#couldnt help it though XD
darkkitty1208 · 1 year
i'm nosyyyy 🥰
2. How old are you?
14. Are you psychic in any way?
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
79. Who was your first real crush?
hehe *throws badly cut out paper hearts at you*
Thanks for the ask! 💕
From this ask game
2. How old are you?
I've been 25 for the past 7 years. 😜 Kidding! Basically I'm old enough to have learnt from my mistakes but not old enough to stop making them, haha. :P
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Uh, does predicting rain by smelling it in the air count?
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
No, but... *stares you up and down* I'm certainly not opposed to. *saxophone plays in the background* *wiggles eyebrows and finger guns lamely*
79. Who was your first real crush?
Your mom Er, this girl named Amanda back in like, primary. I think.
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paladincecil · 2 years
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Dishwasher showed up a day early but I'm not complaining cuz I had 2 days of dishes I needed to do today xD
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just-a-floofy-catt · 5 months
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I have absolutely no clue why i did this
But i had an urge to put him in the cone of shame
So i did
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I was listening to Lovejoy and even though this is not really inspired by the song at all, there was one line in Consequences that just implanted this idea in my head and i couldnt help myself XD
Hes trying to flirt
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Smol Farmer boi serenades you :3
And also a very shaped Dalv in his cloak
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its like a tradition XD
I just really like putting my favourite characters in fun pretty outfits lmao, and that happens to include dresses too
And a dress sure as hell aint gonna stop him from shootin >:3
I did also have one more doodle from today but idk how to feel about it 💀
It looks kinda weird cus the posing is off, and its also a tad suggestive lmao
So im still contemplating it being shown
But now im off to go and draw even more XD ✨️
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emperor-kumquat · 6 months
I'm just being a nitpick for RiD15 at this point; I couldnt help but notice that in TFP, Bulkhead didn't know what colledge was but somehow Fracture knew what coledge was.
That got me thinking: What would school be like for Cybertronians?
Wow, that is quite a sharp observation! How the bots understand and speak Earth languages has always astounded me, especially like how Steeljaw breaks out of his stasis cell on Earth and can immediately understand English. And if they can understand English without studying it, why don't they understand all English words? Is it because some concepts like college don't have a direct translation? That would explain Ultra Magnus not knowing what a kilt is for sure. Fracture probably shouldn't know what college is, I think.
But I am baffled by how the Rescue Bots can immediately speak perfect English, but Blades struggles with Swedish as though he were manually studying it...
The academy episode in Transformers: Animated was an awesome episode, almost a taste for us of what school life for Cybertronians would be like. Maybe what you really want to see is them at desks with a teacher teaching a subject (and I do too haha). It would be cute seeing them have mundane struggles like we do. Wouldn't it be fun if a Transformers show started with characters at school, before a war starts and the students have to participate in it? XD
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pu40hannah · 16 days
I wanna know more about UniCat/Stella Greyber in your Poppy Playtime Au
I am unsure on whether you're talking about the hour of joy version or the cartoon version so ill info dump both xd (cartoon first. since hour of joy version kindza has body gore it will be under the cut. just incase!)
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uhmm first of all since shes a mix of craftycorn and catnap she has half of their personalities. she likes drawing AND napping! her sleep schedule is really bad she doodles in the middle of the night and sleeps at like 9-10 AM. she either wakes up at noon to go outside or sleeps until the evening. Unicat and Doggydovey (the Dogday for my AU which is Bobby+Dogday) are really close friends. you get what i mean. Unicat also really likes flowers and grows a bunch of them in her house too! Now for her personality.. Shes Talkative, Cheerful, and Outgoing.
iii cant think of anything else rn so onto the hour joy version! the good part..
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Unified Unicat (Stella Greyber (hey the spot was free for now so i took it lol...))
Unicat was a scrapped character from the Smiling Critters who got split into two different ones. Them being Catnap and Craftycorn. Only a single episode and toy has been made for her. The reason why she got scrapped is due to how complex the design is compared to the others. One experiment has also been made using Stella Greyber as the subject. The experiment could exhale a much more dense sleeping gas compared to Catnap's which may lead to death if exposed to way too much of it. It had most of its intelligence remained on it which led to it escaping the lab whilst also killing everyone inside it. Now it hides everywhere in the facility in hopes of not getting caught.
Stella lost the right half of her face and arm after the events of hour of joy. It is unkown how this happened. While exploring around the playcare the prototype came in and placed a small robotic arm on the ground. Stella refused to take it at first knowing it was an offer but she couldn't survive with only one arm. She took the arm that oddly looks like the prototypes and put it in the place where her right arm would be. The arm dug into her and after some pain she could use the arm. Though she wasn't going to obey the prototype who thought Stella completely forgot everything. She continued exploring the Playcare. Finding a backpack and putting whatever she thinks is useful in it to survive. She also helps toys that are in the need of help along the way. Shes sort of a caretaker of the place. Her first encounter with Catnap was scary at first. It approached her slowly and examined her. They were both pretty quiet and curious. After noticing her robotic arm which reminded it of the prototype, it laid upside down like a normal cat would. Stella was scared at first but she sat there and gave him headpats for a little bit. Then they both fell asleep there. When Stella woke up Catnap was already gone. And so after befriending the most dangerous experiment in Playcare with the prototype unaware of it. She continued filling her bag and helping poor toys. Whilst also meeting up with Catnap every once in a while.
i was gonn add somethin about dogday but just imagine that she saves dogday and hides him somewhere in the playcare without catnap knowing.
tis all i got for now..
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melodyfsoul1 · 7 months
Just spent over an hour crying over the Loki S2 Finale, and still havent recovered, but here I go anyway with my Reaction/ Review
*Loki S2 E6 Spoilers ahead*
Okay so... before watching the episode I wrote down a couple things that I did NOT want to happen/ but knowing myself, and my luck with my characters, figured that was exactly what would happen....
and turns out... I was correct....
Back in Infinty War I feared/ predicted that Loki was gonna die in the first 10 min in a stupid way where he wouldnt be able to show off his powers... and we all know how that turned out...
For this season finale, all I hoped was that Loki, for once wouldnt play the self sacrifical lamb, and find a way where he didnt have to lose Mobius and his new found friends, where he would be not alone...
So.... yeah.... about that....
Now to the Review/ Reaction:
God I was so scared
"Glorious Purpose"
The title alone had me tearing up.... we really came full circle back to S1 E1 and the fact that they started the recap with 2012 Loki too...
1 min 30 in and I'm already pausing, THE INTRO IS BACKWARDS, thar was so cool
So we all knew Loki would have to go back and try to safe everyone
Then Loki trying to learn everything OB knows to be prepared to help, but it would take time, makes sense
WHAT?! They really did that, good thing Loki has that long Life span...
The fact that all the characters realizes sth was off with Loki but MOBIUS is the one to stop and talks to him, and Loki telling him to trust him.... my heart
OH MY GOD ITS WORKING?! And Timely survived too? Did not expect that
I have never seen Loki this relieved/ happy but at the same time sad and exhausted before...
But of course its never that "easy"
No matter what, the infinite amount of branches will always detroy the loom, so the moment a timeline branched everything was doomed from he start... Ah yes Marvel and their existential dread...
Loki going back to before Sylvie killed He Who Remains, trying to convince her not to kill him.... and of course she says he has to kill her if he wants to stop her...
God Loki's Emotional Damage....
Of course Loki cant
HWR COULD HAVE STOPPED TIME THAT THE WHOLE TIME!??!! The fact that he figured Loki has gone through this whole scene before and still just watched
He knows about time slipping...
He paved he road
He planned this
Him and Loki had this conversations before
"We die with the dying, we are born with the dead"
That is such a sick quote :0
Its basically Loki vs HWR forever, and Loki knows he will always lose... but still wants to try... kudos to his determination
And of course Loki cant bring himself to trade lives... not Sylvie's, not his friends and not the multiverses...
Loki goes back to the first time he talked to Mobius...NOOOOO not the Throne talk, why does this feel like a final good bye talk.... I HATE IT
Though S1 E1 Mobius having a chat with S2 E6 Loki is such an interesting concept
He wants to find out how they chose who lives and dies... ("Who lives, who dies, who tells your story" huh? Sorry but I had to make that Hamilton reference XD)
"You're not gonna find comfort in the TVA" - Mobius to Loki
BUT HE DID, LOKI DID FIND COMFORT, IN YOU MOBIUS, Im gonna cry ... the TVA was the first place where Loki could just be himself and he found friends there too
Also Mobius might be the only comfort character who actually gives comfort (and isnt just an angsty mess who hasnt had a happy day ever)
Mobius telling the story of a hunter who couldnt kill a kid, which caused more death, loosing sight of the bigger picture
So he is talking about himself right? And of course Renslayer was the Partner
Mobius telling Loki they have to chose a burden and live with it... that it leaves scars.
Theres this sinking feeling again
I dont know what to think of Loki & Sylvie's final talk.... Loki has an idea?
Cant he ever be happy?! Is there any Loki, in any universe who actually gets to be happy?!
The fact that Mobius was the first to notice and that him and Sylvie immediately followed Loki, tried to talk him out of it
Loki looking back, saying he finally knows what he wants
It looks like an End of Time Aesthetic Version of his Ragnarok Outfit wih the Cracked Kintsugi helmet
Ngl at first I had no idea if he was using his powers to manually destroy, change or preserve the branches.... or weave them together
Oh and to be clear I was crying during like the whole last 20 min of the episode because that was just too many emotions at once
Also can we talk about how freaking cool looking the shots of Loki with the new Helmet and the branches being his cape, were?!
The throne... Oh god the remains of HWR throne...
*starts violently sobbing*
Poetic, Ironic and Heartbreaking, all at the same time
Like, is it extremely cool to see him use his powers to his full potential? Yes definitely.
Were the cinematics beautiful? Yes of course, it was gorgeous, tho the moment I realized he was making Yggdrasil, I started bawling my eyes out, because "You go Loki, show us what you can do"
But I also felt my heart break because Loki is now at the end if time, chose to have to watch over & protect the multiverse, all alone, forever.... (can he leave that place?)
Like this is the very same Loki, who just, 1 episode ago, admitted that he is terrified of being alone, who just wants to be with his friends. L1130 is a Loki who was actually happy and had friends, a place where he felt safe because he could be himself. And he gave EVERYTHING up to give EVERYONE ELSE a chance at life, a life he might not be able to take part in... he can watch, but we dont know if he can interact with them....
I literally talked about that in my reaction/ review from last episode. Sylvie & Loki are both selfish, which is ironically a very human trait (them being gods and all), but unlike Sylvie, Loki would actually give up everything to safe others, which is exactly what he did.
And I know Comic Loki, God of Stories, wrote himself out if the Narrative as well, out of the Story, to look behind the curtain, have a talk with the beings behind everything, but that Loki also had Verity, he had a friend outside of everything, he had someome to talk to, a friend. Verity is one of my fav characters and I would have loved to see her Comic Version too in the MCU, but I saw B-15's Name was revealed to be Verity Willis, so thats is cool Easter Egg :D
Back to Loki, I honestly cant tell which Loki has it the worst... I always thought the main Loki dying to Thanos had it the worst, but he sth akin to a life and he got the chance to mend his relationship with Thor before he died his heroes' death...
Now L1130, in the worst case, is damned to spent eternity alone, the very thing he is scared of, being without his friends, forced to watch from afar as they live life without him, when all he wanted was to be with them... that is unless he can just leave the place whenever he wants to (if the branches allow it I guess?) But if it turns out that he cant leave that place/ or interact with anyone, without everything going down immediately, then I would argue that this Loki's life is worse than the other's death... and I cant believe Im describing Infinity War Loki's Death as a mercy...
Back to the ep...
AFTER?! Right theres an after
The TVA is still intact, with a new leader ship and everyone working together, B-15, OB, Casey and even Ms Minutes is helping?
Mobius looks so sad doing his job though...
Hes gonna LEAVE?! He wants to experience his own life on the timeline, huh... Loki did promise that to Don... and M is going for it, thats sweet actually
Renslayer got sent to the end of time, Alioth waiting for her, well then
Mobius seeing what his life used to be is so sweet, likes how perfectly imperfect is it
Sylvie visits too?
"Its weird Loki's not around" she says and I start bawling my eyes out again, now thats just salting the wound.... at least they remember him
He is smiling, but he's crying too
Is there ANY Marvel Movie, or Show where Loki doesnt cry?!?! My freaking heart...
Look I know this ending makes rational sense.... and it was defintely epic, and we finally got Loki at his full potential, and yes, Loki being finally recongnized as one of the most powerful MCU characters is cool.
But personally, on an emotional level, that ending is somewhere between bittersweet and absolutely heart breakingly dreadful, because Loki didnt want this, he didnt want the throne, he only did this to save his friends, he gave up his own happiness and I hate it... I know he is happier knowing his friends have a chance at life and that he chose this, but there wasnt much of an choice with HWR....
I just hope that Loki learning to control time means he can at least visit his friend, pop in from time to time, because if him leaving the throne/ the branches means everything could come crashing down, then thats just sad...
And what does that mean for the teased Loki & Thor Reunion?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT?! We didnt even get an end credit scene?!
Anyways, I'm gonna rewatch the season the next couple days and go through some theories and head canons and see whether that will change my opinion on the ending, but we'll see.
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
Echo x Reader
You and echo have been dancing around your feelings for a while now, and you have had enough of it.
Warnings: confrontations. Discussions of death, Confessions!! And mentions of getting old! Suggestive at the end XD
A/n: I'm in a echo mode...and I'm working on request so if you requested dw I'm working!! Also not proofread I'm literally falling asleep
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You watched as echo spoke to gregor and the other clones, Despite all seeming well this mission only went sour. And echo was almost left behind,even though he was in your view your mind couldnt help but race.
‘What if you had lost him?’  The voice in your mind whispered,
‘No...hes here now.’ it said again in an attempt to comfort yourself.
Your mind went back when you two were alone, before even embarking on this mission.
You two had been alone awaiting a mission, which...was not often. But rex had called in and said that he would be a little late and to just hang hang back until he returns. and so you two, Echo however wasa a bit restless. So you coaxed him into conversation. After that the worry had gone away and he began to talk.
you two were speaking of Omega and how it was when you two left, He spoke of how it did pain him to see her go, to which you replied that it was only normal. You all were family.  After that he went quiet,
you asked “Are you alright?”
He only looked at you as if he had a question but was afraid to do so. to which you slowly nodded your head to let him know it was alright,
He hesitated a bit “Why did you want to come?” he asked lifting up the cup of Kaf and drinking but his eyes remained on your figure.
Truthfully, you thought about this many times in your head. What you would reply to if he ever asked this question., but now that he'd asked it you felt you stopped,
You knew why you came. It was no question. Not for you anyways...This whole time you had hoped he would have been able to see it,but seems he had not.
Honestly, you had no idea what you were thinking. Maybe it was the fact that your were tired of hiding it? maybe you just needed him there with you? no...you wanted him there was a difference.
“ You “ the words came out quickly than you thought them. After a few seconds you realized what you had said.
“A-and i thought my skills would make a great asset. so- yea” you blurted out in nervousness as he just stared at you. You could not tell the expression, or what he was thinking. But after a while he looked away and the air was thick, with what?you didnt know.
after that echo spoke of nothing, and you knew then. He knew what you meant. And you let echo be with his thoughts, though..You did think of ways to comfort yourself. that clones such of echo must have never thought about romance, it was new to them. You told yourself maybe this,or maybe that. Time passed and he still didn't speak to you, it was only when you all had briefings he would speak to you.
You considered yourself a well-tempered person, however, when it comes to the matter of the heart. You simply didn't like to be left in the dark.
The thoughts were interrupted when you heard a cough behind you, You turned your head to see who it was,
It was gregor who held two cups of kaf in his hands
“Want one?” he asked with a grin as he stick the cup out and you took it.
“No problem” his voice cracked like it usually does as he turned his gaze forward, you two stood there for a while.
“so...” he started off, his eye darting away from whatever he was looking at. “You and echo..you two fight or something?”
He must have sensed your panic as you turned you head quickly with a ‘No!’ as he gestured for you to be calm, “Just curious” he said with a small smile and looked away,
You sighed and looked at your cup,
“We didn't fight, nothing like that” you breathed out, and he sat down on the crate next to you.
“Oh...” He muttered softly with his raspy voice, after a few seconds he let out another ‘Ohh...” as he realized the situation.
Your cheeks felt hot a you took another sip and sighed,
“Well i don't mean to alarm you, but you should do something cause uh...” he trailed off awkwardly and you turn your head to look at him,
“The whole crew is feeling it.”
That was all the reason you needed, it was bad enough that you two were not speaking. But it also may not have made you embarrassed that everyone could sense that something was wrong.
He was alone now,you thought as you approached him, he seemed to be in thought as he didn't even notice presence when you walked up behind him.
He turned and his eyes widened, he seemed out of words for some reason. Before he could even speak you interrupted him.
"Can we talk?" You asked eyebrows furrowed and he only opened his mouth before you interrupted him once again,
"Good come"
You walked outside the garage into the ship (with the eyes of some clones following you two) echo followed suit, the door closed and you turned to look at him.
"What is it?" He asked, shaking his head alittle, you set your hands on your hips as you looked at him narrowing your eyes.
" I should be asking you that." You stated looking at him, He looked away.
"I..I dont know what you mean"
He was obviously lying, and that worried you. Did- did he not like you? The though crossed your mind and you hoped he was not ignoring your confession because of it.
"I think you do." You crossed your arms, "but if it'll help, it started with "why did you come?" You paraphrased, he only kept his gaze away from you. His silence scared you, and you were trying to keep it from confirming your fears.
"Is it that...you don't like me?" You muttered out looking away, you can already feel the tears forming, but you held them back.
He turned his head back to you quickly
"I-" he stammered out, he looked...nervous. which was a first, it was new to you.
"We cant." He said putting a hand to his forehead and rubbing it.
"Why not?" You asked looking at him, "are you scared?"
He stayed silence one again turned to walk to a empty seat, you followed behind him.
"Echo..?"You say as your eyes follow him.
"I cant" he says his eyes set on the ground,
"Why?"You ask sitting down on your knee, and look up to him.
He's silent for a few minutes, and you wonder what he will say next. After giving him a while, he speaks up.
"Everyday, we're out on that battlefield. What if one day, were out there and one of us makes it back? It wouldn't be..." he trails off, and places his hands on his lips.
You only listen, your heart drops at the very thought.
He begins again, " I know what it means to lose people, brothers..fives." He says thinking about the many brothers he's fallen brothers, he once fought besides. "When it comes to anyone else, I don't think I can handle that pain.." he mutters out. His eyes glancing at you for a quick second.
Anyone else?
Did he mean...lovers?
He didn't specify, but you opened your mouth to speak.
"Maybe so...but..you can't be scared to live while you can.." you whispered out, and put your hand on his gently. "Echo, your worried I know..but focus on now, here."
You looked down,
"Whatever happens, happens." You whisper and you turn your gaze back to him, "I just want you, here and now. Just you."
He looked down a brief moment and he only closed his eyes and brought his forehead to yours. You closed your own as well enjoying this moment.
The sound of his breath, and his warmth. A sound you hoped you would hear until your bones grew weaker, and wrinkles decorated your skin.
In end, he would be yours and you would be his.
"There really chewing him out..." howzer mumbled looking towards the ship where the pair had walked into, in had been a while since they went in.
"That orr...maybe something else..." gregor laughs out as howzer sighs and shakes his head and heads back to what he was doing.
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fangirlingatstuff · 1 year
Ronin and reader headcannons (w/ romance if thats fine I couldnt find ur rules page sorry) , you and MK had shrunk together, so maybe sometime after the movie, Nod and Him become "stomper" size and MK's like: "nah dude you gotta go to Y/n's house" and they go to your large slightly dysfunctional loving family to regroup and stuff. You have become my new favorite account bc i found no one who writes Epic, especially Ronin. <3 You have been followed and will be loved aggressively
Yay! Welcome to the club lol the fandom may be slightly dead but that doesnt keep some of us from making content XD Hope you like this hun! Haven’t written much for Ronin so this is fun!
This is definitely not based off of my family nooo why would you think that??? (Tho I only have one brother lol)
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When you had first shrunken down and met Ronin, you hadn't been as trustful as MK was.
Given, you went with MK as emotional support so she had someone to fall back on if things didn't go well with her dad, and after being shrunken while stressing about helping out your friend, you were a lot more on edge than she was.
When Ronin made it his job to escort the both of you to Nim's, you weren't as receptive of the idea as MK was, but hey, MK was kind of in need of a strong figure in her life and you weren't going to argue with that.
Over the period of that day, seeing Ronin, talking to him, noticing his own grief, even though he was pretty attractive and it made your heart skip a beat when he pulled you in by the waist to get you away from MK's crazy pug, you told yourself "we just met” and left it at that.
So imagine your surprise, several months later, when MK shows up with both leafmen while your youngest siblings were causing mayhem in the kitchen, your eldest brother wrestling with your dad over the last couple pizza rolls, and your mom stuck in a standoff with the cat since it kept trying to eat the bills on the counter.
MK explained what happened and why Ronin and Nod were suddenly big now, but you weren't able to say anything before she was like “Ok bye! Take care!” And left them with you
You were SO going to get her back for this
Honestly, you were surprised that your family didn’t mind them showing up, but you also lived in a loft above the garage so that you had some privacy from the rest of your family.
After introducing Nod and Ronin as “some of MK’s friends”, you moved them up to your small “apartment”
Nod was already a hit with your youngest two brothers, showing off his sword skills by slicing fruit in the air as they tossed it at him
Ronin took a while to adjust
But slowly he started to talk to you and you two actually had the longest conversation you’ve ever had between the two of you
Ronin didn’t want to intrude or be a burden, so he picked up doing chores (your chores) around the apartment and house while also getting Nod to do your brothers chores
You told him it wasn’t necessary, they were your chores for a reason, but Ronin argued and said that this was thanks for letting the two of them stay
He’s already a big hit with your mom and dad, but they were at work and didn’t see much of him
You were washing dishes after everyone else left the house, either for school or work, when Ronin came in
He was wearing a white henley shirt with rolled up sleeves, something that SHOULDNT have looked that good on him, and immediately stopped to look at you from across the house
“Nope, uh uh,” he hip checked you out of the way and took the plate you were washing
“Hey!” You said
“Let me wash the dishes,” he didn’t even bother letting you argue, to him it was “his duty” to show appreciation by helping around the house
“Ronin,” you whined while trying to take the rag back from him, “c’mon, it’s literally my one chore.”
“You don’t have to do it, I got it,” he said
You huffed and groaned
“How about you wash them and I’ll dry and put them up?” You offer, hand on your hip
He looked at you and thought for a moment
The two of you worked in sync with each other in the small kitchen, you putting up the dishes as Ronin washed them
Occasionally, his hand would linger for a moment longer than usual while handing you the next dish, or you’d glance over to see him quickly looking away
Even when dressed so casually he looked so in charge and strong, it was so weird
It was weird in general to see him out of his armor but you digress
When the last dish was put up, you stretched and wiped down your slightly wet hands before turning to walk out
“Hey Y/n-“ you turned as Ronin reached out for you but hesitated
“Yeah, Ronin?” You raised a brow
He stopped and drew back his hand, brow furrowed in thought
“…thank you. For letting me and Nod stay here. Your family is…very kind.”
You snorted, “Yeah, well you havent seen ‘em on a bad day.”
Ronin chuckled a little at your joke and it made your cheeks turn pink
“But really,” he said, “I don’t know how else to thank you.”
“You don’t have to-“
“No, I do,” he added as you hopped to sit on the counter behind you. “I…I think we got off on the wrong foot, before.”
You blinked in surprise and looked away with a hint of shame, “Yeah, I—that day was a lot for me.”
He sighed, “It…was a lot for me too.”
You lowered your gaze, thinking about the woman who he had ran to as she died, the late queen, Tara
Ronin shook his head and snapped out of it, “Uh, well I-“ he stammered and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m happy MK took us here. It’s been…nice, actually getting to know you.”
You told yourself you were imagining the blush on his face
“Really?” You smiled. “It’s been nice getting to know you too.”
Ronin smiled as you hopped down and opened up the fridge, taking out a gallon of iced sweet tea
“Come on!” You chirped as you passed him and grabbed two glasses, “It’s nice out.”
The two of you sat out in the backyard on the porch, chatting and drinking iced tea, laughing at stories, talking about anything and everything, enjoying the nice spring air late into the evening
When Nod eventually came back with MK after a trip around town, they found the two of you passed out on the porch swing, a thin blanket over the both of you
MK laughed but Ronin never looked so peaceful
Okay it took me a while to come up with this and it isnt immediately romantic but now Im like “…oh? Oh, ok, am I invested in this now???”
So if you like it I can DEFINITELY do more, it took everything in me to NOT just write an entire short fic for this one prompt, it ended up being so much cuter than I expected!!!!
Hope you like it! Its awesome having more people interact with the fandom!!
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lustale · 10 months
Oh hey, I absolutely did NOT expect to noticed so quickly but hiii!! Wanna say that popping back into the UTMV fandom has been a bit rough, there's a lot of uhhh questionable users around.. So it made me really happy to see someone else who was also planning to do their own rewrite of Underlust!! I still need to read through your backlog of stuff, but I can firmly say that Sans' buckles are PEAK design. Only critique is maybe more buckles??? (jest)
Thank you for your work though, super duper cool to see you around. ^ ^
Oh, i noticed you INSTANTLY!!! (Also, its really nice seeing someone agree they dont enjoy Lust being seen as woman/girly because of who he is. Its the one rule i really have with Sans right now LMAO) But I have lots(like 5 but still xD) of Underlust accounts following me, they are so fun to see!! Ive talked directly to only one other, but you both have very unique and enjoyable content/art! I love the spikes you added to your S ans too btw??? Its so cute! And yea, dude.. I totally understand. Ive seen so many unique new users, some have.. Haha, really silly stuff going on! xD I try to ignore the weird apples and keep a open mind but sometimes i really just. Question......... Though, i will admit seeing "my era" of Undertale fans blossom (Like my Sister!) has been SO lovely!!! Specially seeing so many new artists who were in the fandom around my time grow and become the new 'big UTMV artist torch holders' have been so nice! I love the fact Undertale's Multi-Verse has had so many fresh, new, enjoyable creators to replace all of the weirdos who made the UTMV almost a gross cess-pool of fontcest and other nasty shit :// And thank you!!! God, i might make that a alt outfit... I think the buckles were the only thing next to the belt/longer coat and height change were the only things?? Since Sans' original design is still so ICONIC!!! I couldnt help myself with the buckles xDD But, thank YOU for supporting me!!!! Creators like you who enjoy/support me make me smile!!!! :} Its also why i still feel so, so confident in my attempt with Lusttale! Although im 100% aware Lusttale wont ever be *the* Underlust, its still a AU i love and seeing people welcome it as the new Underlust has also grown my confidence (Still, so sorry if i sound arrogant. I really dont mean to have the "chosen one" attitude and despite the owner making content i really dont agree with i dont want to disrespect, i just right now really feel more comfortable and 'in my zone' to continue Lusttale as a replacement for Underlust)
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sweetestpopcorn · 11 months
Hello Ms Sweet Popcorn
I was currently rereading your story when I happened upon Daemons chapter after The Second Son II just right after Viserys II claimed Vermithor. Theres a bit right there where Baela runs to Daemon for help as her uncle grandpa was parading her and her sisters and Daemons reply was something along the lines of “Ah now Princess Baela wants her father instead of her mother” I could have sworn this was in response to Baela making her preference for Rhaenyra very much known in a scene or two before? Am I right or Am I delusional?💀 I skimmed the chapter but couldnt seem to find it? Maybe I skipped it?
Hi there 😊
I hope you are well.
I actually had the same impression as you though rereading the chapter there's nothing in it that could lead to that response from Daemon. I then searched previous chapters and I think their little "quarrel" began her in chapter 127, here:
"-You might have made my brothers but not me! Only my mother made me!
Daemon narrowed his eyes.
-You have a mouth on you alike no child I have ever seen, much less girl. Fine then, Princess Baela, when next you want to fly ask your mother who for your knowledge, won’t be able to take you flying for moons to come.
Their daughter gave no reaction at first pouting instead.
-Did he really help to make me and Rhaena?
Rhaenyra laughed.
-If you and your sister had been something that would take two hands to make your father would be the pinkie on the left and I all the rest. Same with your brothers. Still, he did help, and he does take care of us which is why we love him, yes?
She threw her uncle a smile and he mumbled something under his breath she didn’t quite hear.
Baela nodded.
-You may take me flying then, papa.
Daemon laughed.
-I think not.
-You think yes! - Baela countered."
I think it started here and then it just went on XD
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chayannecraft · 6 months
im also curiosu about pomme's family situation. is there a king of hyrule counterpart here? or is it big happy french familyTM <3
i keep seeing Etoiles as the main king for some reason???!!!??? i think that's bc i know him and Baghera the best out of the french CCs though SKFJHSFKJSHFKJSHF (tbh i dont ACTUALLY know pomme that well outside of phil's pov and recap videos and some animatics/fanfics but I LOVE HER SHE IS MY BABY)
more so i know her, just probabyl couldnt write her accurately lol anyway im rambling XD
I do actually have some random lore let’s see…..Oh here’s a fun one :D!!! you know in the intro to totk when Link and Zelda explore Hyrule Castle and that’s how the story starts. Yeah when Chayanne and Pomme did that they sneaked out and told nobody. They were on the self sacrifical hero path with that one.
After they both defeated the calamity in botw all the adults DESPERATELY wanted the kids to like. take a break and live their lives and unlearn being heroes. And Chayanne and Pomme tried really hard to do this but when they hear people who go into Hyrule Castle come out infected with something (and hey maybe even Forever goes into there and gets infected to make the idea more personal) they both just know they can’t let it slide and sneak out to deal with it.
(Reminds me I have no clue who Ganon is here specifically. I was thinking the calamity was the code and Ganon the body could’ve been the eye or even Cucorucho. I still need to connect threats with each other)
Other lore bits: I imagine Missa was specifically the guy who carried Chayanne to the Resurrection Chamber after Pomme ordered them to. Put him into it even, maybe gave him a forehead kiss before saying goodbye for what was possibly the last time.
Missa makes me so sad in this au too, I imagine him as a traveler who found Chayanne on the run and was like I’m gonna help this kid :) and then that became his son and he settled down in Hyrule for a bit to help Chayanne with his hero stuff and then his son gets HUMBLED. And he’s, to his own knowledge, the only person present for the events who can mourn for him. So he does.
Moving onto the rest, Pomme definitely has the big French family, but I do think Etoiles at least is represented as like, THE king of Hyrule. A very strong one too :)
Etoiles would’ve definitely just like gone and kicked the calamity’s code himself if destiny wasn’t a thing and literally banned him from doing it without the sword. He was probably clawing at the walls and praying to several gods like COME ON. LET ME DO IT. I WOULD WIN AND WE ALL KNOW IT. He was also probably just like cheering that Pomme could beat Chayanne in a fight ❤️ So he’s also technically the old man in the Great Plateu.
I GET THE POMME THING I really need to get into the French POV more, if just for her she’s my baby and I want to portray her well :)
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dayfalwastaken · 11 months
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Here’s the first one,Angry birds or well renamed to..Angry Kids.
Now then,a quick run on why I chose those characters and why and how it would kinda play out.
I wanted to do a Cassidy centered movie so I chose angry birds and made of course Cassidy in the role of red! Reason why is her well anger and V I O L E N C E plus the thing that she didn’t have friends before..also because ((SPOILERS))red has a rival in the movie aka Lenard the pig and of course I had to make him William so yeah! Plus in my opinion,both are angry but are not total jerks.
Chuck! The yellow bird as Charlie! A weird choice honestly but I will explain this.someone cheerful and well mostly friendly would fit him and plus someone who gets kinda along with Cassidy..Charlie fits the role,plus chucks speed=charlie in canon possesing puppet and having like many abilities ane Mari in th fic as super speed so…yeah! Plus in the second film well..I could resist XD ((SPOILERS))Chuck has a sister named silver who’s super smart and red and her fall in love..Chuck is very protective of her and gets along..Matt fits the role kinda! He’s smart in some degree,especially more in Fnaf lore stuff,gets along great with Charlie and..yeah. I COULDNT help but do it like i Said,bc i saw some comments about Matt and Cassidy plus the teasing sun the fic so..~ though unlike the original movie with red and silver,the arguing and such would deff be played down softer to friend rivalry.
Also the scene where Chuck threatens Red over his sister..gave me somehow protective Charlie,kinda startled Cassidy and kinda oblivious Matt vibes.
Now why Fredbear is bomb? At first I was planning to make him Evan but he was older and such plus..because of a few certain scenes..they gave me goofy Fredbear vibes..plus there a few scenes where they have to do stuff that only like adult guidance would be needed..so why not B e a r..plus your fic and such,your written him so well and goofy I couldn’t help myself.
Well I hope you enjoy this kind of? XD
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just-a-floofy-catt · 7 months
This ones another barely coherent bullet point one lol
Its based completely around the song "Rises the moon" and its lyrics :)
• The dca bois in their recovery after the virus incident in sb :(
• Like, imagine a fic where you have to help them get better/back to normal after all that trauma
• Sun is still super paranoid and has a breakdown or panic attack at even the insinuation of the lights going out
• You have to slowly get him used to it and try to chill him out
• He feels really bad for not trusting Moon, since he missed him so much after all. But he just cant help it, and ends up overworking himself and trying to stay in control as long as possible and give as little chances as he can for Moon to come out.
• So then he has warring fear and guilt eating away at him
• On the other side of this, Moon is doing a hell of alot of reflecting
• He feels absolutely awful about what has happened, despite how much others try to tell him it isnt his fault and that hes also a victim in the situation
• He becomes incredibly distant and lost in his own wallowing, avoiding literally everyone and isolating himself out of fear of hurting someone
• Just imagine a super soft scene where after a month of trying to get Moon to just properly talk to them, YN ends up catching him sat alone in the dark with only the faint glow in the dark elements in the daycare illuminating him on the balcony. Hes literally just sat there, just staring sadly at the fake stars along the ceiling.
• YN approaches him carefully and he doesnt even notice
• They sit on the edge of the ballpit, looking up at him in silence
• He finally notices them and startles
• Random note - (Metaphor in the song of how every day with sun feels different, due to both his erratic behaviour and him actually slowly improving over time, but every night is always the same with moon refusing to open up to you)
• He just waits and stares at them suspiciously
• (This isnt their usual shift. They werent supposed to be in today and theyre a later than usual too.)
• (They asked if they could go in, because they felt like they just couldnt give up on Moon and made a spur of the moment impulsive decision before going to bed that they would go and see if catching him later would help at all or make a difference. They were desperate for just anything at all to work)
• They didnt really plan this, so not only do they not know what to do or say, but their lack of sleep means theyre tired af
• After a few moments of just silent staring, they start to droop a bit, and yawn, laying their head on their knees, just waiting for any reaction at all from him.
• Theres just complete stillness between the two, and YNs body seems to give into Moon’s stubbornness, dozing slightly and causing them to fall asleep
• Moon softens slightly, programming kicking in at seeing them so tired
• He hesitates, waiting a little longer, then goes down to them
• He cautiously approaches them, then reaches down to pet their head
• They shift slightly and he smiles
• His fear of accidentally hurting someone, or suddenly becoming a monster still holds him in its grip, making him rather scared when gently lifting them into his arms
• He goes back up to the balcony, heading for his room
• He jumps slightly as they suddenly grasp onto him
• "I promise things can get better, Moon... it will soon"   "i trust you."
• Moon is shocked and emotional from their sleepily-murmured words, suddenly having the realization that- yes. He does want that to happen. He does miss being with the childern. He misses being with Sunny. He misses being happy.
• He settles down into a pile of pillows and holds YN close, protective, as they sleep.
• Moon then agrees to working with YN and they slowly start his road to recovery
• Just YN helping a very nervous Moon to get his confidence back :)
• Meanwhile though, as this progresses, whilst Sun has pretty much eradicated his issue, he gains a new one. Dealing with the daycare kids all without Moon again is really taking its toll on him again, and not only does he desperately need the help, but he also really misses Moon
• Having him so close but just out of reach was destroying him over time. He knew he needed to be patient. Every time he asked you when he could properly talk to his Moonie again, thats what you always said. That moon needed more time to get better. And he understood that, but that didnt make it any less hard
• Eventually, theyre reunited
• Just
• Omg
• Reading or writing it, i would S O B
• They finally have eachother back to take refuge in once again, and they owe it all to YN
• Cue the 3 of yall just being really sweet and all
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
I noticed something in how you portray Greasy. From the sounds of things, he's had the most criminal experience out of all the weasels, including Smartass. That, along with his talent of knowing and using people, it looks like Greasy could very easily start his own gang. Or even take over the Toon Patrol if he really wanted to. I mean, we don't want him as a leader. Lord knows what Greasy will do 😅
But he doesn't. He lets Smartass be the leader, even if working for him is not easy and Greasy will sometimes stray off the intended plan for his own gain (example: a recently broken up with her boyfriend Y/N). But Greasy is still a follower. He's good with the title of second in command. Even in non-crime related situations, like what we talked about yesterday; Greasy still went to Poppy to figure out what to do with Shiny, even though he probably already knew that they would have different ideas and opinions of what to do.
Just something I found neat with your characterization of Greasy and wanted to share ^^ (assuming I'm not looking too deep into it or I'm seeing it completely wrong XD). I like the way you charactize the weasels, especially Greasy and Wheezy.
You're not looking too deep! XDD I didn't intend for this but it has built up to that, huh? Haha XDD I think though despite all his 'good' attributes (Good as in useful, I guess XD Useful to the crime life), he still would not be good for first in command XD He doesn't have the self control that Smartass has. I mean, that's his whole thing. He couldnt help himself from reaching into Jessica's cleavage and got stuck in a bear trap. He couldn't control himself from laughing and accidentally killing himself. You could even argue that he couldn't help himself from stepping onto that water pressure grate (Or whatever it was that shot him up into the rafters!)- I mean he's a self-aware toon. He must know the rules XD
They need Smarty as the leader, cuz he can control himself XD For the most part.
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aamaranthiine · 2 months
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OOC: well this got a lil bit outta hand.. Just a drabble AU of Amalthea and Mihawk meeting in Cross Guild.. @seaoftales here you are my friend, put it under a cut because it got long xD
Working for Cross Guild certainly is one of the strangest contracts she's had, given its flamboyant themes and lively employees. Admittedly those descriptors might be too kind but the artificer tries to give them some grace, even if the noise and crowds are often way too much for her. Going from independent freelance work to the organized chaos of a Guild is a tough transition for someone as reclusive as she.
It didnt help that several dozen of the lot had become smitten with her. Either she was under the scrutiny of the higher ups while drawing maps and helping them navigate, or she was being tailed by a handful of woefully lovesick (enchanted) men that kept trying to win her favor. The near constant state of being perceived quickly wore down her mental and emotional limits.
There werent enough places to hide in this gods forsaken place. She longed for dense forests and cool, damp caverns where the shadows could veil her from sight entirely.
She found a little reprieve in the vexing but not unwelcome camaraderie forged with Dracule Mihawk, of all people in Cross Guild. She couldnt help but be drawn to his steady, unaffected demeanor when everything else is discord and noise. The brief moments of mutual silence, whether over morning coffee or evening wine are small but meaningful blessings. Though Thea never said as much aloud, she did show her appreciation by gifting him a rare blend of wine from her own private cache.
Thea was always careful not to impose or crowd Mihawk, even when he gradually began to speak to her of his own volition. Quiet conversations late into the nights, his cool aplomb ever present but she got to experience his intelligence and snippets of his life. He expressed curiosity in her Pose Artificery and other projects, which she was happy to share without giving away too many secrets.
It was a friendship she thought felt easy, natural even. Despite the swordsman's reputation and severe manners, he felt trustworthy to her and Thea rarely encountered others who made her feel so calm.
What Thea also doesnt say out loud is how Mihawk's company deters her 'suitors' but she's certain he noticed. Certain he even purposefully stands between her and whoever tries to garner her attention that isnt Guild work related. He invites her to sit beside him in the meeting room or lounge, and she's only further endeared to him for the consideration. At one point he calmly makes an unveiled threat to several subordinates about pestering her further and watching them scurry away in abject terror was very satisfying.
It's a notable privilege for Hawkeyes to regard anyone with favor or esteem, that he actively sought the mapmaker out on the daily does bring quite a bit of gossip amongst the Guild's members.
Thea can only imagine the shock if they knew Mihawk offered her his private quarters to sleep in. Hell, she'd been caught off guard by the offer when he'd evidently picked up on her lack of sleep. How often she napped in strange, out of the way places and had no qualms staying up til the witching hour frequently, only to rise at dawn shortly thereafter. She didnt sleep in the common crew spaces, deeply uncomfortable at the lack of privacy and sharing with so many strangers.
Clearly she's earned his trust enough for him to share his private room, though she very sparingly invites herself to take advantage of the offer. And when she does? He is courteous enough to leave her be, finding a different area to lounge in when the whim arises for a nap.
A late afternoon finds Amalthea sprawled on the dark duvet and matching silk-cased pillows of Mihawk's bed, dozing in the simple comfort of somewhere quiet and safe to sleep in. It helped too, that everything smelled like him; smooth hints of cologne and sharp steel are ever present. She's quite stark against the wine-red and coal black tones, the long coils of her braided white hair hanging off the edge of the mattress.
She rouses from hazy promised dreams at the slightest disturbance, in time to catch Mihawk step over the threshold and close the door behind him upon entry. Meeting his acknowledging gaze but saying nothing, the brief eye contact enough as he strides across the chamber to peruse whatever it is he needed at the time.
Except when he passes by the bed, Thea reaches out to loosely grasp his sleeve to get him to halt.
"You should stay," she says quietly, "for a nap, that is." And before he could decline she adds, "I know you tend to find other places but you dont need to deprive yourself comfort for my sake. It's your bed after all, we can share."
Even in the lowlight she can see the subtle change in his otherwise impassive expression, "I wouldnt want to disturb you." It's not a flat out rejection but she recognizes the attempt to deflect politely.
"I think I'd sleep better with you here, actually."
A lull of silence and Thea swears the swordsman's face softens just a tiny bit, his acquiescence being the hum of Yoru being pulled from his back and hooked on the nearby wall. She cant help but smile as Mihawk removes his hat, coat and boots before stretching out on the opposite side of the bed. She rolls onto her side to watch him settle comfortably, and feels bold enough to wiggle closer to him afterwards.
"Thea-" he mumbles her name in half hearted warning, the glint of yellow as he observed her in his periphery.
A muted huff of laughter, "M'not doing anything, wake me up in a few hours, Hawkeyes." She curls up a little and oh so slowly out stretches an arm over the duvet, until her hand brushes his and when he doesnt pull away? Loosely tangles their fingers together, the gentle contact seems to both perplex and strangely soothe him for how he tenses and then relaxes in the span of a breath.
Content, the artificer hums and nestles into her pillow to let sleep drag her down into dreams again.
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witchy-writing · 2 years
Wish, I could have told you sooner
Day 2: No dialogue
Dean x reader
Summary: Dean wishes he had spoke sooner
a/n:I said this would take longer than 30 days XD. Heres day two! Very angsty. I love angst (if you couldnt tell).
warnings: Angst, and more angst
word count: 625
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Dean stared at the bright phone screen. The phone displaying all his messages sent to you, the little green text boxes haunting him, teasing him even. Every single one had been sent and delivered, yet never read; and he knew deep down, that they would never be read. Dean was in his own world, nothing around him mattered, he was numb yet felt everything at the same time, though his eyes still stayed fixated on the screen in front of him. It was only when the texts and screen started to become difficult to read and became blurry, did Dean realise he was crying. Tears dropping onto the messages, magnifying the words.
Dean always used to say no chick flick moments. Normally, he kept his heart caged, locked up with his emotions; but today all his rules went out the window. Before he would have scrubbed furiously at his eyes until they were red and raw, but to the point where he knew his tears had been erased. But today he didn’t care. He didn’t care who would see him; he just continued to sit there, allowing his tears to dribble down his cheek before dripping onto the phone screen.
Dean was warm in his suit, he never really dressed for the nines. But today was different. He felt uncomfortable, and restricted. The impala felt smaller and didn’t feel like home. Baby pulled up by the green grass, the driver Dean had hired not speaking a word. Dean clutched at the flowers in his hands, knuckles going red and purple. He could tell he was nervous, his hands were getting sweaty, so he gripped the flowers tighter. He took one last look at his phone, before slipping it into his suit pocket. The inward battle to get out of the car was almost too great, and he nearly asked the driver to turn around, so he could go back to bed; but he knew you would want him to be there. So, he slowly clambered out the car, his legs were wobbly, and he felt like a baby dear learning to walk, but he put one foot in front of the other, walking towards the green grass, to where the others were stood.
It felt like Dean had been stood for hours, yet in reality it was 5 minutes. He spotted his brother first, and bobby. Before he saw the brown stained wood, formed to perfection. It was quiet and no one said a word. Dean was asked if he wanted to help carry you out, but he couldn’t do it. He didn’t want to believe in was you being carried.
He watched as you were lowered softly and gently into your new home. He hardly paid attention to anything else. He felt like someone else was in control of him, almost as this was all a bad dream. He pinched himself yet didn’t wake up. It wasn’t a bad dream; it was a real-life nightmare.
He watched as people started to turn and walk away. He watched as your gravestone was placed, and you were covered with dirt. He watched until he was the last one left. He watched until he collapsed into a heap. Head leaning against the cold stone, which bared your name, Tears gushing down his face, his hands still clenching onto the flowers, like they were the only thing keeping him alive. He cried for hours, until the heavens opened, and his tears were inconspicuous from the rain. He cried for your loss, even when the evening came, and the sun started setting. He cried. He stayed until he was exhausted, his tears running out. He didn’t get to tell you everything he wanted to, and now he never would.
main masterlist | 30 day masterlist | Day 1 | Day 3
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