#create auction website
floweroflaurelin · 6 months
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The Hermitcraft Charity Auction includes this painting created by yours truly! It’s painted in real paint on real canvas, and the gold foil was applied by hand! It’s framed! It’s live on the website! <- link!!
I had the pleasure of working with Grian to create a real-life version of the iconic mending book painting “9000 Fish” by @ink-ghoul for the Gamer’s Outreach auction. There are also versions of the painting by @belmarzi and @sevenchiart on the site to check out!!
I’m so delighted to get to be a part of fundraiser for such a good cause. The auction runs til Sunday so go check it out! 😄✨
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This whimsical felt costume, made to mimic the flat and colorful artwork of a playing card, was created by Anthony Mendleson for Flora Robson’s portrayal of the Queen of Hearts in the 1972 𝑨𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆’𝒔 𝑨𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅.   In 1990, the costume resurfaced briefly in the cheesy 1990 horror television series 𝑺𝒉𝒆-𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒏, in the episode 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒔, where characters from books come to life.   The costume, owned by Angels & Bermans (now just Angels), went up for auction at @heritageauctions in 2018.   This costume’s companion – The King of Hearts – was also reused in an episode of 𝑫𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝑾𝒉𝒐!   Find out more on our website: Bit.ly/SciFi059
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kiscon · 25 days
Call to Artists for KiScon Artshow submissions! Deadline- 15 September
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The art show aims to showcase a wide variety of K/S fan art, trying to convey how rich in talent and creativity our fandom is.
To ensure that both in-person and online attendees can enjoy the show, it will be presented via a slideshow vid that will be accessible online throughout the convention weekend (and afterwards on our website). We will also show it on the big screen during the opening ceremony on Friday night.
The art show and the auction usually overlap, but you can sell artworks at the auction that are not featured in the art show and submit art to the art show that is not for sale. You do not need to be a registered attendee to submit art to the art show or to the auction!
You can submit both digital art and traditional art that feature Kirk or Spock or both (K/S or K&S) that you created (paintings, drawings/prints, but also three-dimensional artworks like sculptures, amigurumi, fibre craft, jewellery etc.); the latter needs to be either scanned or photographed. The show itself is purely digital and welcomes pieces from all K/S fans, not only registered con attendees.
If you would like to see for yourself what this art show will be like, please have a look at our 2022 or 2023 vid. We do not accept AI-generated art for the art show! Good-quality files in jpg or png format (300 dpi) are recommended, so that your work will look its best in the vid. Please include your exact artist name and the title of your works, plus any kind of information (e.g. medium, year of creation) that you would like us to mention. The artworks do not need to have been created for the convention, but can be as old or new as they come. You can only submit art to the art show that you have created yourself or for which you have express permission from the creator (e.g. a friend who’s not active in fandom anymore but gave you the permission to submit their artworks). 
You can find the form and more information (If you do wish to include your art in the auction, for example) here on the website! https://kiscon.org/art.html or you can submit directly on the form.
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abnerkrill · 1 year
fandom participation in the 2007 wga strike: some notes
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fans4writers.com (a website that is still live, though most links are broken!) was a fandom grassroots organization, originating primarily in Firefly/Whedonverse fandom
fans4writers emphasizes cross-fandom solidarity (all fans of all writers) with the very catchy logo "don't write until it's right"!
that group was responsible for pizza deliveries to picket lines, joining in picketing efforts, mass mailing pencils to studios, and sky writing in support of the wga during the tournament of roses parade. (reportedly, universal studios called the cops on a pencil delivery.)
the website had these (honestly still very good) FAQ for joining in picketing. [I'm currently aware (may 5) that the WGA is open to non-members picketing as well, and some "pre-WGA" (aka aspiring writers) are even organizing carpools on Twitter!]
fans4writers also had forums for organizing purposes (that are now dead, that I wish I could view and archive) and a still-existing but unused Twitter account with updates.
I ask again: who in the 2023 fandom landscape has the balls to organize fandom in support of the WGA?? Whedonverse and Battlestar Galactica fans were crowdsourcing pizza funds, creating auctions, putting together this website and all its outreaches and mf'ing official press releases... where can we find that energy now?
note: I was 10 years old when the 2007 strike happened; I just like digging on the Internet and may have gotten things wrong about these organizations and am open to corrections from anyone who was present and in the trenches. In fact, if you were a part of the aforementioned organizing efforts, I would LOVE to chat with you!
[read the WGA's official statement on the strike here and always get your strike news from official WGA sources. Don't trust the biased trade sources or social media.]
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/21-22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Bronson Pinchot; Jes Tom; Damien Gerard; Hugo Pierre Martin; Fiber Arts Brigade; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week!; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; OFMPride Colouring Pages; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika
== Taika Waititi ==
You've probably heard, but it's been announced that Taika is in talks to direct Percival Everett's Novel film adaptation 'James'!
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Source: Inforo_media Instagram
More interviews with Taika at the Peabody!
Source: PeabodyAward's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's new movie, Advanced Chemistry will be airing for the first time in LA on June 26th! Tickets available Dances With Films Website.
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Bronson Pinchot ==
Did you know Bronson was going to be in the new Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F movie? I didn't!
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Source: Bronson Pinchot's Twitter
== Jes Tom ==
"Pride50 award ceremony held at the Edison Ballroom Monday evening in NYC" - Jes was a Queerty Honoree!
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Source: Queerty's Instagram
== Damien Gerard ==
Damien is such a kind dude, he keeps sharing kitten pictures <3
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Source: Damien Gerard's Instagram
== Hugo Pierre Martin ==
Our dear Hugo Pierre Martin has a new audio series on Spotify! He asked for some help from the pirate crew to checkout the new audio series and he'd share some anecdotes from the set of OFMD! There were lots -- so I tried to make a screenshot of all together-- (not sure where #3 is?- couldn't find it on the thread). Wanna give a listen? Check out The Diaries of Netovicius the Vampire - Podcast!
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Source: HugoPMartin Twitter
== Fiber Arts Brigade ==
Our lovely friends over at the Fiber Arts Brigade have another Cameo, this time from the sweet Dominic Burgess! Check out the video below!
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You can help support Sage USA on their direct donation link: https://give.sageusa.org/campaign/592202/donate
They'd like to remind you, you can also enter your @sageusa donation in @adoptourcrew's raffle! You can also support SAGE by checking out the Fiber Arts Auction: https://tinyurl.com/FABforSAGE
Source: Fiber Arts Brigade Twitter
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Reminder ==
TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week Starts Tomorrow! Need a reminder of hashtags and more info? Visit their Tumblr post!
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Source: Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from our dear friend @melvisik! The first cast card is William Meny, one of the writers aka executive story editor! The next is Edward Fletcher! "The cuckolded spouse of Eugenia. He was one of the officers in Titanic (I think the one who hears about the iceberg from the lookouts) so had to include that."
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
== OFMPride Colouring Pages ==
More colouring pages from the absolute legend @patchworkpiratebear!
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Source: Adopt Our Crews Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I realise this is really late.. I took last night off because I needed a break. I highly recommend it, it's amazing what a good nights reset can do for you. Tonight I wanted to just say a few little things... You all really are an inspiration. I keep reading more meta... more fics, and so many of you are putting up more art-- there's another prompt week starting tomorrow, I'm seeing multiple collaborations... I've been reading so many lovely letters, and seeing so many fun new gifs, and so many artists/writers being part of these wonderful donation drives. Some of you are making sweet comments, and encouraging others to create-- you are all just absolutely amazing.
You're just so damn creative and so kind, and so brilliant, and I'm really really humbled to be apart of this lovely community with you. Please know that you are so very wonderful and so very loved crew. Hope you get some rest this weekend <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's theme, well, I don't have one. Instead, just enjoy. Gifs courtesy of our good friends @meluli and @ofmd-ann!
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cellbitupdates · 2 months
🟩 Ordem Paranormal postou no Twitter/🟨 Ordem Paranormal publicó en Twitter/ 🟥 Ordem Paranormal posted on Twitter:
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Cellbit and the Enigma do Medo team will be donating a Steam key for the game, an autographed poster created by EsTorrente, and a one-of-a-kind handmade coat created and designed by Lorena and Lissa Hamada (an Ordem merch artist)!
Connor's charity auction for the Immune Deficiency Foundation will be taking place Friday July 19th at 2pm PDT, and you can find out more info and donate on the website: charity.cdawgva.gg
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marveltrumpshate · 10 days
Talking about Marvel Trumps Hate on AO3
We love it when folks spread the word about Marvel Trumps Hate—the more people take part, the more money we raise, all of which goes to amazing charities!
We encourage all creators to shout from the rooftops (and their social media platforms) that they're participating in the auction, so people can check out what's on offer. We also really appreciate when creators acknowledge that their work was made for MTH to create awareness after the auction ends.
However, if you want to talk about MTH on AO3 specifically, there are a few things to keep in mind about how you're talking about the auction and your involvement so that you don't break any rules. We don't want you to get into trouble!
You can:
Say that your work was created for Marvel Trumps Hate
Provide a link to the MTH Tumblr, Twitter, or website to explain why a fanwork was created (we also encourage you to post to the appropriate annual MTH collection and use the gifting function to gift a work to the person who won your fanwork)
Refer to your fanwork as a gift (NOT commission or charity/gift commission) for your winner
You can't:
Say that you're participating in a current or upcoming charity auction and link to your auction listing (or anyone else's) in your author's notes, footnotes, or elsewhere on AO3
Call an MTH work a commission anywhere on AO3—instead, say that it's a gift for your winner for the Marvel Trumps Hate event
Solicit money by asking people to bid on you, encouraging donations to a charity and/or including a link to the charity or your auction listing, or mentioning that you take commissions (including charity commissions) on AO3
On platforms other than AO3, you're welcome to talk up your offerings, link to the specific charities that you're supporting through your auction offers, and share your (or others') auctions by reblogging your mthofferings.tumblr.com auction post or linking to your auction listings on the MTH website.
Why shouldn't you advertise charity auctions or use the word "commission" on AO3?
Using the right words matters.
MTH is proud to be inspired by other fandom charity auctions and positions itself within the long tradition of fans gifting fanworks and fan labor to each other. The auction event team members gift their time and talents to organize MTH, and fandom creators agree to gift their creative efforts in recognition of the donation that bidders make to the nonprofit organizations that are listed on our Supported Organizations page.
We want to make sure that people thinking about participating as creators and/or as bidders are 100% clear about what the auction involves and are confident about the integrity of the auction. One way of doing this is making sure that everyone knows how the money travels—directly from bidders to the nonprofit they're supporting, without ever being touched by MTH creators or the event team.
That being said, AO3 is not an advertising space and has Terms of Service around commercialization of fanworks (Section I. D5) that forbids any form of commercial promotion on AO3, even if it's for charity. This is not because exchanging money for fanworks is explicitly illegal but because the OTW legal team believes that one of the ways the archive can be protected legally, as both a collection of transformative works and as a nonprofit organization, is to have a firm "no commercial promotion" policy.
On charity events specifically, the TOS FAQ clarifies:
"The Archive will host fanworks of any origin, including fanworks created in response to charity drives or other challenges. A link to a charity drive to explain the origin of a fanwork is appropriate. Solicitation itself, however, should take place outside the Archive. We concluded that this policy was the easiest to apply fairly to everyone, given the wide range of possible solicitation activities." (AO3 TOS Content FAQ).
If you're reported by someone for soliciting on AO3 and found to be in breach of the TOS, you'll be emailed by their team, asking you to remove all the "commercial promotion" material (i.e., all the money-related words like "bid," "donation," or "commission") from the work, comment, bookmark, or profile in question. This includes tags, descriptions in author's notes, and comments on works. The Policy and Abuse committee doesn't screen fanworks; instead, all reports are made by users of the archive. That means that even though there may be places you violated these rules, the committee may not be immediately aware of it; however, as a violation can be found by a user and reported at any time, even from long, long ago, we encourage people to review the wording they used in reference to MTH—or any fandom charity events, for that matter—and make edits if necessary to be on the safe side.
Note: if this does happen to you, you can always appeal or ask for more time to rectify the issue so don't be alarmed. All Policy and Abuse reports are handled by real people who are volunteers for the organization.
We ask that you follow these guidelines so that if you spread the word about Marvel Trumps Hate on AO3, you do so in a way that won't cause you stress or trouble in the future.
If you ever lose track of this explanation and need to refer to it, we also have this information up on our website.
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rebirthgarments · 6 months
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Mohammed Hammad increased his goal for evacuation to $25k so that he can bring his 6 younger siblings with him!
I was informed by my comrade Brenda that the first goal was originally $10k to evacuate Mohammed Hammad and his mother because since he is under 18, he can only evacuate with a parent or legal guardian. But in this case, his 6 younger siblings would have to be left behind on their own, so @fedup4palestine raised the goal to $25k so that Mohammed’s whole immediate family can all evacuate together. Since you all have been so amazing and we have raised $9k in just 24 hours, I think we can do it!
[Image description: an amazing colored pencil drawing by my 12 year old student Mos @NicoCavalu made of Mohammed Hammad laying down with his leg propped up with the metal fixator on his knee. Hand drawn block text in red, black, white and green reads “Disabled 17yo Mohammed needs medical Evacuation immediately”. Red typed text in red reads “Goal increased to $25k so that his 6 younger siblings are not left behind alone in Rafah
There is a QR code that goes to the Give Butter Link.]
Caption continues:
I’ve had some questions from people asking about my vetting process and about @fedup4palestine and if @moh.2090727 is able to access the money for sure, so here are some short answers:
I or a trusted comrade have personally vetted all of the fuhnd-raizers that are under the heading labeled “Pal-eh-stienian Fundraisers Sky of Rebirth Garments is helping with” in my AllMyLinks. Half of them we vetted through video chat, and the other half were already friends of my friends from before the “escalation”. Mohammed Hammad’s campaign was already vetted through @fedup4palestine , and over the course of the last 36 hours I have messaged with him extensively. I talk to every one of the people that I have been working on helping every day (unless they lose access to the internet).
Pretty much all of the families I am working for are more than down to be connected with anyone and answer questions, so don’t be shy, if you are not supporting fuhn-raisers because you are not fully sure about them, just DM me and I can get you directly connected with a family so you can see how real they are!
Note: I am currently not able to add on any more fuhnd-raisers for me to personally work on (until more of them have been totally met)
@fedup4palestine is a very new nonprofit, they have been too swamped with making the fuhnd-raizer pages to finish and launch their website yet. They have their nonprofit status, and they use it to create the GiveButter campaign pages. I just went through the process with my other fuhnd-raizer with Seraj to make a GiveButter, and you have to be a nonprofit in order to make any campaigns there (I ended up using my fiscal sponsor Allied Media Projects’ GiveButter in order to make the auction for Seraj, which will go live in the next couple days!). GiveButter is now the recommended alternative to GFM, since GFM keeps shutting down Pal-eh-stinian fuhnd-raizers. This does not mean you shouldn’t give to GFM’s that you know are vetted, but it means that you should also work to help folks get GiveButter campaigns as well!
Mohammed Hammad has a bank account with Bank of Pal-eh-stein , and I have confirmed with both him and @fedup4palestine that he has access to withdraw the money from his fundraising money anytime he needs. He is currently waiting to withdraw until he now has the full amount for him + his siblings’ evacuation because he doees not want to leave them behind.
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poomphuripan · 4 months
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Week 5 - My Stand-In News from YYDS Entertainment
Police arrest a skilled man who secretly zoomed in and took photos of a luxury condo. He confessed that he made a profit from auctioning off images on illegal websites.
The blockbuster movie "9 Swords" has an auspicious time to start filming the second part. Hoping to continue success Starting with the original team, complete set. Shooting in the same location brings back memories of legendary fencing scenes. Starring Tong-Tinkarn Lead actor Tong-Tinkarn revealed that he has been exercising his body to prepare for filming the second part. By attending a heavy action workshop with a team of professionals. Even though many years have passed, I still remember the precise fencing moves. Don't worry you won't be able to compete with the first part. Because everyone gave their best to the best.
Mike-Methiyuth Chairman of the Board of Directors of Akara Yothar Group revealed that the subsidiary is developing light filter products for buildings, houses, condos, and offices using new technology imported from the United States. It is believed that it is beneficial to business expansion for the Akaryothar Group. Because the group has estate market according to the latest ranking. If they become the leader in the region, glass film will be installed on every glass of the building that the group has developed. It will be a good result, especially in terms of privacy.
The villagers shouted loudly. The filming crew of an unidentified fighting movie burned all day long. Excessive release of black smoke causes air pollution. Moreover, the filming was taken beyond the time allowed by pemission. Because the filming didn't go according to schedule. Create noise and chaos for residents near the filming area. They have requested officials to investigate. An extra from the filming set revealed the reason. It is assumed that the actor's care team released the wrong queue, causing a special guest actor to walk into the scene at the wrong time. It caused reshoot on the scene. Therefore, the entire scene had to be reshot.
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hello-vampire-kitty · 10 months
Servamp online kuji: how to get the merchandise
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There are new Servamp merchandise that can be obtained through online kuji (lottery)
Tumblr has a problem with links, remove the () from the adress to go on the kuji website.
I'll try to provide some help if you would like to obtain them, based on my experience ordering stuff from Japan.
To start off, the kuji will start on December 1st and will last until December 29th (Japan time).
One draw costs 770 yen.
Estimated shipping time: Ships around early March to early April 2024
Alright, so how kuji works is that you have categories, this one having from A-D and another one called S. Each category has different merchandise and you cannot choose the item you want, so if you wanted an item with a specific character within the category and you don't get it on the first draw, you'll have to try again until you get it.
From what I have seen on the official website, if you only get the S category, you can select between these two framed artworks.
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Category A- Acrylic stands
Category B- Half tapestries
Category C- Acrylic charms
Category D- Can badges
Okay, so like I mentioned, it's been a while since I bought things from Japan and only once did I get stuff from kuji.
If you never bought from Japan before, you're gonna have to look into a proxy or forwarding service. They're middlemen basically that will ship items where you live because most shops in Japan do not have international shipping.
A proxy service is where you will have everything handled by the service, from buying until shipping your items.
This method is for those who are not confident to handle part of the processes themselves because they don't understand Japanese.
Proxy might also be the only option if for some reason, you want to order stuff within Japan to be delivered to the middleman's warehouse, however your debit/credits cards might be rejected. (not many online stores offer Paypal or Google Pay. Animate Japan has Paypal, I got Servamp merchandise from there).
So if you try various cards and none of them will work, then you have to use proxy service because some shops might reject foreign cards.
If there are stuff that you want from online stores that sell second-hand items (such as Mercari) or you want something from auctions, you have to use proxy because you need someone in Japan to discuss with the sellers.
You need to look into services and see which ones will be best for you, based on their handling fees and what things they can do on your behalf, like the stuff like I mentioned above.
So, I summarized the proxy service and there's another one called forwarding service that I mainly used in order to reduce costs, because shipping isn't cheap...
The main difference about forwarding service is that you handle the buying part. You make the necessary accounts on the websites where the merchandise is sold, maybe even have to reply to messages...
If choose this option, when you create accounts on websites, you have to use the shipping adress provided by the forwarding service.
Once you set up the accounts and succeed in making purchases, the items will be delivered to the warehouse in Japan, to the middle-man.
So, this is the option if you want to save a bit of money. You can't do auctions or buy from second-hand shops because they are bit more complicated and you would need the help of someone living in Japan.
I hope this helps! You gotta look into these services and see their offers. Wish you good luck if you will try getting the merchandise!
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crayfurbs · 1 year
Bejewled furby resurfaces - June 2023
Hello everyone! I have been on a slight hiatus due to a myriad of personal reasons, I am back for a short post with some interesting news
a GENUINE Bejeweled furby has surfaced! 
This bejeweled furby is in my opinion the only one to exist, as with much other furby information numbers of units produced is a shaky 25 year-old game of telephone. But having researched archived Tiger and FAO sites, it appears all promotional images are the same snowball furby (Notably with green eyes) and we haven’t really seen any different versions, For the information in this post I consulted several archived websites on archive.org along with the new listing 
Background info: 
The following description is transcribed from the original FAO Schwarz listing for the bejeweled furby. 
“Created by designer Sidney Mobell. The world's most exciting tay is now the world's
most precious. bedecked with 156 gleaming and glittering genuine gemstones Lovable Furby comes adorned with a tiara necklace. and earrings crafted in platinum and 18k gold and containing 63 full cut diamonds (3.7 ctw) 44 rubies (4.5 ctw) blue sapphires (5 3 ctw) and emeralds (1.O ctw). AIl 3 pieces are removable So you can wear them too!
A portion of the proceeds will benefit the word class hasbro children's hospital–”
The listing + info
So here is the description of the listing, the starting bid is 1,200.
(ill add it in later once the auction ends)
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Now for those of you at home, you may be thinking... a $100,000 furby with an auction cap of $2,000. somthing must be fishy right?
but on paper... the bejweled furby isnt worth that much, and Ill explain.
For those of you who are not jewelers (I have only taken intro classes myself) this furby may appear to be absolutely studded in expensive gems… but in reality the true value is being obscured by the cwt, or Carat Total Weight, this value is in reference to the TOTAL cumulative weight of the gemstones. So for example, the 63 diamonds CWT is 3.7, so each diamond is only 0.06 ct. so in reality the QUALITY of the dimaonds used is very low, for comparison you can purchase 25 loose diamonds of the same color, carat and clarity for around $50
So after a very novice rough calculation the total value of all the metals and gemstones here dont seem to total over $800. This is why I think the piece was designed to be a symbolic representation to the person who donated the $100,000 to the hospital, rather than a truly $100,000 furby which is why the capped value of the auction is $2,000
Conclusion + opinions
I still think this is an absolute amazing piece of furby history, one that I admittedly was not to familiar with, but was aware of in my deep dives into the furby archived sites, I think that the resurfacing of this piece is a ode to the furby community, and the fact that we are STILL actively learning about undiscovered information relating to Furbys a quarter of a century later! This toy line was only produced for just under 3 years but has provided a trove of information that's out there just waiting to be discovered! 
And with that, ciao
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recycledmoviecostumes · 7 months
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This Edwardian-style gown was created for the Ascot scene in the original 1956 Broadway production of the Lerner and Loewe musical My Fair Lady. The scene was filled with beautiful gowns, all in black and white, in keeping with the famous “Black Ascot” of 1910, when King Edward VII died shortly before the event, making it inappropriate to wear color. Thus, those who attended wore all black, aside from accents of white from pearls and flowers.
The gown was designed by Cecil Beaton and executed by Helene Pons based on his sketches. The cream crepe dress has black velvet stripes and an embroidered lace bib. The photo above most likely shows actress Melisande Congdon in the costume, as she performed in the play for three years.
When Truman Capote decided to throw his famous “Black and White Ball,” – he used the scene from My Fair Lady as its inspiration. Deborah Davis’ wonderful book The Party of the Century mentions that much of the gossip about town was about “who” everyone would wear. Amanda Carter Burden, daughter of Babe Paley, was able to sidestep this conversation and not commit to any one designer when she chose a gown from the film My Fair Lady. A drawing of Amanda in costume, sketched by Kenneth Paul Block, appeared on the front page of Women’s Wear Daily.
But was her gown from the film adaptation of My Fair Lady? Amanda was based in New York City, and it would have been far easier for her to obtain one of the costumes from the Broadway show.
In addition, no costume in the film accurately matches the one she wore to the ball. There is one that is similar and clearly based on the same design, but it appears to be a different piece. 
In 2015, the dress from the Broadway production went up for sale, where it sold for $1280. It contains a lace dickey that the auction house noted has been added post-production. The dickey is clearly visible on Amanda Carter in the Black and White Ball photo. While I cannot confirm for certain that she is wearing the dress from the stage production rather than the film production, I am confident that she is.
Costume Credit: Katie S.
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walnuthillfarm · 10 months
Complete List of Twelve Days of Christmas CC Gifts!
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In case you haven't been keeping up with our advent-style Christmas event on the website, we've compiled a list of all the mods currently available to download! Also included are the day numbers so you can easily find what you're after. ♡
I will be posting some of the gifts available individually in the next few days as some of them will become permanent downloads. All other gifts will leave the website on December 26th, so grab them while you can!
Our TOU has been updated - because these are gifts and not official releases, please do not use them for your own work (recolors, edits, etc.)
View all of the mods here!
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Christmas-Themed Tack: — 7 Santa Exercise Blanket (includes tartan swatches which suit the colder times of year and not just Christmas! Recolor of Objuct's exercise sheet) — 4 Santa Saddle Pad — 4 Elf Saddle Pad (Western) — 3 Santa Headcollar — 7 Christmas Headcollar — 9 Christmas Ear Bonnet — 9 Christmas Brushing Boots (recolor of SchrodCat's brushing boots) — 4 Christmas Leg Wraps — 9 Christmas Bell Boots (recolor of SchrodCat's bell boots) Other Christmas Related Items: — 1 Santa Hat (for your horse!) — 2 Christmas Mane Ribbons — 2 Rudolph Nose (fitted to your bridle) Generic Tack: — 10 Foal Rugs (yay! These are conversions of Objuct's rug and my recolor) — 11 Icelandic Saddle Pad (fits SchrodCat's Icelandic saddle) — 9 Full-Body Slinky — 9 Slinky Hood — 12 Cribbing Collar — 3 Basic Ear Bonnet Other: — 8 Multicolor Long & Longest Straight Tail (116 swatches each, includes pinto variations, two-tone chestnut tails, flaxen chestnut tails, silver black/bay tails, black to brown tails, frosted tails, and more! Edit of Objuct's tails) — 10 Generic Coat Clip Thicknesses 2 (new clips for your horse!) — 11 Auction Number Stickers — 8 Snow-verlay (tack item that makes it look like your horse is covered in snow!) — 12 Long Scalloped Braided Mane (edit of SchrodCat's Scalloped Braided Mane) — 12 Short Lattice Braid Mane (edit of SchrodCat's Lattice Braid Mane)
Build & Buy
— 12 Paddock Fencing Override (makes EA's Horse Ranch Paddock Fencing a little bit less chunky) — 12 Paddock Fence (Objects) (the above fence made placeable) — 12 Tall Paddock Fence (Objects) (an edit of the above fence, also made placeable) — 5 Tack Room Locker — 6 Hanging Horse Bits (edits of SchrodCat's bridles, made placeable for your tack room) — 6 Christmas Jump Pole (ground pole but can be raised) — 6 Equine Stocking (stockings for your horses, recolor of Severinka's Country Christmas Socks) — 5 Christmas Wish List (for your sims/horses, Simlish and non-Simlish included) — 5 Winter Horse Painting
— 1 Picture Day Pt. 1 (conformation poses for LOADS of breeds) — 2 Picture Day Pt. 2 (more but including foals) — 7 Those Pesky Flies (itchy horses in the Summer) — 8 Snow Day (horses playing in the snow) — 11 Did Someone Say Food? (horses eating/grazing) — 12 Bad Habits (horses cribbing, pawing, stall walking, head shaking)
Below is the link to our website page where you can download everything!
Most importantly.. Thank you all for your support over this period! We're so glad everyone's enjoyed our daily gifts and we can't wait to do it all again next year. ♡
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ndconceptarchive · 3 months
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Art from the Haunted Carousel Part I.
Image Sources & Info Below:
Lot 224 - A Free Ride to Holder of Brass Ring(sic) (davidlay.co.uk)
Despite a lot of googling, I could not find the original artist who painted this image, only some information on a UK auction website where this wooden plaque was sold for a total of 70 pounds.
2. The image of the Carousel Horse and Zebra came from a 1987 book entitled, The Carousel Animal, text by Tobin Fraley, and photography by Gary Sinick.
Carmel c. 1914
Charles Carmel's experience with Looff and Stein & Goldstein gave him the basics in the Coney Island style of carving. When Carmel started his own shop he borrowed many decorative elements from his former employers while developing a style all his own. The feathers, fish scale blanket, bedroll, and tassels can all be found on other carvers' animals, but Carmel has captured the essence of a carousel horse in the expression, proportions, and flow of the mane. Last Operated - Woodland Park, Seattle, Washington Collection of Jane Shuttleworth. Restored by Tobin Fraley Studios. 64'' long, 53'' high.
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3. The image of the Zebra and Carousel Horse came from a 1987 book entitled, The Carousel Animal, text by Tobin Fraley, and photography by Gary Sinick.
Herschell-Spillman Zebra c. 1912.
"All of Herschell-Spillman's zebras were carved without trappings, making them the only animals created that way by any of the major manufacturers. Not only are the stripes much more striking without interruptions, but there is a sense of wildness about an animal with no man-made accessories. This zebra came from a class 1 carousel. Hershell-Spillman had 5 categories from which to choose, starting from class 5, a two-abreast carousel of simple horses, to class 1, an extra fancy machine with a full menagerie. Last operated - Newton Lake, Carbondale, Pennsylvania Collection of John and Cathy Daniel. Restored by Tobin Fraley Studios. 46'' long, 54'' high."
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formlines · 10 months
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Rez Dogs
Trevor Husband
from the website: “Reservation Dogs is one of the best pieces of indigenous art ever created, and I wanted to honour the series with this box. I represented the 4 main characters: Bear and Cheese are obviously Bear and Mouse Woman; Willie Jack is Raven because she uses her voice to push the elders into dealing with their issues and moving forward, just as Raven likes to challenge authority; and a Salmon Egg represents Elora Danan because she is finding her way back to her home and family throughout the series.”
-Trevor Husband
This piece is part of Lattimer Gallery's 2023 annual Charity Bentwood Boxes auction running from November 25th to December 9th. All proceeds will be donated to the Urban Native Youth Association.
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exeggcute · 10 months
it's interesting to me how much ire gets directed at music streaming and distribution platforms (and you know, not wrongfully) for payment schemes that fuck over musicians, but increasingly less ire seems to get directed at the big record labels, who have not only been fucking over musicians since before the moon landing but are continuing to fuck over misicians in the streaming-centric landscape by collecting extremely tidy payouts from those platforms while their musicians barely see a cent. and now I'm no big city IP lawyer but my understanding is that it's not as simple as forcing platforms to bypass labels and just pay musicians directly because of how all the licensing and shit works, so at least in theory fixing this would at least in part require going after big labels directly and fundamentally changing how they manage their artist portfolios, and my understanding of that basically amounts to Good Fucking Luck.
it has to be convenient though for e.g. RCA records to have the spotlight shifted off of them as they become more of an invisible middleman than before and therefore less widely reviled. I think about this sort of invisible middleman situation a lot, especially in the context of [guy who's only seen boss baby voice] adtech where, at least as far as I'm aware, the whole "companies are buying and selling your data" thing is almost always carried out by the ad platforms who facilitate ad auctions rather than the actual websites and apps who sell ad space... which in turn creates a situation where the intermediaries are the ones up to no good, but since very few people are aware of these intermediaries they instead turn to blame the websites and apps who these platforms work with, which means the intermediaries get to evade scrutiny while their own customers take the heat on their behalf! nefarious shit
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