#copy quirk ish?
wontletyouundermyskin · 2 months
Please help me find this fic!
I read a MHA fanfiction a while back that I quite enjoyed but don't know how to find now.
If I'm remembering correctly, in the fic Izuku finds out he really did have a quirk when he trusts Aizawa. His quirk is that once he trusts someone completely, he gains their quirk. I can't remember if it was a "bad parent Midoriya Inko" or one where she had passed. Either way, I really want to reread so if anyone recognizes it, please let me know!
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b0tster · 1 year
Hello Lilith I require sage wisdom only a true Bloodborne expert can answer. I recently bought Bloodborne and have been mildly gnawing at it in small amounts of time and I'm kinda turned off by how crusty it looks :(
Now! Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the art style of the game massively. And I enjoy it's setting and so far the combat. However, the games running on a PS4 pro in 4k(ish) on a big ass TV when the game (I think) is only supportive of 1080p displays. And hence the textures and aliasing looks really jagged and unpleasant. Is this just a weird small sacrifice I should bear. I've noticed my copy of dark souls 3 also kinda looks like this. Could this just be a quirk of all From soft games? Or is it an issue with the display I'm using.
Thank u for Ur time ^^
hunny ur aware that ur venting to the ps1 girl about ur game only outputting a measly 2,073,600 pixels a frame right.
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littlemisspascal · 1 year
Rockford & Roan Pt. 2
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Pairing: Tim Rockford x Female Reader/OFC ‘Roan’
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: A week into living together, you start to realize there’s something…peculiar about your roommate.
Rating: T 
Warnings: Language, Reader has a dog, Reader has military background, Superpower AU, They Were Roommates AU, self-esteem issues, soulmates-ish, original characters, worldbuilding
- Reader has no first name and no physical traits described in detail except for being shorter than Rockford
Author Note: Thank you so so much for all the kind support 😊 I've really enjoyed writing for these characters and developing their world + relationship. If you want, check out some art I made for the fic here. Hope y'all like this new part!
Special thanks to @beecastle for beta reading and encouraging me 💜💜💜
Part 1 / Part 3
The Apartment
445D Albatross Lane does indeed have an unmistakably yellow door. 
Standing on the sidewalk, you and Banjo stare up at the building. Well, you’re staring up at the six stories of tan bricks and arched windows, Banjo is far more interested in the smells coming from the small bakery situated just to the right of the canary yellow door. A sign on the window says they make pet friendly treats. Banjo would never forgive you if you didn’t buy him some to try sometime.
Overall, it’s a quiet and nondescript place on a quiet and nondescript street. Definitely not as modern or bustling as your current apartment on the other side of town. It’s clean though. Mellow. Charming in its own funny little way. 
“Hello again, Miss Roan,” Rockford’s voice pulls you out of your observations, turning around to find him paying a cab driver. “And you, as well, Banjo,” he adds when the little mutt barks in greeting.
His appearance hasn’t changed much since yesterday, same white shirt and ruffled hair, but he’s ditched the trenchcoat this time, revealing just how much the cotton fabric stretches to accommodate his expansive shoulders.
“It’s a nice place,” you say as he comes to stand next to you. 
He quirks a smile. “Just wait ‘til you see the inside.”
In the elevator, Rockford presses the button for the 4th floor. You stand next to each other; him silently watching the numbers tick by over the doors, you silently watching him out of the corner of your eye. 
He seems calm. Outwardly, at least, hands stuffed in his trouser pockets. You wonder if it would mirror the same internally, ocean waters smooth and still. Your mind-gift hovers at the edges of his aura, torn between the selfish desire to submerge into his emotions again and the terrifying wariness of triggering his discomfort. It’s only the second day of knowing each other, after all, and there is such a thing as too much too fast.
But oh how you want…
You run your tongue over your bottom lip, thinking of how you could ask without sounding impolite or, worse, desperate—except then the elevator’s stopping and Rockford’s gesturing for you to follow him down the hallway.
“Only got the one key at the moment,” he produces said item from his pocket, unlocking the third door on the right, “but if you’re still certain about moving in after you look around, I’ll talk to the landlady about making copies. She’s a friend of the family, owes me a favor or two.”
You turn in a slow circle inside the living room, taking in everything while Rockford points out some of the appealing features. Good amount of natural light from the windows, updated appliances, ample sized rooms with high ceilings. The walls are painted a soothing cream color, lined with a couple of shelves here and there covered in books and random trinkets. A miniature globe, a solved Rubik’s cube, and an antique camera standing out amongst the clutter.
What he doesn’t point out is the abundance of boxes stacked in practically every corner, filled to the brim with even more books and folders stuffed with documents. Or the assortment of laboratory glassware spread out across the adjoining kitchen’s countertops. Or, most alarmingly, the joker playing card stabbed to the wall with a knife.
“My brother and I, we’re very competitive,” he explains, noticing your staring. Then, with a chuckle that sounds a bit too forced to be real, “God forbid we ever play Monopoly, we’d murder each other.”
“Does he live nearby?” you ask, filing away the little factoid in the corner of your brain you’ve decided to label Tim Rockford 101. 
“Unfortunately,” is the short reply, and that’s the end of that.
You take another look around, slowly drifting over all the details big and small, thinking to yourself you can see it—a life for yourself here—just from this little glimpse.
There’s a comfortable looking plush navy couch pushed against the wall you’ll take naps on after sessions with Dr. Odair, and a perfect spot for a dog bed by the center window, and a pair of floral-patterned armchairs near a dark wood coffee table and fluffy white rug that have no good reason being grouped together and yet—and yet, somehow, you can’t imagine anything else more fitting. 
“It's great,” you say, nodding your head. “You’ve found a wonderful place.”
His eyebrows furrow like you’ve given him a complicated math problem instead of a compliment. 
“What?” You glance down at yourself self-consciously, worried about finding a stain, but see nothing wrong.
“You’re restraining yourself,” he says at last. “Outside on the street, I could understand keeping your mind-gift close, but here, where it’s just you and me, I’d hoped you would be comfortable enough not to suppress your empathy.”
“You–” Your breath catches in your throat, heart performing a somersault. “You mean, you don’t mind it?”
His eyebrows shoot up his forehead now, surprised and dismayed. “Of course not,” he says, so earnest and sincere you don’t even need your mind-gift to know he’s telling the truth. “Your mind-gift led to our matching. More importantly than that, it’s a part of you. I can’t promise my emotions will always be pleasant, but I can promise they’re yours to feel just as much as they are mine, Miss Roan.”
It’s…overwhelming to process. Rockford accepting your mind-gift wholly and completely. Rockford giving you unrestricted access to his feelings, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s the greatest offering of trust you’ve ever received, not even your own parents gave you such permission to feel their every change in mood.
You’re speechless for a long moment, furiously blinking back against embarrassing tears burning at the corners of your eyes. “Thank you,” you croak, and then divert your gaze to the hallway leading to the other rooms. “I’d like to see the rest, if that’s alright?”
He leads the way with an easy smile, and there’s only the faintest of stumbles in his step when your empathy tentatively brushes against his mind before his emotions rise up to greet you like an old friend.
Yeah, you think to yourself, looking around the bedroom that will soon be yours, head filled with the gentle lapping of waves. I think I’m going to like it here. 
The transition from living alone with a dog to now living with a dog and roommate is a surprisingly smooth one. Maybe it’s the influence of the bond further tying your lives irreversibly together, but a part of you likes to think even if you weren’t a matched pair, you and Rockford could just have easily carved out a space to cohabitate. A little realm of your own making.
You move into your new bedroom with a mattress twice as big as your old one, the few personal items you own seamlessly mixing with Rockford’s in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Your toothbrush shares a cup with his, the grocery list sticks to the fridge with a magnet from the pet shelter, a blanket your mom gave you for your last birthday drapes over the back of the couch. 
Even Banjo settles quickly into the new environment. After spending the first two days sniffing everything in sight, he finds a new favorite spot on the living room floor warmed by the sunlight to stretch out his legs like a starfish. His leash hangs up on one of the entryway wall hooks next to Rockford’s trench coat and his basket of toys fits perfectly in the bottom nook of the hall closet, filling up the final tiny gaps, cementing this apartment as home.
The Roommate
A week into living together, you start to realize there’s something…peculiar about your roommate. He’d forewarned you about his unpredictable schedule and insomnia, but you hadn’t anticipated the way he locks himself away in his office for hours some days—spending most of the time pacing, if the creaking floorboards are any indication, deep in thought—or his frequent penchant for leaving the apartment in the middle of the night without any explanation. Not that he owes you one. He’s entitled to his own private affairs, but still. Peculiar. 
His emotions provide you with little clues to fill in the missing blanks. Mostly his mood’s a state of calm, calm, calm throughout the day, interrupted by the occasional splash of amusement, rumbling thunder of frustration or jarring spasm that accompanies a sudden change of thought. Epiphanies floating up from beneath the surface, from the vast, dark chasms that transfix your mind-gift with their mystery. How far down do they go? What, if anything, lies at the bottom?
You want to ask—about where he goes, about his gift, about so much—but asking would risk revealing just how much you enjoy collecting facts about Rockford, like a pathetic little magpie constructing a nest of shiny things. So rather than potentially die from embarrassment, you keep your mental list to yourself, adding to it as the days go by.
One - he’s an avid reader.
You’ll be honest, a small part of you initially thought perhaps the heaps of books throughout the apartment were just for show. Some kind of library aesthetic maybe. But no, set any book or magazine or newspaper down in front of him and he’ll inhale the words like they’re his lifeblood. The genre and topic don’t matter either. Historical events, fairy tales, biographies, poetry, science fiction, true crime. You’ve caught him reading all of them, felt his emotions swirl and surge with every turn of the page, heard fragments of sentences murmured aloud dulcetly while you dozed on the couch.
Two - he solves the Fox Leap Times crossword every morning.
Eating breakfast together becomes a staple in your daily routines. No matter where he goes at night or what time he returns, he’s always there in the kitchen come dawn. The meals are never overly fancy—the military didn’t offer much in the way of cooking classes, and your meager skills and can-do attitude are only a little better than Rockford’s—but regardless, just like his reading habits, he isn’t picky about what’s on his plate. A couple mouthfuls and a few sips of coffee—black with a dash of cinnamon—and he’s powering through the puzzle like he’s been possessed, finishing the whole thing in under ten minutes with a pleased little smirk.
Three - he’s a connoisseur of takeout food. 
There’s a collection of menus stashed in the drawer near the fridge from every eatery that surpassed Rockford’s high standards, within easy reach during evenings when there’s nothing left to eat except for a jar of mayonnaise or the last swallows of an expired milk carton. Rockford had spent a solid month gathering data and reviews from restaurants, cafes, vendors and food trucks to figure out the best of the best. I was between jobs, is all he says with a one-shouldered shrug of indifference when you ask him about it. Your shock (and slight alarm) at the dedicated lengths of his research quickly melted away during the first bite of a heavenly cheeseburger drowning in grease and a secret sauce from a little hole-in-the-wall joint you’d never have given a second glance without Rockford’s thirty-odd spreadsheets of persuasion.
Four - you’ve never seen him sleep. 
All humans need sleep to survive, even eccentric and peculiar men like Tim Rockford. Yet he’s always up when you retire to bed at night and always up before fiddling around with something in his office or reading a book. His emotions are never tainted with the fog and distortion of unconsciousness either. You tell yourself he must sleep while you’re out, and try not to take it personally that he doesn’t feel secure enough to rest while you’re around. 
Five - your empathy intrigues him.
For as much as Rockford’s emotional mindscape fascinates your empathy, he seems, bizarrely enough, just as interested in learning the ins and outs of your ability. You’d never previously thought of your mind-gift as a particularly exciting one—influencing and interpreting emotions pales in comparison to predicting events or levitating things across the room. But the way Rockford interacts with your empathy, easily accustoming to its presence, nudging against it playfully sometimes; and the way he hangs off your every word while you describe how you were prone to tantrums as a child, body overwhelmed by emotions that weren’t your own, exploding like fireworks until there was nothing left to do but scream, almost makes you feel like you’re something important. Something special.
Six - there’s a pinboard in his office covered in pictures of dead bodies.
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casuallivi · 9 months
The Midnight Kiss
I live bitches! barely lol. Slow and steady wins the race, they say. Hope that shit is true. 🤷
Enjoy. Comments are welcomed and cherished :)
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Part 7: Here comes Jhonny
Morrigan Moretti never cared much for her catholic background.
For a spoiled little girl approaching the age of twelve, being catholic only meant Sunday mornings were reserved for church or else her nonna would have a fit. But going to church didn’t mean Morrigan attended the mass, no. The girl was well accustomed to finding her way to the backdoor, killing time behind the opulent white building till her grandma had enough of singing hymns.
In a boring Sunday mid spring, Morrigan snuck out of to find a boy sitting by the shade of a tree, their faithful meeting changing the curse of her life forever.
“What is this?” Morrigan scrunched her nose, looking over the little boy’s shoulder.
“A magazine.”
Mor squinted at the black woman in a yellow two piece sprawled on a beach towel, before her lips quirked in a sneer. Did this boy bring porn to church?
“A dirty magazine?”
She had seen naked women in her father’s hidden magazines before. And she was not impressed.
“A fashion magazine.” The boy corrected impatiently.
Oh, he did not have porn then. But his answer somehow made it all worse. What was a boy doing with a fashion magazine?
“That’s for girls,” she snickered under her breath.
The girly boy did not seem to like her words, because next thing she knew vexed hazel eyes cut to her so harshly, Mor flinched. Over his left brow, a pink cartoon band-aid creased.
“Fashion is for everybody."
With sharp page flip, he dismissed her completely, grabbing the pencil behind his ear to make annotations alongside the margin. In her short twelve years of life, few were the times Morrigan was ignored.
Okay, who was this boy?
She sat beside him on the steps, attempting to lure the boy back in conversation.
“I never saw a boy with a magazine like that,” then, when she had no answer, “have a dress that color…”
“Is it fun?” She tried again.
“Can I see it with you?”
No matter how hard she tried, the boy continued to ignored her, going as far as turning his back to her, making little Morrigan baffled. Huffing, she got up, cleaning her behind, eyeing the handkerchief under his butt, stopping his grey suit from getting dirty.
“Hey, I’m talking to you!” She exploded, getting angrier by the minute.
Now she was really annoyed with him. He must not have recognized her, or know about her, because everyone in this town knew Morrigan Moretti was to be treated as nothing short of a princess.
Being the only child in a family were couples had a hard time conceiving lead Mor to grow used to being doted and catered for. House in the suburbs, private school, tutoring sessions, ballet lessons, and her long-life membership to the bay area Young Promising Ladies Club –which was passed down from mother to daughter– made sure she was well-educated and fine breeding lady who charmed everyone in the vicinity. Being a beautiful blonde, taller than most girls her age, with alabaster skin – which strayed from the general olive-ish tone of the Morettis – and the owner of a peculiar pair of brown eyes didn’t hurt either.
Everyone loved cute little girls, and Morrigan Moretti was cute as they come, never struggling for attention a day of her life.
Crossing her arms, Mor glared at the boy.
Despite his suit being perfectly pressed, and his black hair being meticulously combed to the side, she could see pink cuts coming out of the collar of his shirt, scratch marks on his wrists, and another colorful band-aid across his knuckles. All those cuts and bruises screamed trouble-maker to her.
How dare this shorty, trouble-maker, ignore her? Weirdo.
Feeling extremely irritated that he paid her no attention, her eyes set on the oh-so-precious object in his hands.
“You are very rude!” Morrigan said, kicking the magazine out of his hands. The boy gasped as the copy landed in a mud puddle, finally giving her what she wanted, and would want from him from that day onward: attention. “Oops. Sorry.” She wasn’t sorry one bit.
Serves him right for ignoring her.
The boy opened his mouth, but no sound came out, instead, the loud bells signaling the end of the mass caught her attention. At that moment, the big oak double-doors opened, a flock of elderly, couples and dutiful children spilling outside.
“Morrigan!” The happy voice of her noona reached her. “There you are, sweety. Come here child, I want to introduce you to my friend. Sofia, here she is. This is my granddaughter, Morrigan.”
Sofia turned out to be her noona’s best friend, who gave Mor a big huge and stained her cheeks red with lipstick. Discreetly, the blond girl cleaned her cheeks, feigning the polite expression she had long mastered. While cleaning herself, Mor payed little attention to the elderly women, eyes set on the boy swaggering towards them till he was standing behind Sofia. This boy looked nothing like the presentable boys she usually saw at church.
This one looked a foot taller than her, older too, with pants that barely reached his sockless ankles, sporting a loose faded-red tie which hanging from under the collar of his wrinkled shirt, a loud Gameboy firm in hand. He eyed him from head to toe, brow rising at the pink scratch marks on his cheek. The worst part was his hair: long enough to be tied at his nape with an ugly leather band. Ugh, she hated boys with girls’ hair. Morrigan made a face while he wasn’t looking.
When she was done analyzing the boy, Mor payed attention to her grandmother’s conversation, soon discovering the little hobo cosplay, and the boy who annoyed her earlier, were Sofia’s grandsons, who were moving in with her and would now be “a part of their community”.Her nonna was over the moon with the news, Mor not so much.
The weirdo’s name was Azriel. His older brother, Cassian.
When Sofia ordered the boys to greet her, Azriel merely nodded. She glared at the shorty, now hiding behind his noona.
“He’s a shy kid.” She smiled, patting his shoulder.
Mor couldn’t tell if he was really shy or resentful at her, but the one called Cassian seemed to be his opposite.
Cassian introduced himself without waiting for his grandma’s command, beaming as he kissed her hand, going on and on about how it was a pleasure to meet the pretty little girl he had heard so much about. Despite the gesture not being uncommon to Mor, who was used to people of all ages fussing over her, calling her pretty, granting all of her wishes, she liked him instantly.
Her noona, on the other hand, had no interest in Sofia’s older grandson, eyes shining only to Azriel, rushing him from behind Sofia, holding him and Mor close together.
“He’s your age, bambina. You are going to be best friends just like Sofia and I. I can tell.”
The two old ladies laughed.
Mor didn’t.
At the time, Morrigan had no idea how close she and Azriel would grow to be. Close enough to spend a decade in a relationship, flirting their way into it long before that.
Now they were no more.
Azriel had cut ties with her.
Their break up was no news to Morrigan. Azriel had done it a couple times before, set on separating his life from hers.
“I’m unhappy. I can’t do this anymore, Mor. I can’t.” He said the last time, breaking up with her again. “I’m done. I’m sorry, but I’m done.” “I won’t take your calls, I won’t answer the door, I won’t see you. We’ve been through so much, I don’t know – I don’t know how to stay friends with you. I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry it has to be like this, but this is the only way for us.”
Mor let him go that night, as she constantly did when she felt too tired to deal with his bullshit. Always something with that one.
Azriel had been hers for decades. She knew it was better to let him cool down, give him a few days and he’d be back to her again. Deep down Morrigan liked Azriel. The problem was Azriel was as emotional guy who like a boring monogamous relationship, and sometimes a girl needed a little break from routine. Not that she would not return to him afterwards. Mor always returned to Azriel’s side. There was nothing on this earth capable of separating them. Morrigan was a model because of him, Azriel worked for a fashion magazine because of her, their lives were way too intertwined to go on without the other.
So they lived like that. Morrigan gave him enough to keep him satisfy, hoping he could keep her satisfy, but he could. She would get bored, and he would want more, because Azriel always wanted more. He wanted full commitment, marriage, a house with dogs and kids. Morrigan wanted freedom, to enjoy life. So they’d start fighting, and she’d would get sick of him, letting him go for a while to cool down while she enjoyed the perks of the single life. Then, when things got boring again, she’d return to his side. Return to the man who loved her more than life itself.
Morrigan Moretti knew she’d marry Azriel Marino.
For as long as Mor could remember, Azriel had been irrevocably and undeniably in love with her. And for as long as she could remember, Mor had been irrevocably and undeniably in love with being loved by him.
In all honesty, Mor did not make it easy for him when they were kids, but to his credit, Azriel was not dissuaded by her hard personality. No one, in the whole world, loved her like Azriel did. In their twenties, Azriel dropped out of his dream college in Milan to move to Atlanta, because Mor was casted by a model agency in the city, and was “scared to be alone” there. One call. All it took for him to give up his dream and support hers was one phone call and a couple of fake tears while she painted her toenails.
Azriel went back to finish college later, but not before she turned into a runway model and moved to Milan herself, signing with a new, bigger agency. The little boy whose magazine she kicked grow into a man who had no difficulty in molding his life around hers, dedicating all of his free time to take care of her schedule, take care of her, so of course, Mor would reward him by settling down at his side.
Could you blame her for wanting to life her life before settling down? It was only fair to have some fun before being someone’s wife. Afterall, no matter how many times they broke up, they always got back together. Always.
Lately, one thing had been keeping her on edge, though.
Their break was too long.
This time Azriel had been taking his sweet time to crawl back to her side, longer than he ever did before. So long that Morrigan ended up hooking up with his brother.
Azriel didn’t know, would never know, but Morrigan had lost her virginity to Cassian. Had have a couple of one-nights with him along the years as well. She would never assume him, of course. If Mor wasn’t willing to lost her freedom in prol of Az, who never touched another woman in his life, imagine losing it to his man-whore of a brother, who loved no one but himself. Morrigan refused to be owned, she didn’t want a man to have that kind of power over her. And being owned by Cassian was beyond absurd.
“You’re coming with me to the office Christmas party.” Cassian announced one night, stripping his shorts. Morrigan hated how he wore short everywhere, like a young boy refusing to grow up. Would it kill him to put on some pants? Wear suits more than once a year? “What for?” Mor asked, unzipping her dress. “I need a girlfriend. The new shareholders will be there. They’ll feel more confident in the investment once they see me as a family-oriented kind of guy.” She waited for him to laugh, to tell her it was a joke. When he didn’t, Morrigan laughed and laughed, turning red in the face. “What’s so funny?” “You.” “Me?’ “You.” She repeated, “thinking I’m your girlfriend.” Cassian placed his hands on his hips, not amused. “You are my girlfriend.” “I’m no one’s girlfriend.” She was no one’s. Feeling the mood turn sour, Morrigan got of the bed. Cassian grabbed her arm before she took another step. “Let go, Cass.” “I’m not done talking to you.” “Well, I am. Let go.” “Still scared of relationships, blondie?” “I’m not scared, let me go.” “Get over yourself, Mor. You are not a fucking child anymore. You’ll fuck me every other night but won’t date me? Cut the horseshit. We are going, playing the happy lovable couple, then we’ll come back here and I’ll give a reward.” He moved her hand to his groin, show her exactly what she was getting. “I don’t want your shabby reward!” she spat at him. “You sure? Let me chance your mind, then.” Under heavy protest, Cassian threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the bathroom, showing Morrigan the kind of rewards he had in mind.
True to her word, Mor didn’t go to Cassian’s stupid Christmas party… but she couldn’t escape his stupid New Year’s Eve party.
Cassian had nothing to do with that, of course. Going to that party was the only way she had of seeing Azriel, who was also being true to his word, cutting all contact since their latest break up. Her calls weren’t answered, his doorman wouldn’t let her up anymore, her threatening texts were ignored, and the one time she managed to see him, Mor had to beguile Cassian into convincing his brother she was the perfect model to appear in Marino’s cover. To the increase of her stress, Azriel had remained strictly professional during the shooting, ignoring her efforts to meet afterhours. And then, at that awful karaoke party, he had the audacity of kissing someone else.
Dressed in an elegant black cocktail gown, Mor sipped her wine, eyes trained at the table on the far end of the restaurant; a table Azriel shared with no other than her.
The poorly dressed child-like woman she saw him kissing that night.
The same woman Cassian, for some reason, judge worthy of receiving a separate introduction during New Year’s Eve. Oh, Mor noticed their matching shirts instantly. She also noticed the dumb stunned look in her face when Cassian called Mor his girlfriend. That woman wanted to fuck Cass. Badly. Which let Mor utterly confused when she spied her all over Az. Her Az.
Despite being emotional one in their relationship, there was one thing Azriel and Mor had in common: Az did not like public displays of affection. Never had. Yet, he let himself be kissed just to spite her. Now here he was, going as far as taking that woman out, pretending to be on a date, doing everything in his power to make her jealous.
Mor blinked at the sight of the lousy girl.
What was her name again? Elide? Elisa? Elena? Well, who cares!
In the back of her mind, Morrigan had a faint memory of that woman being on set the day she posed for Marinos. She also remembered not liking her one bit. Too bubbly for her taste, too excited, too… happy. No one was that happy. Besides, A woman like Elisa would never attract Azriel in a million years. His taste ran on the refined side of things, not on women who dressed in shirts with comics printed on it. He should have chosen a better partner to pretend to be with.
That day Mor left the studio with a searing headache after spending half the day listening to distasteful jokes being traded left and right between Elena and Cassian –who was also present the shooting, despite her explicitly asking him not to– acting as if they were two pre-teens in a locker room. The other half consisted in her and Azriel going back and forth in a thousand of small irrelevant discussions that no one else seemed to follow.
Mor pushed her sunglasses up, stunned by the way the woman pointed her finger in Az' face. Their yelling getting louder. “Ignore them. We all do.” Cassian advised her. “You should call security.” “Nah, Ellie is not violent.” He slid his arm across her shoulders. “This is nothing, you should have seen the May shooting. She threw a binder at him.” “She did what?” “Don’t worry. They’ll reach an agreement in a sec.” “This is absurd.” “Nope, just another day with Az and Ellie. Believe me, I get tired of it too.” “Why don’t you fire her?” “Can’t.” “Why?” “Azzy won’t let me.” At that, Mor frowned. Why wouldn’t Az fire someone he couldn’t work with?” “Why?” Cassian shrugged. “Beats me. Az turns me down every time I found a replacement. Said is a hassle to train someone else when Elain gets him.”
The whole conversation made no sense to Morrigan. The more she watched them, the more out of character Az acted. Contrary to what she had seen him do countless times in the past, Azriel did not order the photographer around. He did threaten to fire her countless times, but everyone could see he didn’t mean it. The worst part was watching him discussing ideas with her, listening to hers as well, going as far as incorporating her inputs in the itinerary.
That day Morrigan caught Azriel doing a measly a staff’s job because she asked him to.
Mor returned from reapplying make up, to catch Azriel and the photographer mid conversation, the couple conversing quietly in the corner of the set. “Marino,” “No.” “Marino, please!” “I said no.” “I keep getting shadows in her face.” “Have her under another light stand.” “I can’t! This is her best angle so far, I don’t want to lose it.” Azriel rubbed his temple. “Just photoshop the shadows away.” “You’re the one spanking my ass the other day for using too much photoshop!” Azriel’s ears turned pink. “I spanked no one’s ass!” he hushed stressed. “Figure of speech. Help me out, will ya?” “What do you want me to do, Archeron? There’s no electrician here.” “Hold it for me, please?” Elain held his hand in hers, bouncing up and down while blinking repeatedly. “Twenty minutes tops. Promise.” Struggling, Azriel pulled his hand from her grip, cleaning them with his pocket square. “Don’t be stupid, I won’t hold a light for twenty minutes ‘cause you want me to.”
As if the dialogue itself wasn’t bizarre, to see Azriel taking off his shoes to step in the sterile zone to hold a light stand had Morrigan shocked.
And as she sat here, in this restaurant, watching him hold the photographer’s hands, kissing her palms without a care in the world, Mor’s hatred for the yapping-girl ten folded.
Mor snickered into her glass, finding it funny how Azriel was doing everything in his power to get her attention. She didn’t know why he bother parading that one around. Soon she’d be nothing but a smudge in his latest attempt to break up with her. All those who came before her didn’t get a second date, this one would not either. Azriel Marino was obsessed with Morrigan Moretti, there was no space for anyone else in his heart, nor his mind.
In the distance, Azriel fixed the girl’s frizzy hair behind her ear, pinching the tacky earring daggling in her lobe. Mor's intention to sip her wine was replaced by her downing the entire goblet.
“How’s your lobster?” Her boring, bald, partner’s question caught her by surprise, bringing Mor’s attention back to her own table.
She sliced a piece of meat, curling her lips around her fork with an exaggerated moan.
Her companion’s eyes gleamed with malice.
She gave him a sultry smile, but in her mind, Mor was already back to ignoring him.
Azriel having a “date” in the same restaurant she was meeting with her newest spoon was no coincidence. The man new everything about her, there was no way he came here not knowing she had this dinner schedule for tonight. Stalker much? The boring man served her more wine, which Morrigan gladly accepted.
Well, since Azriel was trying his best to get her attention, Mor would be generous and grant his wish. After she was done with this sponsor, she’d visit Azriel to do what she did best: speed the inevitable end of his doomed relationship. And Azriel would go back to doing what he did best: pine for her.
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prismuffin · 2 years
Jacob seed x gn!reader
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Little Jacob Seed Drabble as my first fic on this blog! Enjoy!
Warnings: None! Just fluffy Jacob Seed!!😽🫶
More under the cut!
You sat on Jacobs lap near the edge of the bed in your shared room. It was one of those rare moments alone you had with Jacob where the two of you could just spend time together.
You quietly read a book that was placed in your lap as Jacob read over your shoulder, tapping your thigh every time he finished a page so you knew when to turn to the next one. You smiled when you felt his lips grace your shoulders and leaned back, snuggling into him deeper. He grabbed your chin gently and made you face him. You could see adoration in his eyes as he stared at you, relishing in the moment for a while before slowly leaning in to plant a kiss on your lips. You reciprocated his affection, adjusting your body a bit more to allow yourself to kiss him fully. You hummed which turned into a small chuckle before pulling away from him.
“Wait here.”
Getting up, you went near your dresser and searched over the array of objects you’d had placed on top, smiling a bit wider when you found what you were looking for.
Your mint flavored chapstick.
Skipping back towards your loving boyfriend you sat right back on his lap facing him, causing him to adjust his arms to hold you close. You clicked off the lid of your chapstick, holding it in your palm as you used one of your hands to hold his face. He raised an eyebrow at you as he saw the pointed chapstick in your hand. “Lemme put some on you.” You told him after seeing his confusion. “Why?” He asked, and you let a nose laugh escape you. “Because your lips,” you poked them with your finger, “they’re chapped.” You quirked your brow at him. “No offense,” you quickly added and felt his body jolt in a silent laugh. He shook his head in amusement before leaning back slightly. You took the silence that followed as a sign that you could continue with your plan. So, you grabbed his face again, digging your fingers into his beard slightly and brought your other hand up to apply the chapstick. You made four smooth swipes across his top and bottom lip. “Ok now go like this,” you rubbed your lips together and watched as he copied your movements.
You smiled and he stopped, ”So,” He started, his voice dropping into a raspy whisper “am I kissable now?” He asked as he pulled you impossibly closer to his body. You shifted your position so that you were straddling him and placed both of your hands on either sides of his face. “Yes, yes you are.” He smirked and leaned in to kiss you. Just one quick soft kiss followed by another and another until he grabbed the back of your head and kissed you with more passion. You relished in the feeling of his newly soft-ish lips before pulling away, smacking your own lips together you licked them and hummed.
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razzmothazz · 4 months
I can't, I wanted to finish coloring everyone first, but. I just can't NOT yap about at least one of them. So um. Matsu. He's my favorite I think?
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(his necklace and nail polish are the colors of the unit members! I haven't come up with a unit name yet tho,,)
On the left there is Toshiro's (they/he) hand (they're the unit's leader) and on the right is Fumi (she/they) (who's kinda Matsu's friend from middle school)
I love him soooooo much, I may have projected onto him a little with the whole sea autism thing but uhm. I'm not going to give any of them canon labels (except for pronouns) (I want it to be kinda like pjsk itself, but I also just want to be able to play around with ships and their identities), but!!! More about Matsu. Despite not REALLY giving him any labels, he's very much intended to be autistic. He's insane abt marine life (the projecting part lmao) and especially sharks and ESPECIALLY thresher sharks (which is the shark I doodled there beside him with uh other stuff!). Currently he's geberally pretty cheerful and excitable, actually never shuts up, he starts talking and then it's just. Forever. (Not neg I love him so so so so much). He used to kinda get bullied in middle school and Fumi was a very timid child back then and was afraid she'd also get bullied, so she just coudknr bring herself to help, and she kinda blames herself for that right now, she grew to be very confrontational and a bit overprotective of Matsu, and I have like a whole part of the story planned about them coming to terms with everything and learning to not treat Matsu almost as a child as they kinda tenda to do, and I just love these two so much. Am I making sense? Idk this is just a stream of whatever I have going on). By the way!!! The fourth character Seina (she/her) who's completely out of frame in this cropped pic usually keeps Fumi's confrontational and slightly aggressive nature in check, she's overall very caring BUT of course I put some sad story there ue ue whatever (not whatever, I'm insane about her, but I'll talk about Seina more when I finish her part of the reference).
I haven't thought THAT much about these guys' relationships with canon characters, but since we're on the topic of Matsu (are we?? idk at this pojnt), I think at some point he met Emu and they got along pretty well! Maybe even became friends!!! I think they match each other's energy pretty well, even if with all his excitableness (is that a word in english idk) Matsu is still calmer than her, they definitely have some autism to autism comunication going on. Oh!!! Also. I started thinking about the characters' habits and quirks, and I think Matsu would make EXCESSIVE eye contact. This is partially from the impact left not only by ppl bullying him, but just yknow ppl around him as he was growing up. He's learning to be comfortable with not restricting himself around his friends, but *because* he learned that it's pretty much one of the only ways to at least somewhat fit in growing up, it's hard for him. But they care about each other so so so much and I love them. I just started talking about everyone somewhere along the uhh this whole ramble, so Toshiro!!! I haven't said much about them yet. They're actually partially inspired by my super cool and awesome aunt in some aspects of appearance and behavior, but I still piled a bunch of my own stuff to not just copy a real person,,,, anyways. He's the group leader, he pretty much brought everyone together? They all kinda had some sort of connection to each other previously to forming the unit, but uh. I haven't come up with exactly *how* they're gonna end up as a. Group? Band? Ehatever they are. I think I focused way more on their personalities so far, woops. But I'll get there eventually. Anyways. Right, Toshiro. I haven't developed them as much YET, but geneeal appearance stuff: they have vitiligo, pink-ish hair? Overall mostly a pink colorscheme (they're all color-coded yay). He's pretty into crystals and spirituality in general, also has some physical stuff going on (but I haven't exactly figured out what yet), he can't do a lot of physical activity, has kinda weak bones (Seina helps him out a lot when he needs it!!!), Toshiro is overall pretty energetic and tries his best in everything, tho tends to overwork himself a lot bc he's dead set on getting better at everything and making people around him proud and just being reliable. I also plan on expanding on this in the later story, I think so far the themes I put in their unit have a lot to do with letting go of the past (they ALL have that in common), not letting others' expectations ruin you, accepting yourself, all that. I was kinda worried they were walking too close to N25 at first, but I think it's all good actually, esp when I later expand on their story,,,, oh right also Seina. I think she's my second favorite, she's. I love her. ik I said I'm bot giving them any canon labels, but Seina and Fumi are so lesbians and so I love to me. And also I get arospec vibes from Seina BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I SHOUDL BE TALKING ABOUT. She's kinds the mom friend of the group, always taking care of everyone. As i mentioned, she helps Toshiro with physical tasks when he needs it, keeps Funi out of trouble and also helps Matsu in socially overwhelming situations MY CAT JUST FELL OH MY GOD ok ok she's okay, anyways. But Seina had "failed" to helo a friend in the past, so now she's a bit obsessed with being helpful to everyone as much as she possibly could, or else she feels useless and worthless. And guess what I also plan a whole arc expanding on it and eventually the other members comfort her and they all work on it and the others try to also take care of her, and of course it takes a lot of time, but I like the idea of her uhh healing? Development idk, THIS bring shown slowly and over time. Okay. I think I finished yapping *for now*
I haven't come up with their virtual singers, name of the unit, sekai and A LOOOOTT of other stuff yet, but uhm. I have so many ideas oh god
wow thats a lot and you thought abt their stories way more than i did for mine so far like even future developments and stuffs KSHDHDJDKCNFNNF but I LOVE THEIR DYNAMICS!!!!! Matsu has simiar vibes to my 1st pjsk oc Yuno!! theyre both energetic and full of autism so i think they would get along skdjdhbrnf IM ALREADY THINKING ABT MAKING THEM ALL FRIENDS SORRY- SJDNJCNFJD this just makes me so happy i love hearing about others ocs UR MIND!! U MADE THEM ALL SO !!!!
and id LOVE to see all of their designs when youre done with them and THE COLOR CODING!!! I LOVE COLOR CODING SJDHHFJD this is just. awesome i dont even have words just pure excitement at this point
OH ALSO BTW!!! if u wanna do relationships with canon characters i found this chart that might be helpful :3
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i have no idea who originally made it cause its been reposted like a shit ton of times but!! its great and helpful in figuring stuff out :3
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mochamoth · 8 months
Rant on why I love and fixate over Scratch (sorry for bad writing + Long warning!!)
If you couldn't tell by my profile I am literally OBSESSED with Scratch. I first actually started watching AoStH about a year ago, because of a clip of the show I saw on tiktok. I thought it was funny therefore I checked the show out. And omg I became so fixated on Scratch specifically. Also don't expect a lot of these reasons to be deep, I am NOT a deep person 😭.
So first off his personality. I adore how he's both an asshole, but also a total wimp. Also he is so SO dumb but in a charming way. I love when he acts like an actual chicken, it's funny and cute (plus his LAUGH OMG, MOST ICONIC LAUGH NEXT TO PAPYRUS'S). Scratch is just a total loser who tries to act cool and I love him for it. Oh also the way his mannerisms are. Omg. The way he SITS. He'll casually just do the splits. On the floor. And the way he walks. And how he STANDS. HE STANDS LIKE A CHICKEN WITH HIS WING HANDS. IT'S SO CLEVER AND CUTE OMGG.
Next is his design. It's just- nice. It's a nice character design, especially when paired up with Grounder (I'll talk about him in a bit, dw I'm also a Grounder fan). I loveee his outfit (?) he has going on, it's simple but nice. I like his extendo-neck, it adds a LOT to him, same with his wing-like hands and arms. Also I'm bias but chickens and crows are my two favorite birds, so that alone is just a yes for me. His eyes are cute. Simple and cute. His COLORS OMG. I am autistic and some colors overstimulate me, so Scratch and aosth as a whole just- the colors are so pretty and nice. I love Scratch's blue-ish color. It's a very nice blue. Oh and he is SO fun to draw. Thank goodness too, cuz the last character I was obsessed with was Guzma, I love his design too but it's a nightmare to draw. The only thing I'd change about Scratch's design (not counting headcanons or styles) is his feet. More specifically his lack of claws. Where are they?? His name is Scratch, so why doesn't he canonly have claws? It's not a big deal, I headcanon he has retractable claws, but still.
Third, I kinda relate to him? Not too much like I did, again bringing up the last character I was obsessed with, Guzma, but still relatable. I'm also very dumb and gullible, and I'm the oldest of my siblings not counting step. I know Scratch and Grounder are technically twins, but for the sake of this I'm gonna say Scratch is ever so slightly older. I relate to random quirks he has like copying and playing out fictional media I like, talking very loudly, and being extremely clumsy.
Probably the most dumb reason on this but I adore it; his outfits. Omg. His outfits. My favorites are def the knight one, the astronaut suit, and I'm not sure what it's called but the outfit he wears in the Egypt episode when he tries to trick Sonic's ancestor. LIKE HE SERVED?? HELLO?? And those are just my favorites. He has such good style in my opinion, he ate almost every single outfit up (almost).
Ok so finally getting to this: his duo dynamic. Omg. Scratch and Grounder are like- my favorite villain duo ever. They're perfect. They balance eachother so nicely and are literally siblings. I love the type of bond they have. They fight almost constantly over everything, and are constantly blaming eachother for no reason, yet they still care for eachother. It's just not obvious. It's more obvious in Grounder, but Grounder isn't really mean. Evil and a shitty influence definitely. But he's not really that mean? Grounder kinda looks up to Scratch a lot, no pun intended, but Scratch also cares back. He just won't vocally say it. Like he has saved Grounder's life MULTIPLE times. And gets very defensive of him when he feels like it. They're not perfect, obviously. Scratch especially can be a total jerk to Grounder for no reason. But at the end of the day they do care for eachother. Hell even when they're not up to catching Sonic or helping Robotnik they're hanging out together, very rarely do you see them on their own. Once in a while yes they do their own thing, but they do hang out a lot. Also how their designs balance eachother is so nice. Scratch is this tall, skinny, chicken robot while Grounder is short, chubby, and a mole robot. Also little side note, the chicken robots Scratch is based off of (Cluckers or something) drive me insane 😭. Like I died probably 26 times from them. Anyways the colors too. Grounder's greenish teal compliments Scratch's red details. Idk as an artist I just like that fact. Don't ask me any deep questions about art btw, ik I work as an artist but I'm not that smart 😰. I like how even though Grounder is the short one Scratch will coward and cling onto him 😭 it's funny. And I love how chaotic they are. Just two dumbass guys doing dumbass things!! Coconuts when added is also amazing. I wish we got to see them work together more. But Grounder and Scratch on their own are again, perfect.
Oh. Also. I like how they're ACTUALLY separate characters. With a lot of duos I see one of two things happen a lot. Either they have very watered down personalities, or are literally the same person. I like how Scratch ans Grounder work together, but on their own are great characters still.
The final reason is probably the most.. I guess vague out of the others. I just feel like he could have a lot of depth. Ok I know he's dumb. He's made as a comedic henchman. He's not supposed to be taken seriously and it's a silly kid's show. But how him and Grounder are treated is lowkey dark? Like they LITERALLY said they're abused. And that's normal to them. They thought "hm yes let's force our robot kid to do chores! That's love!" Like no.. No that's not love 😭. I feel like that could also be a contributing reason to why Scratch is so hostile and cold, even to people he cares for like Grounder. It's because he doesn't know how to show it. But that's more headcanon territory so I dunno. And I feel like them fighting for a BIT of Robotnik's love tears them apart and it's kinda sad to watch. Like they could be very close but can't.
This was more of a sloppy rant than anything. And I don't really watch aosth that often. Not often enough to remember every single detail. So if anything is wrong I am terribly sorry 😭. But those are just a few huge reasons why I love Scratch so much. That's not getting into tiny specific details that don't really matter at all. Anyways I'm sorry for this long ass rant, I swear I won't do this often 😰 probably just one more time for another "show" if I feel like it, I just felt like ranting today! Thank you for reading this!
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(Also photo of him. Cuz why not.)
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But I Love You...
SUMMARY: In which Dabi stalks and then kidnaps you, all because he loves you.  WORD COUNT: 1.9k
WARNINGS: Stalking, kidnapping, mentions of (somewhat) animal abuse, you ignoring Dabi for a cute puppy, getting burned/passing out, possibly yandere(? I'm not sure- like it wasn't meant to be yandere but-), angst(ish) to fluff
A/N: The reader has a quirk called Siren; when you sing and focuses on a specific target, you can get their quirk. How long you have it depends on how focused you are, and how long you have sang. You can also sing mentally, but that usually takes more time. If you sing for a while and you don't have a target, and then find someone to focus on, then you can have their quirk for much longer. And, and- your target has to be fairly close to you. (This explanation is so long and this fic barely even mentions your quirk </3) Alsoooo- sorry if Dabi is a bit out of character, I tried- (he's my comfort character, I should know what he's like, but I still don't-) A/N PART 2: The word "Gin's" was autocorrected to "God's" and honestly that makes me happy :3 (If you know who Gin is, then good-) A/N PART 3: Don’t know if this was the kind of oneshot you wanted, but oh well- A/N PART 4: Originally posted here.
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Dabi wasn't sure what had drawn him to you. Maybe it was your hair, or the way you held yourself. Maybe your smile. Whatever it was, he was entranced by you.
He still remembered the first day he saw you in passing... Your small smile as you talked with a stray puppy, urging it to come closer. The way you gently rubbed its ears, making it let out a soft whine of happiness and lick your hand gently, which made you laugh. How you picked it up so tenderly, the dog nuzzling right in to you—almost like a baby clinging to their mother. It was sweet.
He didn't know what had pulled him to move closer to you. All he knew was that he followed you home, hiding out in little alleyways until you reached your apartment. He heard your soft voice, cooing to the little dog.
He had remembered seeing that puppy in passing, heard how its owners yelled at it. It reminded him of himself, in a way... But that dog looked so happy with you now. It had run away whenever he tried to get closer, maybe scared of his scars. Whatever... It didn't matter, anyway. Not like he could've done anything for the dog.
Maybe, if that dog became so happy with you... Could you make him happy, as well...?
Maybe that was what started it. This- this obsession. Because as days passed, he found himself more and more entranced by you, following you home, following you everywhere. Learning your name, [L/N] [Y/N]. He longed to just have you all to himself... But he couldn't do that, right? He couldn't just lock you up in a cage or anything...
He sighed softly, watching you as you walked to the balcony of your apartment, letting your puppy have a breath of fresh air. You cooed to it gently before kissing the top of the dog's head. And that made Dabi so, so jealous. Why couldn't he have any affection like that? What was so wrong with him? He knew he looked terrible, but... He just wanted someone to love him for who he was. Although he knew that was impossible, right? Who in their right mind would love him? A soft snort escaped him before he froze.
Your eyes had flickered up to his figure, looking worried. Shit. He quickly turned away, sprinting as he ran from your gaze. Your soft, pure gaze that he loved so much.
You weren't sure who the mysterious man was, or why he ran away when he caught your gaze. But... It was fine, right? You looked at the little puppy in your arms, looking like a bundle of fallen leaves. "You look so adorable, Gin-chan!" You smiled happily, gently placing her down and petting her before leading her back inside. You were glad this apartment didn't have anything against pets... It would've broken your heart if it did.
Gin had looked worried when the two of you had first arrived at your apartment, squirming in your arms as you walked inside. Still, a soft hum from you relaxed her a bit. She clearly trusted you a lot... Which was a bit weird, but it was okay. You learned not to move suddenly, and soon she was all over you. Cute.
Still, your mind drifted to the strange male that you had seen on the rooftop. What was going on... Were you being watched? A small shiver ran through your body at the thought, and Gin worriedly nudged you, whining softly. You glanced down at her before petting her again. "It's okay. I'm never going to leave you, I promise."
Well... Those words were meant to be true, at least.
You sighed softly as you glanced around the dark room, frowning softly. You sang a soft melody in your mind, powering up your quirk. You didn't use it often, not really liking stealing a quirk, but hey... When you were in an unknown place, it was better than nothing. Hopefully someone was around, though... If not, then you wouldn't be able to use the quirk. For a little while, at least.
You tested the bonds on your ankles and wrists. No luck. It was way too tight.
You froze slightly as you heard a door open, eyes squeezing shut at the sudden light. A rough hand grabbed your chin, humming softly as they did so. Sounded like a guy... Your eyes fluttered open, eyes meeting bright cerulean ones. A soft gasp escaped you, trailing over his scarred features, a faint flush growing on your cheeks. He was handsome, in a scary way...
"Looks like our little doll is awake." A soft chuckle escaped the male, standing up and pulling away. You stared at him, uncertain. Wait... Had you seen him before? Maybe at the small café that you worked at? You didn't think so, though... Surely you would've recognized him. Maybe... The news? You might be onto something there.
Still, you weren't sure as you stared at him, pausing as you heard a few more footsteps. Well, now or never... You focused in on the male, who had his back to you before opening your mouth, letting the melody fly through you as you sang softly.
Dabi froze, whirling around to stare at you as a burst of bright blue flame ran through you. It hurt a bit, but... You could handle it, right? The flames had burned away the rope, and you stood up shakily, wincing as you did so.
"You let them escape?" A new voice. Male, sounding mad. You backed away a little, holding your hands with the flames out even as it continued to burn you.
"No- they- I don't know how they did it, but they stole my quirk-" Bright blue flames encircled you, stronger than the ones that you had from your hands. It didn't hurt, though... It was calmer. However, it was making sure you couldn't escape.
You finally stopped using the male's quirk, collapsing on the ground and wincing slightly as you did so. Burns were on your hands, and you hated the fact... You couldn't even take care of yourself.
You heard a small sigh as the wall of flames around you vanished, strong arms grabbing your waist and hoisting you up. "You really shouldn't do that when you're going to get hurt..." That was the last thing you heard as you blacked out.
Dabi wasn't sure what to think as he watched you laying down on his bed, a pack of ice on both of your arms. On one hand, he was glad to have you there... It was nice. But, on the other hand, he hated that you tried to go away. But, then again, why wouldn't you? He sighed again, shifting a bit closer and running his hands through your hair, enjoying it a bit.
He thought back to how he had taken you from your home when you were fast asleep, grabbing the things that he thought you would want or need. Your phone and wallet, although he kept both with him, some snacks, and... Your puppy. He hated to admit it, but he hoped that seeing your dog would make you relax. Hopefully... At least he had the good sense to bring over some dog food and bowls.
Although it may have been smart to bring the dog, it was definitely not smart of him to lock the dog in a cage. What else was he supposed to do, though—the dog was being annoying and trying to attack him. It didn't even know any better.
Dabi sighed again, then froze as you stirred. A soft murmur escaped your lips, eyes fluttering open. You tensed slightly as you saw the male, eyes widening slightly before starting to push him away.
"Hey. I'm not going to hurt you." A soft huff escaped Dabi, moving to gently wrap an arm around you before making you sit up. He repositioned the ice pack on your arms, sighing again as he looked up in to your eyes. They really were a pretty hue.
"Well, I can't believe that you won't hurt me when you literally have me caught in a place I—wait, Gin?" Your eyes widened as you saw the little puppy, pushing Dabi away again and getting up, stumbling toward the cage.
The puppy whined softly, scrabbling toward you and pressing her nose against the wire. You reached your finger in, petting the dog a little to calm her before turning back toward Dabi. "Unlock the cage. Now." Your voice was cold as you glared at the male, who winced slightly.
"In my defense, she was snarling at me." Dabi huffed a little before grabbing a key, unlocking the door. As if on cue, the puppy darted out, nipping Dabi's ankles before moving to your lap, nuzzling into you. "See-"
You ignored him, gently cooing to the puppy and kissing her. "Shh... It's okay, baby. I know he must've scared you, but it's okay... I'm here now. You must've been so scared without me..."
Dabi sighed again, moving to sit beside you and wrap an arm around you—or at least try to. Because as soon as he did that, the little menace that was your dog moved to bite him. Again. "Can't you make your dog have a bit more manners?"
"Can't you stop clinging to me and being annoying?" You shot back, glaring over at him. You were kidnapped, not knowing where you were with an unknown male, and he had the audacity to ask you to move your dog away? No way you were agreeing to that.
"No. Wait, how do you know my name? And why do you think you can talk to me on a first-name basis?" Your eyes narrowed as you glared at him. "Because one, I don't even know your name, nor who you are; two, I don't know where I am, and why you took me from my house; three, you hurt Gin's feelings; and four, I have no intention of sleeping with you." You held your puppy close.
"I- well, because I... I'm in love with you. And... I'm Dabi. Although you may know me as... Touya Todoroki." A soft sigh escaped the male as he watched you. "I'm a... Villain, I guess... And, I don't want to sleep with you, I just... Want to stay with you. You're so nice, and I just- No one's ever been nice to me before..." He glanced away, biting his lip a little.
You paused for a moment, uncertain. He just looked like an insecure little kid... But still.
"Love? How would you even know if you loved me...?" You felt your cheeks growing hot, but ignored it. "As I said before, we barely know each other... And anyways, why would you even like me?" You sighed softly with a small frown. It was a look that didn't suit you, in Dabi's opinion. He wanted to see you smiling and happy.
Dabi let out a small huff before leaning in, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. The little puppy growled a bit at him before squirming away, but you leaned in to his touch, to his surprise. "I won't hurt you... Promise. Won't let anyone hurt you, either."
You sighed softly, gently biting your lip. Should you trust him...? Maybe not, but... He seemed sincere. "Well, guess I'll just have to wait and see if that's true, then." You glanced over at him with a small smile, and Dabi felt his heart melt as he watched you.
"Mm, yeah. I won't let you down, I swear."
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
Well I've done it again. The free Spelljammer demo adventure was released last week and promptly disappointed me because WotC didn't take the opportunity to make Realmspace more interesting (instead almost literally copy-and-pasting the original AD&D canon)... so I fixed it my damn self. Behold my insanity. I hope to god tumblr doesn't scromble the image quality. So tumblr scrombled the image quality, just look at it here instead.
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First up, the sun. Named it Solis to differentiate it. Twin of our IRL sun; G2V yellow-white star. Big ol self-perpetuating nuclear explosion. Probably radiates magic too. Nobody lives there, it's the SUN.
1. Phomus: small airless metallic planet; probably a failed planetary core. Tidally locked to the sun; scorching hot on one side and frigid on the other. No endemic life; but the dwarves and kobolds adore the place and squabble over it endlessly.
2. Anadia: canon planet, retooled. Basically Mercury with an atmosphere. 3:2 spin-orbit resonance, so days are longer than a year here. Only habitable place is the poles, where there's abundant water. Halfling clans have set up dozens of domed arcologies in polar craters.
3. Coliar: canon planet; retooled. Small ice giant (like Uranus) with a quirk- its gravity, density, and warmth mean that life thrives here on countless islands floating in the air. Has 3 moons: Cyrretal, a jungle world; Voturna, an ocean world; and Aureline, a tundra world.
4. Toril: canon planet, untouched. Toril (or Abeir-Toril, if you like) is an Earthlike planet with one moon, Selune, and a cluster of asteroids floating in Selune's L5 Lagrange gravitational keyhole.
5. Karpri-Chandos: canon planets, retooled. Both ocean worlds with no seabed; only an ice mantle. Life thrives here, especially merfolk and fishfolk. Karpri and Chandos are basically twins so I made them a binary pair. Pair has two small airless icy moons: Synos and Andos.
The Garden, aka the Garden Belt: canon-ish. An asteroid belt overgrown with magic space trees. At its heart is Garden proper; a cluster of asteroids held together by an enormous space tree with an internal ecology. H'Catha, a (canon) discworld made by Beholders, is also here.
6. Almeron: small brown dwarf substar. So big that it fuses deuterium at its core, Almeron radiates a moderate level of heat and so has its own habitable zone. Has two small ice giants in its leading and trailing Lagrange points: Palocyne and Oranus. Also has 7 moons, almost like a mini solar system in themselves: Tavati is a volcanic world; Sidar is a warm desert world; Phylora is a warm forest world; Wylenir is a temperate Earthlike world; Merinal is a temperate ocean world; Airelyx is a cool ocean world; and Khysethris is a tundra world.
7. Sybil: small-ish ringed gas giant. Its air isn't breathable but folks go in to mine the gas anyways. Has 4 moons: Mingabwe, Nyralwe, and Lumenwe are small airless ice moons; Glyth (canon planet) is a cold Titan-like world with its own rings that has been claimed by illithids.
8. Ziris: large ice giant. Despite the freezing cold, toxic air, and high gravity, it still attracts gas miners... and kindori hunters. Has 2 moons: Kunain, a small airless rocky moon; and Thrinain, a small airless icy moon. These serve as spelljamming ports for space whalers!
9. Dunbaran: large icy world with thin air and rings. Frigid, silent, desolate- it is a relic of the system's chaotic formation. A network of tunnels below its surface holds eons-old secrets. Has 1 moon: Nuldor, a captured comet with something buried at its core.
The Shell: the outer comet cloud of the system, full of drifting iceballs, a handful of spelljamming ports, and flotsam from the astral sea.
If I may be sanctimonious for a moment- this is all facultative of what I felt was missing from SJ. Don't you want to dance a gravitational ballet among twelve shining moons over a violet sky? Don't you want to sail through the eye of a storm the size of your whole homeworld? Don't you want to watch the sun crest a crater rim, painting sharp shadows across a landscape of ancient cosmic violence? Don't you want to witness the glittering silent splendor of a glacial cliff, two billion miles from a sun, with your breath the only company in your helmet as you ponder how many eons your footprints will last?
Where's the cosmic awe? Where's the wonder?
THAT is what I want to bring to Spelljammer. The beauty in solitude and desolation and vastness. The wonder. The kinship of we who sail the endless deep is born of knowing that, out there, we are all alone together; and in a vast and awesome universe, all we have is each other.
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victheclown · 3 months
Hi hello I saw your los ocs and I would like to know more ab rouge pretty please
Hell yeah because you asked so nicely Nonnie smiley face
(under cut cuz this turned out longer than i thought whoops - Victor the Clown post writing this)
So Rogue! Aka Kneaded Eraser was created by Olly in my canon as a sort of replacement to Olivia after she decided to go against what he does . As a sort of Right Hand Man to him in a way. Rogue however decided he was better than listen to someone else so he decided to leave and commit tomfoolery on his own! Which includes fun things such as intentionally scaring people or deceiving them in some other way because it's just so much fun to him to watch people suffer through his own actions and possibly not even realize it's him
That brings us to his primary ability - to shapeshift into any existing (and also non-existing technically) person he so wants, as long as he has a general idea of what they look like. It's not perfect, but tends to fool anyone who doesn't look closely enough at first (For clarification purposes in every of my doodles my characters tend to be colour coded to a colour associated with them . That includes Rogue :o) )
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There are ways to tell him apart from the original person! First, no matter who or what he shifts into, Rogue always keeps on a slightly grey-ish tint to himself (a fun idea i had because of how dirty and grey these kind of erasers tend to get with use . at least thats my experience with them lmao)
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Second - fine details are his biggest weakness. There are certain things he's not able to copy at all (which boil down to certain quirks a character might have. Best example I can think of rn is a friends CoPen who changes hair and eye colour with emotion, Rogue couldn't copy that)
One of his greatest offenders in this category are eyes however. Especially for my Legion, their eyes are incredibly complicated because I enjoy over complicating things lmao. And unfortunately for Rogue it means he could never truly copy their appearance unless he somehow found out about it. The difference tends to be subtle, but it means that if someone who knows looks closely enough they can very easily tell when it's him :o)
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So if you want to fool Rogue or figure out who he is, fine detail is key. Can't copy something you don't know exists after all !
That's a lot of the general stuff on Rogue. There's a ton more actually, things that are mostly exclusive to the canon of a server I'm in, as well as his connection to another character, which I might also talk about if people are curious about it hehe
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ARGONUS INFO: a guide on the other flora and fauna
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[also, this was at a time i used to claim that plants were 4X bigger. i decided later on to make it 3.5X bigger like the rest of the lifeforms because it was way easier. nowadays, the "3.5X scale" is just a rough guide to how large the fauna is.]
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unlike the previous two guides with the elkinets and the aeronoids, this one is a little shorter and more simple.
    planet argonus is a copy-planet, also known as a copycat planet or a parallel planet. these planets copy another planet's features, often right down to lifeforms and geography. however, each copy planet's lifeform tend to have some kind of weird evolutionary quirk going on. the most common of cases is generally manipulating what's already there, such as size, shape and color. and argonus tends to be the prime example of that. not only are the lifeform's bigger in their dimensions (i.e. 3.5x taller/longer), but vertebrates are also got more going on than size.     of course, it's not that they're only just copies of our plants and animals (both extant and extinct). there are a plethora of lifeforms unique to argonus. most of the time these lifeforms aren't too distantly related nor too highly derived from other existing ones on our planet. at the most distantly related, they'll belong to the same taxonomical superorder as their relatives, though it is more common to have them share the same genus or family.
PLANTS & FUNGUS     lets start simple enough; the plants are 3.5x the size of our own. despite the planet and flora being bigger, the amount of oxygen is still comparable to that of earth's (as well a gravity and such).
INVERTABRATES     invertebrates, like bugs, crustaceans and mollusks, are 3.5x bigger than earth's, much like all other animals her on argonus. the invertebrates, apart from their size, don't really have much going for them. they, like the plants, are just regulars-looking invertebrate that are bigger.
VERTABRATES     this is where argonus get's its notoriety as a copy-planet. like the invertebrates, they're also 3.5x bigger, however that's not all that's going on. they also have the following:
-four eyes: their main pair and a second, smaller pair below them. both upper and lower eye sockets are connected to each other. although the pairs can move independently from each other, usually only one pair will move while the other doesn't or follows directly in suit (ie lower pair looks right, upper pair stares strait or also looks right). their sight is only slight better because of the extra eyes.
-four earholes: they share both the same hole and the same eardrum. similar with the eyes, it's only slightly better, if not completely the same as their earth's counterpart
-extra limbs: specifically, they have an extra set of forelimbs. some argonain vertebrates will have a slightly longer spine to accommodated the extra limbs they have. humans, when first encountering the argonian fauna, initially though the extra limbs made them faster than their earth counterpart when in reality it actually because their bigger size allows them to do so. when walking, their forelimbs move in sync so as not not have it a tripping hazard.
extra other stuff: if an animal has any horns, canines, tusks, etc.., then often the argonian version will have double that. some argonian animals will also keep certain ancestral traits (ie whales with vestigial hind limb or modern horses with three-toed hooves like mesohipus). sometimes, one group will share certain traits with eachother (ex. all perissodactyls have a long-ish tail, including short-tailed/tailless taxons)
those are just the really basics of it when talking about the vertebrates as a whole. however, each class has its own unique look to them when looking at what vertebrates on argonus have.
mammals     the mammals are often used as a good example of showing those extra ears. while their four eyes may not be as free-moving, the ears are. if a mammal on earth has independently-moving ears, then there's a good chance their argonian version has all four doing the same. this gives them a slightly better range of hearing, being able to pick up sounds from different direction.
reptiles     all reptiles have a single line of noticeable spikes going down their back. these spikes can appear however they want, but are usual thin and pointy. these spikes are also present in non-mammalian synapsids and most archosaurs as well (the only archosaurs that don't have spikes are birds and pterosaurs). turtles also have spikes on their head and neck, but not on their shells.
birds     an interesting thing about the birds is that their first pair of forelimbs are arm while the second pair are wings. all birds still have a singular finger on their wings, which can be used for sparing or climbing. their arm's usages tend to vary from species to species. one of the more common usages is to simply hold onto items, such as food or nesting material. there arms can also serve similar function as their hind limbs, such as swimming or holding onto branches. in some taxons, the birds are quadrupedal, using their arms as a literal second pair of legs. quadrupedal birds dont gallop, but rather pace when they run. some of the major ones include ratites, gamefowl, waterfowl, flamingos, bustards, and cariamiformes. however, smaller taxon can also be quadrupedal.
amphibians     all amphibians have a tail, however small and mostly useless it is. even frogs and toads have them, though they're not very useful once fully grown. apart from that, there's not a whole lot going on with them apart from what you'd expect with the rest of the argonian vertebrates.
fish     if a fish on earth has pectoral and pelvic fins, the argonian version will have double the amount. some fish species, especially sharks, skates and sawfish will have an extra dorsal fin. 
    with the big ones out of the way here are some other tidbits about the argonus fauna:
-rarely, argonus will have an earth animal absent from it's planet. this is very rarely, and usually it's only a singular species or subspecies. however, the only taxon bigger than a single species that are missing are the apes (humans, chimps, gibbons, ect). there's definitely other primates, like lemurs and both old world and new world monkeys, but no apes.
-like alot of copy-planet fauna, the animals here have what's known as the "argonus genes", a copy-planet gene that not only gives the lifeforms their unique look but also keeps it relatively consistent. this gene can be combined with any lifeform with earth-origins to create an argonian version of it (called a sub-argonian). removal of the argonus gene will make the lifeforms evolve into any weird/crazy forms, going outside of what made the argonian fauna consistent with what they're copying. many scifi media take inspiration from this, with the common reason for the removed genes being along the lines of radiation.
anyways, yeah this should be my final post about argonus for today on tumblr...
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ibatomik · 1 year
i didn't realize you had ocs! could you give me a quick rundown of a few of them or a link to somewhere i could learn more about them?
Hey ! It’s normal I rarely talk about them let alone draw them.. anyway !
If you’re talking about my Kirby ocs, I have a few, yea ! They were all made because I wanted to make a Kirby RPG, so I made a party, supporting characters, and even an antagonist to fit the story ! Let's start with the main 4, under the cut. The rest are going to be in reblogs
(The story being Everyone’s losing memories, short-term and long-term. Due to a mess up, 4 people go searching for thingies.)
Let me start with the only one I have a reference of ! (Well, digital and readable at least, but i DO have sketches of everyone though)
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This is Stalbo (he/they)! My Galbo OC and the glass cannon of the party.
He’s the youngest of the group, but they still study very hard, because of his Adoptive parent, Dry Dribble. Due to luck in their birth, Stalbo is neither a water Galbo nor a Fire Galbo, but both ! And more. The star shape on his head isn’t exactly for show. It’s where they “copy” but he can only copy elements, such as wind, Electric or rock.
Since In the party I put a gimmick of everyone speaking a bit weird, their speech is mostly composed of long words- that are cut off (he’s not entirely sure about the words they’re using.) I have a bit more backstory for this buuuut I’m not a 100% sure I want to share everything just yet.
Next up, no drawing anymore, sorry, is Murmur (she/her)! She is a puff (or whatever Kirby is) with some axolotl parts (fins and tail). She wears a Noddy hat, and some hot pink Slippers. Her body is Peach colored and her eyes, while almost always closed are magenta colored.
She has psychic powers that inflicts statuses on foes, which she didn’t have before, but it appeared at the same time her appearance changed. She draws energy (focusing) from her Hat's handband.
Her speech gimmick is that she sighs her As Os and Us, because she's a special kind of tired.
Next is Dyma-knight (they/them)! They're in a Pale-ish Yellow and green full-body armor. Their eye-hole is a large pentagon, with lines coming out of the corners that surround the body and join on another pentagon on the back. Under the eye-hole, there's three slots like a breathing mask. on his back are 6 Light rectangles (kinda like the one on star dream). He is the DPS of the party, making as much damage sa possible with his spear named Harpoon, and since he can float a bit, he sure like to do mid-air combos His speech gimmick is based on his name, he mixes up some of the Letters in the words sometimes.
And lastly is Cloan (it/its)! They’re a ghost like figure, imagine black Pacman ghost, but with one oval shaped dark matter eye in the middle, with numbs on the sides of its body and a long white triangle at the bottom.
It’s the healer of the party, knowing how to heal and revive, but I also imagined it to have One-hit ko moves that had low accuracy because it is funny.
Cloan, while seemingly knowing a lot from the world, doesn’t seem to understand other people. Its speaking quirk is removing altogether the middle syllables of the words, before correcting itself
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Thank you for the advice for the opposite of One for All! What you described kind of reminds me of the shield wall tactic that vikings would use in war as a defense. Someone would yell shield wall and then all warrior put up their shields in unison. Sometimes they'd poke their spears or swords through cracks as an attack while they pushed the enemy back. Although I haven't thought about how it's passed down, without it being a copy of One for All, I have thought about the result ish. The person who gains the quirk also gain a tattoo that all users have. Nothing too flashy that would make people question anything, just a small diamond anywhere on the body. It lights up when in use.
That’s pretty cool 😊
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ARGONUS INFO: a guide on the other flora and fauna
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[also, this was at a time i used to claim that plants were 4X bigger. i decided later on to make it 3.5X bigger like the rest of the lifeforms because it was way easier. nowadays, the "3.5X scale" is just a rough guide to how large the fauna is.]
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unlike the previous two guides with the elkinets and the aeronoids, this one is a little shorter and more simple.
    planet argonus is a copy-planet, also known as a copycat planet or a parallel planet. these planets copy another planet's features, often right down to lifeforms and geography. however, each copy planet's lifeform tend to have some kind of weird evolutionary quirk going on. the most common of cases is generally manipulating what's already there, such as size, shape and color. and argonus tends to be the prime example of that. not only are the lifeform's bigger in their dimensions (i.e. 3.5x taller/longer), but vertebrates are also got more going on than size.     of course, it's not that they're only just copies of our plants and animals (both extant and extinct). there are a plethora of lifeforms unique to argonus. most of the time these lifeforms aren't too distantly related nor too highly derived from other existing ones on our planet. at the most distantly related, they'll belong to the same taxonomical superorder as their relatives, though it is more common to have them share the same genus or family.
PLANTS & FUNGUS     lets start simple enough; the plants are 3.5x the size of our own. despite the planet and flora being bigger, the amount of oxygen is still comparable to that of earth's (as well a gravity and such).
INVERTABRATES     invertebrates, like bugs, crustaceans and mollusks, are 3.5x bigger than earth's, much like all other animals her on argonus. the invertebrates, apart from their size, don't really have much going for them. they, like the plants, are just regulars-looking invertebrate that are bigger.
VERTABRATES     this is where argonus get's its notoriety as a copy-planet. like the invertebrates, they're also 3.5x bigger, however that's not all that's going on. they also have the following:
-four eyes: their main pair and a second, smaller pair below them. both upper and lower eye sockets are connected to each other. although the pairs can move independently from each other, usually only one pair will move while the other doesn't or follows directly in suit (ie lower pair looks right, upper pair stares strait or also looks right). their sight is only slight better because of the extra eyes.
-four earholes: they share both the same hole and the same eardrum. similar with the eyes, it's only slightly better, if not completely the same as their earth's counterpart
-extra limbs: specifically, they have an extra set of forelimbs. some argonain vertebrates will have a slightly longer spine to accommodated the extra limbs they have. humans, when first encountering the argonian fauna, initially though the extra limbs made them faster than their earth counterpart when in reality it actually because their bigger size allows them to do so. when walking, their forelimbs move in sync so as not not have it a tripping hazard.
extra other stuff: if an animal has any horns, canines, tusks, etc.., then often the argonian version will have double that. some argonian animals will also keep certain ancestral traits (ie whales with vestigial hind limb or modern horses with three-toed hooves like mesohipus). sometimes, one group will share certain traits with eachother (ex. all perissodactyls have a long-ish tail, including short-tailed/tailless taxons)
those are just the really basics of it when talking about the vertebrates as a whole. however, each class has its own unique look to them when looking at what vertebrates on argonus have.
mammals     the mammals are often used as a good example of showing those extra ears. while their four eyes may not be as free-moving, the ears are. if a mammal on earth has independently-moving ears, then there's a good chance their argonian version has all four doing the same. this gives them a slightly better range of hearing, being able to pick up sounds from different direction.
reptiles     all reptiles have a single line of noticeable spikes going down their back. these spikes can appear however they want, but are usual thin and pointy. these spikes are also present in non-mammalian synapsids and most archosaurs as well (the only archosaurs that don't have spikes are birds and pterosaurs). turtles also have spikes on their head and neck, but not on their shells.
birds     an interesting thing about the birds is that their first pair of forelimbs are arm while the second pair are wings. all birds still have a singular finger on their wings, which can be used for sparing or climbing. their arm's usages tend to vary from species to species. one of the more common usages is to simply hold onto items, such as food or nesting material. there arms can also serve similar function as their hind limbs, such as swimming or holding onto branches. in some taxons, the birds are quadrupedal, using their arms as a literal second pair of legs. quadrupedal birds dont gallop, but rather pace when they run. some of the major ones include ratites, gamefowl, waterfowl, flamingos, bustards, and cariamiformes. however, smaller taxon can also be quadrupedal.
amphibians     all amphibians have a tail, however small and mostly useless it is. even frogs and toads have them, though they're not very useful once fully grown. apart from that, there's not a whole lot going on with them apart from what you'd expect with the rest of the argonian vertebrates.
fish     if a fish on earth has pectoral and pelvic fins, the argonian version will have double the amount. some fish species, especially sharks, skates and sawfish will have an extra dorsal fin. 
    with the big ones out of the way here are some other tidbits about the argonus fauna:
-rarely, argonus will have an earth animal absent from it's planet. this is very rarely, and usually it's only a singular species or subspecies. however, the only taxon bigger than a single species that are missing are the apes (humans, chimps, gibbons, ect). there's definitely other primates, like lemurs and both old world and new world monkeys, but no apes.
-like alot of copy-planet fauna, the animals here have what's known as the "argonus genes", a copy-planet gene that not only gives the lifeforms their unique look but also keeps it relatively consistent. this gene can be combined with any lifeform with earth-origins to create an argonian version of it (called a sub-argonian). removal of the argonus gene will make the lifeforms evolve into any weird/crazy forms, going outside of what made the argonian fauna consistent with what they're copying. many scifi media take inspiration from this, with the common reason for the removed genes being along the lines of radiation.
anyways, yeah this should be my final post about argonus for today on tumblr...
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Leading Question
One shot (ish)
Benny Watts x Reader*
(* Reader wears a skirt, has hair long enough to pull (like anything longer than a buzzcut) and a vagina, so anyone who identifies with that: it’s free real estate. I am considering writing a copy that is fully gender-neutral, so if anyone wants that let me know (although I’m likely to do it anyway).)
Content/warning tags: NSFW, 18+, Smut (but it’s the slowest pacing smut, talking slow-burn but they’re both already in the bed, no joke), fluff?, friends to lovers, mention of alcohol, swearing, oral (male receiving), making out, heavy petting, really a whole lotta kissing, porn with no plot?, the porn is the plot, foreplay more like half the fucking play, hair pulling kink, mention of knife kink, sex, plotted during a figurative and literal fever, edited during a figurative and literal heat wave, we love it here.
Summary: Benny half-confesses to his attraction to the reader during a night at the bar and reader takes his clumsily put question and turns it into a homerun.
Word Count: 7k (this is what happens when you give me THAT and then take it away)
A/N: Entirely self-indulgent piece of smut thought out during two hours at 4 AM (and then throughout the rest of the day) the day after watching Fork, because I was frustrated and Benny is hot, whoopsie.
@go-catch-a-chickn showed some interest in what I was writing, but I bet you regret that now! Nonetheless, here’s your tag, have fun!
I’m open to criticism, just shoot me a message or an ask. Let me know if I’ve got errors or missed a warning.
You and Benny were friends since high school. Not because you also played chess, but because you had been making out with your boyfriend in the back of the library and Benny had come looking for a chess book that was on the shelf you were leaning on. You two paused, moved to the side so that he could pull out the book and then he was on his way.
A few days later Benny was in the cafeteria and came up a few cents short, when a voice next to him told the woman at the register that they would pay for his meal as well as their own. He looked over at you as the cashier added your things to the total and you smiled.
“Now you have money over for other things.”
It continued like that for the rest of both of your high school stays. You would catch him in the corridor and strike up conversations before heading off for you next class. When your relationship with your boyfriend ended (mutually, it should be said; he was interested in another girl, you felt the spark wasn’t there anymore), you told Benny after he asked why you looked a little glum. He was supportive but didn’t bring it up again.
Now the two of you are sat at a bar counter, a bottle in front of each of you, as the day is winding down. You meet up like this between his tournaments and whatever else is going on your lives, touchdowns in the well-known amidst it all. The buzz of patrons has calmed down and outside the curtained windows the street is black, broken up by spots of the streetlights.
“Do you-“ Benny stops. He’s half turned towards you, left hand around his beer on the counter, legs facing you, but his eyes are currently at the bottles lined up against the back wall where the bartender is pouring a drink for someone down the line.
You put down your bottle after a sip, resting your hand on it just like he is. Benny starts again.
“What do you do when your dick tells you to sleep with your friend, but your brain tells you it’s not a good idea?” He’s still not looking at you. It’s almost a hypothetical, almost a thought about someone else.
You shrug, taking a last sip before turning forward.
“I don’t know, I follow what my pussy says.” With that you get up and put money on the counter to close your tab, seeing Benny jump in the corner of your eye at your answer. You’re pulling on your coat as you start for the door, slow enough that he’ll catch up no problem.
“Wait.” He’s at your side in no time. “I’ll walk you to your place.” Even in the slight shade of his hat you can see that he’s a bit flustered.
“You sure?” Benny nods. “Otherwise I could walk you to yours. It’s farther.” You push up the inner set of doors and Benny follows you into the dark airlock entryway.
“Why would you want to walk where it’s farther?” He asks behind you,  a frown audible in his voice, and you hold up your hand to signal for him to wait as you push up the second set of doors.
The air rushes against you and the hum of a road somewhere off campus reaches your ears. There’s no one on the walk path running between fields of grass and lines of trees. It’s still too early for the streets to be filled with people getting home from the bars, too late for any overtime workers dragging their feet.
“Honestly?” You turn to Benny, who’s standing with his coat still unbuttoned and arms hanging at his sides, like he isn’t sure what to do with them. “Because I’m hoping to get invited up, and if I’m going to get fucked, I want to be in your bed, surrounded by the scent of you.”
It takes a second. Then he’s a little bit closer. Not that he was far away before, but he’s close enough that when he leans a little forward you don’t have to take a step to close the gap. Your lips run against his, soft and slow, with the slight scratch of his mustache against your skin, warm cotton and leather so close now, and then you step back, absentmindedly swiping your tongue over your own lips to chase his taste. His eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips.
“Your place or mine?” Benny’s voice is a little rough; maybe it’s the drinking, maybe it’s the kiss.
“Again, yours.” You quirk your lip and reach to catch Benny’s hand, warm in yours. Pulling him into motion you start walking in the direction of his apartment, shoes echoing against the asphalt.  
“I’m not sure I will make it that far.” He sounds a bit tortured, and you laugh, squeezing his hand.
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you make it. And if you don’t, I’ll help you clean up and wait for you.”
Benny makes a noise.
“Tell me about Open Sicilian.” You look forward at the empty road as you walk.
“What?” He looks at you.
“To distract you, explain Open Sicilian to me.” He has explained that particular tactic to you several times before, not that it necessarily stuck too well.
“That’s not going to help!” Benny throws head back with a frustrated laugh. The sound makes your stomach flutter. “You’re going to make me tell you about chess, and then ask questions, to keep me distracted? Like you showing sincere interest in it isn’t going to just make it harder to focus.” He shakes his head, looking out over the empty street. “You’re gonna kill me.”
You would have gotten there quicker if Benny hadn’t stopped at every tree, stone wall, and doorway to push you against it and kiss you. He even sat down on a bench when you were halfway and pulled you down into his lap. You let yourself be pulled down but wouldn’t go along with his attempts to make you straddle him, despite his hand on your inner thigh through your skirt and his insistent, chasing kisses.
As you reach the building you let go off Benny’s hand so he can punch in the code for the door. He leads you up the hollow stairwell to his door, noisily unlocks it and lets you in before him.
It’s a short hallway with doors leading off to the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, lit by some cool light falling in from the open doorway to the kitchen. There are hooks for jackets with a pile of shoes beneath it to one side, and a table holding a phone and newspapers further in.
The lock clicks behind you and Benny turns around, dropping his keys back down in his coat pocket. Just as he faces you, you push him back against the door. Shock flashes in his eyes and his lips part but when you place your against his he quickly responds, pushing back against you, his tongue running against your bottom lip, inviting you to taste it. It’s with difficulty that you pull back.
“Okay, I lied.” You admit as you get onto your knees, looking back up at him. “Can I?”
Benny’s breaths are unsteady, and you have to ask him to repeat it before you can clearly hear him consent.
You hum, pushing aside his leather coat to hold his hips back against the door, pulling his belt out from its loops so you can undo the buckle. Benny closes his eyes and groans as you let the belt with his knife still attached fall back against his legs and undo his button and zipper.
“Don’t be too loud, you don’t want the neighbors to hear you, do you? Even solid wood doors are thinner than walls.” You wink up at him and he repeats the sound, head leaning back against the door and hips pushing forward. If you didn’t believe Benny before, you definitely would now, as you feel how hard he is through the barriers of fabric. He’s solid and warm against your hands.
Pushing his jeans down, you move his boxers carefully until you can pull them down as well. Precum is leaking down the underside of his erect cock and his hips push forward again, impatiently this time. You circle your hand around him, the other resting against his hip so that maybe he’ll stay in place, not having the patience to start stroking before you take him in your mouth.
The sound Benny makes when your lips close around his cock is far too loud and not loud enough. His breathing audibly speeds up, encouraging you to run your tongue along the underside each time you pull back. Sucking down his cock, you match your movements with those of your hand, creating just the perfect rhythm that has his hips pushing against your other hand. You look up at him, meeting his eyes as you circle his tip with your tongue and he pinches his eyes closed, turning his head back up and cutting off the whine escaping his throat. You swallow around him, and the whine comes back, ending in a high pitch. You do it again. His hand pushes lightly against your shoulder, and you pull off him, sitting back and licking your lips as he meets your eyes.
“I don’t want to finish before we’ve even started.” His words are low, his hand falling back against the side of his coat. You shift your legs on the floor.
“Shame, I want you to.” You smile and bite your lip. “I told you I’d help clean you up and wait after. I’m in no rush.” Benny’s hips jerk forward again.
“Fuck” His eyes flutter shut.
“Can I?” You wait for the sound of his yes before you lick a line from the base to the head, reveling in how little he is holding back this time. Pushing his hips back a little rougher against the door to keep him in his place you earn a moan of your name which has your stomach fluttering and head spinning. One of his hands rest on your shoulder again but isn’t pushing away this time. He lets you decide the speed, albeit with the occasional jerk of his hips as he hisses and braces against the door.
“Fuck, I’-” You feel Benny tensing and look up to see him looking down on you, breathing heavily and clenching his jaw. “Fuck” He slams his head back against the door, hips pushing him further in, and you can feel the vibrations emitting from his chest all the way in the back of your throat as he releases into your mouth. You swallow it down, catching the whimper Benny makes at the feeling it gives his cock.
When you get to your feet, Benny head is hanging so the brim of his hat casts his face in shadow and he’s leaning so heavily against the door you’re not sure he’ll be standing much longer. His breathing is loud in the quiet apartment, and you can’t help the pride growing in the back of your mind. Still breathing heavily, Benny finally lifts his head enough to look at you. You meet his eyes and swipe your tongue over your lips.
His eyes flicker down to follow the movement and he groans, slumping back against the door. You smile triumphantly.
“Let’s get your clothes back on and then I’ll get water.” You help Benny get his pants back on, refastening the buckle. He’s not standing entirely stable, but enough that you can slide his coat down his arms and hang it up, followed by his hat, before you sit him down on a stool right by the door. Having hung up your own coat and switched on the lights you gesture to the kitchen door. “Do you mind?” Benny shakes his head, blond hair falling in his eyes.
You fill two glasses from the tap, throwing a glance at your watch, before returning to him. Handing one to Benny you drink the other, both of you listening to him regaining control over his breathing while you empty the glasses. As you take your last sip you place both on the hallway table and toe off your shoes.
“Want to move out of the hallway?” You hold your hand out to Benny and he’s standing before you’ve had a chance to blink.
You get precisely two steps into Benny’s bedroom before he’s kissing you again. His tongue runs softly against yours, contrasting with the scratch of his beard. He won’t even let you move forward, blocking you with his body until his hands have found their place on your hips, and even then standing stronger than you’d expect from how he looked a minute ago.
Every kiss he chases after you, when you move to the side so does he, when your tongue touches his lips his tongue comes to greet it. It’s overwhelming and intoxicating, his body heat rising and seeping through his button up and your shirt, the warm scent of leather still lingering in the air around him.
Then Benny moves backwards, pulling you with him three quick steps, refusing to let your lips part for even a second, and lets you fall on top of him on his bed.
You pull back, insisting despite his protests. He managed to switch some light on before getting lost in you, letting you full appreciate the shine in his dark eyes when he looks up at you as you brush blond strands out of his eyes. Flittering over you above him, they keep coming back to meet yours, a playful smile on his lips. You lean back down and let him capture your lips again, his hands splaying one on your back, one running up and down your side. Chasing his smile you kiss the corners of his mouth, dipping your tongue in to meet his. It’s like you’ll never run out of places to taste him.
Straightening back up and moving so you’re straddling him, you undo the first buttons of your shirt, but Benny’s hands stop yours, taking over their work with slow precision. He pulls you back down so he can continue kissing you even if it makes it harder for him to get the buttons undone, not that that seems his top priority. Sitting up and sliding the fabric down your arms Benny throws it in some corner of the room, pulling you closer against him by your hips.
“Easy, tiger.” You hum against his lips and Benny laughs a little, shifting further back on the bed and letting you both fall back against the mattress again, arms wrapped securely around your waist.
His necklaces are cool against your skin, but his hands are on fire. They run over your back and sides, up one down the other, and leave nothing but further fires under your skin. Even his rings don’t feel cold as Benny brushes his fingers up your arm to cup your head, tongue skimming your lip but withdrawing whenever you try to catch it.
Pulling back for the first time, Benny looks up at you with a mischievous smile.
“If I had known telling you I like you would lead to this, I would’ve told you already five years ago.”
Not that you’d really been open to anything at that time. Five years ago, and the five that followed, you had been entirely focused on your academics, and the only person you really hung out with had been Benny. He brought his chess books and sat with you in the library while you read up for exams. You’d chat about everything while trying to cram every bit of knowledge into your tired brains. That really only slowed down once you graduated, the hyper-focus on reading every book and spending hours writing notes over bad coffee.
“Do you want to like” You look up at the head pillows laying vertically to your bodies, and Benny starts laughing, luring you into doing the same. “move up?”
“Sure” He lets go of you so you can both get higher on the bed, but the second you’re close enough Benny pulls you back over him. “Better?”
“Much, thank you.” You smile and lean down halfway. Amused you watch Benny push up to meet you, hungry lips convincing you to push him back down into the mattress.
You can’t help the occasional shifting of your hips against his, underwear pushing against the friction of jeans below your skirt. His hands skim the hem of it, but never ventures below it, favoring to run up to your hips and draw you closer.
Running his hands up your back to hold you against him, Benny rolls you over onto your back. Settling between your legs, he braces one arm above you while the other cups the side of your head, lifting just enough for your lips to reach his.
“You know, for later, we’re still on your bed.” You remind him before kissing the corner of his mouth. Benny’s lips quirk and he follows you back down against the pillow.
“I know.” He runs his nose along the side of your neck, the chains around his sliding against your skin. Warm cotton and leather surround you, and this might actually be heaven.
Pushing back a bit Benny reaches up to undo his green button up but stops when you give him a look.
“Isn’t it my turn now?”
Benny lets go off the button and shows his hands, dropping them to your hips as you reach up, undoing the first button before pulling him down by his collar. His smile meets yours, and it only gets bigger for every button, as the release of each is met with the same celebration.
When there are no more buttons to open you slide the fabric out from his pants and down his bare arms. Holding the shirt out in one hand you look at Benny, whose eyes are locked on yours, his lips kiss-bruised.
“Does this have to be folded on a chair” You tilt your head. “or can I just throw it?”
“Throw it.” His eyes sparkle, his voice hitting a little lower and sending vibrations where your body is touching his.
The green fabric flutters to rest at the far end corner of the bed in your peripheral vision. You weren’t really looking where you were throwing.
“It didn’t even get off the bed.” You speak very seriously, as if it was a grave matter, but you’re absorbed by Benny, whose eyes are as stuck in yours as yours are in his. “If you want it off, you’ll have to throw it yourself.”
His arms shift above you, and without moving away from you or breaking eye contact Benny kicks the shirt, sending it tumbling of the edge with a soft thud as it hits the floor. You push your hips up against his, the hilt of the knife at his belt pressing against the inside of your thigh. Benny’s hips thrust back against yours and he lowers down to brush his lips against yours before devouring you again. Your thighs slide against his bare skin, and he reaches back to hook them further over his hips, swiping his tongue along yours. When Benny pulls back slightly the sound he makes fills the room, bouncing off the walls. The end of it mixes with the sigh of his name pulled from your lips as he dips the tip of his tongue into the corner of your mouth.
“Think we’ll wake the neighbors?” You lift off the bed to chase after him, not giving him a chance to reply, pushing him over onto his back. His hips shift against yours as he settles into the mattress.
“The walls are thicker than the door.” He looks up at you straddling him, his lips quirking up into a smile, blond hair falling over his eyes again. Satisfied with his answer you lower your body back down over his, occupying his mouth with yours again.
From slow, insistent kisses where Benny’s tongue runs against yours, you move to kiss the corners of his lips, his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his forehead, and his eyelids as he closes his eyes. Continuing down his chin, alternatingly placing kisses on either side of his neck, and one at the dip at the base of his throat, passing over his chains, you shift back to trail down the right side of his chest. As your lips touch between navel and the top of his jeans, brushing along the fabric, Benny touches the side of your head.
“Don’t you dare do it again.” His tone is light and teasing, with just an edge of breathlessness and seriousness.
You move up to kiss his left hip and his hand falls back onto the mattress.
“I won’t.”
You trail back up Benny’s irregularly moving chest, out his right upper arm, and lift his hand. Pressing two more soft kisses to his inner forearm, you place one in the middle of his palm and one to the tip of each finger, before beginning again at his sternum and doing the same to his left arm.
Raising back up you push Benny’s hair from his eyes, inviting the light to dance with the sparks already in them.
“Benny Watts, you are a drug.” You smile a little breathlessly and shake your head down at him. The corners of Benny’s mouth start to raise, and he quickly swipes his tongue up to pull down his upper lip and bites down on his lower.
His attempts fail and when you kiss Benny, he’s beaming, a satisfied sound emitting from the chest pressed against yours. His heartbeats translate through your ribcage and your sentiment is repeated in your mind with a flutter in your stomach.
Ringed hands shift from your hips to your back to hold you closer against him. Somehow, you’ve forgotten Benny’s knife because you can’t even feel it at this point. You only feel the friction of his body against your, the pull of his lips.
“You should be in prison.” His tongue swipes into your mouth at that, stalling your continuation with a dizzying taste. “You should be in jail, and I should be in the same cell with you.” The vibrations of Benny’s laugh and twist of his lips reach your senses at the same time as the push of his hips. Combined they’re enough to make you say his name against his lips, repeating it when he does it again.
Lifting off the mattress Benny’s hands holds your hips down against his as he sits up, lips running down the side of your neck when they slip from yours. The scratches against your skin turn into fire running through your veins, out into your arms and fingertips as you run them over his bare shoulders, along the chains around his neck. You barely hear the sound of your name slip from his tongue against the crook of your shoulder, before Benny turns to make you fall first back into the mattress.
Benny’s hands run from your hips to the hem of your skirt, warm fingers tracing bare skin. You lift your hips against his and he pulls back, but only after sucking your lip into his mouth, swiping it with his tongue.
“Want me to get it off?”
“It’s mostly in the way at this point.” Having gotten his answer, Benny eases the skirt down, letting you lift your hips and moving so he’s not in the way. When it’s all the way off he throws the fabric the same way as your shirt, or maybe the opposite. You can’t remember.
Leaning back over you Benny brushes his lips against yours, meeting you when you arch up against him, then lets himself kiss you fully again. His hips push yours down into the mattress before he pulls them back up towards him. You roll back against him, crossing your legs behind Benny’s back, and he hisses against your lips. The sound of you saying his name causes the grind of his hips to stutter, restart, a low sound resonating in his chest, sending its aftershocks through your body as his hands squeeze your thighs a little harder.
One moves to skim the inside of your knee, hot fingers with warm rings running over equally heated skin. When it reaches the junction of your thigh and hip it slides up along the edge of your underwear and then drops beside your side to support his weight as Benny brings his other hand to hover between your legs and pulls away from your lips.
“Can I?” His dark eyes shimmer.
“Yes.” Since you can’t hear your own voice over the increased speed of your heartbeat you repeat it twice, catching the way Benny’s tongue darts out over his bottom lip as his eyes flicker down.
He runs his knuckles down the slick, wet fabric. You think you hear a breathed-out curse but are distracted when fingertips retrace the same path with just enough pressure to make your hips roll against them. The feeling is dizzying, your breathing skips. Benny’s dark eyes flick back up to yours. Then he does it again, sending sparks where the pads of his fingers almost touch you. Your eyes almost flutter at the way he looks at you when your breathing stops again to become what might have been a curse, or his name, or the curse of his name. The last one in particular feels likely as the sound twists and grows louder, and Benny’s eyes are locked on yours.
Pressing back into his bed you roll your hips against his, his hands planted back on either side of you as he lowers back down to press starved kisses to your mouth. Hips lift off yours, only to change their mind and push back down, accompanied by a curse against the corner of your lips. When Benny’s bottom lip slides against yours, you pull it into your mouth and lightly push down your teeth into it. His left arm buckles as you swallow the sound of his groan.
With little effort you coax Benny onto his back. He willingly falls down onto the pillow, rings sliding against your back as he tries to entice you into press against him. His fingers trail down, skimming along the edge of your underwear until they reach the front, barely touching the waistband, eyes flicking up to yours.
You give permission before Benny even has a chance to open his mouth.
The pads of his fingers push past the fabric, running softly your body until your breathing hitches as they lightly slip over your clit. You resist the urge to close your legs around his hand but can’t help the way your breathing audibly increases when it moves further down. Bare skin slides against your wet folds, stroking up and down; the movement slow and deliberate, and far too good for you hold it out for much longer.
You make a sound.
“Explain Closed Sicilian to me.” Your voice is strained, and you are trying very hard to not focus on every slight change in pressure Benny is subjecting you to right now. Another noise slips out and you bury your face against his chest, rolling your hips involuntarily against his hand. “Please, please explain it to me.”
“Now?” Benny’s other hand pushes against your hip.
“If you don’t, I’m going to come, and I’ve waited this long so I’d rather you didn’t do that before you’re actually inside me.” You lift your head to look up at him, quickly adding “Then again, you talking about that is just going to make it worse, so maybe don’t.” You did not need his eyes lighting up and his confidence going thrice its size because he was talking about something he really, really liked. That was bound to make your situation become much better and much worse really quick.
Benny looks like he’s about to protest before making a face and withdrawing his hand.
“Alright, fine.” He rolls you onto your back and kisses you hard, raising his hips as much as possible but keeping you down with his chest.
Letting you up to breathe Benny’s hands go to his belt, pulling it fully out of the loops this time. He catches the handle off his knife as it slides off the leather and off-handedly places it down on your stomach so he can roll the leather around his hand.
You must have done something as the sheath fell flat or as your eyes shifted up and back down again because Benny’s eyes flick from the belt in his hands to your eyes and then he smiles.
“Don’t tell me you’ve got a thing for knives too.” He teases.
“Listen” You’re a little too breathless for any type of denying being at all believable and it’s visible in Benny’s eyes how little he would actually believe you if you tried. “Messing with that takes practice and discussions, so let’s put a pin in that. I like seeing you get off, let’s leave it at that for now.”
He tilts his head like ‘fair enough’, finishes rolling up his belt and puts both that and the knife out of view to your left.
You reach up to brush Benny’s hair to the side where it’s over his eyes again, letting your fingers linger just above his ear. There’s something very recognizable about the slight way his eyes move at the gesture.
“Do you- like having your hair pulled?” You ask tentatively, and when Benny doesn’t answer right away you continue “You don’t have to say yes.”
It takes a second longer, and you start to pull your hand away before he shifts his eyes away and rolls his shoulders.
“So what if I do?” Benny glances back at you.
“I’ll tell you what” You smile encouraging, guiding the topic to focus on yourself instead to make him more comfortable. “you’d be in good hands; I like it both ways.” Benny visibly relaxes but you don’t move your hand back, favoring to slide it along his jaw to stop below his lower lip.
Softly tilting his head down, you give the slightest pressure.  He follows down to peck your lips before drawing back to meet look at you again, hands rubbing reassuringly over your thighs. The pad of your thumb rests against Benny’s bottom lip, and you tilt your head, trying to read out the thoughts that form and disperse behind his eyes. The corner of his lip quirks up and he dips his head down to catch the finger in his mouth. The flat of his tongue maps your fingerprint, a teasing glint in his eyes.
You make a noise, shooting him a glare as he looks far too smug when you pull your hand back to press it against his back instead. The expression doesn’t leave his lips when you push his side to get him down, as a matter of fact he looks offensively at home against his pillow, shuffling further into it before beaming up at you again. Unable to stop yourself you scoff, trying to look annoyed but failing spectacularly.
“Think you’re ready to go again, if you want to?” You look at your watch, pinching the face of the clock to keep it so you can read the time. “It’s been an hour.”
“You still have your watch on?” Benny reaches up to pull your arm down so he can look at it.
You laugh.
“Well, you didn’t take it off me.” You let him turn your hand over, undoing the watch and looking at it for a second before handing it to you. Leaning over him you put it on the empty nightstand to your left.
“I’m so glad you’ve got two nightstands.” You hum, leaning back to resettle over his hips.
Thinking for a second, Benny makes a face, a mixture between a frown and scrunching up his face.
“It doesn’t make sense to only have one nightstand.” He states, eyes flicking back to yours. Smiling at his answer you bend down to peck his lips.
“That’s what I like about you, Benny Watts. Things can’t just be for you; they have to make sense.” Continuing in the same light tone you add “I might even go as far as to say I love you.”
“Woah, you’re just gonna show your hand like that?” Benny mimics shock, before smiling, his hands rubbing your hips reassuringly. “Throw the whole game?” You snort a little, moving your eyes to the wall, schooling your expression to be serious.
“As if you didn’t show your hand back at the bar.” You tilt your head exaggerated, pretend thought.  “And earlier, now that you mention it.”
“I said liked.” Just like you, Benny is pressing his lips together to prevent himself from laughing, and even then, a smile cracks through.
“I’ll give you that, you did say like.”
Benny pulls you down, kissing you with a smile. Letting yourself sink into it you push down against him, swallowing the sound he makes and feeling his heart beating through his chest. His hands pull your hips closer to his to repeat the motion. His breathing increases as you do it infinitely slower this time, feeling you press against him, although you can’t say you are doing any better.
“Ready?” You laugh breathlessly and Benny groans, pushing his head back into the pillows.
“I was ready half an hour ago.”
“Well, good sex takes preparation. And this is going to be good.” Straightening up you putting the base of your hand on Benny’s chest, holding your index in front of his face to shush him. “No, no, it’s going to be, because I’ll make it so.”
Instead of arguing, with sparkling eyes Benny favors to bend his head forward and close his mouth around your finger, sucking while you talk. His tongue swirls around the digit and the corner of his lips quirk up when you make a sound, mind drifting before you catch it.
“Asshole.” Benny’s eyes light up mischievously at that, and when you pull your hand back, he raises his eyebrows.
“Oh you wan-?”
You cut him off.
“Shut up.” The bed shakes with Benny’s laughter, and you roll your eyes, shaking your head at him. He’s really having too much fun.
When his laughter calms down, Benny looks at you for a second before sitting up.
“Come on”
He nudges you sideways until you get the hint and get off him, letting him get off the bed. Benny offers his hand to pull you up after him. When you’re both on your feet he turns back and in one quick motion rips off the covers, throwing the corner to the middle so the bed is folded half-open diagonally but not all the way down.
You’re just letting your underwear drop onto the floor when Benny turns back around, and he catches up with you in the time it takes you to blink. He holds his hand out again, pulling you with him backwards.
Jut before his legs hit the bed Benny sidesteps, pulling you down first onto the bed and following, catching himself on his arm so he doesn’t fall directly on top of you.
Settling between your legs, Benny tilts his head with a cheeky smile.
“Comfortable now?”
You make a show of settling into the pillow, trying to divert his attention from the way you pull air deep into your lungs. It’s in the pillow, the sheets, the air vibrating around you with tension, but most of all it’s above you, radiating from him. The warm, slightly sweet, smell of clean cotton shirts pulled from the tumbler, a bed slept in until well past noon, and sun-heated leather in the first days of summer.
“Yes.” You smile up at him.
“Good.” Benny lowers down over you and presses his lips to yours, tongue running over your lip once before slipping into your mouth. You hum while he pulls protection from a drawer of one of the nightstands above your field of vision and pulls it on.
Fingers skim lightly over the wetness gathered between your legs, and then Benny pushes into you. It sends lightning through your stomach, sliding slowly, almost torturously, against sensitive nerve endings. His breath is slow and controlled, albeit a bit wavering. Solid warmth spreads from his body into yours and your body clenches involuntarily around him when he stills, breath warming the side of your neck. Your hands run up his sides to find purchase.
“You’re gonna mark me?” You ask the ceiling and Benny shifts, running his nose against your throat and giving you chills.
“You want me to?” His hips pull back slightly, and you close your eyes at the slow drag of his cock against your inner walls. As Benny pushes back in, one hand disappears from beside you, moving your hand from his back to his hair. Sparks dance up your spine when he thrusts a little quicker, igniting you both like a match against a striking surface. Benny makes a sound in the back of his throat before kissing you again.
Carding your fingers through his hair near his scalp you pull lightly. The way his hips jerk forward has you arching against him, moan mixing with his. Tension builds in your stomach and if the room was hot before it is blazing now. Benny presses against you, overwhelming and perfect, filling you. Your hips lift off the bed to meet his, legs crossed behind his back to pull him closer. The drag of his abdomen against you in just the right place has you whining against his lips. His next thrust is faster, causing your body to clench down, approaching the edge fast.
“I’ve waited this long to fuck a master; you better not make this be over quick.” Your hips arch against his despite your breathless words.
“You call an hour and a half quick?” Benny asks in disbelief, but the roll of his hips slows to delightfully slow, burning pulls. He closes his eyes, breathing becomes deliberately slowed. “I’m not going to last long no matter how slow I go.”
“That’s okay, neither am I.” You quirk the corner of your lip as Benny opens his eyes again and pull him back down to your lips. Trying to starve of your orgasm you focus on tasting every corner of his mouth. It seems to have the opposite effect on Benny, as he whines and his hips stutter. One of his arms buckle and you pull your hand free to direct his to your hair before going back to his.
The first slow drag releases a satisfied noise from you, and the slight sting of the next sends a thrill down your body, connecting with where Benny’s cock pushes into you. He slides his tongue against yours, pulling your head close to his.
“Fuck” The word falls from both of your mouths as your fingers pulls the blond strands they’re tangled in, and Benny’s hips jerk forward. You push your hand against his lower back to push him down, deeper, and he pulls your hips up with his free hand, grinding against you. His eyes glitter with pride when you arch, pressing your head into the pillow, mouth falling open.
Unsatisfied, Benny slows even further, changing thrusts for slow grinds, watching you trying to make a sound with a smile, heels pressing into his lower back. Your eyes flutter, trying desperately to stay open, pleasure coursing through you in unrelenting waves. Meeting his eyes, you jerk your hand a little harder in Benny’s hair, and the sound he produces almost has you falling.
His hand pushes between your bodies as he moves faster again. The pleasure is hot and fast, and as Benny pulls your lips to his it explodes, fire shooting through your veins in search of oxygen and shaking your entire body. He swallows the cries of his name falling from your lips, but then his hips stutter and slipping from your lips he repays the praise. It’s loud, it’s messy, and it’s so fucking hot.
Benny drops his head in the crook of your neck, weakly trying to hold himself up. Your chest pushes against his until both your accelerated breathing reaches the same rhythm. There is pleasant ache starting to make itself known, one you’re sure you’ll be feeling tomorrow, and perhaps the day after that.
Softly you push Benny over and he lets himself be rolled onto his back, still inside you. Head landing on the pillow he takes a few more breaths before his eyes pop open. When they meet yours there is a content smile on his lips, with only a hint of unsedated hunger still visible in his dark eyes. He reaches forward to meet your smiling kiss and lets you pull off him and roll onto the mattress beside him.
After a few seconds of just the sound for your breathing your voice comes alive again.
“I hope we didn’t wake anyone.”
Benny starts laughing, breathlessly and beautifully, and you scrunch your nose playfully at him.
“I hope we did.” He looks at you, eyes brilliant, and adds in a more serious tone. “I think they’re all asleep so they can get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow.”
You reach over and pull your watch from the nightstand.
“Two isn’t a reasonable hour to be up?” Benny snorts a laugh at your fake naiveté as you settle back into the bed.
There’s a few more seconds of silence before he talks again.
“I still only made you come once.” Benny looks at you, eyes flicking down to your lips and back up; the hunger more than unsated now.
“That’s okay” You smile teasingly. “I wouldn’t expect you to, you did all the hard work.”
Benny doesn’t find an answer to that, but you have a feeling neither of you think two is very late at all.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Betrothal Verse Routes
I am about to embark on a day of essay writing but here for the followers: the routes I plan with names.
(Questions about these are welcome though!! Shoot a message!)
The general idea of Betrothal Verse is that Fem!Izuku ends up engaged to someone due to the fact as a Quirkless person with a womb she is able to have extremely strong Quirked kids. Fem!Izuku as well develops an interest in charity work due to learning that there are people considered heroes there. She doesn't want it for the fame, but because she honestly wants to help people and be a hero to them. (It's a hard concept to explain but to Izuku just helping people is enough to be a hero).
Engine Roars: The IiDeku Route. A planned slow burn that will get me murdered with how slow it is. Fem!Izuku steps out into the spotlight early on as a young philantropist. The Iida adults approve of this and encourage it. F!Izuku gets OFA early in this route and manages to rise high.
Mind Freak: ShinDeku Route. A planned slow burn that almost takes as long as the IiDeku one. Fem!Izuku and Shinsou end up starting a charity in their middle school as part of a project that helps deal with bullies. In this one, F!Izuku gets OFA around the same time as in canon.
Burnt Ice: TodoDeku Route. A slightly faster-ish romance but still a slow burn of sorts for Fem!Izuku and Shouto. In this one, F!Izuku gets packed off to a fancy school for girls, gets a mentor to train her to be a hero along with the fact she meets a nice man outside of school who offers advice. A man named Yagi Toshinori... OFA is a much later thing for F!Izuku though and I am cackling at the scene in my head. She gets into the hero course here though Quirkless.
Crow Call: TokoDeku Route. What is a slow burn? I dunno but it's not this route. These two are dating by the time UA rolls around and are just... trolls about it. Tokoyami is his usual goth self while Fem!Izuku becomes a pastel goth. Both do volunteer work for charities and promote it to others. Canon time for OFA.
Feathered Freedom: In this route Fem!Izuku agrees to marry someone the hero commission offers her. She gets good training to be a hero, expensive items, and a lot of specialized help. OFA is a canon time thing and they keep offering help. Of course, when she meets the person they want her to marry- someone she's exchanged messages with that she's learned were highly altered by the commission- she is suddenly not feeling to hot...
Copy Cat: MonoDeku AU. The other 'there's no slow burn here' where Monoma and Fem!Izuku are dating by UA. Sadly they get put into different classes though they sit together at lunch! The Monoma family head a non-profit that F!Izuku works at and helps promote! F!Izuku also really works on her analysis skills here given Monoma's encouragement. Another AU where OFA comes later then canon but F!Izuku is in the hero course still as a Quirkless person!
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