kdd-works · 1 year
Hey, is it okay if you make the Melone character profile public if that's okay? Or the JJBA bots public so we can try putting it in Pygmalion? If not I totally understand but I'm trying to figure out all this stuff and I'm pretty bad at this haha thanks if you can help I wish you an awesome day I've had lots of fun :D
Damng I had a secret formula
Yeah I'll do it even if embarrassing give me a min
You'll have bout a week(?) then I'll private all bots entirely
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alexotls · 1 year
I LOvE your doppio content like the comics where he has a nice family! I saw you like dangan ronpa and now I’m curious have you heard of Your Turn to Die? It’s kinda like Dangan Ronpa but more Saw like I guess. I’m just trying to rope more people into playing it bc the fandom is so tiny fhhdhsh but it’s super good and underrated
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aww thank you so much!! yeah i got into dangan ronpa all the way back in 2013 and i still love it despite its many... MANY... flaws... and i've actually been meaning to play yttd for a while! i never got around to it because i'm in the middle of like 4 unfinished games right now fjajskdjgh you know how it is but someday. i will play it. very intrigued by the surprisingly common overlap of DR fans and doppio fans specifically 🤔 the number of times i've seen people draw doppio and komaeda together is 3 so far which is not a lot but still statistically significant
as for zero escape i've played 999 and a little bit of vlr, i gave up partway through the second one because my emulator was unbearably laggy but maybe i'll revisit it sometime now that i have a new computer. gotta finish ace attorney first before starting any new mystery vns :^)
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
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Going Nuts for the White-Breasted Nuthatch
requested by @crazychooklady
Common throughout woodlands southern Canada, the United States, and Mexico, the white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) is a small passerine bird known primarily for its ability to climb down trees headfirst. It inhabits deciduous, mixed, and evergreen forests, as well as wooded parks and some urban areas-- anywhere with trees suitable for nesting. S. carolinensis uses pre-existing holes, usually those made by other birds, rather than building their own. They don’t migrate, but rather males guard their own separate territories and mates year round.
The white-breasted nuthatch is a long-term monogamous species; once pairs form, they stay with each other until one member dies, although extra-pair matings with is common for both sexes. The breeding season can occur any time from April to July, depending on the population’s region, and usually lasts about two months. Unpaired males sing to attract potential mates, and paired couples begin preparing their nest hole with fur and plant material. The female lays between 5 and 9 eggs, which she incubates while the male brings her food. After 13-18 days the eggs hatch, and both parents provide their young with food until they fledge about a month later. Fledglings will stay with their parents for another 2-4 weeks before leaving to find territories and mates of their own.
On the whole they are solitary birds, but in the winter, S. carolinensis can sometimes be seen in mixed flocks with titmice and chickadees. This is likely to increase the chances of escaping predators, which include owls and hawks. Woodpeckers, squirrels, and climbing snakes will also go after eggs and nestlings. One unique trick white-breasted nuthatches use to protect their nests from these predators is wiping the entrance to their tree hole with a piece of fur or leaves every time they leave to obscure their scent. Their foraging style is also very singular; crawling up and down trees and even upside down on branches to search for seeds and insects.
Of the three nuthatch species, the white-breasted nuthatch is squarely in the middle in terms of size. They typically measure 13-15cm in length, with a wingspan of 20-27cm and weighing 18-30g. The bill is long, thin, and slightly upturned to help S. carolinensis forage under bark while upside down. Their back is a distinct grey-blue, and the wings and tail are a mix of black, grey, and white. A black crown caps their forehead, and the cheeks and belly are white as the name suggests. There are 9 subspecies across north America, distinguished mainly by color variations and the degree of sexual dimorphism.
Conservation status: Due to its large population, at an estimated 10 million individuals, and signs that this population is growing, the white-breasted nuthatch is rated as Least Concern by the IUCN. However, in areas where increased foresting has removed trees suitable for nesting populations have begun to decline.
Joan Tisdale
Dennis Allard
Tom Gray
Matt MacGillivray
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videogamepolls · 4 months
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Requested by @crazychooklady
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fandomsandfeminism · 2 years
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@crazychooklady they ARE the tortoises from Zoo Tycoon 2! Also known as African Spurred tortoises.
So, these guys aren't as mean as iguanas are, but they have a similar underlying issue:
1. They are very cute and small as babies, but eventually grow to be the THIRD LARGEST TORTOISE SPECIES ON EARTH.
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2. Because of this (and the fact that they live to be 70+), their care is *pretty extensive.* If you live in the south and have a big yard (with shade and water and REINFORCED FENCE that goes into the ground)- they can be kept outside. But they need heat, they can burrow like a bulldozer or a Badger mole, and they eat a *lot* of salad.
They, like all reptiles, have specific diet needs. Their shells will deform if they get too much protein, their bones will turn to mush if they don't get enough calcium, and they get respiratory infections if the humidity is too high.
Despite being *slow* tortoises like to move- they motor around all day long and try to dig their way through or climb over anything in their way. They are NOT inactive little rocks- they need space.
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Literally just how they are.
3. They lay a LOT of eggs. We are talking 20+ eggs per clutch, with potentially multiple clutches a year. This means that, in the right circles (wrong circles)- sulcata babies are sold very cheap and with very few questions. Because maybe you can comfortably house 2 sulcatas. But you can't house 22 or 42 or 62 sulcatas. And how many people in your area do you think will pay a lot for a tortoise AND have the means to care for one? Not 62 I'll bet. So you got to sell off those little suckers fast to anyone who will take them before they get too big for your house. I've seen them run around $40 at expos.
They have started to become invasive- not as widespread or dramatic as iguanas, but more and more they are turning up in places they shouldn't be and threaten local tortoises through competition.
They aren't as aggressive as iguanas and they aren't arboreal, so points there. But an adult will weigh 100+ pounds and has the ability to cause serious property damage if it wants to go somewhere and a poorly constructed fence, door, or wall is in their way.
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All of this means that reptile sanctuaries are *swamped* with them. They get dumped all the time, and people who generally get a new one will find a cheap baby at a reptile store or expo long before they look into local rescues.
I'm a firm believer that reptiles are incredible pets. But they also require research and care that goes beyond a cat or dog. And they *deserve* good care. So super irresponsible pet trade nonsense like this just makes me furious.
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nexpill · 1 year
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Commission: Smile @crazychooklady
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calder · 3 years
crazychooklady submitted to qualtoth:                                    
I know people say oh fallout in Australia would just be mad max but I really wanna know how things would’ve turned out 😭
My hc is that the rainforest areas like the dairntree ended up getting huge after experiments in the area now all the animals and plants are huge like it’s the carboniferous period 2.0 with gympie gympie trees thriving making isolated communities like cutting ppl off
in other places the natural disasters happen more and there are more eternal fires like burning mountain because of exposed natural gases in the resource wars and way, way more mines (both for coal and uranium) and more dugouts (underground homes we have) because the mines are in quite inhospitable deserts. Super destroyed mines too because people were in such a rush to harvest natural resources they ignored safety so you find heavily irradiated areas or collapsed mines or full on explosions.
Our trees also have a cool relationship with fire (pyrophytes)where some only open their seedpods during fires or have very flammable oil in them to make fires happen more and I think with the soil being bleh from all the mining that whole process happens way faster with frequent, cyclical fires and sudden growths of trees
Wetlands areas I wanna be a dumbass unrealistic person and make the water lillies and wetland plants even bigger and people make their homes on stilts to deal with flooding
I hc horned kangaroos actually have keratinous carcinomas. I like to imagine the wealth divide got so extreme during the end of the great war farmers got more and more desperate to keep their livestock alive and foolishly killed off a lot of the native predators blaming them for lamb deaths (which does still happen unfortunately even blameless wedge tailed eagles) leaving invasive species to take over and fill their niche but in a more destructive manner. Dingos would have been so diluted by feral dogs they would merely resemble what they were in some individuals. Cane toads completely decimated Queensland before overpopulating to the point of killing themselves leaving the areas where they were most concentrated wastelands. Rabbits had a similar thing going and they wiped out the bilby but some mutated due to the uranium mines near their many warrens and efforts to control their populations with government made diseases instead of radrabbits they became larger and even more proficient diggers but grossly deformed covered in tumours creating massive tunnel systems and fiercely defending them all while destroying local plants. Brumbies ran wild destroying riverbeds and trampling plants and their manes carried weeds and strange plants vast distances but the ecosystems struggled to support so many large animals and started to collapse. Feral cats lead to the extinction of many native animals and a disease which as an attempt at controlling populations by the government became propogating in their communities full of sickly animals spreading disease to humans as well as the engineered disease jumped the species barrier. I dunno what to do with native species the trouble is so many of our native species are struggling I find it hard to imagine them doing well with so many invasive species around with the exception of like possums and kangaroos (but some macropods are struggling atm even like yellow footed rock wallabies with feral goats) and birds are doing so badly with feral cats I’d be scared most small birds would do badly in fallout maybe emus would be doing well and cassowaries in the rainforest bc mutated cassowaries are cool. What do you think?
i like your use of mutants to speculate about ecosystems and endangered species instead of just make a bunch of fun hephalumps and woozels. great job!!!
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Did you hear about the hu tao and xiao leaks :D
The what?
I have not o:
Tell me more pls 👀
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wri0thesley · 4 years
Pssst hey Nat now that you have like a sorbet and gelato personality established would you be so kind as to add sorbet and gelato to the post about their sleepy teammate being all gushy about her pals and being like I love my teammates and all bubbly and sleepy bc that is a bigass mood
Sorbet listens. He treats you, very seriously, as if you’re not running on exhaustion and as if everything you’re saying deserves the same level of seriousness as something said to him by Risotto. If you start gushing about what a cute couple he and Gelato are, you might - if you’re VERY perceptive - see the very tips of his ears turn red, but don’t count on it. He’s used to dealing with Gelato, so he’s willing to just wait it out and make ‘mm’ noises instead of dealing with your exuberance. 
Gelato thinks it’s hilarious. He immediately sits down next to you, flopping down much too comfortably, and starts gently poking you to tell him more. Secretly he’s hoping you’re going to spill some of your deepest secrets to him that he can use for blackmail later on, but he’s not particularly upset when you just tell him how cute him and Sorbet are as a couple and how you’re so in awe of their skills as assassins! Gelato doesn’t like compliments when they’re coming from a place of a victim trying to save their own skins, but your gushing and inability to control your rambling is pretty endearing. He allows himself a few more minutes to bask in your appreciation before he calls Sorbet to hoist you over his shoulder and take you to your bedroom. This is not a good position to be caught in by anyone who might take advantage, and Gelato would know!
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foulserpent · 4 years
Does your minotaur hangout with unicorns like in oblivion?
nah, theyre from a clan that controls a good chunk of ruins in the colovian highlands and are mostly shepherds. im guessing the guys guarding the unicorn May have been hircine worshippers and actually involved in this hunt (unicorns are technically daedra and belonging to hircine after all)
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kedreeva · 5 years
Excuse me, I was just wondering would you be so kind as to teach me how to tell apart one of those giant mice from a rat? I want to learn to be better at identifying rodents. I wish you a lovely day
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The eyes sit differently on their faces (rats, to me anyway, have eyes that sit higher in relative position to their facial structure), and rats have generally smaller ears compared to their heads, and their ears generally look “thicker” because they are. Rats also tend to have cheeks because they have a much stronger bite force than mice. Rats also have a broader nose area, where their whiskers attach, and a broader skull top-to-bottom- rat faces tend to be more “blocky” where mouse faces are more wedge-shaped.
Rats also tend to have a lot thicker looking tails (and you can often see scales on them!) and bodies, and you can actually see a rat’s arms and legs fairly well (mice tend to a b s o r b), they have really different body shapes, and also rats tend to have a lot coarser looking fur (actually coarser fur, too, mice are practically made of satin they’re so soft):
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also rats are fucking huge:
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Like my mouse is pretty enormous at 76g, but baby rats are weaned at around 70g, a small female adult rat is 300g, and I’ve seen adult males easily go past 500g. If you have any size clues at all in a photo, you’ll usually be able to tell which is a rat and which is a mouse.
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kdd-works · 1 year
I get so sad bc pygmalion won’t run on my iphone for some reason it won’t let you upload json files or even the pictures from tavern and it kills me bc I often have to be lying down from chronic pain like auuaugwgwb
Damn, shit sucks doesn't it
Guess we'll just have to wait until if/when Pygmalion gets a website, but considering it's just amateur-run I'm not the most hopeful
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fumblebeefae · 5 years
I wish people would care as much about chytrid fucking up amphibians as they did pandas, whales and vaquitas
I mean…I wish people would care about inverts most specifically insects since more than 90% of all current life on earth are invertebrates. 
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I’ve noticed everytime charismatic megafuna is (rightfully) criticised people immediately mention frogs which are important, don’t get me wrong, but frogs make up such a tiny amount of important species compared to all inverts (esp insects!).
I don’t really find it a win for people to just shift their focus onto another vertebrate taxa or species when it’s so much easier to market vertebrates compared to insects which most people hate but are some of the most important organisms and are the taxa that need more conservation data, effort, money and attention (I gotta say as an entomologist I’m probably bias tho). 
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
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Creeping up on the Eurasian Treecreeper
requested by @crazychooklady
The eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), as its name implies, is a species of tree creeper found throughout both Europe and Asia, in deciduous and evergreen forests. There are between 9 and 13 subspecies distributed across the continents, each with slight variations on the same morphology: 12 to 15 cm long, with a 19 cm wingspan and a weight of only 10g. The head, back, wings, and tail are typically mottled brown and the underbelly is a fluffy white.
The most distinguishing feature of any eurasian treecreeper is its bill, which is long, thing, and slightly curved. This makes it an excellent tool to search under tree bark for their main food source: insects. In addition, their tail feathers are especially stiff to support them as they climb vertically up tree trunks to forage. C. familiaris has few predators, due to their arboreal lifestyle and the excellent camouflage their colouring provides. Their main threats come from great spotted woodpeckers (Dendrocopos major), least weasals (Mustela nivalis), and stoats (Mustela erminea), all of which will feed on eggs and hatchlings.
Like many passerine birds, the eurasian treecreeper is monogamous. The breeding season occurs between March and June, when food is most abundant. Males sing to attract a mate, and once a pair has formed they build a nest in the crevice of a tree. The pair will lay two clutches over the course of the breeding season, each with 1-6 eggs that the female incubates. These eggs only take about two weeks to hatch, and another two weeks to fledge and become fully independent. During this time, both parents feed their young but males spend more time defending the nest. The young become sexually mature at only a year old, and individuals in the wild typically only live for about two years.
None of the C. familiaris subspecies are migratory. However, some share territories with another treecreeper species, the short-toed treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla). The song of eurasian treecreepers that live in these areas differs from those of their relatives; their young learn the songs of both species, and thus sing mixed songs as adults. In addition, although they do not form flocks of their own, many eurasian treecreepers will join mixed species groups as extra protection against predators. 
Conservation status: The eurasian treecreeper is considered least concern by the IUCN, due to their large population and range. Habitat fragmentation and destruction for agricultural purposes are their largest threats, as they significantly increase predation risks.
Ryan Schaln (via eBird)
Dean Morley (via iNaturalist)
Dina Nesterkova (via iNaturalist)
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crowmero · 4 years
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No problem. If I was not that clear in my first response, my meme was specific to the Beemoov Fandom and their games (Amour Sucre, Eldarya and Moonlight Lovers), Sorry, I really couldn’t tell if you were a player or not. Beemoov is a French Company that make Otome games, and they are more or less well known for a game called “Amour Sucre” (aka My Candy Love and all the translations of the game). 
Their games at first weren’t app-base, you actually can play all their games on browser from your computer, they developed the app version for every game later. The signature of their games is their levels of customization: for example In My Candy Love you actually can change the appearance of your MC and this is reflected in the illustrations you win playing (mainly Color Skin, Color Hair and Eye Color) that’s one of the reasons many people liked the game since is a uncommon feature.
Talking about General Otomes: I think otome apps are becoming really expensive in general (It really depends of the company, I can only speak from the games I have played or I know), I think many are leaning more to be “Pay to Win”, they normally work with frustration (the fact that you can’t advance because you don’t have enough energy/point so you feel the pressure to use the bank to read the whole story) and I know the market has become really competitive and I have seen games been shut down for the lack of popularity and income. To be honest I’m completely ignorant of how hard is to maintain a app game because they really are significantly more expensive than buying V/Ns.
You actually can be banned or suspended from an app game if you abuse bugs or take advantage of the game is some way (using hacks, loopholes, cheating, harassing other players). 
In the specific case of the Eldarya Ban, I normally redirect to this video that more or less gives the highlights of what happened in a funny way, but it was a case of players farming in-game currency and the company taking action to punish players in a terrible messy way that affected everyone, even the people who did nothing wrong. Was a literal dumpster on fire.
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 5 years
Are you excited that cyber sleuth is coming to switch tomorrow :D
If we’re gonna be honest, I had no idea it even was coming to Switch! I already played it on PS4, but more people getting to access it is always a good thing. I’m honestly a big fan of the whole “port literally everything to Switch” model a lot of publishers have been using just in terms of accessibility, although I wish Nintendo would realize that literally no other publisher charges $60 for ports of years-old games.
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