#crimson rubeus
smvillainsweek · 12 days
*Disclaimer: this poll is for characters who are either the leader of their own subgroup or considered the second in command after the main group leader. This is mostly a poll to give a chance to shine to villains who are neither a minion nor the main leader.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 month
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Crimson Rubeus Appreciation Post
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ultraericthered · 3 months
One Villainous Scene: Nowhere For Rabbit To Run
In this episode of Sailor Moon R, all four of the Specter Sisters have spread out over town, and all four of them go after Chibi Usa/Rini when she accidentally alerts them to her presence in a failed attempt to travel back to her original time period. The episode very clearly builds up the idea that there's going to be a major battle, four on four between the Specter Sisters and the Sailor Senshi minus Sailor Moon herself, who has to protect Rini. Watching it for the first time, you're made to anticipate it, making it rewarding when it occurs.
And then you get something you probably weren't anticipating. When it looks like Sailor Moon and Rini are away from the fighting, with Rini safe in Sailor Moon's arms....glowing energy grenades rain down from the sky, and Sailor Moon, preemptively detecting it coming, takes the blow so that Rini doesn't get hurt. The assailant appears on the battlefield, and it's none other than the Specter Sisters' boss, Crimson Rubeus of the Black Moon Clan. The same guy who's been completely stationary and giving the sisters their assignments for the past several episodes makes a surprise in-person appearance to finish this job himself while the sisters are held up by the Sailor Senshi. Briefly explaining who he is, where he's from, and what he's after, Rubeus launches an all-out barrage of energy grenades at Sailor Moon, completely unrelenting and taking sadistic pleasure in seeing her run and struggle in vain to protect the frightened child.
As Sailor Moon lies on the ground, her back literally against the wall and Rini crying for her to get back up, we get the most striking moment from Rubeus that really peels back his exterior and gives us our first real look at the sort of guy he truly is - with a very genuine, pleased smile on his face, he slowly raises up his hand and readies another blast he intends to launch at Rini point blank. Before, the Specter Sisters weren't afraid to get rough with the little girl and they wanted to abduct her to bring her back alive. By contrast, Rubeus here seems to have absolutely zero problem with the notion of doing terrible physical harm to child in a way that would be deadly for her. This is not merely the first of plenty more in-person appearances from Rubeus to come afterwards, but the first of many displays of Rubeus being more than just another bad guy for the girls to be up against, but a callous, deliberately cruel, abusive monster who'll go to the nastiest of lengths to get what he desires, as he thinks only of himself and how he might attain a more glorious standing within the Black Moon Clan. It's what makes him such a memorable bad guy for a section of the show that's otherwise fairly subpar and downright stupid at points (I'll never forgive what Ikuhara did to Mamoru here, who incidentally shows up to help as Sailor Moon stands back up and then for a moment it even looks like Sailor Moon's about to kill Rubeus prematurely, with him only narrowly managing to escape.)
Last thing worth noting about the clip I chose here: the DiC dub is absolute cringe - Sailor Moon, Rini, and Tuxedo Mask all have awful, terribly unconvincing voices, Rubeus' dialogue repetitiously uses "Negamoon" four times, and corny lines like "You're dusted, buster!", "You just a schoolyard bully?" "Find out, cape boy!", and "This guy could use a little scepter therapy" are completely out of place for this urgent moment in the story. But I went with it rather than the Viz dub not only due to it being my first exposure, but for the one saving grace - Robert Tinkler as Rubeus. Steve Staley's an adequate fit for the part too, but he couldn't measure up to Tinkler, who just WAS the character. The smugness, the petulant fury, the all-encompassing malice just oozing from his voice saved most of his material from the scripts. That delivery of "Ready to go? TIME'S WASTING!" and the completely unhinged chuckling that accompanies it is what your childhood nightmares were made of. He just nailed the assingment.
(Also, while I like "Moon Revenge" in this scene too, I sorta prefer how there's no song in the background until Rubeus has appeared and launches his attack. Makes the scene feel all the more special.)
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sailormoon167 · 28 days
Black moon runaway guys
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who else wants the voice actors to do a lets play channel while playing their characters in the style of the runaway guys? Listening to Demande play video games would be too much for me. :) XD
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bluehairlaunch · 1 year
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mybutcheredtongue · 9 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
harry potter timeline sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER FIVE (see full series list here)
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You reunite with Remus later in the Great Hall as you take your seats at the staff table beside each other.
"Dementors every where, just lovely," you grumble, before looking at Remus with a small smirk. "So...remind me why you didn't decide to tell me you were coming?"
Remus sighs, a small guilty smile tugging the corners of his lips upwards. "I wanted it to be a surprise."
You scoff, hitting his arm jokingly. "Fuck you, I could've spent my summer looking forward to having my best friend here with me. When did you find out?"
"Last month. Dumbledore said you had recommended me."
"I didn't necessarily recommend you, I just...may have mentioned your name along with the words 'great' and 'looking for a job'."
Remus chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm sure. But seriously, thank you. I really didn't expect him to hire me."
You lay a hand on his shoulder, smiling warmly. "You're brilliant, and I am right: you're going to be a great teacher. And hey, he hired me, didn't he? Only one who would." With that, you're reminded of your little visit from the Ministry and open your mouth to tell him about it but close it once you spot Dumbledore standing up to begin his speech.
"Welcome!" he booms brightly. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it's best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..."
He clears his throat and continues. "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the Dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."
You feel your heart start to beat faster at the topic at hand, and suddenly become very interested in the empty porcelain plate in front of you.
"They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds," he says, "and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises — or even Invisibility Cloaks."
You exchange a knowing look with Remus.
"It is not in the nature of a Dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the Prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs foul of the Dementors."
Dumbledore pauses and looks very seriously around the Hall, and nobody moves or makes a sound.
"On a happier note," he says with renewed joy, "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. Firstly, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."
You clap enthusiastically, smiling widely as the room fills with some...scattered, rather unethusiastic, applause. You spy Harry, Ron, and Hermione clapping heartily and smile proudly at them. You glance around at the rest of the staff, clapping politely, and notice the sour expression on Snape's face. His gaze is dripping with pure loathing as he glares at Remus. You don't know whether to be pissed at Snape or to laugh at his pettiness.
"As to our second new appointment," Dumbledore continues, as Remus' applause dies away, "well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties."
You beam down the table at Hagrid, clapping loudly. He's gone completely crimson, hiding his happy face in the tangle of his black beard.
"Well, I think that's everything of importance," Dumbledore concludes. "Let the feast begin!"
The plates and goblets lining the table in front of you fill with delicious food and you waste no time piling things onto your plate. The Hall echoes with talk, laughter and the clatter of cutlery against porcelain.
"So, now that you're here, I guess I can talk to you about...y'know," you say quietly to Remus, though the lowered volume isn't really necessary when the Great Hall is alive with such chatter and noise. "Got a visit from the Minister of Magic and a few of his buddies the last day."
"I expected as much," he replies with a sigh. "Actually, I'm so sorry, I meant to visit as soon as I found out but it was a full — "
"It's alright, Moony. I'm glad you didn't," you say with a weak smile. "They're monitoring the house again. I don't want you to have to get caught up in all this."
"Still...I feel bad about leaving you to deal with that alone."
You wave him off. "It's fine, honestly. I'm very brave." You chuckle at that last part, elbowing Remus playfully.
He doesn't seem to find it too funny, and worry lines crease his eyes as he opens his mouth to say something before shutting it, seemingly choosing against whatever he was going to say and returning to his meal.
The weeks pass much quicker than usual, spending less time bored and alone now that you have Remus to pester. Every Monday at breakfast, you wait anxiously for your delivery of The Daily Prophet, practically snatching it out of the air and rifling through it and scouring for any mention of Sirius. There are plenty, of course — constant reminders from the Ministry that they are doing everything they can to locate him.
Nothing interesting really happens, apart from Draco Malfoy throwing such a fit over Hagrid's lesson that his father is practically trying to get the heads of both Hagrid and Buckbeak on the chopping block. You understand that he was hurt...but in a magical world, most injuries are just not worth fretting over when you can pop up to Madam Pomfrey's and she'll have you mended in a minute.
You check up on Hagrid a few times for a quick cup of tea and it's obvious that the incident has shaken him and he's lost most of his excitement for his lessons. You feel awful. Hagrid has too kind of a soul to be subjected to the threats of Lucius Malfoy.
Speaking of which, you notice the uncanny resemblance between Draco and his father. Your distaste for Lucius has been present ever since you went to school together, and do your best not to let that impact the way you treat Draco — even if the fact that he decides to chat for most of his astronomy class while you are talking drives you up the walls. He is only a boy, after all, and we cannot help what values we are raised with and by whom we learn them from.
You really do wish Lucius hadn't passed on that hair to him though. It's a monstrosity.
You sigh as you sit at your desk, reading over your third years' homework. You hum quietly to yourself, Dubh sleeping soundly on your lap as you work.
You give Harry's a glance, ticking the labels scribbled beneath each star, before you find one incorrectly labeled and positioned star that strikes you as familiar. You shuffle through the other students' charts, eventually landing on Ron Weasley's, taking it out and holding it against Harry's in comparison. Same exact mistake and same exact misspelling of 'Gamma Geminorum'.
You chuckle, writing, 'Nice try' on both charts and moving on to the next.
The Halloween feast passes with you and Remus chatting amicably, the Great Hall lit up by floating candle-filled pumpkins, flaming bright orange streamers and clouds of fluttering live bats. And the food — Hogwarts dinners are always something you miss during the summer holidays.
Later that evening, you walk through the hallways back to your room, when you hear Dumbledore yell loudly from the Gryffindor corridor. Confused and curious, you change course and head down the hallway to find a large crowd of students murmuring, all pushing themselves up onto their tippy-toes to see over the heads in front of them.
Dumbledore is at the front with Percy Weasley beside him, so you push through the students to see what all the fuss is about.
The Fat Lady's portrait is void of the woman, replaced by vicious slashes ripping through the canvas, leaving strips fallen on the ground beneath it.
Dumbledore looks at the strips of canvas on the ground, glancing up and noticing you, before his eyes shift to your right and you turn and see McGonagall, Snape and Remus hurrying towards you.
"We need to find her," he says. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."
"You'll be lucky!" Comes a cackling voice and you immediately know the speaker.
Peeves joyfully bobs over the group of students, blowing a raspberry at one trembling first-year.
"What do you mean, Peeves?" Dumbledore says calmly, and Peeves mischief fades quickly and he takes on a much more professional tone.
"Ashamed, Your Headship, sir. Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful," he says cheerfully. "Poor thing," he adds, unconvincingly.
"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asks quietly.
"Oh, yes, Professorhead," Peeves replies, with a devious expression, as though he's got something truly shocking to reveal. "He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see."
Peeves flips over, giggling, winking at you through his own legs. "Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black."
->-> read chapter six here!
→ all kinds of interaction are appreciated ♡
sorry it's been almost a week since last upload! had a bit of writer's block 💔
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sailoreddy · 6 months
recently learned that Elsa from frozen has some sus similarities to berthier from sailor moon. Disney has a track record for doing awful stuff, so I definitely wanna look into this. Idk much abt berthier, any chance you could enlighten me 👀
Oh boy my first ask. I’ll answer this as best as possible.
The similarities between Elsa and Berthier are purely cosmetic. The relationship between Berthier and Koan isn’t really the same as Elsa and Anna. In Frozen, Elsa and Anna have been with each other since childhood. Elsa shuts herself out of society after an accident until her coronation. She gives advice like “Don’t marry a guy you just met”. That sisterly love they have has always been there. The Spectre/Ayakashi Sisters are essentially henchmen for Crimson Rubeus. They are always at odds amongst themselves trying to impress him. We don’t get to see Berthier and Koan along with the rest of them develop a sisterly relationship until after they become purified by Sailor Moon.
Their powers are also not the same. Elsa controls ice and can even create life with her powers. Berthier is supposed to be the evil counterpart to Sailor Mercury, so her powers are more aligned with Ami’s. Elsa and Berthier both wear blue and have white hair, because blue is associated with cold and white hair is natural for someone with ice powers. Their braids is the only similarity. I heard people point out that they both wear gloves which hinder their ice powers. That only works with Elsa. Berthier’s gloves just complement her outfit. Sailor Mercury also wears gloves and they don’t hinder her powers.
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amoriscustos · 1 year
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒 = Crimson Rubeus
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❝  𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲  𝗼𝗻...  𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮?!  ❞  how  on  earth  is  she  supposed  to  be  honest  while  keeping  her  dignity  intact?  it's  no  secret  the blonde  has  eyes  for  all, but, come on mina..  𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴  𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘥 ?!  and  what  an  unfortunate  fact  it  is, she'll no doubt hear about this for days to come;  there's  no  use  in  rebuffing,  the  hesitation  in  her  answer  gives  her  away  easily,  ❝  ughhh--  smash,  okay?  but  don't  let  it  get  to  your  head.  i  think  a  lot  of  people  are  smashable...smash worthy? ugh, whatever, you know what i mean.  ❞
ft. mysterious anon // crimson rubeus // send smash or pass to mina!! ( accepting ! )
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santoshsharmaa · 1 year
July Birthstone: The Ruby — Meaning, Symbolism, and History
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Welcome to the captivating world of birthstones! Each month is associated with a specific original gemstone, and for those born in July, the magnificent ruby takes center stage. Rubies have long been cherished for their exquisite beauty, intense color, and profound symbolism. In this article, we will delve into the meaning, symbolism, and history of the July birthstone, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this remarkable gem.
Meaning of the Ruby The ruby is renowned as the stone of passion, love, and vitality. Its vibrant red color has captivated humanity for centuries, inspiring countless legends and myths. The word “ruby” is derived from the Latin word “rubeus,” meaning red. The gem’s hue ranges from pinkish-red to deep crimson, with the most prized rubies displaying a pure red color with a hint of blue.
Rubies are often referred to as the “King of Gems,” symbolizing strength, courage, and intense emotions. The gem’s fiery red hue is said to ignite the heart and stir feelings of desire, energy, and enthusiasm. It is believed to enhance motivation, self-confidence, and determination.
Symbolism of the Ruby Beyond its mesmerizing appearance, the ruby carries profound symbolism across various cultures. In ancient times, the ruby was associated with the sun, believed to hold the power of life and creation. Its fiery color was thought to reflect the energy and vitality of the sun. In some cultures, rubies were even considered to possess protective properties, shielding the wearer from harm and misfortune.
In matters of the heart, the ruby is regarded as a symbol of love and passion. It is believed to promote commitment, fidelity, and deep emotional connections. The gem’s vivid red color is often associated with the blood that flows through our veins, symbolizing life force and vitality. Rubies have been exchanged as tokens of love and devotion throughout history, representing the intensity of affection and desire.
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History of the Ruby The history of rubies stretches back thousands of years, and the original gemstone holds a special place in ancient folklore and cultural traditions.
One of the earliest known sources of rubies is in Myanmar (formerly Burma). Burmese rubies are highly regarded for their exceptional color and clarity. The Burmese people believed that rubies were imbued with magical properties, offering protection against evil spirits and ensuring good health. The Burmese imperial court treasured these gemstones, adorning their jewelry and ceremonial objects with exquisite rubies.
In India, the ruby was known as “ratnaraj,” meaning the “king of precious stones.” It was considered a sacred gem, associated with the sun god Surya. In Indian mythology, it was believed that offering rubies to the deity would bring blessings of wealth, success, and protection. The Sanskrit word for ruby is “ratnaraj,” a testament to its significance in Indian culture.
During ancient times, rubies were also mined in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) and Thailand. Sri Lankan rubies were admired for their delicate pinkish-red hues, while Thai rubies displayed a deeper red color. Both varieties were highly sought after and found favor among nobility and the upper classes.
In Europe, rubies were prized by the aristocracy and ecclesiastical leaders. The gemstone adorned crowns, jewelry, and religious artifacts. It was considered a talisman of protection and power, believed to bring good fortune and ward off illness. The deep red hue of rubies was associated with the blood of Christ, imbuing the gem with religious symbolism.
The allure of rubies extended to the Far East as well. In China, rubies were associated with prosperity and longevity. They were often carved into intricate jewelry and decorative objects. The Chinese revered the ruby as a symbol of good luck and success, often incorporating it into traditional wedding jewelry as a blessing for a prosperous and harmonious marriage.
Conclusion The ruby, July’s birthstone, encapsulates the essence of passion, love, and vitality. With its mesmerizing red color and deep symbolism, this gemstone has captivated humanity throughout history. Whether celebrated as the “King of Gems,” a symbol of strength and courage, or an emblem of love and commitment, the ruby holds a special place in the hearts of many. So, if you’re fortunate enough to be born in July, embrace the radiant beauty and profound meaning of the ruby, and let it inspire you on your journey through life.
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dorodots · 3 years
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listen i love this mans voice an unreasonable amount,
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pepperclint · 2 years
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smvillainsweek · 3 months
Favorite Black Moon Clan member
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 month
Since I already posted my favorite Sailor Moon Villains but I didn't exactly rank them, so here we go.
My Top 10 Sailor Moon Villains (From Both The 90's Anime & The OG Manga/Crystal & Eternal)
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Number 10. Wicked Lady - No, I will not be calling her "Black Lady," but aside from that, this is Chibi-Usa at her undeniable worst, no matter the version. Though execution-wise, the anime wins out purely because of her resolution, and the showcase of some level of good still being in her.
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Number 9. Mistress 9 - Ah, pure evil done well. She didn't exactly have a lot of screentime in the 90's anime (and she was sadly kinda basic), but in the manga she's an entirely different story. Mistress 9 is the child and herald of Pharaoh 90, and is hellbent on eradicating all life on earth because she sees them as inferior lifeforms. Oh, and let's not even bring up her possession of Hotaru Tomoe, the fact that Chibi-Usa's pure heart was used to give her power, and overall she's just heinous as hell. In short, Mistress 9 was definitely something in both the 90's Anime and Manga/Crystal, though her appearance in the latter elevates her into the 10th spot on this list.
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Number 8. Queen Nehelenia & Zirconia - Life is funny sometimes. In the manga/Eternal, Zirconia has nothing going for her aside from design and the fact that she's Queen Nehelenia's other self, while Nehelenia herself is almost like Snow White's Evil Queen mixed with Maleficent and its genuinely great to see. Yet in the 90's anime, Zirconia is expanded upon so much more to the point where she's legit entertaining, while Nehelenia gets expanded upon too before being brought back from the dead with a tarnished character. Still though, in both of the mediums where they're at their best, this evil queen and the personification of her inner ugliness are great.
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Number 7. The Shitennou - Ah yes, Beryl's servants. The loyal supervillain Jadeite, the passionate Nephrite, the ever so underhanded and insecure Zoisite, and last but not least the "cool" Kunzite. Surprisingly, Crystal botched these guys really bad, while the anime basically expanded upon the other 3 and gave Kunzite, the best one in the manga, the literal shit end of the stick after a good run. Still, all four of these guys are absolutely phenomenal minibosses.
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Number 6. The Amazoness Quartet - God, they look absolutely ridiculous, but that doesn't stop them from being great minibosses like the Shittenou. Between their unique personalities, relations with Chibi-Usa, and overall just how solid they are as a group just sold me on them.
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Number 5. Crimson Rubeus - Ah yes... the second most consistently heinous member of the Black Moon Clan. Rubeus is selfish, cowardly, sadistic, arrogant, manipulative, loyal to the literal worst people ever, and overall he's just a very hateable villain on so many angles. Though this hateability, his effectiveness as a villain, and just how much of a good addition he is to the Dark Moon Clan cements this guy's placement on here.
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Number 4. Queen Beryl & Queen Metalia - Nothing wrong with a classic wicked witch. Especially if said wicked witch is an envious and hateful woman that's in service to pure unadulterated evil as a means to get what she wants most. Granted Beryl alone could've made the list, especially since Metalia doesn't have a lot going for herself, but the anime had the perfect resolution for these two by just fusing them together.
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Number 3. Prince Demande - What a delightfully twisted, vile, yet tragic villain. Granted the 90's anime take on him falls short because the guy had a half-assed "redemption," but it doesn't neuter all of his best qualities, nor does it ruin the OG Manga/Crystal's take on him, where he fully commits to that bit.
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Number 2. Death Phantom/Wiseman - No matter the iteration, no matter the medium, Nazgul Charles Manson here is pure, unadulterated, unrestrained evil done right. Death Phantom is a manipulative monster who sees no value in life, who's made it his personal mission to become a dark god of death and nothingness. He's not a complex character, but he has substance, his evil deeds remain significant across the entirety of the Black Moon Clan's arc, and he leaves an impact as the most evil villain in the franchise and its best final boss. TL:DR: Death Phantom is objectively the best villain.
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Number 1. Professor Souichi Tomoe - I shouldn't even need to explain this, but I will. Tomoe in the anime is hammy as hell, an amazing boss, shining with personality, nuanced as hell, carried the Infinity Arc on his back, and surprisingly enough gets a shot at redemption after his evil Daimon side, Germatoid, is split from him. Meanwhile, Tomoe in the manga/Crystal is initially shown as a somewhat shady figure who possibly cares about his daughter, before slowly being revealed as just a nicer looking Professor Hojo, complete with him making his own daughter the vessel for Mistress 9 all for the sake of becoming the god of an entirely new race of super-beings that will inherit the remains of the earth. It doesn't matter if this man is a corrupted magnificent bastard or a complete megalomaniac, this man is a stellar Mad Scientist who's undeniably human.
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nakamorijuan · 2 years
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sailormoon167 · 12 days
Black moon men high school au
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Prince Demande: The popular handsome cool guy that all the girls in school swoon over
Saphir: the hot smart student council president who is a bit closed off with his emotions.
rubeus : The high school jock who is very good at everysport and is captain of the basketball team. he likes to hit on girls
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magistera · 4 years
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