#covid still sucks
feather-rose · 1 year
Lockdown, Part 3.
A month later..
Hinata(Waves off through the camera.): Hiya, Naruto--
Naruto( Nearly falls off from his chair after the videocam person had jumped into the session) Argh!! Hinata! Hinata! Hinata-chan--
Shikamaru(Grunts with annoyance.): Calm down, you idiot! She’s okay!
Hinata(Shy as ever as she waved off at the camera.): I’m alright, Naruto-kun..
Naruto(Relieved. as he sighed.): Uh, uh! You’e okay! I’ve really thought for a second, you wouldn’t have had made it!!
Hinata: I thought so too. But I’m still here.( Waves off at the left spot of her direction, too.) And someone else might as well say hi, to you too..
Sakura: Who?
Hinata switches off the camera to someone else, here. An familiar and tired man with a tied man-bun waved off at the camera, sitting up onto his bed, smilling.
Neji: Hey guys!(Everyone had stared at him, into shock.)
Naruto had actually fell down from his chair, this time.
Sakura(Into shock.):Naruto---
Shikamaru(Angered.): Damn, Neji, don’t scare us like that--
Neji(Waves off his hand trying to look sympatic.): Sorry, for scaring you out, lately..(He tried to adjust himself better into his bed, here. Looking tired with bags under his eyes as an brunette with two buns had come along here and lowered down to his left side as she laid next to him, with a smirk. Over the camera.) It came out of sudden.
Tenten(Points at the camera.): The thing is whenever there’s a questioning disease going around, you need to be sure to be wearing a mask--
Neji(Defends himself.): I was wearing one when I got horribly sick..
Shikamaru: Whatever. Even genuises got sick, take Stephen Hawking--
Neji: I wasn’t talking to that--(Coughed out a bit as he held Tenten onto his arm.)
Sakura: Are you okay?
(Neji grunts as he waves off at the camera as his head laid onto the pillow as he breathed deep in and out..)
Tenten(Nods.): Yeah, yeah. We’ve been doing it for a while, but luckily, Neji made it through. After an induced coma, for a nearly a week and half, he woken up and made an fast recovery. But I’ve stood by him, through the hardest time like when he was into a induced coma with all these machines and the scary ventilator tube breathing for him. And the next thing I had known, he first held up my hand and woken up..(And laid her head onto his chest, looking loivingly, despite her boyfirend blushing here.) I was so relieved back there. And had gotten out from the hospital, after two weeks. The two of of us here. When Kiba and Lee were still stucked up back then.
Hinata: Yeah..But they’re doing much better now. My father had insisted that Neji moves back home here for the time being with Tenten. He’ll take care of the appartement, for the next few months.  I’ve heard Kiba’s mom is watching him like hawk. Crazy to even think, he’d go out from home after what happened.
Sakura: And Lee?
Hinata: The only person from the virus itself could get afraid from. He had little symptoms, but still nurses wanted him to stay at his room, even the security guard had gotten scared.Supervised, even if many people were scared to see an such hyper man jumping like an very active guy from the circus!
(All people through the video session laughed here.)
Naruto: Woah..
Neji(Eyed up the camera’s direction with a smirk.): And Tenten had never left my side after that.( Looking down at her, very lovingly as he ran heis fingers through her small falling braid.) Not even after I’ve woken up, she hadn’t left me.(Smiling with relief.)
Ino(Touched, here.): Aww..
Chouji: What the heck had happened?
Neji: Well, the thing is..( He turned over Tenten, teasing over as he nodded over the filming camera.) Shoudn’t we tell them now?( Smirks) About you know, what?
Tenten(Looks back at him, with a teasing smirk.): Don’t wanna give them an heart attack, uh?
Naruto(Loud as ever.): What now? What the heck is going on, now?
Tenten(As the two of them looked back at the camera. with a huge grin): Guys, believe it or not, we’re getting married!( She showed up her hand with a fake ring on her fourth finger.)
Everyone were left gaped wide open jaws, here.
Sakura: What?
Ino: Uh?
Chouji(Bafleed.): No fucking way!
Shikamaru fell down from his chair.
Naruto(Confused.): Uh? Is it true? Hinata--
Hinata(Nods): Yup, I even filmed Neji’s proposal when he was still stucked up at the hospital with Tenten.
Neji(Also agrees to that.): As soon, when covid would be over, I’d buy a ring once I’ll get get out, of here.
Tenten(Waves her hand as if it didn’t matter.): Anything simple, it wouldn’t matter..
Neji: But the best for my girl, here.(Grins Widely as everyone melt over the new couple.)
(Another video cam pooped up, revealing an barely awake Sasuke with his headphones on.)
And he looked strange, according to the people here.
Sasuke: Hey guys, sorry for being late. Had to study, here.( And then noticed Neji staring up weirdly, here with Tenten.) Yo, Neji. Welcome back, man. You’re still kicking.
Naruto: Alive, you should say, teme!
Sasuke: Whatever!( Release an huge yawning.) I had to stay late for studying math. Oh man, I’d think I’ll take a nap. See ya next time.(He stood up from his chair. With nothing onto his body here which it left everyone bafleed here with shock.)
Neji(Disgusted here.): The heck? Is it just me, or did he forgotten to wear some clothes on?
Chouji( Laughs): It’s for real!! Haha!!
Naruto(Laughing hard.): Teme!
Tenten: Is he really naked?( And cracks up into an uncontrolling laughter.)
Hinata( Blushes hard): Sasuke-kun..(Then faints as the camera went dark.)
(And then, the chicken hairedcut man scratched his ass, which it made people laugh, hysterically. That idiot had forgotten to turn off his videocam!)
Chouji(About to laugh, here.): Oh, I’m gonna take a few pictures of that once Shika wakes up!!(Took out his phone and started to take a few flashes of it.)
Naruto: Haha! Sakura call him!
Sakura(Nearly fell out of her chair from laughing so hard, here.): Haha.. (Grins widely as she dialed up Sasuke’s phone number.)
Ino: A good way, to to picture up Sasuke’s duck ass, here.
(Phone rings over the other video here.)
Camera comes back onto light as Neji held back laugh with his hand covering his mouth when Tenten cracked up into an uncontrolling laugh as she pointed up the camera about to roll over from her boyfriend. When Sasuke picked up his phone and answered with a grunt.
Sasuke: What’s Up?( He answered back with his back turned.)
Sakura: Sasuke! We can see you!
Chouji: We can see you!
Neji: Nice ass, by the way!
Tenten was just too busy laughing, to say anything here, that she fell down here from the bed.
Naruto: We can all see you! You teme!!
Sasuke looks back down to his ass and than back at the camera, until his eyes wevnt wide and ran away like a banshee. Or more like the roadrunner from the Bugs Bunny cartoons.
Sasuke: Damn it!
As everyone laughed at at him.
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lingwenboobs · 7 months
Happy BHM!!
I know its a bit late from me but happy black history month y'all! I didn't really wanna make this post but my roommate has covid so we need some money for supplies so that me and my other roommate Don't get it. I'm working two jobs but I don't get paid until next week and we just found out about the other roommate being sick this morning.
Anything helps! If you wanna send me reparations in general or just wanna help out two struggling black college students here's where you can: pp ca vm
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9ofspades · 3 months
It’s disability pride month, and if you are disabled in the U.S. from Long Covid I want you to know that you’re not alone, and you’re valid in whatever you feel. Whether that’s sorrow at your new problems or rage at society for failing you, you are valid, and it is truly messed up that society is continuing to fail you.
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
If the covid delirium accidentally makes me post even more fanfic prompts instead of queuing them… it’s my birthday gift to y’all
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paging-possum · 1 month
Why are people more understanding about “I wear a mask to reduce social stress regarding facial expressions” than “I wear a mask to minimize potential disease transmission because I don’t like being sick and don’t want to risk making other people sick” 😐 why does the first one get understanding nods while the second one gets me dragged into a ten minute conversation about how I’m overreacting and it’s bad for my immune system and I don’t really need it.
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n4rval · 5 months
ah. something i find a little funny is seeing people describe the way he speaks as "distant" or "detached", or even outright "cold"
i think it is very safe to say he adresses us in a way that is very personal. heartwarming, even. like someone who is excited to see us and show his work with every release (and has explicitly used the word for it).
idk you guys if you're too weirded out by him that's alright — in fact, the way he has this effect on people solidifies an uncaniness that is very important to his character — but there is no way you can look me in the eye and tell me that "SO TO BE HERE FINALLY ON THE VERGE OF CONNECTION IS QUITE EXCITING." or "I LOOK FORWARD TO CREATING A NEW FUTURE WITH YOU." or "SHALL WE? SHALL WE GO AGAIN?" is expressing nothing but professionalism🚶
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twunkus · 2 months
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she's the greatest there is at what she does. and what she does is fail upward consistently
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tearlessrain · 3 months
I will never not be pissed about how covid has been handled. I don't really talk about it anymore because it's not going to change anything and I'm just gonna end up being That Guy evne more than I already am in general but. I'm just terminally pissed about it. the fact that so many people died who didn't have to, the fact that disabled and elderly people were so blatantly thrown under the bus to the point that a lot of people weren't even pretending to care, the CDC straight up lying multiple times and making it abundantly clear that the economy is more important than human life (or quality of life). the fact that everyone acts like long covid doesn't exist and "you won't die stop worrying about it," the fact that everyone (mainly the government and corporations but I see it on an individual social level too) is so desperate to get back to "normal" that they threw out a bunch of things that were actively improving lives like normalizing wearing masks during flu season/in doctors offices, and making more jobs remote, and respecting peoples' goddamn personal space. the fact that for some reason the prevailing opinion is that it's been long enough now and we should all get over it and accept it as a part of life and purposefully do nothing to mitigate the risk from this still very present and dangerous illness because you're harshing everyone's vibe.
it just really sucks man idk there's no point to this.
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dollsdesires · 10 months
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A bunch of my posts have been flagged and it looks like my blog has been flagged/hidden as well 😣. Please follow my backup @dollsdesiresx just in case this account gets removed completely 🥺💔
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bigmammallama5 · 6 months
Man if a mild case of covid makes me feel bad for over a week im afraid of how badly i would feel with a more severe case…
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 year
My scanner decided to essentially brick itself with some obscure firmware error that the manufacturers have shrugged about and washed their hands of. Cool!
I've ordered a new device (different manufacturer this time) but that was a financial hit I didn't really need in the lead up to my birthday.
Anyway, I have a lot of stuff scanned already for August so this shouldn't delay the things I had planned, I just wanted to complain :(
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manhattan-gamestop · 8 months
I think tumblr is better at talking about the severity of Covid than a lot of platforms, but the posts I see on here do a terrible job at highlighting that you can do everything right and *still get it*. And I don't say that to be a pessimist, but because it can be incredibly invalidating for people who have been masking, up-to-date on boosters, etc. and got Covid bc even though we did everything we could, it still feels like our fault that we had it. So if that describes your experiences with Covid I just wanna say I see you, I feel you, and you are not alone
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corrienteallita · 1 month
What's this? 3 text posts in one day?
Well because everything fucking hurts and it's been hurting for two fucking weeks now THANKS COVID YOU FUCKING SUCK
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notbroadwaybound · 1 month
losing your comfort show just sucks. TWICE. I have lost it TWICE. and there's no physical media of it (and I don't even have a DVD player or a laptop that has a DVD drive anymore because like apparently we as a society hate the concept of physical media now)
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poupon · 18 days
Youre ALIVE?????
I wouldn't say I'm living but in fact by many definitions I am
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altruistic-meme · 26 days
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