#counting down till november
outletcrash · 1 year
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jeff goldblum scarecrow in batman 89 you say.....
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pennedinblood · 2 months
screaming crying throwing up (not in the good way) bc it's been. so damn busy at work this week. begging all the corporate gods to release their hold on my soul so i can write this weekend
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angxliquel · 2 years
Just watched the trailer!! THE DRUM ROLLING SCENE?? They rlly are the friends ever bro. and the general idea of the episode is RLLY cool too; Mr. DNA is guiding them!!
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Just Sanji + View Between Villages-ed myself
Dear god
holy fucking shit
BURST OUT THE GRAVEYARD????????????????????????????????????
WIP ideas dont whip me they hit me with the full force of an ten ton 18 wheeler
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landossnorriss · 1 month
a soulmate equation || ln x she.
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Pairing: lando x she. Summary: soulmates are a rare thing these days. it was better that way, everyone said, given that you shared a link to your soulmate that manifested in scary ways, feeling their adrenaline, feeling when they were hurt. even if you never met your soulmate you might pay the price of being connected to them. given lando never had any feelings himself he never thought he had a soul mate till the little cut appeared in his palm. Word Count: 1.9k ( one shot. ) Warning: small mentions of injuries and intentional cutting of the palm but with a purpose! mainly just pure fluff and happiness.
the adrenaline rushes started as far back as she could remember. her parents had thought that she was sick at first, the way her heart would race so much she sometimes felt like she was doing to pass out. they had taken her to several different doctors before one had been brave enough to bring up the soulmate connection to them. her parents were not soulmates themselves, they only knew of one other pair and so they were quick to dismiss it.
other small injuries cropped up every now and then, ones that could never be explained given she was often in class or tucked into bed when they occurred. again, the doctors gave her a clean bill of health and just as the injuries came, they went again, leaving her and her parents puzzled.
as she grew up, the feeling of that high that came when her adrenaline spiked were just a part of her normal day. where her parents were sceptical, she had long since accepted there was a connection out there too someone, but given the way he left her feeling when she had no idea who he was? she had no interest in seeking him out. he was an adrenaline junkie at best, maybe even a low life and she simply prayed he didn't seriously hurt the both of them one day.
the big hit of 2021 had been her biggest worry for a while, she had been unable to climb from her bed she had been so sore following that one and she had spent the day googling accidents despite herself, wondering if that might highlight who the hell had thrown himself into the road with how she felt.
a set of bruised ribs worried her friends so much she was forced to tell them the truth, an unwise choice on her part given the witch hunt her best friend started at the news. soulmates didn't happen all that often anymore, there were only two others everyone knew of in their whole year and that made her special. that's what they all said anyway. in reality she just wanted to be left alone, she didn't want to know about the man, she worried about him enough as it was.
november 2023. that was when her best friend decided that she'd found the answer. they'd taken her to hospital this one was so bad, there was no cause of the injuries she suffered, she had been at the movies with her friends when she had suddenly cried out in pain pulling all the attention onto her self. stupid really, she should have known to move herself from the crowd, she'd felt her adrenaline spike moments before.
but it was the doctors comment that had set her bestfriend off. "if i didn't know better, i'd say you'd driven into a wall at 200 miles an hour." given her best friend was a fan of all things that went fast, it had narrowed her into a focus area she couldn't shake. she had tried to deny it, she didn't want it to be true but there had been a flicker of something in her chest as her friend had linked the timing of her favourite f1 driver to when she had felt the impact roll through her.
still, she did her best to play it down, to brush everything off as a coincidence because she wasn't even sure she wanted the pressure of having a soulmate, let alone that soulmate being a famous fucking f1 driver. she wasn't cut out for that.
then the cut across her nose came and any hope she might have had of convincing her friend that she wasn't the soulmate of lando had gone out of the window. the little scar across his nose was cute, hers was cuter across her small button nose and the fact couldn't be denied anymore. what she didn't know how to do, was approach him about it. it wasn't like she could just walk up to him, she hadn't ever really been hurt or put herself in situations her heart rate would have spiked enough for him to know about her, he could hate the thought.
it wasn't a risk she was willing to take without certain proof and her friends crazy plan was just sure enough that she agreed to it. they waited until summer break, she wasn't about to risk his hands when he had a race, but on the first week of summer break, sat across from her best friend she squealed as she held out her palm to the other. was inflicting herself with a small cut insane? probably. but there had been a time the very idea of soulmates had been beyond belief to her and now here she was. the cut they applied was small but deep, enough that it would likely leave a scar and she would be forced to dress it. silently she sent a small, sorry lando, out into the universe and she hoped he wasn't in the middle of something too important as she looked down at her hand that was now bleeding.
a few days later, as she scrolled through her Instagram, totally not looking for any answers, she found them loud and clear. lando had updated a story and his left palm was wrapped in an identical fashion to her own. holy shit, her soulmate was lando norris.
lando himself had been in the middle of dinner with the quadrant team when the blood had started pouring from his hand. it had taken him several moments to convince his friends that he wasn't so clumsy he had managed to randomly cut his hands whilst he was enjoying a glass of wine. soon enough max had been wrapping his hand when someone had joked about a soulmate. lando's eyes narrowed at the thought. not once in twenty four years had he ever thought it was possible. he'd not felt a thing, not once.
that wasn't uncommon, most people never did but those with soulmates tended to figure it out early on so it had never bothered him much but as he watched the final wrap be applied to his palm, for the first time he couldn't help but wonder.
he put the thought of out his mind, not daring to think he could be so lucky, until the moment weeks later when he saw her in line for the fan meet and greet. she was beautiful, that was his first thought. what would he do if a girl like her, turned out to be his soulmate. he'd shook the thought away as she stepped closer, laughing to himself as he met her nervous gaze.
on her part, the thought of doing this at a fan meet and greet was her very idea of hell, but she hadn't seen another way. even if her bank account was currently crying thanks to how much she had paid for this. in her hand, was a carefully constructed time line and matching trips to the hospital to match. photos of her random injuries with post it notes to confirm that none of them had been the cause. on the underside of her last thumb just a small band aid was all that was left covering her hand as she nervously chewed at her lip. "hello." she could do this, she could hand him the file in her hand.
sensing her nerves lando reached out a hand. "hey, what do you have for me?" his voice was warm, smile genuine as he looked back at her. she wasn't sure what she had been expecting when she met him, she had spent an embarrassing amount of time online looking into the man stood before her. some adored him, some thought he was a brat and childish, others had been underwhelmed. right now he just seemed, normal and well, kind.
clearing her throat she finally handed him the file. "i um, i figured this might be the only way that you believe me, but i um - " she paused looking at his hand where his injury matched hers. "i gave you that." bracing herself for impact she waited as landos green eyes flicked through the pages, muttering to himself as he did so.
"ribs...belgium, vegas...." the time line matched each and everyone of her records, right down to the photo, well selfie of her and another woman with a knife and a fresh cut in her palm. the cut he had. lifting his head he let his eyes meet hers, a tender gaze dropping for just a moment to the matching wound she wore, back up to her nose where sure enough he was met with a mirror image of his scar. "its you."
meekly smiling back at him she found herself nodding and for some odd reason, tears appeared at the edge of her eyes. years of doubting and he was right here, he didn't even look like he wanted to run away. "surprise?" her laugh was dorky and more like a snort as a tear escaped. "god you believe me, sorry i thought that you were going to think i was insane. no one teaches you how to do this."
in true lando fashion, the first feeling that overwhelmed him was guilt, he'd been accidentally hurting her all these years. "i never...you never...you're okay right?" he mused as he flicked his eyes over the paperwork and then her again.
"i'm ok, you sort of delivered enough adrenaline for the both of us." she joked softly. "at least i know why you feel that rush every weekend." it was insane, but having watched as many races as she now had, pairing it to that feeling in her chest each time she had felt it. she was the only person in the world that knew exactly what he felt when he raced. it was uniquely beautiful and equally mind blowing.
hearing a cough behind them lando turned for a moment. "jon can you come here for a second." the driver had fans to get to and promises to keep but he didn't want her to vanish. "this is um...my soulmate. will you take her back for me?" he quizzed his manager quietly who watched her warily, not that she could blame him. "she has proof of everything." lando assured the male who nodded, turning to her with a smile. "come on then."
stepping out of the queue she moved with jon, not daring to steal another look back at lando until she heard him call for her to wait. "you ok lando?" jon asked, unsure of how he'd ended up with a soulmate equation to deal with when he'd picked his driver.
"yea i just...you're gonna stay right? i have no many questions and things i want to check and god promises to make like i'll be more careful, more gentle with you...with us." it had been one thing to risk his own life every single time he climbed into that car, but now that he knew there was her too? god it was going to make everything so much harder.
"i'll be here lando...don't worry, i think, well i sort of think we have forever to figure it out." she offered in a warm smile before she turned to vanish with jon again.
watching her leave, lando found himself smiling like a dork, even as she vanished from sight. forever. well shit he could get used to that.
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velvetydream · 25 days
꒰ : ♠️ [ Got a fur coat, so I make it purr ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Watching Seonghwa film the Matz MV with that tattoo on his neck, that fur coat and his slicked back hair did something to you.
Pairing : Dom! Seonghwa x Fem! Sub! Reader
Word count : 4K Words
Genre : Pure filthy detailed smut with little plot
Smut content ➵ DomSub Dynamic, Dirty Talk, Degrading, Praising, Blowjob, Insults (Slut, bitch, cockslut, cumslut), Mommy Kink (Reader to Seonghwa), Petnames (Princess, darling, baby, good girl, kitten, love, doll, dear), Nipple play (F receiving), Teasing, Slight chocking, Cunnilingus, Overstimulation (F receiving), Comming mutiple times (F), Fucking raw (Wrap it up people), Comming inside
a/n : The man he is.. Istg.. That MV did something to me, Seonghwa and Hongjoong were phenomenal 😩
Disclaimer : This is purely fiction and in no way supposed to dispict how Seonghwa is in real life. Please skip and block if you don't like it.
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It bothered you.
It bothered you how hot he looked in that stupid coat, with his stupid hair and that stupid fake 'MATZ' tattoo on his throat. How you wished to adorne that exact throat with hickeys and bitemarks, making sure everyone knew he was yours.
"So.. Hwa is doing pretty amazing isn't he?" Hongjoong stood beside you now, watching Seonghwa film one of his parts of the music video. Why did he have to mention it? Of course, he was doing amazing, more than amazing, and that stupid smirk of his he was showing to the camera. And after seeing them blindfolded in that car and being tied to those chairs, it was over for you, pressing your thighs together tightly. "Yeah, he's doing a really good job, the theme suits him." He nods as you two continue watching Seonghwa before he gets called over, and they switch, Seonghwa coming over to you and snaking his arms around your waist, smiling down brightly at you now.
"How was I? Was it okay?" It was obvious he was a bit nervous about his performance, smiling up at him softly pushing a strand out of his face. "You were more than okay Hwa, you were so amazing! The MV will be awesome!" Beaming up at your boyfriend now, his smile becomes even brighter, hiding his face in your neck, making you giggle till you hear a soft yawn. "Awe is my baby tired already?" Carding your fingers softly through the part of his non-braided hair, his breathing soft as he hugs you to his body, the fur coat he was wearing warming you up slightly in the cold November breeze.
"How long do you think the recording will take today?" Shrugging his shoulders softly, his head raised to look over to Hongjoong, who was now filming his own solo takes; it was afternoon already, and everyone had been up and filming for many hours already. "Probably not much longer. Hongjoong is almost finished, and then we'll continue tomorrow." Nuzzling his face back into your neck now, his arms hold tightly onto you, while your fingers move to play with the hair of his nape. A little bit sad on the inside that he seemed so tired already, you had hoped for some little fun at home but he'll probably just want to cuddle and sleep. "You staying over today?" Mumbling into your neck now, it tickled a little bit, before nodding and assuring him you'd stay over. "I missed you, we've been so busy lately.." A sigh leaves Seonghwas lips now, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, making the need in you grow even more and send heat to your core, that man was doing the most without even knowing he was.
"And cut! Good work everyone! You all did amazing! See you tomorrow to finish!" The director shouts as Hongjoong comes over to the two of you. "Let's go home and get a good night's sleep!" Hongjoong shouts, making everyone cheer, even Seonghwa raising his head now and cheering. Of course, you'd probably have to wait for Seonghwa to sleep before retreating to the bathroom quickly to take care of that growing need in your core. Moving into the van, Seonghwa leans his head onto your shoulder, that thick fur coat now laying over your legs to keep you two warm, Hongjoong in the front talking to their manager. "You wanna watch a movie before we sleep or something?" Seonghwa looks up to you now, making you ponder for a second before nodding. "Sure let's watch something." Pressing a kiss to his temple now before the van finally came to a stop after half an hour, arriving at the apartment complex Ateez was living at. "Goodnight you two, see you tomorrow!" Hongjoong waves you two goodbye as he exits the elevator while you two go one more up.
"Hwa! You guys are back early!" San shouts from the living room, looking up from the video game he and Mingi were playing. "Yeah, we started rather early, I'm tired though, and we have another day of filming tomorrow." The coat was in your arms now as you watched Seonghwa stretch his arms over his head, his back muscles flexing through the thin satin shirt; he was truly trying to kill you at this point. "Awee we hoped you'd be up for some dinner!" Mingi pouted now while Seonghwa declined, apologizing to them, telling them how he'd just want to relax a bit with you before sleeping. "Alright, we'll probably be gone in half an hour then, Woo and Yunho come along too," San tells you two, before turning back to the game.
Following Seonghwa to his room now, placing the coat over his chair, eyes set on the animal crossing lego set mid-build on his desk, before you feel his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder now. "We need to build a set again together; I miss spending time with you like that or playing animal crossing together.." Pouting now as he thinks of the time he wasn't able to spend with you recently, making you chuckle. "You big baby, you don't see me for a week and become all pouty and sad; how does Hongjoong keep up with you, hm?" Giggling at his expression now as you turn around in his arm, cupping his face softly in your palms, watching Seonghwa close his eyes in contentment. "Who can blame me? I didn't see the love of my life for a whole week, didn't get to kiss her, didn't get to hold her while I sleep.." Pressing many little kisses on your face now, you can't help but giggle, trying to push him away jokingly but his grip on you was too strong, his lips finally meeting yours.
"Get changed, I'll quickly grab something to drink and snack for us." Leaving the room now, you let out a sigh, squeezing your legs together softly. "Why does he always have to be such an angel.. I can't even be mad.." Starting to strip out of your clothes now, your bra soon joins the floor at last, leaving you in only your panties while rummaging through the Seonghwas closet in search of a good sleeping shirt before something pops into your brain. Eyes slowly traveled over to the fur coat Seonghwa had worn the whole day. Taking slow steps over to his desk, your fingertips graze the soft material as you run them over the brown coat. Another glance over your shoulder before grabbing the coat. Quickly, the coat was over your shoulders as you watched yourself in the mirror, giggling to yourself; it was already huge on Seonghwa and even bigger on yourself.
"Princess, we only had normal coke, no zero, or do you want somethin'-" Seonghwa entered the room again, looking down at the coke can in his hands, before looking up and meeting your eyes through the mirror. He was quiet. You quickly pull the coat closer around you to hide yourself before turning around to Seonghwa, his eyes following your every movement like a predator. "C-Coke is fine!" Squeaking out the answer now, your cheeks a deep red. It's not like Seonghwa never saw you naked before, he had many times on many different occasions, some innocent and some.. not so much. "Forget the coke, I found something else I want to snack on." With a smirk, he locked the door; Mingi and San were probably gone by now to eat dinner, but Seonghwa always acted cautious, just in case. Stalking over to you now leaving the can by the door, his whole body hovers over you; he was so freaking tall, staring down at you with a grin now. The grillz were gone now, but that damn tattoo was still on his throat, and his smokey eye makeup made his eyes appear even darker. "H-Huh?" Looking up at him confused now, he said he was tired? What changed his mind so quickly? But you got the answer for that with his next sentence.
"So beautiful in my coat hm~?" His hand was softly caressing your cheek right now, but the look in his eyes told you this would be anything but a soft night. Seonghwa was a duality in person; once he was soft in bed worshipping you through the whole night; in others, he was rough, degraded you, and made you cry tears of pleasure. "Yeah.." Your voice was shaking slightly making Seonghwa chuckle, leaning down now for a kiss. His lips were soft but desperate, his tongue soon licking softly over your lower lip; opening your mouth slightly, his tongue barely grazes yours. He hated messes, and the same goes for his kisses; they were passionate and breathtaking but never messy; he hated seeing people literally shove their tongue in their partner's mouth, so he rather opted for teasing you and leaving you breathless afterward. "On your knees, darling~" He whispers, and immediately you fall to your knees, looking up at him with doe eyes. "So obedient, despite being a little slut and rubbing those thighs the whole day at the set to ease that heat from your crotch hm~? Didn't think I would notice? So desperate for me, little slut~" He smirks down at you, his hand softly caressing your cheek, before shoving two of his fingers into your mouth, immediately sucking on them, trying to be the good girl he wants you to be.
Seonghwa always knew what got you going, he was such an attentive lover, always knowing what you needed. And right now, you needed him to ruin you, and he definitely would.
"Show me how bad you want me to ruin you, baby, you know how~" His smirk only grew as your slightly trembling hands reached over to his pants, sitting up on your knees now so your face is one level with his hips, you slowly start to open the belt and continuing on to his jeans. Slowly lower them to his knees, already seeing the bulge in his boxers and the little wet stain of precum, looking up at Seonghwa for permission now. "Good girl, go ahead, be nice and you'll be rewarded~" Looping your fingers on the waistband of his boxers now, you slowly lower them down his dick springing free, precum glistening on the pinkish head. Your hands leave his clothes as they slowly inch up now, wrapping around him and giving his length a few pumps, watching his face contort in pleasure as he throws his head back slightly and lets out a low groan, his mouth agape. Seonghwa always looked so pretty when you pleasured him. Lowering your head now, you give the tip slow kitten licks, before sucking the head slightly into your mouth, tongue pressing against the underside. "O-Oh fuck darling..!" His hand was grabbing your hair softly now as moans spilled from his pretty plump lips, encouraging you to take more of him into your mouth.
Bobbing your head up and down his length now, while softly holding onto his thighs, Seonghwas hand still gripping your hair while pants and low moans leave his mouth alongside vulgar words. "So good for me.. So fucking good..!" His dick was throbbing in your mouth, indicating that he was close, but before he could come, he pulled you off of his length, cheeks red as he looks down at you. Watches your swollen lips shine with spit and precum, tugging your chin up as he leans down to give you another kiss. "Get on the bed baby~" Taking off his pants now, he watches you stand up and about to take the coat off, making him groan in disapproval. "Keep that fur coat on baby, I want you to wear nothing but that when I'm done with you." He groans, slowly unbuttoning his shirt now and letting it slip to the floor; the only thing left on him are the gold chains.
"Are you sure? It might get dirty, and you'll have to wear it again tomorrow!" You look at him, worried now, making him smirk at you, chuckling lowly when your eyes meet his bare face, and your cheeks blush a deep red. "It's fine, baby, I'll wash it after I'm finished with you because it will definitely get dirty~" With a slight shove to your shoulder, you land on the bed now, staring up at your lover. It was so hot when he acted so dominant, he was always dominant, but more often than not, a soft dom, so you savored him being this mean and manhandeling. "Look at my little slut, won't you be nice for Mommy and let me ruin you hm~?" Seonghwa was hovering over you now, his hand caressing your cheek yet again, rubbing away some spit from your chin from before. "Please, Mommy, ruin me.." You moan out to him; you were desperate for him; it was insane what an effect he had on you.
"If you beg so nicely, how can I say now?" Lips were wandering down your throat and to your collarbone now, leaving hickeys and bitemarks on his way down till he reached your soft mounds. His right hand slowly sneaks up the side of your body, his fingertips softly grazing your skin, making goosebumps erupt before his hand finally reaches your chest. Feeling his hand on your chest now, a quiet moan left your lips, watching him kneed the soft flesh, watching it slightly spill between his fingers. Lowering his head down now while keeping his eyes on you, teasingly licking over your left nipple, watching your face scrunch up in pleasure, before sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth, enjoying the pleasured sounds and heavy breaths you were making. Soon he switched the sides, his teeth slightly grazing the right bud now, making your back arch, before sucking it into his mouth again. Your body felt like it was on fire already, the heat that was collecting in your core throughout the whole day unbearable by now. "Mommy, please.. Please make me feel good!" Looking up at your face now, watching the crystal tears rim your eyes made Seonghwa chuckle. "Begging so nicely for me my little kitten, let me make you feel good~"
Kisses were now being placed on his way down, pressing an extra few kisses on your stomach before slowly reaching where you needed your lover the most, before he moved away and kissed up and down your thigh. Crying out now as your body thrashes from the need to be pleased. "Mommy~ Please stop teasing I need you!" Moaning out to him, a few tears run down your cheeks from pure sexual frustration. It has been over a whole week since you last saw and got touched by Seonghwa and now he was teasing the shit out of you. "Be patient slut; you know exactly impatient bitches don't get what they want." He growls out, his hand coming to rest around your throat as a warning, putting slight pressure on it, making you gasp. "I-I'm sorry Mommy! I-I won't be impatient, I'm a good girl!" You cry out, wanting so badly to be good for him. "Oh I know you are baby, that's why you'll get rewarded, you've been so obedient tonight~"
A loud moan leaves your lips as you feel Seonghwas finger teasingly glide over your ruined panties. They've probably been soaked since you saw Hwa today for the first time in the exact coat you're wearing right now. "So wet already? What a little slut, I bet you were soaked even while talking to Hongjoong today~" Smirking as your body trembles at his words, desperate moans leaving your lips. Feeling him slowly pull the panties down your legs now, before he lets them fall to the ground, watching your glistening folds in awe. "So gorgeous, so wet and pretty and all for me~" He moans, as his finger softly slides through your folds to gather some wetness, before lightly circling your clit. Your back arches off the bed now as load moans spill from your red lips, eyes shut. The pleasure was overwhelming, you were probably not going to last for very long. "Your body is so responsive today, is it because I wasn't there to please you for a week? I bet those tiny fingers of yours can't reach that spot you love." With that he shoves two of his fingers knuckle deep into your core, hitting the mentioned spot immediately. "Y-Yes, Mommy! O-Only yo- Fuck..! You can reach that spot..!" The fingers moving in and out of your core now were making nasty wet noises but it only turned you on even more, opening your eyes to watch his fingers get coated by your slick. Legs were slowly trembling now as your walls started to tighten around his fingers; Seonghwa knew what that meant; you were close. Reaching his other hand down now and with just a few tight circles to your clit you came. Comming on his fingers as your body arches off the bed, high pitched moans rolling from your tongue.
"So gorgeous, just look at you coming all over my fingers~" Watching his shining fingers now, he closes his eyes as he takes them into his mouth, moaning around his in your slick-covered digits. "I think I need more of this, you taste to divine my love~" Moaning out, he looks down at your cunt as he lowers his body to lay on the bed as you slightly shake your head, it would be too much, you knew it, you always got so sensitive after your first orgasmn. "Love what's the safe word?" Looking down at Seonghwa, he was back to his soft and caring self for a second, making sure you had a way to tell him if it got too much. "Bunny.." You mumble softly, making him smile, leaning up again to plant a soft kiss on your lips, tasting yourself on him. "Use it when it gets too much, but I know you can take it~" He murmurs against your lips, nodding as he settles down between your legs again, his eyes darkening after making sure you were alright.
Eyes cast down at your cunt now, he gives it a long lick from down up to your clit, before sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth. Arms circling around your thighs now, holding them open and making your butt stay on the bed as moans of overstimulation stumble from your lips. Seonghwa truly knew how to use his tongue; it was always heaven when he ate you out. His tongue was lapping at your clit softly, circling it and rubbing from side to side, soon pushing two of his fingers inside of you again. At this point, you were sure your voice would be hoarse by tomorrow with how loud you were moaning. "You're doing so well for mommy, letting me feast on you~" Nodding at his words, you were barely able to comprehend his words right now. Noticing how your orgasmn was creeping up on you quicker than before. "I-I'm comi-" Before you could even finish your sentence, you came around Seonghwas's fingers a second time, feeling him pull them out very quick and lapping up your cum, moaning against your cunt which shot vibrations through your whole body.
Panting heavily, your eyes were closed as Seonghwa slowly moved above you, smirking down at you, pushing some strands of sticky hair out of your face. "My pretty doll, so good for me, now let me fuck you well, and we can finally rest, hm~" Tears were pricking your eyes from overstimulation, but Seonghwa knew that if it got much, you would use the safeword and you knew he would immediately stop and take care of you. "Please, Mommy. Fuck me, fuck me like a good little toy!" You cry out for him, arms reaching out making him chuckle. He loved how obedient you were, the perfect little darling, always trying your best to please him. "If you ask so nicely, of course, I will, Mommy will use you like the little cockslut you are~" Aligning his dick with your entrance now, due to your multiple orgasms it was so easy for him to slip in, both of you moaning out from him slowly pushing into you before he finally bottoms you out, giving you some time to adjust.
"Such a good girl, taking me so well, will you let Mommy come in you? Claim you? Paint your walls with my cum?" The words made your eyes roll back, along with the first thrust of his hips, seeing white dots from the pure pleasure your body was feeling. "Please, Mommy, come in me! Use me as your cumslut! Please!" Your brain was by now on standby, with only one thought in your mind and that was having Seonghwa fill you up. His thrusts were sharp, making your body bounce with every thrust of his hips; watching him sit up slightly now as you felt him push your knees to your chest before sinking back inside even deeper. Like this, you were not going to last very long.
"Fuck princess, you're so tight, like you were made for me and only me!" Seonghwa groans as his hips hit yours at a rapid pace, soon growing sloppier and sloppier, knowing he was close. "Come for me darling~" He whispers in your ear as he thrust a deep thrust and circles your clit lightly, back arching as you come around him, with the contracting of your walls Seonghwa came with a few more thrusts, spilling his seed deep in your core, letting your legs down as his body rests on yours, both of you panting heavily.
"Are you fine my love? Was too much?" Back to his lovely self, Seonghwas eyes hold nothing but pure love for you. Shaking your head, you assure him you are fine and that he was amazing. Nodding, he slowly pulls out, watching his cum ooze out of your hole, making the man moan out loud. "How I wish I could clean you up right now or, even better, push my cum back inside and fill you up again, but that's for another time; let's clean you up; I'll be back in a second." Standing up, he grabs a pair of sweatpants as he leaves for the bathroom, cleaning himself up quickly before coming back with a wet and dry towel in hand, sitting down beside you again, and carefully cleaning your body. Making sure to be extra careful with your core to not make you uncomfortable, helping you stand up as he cleans you more, before pulling the messed up coat away from the bed; luckily, it helped the bed stay clean. Turning to his closet quickly, he grabs one of your clean panties and one of his shirts, helping you slip both on, before telling you to lay down. "I'll quickly put this into the washer, and then I'm back, my love." A soft kiss was pressed to your lips as you lay down while he left the room with the cost in his hands.
Soon arms were hugging you close to a warm chest from behind. "You were amazing dear, thank you." Turning around you look up at your lover with a smile, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I have to thank you, you took such great care of me." He lets out a sigh. "Not too rough?" Shaking your head now, you cuddle up to him, telling him how this was perfect and you couldn't have wished for anything else. "Let's sleep for now, my love; we're probably both exhausted now and still got some filming tomorrow." He murmurs against your hair, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head before you fall asleep in the arms of your lover. You had to say that Seonghwa was the best lover you could ever ask for; he took such amazing care of you and pleased you in just all the right ways; sometimes you wonder how you ever deserved this wonderful person.
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starsinthesky5 · 2 months
sweetest surprise || joe burrow x reader
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description: a confusing and uncomfortable few days results in the sweetest surprise :)
a/n: an unplanned fic before I get back into YAIL and YBWM! this one was on the ML for a while so I decided to get into it on my very lengthy drive home from texas so this is definitely not my best writing since I was half asleep when writing half of this but i hope you guys like it regardless :) 
the fic jumps around a bit to certain moments so hopefully it’s easy to follow!
warnings: language, mentions of sex
word count: 14 k
November 21st
You felt a set of soft and delicate lips pepper featherlight kisses around your face, the lips felt extremely cozy and warm like you were being touched by a cloud-like plush blanket. You slowly opened your eyes and were met with your husband towering over you, a cheeky grin on his face as daylight filled your once-dark bedroom. 
“Someone slept in,” he laughed.
You turned your head to the side to see the time, the clock reading 9:32 am, 2 and a half hours past the time you were supposed to get up. You slept through the early alarm you had set to get up and make Joe his usual game-day breakfast and prepare for the game as you were busy the night before with your friends. Not to mention you and Joe were hosting a family dinner party after the game and the house was an absolute mess. 
“Oh my god, I don’t know how I slept in,” you say as you sit up quickly, but maybe a little too quickly as you feel dizzy all of a sudden. You reached for your head to stabilize yourself, the room slightly spinning as you tried to gather yourself. 
“Hey, you okay?” Joe asked as he grabbed your hands and sat down in front of you. 
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “Just felt a little dizzy,”. 
“Does your head hurt?” he asked as he moved your hair out of your face, his voice laced with concern. “Do you need water?”. 
“Nope, I think I just sat up too fast,” you nodded. “I’m good on water though, thanks. Sorry about sleeping in, I don’t know how that happened. I was supposed to make your breakfast and you’re probably starving right now and you have to leave in a little bit,” you said as you looked down at your hands that he was rubbing with his soft fingers. 
“You don’t need to say sorry, you deserve to sleep in once and a while since you sacrifice your weekends for me & football,” he chuckles. 
“Yeah but now everything is thrown off since you don’t have anything to eat, there’s only a few hours till kickoff and I don’t even know what I’m wearing, and we have family coming over after the game and the house is a mess,” you say, your breaths getting shorter as visible panic sets in. 
“Woahh, let’s breathe for a second,” Joe says, now rubbing his hands on your thighs to help calm you down which always worked. “You don’t need to worry about anything. I grabbed us breakfast on the way home from the team hotel, you can wear one of my Bengals hoodies and leggings because you look beautiful in everything and don’t need anything flashy to show that you’re my biggest fan, and I asked the housekeeper to come over while we’re at the game to clean up for the dinner tonight because I knew it would be a lot for you to juggle by yourself,”.
You sat there and stared at Joe for a few seconds, still unable to fully comprehend how he always managed to fix your problems with what felt like just the snap of his fingers. He’d always been able to easily ease your worries no matter how big or small even when you were dating, and now that you were married that hadn't changed. Joe had been the perfect boyfriend to you for many years and now was the perfect husband, you were truly the luckiest woman alive because you had someone so thoughtful and sincere by your side. 
“Thank youuu,” you said as you moved closer to him and pulled him in for a tight hug. “I don’t what I would do without you,”.
“It’s a good thing you don’t need to know what you’d do without me. I’m always here,” he smiled against your head. 
“Mmm, you’re the best,” you say as you melt in his arms. “I don’t know why I feel lazy and weird this morning,”. 
“We all have those days. I’m sure you’ll be fine by tonight,” he says as he rubs your back before pressing a kiss to your lips. The warmth radiating from his body makes you feel ten times better already. 
“I hope so,” you yawn. “What’d you grab for breakfast?” you ask as you pull away from the hug.
“I got us some muffins, fruit, and smoothies from that bakery you love downtown by the stadium,” he says as he gets up from the bed, putting out his hand to help you up.
“Oooo yum,” you chirp as you get up. “I’ll be down in a few minutes, just need to freshen up,”. 
“Yes ma’am,” he says as he presses another kiss to your cheek before getting up and walking out of your bedroom, a nice bounce in his step. At least one of you was having a good morning.  
You walk into the bathroom, pee, and then make your way over to the vanity to brush your teeth. After you brush your teeth, you take a good look at yourself in the mirror, noticing how your face looks more tired than usual—matching how you felt—and then you notice your stomach sticking out a little through your semi-tight sleep shirt. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have had those two milkshakes yesterday,” you murmured as you rubbed your hands over your seemingly bloated belly. “Bloated is not a cute look,”.  
You make your way down the stairs a few minutes later, watching Joe as he takes out the food from the bags and sets everything up on the table. “I got you a pumpkin banana muffin, a mixed fruit bowl with berries, pineapple, and mangos, and that Pacific Sunrise smoothie you like,” he smiles as you walk closer to him.
“All my favorites,” you grin as you lean across the table to press a kiss to his lips. “Such a good husband,”. 
“Only the finest variety for the best wife in the world,” he said as he popped a piece of pineapple into his mouth. 
“I’ll never get tired of hearing those words come out of your mouth,” you smile. 
“And I’ll never get tired of saying those words,” he winks as he pulls your chair out for you. 
You both sit down at the table with your breakfast and start to dig in. You finish up your bowl of fruit first and then move to the smoothie as you and Joe talk about the game and the dinner later. 
“My mom and aunt said they’ll bring over some food for a potluck-type thing. I checked the fridge and we have everything for hamburgers and hotdogs so we could probably use the grill,” he said as he took a sip of his smoothie.
“It’s freezing tonight so maybe try to make them inside,” you say as you take a sip of your smoothie, your face immediately scrunching up in disgust. 
“Yeah, that’s probably a better idea…Are you okay?” he says as he looks up and notices your face. 
“This smoothie tastes awful,” you cough as you push it away. 
“I thought it was your favorite?” he asked as he picked up the cup to read the label.
“It is, but this tastes so bad for some reason,” you reply. “Here, you take a sip,”.
Joe nods before taking a sip of the fruity smoothie, the taste seeming normal to him as his face stays the same. “It tastes like how it usually does to me, Tropical and a little Citrusy,” he says as he places the cup back down. 
“It just tastes strange, I don’t know why,” you gag as the aftertaste is even worse than the initial taste.  
“Maybe try the muffin?” He asks as he passes it to you. “You need something more than just fruit inside of your belly since I know you usually don’t eat much during the game,”. 
You nod and take a small bite of the muffin but you immediately put it down as it tastes just as bad as the smoothie. “That tastes bad too,”.
“That’s weird, you eat this all the time and it’s never been weird before,” he says as he inspects the muffin. “I don’t see anything wrong with it either,”. 
“I’ve been getting this same order from that Bakery every week for the past 4 years and I’ve never been grossed out by it before,” you frown. “I don’t understand why it tastes like rotten eggs to me and not you,”. 
“We can put them in the fridge and see tomorrow if it tastes better. Maybe it’s just your tastebuds or something,” he says as he gets up to put them inside the fridge.
“We can try but I don’t know how my tastebuds are going to change in 24 hours,” you giggle.
“Well clearly they changed since the last time you had the smoothie and muffin so let’s try it again tomorrow,” he smiled. 
“Whatever you say, Doctor,” you say as you playfully roll your eyes. 
A few hours later - Paycor Stadium 
There were about 20 minutes till kickoff and you were settled in the Burrow Suite with the family and a few other close WAGs. You grabbed a coffee and a bag of pretzels to snack on throughout the game since you barely had anything for breakfast this morning. The coffee was to help you stay awake since you woke up tired and were still feeling it hours later and you didn’t want to be groggy during the family dinner tonight. You listened to Joe and opted for one of his crewnecks and a pair of leggings for today's game, a little more lax than what you’d usually wear on game days but you were comfortable so that’s all that mattered. 
“Sounds like a weird morning,” Jess said after you told her how your morning went. 
“Oh, for sure. We all know I never sleep past my alarms so I don’t know what that was about and the breakfast thing was weird too,” you say as you pop a pretzel into your mouth, your stomach feeling a little weird as you sit there and watch the pregame preparations with your friend. 
“Hopefully you’re not sick or something. Can’t have you missing the annual WAGs party next week now that it was finally my turn to plan it,” she says as she pats your leg. 
“I hope I’m not sick. I don’t want to miss the party since I know how long you’ve been planning it for and that’s too much to handle right now since we’re getting into a crucial spot in the season. If Joe got sick right now, I would never be able to forgive myself,” you say as you squirm in your seat, feeling more and more uneasy as the seconds go by. You barely took a sip or bite of your breakfast this morning, so you couldn’t understand why your stomach was acting up. 
“I’m sure you’re fine. We all have days like that,” she says.
You let out a laugh, “Joe said the same thing,”. 
“Sam says that to me every time I have a bad morning,” she giggled.
“They really are the same person just in a different font, aren’t they?” you ask as you stand up to get a good look at the field to see if you can spot Joe, but as soon as you do, your stomach feels like it does a backflip and you feel a wave of nausea come over. 
You reach for your stomach, wrapping your arm around your belly in an attempt to make yourself feel better. Jess notices and stands up next to you, “Y/N? You good?” she asks as she places her hand on your shoulder. 
“I don’t know,” you say as you swallow. “I feel nauseous all of a sudden,”. 
“Here, take this water,” she says as she reaches for her water bottle. Before you could grab it, you felt a burning sensation in your throat and a cramp in your stomach, a sure sign that you were about to throw up. You put your hand over your mouth and run out of the suite and down the hall to the bathrooms. You swing open a stall and crouch down as you empty the contents of your stomach into the toilet. You hear footsteps behind you a few seconds later and then a hand holding your hair back, Jess must have walked in. 
“It’s alright, just breathe,” she says as she rubs your back with her free hand. A few moments later, you flush the toilet and sit down on the floor to process what just happened. 
“Here, I grabbed you water and some paper towels,” she said as she turned around to grab the things and hand them to you. “I think I have some mints in my bag so I’ll be right back,” she says as she gets up.
“T- Thanks,” you mumble as you wipe your face with the paper towels, taking a few deep breaths before you slowly get up and walk over to the sink to rinse your mouth out before taking a few sips of water. You look in the mirror and take a few more breaths, examining your tired face while trying to hold yourself together. 
“What the hell is wrong with me?” you whisper to yourself. 
A few hours later - End of the game
“Are you okay?” Joe asks as he engulfs you in a big hug after he walks out of the locker room. You were a little surprised that he found out so quickly but then you realize Jess must have told Sam and Sam must have told Joe and now you had to deal with Mama Bear Joe. Whenever you got sick he would baby the hell out of you even if it was something as minor as a cold or headache. 
“I think so,” you mumble against his neck. “I didn’t throw up again, thank god. But I still feel a bit shaken up,”. 
“You wanna cancel tonight’s dinner?” he asks as he rubs your back before pressing a few kisses to your forehead. 
“No, definitely not. We’ve been meaning to have them over for a while and I would hate to cancel last minute like that,” you say as you pull your head out of his neck. 
“Okay, then let’s go to the doctor real quick,” he says, his inner Mama Bear peeking through.
“Joe, No,” you say as you shake your head.
“Y/N, you threw up,” he said.
“I’m going to be fine,” you laugh. “It’s not like I passed out or something and I don’t even think any doctors are open since it’s Sunday afternoon,”.
“The team Doctors should still be here,” he says as he moves his head to see if he can spot them. 
“I know you’re worried but I’m fine. No need to bug anyone about it,” you say as you move your hands to cup his face, moving it back so that he is looking into your eyes.
“Are you sure?” he asks, his eyes softening out of concern for you.
“Positive,” you assure. 
“Okay,” he nods. “I wonder what made you throw up? It can’t be breakfast since you barely had anything to eat,” he says as releases you from the hug. He moves his hand down to yours and starts to lead you both back out to the car, hand in hand like usual. You’d always wait for him outside the locker room after a game so you could walk back out together to debrief. You both tried to keep post-game talk to a minimum once you got home especially if it was a bad game, so you got all of it out on the walk to the car and the drive home. 
“I honestly have no idea. I had two milkshakes yesterday but I don’t see how that would’ve made me throw up a day later, you say as you look up at him.
“Two?” he asks, his eyebrows shooting up as he gives you a look of confusion.
“I was craving milkshakes, Okay,” you laugh. “And before you judge me, let me remind you that you ate 5 slices of pizza in one sitting after the Divisional game last year,”.
“I was hungry,” he laughs. 
“And I was craving sweet treats,” you pout. 
“Okay, Fine,” he retreats. “If it wasn’t the shakes then maybe it’s a stomach bug? That could also be why you felt tired all day and slept in this morning,” he says as he squeezes your hand.
“I guess we’ll find out in a few days,” you sigh. “I hope it’s not a stomach bug because I don’t want you to get sick too,”.
“I’ll be fine,” he smiles. 
“I don’t knowww,” you tease. “I think I’ll have to pause the kisses for a few days so I don’t give whatever I have to you,”. 
Joe whips his head around and glares at you, “No fucking way,”. 
Joe would die if you stopped kissing him. He could not go about his day without a good morning kiss from you and he could not sleep without a good night kiss from you, they were his favorite things. You remember your first kiss with him and how insatiable he was once he felt his lips against yours, needing to feel them against his all the time. 
“It’s cute how you’re still the same 20-year-old that can’t go a day without a kiss from me,” you say as you softly push his shoulder. 
“Maybe don’t have the softest lips in the world and then I’ll stay away,” he jokes as he lets go of your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulder. 
“Sorry, no can do,” you giggle.
“Then I guess I can’t say away,” he grins as he leans down and presses a big kiss on your lips.
“You’re probably going to throw up tomorrow,” you smile against him. 
“I’ll pay that price if it means I get to kiss my girl,” he says before pressing another kiss to your lips. 
After the Family Dinner 
The Family Dinner went smoothly since your nausea died down and you could finally eat something without feeling like you were going to throw up again. You still felt a little tired but managed to push through as entertaining conversations with family members kept you awake. Now, you were sitting on the bed after your shower and were waiting for Joe to come upstairs after cleaning up. You offered to help him since there was a lot to clean up but he insisted that you went upstairs and relaxed a little after the weird day you had, so that’s exactly what you did.
You were scrolling on your phone when you heard the bedroom door close. You look up and see your adorable husband trying to catch his breath, “Told you I could’ve helped you,” you shrugged.
“Cleaning up after a dinner party is not for the weak,” he sighs. “I didn’t realize we were so messy and there were so many things all over the place. And then I had to get the trashcans outside before the downpour started so I literally had to run around to grab the bags and take them down to the trashcans,”.
“Aww, is my poor baby tired?” you tease.
“This is not funny,” he said as he gave you a look while taking his shirt off. “I could’ve slipped and fallen in the rain,”. 
You went silent as you watched him pat his body with his shirt before tossing it into the laundry hamper, his muscular chest glowing in the warm lighting of your bedroom. Joe was built like a Greek God, the way his chest looked like it had been crafted from gold, and the way his golden hair and blue eyes always caught you in a trance. 
“If he just bent me over right now–,” you thought to yourself, finding yourself in one of those trances again before you felt a sudden sensation of weight on you that pushed you back onto the bed, snapping the impure thoughts out if your head.
“Mmph, I missed you today,” Joe said, his entire body on yours right now.
“I literally saw you the entire day,” you giggled as you moved your hands into his hair.
“I know, but I feel like we barely saw each other at the same time. My mom had you occupied for the majority of the dinner and we didn’t get any alone time,” he sighed. 
“Alone time?” you questioned. “Alone time for what?”.
“For this,” he says as he kisses your lips, slowly deepening the kiss as you feel his warm tongue enter your mouth. You let out a soft moan when you feel his hands slip under your shirt, his big hands rubbing your plush skin. You open up your legs a bit more to accommodate his big body as you suck on his lip and pull him closer, his hands now moving up to your bare chest. You wrap your legs around his waist and move your lips against his in a way that you know drove him crazy, slowly switching back and forth between his top and bottom lip. You feel his hand massage your breast which would normally make you feel pleasure, but this time all you felt was pain.
“Ow,” you wince as you pull away from the kiss, his hands immediately stopping. 
“Is everything okay?” he asks, his face and body frozen at your apparent ache. 
“Do that again,” you say to him, then feel his hand squeezing your breast again and still feel pain.
“Fuck, that hurts,” you whisper. 
He slips his hand out from under your shirt and moves off of your body, “What’s wrong?”,
“My boobs feel so sore,” you whine.
“Is it your period?” he asks as he runs his fingers through his hair. 
“I don’t think so,” you sigh. “I don’t know what’s up with me today,” you say as you slide your hands across your face. 
“It’s okay,” Joe says while grabbing your hands and kissing them. “I told you this morning that we all have those kinds of days and I think that’s all this is. You might have just caught something from someone and are a little sick,”. 
“I don’t know what kind of sickness involves these kinds of symptoms but I guess you’re right,” you say, not being able to come up with any other reason as to why you were having an off day. 
“Just take it easy tonight, I’ll grab you some Tylenol and Water,” he says as he slowly gets up from the bed.
“But what about–,”.
“Nope,” he says, shutting you down as he knew what you were going to say. “Sex is not what you need right now,”.
You drop your shoulders and give him a pouty face which usually works, but this time it didn’t. “Joeee,” you grumble. 
“Sorry beautiful, but I promise I’ll make it up to you when you feel better,” he smiles.
“How is it fair that you still get your kisses while I’m sick but I can’t get laid?” you say as you cross your arms and bat your eyelashes. 
“Because one involves less tiresome actions than the other,” he winks as he walks out of the bedroom to grab you some things from downstairs. 
You faceplant forward onto the comforter as you let out a loud groan, one that he could hear from the hall. “You’ll thank me later,” you hear him laugh. 
You detested being sick. Not because you didn’t get to partake in certain activities, but because you felt like shit. You had never heard of a sickness that involved being tired, your taste buds acting up, throwing up, and having sore boobs. This was a strange combination of symptoms and it really was taking a toll on you and it would probably get worse.
But were you actually sick, or was this something else?
The Next Morning 
You suddenly jolt awake from the feeling of your stomach churning and your body extremely hot all of a sudden. You unwrap yourself from Joe’s hold and run into the bathroom, feeling a burning sensation in your throat again and once again crouching down and emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet. You see Joe walk into the bathroom from the corner of your eye, crouching down next to you and holding your hair back while whispering sweet words to calm you down into your ear. 
A few moments later you flush the toilet and wipe your lips with a piece of toilet paper, then fall back into Joe’s arms. “Mmm,” you whine as you hide your face in his chest as he rubs your back.
“Still not feeling better?” he asks.
“Mm, Mm,” you reply as you shake your head, a few tears falling from your eyes. You feel Joe shift around under you, then feel his hands around your legs and waist, slowly picking you up bridal style and carrying you out of the bathroom and down the stairs to the couch, not a word coming from his mouth as he was doing this. 
He carefully placed you on the couch, taking a few push blankets and setting them around you to keep you warm. He then brought over a glass of water for you and some anti-nausea pills and mints.
“Take these for now. I’m gonna heat up some soup for you to eat for breakfast and order some soup for lunch for you while I’m at practice so you can stay in bed all day. I’m also gonna stop at the pharmacy to see what other meds I can pick up,” he says as he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“Thank You,” you cooed. 
“I love you so much,” he added after placing another kiss on your forehead. “You’re going to be fine, I promise,”. 
“I love you more,” you smile as you kiss his cheek. 
You watch as he walks over to the fridge, taking out the bowl of soup his Mom made for you last night to ease your stomach in case you felt nauseous again. You turn back around and pull the blankets up higher as you try to get comfortable. Although you hated Mama Bear Joe and the over-the-top antics, you loved when he would do these little things for you—as silly as it sounded. It was his responsibility as your husband to take care of you, but you still felt your heart explode when he would do so.
After eating the soup he made for you, Joe went upstairs to get ready for practice and then spent a few minutes with you on the couch to make sure you didn’t throw up again before he left.
He laid his head in your lap, your fingers playing with the soft strands of his hair as you felt his hot breath against your stomach. 
“I really don’t want to leave you alone today,” he mumbled against your stomach.
“I know,” you sigh. “I’ll be fine though, don’t stress,”.
“I just feel bad that you’re sick and I can’t be here to take care of you,” he sighs.
You stop running your fingers through his hair which causes him to look up and meet your eyes, “Don’t feel bad, Joe. What my stomach decides to do when you’re not here is in neither of our hands,” you joke.
“That doesn’t make me feel any better,” he says.
“I promise I’ll be fine. If I need anything I can call a friend or I’ll text you,” you smile.
“If you feel really bad, drive to the facility,” he says as he gets up from your lap. 
“Don’t you think that’s a little too-,”.
“Drive to the facility,” he says again, giving you a look that tells you he means business. 
“Okayyy, Mama Bear,” you joke as you kiss his cheek.
“Uhh, what about my lips?” he says as he raises his eyebrows. “I told you, I don’t care if I throw up,”. 
You roll your eyes before leaning in and pressing two sweet kisses on his lips, feeling Joe’s smile through them both, and then a final one on his nose. “Bye Joe,” you say lazily, your tiredness peeking through. 
He smiles at you and gets up from the couch, his gaze lingering on your face for a few seconds. He couldn’t leave you alone, he didn’t want to leave you alone. “Maybe I should stay,” he says as he sits down again. 
“Joe,” you glare, now feeling a little annoyed at his overthinking. 
“What?” he asks.
“Go to practice,” you say, purposefully lacing your voice with annoyance. 
“No,” he denies.
“Joe,” you say, this time giving him a look that told him you were incredibly close to snapping.
“What if you throw up again?” he asks.
“I’ll take some medicine and drink water,” you shrug.
“And what if you get a fever or something,”.
“That’s what we have Tylenol for,” you laugh.
“What if you pass out?”.
He really wasn’t budging, was he? “Joe!” you yell, softly because you don’t like raising your voices at each other. “I love you, but please go to practice,”. 
“Okay, Okay. I’ll go,” he says. “But if you need anything, and I mean anything, please call me,”.
“I will, I promise,” you smile, grabbing his hand and giving him a soft squeeze to hopefully ease his worries like how he did for you. 
A few hours later 
You stayed on the couch for about two hours so that you could fully digest the soup without doing anything to make you throw up again before slowly making your way upstairs to freshen up and take a nice long shower; the steamy warm water hitting your stomach provided much-needed relief.  
You’re brushing your wet hair in the mirror when you see your phone light up from an incoming Facetime from your best friend. You pick up and prop your phone against the mirror before going back to your hair. 
“Hey, Y/N,” she smiles.
“Hey, Soph,” you sigh, your voice heavy and tired. 
“That’s not promising. You still feeling sick?” she asks.
“Threw up again this morning,” you say as you pursed your lips. 
She stays silent for a few seconds, biting her lip and staring at you like you had two heads. “What?” you ask as you put the brush down.
“You know, the symptoms you told me you were having kind of sounds like something else,” she says.
“Sounds like what?” you snort, preparing yourself for another one of her wild theories. 
“But I don’t know for sure because you’ve never mentioned it before,” she thinks.
“What?” you ask.
“Are you pregnant?” she grins. 
You pause for a few seconds to let what she said register in your brain. “HA,” you yell a few seconds later. “That’s hilarious,” you say as you throw your head back. 
“Y/N, I’m not kidding,” she deadpans, her tone making you stop laughing. 
“Sophia, I can tell you for a fact that I'm not pregnant. I’m pretty sure it’s just a stomach bug,” you shake your head as you reach for your hair clip.
“Okay, but when was the last time you guys, you know,” she winked. 
“Well, let’s just say we make sure to get our workouts in,” you say with a cheeky smile as you clip your hair back. 
“Workouts?” she laughs. “Now I know what you mean to say whenever you tell me you can’t talk because you and Joe are about to ‘workout’,”.
A throaty laugh leaves your lips as you recall all the moments you’ve dodged your friend’s calls and texts with a “workout” excuse. Although, you did end up sweating and probably burning a few calories so it was pretty much like a workout. 
“Anyway, hypothetically if you are pregnant and are having symptoms, you’d have to be pregnant for at least 4-8 weeks by now,”.
“Rightttt,” you nod slowly. Why were you even entertaining her theory? You couldn’t be pregnant, there was no way. 
“What happened 4-8 weeks ago?” She asked.
“Uhhhh…,” you trail off, trying to remember anything significant. “My birthday was 5 ish weeks ago,” you say. 
“Okay, so did you-,”.
“Oh yeah, we did,” you answered with a laugh even before she could finish asking the question, recalling that memorable night that had you sore for the entirety of the next day. 
“Okay, have you been trying for a baby?” she asks.
You pause for a few seconds before recalling the conversation you and Joe had about this subject, “We haven’t been specifically trying but we talked about having a baby and everything a while ago and decided that it would happen when it was supposed to happen,”.
Flashback to September - A few days before the start of the season 
You and Joe were lounging together on the couch, his hand in your hair, playing with the loose strands as you rubbed your hand along his thigh. You both longed for these calm and quiet moments when it was just the two of you wrapped up in each other's arms. This kind of one-on-one time would be significantly reduced once the season starts, so you both were making sure to get as much in as you could now. 
“How do you feel about having a baby right now?” Joe asked, breaking the silence with something so deep and serious that completely went against the thought you just had of cherishing peaceful moments with just the two of you.
“Hm?” you asked as you turned your head to face him. “I thought we already had this conversation,”.  You’d talked about the idea of wanting kids ages ago before you got engaged when you were talking to each other about your futures and although you had been married for over a year now, this was the first time the topic of kids came up as a married couple.
“Well, we did have this conversation,” he smiled. “But that was before we got married and it was just about if we wanted kids together. Now we’re married,” he said as he moved his hand to your stomach. 
“Someone having baby fever?” you beamed as you pressed a kiss to his neck.
“Actually, I am,” he said, his face telling you he was being dead serious. “The thought of Baby Burrow running around the house sounds like a dream”. 
“Really?” you question, a little surprised at his thoughts. You knew that Joe wanted to have kids with you at some point, but you didn’t expect it to be so soon since he’s still at an important point in his career. 
“Really,” he says. “I love you more than anything on this earth and the thought of you having my baby makes me want to run around and scream. The thought of a little baby running around and screaming also makes me want to run around and scream,”.
You laugh at his childlike excitement then lean in to press a kiss on his pink lips, “I love that you’re so excited about having kids with me,”.
“Excited is an understatement, I’m Ecstatic. Having a baby has way more of an impact on you than it does me, so I wanted to see where you were at about it,” he adds. 
“Well, we said we ideally wanted 2—one boy and one girl—but no more than 3 if another happens to come along. I think that still stands?” you ask.
“Yes, it does,” he nods. 
“Wouldn’t things get too chaotic if I was pregnant during the season though?” you ask as you play with his fingers. 
“If you were pregnant during the season, Baby B would arrive during the off-season so that lines up perfectly since I would be able to be around a lot more,” he said. “It would be a bit chaotic for a little because I would be thinking about you 90% of the time, but it’s better than having a baby during the season and you being by yourself,”. 
“True,” you nod as you do the math in your head. If you got pregnant anywhere from now to December the baby would arrive between May and July, which would be perfect for you both. 
“It’s all up to you. I don’t want you to feel like I’m rushing you for anything. If you’re not ready for that then that's okay,” he assured. 
“It’s not that I’m feeling rushed, I just don’t want to rush you into anything,” you say. “I know how important these next few years are for your career and I don’t want you to feel like you have too many things on your plate,”. You wanted to have a family more than anything, but you also knew that what Joe was doing was incredibly important to not just him, but you also. If it was just the two of you for a few years, you wouldn’t mind, even if part of you wished it was the three of you. 
“A family is a priority, not just something on a plate,” he smiles. “I told you that when I proposed too, remember?”. 
Oh, you remembered all right. When Joe proposed, you obviously said yes. You couldn’t imagine spending the rest of your life with any other person, but you were a little hesitant about the idea of getting married while he was still chasing his first ring because you didn’t want to become a distraction for him when it came to his career. You felt awful for thinking that way, but once again, Joe fixed that with the snap of his fingers. He told you and made sure you knew that you weren’t just some “thing” in his life, you were a priority. You mattered to him more than football did and it would always be that way as football was transient, and you would always be there with him. You were his whole world.
When you first met, he knew instantly that he wanted to do everything with you. He wanted to be the guy who took you out on dates, showed you a love unlike any kind you had ever experienced, cleaned up your tears whenever you were sad, kissed you at every chance he got, and eventually be the man who proposed to you and married you. Lucky for him, all that happened. Now he wanted to take the next step, having a family with you. 
“I remember,” you smile. “You made sure that I got that in my head,”.
“So just like you, a baby would become a priority. And I’d love to see my two favorite humans up in the suite watching their daddy play ball before he gets gray hairs,” he smiles.
“Their daddy? You mean the baby’s daddy?” you question.
He tilts his head and raises his brow, giving you a look that makes you throw your head back in a fit of laughter. 
“Oh, I mean their daddy. We both know you use that name a lot in a different context,” he winks.
“Joseph Lee,” you shriek as you gently hit his chest while a blush creeps up your face. You stop laughing and stare at him for a few seconds, thinking about what life would be like with a little baby chasing you both around the house while calling you mama and dada. You could have a little family of your own that you would come home to every day. Endless mornings filled with laughter and precious moments as a trio, sleepless nights curled up with Joe in your bed as you stayed awake in case your baby woke up; a lifetime of love was waiting for you.  
“Having a baby sounds amazing, Joe,” you smile as you tuck your head under his chin. “Being your girlfriend was fantastic, being your wife is like a dream, but being the mother to our child is the best thing that could ever happen to me,”.
“You’re going to be the best daddy to our little baby. I can’t wait for the day when Baby Burrow can see you out on the field, absolutely tearing it up and putting everyone on notice. I can’t wait for the day when they realize who their daddy is and see all the great things he’s done in his life,” you coo.  
“Y/N..” he softly says, his heart bursting from your sweet words but also from the thought of all of that actually happening.  
“The greatest thing I’ve done in my life is make you my forever,” his face turning a little red at the words leaving his mouth.
“Aww, Joe,” you say as your face turns into a pout, your heart now being the one bursting at his sweet words. “Everything you say makes me fall more in love with you,”.
“I feel the same way,” punctuating his sentence with another kiss. “We have all the time in the world to have a baby so there’s no rush obviously,” he smiles as he pulls you closer to him, resting his hand on your stomach. 
“Agreed. Whenever Baby Burrow wants to come, it will,” you grin against his cheek. “We don’t necessarily have to try but we also don’t need to do anything to prevent it now that we’re open to it,”.
You feel his hand slide up to your chest, his other hand moving under your shirt and sliding up to the clasp of your bra. “Think we should get a head start on it?” he whispers in your ear, his voice incredibly husky and intoxicating. 
“Sounds like a great idea,” you wink. “I’d hate for us to be slackers,” you say before you lean in and capture his lips in a kiss that ignited something inside of you both. 
End of flashback 
“Well, let’s look at the past few days. You feel tired, things don’t taste the same, you threw up twice and feel nauseous a lot, you’re bloated as hell, plus mood swings and cravings. Those are all typical pregnancy symptoms,” she nods. “How about your period?”.
You freeze when she says that, your face dropping and your body tensing up, “Fuck,” you panic. “I didn’t even check that,” you say as you grab the phone off the vanity and pull up your period tracking app. You sit down on the toilet lid and look at the calendar, your heart dropping when you see bright red letters that spell out “Late”. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper, feeling like your world just flipped upside down. 
“What?” she asks.
“Ummm, I’m going to have to call you back later,” you say as you return to the FaceTime screen. 
“Oh my GOD,” she screams. “Y/N holy shit-,”.
“Soph, I really gotta go,” you say as you get up and start looking through the baskets in the bathroom for any pregnancy tests. 
“Okay, Okay. I’ll check in with you later,”.
“Thank you, I’ll call you later,” you say as you quickly hang up and throw your phone onto a pile of towels. 
“Where are the tests when you actually need one,” you grumble. 
After 10 minutes of searching every bathroom in the house, you couldn’t find a single pregnancy test so you decided to instacart a few tests to the house. You thought about going out and buying a few since that would be faster but you figured that word would get around town fast if Joe Burrow’s wife was buying pregnancy tests and if you actually were pregnant, you definitely were going to keep it a secret for a little. 
You were now sitting on the floor of the master bathroom with a glass of water to calm you down, anxiously waiting for the tests to arrive. You were a little nervous even though you both knew you wanted this, but the thought of it actually happening was a little too real for you. You heard your phone ding across the bathroom so you immediately got up to check and see if it was a notification that the tests were here, but it was a text from Joe. 
Joe: how are you feeling?
Anxious. You were feeling Anxious.
You: a bit better :) the soup helped
A lie. That was a lie. The soup did help though, but you did not feel better. 
Joe: that’s good. i’m gonna swing by the store later and pick up some tums and pepto bismol tablets, you need anything else?
Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream would be great since that was what you were craving right now. But the weird thing was, you hated Mint Chocolate Chip. Was this a pregnancy craving?
You: mint choco chip ice cream would be nice
Joe: are you okay?
You: yeah.. why?
Joe: y/n, you HATE mint chocolate chip 
You: i know but I feel like eating some right now. maybe it’s the stomach bug that’s craving it
Joe: so now the stomach bug is hungry?
You: seems like it 
Joe: okay then, a tub of mint choco chip ice cream will be on its way in a few hours for mr. stomach bug
You: me and mr. stomach bug say thank you joeyyy 
Joe: of course :) anyway, i gotta go back to practice. i’ll see you in a bit, make sure to drink a lot of water and eat the soup I ordered for you
You sent him a picture of you drinking a glass of water and as you were about to close your phone, a notification popped up that said “Delivered” which made your stomach do a backflip, but not the kind that made you feel like you were going to throw up. Instead, the kind that made you feel like your world was about to flip upside down.  
“Shit,” you mumbled. You ran out of the bathroom and made your way downstairs to the front door to pick up the package, and then ran into the downstairs bathroom. 
You ordered a ClearBlue digital test and a traditional First Response Test for the most accurate read. You spent a few minutes doing your business before flipping the tests upside down and setting a 3-minute timer. You sat down on the ledge of the tub, your leg bouncing up and down as you started to think about what would happen after you flipped the tests over.
If it was Positive, in 9 months you’d have a little baby in your arms and a family. A little boy or girl that you’d get to watch grow up and raise with the love of your life. Little hands wrapping around your fingers every night as you rocked your baby to sleep and adorable little laughs that would fill your quiet house every morning would brighten your day faster than a cup of coffee. 
If it was Negative, there would be nothing. It’s not like you were trying hard to have a baby, but your heart would still hurt if all this anticipation and thinking was for nothing. You tried to not get your hopes up too much, but you couldn’t help but think about all the things that would happen if it was positive. 
God, you wished it was Positive. You wanted to see that smile on Joe’s face when you told him you were having a baby for real. You didn’t want to have to tell him that you thought you were Pregnant but then found out you weren’t, that would break your heart again. 
“DING”, the timer was up. 
You took a few deep breaths before getting up from the ledge of the tub, walking over to the counter, and staring at the upside-down tests.
“Here we go,” you sigh.
You closed your eyes and flipped over the ClearBlue test. You slowly opened your eyes, the words reading “POSITIVE”.  
Your heart skipped a beat at the words. Tears started to form in your eyes and your heartbeat increased, all at the same time. You quickly flipped over the Traditional Test, 2 bold pink lines visible on the slot. 
You were Pregnant. 
You dropped the test on the counter and broke out in a sob, tears streaming down your face and your hands shaking. You were actually Pregnant. You were going to be a Mom and Joe was going to be a Dad. It was actually happening. 
“Oh my god,” you smile as you wipe the tears from your eyes. You pulled out your phone and took a picture of the tests, sending them to Sophia since she was the only one who was in on it at the moment. You placed your phone back down on the counter as tears kept falling from your eyes at the thought of actually being pregnant, your brain was in overdrive right now. In 9 months, you and Joe would become a family of 3. Your heart gushed at the thought of having a little baby of your own in your arms. Being a mother means experiencing and showing a different kind of love, and you can't wait.
How were you going to tell him? How were you going to hide this from the public? Was it a boy or a girl? So many questions filled your head, but all you could truly focus on was the fact that this was really happening. 
“Holy shit,” you smile as you wipe the tears from your eyes again. You look at yourself in the mirror, lifting your shirt and inspecting your belly.
“And I thought this was bloat,” you laugh through the tears as you rub your hands around the little bump that was forming. 
“Hey little baby,” you say as you talk to your stomach. “I know you can’t hear me, but it’s your mama. Me and Daddy love you so much. He doesn’t know yet but you’re going to be the sweetest surprise,” you grin. 
A few more hours later 
You spent the rest of the day in bed, content and relaxed as you knew why you were feeling so off so you weren’t worried about it anymore. You spent a few hours scheduling your OBGYN appointment, researching some things that newly pregnant women should do and not do, and brainstorming ideas on how you were going to tell Joe. All the ideas you found seemed basic or overdone—none really sticking out to you—so you decided to wait a bit and see if anything popped into your head. 
Currently, you were eating the soup that Joe had ordered for you while rewatching an episode of Stranger Things. He ordered you a Tomato Soup with a crisp grilled cheese sandwich, one of your favorite comfort meals, and go-to stomach bug remedy. 
“Well now that I know that it’s not a stomach bug, I hope you enjoy this soup, Baby Burrow,” you whisper to your stomach as you hear the bedroom door swing open, prompting you to look up. You watched as a sweaty Joe walked into the bedroom, placing his practice bag on the floor before walking over to you. 
“I didn’t even hear you come home,” you smiled as you paused the TV and placed your bowl of soup on the nightstand.
“How are you?” he asked as he sat down in front of you.
“Amazing,” you smile, feeling so much better after finding out the best news possible. 
“Really? You seemed pretty low when I left,” he asks, incredibly confused at how your mood did a 360.
“I feel a lot better and way more energized than I did this morning. I took a nice long shower after you left and lounged in bed all day,” you say, trying so hard to not tell him the real reason as to why you were feeling better. “No nausea or anything,”.
“That’s great,” he smiled. “I’m glad whatever you have is passing quickly. You’re kinda glowing too,”.
“Mhm,” you lie. It in fact was not passing quickly and wasn’t planning on passing anytime soon. You look down and notice that he’s still in his compression shirt and workout shorts which is odd since after practice he would come home in a more home-like outfit, usually some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. “Did you not take a shower before you left?”.
“Nope, I wanted to get to the store and get home as soon as I could to be with you,”.
He was so thoughtful, never failing to show how much he cared for you. The next 9 months were going to be perfect as you had the most extraordinary person by your side every step of the way. You pull Joe forward by his shoulder, letting his body cover yours again like last night as you melt back into the pillows.
“I’m super sweaty and you’re still not 100% better yet, Y/N,” he laughed. “I think this can wait,”.
“I have pure intentions,” you smile as you wrap your arms around his neck. “And I can take another shower as long as I get my cuddles,”.
“You hate when I touch you when I’m sweaty,” he scoffed. 
“Well, I guess I like it now,” you giggle as you press a few kisses to his cheek. Your hands travel down to his back, rubbing his soft skin through the thin fabric of his compression shirt
“In the 6 years that we have been together, you’ve never once willingly hugged me when I was sweaty and gross,” he says as he digs his head further into the crook of your neck. . It was true, you hated touching him when he was all gross and grimy, but you didn’t care right now. You just wanted him close to you, and now your baby as well. 
“I just want you close, that’s all,” you smile.
“You okay?” he asks before he presses a delicate kiss to your neck.
“I’m great, maybe even a little over the moon,” you say as you bite your lip.
“Care to tell me why?” he says, pulling his head out of your neck and making eye contact with you. You could never lie to Joe; anytime you tried he could see you weren’t being truthful by just looking into your eyes. 
Tell-tale eyes are what he called them, your eyes always gave it away. Your eyes gave away how you felt about Joe when you first met, which was that you wanted him more than anything on this planet. Your eyes gave away how much you loved him when he made one of your dreams come true by taking you on a trip to Ohio back in December when you were in college and driving you hours away to the beach just to see the snow falling, something incredibly weird yet breathtakingly beautiful. And now, your eyes were about to give away the fact that you were pregnant. 
You break the intense eye contact and look up at the ceiling to avoid his eyes, the perfect lie popping up in your head, “I think Dylan is proposing to Sophia soon,”. This wasn’t really a lie but it was the perfect thing to hide the real reason why you were acting like this.
“Really? That’s great,” Joe smiled. “He’s a really cool guy,”. 
“I know right? I remember in middle school when we would go on and on about our dream guys, our prince charmings, and I’m so glad she found hers,” you say as you move your hand back up to his hair.
“Did you find yours?” he asked, a solemn look on his face.  
You gaze into his eyes for a few moments before leaning in and capturing his lips in a sweet kiss, “I found him and he’s even better than what I imagined,”. 
“I love you,” he says against your lips.
“I love you even more,” you say as you pull his head back down to your neck, his arm moving around your waist. You feel him rest his hand on your stomach, completely oblivious to the fact that he is touching his child right now; the thought of that makes you smile even harder.  You stayed like that for about half an hour before Joe insisted that he took a shower, even inviting you to join him but adding that there would be no funny business, but you said you would take a shower before bed so you could be fully relaxed. 
You made your way downstairs, inspecting all the things he got you from the store. A variety of medicines–many of which will help combat the morning sickness you will be dealing with for the next few months–the icecream you requested, a box of dark chocolates (your guilty pleasure), a bouquet of baby pink and white tulips, and an adorable pink dinosaur holding a heart plushie. You smile at the treats he got for you before you feel a hand on either side of your hips and then a set of lips pressing kisses along your shoulder. 
“Got you some things to hopefully make you feel better,” he mumbled against your skin.
“I didn’t even hear you come downstairs,” your eyes widened at the sudden touch, Joe laughing at your reaction. 
“Put a bell on me at this point,” he jokes.
“Might have to,” you say as you turn around to face him, his hands still holding you in place. “Thanks for the goodies,” you smile. 
“Of course,” he said as he leaned in for a kiss. “Although, I still don’t know why you wanted Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. You always say it tastes like toothpaste whenever you take a bite of mine,”.
“Maybe it’s just my taste buds changing again? Everything I used to like a lot tastes gross, and everything I used to hate a lot tastes good,”. Part of that is possibly true, your taste buds could have changed a bit because you’re pregnant, but the ice cream was definitely the beginning of the strange cravings you were going to have. 
“If that’s the case, maybe you’ll like crawfish now,” he smiled.
“Absolutely not,” you say, your face scrunching up in disgust. “I didn’t like it in Louisiana, and I sure as hell will not like it now,”.
“It was worth a try,” he said as he dropped his head. 
You press a kiss to his face, feeling his scruff against your lips, before moving out of his hold and walking over to the cabinet to pull out a bowl for the ice cream. “Will ice cream make you feel better?” you laugh.
He looks up, contemplating for a few seconds before saying, “Ice cream and Mario Kart would make me feel better,”. 
“Your wish is my command. Go sit down, I’ll bring you some ice cream,” you say as you pull out two bowls. 
“Nope,” he says as you hear him walk over to you. “You go sit down. I will get us some ice cream,”. 
“I got it,” you smile. You watch as he places his hands on his hips and tilts his head, this is his standing-on business pose and told you to not argue with him. 
“Alright, Alright. I’ll go sit down,” you say as you throw your hands up.
“Good,” he says as he turns you around and lightly pushes you forward. 
You sit down on the couch and turn on the switch to load up Mario Kart, one of your favorite games next to Smash Bros. You and Joe would always find yourself playing Mario Kart, and it all started on your 3rd date back in college. You get to the profile selection screen, seeing Joe’s ‘Mario’ profile and your ‘Princess Peach’ one which makes you remember when it all started. 
Flashback to LSU
You were sitting next to Joe on the floor of his apartment, both your knees touching as you were heavily concentrated on the game in front of you. You were playing in the ‘Special Cup’ and were on your 4th map—Rainbow Road—and you two were neck and neck with each other. 
“You’re going to lose slowpoke,” you smirk as you get in front of Joe, your competitive nature coming out.
“I never lose,” he smiles as he uses his boost to get in front of you, dropping a banana peel while he is at it causing you to spin out of control.  
“Noo,” you whine as you repeatedly press the buttons on your controller to regain your form. 
This was your 3rd date with Joe. Earlier he had taken you to the aquarium because you both were incredibly fascinated by marine life, and then lunch at your favorite taco place downtown. After, he invited you back to his place to watch a movie which then turned into playing Mario Kart once you saw his gaming stuff. 
You met Joe through a mutual friend at a college party a few weeks ago, his intoxicating eyes catching yours from across the room but you were too nervous to make a move given who he was. Little did you know your best friend’s new boyfriend was good friends with Joe, so then you ended up meeting him for real. The first time you were face to face, you felt yourself getting lost in his eyes as they were bluer than the ocean. He made the first move, striking up an unusual yet entertaining conversation about whether pineapple belonged on pizza as you both were eating pizza.
You and Joe hit it off instantly as you had a lot of things in common and talking to each other felt so incredibly easy, you both wanted to sit there and talk to each other for hours and hours and would have if you were sitting someplace else. He was also the most gorgeous man you had ever laid your eyes on which made you want to get to know him in another type of way as well, but you kept that to yourself. Lucky for you, he asked you out on a date right after the party was over and naturally you said yes. 
The 1st date went amazingly, then 2nd date was even better, and now you were playing video games with him in his apartment after your 3rd date. Joe was such a sweet guy, always paying attention to you and making it incredibly obvious that he really liked you. He thought you were the coolest girl he’d ever met and loved spending time with you because it always left him feeling more lively than he was before. You made him so happy.
You lean forward, your fingers rapidly dancing around the controller as you try to get ahead of Joe as you approach the final stretch of the map. 
“How did you get so close so fast?” he said in disbelief. 
“Told you, you’re a slowpoke,” you giggle as you pass him, the finish line in sight. 
Joe scoffs and leans in, his fingers beginning to move around the controller rapidly as he tries to overtake you, but you are too good for him.
“Aaaannnnd, I win!” you yell as you make it to the finish line before him, Joe arriving shortly after. You laugh as you throw your hands in the air, watching as the screen shows your character Princess Peach with confetti and balloons around her and a congratulations message on the screen.
“Damn,” Joe whispers as he looks over at you looking absolutely precious as you celebrate your victory. His eyes trailed down to what you were wearing: one of his LSU football hoodies. He gave it to you after your last date because he took you to a drive-in movie and it was a really windy night and you felt cold; the fact that you wore it again made his heart swell.
“You’re going to have to try harder than that, Mario,” you smile as you move your legs underneath you and turn to look at him, Joe’s character being Mario and yours being Peach. 
“Peach always ends up with Mario. I’ll get you sooner rather than later,” he winks, sending shivers down your spine. Was he talking about getting you in the game, or getting you in real life?
“Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?” you say as you raise an eyebrow, giving him a quizzical look. 
“Because,” he says as he leans in a little closer to you, your cheeks feeling hot all of a sudden. “Mario really likes Peach and it’s only a matter of time before Peach confesses that she does too,”.
You felt your heart skip a beat when he was speaking. He was talking about the two of you. 
“How do you know Peach likes Mario? I don’t think she’s ever said it,” you say, playing along with what Joe was saying. 
“Yeah, she’s never said it,” he shrugged. “But Mario can see the way Peach looks at him and acts around him. Peach’s eyes give it away, her tell-tale eyes,”. 
You lean in closer just like he did, “What is it about her eyes that give it away?”.
“It’s the way her eyes are always twinkling when she’s with Mario. Every time he makes her laugh or smile he notices that her eyes start sparkling and twinkling and he notices that they don’t do that when her friends or someone else makes her laugh,” he says, moving a little closer to you and placing his hand on top of yours. 
He was right. The way you acted around Joe was different than how you acted around others. With him, it was different. Good different. 
“Well, Mario must be doing something to make Peach act like that. Eyes only twinkle and sparkle when someone is feeling strong emotions,” you smile as you gaze into Joe’s starry eyes. 
“Exactly,” he nods. “She must be feeling strong emotions towards Mario,”.
“I guess she is,” you say short of a whisper, your heart rate increasing as butterflies swarm your belly. You liked Joe. You liked Joe a lot. 
Joe felt his heart explode when you said that. “I like you,” he blurted after leaning in even closer, his face just inches from yours. 
“I like you too,” you smile as you look down at his lips and then back to his eyes again. 
You feel him lift his hand off of yours and cup your face, stroking his thumb across your cheek. “I like you a lot,” he said again. 
“I like you a lot too,” you blush. 
You see Joe leaning in more, your palms getting sweaty as you know what is about to happen, but you don’t let your nerves stop you. You leaned in as well and a few seconds later your lips were now touching. Joe felt himself melt into the kiss as your lips felt like clouds against his, so soft and warm. His lips felt icy against yours, icy but soft at the same time. The warmth of your lips was radiating onto his and he felt amazing. 
You lifted your hand and stuffed it into his hair as he reached for your waist and pulled you closer to the point where you were practically in his lap; the kiss now getting deeper with no sign of stopping in sight. 
A few minutes later, you both pull away for some air, a big smile on both of your faces. “Your lips are so soft,” he said.
“I’m glad you liked them,” you blushed. 
“I told you I’d get you sooner rather than later,” he said as he peppered kisses along your jaw.
“I’m really glad you did,” you said as you pulled his head back up and leaned in to kiss him again, Joe falling back against the carpet and bringing you down with him as you both smiled into the kiss. 
End of flashback 
You smile at the memory and then suddenly a lightbulb goes off in your head. This was the perfect way to tell Joe you were pregnant. You could make Baby Burrow his or her own profile on Mario Kart and the next time Joe opened the game, he would see it. You still had that sweatshirt he gave you that you were wearing the day you told each other how you felt about each other and could wrap the Pregnancy Tests in the hoodie. It was the perfect callback to what really started it all for you both. 
“Here you go,” Joe said, breaking you out of your trance as he handed you a bowl and sat down next to you. 
“Thank you,” you smile as you press a quick kiss to his cheek. “You ready for me to beat you again?” you giggle.
“Please,” he scoffs. “I told you, Mario always gets Peach and not just in real life. You ain’t beating me for shit,” he laughed. 
“Oh, it’s on,” you say as you take a bite of the minty ice cream, which actually tastes really good. 
The next afternoon 
Today went by pretty quickly, Joe left early in the morning for practice and you had a fairly normal morning until you threw up halfway through your light workout session. Morning Sickness was going to get old fast. You took a nice bath after to calm down your nausea and to unwind which definitely helped. When you looked in the mirror after your bath, you saw that your belly was peeking out a little more which would definitely be noticeable if you were wearing a skin-tight shirt so you opted for one of Joe’s hoodies since they were super baggy on you. You read online that most women won’t show until their 8th or 10th week, but first pregnancies are different and you can show pretty early on which you thought was your case. 
Joe ordered you soup again for lunch which was just as delicious as yesterday’s, and now you were sitting on the couch trying to work on your surprise for Joe when he got home which was in about 20 minutes or so. 
You had found the sweatshirt he gave you–his Louisianimals one–and placed the two pregnancy tests in the middle of the sweatshirt and folded it inward so that he would see it when he opened it. You then placed it inside of a gift bag and hid it on the side of the couch. 
You opened up Mario Kart and made it to the profile screen, contemplating on how you should go about this. There was no general ‘baby’ character, but there was a ‘Baby Mario’ and ‘Baby Peach’ and since you didn’t know if you were having a boy or girl, this was perfect. You made one profile ‘Baby Mario’ and named it “Baby”. Then, you made a second profile ‘Baby Peach’ and named it “Burrow”. Side by side they both read out “Baby Burrow” with the two baby characters. 
“Hopefully this doesn’t make him think it’s twins,” you chuckle as you stare at the screen. 
You hear the garage open, thanking god that this time you heard Joe come home otherwise the surprise would have been ruined. You quickly close up the game, switch the TV back to its normal screen, and then take a few breaths to ease up before he comes inside. 
You watch him stroll inside, humming whatever song he was listening to in the car. He places his practice bag on the kitchen island before walking over to you on the couch. This time he was in sweats and a hoodie, meaning he took a shower before he left. 
“Hey Y/N,” he said as he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips.
“Hey, Babe. How was practice?” you smiled as you tried to contain your anticipation and excitement at what was about to happen.   
“Really good,” he nodded before walking back over to the kitchen to grab water and some juice for you. “How are you feeling? I didn’t get any break time to check in on you,”.
“I’m good,” you said to him. “I felt a bit sick after my light workout but that’s about it,” you say, downplaying it because you didn’t want him to get worried again especially since the real reason for it is much sweeter than a stomach bug. 
“You need any meds or anything?” he asks from the kitchen as he pours you a glass of pomegranate juice.
“No, I think I’m good for now,” you say as you play with the rings on your finger, you wanted him to hurry up so that you could tell him the big news as you were struggling to contain yourself. 
He walks over with his water and your juice, handing you the glass before sitting down next to you and draping part of your blanket over him. “Thank you,” you say as you take a sip of the juice. 
“Of course. My mom said pomegranate juice is the way to go with stomach bugs,” he said as he took a gulp of his water. 
It’s also the perfect juice for pregnant women since it’s incredibly nuteritous and provides a lot of vitamins and antioxidants for you and the baby, but Joe didn’t know that.
“Something about Vitamins and Antioxidants,” he adds. 
“Ohh, I know,” you smile, acting incredibly suspicious. 
He looks at you, slightly confused at what you meant, but not bothering to dig at it. “So, what do you want to do this afternoon? I’m free the rest of the day so we can do whatever, nap, watch a movie…”.
“Mario Kart?” you ask, trying really hard to not give it away with your eyes and smile.
“Again? Even after you got your ass kicked last night?” he laughed.
“Listen, it was 1 bad cup! I’ve won many more than you can even count,” you whine. 
“Okayyy,” he said as he placed his water down on the coffee table and grabbed the controllers. “If you say so but I better not get any sore loser talk if you lose again,” he joked.
“Deal,” you grin as you feel butterflies in your stomach while watching him turn on the Switch and load up the game.
“Here we go,” you think to yourself as you move the blanket off so you can easily grab the bag from the side of the couch where you hid it when you needed to. 
The Switch turns on and Joe clicks the Mario Kart icon, passing you a controller before moving back into the couch and getting comfortable. The screen switches to the welcome screen and he clicks the play button, the screen now on the profile’s menu. 
You feel the world stop, your heart stop, and your breath stop as you turn your face to Joe’s, carefully examining his expression.
You see him pause at the screen, his brows furrowing at the two new profiles on the menu and reading them over while looking at the icons above them. 
“Baby…Burrow?” he muttered under his breath.
You notice the exact moment when he realizes what that means, his mouth slightly falling open as he turns his head over at you. You give him a smile before reaching for the bag you hid, pulling it up, and placing it in his lap.
“What–,” he begins to say before you interrupt him.
“Open this first,” you say as you nod to the bag you placed in front of him. 
Joe quickly reaches into the bag and pulls out the hoodie, looking incredibly confused at why you were giving it to him. “Why are you giving me a sweatshirt?”.
“Open it,” you say as you place your hand on his knee. Tears started to form in your eyes as you watched him open up the sweatshirt, the 2 positive tests resting right in the middle of the logo on the hoodie. He picks them up and brings them close to his face, his eyes softening at what he was looking at and a smile forming on his face. 
“Y/N, are you serious?” he asked as he looked over at you; his eyes were so incredibly delicate and glossy, and his lips curled into a beautiful smile. “You’re pregnant?”. 
“Mhm,” you nodded, the tears now falling from your cheeks and down onto the couch. “Surprise,” you said in between tears.
“Oh my god,” he said as he looked back down at the tests before placing everything to the side and pulling you into him. “Holy shit,” he said as he rested his chin on your shoulder, his tears falling down and onto your shirt. 
“I can’t believe it,” he said as he hugged you tightly. “We’re having a baby,” he laughed in between the tears. Joe felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest because of the news. He was going to be a dad, for real. And the most incredible woman he had ever met was about to be a mother. 
“Are you happy?” you asked him, your tears falling even harder now.
He lifted his head and met your eyes, “I’m fucking amazing,” he said before pressing a kiss to your lips. “We’re going to be parents. You’re having our baby,” he said as he pressed a few more kisses to your lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier,”. 
“I love you,” you sniffle as you meet his eyes again, his eyes filled with a love that you’ve never seen before. Love for both of you, you and the baby. 
“I love you so so much,” he said as he pressed more kisses around your face before releasing you from his arms. 
He looked down at your belly and then looked up at your eyes again, you knew exactly what he was waiting for. You lifted your sweatshirt up, his eyes landing on your small bump. 
“Oh my god,” he whispered as he reached out to touch your bump, but froze before his hand could lay on it. You saw his hesitation and took his hand and placed it on your bump, resting your hand on top of his.
“That’s our baby?” he said as he looked back up at you, your eyes twinkling and sparkling. 
“That’s our baby,” you nod as you wipe your tears with your other hand. 
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on your belly, your heart swelling at the adorable interaction. 
“Hey little Tiger,” he said to your belly. “I know you can’t hear me yet, but it’s Daddy,” he said as he looked up at you again, a huge smile on your face. “I love you so much, Baby Burrow. Me and Mommy can’t wait to see you,” he said before pressing another kiss to your stomach and moving back up to you.
“This doesn’t feel real,” he said as he wiped his face before grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it.
“Tell me about it,” you laughed.
“When did you find out?” he asked as he looked at the tests again. 
“Yesterday,” you said as you wiped your eyes again. 
“So then the throwing up, tiredness, sore boobs, taste changes, and cravings are all..”.
“Pregnancy Symptoms,” you say as you nod your head. 
“Damn,” he whispered. “I guess my Mama Bear antics were not helping since it isn’t a stomach bug,”.
“I guess not. But I love Mama Bear Joe and her antics and wouldn’t trade her for the world,” you grin.
“I’ll remember that because it’s about to get a whole lot worse for the next 9 months,” he laughed. 
“I’m...No. We're prepared,” you say as you lean in for another kiss, this one a little longer than the others as you two enjoy each other's warmth. 
“That was pretty clever by the way,” he said as he pulled away and pointed to the menu. 
“You like it?” you ask as you bite your lip. 
“Oh hell yeah. It’s a great callback to how it all started. Mario and Peach, but now with a Baby Mario or Baby Peach on the way,” he said as he recalled that afternoon in his apartment. “The sweatshirt I gave you too. You really thought it all out,”. 
“I’m really glad you liked it,” you say as you feel more tears forming in your eyes. “And I’m so glad you’re happy,”.
He stared into your eyes for a few moments before carefully moving you closer to him so that you were in his lap. “I’m beyond happy, Y/N. I can’t wait to do this with you. I love you and our baby more than anything in the world,”. 
“We love you too,” you smile as you drop your head to his shoulder, feeling his hand rub your back.
“In 9 months we’re going to have our own child running around,” he said, the thought still feels surreal. 
“Well, I’d give it more time before little Tiger starts running around,” you laugh. 
“Little Tiger has my genetics so we shall see about that one,” he smiled.
“I’m going to make sure that you don’t order any foam baby footballs,” you say as you pull your head out of his shoulder. 
“Hey, I gotta teach them young so that by the time they’re 7 or 8 they have that future QB arm and love for football,” he said, slightly offended at your hesitation. 
“We shall see about that one,” you say as you echo his words back to him. “No doubt about the love for football, but we’ll see about the future QB arm. Besides, what if we have a girl?”.
“Well, if we have a girl they have girl's flag football and I wouldn’t mind being an advocate for a girl's football team at whatever school Baby Burrow goes to,”. “Oh my god, we sound like parents,” he said as he rolled his eyes.
“I mean, we’re almost there,” you giggled as you moved his hair out of his eyes. 
“Yeah, but we have 9 months. No need to get all parenty yet,” he said as he kissed a trail along your jawline and gripped your waist. “We’re still basically horny newlyweds since it’s only been a year and a half,”.
“Joe!” you shrieked, appalled at the words that came out of his mouth. 
“Hey,” he said in defense of himself. “It’s true though. And I’m pretty sure you can have Sex while pregnant so we should be fine,”. 
You drop your head back down to his shoulder before you both break out into a fit of laughter. “This is going to be an interesting 9 months,” you said. 
“You can count on it,” he said as he rubbed the back of your head. “We’re going to have a lot of interesting firsts too,”.
“Mhm,” you nod. “First OBGYN appointment, first ultrasound, first heartbeat, first kick, first time baby clothes shopping, first time decorating a nursery, first time telling friends and family,”. 
“God, I can’t wait,” he smiled.
“Me either. This is a dream,” you said as you pressed yourself closer to him. 
“You are a dream, all of this is possible because of you,” he said. You could hear his heartbeat through his chest which made you want to cry again, he was truly happy. 
“It’s only possible because I have someone like you with me,” you said as you kissed his shoulder. Joe was the best boyfriend, best fiancee, best husband, and now was going to be the best father. He was incredible. 
“We’re going to be amazing parents, I know it,” he said as he thought about the next 9 months and then the many years after you would go through together as parents.
“Mmm, I can’t wait,” you squeal.
“I love you, Y/N, this was the sweetest surprise,” he said before he pressed a kiss to your forehead, both of you melting into each other’s embrace as you started to think about what the future was going to look like as a family of 3.
–The End–
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sc0tters · 8 months
Littlest Hughes - Mark Estapa
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summary: when a game of beer pong turns interesting you learn to realise that your brothers friend isn't so bad after all.
trope: forced proximity
warnings: sexual themes, p in v (unprotected!), underaged drinking, swearing, fingering.
word count: 3.67k
authors note: to the people that remember when this idea came out in like November, thanks for being patient cause Mark and the beerpong fic are now here! everyone thank @hischierhaze for making this one come out long before she was actually intended to be here for you all. if you want to look at more of the 500 celly then you can do so here!
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You swore you hated him. 
It was the idea of having someone you couldn’t stand in the slightest. The kind of person you couldn’t even be in a room with as you just wanted to gauge your eyes out. Someone who made you feel so irritated that the mere thought of them had you getting angry. 
Now you have weren’t entirely sure why he pissed your off in the ways that he did. But as Mark seemed to hate you just as much as you hated him, you were never going to be in a rush to improve your relationship. Yet the problem arose when he instead opted to get close to your brother, Luke. 
The boys were teammates and it was enough to make your whole family agree that your negative relationship with Mark wasn’t enough to stop him from being invited to the lake house. It was Luke’s first summer as an NHL player and those friends from college were the very men that Luke missed so much. So being the best younger sister that you were, you agreed to bite your tongue. 
That’s how you landed up spending a week with his closest friends and for the most part you were having a good time. 
“God you are such an ass!”
Key word, for the most part. 
Mark smirked as he held your top over his head leaving you in nothing more than your blue and yellow bikini “you and I both know that those aren’t the right words.” He teased continuing to lean up each time you reached for the baseball jersey “I will kick you Estapa stop being a dick.” You spat as you crossed your arms sending him a glare. 
Before Mark could respond Luke walked into the room “bro could you not leave my sister half naked?” Your older brother gagged as he shook his head “till next time kid.” Even though there was less than two years between you both Mark still loved that nickname. 
So as he dropped your shirt in your hands you couldn’t help but scowl at him “fuck off.” You growled pulling the shirt over your arms “you wanna go on the boat you two?” Jacks offer pulled your attention away from the boy as you nodded “sounds great!” You nodded leaving the boy alone as you went to be in peace for the next few days.
You weren’t a hockey player, it wasn’t your thing but what is your thing is beer pong. Yet unfortunately for you it seems that the only person worthy of being your opponent was Mark. So that was how you both ended up being the last ones left in what felt like the longest game of beer pong that anyone had seen “you two see an end in sight?” Quinn groaned as he looked down to his watch when he let out a yawn. 
It was this endless back and forth where you would each win a game and would then refuse to let them take it and that’s how you ended up at 12-13 with the only rule that to be crowned champion you’d have to win by two games “you ready to give up?” You sent the boy a glare as it only made the Michigan player laugh “just when I thought you could have been stronger than you actually came off.” The compliment was backhanded as Mark laughed. 
The boys responded with groans as the idea of this game continuing made them all feel sick “I’m going to bed.” Quinn announced as he shook his head “me too.” With that boys went in groups as your constant bickering got tiresome. 
Seven games had gone on and the new score was 16 all and you were just as irritated now as you were then “could you hold off on killing each other until tomorrow?” Ethan asked as he let out a yawn “want to watch it happen.” Mackie laughed as he nodded in agreement only going quiet when Luke sent them a glare.
Your brother rolled his eyes as he placed his hand on your shoulder “please just let him win so you can both go to bed?” Luke mumbled hoping that you would agree “never.” You grumbled as you refused to give Mark that kind of joy. 
So of course things continued and you guys were left alone but not before Luke kissed your head “now you don’t got your big brother helping you out.” Mark teased as he got the ball between his fingers as he lined up his shot. 
Mark smirked as he saw you pull your hair into a hair tie “tryna distract me with your skin?” The boy mumbled seeing your collarbones pop through the red cami vest that your were in “cause it’s not gonna work.” He added making you laugh. 
It was a hearty one as your teeth caught your lower lip “please the mere thought of tits are gonna have you not seeing straight.” You pressed your hands against the table exposing your body more to him “you wanna bet?” Mark made little effort to ignore the white lace that so clearly stuck out of your top. 
He took your silence and furrowed eyebrows as curiosity “winner takes all this game.” The hockey player offered making her scoff “higher stakes though as we’re now doing strip beer pong.” His offer was only met with the sounds of your scoff.
You crossed your arms as you couldn’t help but send him a glare “you just want to see me naked.” You rolled your eyes not wanting to give into him “don’t flatter yourself princess you aren’t my type.” Mark shook his head as he wasn’t interested in you like that “but if you are scared you’re gonna lose then I can accept-” you couldn’t even let him finish his sentence. 
“Throw the damn hall Estapa.” 
A scoff left your lips as you watched him go back to angling the hall and of course it just had to land in the beer “should we go with your shirt or your shorts first?” Mark teased as he watched you hook your fingers into your shirt before you pulled it over your head revealing the white bra you loved so much as it had a little golden v in between the wires to compliment your skin “not bad.” The boy mumbled to himself as he had seen you in less before but never in something with lace. 
You took your cup and brought it to your lips letting the unsweetened liquid hit your tongue as you chugged it back not caring at the amount that dripped down your chin “what?” You asked dropping the cup to the ground as the boy looked like he was watching a dream “nothing.” Mark ignored how your lips were wet and the top of the lace of your bra as getting soaked as beer dropped down your chest. 
Of course your ball went in and off went his shirt, it was followed by your shorts and then his. Until eventually you were both only on your undergarments “need some help getting that bra off?” Mark joked as he watched you reach behind your back but not before you flipped him off. 
The idea of anyone being able to come down at any point didn’t seem to bother either of you as you clicked the clasp of your bra letting it fall down your arms as the cool summer night air made your nipples harden “you really do have secrets Hughesy.” Mark felt his mouth water as his eyes were drawn to the sparkling titanium bar that was pierced through your left nipple “shut up.” You grumbled as you attempted to ignore the way his hardening stare made you feel. 
As you potted your final ball it left the boy having to discard of his boxers “don’t bother with those.” You mumbled leaning down to grab your bra from the floor “would hate to see what isn’t there.” The claim was a total slap in his face and you knew what you were doing as you aimed to piss him off. 
It infuriated Mark with how well you knew to get under his skin “please you’d be lucky if I fucked you.” You began walking over to him as your bra was thrown onto the table “Mark I don’t think you even know how to make a girl come.” You shot back as you pressed your finger into his chest “I’d have you struggling to walk tomorrow.” Mark shook his head as he wrapped his hand around your wrist pushing your hand away from his chest.
This was the closest you had ever been to him before as his eyes pierced yours “I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on this planet.” You laughed as you turned to walk away but the boy was quick to pull you back “so if I felt those pretty little panties would they be dry?” His voice was barely a whisper as he walked you back against the table until you were finally sat on it.
Your eyes were wide as you shook your head desperate to not give him the enjoyment of seeing that he had indeed won “be as dry as the desert.” You spoke through gritted teeth almost squealing as Mark dug his fingers into the skin of your hips “you gonna let me test my theory then?” He asked dropping his head to the point where his lips hovered over yours.
All you could do was nod as you before his lips were on yours. It was messy as your hands your tugging through his hair like you didn’t want him to ever leave you “fuck.” He grumbled feeling your teeth sink down onto his.
It was like you knew what you were doing as you smirked “even as I’ve got you ready for a good fuck you’re still acting like a fucking brat.” The college boy growled pinching your chin between his fingers as he clenched his jaw “what are you gonna so about it?” You sent him a smirk as you swore that if this was a battle, you were winning it.
Mark spoke to himself under his breath as he dropped his head to your jaw as he began planting kisses on your skin “shouldn’t even fucking treat you well.” His voice sent shivers through your ears as he continued dropping his lips down your chest “saw you looking at it.” His eyes locked onto your breast “you can touch it y’know.” You teased tugging your fingers through his hair making him groan in the process. 
He wasn’t going to be told again as he latched his lips around your pierced nipple as he groaned swirling his tongue around the piece of jewellery “fuck.” You swore trying to shut your legs to relieve the tension between your thighs “you still think that I can’t make you feel good?” Mark brought his hands down to your legs making you shiver as he forced your legs open. 
You chewed at your lip watching him get closer to the pool that had formed in your panties “when I speak you need to answer me princess.” You swore the hockey player growled as you nodded “know you can’t.” The tough facade you had up was hanging by a thread and it only grew weaker with how his hands grew closer to your core.
A gasp left your lips as his hand cupped your core “fuck!” Your moan was swallowed by his lips “you little liar.” Mark clicked his tongue as a wet patch formed in your panties “please.” His thumb pressed against your clit where it drew soft circles.
Your head dropped against his shoulder as your body grew soft “what do you need pretty girl?” Marks voice was soft as he left a kiss on your forehead “you.” You croaked out as he toyed with your panties finally pushing them to the side. 
Mark teased you as you shook your head “want more.” You whimpered looking up at him with a pout “please.” You begged edging your cunt closer to his fingers “didn’t know that all I needed to do was fuck you to get you to shut up.” Mark sighed as he teased your slit. 
His fingers took their time plunging into your cunt “god!” Your groan was swallowed by his hand “you want your brothers to hear how much you enjoy my fingers fucking your pussy?” The hockey player rasped into your ear as you shook your head. 
His fingers were thick against the walls of your cunt as he curved his fingers into a come here motion “they can’t.” You mumbled growing panicked as you were reminded of how all three of your brothers were upstairs “then keep those pretty little lips shut if it’s not gonna be too hard for ya?” Mark tauted you as you mewled under his attention.
You clenched around him as you nodded finally going quiet “like having you all quiet now.” As you tilted your head up trying to bring your body closer to his Mark took the opportunity to nip at your neck “no!” You gasped as he inserted a third finger not caring about your protests. 
Mark smirked as he didn’t care “think you’re in a place to make the demands?” He scoffed as he clicked his tongue “thought you were smarter than that.” The hockey player teased as you pouted “the boys are gonna see.” You complained as his eyes sharpened. 
Somehow the words made his whole demeanour change “you worry what those boys are gonna think of you now?” Mark spat as he increased the pace of his fingers as he fucked your cunt “like you really gonna now care about them seeing you like the slut you’ve become f’me?” He added standing up straight as he glared at you. 
Your lips remained sealed as you tried to writhe your hips against his hand “remember pretty girl you answer me when I talk to you.” The hockey player warned “I’m your slut.” The words came from your lips as it made him grow surprised. 
The words made his cock grow hard against his boxers “you happy to see me or what?” You smirked feeling it press into your knee “think I need to fuck this behaviour out of you.” Mark grumbled pulling your panties down your legs as it hooked around your ankles. 
You had finally pushed Mark to a point where he had snapped and he wasn’t ready to come down from it yet “fuck I don’t have a condom.” The boy complained as he hadn’t exactly thought that having sex on this trip was on the cards for him “on the pill.” You shook your head offering a counter point that he gladly took. 
Being a hockey player you weren’t surprised that his cock was on the larger side of big but you had to admit that your mouth did water when he retracted his fingers from your cunt to pull his boxers down letting his boner hit his pelvic bone “you still sure that this is what you want?” Sure Mark thought you were still irritating but the even with that irritation he still believed in consent “please.” You whimpered as you bit down on your lower lip watching in awe as he pumped his cock a few times before he tapped the swollen head on your clit coating it in his precum. 
There was a moment between you both that if you weren’t still so buzzed from the alcohol in your system you would have sworn that there was something that could have mirrored something romantic between you both. His lips were soft on yours as his cock slowly creeped into your cunt letting your walls stretch to accommodate him “fuck you’re perfect.” Mark gasped as he sunk his teeth into your shoulder as he kept himself from coming on the spot. 
He had a few moments of just staying there with his cock frozen before you finally cleared your throat “need you to fuck me Mark.” You coughed out as the boy turned his face to look at you “please.” You didn’t need to ask twice as he nodded letting his hands grip at your hips as your legs locked behind his hips. 
Even as you were outside with the breeze your skin felt like it was on fire when his eyes pierced your gaze “how many guys you let have this tight little cunt of yours?” Mark made little effort to try to avoid the fact that he was jealous of his own question when the idea of some other guy fucking you came into his mind. 
As his cock throbbed in your core you struggled to stay focused “j-just t-tw-two.” You stammered falling over your words as his thrusts became deeper “and did they make you feel this good?” Mark swore that the image of you beneath him struggling to even shake your head as your breasts bounced with each thrust that he made, would he engraved in his brain forever. 
The first time you had sex was in high school when you lost it to your boyfriend of two years and you were both virgins. He came within a couple of pumps of his cock and left you there frustrated and alone as he went to shower only handing you a wet cloth before he shut the door behind himself. The other was a jock that was only sleeping with you to get the attention of an ex so the moment she came knocking on the door he went running back to her. 
So if you truly thought about it Mark was your first time, not the embarrassing your overly awkward one. But your first time where you knew he was confident in what he did “didn’t come.” Even as you barely whispered those words Mark still heard you and he couldn’t help but smirk. 
If anything Mark took that as a reason to quicken his thrusts as he watched your eyes roll back “gonna make you feel so fucking good then.” Your brain fog made you wonder if he was merely thinking aloud or actually talking to you “and to think that you really put up that whole act before?” The hockey players teasing tone had you clenching around him as you propped your hands up behind you to stop you from falling back. 
His hand took the opportunity to slide between your bodies as he found your clit “you’re so fucking pretty when you’re so cock drunk.” The compliment came with a groan as he began toying his thumb over your clit “not gonna last.”
You warned not caring who heard your whimper that echoed from your chest.
Mark felt his thrusts grow irregular with how you cunt squeezed his cock with the new pressure your clit felt that had you wanting to press your thighs together “go make a mess doll.” There came the softest of the pet names from the night as he kissed you lips letting his hunger and pure desire to be the first guy that has you coming on their cock, take over his mind.
All that was left for you to do was listen to him as your lips let out a gaspy moan “holy fuck!” You swore as your eyes screwed shut letting white specks scattered themselves on the backs of your eyelids like stars in the night sky “breathe through it.” Mark cooed helping you on as the movements of his thumb combined with the thrusts of his cock lulled you through the brunt of your orgasm that had your legs shaking against his hips.
Before Mark could let his orgasm take charge he slid his cock out from your cunt making sure that you had come before that and he replaced the walls of your cunt with his hand “wha-” you grew confused at his abrupt movement “oh baby you have to work for me to come in you.” He grunted watching the warm sticky ropes shoot onto your stomach. 
It made you whimper as you watched almost hypnotized by the sight “next time if you aren’t a fucking brat I might let you get it properly.” The hockey player explained tapping the head of his now soothing cock on your clit letting what was left in him ooze onto your slit “that was.” Your chest heaved as you swore that you had just had the hottest experience of your life.
Mark laughed as he nodded “I know.” He pecked your lips as he reached down to where your panties had fallen to and made the effort to slide them back onto you but not before the hockey player kissed your lips “think it’s time for you to go to bed.” A yawn left your lips as you nodded at his words. 
He finished dressing you and even opted on helping you up the stairs before he left you tucked into your sheets where you nuzzled your head into the soft pillow “maybe you aren’t that bad Hughes.” Mark mumbled feeling his heart grow full at the sight of you blissfully drifting off to sleep. 
But as he let your door softly shut after him it would seem that nothing would actually ever truly change between you both. Because at the end he was always going to be your brothers friend who pissed you off, and well you were always meant to be Luke’s hot sister.
Yet the true test that would come after this was when Mark would have to realize that you weren’t his, no he wasn’t good enough to get that right to have you under his arm at every event on campus. Instead he was destined to watch other guys fill that role one you finally grew into a more confident state. 
“Since when has Rutger had a thing for little Hughes?”
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qqueenofhades · 4 days
I may very well be getting too far ahead of myself here, but reading your last two (back to back, hot diggity damn, queen!) essays got me thinking about the future. In the beautiful possible future where we keep up the fight, elect Kamala, and keep Trump out of office for another 4 years, do you think there's a real possibility we'll be seeing the same election (Kamala vs Trump) in 2028?
I hear the arguments against the possibility - he's old and unhealthy so he'll probably die (not counting in it), the Republicans cannot be stupid enough to try again (they can), his fragile ego will be too broken to try again (his ego disconnected from reality long, long ago), he'll be in jail (unlikely with this Supreme Court, and hilariously we have no laws preventing someone in jail from running), but even the sum total of them doesn't seem like enough to count him out.
Mind you, if he does run against Kamala in 2028, I feel like the odds would be on our side? I'm just. So. Tired of this guy. I'll keep fighting till the day I die, but it'd be nice if we could actually see this dude go down and take on the next one.
We honestly have a good shot to shut ourselves of Trump forever at this election, because of the simple fact that he is in rapid dementia decline and I honestly don't think he'll be remotely sane in another 4 years. Not that he's sane now, but at age 82 after another four years of associated legal troubles and/or penalties complete with his rapidly unraveling mental state... I just don't think it will be possible even for the withered husk of the GOP to trot him out again, and I say that as someone who always unfortunately knew he would be the nominee again in 2024 despite some overly optimistic prognostications to the contrary by others. As I've said before, this is the last-chance saloon for Trump in any number of ways, and that is part of the reason he is so desperate now.
We can't count on the legal system to rid us of Trump before the election, but the delayed sentencing in his NY felony trial is coming a couple weeks afterwards, the Jan 6th trial has restarted, and the 11th Circuit is fairly likely to reinstate the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case. Trump running for president is a convenient grift to pay his legal bills, and if he gets crushed in November, even the most faithful MAGA diehard are going to find it hard to keep coughing up for his various fundraising appeals. I mean sure, he'll get something, because some of the cult members will be in it to the bitter end, but overall, he will be fucked. On many, many levels.
This is the delightful vision that is fueling me and frankly should fuel all of us, so yes. Vote. Remove stubborn orange stains, once and possibly fucking finally for all. Please.
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smusherina · 6 months
yard work - chapter 6 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warnings(s): 2004 was not a good time for the gays. homophobia persists. insecurity about weight and insulting oneself about it.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 7
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You dipped into your savings and got Regina a new, fancy moisturizer. You couldn't count on her using it instead of the lard, but well. Guide a horse to water, can't make it drink, and all that.
You didn't tell her about the Homecoming prank, though. She'd been pissed about that. Not for long, because then it turned into a sort of trend at Northshore and it only boosted her popularity.
You were perhaps more upset about it. Upset you'd let it happen, upset they'd done it in the first place, upset Regina stood there with Aaron. He didn't even look like he wanted to be there.
Regina managing to turn it around for her benefit didn't stop you from feeling bad. It was the principle of the thing. You'd taken some distance from her. Everybody, actually. People just didn't feel all that great to be around. You were betraying Regina by letting her be essentially bullied by Janis, you were tolerating Regina's abusive reign over the student body, Aaron was getting on your last nerve by simply existing, and your mom's death anniversary was coming up.
You went to the Georges' less. Regina came to yours when you didn't lie about having to catch up on homework or doing a project. You did do some yard work for them since you still needed the extra cash. Just basic things like raking leaves and doing small repairs here and there. You also covered the pool with Mrs George's help.
"Whew, I forget what a chore that is every year!" She wiped at her forehead. You laid on the grass, chest heaving. You'd carried maybe seventy per cent of that thing.
"You said it, Mrs George." You managed to get out.
"How many years have I been telling you to call me Jude. Or just mom." You looked up at her. She looked so much like Regina. Or Regina looked so much like her.
She'd known your mom. Cried harder at her funeral than your dad or even yourself. You hadn't really gotten it, at that point. She'd hugged you tight and told you what an amazing woman she was, that she hadn't deserved to go yet. She sent you food for weeks after, which you appreciated because dad was too busy sorting stuff out to cook for you.
She'd been more of a mom to you than your own had ever gotten to be. Still, it felt wrong to call her anything other than Mrs George. It was weird. Word association gone all wrong. Mom meant a casket being lowered into a hole on a bleak November day, an echoing house and an empty kitchen, sad and wistful things. Mrs George meant afternoons spent running around in the backyard, eating 'till your belly was full to bursting, happiness and summer.
"Many, many years." You groaned as you got up. "Is Reggie home?"
You figured it would be weird if you didn't go say hi, at least. You didn't want to cut her out entirely. It was just hard being around her when the weight of your own actions, and inactions, weighed on your shoulders.
She smiled in a way that told you she'd noticed your deflection. "In her room."
"Great. Oh, by the way, what did you do with the apples this year?"
"I convinced Rick to donate them to the women's shelter downtown. They'll be put to good use there."
"That's awesome," You put your hands to your hips and looked around. "Anything you want me to do?"
"I'll just hose down the rose bushes, you head on inside. Avoid the living room, Rick's on a conference call." She waved you off with a smile.
You trod through the house carefully, shoes in hand. You knew the Georges were a shoes-on household, but it just never felt right for you to walk on carpeted floors with your shoes on. What if you had stepped on dogshit? What then?
"Reg?" Her door was open a crack, so you peeked in. "You decent?"
"Yes, I'm decent." You could hear the eye roll in her voice. "What do you want?"
Yikes. She wasn't happy.
You walked in and closed the door behind you. She was on her bed, reading a book on her belly. She was snacking on some candy bar.
"I just came to say hi. I put the pool cover on with your mom." You walked up to her. "What're you reading?"
"I could hear you huffing and puffing all the way up here." She turned on her side to look at you. "The Catcher in the Rye. It's boring."
"I dunno, I liked it." You climbed in hesitantly. When she didn't protest, you settled down on your side facing her, head leaned against your palm.
"You've read it?" She tossed the book on the floor next to the bed, now giving you her full attention. "Can you write my paper?"
"Depends on how much you'll pay me." You grinned and rubbed your fingers together like you were handling cash.
"Boo, you whore." She pouted. "Aren't we supposed to be beyond that?"
"I don't do charity, my friend." You flopped onto your back and crossed your arms. Shit, she had a comfy bed. So soft but just firm enough, too. You let your eyes close. You were so tired from all that physical labour.
"Get off my bed, you traitor." You opened your eyes too late. She was already on you, pushing you, and you had no time to resist until you were toppling onto the floor. You clambered down in a mess of limbs and sheets, which you'd grabbed in your desperate attempt to stay aboard.
"Reg! Your bed is actually high up! Help me!" You felt like Mufasa clinging to the face of the cliff, fingers digging into the slippery bedding. One of your legs was still on the bed, but not securely enough that you would've been able to pull yourself to safety.
"Just put your leg on the floor, dumbass." She cackled, watching you panic over such a small drop.
"No, look, it's not that- close." You lowered your leg and your knee made contact with the floor. Regina fell back, gasping as she laughed. "Shut up, you teapot!"
"No! I'm not-" She tried to stifle the laughs escaping her, the real wheezing ones she didn't let out of their cage willingly, but one look at you set it off again. "Your hair!"
You lifted your hands to your head. "It's not my fault your sheets are fucking static."
By the time Mrs George came to inform you that she'd be starting on dinner, thus signifying you should probably go, Regina had stopped laughing, if just barely.
"Have you been using the moisturizer I gave you?" You tried to analyze her face. It didn't look any less flawless than usual.
"Yeah, it's really great. My old night lotion started smelling weird for some reason. Maybe it expired early or something." You just hummed in response.
"I should probably go home and make myself dinner too."
"I'll walk you down."
You walked down the stairs and to the backdoor, avoiding the living room despite the blaring of the TV. Mr George was definitely not on a call anymore.
"What're you making today?" Regina asked, standing somewhat awkwardly on the porch.
"Probably tacos. I found a great deal on some corn tortillas at the store. They're all going bad today, so. Gonna stuff myself."
"Save some for me, yeah?"
You weren't sure what she meant by that. "Sure."
You walked home and as you'd said, got started on dinner. Moving around the kitchen without Regina there in the way, chopping whatever vegetables into misshapen cubes, felt weird. She wasn't over that often, but you'd gotten used to it regardless.
It was perhaps your biggest flaw as a person, how intolerant you were to being alone. Ironic, considering how much time you had to spend alone.
If it was up to you, you would've made Birria tacos with a good cut of sirloin, but you didn't have the money for fresh cuts of beef. Besides, you hadn't even started on the stew, and that took a whole day. So, you settled on some basic ground beef filling. You had made Pico de Gallo earlier that day, so it was nice and flavourful by the time you were constructing your tacos.
Back when you'd still needed a babysitter, there had been this one Mexican lady who appeared on the roster most often. It was so long ago you couldn't remember her name. She'd made you call her Abuela. She was sweet and taught you the wonder of Latin American cuisine. From what you could understand, she'd been well-travelled and really loved food everywhere.
She stopped coming when all of your babysitters did. The last time you saw her, you hadn't known it would be the last time.
This time of year really made you a monster. A dull grey, depressing monster. You'd have to find some exciting hobby because even you were getting sick of this. Maybe cliff jumping?
A knock on your door was the last thing you expected when you were finally ready to chow down. Making such a huge amount of food took time.
"What?" You barked to whoever dared to disturb you. "Oh, shit."
"Is that how you greet all your dinner guests?" Regina asked, batting her eyelashes. She had on a deep red dress, shiny satin that licked at the curves and edges of her body just right. It reached all the way to her feet, where you could see black heels peeking out from under the hem. She stood taller than usual, but still so short you could see above her head. The dress was strapless as far as you could tell as her jacket was covering her shoulders. Sweetheart neckline and a clutch to match. She had a thin gold chain around her neck with a small R-charm on it. Gold hoop earrings, hair done up in curls.
A grin crept up onto her face as you continued to gape at her visage. "I know, right?" She posed, one hand holding the clutch at level with her thigh and one poised at her waist. "I'm so sexy."
"Yeah, uh, yes, you are." You stuttered, stunned and flustered. You wanted to touch her, feel the fabric of the dress with the tips of your fingers, grab a hold of her and press close to her. She looked so fucking good.
"Thanks, baby." She took a couple of steps forward to reach you and, nonchalant as could be, brushed her hand at your shoulder as if she were brushing off dust.
Your knees wobbled.
"I have dinner for us." You blurted out. "I, uh..." You needed to pull it together. "I'm gonna go change."
"You do that," Regina said with an indulgent smile. You shot up the stairs.
When you came back down, still tucking your shirt into your trousers and tie undone, Regina was sitting on the couch perusing a magazine. It was probably from last year or something, you didn't exactly update the stuff under the coffee table.
You coughed to get her attention. "Ready for dinner, Reggie?"
"Ugh, don't ruin the moment. Anything other than that."
"I'm Jorts and you're Reggie, that's how it's been." You reminded and gently plucked her clutch from her hands before gesturing for her to turn around. She did, looking a little confused. When you reached to take her jacket off, she recoiled.
"Um, I would like to keep it on." She said, the confidence from before diminishing.
"Oh, why?" You asked. "Are you cold?"
"No, it's just, um..." Regina George stammering. You didn't think you'd live to see the day. "I don't look like I used to before."
"What does that mean?" You checked her out, toes to forehead. Drop-dead gorgeous as always.
"I've gained a bunch of weight." She looked down as if she needed to be ashamed. "I barely fit into this gown. I had to suck in even with the Spanx. And I still look like a whale."
As much as you would've liked to be incredulous and loud about just how wrong she was, it didn't seem like the right course of action. She was being open and vulnerable with you.
"I don't think you look like a whale." You stepped close to her tentatively. You set the clutch on the coffee table. Then, just as tentatively, circled your arms around her. You slotted your fingers together at her lower back and pulled her to you so that your bellies touched.
"I couldn't hug a whale." You pointed out helpfully, leaning back slightly to still look her in the eyes. "I'd love to see the dress in its full glory."
Regina, hands fussing with unmade your tie, bit her lip in contemplation.
"Careful, don't mess up your lipstick." She rubbed her lips together at that, a smile threatening to break out.
"Fine. But you can't laugh or stare or anything."
"I swear." You put one hand on your heart and the other up. "Now turn around."
She did as you asked. "You're being awfully chivalrous."
"It's what you deserve, Reggie." You crooned jokingly, pulling the jacket from her shoulders. The dress was cut elegantly so that there were no straps, but bits of fabric hanging by her upper arms. Cold-shoulder. You hoped the jokes in your tone hid how nervous you were.
"What did I just say?" As if that little moment between you two hadn't even happened, she was right back to her normal self.
"Fine. But you'll always be my Reggie. I guess tonight we can pretend." You sighed. "Whatever you say, honey."
"Better." She turned and tugged at your tie. "Now, let's get you sorted."
"I had very little notice, okay?" You grumbled but bent down obediently so she'd have an easier time tying your tie. You'd used to play dress up mixed with house all the time. You'd nearly always been the dad and so, you had to wear a tie. Obviously. Mrs George had gotten tired of constantly being asked to do it, so she'd taught Regina.
Now, it felt a little different. For one, you were taller. Secondly, this wasn't a children's game. Maybe you were playing a little bit, pretending, but it didn't quite feel like that. There was something undeniably real about this.
"There." She said once she was finished, smoothing it out against your chest. "You couldn't find one matching the dress?"
"You're impossible to please." You chuckled. "I'll make sure to go tie shopping as soon as possible."
"Good." She liked to ignore your sardonic tone pretty often. "Now, what's on the menu?"
You tucked the rest of the shirt into your pants and, voila, you were done.
"Tacos, my lady." You offered up your arm half in jest. She hooked her wrist into the bend of your elbow with an incline of her head. Clearly, she was a girl that liked to be wined and dined.
You snuck a bottle from your dad's wine collection, hoping it wasn't some speciality. Looking at the label, it wasn't very old. Wine quality was assessed like that, right?
You ate your fills and then some, drinking wine all the while, then retreated to the couch to recover, and turned on the TV to watch while eating dessert. Sharing a pint of ice cream, curled up on the couch in fancy clothes, warm and away from the cold of late November, you wondered what had brought this on.
It wasn't an official date, that much you knew. Regina wasn't a lesbian like you. Maybe she was indulging you. That would mean she knew you had a crush on her. You hoped that wasn't true. Regina was an observant person, though. Fuck, that'd be humiliating.
It didn't feel like she was playing with you. It looked like she was having as much fun as you. Maybe she wanted to have a nice, romantic dinner without the pressure of having to impress or perform for her date.
It was nice she'd chosen you. Regardless of why she'd come here tonight, you were just glad she was with you. You'd had a lot of people leave, most of them never coming back. The exceptions to the rule were Regina and your dad. They were similar in that, but nothing else. When dad came back, he brought with him a never-pleased frown and a stifling presence. When Regina came back, she brought light.
She had her flaws. You had yours. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and Christmas would soon follow. You had no doubt that Janis had something nefarious planned for at least one of those events. Nothing was sure, things were undecided.
"I'm going for a smoke." You said when the episode ended.
"I'm coming with."
"You won't be getting one."
"I don't want it anyway. Cigarettes taste like shit."
You laughed and walked to the backdoor. Through it and onto the patio, you slumped onto the bench swing. Regina followed a lot more gracefully, heels chucked somewhere in the house, bundled up in the blanket she'd claimed as hers since the first time she slept over. She sat next to you and spread it over both your laps. You hummed in thanks and lit up.
Regina might've been a massive bitch. She had, and there was no denying it, done some awful things. And maybe it was fucked up for you to like one part of a person and not the whole of them, but did that count if you were sure that the undesirable part was all a facade?
"So..." You started. "Better than any of the dates Aaron took you to?" You couldn't help but ask. Veiled under a joke, you hoped your jealousy didn't show.
"Don't be cocky." She admonished, resembling her mom almost creepily. "He didn't really take me out."
"What? Why?" If you could openly date Regina there wouldn't be a limit to how much you'd be taking her out, showing her off to anybody who'd listen.
"How should I know?" She shrugged indignantly. "We broke up a little after Homecoming."
"What? I didn't hear about this."
"Really? I thought you would've since it was pretty big news for a while." You didn't want to admit you'd been purposefully avoiding rumours about the couple for the majority of their relationship. "He outlived his purpose."
"The Halloween Party and Homecoming." You clarified and she nodded.
You took a drag. Regina pulled what seemed like a candy bar out of her clutch. It was the same brand she'd been eating earlier today.
Considering she'd been insecure about her weight, you didn't comment on it. You took another drag. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something weird.
"Hey, can I look at the packaging of that?"
Wordlessly, Regina handed it over. You looked at the product info. Great, it was all in Swedish.
"Where'd you get these?"
"Cady got me a box of them. They're good for weight loss. Like, they just burn all your carbs." You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back at the product info. The numbers didn't seem like that of a weight loss product.
You didn't like she was eating something that would empty her stomach right after dinner. That couldn't have been healthy.
"You're trusting something Cady gave to you?"
She tilted her head, as if about to question you. Her mouth opened, then closed, and opened again.
"Shut up. Shut up."
You took a long drag.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer, @dandelions4us, @natashamaximoff-69, @alexkolax, @jareaul0ver, @here4theqts, @charleeeesworld, @natsbiggestfan1, @brocoliisscared
(i keep forgetting to add this note. comment on this post if you want on the taglist!)
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passivenovember · 4 months
thinking about the first time Billy has cherry pie and the lengths he'll travel to have it again.
Fresh Cherries (part one)
Because it's December, Neil makes concessions.
Billy isn't allowed to do whatever he wants, never that, but his leash isn't vice-like. There's some give as he tests his boundaries when there's snow on the ground. Billy isn't sure why, but he isn't about to ruin a good thing.
But. Steve calls on a Wednesday night and says, "Come over."
Billy has to chew and swallow the automated response he's used to giving. It's a school night, Neil'd kill me, and feels like he just got dusted with sugar and put in the oven. Says, "Sure. Let me ask my dad."
"Just sneak out," Steve tells him.
Billy checks the alarm clock on his bedside table. "It's seven thirty."
"So, it's not sneaking out hours."
"You're such a stick in the mud," Steve says.
"I'm not, I just--" don't feel like getting my teeth knocked in. Billy picks at the threads in his duvet cover. Counts to three. "I want to be a good influence on you, Harrington."
Steve squaks. Some bright, quaffed bird. "I'm a year older than you!"
"Only 'cause you got held back in the third grade," Billy says. He flops over onto his belly, bringing the phone with him as he tries not to get wrapped up in the chord when Steve laughs.
"This is what I get for telling you all my deepest darkest shit," Steve rustles on the other end of the line and Billy imagines him in bed, or laying on the couch. Maybe flat on the carpet, near the fireplace, shirtless and eating chocolate covered strawberries--
"C'mon," Steve says gently, "Be a bad influence, come hang out with me."
"My dad--"
"Just sneak out, Malibu."
Billy grunts, not wanting to tell the truth, kind of into how Steve's growing more and more whiny as the scene presses on. "I dunno."
"C'mon, it's not hard. I sneak out all the time. Out of my house and into my car and in through your window--"
"--That's different. Your parents don't give a shit where you are."
"You're right. Who cares, though? I'd still sneak out to see you even if they had a bell permanently installed around my neck."
Billy's heart feels like raw cookie dough, sticking to the ribs around him as he bakes and proves under some bright, shining, plastic feeling. "Are they home this week?"
"Nope," Steve says, and the P explodes over the phone line. Wipes out half the city in his excitement. "Mom bought a ton of shit to get me through 'till the twenty-eighth, so we can--"
"You're spending Christmas alone?"
"I always spend Christmas alone," Steve says. Quiet sits heavy, like a filed of snow, between them. Stretching out in every direction. "It's not a big deal. We celebrate Christmas in November."
"With Thanksgiving?"
"Nah, right at the start of November."
"Alongside Halloween?" Billy spats, sitting upright on the mattress. It jostles underneath him. He feels like a raft lost in some huge, freezing, disorienting sea.
He tries to get his barring's, tries to sink his heel into Steve's answering laugh but its hollow like a dead tree, "One year Santa was my dad, dressed as the Cowardly Lion." Steve says.
Billy tries to imagine it. He puts the hard, chilled seed of Steve's childhood near his molars and chews on it for a while, trying to envision the light refracted from all the ways childhood has to bend and contort to suit a kid's parents.
"I never believed in Santa," He says. An offering. Sadness for sadness, or something, like I see you.
Steve hums, and that horrible field of ice and snow between them melts, just like it always does. "Come over," He says, not as hollow as before. Blooming.
Billy puts his shoes on.
The Harringtons live in some demented alternate reality where Christmas in December is all for show. Their house has been decorated since the last time Billy was here in Saturday.
He knocks and stares down at Santa, the looming silver-screen image from his childhood, dressed in a floral button down, board shorts and flip flops. Somehow feels colder. When Steve opens the door, he points at it.
"My mom's theme this year is Blue Hawaii." Steve says.
Billy stumbles over the threshold, teeth chattering to shards in his skull. "That's not a Christmas Movie."
"Yeah, but it turns out, Santa can be anything. He's kinda like a chameleon."
"Santa isn't Elvis."
"He could be," Steve says.
Billy shrugs out of his jacket, handing it off, like always. Steve holds it close to his chest, watching with amusement as Billy takes in the foyer. Toes out of his snow-covered boots. "It's like a tiki bar made of pine trees instead of sweet grass."
Steve nods, still clutching the jacket.
His eyes are red.
Billy squints at him, padding closer. "Are you high?"
Steve giggles, bright like a fresh log in the fire.
Billy scrubs a hand across his face, trying to hide the way it makes him go up in Steve's flame. "You're such a dork."
"What? I thought we could--"
"I only have a few hours," Billy tells him gently, trying not to get lost in the sleepy, apple-red flush across Steve's perfect nose. "My dad'll--"
"Just tell him I'm left on my own for Christmas. Maybe he'll feel sorry for me and let you stay the night."
"How do you think I got him to agree to an 11:30 curfew?"
Steve blinks at him and then explodes into glowing, glaring joy. "Are you shitting me?"
"Nope, I'm all yours 'till 11:30."
Steve flushes again, clutching Billy's jacket closer to his chest. "But it's a school night--"
"Guess my old man took pitty on you. Such a lonely boy in his Elvis-themed mansion on the hill, it's kinda pathetic," Billy says, "In a cute way."
"It's not Elvis," Steve says, still grinning, "It's Blue Hawaii."
"Still cute," Billy shrugs, feeling hot all over. Feeling proud of himself. He nearly combusts when Steve moves into his space, eyes nearly going cross to focus on the bridge of Steve's nose.
Billy holds his breath.
He waits for Steve to say something, feeling that huge filed stretch out between them, but it's not snow-covered now.
It's thawing. It's burning up.
Steve wets his lips.
"Uh," Billy says intelligently, looking down when the sleeve of his jacket tugs at him, still viced in Steve's hold. "You can put that in the closet," Billy tells him, caught on the strech of skin over Steve's knuckles. "If you want."
"I don't," Steve tells him.
Billy looks up, eyes crossing again.
Steve winks. "You're warm," He says but Billy feels it, more than anything else.
The smell of marijuana and pine is overwhelming, searing through the air after the first shared joint.
Billy rolls his neck and asks if they can crack a window. Steve blinks at him, sealing the second joint with spit. "You trying to get caught, or something?"
"Caught?" Billy asks, trying to force his shoulders to relax. "But. I thought--"
"--The neighbors are nosy 'round these parts." Steve says. He tucks his rolling tray under the coffee table, and Billy watches with droopy red eyes the way his lips close around the butt of the thing.
Steve's lips are perfect.
If Billy was an artist he'd fill sketchbooks with watercolor renditions of that cupid's bow. His fingers would permanently stain with lapping waves of purple-pink, etching the warmth of breath into his nail beds so that the faucet would never run clear of this boy.
He could get lost in those lips. That hair--
Steve hands him the joint and Billy takes it, focusing on the cherry so he won't get lost in Steve's eyes, too, because he's looking. Always.
Billy tries not to drown in it and fails when Steve says, "Y'know. Your eyes are kinda like Blue Hawaii."
"Again with Elvis?" Billy rolls them, handing the joint back. "You're the one who stole his wig."
"My hair is not a wig, fuck you."
"Coulda fooled me."
Steve holds smoke in his lungs, exhaling it toward the popcorn ceiling as he says, "Your eyes are blue."
Billy snorts, laying with his back on the carpet.
"They're the bluest things I've ever seen," Steve says, ashing the joint. "And I've tried to find something bluer. Around town. I even went to the library to look for something in an atlas when Indiana disappointed me, like maybe the ocean is bluer and clearer in the Caribbean, or something, but no."
Billy's heart thumps, nailing his ribs to the floor underneath.
He counts the joints in the popcorn overhead. He feels Steve looking at him, feels himself burning from the inside.
"You're just the most detailed asshole who's ever lived," Steve says, softly.
Billy could sink into it. "Thanks."
Silence falls, again. It's comfortable. Billy stretches, a little bit, twisting until his spine cracks, until he feels like he could pass out from how relaxed he is.
Steve hands him the joint.
Billy shakes his head.
"Why not?" Steve asks.
"I'm laying down," Billy tells the ceiling, "I feel like if I smoke anymore my lungs will give out, or maybe I'll float through the ceiling and disappear."
Steve exhales more smoke. "And right before Christmas, too."
Billy sits crisscross on the carpet, watching Steve puff, inhale, puff, inhale. "You're really not stressed about being home by yourself for six days?"
Steve shakes his head.
"Why not?"
"I like having the house to myself," Steve tells him, "Besides, I feel like if I have to spend any more time with my parents this year I'm going to sink right through the floor." Teasing. An echo of Billy's childhood fear of ascending into the ozone.
Billy pokes him with his foot, flushed.
Steve finishes the joint and slides closer. Their knees touch. "What kind of Christmases did you have when you were growing up?"
Billy shrugs. "I'm sill growing up."
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah, just. I dunno," Billy gets lost in Steve's eyes, a little. Classic beauty. "It was the Coca-Cola Santa kind?"
Steve laughs at him, and then his palms are warm on Billy's knee caps. "The kind with Bing Crosby and miniature towns on the dining room table?"
Billy's mom loved to collect those goddamn things. Neil smashed them all when she ran away and killed herself.
He nods, relishing the weight of Steve's fingertips.
Steve fiddles with the hole in Billy's jeans. "What kind of food did you have?"
"Pizza," Billy says.
Steve blinks at him, lost. "That's not very Coca-Cola of the Hargrove's."
"My mom didn't like to cook."
"Funny," Steve says, combing through the tussle of hair on Billy's kneecap, "Mine doesn't either."
Billy aches to knit their fingers together until they meld, forming the kind of sweater you dig out from the back of your closet year after year, echoing on the stiff frigid breeze until it's tattered and falling apart.
Steve looks at him, smiling. "Do you want some pie?"
Steve guts and skins the freezer until it's empty. A carcass picked clean.
Mrs. Harrington must have spent her entire bonus at Melvalds on Christmas dinner, enough to feed four Steve Harrington's and all the people who are desperately in love with him.
Billy tries not to think about them and watches from the counter face, his sock feet thumping gently against the cabinet as Steve pulls dish after dish from a cloud of white exhaust, plopping containers onto the island. "Green bean casserole," Steve says, "Pumpkin pie, pecan, apple, blueberry--"
"--You're supposed to eat all of this?"
"You're gonna help me."
"I don't like green bean casserole," Billy says, yelping when Steve feigns death and collapses into the counter. "Jesus Christ--"
"I'm midwestern, that's a cardinal sin to me."
"Dope makes you dramatic, pretty boy."
"You hate midwestern people."
"Yeah," Billy says, giggling.
"You hate me."
"Shut up," Billy slips off the counter and onto his feet, examining every frozen item while Steve repacks.
"Which pie sounds good?"
"I dunno," Billy says, eyeing the blueberry with suspicion, "Don't we have to wait for them to thaw before we throw them in the oven?"
"I don't think so," Steve says, "I've already tried the cherry and that baked fine."
"I've never had it before."
Steve blinks at him, shocked. "How have you never had cherry pie?"
"My dad doesn't like cherries," Billy admits.
"Just because your dad doesn't like cherries--"
"--Look, my mom wasn't on great terms with the oven, and nobody else is going to waste time cooking shit my dad won't eat," Billy snaps. Feeling red-hot all of a sudden. Angry in a way he hasn't been in a long time for being reminded that other people's dads are shitty in the normal way.
Not like Neil.
Steve either doesn't notice or chooses not to take it personally.
He opens the refrigerator and pulls out a half-eaten cherry pie, picking at its cling-wrap until Billy can see the cherries where the glitter between layers of perfectly brown crust. Bloody little eyes staring up at him like dead fish.
"You can have the rest."
"The rest?" Billy demands, "But what if I don't like it?"
"Not possible," Steve tells him. He opens the microwave and attempts to shove the pie tray in, yelping when Billy snatches it out of thin air. "What--"
"--Aluminum will catch fire in the microwave." Billy snaps. He tries to find it annoying, but Steve just blinks those big, soft eyes at him and the anger washes away. "Get me a plate, bambi boy," He says.
Steve watches Billy plate the pie, giggling as his nose wrinkles in disgust over its dripping red innards. "This is so gross," Billy says.
"You won't think so, once you try it."
Billy walks it to the microwave, carefully pinching the edges of the plate between his palms. "I can't think of a single other instance where that has been true."
He turns the dial. Forty seconds.
Steve's watching him, face illuminated in the golden hum of the microwave.
"What?" Billy demands.
"Nothing," Steve says, leaning against the counter top, "I just can't believe I'm gonna be here when your life is changed forever."
Billy snorts, stalking to the drawer where the Harringtons keep their silver. "Still dramatic, pretty boy."
"Why do you always say that?" Steve wonders.
Billy freezes in place. Two forks in hand. He peers across the island at Steve, heart thrumming loudly. "Why do I always say what?"
"Pretty boy," Steve clarifies.
It hangs between them. The microwave hums, the longest forty seconds of Billy's life. "I," He says intelligently, "It's just. True."
"What is?"
"You're. Pretty," Billy says. And it's like having teeth pulled.
The microwave beeps.
Steve turns away, yanking the pie from its incubation, "Shit," He says, wiggling his fingers. "Plate's hot as hell."
Billy stands there watching him. Breathing. Dying.
Steve looks at him. "Well, do you wanna try it?" Billy nods. Doesn't move. Steve laughs at him. "Come here."
Billy goes easily, like a lap dog being called to perch. He and his forks stare down at the pie with caution, stomach churning at the congealed mess before him.
Steve grabs one of the forks from Billy and cuts the point off, blowing on it until its warm enough to eat. Steve pops it into his mouth, brown eyes falling closed. "Mmmm," He says, like someone would with a spooked and disgusted baby, "It's good."
Billy shakes his head.
"You're so dramatic," Steve says, cutting another huge chunk for Billy. He holds it in the air between them, eyebrows raised. "Trust me."
Billy stares at it. "Why's mine so big?"
"I want you to get the full range of flavor."
Steve shoves the fork into Billy's mouth, swiftly depositing the little cherry eyeballs onto Billy's tongue. He coughs and sputters, lips curling around the fork as Steve yanks it away. "Chew," Steve says.
Billy does.
Like it's the first time he's ever done it, clumsy and a little rushed and very, very distracted by the way Steve's watching him.
"Swallow," Steve says softly, barely there.
Billy does. There's something on his face. On his lips.
"What do you think?" Steve asks, staring at them.
Billy resists the urge to lick it away, "Sucked," He says, expecting Steve to laugh, but.
Something rests between them, not growing or stretching or changing shape, but it's there. It suffocates.
Steve looks at him, somehow closer than he was before. "Sorry, pretty boy," He says.
Billy's heart stops. "Why would you say that?"
"It's true. You're pretty," Steve says, watching the red on Billy's lips burn brighter. "You've got a little something on your face." Billy lifts a hand, mouth falling open when Steve grabs his wrist. "Can I," Steve says, soft as summer rain, "Can I kiss you, Billy?"
Billy doesn't move as Steve licks into his mouth, Cherry washing away under the rough, sweet drag of intention.
Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I get around to part two <3
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itstheghostofmypast · 6 months
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(Idol) Kim Hongjoong x (F)Reader
Summary: What could be worse than being in love with someone, than being so close to the person you love yet so far, than laying in their arms, counting the seconds pass by till it all slips away?
Genre: Angst (tinge of fluff?)
Warnings: Autophobia/monophobia
Word Count: 1.2K
Est. Read Time: 10 min
Rating: nc-17
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Banner: @cafekitsune
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"Oh, it's giving rich old man vibes- kinda like those men who-" she paused mid-sentence, feeling the intense glare of the man of the hour.
"What?" she scoffed, pulling the soft, drycleaned blankets over her shoulders, pouting at the man.
"When you said you want to spend time with me, did that mean take nonconsensual pictures of me and comment on my sense of fashion?" he asked, eyes still on the laptop screen, sitting cross-legged.
"Well, I meant you, me and a nice movie." huffing she put her phone down and turned to look at him, "Not you, me and our friend 'your laptop'. " sitting up straight she grabbed a cushion, ready to toss it at him, though his head turned, causing her to stop mid-motion- caught red-handed.
"What are you doing?"
"Stretching." with that she placed the pillow down, looking at her reflection through the glass window, trying to tame her hair as she got off the bed and walked over to him, standing right next to him.
He looked up at her, smiling when she leaned down to read the lyrics, "Ah...so this is what you're working on." His fingers reaching for the hem of her -his- shirt, of course, she'd choose this over her actual pyjamas. He got them matching ones, though she would just say they were 'reserved for their bedroom, not a hotel', whatever that meant.
"Are you almost done?" turning to look at him, her breath hitched at the way he was looking- no admiring her, it was always this specific look that had her knees buckling, heart hammering, soul-shaking, hands tremoring-
"You can kiss me, you know?"
His words caught her off guard, taking a minute to process then realising he had a smug smirk, cocking his head to the side as he looked up at her- and he ruined it.
Clicking her tongue she pulled back, rolling her eyes before making her way back to the bed. Crawling to her side before flopping down and glaring at the ceiling, "If you were going to work, shouldn't have called me then." with a sigh she pulled the covers back around her, snuggling onto her pillow, "I could've slept alone back at home too- at least that way I wouldn't have to take the bus to work as I'll do tomorrow."
Being with Hongjoong came with its perks, the man spent well on himself and his loved ones, he was caring and sweet, he was sensitive and never rushed her or forced her to do anything she didn't want to, he respected her boundaries; physical and abstract- but for everything that made him oh so perfect, came a factor that reminded her of how he too was after all just a human- he was a workaholic. It's not like she didn't know this beforehand, both were aware of this setback, but perhaps the blooming relationship had them them attached by the hip, willing to bend enough to let the other climb up.
Although that didn't change how much she loved him, yet, at times like these, when he would call her, claiming to spend time together only to have her just there would make her feel as if their relationship had just become no different than a duty- where the dissonance was part of the ordeal, an analysis paralysis that would drag in one partner while the other deemed the relationship to be but a mundane chore, a requirement to be filled- there were times she'd wonder maybe if he was tired, they were way past their honeymoon phase, perhaps they were only together because this 'situation' was just comfortable. Perhaps she was waiting for the moment of dread, for him to finally slip away, turning her November cold and bitter once more.
The sudden warmth shook her awake- well, actually he shook her awake, before snuggling closer, spooning her, "Sorry." That's all he'd say and she'd melt, no longer wrapped in her dilemma, perhaps she was just a foolish girl, too love-struck to see the curve ball, perhaps she was a foolish girl fully aware that in the morning he'd be gone, while she'd be mourning, trying to hold onto the memory of him.
For someone as careful as her, it scared her how it took no less than three days for him to change the world around her, with the wind feeling just right and the gold of the sun never too bright- she knew that deep down she was but a girl who was too caught up in the whim, too caught up with him, a girl who was, lovesick.
"How long?" she whispered, feeling his arms tighten around her, pulling her closer as he tangled their legs together, the material of his pants soothing her burning skin, a nostalgic blanket wrapping them in its arms, humming the usual melancholic hymn.
"A few days." his words were soft, just like his touch, his fingers caressing the skin under her hoodie, trying to soothe himself more than her, "Just a few days and I'll be back." Repeating a bit louder, as if to convince himself- well, he was trying to convince himself, but he needed her to know, he needed her to feel the same as she did when he first met her, he needed her to hold onto him, to keep him grounded, to keep his head afloat and above the water.
"I'll be waiting..." she yawned, placing her hand on his, "Just like always." Closing her eyes she took a breath, trying to remain calm, though the way her body quivered had his stiffen, a shaky breath leaving his lips as he buried his face in her hair, letting her scent engulf his senses, flooding them in all his being, making sure all his mind, body and soul knew were her, now and forever.
"Thank you." his muffled voice caught her ears, and she choked on her words, choosing to only nod at the statement, hand gripping his forearm and trying to pull him closer and much to her pleasure he followed her lead, almost on top of her, too guilt-ridden to object- for how could he object, who was he to object when she had endured everything, for the past many years, standing by his side, in the shadows, a quiet spectator, a lover within the confines of secrecy, letting up on her own freedom and happiness that came with many suitors, only to stay by his side, to support him from the corners of his heart, reminding him of his worth and value- after all he was nothing but a boy who was just lovesick.
"I love you, Joong." her words echoed within the cold corridors of his heart, filling them with her warmth as he nodded, humming in approval, sniffing quietly, trying not to breakdown at the feeling of her fingers tracing his arm, both laying in the dark, in the cold, in the silence of the night. Knowing that tomorrow they will be mere strangers, one leaving the room before the other, only to meet whenever he is able to slip away from work, sneaking away from the prying eyes, trying to hold onto whatever form of personal life and relationships he still had the blessing of calling his own, of calling her his own, because no matter what Kim Hongjong went through, the self-doubts, the isolation, the pressure, the anxiety and stress, he was sure of one thing- that at the end of the day when the world chose only to see him as the celebrity he was, she saw him for who he was, for who he could be without feeling the pressure suffocate him, pulling him back to the surface and into her arms.
"I love you."
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @marsvillee @the-cereal-simp @mlysalt @spooo00oky
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deepdisireslonging · 10 months
No Cum November Part 8: Exorcism Play
Dean ramps up the challenge by handing the reigns to the Reader to control the pace. Can she manage that control, or will Dean’s stronger side overpower her?
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Reader
Warnings/Promises: SMUT, anti-demon handcuffs, exorcism play (is that a thing? It is now), edging, oral (male receiving), light degradation
Word Count: 1400
Note: Had a bit more fun with this one. Wanted to play with both Dean’s subby side, and his proud Deanmon side. Let me know your thoughts and reactions in the comments and with reblogs. Happy reading!
Part 7: Double Possession
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You awoke to the sensation of being watched.
Two eyes, eclipsed with demonic black, stared down at you. The hand over your mouth muffled your scream. The other hand around your wrists controlled your thrashing until you could recognize the familiar face.
“Hey there, sweetheart.” He gently lifted his hand off your face.
“Dean?” Panting, heart racing, you hesitated inching away from him. “Are- are you alright?”
He grinned. “I am myself. It’s just contacts. You can find just about anything on the internet these days.” He leaned back, giving you room to recover. “How are you? That is- is this okay? Are you up for a little game?”
Intrigued, you sat up in your bed. “A game?”
Two pairs of cuffs landed on the sheets next to your hips. Eagerly, you started to slide back down into place, but Dean stopped you with a chuckle. Taking hold of your wrist, he tugged you to stand so he could take your place. You watched as he closed the first cuff around his wrist. Only then did you recognize the anti-demon symbols engraved into the metal. You clicked the second cuff around his wrist with shaking hands.
With another grin, Dean leaned back into the sheets. “Ready to ride the demon out of me, baby?”
You hesitated. “But, with you tied down… you-“
“I won’t be able to stop you? I know. I trust you. And even if you do cum, you’ve done so well. Taking both Sam and I, having to watch us cum without getting to orgasm. If you cum tonight, it’s alright. We start over. And we keep going till the end of the month. We’ve got a few more plans for you.” He tilted his head to get a good look at your face. “Y/N. Look at me, sweetheart.”
You did.
“You can do this. Trust me.” He wriggled. “Now take that shirt off so I can see you.”
“Who’s in charge here? You, in the cuffs, or me?” A teasing smile played at your lips as you toyed with the hem of your sleep shirt. Despite not being able to see his irises, Dean’s eyes followed your hands as they dipped under the fabric. Despite the dark contacts, his eyes still lit up as you removed your shirt, tossing it to one side. Your bottoms followed suit, making him lick his lips. “Let’s see if we can exorcise you with a bit of cardio?”
He was still clothed and arched into your reach for his shirt buttons. One by one, you slipped them through the fabric until you could see the expanse of his chest and soft tummy. His stomach contracted as you first gently ran your fingers across his skin, then grazed the same path with your fingernails. He softly whined your name as you started to undo the button and zipper on his jeans. When you dragged the fabric out of the way, and then his boxers, his member sprang up stiff against his stomach. You took it into your hand, making Dean pull on the cuffs with your slow movements. His loud groan as you twirled your thumb around the tip froze you. Maybe a gag was in order?
“Where’s Sam?”
“Hmm.” You slid your hand down to grip the base of his cock. “Nobody here to save you but me.”
Catching his eye, you situated yourself between his legs and began to suck him off in earnest. He writhed and twisted, trying to both push his length deeper into your mouth, and pull away to catch his breath. With your nails digging into his hips, and the cuff into his wrists, there wasn’t anywhere for him to go. So he begged. He begged for you to twirl your tongue how he liked. Begged for you to hum around him. Begged you for mercy after you quickened your pace. Begged for you to move when you slowed down too much. He knew what you were doing. You were edging him. And you were toying with his pleasure the same way that he and Sam had been teasing you all month. It made his cock twitch in your mouth with the thought.
You pulled off with a pop. “Getting close, darling?”
All he could do was nod. Through the contacts, you knew his eyes were glazed over in pleasure.
You began again, giving no mercy. Dean filled your mouth a few moments later, crying out your name. Even after you removed your mouth to kiss across his tummy, you still weren’t done. You straddled his hips, trapping his cock under your wetness. Then he understood. With him at only half-mast, you would be able to ride him with less of a chance of ruining the challenge. While still overstimulating the man trapped beneath you.
“Feeling vengeful, sweetheart?”
“Maybe just a little.”
Dean’s head fell back into your pillows. The drag of you across his length was torture so close to his release. But his cock did it’s best to stiffen again anyways. He shivered as you rose just high enough to sink down onto it. You stopped when you reached his base. On either side of his hips, your thighs quaked. If what you had planned was going to work, you would really have to focus.
“Ah, this was easier when your mouth was full, wasn’t it?”
With a start, the dark glow in Dean’s eyes sent a fearful zing through your body. It made you clench with the pseudo-danger of the scene. Especially with the way Dean’s voice remembered that growl that came with his demon days.
“What’s your plan, sweetheart? Ride the demon out of me? Make me cum so hard I see grace?” His voice cracked as you flexed your walls around him. “You’re off to a good start,” he muttered.
You took a deep breath and began to move. “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus-“
Dean laughed high. “Alright. Let’s see you try.”
Where you had been controlling the pace, Dean began to match your thrusts. He snapped his hips hard, and twisting his hips to put pressure on your clit. Your chanting was interrupted. You restarted phrases and lines over and over, trying to make it through the whole exorcism. Dean continued to move. Continued to knock you off rhythm with his hips, and with his words.
“You look so good up there, sweetheart. Riding me like only you can. Like you were meant to be. I love a blowjob as much as the next guy… but watching you bounce on my cock is the best thing. How close are you? Can you feel that orgasm building?”
“Ergo- er…. ergo, draco male- oh, Dean, maledicte-“
“How bad do you want it, Y/n? You’ve been so good. What’s one orgasm? I could give you so many, and Sam wouldn’t have to know. But no, you’re our good girl, aren’t you? You won’t cum. But I bet you’re close. Bet your nipples are so hard. Squeeze your breasts for me. Wish I could touch you-“
It didn’t register that you were supposed to be in charge. You’d lost that long ago.
“Oh, God-“
“He’s not here. Keep bouncing. I’m- keep going-“
Dean’s body stiffened. His cock twitched and filled you. While Dean fought to catch his breath, you fell to one side. You shivered from head to toe, just barely short of the release Dean’s demon side had tempted you with. How much longer was this challenge? You needed to cum.”
Warm, trembling lips pressed against your forehead. “You did so good. Just a bit longer.” He breathed deeply, guiding you to calm down from your denial. “Alright. Let me outta these things.” He rattled the cuffs against your headboard.
“Maybe I want to leave you in them for a bit longer. You’re not fully exorcised yet.” You giggled under his glare. “Besides, maybe I want to sleep right here.” A yawn broke though your next words with perfect timing.
“But if I’m tied up, I can’t cuddle my good girl to sleep.”
“Very true.” You released the cuffs. Dean turned to one side, removing the contacts and placing them onto your nightstand. Then he embraced you, holding you tight and nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. “Sleep tight. And rest up. Sam’s got something planned for you soon.”
On the King’s Blade (King of Hell!Sam)
Series Masterlist
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hockeylovee12 · 6 months
Crossing Enemy Lines
Chapter One
Luke Hughes x Original Character
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Summary: When Luke Hughes got drafted by the New Jersey Devils he knew he was entering one of the most intense rivalries in professional hockey. But what he didn't bargain for was falling in love with a Rangers player's sister during his first year in the show.
OR Luke Hughes meets the right girl with the wrong last name.
Warnings: Cussing
November 10th, 2023
Inside a dimly lit bar tucked away in Jersey City, Luke occupies a corner seat surrounded by some of his teammates. His shoulders hunch inside the navy jacket he wears, while a grim scowl tugs at the corner of his mouth.
Around him the sounds of clinking glasses, rhythmic thuds of billiard balls, and lively chatter echo off the walls, creating a cacophony of noise as he tries to drown out the bitter feeling of defeat.
John, slides into the empty seat beside him, nudging his shoulder lightly, "Come on Lukey, Just shake it off, it's not the end of the world" he urges, allowing a smile that doesn't quite reach his warm brown eyes to cross his lips.
Luke turns towards John, his scowl unwavering.
If Luke was a Swiftie, he could point out the irony of John quoting Taylor Swift after they lost to the New York Rangers. But he's not so instead he settles for a half-hearted shrug.
"Seriously, man, you can't let one loss get to you like this," Jack cuts in, placing a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "Just forget about it. It's one game. We still got three more against those assholes" He adds with the same persuasive tone he used less than an hour ago to convince Luke to come to the bar in the first place.
A heavy sigh escapes Luke's lips as his shoulders slump further.
He can't just forget about it. They lost 1-7 to the New York fucking Rangers, their literal Rivals. The same team they managed to kick out of the playoffs last season, the same team they beat several times in preseason, and the same team they couldn't fucking score against.
It was a complete shit show from start to finish.
A stupid hooking call cost them the game's first goal. Then a series of shitty defense decisions, put them in a hole they couldn't climb out of. And then there was Igor fucking Shesterkin, standing on his head and making 23 saves out of 24 shots like he was some kind of brick wall. The one goal they managed to squeeze past him was a lucky bounce that barely counted.
It was infuriating to watch Panarin and Zibanejad dance circles around their defense, while they couldn't even get a decent scoring chance on the other side.
Luke is momentarily pulled away from his bitter recounter of the game, as the loud laughter of his teammates, Nate and Dawson echoes throughout the space, as they return to their table with a fresh round of drinks.
"What's with the long face, Rusty?" Dawson asks, as he sets down the glasses, with a clink, and claps Luke on the shoulder.
"Don't tell me you're still moping about tonight's loss" Nate jokes, his tone light and teasing, as he sticks to his well-known game philosophy of 'play and move on'.
A sentiment clearly not shared by every member of the Devils.
"Shut it, Bass" Luke mumbles, shooting him an irritated glare.
A small chuckle rumbles from Dawson's chest, "Come on man. Don't be like that" he says as Luke's lips return to a scowl.
"Alright fine, if you're gonna pout about the game at least do it well drinking so you're not a buzzkill" Dawson boasts as he slides a fresh beer across the table to Luke, which would otherwise be inaccessible to him seeing as how he's still got 10 months till he can order one for himself-at least legally.
Luke accepts the beer with a resigned sigh, his hazel eyes somewhat softening for the first time tonight, as the crisp, tangy scent wafts towards him "Easy for you to say, you weren't the one getting ragdolled by fucking Trouba every damn shift."
"Tell me about it," Nate shakes his head in dismay. "Did you see the way he drove Jonas into the boards in the third? Could've broken some ribs with that bullshit cheapshot."
"Jacob Trouba's a fucking punk, can't believe he wears the C" Jack adds
"They're all fucking punks" Luke mutters
"At least our rookies' loyalties lie with the right team" Nate jokes, as he reaches across the table to ruffle Luke's hair, much to his annoyance.
"Their dirty fucking players" Luke adds, taking a sip of his beer
"Ok true, but we can't let them get in our heads" John states with conviction. "They can play as dirty as they want, alright we just gotta focus on our game"
"Mr. Harvard's right" Nate says confidently, raising his now half-full beer "Next game, we return the favor and shut up those loudmouths"
"That's not-"
"Alright guys enough dwelling on that shit show," Dawson states, "We're supposed to be blowing off steam tonight, not sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves."
Jack nods in agreement "Daws is right, we won't seem em for a while anyway, so let's stop talking about the Rangers"
The group mutters in agreement before falling into silence, waiting for a new topic to arise.
"Did you guys see Haula's reaction to the prank Nate and I pulled on him yesterday?" Dawson asks
"That was you guys, Damn he was pissed" John says
"Hey payback bitch he shouldn't have put shaving cream in our skates. Piece of shit" Nate claims, his voice wavering with some degree of platonic affection for one of their older teammates.
Most of the group chuckles at Nate's anecdote, except for Luke, who's still stuck in his own head.
"Remember that time, we triple knotted every pair of Quinn's shoes" Jack asks, gently nudging Luke's arm.
A faint smile tugs at the corner of Luke's mouth as the memory surfaces "Ya, he tried to shove his big ass feet into my Vans"
"And then he spent the next week trying to get us back" Jack adds, grinning "And failed miserably every time."
Luke let's out a soft chuckle, it's not his usual boisterous laugh, but hey it's a start.
As the night wears on, the lively conversation and laughter enveloping their table slowly eases the weight of the loss from Luke's shoulders.
Then in the midst of a lively discussion about fantasy football with Dawson, Jack and John, his attention absentmindedly drifts towards the door, and his gaze suddenly locks onto the captivating sight of a stunning girl with cascading locks of dark-chocolate colored hair, and a warm smile, gracefully stepping into the bar.
"Hey, where did Nate disappear to?" John's question floats through the air momentarily anchoring Luke back to the table strewn with empty glasses.
Their eyes wander around the bar, until the spot Nate weaving his way through a small crowd an impish grin plastered on his face.
"Big news boys! Guess who's got a date tomorrow!" he boasts, wavering around a paper napkin that seemingly has a phone number written on it-whether it was actually the girls or a random one made up on the spot, we may never know-prompting a chorus of laughter to ripple across the table.
Luke cracks a smile too, but it's not one that reaches his eyes. They've wandered off already, tracking the girl he spotted moments ago, who now leans casually against the bar counter, her fingers drumming a silent rhythm on its surface as she waits for her drink.
"Luke?" Jack's voice cuts through his thoughts, sharp enough to draw attention, yet laced with a hint of concern "You okay, man?"
"Uh, yeah" Luke stammers, trying to mask how his focus had strayed. He forces himself to lock eyes with Jack hoping to convey a sense of normalcy.
But Jack knows him too well, reads him too easily and one look at Luke's face tells him where his brother's mind had wandered off to.
Luke's eyes quickly shift towards the girl again, who's retrieving her drink from the bar, and takes a small sip.
"Earth to Luke," John teases.
All heads subtly turn to acknowledge the object of Luke's distraction, watching as she walks towards the vacant pool table.
"Looks like someone caught your eye" Dawson says with a wry smile, elbowing Luke playfully.
"Looks like your type too," Jack adds, a sly grin crossing his lips. "Why don't you go say hi?"
"Come on, man" John's encouragement is gentle, persuasive "Take your mind off things for a bit"
"Go ahead rook" Nate prods "Show us what you've got"
Luke hesitates for a moment, allowing the suggestion to linger in the air.
Before a not so subtle shove to the shoulder by Jack, causes him to push his chair back and stand up.
"Alright wish me luck" He mutters
"Attaboy!" Nate exclaims, clapping his shoulder.
The cool air circulating inside the bar brushes against the small amounts of exposed skin, as he crosses the short distance to the pool table.
"Hey," he says, flashing a quick grin that hopefully looks more charming than nervous.
"Hi," the girl replies, her voice a melodic hint of intrigue. She looks up, a smile teasing at the corners of her lips. "I'm Jordan"
"Luke" he offers back, a tentative smile of his own forming.
"Want to play?" she asks, gesturing to the table with a cue stick.
"Sure," Luke responds, retrieving a cue from the rack on the wall.
"So are you any good?" Jordan teases, as she lines up for her shot.
"Depends on the day," Luke admits, watching as she sinks a solid ball into a corner pocket.
"Looks like today might be my day then" she quips, with a soft smile on her face as she steps to the side.
Luke chuckles as he takes his shot, cleanly sinking a striped ball into a corner pocket. "Guess we'll see about that."
As the game plays out, the rhythmic clack of pool balls blends nicely with their voices, providing a backdrop as they learn more about one another.
"So, Jordan," he asks curiosity gleaming in his eyes, "what brings you here tonight?"
Jordan leans against her cue, "Just wanted to explore a little"
Luke lets out a soft laugh as he lines up his shot, expertly guiding the striped ball into the middle pocket "You from around here?" he asks
Jordan leans forward, cue in hand and takes her shot. The satisfying click of the pool balls echoing in the bar, signaling another point for her.
She straightens up and glances at Luke with a smirk, "New York City" she replies
"Let me guess, you're a secret pool shark, got bored of the games up there?" he asks, his tone laced with a sense of humor, as he takes his shot and the ball ricochets off the side and misses sinking into the pocket by an inch.
"Close I'm a student at NYU" she answers
"NYU, wow that's really impressive. What's you studying?" Luke questions watching as she sinks another ball
Jordan shrugs, a modest smile on her lips "I just started up a few weeks ago, but I'm majoring in English Lit" she replies
"English Lit, huh, you a big reader?" Luke asks
"Yeah, there's just something about getting lost in a good book, you know?"
"Yeah I do" Luke agrees "Although I probably don't read as much as I should. Maybe you can recommend something for me?"
"I'd love to," Jordan says, her eyes sparkling. "But only if you promise me you'll actually read it."
"Cross my heart," Luke grins, making an exaggerated gesture.
Their eyes meet, a spark of connection passing between them as they share a smile.
Jordan leans against the pool table, studying Luke for a moment before asking, "So, what about you? What's your story?"
Luke hesitates, his mind racing as he considers how to respond. His eyes briefly flicker to his teammates, still laughing and joking at their table.
He's seen it before, seen it a handful of times over the past few months since he's become an NHL player, hell he saw it before too, with both his brothers being in the show.
The way people's perceptions change when they learn of his profession, or his last name, the way their eyes widen with awe or narrow with skepticism, or the way the conversation shifts completely and suddenly their no longer talking to him, their either talking at him telling him their thoughts and opinions about him, or they throw questions at him like a round of rapid fire, wanting to know what life in the NHL is really like.
And so, in this moment, with Jordan's eyes on him, warm and inviting. Luke decides tonight he's not a hockey player, he's not Hughes, he's just a guy enjoying a night out and connecting with a beautiful girl over a game of pool.
"Well, uh-I'm originally from New Hampshire" he begins, the half-truth rolling off his tongue "But I moved out here for school. Studying sports business"
He sinks another ball, the satisfying clack echoing in the bar.
He was born in New Hampshire, even if he hasn't lived there since he was 3, and technically, he's doing something with sports business, just not studying it, so it's not completely a lie or at least that's what he tells himself.
"What made you interested in sports business?" Jordan remarks, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest.
"I've always been pretty active, played a lot of sports growing up," Luke explains, watching as Jordan takes her turn, expertly maneuvering the cue ball. "I guess I just wanted to find a way to stay involved, even if I'm not playing, you know?"
Jordan nods, understanding in her eyes. "That makes sense."
As they continue to talk, the game progresses, with Jordan maintaining a slight lead. She sinks her last solid ball, leaving only the 8-ball and one striped ball remaining.
"You're pretty good at this," Luke says, lining up his shot.
"Ya well growing up with an older brother has its perks, taught me how to handle my own" Jordan replies, brushing a strand of brown hair from her face.
"Sounds like a good guy" Luke says just before hitting his last striped ball into a middle pocket
"Most of the time," she admits
A small smile tugs at Luke's lips as he watches Jordan ready herself for the final shot, "Your form could use some work, though" Luke teases
"Is that so?" Jordan smirks, glancing up at him.
"Maybe just a little" Luke grins, with a playful glint in his eyes "Care to prove me wrong?"
Jordan leans in, focusing on the shot. With a smooth, confident motion, she strikes the cue ball, sending the 8-ball rolling towards the corner pocket. It teeters on the edge for a brief moment before dropping in with a satisfying thud.
"Looks like I just did," Jordan grins, straightening up and facing Luke.
Luke chuckles, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "I guess I stand corrected. Clearly, you've got this game figured out."
They share a smile, the air between them charged with a flirtatious energy. Jordan takes a step closer, her eyes locked on Luke's.
"Well, maybe I just got lucky," she murmurs, her voice low and playful.
"Or maybe you're just that good," Luke counters, his gaze drifting to her lips for a fleeting moment.
The tension between them is palpable, the rest of the bar fading into the background as they stand mere inches apart. Jordan's hand brushes against Luke's, sending a jolt of electricity through his body.
"I guess we'll have to play again sometime," Jordan suggests, her tone laced with promise. "Give you a chance to redeem yourself."
"I'd like that," Luke replies, his voice soft and sincere.
Jordan smiles, a genuine, warm expression that makes Luke's heart skip a beat, as she reaches for her phone. "Here, put your number in, and I'll text you."
Jordan smiles before adding "Maybe next time, I'll even let you win."
Luke laughs, shaking his head. "Oh, you're on. But I won't need you to let me win. I can do that all on my own." he says as he takes the phone, his fingers brushing against hers as he types in his number.
There's a spark, a jolt of electricity that passes between them, and for a moment, the rest of the world falls away.
"I don't doubt it for a second," Jordan grins, the admiration clear in her eyes.
When he hands the phone back, their eyes meet once more, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they both feel.
"I should probably get going," Jordan says reluctantly, glancing at the time. "Early class tomorrow."
"Of course," Luke nods, trying to ignore the twinge of disappointment in his chest.
Luke nods, trying to ignore the twinge of disappointment in his chest. "It was nice to meet you Jordan"
"It was nice to meet you too Luke"
Luke grins, watching as she gathers her things and heads for the door.
Luke stands there for a moment, watching as Jordan's silhouette fades into the night, a grin plastered across his face. The cool evening breeze rustles his hair, but he barely notices, his mind still replaying the events of the past few hours.
With a final glance at the door, Luke turns and makes his way back to the table where his teammates await. As he approaches, he can see their faces light up with a mix of curiosity and good-natured mischief.
"Well, well, well," Nate drawls, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. "Look who decided to grace us with his presence again."
"Shut it Nate" Luke replies, but there's no heat behind his words. He slides into his seat, grabbing his half-finished beer and taking a swig.
"So..." John says, a smile tugging at his lips.
"So?" Luke questions taking another sip
Dawson and John exchange a look, "Give us details?!" Dawson encourages
Luke rests his elbow on the table, and locks eyes with his teammates before letting out a simple "No"
Dawson, John and Nate's mouths dramatically drop, as if Luke just informed them that he's the notorious Zodiac Killer.
"Luke!' Dawson exclaims
"Aw, come on!" John protests, a good-natured grin on his face. "You can't leave us hanging like that. Did you get her number? Are you gonna see her again?"
"Maybe," Luke replies, a hint of mystery in his voice.
Nate leans forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, what's her name? Come on, you gotta give us something, man."
Luke takes a sip of his beer, a small smile playing on his lips. "Her name's Jordan, and that's all you're getting out of me tonight."
"Jordan, huh?" Dawson repeats, waggling his eyebrows. "And what does this mystery girl do? Is she a student? A model? A secret agent?"
Luke chuckles, shaking his head. "She's a student, but that's all I'm saying. You guys are worse than a bunch of gossiping old ladies."
"Hey, we're just looking out for our boy," John defends, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "We gotta make sure she's good enough for our rookie."
"Trust me, she's more than good enough," Luke assures them, a hint of admiration in his voice.
"Ooh, sounds like someone's smitten!" Nate teases, reaching over to ruffle Luke's hair.
Luke swats his hand away, laughing. "Shut up, I am not. It was one game of pool and I had a good time, that's all."
"One game of pool that lasted, what, two hours?" Dawson teases, giving Luke a playful shove. "Face it, Hughesy, you're smitten."
Luke rolls his eyes, but before he can retort, Jack stands up and stretches. "Alright, boys, as much as I'd love to sit here and watch you interrogate my little brother all night, we should probably head out."
A chorus of groans rises from the table, but the guys begrudgingly agree. They settle their tab and say their goodbyes, each one giving Luke a final nudge or wink before heading out into the night.
As Jack and Luke step outside, the cool night air hits them, a refreshing change from the stuffy bar. They walk side by side, hands shoved in their pockets, the silence between them comfortable and familiar.
After a few moments, Jack glances over at his brother, a small smile on his face. "So, this Jordan girl," he begins, his tone casual. "She seems to have made quite an impression on you."
Luke ducks his head, feeling a flush creep up his neck. "Yeah, I guess she did," he admits, kicking a pebble along the sidewalk. "I don't know, man, there's just something about her. It's like... like we just clicked, you know?"
Jack nods, a look of understanding on his face. "I get it," he says, a note of wistfulness in his voice. "When you meet someone special, it's like everything just falls into place."
They walk in silence for a few more blocks, each lost in their own thoughts. As they approach their apartment building, Jack turns to Luke, a serious expression on his face.
"Just be careful, okay?" he says, his tone gentle but firm. "I know you're excited about this girl, and I'm happy for you, I really am. But don't forget who you are, and what you're here to do."
Luke meets his brother's gaze, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "I know," he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's just... it's nice to feel normal for once, you know? To just be Luke, not Luke Hughes, the hockey player."
Jack puts a hand on his brother's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I get it," he says, a hint of a smile on his face. "And you deserve that, Luke. You deserve to be happy, both on and off the ice. Just don't lose sight of what's important, okay?"
Luke nods, feeling a surge of gratitude for his brother's support and understanding. "Thanks, Jack," he says, bumping his shoulder against his brother's as they enter the building.
As they ride the elevator up to their floor, Luke can't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him.
Meanwhile, across the Hudson River, Jordan steps out of her Uber, the upscale apartment building looming before her. She thanks the driver and makes her way through the lobby, the click of her shoes echoing off the polished floors, as she makes her way to an apartment door.
As she enters she's greeted by the sight of hockey memorabilia adorning the walls, a New York Rangers jersey bearing her brother's name and number taking center stage.
Careful not to wake Jacob and his wife, Jordan tiptoes to her room, a soft smile playing on her lips as she replays the evening's events in her mind. She goes through her nightly routine, the familiarity of it soothing after the excitement of the night.
Settling into bed, Jordan reaches for her phone, the screen illuminating her face in the darkened room. She opens her messages and starts a new conversation with Luke, her fingers dancing across the keyboard.
Hey, it's Jordan. I had a great time tonight. We should do it again sometime :)
With a satisfied grin, she hits send and places her phone on the nightstand, letting the promise of future adventures lull her to sleep.
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cerridwen007 · 8 months
Scarlet Snowball.
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pics above from pinterest used for aesthetic purposes only*
Pairing: Vampire!Joel Miller x f!reader (afab)
Word count: 1.2 k (18+) MINORS DNI!
Summary: You're on your knees for Joel when things get a little messy….not that Joel minds.
Notes/Warnings: SMUT, BLOOD, PWP, Nosebleeds, descriptions of sneezing/nosebleeds, blood drinking, cumplay, oral (m + f receiving), fingering, kissing, swearing, no y/n, sappy fluffy ending.
A/N: Hi yall, it's been a minute since i've posted any sort of writing, over 2 months, in fact. Many reasons why that is, I had a bit of a depressive episode november- december, that wasn't fun and then I sort of just had enough with feeling shitty and got my hours reduced at work, did things I had been putting off and planned a whole bunch of fun things. So yeah, this last month has been busy and eventful but good. I didn't do a whole lot of writing during that time, but I've finally gained some more time and motivation, so I'm hoping to get back into posting more regularly. Um, I may have come up with this at work cause I was late with a nose bleed…possibly. This is probably the freakiest thing i've written, and I kinda love it, so I’d say look out for more of these kinda fics in the future. Also, shout out to @toxicanonymity and @lincolndjarin whose fics i've been loving lately, and their darker themes in their writing definitely have inspired me to try my hand at it. Any interactions with my posts are always welcome and appreciated. Hope y'all have a great day. Love you! ❤️
“Ah…fuck baby. Just like that. Fuck…… just like that.” Joel groans above you as your lips stretch to fit around his beautifully tanned and veiny girth.
You continually bob your head up and down his salty skin, humming at his deliciously musky taste. You're not in any rush to make him cum. Instead playing around with different paces, building him up hard and fast only to slow down when he nears his peak. He’s gradually become more of a whiney, mess as you work your magic on him. Your hands are always keeping occupied, either playing with his balls or stroking what of his length isn't in your mouth. His own hands gently caress your hair, ensuring it doesn't get in your face.
Suddenly, a horrible but familiar feeling graces your senses, a ticklish sensation building behind your nose. You quickly pull off Joel's still aching cock and sneeze, trying your best to keep your mouth closed. 
Joel brows instantly knit in concern. “Bless you, sweetheart. You're alright? You know you shouldn’t hold in ya sneezes. it's bad for ya.”
“Yeah it's just allergi-”you respond before sneezing once again, only this time you don't hold it in. But luckily managing to miss Joel with your projectile germs. Your closed eyes squint together for a bit as the sensation fades before opening them in horror to a crimson mess of splattered blood, speckled all over Joel’s cock and thighs. 
He looks down at your mess with blown eyes before meeting your gaze. You stare back at him with wide eyes filled with shock, which seem to finish him off as he begins shooting large white ropes of cum on your now blood stained face. Still in a confused haze you take a second before quickly reattaching your lips back onto the tip of his cock, not wanting to waste another drop of his liquid gold. A symphony of louder than usual groans and whines spill from Joel’s lips, blessing your ears as an irony, salty flavour floods your taste buds. Your nose still dripping with a crimson river, starts to travel past your chin down your neck and collarbone. Yet you sit obediently, taking everything he has to give, a perfect picture of a lover devoted to sharing their blood and soul for the pleasure of the one they love. 
Your brows screw together with concentration. You, not exactly, loving the taste of blood, just hold all of the swirling red and white fluids into your mouth till Joel finishes. He lets out a growl, one of pure lust, almost inhuman. As he lets his eyes hungrily take in the stunning sight of you, baring all, on your knees before him, as your blood drips all over your curves. He nearly cums again just from the sight. You only just now think to put your hand up to your nose to try and stop the bleeding, only to have Joel quickly grip your hand and harshly pull it away before hoisting you up to full height. He bares his teeth like a predator as his head lowers inches away from your’s. His chest rises and falls as he breathes in deep, the scent of your life force.
Joel’s lips crash onto yours, his grip on you only intensifying, as if the moment he lets go, you'll disappear. He licks deeply into your mouth, capturing your combined flavors onto his own tongue. A moan of appreciation is shared between the two of you as you melt into each other's mouths. His large hands grip your arms with such force, and you're sure to bruise within the hour. He devours you with such intensity, like he needs you to survive, which he does. You manage to pull back much to Joel's annoyance when your head starts to feel light. He takes the opportunity to lick his lips and revel in the taste of you. 
“So damn sweet for me, baby.” He purrs as he dips his head back down to now start licking up the drying blood staining your neck and chest. 
You moan as his tongue cleans the dripping vermillion from your chest. He pauses now and then to suck the skin into his mouth and softly bite it, marking you, his favourite treat. Your hand flys up to grip onto his dark curls, threading your stained fingers through the fluffy tangles. He consumes every inch of your skin covered in your bloody mess. Vibrations run atop of your skin from his hums and moans creating goosebumps, a clear sign of Joel enjoying himself. You whine when you feel his once again erect cock rub glistening drops of precome against your thigh. You latch your hand onto him and begin stroking, he bites harshly into your breast, pleasure surging through his veins.
“Always make me feel so good darling.” Joel moans against your skin, his tongue licks, soothing the marks he just made in your flesh. He works faster to clear the cherry coloured stains from your skin, getting closer and closer to where you're throbbing for him. Your hand releases his cock as the need to come yourself makes your head grow fuzzy.
“Joel please…please.” You beg him, not giving any specifics but Joel knows what you're asking of him.
He smiles up at you with a devilish grin before, fully sinking to his knees and grabbing your left thigh to place it upon his shoulder. He wastes not a single second before he starts devouring his second favorite substance in the world (second only to your sweet, sweet blood). His strong tongue delves between your glistening folds. You can't help but grind yourself on his nose, your clit being perfectly stimulated by his hawkish feature. 
“Shit Joel…fuck. You make me feel so good.” You whine, as his tongue licks hard over your clit.
He pushes the remainder of the pinkish fluids he had secretly held in his mouth into your dripping cunt with his tongue. He then inserts his two middle fingers into you to fuck it deeper. The pressure of his thick fingers thrusting in and out of you and his wet lips curled around your clit, has you quickly reaching your peak. Your vision is lined with stars as Joel works you through your peak. Your nails bite into his skin on his shoulders, leaving small red marks as the pleasure seizes hold over your entire body and mind. 
“Atta girl, just like that, wanna taste you over and over again.” Joel keens from between your legs. 
The room fills with squelching sounds, and your desperate moans and pleads grow more inherent as you grow overstimulated. Your knees shake and wobble as you try and gently push his head away when it becomes too much. He relents after placing a few lingering kisses to your pussy before standing, pulling your body close to his, ensuring you have some stability while you recover.
Your racing heart slows as you find comfort in the arms of your lover. You look up at him and place a soft lingering kiss to his reddened lips. He kisses you back gently before leaving a kiss upon the crown of your head. You rest your head upon his chest when Joel suddenly picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bathroom to get cleaned up. 
“I love you, Joel, with all my life.”
“I love you too, baby, forever, my love.”
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Hello Sunset - 5
AN: Thank you to everyone reading as always. We're still in the past in this chapter. We'll only be getting brief glimpses of the current timeline for now until the audience has caught up on what's happened till date. Your feedback is valued and welcomed :) PAIRING: Seungcheol x fem!reader GENRE: exes to lovers, idol verse, angst WORD COUNT: 3,777 WARNINGS: reader has anxiety and depression, swearing, mentions of alcohol Text in blue is spoken in Korean. PREVIOUS / NEXT
29 November 2023 - around 9pm
Y/N had never experienced such a mix of emotions in the space of those short hours. Happiness, awe, pure laughter, pride, tears of joy, fulfilment and many more. The goosebumps didn’t leave her even ten minutes after the band had said goodnight and goodbye. She felt so privileged to have been part of this night and to witness the abundance of talent. She didn’t even know that she’d been crying as they’d gotten to the last chorus of Run To You. That was the first song of SEVENTEEN she’d fallen in love with. She’d felt someone nudge her and when she looked, S.Coups handed her a tissue without judgement. Y/N definitely fell harder for him then and there. He wasn’t going to be shaken from his position of bias though others often came close. She’d tried to laugh off her tears and thanked him in Korean before turning her attention to the stage. Like a child coming down after being wound up in anticipation for a party, she was slowly coming back down to earth when the concert ended.
The manager who’d guided them earlier had asked them to remain in their seats for a few minutes for the crowd to clear, before they could head backstage. Y/N was restless as she waited and tried her best not to fidget. She turned to her left, away from S.Coups, and subtly checked her reflection on her pocket mirror to see what state her makeup was in. Luckily, the mascara stayed true to its advertising as waterproof and remained in place. She then plugged her phone into the power bank she’d brought with her as it was running low on battery after the evening of filming. She saw a message arrive from Emma asking if the concert was over and when she’d be back. Sometimes, Y/N did feel like she swapped her strict parents for a strict minder in the form of Emma. Texting her back to say, the concert had just finished and that she was meeting with Joshua first and then would head back, Y/N then locked her phone and tucked it away in her backpack. 
She knew, in the busyness, she would be able to give Joshua the slip and say goodbye at the arena. She really didn’t want to intrude on their celebrations tonight and definitely not more of S.Coups’ night. She wanted to go home and rewatch her videos and others’ fancams and relive the night before the post-concert depression settled in, as probably most CARATs who’d shared the experience with her would be doing. Y/N kept bouncing her knees as she looked around the now nearly empty arena, observing that crowd had cleared quicker than she thought.
S.Coups cleared his throat as if to say something but then hesitated. Y/N faced him and tilted her head in question. He stayed silent and looked as if he had a lot on his mind, a frown overtaking his face. Y/N was about to ask if everything was fine when he beat her to it.
“Did you enjoy the concert?” 
He seemed eager to hear her response, meeting her eyes as he waited for a response. His eyes were intense and the fluttering began again. Why did she always turn into an idiot in front of him? It was his turn to slant his neck to look deeper into her eyes. His beanie slightly budged with the movement and Y/N wished she could take it off to admire the way his fluffy hair usually framed his face. Realising he was waiting for her to reply, Y/N inwardly reminded herself to get herself together.
“Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly. They were very good! I especially enjoyed ‘Run to You’. You must be very proud of them.”
He looked pleased at her answer, his shoulders raising and his posture straightening as if her words gave him power. 
“They’re good - it’s all them, not me.” 
Of course, he would say that. Spoken like a true leader, Y/N thought. She admired it and was envious at times of being a solo act. She had no one to rely on. Yes, she had Sian and Emma to support her career as a musician and she had wonderful best friends in Rachel and Eun Ji. The bond she saw in SEVENTEEN and the way S.Coups led them, protected them and nurtured them was admirable and truly special and something she wished she could have. In fact, the way they all treated each other was so genuine and lovely. She’d heard it from the horse’s mouth afterall. The times when Joshua would call her for a catch up, he would share little tidbits of how each member did something for him without fanfare. She’d tell Joshua each time that they had something unique and to protect it at all cost. He would laugh but then agree. 
The manager returned to collect them not long after their brief conversation but by then the unspoken tension between S.Coups and Y/N had lightened and Y/N felt less nervous as she walked behind him through the corridors to get to the green room. The walkway was narrow and the staff were walking back and forth, getting organised and securing things away for when they returned for the next concert in two days. Whenever a staff speedily walked in their direction, Y/N felt protective of S.Coups who was taking slow measured steps. She would fasten her pace to match his and place herself between him and the staff so they wouldn’t bump into him by accident. After a couple of times, he’d noticed and when she did the same again, he tapped her hand to get her attention. A flush of heat shooted through her veins at the touch. He smiled and shook his head, as if to say he’s fine. With a sheepish grin, she shrugged as if to say I didn’t do anything and remained next to him as they finally made it to the green room. 
“You all better be decent!” S.Coups shouted as he walked in first. 
Voices called out in glee, greeting their eldest.
“Y/N!” Joshua shouted a beat later in delight, seeing her walk in behind the manager. She grinned and picked up her pace moving towards Joshua as he did the same. The two hugged, Y/N’s height left her head tucked under his arms. He patted her head affectionately before the two released each other. 
“You were brilliant tonight. You all were! I was honestly in awe the entire time. I don’t know how you can all sing like that and, whilst dancing such complicated choreos. I was getting tired watching you but the energy never dropped from any of you. You were just awesome, Josh.” 
Y/N’s compliments gushed out as if a stopper had been released. 
“I didn’t want to come empty handed so I got you a little something.” She added shyly before taking off her mini backpack and digging out the card she’d written. Y/N loved to write cards for her friends. For birthdays, for celebrations of milestones, in time of condolence or just to appreciate one of them. She handed it over to Joshua, a little reluctantly as she realised others were observing their interaction, particularly S.Coups. 
“I also got you a little care package but it’s back at the hotel. Your manager said I can drop it off to him tomorrow before I head back.” 
“You shouldn’t have, that’s so sweet of you, Y/N.” 
He ruffled her hair in affection, which earned him a playful glare from Y/N as she fixed her hair. The two caught up on what they’ve been up to. Y/N talked about all of the shows she’d filmed for whilst visiting.
“Can you believe that the song for the first round was ‘God of Music’? What are the chances?”
Joshua laughed and asked if she managed to solve it. She’d replied it’s a surprise and he’d have to watch the episode to find out, getting him to promise that he would watch it and let her know his thoughts. 
After updating each other on the latest happenings, Joshua took Y/N around the room, introducing her to staff and band members. Conscious they were all likely very tired, Y/N kept the interactions short and just congratulated them on their award and on a great concert. Some spoke for longer, asking which performance she liked best (DK), if she came up with the synths in the chorus for her song ‘Electric’ (Woozi) and how she ended up appearing as a surprise guest with Fall Out Boy (Vernon). She was recounting to Vernon about how her old YouTube covers from her teen years were popping up in all her interviews and they mostly used her Fall Out Boy covers as examples so Pete and Patrick naturally came across it and messaged her, when one of the staff called out for everyone to start making their ways to the cars and head to the restaurant where the team dinner would take place. 
“Oh, I should get going as well. Josh,” calling his attention from where he was standing talking to S.Coups, “I’m gonna head back as well.” He seemed to signal to S.Coups that he would be back and walked to where Vernon and Y/N had been chatting. Unexpectedly, S.Coups also followed after him following a pause, approaching the English speaking trio who were in debate. 
“Erm, where do you think you’re going missy?” 
Y/N rolled her eyes at this and looked at Vernon as if he would commiserate but she got no sympathy. Vernon nodded in agreement, encouraging Y/N to come along and she wouldn’t be overstaying her welcome, as if anticipating her argument. She looked to S.Coups for back up only to receive a small smirk in response. Y/N sighed, knowing it was a lost cause and really, as long as she wasn’t bothering anymore, she was more than happy to get a little more time with Joshua given how little they get to meet in person. 
She’d ended up in a car with Dino, Mingyu, Vernon and Joshua. They had been quickly ushered into the vehicle and she ended up in the middle row next to Vernon, with the troublesome trio sitting behind her. Dino kept the mood up, cracking jokes left, right and centre. Dino and Mingyu, realising Y/N was fluent enough in Korean to follow along, roped her into their antics as Vernon listened in amusement next to her, though you wouldn’t be able to tell with his ever perfect stoic expression. Joshua had already planned that they wouldn’t reveal Y/N’s fluency in Hangul so they could embarrass Seungkwan at least once. Sometimes, it was hard to remember that they were a group of men in their 20s and not a bunch of rowdy teenage boys. 
Their plan worked to the tee when half an hour later, when the restaurant reserved for SEVENTEEN and their staff echoed with laughed at Seungkwan’s look of betrayal as Y/N spoke to Jeonghan in Korean after letting Seungkwan try to tell her a story about Joshua in mainly gestures and some English for a good few minutes. Joshua, the mastermind, looked so proud of himself as Dino and Mingyu tipped their heads back and cackled. 
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw S.Coups shake his head at their silliness. He caught her looking and held her stare before he shook his head again as if in disappointment but gave away his amusement with his gummy smile. Y/N’s smile grew brighter as if someone had plugged in a LED light that illuminated it. She shrugged at him to explain that she was helpless against the evil Joshua and his apprentices. Like that, they communicated across the room in gestures, smiles and eye contact. S.Coups looked away first, though he looked reluctant to do so, when a staff member called on him to make a toast. He wasn’t drinking, Y/N noted. He held up a can of Coke Zero and remarked on the team’s hard work, thanked the staff for their support and promised that the team will work harder and show a better side of them in the new year. 
Y/N once again congratulated the members who shared her table. Joshua made sure not to neglect her, staying by her side most of the time and making sure she had someone to talk to when he wasn’t. He’d apologised again, during a quiet moment between the two of them, about cancelling their plan. Y/N brushed it off, saying there was nothing to apologise for. 
Y/N jokingly added, “You’ve already made up for it by giving me three hours with my bias tonight.” 
Joshua chuckled at this, and then as if a light had gone off in his brain, his expression turned to mischief. 
“Coups-yah! Come here for a second!” 
Y/N was alarmed. She knew she would be subjected to whatever goading Joshua had cooked up and there was no point in trying to resist. Preparing herself for the humiliation, she turned to Vernon who was on her other side and said, “It was nice meeting and knowing you, Vernon. I’m about to ascend to the afterlife once Josh’s done so I’ll say my goodbyes now.”
Vernon was unfazed. After all, it wasn’t his first day with the chaotic and rambunctious group of friends. He just poured Y/N a drink and gestured to it. Y/N picked up the shot of soju and declared, “One for the road to hell then,” and drank it in one go.
S.Coups had walked over to their table as Y/N put her shot glass down. She didn’t have to turn around to sense his presence. She could pick out notes of his perfume despite the smells of BBQ around them. His presence fell over like a shadow and the butterflies returned, bigger in size. They’d been fed with each interaction and now rested on the top of her lungs, urging her to turn around and bask in the sculpture of art standing tall and strong behind her. They begged to be fed again, greedy for one more smile that would set them free and flying again. 
“Coups-yah. Come here, sit next to me.” 
Joshua slid to the right, creating a gap between him and Y/N. S.Coups slowly sat down, careful not to bump into a glass as the space was tight. They sat shoulder to shoulder, the sleeves of her black dress brushing against his soft hoodie. Y/N felt as if she’d been set alight, but only the right side of her. The flames flickering each time S.Coups adjusted his seating. 
“Have you had anything to eat yet?” 
Joshua fussed over S.Coups, piling a plate together for him despite S.Coups’ resistance to more food, saying he’d had plenty already. Joshua continued to ignore S.Coups’ response, stood from his seat and leaned over to grab the food that was closer to Vernon instead of asking him to pass it. The movement was abrupt and pushed S.Coups towards Y/N, and as Vernon was the man that can’t be moved, she was squished between the two Hip Hop Unit members. 
S.Coups exclaimed in annoyance and Y/N tried to make herself smaller. 
“Don’t get annoyed, my friend. I’ve missed you and am making sure you’re well fed.” 
Y/N just knew he was building up to say something to embarrass her. This was also why she called Joshua the older brother she wished she had. He didn’t hesitate to tease her when the opportunity arose. She watched him like a hawk, glaring at the 95 liner when he gave her an amused smile. 
“Coups-yah. Do you know my friend, Y/N? I’ve mentioned her to you before, right?” 
S.Coups gave a polite smile in Y/N’s general direction, not meeting her eyes and returned to looking at Joshua, looking tired. He hummed in acknowledgment, so Joshua would go on. 
“She released her first full length album at the beginning of the month and it’s been topping the chart, you know.She’s been nominated for Best New Artist and Best Pop Act categories at the BRIT Awards for it.” 
He’d not forgotten to boast about his friend’s achievements first. 
“Have you listened to the album? You know what, let me play you my favourite song of the album. It’s called ‘Honey’ and I think you’ll really enjoy it.” 
Joshua quickly found the song on Spotify and pressed play. Staying silent till the chorus was over, he lowered the volume and proceeded with his monologue, “It’s good, right?”
S.Coups didn’t even have a chance to say anything polite about how he enjoyed it. 
“Y/N-yah, you had some great inspiration for this song, right? In fact, I remember you telling me that you wrote the song for your bias in SEVENTEEN. Coups-yah, did you know that Y/N’s bias is -”
 Y/N had shoved a ssam in Joshua’s mouth as he was mid-sentence.
“Stop talking and eat. You’ve had too much to drink that you’re waffling.” with gritted teeth, Y/N ordered. Joshua tried to speak but the ssam was too big so no one could make out what was being said. S.Coups looked between the two friends, realising he was missing something. Y/N could almost see his thoughts as he debated whether to ask or just let it go. He seems to have decided on the latter as he patted Joshua’s back and got up, taking his leave and moving towards the main crowd. He’d said that he was heading home after taking leave from everyone. 
As soon as he was out of earshot, Y/N took Joshua to task. 
“Why. Would. You. Do. That! You. Twat.” Each word was enunciated slowly with a smack on his shoulder. 
Vernon finally burst out laughing when the British insult came out. Joshua leaned away to avoid the smacks as he playfully stuck his tongue out and shouted, “Merong!”
He’d been louder than he had intended to be and caught the attention of the restaurant for a second. They realised he was up to his old tricks and returned to their own discussions. 
“This is why I can only handle you in small doses, Josh. Vernon, I don’t envy you.”
The pair raised their glasses at each other in consolation and took a sip. Joshua just laughed, saying he brought joy and fun into their lives and they knew it. The conversation dwindled as the tiredness set in for everyone. Y/N’s phone hissed and she saw it was a message from Emma, asking her to come back soon. She took that as a sign and got up from her seat. She hugged Vernon, telling him to keep in touch and to let her know when their LA-born friend was too annoying. Joshua shoved her in a light-hearted manner, saying he was an angel. 
“No, that’s Jeonghan.” 
He couldn’t argue with that. The two friends left Vernon with the rest of their tablemates, and walked towards the exit. Joshua wrapped an arm around Y/N, murmuring his thanks for her attendance. She returned the thanks, grateful for the invite and showered him with praises again for the award and the concert. The two hugged in a gentle embrace, swaying side to side subtly before the movement became exaggerated, as they avoided a sombre goodbye. Y/N wrangled a promise out of Joshua to visit her in London, hopefully on their next break. Joshua ruffled Y/N’s head in affection, before poking her forehead hard and telling her to get going as it was late. The door behind them opened and revealed S.Coups with his jacket and mask on, also leaving the gathering.
“Ah, Coups-yah. You’re off as well, now? I’ve called a driver to take Y/N to her hotel. Are you going in the same car?”
S.Coups had looked surprised to see the two of them outside and alone. Their interactions looked intimate when he walked in and he wondered if he had interrupted something. He shook his head at Joshua’s question. He didn’t think he would be taking the same car as Y/N. It was risky to be seen alone with a female that wasn’t staff. It didn’t make sense to do so when he wasn’t fully acquainted with the foreign singer. The car for Y/N arrived first. She bowed to S.Coups and took her leave from him and wished him a speedy recovery. She looked solemn as she told Joshua to look after himself and quickly embraced him as he patted her back. She waved one last time once in the car, with the window rolled down before the vehicle took off leaving the two friends behind in the cold winter night.
S.Coups saw that his friend looked wistful. He was now even more curious about their relationship. Were they really just friends?
“It’s not what you think.” 
S.Coups wondered if he had spoken his thoughts out loud. 
“She’s like the sister I never had. She really cares, you know? I don’t feel judged when I speak to her.”
“Then, I’m happy you have someone like that. You have us too, you know?” 
Joshua chuckled at that. 
“I know. I know. Well, it’s time for you to head back. That looks like your car.” 
Joshua pointed at the car that was slowing down and pulling to the curb. S.Coups said goodbye to his friend, telling him to rest up and wishing him luck for their next concert on the 2 December. In transport, S.Coups reflected on the evening. It was an interesting one. Outside of the usual banters that came with their gatherings and the milestone they had celebrated, Y/N was someone who had made the night interesting. She’d quickly made friends with everyone from the members to staff. She’d ingrained herself after a night of socialising, had everyone at ease and laughing at her jokes. Yet, with him, she’d kept her distant. He’d overheard stories all night that he was keen to meet the vivacious women everyone had been describing to him.Yet, when he’d joined their table, she’d gone meek and quiet. Call him Sherlock but he was curious. 
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