#cricket audio
creakingsounds · 1 year
Vídeo del canto de los grillos. Los grillos crean sonido frotando sus alas o patas, un proceso llamado estridulación. Las alas o patas tienen crestas y clavijas especiales que crean un sonido de raspado o frotamiento cuando se frotan entre sí. El sonido es amplificado por el cuerpo del grillo y proyectado hacia afuera. La frecuencia y el patrón del sonido producido por la estridulación del grillo pueden variar según la especie, el sexo, la edad y otros factores. En general, los sonidos de los grillos son agudos y rítmicos, con un patrón distintivo de chirridos, chasquidos y zumbidos. El sonido exacto también puede variar según el entorno en el que vive el grillo, y algunos grillos producen sonidos más fuertes y complejos cuando están en grupos grandes o en respuesta a ciertos estímulos ambientales.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months
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The Doctor: *rants about cricket*
Nyssa: Your leggings are so funny.
The Doctor:
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cricketsrings · 10 months
Das Geräusch männlicher Feldgrillen, die laut zwitschern
Grillen sind mit ihrem rhythmischen Zwitschern faszinierende Insekten, die seit Jahrhunderten das Interesse der Menschen fesseln. Diese kleinen Insekten kommen in verschiedenen Lebensräumen auf der ganzen Welt vor und sind für ihr ausgeprägtes Zwitschern bekannt, das ein Markenzeichen warmer Sommernächte und ruhiger ländlicher Umgebungen ist. In diesem Artikel tauchen wir in die faszinierende Welt der Grillen ein und erforschen ihre Eigenschaften, ihr Verhalten und die einzigartigen Geräusche, die sie erzeugen.
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motziedapul · 8 days
Ate crickets today 🦗 Got it on video!
They were fine 😅 taste was bland. I figured out the texture later; crispy dilis! Basically just like eating tiny fried fish, bones and all.
Celebrating Hi Nay's mid-act finale and our upcoming Horrific Insect Based Horror 🦟🐛🐜🐞🪲
Good luck everyone!
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ashertickler · 2 months
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the birmingham cricket team uniform is interesting... my husband is on there 🥰
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asmrtune · 2 years
The sound of crickets chirping loudly. crickets chirping at night for 2 hours.
Why are crickets loud at night?
Sorkin said. Day or night, “there will certainly be more males chirping at the same time because of higher temperatures, and if they sing in unison, then the overall sound will be louder.” Cricket metabolism and chirping speed vary with ambient temperature, with the chirps coming faster at higher temperatures.
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softichill · 6 months
Looks funky on a phone camera
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frenchiefitzhere · 3 months
A song that reminds you of your characters? 🎶🎵
Hmmm...how to answer this one... 🤔 Let's do one song each, but just for the current, main listeners:
Treasure (Dragon Queen series)
Cricket (Corollary)
Hays (Corollary)
Annex (Corollary)
Sleepless (Waking Nightmare series)
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gadzooksgalore · 1 year
🎧 Headphones strongly recommended 🎧
Bit of an unconventional art piece, but I had the idea to create a 'sound scene' with Cricket and @kbthebearcat's Donald since I really love audio as a medium. I thought an audio clip might be able to capture certain feelings better than what I could accomplish with one of my drawings. It took a while to find all the right sound effects but I'm fairly happy with how it turned out!
For context, Cricket suffered through some pretty traumatizing events during her time in the science facility, which means loud and overwhelming stimuli (like thunder) may cause her to experience intense fear stemming from unrelated situations. Fortunately Donald is there to help get her through those difficult moments.
Narrative description and audio credits can be found below the cut.
Rain can be heard falling heavily against a window. Cricket is frightened by the storm and whimpers softly. Thunder suddenly roars overhead, which causes Cricket to cry out in fear. Her breaths quicken as she begins to hyperventilate. Donald's voice appears and offers reassuring words. As Cricket's breathing gradually begins to slow, Donald picks her up and fabric rustles. Donald holds her close to his chest with a gentle hand; a steady heartbeat and calming breathing become the focus while the harsh rain fades into the background. Muffled thunder can be heard soon after. Fabric rustles again as Cricket repositions herself into a more comfortable, relaxed position against Donald.
A list of all audio credits can be found here.
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dj-banana-love-2 · 6 months
So should I do a fic,drawing or tickle audio for lee!cricket ler!bill
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krissiefox · 20 days
(watch with sound!) I tried some more tutorials and made my first seamless ambient loop from a recording I made in my backyard! I decided the funnest way to show it off would be alongside an old quick scene I made in Blender to show off some of the games art assets.
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creakingsounds · 1 year
Los grillos producen su característico chirrido al frotar sus alas. El grillo macho tiene una estructura similar a un peine especializada en sus alas llamada raspador, que usa para frotar contra las crestas de su otra ala para producir el sonido.
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orgonongurlz · 2 years
leaked scene from season 4
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cricketsrings · 10 months
Eine Stunde Cricket-Feld. Cricket-Zwitschergeräusche
Das Zirpen von Grillen ist ein einfaches Geräusch, das jeder auf der ganzen Welt verstehen kann. Es ist eine Stimme, die man würdigen kann, ohne dass es komplexer oder kulturspezifischer Erklärungen bedarf. Das Zirpen von Grillen hat eine universelle Anziehungskraft, die Erinnerungen wecken, eine friedliche Stimmung schaffen und den Menschen helfen kann, sich in der geschäftigen Welt der modernen Welt mit der Natur zu verbinden.
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themarkofoxin · 10 months
That post about their editor is not the funny post your think it is. It’s just mean.
the person who edited that video should have done a professional level job if they were being paid for it. i love dnp & i love dapg and i am a professional editor so it is astounding to me that someone could have literally my dream job and be so lazy about it. that's not even the kind of thing that's a mistake because what they're doing is hard (it is in many ways) it literally only happens when you don't care enough to rewatch the video you are putting your name on after you export. skill issue
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fleshadept · 10 months
narrative film editing is highkey the hardest kind of editing because everything is shot out of order and a huge part of the process is just sorting through chunks of footage, syncing audio, and figuring out where they good and watching them all the way through to see which takes are best and it takes forever. and if you're narrative editing for a small budget project you're probably also the one doing audio editing and finding music and making graphics and stuff. but it's also so rewarding to take the discordant pile of footage you're handed and making it into something that makes sense, and is maybe even good or compelling!
non-narrative editing such as youtube videos or educational content is easier on its face because it's generally recorded chronologically and in large chunks of dialogue with one or two people. but youtube editing can be a lot more fun than narrative editing because the style of the editor is foregrounded more, rather than narrative editing trying to be invisible, comedic youtube editing allows for jump cuts and graphics and silly sound effects that can make the process more engaging to edit and feel like less of a background role.
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