#corrin tag
krazieka2 · 5 months
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I've played the Fire Emblem Husbando Dating Simulator Games
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 2 months
To be honest, I would let Cassandra Nova do unspeakable things to me.
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fulgurbugs · 1 year
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asexualbookbird · 2 months
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Have You Read My TBR?
Now with even MORE choices! To be honest, I don't know where this book came from or anything about it. I think a friend gave it to me? So I'm very interested in what people have to say!
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glorfinniell · 8 months
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[A last minute] Day 7 of Fates week: revelation (ft. faintly, Corrin, Elise, Leo, Camilla, Xander, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura and Azura)
I’m sorry, Leo. You’ve been in three different entries—but only the back of your head.
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mcurii · 27 days
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go team!
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stargloom · 8 months
i lived, bitch
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spenglersglasses · 3 months
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⌛⚙️ What a lovely day..... ⚙️⌛
Listen, lol I had to! Anyways already friends, here is my first and maybe my only venture into the world of Mad Max with a focus on my favorite character, Immortan Joe.
I am really excited to get this too you and as with all my fics I will update as I am able and inspired to make sure I am giving you my all every time.
**This fic will be an AU! Mostly I will try to stay canon but there will be some conflicts and reimaginings. This includes themes as listed in the tags, if any of this doesn't sit well with you, please skip this one!**
Listen you are reading a fic with Immortan Joe, it should be pretty obvious. but that being said if you are still here, I sincerely hope you all enjoy!
Thank you so much for reading!
*Special shoutout to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the awesome dividers!
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Glimmer in the Wasteland
Many years after the Citadel was conquered and seized by him, the Immortan Joe longs to feel something besides the pain and anguish of the world. Desperate to secure his legacy by siring an heir, he decides that now is the time before it becomes too late. Meanwhile a young woman named Corrine is separated from her group in the Wasteland and captured by the War Boys. When Corrine awakens within the fortress of the Citadel, her world changes when she has an encounter with the deeply feared and infamous warlord.
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Chapter 1: God and the Scavenger
Immortan Joe struggles with his inevitable mortality and makes a life changing decision. A young woman, Corrine is separated from her scavenging group in the Wasteland during an attack and is captured by the War Boys.
Also available HERE on AO3.
Will eventually be very NSFW below the cut!!
It had finally happened. A spot—tingling. A pang of pain threatening that a sore would soon be sprouting up along the outer edge of his back. 
It would be the first outward effects of the nuclear fallout Joe would bear. One that no amount of salvaged antiseptics and alcohol washes could stave off. Lesions caused by a cancer too tenacious to be contained as it slowly ate at him from inside. Suddenly he, the Immortan, felt all too mortal.
“It is time.” The People Eater spurred him. Joe, nodding as the War Pups covered him in powder. HIs already pale skin turned ghostly white. Adorned in his pauldrons and chest plate, molded in plexiglass and covered in his former accolades, as he took to his feet. 
His long, ghastly white hair, flowing in the harsh wind as he approached the balcony. Ready to address the wretched below as they waited for the life-giving water. The people of the Citadel, all but decaying in the heat and waste of what was left of the world they all inhabited. Desperate for things, once taken for granted. 
As they stood waiting, the man they called “God”, began rolling his neck side to side. Hoping to release some of the tension in his shoulders. Held there from the weight of his breathing apparatus. His piercing blue eyes staring out into the Citadel under blackened lids. Tired and weary. The rest of his face concealed beneath the grim of his mask. Cold, chrome and equine teeth bordered by hoses for breathing. He looked as frightening as he did mighty, standing before them. 
The whole of the crowd below, cheering as they saw his silhouette appear beside his son, Rictus, and the People Eater. The People Eater leaned over to his commander's side. Holding up the shining microphone as Joe took hold of the aquifer valve levers in his hands. The time of placation, arriving once again. 
“It is through me that you will all find salvation. Through me that you will ascend. Rising above the rot and filth of this life…before moving on to the next…” Joe began. The people below crying out his name, Rictus clapping incessantly. Joe shot him a look, stopping him mid applause. The feebleness of Rictus’s diseased mind, growing more apparent each day.  
“Please sir, go on.” The People Eater nudged. Joe returned his attention to his task. Frustrated and angry that he had to speak at all. 
“...You shall drink of the Aqua Cola and remember who gave you this gift…” Joe continued, pulling the levers and listening to the gears as they twisted and turned. The water cascading down upon the wretched below. 
“That’s right. The Immortan is the redeemer!” the Prime Imperator shouted. Joe’s hold on the people of the Citadel renewed as the vapor from the water found its way upon his face. A cool mist that fed what was left of his own soul.  
Joe closed his eyes to revel in the feel of it on his skin when suddenly, the fury building inside him returned. The moment of solace, short lived as Joe began yanking back hard on the levers. The flow, shutting down as he removed himself from the room without another word. Leaving Rictus, the People Eater, the Prime Imperator, and his son’s Colossus and Scrotus confused.
“You had better go see what is wrong with Dad, Eater.” Colossus suggested from his small, makeshift chair. His diseased and deformed body, struggling to move itself. Swiveling back around to his telescope as he watched the scene below.  
“Of course, sir.” the People Eater replied as he fiddled with the chain that connected his nipples. Smiling and sending a nod to his ruler’s sons as before making his way out to find him. 
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The pain was excruciating. Like an explosion that was still going off inside her head. Corrine opened her eyes to find darkness. She began to tremble, the fear—immediately settling in. Where am I? She thought.
Her whole life she had only known struggle. The abrasive grit of the sand and the heat of the unencumbered sun. The place she was now, it was different. The air still and the calm and there were drops of something coming from above her. It was cool and crisp like water across her skin. 
It was jarring. It had been so long since she'd had anything but the sensation of sweat running over her. Her body, more recently than ever before, in a constant state of dehydration and hunger. Life in the Wasteland wasn't easy, especially for a scavenger. 
Her people had been lucky. For years managing to gather enough supplies to keep the true horrors at bay. A hearty people, but kind despite their hard way of life. Corrine was born after the world ended, twisting into desolation and undeserving perdition.
It seemed now her luck had run out. Only flashes, sensations, and fragmented images remained from what had happened. She could remember the days before. Traveling across the endless sands and dirt plains. 
They were out together, the crew she knew as her brethren, scouring a deserted camp for ever dwindling supplies. Their trip, having gone on far longer than expected. Having strayed days away from their home. They had set up a camp for the night, ready to find their way back once the sun returned to the horizon.  
All seemed well until the sound of revving engines came out from the darkness. Her eyes shut open. Corrine quickly got to her feet and exited her tent. Running as fast as she could through the sand. Listening to the others crying out for help, before the sounds of malicious laughter began filling the night air. 
It was the War Boys. Until then they had only been a story. A tale told to the youngest of her colony as a warning not to venture far. A warning she regretted not having heeded.  
Was she being held captive by them? Why was she spared instead of the others? How long was she out? There was nothing else she could remember before things went black. No way to know for sure where she’d been taken. 
She could hear the metal clanking of the chains as she shifted around. The sound, rattling mercilessly in her ears. Her head, now pounding full force as she tried to stand. Feeling the wet, bloody knot that hid within her hair. 
“Ssss...agh.” She groaned as her fingers grazed the spot.  When she felt she had her footing, Corrine began scanning the walls. Feeling the rock beneath her hands as she tries to find a way out of the darkness. She continued until in an instant she was suddenly blinded. 
“Who's there?” 
“Hmph…” groaned someone in the darkness. A man, only barely coming into focus as Corrine felt her heart pounding in her chest. Wanting to flee, the sight of his shotgun barrel held out in front her. His pale, sunken face smiling behind it.
“Yes…yes, you'll do just fine. A gift, a delightful gift.” he said gleefully. In an instant a chill shot through her spine. Horrified at what was to come. 
“Where am I?!” She yelled, tears flowing down over her cheeks. The man disappeared and before she knew it, Corrine was listening to the sound of a metal. Clunking and scraping that rang out with the slam of a door. The War Boy’s ‘delightful gift’ realizing she was once again alone in the darkness. 
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Joe paced the floor of his rooms—slowly and methodically. Every step, filled with harsh contemplation. Only noticing briefly that the People Eater had followed him in. 
“Sir? What is it? What are you thinking?” The Eater asked, wondering what could be brewing in his mind. Wondering if the Immortan was concocting a new way of cultivating crops? Maybe a strategy for expanding the War Boys’ lifespans—something more than just the unlucky blood bags they'd culled from the wasteland. The truth however was far more intrinsic, more primal. 
“Leave me.” Joe said, his voice level and his eyes fixed into the space before him. Focused on something abstract, but to him something completely clear.
“Maybe I could be of some help.” The Eater continued.
“I think I'm ready to try again.” the Immortan explained, the Eater’s eyes widening. He knew better than most what was truly important to Joe. One thing that his power and all the guzzolene the world could muster wouldn’t give him—a healthy child. 
“What's that sir?” he asked him still, hoping that it might be something else. 
“You know exactly what.” Joe chided. The hurt and angry present in his eyes. 
“Are you…are you sure sir? We were fortunate enough with Rictus and Scrotus. It’s been years since—”
“I am aware.” Joe growled, turning quickly to face his comrade. The memories of his failures, fresh in his mind. The People Eater did his best to swallow back his reservations, mostly in fear of the thrashing that the disobedience might incite. 
“Immortan, I come with news.” the Prime Imperator said, bursting into the room with a smile spread wide across his face. 
“What is the meaning of this intrusion?!” the Eater yelled. 
“Some of the boys returned last night, riding high and proud. They found a group of foragers out in the wasteland.” he continued, both the Eater and Joe intrigued.
“Anything worth salvaging?” the Eater asked. 
“The men didn’t last long enough to see the rocky formations but the other one they found—” he boasted before pausing for a breath.
“Go on.” Joe told him.
“The other one is a woman—a young woman.” The imperator finished. The People Eater let out a chuckle. 
“Sir…it seems fate may be on your side.” The Eater finished. Immortan Joe's eyes held a glimmer of hope within them as he approached the imperator. Grabbing him by the bandana on his neck. Burning a hole through his eyes with his stare.
You had better not be joking.” Joe growled. His ally, shaking his head and throwing up in hands in protest of the accusation. “Good. Eater, send for Miss Giddy and have her ready the vault. I shall seek an audience with this acquired treasure tomorrow at dawn. "
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 “Come up, get up now. Get up. We haven't much time.” said a soft voice. Corrine groaned, rolling over on the ground. In and out of consciousness as the sweet tone of the woman’s voice calmed her. It was similar to her mother's and Corrine was devastated when her eyes opened to find a strange old woman, covered head to toe in inscriptions, and not her mother staring back at her. 
“Time?” She absentmindedly repeated, head still aching from the trauma of the day before.
“Yes…we need to move you to the vault. We must bathe and dress you before he arrives.” The woman explained, helping Corrine to her feet and walking her down a long winding hall. Stopping only once they arrived at a large vault door. So large Corrine had never seen anything like it. 
“What is this?” she asked. The woman, pulling the already unlocked door out before them revealing the beautiful scene within. 
“This is your new home.” she explained, nudging her inside. Corrine was in awe; in all her life she’d never seen a place so beautiful. The ceiling, open to the sky. The sun, beginning to rise in the distance and illuminating the room. Its rays shimmering off the large crystal chandelier that hung from above a piano, just opposite the room. 
There was a small watering pool along the ground. Flowing steadily like a stream. And there were books—lots of them. Oh the knowledge they held, she thought to herself. Would she be able to actually read them? 
Then there was another room. One with beds, real pillows, and clean linens. It was all too much to take in, her eyes beginning to tear. It just didn’t make sense, none of it. 
In such violence she’d been brought to this place, one of beauty and all the comforts she had otherwise been denied. But why? “Got it all fixed up for you my dear. Come, come. Let Miss Giddy help you in.” she beckoned, helping Corrine remove her tattered scraps of clothing. What was left of them, covered in blood and dirt. Then finally into the pool of water. 
“Giddy?” she asked, before gasping as the cool water surrounding her. Kneeling in the water in only her underwear. 
“Yes, little bird. I will be your caretaker. Get you everything you need.” she assured her. The woman easing Corrine’s fears as she washed her hair. Missy Giddy kept mostly quiet, careful to not disclose too much. Corrine knew answers would come in time, but worried she might not care for what those answers may be. 
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Once the water ran clear of the grit and soil washed from her hair, Miss Giddy helped Corrine out from the pool. Allowing her to balance with a hand on her shoulder as she tried to dry off. Then getting her dressed in a white muslin ensemble. The fabric, billowy and light on her curvy frame.
Afterward Corrine sat beside the water as Miss Giddy brushed through her hair. It was long, wavy and a bit unruly after having been matted from the blood and sand. Corrine wincing as the brush tugged at the skin surrounding her wound. Miss Giddy did her best to be gentle and thankfully finished without too much of a fuss.
“Thank you.” Corrine said as she pulled her knees to her chest. “Miss Giddy.”
“What am I?” Corrine began when the door opened, and a man stepped in. He was tall and impressive. Dressed in clothing, the likes of which she had never seen. An intimidating mask concealing the majority of the lower half of his face. His eyes, however, blindingly blue, staring at her.   
“Leave us Miss Giddy.” he commanded, it was clear to Corrine that whoever he was, he was calling the shots. Without hesitation the old woman left, leaving Corrine and the mysterious man alone in the vault. 
“What is your name?” he asked, Corrine feeling her heart pounding with both intrigue and fear. 
“What's it to you?” she asked back, still unsure of what circumstances she had found herself in. Clutching the wrap of the dress within her fists. The nerves, as clear on her as the orange hue of the sky.  
“I am not going to harm you.” he told her, slowly approaching as he grabbed a chair from along the wall and brought it to sit beside her. Corrine frozen in fear, wondering what he might do next. 
“Is that so? What if I don’t want you to know my name.” Corrine asked, careful not to make eye contact. Feeling the breath halting inside her chest with each passing second in his presence. 
“Then what am I to call you?” 
“Uh…It's…It’s Corrine.” she finally told him. Her eyes, unable to help but meet with him. The two of them locked on to one another. Sparking green and crystal blue orbs, fixed on one another—no way of turning back now. The man shifted in the chair, the movement causing Corrine to flinch. 
“Hmph…an unusual name to be sure.” he said, brows piqued. 
“It was my great grandmother's.” Corrine explained. So entranced at the sight of him, at the sound of his deep, thick voice that she wondered if she’d said anything at all. 
“I see. Well, here you shall be given a new name to go with a new life.” he began. The words forcing a knot to swell in Corrine’s throat. “Give me your hand.” 
“I—” Corrine began but could not find the words. The man, reaching out his hand for hers to take. Reluctantly she took it, the man helping her up from her spot on the ground. The two of them standing together, intensely facing one another head on. 
“We shall call you the Fray.” he proclaimed as he felt the roughness of her hands. A sign of her life spent laboring out in the unforgiving wasteland. A wasteland he would save her from. His gaze, softening as he looked at her. 
A soft heart-shaped face, clear skin with no sign of disease. Emerald-colored eyes that were kind and gentle. As his sights continued to travel along her body, he took note of her large breasts and hips. Everything about her suggested she was perfect, full-life, and fertile.
There was more to her, and he could tell. The way she spoke with him, despite her fear. A hint of strength beneath a thinly veiled exterior. An observation that spoke to him, in ways he couldn’t quite comprehend. 
Corrine took in a deep breath; it was more than obvious he was sizing her up for something. This man whose name she didn’t know, though he now knew hers. As she exhaled, she summoned the courage to ask him.
“And what…what is your name?” she inquired. Watching a change in the man’s demeanor. The soft look, growing more sinister as he pulled her towards him. Now only inches from the haunting mask on his face. 
“It's Joe.”
Notes: Aqua Cola- WaterRe Guzzolene- gasoline
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funuya · 4 months
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i kept joking about fire emblem while reading danmaca
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josephinekhawaja · 2 months
“Not now, mommy and daddy are having a conversation.”
Please! (And I am aware I should probably just chalk it up as a Britishism, but the way she casually calls him “darling” in ensuing conversation gave me feels. And that she kept refraining from killing him for longer than I expected — I really needed that relief.) From the time I fell in love with Cassandra Nova in whatever trailer we first see her puppeting Wolverine, I figured I would ship her with Deadpool as my two expected favourites of the film (the two baldies together…plus the amusement of Wade Wilson boning the twin sister of Professor X? the jokes will write themselves). But maybe as late as the last week leading up to release date, I quickly pivoted in seeing the vision of the two British Villains instead, Mister Paradox x Cassandra Nova, on intuitive feeling (Novadox is the best ship name I could come up for them thus far). And I think I was rewarded more than I expected even if still not as much as I wanted. I need that team-up. Like I get that past an extent she would never have a need for him — but I will take an eternity in the multiverse of her just being his domme for all I care (the way she manhandled him in the third act...she went to town on him more extensively than anybody else). I will take anythiiiiing for them. Any content whatsoever. I know I whore myself out for many a rare pair as the only life I know, but I am beggiiiiing the universe now to not be the only shipper in this though I am certain I will be.
There are so many parallels between them that I would have to wait until streaming for the necessary constant pause and re-watch; and I appreciate how they are the bookend villains of the film, posing opposite ends of threats against our two best bubs. Also, I have never seen anything of “Succession”, but probably should now as I was never so thirsty to see any character onscreen than Matthew Macfadyen. I needed that man to live just so I can climb him like a fucking tree. So if I gotta live vicariously through the other hottie of the film then I win doubly.
Plus I feel them to be spiritually adjacent to my being the lone Sylvius shipper in a Loki fandom where literally everybody else has been Lokius versus Sylki. Like consummate TVA agent ❎ chaotic female ostensible villain. (And as I view Paradox to be more bad than good, and Sylvie to be more good than bad, each pair is pretty morally aligned within itself.) And I think I can live with this.
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thequantumranger · 5 months
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Emma Corrin in A Murder at the End of the World (2023)
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mayordea · 1 year
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sketches of female fe avatars (robin / corrin / byleth / alear. sorry kris 💔). the first 3 i’ve altered over the years due to hcs for my smash fanfic + redrawability (i really hate drawing corrin and byleth’s armor so.. i ignore it tee hee! 😁). more info under the cut cuz i realized i wrote a pretty fat text wall and i like condensing that shit
alear i threw in cuz i wanted to try drawing her funky hair. the design is growing on me (i don’t hate it nearly as much as i did when it was first revealed) but it’s hard 😭 curse intricate patterns, the bane of my lineart existence. made me remember why i altered the other girls’ designs in the first place. when i play engage and end up growing attached to its lord maybe i’ll get better at drawing the fit (i haven’t played engage yet and i plan to eventually. absolutely no engage spoilers in the notes please)
i know robin looks…. very different! if you’re at all interested in that fiasco i have a fat hc post dedicated to that fucking tactician somewhere in my page (here ya go). but the hcs i’ve stapled on her have made her drastically different and that’s how i like it! 😤
might do the male counterparts of these 4 eventually, though their redesigns i have for them are nowhere near as interesting (male robin and byleth are basically the same as their in-game counterpart). but again, perchance. hope you like em~
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whitefangz · 19 days
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she wants to game but she cannot even reach the mouse. everyone laugh at her
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regretfulcorrine · 8 months
idk if I even should open the ‘hazbin hotel’ can of worms, but gd i am extremely tempted to redesign and redraw these two smackin’ lips 🧍‍♀️
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purplemagehawke · 1 year
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i love this subplot from the manga so much
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corrianderweek · 4 months
A Corriander's Summer Celebration Prompts and Dates
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July 8th - Festivals / A Summer Soirée
July 9th - Ghost Stories / A Seaside Breeze
July 10th - Summer Knights / Fairies and Dreams
July 11th - A Sweet Treat / Gardening with You
July 12th - Picnic Day / Vacation
July 13th - Stargazing / A Sweet Memory
July 14th - Summer Love / Rest and Relaxation
The bulk of the event will be happening over Twitter, but if you want to participate over here, you can submit your work to this blog or post it with the #corriandersummer tag in the first 5 tags so we can reblog it here! If you want to make doubly sure we saw it, tag us with @corrianderweek!
Thank you everyone for the support and super special thanks to the amazing @yukiwrites for doing the banner art! Let’s all spread the love so we can have another amazing shipping week!
If you have questions regarding the themes, don’t hesitate to ask! We’ll do all we can to break them down for your understanding :> Let’s goooo!
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