niflheim is a personal one. Tredd doesn’t care about the well being of the King despite the oath Tredd himself swore. And it’s that oath and the fact that Regis is Luche’s father that prevents Tredd from being too cruel.
He thinks Luche’s indifference, her own brutal honesty, will be more effective in painting a picture than Tredd himself ever could.
But for now Tredd laughs. Short, harsh, brittle.
“What? You think that I’d just tell you?” His words fall from a wry grin. And Tredd knows that the King has power over him, could take Tredd from this world with a twist of his wrist but Tredd finds he doesn’t care. In this moment Tredd himself feels more predator than prey. “I shouldn’t. Luche will have my head if I do but I think- I think you should know. Just so I can watch the look on your face as you realize what made her into who she is.”
And still Tredd doesn’t tell Regis much. But what Tredd does tell the king is enough to paint a picture that makes Regis want to rage.
That makes him want to cry.
“She loved them,” Regis says.
“And they didn’t love her.” Tredd’s voice is cold. “She doesn’t need you, Your Majesty,” Tredd says, “She’s never needed a family that she didn’t chose.”
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mierbill · 3 years
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MIER Dual Casserole Carrier Insulated Bag
shop now:https://www.miersports.com/products/mier-dual-casserole-carrier-insulated-bag
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garbria · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @oftincturedwords , thanks for the tag!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
These are all for FFXV.
1. How to Talk to People At Parties
Cor stood at attention, against the wall, wishing this whole ordeal was over. He knew meeting with officials in Lestallum was important to the war effort. He wasn’t an idiot. It wasn’t that long ago that he’d been on the front lines with the rest of the guard, before being recruited for Regis’ retinue. Troops lived and died by their supply lines. He just wished it wasn’t so damn boring. 
2. Wreck of the Day
Nyx plopped in Cor’s lap and laced his fingers together behind Cor’s head. His body was buzzing pleasantly with alcohol and well wishes. Cor put his hands on Nyx’s waist to steady him as he leaned in, smile wide. “I love you.”
3. Straight to My Lover's Heart
Nyx tapped his fingers on the bag of coffee beans he was holding, and entertained himself by imagining using a little magic to encourage the line to move a little faster. He wouldn’t, of course, if only because the paperwork would take forever. Almost as long as this line was taking. He was definitely going to be late at this point, which he was blaming on Luche. The bastard swore he couldn’t come himself, and it wouldn’t take that long, Nyx, really, do you want to deal with the Captain uncaffeinated? Why was it his fault the Captain required a specific brand, and how had they run out, anyway? Did he want to know?
4. Earthquake Weather
Cor followed Nyx through the jungle, down a path that he could almost swear hadn’t been there before. He glared suspiciously at his back as they walked, mind half on the setting sun. It’s not that he didn’t appreciate being released from those vines, but he just couldn’t figure out what the man’s deal was. He was entirely too relaxed. He knew who Cor was, at least he claimed to know. Cor didn’t like using his reputation, but he was aware of it, and most people he met were nervous around him. Nyx seemed perfectly at home. Did he come to rescue wayward visitors often?
5. Again and Again
Nyx coughed as he ran down the hallway, clouds of dust filling the air. He ignored the bodies on the floor and the static in his ear. The last communication he’d had before the comms went down was frantic requests for backup at the Crystal chamber. With the chaos, he wasn’t sure who else, if anyone, had heard the call. He’d hoped the Crownsguard could hold the line until backup got there.
6. They Grow Up So Fast
Cor stood to the side, sharp eyes assessing every shift in movement. His form was good, much better than average, though he still needed to put on some more muscle if he wanted to be able to handle the heavier models for any significant length of time. He continued watching as Prompto worked his way through the different targets, using various firearms. Cor knew Prompto was nervous, had talked him through it before starting this assessment, but now that Prompto was moving, his actions were smooth and controlled. If he hadn’t seen Prompto fidgeting earlier, he never would have guessed he was anxious. 
7. Long Day
Cor turned on his heel and walked another twelve paces across his living room. Turn, and another twelve paces. A glance at the clock, and another twelve paces. He kept his breathing controlled, in time with his pacing. His fingernails started cutting into his palms, and he made himself loosen his grip. Another half hour and he’d start making phone calls.
8. A Welcome Surprise
Linnea walked down the halls, increasingly amused. Yeah, she was dressed all in black because she didn’t think about her clothes more than absolutely necessary, but her jeans and long sleeve shirt didn’t actually resemble a uniform. And yet, no one had questioned her presence in the halls of the Citadel. She should really talk to someone about their security. Later.
9. Stand Your Ground
Nico rolled his shoulders as they walked down the hallway. Training was over for the week and he was looking forward to dragging his friends out somewhere for drinks. It had been a trying few weeks learning magic, and he was looking forward to going back to more lessons in hand to hand combat. Magic looked cool, but it was harder than he’d expected. 
10. Projected Trajectories
Sofia lurked in the hallway outside the lieutenants’ offices, waiting for an opening. She knew she wasn’t as good at casting magic as Theo, who was already reliably casting first level spells in the first week and moving on to the second level. Despite his self-deprecation, she knew he was on track to make into the ranks of the mages. She’d noticed Lieutenant Altius showed up for their last class practicing offensive spells, and she wasn’t there to watch all of them. Theo would be fine. 
No pressure tags: @awlwren; @whumpwriterforlife; @meissashush; @whostarlockeda03; @starjunco; @yuzukimist; @caparrucia
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dollalterer · 2 years
Izuku Midoriya x GN! Reader
WARNINGS: embarrassing moment (?), crush is exposed, mini angst, very badly proof read, dry writing, teasing, slight fluff, reader panics, crying, nickname 'bloody' is used bc of readers quirk, no NSFW
Summary: readers crush on Izu gets exposed by Denki and Mina
Only other thing you need to know is that you quirk can manipulate blood which is why you have the nickname
Deku uses a different nickname (N/N) and can be whatever you choose
👇🏻 You dont have to read 'till under the banner 👇🏻
WC- 1907
A quirk thing 'cause why not 🤷
Your quirk is called "blood manipulation", it allows you to control someones blood as if you had telekinesis. You can pull, shape, thicken, thin and change the pressure of anyones blood. The only odd thing about your quirk in your eyes is that you can attract blood like iron shavings to a magnet ultimately tearing through the skin if you wanted to. The more iron in their blood the easier it is to control.
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Starter plot: You'd been moved to UA high to attend the high class hero course.
Today was your first day at UA.
As soon as you walked into class you realised what the time was, it was 10 minutes before the bell, of course no-one would be here they're probably talking with their friends
you decided sitting on the floor up the back is the best option for now until you were assigned a seat by the teacher.
5 minutes had passed and a boy walked into the empty classroom, his eyes immediately catching onto your figure seated on the floor.
"ehh, are you new here?"
His emerald eyes looked at you intently waiting for an answer
"oh, yeah! I arrived early and decided to sit in here 'til class starts so i could get a seat, im Y/N"
You gave him a smile watching as he walked half way across the room to stand a few feet infront of you
"you can sit next to me! Mr. Aizawa will get you a permanent seat when class starts, my names Izuku Midoriya by the way!"
You nod your head up at him taking note of his cheery tone and charming smile before standing up yourself, following him to his seat taking the one on his right.
As he sat down and grabbed a book out of his bag he looked up at you with big eyes
"can i ask questions about your quirk? Uh- its not weird right? I mean i meant it in a way so i could learn about you- not in a creepy way! I just really like learning about peoples quirks and its been a hobby of mine for a long time- you dont have to say yes!"
His cheeks flared a light pink as he ended up mumbling, his words becoming extremely hard to understand. As he finished he looked at you with a shy smile waiting your answer
"yeah! Of course you can it doesnt bother me!"
For the 2 minutes you had by yourselves was spent answering questions about your quirk before you both were interrupted by a boy with glasses as he ran in and bowed his head to Midoriya apologizing for being late, you found out his name was Tenya Iida and ended up speaking with the boys until class started.
You were seated behind Midoriya upon the teachers arrival and a frustrated student wondering why there was a student in their seat.
You and Midoriya grew close in a few days, hanging out whenever you could, staying near eachother and even making luch for the other when their parents couldn't
~8 months later waiting for Mr. Aizawa to come back from lunch~
Half your classmates were were on the other side of the room (including all your close friends) chatting to each other while you sat alone at your desk mindlessly sketching in your drawing book, unfortunately your mind decided drawing a close green friends face was a good idea, despite the pink and blonde haired classmates secretly watching from behind you
"wait, bloody are you drawing Midoriya!?"
Denki snatched your book when you looked up to mina who was drawing something aswell, it was attention to you, pointing and making weird sounds to of course catch peoples attention, Denki held the book open in the air looking at Midoriya across the room with a smirk
"looks like someone has a secret admirer! Bloody did you draw Midoriya as a bunny! That's so cute!"
"Eh- No! I didn't draw him as a bunny i drew his old costume! It's just a sketch i was gonna draw it properly!"
At this point you were blushing from the embarrassing amount of attention while trying to grab the open drawing book from Denkis grip. Midoriya was watching your embarrassed state with his own shocked one, slightly entertained by the fact that you'd thought of him enough to draw him.
What Mina chimes into say surprises everyone leaving the both of your faces glowing like a fire
At this point your on the floor laying ontop of Denki clawing at his arm to get your book back. When he looks down from your book ,effortlessly holding you back from getting it, he notices the tears building on your lashes not yet falling. Denki gives you your book deciding the teasing had gone too far, you take it and dreadfully slump in your seat, your head pushed against the desk.
Mr. Aizawa Finally arrived
"everyone get in your seats the bell went 6 minutes ago!"
He walked to his desk everyone in their own watching as he sat down
"sorry for being late Ms. Joke-" he cringed "came into the school looking for me" he sighed sitting straight now "anyways today we'll be doing .."
You lost focus on what he was saying instead lifting your arm in the air looking at him
"Mr. Aizawa can i goto the bathroom?"
Your voice wasnt cracking with all your effort put into keeping it like that until you were in the safety of a bathroom stall. He looked you dead in the eyes, the only visible sign of anything important was the tear starting to fall from your left eye. You were given permission to leave.
You stayed in the bathroom crying until the next break.
The bell rings and you clean up your face leaving for your table with the "Dekusquad" as Mina calls it at the cafeteria. When you sit down between Uraraka and Tsu Midoriyas attention goes to you
"Why'd you leave class N/N?"
"Uh.. I had a bad stomach so I sat in the bathrooms until it felt better"
The table is silent, listening to the conversation you and Deku were having, edging Deku to commit to what he had been dared earlier
Deku, Denki, Mina, Todoroki, Tsu, Uraraka and Sero were sat in a circle waiting for Mr. Aizawa to wake up from his nap, it was truth or dare mixed with spin the shoe. Denki spun the shoe and it landed on Deku, without giving him a chance to pick truth or dare Denki gave him a dare that he had to stick to unless he 'wants to clean the dorm kitchen for a week' as Denki says put it
"Hey Deku! I dare you to tell Bloody how you feel"
"what- what? I only see them as a friend"
Deku was turning red sitting there with his hands waving infront of his face in an attempt to dismiss what Denki was implying
"come on Deku it's obvious to everyone!"
Sero pointed out
"u- okay your right but I'll only do it after school.."
"oh, can you meet me on the verandah infront of the dorms when school's over?"
"sure Midoriya"
                    ~on the verandah~
"so.. What is is Midoriya?"
You were next to eachother on the steps avoiding the others gaze. You were nervous about what happened in class but you weren't quite sure what deku was nervous about
"uhm, so i was dared to confess to my crush earlier"
Your heart stopped he likes someone already you lift your head reluctantly looking him in his eyes. He was beautiful, the fading sun tinting his skin and making his eyes glow like an angel
"well the thing is-" his hands shifted in his lap starting to scratch the insides of his palm harshly "my crush is a close friend and i- i dont want to lose them if we dont work out"
"you should just go for it, if they're a close friend then im sure they wouldnt leave you, besides your so sweet no one would want to leave you anyways"
He smiled, an anxious and careful one so sweet that it made your heart melt. His eyes landed back on his lap now scratching his wrist
"f/n, i have a crush on you"
Midoriyas voice was a soft whisper, your heart started beating fast. He looked you in the eyes and moved his hands to hold yours gently, a soft expression resting across his adorable features
"sorry i shouldn't have accepted the dare i was just so shocked that they knew i liked you i could barely respond to them you probably dont even like me and only see me as a friend im sorry for putting you in the spotlight i knew you didnt like i-"
You interrupted his ramblings finally having a response
"am i just a dare?"
His eyes turned from embarrassment to worry extremely fast, his grip on your hands tightening and moving his whole body to face you
"no you arent i would never act like i liked someone for a dare"
His face became increasingly more upset as he spoke, eyebrows turning upwards, eyes becoming wet with tears and his nose becoming tinged with red
"can i just have a while to think about this Midoriya?"
"of course! Take as much time you need you can text me or say it face to face when you decide"
Why you were so upset with him was a mystery but you couldnt do this without Tsus input. You removed yoyr hands from Midoriyas before getting up to leave for Tsus advice
"i might have an answer at the end of tonight, ill come by your room if i do"
You smiles over your shoulder before going into the dorms and in Tsus room
"Tsuyuuu i dont know what to do"
You flopped onto her bed resting your head on her lap whining about this new  issue
"is it Midoriya?"
"yeah, he told me he has a crush on me and i said i needed time to think and now im here"
"i thought you liked him back? Did something happen? Why didnt you say you liked him back you have for months!"
Yoy whined rolling off of tsus lap and sitting up against the wall
"but he mentioned something about a dare and i dont want to be in a relationship because of a game i want real feelings"
Tsuyus face crumbled into a confused look
"he does like you his feelings are real, todoroki, uraraka, sero, mina , denki and me were all playing truth or dare, denki dared him to ask out his crush not you specifically, you should go and tell him how you feel"
"oh" you sighed "thats fair, anyways i gotta go do something!"
you stood up running down to Midoriyas room, when you reached it you knocked on the door bouncing on your heels waiting to be let in. The door opened, greeting you with a smile Midoriya invited you in and you sat in the middle of his room
"Midoriya i have my answer, i like you back!"
Both of your faces turned red and he sat down infront of you playing with his hands again
"oh- well i- um, do you think we can- date?"
"yeah i would love that"
You both smiled at eachother before you leaned over wrapping your arms around his waist putting your head in his chest. His head was buried into yoyr hair, hand rested on your head the other on your back pulling you securely into him.
This wasnt the first time you had hugged him so lovingly, whenever you found him in a hospital bed that seemed to be the only thing you could do, when he was in a healthy state of course,
You both sat there Midoriya slowly leaning down onto the floor snuggling his head into yours. You both cuddled until 9:00PM not wanting to be separated by mr.Aizawa
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