#crappy poem
paigemakepeacewrites · 9 months
You can’t predict a person. No matter how well you think you know them, Or how hard you try to predict Their next moves, They will always find a way to surprise you.
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biochemsitry · 2 years
"You Say That Nothing Rhymes With Orange"
You Say That Nothing Rhymes With Orange
A crappy experimental poem by Biochemsitry in response to my Brit Lit prof who said it was impossible to make a rhyming poem with the word “orange”
What’s that? You say that nothing rhymes with orange?
Hmmm… How about I ask my good friend Gorringe[1]?
Oh wait, he’s got to fix that squeaky door hinge…
Aaaand now he needs to go and get the torque wrench[2].
Oh, never mind! We’ll think of words… Sporange[3]!
And then we’ve words like syringe, and more cringe, and four inch…
What’s that? Those don’t rhyme that much with orange?
Well, what’d you expect? Nothing (well, except sporange, and maybe Gorringe) truly rhymes with orange! Who do you think I am, Eminem[4]?!
[1] A rare English surname.
[2] Why he needs a torque wrench for a door hinge is not my problem.
[3] The part of some plants where spores are made.
[4] Thanks, Eminem, for making me realize there are words that can rhyme with orange!
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[There's just a twinkle in your eye That seems to say I might , if I Were only bold enough to try An arm about your waist. I hear, too, as you come and go, That pretty nervous laugh, you know; And then your cap is always so Coquettishly displaced.]
-excerpt from 'Ne Sit Ancillae Tibi Amor Pudori' by Robert Louis Stevenson
a little solruin doodle comic for the @ask-the-roommate-au boys by @sunny-inajar that's been sitting in my brain for a little while-I was reading through some poetry and this seemed to fit their docket, so I went ahead and drew them.
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emeraldotter · 2 months
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keep reaching out
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kit-writes-poetry · 1 month
My romanticization
Turned to villainization
When my dedication
Became desperation.
I want to cry,
And die
Because you never try,
And our conversations start with, “Bye.”
I’m hiding from my issues
Because I still love you.
I don’t know what to do,
But I wish you at least tried to.
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foggythefandomgremlin · 5 months
The sun, stars and moon all as one
What are their names and what have they done?
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reineboots · 3 months
There’s a bittersweetness to looking out at your yard and realizing the trees you planted as a child are no longer saplings.
Now they are strong and tall, and their stems, no longer tender and green, have disappeared behind an armor of bark skin.
The world of your childhood is gone. Everything has changed. Everything has grown.
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dragons-for-the-win · 7 months
Rain, night, silence
That's all I need...
That's not true,
I'm missing you
I never thought I'd say this
but lately it has been you
Everything I do, everywhere I go
I keep wishing to be there with you
Holding your hand
hugging you tight...
I never want to let go
Because I am tired of all
the "see you tomorrow"s
when you are the one I want
to see when I get back home
Even when I want to be alone
I would rather be with you
Staying in silence no words
but still together whatsoever
Being with you makes everything
much better, much brighter
you make me shine like the sun
and I wont ever stop the light
Rain, night, silence
That's all I ever wanted
but now I want you more
than all I have ever desired
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lexiklecksi · 8 months
The friends that got away
To all the friends that got away
I can see your happy faces on social media
But I remember you crying in my bathroom
While I was caressing your hair
Your book still sits on my shelf
I didn’t have a chance to give it back
It’s been 10 years and I haven’t read a single page
When I listen to our songs I can still hear your voice singing along
Every little thing makes me think of you
Chocolate ice cream we shared
The mall we used to hang out in
The pond where we fed the ducks
I know you inside out
Like you can’t walk past a cat without petting it
And that you hate your birthday
How hyacinths make you smile and heights make you cry
I know everything about you
You act like you don’t know me at all
And I miss you, but in my broken heart I know
You don’t miss me at all
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
Feeling horrible so can I get a Flower poem please, heavy on the emotional damage ?
oh buddy.. 🌸
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— Magdalene: The Addict, Marie Howe
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imaginingmoonlight · 2 months
Star Dust
-A short poem
I’m not afraid to die.
Don’t get me wrong,
I don’t want to die. I wish
To live a long happy life filled
With smiles and sunlight
And joy.
But I understand that one day
My soul will return to roots, drift
Away from the earth.
You see, we’re all made
Of star dust.
Every step we take, every breath we take,
Fuelled by star dust. Particles flung
From burning cores like dust from
A well loved photograph, memories
Exchanging from one mind to the next.
So when my soul leaves my body
And stretches up towards the sky
When the time one day comes,
Up towards the stars,
I will not be scared. I will not
Be afraid.
I am going home.
-Elise B, imaginingmoonlight
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scorink · 6 months
It took five poems
seven years
six holidays (one made up)
four playlists
two matching necklaces
nine empty chocolate wrappers
eight characters (plus an emoji)
and a stupid song
to finally learn what I have known all along:
With you is where I belong
— the countdown to three (words)
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some-randomhumanbeing · 7 months
A Cats Sound, By Cryptic Cryptid
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I sit on an old red creaky chair by the window,
The rain pitter pattering against the window.
A white ball of fur sits in my lap,
Looking at me with big blue eyes.
Making an odd sound, familiar and calming.
A rolling of an R,
Rrr, Rrr, Rrr.
A calming sound,
from the within the throat.
What's the sound called again?
A murr, perhaps a churr?
It's a purr.
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rumoresque · 3 months
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ghosts :]
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cats-rhetoric · 5 months
Wolves in April-
The ones with the fucked up families,
Has their brains like mush, 
Scattered across spilled words, 
In households full of bluff, 
Red rugs separate us, 
In the gulf of the wood floors, 
You wish the ashes left outside, 
Would freshly burn on my cheek, 
I asked for logic, 
You asked for acceptance, 
"You resent me, 
and if you have room for resent, 
You have no room for love"
Is what the family wolves, 
Told me. 
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mightbesmall · 1 year
This Is Self Indulgent-
The month of April is that of many things,
From bees to showers,
It’s a season where many a bird sings,
And bees and butterflies that flock to the flowers.
Climb onto your broom and fly with me,
It’s your special day so don’t delay,
Pick up that bouquet and into the air you’ll be,
Watching the setting sun and not full of disarray.
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“A Whole Garden Of Flowers.”
Please excuse my crappy art, I was trying out a new art style, might try and polish up in this one or just drop it. And the shit poem, I just suffer from skill issues.
Anyways, there’s pink Azalea, Red carnation, A blue and purple stock flowers aaand buttercups :>
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