#corporate creative card
habibppz · 2 years
Business card design
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Business card is one of the most important things in a business or company. So, this business card should be created in a very professional way that you speak to the business or company. Would be happy to know I'm offer to you modern, creative and professional business card design for your business or company.
If you love this project please don't forget to like, comment and share whit your friends.
. If you want to see my other work, than you can visit my Behance portfolio.
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irponworks · 1 month
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Channeled Leo Full Moon messages
The full fiery Leo Micro-moon February 5 is at 1:29 pm EST at 16+° opposes the Aquarius Sun. Leo full moon is a Fiery, passionate, dramatic, heartfelt, strong willed and courageous time for marking completions. A Leo full moon celebrates your sovereignty, your star power, your leadership, and ability to become whatever role is required to the very best of your ability. Do Roar with heart-felt?…
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besttemplatedesigns · 2 years
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Professional Two-sided Business Card Print Templates Layout Design & best online graphic design services. Available Here: https://lnkd.in/gUSyJjtJ Graphic Design Services: https://lnkd.in/gHqRVxxX
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designsbyciusan · 2 years
Facebook Timeline Cover Features: • Size: 850px315px • Fully editable + Full layered • Photoshop Version: CS or Higher • Resolution: 72dpi • RGB Colors Font Used: • List in documentation. Stock photo used: • List in documentation. Notes: • Stock photo not included in download file. https://www.ciusan.com/web-elements/social-media/1468?feed_id=312&_unique_id=633096409aa53
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hs-transfusion · 4 months
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HEMO: Rust (#A10000) TROLLTAG: anarchicGogetter [AG] SIGN: Arscor, Sign of the Proud STRIFE: marblekind MODUS: Atlas LUNAR SWAY: Derse MYTH. ROLE: Seer of Rage LAND: Land of Storms and Mirages
AG: i know exaaaaaaaactly what you’re looking for… for a modest r8. ;)
Vriska is young, scrappy and hungry, constantly seeking to make an EXCITING LIFE for herself. She specialises in tracking down information about OTHER PEOPLE'S ANCESTORS and selling it for a profit. Unfortunately, she's unable to find out any sort of information about HER OWN ANCESTOR, which frustrates her to no end. She calls herself an EXPERT LOCKPICKER, but what she means is she's really good at breaking locks WITH HER PSIONIC POWERS. When it comes to mazes, she tends to just BUST DOWN THE WALLS.
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She tries creative writing projects every so often, but she's not very good at it due to her LOW IMAGINATION STAT. She does has an online blog where she HARSHLY CRITIQUES MEDIA, though more often than not is subject to INTENSE PLAGIARISM from highbloods. Vriska also has an interest in TOXICOLOGY, a trait she often contemplates making use of when she finds someone ripping her style.
Vriska's ATLAS Fetch Modus requires pinning an item's captchalogue card to its PLACE OF ORIGIN on a map in order to retrieve it. In a worst case scenario, you can just keep STABBING THE MAP until you happen to hit the right spot, she supposes.
Vriska's lusus is classified as the FAN-TAILED ARACHRAWLER; a roughly lion-sized scorpion with an EIGHT-WAY TAIL. It's said that each stinger is dipped with venom MORE DEADLY THAN THE LAST. Because of its ravenous appetite, it will often disappear to hunt trolls for WEEKS AT A TIME, only returning for a few nights to rest before vanishing once more.
The Land of STORMS AND MIRAGES is a largely oceanic planet with abhorrent weather. The only thing worse than NAVIGATING THE STORMY SEAS is living on one of the few islands above the surface, as they're constantly RAVAGED BY LIGHTNING. It almost seems that the land's denizen MENOETIUS is attempting to raze the land and leave only ocean...
Vriska's ancestor is known as The INQUIRER. Working as a LIBRARBARIAN by night, she operates as a shady INFORMATION BROKER by day, leaking corporate secrets to the HIGHEST BIDDER. She is, unbeknownst to most, one of the most FAMOUS AUTHORS OF TROLLKIND, obscured by the fact that she exclusively ghostwrites under the moniker MISTRESS INKQUILL.
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n3xii · 7 months
POV: Underpaid customer service employee gives you messages from the universe (PAC reading)
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Close your eyes andfocus on your intention, then carefuly select your employee; you have kenny, leroy, and phil.
Kenny's message
cards: ''boundaries'' ''knight of swords''
ok listen, i get that you're afraid of being harsh or mean but sometimes you have to lay the line down. you have the opportunity to tell others how they get to treat you, and sometimes you have to do it in a clear straight forward way. you can't dance around what you want to say espeically when it comes to people who benefit from you being afraid to piss them off. people work in stupid ways. they feel disrespected when people treat them with the same energy they show you but fuck them. i literally have to set boundaries everyday, you are capable of doing the same.
leroy's message
cards: ''ace of pentacles reversed'' ''creation''
you may be loosing out on possibilities and opportunities due to the fact that you're not willing to create them. sometimes things dont happen out of thin air, you have to create opportunities yourself, and that might look different for many people. for example, instead of waiting for a job to be given to you, you can have mine.
everyone is creative, creativity doesnt always mean arts and crafts, it can be a person who knows how to solve problems by thinking outside of the box. I dont know you well but you give the impression that you have alot of problems. i think you are in a situation where you feel stagnant, loss or hopeless, and my message to you is to get creative. think outside of the box and learn how to create opportunities for yourself. the current framework you're used to solving problems with obviously is NOT working.
phils message
cards: "7 of cups reversed" ''balance''
i dont know how to tell you this but you have alot of opportunities in front of you, but your own outlook and perception is clouding how you interpret them. also not to be crude or blunt but you aren't grounded, you're in a situation right now where you're not willing to face the realities of life and you need to integrate more moderation and balance into your life. basically what im trying to tell you is to get focused, get anchored to the world around you. stop getting lost in imagination unless you're visualizing your goals. but then again, visualization is useless unless you truly believe in your visions. i think you're trying to find escape from the horrors of the industrial corporate world that makes you feel dead inside, but that only gets you so far in life. Manifest with intention, stope escaping.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Intellectual property is the currency of the modern age. If you’ve got a brand, a mascot, a cute little doodle you did one day while you were bored at work, it is completely essential that your rights as a creator must be protected. Unfortunately, the way that those rights are protected is that you have to sell it to a giant corporation, which jealously hoards it for centuries after your death. Are you gonna get paid, at least? If you’re lucky, I guess.
If you have a regular job, like zookeeper or assassin, it’s unlikely that the bourgeoisie will continue to exploit you after your death. A dead zookeeper is only good for at most one more tiger feeding, for instance. Corporate artists are going to be admired, emulated, and profiteered from until the sun burns out or future executives figure out that they were weirdly and specifically hyper-racist after all.
Ever since there has been a creative industry, there have been rich people milling around the artists, trying to turn the droppings of their diseased minds into trading cards that can be offered to the shadowy beast that is global commerce. Back in medieval times, this was almost a friendly relationship: a rich person would come by, and pay you to make some shit out of marble. Chances are, they’d stop paying you and then have you murdered as you approached completion of the project, which is why artists evolved the ability to procrastinate, but that’s a whole other story.
Nowadays, making copies of something is a lot easier than going out and hiring a bunch of teenagers who can carve a replica of a marble statue. And that’s got the rich-person class in a tizzy. What does it mean to own some cool shit, if the person who made it can just make a bunch of copies of it and give it away for free to whoever asks for it? How can they be expected to derive some genuine, authentic joy from what is basically a selfless act of creative expression, without getting to charge money for it in all perpetuity? These are the questions of our age, but only because the rich people also control the machine that makes all the questions.
What’s the moral of the story, if you are a creative person selling your efforts to an enormous corporation? You have a duty to be super weird. Whatever is wrong with your brain is not wrong with the profiteers’, according to society, which means you have to be a little more creative in your subversive acts. The ideal goal is to render the thing unusable, like a General Motors product, after at most one generation of humanity. Not only are you getting revenge, but you’re helping future generations: they won’t have to write a sequel to your hit franchise, and can instead make weird shit of their own.
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craykaycee · 11 months
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sneaks onto ur dash to talk ab one of my aus with these magma doodles------
This is a Street Artist AU I-- basically adopted from @starrspice (thank you, lovelyy!!) This is a post-fire AU where the DCA escapes the fire themselves and into the city. They're stripped of the proper prompts and triggers for their childcare and entertainment programming, but are able to find something their coding can latch onto: a group of children who need entertainment. They modified their performance and entertainment programming with their arts and crafts protocols to create art as a performance!
More details (so many details-- I went off xDD) and designs of the AU, of which I've titled "City Lights and Paint Water", under the cut :3c
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They're pretty beat-up from the fire, and without proper access to maintenance, they've retained the burn marks, splattered paint, and other grime associated with being outdoors. Over the months as street artists, passersby donate their old paints and other supplies, hence the oversized trousers and worn apron! (P.S.: cloth placement is more accurate in the magma doodles)
Sun and Moon each have preferred mediums and styles!
Sun prefers acrylic paints and spray paint, his paintings a controlled chaos with loud, scattered colors, large brushstrokes, and splatters. His paintings always have a lot of movement due to his freeform painting style, splattering paint and getting a laugh from the kids.
Moon like to work with watercolors and colored pencil, the colors more muted with small pops of brighter colors (such as lights within windows). He likes to capture the lights of the streets, wondering what the true night sky looks like, his art giving a soft and ethereal mood.
Then we have our Main Character (MC), the viewer/reader! They're a graphic designer for a big corporate tech company, tasked with making pamphlets, brochures, posters, et cetera for the company. Though they do good work as a graphic designer, their true passion is fine arts, but their work isn't taken seriously due to its "childish" appearance despite the real-life deeper meanings. In the meantime, they create for themself, crafting and making trinkets for their apartment. They even make some of their own clothes, made up of several different garments to make something one-of-a-kind. Their outfits are fairly chaotic, typically accompanied by a hair accessory, but the patterns and colors compliment each other well.
MC grew up in a rural area, and still love the open and free areas it provides, but they had to move to an urban city for work and better opportunities. It's a big step up from their small town, overwhelmed by the activity. At the start of the story, they feel disconnected from their work, drained by the cookie-cutter bland work of their graphic designer job, but it's the only way they can reliably earn income.
The story starts with Sun spotting MC beyond the crowd, rushing somewhere. He continues to see them in the distance, unable to approach them due to their haste. He's mesmerized by their appearance, drawn to their creative expression just in their outfit. Moon catches a few glances of MC in the evenings, but doesn't have the same draw to them as Sun, figuring them as just another "everyman" in the crowd. One day, in MC's haste, they lose a paper from their portfolio. When Sun catches it, he sees a presentation sheet of several different designs meant for a business card or a t-shirt emblem. Sun is astounded by them, making MC more interesting than they already were.
It's not until about a week later that Sun takes an opportunity to return the paper and give his compliments. When he does this, however, MC's face falls before forcing a polite smile, thanking him. Before Sun could say anything more, they're gone.
There's so many small moments I'd like to explore, but that's the set-up :3cc I nearly have chapter one (1) completed, two (2) chapters after that already planned. The chapter length is pretty short right now, but I don't know if I wanna beef them up or keep them at this shorter length. We'll see! :D
Welp, these are my boios! I hold them gently in my hands and present them like a proud parent
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lineffability · 9 months
London, Soho, AZ Fell’s Bookshop, 1941
“That’s the trouble with you lot, you tend to see things in black and white. Sometimes, you just gotta blur the edges.”
“Well, maybe there is something to be said for… shades of gray?”
Their glasses clinked.
“Well, shades of dark gray,” Crowley corrected, and the ease crept back into their conversation along with the little correction, leaving the emotional vulnerability under the table, where the photograph rested on Aziraphale's thigh.
“Shades of a very light gray, I rather fancy.” Aziraphale smiled into his glass, preparing for their disagreement to turn into a full-blown silly discussion on color theory. Which it did. 
While their aesthetic discrepancies about various shades of gray were being discussed at length and in oral treatises, the angel and the demon were very much on the same page when it came to wine, and the drinking of it. They had not over-indulged, not tonight, but were emptying the bottle between them slowly and comfortably, having settled into a conversation of the same kind. The virtues of mixing colors, all that. It came to them easily, the debating, each fending for the role they had been assigned. 
“Of course, take too many colors and you just end up with a sort of brown-gray sludge,” Crowley said now, and made a face. “Bit like the walls of hell.”
This was the wrong term to drop so carelessly, on a night such as this, and the lapis-lazuli dreams of Aziraphale’s mind were washed right down the drain, where they traveled until they turned into a sort of brown-gray sludge and dripped onto the road to hell, which matched the walls in color. Hell, where Crowley had almost ended up tonight, and not to pay a friendly visit with a report card.
“Crowley, what would have… If they’d taken the photograph, what would have happened to you?”
Aziraphale had turned the page and stumbled upon a new chapter of their conversation, pricking himself on the safety pin that kept the messy draft of the novel of Them all in one tidy place. This was uncharted territory, both of their relationship and of his heart. Aziraphale really, really terribly loved a good story with a happy ending. Shame if it were to be cut short, finished before its time. But where was it headed? The proof was in the pudding. (A good kind of sludge, with a more pleasant color.) There were no instructions, not on the pudding box and not in the first and second and hundredth drafts of their millions of stories. Aziraphale was scared, he realized, of the open-endedness. 
He looked nervously at Crowley, for a moment, before his eyes flitted away. 
“Eehhhh,” Crowley said. “Eh. Dunno. Y'know. Bad stuff. Good at that , they are.”
Crowley wouldn’t answer him, Aziraphale realized. At least not properly. The demon began blubbering away now, about the creativity of hell, trying to work his way back to the topic of colors along the sludgy walls of hell and likely succeeding, but Aziraphale wasn’t really listening anymore.
Aziraphale didn’t say he was scared. He even tried not to show it. He’d shown too much, already, tonight. And look where it had gotten them, all this emotion. They were safe now, yes, but Crowley had risked too much for him today – and too many other days and nights, as well. It was all his fault. And he kept doing it, too, purposely even, sometimes (though not tonight) and it was so terribly selfish of him. 
Crowley’s safety was more important to him than anything else. 
And he was its biggest threat. 
They couldn’t keep doing this. Not after tonight. Not after Crowley had tread on hallowed ground for his sake; after Crowley had held a gun to his face, shaking, pleading no; after Crowley had almost gotten dragged down to hell for trusting an angel. Not after Aziraphale had realized that he– how much Crowley meant to him, and how much losing him would tear a hole into the very fabric of his being. Not the loss of his corporation – though that was its own kind of terror and a cause of many past nightmares – but the loss of him, Crowley, his very being. No more Crowley ever again, not in this body or any next. The thought had been so terrifying he'd rejected it immediately, and shut it away, but it was back now, a monster not constrained by drawers or cages of the mind. He'd realized there was no Aziraphale without Crowley, not really. And he couldn’t imagine it. But to keep him safe, to truly keep him safe–
“It’s getting awfully late. Maybe you should leave, now.”
–he needed to stay away. 
“I said it’s late, and I’m ti– tired… and– you should probably leave. We’ve spent– too much time together, today, have we not?” He tried to laugh, nervously, and Crowley furrowed his brows. 
He got up anyway, abruptly and a little stiffly. “If that’s what you want, angel.”
It’s not what I want at all. “Yes.”
Aziraphale got up, as well, pushing his chair into the table and following Crowley to the door. The demon was walking briskly, but stopped short before reaching the exit. Aziraphale came up to his side, looking torn, and lifted a hand as if to hold him. He, too, stopped short before making contact. Let it drop.  
“Angel,” Crowley started, but obviously didn’t know where to go with the words. What’s going on? The sudden change had thrown him off, and yet he was beginning to realize, slowly, what might have caused it. The worry in Aziraphale’s eyes was telling. 
“I can’t have you risking your life for me,” Aziraphale said now, very quietly. 
Crowley exhaled through his nostrils. We’ve both been risking our lives for each other for a very long time , he wanted to say. Wonder why that is? He said nothing. He didn’t want to think about the answer to that question, either. 
Aziraphale looked at him, and there was something in that look, in that god-unforsaken gaze , that tore at Crowley’s insides, and he leaned forward: just a bit. And Aziraphale didn’t draw back. They stayed like that for a moment entirely too long for it to mean anything but one thing, but neither closed what little distance remained between them. 
It was Crowley who turned away. 
“Good night, angel,” he murmured, and Aziraphale only registered the sound of the little door bell as the Bentley was already roaring to life.
He stood there, alone, for several more moments, grappling with what had not happened, before he returned to the back room, where the photograph lay on the table, mocking him and his silly little human feelings. He didn’t want to look at it. 
He should destroy it. Wasn’t that the right thing? The only thing? But Crowley’s absence hurt (already, already it hurt) and... what if he followed through and kept him at an arm’s length? What if nights like these were no longer possible? At least not until things had cooled down, one way or another. A few decades, maybe. 
But he couldn't do it. Couldn’t bear it. 
He pocketed the picture, carefully, in his waist coat. He suddenly felt like crying. Instead, he wandered into the shop, sat down at his desk, and opened a book. Paradise Lost. How wonderfully ironic. 
He kept reading until dusk, and longer still, and when the little bell chimed again, announcing a brave and forlorn customer, Aziraphale slid the photograph between the pages, and closed the book, and got up with a smile. 
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nicromancytarot · 3 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what would happen if you were to change your current career path, pick a pile and see what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
You guys seem to be in a current job which you’re not feeling all that fulfilled in, this is either to do with the community that surround this job, the work that you are given, or possibly the work that this job requires. For some of you, you may feel outcasted from a larger group of individuals, some of you may even go through “bullying” stages, or harassment in the workplace. Others of you are overwhelmed with the amount of work that you are being given, and possible over exaggerated standards that you are expected to meet in the workplace. For the rest of you it’s to do with the actual work itself, you may not be feeling very happy in this field, perhaps you gave up a hobby or passion project to take part in this workplace.
The reason I say this is because I notice that the pay isn’t necessarily the issue for a lot of you, the job you’re currently in does seem to be paying you well, and gives you a good amount of leadership and possible creative freedom. Changing your career path would be a very big difference, it’s not something that you are used to, and it’s not the same as your current job.
For a lot of you I am feeling that this is some type of business that you want to begin building and working on, perhaps something that you have been dreaming about for a few years. A lot of you are stressed about the time and energy this project would take to perfect, and are mainly failed about the possibility of it failing and you being left jobless.
Those of you who are not planning on starting a business, this links into some job that is more creatively freeing and fun for you, perhaps you’re going from a classic barista job, and changing into a graphic design field instead, there’s definitely a large amount of change and difference for all of you however.
Whatever you are choosing to do and how you are deciding to change this, you’re all very stressed out about the possibility of failure and being unsuccessful. Of course you could fail, but that’s a given is it not? With trying this, you could literally become a millionaire lmao, with so much perseverance and resilience, you can take this wherever you please.
For business people, makeup? Gloss?
A lot of you are scared of reaching out to people, whether it be making new friends at your new workplace, or finding yourself a trusted team to help you with your passion project. (I’m getting heavy passion project honestly)
Doing this will get you taken more seriously, it will take a while to nurture this decision and create the career path that you want for yourself, but with bravery and strength, you have the potential to create whatever dreams you have and bring them to life.
I feel like a lot of you are in a job that doesn’t pay you enough to sustain your living situation, almost like you’re a corporate slave? I’m getting the feeling of living in New York and struggling to pay your bills, or living somewhere which is below the bare minimum and making you feel like shit. Some of you could really be struggling with housing at the moment, possibly bug or rat infestations, a lot is going wrong, peeling paint, mould, it’s certainly not ideal.
Some of you are in a relationship with someone who would help you pay for your rent, or whatever you needed during your time of discovering your plans for your career in the future, even if this isn’t a romantic partner, it could be friends or family who are more than willing to lend a hand, masculines are very prominent for this pile.
I feel like leaving this job will give you some time to think about what you need to do next, what are the steps to take and how can you better your life?
I’m not getting business, however I am getting something that takes a lot to make work, perhaps you’ll be working alongside a friend, becoming an influencer, stepping into fame.
It’s giving very much “trust me” energy.
There are some people around you who won’t trust this or have much hope for it, you’ll have a good amount of individuals telling you to find a “proper job” or just go back to your old one.
You’re very sure about what you want after taking this small break away from everything, I see someone who knows what they have to do to make something work, as if they have it all planned, some of you might literally have a board like a detective, with strings pointing to certain opportunities or ideas.
You’ll get into this new thing very quickly, you’ll waste no time and give it your all, for those of you who are influencing or dipping your toe into the life of fame, you’ll be very good with handling criticism and hate, you’ll be very quick to brush it off and ignore those trolls, as you know that they are only jealous of you.
Your main motivator is your living situation.
The rest of you who are doing something else not relating to fame, you will be very defensive to the people around you who doubt your innovation and creativity to do what you want as a job.
Verrrrry quickly, this opportunity brings in those bags of money, I’m seeing someone doing the absolute least and then getting paid a ton for it.
How you will feel after this change will have something to do with your home, I’m seeing someone buying a much larger and stabler house, somewhere that they feel happy to bring their friends and family around to, I do see a lot of your money going into your housing situation.
Bro, are you guys sleeping with your boss or something??? There’s a heavy energy on workplace affairs, something to do with temptation, selfishness and love. This person that you are sleeping with, IS MARRIED!!!! Don’t go there, for the love of God.
Some of you could honestly be the work wife/husband, rather than an actual affair, however this person is down bad, but they only want you to have you, not to keep you.
This is a VERY specific message, only a few of you will relate to this, if it’s not your message, feel free to find another pile lmao, this one is insane.
For those of you who have been sleeping with or fawning over some person in your workplace, what are you doing?! Listen, I do not condone cheating, some of you are also cheating on your partner, oh my days.
This person has you in a metaphorical chokehold, they’ve got you in their arms, their spouse in their mind and their past rendezvous on speed dial. You’re getting ready to make a decision, you’re telling them about leaving the workplace and they are threatening you with telling everyone the truth. Their spouse already knows, I’m feeling like they are aware and just want you gone, they may even offer you some money to get you the hell out of their husband/wives life, they are not coming to play.
I’m seeing someone who will keep their money and reputation, meanwhile the other will only keep money, and say goodbye to their reputation. If people find out about the affair, they will turn on either one or you, however I’m feeling it point more towards you.
Fear not, create something new, spend the time working on it, and everyone will forget. It’s only one big scandal of the workplace, and they’re sure to do it with another, so you will soon be long forgotten.
For those of you who have romantic intentions or feelings for this person, they could be telling you that they’ll leave their spouse. Run. Run and do not look back, they are lying.
Working on something new, whether it be your own creation, or just something better paying and worthwhile in the long run, will help you achieve all you dream or achieving. I’m seeing someone who realised that they dodged a bullet, and now is possibly even their own boss, or married to their new one (slay)
I also see that you will “repent for your sins” the rest of your life (lmao, that’s so dramatic), but you will beg the universe for forgiveness for a while.
Also, for those of you who are cheating on your partner, you can work through it, they will forgive you, however I would recommend setting them free.
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habibppz · 2 years
Corporate Business Card Design
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Business card is one of the most important things in a business or company. So, this business card should be created in a very professional way that you speak to the business or company. Would be happy to know I'm offer to you modern, creative and professional business card design for your business or company.
If you love this project please don't forget to like, comment and share whit your friends.
. If you want to see my other work, than you can visit my Behance portfolio.
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pink-sparkly-witch · 7 months
Spring in Fall
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Summary: Jensen Ackles has spent his whole adult life in front of the camera, but now he wants something more. Something he’s not been able to find yet: an omega to settle down with. When Y/N Y/L/N arrived on the set of Supernatural, the alpha may just find all he’s ever wanted – his true mate.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Female Omega!Reader
Rating: Teen
Bingo Square: Scent Bond for @jacklesversebingo
Warnings: Omegaverse, A/B/O dynamics (no smut or anatomy talk), fluff, scenting.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: This WIP has sat unfinished for over a year. When I got the ‘Scent Bond’ bingo square for Jacklesverse, I just knew this would be the perfect fill and found my fluffy bone long enough to get this finished! I hope you love this absolute floof 😘
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Consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite or leaving a comment. It really does fuel a creative’s muse. If you’re too shy or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and you don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM 💖
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Jensen was irritable. That much was obvious from the Goddamn moon. In fact, irritable was too polite a word for what he was. His ruts were no joke since he hit forty, knowing that his biology dictated he should’ve settled with a mate long before now. The problem was work always got in the way.
If it wasn’t sixteen hour filming days, it was every other weekend at conventions. If it wasn’t conventions, it was catching up on sleep; if it wasn’t sleep, it was an awards show, corporate event, or some other function he was obligated by contract to attend.
Jared had been lucky in finding his true mate on set, and Jensen always hoped the same fate might come to him, but so far, twelve seasons into the show, it hadn’t happened and his hope was starting to wain.
He couldn’t deny that he wanted what all his family and friends had. He was lonely—not that he liked to admit that out loud to many people. All that would achieve is a sudden string of blind dates that always ended in disaster.
The alarm on his phone went off with the reminder to buy a present for his nephew’s birthday, and when he registered the date, he frowned. Quickly, Jensen ran through the math in his head, and his frown deepened. He wasn’t due a rut for another week.
Then why was he so on edge?
“Mr. Ackles? They need you on set in five.” One of the PAs, Riley, he thinks, shouts through his trailer door.
“Alright, thanks,” Jensen calls back, trying to put it to the back of his mind for now. He had a job to do, and if Jensen was anything, he was a professional. He would never let personal issues bleed into his professional life.
Plus, they had a very important guest star for the next couple of months. Y/N Y/L/N had signed on for an eight-episode story arc, and everyone was excited. She was the most popular actress the network had ever had on their books. She was making waves in the acting world, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time before she moved to a bigger network or the big screen and began cashing in on prestigious award wins.
Not only that, but Jensen had a massive crush on the beautiful omega, and Dean would be having a really good time with her sassy, sexy character for the duration of her time here. He knew it was unlikely that she’d be his true mate, but maybe, if he played his cards right, she’d at least go on a date with him, and things might work out for them. Plenty of couples he knew weren’t true mates and life was great for them.
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“Can you smell that?” Y/N asked no one in particular in the hair and makeup trailer.
“Smell what?” Jared asked from the hair chair.
“Leather, and…” she turned her head and sniffed again. “Sandalwood. Mmm, whiskey.” She felt her cheeks heat up and a tingle in her belly that wasn’t wholly unfamiliar to her; neither was the scent she was detecting. It smelled like home. “Spearmint, too?”
Jared smirked through the mirror at Frida, the hair lady, and Y/N caught the grin on the makeup lady, Tanya’s, face. “What?” she asked. Tanya just shook her head, her grin getting wider.
“Come on, Tanya! There’s something you’re not telling me! What is it?” she whined and pouted playfully.
“Jeez, don’t give me that look!” Tanya laughed. “Damn it! Or those eyes!” she stepped away, laughing harder, when Y/N pulled out the big guns. “You know, Jared, Y/N’s puppy eyes are better than yours!”
Jared laughed and mumbled something that sounded a lot like: “Jensen’s gonna be in so much trouble!” as he looked over at the confused omega, who was still subtly sniffing the air with an adorable frown on her face.
“Is it getting hotter in here?” Y/N suddenly exclaimed. “My God, it’s hot,” she fanned herself with her script, feeling the heat rise from her toes upwards as if she’d just sat in a tub filled with water that was too hot. “Can we open the door or something?”
“Sure, I got it,” Frida said as she left Jared in the hair chair and opened the door to the trailer. “Jensen!” she gasped as she opened the door and saw the green-eyed actor reaching for the handle. “You scared me!” she giggled and stepped back, allowing the tall alpha to enter the trailer.
As soon as Jensen stepped inside, he stopped short, his green eyes blown wide and pupils dilating at the sight of his famous crush sitting in what was usually his makeup chair. She looked beautiful with her big doe eyes as wide as his and her hands fidgeting in her lap.
“Omega,” Jensen purred, momentarily shocked at how pathetic he sounded. Certainly not like the big, strong alpha he wanted to be for her, that’s for sure.
“Alpha,” Y/N whimpered in response, bowing her head as a sign of her submission to him.
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Jensen stepped out of his trailer and took a deep breath of fresh air, frowning at the scent he caught on the wind. It smelled like home. Like The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden in the springtime, to be exact. Cherry blossom, lilac and honeysuckle all mixed in with a hint of lavender, making his mouth water. But that was impossible. Except for the lavender, those flowers only appeared in the spring or early summer. It was October.
He didn’t think they’d have flowers on set for any reason, but he supposed that didn’t mean someone didn’t get sent a bouquet or something. The smell of lilac was unmistakable to him; his mom had a huge lilac bush in her backyard, and he’d grown up with it. He’d know that smell a mile off.
Shaking his head to rid himself of thoughts of home, he continued towards the set. He was really excited to work with Y/N, and he hoped she was as sweet and kind as he’d always heard she was. Nothing was worse than having professional respect for someone, meeting them, and finding their personality or attitude lacking.
Jensen spotted Rich across the lot and walked towards him to welcome him. The kind beta was directing again, and Jensen wanted to greet him properly and make sure he knew where to go if he needed anything. Not that Rich needed the reminder, but Jensen was nothing if he wasn’t a gentleman.
“Hey man, good to see you again,” Jensen said as he greeted Rich with a hug.
“Looking good, Jensen. How are you doing?” Rich asked.
“Ah, you know,” Jensen said simply. Rich was one of the few people who knew how desperate he was to find a mate, settle down and have a few pups of his own instead of always being the fun uncle.
“She’s out there, Jay. And I have a feeling she’s closer than you think!” he smirked.
“Ha!” Jensen scoffed. “You sound like Jared! He’s convinced Y/N’ll turn out to be my true mate!” he chuckled.
“Hey, I get why he thinks that! I remember all those nights in your trailer or apartment, and if you saw her on screen, you just froze and stared at her until she was off camera again!” Rich laughed heartily.
“Well, she’s incredibly beautiful. And I’m no worse with her than when you see Scarlett Johansson or Jared was with Nina Dobrev!” Jensen laughed.
“True, but your eyes glaze over, and you get this stupid smile, and…” Rich trailed off at his friend’s head tilt and look of sheer concentration.
“Can you smell that?” Jensen asked.
“Smell what?” Rich asked.
“It’s like a spring garden or something. I smelled it earlier and can’t get it out of–” Jensen whipped his head around and began stalking towards the hair and makeup trailer. Rich followed him, staying a safe distance behind the prowling alpha.
The alpha stopped in front of the trailer door and sniffed, purring low in his throat at finally finding its source. Just as he raised his hand to pull on the handle, the door whipped open, and his senses were assaulted with the most delicious and delicate scent he’d witnessed in his whole life.
Jensen stepped into the trailer, his gaze fixed on his celebrity crush, and felt the air being sucked from him as her Y/E/C eyes met his green ones, wide and submissive. “Omega,” Jensen purred, momentarily shocked at how pathetic he sounded. Certainly not like the big, strong alpha he wanted to be for her, that’s for sure.
“Alpha,” Y/N whimpered in response, bowing her head as a sign of her submission to him.
“I think that’s our cue to leave,” Jared grinned, raising his hands at the older alpha, showing he was no threat to them. The two women showed the same respect to Y/N, raising their hands as they left the trailer.
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“I think Jay just found his true mate!” Jared grinned, pulling Rich into a hug.
“He’s gonna absolutely hate that you were right. I hope you know that!” Rich smirked.
“Hell yeah! And I’m never gonna let him forget it!”
Rich chuckled as he pulled the walkie from his belt. “We got a code 143; I repeat, a code 143 is in progress. All filming is suspended until further notice. Ladies and gentlemen, Jensen Ackles has met his true mate in none other than Y/N Y/L/N. Over and out,” Rich spoke through the device and smiled, high-fiving Jared when they heard the cheers erupt from all over the lot.
“Alright, I’ll start with the phone calls. Have you got the numbers for Y/N’s family? I’ll let them know she’ll be off grid for a few days at least,” Jared asked Rich, who handed him a sheet of paper with her emergency contacts listed.
“I’ll get some betas to keep the parameter clear from here back to his trailer. The last thing we need is another alpha getting too close to Y/N. Or an omega to Jensen, for that matter. Then I better call the Network and let them know their golden boy and girl are officially off the market!” Rich chuckled.
“They’re gonna love that!” Jared laughed.
It’d been suggested to Jensen before by numerous executives that he and Y/N should meet and see if there was a spark, but Jensen was stubborn and said if they were meant to meet, it’d happen naturally. Apparently, so was Y/N. They’d heard a few times that it was the same response she gave them whenever they asked her about it.
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Once the door was closed, Jensen stepped towards her and kneeled at her feet. “Do you want this, Y/N? Want me?” he asked shyly. Yes, they were true mates, but he had a few years on her, and she might not want to settle with an older man. She might not want to settle at all. Being in the prime of her career might mean she wasn’t ready to start a family yet.
“Yes, Jensen. I want this… want you, Alpha,” she purred, placing her hand on his cheek and smiling softly. The gasp of pained relief from the big, strong alpha broke her heart, and she wondered if he’d been let down as many times as she had in the past or if it was more.
“Can I… uh… can I scent you, Omega, please?” Jensen asked quietly, and Y/N giggled at his cuteness. She’d always hoped she’d have an alpha with a softer side, and it seemed like she got one.
“Yes, Alpha. I’m yours now,” she said softly.
“Not quite,” his fingers rubbed softly over her mating gland. “But I intend for you to be mine very soon,” he smiled softly before slowly leaning forward and nuzzling his nose into her neck. His hot breath against her sensitive skin made Y/N shiver, and her body erupted in goosebumps. The intimacy of the gesture was overwhelming, and she felt tears sting in her eyes.
Jensen whined as he got in closer and breathed her in. “You smell so good, Omega. And so beautiful,” he whispered to her, gently placing his hand on the back of her neck and pulling her closer still. Y/N tilted her head and rested her cheek on his shoulder, nuzzling her nose into his mating gland, her neck still open, and began to scent him in return.
Within seconds, an overwhelming sense of tranquillity and contentment at being exactly where he needed to be rushed over him, and he had no idea if it was coming from him, her or both of them. And it was the most elating feeling in the world.
“Sweetheart, I could sit her for hours and do this,” Jensen whispered, placing the softest of kisses on her neck between each word he spoke. “But I wanna take you somewhere more private if you’ll let me.”
“Okay,” Y/N answered, a whine escaping her throat as soon as he pulled away from her. Jensen chuckled at her pout, stood, held his hand out for her to take, and pulled her protectively into his side when she was on her feet.
“What hotel are you staying in?” Jensen asked.
“I’m not. I’m staying with a friend. Her apartment is just outside the city,” Y/N responded.
“My place is closer. Is that okay with you? I’d rather we have complete privacy, but if it would make you feel better, we can go to my trailer or the place you’re staying,” Jensen spoke softly.
“Let’s go to your place, Alpha,” she beamed brightly, chuckling when Jensen purred in approval of her answer.
Stepping out of the trailer, Jensen pulled Y/N into his body and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. The omega responded instantly, winding her arm around his waist and moving as close to him as their bodies allowed. The alpha smirked and puffed his chest with pride at hearing the wolf whistles from the crew, who’d gathered to wish the new couple well.
Jensen noticed his driver standing next to an SUV and headed straight towards him, determined to get them out of there as quickly as possible. He’d waited long enough for her and didn’t want to wait any longer. 
Helping Y/N into the car, Jensen quickly moved to the other side and climbed in beside her. He’d barely sat down when the omega slid over to his side and cosied up to him, burying her nose in his neck and scenting him contentedly. He purred, happy to finally have his omega in his arms, scenting her hair, allowing her aroma to mingle and settle in with his own, binding them together in a bond that would become unbreakable the instant he claimed her, which Jensen had every intention of doing before the sun came up.
“Forever starts now, Omega. You ready for it?” Jensen murmured into Y/N’s hair.
“I’ve never been more ready, Alpha.”
Tags: @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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servantofthefates · 1 year
Tarot Card Meanings for Career & Finances
A career question is just like any other query, so you may use any spread you like. I prefer the Celtic Cross, so I can see everything and everyone: the querent, their colleagues and their boss. It all boils down to accurate interpreting. Here are some tried and tested career meanings.
The Fool – A new career path
The Magician – Living your dream career
The High Priestess – You already know the answer
The Empress – Ultimate financial abundance
The Emperor – Higher-ups favoring you
The Hierophant – Long-term job security
The Lovers – Two career paths to choose from
The Chariot – Progress leading to success
Strength – Hurdles will need to be overcome
The Hermit – Solo proprietorship
The Wheel of Fortune – Major windfall
Justice – Large-scale layoffs
The Hanged Man – Taking a sabbatical
Death – Major career change
Temperance – Breaking even
The Devil – Workaholism
The Tower – Bankruptcy
The Star – Getting a promotion
The Moon – Misunderstanding with superiors
The Sun – Career fulfillment
Judgement – Your true calling
The World – Being admired for your work
Ace of Wands – Exciting new job
Two of Wands – Strategic thinking
Three of Wands – Everything as scheduled
Four of Wands – Stable job
Five of Wands – Conflict with colleagues
Six of Wands – Successful project
Seven of Wands – Being opposed at work
Eight of Wands – Overlapping deadlines
Nine of Wands – Crisis management
Ten of Wands – Busy period ahead
Page of Wands – Young entrepreneur
Knight of Wands – Athlete; fitness expert
Queen of Wands – Big name in start-ups/sports (female)
King of Wands – Big name in start-ups/sports (male)
Ace of Cups – New job you love
Two of Cups – Office romance
Three of Cups – Work friends
Four of Cups – Boring job; job you hate
Five of Cups – A death in the workplace
Six of Cups – Going back to a former job
Seven of Cups – Applying at various companies
Eight of Cups – Leaving a job willingly
Nine of Cups – Receiving praise at work
Ten of Cups – Work that makes your family proud
Page of Cups – Young writer
Knight of Cups – Actor; director
Queen of Cups – Big name in the film/creative industry (female)
King of Cups – Big name in the film/creative industry (male)
Ace of Swords – A new job that is meant for you
Two of Swords – Having two offers to choose from
Three of Swords – Receiving harsh criticism at work
Four of Swords – Working from home/flexible hours
Five of Swords – Rivalry at work
Six of Swords – Business trip
Seven of Swords – Corporate theft
Eight of Swords – Working out of necessity
Nine of Swords – Stressful job
Ten of Swords – Toxic workplace
Page of Swords – Rumors at work
Knight of Swords – Violence/abuse at work
Queen of Swords – Ruthless boss (female)
King of Swords – Ruthless boss (male)
Ace of Pentacles – New job that pays well
Two of Pentacles – Work-life balance
Three of Pentacles – Teamwork
Four of Pentacles – Subpar pay; downsizing
Five of Pentacles – Getting fired/laid off
Six of Pentacles – Unexpected bonus
Seven of Pentacles – Long-term investments/results
Eight of Pentacles – Passion for work
Nine of Pentacles – Self-made man/woman
Ten of Pentacles – Lasting wealth
Page of Pentacles – Intern; entry-level employee
Knight of Pentacles – Honest hard worker
Queen of Pentacles – Generous boss (female)
King of Pentacles – Generous boss (male)
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