#coronation era
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winteringart · 2 years
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A bit of a redraw of a blaseball piece from 2021. Not gonna lie, I kind of like the original more. Maybe I'll give it another shot eventually? Let me know what you guys think!
IMAGE ID: Two copic marker illustrations of Simon Haley from the Charleston Shoe Theives, an Afro-Latina twenty something with pockmark scars on their face with a streak of dyed yellow hair. In both drawings, they sit crosslegged and a blue sweater over a light gray dress shirt, yellow pants, and gray socks. The lighting on the first drawing is poor, making it seem dull and washed out in comparison to the second, and the shading is more dramatic. The background on the left is mostly left blank, barring a slight shadow where Simon is sitting, while the background on the right is mostly dark gray with a sword shape cut out. The one on the right is more zoomed in, while the one on the left shows their entire body. END ID.
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coremechs · 2 years
still sad abt sheri friday btw
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tiktaaliker · 3 months
MAN some of the things i miss the most about blaseball were the really small things. like "the inning is now an outing" and how wins and runs were physical objects with weight and how you could click on your peanuts to eat them and how items like the Skate Board was depicted as a wooden board with the Skate element or the Iron Glove was pictured as a clothing iron. and the silly random chance stuff like Socks Maybe getting Theoretical Shoes or Fish Summers being the first player to get launched from the Salmon Cannons or Sutton Picklestein having the returned mod proc the same election they got necromanced in. It was all just so fun and silly and now its gone
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ic-napology · 2 months
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Randomly remembered about Murat's cuteness in The Coronation of Napoleon. It's just me or he's kinda smiling?
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empirearchives · 7 months
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Prints of Napoleon from 1806, by François Anne David.
François Anne David was a French Printmaker born in 1741 and died on April 2, 1824.
Allegory of Napoleon’s Coronation, 1806
Napoleon at the battle of Marengo, 1806
Napoleon at the battle of Austerlitz, 1806
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blazeball · 1 year
god i miss parliamint GOD it was so much fun. best part of being a breath mint
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blaseball · 2 years
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[Image description: an ILB Season 2 Semifinals bracket: Good Conference: Sunbeams beat the Lovers to face the Flowers (who beat the Shoe Thieves) Evil Conference: Magic beat the Georgias to face the Fridays (who beat the Wild Wings), it was hand drawn by the Commissioner of Blaseball and Game Band Boss Parker MacMillan IIIII in his signature, unpretentious style, with lots of bright colors and artistry.]
Postseason continues tomorrow at 12 pm ET/9 am PT!
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jaggedwolf · 1 year
I keep forgetting that the first Ace Attorney game takes place in 2016 and not 2001, and to me, that makes it even more likely that Ema's "intellectually attracted" comment isn't that this sixteen year old doesn't know what gay people are but specifically that in her head Lana Does Not Date, Lana Has Never Dated Duh
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Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death in 1901.
Her reign of 63 years and 216 days — which was longer than those of any of her predecessors — constituted the Victorian era.
It was a period of industrial, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom. It was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire.
In 1876, the British Parliament voted to grant her the additional title of Empress of India.
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therovers · 4 months
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Remember to vote! The Broken Ridge Jazz Hands twitter put out this handy graphic if you want suggestions on what will be most impactful for our team:
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(image credit: https://twitter.com/blaseball_jazz/status/1619383660154851329?t=G3M7HnoWuY9uuWQD6vCSAA&s=19)
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wyrmflwer · 2 years
god just realised what's happening in blaseball is literally what has happened before in prehistory. the league becomes destroyed from the inside due to the influence of Gods and Fans and the sim and the world ends then the league is reset and the book is opened again and the league is destroyed and the world ends and the cycle repeats and the world ends and the cycle repeats and the world ends and-
im loosing my mind blaseball really is a tragedy huh/pos
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academia4me · 1 year
It’s that time of year again! After last year’s success, I thought it would be nice to do another group birthday card for Robert James-Collier. I’ve set one up here: https://www.groupgreeting.com/sign/a02369e3a7590cd
I’d appreciate it if you could do the following by 8th September:
- Write a birthday message for Rob (as long or short as you’d like)
- If you can, post one of your fave photos of him too (professional, screenshot, or casual)
- Feel free to share the above link to others.
To make it a bit different from last year, you could also use the following format if you want, when you are writing your text (although if you want to just write your own thing, feel free):
- Fave role(s):
- Why I’m a fan:
- Describe Rob in five words or less!:
You could also post fan art or poems etc. Go for it!
P.s. for those that don’t know, Rob let us know how much he loved last year’s card, through his friend 🙂
P.p.s. If you can’t add anything to the card directly for some reason, message me and I’ll post it for you.
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polkadotpatterson · 1 year
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Moist Talkers as text posts, part 19! Art by HetreaSky!
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yaggy031910 · 1 year
Aimée Davout in her delivery bed
While I love reading and translating Davout‘s letters, I am always glad to find one written by la Maréchale Davout herself. The following letter was written in early 1813. As background information, it’s important to know that he kind of begged Aimée to organise miniature paintings:
Le 17 janvier, tandis que le maréchal remercie tendrement sa femme « des excellentes bottes fourrées » qu'on lui a envoyées et s'écrie : « Que d'obligations n'ai-je pas à ta sollicitude pour ton Louis !», la maréchale, peut-être à la même heure, lui adressait, de son lit d'accouchée, les gracieuses lignes que voici : J‘ai éparpillé ce matin les matériaux du plus charmant tableau, du plus propre a te plaire pour m‘entretenir avec toi, excellent ami. J’avais tes quatre enfants sur mon lit: J‘ai rendu Jules à as nourrice, quoiqu‘il eùt ses grands yeux bleus tout grands ouverts; j‘ai fait dinner un petit morceau de pain d‘épice à Louis pour le consoler de son renvoi; Joséphine a pris sa poupée, Léonie son Berquin et ton Aimée sa plume. Aussitôt la date mise, on m‘a rapporté ta letter du 10; je reçois maintenant exactement de tes nouvelles. Suivent mille tendres détails sur le nécessaire composé par ses ordres de tous les objets habituels de la toilette du maréchal, et la maréchale termine ainsi cette causerie. Toute à toi, mon Louis, mon unique bien, car toi et nos enfants, ce n'est qu'un, jusqu'à mon dernier soupir. Aimée.
English translation On January 17, while the marshal thanked his wife tenderly for "the excellent furry boots" which had been sent to him and exclaimed: "What obligations do I not have to your solicitude for your Louis!" The Maréchale [Aimée], perhaps at the same time, addressed the following graceful lines to him from her delivery bed: This morning I scattered the materials for the most charming picture, the one most likely to please you, in order to talk to you, my excellent friend. I had your four children on my bed: I gave Jules [the newborn baby boy] back to his nurse, even though he had his big blue eyes wide open; I had Louis [the still living eldest son] eat a little piece of gingerbread to console him for his dismissal; Joséphine [eldest living child & daughter] took her doll, Léonie [second daughter] her Berquin [I think it’s a book] & your Aimée her feather. As soon as the date was set, they brought me your letter of the 10th; I receive your news right now. This was followed by a thousand tender details about the kit she had put together with all the usual items for the Marshal's grooming, and the Maréchale ended her chat with these words. All yours, my Louis, my unique possession, because you and our children are one, until my last breath. Aimée.
Gaaaaahwd, mhmm, yes, I look up to her. 🥰🌺🌷🕊️
It‘s so saddening to know that there aren‘t that many letters of her. Nevertheless, it‘s already a privilege to be able to read any letter at all. It‘s so nice to have her voice in history as well. One can feel how protective she was over her family.
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